Neri Vs Sandiganbayan
Neri Vs Sandiganbayan
Neri Vs Sandiganbayan
The Case
Assailed and sought to be nullified in this Petition for Certiorari Prohibition and Mandamus under Rule 65,
With application tor preliminary injunction and a temporary restraining order, are the Resolution 1 dated
February 3, 2012 of the Fifth Division of the Sandiganbayan in SB-10-CRM-0099 entitled People of the
Philippines v. Romulo L. Neri, as well as its Resolution2 of April 26, 2012 denying petitioner's motion for
The Facts
Petitioner Romulo L. Neri (Neri) served as Director General of the National Economic and Development
Authority (NEDA) during the administration of former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
In connection with what had been played up as the botched Philippine-ZTE 3 National Broadband Network
(NBN) Project, the Office of the Ombudsman (OMB), on May 28, 2010, tiled with the Sandiganbayan two (2)
criminal Informations, the first against Benjamin Abalos, for violation of Section 3(h) of Republic Act No.
(RA) 3019, as amended, otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, docketed as SB-10-
CRM-0098 (People v. Abalos), and eventually raffled to the Fourth Division of that court. The second
Information against Neri, also for violation of Sec. 3(h), RA 3019, in relation to Sec. 13, Article VII of the
1987 Constitution, was docketed as SB-10-CRM-0099 (People v. Neri) and raffled to the Fifth Division of
the Sandiganbayan. Vis-à-vis the same project, the Ombudsman would also later file an information against
Macapagal-Arroyo and another information against her and several others4 docketed as SB-11-CRM-0467
and SB-11-CRM-0468 to 0469, respectively, all of which ended up, like SB-10-CRM-0098, in the anti-graft
court’s 4th Division.
In the meantime, a pre-trial conference was conducted in the Abalos case following which the Fourth
Division issued on September 17, 2010 a Pre-Trial Order7 containing, among other things, a list of witnesses
and documents the prosecution intended to present. On October 27, 2010, Neri, whose name appeared high
on the list, took the witness stand against Abalos in the Abalos case.8 cralaw virtualaw library
On January 3, 2012, in SB-10-CRM-0099, the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP), OMB, citing Sec. 22,
Rule 119 of the Rules of Court in relation to Sec. 2 of the Sandiganbayan Revised Internal Rules, moved for
its consolidation with SB-10-CRM-0098 (People v. Abalos), SB-11-CRM-0467 (People v. Arroyo, et al.) and
SB-11-0468 to 469 (People v. Arroyo). The stated reason proffered: to promote a more expeditious and less
expensive resolution of the controversy of cases involving the same business transaction. And in this regard,
the prosecution would later manifest that it would be presenting Yu Yong and Fan Yang, then president and
finance officer, respectively, of ZTE, as witnesses all in said cases which would entail a substantive expense
on the part of government if their testimonies are given separately. 9 cralaw virtualaw library
Neri opposed and argued against consolidation, and, as he would later reiterate, contended, among other
things that: (a) SB-10-CRM-0099, on one hand, and the other cases, on the other, involve different issues
and facts; (b) the desired consolidation is oppressive and violates his rights as an accused; (c) consolidation
would unduly put him at risk as he does not actually belong to the Abalos group which had been negotiating
with the ZTE officials about the NBN Project; (d) he is the principal witness and, in fact, already finished
testifying, in the Abalos case; (e) the trial in the Neri and Abalos cases are both in the advanced stages
already; and (f) the motion is but a ploy to further delay the prosecution of SB-10-CRM-0099, considering
the prosecution’s failure to present any more witnesses during the last two (2) scheduled hearings.
To the opposition, the prosecution interposed a reply basically advancing the same practical and economic
reasons why a consolidation order should issue.
By Resolution dated February 3, 2012, the Sandiganbayan Fifth Division, agreeing with the position thus
taken by the OSP, granted the consolidation of SB-10-CRM-0099 with SB-10-CRM-0098, disposing as
WHEREFORE, the prosecution’s Motion to Consolidate is hereby GRANTED. The instant case (SB-10-CRM-
0099) is now ordered consolidated with SB-10-CRM-0098, the case with the lower court docket number
pending before the Fourth Division of this Court, subject to the conformity of the said
Division.10 (Emphasis added.)
