Starcadia Quest Core Rules v1.0
Starcadia Quest Core Rules v1.0
Starcadia Quest Core Rules v1.0
A thousand years ago, citizens of The World launched federation of planets allied for mutual defense,
their first QTL-capable starship. Its Quicker-Than-Light assistance, and general goodwill. In time, their member
drive instantly hurled it across the vast gulf between worlds expanded to include swampy Glomp, spectacular
the stars, and found itself orbiting a frigid, snowy world. Melodram, and the easily impressed people of Amaze-
The crew scanned the snowball, and found: People! onia. Today, from the wild Frontier to The World itself,
the Starcadian Alliance keeps the spaceways safe and
Citizens of Baccahlanche welcomed the Worldians with stable, owing its thanks to the Navy, Marines, and
celebrations, bobsledding, and ice cream! (Lots and lots Expeditionary Corps.
of ice cream, which is pretty much the only food available
on Baccahlanche.) The Worldians introduced the woolly And all was right with the Galaxy!
Baccahlanchians to movies, hair brushes, and Taco
Tuesdays (a delicious, if somewhat odoriferous, weekly … For a time.
celebration of the finest food ever invented).
Rising through the Navy’s ranks with a record-shattering
The two civilizations became instant friends, and promotion every week was the man who would shake the
together founded the Starcadian Alliance, a loose Alliance to its very core: Supreme Commander Thorne.
Supreme Commander Thorne imposed a series of Now, at the edge of known space, on the machine world
reforms in the Navy to reduce such inconsistencies of Teklawn, Supreme Commander Thorne masses his
to zero. All officers would receive their tactical plans fleets to strike back at the very Alliance which cast
direct from Supreme Commander Thorne. All crewmen him aside to bring them order and timing, all for their
would go about their duties as ordered by Supreme own good, of course. A new Empire shall be formed,
Commander Thorne’s master schedule, extended to with Supreme Commander Thorne at its head. His fleet
cover time on-duty, off-duty, and even on shore leave. of precisely 1337 ships (a number not even the most
Nothing was left to chance, from logistics trains to fire- elite of strategists can fathom) will sweep aside the
control calibrations, right down to how many times one Starcadian Navy, and deal with their pesky Freelancers
chewed their tacos and what flavor of ice cream they according to a timetable of Supreme Commander
should order on leave. (Vanilla. Always. Chocolate and Thorne’s personal design!
strawberry are too unpredictable, obviously, and don’t
even think about slurping it down quickly, or you’ll have Order shall come to the galaxy under his steely, glowing
a court-martial in addition to your ice cream headache.) red gaze!
Such measures may have seemed harsh, overbearing, We shall now indulge in megalomaniacal laughter for
micro-managing, dictatorial, dogmatic, stuffy, precisely 5.42 seconds! Muahaha! Muahahaa!
oppressive, and even a teensey-tiny bit bossy. But they
got results, precisely as Supreme Commander Thorne MAUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!
had foreseen.
2A 2B
3A 3B 3C
The players now have to carefully pick the 2 Heroes that
will defend their Crew throughout the campaign. Having
the right team can be a decisive factor in the upcoming
adventures. The players look through the Hero cards
and each chooses 2 of them to form their Crew.
Once players are more familiarized with the
game and each Hero’s capabilities, they may
want to pick their Heroes in a more structured
fashion. If all players agree, they can choose
their Starcadia Quest Heroes at the start of a
campaign by using the drafting method. Place
all Hero cards faceup at the center of the table.
Then, starting with the first player, players will
pick 1 Hero from the cards shown, in clockwise
order until it reaches the last player. Once the last
player picks their first Hero, they pick another
one and in counterclockwise order players will
pick their last hero in order to finish their crew.
Any remaining Hero cards are removed from
the game and returned to the box.
Before starting the campaign, each Crew receives 7 Hero can only use the tokens in their inventory, not the
Upgrade tokens from the Starter Deck (see Upgrades on tokens of the entire Crew. Return any unused Upgrade
page 26) as starting equipment: Pulse Blade, Repeater tokens to the game box.
