Shalini Bba Ca
Shalini Bba Ca
Shalini Bba Ca
Aswini is one of India’s leading consumer product company in personal care& health
care segment with a heritage of the 21 years. We believe in leveraging the power of nature to
create product which are pure and deliver high quality benefits.
At aswini, we work to create a better future every day and help people nature to million
of household already, there by making a positive change to lives. Aswini hair oil and aswini
amls shampoo are the best herbal hair products available with us. Improves blood circulation
to the hair roots there by stops hair fall and promotes hair growth. Also controls dandruff,
removes headache, induces goo sleep and maintains natural colour of the hair.
Aswini homeo Arnica hair oil popularly know as aswini hair oil is a medicinical oil
which has to be used on the skill. Since its launch in Andhra prdesh in the year 1991, the sales
of the in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil nadu and Karnataka. The magical performance of the product
had created overwhelming response in the southern India and soon opinion and enquiries
started floding in from various concerns of the country and even outside.
As per the Indian standard, The hair oil should be packed in eco-friendly suitable well
closed containers, not exceeding pack size of 1 kg 1 litter, and containers should not have
deleierious effect on the product. Dabour Sanson Alma, Himalaya Herbal, KeoKarpin and
Cantharidine had tamper proof packaging hence got full score. Bajaj Almond Drops was
packed in a glass bottle.
All the brands were lebeled properly with the Indian standard labeling requirements but
Bajaj Almond Drops, Himalaya Herbals, Navratna and can tharidine did not give the exact
quantity of critical ingredients as require in the national standards. None of the brand had
standard marking.
The Study of Consumer Behavior
The study of consumer behavior is the study of how individuals make decision to spent
their available resources (time ,money, effort) on consumption related item. It includes the
study of what they buy it, Where they buy it, how often they it, and how often they use it. The
study focuses on how and why consumers make decision to buy goods and services. Consumer
behaviors that consumer display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing
of product and services that they expect will satisfy their needs.
In addition to studying consumer used and post purchase evaluation of the products
they buy. Consumer researchers also are interested in how individuals dispose of their once
new purchase. The study of consumer behavior enables marketers to understand and predict
consumer behavior in market place; it also promotes to understanding of the role that the
products hold for consumer.
Consumer research takes place of the consumption process; before the purchase, during
the purchase, and after the purchase. Consumer behavior is interdisciplinary; that is, it based
on concepts and theories about people that have been developed by scientists in such diverse
disciplines as psychology, social psychology, culture anthropology, and economic. Consumer
research is the methodology used to study consumer. Consumer research designed to
understand consumption behavior is called inter pretivism.
Consumer behavior has becomes an integral part of strategic market planning. The
belief that ethics and social responsibility should also de integral components of very
marketing concept-which calls on marketers to fulfil the of their target marketers in ways that
improve society as a whole.
Problem of the study
The relevance and importance of understanding consumer behavior is rooted in the
modern marketing concept. In order to operation this concept, management attempts to solve
some consumption problems of consumers. However, no businessman can possibly help
consumer to solve their consumption problem unless he understand them and sunless he makes
and attempt to comprehend the buying process and the factors influencing it. Consumer
behavior is dynamic. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously study, analyse and understand
it and monitor this understanding to the marketing management so the effective decision can
be taken respect of products, price, promotion and distribution.
To study the factors their influence the customer to buy the product.
To study the satisfaction level of the respondent about the ASWINI HAIR OIL.
Research Methodology
Research methodology is a way to solve the research problem. It may as a science of
studying for very study there should be a well defined objectives methodology which have to
be followed.
Research Design
Research design are simply the frame work (or) plan for study that provides guideline
for collection and analysis of data, the study attempts to known about, that consumer behavior
activities. The research design in concerned with describing the characterstics of particular
individual of group study concerned with research design adopted for the study is descriptive
study. Primary data has been used in this study.
Source of data
Primary have been collected from the sample customer in gudalur town Niligiris
Districk. The review of literature had been collected from the books, webside and report.
