The Bruised Soul
The Bruised Soul
The Bruised Soul
Focus : The Word and Spirit Heals the Mind, Emotions and Will
This series of teachings is designed to bring healing to deep wounds you may carry within your soul. There
are many ‘bruises’ satan has successfully inflicted upon the soul of many people. God is intent on completely
healing any residue hurt within the soul so that the soul, could pursue the path of renewal and regeneration
faster and not be unnecessarily hindered in this pursuit.
I encourage the reader to study my study series, ‘The Spiritual Man’ and ‘The Prosperity of the Soul’ in
conjunction with this series. It will provide you with a good basis to understand this present series. The
diagrams provided in Addendum 2 at the end of this study were illustrations used in these series. These are
provided here to assist in better understanding the placement and proper functioning of our spirit, soul and
body. In brief, let me attempt to succinctly capture some of the most essential aspects from those series’ that
bear relevance for our present study.
Man is spirit, soul and body. Each part is equally important. It was always God’s intent that the spirit of man
leads and guides his soul to live effectively in and through his body. The soul is to take direction and
leadership from the spirit. The spirit is native to the eternal realm of spirit and is that dimension within man
that grants him the capacity to relate to God, who is spirit. The spirit of man is to receive the WORD of God
and then in a sense transfer or impress these WORDS of GOD on the soul. The soul is native to the earth, and
is that part of him that enables him, through the five senses in his body, to intelligibly engage the natural
world. Both the spirit and soul have a mind, emotions and will. With the mind we think; with the emotions we
feel and with will we make decisions/choices. How we think, feel and make decisions must all flow out from
the guidance and direction that the WORD OF GOD provides in and through our spirit. Our spirit configures
the soul with the same directives, and the soul can then effectively function in life through the body.
The THOUGHTS of man, the EMOTIONS of man and the DECISIONS of man are areas which we must recover
and bring under the rulership of Christ. Salvation is past, present and future. At one’s initial salvation
experience, when a decision is made to receive Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, one’s spirit becomes
renewed and re-connected to the Spirit of God, who witnesses with your spirit that you are a son of God. A
rebirth takes place in one’s spirit and you become a new creation in Christ. Whilst being saved in one’s spirit,
one’s spirit also must still grow progressively into maturity in Christ and must be protected against
contamination and defilement. When we say are ARE saved, we are referencing the fact that our spirit man
has been reconnected to God. However, in the area of our soul, we are BEING SAVED. The soul at the initial
salvation experience too begins its own journey in salvation and needs to be progressively renewed day by
day throughout one’s life. This takes place by the deliberate submission in/of one’s THOUGHTS or mind to
the principles of God’s Word that filters through one’s spirit. This is how progressive transformation and
formation into the image of Christ takes place in your life (Romans 12:1,2). Without the saturation of the
mind of your soul in the principles of God’s Word, your thoughts (which basically dictate your character, the
course and direction of your life) will negatively configure your emotions and also potentially lead to making
inaccurate decisions.
GATE (DC) School of Ministry – Healing the Wounded Soul – Session 1; © 2015 Randolph Barnwell. Reproduction in any form is permissible, provided that no monetary profit is gained.
Scriptures taken from the NASB, unless otherwise indicated. [Email:; Website:; Tel: (+27) 83 2729 579]
The body WILL BE SAVED - will experience total freedom from sickness and physical death when the Lord
returns. We refer to this as immortality – something for which we press into and groan for.
1 Thess. 5:23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and
soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus
The word ‘complete’ means ‘complete in all its parts; in no part wanting or unsound, entire, whole.’ To
get our entire spirit, soul and body ‘complete’ demands responsibility on our part. The previous verse says:
To attain to a whole and healthy soul demands an active participation on your part.
But also the verse following 1 Thess. 5:23 is very important because it sets forth God’s part and His
determination to fulfill it.
The faithfulness of God can be depended upon. If God promised it, He is faithful to do. But just because He is
faithful does not mean you and I must act irresponsibly.
