SF 6721 PDF
SF 6721 PDF
SF 6721 PDF
• When ordering, if left hand rotation, special seal, or and rotor may cause scratches in the soft brass
a specific position of cartridge (shaft end or cover surface.) Make sure that the sharp edge of Vane leads
end) is required, it should be specified by ordering direction of rotation. Re-install the two screws hand
code. tight. Use pump cover to align all sections of the
cartridge. Carefully remove the cover and tighten the
• To reverse rotation of cartridge, remove the two screws.
screws and reverse the location of the inlet support
plate and outlet support plate (for cartridge kit with • When install the cartridge into the body, carefully
flex side plates, Bronze faces must be installed move back and forth until the cartridge pins drop
toward the rotor. DO NOT allow the flex plate to slide into the cover holes and one of the chamfers on the
across the ring and rotor. Rough edges on the ring cam ring aligns with the cover inlet port.
Ordering Code
Turn Right
Single Pump, 20V/VQ
Turn Right Turn Right For **20V/VQ
Turn Right
1.Seal Kit
4. Flex Plate
9.Pin 7.Rotor
Instruction for Cartridge Replacement in Single Pump
1. Remove the four cover screws and lift the outlet cover. 3. Install square cut seal into the body. Install small O
Pull out the old Cartridge. Discard the old large square ring and back-up ring on the cartridge outlet support plate
cut seal and large O ring of the cartridge. hub. Carefully install the cartridge into the body. Install the
cover to the body with large O ring in the groove of the
2. Check the wear surfaces of old cartridge. If the wear is body. Install the cover in position; move back and forth
normal just change oil in tank circuit and change or until the cartridge pins drop into the alignment holes
clean filters. If there is seizure or heavy wear in rotor, located within the cover. Install four screws and torque
support plates (for V Series), and flex plates (for VQ tighten to the values indicated.
Series), disassemble the pump completely. Check the
shaft alignment and make sure that it is not twisted or Model Torque Specification
crooked. The shaft may need to be changed and also N.m lb.ft.
check shaft seal and shaft bearing (remove the large 20V/VQ 48-55 65-75
lock ring to remove shaft seal and remove snap ring to 25V/VQ 48-55 65-75
remove bearing). Change them if neccessary. If these 35V/VQ 102-118 140-160
parts are defective or the oil is dirty, the new cartridge’s 45V/VQ 188-203 255-275
service life will be shorter than normal.
4. Turn the pump shaft to verify freedom of the cartridge.
1. Remove the four cover screws and lift the outlet cover. 4. For new Cover End Cartridge, install a square cut
Pull out the old Cover End Cartridge (Pry with screw- seal into the cover. Install O ring and back-up ring on the
driver if necessary). Remove four screws from the inlet cartridge outlet support plate hub. Carefully install
housing. Lift inlet housing from the outlet body. Rotate cartridge over shaft and into the inlet housing. Turn
shaft to loosen Shaft End Cartridge and remove the cartridge slightly to bring into alignment the pin holes
cartridge from outlet body. Discard the old large square and cartridge alignment pins. Install the cover to inlet
cut seals and large O rings of both cartridges. housing with O ring seal over the cartridge and up
against the inlet housing. Make sure square cut seal is
2. Check the wear surfaces of old cartridges. If the wear in place within the cover. Orient the cover to agree with
is normal just change oil in tank circuit and change or the alignment. Install the cover with four screws and
clean filters. If there is seizure or heavy wear in rotors, torque the screws to the value indicated.
support plates (for V Series), and flex plates (for VQ
Series), disassemble the pump completely. Check the Model N.m lb.ft.
shaft alignment and make sure that it is not twisted or 2520V/VQ 54-68 40-50
crooked. The shaft may need to be changed and also 3520V/VQ 54-68 40-50
check shaft seal and shaft bearing (remove the large 3525V/VQ 88-102 65-75
lock ring to remove shaft seal and remove snap ring to 4520V/VQ 54-68 40-50
remove bearing). Change them if neccessary. If these 4525V/VQ 88-102 65-75
parts are defective or the oil is dirty, the new cartridges’ 4535V/VQ 188-203 255-275
service life will be shorter than normal.
