Title 7 Public Officers
Title 7 Public Officers
Title 7 Public Officers
Article 203. Who are public officers Section One – Disobedience, refusal of assistance and
maltreatment of prisoners
Chapter Two. Malfeasance and Misfeasance in Office Article 231. Open disobedience
Article 232. Disobedience to order of superior officer,
Section One – Dereliction of duty when said order was suspended by inferior officer
Article 204. Knowingly rendering unjust judgment Article 233. Refusal of assistance
Article 205. Judgment rendered through negligence Article 234. Refusal to discharge elective office
Article 206. Unjust interlocutory order Article 235. Maltreatment of prisoners
Article 207. Malicious Delay in the administration of
justice Section Two – Anticipation, prolongation and
Article 208. Prosecution of offenses; negligence & abandonment of the duties and powers by public office
tolerance Article 236. Anticipation of duties of a public office
Article 209. Betrayal of trust by attorney – revelation Article 237. Prolonging the performance of duties and
of secrets Powers
Article 238. Abandonment of office or position
Section Two – Bribery
Article 210. Bribery Section Three – Usurpation of powers and unlawful
Article 211. Indirect bribery appointments
Article 211-A. Qualified bribery Article 239. Usurpation of legislative powers
Article 212. Corruption of public officials Article 240. Usurpation of executive functions
Article 241. Usurpation of judicial functions
Chapter Three. Frauds and Illegal Exactions and Article 242. Disobeying request for disqualification
Transactions Article 243. Orders or requests by executive officers to
any judicial authority
Article 213. Frauds against the public treasury and Article 244. Unlawful appointments
similar offenses.
Article 214. Other Frauds Section Four – Abuses against chastity
Article 215. Prohibited Transactions Article 245. Abuses against chastity - Penalties
Article 216. Possession of prohibited interest by a
public officer
Article 203. Who are public officers
Chapter Four. Malversation of Public Funds or Property
Article 204. Knowingly render unjust judgment Article 207. Malicious Delay in the
administration of justice
1. Offender is a judge;
2. He renders a judgment in a case submitted 1. Offender is a judge;
to him for decision; 2. There is a proceeding in his court;
3. Judgment is unjust; 3. He delays in the administration of justice;
4. The judge knows that his judgment is 4. The delay is malicious, that is, with deliberate
unjust. intent to inflict damage on either party in the
case. (malice must be proven)
· Unjust judgment is the final determination and
consideration of a court of competent jurisdiction
upon the matters submitted to it which is Article 208. Prosecution of offenses;
contrary to law or is not supported by evidence negligence & tolerance (PREVARICACION)
or both.
· When rendered knowingly – An unjust judgment Acts Punishable:
must be made deliberately and maliciously (from
error, ill-will, revenge or bribery); thus no 1. Maliciously refraining from instituting prosecution
liability incurs for a mere error in good faith. against violators of the law;
· There must be evidence that the judge knew that 2. Maliciously tolerating the commission of offenses.
his judgment is unjust
Elements of dereliction of duty in the prosecution of
Article 205. Judgment rendered through
negligence 1. Offender is a public officer or officer of the
law who has a duty to cause the prosecution of,
1. Offender is a judge; or to prosecute, offenses;
2. He renders a judgment in a case submitted to 2. There is a dereliction of the duties of his office,
Article 209. Betrayal of trust by attorney 1. Offender is a public officer within the scope of
-revelation of secrets Article 203;
2. Offender accepts an offer or a promise or
Acts punishable: receives a gift or present by himself or through
1. Causing damage to his client, either- 3. Such offer or promise be accepted, or gift or
present received by the public officer -
a. By any malicious breach of
professional duty; a. With a view to committing some crime; or
b. By inexcusable negligence or b. In consideration of the execution of an act
ignorance. which does not constitute a crime, but the
act must be unjust; or
Note: When the attorney acts with malicious c. To refrain from doing something which it is
abuse of his employment or inexcusable his official duty to do.
negligence or ignorance, there must be damage
to his client. 4. The act which offender agrees to perform or
which he executes be connected with the
2. Revealing any of the secrets of his client learned performance of his official duties.
by him in his professional capacity;
· For the purpose of punishing bribery, the
Note: Damage is not necessary temporary performance of public functions is
sufficient to constitute a person a public officer.