Jesus, the Son of God, walked as a man on the earth in order to show us, sons of men, how to live as sons of
God. As a man, He modeled what it is like to live with a whole soul, free from hurt or bitterness. Freedom
from a wounded soul will require that you enter into full partnership and fellowship with Christ Jesus, the
1 Cor. 1:9 God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ
our Lord
Fellowship implies deep partnership and a sharing of being. The Greek term, ‘KOINONIA’, means ‘association,
community, communion, joint participation, intimacy.’ The faithfulness of God in this verse is framed in
reference to HIM affording us the privilege of sharing fully in the Divine nature of His Son, as a joint-heir with
Him of all that God the Father has and is. He overcame all attempts of satan to injure Him within His soul. If
He overcame – so can we.
John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you
have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.
GATE (DC) School of Ministry – Healing the Wounded Soul – Session 1; © 2015 Randolph Barnwell. Reproduction in any form is permissible, provided that no monetary profit is gained.
Scriptures taken from the NASB, unless otherwise indicated. [Email:; Website:; Tel: (+27) 83 2729 579]
The domain of the soul - specifically the mind is where much of so-called ‘spiritual warfare’ takes place.
2 Cor. 10:3-6
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war
according to the flesh, after the flesh:
4 for the weapons of our warfare are not of the 4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,
flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction but mighty through God to the pulling down of
of fortresses. strongholds;)
5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing
thing raised up against the knowledge of God, that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God,
and we are taking every thought captive to the and bringing into captivity every thought to the
obedience of Christ, obedience of Christ;
6 and we are ready to punish all disobedience, 6 And having in a readiness to revenge all
whenever your obedience is complete disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled
Thought patterns are formed within our minds, which become so entrenched, they develop into a mentality
or mindset that is not easily altered. Negative experiences of one kind or another usually influence our
worldview or outlook regarding various things, circumstances, organisations or people. The influenced
mindset need not necessarily be true, but to the affected person it is deemed as true and they begin to see
recurrent circumstances, similar organisations or people in the light of their previously negative experience.
The established negative mindset becomes the perception or filter through which the person sees and
processes all things. Thus they tend to colour and taint their entire world because everything is seen through
the spectacles of prior hurt/disappointment. Only GOD’s WORD presented in power and purity can change
their mentality. May I encourage you that as God’s principles designed for your healing are presented to you,
that you bow in submission and obedience to them, and not disregard them in your mind in preference for
your own opinion on the matter. There will be a war within your mind, but if the wholeness of your soul is a
priority, then allow room within yourself for God’s Word to renovate your thinking over the matter which
brought hurt to your soul.
GATE (DC) School of Ministry – Healing the Wounded Soul – Session 1; © 2015 Randolph Barnwell. Reproduction in any form is permissible, provided that no monetary profit is gained.
Scriptures taken from the NASB, unless otherwise indicated. [Email:; Website:; Tel: (+27) 83 2729 579]
There is no fixed pattern for this. It could be either way. As a man thinks, so is he (Prov. 23:7). Your external
life is a reflection of your inward thought life. Hence we could conclude that if you change your thinking you
are able to condition your feelings. Yet at other times, emotional hurt can be so strong, that it actually
prevents correct thinking. Thus to bring the mind to accuracy, the deep seated hurt in the emotions must
first be healed.
The mind of a person usually conditions the emotions, which in turn has a predominant influence in decision-
making (the will). A healthy emotional state is necessary to make good decisions, e.g. strategic decisions in a
moment of anger or hatred can be disastrous. Generally, one should make decisions on principle, and not so
much on feeling (emotions). To alter the emotions and the will, you have to change the mind. To change the
mind you have to dislodge or break an inaccurate thought pattern. This is done by the acceptance of God’s
Word / God’s Truth into the mind. Concepts like ‘imaginations’ / ‘speculations’ and ‘thoughts’ all are mind-
processes. These must be brought to the obedience of Christ.
