Constitutonal Law 1 - Chapter 13-18
Constitutonal Law 1 - Chapter 13-18
Constitutonal Law 1 - Chapter 13-18
CHAPTER 13: THE CONSTITUTIONAL 11. The chairmen and members of all
COMMISSIONS these Commissions are subject to
certain disqualifications and
I. The Three Constitutional inhibitions calculated to strengthen
Commissions their integrity. (Id., Art. IX-A, Sec.
a. The Civil Service Commission
b. The Commission on Elections
12. Finally, the Commissions can
c. The Commission on Audit
appoint their own officials and
II. Safeguards on Independence of the employees in accordance with Civil
Constitutional Commissions Service Law. (Id., Art. IX-A, Sec.4)
1. Created by the Constitution may not
be abolished by law (Art. IX-A,
2. Each is expressly described as III. Disqualifications
independent (Ibid.) No Member of a Constitutional Commission
3. Has certain powers which cannot be shall, during his tenure, hold any other office or
withdrawn or reduced by law (Art. employment. Neither shall he engage in the
IX-B, C and D) practice of any profession or in the active
4. The chairmen and members of all management or control of any business which in
these Commissions may not be any way be affected by the functions of his office,
removed from office except by nor shall he be financially interested, directly or
impeachment. (Id. Art. IX, Sec. 2) indirectly, in any contract with, or in any
5. The chairmen and members of all franchise or privilege granted by the
these Commissions are given the Government, any of its subdivisions, agencies, or
fairly long term of seven years. (Id. instrumentalities, including government-owned
Art. IX-B, C and D, Sec. 1(2)) or controlled corporations or their subsidiaries.
6. The terms of office of the chairmen (Sec. 2, Article IX)
and members of all these
Commissions are staggered in such a Purpose – compel the chairmen and
way as to lessen the opportunity for members to devote their full attention to
appointment of the majority of the the discharge of their duties and to
body by the same President. (Id.) remove any temptation to take advantage
7. The chairmen and members of all of their positions.
these Commissions may not be The following are the disqualifications as
reappointed or appointed in an acting found in Sec. 2
capacity. (Id.) o Shall hold any other officer or
8. The salaries of the chairmen and employment
members of all these Commissions o Engage in the practice of any
are relatively high and may not be profession
decreased during their continuance o Or the active management or
in office. (Id., Art. IX-A, Sec. 3; Art. control of any business
XVIII, Sec. 17) o Not financially interested,
9. The Commissions shall enjoy fiscal directly or indirectly in any
autonomy. (Id., Art. IX-A, Sec. 5) contract with, or in any franchise
10. Each Commission may promulgate or privilege granted y, the
its own procedural rules. (Id., Art. Government, and any of its
IX-A, Sec. 7) subdivisions, agencies, or
CHAPTER 14: THE CIVIL SERVICE SECTION 2. (1) The civil service embraces all
COMMISSION branches, subdivisions, instrumentalities, and
agencies of the Government, including
I. Composition and Qualifications government-owned or controlled corporations
SECTION 1. (1) The Civil Service shall be with original charters. (Art. IX-B)
administered by the Civil Service Commission
Corporations with original charters –
composed of a Chairman and two Commissioners
those created by a special law:
who shall be natural-born citizens of the
Philippines and, at the time of their appointment,
at least thirty-five years of age, with proven
Corporations which are subsidiaries of
capacity for public administration, and must not
these are not under the CSC.
have been candidates for any elective position in
National Service Corporation v. NLRC
the elections immediately preceding their
appointment. (Art. IX-B) In this case, the Court ruled that the GOCCs
included in the Civil service are only those
The Chairman and the Commissioners shall be
corporations created by special law or granted
appointed by the President with the consent of the
legislative charters, and NOT ORGANIZED
Commission on Appointments for a term of seven
under the Corporation Code.
years without reappointment. Of those first
appointed, the Chairman shall hold office for UP v. Dizon
seven years, a Commissioner for five years, and
another Commissioner for three years, without In this case, it was the contention of petitioners
reappointment. Appointment to any vacancy shall that the UP is a chartered institution and a
be only for the unexpired term of the predecessor. government instrumentality tasked with the
In no case shall any Member be appointed or constitutional mandate of quality education.
designated in a temporary or acting capacity. Based on this charter, the petitioners averred that
(Art. IX-B) the funds of the UP cannot be the subject of
execution since those funds are public property
i. Composition of the CSC and can only be appropriated by Congress. In this
a. 1 Chairman case, the said funds have been earmarked for a
b. 2 Commissioners construction project, then said funds were then set
ii. Qualifications for execution by the RTC, which the SC did not
a. Natural-born citizens agree with, and granted the petition of the UP.
b. At least 35 years of age
c. Proven capacity for public GOCC
administration o Any agency organized as a stock
d. Not have been candidates in the or non-stock corporation, vested
immediately preceding elections with functions relating to public
prior to appointment. needs whether governmental or
iii. Staggering of Terms proprietary in nature, and owned
a. To lessen opportunity of by the Government directly or
President to appoint majority of indirectly in case of stock
the members corporations owning majority of
b. Ensure continuance of the body the stock.
c. Retains 2/3 of its membership Government instrumentality
d. 1/3 is vacated every 2 years. o Any agency of the National
II. Scope of the Civil Service Government no integrated
within the department
contested appointments, and shall review thus there actually no separation or dismissal
decisions and actions of its offices and of the such that these concepts imply that there is an
agencies attached to it. Except as otherwise office to be separated from. However, the Court
provided by the Constitution or by law, the Civil asserts that, reorganizations abolishing an office
Service Commission shall have the final authority would only be valid if it passes the test of good
to pass upon the removal, separation and faith. A Reorganization carried out in good faith
suspension of all officers and employees in the must have for its purpose the efficiency of both
civil service and upon all matters relating to the the economy and bureaucracy. In this case, there
conduct, discipline and efficiency of such officers is lack of good faith such that there is no showing
and employees. that legitimate structural changes were made,
only that personnel were reduced. Thus, it cannot
PCSO v. Lapid be said that it was done by reason of economy or
o Casual employment redundancy of functions. Thus, since there is lack
The rule is still that casual employment will cease of good faith, there is no valid reorganization that
automatically at the end of the period unless would allow the “separation” of the petitioners, in
renewed as stated in the Plantilla of Casual keeping with their security of tenure. The act of
Employment. Casual employees may also be reorganization of the Bureau of Customs
terminated anytime though subject to certain dismissing Dario is unconstitutional.
conditions or qualifications with reference to the V. Partisan Political Activity
abovequoted CSC Form No. 001. Thus, they may
be laid-off anytime before the expiration of the Sec. 1 (3) No officer or employee of the Civil
employment period provided any of the following Service shall engage, directly or indirectly in any
occurs: (1) when their services are no longer electioneering or partisan political campaign.
needed; (2) funds are no longer available; (3) (Art. IX-B)
the project has already been
Partisan Political Activity
completed/finished; or (4) their performance
o Active support for or affliation
are below par
with the cause of a political party
o Security of Tenure or candidate.
Purpose of prohibition
Section 2(3), Article IX-B of the Constitution
o To prevent the members of the
provides that “no officer or employee of the civil
civil service from using the
service shall be removed or suspended except for
resources of the government for
cause provided by law.” Apparently, the Civil
the benefit of their candidates;
Service Law echoes this constitutional edict of
o To insulate them from political
security of tenure of the employees in the civil
retaliation from winning
service. Thus, Section 46 (a) of the Civil Service
candidates they have opposed or
Law provides that “no officer or employee in the
did not support.