Data collection
The task of data collection design after a research problem has been defined and
research design, plan drake out.
Primary data
Secondary data
Primary data
In this data study the primary data is collected through structural questionnaires.
Secondary data
The secondary data are those have been collected by someone else and which have
been passed through the sarisfied process. In the research study secondary data are collected
through journals and websites.
Sampling designing
All the details connected with two sampling process from determination of sample
size down to the collection of data.
Sampling size
Using convenient sampling 80 customers were selected for the study.
Limitation of study
A detailed study cannot be done due to time constrains.
Chapter Scheme
The first chapter deals with introduction, problem of the study, objective of the
study, area of the study and chapter persent of literature.
The second chapter present of literature.
Third Chapter reveals the profit of the company.
Chapter fourth contains the Analysis and interpretations of data in the form of
table and chart.
The final chapter present the finding of the study and offer a few suggestion and
To reassure consumer, there are standards and regulation in place, and government
authorities overseeing, they are implemented. There is a mandate that for testing products,
NABL laboratories should be used. These laboratories are also set up and regulated by the
govt, so they mostly have facilities to test only what the standard mandate. The manufactures
setup standards for themselves to follow the parameters which can be tested. Consumer is
given are port that says ‘all is well’. Most brands pass all the but the product developed and
marketed is far from the real story, which most time, is not even reflected in the tests, unless
one digs hads! Take hair oil, Indians have a tradition where long tresses are nurtured half and
coconut in the rest of India, both nutritionally rich and loaded with medicinal and curatine
properties both are not available in their pure from as hair oil anymore. Indian tresses have
long been oiled and cared for with these oils but now more. Hair care products now floods the
market, giving consumer choices which do nothing for them, expect provide solutions for the
problems created by the same market! These level consumers to choose between the devil and
the deep sea.
Knowledge management
Managing knowledge efficiently and effectively ic considered core competence for
organizations to survice in the long run. The capability of leverage their knowledge resources
seem to be one of the most important parameters from the strategic perpective. Nevertheless,
the evolution and implementation of knowledge management (KM0 is still in is infancy in
turkey, leading to the difficulty in comprehensive and application KM frame wok for
organization in Turkey.
This study analysis KM implementation in a local natural gas distributors and aims to
clarify basic KM processes and there comparative affect on KM performance.
The main purpose of this study is to disclose the processes of KM and figure our the
relationship betweenthese processes and the KM performance based on the data collected
from IZZGAZ in Turkey.
This study aims to cinstruct a useful KM model for scholars and practitioners regarding the
three main processes. The finding of the study emphasize the importance of knowledge
sharing and distribution particularly for organization in the services sectors. The risk of
knowledge economy and the socio-economic transformation of societies have resulted in
knowledge being the fundamental means for means of wealth and prosperity (Drucker, 1993;
Hope and Hope 1997; Boozbura, 2007). From a business perspective, knowledge seems to be
key factors for an organizations success in the long run (Mansell and when, 1998; desouza and
Awazu, 2006) applications (Marques and Simon. 2006, park and kim, 2006) and rich literature
support the belief that knowledge managemet(KM) plays a significan role in the managing
business successfully(Cortes, etc.Al.,2007); the nature of knowledge effectively. In this study,
the concept of KM is analyzed in terms of its process. Hence, the main purpose of this study,
is to compose a useful and comprehensive model for KM in terms of its core processes and
analyze the empirical evidence regarding these on KM performance, based on data collected
from IZGAZ in turkey.
Customer speak
Research has proven the efficacy of Aswini homeo Armika hair oil. Samples of Aswini
hemeo arnica hair oil were given to people suffering from hair fall & dandruff problem. After
45 use the were asked about the performance of the product.