According to the Fifth Division, citing Domdom v. Sandiganbayan,11 consolidation is proper inasmuch as the
subject matter of the charges in both the Abalos and Neri cases revolved around the same ZTE-NBN Project.
And following the movant’s line, the anti-graft court stated that consolidation would allow the government to
save unnecessary expenses, avoid multiplicity of suits, prevent delay, clear congested dockets, and simplify
the work of the trial court without violating the parties’ rights.
Neri sought a reconsideration, but the Fifth Division denied it in its equally assailed April 26, 2012
The Issues
Petitioner Neri is now before the Court on the submission that the assailed consolidation order is void for
having been issued with grave abuse of discretion. Specifically, petitioners allege that respondent court
gravely erred:
[A]x x x in ordering a consolidation of the subject criminal
cases when the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure does
not allow a consolidation of criminal cases, only a
consolidation of trials or joint trials in appropriate
[B]x x x in ordering the consolidation because petitioner will
now be tried for a crime not charged in the information in x
x x SB-10- CRM-0099 and this is violative of his
constitutional right to be informed of the nature and cause
of the accusation against him. Worse, conspiracy was not
even charged or alleged in that criminal information.
[C]x x x in ordering the consolidation for it would surely
prejudice the rights of petitioner as an accused in x x x SB-
10-CRM-0099 because he does not actually belong to the
Abalos Group which had been negotiating with the ZTE
Officials about the NBN Project.
[D x x x in ordering the consolidation for it would just delay
] the trial of the case against the petitioner, as well as that
against Abalos, because these cases are already in the
advanced stages of the trial. Worse, in the Abalos case, the
prosecution has listed 50 witnesses and it has still to
present 33 more witnesses while in the case against the
petitioner the prosecution (after presenting six witnesses)
has no more witnesses to present and is now about to
terminate its evidence in chief. Clearly, a consolidation of
trial of these two (2) cases would unreasonably and unduly
delay the trial of the case against the petitioner in violation
of his right to a speedy trial.
[E] x x x in not finding that the proposed consolidation was
just a ploy by the prosecution to further delay the
prosecution of x x x SB-10- CRM-0099 because during the
last two (2) hearings it has failed to present any more
prosecution witnesses and there appears to be no more
willing witnesses to testify against the petitioner. x x x
[F] x x x in not finding that it would be incongruous or absurd
to allow consolidation because petitioner was the principal
witness (as he already finished testifying there) against
Abalos in x x x SB-10- CRM-0098.12
The Court’s Ruling
The petition is meritorious, owing for one on the occurrence of a supervening event in the Sandiganbayan
itself. As may be recalled, the assailed resolution of the Sandiganbayan Fifth Division ordering the
consolidation of SB-10-CRM-0099 (the Neri case) with SB-10-CRM-0098 (the Abalos case) pending with the
Fourth Division, was subject to the “conformity of the said (4th) Division.” On October 19, 2012, the Fourth
Division, on the premise that consolidation is addressed to the sound discretion of both the transferring and
receiving courts, but more importantly the latter as the same transferred case would be an added workload,
issued a Resolution13 refusing to accept the Neri case, thus:
WHEREFORE, the foregoing premises considered, the Fourth Division RESPECTFULLY DECLINES to accept
SB-10-CRM-0099 (Neri case) for consolidation with SB-10-CRM-00998 (Abalos case) pending before it.