Isaiah 58:6 seems to support the healing of the emotions as prerequisite to the positive conditioning of the
Isaiah 58:6 “Is this not the fast which I choose, … To undo the bands of the yoke, And to let the
oppressed go free And break every yoke?
The yoke cannot be broken until its bands that hold it in place are untied. Emotional healing is usually
prerequisite to accurately configuring one’s mind to God’s view on a matter and then engaging the will to
make accurate decisions.
Seeking wholeness in the soul without a spirit saturated in God’s Word is futile or at best will be short-lived.
There are many courses available secularly which are intended to help people overcome a wounded soul.
These have their place and have relative success. The entire domain of psychology is a discipline devoted to
facilitating wholeness and general well-being of people emotionally and mentally. I am not in any way
decrying the need for this, but there is also a spiritual dynamic to wholeness that cannot be fabricated from a
human psychological perspective. The ingredient of God’s Word and God’s Spirit in the process of total health
in the soul cannot be over-estimated. What we are after is long term and enduring healing in the soul.
GATE (DC) School of Ministry – Healing the Wounded Soul – Session 1; © 2015 Randolph Barnwell. Reproduction in any form is permissible, provided that no monetary profit is gained.
Scriptures taken from the NASB, unless otherwise indicated. [Email:; Website:; Tel: (+27) 83 2729 579]
Momentary relief will not suffice. To maintain health in the soul demands that PRINCIPLES are installed into
the fabric of the soul that will ensure its sustained wholeness.
Here below is an excerpt from my series, ‘The Prosperity of Soul – Session 1’ which I believe is pertinent for
your understanding and desire in establishing firm principles in your life to sustain a healthy and whole soul:
v God’s Word Separates Spirit and Soul, Judges Thoughts and Intentions
Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two- edged sword, and
piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to
judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Note here that God’s Word is able to separate the spirit from the soul and the body (joints and marrow).
There are five descriptors of the powerful effects of God’s Word in this verse, viz., - Living - Active -
Sharper - Piercing - Able to judge.
The Word ‘pressed’ into one’s spirit is ‘impressed’ upon the soul (Acts 18:5; Deut. 11:18). The light of God’s
Word illumines the spirit, which then casts this light upon the soul, unveiling areas that need repentance,
adjustment or renovation. (Proverbs 20:27; Psalm 18:28). In this sense, God’s Word divides the spirit and
soul, making you aware of areas in the soul that need change and upgrade. The Word then also judges,
appraises and weighs our thoughts and intentions in our spirit and soul.
Psalm 19:7a The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul. [NASB]
Psalm 19:7a The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. [KJV]
The perfection of God’s Word is its restorative quality in the soul. ‘Perfect’ (‘tamiym’) here means
‘entire, integrity, without blemish, complete and full’.
Psalm 119:25 My soul cleaves to the dust; Revive me according to Your word.
‘Dust’ symbolically indicates fleshly carnality. Left to itself, the unrenewed soul has a natural tendency toward
fleshly pursuits and sinful indulgence. The soul that sins results in spiritual death (Ezekiel 18:20a: The soul
that sinneth, it shall die). The principle of spiritual death in the soul can only be cancelled and overcome
through the reviving effects of God’s Word. To revive means to make alive again. The Word of God contains
the life of God and is able to bring revival to your soul. The soul must HEAR the Word of God and LIVE – Isaiah
Isaiah 55:3a INCLINE your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live;
GATE (DC) School of Ministry – Healing the Wounded Soul – Session 1; © 2015 Randolph Barnwell. Reproduction in any form is permissible, provided that no monetary profit is gained.
Scriptures taken from the NASB, unless otherwise indicated. [Email:; Website:; Tel: (+27) 83 2729 579]
Psalm 119:28 My soul weeps because of grief; Strengthen me according to Your word.
Grief is a negative soul emotion that can only be overcome by the strengthening of God’s Word. The soul,
which has the Word of God IMPRESSED upon it (Deut. 11:18), is able to overcome the negative consequences
of emotional turmoil that we may sustain because of painful or difficult experiences. Grief, disappointment,
hurt, betrayal, etc. can be quickly overcome if one’s soul is saturated in the Word of God. What your soul
needs is STRENGTH in these times – and this only comes through God’s Word.