The verdict was as follows:
Aswini home Arnika Hair Oil Very Much Satisfied Not Satisfied
Performance appraisal
“it is a semantic evaluation of and individual with resptect performance of the job and
individual’s potential for development”. Reasons and measures of future performance “it is
formal, structured system of measuring, evaluating job related behaviours and out comes to
discover reasons of performance and how to perform effectively in future so that employee,
Organization and society all benefits”. The performance is measured against such factors as
job knowledge, quality and quantity of output, initiative, leadership ablilities, supervision,
dependability, co-opration, judgement, versatility and health. The secount defition is more
focused on behavious as a part of assessment because behaviours do affect jop result.
This study aims to construct a useful KM model for scholars and practitioners regarding
the three main processes. The finding of the study emphasize the importance of knowledge
sharing and distribution particularly for organization in the services sectors. The risk of
knowledge economy and the socio-economic transformation of transformation of societies
have resulted in knowledge being the fundamental means of wealth and prosperity
(Drucker,)1993; Hope and Hope 1997; Boozbura, 2007). From a business perspective,
knowledge seems to be key factors for an organization success in the long run (Mansell and
when, 1998;
Stewart , 2001; tat and hase, 2007). A variety of case studies, (Cortes, et.Al.,2007;Eppler and
Burkhart,2007;desouza and Awazu,2006)applications (Marques and Simon,2006,park and
kim,2006)and rich literature support the belief that knowledge management(KM) plays a
significant role in the managing business successfully (Cortes, et.Al.,2007); the nature of
knowledge effectively. In this study, the concept of KM is analyzed in term of its process.
Hence , The main purpose of this study is to compose a useful and comprehensive model for
KM in terms of its core processes and analyze the empirical evidence regarding these processes
on KM performance, based on data collected from IZGAZ in turkey.
Customer speak
Research has proven the efficacy Aswini hair oil. Samples of Aswini hemeo arnica hair
oil were fien to people suffering from hair fall& dandruff problem. After 45 uses they were
asked about the performance of the product.
History of Aswini Hair Oil
Aswini is one of india’s leading consumer products company in personal care&health care
segment with a heritage of 21 years. We belive in leveraging the power of nature to create
products which are or pure and deliver high quality benefits. At aswini, we work to create a
better future every day and help people experience good health and feel beautiful. Aswini is
bringing solution from nature to millions of householders already thereby making a positive
change to lives. Aswini Homeo Arnica hair oil popularly known as Aswini hair oil is a
medicinal oil which has to be used on to the skull. Sience the its launch in Andra Pradesh in
the year 1991, the sales of the produt has recorded steady growth. In 1994 Aswini hair oil
acquired the highest market share in Andra Pradesh, Tamilnadu and Karnataka the magical
performance of the product had created overwhelming response in the southern Indian and
soon opinions and enquines started flooding in from various concern of the country and even
outside. The oriduct uses pure coconut oil as its basis.
The coconut oil used is extracted from the best quality copra available in Aleppey district
in Kerla. Next the oil is enriched with variety of medical herbs eminently suired for hair
problems. The three main medicines used are ARNICA, CANTJARIS&CINCONA. All the
three medicines has its own district advantages. Apart from that a perfect combination of all
three gives rise to the active 3 growth formula-the slogan used to position the product. The
unique formulation of this oil was made by an eminent homeopath doctor which later created
waves in the hair oil market. As previously told efficacy of the product lies mainly with its
three most important medicines namely ARNICA which improves the blood circulation to hair
roots. This in turn prevents hair fall and promotes hair growth CANTHARIS enriches the
scalp with nutrients which helps to cure and control dandruff CINCONA is a natural scalp
coolant, relieves headache and ensure sound sleep. The combined effect of all these and
pilocarpine prevents premature graying of the hair oil has to be directly massaged on to the
scalp for best resulting overnight. The benefits of the hair oil are many.
The key benefits include
Controls hair fall
Prevents dandruff
Prevents premature graying
Ensure sound sleep
Keeps scalp cool
Relieves headache
Direction to use
Message with finger tips slowly on to your scalp in a circular motion.
Leave it overnight or at least 2-3 hours for better results.
