Presentation On Unit 2
Presentation On Unit 2
Presentation On Unit 2
Block I: Chapter 2
What is CRM?
• CRM is a philosophy and a business strategy supported by a
system and a technology designed to improve human
interactions in a business environment.
• —Paul Greenberg, CRM Magazine, October 2003
• CRM has been a program for externally facing operational
excellence. Once an organization develops a strategy and be
able to plan appropriate programs, applying the newly defined
or redefined processes and a well-chosen technology would
support your ability to manage those relationships
From CRM to CMR
• CMR is Customer-Managed Relationships and it can be
explained as “ CMR is our version of CRM-just a slight nuance
regarding our philosophy that our guest invite us into their
lives and ultimately manage our presence/relationship with
• It is quoted by Disney Destinations.
Social CRM
• Social CRM is a philosophy and a business strategy, supported
by a technology platform, business rules, processes, and social
characteristics, designed to engage the customer in a
collaborative conversation in order to provide mutually
beneficial value in a trusted and transparent business
environment. It’s the company’s response to the customer’s
ownership of the conversation.
Difference between Traditional CRM and Social CRM
Identity and
Presence Actions Sharing
Collaboration Context.
Social CRM & VRM
Traditional CRM
VRM is about creating
systems typically
mutually beneficial
address three touch
relationships between
points with customers:
customers and
marketing , sales, and
• A stellar model for this point of view was put forth by Doc
Searls in blog entry. In this post, he notes that there are three
levels of interaction:
– Transaction
– Conversation
– Relationship