Automatic Solar Grass Cutter
Automatic Solar Grass Cutter
Automatic Solar Grass Cutter
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All content following this page was uploaded by George Fernandez on 14 July 2018.
I. Introduction
The lawn mover is an aid in the mundane task of grass cutting and tending to lawns. Due to the revolution of
green movement in the present scenario the industries with major campus areas are changing the percentage of
greenery in the campuses and increased greenery causes increased effort and money to tend to.In such cases the
lawn mover proves to be an god sent. Due to increased availability of system on chips, the lawn mover can be
automated very easily and also the reduced size and cost of Dc motors causes the system to be independent of fossil
fuels to be able to tap into renewable energies. The presence of Ultrasonic sensors and light dependent resistors in a
smaller and cheaper packaging cause the bot to be more aware of its surroundings. Due to the presence of ardiuno
oin the system causes and increase in the module that can be added.
Traditional design of lawn movers had motored powered engines which required regular maintenance such as
engine oil and greasing. They also created a lot of noise pollution and air pollution. In the cold and harsh
environment the fossil fuel powered motors tend to freeze and not run. These problems are solved by using electric
motors . They are also much more greener because they use solar panel.The mover uses battery chorded system
causes a range as alimitationn and damage to the chords.
II. Objective
The solar lawn mover is a fully automated grass cutting robotic vehicle .Powered bysolar energy that also avoids
obstacles and is capable of fully automated grass cutting without the need for human intervention. The brain of the
bot is the ardiuno nano which decides the various actions. The L293D9 motor driver excutes these orders by
changing the power and polarity of the motors.The ultrasonic sensors detects the obstactcles such as stones/animals
etc. The LDRs are the crown jewel in detecting the fences or boundaries of the lawn marked by the lasers. The laser
beam A, when detected, causes the start event and the bot mves forward until it detects laser beam B.When laser
beam B is detected the bot stops for the time period of two seconds and then takes a right angle turn and moves
forward by 8 inches and takes another right angle turn and starts moving forward. This steps are repaeated until the
laser beam C detected along with laser beam A. When laser Beam A and C are detected triggers the stop event .The
movement motors runs at 60-80 rpm and the blade motor runs at 1000 rpm. The two blades are arranged in an anti-
parallel tangential manner. The ground clearance of the bot is 2.5 inches.The solar panel is 8x4 inches in dimension.
The ultrasonic sensor is placed at an angle of 15 degrees and set to minimum detection range of two feet to the
common axis. The LDRs are placed at perpendicular to each other.
III. Components
A. Ardinuno Nano
We used Ardiuno Nano in this bot in order to increase the modularity of the bot and also account for future
modification . The major advantage of Ardiuno Nano is its capability to perform in such a small form factor. Also
the programming language used for Ardiuno is C, which is a very popular high level language
Technical specification
Microcontroller -ATmega 328
Operating voltage-5v
Flash memory -32 kb
Clock speed -16 MHz
Analog IN pins -8
PCB size -18x45 mm
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 07-Special Issue, 2018
Figure 3. L293D9
C. DC Series Motor
The speed controller works by varing the average voltage sent to the motor. It could do this by simply adjusting
the voltage sent to the motor,but this an inefficient method. A better way is to switch the motor supply on and off
very quickly. If the switching is fast enough, the motor functioning does not get affected, it only notices the average
Technical specification
Operating voltage- 12V
Operating current-80 mA
Rpm-60-80 rpm, 1000 rpm
Figure 3. DC Series Motor
V. Pictorial Representation
VIII. Conclusion
The previous bot systems were studied and a suitable design was made. The schematic for the same was made on
which prototyping will take place. The components have been chosen based on design requirement and based on a
few other parameters. Based on data collected from research papers, we made a few changes to make our design
better. A timeline was made with the knowledge of the review dates and work has proceeded according to it. In the
second review we have made a prototype model of the hardware and software system with a demonstration with
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Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 07-Special Issue, 2018
ultrasonic and infrared sensor. The prototype is on a metal sheet chassis and the detection was done using ultrasonic
sensor and the output was obtained. The green revolution has caused a burst in the lawn area and the requirement for
a bot.Since grassing cutting is a mundane task requiring a lot of time; it is believed that human time should not be
wasted on such tasks or a least reduced to the bare minimum. The cost effectiveness and the ease provided makes
the bot to be a necessity instead of a luxury.
[1] US RE 8560, Passmore, Everett G., "Improvement in Lawn Mowers", published 23 February 1869.
[2] Ernest L. Hall. A Survey of Robot Lawn Mowers, Available from: Ernest L. Hall Retrieved on: 06 October
[3] Technical Solutions, J. Hammond and R. Rafaels, “Build the Lawn Ranger,” Radio Electronics, June 1990,
pp. 31-49.
[4] Robert Zondlo, U.S. Patent 5,461,292, Remote controlled guidance system for working vehicle, October
24, 1995.
[5] Andre Colens, U.S. Patent 5,444,965, Continuous and autonomous mowing system August 29, 1995.