[•LATIN CODE•] • Communicated by two taps, value and use '/' '\' '|' as a
A - 01 first tap for the horizontal row seperators.
B - 02 and second tap for the vertical
C - 03 row. [•Pentomino Code•]
D - 04 🚩1 2 3 4 5 - is used by kids in a movie so
E - 05 1ABCDE that the both of them can
F - 06 2 F G H I/J K understand what they're
G - 07 3LMNOP saying.
H - 08 4QRSTU A- F:1
I - 09 5VWXYZ B- I:1
J - 10 Who invented Tap Code? C- L:1
K - 11 • It was invented by four D- N:1
L - 12 POWs imprisoned in Vietnam E- P:1
M - 13 and is sometimes called F- T:1
N - 14 “Smitty Code” after Captain G- U:1
O - 15 Carlyle “Smitty” Harris—an H- V:1
P - 16 Air Force Instructor who had I- W:1
Q - 17 shown him a code based on a J- X:1
R - 18 five-by-five alphabet K- Y:1
S - 19 matrix(Polybius Square) L- Z:1
T - 20 Tap Code Alphabet: M- F:2
U - 21 A•• N- I:2
V - 22 B • •• O- L:2
W - 23 C • ••• P- N:2
X - 24 D • •••• Q- P:2
Y - 25 E • ••••• R- T:2
Z - 26 F •• • S- U:2
Letter Separator is [ - ] G •• •• T- V:2
So example Cute H •• ••• U- W:2
Will be = 03-21-20-05 I/J •• •••• V- X:2
K •• ••••• W- Y:2
[•POLYBIUS SQUARE•] L ••• • X- Z:2
M ••• •• Y- F:3
012345 N ••• ••• Z- I:3
1ABCDE O ••• ••••
2 F G H I/J K P ••• ••••• W:1()Z:1/L:2/X:2/P:1()F:3/L:2
3LMNOP Q •••• • /W:2 - I LOVE YOU
4QRSTU R •••• •• () word separator
5VWXYZ S •••• ••• /letter separator
So example Hi T •••• ••••
Will be = 23 24 U •••• ••••• [•Vanity Code(QWERTY code
V ••••• • or Keyboard Code)•] :
[•TAP CODE•] W ••••• •• A-2
What is Tap Code? X ••••• ••• B-22
• Tap code is a code similar to Y ••••• •••• C-222
Morse code and is commonly Z ••••• ••••• D-3
used by prisoners in jail to Encryption: E-33
communicate with one another. Just type the corresponding F-333
It uses Polybius square table taps(dot/s) to your plaintext G-4
for basis. H-44
I-444 These signals are translated to L-53
J-5 the following characters: M-61
K-55 •Dot(.) is the elementary pulse N-62
L-555 •Comma(,) represents pulse O-63
M-6 three times longer than the P-71
N-66 point Q-72
O-666 •Space( ) represent separation R-73
P-7 between two letters S-74
Q-77 •Vergule(/) represents T-81
R-777 separation between words U-82
S-7777 V-83
T-8 A= .- W-91
U-88 B= -... X-92
V-888 C= -.-. Y-93
W-9 D= -.. Z-94
X-99 E= . Letter separetor:/
Y-999 F= ..-. Word Separator: 01
Z-9999 G= --.
space- 0 Η= .... [•Jumbler/Rumbler Ciphers•]
I= .. 1.) Skip Code
[•KEYWORD CIPHER•] J= .--- 2.) Reverse Cipher
Type: Substitution K= -.- 3.) Anagram
(Note: encoding or decoding is L= .-.. 4.) Permutation
based on the keyword input) M= -- 5.) Tri Code
(Note: keyword given will be N= -. ***
inserted as first in the sequence O= --- 1.) SKIP CODE- switching the
of alphabet and letters should P= .--. middle letters with its
never repeat) Q= --.- consecutive letter.
R= .-.
