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Republic of the Philippines


In making this research has been extended by a number of individuals. Particularly, we would
like to express our appreciation and gratitude to the following:

1. First of all, we would like to express our gratitude to our God for giving us wisdom and strength, and guiding
us through giving motivation to strive and finish the study.

2. Secondly, to our Research Teacher, Ms. Jean May C. Papon, for being always on our side to correct our
errors and for teaching us without any hesitation.

3. Then to our beloved parents, who are always be there on our side at all times specially in financial support,
and above all the love and care.

4. Lastly, to the members who were eager to finish this study, for thier patience and attentiveness.



Fruits are mother nature's unique medicines that contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and
phytonutrients that help with the body's maintenance and development as well as resist disease. They also offer
a wide range of taste, smell, appearance and texture. Fruits are packed with many nutrients which are essential
for the daily upkeep of the body, nevertheless, they are only available when they are in season and because of
repining can get spoilt quickly( Joy and Abraham, 2013). Fruits can be eaten raw or made as a juice, squashes
jams and they can be preserved.

Nowadays, jams are readily available for sale at most grocery stores, however, they do not have
the same wholesome goodness or nutritional value as the homemade ones because they contain preservatives
and have a contrived taste. According to Joy and Abraham(2013), fruit preservation is the process of treating
and handling food to stop or slow down fruit spoilage, loss of quality, edibility or nutritional value and thus
allow fir longer fruit spoilage. Chopped or crushed fruits can be used to make jam by adding sugar to make a
mixture which is then round up when placed on a spoon. Water is heated together with the fruits and sugar is
added to activate the pectin in the fruit (Basten,2004). The mixture is then put into containers and sealed. The
way jam is prepared only came into existence in the 19th century. It took a cheap and reliable source of sugar
from the West Indies to make jams affordable. Sugar was considered a spice then and as such the price was so
expensive that only the rich in Europe could afford to purchase it. Therefore, preserves made from sugar were
too treasured so it could not be spread thickly on toast so instead they eaten a "spoon sweets". It was distributed
on delicate silver spoons filled with a great quantity of fruits preserves. Such treats were being offered in the
Middle East and Eastern Europe along with a glass of water to cool you off. In European the first sugar
preserves that were made didn’t make use of sugar but honey was used instead. According to Leon(2011), the
earliest fruit preserves were made by mixing the soft moist part of a fruit that was pounded to a pulp with honey
that was dried in the sun which created a texture more like that of a jellied sweet.

Star fruit, is a small, bushy evergreen tree that grows very well under hot, humid, tropical
conditions. It is called star fruit because when you cut crosswise into the fruit, it reveals a perfect star shape. The
plant bears small lilac colo, bell-shaped flowers in clusters, which subsequently develop into oblong shaped fruit
with characteristics five angled edges(sides or ribs) that appear like a starfish when it is cut cross sectional. The
fruit which are both sweet and sour varieties begin to yield under cultivable orchards, and can be harvested only
when the plant reaches about 3-4 years old. Star fruit can be light-green to yellow in color and has an attractive
smooth waxy surface and weighs about 70-130g. The flesh inside is crispy, has a juicy pulp and can either be
very sweet or very sour depending upon the type of plant and species as well ad the concentrated amount of
oxalic acid. In some types, there are 2-5 tiny edible seeds found at the center of each angled cavity
(Sonam,2015).The fruit is completely edible, including the skin and is good source of Vitamin C and dietary
fiber (Mansfield City Schools, 2012).


1. How may the consumer be described in terms of:

a. Age - 12- above

b. Gender - LGBTQ

2. How long could starfruit jam can be preserved?

a. 6 months

b. 1 year


This research study will be conducted at Liloy National High School year 2019-2020. The
participants of the said research will be the residence of Liloy and respective community.

School: To the school, the study will be conducted at LNHS and also, able to provide the information or
advantages of the star fruit jam.
Researcher: This research study will be able to help the researcher to broaden their knowledge and ability about
starfruit jam.

Community: To the community it will be and information on how important the starfruit is.


The input of this study included the ways on how to prepare and preserve the starfruit jam.

Input Process Output

 We use starfruit as its main 1. Prepare the ingredients and  It increases lifespan, so it can
ingredient. utensils. be use longer.
 We make it a jam so it 2. Wash the star fruit and slice.  Used as a bread filling or
increases its lifespan. Put it in the pot then add the condiments.
3. Stir it until the sugar melt.
4. Finished.



Monalisa et. al ,(2014) studied the valorizational and storage stability assessment of underutilized
fruit Averrhoa carambola in Bangladesh. Fresh fruits which were fully riped, mature and healthy were collected
and washed with portable water and blended to take the juice. This juice is used for the preparation of
carambola jam and squash. A number of value added products can be prepared from carambola and this can be
used for 3 months at any storage temperature and this can be made increased to six months. Storage stability
studies were done for a period of 180 days and the various parameters taken into consideration for the study are
tamperature percentage of a moisture content, percentage of total soluble solids, PH, percentage acidity and
amount of ascorbic acid present mg/100g. All these parameters were checked on a 15 days interval time and it is

observed that almost all the parameters remained nearly unchanged till 3 months. The moisture contents started
decreasing from fourth month.

Nurul Hanani et. al., (2012) studied the application of palm stearin chitosan edible coating on
starfruits. The post harvest life of starfruits can be increased by edible coating with hydrophilic and hydrophobic
components. Customers around the world demands fresh fruits without any chemical preservatives and with
extended shelf life pressurized the food industries to develop novel methods. Here in Caramboal fruit after
coating it with chitosan and palm stearin, the various physic chemical parameters like weight loss, gas retention,
firmness retention, surface colour and visual appearance were studied. They summerised that this coating was
able to improve the shelf life and quality of starfruits as it showed good moisture and gas barrier properties.




Our research study will going to use the quantitative research since this study will be
experimental. And also we, the researcher will going to distribute questionnaires to the respondents in order to
collect/ gather data.


Researcher used simple random sampling since the researcher will only going to select
participants to try or taste the product.


The researcher make and distribute questionnaires to the selected participants to get data about
the research.

 Bastin, S. (2004). The Science of Jam and Jelly Making. Cooperative Service. University of Kentucky.
College of Agricultural.

 Joy, P. P., & Abraham, M. (2013). Fruits, Benefits, processing, preservation and pineapple recipes.
Kerala India: Pineapple researcb station, Kerala Agricultural University.

 Leon, T. (2011). Health Promoting Properties of Fruits and Vegetables (P. 92). CABL. http: // books.
google. co. in / books? id= g NEZ o C 86 dMQC & dq= Healthpromoting + Properties + of + Fruits and
+ Vegetables + Edited + by + Leon + Terry & Source = gbs _ navlinks _s

 Sonam ( 2015, May 20). 13 Amazing Benefits of star Fruit for skin, Hair and Health. http: // www.
stylecare. com / articles / benefits - of - star - fruit - for - skin - hair -and - health.


1. How was the taste of the product?

2. When you taste the product what do you feel?

3. Do you think it is a good idea to use starfruit as a jam?

Yes or No :

4. Does the jam suits your taste?

Yes or No:

Appendix Letter of Intent

March 2020





Dear Ms. Papon,

We, the researcher of Liloy National High School grade 12 TVL-A would like to conduct a
study about starfruit jam preservation. The target of this study is to know that starfruit can be a jam and can be

However, before we conduct the said research study, we formally ask your approval through
this letter. We are willing to give some data and information regarding on the result that we've gather from our
respondents. However, confidential questions must be answered. We look forward to your successful approval.


Starfruit Jam Preservation Group

Approved by:


Practical Research II Subject Teacher


Group Leader

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region IX

Division of Zamboanga del Norte

Liloy National High School

Liloy, Zamboanga del Norte

I ___________________________. years old, single, and residing at ______________

through the request of the and _____

and in consideration thereof, hereby freely and voluntart assume and impose
upon myself the following duties.

That I recognize the authority of the upon whom I am

placed and submit myself to rules and regulations that may be imposed in connection with my research.

That I assume full responsibility to all damage incurred by me arising out of and course my
research during research hours.

Furthermore, I renounce and waive any all claims against the

and for any injury that may sustain of any loss that I may suffer,
personal or precautionary, in the performance of my duties or functions.

Signed at this day of 20

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Liloy National High School

Liloy, Zamboanga del Norte

Dear Participants,

You have been selected as one of the respondents in our research study entitled
"Starfruit Jam Preservation" that we currently conducting. There are no risk involved in participating the said
study. Participation is voluntary and the respondents has the right to terminate to answer the questionnaire.

Statement of Content

I have read the information above made by the researcher and I agree to participate in
the study and give permission for taking picture during the survey process.

Name and Signature of Participants: Date:

Name and Signature of Researcher: Date:

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region IX

Division of Zamboanga del Norte

Liloy National High School

Liloy, Zamboanga del Norte




Dear Sir,

Since the grade 12 TVL-A are currently taking a research study entitle "Starfruit Jam
Preservation" in Municipality of Liloy, we would like to ask your permission to allow the students to conduct a
survey with their selected respondents within and the school premises. This is it's partial fulfilment for the
requirements for subject practical research II S.Y. 2019-2020.

We are looking forward to you approval

Thank you for usual support and consideration.

Truly yours,

Name and Signature of Research Teacher


Name and Signature of Head

Approved by:

Name and Signature of Principal



Signature of Student


Signature above printed name


Signature above printed name


That I _________________________________ of legal age, Filipino and a resident of

_______________________________ after being duty swom in accordance with law here by agree and state.
That I hereby confirm the above waiver appearing in this instrument.


Signature of Parent/ Guardian

Subscribe and swom to before me this ___________ day of _______20_____ affiant exhibiting his/her
reaidence certificate no.___________________ issued at_______________on ________.


Administering Officer


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