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June Comp Mats Complete

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Daily Reading Practice for
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All About
20 different Comprehension Mats for each month. Each mat has a reading
passage and follow-up comprehension questions & activities to complete.

Students read
passages with Students
decodable illustrate the
words, theme meaning of
words, and the passage
sight words. or a
they made.
Students build
fluency by
reading the
passage 3
locate and
times and
coloring in a
parts of the
shape each
text to

Students answer questions that require

them to refer to text for the answers.
1. Father’s Day 14. On My Hamburger
2. Cooking with Dad 15. At the Fair
3. The Fishing Trip 16. End of School
4. Staying Cool 17. Family Vacation
5. Beach Day 18. Summer Reading
6. Sea Turtle Life Cycle 19. Bubble Blowing
7. Wondrous Whales 20. Ice Cream Treat
8. Swimming in the Ocean
9. Days at the Pool
10. Building a Sandcastle
11. Delicious Watermelon
12. Barbecue Time
13. Camping Outside

© Proud to be primary 2016
wwwwwwwwww Date:
Father’s Day Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

Father’s Day is an important

day to spend with dad. It is fun
to do things together. You could
play sports or go fishing. You
could read books or paint a
Complete the Activity
picture. You must remember to Highlight 4 things you could do with dad and write them below.

give him lots of hugs! 1. 3.

2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. What is Father’s Day?

2. What must you remember to do?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Cooking with Dad Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

Sasha loves cooking dinner with

her dad. They chop vegetables,
stir soups, and cook chicken.
Sasha loves to add spices to
make the food taste good. Answer the Question
Together they make meals for Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. They chop ______.

their family with love. meat vegetable fruit
2. Sasha loves to add ______.
spices pepper salt
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
The Fishing Trip Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

My dad and I went on a fishing

trip. We packed our fishing
rods, worm bait, and buckets.
We wore our fishing gear and
rubber boots. We went on a
Complete the Activity
motor boat into the river. We Highlight 4 adjectives and write them below.

caught four huge fish together. 1. 3.

2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. What did they pack for the fishing trip?

2. What did they wear on the fishing trip?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Staying Cool Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

Aidan went outside to play on a

hot day. He wore a hat and
sunglasses. He put on
sunscreen to protect his skin.
He wore shorts, a t-shirt, and Answer the Question
flip flops. Aidan played in the Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. Aidan wore a hat and ______.

pool and drank lots of water. necklace sunglasses socks
2. Aidan played in the ______.
sprinkler shade pool
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Beach Day Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

Cara is at the beach with her

family. She builds a sandcastle
with her sister. She jumps over
waves with her brother. She
enjoys relaxing on her towel
Complete the Activity
with a book. Cara loves to play Highlight 4 nouns and write them below.

and swim all day. 1. 3.

2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. What does Cara do with her sister?

2. What does Cara enjoy on her towel?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Sea Turtle Life Cycle Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

The sea turtle life cycle begins

in an egg. Hatchlings hatch out
and crawl to the sea. Sea
turtles grow and live in the sea.
Adults join to make babies. The Answer the Question
female digs a hole on the beach Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. The life cycle begins in ______.

and lays her eggs inside. the sea an egg a nest
2. The females lays eggs in a ______.
hole nest pond
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Wondrous Whales Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

Whales are amazing creatures.

They are the world’s largest
mammals. They swim in the
ocean and have babies. They
breathe air out of a blowhole.
Complete the Activity
Some have teeth and some do Highlight 4 words with beginning blends and write them below.

not. Whales are gentle giants. 1. 3.

2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. What type of animal are whales?

2. What do whales breathe air out of?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Swimming in the Ocean Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

Milo enjoys swimming and diving

in the cool water of the ocean.
He feels the waves splash and
the sand in his toes. He loves to
float on his back and listen to Answer the Question
the under water sounds. This is Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. Milo enjoys diving in the _____ water.

Milo’s favorite place to be. warm cold cool
2. Milo listens to the under water_____.
sounds creatures waves
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Days at the Pool Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

Alexis swims at the pool

everyday in the summer. She
wears a purple bathing suit and
goggles. She loves to dive in and
splash around. She swims from
Complete the Activity
one end of the pool to the Highlight 4 verbs and write them below.

other. Days at the pool are fun! 1. 3.

2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. What does Alexis wear in the pool?

2. What does Alexis love to do?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Building a Sandcastle Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

Building sandcastles at the

beach can be tricky. Start with
a big pile of sand. Add lots of
water as you go. Use a bucket
and shovel for help. Shape, Answer the Question
carve, and smooth the sand Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. Add lots of ______ as you go.

until you have a castle you love! water sand shovels
2. Use a bucket and a ______ for help.
friend rake shovel
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Delicious Watermelon Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

Watermelon is a big, round

fruit. It is green on the outside
with juicy, red flesh and seeds
on the inside. People enjoy it as
a snack in the summer. It is a
Complete the Activity
refreshing treat when it is hot. Highlight 4 long ‘e’ words and write them below.