Psalm 130:5 I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait, And in His word do I hope.
The soul is able to express hope in God. Hope is a mental attitude of expectation. This attitude is not
unfounded, but significantly grounded in the truth or a promise of God’s Word. Hope is part of faith (see Heb.
11:1). Where faith is present, so is hope. Faith is generated by the hearing of the Word of God. Hope without
faith is not biblical hope. The patient waiting in earnest expectation for the realisation of God’s performed
will in your soul is validated and fueled by its anchorage in God’s Word.
1 Pet 1:22a Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls.
A prosperous soul is an undefiled soul, purified through active OBEDIENCE to God's Word. Every obedient act
on our part further heightens the purity of our soul. Each entrenched inward mentality of obedience and
every successive outward act of obedience is a step closer or another opportunity for the ongoing purification
of the soul. Purity of soul is a perpetual personal process fuelled by obedient attitudes and acts.
James 1:21 Therefore, putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in
humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls
Deliberate setting aside of filthiness (immorality) and any residue of wickedness, together with the reception
of the WORD OF GOD in an internal posture of HUMILITY, SAVES the SOUL.
After His baptism in water, Jesus went into the synagogue and read something of Himself from Isaiah’s
writings and testified that the scripture was fulfilled in Himself in the hearing of those who listened. Let’s
have a look at this passage and see that it succinctly encapsulates the total ambit of the ministry of our Lord
on earth – and thus something we too need to embrace.
Luke 4:18,19 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to
the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the
GATE (DC) School of Ministry – Healing the Wounded Soul – Session 1; © 2015 Randolph Barnwell. Reproduction in any form is permissible, provided that no monetary profit is gained.
Scriptures taken from the NASB, unless otherwise indicated. [Email:; Website:; Tel: (+27) 83 2729 579]
captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To
preach the acceptable year of the Lord (KJV).
The word ‘preach’ is mentioned three times. The WORD OF GOD preached is able to bring deliverance and
liberty. But simply preaching without the ANOINTING of the Spirit will not yield the desired result. We need
the SPIRIT and the TRUTH. This powerful duo is able to set the captives free. Hence in this series, we rely
entirely upon the Spirit through the anointing and the inherent power of God’s word to bring wholeness to
the wounded souls of people.
Isaiah 10:27 And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy
shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the
anointing. (KJV)
Every yoke of bondage shall be destroyed because of the anointing. The Spirit of God brings an anointing to
break every yoke of bondage or hurt. That anointing is really the person of Christ, which comes to us via the
Holy Spirit. ‘Christ’ means the ‘the anointed one’. Christ is also the fullness of Deity - Father, Son and Spirit
(Col.2:9). When the Spirit comes to us, He - the Spirit of Truth - is the conduit through which we may access
the fullness of the Father and the Son. So every time the Spirit of God descends upon you, represented in and
by Him, is the fullness of the Godhead. There is a lot of revelation here, but I just want to emphasise that we
need a fresh empowerment of the anointing power of God’s Spirit in order to bring healing to the deep and
inner recesses of people’s hearts and souls.
Acts 10:38 You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power,
and how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for
God was with Him.
In reference to healing the broken hearted, Jesus affirmed that He was SENT to do this. The word ‘SENT
indicates that He is authorised and empowered to do this. The word ‘apostle’ means ‘sent one’. Thus it
takes an apostolic grace to heal the brokenhearted. I feel that our present time is one of great authorisation
by the heavens to bring healing to many broken hearts.
GATE (DC) School of Ministry – Healing the Wounded Soul – Session 1; © 2015 Randolph Barnwell. Reproduction in any form is permissible, provided that no monetary profit is gained.