The Sandiganbayan Fourth Division wrote to justify, in part, its action:
The Fourth Division already heard accused Neri testify against the accused in the Abalos case, and in the
course of the presentation of his testimony (on direct examination, on cross-examination and based on his
reply to the questions from the Court), the individual members of the Fourth Division, based on accused
Neri’s answers as well as his demeanor on the dock, had already formed their respective individual opinions
on the matter of his credibility. Fundamental is the rule x x x that an accused is entitled to nothing less that
the cold neutrality of an impartial judge. This Court would not want accused Neri to entertain any doubt in
his mind that such formed opinions might impact on the proper disposition of the Neri case where he stands
accused himself.14cralaw virtualaw library
While it could very well write finis to this case on the ground of mootness, the actual justiciable controversy
requirement for judicial review having ceased to exist with the supervening action of the Fourth Division, the
Court has nonetheless opted to address the issue with its constitutional law component tendered in this
The unyielding rule is that courts generally decline jurisdiction over cases on the ground of mootness. But as
exceptions to this general norm, courts will resolve an issue, otherwise moot and academic, when, inter alia,
a compelling legal or constitutional issue raised requires the formulation of controlling principles to guide the
bench, the bar and the public15 or when, as here, the case is capable of repetition yet evading judicial
review.16Demetria v. Alba added the following related reason:
But there are also times when although the dispute has disappeared, as in this case, it nevertheless cries
out to be resolved. Justice demands that we act then, not only for the vindication of the outraged right,
though gone, but also for the guidance of and as a restraint upon the future. 17 cralaw virtualaw library
The interrelated assignment of errors converged on the propriety, under the premises, of the consolidation
of SB-10-CRM-0099 with SB-10- CRM-0098.
Consolidation is a procedural device granted to the court as an aid in deciding how cases in its docket are to
be tried so that the business of the court may be dispatched expeditiously while providing justice to the
parties.18 Toward this end, consolidation and a single trial of several cases in the court’s docket or
consolidation of issues within those cases are permitted by the rules.
While the assailed resolution is silent as to the resultant effect/s of the consolidation it approved, there is
nothing in the records to show that what the prosecution vied for and what the Fifth Division approved went
beyond consolidation for trial or joint trial. This conclusion may be deduced from the underscored portion of
the following excerpts of the resolution in question, thus:
In its reply, the prosecution asserted that the rationale behind consolidation of cases is to promote
expeditious and less expensive resolution of a controversy than if they were heard independently and
separately. It is claimed that the [OMB] and [DOJ] have already requested the participation in the hearing
of these cases of the ZTE executives, which will entail huge expenses if they will be presented separately
for each case. x x x
Given the above perspective, petitioner should now disabuse himself of the unfounded notion that what the
Fifth Division intended was a fusion into one criminal proceedings of the Abalos and Neri cases, where one is
unidentifiable from the other, or worse, where he will be tried as co-accused in the Abalos case.
This thus brings us to the question of whether a consolidation of trial, under the factual and legal milieu it
was ordered, is proper.
Jurisprudence has laid down the requisites for consolidation of trial. As held in Caños v. Peralta,22 joint trial
is permissible “where the [actions] arise from the same act, event or transaction, involve the same or like
issues, and depend largely or substantially on the same evidence, provided that the court has jurisdiction
over the cases to be consolidated and that a joint trial will not give one party an undue advantage or
prejudice the substantial rights of any of the parties.” More elaborately, joint trial is proper
where the offenses charged are similar, related, or connected, or are of the same or similar character or
class, or involve or arose out of the same or related or connected acts, occurrences, transactions, series of
events, or chain of circumstances, or are based on acts or transactions constituting parts of a common
scheme or plan, or are of the same pattern and committed in the same manner, or where there is a
common element of substantial importance in their commission, or where the same, or much the same,
evidence will be competent and admissible or required in their prosecution, and if not joined for trial the
repetition or reproduction of substantially the same testimony will be required on each trial. 23 cralaw virtualaw library
In terms of its effects on the prompt disposition of cases, consolidation could cut both ways. It may expedite
trial or it could cause delays. Cognizant of this dichotomy, the Court, in Dacanay v. People,24stated the
dictum that “the resulting inconvenience and expense on the part of the government cannot not be given
preference over the right to a speedy trial and the protection of a person’s life, liberty or property.” Indeed,
the right to a speedy resolution of cases can also be affected by consolidation. As we intoned in People v.
Sandiganbayan, a case involving the denial by the anti-graft court of the prosecution’s motion to consolidate
a criminal case for indirect bribery with another case for plunder, consolidation should be refused if it will
unduly expose a party, private respondent in that instance, to totally unrelated testimonies, delay the
resolution of the indirect bribery case, muddle the issues, and expose him to the inconveniences of a lengthy
and complicated legal battle in the plunder case. Consolidation, the Court added, has also been rendered
inadvisable by supervening events––in particular, if the testimonies sought to be introduced in the joint trial
had already been heard in the earlier case.25 cralaw virtualaw library
So it must be here.