5. Turn the pump shaft to verify freedom of both car-
3. For new Shaft End Cartridge, install square cut seal tridges.
into the body. Install small O ring and back-up ring on
the cartridge outlet support plate hub. Carefully install
the cartridge into the body. Install the inlet housing to the
body with large O ring in the groove of the body. Install
inlet housing in position; move back and forth until the
cartridge pins drop into the alignment holes located
within the housing. Install four screws and torque
tighten to the values indicated.
32.3 [1.3]
82.5 [3.2]
Delivery A B
5,8 21.95 [.86] 27.70 [1.09]
11,12,14 30.47 [1.20] 19.10 [0.75]
Delivery at Displacement Maximum Maximum Typical Delivery Typical Input Weight
1200 rpm & Speed Pressure at max speed & Power at max
7 bar pressure speed &
(100 psi) pressure
USgpm cm3/r (in3/r) rpm bar (psi) L/min (USgpm) kW (hp) kg (lb)
5 18 (1.10) 1800 206 (3000) 28.4 (7.5) 11.2 (15.0) 2.4 (5.3)
8 27 (1.67) 1800 206 (3000) 45.4 (12.0) 17.0 (22.8) 2.4 (5.3)
11 36 (2.22) 1800 206 (3000) 56.8 (15.0) 22.6 (30.3) 2.3 (5.1)
12 40 (2.47) 1800 158 (2300) 62.1 (16.4) 25.1 (33.7) 2.3 (5.1)
14 45 (2.78) 1800 138 (2000) 69.6 (18.4) 28.3 (37.9) 2.3 (5.1)
41.2 [1.6]
33.3 [1.3]
23.9 [.9]
96.7 [3.8]
Delivery at Displacement Maximum Maximum Typical Delivery Typical Input Weight
1200 rpm & Speed Pressure at max speed & Power at max
7 bar pressure speed &
(100 psi) pressure
USgpm cm3/r (in3/r) rpm bar (psi) L/min (USgpm) kW (hp) kg (lb)
12 39 (2.47) 1800 172 (2500) 62.1 (16.4) 22.9 (30.8) 3.6 (7.9)
14 45 (2.78) 1800 172 (2500) 69.6 (18.4) 25.7 (34.5) 3.6 (7.9)
17 55 (3.39) 1800 172 (2500) 86.3 (22.8) 29.8 (40.0) 3.6 (7.9)
21 67 (4.13) 1800 172 (2500) 106.0 (28.0) 34.0 (45.6) 3.6 (7.9)
Cartridge Kit 35V Installation Dimensions mm (inch)
49.2 [1.9]
40.2 [1.6]
28.5 [1.1]
114.3 [4.5]
Delivery at Displacement Maximum Maximum Typical Delivery Typical Input Weight
1200 rpm & Speed Pressure at max speed & Power at max
7 bar pressure speed &
(100 psi) pressure
USgpm cm3/r (in3/r) rpm bar (psi) L/min (USgpm) kW (hp) kg (lb)
25 81 (4.94) 1800 172 (2500) 124.9 (33.0) 45.5 (61.0) 6.5 (14.3)
30 97 (5.91) 1800 172 (2500) 154.4 (40.8) 54.5 (73.0) 6.5 (14.3)
35 112 (6.83) 1800 172 (2500) 181.7 (48.0) 61.5 (82.4) 6.5 (14.3)
38 121 (7.37) 1800 172 (2500) 193.8 (51.2) 65.9 (88.3) 6.5 (14.3)
62 [2.4]
46.5 [1.8]
31.6 [1.2]
133.3 [5.3]
Delivery at Displacement Maximum Maximum Typical Delivery Typical Input Weight
1200 rpm & Speed Pressure at max speed & Power at max
7 bar pressure speed &
(100 psi) pressure
