STANVAC - Startrading Company
STANVAC - Startrading Company
STANVAC - Startrading Company USA USA
STANVAC CHEMICALS INDIA LTD. was established in the year 1994.
Operation's began with the import & distribution
of the worlds finest “Crown Aervoe” brand of
Industrial aerosols and today the range
encompasses over 1000 diverse products,
sourced from over 28 Global Technology
Leaders in the US, Europe, Australia… in the
following areas:
1. Industrial Aerosols
2. Environments Friendly Bulk Cleaners
3. Electrical Insulation Coatings & Tapes
4. Fire Suppression Coatings
5. Single & Two Component Anti-Corrosion
6. Speciality Greases & Lubricants
7. Rust Preventatives
8. Repair & Reclamation technologies
9. Industrial Safety - PPE
India's finest & most diverse range of “World Class” technologies, provides customers with unique “Single window” purchasing
convenience, with fully warranted supplies.
An Extensive sales & service team of sales engineers, service technicians & area distributors ensures a full national service
back-up & prompt availability anywhere in India.
ISO 9001-2008 certified quality systems further ensure truly world class performance features & quality, in line with our motto –
AIK Flammadur Brandschutz GmbH, Germany
Estd 1890
Leaders in the development & manufacturing of fire preventative components & systems for over a century.
êStructural Engineering
- Flammadur A77 fire suppression cable coating.
- Flammadur MW mineral wool based firestop barrier & Flammadur E473 mortar
based firestop barrier for bulkheading electrical & mechanical penetrations.
- Flammadur A107, S90 fire - protection of expansion joints in walls & ceilings...
êShip Building
- Geaquello sealing system for cable & fire penetrations.
Our systems and products are tested, controlled and certified through following societies:
ê Quality Management System according to ISO 9001:2008
ê Germanischer Lloyd, Germanischer Lloyd Luxembourg, American Bureau of
Shipping, Det Norske Veritas, Bureau Veritas, Lloyd’s Register, Rina, Russian
Register, Transport Canada, US Coast Guard, Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Korean
Register etc.
ê Exova Brandhaus, TÜV Nord Brandversuchshaus, MPA Braunschweig, MPA
Dresden, MPA NRW, KFA Jülich GmbH, EDAG polymer service, ISSeP, etc
ê Underwriters Laboratories, Factory Mutual, DIBT Brandschutz, etc.
ê Passive fire suppression cable coatings - preventing fire propagation & smoke generation.
ê Passive firestop barriers (mortar & mineral wool based) - compartmentisation against the spread of fire & smoke.
ê Passive fire protection coatings for structural steel - preventing weakening & collapse.
Every vertical opening between the floors of a Annex Clause C1.16a Transformer
building shall be suitable enclosed or protected as Substation
necessary to provide reasonable safety to the
occupants while using means of egress by The outside walls, ceilling, floor, opening including
preventing spread of fire, smoke or fumes through door and windows to the transformer substaion
vertical openings from floor to floor, thus allowing area shall be provided with fire resistance of 2
occupants to complete their safe use of the means of hours rating.
Annex Clause C1.16C Transformer Room
Clause C-9 Compartmentation
When housed inside the building the transformer
The building shall be suitably compart- mentalized
shall be of dry type and shall be compartmentised
so that the fire and smoke remain confined to the
from the other portion of the premises by walls /
area where the fire incident has occurred and does
doors / cut-outs having fire a minimum fire
not spread to the other part of the building.
resistance of 4 hours.