Criminal prosecutions primarily revolve around proving beyond reasonable doubt the existence of the
elements of the crime charged. As such, they mainly involve questions of fact. There is a question of fact
when the doubt or difference arises from the truth or the falsity of the allegations of facts. Put a bit
differently, it exists when the doubt or difference arises as to the truth or falsehood of facts or when the
inquiry invites calibration of the whole gamut of evidence considering mainly the credibility of the witnesses,
the existence and relevancy of specific surrounding circumstances as well as their relation to each other and
to the whole, and the probability of the situation.26 cralaw virtualaw library
Since conviction or acquittal in a criminal case hinges heavily on proof that the overt acts constituting, or
the elements, of the crime were indeed committed or are present, allegations in the information are crucial
to the success or failure of a criminal prosecution. It is for this reason that the information is considered the
battle ground in criminal prosecutions. As stressed in Matrido v. People:
From a legal point of view, and in a very real sense, it is of no concern to the accused what is the technical
name of the crime of which he stands charged. It in no way aids him in a defense on the merits. That to
which his attention should be directed, and in which he, above all things else, should be most interested, are
the facts alleged. The real question is not did he commit the crime given in the law in some technical and
specific name, but did he perform the acts alleged in the body of the information in the manner
therein set forth.27 (Emphasis supplied.)
The overt acts ascribed to the two accused which formed the basis of their indictments under the separate
criminal charge sheets can be summarized as follows: cralawlibrary
1. Directly or indirectly having financial or pecuniary interest in the business transaction between the
Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and ZTE for the implementation of the NBN
Project, which requires the review, consideration and approval by the accused, as then NEDA
Director General;chanr0blesvirtualawlibrary
2. Meeting, having lunch and playing golf with representatives and/or officials of the ZTE; chanr0blesvirtualawlibrary
4. Sending his emissary/representative, Engr. Rodolfo Noel Lozada, to meet Abalos and Jose de
Venecia III, President/General Manager of Amsterdam Holdings Inc. (AHI), another proponent to
implement the NBN Project and discuss matters with them.
1. Having financial or pecuniary interest in the business transaction between the GRP and the ZTE for
the implementation of the Philippines’ NBN; chanr0blesvirtualawlibrary
2. Attending conferences, lunch meetings and golf games with said ZTE officials in China, all expenses
paid by them and socializing with them in China and whenever they were here in the Philippines; chanr0blesvirtualawlibrary
3. Offering bribes to petitioner in the amount of PhP 200,000,000 and to Jose de Venecia III President
and General Manager of AHI in the amount of USD 10,000,000, being also another proponent to
implement said NBN Project of the Government; and
4. Arranging meetings with Secretary Leandro Mendoza of the Department of Transportation and
Communications (DOTC).29 cralaw virtualaw library
As can be gleaned from the above summary of charges, the inculpatory acts complained of, the particulars
and specifications for each of the cases are dissimilar, even though they were allegedly done in connection
with the negotiations for and the implementation of the NBN Project. Due to this variance, the prosecution
witnesses listed in the pre-trial order in the Neri case are also different from the list of the people’s
witnesses lined up to testify in the Abalos case, albeit some names appear in both the pre-trial orders. This
can be easily seen by a simple comparison of the list of witnesses to be presented in the cases consolidated.
The witnesses common to both cases are underscored. Thus: cralawlibrary
5. Dante Madriaga
6. Jarius Bondoc
15. Nilo Colinares
16. Elmer Soneja
17. Lorenzo Formoso
20. Director General of the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee or any of his duly authorized representative
26. Others.
In People v. Abalos, the following are the listed witnesses, 31 to wit:
1. Atty. Oliver Lozano
33. The Personnel Officer, Human Resource Management Office, Commission on Elections (COMELEC)
34. Representative/s from the Wack-Wack Golf and Country Club, Mandaluyong City
39. Representative/s from the National Economic & Development Authority (NEDA)
47. Representative/s from the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China to the Philippines
48. Representative/s from the Central Records Division, Office of the Ombudsman
It can thus be easily seen that veritably the very situation, the same mischief sought to be avoided
in People v. Sandiganbayan33 which justified the non-consolidation of the cases involved therein, would
virtually be present should the assailed consolidation be upheld. Applying the lessons of People v.