What are the conditions for immunity? (b) Directly or indirectly requesting or receiving any gift,
present, share, percentage, or benefit, for himself or
1. The information must refer to consummated violations of for any other person, in connection with any contract or
any of the above-mentioned provisions of law, rules and transaction between the Government and any other
regulations; part, wherein the public officer in his official capacity
has to intervene under the law.
2. The information and testimony are necessary for the
conviction of the accused public officer; (c) Directly or indirectly requesting or receiving any gift,
present or other pecuniary or material benefit, for
3. Such information and testimony are not yet in the himself or for another, from any person for whom the
possession of the State; public officer, in any manner or capacity, has secured
or obtained, or will secure or obtain, any Government
4. Such information and testimony can be corroborated on permit or license, in consideration for the help given or
its material points; and Presidential
to be given, DecreetoNo.
without prejudice 46 thirteen of this
5. The informant or witness has not been previously AND EMPLOYEES TO RECEIVE, AND FOR PRIVATE
convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude. (d)PERSONS
AcceptingTO or GIVE,
any member his family accept
employment INCLUDING
in a privateCHRISTMAS
enterprise which has pending
When will immunity NOT attach? official business with him during the pendency thereof
· any public official
or within one year or after
its termination.
- If it should turn out subsequently that the information · whether of the national or local governments,
and/or testimony (1) is false and malicious or (2) made only · (e) toCausing
undueor indirectly,
injury to any party, including the
for the purpose of harassing, molesting or in any way · and for private persons
Government, or giving any private party any
prejudicing the public officer denounced · tounwarranted
give, or offerbenefits,
to give, any gift, present
advantage or other in the
or preference
dischargethingofto his
any occasion, including Christmas,
official administrative or judicial
· when such gift,
functions present
through or other
manifest valuableevident
partiality, thing isbad
gross ofinexcusable
his official position,
negligence. This provision shall
· regardless
apply toof officers
whether or andnot the same is for
employees of past favor or
or favors or the giver hopes or expects to receive a
favor or better treatment in the future from the public
official or employee concerned in the discharge of his
official functions. C2005 Criminal Law 2 Reviewer
· Included within the prohibition is the throwing of
parties or entertainments in honor of the official or
employees or his immediate relatives.
government corporations charged with the grant of capitalize or exploit or take advantage of such family or
licenses or permits or other concessions. close personal relation by directly or indirectly
requesting or receiving any present, gift or material or
(f) Neglecting or refusing, after due demand or request, pecuniary advantage from any other person having
without sufficient justification, to act within a some business, transaction, application, request or
reasonable time on any matter pending before him for contract with the government, in which such public
the purpose of obtaining, directly or indirectly, from any official has to intervene. Family relation shall include
person interested in the matter some pecuniary or the spouse or relatives by consanguinity or affinity in
material benefit or advantage, or for the purpose of the third civil degree. The word "close personal
favoring his own interest or giving undue advantage in relation" shall include close personal friendship, social
favor of or discriminating against any other interested and fraternal connections, and professional
party. employment all giving rise to intimacy which assures
free access to such public officer.
(g) Entering, on behalf of the Government, into any b) It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to induce
contract or transaction manifestly and grossly or cause any public official to commit any of the
disadvantageous to the same, whether or not the offenses defined in Section 3 hereof.
public officer profited or will profit thereby.
Sec. 5. Prohibition on certain relatives. - It shall be
(h) Director or indirectly having financing or pecuniary unlawful for the spouse or for any relative, by consanguinity
interest in any business, contract or transaction in or affinity, within the third civil degree, of the President of
connection with which he intervenes or takes part in his the Philippines, the Vice-President of the Philippines, the
official capacity, or in which he is prohibited by the President of the Senate, or the Speaker of the House of
Constitution or by any law from having any interest. Representatives, to intervene, directly or indirectly, in any
business, transaction, contract or application with the
(i) Directly or indirectly becoming interested, for personal Government: Provided, That this section shall not apply to
gain, or having a material interest in any transaction or any person who, prior to the assumption of office of any of
act requiring the approval of a board, panel or group of the above officials to whom he is related, has been already
which he is a member, and which exercises discretion dealing with the Government along the same line of
in such approval, even if he votes against the same or business, nor to any transaction, contract or application
does not participate in the action of the board, already existing or pending at the time of such assumption
committee, panel or group. of public office, nor to any application filed by him the
approval of which is not discretionary on the part of the
Interest for personal gain shall be presumed against official or officials concerned but depends upon compliance
those public officers responsible for the approval of with requisites provided by law, or rules or regulations
manifestly unlawful, inequitable, or irregular issued pursuant to law, nor to any act lawfully performed in
transaction or acts by the board, panel or group to an official capacity or in the exercise of a profession.
which they belong.