USgpm cm3/r (in3/r) rpm bar (psi) L/min (USgpm) kW (hp) kg (lb)
42 138 (8.41) 1800 172 (2500) 208.2 (55.0) 75.3 (101.0) 10.1 (22.3)
50 162 (9.85) 1800 172 (2500) 253.6 (67.0) 87.3 (117.0) 10.1 (22.3)
60 193 (11.75) 1800 172 (2500) 310.4 (82.0) 103.7 (139.0) 10.1 (22.3)
Cartridge Kit 20VQ Installation Dimensions mm (inch)
32.3 [1.3]
82.5 [3.2]
Delivery A B
5,8 21.95 [.86] 27.70 [1.09]
11,12,14 30.47 [1.20] 19.10 [0.75]
Delivery at Displacement Maximum Maximum Typical Delivery Typical Input Weight
1200 rpm & Speed Pressure at max speed & Power at max
7 bar pressure speed &
(100 psi) pressure
USgpm cm3/r (in3/r) rpm bar (psi) L/min (USgpm) kW (hp) kg (lb)
5 18 (1.10) 2700 206 (3000) 41.6 (11.0) 17.9 (24.0) 2.4 (5.3)
8 27 (1.67) 2700 206 (3000) 64.3 (17.0) 26.1 (35.0) 2.4 (5.3)
11 36 (2.22) 2700 206 (3000) 87.1 (23.0) 35.4 (47.5) 2.3 (5.1)
12 39 (2.41) 2700 158 (2300) 96.5 (25.5) 28.3 (38.0) 2.3 (5.1)
14 45 (2.80) 2700 138 (2000) 113.6 (30.0) 29.1 (39.0) 2.3 (5.1)
42.1 [1.7]
33.3 [1.3]
23.8 [.9]
96.7 [3.8]
Delivery at Displacement Maximum Maximum Typical Delivery Typical Input Weight
1200 rpm & Speed Pressure at max speed & Power at max
7 bar pressure speed &
(100 psi) pressure
USgpm cm3/r (in3/r) rpm bar (psi) L/min (USgpm) kW (hp) kg (lb)
12 40 (2.45) 2700 206 (3000) 87.1 (23.0) 41.0 (55.0) 3.6 (7.9)
14 45 (2.77) 2700 206 (3000) 102.2 (27.0) 46.6 (62.5) 3.6 (7.9)
17 55 (3.37) 2500 206 (3000) 117.3 (31.0) 51.8 (69.5) 3.6 (7.9)
21 67 (4.12) 2500 206 (3000) 143.8 (38.0) 61.9 (83.0) 3.6 (7.9)
Cartridge Kit 35VQ Installation Dimensions mm (inch)
48.9 [1.9]
40.2 [1.6]
28.3 [1.1]
114.3 [4.5]
Delivery at Cartridge
Displacement Kit 45VQ
Maximum Installation
Maximum Dimensions
Typical Delivery mm
Typical )
(inchInput Weight
1200 rpm & Speed Pressure at max speed & Power at max
7 bar pressure speed &
(100 psi) pressure
USgpm cm3/r (in3/r) rpm bar (psi) L/min (USgpm) kW (hp) kg (lb)
25 81 (4.98) 2500 206 (3000) 170.3 (45.0) 75.3 (101.0) 6.5 (14.3)
30 97 (5.96) 2500 206 (3000) 208.2 (55.0) 87.7 (117.5) 6.5 (14.3)
35 112 (6.88) 2400 206 (3000) 227.1 (60.0) 98.5 (132.0) 6.5 (14.3)
38 121 (7.42) 2400 206 (3000) 246.0 (65.0) 104.4 (140.0) 6.5 (14.3)
62.8 [2.5]
46.5 [1.8]
31.7 [1.2]
133.3 [5.3]
Delivery at Displacement Maximum Maximum Typical Delivery Typical Input Weight
1200 rpm & Speed Pressure at max speed & Power at max
7 bar pressure speed &
(100 psi) pressure
USgpm cm3/r (in3/r) rpm bar (psi) L/min (USgpm) kW (hp) kg (lb)
42 138 (8.41) 1800 172 (2500) 208.2 (55.0) 75.3 (101.0) 10.1 (22.3)
50 162 (9.85) 1800 172 (2500) 253.6 (67.0) 87.3 (117.0) 10.1 (22.3)