Use shampoo at least 2 to 3 times in a week to wash out the oil residue on the
scalp. Results may vary from person to person but you may start expecting
Company profile
Aswini is a 12 year old and one of the leading business group based at Hyderhad Andhra
Pradesh, India, Dealing with a range of Homeopthic Ayurvedic product. The Aswini which
is manufacturing “Homeo products”. Aswini launched its first product Aswini Hair Oil in
1991, and become a leader in hair oil market. After us success Aswini lunched other
producted like, subhra herbal bath powder, apoorva coconut oil, Hirman Muscle oil and
Adithya Health tooth powder etc., they also got tremendous response and Aswini become a
leading player in respective markets and captured considerable market share.
To launch its product world wide within the coming 10 years.
To become all india products before the end if forth coming financial years.
Currently selling more than one million bootles only in A.P
Ranks 1st in india in medicated hair oil.
Ranks 1st in south Indian (Andhra Pradesh, Tamil nadu& Karnatka)
any hair oil catagerories.
A strong work force with a term strength of over 50 marketing
Future plans
I we have grand plans for the future and are working vigorously to realize our dreams.
Aswini plans to achieve following goals in near future.
1st year:
Increase our geographical presence to pan-India, covering more stafes.
2nd year:
Launching more innovative products with innovative packaging.
3rd year:
Venture out into greater Indian sub-continent.
4th year:
More focus on advertisement& promotions.
5th year:
Launch product for western market.
Product details:
2006-Launch of aswini hair oil in Andman& nicobar island and Orissa.
Success become leading medicated hair oil brand in both in both states.
2000-03 record sales growth for Aswini hair oil of more 400% in south India. Aswini
regains its lost position i.e.the no. 1 position.
Pushes back leading brands far behind, achieves all time record sales and become the
highest selling medicated hair oil in India with presence just 3 states.
Analysis and interpretation are the central steps in the research process. Analysis of data
studying the tabulated in order to determine inherent facts or meaning. It involves breaking
down complex into simpler units.
Interpretation refers to the tasks of drawing inference from the collected fact which the
factors that seem to explain what has been observed by researcher in the course to the study
can be better understand and also provides a theoretical conception, which can serve as a guide
for further research.
Section one of this chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of data and information
collected from 80 respondents. The information from the respondents of the gudalur town was
discussed in the section two. And in the section the research of statistical analysis were
Gender wise classification of the Respondents.
In global area, there is no discrimination based on sex. Women are given equal power,
equal states in all the endeavor of their life for the study, sex of the respondent have been
classification into two categories namely male female.
Table 4.1
1 Male 10 12.5
2 Female 70 87.5
Total 80 100
Table 4.1
Gender wise classification of Respondent
Classification of the Respondent by Age Group
Age is an important factor in decision making on any issue particular on consumption
of certain products in their analysis, we have made four categories these categories are below
20, 21-30, 31-40 and above 40.
Table 4.2
Classification of the Respondent by Age Group
1 Below 20 25 31.25
2 21-30 42 52.5
3 31-40 7 8.75
4 Above 40 6 7.5
Total 80 100
Table 4.2
Classification of the Respondent by Age Group
Education Qualification of the Respondents.
Education is one of the important factors of develop knowledge and awareness the common
man. It sharpens qualification of the individual and makes much clever person in decision
making. The education qualification of the respondents is taking into this study so as to know
the fathom of knowledge with the respondent with reference to their education qualification.
Table 4.3
Educational Qualification of the Respondent
S. No Education qualification No. of Respondent percentage
1 SSLC 8 10
2 HSC 15 18.75
3 DEGREE 40 50
4 OTHER 17 21.25
Total 80 100
Table 4.3
Educational Qualification of the Respondent
Classification of the Respondents by Occupation
Respondent occupation is to decide the level of satisfaction in different place of working
environment for this purpose respondent occupation was studies under 4 categories.