Sec. 7. Statement of Assets and liabilities – Every
(j) Knowingly approving or granting any license, permit, public officer within 30 days after assuming office, and
privilege or benefit in favor of any person not qualified thereafter, on or before the 15th day of April following the
for or not legally entitled to such license, permit, close of every calendar year, as well as upon resignation or
privilege or advantage, or of a mere representative or separation from office, shall prepare and file with the office
dummy of one who is not so qualified or entitled. of the corresponding department head, or in the case of a
Head of Department or a Chief of an independent office,
(k) Divulging valuable information of a confidential with the Office of the President, a true, detailed and sworn
character, acquired by his office or by him on account statement of assets and liabilities, including a statement of
of his official position to unauthorized persons, or the amounts and sources of his income taxes paid for the
releasing such information in advance of its authorized next preceding calendar year. Provided, that public officers
release date. assuming office less than two months before the end of the
calendar year, may file their first statement on or before the
The person giving the gift, present, share, percentage 15th day of April following the close of the said calendar
or benefit referred to in subparagraphs (b) and (c); or year.
offering or giving to the public officer the employment
mentioned in subparagraph (d); or urging the divulging Sec. 11. Prescription of offenses. – All offenses
or untimely release of the confidential information punishable under this act shall prescribe in 15 years.
referred to in subparagraph (k) of this section shall,
together with the offending public officer, be punished Sec. 14. Exception. - Unsolicited gifts or presents of small
under Section nine of this Act and shall be permanently or insignificant value offered or given as a mere ordinary
or temporarily disqualified in the discretion of the token of gratitude or friendship according to local customs or
Court, from transacting business in any form with the usage, shall be excepted from the provisions of this Act.
Nothing in this Act shall be interpreted to prejudice or
Sec. 4. Prohibition on private individuals. – prohibit the practice of any profession, lawful trade or
occupation by any private person or by any public officer
a) It shall be unlawful for any person having family or who under the law may legitimately practice his profession,
close personal relation with any public official to trade or occupation, during his incumbency, except where
(c) Public officials and employees shall not use (c) Private individuals who
or divulge, confidential or classified information participate in conspiracy as co-principals, accomplices
officially known to them by reason of their office and or accessories, with public officials or employees, in
not made available to the public, either (1)To further violation of this Act, shall be subject to the same penal
their private interests, or give undue advantage to liabilities as the public officials or employees and shall
anyone; or (2)To prejudice the public interest. be tried jointly with them.
(d) Public officials and employees shall not (d) The official or employee
solicit or accept, directly or indirectly, any gift, gratuity, concerned may bring an action against any person who
favor, entertainment, loan or anything of monetary obtains or uses a report for any purpose prohibited by
value from any person in the course of their official Section 8 (D) of this Act. The Court in which such
duties or in connection with any operation being action is brought may assess against such person a
regulated by, or any transaction which may be affected penalty in any amount not to exceed twenty-five
by the functions of their office. thousand pesos (P25,000). If another sanction
hereunder or under any other law is heavier, the latter
As to gifts or grants from foreign governments, the Congress shall apply.