60 193 (11.75) 1800 172 (2500) 310.4 (82.0) 103.7 (139.0) 10.1 (22.3)
Hydraulic Kits V VQ Vickers Vane Pump Cartridge
20VQ series: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14
25VQ series: 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21
35VQ series: 21, 25, 30, 35, 38
45VQ series: 42, 45, 50, 57, 60, 66, 75
Vickers cartridge Vickers code Vickers 20VQ cartridge 6 lbs 20VQ5 20VQ8 20VQ11 20VQ12 20VQ14
20VQ8 gpm - Viton 421589 Min. Speed Below 1000 psi 600 600 600 600 600
20VQ9 gpm 423096 Above 1000 psi 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
20VQ9 gpm - Viton 423097 Max. Speed, RPM 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700
Vickers cartridge Vickers code Vickers 25VQ cartridge 8 lbs 25VQ12 25VQ14 25VQ17 25VQ19 25VQ21
25VQ14 gpm - Viton 421571 Min. Speed Below 1000 psi 600 600 600 600 600
25VQ17 gpm 416441 Above 1000 psi 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
25VQ17 gpm - Viton 421572 Max. Speed, RPM 2700 2700 2500 2500 2500
Vickers cartridge Vickers 35VQ cartridge 4 lbs 35VQ21 35VQ25 35VQ30 35VQ35 35VQ38
Displacement Cu.in./rev. 4.2 5.0 6.0 6.9 7.4
35VQ21gpm 413420
(cc/ rev.) (69) (82) (98) (113) (122)
35VQ25 gpm 413421 Max. Pressure Continuous psi 3000 3000 3000 2300 2000
35VQ25 gpm - Viton 421583 (Bar) (206) (206) (206) (206) (206)
35VQ30 gpm 413422 Min. Speed Below 1000 psi 600 600 600 600 600
35VQ30 gpm - Viton 421584 Above 1000 psi 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
35VQ35 gpm 413418 Max. Speed, RPM 2500 2500 2500 2400 2400
Vickers cartridge Vickers code Vickers 20V cartridge 6 lbs 20V5 20V8 20V11 20V12 20V14
20V8 gpm - Viton 102508 Min. Speed Below 1000 psi 600 600 600 600 600
20V11 gpm 102509 Above 1000 psi 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
20V11 gpm - Viton 102509 Max. Speed, RPM 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800
Vickers cartridge Vickers code Vickers 25V cartridge 8 lbs 25V12 25V14 25V17 25V19 25V21
25V17 gpm- Viton 102534 Max. Speed, RPM 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800
Input HP at Max. HP 26 31 37 46 26
Speed & Pressure (KW) (35) (42) (50) (62) (35)
Vickers cartridge Vickers code Vickers 35V cartridge 4 lbs 35V25 35V30 35V35 35V38
35V35 gpm – Viton 102554 Max. Speed, RPM 1800 1800 1800 1800
Input HP at Max. HP
55 66 77 83
Speed & Pressure (KW)
Vickers cartridge Vickers code Vickers 45V cartridge 22 lbs 45V42 45V50 45V60
45V50 gpm – Viton 102577 Min. Speed Below 1000 psi 600 600 600
45V60 gpm 102575 Above 1000 psi 1000 1000 1000
45V60 gpm – Viton 102578 Max. Speed RPM 1800 1800 1800