Table 4.4
Classification of the respondent by their Occupation
1 Government 8 10
3 Business 10 12.25
4 Other 47 58.75
Total 80 100
Table 4.4
Classification of the respondent by their Occupation
Respondent monthly income
Income is the major source of happy life the earning capacity of an individual determines
the life style of an individual based on their earning capacity their selection purchasing id
Table 4.5
Responded Monthly Income
1 Below 5000 20 25
2 5001-10000 27 33.75
3 10001-15000 25 31.25
4 15000 8 10
Total 80 100
Table 4.5
Respondent Monthly Income
Respondent Marital States
Marriage is auspicious functions in every human life married people are give a special
recognition in the society. The style of purchasing increased after the married life. In this, the
marital status has been classified into two categories. Married and Unmarried.
Table 4.6
Respondent Marital Status
1 Married 20 25
2 Unmarried 60 75
Total 80 100
Table 4.6
Respondent Marital Status
Nature of Family
Natures of family many identify the purchase level of products for his purpose of this study.
Nature of Family has been classified into two, such as Nader family and Joint family.
Table 4.7
Nature of Family
1 Nuclear 35 43.5
Total 80 100
Table 4.7
Nature of Family
Number of Family Members
It shows a structured from of total number of person in the respondent family. It brings our
the total figure of the member are in the families are in the families of aswini hair oil.
Table 4.8
Number of Family Member
1 Up to 3 5 6.25
2 3-4 26 32.5
3 4-5 20 25
4 Above 5 29 36.25
Total 80 100
Table 4.8
Number of Family Member
Table 4.9
Aware of aswini hair oil
1 Yes 60 75
2 No 25 25
Total 80 100
Table 4.9
Aware of aswini hair oil
Table 4.10
Source of Information
1 Friends 16 20
2 Advertisement 40 50
3 Family member 16 20
4 Other 8 10
Total 80 100
Table 4.10
Source on information
Period of Usage
In this session its shows the using period of the parachute hair oil. It may
find out the frequency of parachute hair oil.
Table 4.11
Period of using the Aswini hair oil
2 6 month 27 33.75
3 9 month 11 13.75
Total 80 100
Table 4.11
Period of using the Aswini hair oil
Table 4.12
Opinion above the Quality of the oil
3 Best quality 40 50
4 Lower quality 20 25
Total 80 100
Table 4.12
Opinion above the Quality of the oil
Table 4.13
Purchase Frequency
2 Monthly 30 37.5
3 3 month 26 32.5
Total 80 100
Table 4.13
Purchase Frequency
Table 4.14
Place of Purchase
1 Medical 10 12.5
2 Fancy 40 50
3 Department shop 24 30
4 Other 6 7.5
Total 80 100
Table 4.15
Monthly Spend
1 Below 35 17 21.25
2 35-60 10 12
3 61-100 29 36.25
4 Above 100 24 30
Total 80 100
Table 4.16
Content of Purchase
1 Below 50 ml 5 6.25
2 100 ml 14 17.5
3 250 ml 37 46.25
4 Above 500 ml 24 30
Total 80 100
Table 4.16
Content of Purchase
Table 4.17
Using this Product Feel
3 Other 21 26.25
Total 80 100
Table 4.18
Satisfied use this oil
1 Yes 75 93.75
2 No 5 6.25
Total 80 100
Table 4.18
Satisfied use this oil
Table 4.19
Opinion about the Price
1 Satisfied 60 75
2 Dissatisfied 14 17.5
3 Highly satisfied 4 5
Total 80 100
Table 4.19
Opinion about the price
Table 4.20
Classification of usage pattern
1 Once 47 58.75
2 Twice 33 41.25
Total 80 100
Table 4.20
Classification of usage pattern
Table 4.21
Respondent of changing idea
1 Yes 25 31.25
2 No 55 68.75
Total 80 100
Table 4.22
Including of ingreadiance
4 Other 55 68.75
Total 80 100
Table 4.23
Opinion about packing of the brand
1 Satisfied 50 62.5
2 Dissatisfied 22 27.5
Total 80 100
Table 4.23
Opinion about packing of the brand
31.25% of the respondent are the monthly buy many 61-100. 35% of
the respondent are above 100. 25% of the respondent are below 35.
8.25% of the respondent is 35 to 60.