Scriptures taken from the NASB, unless otherwise indicated. [Email:; Website:; Tel: (+27) 83 2729 579]
Prov. 34:18 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit
David prayed for God to give him a united heart – a whole heart without division or hurt within it.
Psalm 86:11 Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name
Part of my confirmation to commence this series came from a dream. When I awoke, a phrase resounded in
my heart, … ‘HEAL THE HURT OF MY DAUGHTER ZION’. I checked the reference up and found these two
Jer. 6:14 They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace;
when there is no peace. (KJV)
Jer. 8:11 “They heal the brokenness of the daughter of My people superficially, Saying, ‘Peace,
peace,’ But there is no peace (Nasb)
I believe that presently there is a superficial peace in the church. There is a claim to great spirituality and
maturity in the realm of spirit, but sadly, this exists side by side with a dwarfed development in the soul.
Largely there exists passivity within the people of God to address the hurts within their souls. Worse still,
many ministers and leaders themselves are beset by serious wounds in the soul, and hence their inability to
bring wholeness to those they lead. It is imperative that God’s people attain wholeness and healing in the
soul – more so for leaders within the church. The well-known phrase, ‘hurting people hurt people’ is true. A
leader with serious dysfunctionality in the area of the soul, who either does not see it, acknowledge it,
refuses to deal with it or seek healing for it, will inevitably inflict hurt upon people - however spiritually gifted
he/she may be. One of the great indicators of spiritual maturity would be that when someone hurts you, you
respond by attempting to understand their motivation to hurt, their situation – instead of trying to hurt them
Jer. 8:21 Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then has not the health of the
daughter of my people been restored. (Nasb)
Gilead was known for its healing balm (Gen. 37:25). Thus the question, “Is there no balm in Gilead?” is a
rhetorical one. The problem was the application of that balm. The problem today is that there is no truthful
proclamation of God’s Word in some quarters, and where there is, there is still a lack of obedient application
of God’s word. The issue of the wholeness of one’s soul will require your deliberate attention and conscious
focus. There is a remedy! Obedience to God’s Word will heal you. For any kind of disease, be it physical,
mental or emotional, God’s Word is still the BALM that we need.
GATE (DC) School of Ministry – Healing the Wounded Soul – Session 1; © 2015 Randolph Barnwell. Reproduction in any form is permissible, provided that no monetary profit is gained.
Scriptures taken from the NASB, unless otherwise indicated. [Email:; Website:; Tel: (+27) 83 2729 579]
The word ‘disease’ comprises of two parts, viz. the negative prefix, ‘DIS’ and the word, ‘EASE’. ‘Ease’ denotes
rest, peace, tranquility, alignment, wholeness, wellbeing and relief from pain, anxiety. Thus, when there is no
‘ease’, you become ‘diseased’ in spirit, soul or body. God’s Word is health and healing for any expression of
DIS-EASE (see Proverbs 4:20-22).
Exodus 15:26 And He said, “ If you will give earnest heed to the voice of the Lord your God, and do what
is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will
put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I, the Lord, am your
Many ministers of God’s Word provide God’s people with a false sense of security. Part of the way in which
this is done is by excusing disobedient behaviour or inaccurate mentalities. They fail to point out the
negative repercussion of carnality, simply to maintain membership or financial income. Subtly they are
fostering a false peace within God’s people. Specifically in the area of the hurting soul, to provide people with
a false sense of wholeness by brushing over serious wounds in the soul, which result and/or are perpetuated
by attitudes and actions opposed to God’s Word. This is irresponsible and highlights the lack of true love for
the people.
Jer. 23:17 They say continually to those who despise the word of the Lord, ‘It shall be well with you’;
and to everyone who stubbornly follows his own heart, they say, ‘No disaster shall come
upon you.’ (ESV)
1 Pet. 1:22 Since you have in obedience to the truth purified your souls for a sincere love of the
brethren, fervently love one another from the heart, for you have been born again not of
seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of
The soul is purified THROUGH OBEDIENCE to the Word. This is for the ultimate purpose of loving people.
