4th Periodical Test Statistics TOS
4th Periodical Test Statistics TOS
4th Periodical Test Statistics TOS
M11/12SP-IIIf-5 1 3% 1 1 4
4. computes for the point estimate of the population mean.
12. computes for the confidence interval estimate based on the M11/12SP-IIIh-1 1 3% 1 1 12
appropriate form of the estimator for the population mean.
13. solves problems involving confidence interval estimation of M11/12SP-IIIh-2 2 5% 3 1 13 1 14 1 15
the population mean.
14. draws conclusion about the population mean based on its M11/12SP-IIIh-3 1 3% 1 1 16
confidence interval estimate.
15. identifies point estimator for the population proportion.
16. computes for the point estimate of the population M11/12SP-IIIi-2
proportion. 2 5% 3 1 17 1 18 1 19
12. identifies the appropriate rejection region for a given level of M11/12SP-IVe-4
significance when the Central Limit Theorem is to be used.
13. computes for the test-statistic value (population proportion).
2 5% 2 1 43 1 44
14. draws conclusion about the population proportion based on M11/12SP-IVf-2
the test-statistic value and the rejection region.
15. solves problems involving test of hypothesis on the M11/12SP-IVf-g-1 2 5% 2 1 45 1 46
population proportion.
Correlation and Regression Analyses 1. illustrates the nature of bivariate data. M11/12SP-IVg-2
2. constructs a scatter plot. M11/12SP-IVg-3
1 3% 1 1 47
3. describes shape (form), trend (direction), and variation M11/12SP-IVg-4
(strength) based on a scatter plot.
4. estimates strength of association between the variables based M11/12SP-IVh-1
on a scatter plot.
1 3% 1 1 48
5. calculates the Pearson’s sample correlation coefficient. M11/12SP-IVh-2
6. solves problems involving correlation analysis. M11/12SP-IVh-3
7. identifies the independent and dependent variables. M11/12SP-IVi-1
8. draws the best-fit line on a scatter plot. M11/12SP-IVi-2
M11/12SP-IVi-3 1 3% 1 1 49
9. calculates the slope and y-intercept of the regression line.
10. interprets the calculated slope and y-intercept of the M11/12SP-IVi-4
regression line.
11. predicts the value of the dependent variable given the value M11/12SP-IVj-1
of the independent variable. 1 3% 1 1 50
12. solves problems involving regression analysis. M11/12SP-IVj-2
40 100% 50 28 12 10
4 13 6 2 4.17 3 6.25 0.00 1 2.083333
creates an original or derivative ICT content to
5 effectively communicate or present data or CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ic-d-5
information related to specific professional tracks.
4 11 6 3 5.50 2 3.67 0.00 1 1.833333
create an original or 4,48
derivative ICT content to effectively communicate a
8 visual message in an online environment related to CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ie-f-8
specific professional tracks
Date: 1/14/2019