46.25% of the respondent of the member purchase are 250ml. 30% of
the respondent are purchase above 500ml. 17.5% of the respondent are
100ml. 6.25% respondent are below 50ml.
41.25% of the respondent are the feeling with prevent of hair falling.
32.5% of the respondent are dandruff reduce. 26.25% if the respondent
are other.
50% of the respondent of difference quality. 27.5% of the respondent
are brand.505 of the respondent are price. 7.5% of the respondent
93.75% of the respondent person yes. 6.25% of the respondent person
75% of the respondent satisfied. 17.5% of the respondent are
dissatisfied. 2.5% of the respondent highly dissatisfied. 5% of the
respondent highly satisfied.
63.7% of the respondent are using once time. 36.25% of the
respondent are using twice.
56.25% of the respondent are including ingrediance in hair oil arnica
cinchona. 18.75% of the respondent is gooseberry. 3.75% of the
respondent others.
62.5% of the respondent are satisfied. 6.25% of the respondent are
highly satisfied. 27.5% of the respondent are dissatisfied. 3.75% of the
respondent highly dissatisfied.
The following are major expectation and suggestion recommended by consumer the
increase the satisfaction of their aswini hair oil.
In the research if was found that, customer prefer the aswini hair variants. The customers
are satisfied with the hair oil. Indian customers are more prices conscious are more in the
media. The aswini oil giants should play safe to retain their current customer. India traditions
run deep. Within home preparations and saving habit still flavor time honoured ways.
But the Indian customer are trasition, Indians are enjoying the modern consumerism.
Customers behavior in Indian varies from look and comer. Mostly the consumer activity can
be a hereditary process. In case aswini hair oil is fell before market and had reached to all
corners. Easy to spell, easy to get, the tradition once again taken advantage with the hereditary.
1. Name of the respondent ………………………..
2. Address ………………………………………………...
3. Gender …………….. a) male b) female
4. Age …………….. a) Below 20 b) 21 to 30 c) 31 to 40 d) above 40
5. Education Qualification
a)SSLC b) HSC c) DEGREE d) Other
6. Occupation.
a)Government b) Private sectors c) Business d) Others
7. Monthly Income.
a)Below Rs.5000 b) Rs.5001 to 10000 c) Rs.10001 to 15000 d) Above
8. Marital status.
a) Married b) Un married
9. Nature of family.
a) Nuclear family b) joint family.
10. Number of family member.
a) Up to 3 b) 3-4 c) 4-5 d) Above 5
11. Do you aware of Aswini Hair oil.a)
a)Yes b) No
12. If yes aware through.
a) Friends b) Advertisement c) Family member d) Others
13. Period of using the Aswini hair oil.
a) Below 3 months b) 6 months c) 9 months d) one year
14. Opinion about the quality of the oil.
a) Higher price b) lower price c) best quality d) Lower quality
15. What is the pattern of purchasing.
a) Below 15days b) 1 month c) 3 months d) Above 6 months
16. Where do you purchasing in Aswini hair oil.
a) Medical b) Fancy c) Department d) Other
17. How much do you spend per month for buy Aswini hair oil.
a) Below 35 b) 35-60 c) 61-100 d) Above 100
18. How much content oil you have purchased.
a) Below 50 ml b) 100 ml c) 250 ml d) 500 ml
19. How do you fell using this product.
a) It is prevent hair falling b) Drandraff reduce d) Other
20. Do you satisfied use this oil.
a) Yes b) No
21. Opinion Above the price on the Aswini hair oil.
a) Satisfied b) Dissatisfied c) Highly satisfied d) Highly dissatisfied
22. How many times use per day.
a) Once b) Twice
23. Do you have any idea of changing the present in oil.
a) Yes b) No
24. What are the increadiance are inclueding this hair oil.
a) Goosbery, hisbiscus b) curry life c) arni,cinconona d) Others
25. Opinion about the package of the Aswini hair oil.
a) Highly satisfied b) Dissatisfied c) Highly satisfied d) Highly satisfied