States of Matter Practice Test
States of Matter Practice Test
States of Matter Practice Test
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 2. In which state of matter are particles packed tightly together in fixed positions?
a. gas
b. solid
c. liquid
d. compound
____ 3. The state of matter in which particles are arranged in either a crystalline or an amorphous form
a. liquid.
b. gas.
c. solid.
d. fluid.
____ 5. The surface of water can act like a sort of skin due to a property of liquids called
a. viscosity.
b. surface tension.
c. condensation.
d. evaporation.
____ 6. In which state of matter do the particles spread apart and fill all the space available to them?
a. crystal
b. liquid
c. gas
d. solid
____ 7. The change from liquid to solid, or the reverse of melting, is called
a. condensation.
b. boiling.
c. sublimation.
d. freezing.
____ 10. Which state of matter undergoes changes in volume most easily?
a. solid
b. liquid
c. gas
d. frozen
____ 11. The greater the speed of gas particles in a container, the
a. fewer collisions there will be.
b. lower the temperature.
c. greater the pressure.
d. lower the pressure.
____ 13. In which of the following pairs of characteristics of an element are the temperatures the same?
a. boiling point and freezing point
b. condensation point and melting point
c. freezing point and condensation point
d. melting point and freezing point
____ 14. Which of the following will occur as the speed of the molecules in a substance increases?
a. The substance will become cooler.
b. The substance will begin to take up less space.
c. The force of attraction between the molecules will decrease.
d. The force of attraction that draws objects to Earth will increase.
Figure 5
____ 15. Figure 5 shows how the temperature of a substance changed as it was heated. Which segment
of the graph indicates that the substance was undergoing a change of state?
a. A c. C
b. B d. D
____ 16. An uncovered pot of soup is simmering on a stove, and there are water droplets on the wall
above the back of the stove. What sequence can you infer has occurred?
a. melting, then boiling
b. freezing, then thawing
c. vaporization, then condensation
d. condensation, then vaporization
____ 17. According to Boyle’s law, when the pressure of a gas increases at constant temperature, its
a. increases.
b. stays constant.
c. decreases.
d. increases, then decreases.
____ 18. When the temperature of a gas decreases at constant volume, its
a. pressure increases.
b. mass increases.
c. pressure decreases.
d. particles move faster.
____ 19. According to Charles’s law, when the temperature of a gas increases at constant pressure, its
a. volume increases.
b. mass increases.
c. volume decreases.
d. particles move more slowly.
____ 21. Boyle's law states that for a fixed amount of gas at a constant
a. pressure, the volume increases as the temperature decreases.
b. temperature, the volume increases as the pressure increases.
c. temperature, the volume decreases as the pressure increases.
d. pressure, the volume decreases as the temperature increases.
____ 22. When a person wearing glasses enters a warm house after being outside on a cold day, their
glasses fog up because of
a. vaporization. c. sublimation.
b. condensation. d. melting.
A. Meter stick
B. Graduated cylinder
C. Bathroom scale
D. Triple beam balance
A. Meter stick
B. Graduated cylinder
C. Bathroom scale
D. Triple beam balance
3. Which would you use to find the volume of an irregularly shaped rock?
A. 9 cm²
B. 12 cm³
C. 24 cm³
D. 36 cm³
5. A rock is dropped into a graduated cylinder containing 40 mL of water. The new volume is 47 mL. What
is the volume of the rock?
A. 4 mL
B. 7 mL
C. 47 mL
D. 87 mL
Use the illustration on the right to answer the next two
questions. It shows the densities of some common
substances. The black cube is made of plastic.
A. black cube
B. alcohol
C. water
D. corn syrup
8. Why does the egg sink in fresh water? The egg is
9. Based on the eggs, why is it easier to float on the Great Salt Lake than a fresh water lake?
Your body is
12. If the mass of a cube were 48 g, and its volume 24 cm3, what would its density be?
A. .5 g/ cm3
B. 2 g/ cm3
C. 4 g/cm3
D. 6 g/cm3
13. 90 mL of salt water has a mass of 120 g. What is the density of the salt water?
A. .75 g/mL
B. 1.3 g/mL
C. 3.0 g/mL
D. 9.0 g/mL
14. Which of the following statements best summarizes the relationship between mass, volume
and density.
15. If each dot in the cube is a particle of with the same mass, which cube has the greatest
density and why?
16. A student lifts two soup cans that are the same size. He says that one is heavier than the
other. What do you know about the heavier can?