consents to:
(i) The acceptance and retention by a public
official or employee of a gift of nominal value tendered Plunder
and received as a souvenir or mark of courtesy;
(ii) The acceptance by a public official or REPUBLIC ACT No. 7080
employee of a gift in the nature of a scholarship or AN ACT DEFINING AND PENALIZING
fellowship grant or medical treatment; or THE CRIME OF PLUNDER
(iii) The acceptance by a public official or
employee of travel grants or expenses for travel taking “Ill-gotten wealth” -- means any asset, property,
place entirely outside the Philippine (such as business enterprise or material possession of any person
allowances, transportation, food, and lodging) of more within the purview of Section 2 acquired by him directly or
than nominal value if such acceptance is appropriate or indirectly through dummies, nominees, agents, subordinates
consistent with the interests of the Philippines, and and/or business associates by any combination or series of
permitted by the head of office, branch or agency to the following means or similar schemes:
which he belongs. 1) Through misappropriation, conversion, misuse, or
malversation of public funds or raids on the public
The Ombudsman shall prescribe such regulations as may be treasury;
necessary to carry out the purpose of this subsection, 2) By receiving, directly or indirectly, any
including pertinent reporting and disclosure requirements. commission, gift, share, percentage, kickbacks or
Nothing in this Act shall be construed to restrict or prohibit any other form of pecuniary benefit from any
any educational, scientific or cultural exchange programs person and/or entity in connection with any
subject to national security requirements. government contract or project or by reason of
the office or position of the public officer
Penalties imposed concerned;
3) By the illegal or fraudulent conveyance or
(a) Any public official or disposition of assets belonging to the National
employee, regardless of whether or not he holds office Government or any of its subdivisions, agencies or
or employment in a casual, temporary, holdover, instrumentalities or government-owned or
permanent or regular capacity, committing any -controlled corporations and their subsidiaries;
violation of this Act shall be punished with a fine not 4) By obtaining, receiving or accepting directly or
exceeding the equivalent of six (6) months' indirectly any shares of stock, equity or any other
salary or suspension not exceeding one (1) year, form of interest or participation including promise
or removal depending on the gravity of the of future employment in any business enterprise
offense after due notice and hearing by the or undertaking;
appropriate body or agency. If the violation is 5) By establishing agricultural, industrial or
punishable by a heavier penalty under another law, he commercial monopolies or other combinations
shall be prosecuted under the latter statute. Violations and/or implementation of decrees and orders
of Sections 7, 8 or 9 of this Act shall be punishable with intended to benefit particular persons or special
imprisonment not exceeding five (5) years, or a interests; or
fine not exceeding five thousand pesos (P5,000), 6) By taking undue advantage of official position,
or both, and, in the discretion of the court of authority, relationship, connection or influence to
competent jurisdiction, disqualification to hold unjustly enrich himself or themselves at the
public office. expense and to the damage and prejudice of the
Filipino people and the Republic of the Philippines.
(b) Any violation hereof proven
How proved? -- For purposes of establishing the crime of B. Under Special Laws
plunder, it shall not be necessary to prove each and every i. Arson under P.D. 1613
criminal act done by the accused in furtherance of the ii. Violation of R.A. 6969 ( Toxic Substance ad
scheme or conspiracy to amass, accumulate or acquire ill- Nuclear Waste Control)
gotten wealth, it being sufficient to establish beyond iii. R.A. 5207 ( Atomic Energy Regulatory and
reasonable doubt a pattern of overt or criminal acts Liability Act of 1968)
indicative of the overall unlawful scheme or iv. Hijacking
conspiracy. v. Piracy in Phil. Waters and Highway Robbery
vi. P.D. 1866 ( Possession and Manufacture of
Prescription -- The crime punishable under this Act shall Firearms/explosives)
prescribe in twenty (20) years. However, the right of the
State to recover properties unlawfully acquired by public thereby sowing and creating a condition of
officers from them or from their nominees or transferees widespread and extraordinary fear and panic among
shall not be barred by prescription, laches, or the populace, in order to coerce the government to
estoppel. give in to an unlawful demand”
1. The Judicial Authorization can only be issued by A. The three day period is counted from the moment the
the Court of Appeals (a) upon a written application person charged or suspected as terrorist has been
filed by a police or law enforcement official or apprehended or arrested, detained and taken into
members of his team and (b). after an ex parte custody
hearing establishing (c). probable cause that
terrorism/conspiracy to commit terrorism has been B. In the event of an actual or imminent terrorist attack,
committed, or is being committed, or is about to be suspects may not be detained for more than three days
committed ( note that the wording is not without the written approval of the Human Rights
attempted) Commission, or judge of the MTC RTC, Sandiganbayan
or Court of Appeals nearest the place of arrest
2. The applicant must have been authorized in
writing to file the application by the Anti Terrorism C. If arrest was on a nonworking day or hour, the
Council ( The Body created to implement the law person arrested shall be brought to the residence of any
and assume responsibility for the effective of the above named officials nearest the place of arrest.
