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Generator set control

PowerStart 0600
Our energy working for you.TM

The PowerStart control is a microprocessor-based generator set monitoring and control system. The control
provides a simple operator interface to the generator set, manual and remote start/stop control and shutdown fault
indication and AMF (Auto Mains Failure) Functionality. The integration of all control functions into a single control
provides enhanced reliability and performance compared to conventional generator set control systems. This control
has been designed and tested to meet the harsh environment in which gensets are typically applied. The PowerStart
generator set control is suitable for use on a wide range of generator sets in non-paralleling applications. It is
suitable for use with reconnectable or non-reconnectable generators, can be configured for either 50 Hz or 60 Hz
and voltage and power connection from 190-600 VAC line-to-line. This control includes an intuitive operator
interface that allows Genset start/stop for complete genset control as well as system metering, fault annunciation,
configuration and diagnostics. The interface includes seven generator set status LED lamps with both internationally
accepted symbols and English text to comply with customer needs.
The interface also includes an LED backlit LCD display with tactile-feel soft-switches for easy operation and screen
navigation. The manual/auto/stop switch function is integrated into overlay of the controller. All data on the control
can be viewed by scrolling through Screens with the navigation keys. Screen can be viewed either by scrolling
or non scrolling mode. Forward navigation and backward navigation is also provided. The control displays the
current active fault, fault occurrences and time-ordered history of the five previous faults with respect to Real Time
Clock Stamp, Engine Running Time. Power for this control is derived from the generator set Starting batteries and
functions over a voltage from 8VDC to 32VDC.

Features  Exerciser clock and time of delay start/stop initiate a

 Integrated 128x64 Pixel monochrome graphic test without load
LCD Display  Maintenance due alarm based on engine running
 12 and 24V battery operation time and real time clock
 Genset monitoring-monitor status of all  Auto Main Failure (AMF) Provides load transfer
critical engine and alternator functions operation in open transition mode
 Digital genset metering (AC and DC)  AMF Test with or without load options
 Genset battery monitoring system to warn against a  Utility Voltage monitoring and protection
weak battery connection  Remote start capability in Auto mode
 Configurable for single phase or three phase or split  Advanced serviceabilityusing InpowerTM a PC based
phase AC metering Software service tool
 Engine starting includes solid state output to  Modbus interface for interconnecting to customer
operate external relay to start the engine, fuel shut PLC/BMS
off (FSO) and glow Plug  Configurable Inputs and Outputs
 Genset Protection: protects engine and alternator  Environmental protection : The Control is designed
for reliable operation in harsh environment
 Real time clock for fault and event stamping  Warranty and service backed by a comprehensive
 Fuel level measurement using 4-20mA input warranty and worldwide distributor service network
sensor  Certification-suitable for use on generator sets that
are designed, manufactured, tested and certified
relevant ISO, IEC and CE standards.
Control functions
LCD capability
LED indicating lamps Engine control
 F
or Genset Running, Remote Start, AMF Test Active, Genset  CT ratio, and Genset ratings setup
Shutdown, Warning, Load connected to Genset, Load connected  Start/Stop time delay setup
to Utility, Manual Mode, Stop Mode and Auto Mode.  Real time clock setup with daylight saving
 AMF Setup with test mode and transfer/retransfer time delays
LCD display  Modbus baud rate, parity setup
 Exercise scheduler repeat interval, Day, time and duration setup
128 x 64 Pixel Monochrome Graphics display
 Maintenance due setup
 LCD brightness and contrast control
Operation Interface
 S
ix tactile-feel soft switches for LCD navigation, genset operation Battery operation
and control setup. These switches are indicated by internationally
 Control will operate on 12V/24V batteries
accepted symbols and English text.