Pistol, Blaster Rifle, Iron Fists, Red Dot Sight, Kitty
Primed and Red Shirt. Each player can distribute their 7 Example: The player controlling the Red Crew has chosen
Upgrade tokens among their 2 Heroes in any way they Edge and Hannah Lone as their Heroes. They decide to
choose. give their Pulse Blade, Iron Fists and Red Shirt to Edge,
and their Repeater Pistol, Blaster Rifle, Kitty Primed, and
On the Crew Dashboard, each Hero has an inventory Red Dot Sight to Hannah.
of 6 Upgrade slots, located under their Hero card. Each
cenario Number: The order in which the Scenario
appears in the campaign.
ile Placement: Indicates the amount of tiles and Gadgets – There are 3 types of Gadgets that Heroes
how to position them. (Some tiles display the number can collect while exploring: Stimpack, Hoverboard, and
sideways to indicate that their orientation is different Recharge tokens. Place the corresponding Gadgets in
from the others.) the printed indications on the Tiles (if any).
ules: This area lists any setup and special rules for
the Scenario.
rder: Indicates quantity and order of Quest cards
that the Scenario is comprised of. Victory Tokens – In addition
to Gadgets, some tiles may
G - Monster Designation: Indicates both the Class of also have printed indications
Monster (Trooper, Officer, or Villain) and which specific for Victory tokens. Place 1
Rank position it occupies on the Monster Dashboard. Victory token in each.
Once all the setup has been executed, your gaming table
should look like the picture below. You are now ready to
start your adventure!
• ACTIVATE a Hero.
Example: The green Spaces and any Each turn, the player can only do one or the other, never
characters in them are considered to be Close both. After either activating a Hero of Resting their
to Digits, while the red Spaces are not. Crew, the player must then draw the topmost card
from the Event deck and play it.
• Use a Portal.
Moving one Space means taking the active Character A: 1 - Move one Space; 2 - Move one Space across an
from its current Space to one of the 4 Close spaces Open Door; 3 - Use a Portal to go to a different part of the
that share an edge with it. Diagonal Movement is not board; 4 - Move one Space.
allowed. If there is a wall or a closed door between B: 1 - Move one Space; 2 - Flip a Door to its Open side;
the Character and the Space they wish to enter, that 3 - Move one Space across the now Open Door.
Movement is not possible.
Each room has 4 Hatches in its outer walls. Hatches
that line up against other Hatches connect the Tile to
an adjacent Tile, allowing Characters to Move and draw
Line of Sight through them. When a Hatch meets a wall,
neither Movement or Line of Sight are allowed.
Portals allow Characters to teleport over large distances
very quickly during their Movement. A Character standing
in a Space that contains a Portal (whether printed on C: 1 - Flip a Door to its Open side; 2 - Move one Space
the board or a token) can spend one Movement point to across the now Open Door; 3 - Flip the door back closed.
There is no “Monster turn” in the game. However, the
Monsters lurking around the station are voracious and
can be activated in 3 manners:
• by an Event card
• by a Guard Reaction
• by a Payback Reaction
A Monster’s Attack follows most of the same rules
as a Hero’s Attack. Since all of a Monster’s Attack
information is contained on the Monster card and
Monster Dashboard, they don’t exhaust any tokens to
perform an Attack and are always ready for combat.
Monsters can perform either Melee or Ranged Attacks
and are subjected to the same rules for proximity and B C
Line of Sight in order to be executed just like a Hero’s
Attack, that also includes any Abilities the Monster
may have. A Monster’s Attack is executed by the active
player (when activated by Event cards) or by the player
to the right of the active player (when triggering Guard
or Payback Reactions).
Each Scenario includes a number of Quests that the In addition, players check the amount of Victory tokens
Heroes must accomplish in order to be victorious. The they have earned so far. For every milestone of 7 Victory
specific Quest cards for each Scenario are listed in their tokens reached, the player earns a Badge. Previously
description, and they’re divided into two kinds: Player reached milestones do not grant additional Badges at
vs. Player (PvP) and Player vs. Environment (PvE). the end of future Scenarios. Badges are tracked on the
PvP Quests relate to defeating enemy Heroes of the Campaign Sheet (see Campaign Sheet on page 29).
competing Crews. PvE Quests are specific feats related
to the Scenario at hand, such as defeating Monsters or
performing a specific task. During a Scenario, as soon
as a player accomplishes the task described in one of
the Quest cards, they fulfill that Quest. Turn that Quest
card facedown to mark its completion. Each Quest
can only be fulfilled a single time per Scenario. Note
that PvE Quests must be resolved in order: a player During their adventures, heroes accomplish many
cannot resolve Quest card 2 until Quest card 1 has been deeds that earn them not only renown, but also wealth
completed and so on. and power. They gather Victory tokens for their Crew
that will help them acquire new equipment, weapons
When playing Scenario 4 of branching campaigns, the and abilities to help them in their ongoing campaign. A
first Quest is determined by the last Scenario completed. player’s Crew can earn Victory tokens in several ways:
For example, if the last Scenario completed was 3B, the
first Quest in Scenario 4 would be Quest 1B. • Every time a Hero kills a Monster, its Crew gets the
corresponding number of Victory tokens listed on the
Note: It is impossible for a player to accomplish the PvP Monster Dashboard.
