SSPC sp1 Solvent Cleaningpdf
SSPC sp1 Solvent Cleaningpdf
SSPC sp1 Solvent Cleaningpdf
November 1, 1982
Editorial Changes September 1, 2000
2. Def
itiion 4.1.6 Steam clean, using detergents or cleaners and
4.1.6 Steam
follow by steam or fresh water wash to remove detrimen tal
2.1 Solvent cleaning is a method for removin g all visible
2.1 Solvent residues.
oil, grease, soil, drawing and cutting compounds, and other
soluble contaminants from steel surfaces.
5. Inspection
2.2 It is intended that solvent cleaning be used prior to
2.2 It 5.1 All work and materials supplied under this specifi-
5.1 All
the application of paint and in conjunction with surface cation shall be subject to timely inspection by the purchas er
preparation methods specified for the removal of rust, mill or his authorized representative. The contractor shall cor-
scale, or paint. rect such work or replace such material as is found defec-
tive under this specification. In case of dispute the arbitra-
3. Surf
ace Prepa
on Befor
e and Afte
Afterr Sol-
Sol- tion or settlement procedure established in the procure-
vent Cleaning ment documents, if any, shall be followed. If no arbitration
or settlement procedure is established, the procedure speci-
3.1 Prior to solvent cleaning, remove foreign matter
3.1 fied by the American Arbitration Association sha ll be used.
(other than grease and oil) by one or a combination of the
following: brush with stiff fiber or wire brushes, abrade, 5.2 The procurement documents covering work or
scrape, or clean with solutions of appropriate cleaners, purchase should establis h the responsibility for testing and
provided such cleaners are followed by a fresh water rinse. for any required affidavit certifying full compliance with the
3.2 After solvent cleaning, remove dirt, dust, and other
contaminants from the surface prior to paint application. 6. Safety
Acceptable methods include brushing, blow off with clean,
dry air, or vacuum cleaning. All safety requirements stated in this specification
6.1 All
and its component parts apply in addition to any applicab le
4. Met
ds of
of Solve
nt Clea
ng federal, state, and local rules and requirements. They also
shall be in accord with instructions and requirements of
Remove heavy oil or grease first by scraper. Then
4.1 Remove
4.1 insurance underwriter
remove the remaining oil or grease by any of the following
methods: 7. Notes*
Wipe or scrub the surface with rags or brushes
4.1.1 Wipe
4.1.1 While every precaution is taken to ensure that all
7.1 While
wetted with solvent. Use clean solvent and clean rags or information furnished in SSPC standards and specifica-
brushes for the final wiping. tions is as accurate, complete, and useful as possible,
SSPC cannot assume responsibility nor incur any obliga-
4.1.2 Spray the surface with solvent. Use clean solvent
4.1.2 Spray tion resulting from the use of any materials, coatings, or
for the final spraying. methods specified herein, or of the standard itself.
November 1, 1982
Editorial Changes September 1, 2000
Sub je ct SS P C - S P C O M S e c t i o n