Annex Clause C1.9 Fire Stopping Service
Clause 3.3.3 Structural Steel Ducts & Shafts Annex Clause C1.17 Fire Rated Ducts
Load bearing steel beams & columns of buildings Where the duct passes through fire walls, the
2 Service ducts and shafts shall be enclosed by walls
having total covered area of 500m and above shall opening around the duct shall be sealed with fire
of 2 hours and doors of 1 hour rating. All such ducts /
be protected against failure /collapse of structure in resistant materials having the fire resistant reting of
shafts shall be properly sealed and fire stopped at all
case of fire. the compartment. Where the duct crosses the
floors .
compartment which is fire rated, the duct shall be
fire rated for same fire rating. Further, depending
Clause Wall & Floor Openings Annex Clause C1.12 Fire Stopping Cables on the services passing around ductwork, which
Ducts Penetrations may be affected in case of fire temperature rising,
Openings in the seperating walls or floors shall be the ducts shall be insulated.
fitted with 2hr fire resistance assemblies . The electric distribution cables / wiring shall be laid in
a separate duct. The duct shall be sealed at every Clause F. Class 4 Materials
Clause Fire Stopping Wall & Floor floor with non-combustible materials having the
Openings same fire resistance as the fire rating of the cable Materials of class 4 flame spread are the worst
duct. ones for use in building & hence their use is to be
Openings in walls or floors which are provided for strictly prohibited unless they are given proper fire
retardant treatment.
Before After
Flexible. Will not reduce heat dissipation or cable ampacity
unlike older “CEMENTATIOUS” type technologies. Protects
Cables sheaths against heat ageing with larger area
Performs on Rubber, PVC, FRP, Paper, Wood… Easy to install “In-
Situ” on cables of varying sizes.
Non ageing performance. Documented Lifespan > 20 Years.
Ageing has no influence on the intumescence /protection
Product Features:
In the event of fire FLAMMADUR A77 expands as a result of heat exposure and cures to an
insulating char.
ê Flame spread on cables and insulation damage are delayed in the case of prolonged
exposure to fire or heat.
ê Current rating of the coated electrical cables is not reduced.
ê Escape routes and power supply can be used for a longer time.
ê Significant extension of operative condition of cables.
ê Smoke generated from the protected materials is < 400% minimised.
ê Dripping or dropping of burning cable fragments is limited in amount and time depending
on kind and intensity of the fire.
ê Free of asbestos, halogens...
The Physics of Fire
Cables are a rich source of FUEL!
One FOOT of Loaded Tray = 150,000 BTUs*
ISSeP Institut Scientifique de Report No. 358/1998 - IEEE Std. 383 - Part 25 flame test 0.5 mm
Service Public, Liege, Belguim Significance:- Fire self - extinguishing Nuclear Power Plant test. Flame should not
propogate & fire travel should be within test limits. Product should clear test
with DFT <0.5mm.
Central Building Research
IEC331 Should pass minimum 20 minutes, fire survival test. 3.5 mm
Institute, Roorkee, India
Significance:- Fire survival test. Product should clear fire test without any damage to cable
core /current carrying capacity post 20 minutes fire exposure.
IBMB Institut for Baustoffe, Test Report U 99 070 Qualifying of reducing of fire-risk for PVC Cables 1.0 mm
Mssivbau und brandschutz, Significance:- Reducing risk of fire initiation & growth on PVC cables in both vertical as
TU Brunswick, Germany well as horizontal configurations. Product Should clear test with
Deutsches Institute for General Approval in Terms of the Building Laws and Regulations. 0.8 mm
Bautechnik, Berlin, Germany
Significance:- Ignition of building material DIN 4102 - 1(DIN 4102 - B2) test
EPM Elektisches Profamt Test report No. 99522 Surface resistance by DIN VDE 0472/05.85 0.5 mm
Munich, Germany
Significance:- Surface resistance test. Product should clear test with DFT <0.50mm.
Aventis Research & Bestimmung der sauerstoffzahl nach ASTM D 2863 test report no 99-1207 0.5 mm
Technologies GmbH & Co. KG
Frankfurt, Germany Significance:- Product should have a limiting oxygen index >50%. Flammadur A77 has 59%.
Germanicher Lloyd ,Germany Shipping Approvals - Germanicher Lloyd SOLAS & IEC 60332-3-2
0.5 mm
Significance:- Confirms performance & reliability.
Ageing Resistance
Technical University of
Brunswick, Germany
Significance:- Flammadur A77 has an audited effective lifespan in excess of 20 years.
