Power Homes Unlimited Corporation Vs SEC
Power Homes Unlimited Corporation Vs SEC
Power Homes Unlimited Corporation Vs SEC
After investigation, Public Respondent SEC found out that Petitioner is engaged in
the sale or offer for sale or distribution of investment contracts, which are considered
securities under Sec. 3.1 (b) of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 8799 (The Securities Regulation
Code), but failed to register them in violation of Sec. 8.1 of the same Act,Public
Respondent SEC issued a Cease and Desist Order against Petitioner.
Petitioner filed this petition for review after the Court of Appeals denied its petition
for lack of merit and affirmed in toto Public Respondent’s Cease and Desist Order.
1. Whether or not Public Respondent SEC followed due process in the issuance
of the assailed Cease and Desist Order;
1. The Court held that Petitioner was not denied of due process.The records reveal
that Public Respondent SEC properly examined petitioners business operations
when it (1) called into conference three of petitioners incorporators, (2) requested
information from the incorporators regarding the nature of petitioners business
operations, (3) asked them to submit documents pertinent thereto, and (4) visited
petitioners business premises and gathered information thereat. All these were
done before the CDO was issued by the Public Respondent SEC.
2. The Court ruled that Petitioner’s business constitutes an investment contract, thus,
should be registered with Public Respondent SEC before its sale or offer for sale
of distribution to the public.
Ciiting SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc. et al., the Court therefore ruled
that the business operation or the scheme of Petitioner constitutes an investment
contract that is a security under R.A. No. 8799. Thus, it must be registered with
Public Respondent SEC before its sale or offer for sale or distribution to the
public. As petitioner failed to register the same, its offering to the public was
rightfully enjoined by Public Respondent SEC. The CDO was proper even without
a finding of fraud.