Gabriel vs. Cebrero
Gabriel vs. Cebrero
Gabriel vs. Cebrero
Nature of Action: Petition for review on certiorari filed by herein petitioners Heirs
of Josefina Gabriel (petitioners) assailing the Decision and the Resolution of the
Court of Appeals.
Upon Cebrero's failure to pay the amount, Gabriel filed an action for foreclosure
of the real estate mortgage. In a Decision, the RTC of Manila ruled in Gabriel's
favor and ordered Cebrero. Eduardo Cañiza (Cañiza),12 allegedly in behalf of
Gabriel, instituted a Complaint for declaration of nullity of sale and of the Transfer
Certificate of Title of the subject property registered under Progressive, a single
proprietorship represented by its President and Chairman, respondent Manuel C.
Chua (Chua).13
In their Answer, respondents alleged that Gabriel has no legal capacity to sue as
she was bedridden and confined at the Makati Medical Center. The complaint
should be dismissed because Cañiza signed the verification and certification of.
the complaint without proper authority.14 The RTC decision in the foreclosure
proceedings was void due to improper service of summons. The Sheriffs Final
Deed of Sale was not registered and recorded. Moreover, the bid price was
higher than the amount in the compromise agreement. As a mere creditor,
Gabriel cannot annul the sale of the subject property to Progressive, especially
when there was a judicial consignment of the payment of lien. Gabriel died during
the pendency of the case, thus her heirs substituted her.15
Issue: Whether of not Caniza has SPA or authority to subrogate the right of the
Gabriel who died during the pendency of the case with the trial court.
Held: Negative.It was held that when an SPA was constituted precisely to
authorize the agent to file and prosecute suits on behalf of the principal, then it is
such agent who has actual and personal knowledge whether he or she has
initiated similar actions or proceedings before various courts on the same issue
on the principal's behalf, thus, satisfying the requirements for a valid certification
against forum shopping. The rationale behind the rule that it must be the
"petitioner or principal party himself" who should sign such certification does not
apply. Thus, the rule on the certification against forum shopping has been
properly complied with when it is the agent or attorney-in-fact who initiated the
action on the principal's behalf and who signed the certification against forum
There was no duly executed SPA appended to the complaint to prove Cañiza's
supposed authority to file and prosecute suits on behalf of Gabriel.