For the fire proofing of combustible cables at fire stops in walls,
floors, below floor mounted panels, switchgears, junctions
/crossings of cable routes...
Typically applied as a continuous coating on power &
communication cables but can also be applied intermittently to
serve as a "Fire Break" within a cable run - both interior & exterior
applications (either top coat or use weather resistant - "A77 GREY"
Filler damage, core intact Neither filler nor core damage
grade), for both vertical & horizontal cable runs, on both single &
grouped electrical & communication cabling, within cables trays as
Summary : Flammadur A77 exhibits the best fire protection abilities.
well as outside of cable trays.
Two Component System
(A) Flammadur E473 Water Based Inorganic, Expanding type, Heat
Absorbing Fire Stop Mortar designed to seal cable & pipe penetrations BS 476 PART 20
ê Expands in curing, making tight fit. Most other mortar firestop do not
expand and some shrink in curing.
êShearing strength:
To steel up to 650 psi (4,485 kPa).
To concrete up to 125 psi (862 kPa).
ê Proven performance history, used around the world for over 40 years in Nuclear
Power Plants, High Rise Buildings, Factories, High Security Buildings...
ê Non-toxic (No asbestos, no halogens, no noxious vapors, no lead).
ê Maximum fire safety (high F (fire) and T (temperature) ratings up to 4 hours).
ê Applications: Sealing through penetrations for pipes, conduits,
cables, cables in cable trays, ducts,with F=3 and 4hrs, and T=0 to 4 hrs.
Unique Systems:
Flammadur is now the only company with numerous UL classified and FM approved systems with the following:
ê F=3 hours and T=3 hours ratings for cables, cables in cable trays,cables in conduit- for power, control and instrumentation cables.
ê F=T=4 hours ratings for communication cables.
ê High T ratings, permitting time for firemen to combat fire spread on off fire side.
ê F=T=3 hours ratings for up to 4 cable trays in an opening with up to 36” wide cable trays.
ê F=3 hours rating unique for sealing large opening with rigid E473 and lacing pipes,
conduits sealed with elastomeric Flammadur A107.
ê F=3 and T=2 and 3 hour rating using a patent pending method for externally fireproofing
non-performing old penetration seals, applicable to sealing through penetrations with
insufficient annular space.
ê F=4 hour system for pipes, conduits and EMT, D< 4.5 inch.
Technical Data
A.General Properties
• Color : Grey or red, can be painted.
• Life Expectancy : Lifetime of a building(50+ years ).
• Material needed per unit volume : 740 kg/m3 (47.6 lbs/ft3).
• Water penetration : No. For prolong exposure cover with water-proof layer (e.g., Flammadur E292) Resistant to
45 psi (311 kPa) for 24 hours, and 75 psi (519 kPa) for 5 min after 2 hours in furnace.
B. Physical Properties
• Powder density : 0.74 g/cm3
• Short-term loading capacity : 30 psi (207 kPa)
• Expansion during curing : 0.02% linear, @ 0.1% volume
o o
• Final material density at 68 F ( 20 C) 50-53 lbs/ft3 (800-850 kg/m3)
• Solvent : Water
• Pot Life : Approx. 30- 40 minutes at +20 C (68°F)
• Full cure time : Approx. 24 hrs at +20°C (68°F)
• Chemical Hardening : Approx. 25 days at +20°C (68°F)
• Coefficient of thermal conductivity : Approx 0.23 kcal/mhK.Flammadur E473 acts like a heat sink.
• Heat conductivity : Approx 0.26 W /mK
• Ampacity tests conducted by EFI : Revealed a cable derating factor of 1.0 - No significant ampacity losses.
0 0
• Shore A hardness : 80 after 48 hrs at 20 C (68 F)
• Processing Mixing ratio : approx 0.6= 0.8 Itrs of water with 1.0kg of powder.
• Gamma ray resistance : Exposed to 200 million rads- no change in physical and chemical properties.