Sandiganbayan to the instant case, a consolidation of the Neri case to that of Abalos would expose petitioner
Neri to testimonies which have no relation whatsoever in the case against him and the lengthening of the
legal dispute thereby delaying the resolution of his case. And as in People v. Sandiganbayan, consolidation
here would force petitioner to await the conclusion of testimonies against Abalos, however irrelevant or
immaterial as to him (Neri) before the case against the latter may be resolved––a needless, hence,
oppressive delay in the resolution of the criminal case against him.
What is more, there is a significant difference in the number of witnesses to be presented in the two cases.
In fact, the number of prosecution witnesses in the Neri case is just half of that in Abalos. Awaiting the
completion in due course of the presentation of the witnesses in Abalos would doubtless stall the disposition
of the case against petitioner as there are more or less thirty-five (35) prosecution witnesses listed
in People v. Abalos who are not so listed in People v. Neri. In the concrete, this means, in the minimum,
awaiting the completion of the testimonies of thirty-five (35) additional witnesses, whose testimonies are
unrelated to the charges against him, before the case against petitioner may finally be disposed of, one way
or another. Also, petitioner will be exposed to an extra thirty-five (35) irrelevant testimonies which even
exceed those relating to his case, since the prosecution only has roughly about twenty-six (26) witnesses for
his case. Further still, any delay in the presentation of any of the witnesses in People v. Abalos would
certainly affect the speedy disposition of the case against petitioner. At the end of the day, the assailed
consolidation, instead of contributing to the swift dispensation of justice and affording the parties a just,
speedy and inexpensive determination of their cases, would achieve the exact opposite.
Before the Sandigabayan and this Court, petitioner has harped and rued on the possible infringement of his
right to speedy trial should consolidation push through, noting in this regard that the Neri case is on its
advanced stage but with the prosecution unable to continue further with its case after presenting six
Petitioner's point is well-taken. In Dacanay, a case involving a request for separate trial instead of a joint
trial, the Court upheld an accused's right to a speedy trial, guaranteed by Sec. 14 (2), Art. III of the
Constitution, over the claim of the prosecution that a joint trial would make the resolution of the case less
expensive.34 In Dacanay, Dacanay moved for immediate and separate trial, which the People opposed on the
ground that a separate trial, if approved, would entail a repetitive presentation of the same evidence instead
of having to present evidence against Dacanay and his coaccused only once at the joint trial. According to
the respondent therein, th will result in inconvenience and expense on the part of the Government, 35 the
very same reasons given by the prosecution in the case at hand. There as later in People v.
Sandiganbayan,36 We held that the rights of an accused take precedence over minimizing the cost incidental
to the resolution of the controversies in question.
Clearly then, consolidation, assuming it to be proper owing to the existence of the element of commonality
of the lineage of the otTenses charged contemplated in Sec. 22 of Rule 119, should be ordered to achieve all
the objects and purposes underlying the rule on consolidation, foremost of which, to stress, is the swift
dispensation of justice with the least expense and vexation to the parties. It should, however. be denied if it
subverts any of the aims of consolidation. And Dacanay and People v. Sandiganbayan are one in saying,
albeit implicitly, that ordering consolidation-likely to delay the resolution of one of the cases, expose a patty
to the rigors of a lengthy litigation and in the process undermine the accused's right to speedy disposition of
cases--constitutes grave abuse of discretion. Not lost on the Court of course and certainly not on the
Sandiganbayan's Fourth Division is the resulting absurdity arising from the consolidation of trial where the
accused (Neri) in one case would be the prosecution's main witness in the other case.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the assailed Resolution of the Sandiganbayan Fifth Division dated
February 3, 2012 in Criminal Case No. SB-1 0-CRM-0099 and its Resolution dated April 26, 2012 are
hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Let Criminal Case No. SB-1 0-CRM-0098 and Criminal Case No. SB-1
0-CRM-0099 proceed independently and be resolved with dispatch by the Divisions of the Sandiganbayan to
which each was originally raffled.
No pronouncement as to costs.