Entrepreneurship 1
Entrepreneurship 1
Entrepreneurship 1
2. Mr. Santos has the ability to think new ideas and new ways of doing things.
a. Innovative c. Positive thinker
b. Hardworking d. Decision-maker
3. At this stage of product life cycle cash flow is starting to pick up and sales revenue is at
its peak.
a. Introductory phase c. Maturity phase
b. Growth phase d. Decline phase
4. Cost of production represents the payment for the factors of production. Which of the
following concepts is least considered?
a. Producers must choose productive resources which are abundant in supply.
b. It is better to produce the components than to buy.
c. It is always advisable to get back up supplies even if the current supplies are
d. When total revenue is greater than total cost produce more.
8. All of the following are the things a company should do to achieve stellar customer
service and satisfaction EXCEPT?
a. Listen to customers with the help of suggestion boxes, focus, groups, surveys, and
other foods.
b. Define what “superior service” means so that customers and employees know exactly
what to expect and what to provide.
c. Hire friendly, courteous sales and representatives.
d. Use state to the art of technology to provide better customer service.
9. Which of the following is not an element of the marketing mix?
a. Price c. Place
b. Profit d. People
10. When an entrepreneur introduces to achieve his goal and meticulously assesses how
today activities contribute to the accomplishment of that goal, it shows the entrepreneur
a. Plan systematically c. Set high standard of quality and efficiency
b. Set clear and realistic goal d. Persistent initiator
12. If the supply of the rice increases a lot and nothing else changes, we can expect the price
of rice to?
a. Fall c. Rise, then fall
b. Rise d. Stay the same
13. Carla and Marina pass out flyers to advertise their baked goods business. By advertising,
they are hoping to increase the ________ for their baked goods.
a. Supply c. Capital goods
b. Demand d. Opportunity costs
14. What tells us how scare good or service is compared to other goods and services?
a. Price c. Supply
b. profit d. Opportunity cost
15. Most important factor in forming a new business aside from the capital is?
a. Finance c. Government support
b. Marketing d. Family support
16. Which of the following is the first step in the entrepreneurial process?
a. Developing successful business ideas
b. Deciding to become an entrepreneur
c. Growing the entrepreneurial firm
d. Moving from an idea to an entrepreneur venture
18. The first step in identifying market is to analyze data in the following areas EXCEPT?
a. Legal environment c. Religious environment
b. Political environment d. Industry environment
23. Advertising is one of widely used promotion. Which is not a form of advertising?
a. Billboard c. Newspaper clippings
b. Door to door selling d. Articles in magazine
24. What is used to monitor and control means that small business must?
a. Break-even analysis c. PERT
b. Inventory d. SWOT analysis
25. A product life cycle concept means that small business must?
a. Constantly involve in product motivation.
b. Trace demographic and psychographic trends carefully.
c. Create both place and time utility if they are to survive.
d. Use a market place and time utility strategy if they are to be successful.
27. Productivity is the effective creation of goods and services. Which of the following does
not encourage productivity?
a. More products are produced c. Good lightning, ventilation
b. Overtime pay d. Pressures from employer
28. Using the SWOT analysis, which does not belong to the group?
a. Availability of technology c. High price
b. Good quality service d. Insufficient fund
29. Which of the following rules of production that when it happens will stop the production?
a. TR is less than TC c. TC is equal to TR
b. TR is greater than TC d. TC is lesser than TR
31. A factor considered in setting the price that is characterized by the difference between the
cost price and the selling price of the goods.
a. Cost-oriented pricing c. Demand-oriented pricing
b. Competition based pricing d. Psychological pricing
32. Considered as the most important resource in the business?
a. Financial resource c. Human resource
b. Informational resource d. Material resource
34. Which of the following entrepreneurial problems pertains to problem of power supply
transportation and communication which can slow down the production and sales?
a. Marketing problem c. Managerial problem
b. Financial problem d. Problem relating to facilities
35. This aspect of feasibility looks into the various factors that can affect customer
satisfaction in terms of quality and quantity of the products.
a. Financial aspect c. Organizational aspect
b. Marketing aspect d. Technical aspect
36. “Kung walang tyaga, walang nilaga” is a popular Filipino saying extolling the virtue of?
a. Creativity c. Committed worker
b. Take calculated risk d. Persistence
40. Break-even is the level of sales volume where the sales receipts are equal to?
a. Total sales c. Total cost
b. Total profit d. Total capital
41. An entrepreneur uses different strategies and methods to check whether the activities are
being done on schedule, what management functions is this?
a. Directing c. Organizing
b. Planning d. Controlling
42. The following are the main source of sound idea for a new product EXCEPT?
a. Consumer c. Costumer
b. Former employees d. Government
44. This refers to any paid form of presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by
an identified sponsor.
a. Promotion c. Product display
b. Advertisement d. Product sel
45. It is the largest international organization whose sole responsibility is to develop
standards in the work place.
a. HACCP c. Halal
b. ISO d. TQM
46. Products refer to what the company sells. It must be tangible products or intangible, the
following are example of intangible EXCEPT?
a. Hospital care c. Auto repair service
b. Insurance d. Computer set
47. What is referred to as an aspect of management characterized by the men and women
employed that has to be kept productive and happy?
a. Finance c. Personnel
b. Marketing d. Production
48. The consumer is the individual who uses the product. The costumer on the other hand is
the person who?
a. Likes the product c. Gets the product
b. Patronize the product d. Buys the product
49. A/An ______ is an individual who undertakes the creation, organization, and ownership
of a business.
a. Consumer c. Entrepreneur
b. Entrepreneur d. Business owner
50. A characteristic of an entrepreneur who personally look for important data on clients and
supplies as well as competitors.
a. Goal setter c. Risk taker
b. Information seeker d. Persistent initiator