implementation of the anti-terrorism[policy of the
country) D. Failure to deliver the person charged or suspected as
terrorists to the proper judicial; authority within three
3. The Judicial Authority is effective for a maximum days is punished by 10 years and one day to 12 years.
period not to exceed 30 days from date of receipt of
the written order and may be extended for another IX. Other Acts Punished As Offenses (punished by
similar period imprisonment of 10 years and one day to 12 years) which
acts are related to the arrest/detention of suspected
B. Punishes the act of failure to notify the person subject terrorists
of the surveillance, monitoring or interception, if no case
was filed within the 30 day period/life time of the Order A. Violation of the rights of a person detained
of Court authorizing the surveillance 1. Right to be informed of the nature and cause of
the arrest; to remain silent; to counsel
C. Punishes any person who conducts any unauthorized 2. To communicate and confer with counsel at any
or malicious interceptions and or recording of any form time without restriction
of communications, messages, conversations, 3. To communicate at any time and without
discussions or spoken or written words restrictions with members of family or relatives and
be visited by them
VI. Provides for a Judicial Declaration of Terrorists and 4. To avail of the services of a physician of choice
Outlawed organization, association, or group of persons, by
any RTC upon application by the DOJ and upon prior notice B. Offenses relating to an official log book:
to the group affected.
1. Failure to keep official logbook detailing the name
VII. Procedure when a suspected terrorist is arrested of the person arrested the date and time of initial
admission for custody and arrest; state of his health;
A. A suspected terrorist maybe arrested by any law date and time of removal from his cell, and his
enforcement personnel provided: return thereto; date and time of visits and by whom;
1. The law enforcement agent was duly authorized all other important data bearing on his treatment
in writing by the Anti Terrorism Council while under arrest and custody
2. The arrest was the result of a surveillance or
C. Using threat, intimidation, coercion, inflicting physical Issue: Whether RA 3019 sec 7 was unconstitutional
pain, or torment or mental emotional, moral or
psychological pressure which shall vitiate the free will HELD: No. The Anti- Graft Act of 1960 was aimed at
curtailing and minimizing the opportunities for official
D. Punishes Infidelity in the Custody of Detained Persons corruption and maintaining a standard of honesty in the
1. The penalty is 12 years and one day to 20 years if public service. It is intended to further promote morality in
the person detained is a prisoner by final judgment public administration. A public office must indeed be a
2. The penalty is 6 years and one day to 12 years if public trust. Nobody can cavil at its objective; the goal to
the prisoner is a detention prisoner be pursued commands the assent of all. The conditions
then prevailing called for norms of such character. The
times demanded such a remedial device. By the provisions
E. Punishes the act of knowingly furnishing False
of the challenged section, it becomes much more difficult
Testimony, forged document or spurious evidence in any
by those disposed to take advantage of their position to
investigation or hearing under the law ( 12 yrs and one
commit acts of graft and corruption. While in the
day to 20 years)
attainment of such public good, no infringement of
constitutional rights is permissible, there must be a
X. Prosecution under the Law is a bar to another prosecution showing, clear, categorical, and undeniable, that what the
under the Revised Penal code or any other special law for Constitution condemns, the statute allows.
any offense or felony which is necessarily included in the It would be to dwell in the realm of abstractions
offense charged under the law and to ignore the harsh and compelling realities of public
service with its ever-present temptation to heed the call of
XI. If the suspect is acquitted he is entitled to P500,000.00 greed and avarice to condemn as arbitrary and oppressive a
for every day of detention without a warrant of arrest. requirement as that imposed on public officials and
employees to file such sworn statement of assets and
A. Any person who delays the release or refuses to liabilities every two years after having done so upon
release the amount shall be punished by imprisonment of 6 assuming office. The due process clause is not susceptible
months to such a reproach. There was therefore no
unconstitutional exercise of police power.
XII. Provisions on the Identity of the Informant
A. The officer to whom the name of the suspect was first Jaravata vs. Sandiganbayan
reveled shall record the real name and specific address
of the informant and shall report the same to his Jaravata was an asst. principal when he informed the
superior officer who shall in turn transmit the classroom teachers of the approval of the release of their
information to the Congressional Oversight Committee salary differentials and to facilitate its payment accused
within 5 days after the suspect was placed under arrest, and the classroom teachers agreed that accused follow-up
or his properties sequestered seized or frozen. the papers in Manila with the obligation on the part of the
classroom teachers to reimburse the accused of his
expenses. He did incur expenses in the amount of P36 for
B. The data shall be considered confidential and shall not
each of the 6 teachers. The teachers actually received
be unnecessarily revealed until after the proceedings
their salary differentials and pursuant to said agreement,
against the suspect shall have been terminated.
they, with the exception of 2 teachers, gave the accused
( NOTE: It would seem that the confidentiality of the
varying amounts but as the administrator did not approve
informant’s identity is not permanent but may be it, he ordered the Jaravata to return the money given to
revealed, not like the provisions of the Rules of Evidence him which he complied. Jaravata was charged and
which considers the confidentiality as permanent) convicted under RA 3019 SEC 3(b)
XIII. Territorial Application of the law: HELD: Jaravata was not in violation of RA 3019 Sec 3(b).
Sec. 3(b) of R.A. No. 3019, refers to a public officer whose
The law applies to any person who commits an act official intervention is required by law in a contract or
covered by the law if committed: transaction.