Operator adjustments Auto start mode

 A
ccepts a ground signal from remote devices to automatically start
 T
he LCD includes provisions for necessary set up and adjustment
the generator set. The remote start signal will also wake up the
control from sleep mode. The control can incorporate a time delay
 D
ata Log includes engine run time and controller ontime Fault
start and stop.
 P
rovides a record of the most recent fault Condition with Engine
run time stamp, RTC stamp and occurances Emergency stop
 U
p to 5 events are stored in the control non-volatile memory.  T
he control annunciates when an emergency stop signal is received
and the generator set immediately shuts down. The generator set is
AMF Functionality prevented from running or cranking with the switch engaged E-stop
 W
hen Auto Mains Failure is enabled and controller is in Auto Mode
and if utility goes off then control starts the Genset automatically
and transfers load onto Genset. If Utility returns and is healthy Sleep mode
then load again gets retransferred onto Utility. AMF provides load  T
he control includes a configurable low current draw state to
transfer operation in Open Transition transfer mode. minimize starting battery current draw when the genset is not
Fuel Level Feature
 T
he Control will show the warning fault when the fuel level in the Engine starting
tank goes below the predefined threshold. Control includes time  T
he control supports automatic engine starting. Primary and
delays to prevent nuisance warning signals. backup start disconnects are achieved by battery charging
alternator feedback or main alternator output frequency. The
Exercise Scheduler control also supports configurable glow plug control when
 I
t is used only when genset is in Auto mode. It is used to start
a Scheduler schedule at No Load condition. A trim Exercise
Scheduler Enable is available to enable or disable the feature. Cycle cranking
 C
onfigurable for the number of starting cycles (1 to 7) and duration
Maintenance of crank and rest periods. Control includes starter protection
algorithms to prevent the operator from specifying a starting
 M
aintenance due alarm based on Engine Running Time or Real
sequence that might be damaging.
time clock

Control data Time delay start and stop (cooldown)

 A
ccess to the control software part number and software version  C
onfigurable for time delay of 0-300 seconds prior to starting after
are provided from the LCD or InPowerTM. receiving a remote start signal and for time delay of 0-600 seconds
prior to shutdown after signal to stop in normal operation modes.
Alternator data Default for both time delay periods is 0 seconds.
 Voltage (single or three phase line-to-line and line-to- neutral)
 Current (single or three phase) Auto Mains Failure functions
 kVA, kVAR, kW, Power Factor (Three phase and total)
 A
MF primarily means that the genset controller is controlling
 Frequency
both the genset breaker and a utility breaker in a transfer pair
 Totalized positive and negative kWH, kVARH, kVAH
arrangement. AMF is only for use in a single genset / single utility
arrangement. AMF’s primary job is to keep loads powered. AMF
Utility AC data completely manages the system by automatically starting the
 Voltage (three/single phase LL and LN) -Frequency genset and transferring load when it detects utility failure. AMF has
numerous built-in configurable sensors to determine the availability
Engine data of the utility and genset sources. Sensors include under voltage,
overvoltage, over/under frequency and breaker failure. PS0600
 Starting battery voltage
control supports only open transition (Break before Make) AMF
 Engine running hours
 Engine temperature
 Engine oil pressure
AMF Test mode
Service adjustments  A
MF supports test mode with or without load options along with
test mode duration.
 T
he control includes provisions for adjustment and calibration of
generator set control functions.
Functions include: Load Transfer Switch Type
 Voltage selection
 A
MF breaker outputs can be continuous (contact pair) or pulsed
 Frequency selection
(GTEC) type based on load transfer switch selection.
 Genset and Utility AC Meter Calibration
Undervoltage sensor
 T
hree phase LL and LN undervoltage sensing for pickup 85-100% and dropout adjustable from 75-98% of nominal and dropout adjustable
delay from 0.1-30 sec

Overvoltage sensor
 T
hree phase LL and LN overvoltage sensing for dropout adjustable from 105-135% of nominal and dropout adjustable delay from
0.5-120 sec

Over/under frequency sensor

 U
nderfrequency sensing for pickup 85-100% and dropout adjustable from 70-85% of nominal and dropout adjustable delay from 0.1-15 sec
 O
verfrequency sensing for dropout adjustable from 105-115% of nominal and dropout adjustable delay from 0.1-15 sec