Do you like watermelon? 1. 3.

2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. What is watermelon?

2. What does it have on the inside?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Barbecue Time Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

Dana’s family has a barbecue

and invites the neighbors over.
Dana’s dad grills the burgers
and corn. Dana’s mom gets the
drinks. Dana and her friend Answer the Question
enjoy playing outdoor games. Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. Dana’s dad grills the ______.

Everyone eats outside. hot dogs fish burgers
2. Everyone eats ______.
alone outside inside
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Camping Outside Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

Camping is a fun activity to do

with friends and family. You get
to set up and sleep in a tent
outside. You cook food and
roast marshmallows over the
Complete the Activity
fire. You can look at the stars Highlight 4 words with beginning blends and write them below.

in the night sky. Camping is cool! 1. 3.

2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. Where do you sleep when you go camping?

2. What do you roast over the fire?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
On My Hamburger Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

I love to load up my
hamburger. I start with a
sesame seed bun and add
ketchup and mustard. I add
lettuce and tomato next. I Answer the Question
finish it with a double patty Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. I add lettuce and ______ next.

with cheese and bacon. Yummy! cheese tomato onion
2. I finish it with a ______ patty.
triple single double
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
At the Fair Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

Tyson went to the summer fair

with his friends. He went on
two roller coasters and six
other rides. He played four
games for prizes and won a
Complete the Activity
teddy bear. He ate three hot Highlight 4 number words and write them below.

dogs. Tyson had fun at the fair! 1. 3.

2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. What rides did Tyson go on at the fair?

2. What did Tyson eat at the fair?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
End of School Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

At the end of school, we pack

up our things. We take home
school work we finished. We
say “Goodbye” to our friends.
We say “Thank You” to our Answer the Question
teachers. We are excited for Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. We take home school ______.

summer vacation fun in the sun. work toys supplies
2. We say “Thank You” to our ______.
principals friends teachers
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Family Vacation Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

Tara’s family is taking a trip.

They are flying in an airplane
to Hawaii. They are staying on
the beach in a hotel. They will
swim and go snorkeling. They
Complete the Activity
will eat outside and play games. Highlight 4 verbs that end with ‘ing’ and write them below.

Tara loves family vacations. 1. 3.

2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. Where is Tara’s family flying to?

2. What will Tara’s family do in the water?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Summer Reading Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

Rudy loves to read books

outside in the summer. He takes
a pile and lays them in the
grass. He likes to lie in the
shade. Sometimes he relaxes in Answer the Question
a hammock. Rudy reads so Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. Rudy lays his books in the ______.

many books he loses count. hammock grass shade
2. Rudy relaxes in a ______.
pool bed hammock
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Bubbles Blowing Illustrate the Story
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show the meaning of the story.

Denise is a bubble blowing pro.

She can blow bubbles many
sizes. She has bubble wands
and a bubble blower. She runs
fast and watches them float
Complete the Activity
up into the air. Denise wishes Highlight 4 verbs and write them below.

she could float in a bubble. 1. 3.

2. 4.
Answer the Questions
Read the questions and answer them using complete sentences.

1. What dies Denise have to blow bubbles with?

2. What does Denise wish?

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Ice Cream Treat Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

Noah and Luna are enjoying ice

cream treats. Noah has two
chocolate scoops in a bowl. Luna
has three strawberry scoops in
a cone. They both have sprinkles Answer the Question
on top. Noah and Luna love ice Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. Noah has two ______ scoops.

cream on a hot day! strawberry chocolate vanilla
2. They both have ______ on top.
nuts fudge sprinkles
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

Some pages have
been edited and
changed for
Canadian spelling
and content.
Pages 13, 17

© Proud to be primary
wwwwwwwwww Date:
Swimming in the Ocean Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

Milo enjoys swimming and diving

in the cool water of the ocean.
He feels the waves splash and
the sand in his toes. He loves to
float on his back and listen to Answer the Question
the under water sounds. This is Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. Milo enjoys diving in the _____ water.

Milo’s favourite place to be. warm cold cool
2. Milo listens to the under water_____.
sounds creatures waves
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

wwwwwwwwww Date:
Barbecue Time Make a Connection
Read the passage 3 times and fill in a shape each time. Draw a picture to show your connection to the story.

Dana’s family has a barbecue

and invites the neighbours over.
Dana’s dad grills the burgers
and corn. Dana’s mom gets the
drinks. Dana and her friend Answer the Question
enjoy playing outdoor games. Read the questions and check off the correct answers.

1. Dana’s dad grills the ______.

Everyone eats outside. hot dogs fish burgers
2. Everyone eats ______.
alone outside inside
Order the Events
Draw or write 3 events from the story in order.

© Proud to be primary 2016

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