1.1 This method provides one procedure for determining the adherence of pressure sensitive
tapes to a standard linerboard or other similar surface.
2.1 Satisfactory tape performance at the test temperature implies satisfactory cold temperature
performance at or above the test temperature.
2.2 This procedure would be applicable for questions of adherence to 100% kraft fiberboard similar
to the standard linerboard surface without substitution but for direct information on any board or
surface the actual surface in question should be substituted.
3.1 The specimen shall be 12 mm to 24 mm (0.5” to 1.0”) wide. The length shall be a maximum of
150 mm (6.0”).
3.2 Remove specimens from the rolls at a rate of 50 to 75 cm/s (20 to 30”/s) after having first
unwound at least three but no more than six wraps of tape (see Appendix D).
4.4 Cold chamber, maintained at a specified temperature, -54˚C ± 1˚C (-65˚F ± 2˚F), if no other
temperature is specified.
4.5 Nonrotating, smooth surface, metal cylinder, having a diameter of 37.5 ± 6 mm (1.5 ± 0.25”)
and minimum length of 50 mm (2”) fixed to a base of support for use as a mandrel around which to
flex the tape specimen assembly (see Figure 1).
5.1 Except when stated elsewhere in this method, prepare and condition the sample material in an
atmosphere uniformly maintained at standard conditions (see Appendix A) for a period of not less
than 24 hours.
5.2 Apply the specimen centrally to the linerboard strip. Roll over the tape against a flat smooth
surface using the rubber-covered roller. Make two passes, one in each lengthwise direction at the
rate of 300 mm/min (12”/min).
1Standard Reference Material 1810A is available from the Office of Standard Reference Materials,
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Washington D.C. 20234.
5.3 Expose the specimen assembly to a temperature of 65.5˚C ± 1˚C (150˚F ± 2˚F) for 24 hours.
Within the next 24 hours, expose the specimen assembly together with the 37.5 mm (1.5”) mandrel,
to the specified temperature for 2 hours. If no temperature is specified, specimen should be condi-
tioned at -54˚C ± 1˚C (-65˚F ± 2˚F) in the cold chamber for 2 hours.
5.4 Without removing the specimen assembly from the cold environment, nor effecting any change
in that temperature, hold an extreme end (linerboard only) in each hand. With the linerboard side of
the assembly against the mandrel, draw first one end and then the other forward so that both ends of
tape on the linerboard will have formed into the curve of the mandrel. Draw the ends forward in turn
at the rate of 600 mm/s (24”/s). Keep the ends of the assembly taut and parallel forming an 180˚
bend. End the drawing with the assembly at the same position as when starting, having completed
one complete cycle.
5.5 Observe the tape and linerboard during and following the drawing for any evidence of release
of tape from the linerboard.
6.1 Report temperature at which the test was conducted.
6.2 Report the observation made in 5.5, that is, whether the tape did or did not release from the
Another method for measuring adherence to linerboard of pressure sensitive tape at low temperature
is ASTM D 3889.