C. Chemical Properties
• Bonding to: : Concrete, masonry, itself
• Does not Contain: : Asbestos, halogens, lead
• Resistant to: : Weak acids, alkalis, solvents, oils, etc.
• PH value in curing : 12
• Corrosive to steel : No
• Combustible : No
• Gases released in fire : None, except water vapor
ê Flammadur E473 Water Based Inorganic, Expanding type, Heat Absorbing Fire Stop Mortar:
(i) FM 4990 approved & reflected as an approved product on FM website.
(ii) UL classified & reflected as an approved product on UL website.
(iii) BS 476 part 20 with both fire integrity (F) & insulation (T) of >240 minutes.
ê Flammdur A77 High Solids Thin Film Intumescent Fire Stop Coating:
(i) FM 3971 approved & reflected on FM website, Passes FM test with DFT < 1.6mm.
(ii) IEC 332 – 3. Passes with DFT < 0.5mm.
(iii) IEEE 383. Passes with DFT < 0.5mm
(iv) IEC 331 Passes minimum 20 minutes with DFT 3.5mm.
(v) U990 70 PVC Cables. Passes with DFT < 1.0mm.
(vi) DIN 4102 – 1 (DIN 4102 – B2). Passes with DFT < 0.8mm.
(vii) DIN VDE 0472 /05.85 Surface resistance. Passes with DFT < 0.5mm.
(viii) Limiting oxygen index as per ASTM D2863 >59%.
(ix) Shipping approvals such as Germanicher Lloyd according to SOLAS & IEC 60332 - 3-22 (2007).
(x) Ageing Resistance - Flammadur A77 has an audited effective lifespan in excess of 20 years.
(B) Flammadur A77 High Solids Thin Film Intumescent FireStop Coating -
Minimum 300mm on either side of barrier.
Technical Data
• Minimum density : >170 kg/m³
• Length : 1200 mm
• Width : 600 mm
• Thickness : 60 mm
• Coating thickness : 1.0 mm
It has been tested for mechanical pipes (metal or composites) electrical penetrations, cables,
cable trays and metal conduits in conjunction with mineral wool, and it can be used to seal
construction gaps,expansion joints, control joints, and movable curtain wall gaps.
Flammadur A107 maintains the fire rating of walls and ceilings so that flames and smoke After
cannot pass through. A107 does not release any flammable, noxious or toxic fumes during
installation and curing.
Technical Data
• Density : > 1.3 g/cm3
• Solid by weight : > 79%
• Withstands vapour pressure : >20 mbar
• Withstands water immersion : upto 48 hours without any effect on Fire Stop Seal
• Incombustible
• Elastomeric
• Seals against water penetration.
• Bonds to cables, concrete, brick, metals...
• Resistant to weak acids, alkalies, solvents, oils.
Applications Advantages
In concrete walls and floors and in drywall and
ê Fire and smoke resistant
masonry walls with the following penetrants:
ê Cables (individual or grouped) power, control, ê Water based materials
data, communication, fiber optic ê Easy to install, remove and to re-install
ê Cable trays, or racks (aluminum, steel, plastic) ê Fair acoustical properties
ê Pipes
ê No ampacity derating in cables
ê Ducts
3. Coating of installation
1.) Cleaning of opening, put adhesive tape 3.) Pre-coated firestop board A150 is cut to
2.) ...and on cables (for a length of 300mm
around it to obtain an even rim (50mm), apply required size ...
within the opening and 300mm outside it).
"A77" on inner side of opening ...
5.) Larger gaps and holes to be filled with 6.) Complete the installation coating with
4.) ... and put into the opening (coated side =
mineral wool and covered with "A107". "A107" (depth of layer approx. 1-2mm) and
outer side).
also cover the joints and gaps.
ê Flammadur A77 High Solids Thin Film Intumescent Fire Stop ê Flammadur A107 Fire Stop Sealant
Coating: (i) FM 4990 approved & reflected on FM website as an
(i) FM 3971 approved & reflected on FM website, Passes FM test with approved product.