Example S= ... Example: sECREt
Keyword: GOD T= - Skipped Code: sCEERt
A=G N=M U= ..-
B=O O=N V= ...- Explanation:
D=A Q=Q X= -..- S(E<->C)(R<->E)T
E=B R=R Y= -.-- SCEERT
F=C S=S Z= --..
G=E T=T *(If odd number of letters)
H=F U=U Example:
I=H V=V --. --- --- -.. = GOOD Example: HAPPINESS
J=I W=W Encrypted: HPAIPENSS
K=J X=X [•Phone Code•]
L=K Y=Y A-21 Explanation:
M=L Z=Z B-22 H(A<->P)(P<->I)(N<-> E)SS
Cipher: JMNW = KNOW C-23
D-31 ***
Type: Transposition F-33 2.) REVERSE CIPHER- this
> Morse code is a system to G-41 has 2 modes:
encode thanks to short and H-42 Mode 1- WORDS that are
long impulses. Each letter or I-43 written, reversely.
punctuation mark is associated J-51 Mode 2- SENTENCE that are
with a sequence of signals. K-52 written, reversely.
Example: M-77 N-78 O-79 P-80 N=ppp
Q-81 R-82 S-83 T-84 O=ppf
Mode1- TEACHER U-85 V-86 W-87 X-88 P=pfm
Encrypted- REHCAET Y-89 Z-90 a-97 b-98 Q=pfp
c-99 d-100 e-101 f-102 R=pff
Mode2- I LOVE YOU g-103 h-104 i-105 j-106 S=fmm
Encrypted- UOY EVOL I k-107 l-108 m-109 n-110 T=fmp
o-111 p-112 q-113 r-114 U=fmf
*** s-115 t-116 u-117 v-118 V=fpm
w-119 x-120 y-121 z-122 W=fpp
3.) ANAGRAM- changing the 🥀Hexadecimal X=fpf
arrangement of a word into A-41 B-42 C-43 D-44 Y=ffm
another word. This is basically E-45 F-46 G-47 H-48 Z=ffp
forming words that can be I-49 J-4A K-4B L-4C
found in a dictionary. M-4D N-4E O-4F P-50 [•Binary morse•]
Q-51 R-52 S-53 T-54 A - 01 N - 10
Example: TEACHER U-55 V-56 W-57 X-58 B - 1000 O - 111
Anagrammed: CHEATER Y-59 Z-5A a-61 b-62 C - 1010 P - 0110
c-63 d-64 e-65 f-66 D - 100 Q - 1101
*** g-67 h-68 i-69 j-6A E - O R - 010
k-6B l-6C m-6D n-6E F - 0010 S - 000
4.) PERMUTATION- o-6F p-70 q-71 r-72 G - 110 T - 1
changing the word randomly. s-73 t-74 u-75 v-76 H - 0000 U - 001
It is a word that has a meaning w-77 x-78 y-79 z-7A I - 00 V - 0001
in the dictionary but the 🥀Octal J - 0111 W - 011
permutated word has none. A-101 B-102 C-103 D-104 K - 101 X - 1001
E-105 F-106 G-107 H-110 L - 0100 Y - 1011
Example: TEACHER I-111 J-112 K-113 L-114 M - 11 Z - 1100
Permutated: EEAHCRST M-115 N-116 O-117 P-120
Q-121 R-122 S-123 T-124 DICE CIPHER
Example: PROSPER U-125 V-126 W-127 X-130 -a substitution cipher
Permutated: ROPPERS Y-131 Z-132 a-141 b-142 consisting of squares with dots
c-143 d-144 e-145 f-146 in certain places
*** g-147 h-150 i-151 j-152 [•DICE CYPHER•]
k-153 l-154 m-155 n-156 Assuming the numbers
5.) TRI CODE- words that are o-157 p-160 q-161 r-162 represent the location of the
divided into three letters then s-163 t-164 u-165 v-166 dot/s on the dice:
the first and third letter are w-167 x-170 y-171 z-172 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
swapped. |1 2 3|
[•Kenny Code•] |4 5|
Example A=mmm |6 7 8|
q-01110001 r-01110010