There is no law which invests the petitioner with
A. Within the terrestrial domain, interior waters, the power to intervene in the payment of the salary
maritime zone and airspace of the Philippines differentials of the complainants or anyone for that matter.
B. Inside the territorial limits of the Philippines Far from exercising any power, the petitioner played the
C. On board a Philippine ship or airship humble role of a supplicant whose mission was to expedite
D. Within any embassy, consulate, diplomatic premises payment of the salary differentials. In his official capacity
belonging to or occupied by the Philippine government in as assistant principal, he is not required by law to
an official capacity intervene in the payment of the salary differentials.
E. Against Philippine citizens or persons of Philippine Accordingly, he cannot be said to have violated the law
descent where their citizenship or ethnicity was a factor afore-cited although he exerted efforts to facilitate the
in the commission of the crime payment of the salary differentials.
F. Directly against the Philippine government.
XIV. The provisions of the law shall be automatically Trieste vs. Sandiganbayan
suspended one month before and two months after the
holding of any election.
The government suffered undue injury as a result of his Elements of illegal exactions under paragraph 2
inflating the true claims of complainants which eventually
became the basis of payment. His contention that he had
no participation is belied by the fact that as a right-of-way-
1. Offender is a public officer entrusted with the
agent, his duty was precisely to negotiate with property collection of taxes, licenses, fees and other
owners who are affected by highway constructions for the imposts;
purpose of compensating them. 2. He is guilty of any of the following acts or
On the part of the complainants, the injury omissions:
caused to them consists in their being divested of a large
proportion of their claims and receiving payment in an
amount even lower than the actual damage they incurred.
· RTC has jurisdiction when Art 214 is involved as No Senator or Member of the House of
MTCs do not have jurisdiction to impose the Representatives may personally appear as
principal penalty in Art. 214 of disqualification counsel before any court of justice or before the
Electoral Tribunals, or quasi-judicial and other
administrative bodies. Neither shall he, directly
Article 215. Prohibited Transactions or indirectly, be interested financially in any
contract with, or in any franchise or special
Elements privilege granted by the Government or any
subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof,
1. Offender is an appointive public officer; including any government-owned or controlled
2. He becomes interested, directly or indirectly, in corporation or its subsidiary, during his term of
any transaction of exchange or speculation; office. He shall not intervene in any matter
3. The transaction takes place within the territory before any office of the government for his
subject to his jurisdiction; pecuniary benefit or where he may be called
4. He becomes interested in the transaction during upon to act on account of his office.
his incumbency.
Section 13, Article VII of the Constitution
· Release of detention prisoner who could not be HELD: Yes. The only disputed issue is the petitioner's
delivered to the judicial authority within the time negligence resulting in the escape of detention prisoner
fixed by law is not infidelity in the custody of the Zenaida Andres. The negligence referred to in the Revised
prisoner Penal Code is such definite laxity as all but amounts to a
· Leniency or laxity is not infidelity. deliberate non-performance of duty on the part of the guard.
It is evident from the records that the petitioner acted
· Relaxation of imprisonment is considered
negligently and beyond the scope of his authority when he
infidelity. permitted his charge to create the situation which led to her
escape. The petitioner contends that human considerations
compelled him to grant Zenaida Andres' requests to take
Article 224. Evasion through negligence lunch and to go to the comfort room to relieve herself. As a
police officer who was charged with the duty to return the
Elements: prisoner directly to jail, the deviation from his duty was
clearly a violation of the regulations. It is the duty of any
police officer having custody of a prisoner to take necessary
1. Offender is a public officer;
precautions to assure the absence of any means of escape.