DFT < 1.6mm. (ii) UL classified & reflected as an approved product on UL
(ii) IEC 332 – 3. Passes with DFT < 0.5mm. website with F rating = 3 hours for through penetrations.
(iii) IEEE 383. Passes with DFT < 0.5mm
(iv) IEC 331 Passes minimum 20 minutes with DFT 3.5mm. êFlammadur Mineral Wool Complete System
(v) U990 70 PVC Cables. Passes with DFT < 1.0mm. (i) DIN 4102 – 9 S90 Class /BS 476 part 20 120 minutes.
(vi) DIN 4102 – 1 (DIN 4102 – B2). Passes with DFT < 0.8mm.
(vii) DIN VDE 0472 /05.85 Surface resistance. Passes with DFT < 0.5mm.
(viii)Limiting oxygen index as per ASTM D2863 >59%.
(ix) Shipping approvals such as Germanicher Lloyd according to SOLAS &
IEC 60332 - 3-22 (2007).
(x) Ageing Resistant - Flammadur A77 has an audited effective lifespan in
excess of 20 years.
Thin Film High Solids Intumescent Coating provide maximum protection &
enables a high quality finish to be obtained similar to conventional
decorative paints, preventing steel structures from crossing the critical
temperature of 550 C, thus delaying the collapse of loaded steel structures
for upto 2 hours and providing time for evacuation & fire fighting.
Certified to BS 476 Part 20-21 : 1987 for F30, F60, F90, & F120 minutes
ê Smooth fibre free robust decorative surface allows the architect to use
the structural steel work as an integral part of the building design. 3- LAYER SOLVENT BASED SYSTEM
ê Easy cleaning & maintenance. .
(A) Primer HENSOGRUND 1966E : Solvent - based primer for
ê Rapid installation with typically DFT’s below 2mm, Appearance of the fire protection coating for structural steel. To protect steel
structure is preserved without affecting the load bearing calculations. against corrosion & prepare the surface. Self extinguishing.
Fast drying. Based on synthetic resins.
(B) Basecoat HENSOTHERM 3KS Outdoor: Solvent based fire protection coating for
interior /exterior use - in accordance with national regulations for I-sections and hollow
HENSOTHERM 3KS Outdoor is a solvent based intumescent coating which reacts under
the influence of heat by swelling to many times of its original thickness and producing a
layer of carbonaceous foam that acts as an insulating layer to delay the steel from reaching
its critical temperature.
Applied to a measured thickness to provide the specified level of protection. Fire resistance
class F30-120. BS 476 certifire CF 700 authorisation. To be applied on I - sections & hollow
HENSOTHERM 3KS Outdoor is a designed for use over suitable prepared and primed
(C) Top Coat HENSOTOP 84 : Single component
For already primed surfaces please ensure compatibility of existing primer with solvent based top coat for HENSOTHERM
HENSOTHERM 3 KS Outdoor. Any damage (corrosion, impact etc.) Must be repared intumescent coatings. Coating on top for optical
carefully e.g. with HENSOGRUND 1966 E or other compatible primers. reasons and for moisture protection. A hard
decorative self extinguishing, fast drying finish to
For base profiles sandblasting SA 2,5 according to EN ISO 12944-4 or manual cleaning St seal the basecoat & provide an attractive, high
3 is recommended. quality finish. Available in various RAL Shades.
During application and total drying of the HENSOTHERM 3KS Outdoor coating system as
well as transportation special protection measurements against weathering must be taken. Before topcoating make sure that the fire retardant
coating is dried through (test by finger nail !)
F30 - 925 g/m (DFT 500 microns). HENSOTOP 84 can be applied by brush, roller or
F60 - 1850 g/m (DFT 1000 microns). spray
F90 - 2400 g/m (DFT 1300 microns).
2 2
F120 - 3330 g/m (DFT 1800 microns). Coverage:180 g/m (DFT 60 microns)
Note: Coverage data is for brush application. Typically add 30% for airless application.
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