The wounded soul is unable to love completely. To love, the soul must be purified. To have a purified soul,
you simply have to bring your life to OBEYING God’s Word. The act of obedience purifies the soul.
In this series we will explore the following areas of potential wounded-ness in our souls. These I refer to as
the ‘bruising of satan’:
• Offence • Hatred • Abuse • Insecurity
• Bitterness • Malice • Disappointment • Fear
• Unforgiveness • Resentment • Deferred Hope • Rejection
• Anger • Inner Hurt • Identity Crisis
Gen. 3:15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; He
shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel.
Note here that satan’s head is bruised by the seed of the woman (which primarily refers to Christ). But it also
states that satan will bruise the heel of the woman’s seed. Whilst the primary reference of the seed of the
GATE (DC) School of Ministry – Healing the Wounded Soul – Session 1; © 2015 Randolph Barnwell. Reproduction in any form is permissible, provided that no monetary profit is gained.
Scriptures taken from the NASB, unless otherwise indicated. [Email:; Website:; Tel: (+27) 83 2729 579]
woman is to Christ, who CRUSHED (bruised) satan in His death on the cross, it also refers to us, the Body of
Rom 16:19 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.
The bruising or crushing of satan that he seeks to inflict us with affects our feet – i.e. our walk in God. This
bruising most often manifests as a wounded soul, which for the most part affects us relationally – how we
relate to others. I firmly believe that the area in which satan seeks to paralyse us, i.e. bruising our souls,
especially our emotions, so that our walk as symbolised by the term ‘heel’ (attitudes and lifestyle) is
rendered impotent, is the very means, by which we are empowered to crush him. There is no one more
potent and of greater potential benefit/use to God, His purposes and His people, than a person whose
soul is whole and healed of any residue of hurt, carnality, etc.
Note that Luke 4:18 indicates that part of Jesus ministry mandate is to SET AT LIBERTY THOSE THAT ARE
BRUISED. This implies that a bruised person is in bondage and needs to be set free. So long as emotional
hurt is accommodated, imprisonment and bondage is entrenched and the person will always have the sense
of LIMITATION manifested in their lives in some respect or another.
Isaiah 42:1-3
1 “Behold, My Servant, whom I uphold; My chosen one in whom My soul delights. I have put My Spirit
upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the nations.
2 “He will not cry out or raise His voice, Nor make His voice heard in the street.
3 “A bruised reed He will not break and a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish; He will faithfully
bring forth justice.
A bruised stick, Christ will not break. The word ‘BRUISED STICK’ denotes that which is weak and fragile. The
Hebrew word, ‘ratsuts’ means that which is broken and crushed, but not entirely broken off. Christ is
intent on not breaking the bruised reed. He does not intend to further exacerbate and augment the bruising
or wounded-ness, thus bringing it to total collapse and breakdown. If this is the posture of Christ, so too
must it be ours. If someone is already bruised, do not break them, but rather seek to heal them.
Isaiah 53:4,5 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken,
smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised
for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we
are healed (KJV)
All forms of prosperity, i.e. are dependent on the degree to which the soul prospers and is in good health. To
a large degree also, physical health and wellbeing depends on whether one is whole within your soul. There
are many psychosomatic illnesses (these are illnesses caused by or aggravated by a mental factor such
GATE (DC) School of Ministry – Healing the Wounded Soul – Session 1; © 2015 Randolph Barnwell. Reproduction in any form is permissible, provided that no monetary profit is gained.
Scriptures taken from the NASB, unless otherwise indicated. [Email:; Website:; Tel: (+27) 83 2729 579]
internal conflict or stress), e.g. psoriasis, eczema, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure and heart disease can
either be caused or made worse by mental stress.
3 John 1:2-4
2 Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul
3 For I was very glad when brethren came and testified to your truth, that is, how you are walking in
4 I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth
Luke 2:52 And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
In my series, The Prosperity of the Soul, we listed the following as indicators of a prosperous soul. 1
1) A soul led by the Spirit via the Word of God in one’s spirit.