2. He is charged with the conveyance or custody of A failure to undertake these precautions will make his act
a prisoner or prisoner by final judgment; one of definite laxity or negligence amounting to deliberate
3. Such prisoner escapes through negligence. non-performance of duty. His tolerance of arrangements
whereby the prisoner and her companions could plan and
· Detention prisoners included make good her escape should have aroused the suspicion of
· Only the positive carelessness that is short of a person of ordinary prudence.
deliberate non-performance of his duties as
guard that is the gravamen of the crime under
Art 224. Article 225. Escape of prisoner under the
custody of a person not a public officer
Article 227. Officer breaking seal 1. Offender is a public officer;
2. He knows of a secret by reason of his official
Elements: capacity;
3. He reveals such secret without authority or
1. Offender is a public officer; justifiable reasons;
2. He is charged with the custody of papers or 4. Damage, great or small, is caused to the
property; public interest.
3. These papers or property are sealed by proper
authority; · Secret must affect public interest
4. He breaks the seal or permits them to be broken. · Espionage not contemplated here as this article
punishes minor official betrayals, infidelities of
· It is the breaking of the seals, not little consequence, affecting usually the
opening of closed envelope that is punishable administration of justice, executive or official
under the Article. duties, or the general interest of the public order
· Damage or intent to cause damage is · Secrets of private persons not included
not necessary.
· Distinction between infidelity and theft 2. Delivering wrongfully papers or copies of papers
1. There is infidelity if the offender opened of which he may have charge and which should
the letter but did not take the same. not be published.
2. There is theft if there is intent to gain
when the offender took the money. Elements:
1. Offender is a
Note that he document must be complete in legal public officer;
sense. If the writings are mere form, there is no 2. He has charge of
crime. papers;
3. Those papers
should not be published;
Article 228. Opening of closed documents 4. He delivers those
papers or copies thereof to a third person;
Elements: 5. The delivery is
1. Offender is a public officer; 6. Damage is
2. Any closed papers, documents, or object are caused to public interest.
entrusted to his custody;
3. He opens or permits to be opened said closed · Offender must have charge of papers or its
papers, documents or objects; copies
4. He does not have proper authority. · Distinguish from infidelity in the custody of
documents or papers by removing the same: If
· Custody means a guarding or keeping safe the papers contain secrets and therefore should
· Closed documents must be entrusted to the not be published, and the public officer having
custody of the accused by reason of his office charge removes it and delivers them wrongfully
· Damage or intent to cause damage not an to a third person the crime is revelation of
element secrets by a public officer. If papers do not
· If public officer broke a seal in opening closed contain secrets, the removal for an illicit purpose
papers, what is the offense? Breaking the seal, is infidelity in the custody of documents.
because Article 228 requires that the officer must
“not be included in the provisions of the next
preceding article”. Article 230. Public officer revealing secrets of
private individual
Article 238. Abandonment of office or position Article 241. Usurpation of judicial functions
· There must be a written or formal resignation, 2. Arts 239-241 punish interference by the officers
verbal statement is not allowed of one of the three branches of government with
· The offense is qualified when the abandonment functions of officers in another department. The
was for the purpose to evade the discharge of purpose is to maintain the separation and
duties of preventing, prosecuting, or punishing independence of the three departments.
any of the crimes of (1) treason, (2) conspiracy
and proposal to commit treason, (3) misprision of
treason, (4) espionage, (5) inciting to war or Article 242. Disobeying request for
giving motives for reprisal, (6) violation of disqualification
neutrality, (7) correspondence with hostile
country, (8) flight to enemy country, (9) piracy 1. Offender is a public officer;
and mutiny, (10) rebellion, (11) coup d’ etat, (12) 2. A proceeding is pending before such public
conspiracy and proposal to commit coup d’ etat officer;
or rebellion, (13) disloyalty of public officers, (14) 3. There is a question brought before the proper
inciting to rebellion, (15) sedition, (16) authority regarding his jurisdiction, which is not
conspiracy to commit sedition and (17) inciting to yet decided;
sedition. 4. He has been lawfully required to refrain form
· Art 238 distinguished from Art. 208: continuing the proceeding;
1. Art. 238 is committed by any public officer 5. He continues the proceeding.
while in Art 208 is committed by public
officers who have the duty to institute
prosecution for the punishment and violation Article 243. Orders or requests by executive
of the law officers to any judicial authority
2. Art. 238 , public officer abandons office to
evade the discharge of duty, in Art 208, the 1. Offender is an executive officer;
public officer does not abandon his office but 2. He addresses any order or suggestion to any
fails to prosecute an offense by dereliction of judicial authority;
Acts punishable: