Getting To Know Optovue's Wellness Exam
Getting To Know Optovue's Wellness Exam
Getting To Know Optovue's Wellness Exam
The Optovue Wellness Exam gives you an opportunity to Retinal thickness and GCC thickness are compared to Optovue’s normative database, which
acquire a snapshot of the health of the posterior pole prior includes 458 ethnically-diverse subjects, making it the largest FDA-cleared normative database
of all commercially-available OCT systems*.
to sitting down with the patient for the examination. It also
provides the patient with take-home information to help them
understand their ocular status. There are four key components
of the Wellness report:
1. B-Scans
The Wellness Exam was designed to be an assessment tool
2. Full Retinal Thickness Maps
that can reveal the need for more extensive imaging. It also
3. ETDRS Zone Diagram of
streamlines the exam process by quickly confirming normal—or Retinal Thickness
helping you more efficiently diagnose pathology. 4. GCC Thickness Maps
The Optovue Wellness Exam gives you an opportunity to Retinal thickness and GCC thickness are compared to Optovue’s normative database, which
acquire a snapshot of the health of the posterior pole prior includes 458 ethnically-diverse subjects, making it the largest FDA-cleared normative database
of all commercially-available OCT systems*.
to sitting down with the patient for the examination. It also
provides the patient with take-home information to help them
understand their ocular status. There are four key components
of the Wellness report:
1. B-Scans
The Wellness Exam was designed to be an assessment tool
2. Full Retinal Thickness Maps
that can reveal the need for more extensive imaging. It also
3. ETDRS Zone Diagram of
streamlines the exam process by quickly confirming normal—or Retinal Thickness
helping you more efficiently diagnose pathology. 4. GCC Thickness Maps
The presence of any alteration of structure may indicate the need for further
retinal assessment.
1 2
Figure 3:
Horizontal and Vertical
Figure 1:
Individual Eye Report 3
(iVue and iScan) 1. Horizontal B-scan
2. Vertical B-scan
3. Horizontal B-scans
The presence of any alteration of structure may indicate the need for further
retinal assessment.
1 2
Figure 3:
Horizontal and Vertical
Figure 1:
Individual Eye Report 3
(iVue and iScan) 1. Horizontal B-scan
2. Vertical B-scan
3. Horizontal B-scans
Figure 5: Figure 7:
Retinal thickness map GCC thickness map
Average Thickness μm
> 99% Total 76 Within
95%-99% Superior 70 Normal
5%-95% Figure 6:
T 261 343 357 321 286 N Figure 8: Inferior 81 Borderline
1%-5% Modified ETDRS
GCC parameter chart Superior - Inferior -11 Outside
<1% 332 zone diagram
FLV (%) 7.978 Normal
GLV (%) 15.88
1. Zhang X et al. for the AIG Study Group. Predicting development of glaucomatous VF conversion using baseline FD-OCT Am J Ophthalm 2016; 163:29
Retinal Thickness Maps GCC Thickness Maps
The retinal thickness map (Figure 5) allows you to analyze The GCC thickness map (Figure 7) gives you an assessment of the GCC thickness, which is an
retinal thickness and quantify areas of elevation and depression important predictor of optic nerve disease conversion.1 Color-coding helps you identify how the patient’s
from the corresponding horizontal B-scans. Color-coding helps you thickness values compare to the average thickness values of the patients in the normative database*.
identify how the patient’s thickness values compare to the average Green indicates areas of normal thickness
thickness values of the patients in the normative database*. Yellow indicates possible thinning
The modified ETDRS Zone Diagram (Figure 6) shows average retinal Red indicates areas that are thinner than 99% of NDB
thickness by zone as compared to the normative database. The GCC parameter chart (Figure 8) provides average thickness values for the entire GCC, the superior
Green indicates areas of normal thickness and inferior hemispheres, and a comparison of the superior thickness to inferior thickness.
Yellow indicates possible thickening This chart also gives you the values for focal loss volume (FLV%) and global loss volume (GLV%), which
Red indicates areas that are thicker than 99% of NDB increase the sensitivity and specificity of the GCC analysis to help you identify suspected optic nerve
Blue indicates areas of possible thinning head disease.1
Dark blue indicates areas that are thinner than 99% of NDB
Any variations in the thickness that are corroborated by the line scans may • FLV% detects isolated pockets of thinning in the ganglion cell layer
indicate the need for more in-depth retinal assessment. • GLV% measures the average amount of GCC loss over the entire GCC map
Figure 5: Figure 7:
Retinal thickness map GCC thickness map
Average Thickness μm
> 99% Total 76 Within
95%-99% Superior 70 Normal
5%-95% Figure 6:
T 261 343 357 321 286 N Figure 8: Inferior 81 Borderline
1%-5% Modified ETDRS
GCC parameter chart Superior - Inferior -11 Outside
<1% 332 zone diagram
FLV (%) 7.978 Normal
GLV (%) 15.88
1. Zhang X et al. for the AIG Study Group. Predicting development of glaucomatous VF conversion using baseline FD-OCT Am J Ophthalm 2016; 163:29
Optovue is committed to your success with OCT
• Exclusive Wellness scan provides an additional revenue
stream to offset the cost of your OCT system
• Wellness Practice Optimization Kit provides
implementation support
• Optovue Academy clinical education programs offer
valuable resources on for expanding your knowledge of
OCT interpretation