2) A mind of the soul that thinks LIKE God - having the mind of Christ.
3) A will of the soul that decides like God - it follows the resolution in the spirit, which is led by the
Holy Spirit.
4) Emotions of the soul that feel like God.
5) Emotions that are whole, healed, complete – no bruises or scars.
6) A soul not tormented by carnality or works of the flesh.
7) A soul that is advanced in its renewal or renovation process by the Word of God.
8) A soul having a sound mind. A sound mind would include a mind that is …
a. devoid of fear, but filled with divine love and power.
b. well-balanced.
c. disciplined.
d. saturated in the Word of God through constant meditation thereon.
e. focused and clear.
9) A soul that has FOUND REST in the Grace of God, not given to reliance upon works of human effort
to attain spiritual results.
10) A soul infused with the ‘ZOE’ Life of God – the God-quality of life.
11) A soul that embraces the truth and reality of prosperity in all of its varied expressions.
The necessity to have a strong, well developed spirit anchored in the truth of God’s Word
There are several biblical characteristics of a mature spirit. These I discuss in my series, ‘The Spiritual Man’ –
refer to Session 6: Characteristics of a Mature Spirit’. This is freely downloadable from my website in audio
Consult the whole series for detailed explanation of these.
GATE (DC) School of Ministry – Healing the Wounded Soul – Session 1; © 2015 Randolph Barnwell. Reproduction in any form is permissible, provided that no monetary profit is gained.
Scriptures taken from the NASB, unless otherwise indicated. [Email:; Website:; Tel: (+27) 83 2729 579]
format2 or in pdf text format.3 Addendum 1 at the end of this study, lists these characteristics – I encourage
you to go through these.
Recall that the KJV indicates that the anointing breaks the yoke of bondage. The NIV frames Isaiah 10:27b as
follows: “ … the yoke will be broken because you have grown so fat”. Fat is symbolic of strength in
scripture (e.g. ‘make fat your bones’ – Isaiah 58:11). The ‘fatter’ or ‘stronger’ your spirit gets, the yoke in
your soul has no option but to break off. Healing a fractured soul requires developing a strong spirit.
A strong spirit can sustain you in your infirmity. But a wounded spirit is probably the most disadvantaged
position to be in. A healthy/mature/strong spirit can cause you to endure any physical infirmity. But to
entertain wounded-ness in spirit is intolerable for it cripples your capacity to keep buoyant amidst adversity.
Be healed of every wound in spirit and soul in Jesus' name.
Prov. 18:14 The spirit of a man can endure his sickness, But as for a broken spirit who can bear it
Prov. 18:14 The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear (KJV)
Prov. 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones
Prov. 15:13 A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken
The soul must permit the Holy Spirit, who through the truth of God’s Word in and through one’s spirit, is able
to heal the wound and hurt in the soul.
Positionally, the spirit at the initial salvation experience is entirely regenerated. Its practical full maturity and
formation is progressive in that it must be continuously exposed to the proceeding Word of the Lord. Your
spirit should be characterised by the following:
GATE (DC) School of Ministry – Healing the Wounded Soul – Session 1; © 2015 Randolph Barnwell. Reproduction in any form is permissible, provided that no monetary profit is gained.
Scriptures taken from the NASB, unless otherwise indicated. [Email:; Website:; Tel: (+27) 83 2729 579]
GATE (DC) School of Ministry – Healing the Wounded Soul – Session 1; © 2015 Randolph Barnwell. Reproduction in any form is permissible, provided that no monetary profit is gained.
Scriptures taken from the NASB, unless otherwise indicated. [Email:; Website:; Tel: (+27) 83 2729 579]
Diagram 4
“He restores my soul”
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GATE (DC) School of Ministry – Healing the Wounded Soul – Session 1; © 2015 Randolph Barnwell. Reproduction in any form is permissible, provided that no monetary profit is gained.
Scriptures taken from the NASB, unless otherwise indicated. [Email:; Website:; Tel: (+27) 83 2729 579]