Quest related to killing a Hero of their own Crew.
• Every time a Hero kills an Enemy Hero, its Crew gets
Note: When a Quest card instructs players to place one Victory token.
Monster figures and the specified Space is Full, place
the figure Close to it instead (the active player chooses • Every time a Hero is killed by a Monster or other
which Close Space). neutral game elements, all Crews - except the one to
which that Hero belongs - each get one Victory token.
Every Quest card lists Victory tokens that are awarded • Every time a Hero completes a Quest, their Crew gains
to players who complete them. These rewards are the correspondent amount of Victory tokens.
assigned immediately upon completion of the Quest.
The first player to complete a PvP Quest every Scenario
is awarded with a corresponding Upgrade token from
the Scenario Reward Deck (see Token ID on page 27).
As soon as all the PvE Quests and at least 1 PvP Quest is Once the current Scenario is over, before the next one
completed the game ends and all players count up their begins, the Upgrade Phase takes place. During this lull
Victory tokens. The player with the most Victory tokens in the action, the Heroes improve themselves, get better
wins the Scenario, and is awarded 1 Badge! If it was the equipment, lick their wounds, and decide where they
final Scenario, the winning player is awarded 3 Badges will go next.
Gadget tokens can be freely exchanged among a Crew’s
Heroes whenever that Crew Rests.
Quest Tokens
D. Category – Upgrade tokens are categorised TYPE
depending on whether it is a Weapon (Red background),
Boost (Green background), Passive (Blue background),
or Reaction (Yellow background).
• 1/2/3: Level 1/2/3 Deck, used during the Upgrade While some Weapons offer only a simple attack, many
Phase have some form of special effect listed that enhances
their attack. This effect is only triggered when the
• R: Scenario Reward Deck, followed by the Scenario Weapon is used and the parameters stated in it are met.
dice), they may choose to also use one or more Boosts Hero who owns them the number of extra dice
in their inventory. They Exhaust the Weapon and also
+ listed. Whenever the Hero needs to make a
any Boost(s) used along with it. The special effects Defense roll, add together their basic Defense and all
offered by the Boost tokens are then added to the the Extra Defense their Upgrades might grant them.
Attack being executed. Note that Boosts only work Extra Defense is always added to the Hero’s Defense,
with Weapons of the same Type. As is the case with even if the token that offers it is Exhausted.
Weapons, an Exhausted Boost cannot be used again
until it is Unexhausted. • EXTRA LIFE
Items with this Extra Life icon grant the Hero
Note: Special-type Weapons can come in either Melee
or Ranged forms, so Special-type Boosts feature a Blank
+4 who owns them the ability to sustain more
Wounds before being killed. Add together
die instead and will power up both Melee or Ranged the Hero’s basic Life and any Extra Life their Upgrades
Special-type Weapons! might grant them. It doesn’t matter whether the token is
Exhausted or not. This is their total Life, the number of
Wounds necessary to kill them.
Items with this Reroll icon allow the Hero who
owns them to reroll the indicated number
+ of dice after their dice pool has been rolled.
The result of this new roll replaces the original result.
All of a Hero’s Upgrades with Reroll icons always add
to their Reroll pool, whether they are Exhausted or
not. Whenever a Hero makes a roll (be it an Attack or
a Defense roll) they have their full Reroll pool at their
PASSIVES disposal to use in any order they’d like.
Passives work exactly like the Heroes’ Natural Ability: Example: Hannah has a Combat Exosuit which grants her
they give the Hero that possesses them bonuses and +2 Rerolls. Her total Reroll pool is 2. She makes a Ranged
special abilities that are always in effect, according to Attack against Iceheart with her Repeater Pistol, rolling
the parameters of the token’s text. Unless otherwise two Attack dice which result in and : two misses.
stated, Passives are never Exhausted, so their abilities She uses 2 Rerolls to reroll both dice, resulting in and
are always at the disposal of the Hero who has it in their : 2 Hits. She rolls the extra die granted by the CRIT,
Crew dashboard. which results in : a miss, for a grand total of 2 Hits.