 C
ontrol provides transfer time delays including Time delay engine start (0-3600 sec), time delay normal to emergency (0-300 sec) and
programmed transition delay (0-600 sec)
 C
ontrol provides retransfer time delays including time delay emergency to normal (0-1800 sec) and programmed transition delay (0-600 sec),
time delay engine cooldown (0-3600 sec)

Protective functions:
On operation of a protective function, the control will indicate a fault Alternator protection
by illuminating the appropriate status LED, as well as display the fault
code and fault description on the LCD. The nature of the fault and Battleshort Mode
time of occurrence are logged in the control. The service manual and  When enabled and Battleshort switch is active, the control will
InPowerTM Service Tool provide service keys and procedures based allow non-critical shutdown faults to be bypassed. If a bypass
onthe service codes provided. In Power is used to configure settings. shutdown fault occurs, the fault code and description will still
be annunciated, but the genset will not shutdown. This will be
followed by a fail to shutdown fault. Emergency stop
Configurable alarm input
critical shutdown faults are not bypassed.
 T
he control accepts maximum three alarm inputs (contact closed Please refer to control service and operator manual for list of
to ground) to cause a shutdown or warning response from the critical faults
High AC voltage shutdown (59)
 Output voltage on any phase exceeds preset values. Values
Emergency stop adjustable from 105-125% of nominal voltage, with time delay
 A
nnunciated whenever an emergency stop signal is received from adjustable from 1-10 seconds. Default value is 110% for 5
external switch. seconds.
Low AC voltage shutdown (27)
 Voltage on any phase has dropped below a preset value.
Engine protection Adjustable over a range of 50-95% of voltage, time delay 2-20
 Low lube oil pressure warning/shutdown - Level is preset to seconds. Default value is 90% for 5 seconds.
match the capabilities of the engine used. Control includes time Under frequency shutdown (81 u)
delays to prevent nuisance shutdown signals.  Generator set output frequency cannot be maintained. Settings are
 High coolant temperature warning/shutdown - Level is preset adjustable from 2-10 Hz below nominal governor set point, for a
to match the capabilities of the engine used. Control includes time 500-2000 half cycles delay. Default: 5 Hz, 1000 half cycles.
delays to prevent nuisance shutdown signals. Over frequency shutdown/warning (81 o)
 Low coolant temperature warning - Indicates that engine  Generator set is operating at a potentially damaging frequency
temperature may not be high enough for 1 min. and start or proper level. Settings are adjustable from 2-10 Hz above nominal governor
load acceptance. set point for 100-2000 half cycles delay. Default: 5 Hz, 1000 half
 Sensor failure indication - Logic is provided on the base control cycles.
to detect analog sensor or interconnecting wiring failures. Loss of sensing voltage shutdown
 Shutdown of generator set will occur on loss of voltage sensing
General engine protection: inputs to the control.
Current Imbalance Warning Fault
Low Fuel Level Warning - Indicates that engine fuel level reached the
 Issues warning when current imbalance is observed per phase
Low Fuel Level Warning Threshold (30% by default).
when genset is in running state.
Charging Alternator Failure Warning - Indicates that engine charging High Current warning/shutdown (51)
alternator voltage reached the low/high charging alternator threshold  Implementation of the thermal damage curve with instantaneous
when charging alternator enable trim is enabled. trip level calculated based on current transformer ratio and
application power rating.
  ow and high battery voltage warning - Indicates status of
battery charging system (failure) by continuously monitoring Auto Mains Failure Protections:
battery voltage.
 Weak battery warning - The control will test the battery each time  Breaker/ATS Switch fail to close warning - when the control
the generator set is signaled to start and indicate a warning if the signals a ATS switch to close, it will monitor the ATS switch
battery indicates impending failure. feedback contacts and verifies that switch is closed. If the control
 Cranking lockout - The control will not allow the starter to does not sense ATS switch closure within an adjustable time period
attempt to engage or to crank the engine when the engine is of ter the close signal, the fail to close warning will be initiated.
running.  Breaker/ATS Switch fail to open warning - when the control signals
 Fail to start shutdown - The control will indicate a fault if the a ATS switch to open, it will monitor the ATS switch feedback
generator set fails to start by the completion of the engine crack contacts and verifies that switch is opened. If the control does not
sequence. sense ATS switch opened within an adjustible time period after the
open signal, the fail to open warning will be initiated.
The control is designed for proper operation without recalibration in ambient temperatures from -15 °C (5 °F) to +70° C (158 °F), and for storage
from -20 °C (-4 °F) to +80 °C (176 °F). Control will operate with humidity up to 95%, non-condensing.
The control board is conformal coated to provide resistance to dust and moisture. The single membrane surface, which is impervious to effects of
dust, moisture, oil and exhaust fumes. This panel uses a sealed membrane to provide long reliable service life in harsh environments.
The control is specifically designed and tested for resistance to RFI/EMI and to resist effects of vibration to provide a long reliable life when
mounted on a generator set. The control includes transient voltage surge suppression to provide compliance to referenced standards.

