The toolkit for process engineers
Simple. Reliable. Effective.
PEL software
Free upgrades
PEL is a collection of tools to enable engineers to carry Our development team is continually working to improve and
out their day-to-day tasks more quickly and reliably. The update the software. All licence holders receive program
software includes purpose built programs to generate updates at no extra charge.
datasheets, perform engineering calculations of liquid and /
or gas flow, investigate physical properties and create fault PEL support
tree diagrams. Designed by engineers for engineers, the We pride ourselves on the quality of the support service we
tools are intuitive and easy to use. They can be used to work offer. The licence agreement provides unlimited hotline
out every day calculations, for troubleshooting issues such support via email and phone.
as bottlenecks, or when making plant modifications. This
low cost solution will enable engineers to design processes The software is extremely easy to use and you can be up and
more quickly and reliably with up-to-date and permanently running within an hour. Our range of training documentation
available design data. includes 60 second guides, reference guides and full user
manuals to ensure that you get the most out of the software.
−− Allows engineers to be more efficient and productive. With We can also provide training sessions at our offices or on-site.
fewer manual calculations to do, tasks are carried out
quicker 30 day free, no obligation evaluation
− − Improves QA and standardises procedures, through See the benefits of PEL for yourself. We offer a 30 day free
everyone using same set of data and calculations trial of the PEL software. Simply download your evaluation
− − Human errors in calculations are reduced copy at
−− Improves production as bottlenecks can be identified
quickly so a solution can be sought
−− Allows operators to get the best out of their existing assets
by carrying out modifications rather than designing new
− − Inspection
−− Integrity management ABB Consulting
− − Operations improvement Daresbury Park
−− Process safety Daresbury