One side is used to record the campaign itself. To the After players execute the Upgrade Phase for the
left, white spaces over each scenario allow players to Scenario that has just been played, the next step is to
write down the order in which they were played. On the turn the Campaign Sheet over and update the Crews'
right, a more detailed list allows players to record what inventories. Players will write down the Upgrade tokens
happened during each scenario, indicating how many their Crew possesses at this point. Note that the players
Victory tokens each Crew earned in the respective do not record new Upgrade tokens as they acquire
scenario. them, only Upgrade tokens currently in possession of
their Heroes after the Upgrade Phase. Finally, players
The reverse side of the Campaign Sheet is used to keep should also record any Badges they might have won
track of the Crews, indicating which Heroes each player at the end of the Scenario, by marking the appropriate
chose and their current inventory of Upgrade tokens amount of squares as well as listing the grand total of
(using the codes found on the bottom right corner of Badges they have.
Fred Perret, Eric M. Lang, Andrea Cofrancesco, Eric M. Lang
Guilherme Goulart, and Giovanna Guimarães, ART DIRECTOR
and Nicolas Fructus Mathieu Harlaut
Thiago Aranha
ADDITIONAL GAME DESIGN Louise Combal and Marc Brouillon David Preti
Leo Almeida Benjamin Maillet Luiza Pirajá, Ricardo Kuma,
Aaron Lurie (Lead), Vincent Fontaine Lucas Abreu, Violeta Bafile,
João Vitor Gonçalves, João José
Thiago Gonçalves, Thiago Aranha, MINIATURES PHOTOGRAPHY Gois, Bruna Petrocelli, Daniel Silveira,
Guilherme Goulart, Isadora Leite, Jean-Baptiste Guiton Caio Teixeira da Quinta, Daniel
Patricia Gil, Marcela Fabreti, WRITING Passos, Felipe Vergili, Pedro Vinicius
Safuan Tay and Rebecca Ho Eric Kelley and Fernando Costa
• Movement (4 Movement Points – To move 1 Space, use • Movement (use Movement Points listed on the Monster
Portal or open/close Door) Dashboard to move 1 Space, use Portal, or open/close Door)
• Attack (Select Weapon and Boosts, Exhaust Weapon and • Attack (roll Attack dice pool vs target’s Defense dice pool)
any Boosts, roll Attack dice pool vs target’s Defense dice)
•rightGuard Reaction: (Controlled by the player to the
Rest: of the active player)
• Unexhaust all Upgrades Attack any Hero Close to them that Moves out of their Space.
• Reorganize Upgrades •rightPayback Reaction: (Controlled by the player to the
of the active player)
• Resurrect killed Heroes
When attacked, may move and attack Hero who attacked it.
2. Draw an Event Card:
• Activate one Monster of the Designation shown. If none
on the board, Spawn that Monster on any Spawn Point of QUESTS
your choice. Ignore if the Designation has no Monster card.
• Quest Rewards:
• Resolve the card’s effect. The player who completes a Quest is rewarded with Victory
tokens listed on the Quest Card.
• Scenario PvP Reward:
• Exploration tokens: The first player to complete a PvP Quest gets a special
An active Hero must pick up all Exploration tokens in their Upgrade from the Scenario Reward Deck.
Space if there are no Enemies there (except Quest-specific
Quest tokens). • End of a Scenario:
When all PvE Quests and at least 1 PvP Quest are completed,
• Close: the Scenario ends.
To be Close to something means to be either sharing the The Scenario is won by the player who accumulates the
same Space or in a Space that shares an edge with it, as most Victory tokens during that Scenario.
long as that is not blocked by a wall or Closed Door
• Line of Sight:
Ranged Attacks need a clear LOS to the target. Draw a line
from the center of the active Character’s Space to the center
of the target’s Space. There’s LOS if the line does not cross
a wall or Closed Door
• Full Space:
A Space with two Characters is considered Full, and nobody UPGRADE PHASE
else can end their Movement in it. Characters can move
through the Full Space, and it does not block LOS. • Draft Level Deck:
In descending and then ascending order of most VP gained
in that Scenario, players pick first 2 and then another 2
Upgrades from the current Level Deck. Then in the same
CAMPAIGN order players pick 1 Upgrade at a time for each Badge they
• Starting with Scenario 1, leads to either 2A or 2B gained (1 for every 7VP).
• From 2A, leads to either Scenarios 3A or 3B
• From 2B, leads to either Scenarios 3B or 3C
• Remove all Exploration tokens from Heroes (Wounds,
Gadgets etc.)
• From all Level 3 Scenarios, leads to Scenario 4
• Record Progress on Campaign Sheet
• Winner of the last Scenario chooses the next Scenario