Field control interface

Input signals to the control include:
 Remote start
 Emergency stop
 Configurable customer inputs:
Control includes (1 Control includes 3 input signals which can be configured for diagnostic inputs. Out of which 1st input can also be configured as
Battleshort input. 2nd and 3rd inputs gets configured to Utility CB status and Genset CB status when Auto mains failure is enabled.)

Output signals from the control include:

Control includes 6 configurable outputs which can be configured to Diagnostic Output, Glow Plug, Ready to load, L series governor.
Configurable output 3, Configurable output 4, Configurable output 5 and Configurable output 6 get configuraed to AMF specific outputs (Utility/
Genset CB Open/ Close driver) when Auto mains failure is enabled.

Communications connections include:

Control provides one RS-485 port which can be used either for PCTool interface or modbus master interface based on protocol selection from
LCD or InpowerTM.
 Modbus RS485 port: Allows the control to communicate with external deviceces such as PLCs using modbus protocol.
 PC tool interface: This RS-485 communication port allows the control to communicate with a personal computer running InPowerTM software.
 Note — An RS-485 or USB to RS-232 converter is required for communication between control and PC.

InPower (beyond version) is a PC-based software service tool that is designed to directly communicate to PowerStart generator sets and
transfer switches, to facilitate service and monitoring of these products.

PowerStart meets or exceeds the requirements of the following codes and standards:
 CE marking: The control is suitable for use on generator sets to be CE-marked.
 EN 50081-1,2 residential/light industrial emissions or industrial emissions.
 EN 50082-1,2 residential/light industrial or industrial susceptibility.
 ISO 7637-2, level 2; DC supply surge voltage test.
 PowerStart control and generator sets are designed and manufactured in ISO 9001 certified facilities.

All components and subsystems are covered by an express limited one year warranty. Other optional and extended factory warranties and local
distributor maintenance agreements are available.

Cummins Power Systems Offices

Bengaluru: Tel.: (080) 2325 9161 / 63, 2325 9165 / 67

Fax: (080) 2325 9164
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Fax: (0172) 224 0372
Chennai: Tel.: (044) 2446 8110 / 2446 8113
Fax: (044) 2491 1120
Gurgaon: Tel.: (0124) 391 0900-01
Fax : (0124) 391 0916
Hyderabad: Tel.: (040) 2340 9970 / 2340 9980
Fax. (040) 2340 9990
Jaipur: Tel.: (0141) 236 4944
Fax: (0141) 403 8794
Kolkata: Tel.: (033) 2287 8065 / 2287 2481
Fax: (033) 2290 3839
Lucknow: Tel.: (0522) 230 5049 / 230 5059
Fax: (0522) 230 5035
Mohali: Tel.: (0172) 224 0371 / 72 / 73
Fax: (0172) 224 0371 / 72 / 73
Vadodara: Tel.: (0265) 233 0627 / 3053627
Fax: (0265) 234 0623

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