Pile Cap
Pile Cap
Pile Cap
Column Dimensions
Column Shape : Circular
Column Dia : 3.000 m
Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A
Pile Capacities
Axial Capacity PP = 500.000 kN
Material Properties
Concrete f'c = 25000.004 kN/m^2
Concrete Cover
Bottom Clear Cover CCB = 0.050 m
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_ Arrangement Reaction
Pile X Y Axial Lateral Uplift
No. (m) (m) (kN) (kN) (kN)
1 -0.750 0.433 -243.526 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 -0.866 -243.547 0.000 0.000
3 0.750 0.433 -243.526 0.000 0.000
= 0.823 m
under Effective Depth(def) =
= 0.394 m
Depth of neutral axis for balanced section(xu)
= 3093.800 kNm
As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G,G-1.1 C
Ultimate moment of resistance(M ulim)
singly reinforced and under reinforced section can be used
= We observed Mu <= Mulim hence
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= -43.699 kN
Design Shear force (Vu)
= 480.619 kN/m^2
Allowable Shear Stress (Tc) =
= 0.340
and percentage of steel required (pt) =
= -87.394 kN
Design Shear force (Vu)
As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX B,B-5.1
= 80.264 kN/m^2
Design Shear Stress (Tv) =
= 480.619 kN/m^2
Allowable Shear Stress (Tc) =
= 0.340
and percentage of steel required (pt) =
= 0.806 m
Development Length (ld) =
= 0.947 m
Allowable Length (ldb) (for Base beam)=
= 1.299 m
Allowable Length (ldb) (for Alternate beam)=
hence, safe
ldb(Base) >ld
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Selection of Reinforcement
Along Base Beam
Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = = 2832.000
As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G,G-1.1 b
Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 2611.204
As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G,G-1.1 b