Use the descriptions of two different experiments to answer the next three questions:
Experiment X Experiment Y
Students find the mass of a test tube of water, a Students mass an empty balloon, filled it with
fizzing tablet and a beaker. They add the tablet a gas and massed it again. They measured its
to the water, it bubbles and they collect the gas volume by placing it in a full container of
in a graduated cylinder. They mass the water water that overflows. They collected the
and the beaker again and subtract this mass from overflow and find the volume the balloon
the first. They divide the change in mass by the displaced. They find the mass by subtracting
volume of gas they collected in the graduated the mass of the balloon empty from it’s mass
cylinder. when it is full of gas. Then they divide the
mass by the volume.
19. What would you expect the results of the two experiments to show?
1. You are aware of the properties of the three states of matter. Write down some of the
properties of the fourth and the fifth states of matter.
Fourth State: __________________ Fifth State:_______________________
Properties: Properties:
Example: Example:
I. Classify the following as chemical change (cc), chemical property (cp), physical
change (pc), or physical property (pp).
II. Identify the following as being true or false to the left of the sentence.
23. _____ Scientist break-up water into oxygen and hydrogen gas.
Directions, Part 1: Classify each of the properties listed below as extensive or intensive. Then classify each property
as physical or chemical. Write the word out to earn full credit.
Directions, Part 2: Some measurements or descriptions of properties are listed below. Write which property is being
described in each case. Select properties that are listed in the table from Part 1.
15 dm3 A. ______________________
16. can easily be hammered into sheets B. ______________________
17. 2.8 g/cm3 C. ______________________
18. burns when heated in the presence of O2 D. ______________________
1. shiny metal forms a chalky white layer on its surface E. ______________________
20. can be scratched by a diamond F. ______________________
21. 500 °C G. ______________________
22. can easily be drawn into a wire H. ______________________
At point A, the beginning of observations, the substance exists in a solid state. Material in this phase has
_________________ volume and _________________ shape. With each passing minute,
_________________ is added to the substance. This causes the molecules of the substance to
_________________ more rapidly which we detect by a ________________ rise in the substance. At
point B, the temperature of the substance is __________°C. The solid begins to ________________. At
point C, the substance is completely _______________ or in a _______________ state. Material in this
phase has _________________ volume and ________________ shape. The energy put to the substance
between minutes 5 and 9 was used to convert the substance from a __________________ to a
_________________. This heat energy is called the latent heat of fusion. (An interesting fact.)
Between 9 and 13 minutes, the added energy increases the ____________________ of the substance.
During the time from point D to point E, the liquid is ____________________. By point E, the
substance is completely in the ________________ phase. Material in this phase has
__________________ volume and ___________________ shape. The energy put to the substance
between minutes 13 and 18 converted the substance from a _______________ to a _______________
state. This heat energy is called the latent heat of vaporization. (An interesting fact.) Beyond point E,
the substance is still in the ___________________ phase, but the molecules are moving
_____________________ as indicated by the increasing temperature.
Which of these three substances was likely used in Substance Melting point Boiling point
this phase change experiment? Bolognium 20 °C 100 °C
Unobtainium 40 °C 140 °C
Foosium 70 °C 140 °C
Endothermic and Exothermic reaction Worksheet
I. Decide whether each of these reactions is exothermic or endothermic
1. H + Cl HCl + 432 kJ
3. ice water
4. C + D CD ΔH=-65.8 kJ
5. E + F + 437 kJ G + H
Density Worksheet
1. Different kinds of wood have different densities. The density of oak wood is generally 0.7
g/cm3. If a 35 cm3 piece of wood has a mass of 25 g, is the wood likely to be oak?
2. The density of pine is generally about 0.5 g/cm3. What is the mass of a 800 cm3 piece of
3. A graduated cylinder is filled with water to a level of 40.0 mL. When a piece of copper is
lowered into the cylinder, the water level rises to 63.4 mL. Find the volume of the copper
sample. If the density of the copper is 8.9 g/cm3, what is its mass?
4. Rocks are sometimes used along coasts to prevent erosion. If a rock needs to weigh 2,000
kilograms (about 2 tons) in order not to be shifted by waves, how big (what volume) does
it need to be? You are using basalt, which has a typical density of 3200 kg/m3
5. A golden-colored cube is handed to you. The person wants you to buy it for $100, saying
that is a gold nugget. You pull out your old geology text and look up gold in the mineral
table, and read that its density is 19.3 g/cm3. You measure the cube and find that it is 2
cm on each side, and weighs 40 g. What is its density? Is it gold? Should you buy it?