Civil Service shall be suspended or dismissed
De Los Santos v. Yatco
except for cause as provided by law after due
o Exemptions from prohibitions
In this case the Court ruled that the Secretary of
Dario v. Mison
National Defense was sough to be restrained from
o Separation without cause
conducting a house-to-house campaign on behalf
o Reorganization
of the administration during the 1959 elections,
In line with this, the Court maintains that but the claimed that he was not covered on the
reorganization entails that an office is abolished, ban on Partisan Political Activity. The Supreme
Court ruled in his favor, citing that in the
Constitutional Convention a delegate moved for demands. As now provided under Sec. 4, Rule III
the inclusion of Cabinet members but was of the Rules and Regulations to Govern the
defeated. The Convention held that Cabinet Exercise of the Right of Government-Employees
members are supposed to be the alter ego of the to Self-Organization, which took effect after the
President and that their appointment is instant dispute arose, “[t]he terms and conditions
particularly for the political influence that the of employment in the government, including any
President exerts on them. political subdivision or intrumentality thereof and
government-owned and controlled corporations
As based on this ruling, all public officers and
with original charters are governed by law and
employees holding political offices are now
employees therein shall not strike for the purpose
permitted to take part in political and electoral
of securing changes thereof.”
GSIS v. Kapisanan
Quinto v. CSC o Right of government employees
o Exemptions to prohibition
to form organizations is limited
o Appointive v. elective
to formation of unions or
In this case, the Court differentiated the strict ban associations.
on the prohibition against partisan political
Employees in the public service may not engage
activity, especially with regards to Appointive
in strikes or in concerted and unauthorized
and Elective public officials. Here the Court held
stoppage of work; that the right of government
that the prohibition only applies to civil servants
employees to organize is limited to the formation
holding apolitical offices. This means that
of unions or associations, without including the
elective officials are not covered by the
right to strike.—It was against the backdrop of the
prohibition, for the very nature of elective offices
aforesaid provisions of the 1987 Constitution that
are political in nature.
the Court resolved Bangalisan v. Court of
VI. Self-organization Appeals, 276 SCRA 619 (1997). In it, we held,
citing Manila Public School Teachers
Sec. 2 (5) The right to self-organization shall not Association (MPSTA) v. Laguio, Jr., 200 SCRA
be denied to government employees. (Art. IX-B) 323 (1991), that employees in the public service
SSSEA v. CA may not engage in strikes or in concerted and
o Right to strike of government unauthorized stoppage of work; that the right of
employees government employees to organize is limited to
the formation of unions or associations, without
Government employees may, therefore, through including the right to strike.
their unions or associations, either petition the
Congress for the betterment of the terms and VII. Disqualifications
conditions of employment which are within the SECTION 7. No elective official shall be eligible
ambit of legislation or negotiate with the for appointment or designation in any capacity to
appropriate government agencies for the any public office or position during his tenure.
improvement of those which are not fixed by law.
If there be any unresolved grievances, the dispute Unless otherwise allowed by law or by the
may be referred to the Public Sector Labor- primary functions of his position, no appointive
Management Council for appropriate action. But official shall hold any other office or employment
employees in the civil service may not resort to in the Government or any subdivision, agency or
strikes, walkouts and other temporary work instrumentality thereof, including government-
stoppages, like workers in the private sector, to owned or controlled corporations or their
pressure the Government to accede to their subsidiaries.
prohibits losing candidates within one year after ineptly performing his duties in
such election to be appointed to any office in the all of them because of lack of
government or any government-owned or devotion of proper time.
controlled corporations or in any of their o EXCEPTION – when the law
subsidiaries. allows him to receive extra
compensation for services
Legal disqualification cannot be read as
rendered in another positions
excluding temporary disqualification in order to
which is an extension or
exempt therefrom the legal prohibitions under the
connected with his basic work;
1987 Constitution and the Local Government
ex officio positions.
Code of 1991. This provision does not apply to
Veloso v. Commission on Audit
losing candidates of barangay elections.
o Retirement remuneration as
VIII. Standardization of Compensation double compensation
SECTION 5. The Congress shall provide for the There is nothing wrong with the local
standardization of compensation of government government granting additional benefits to the
officials and employees, including those in officials and employees. The laws even
government-owned or controlled corporations encourage the granting of incentive benefits
with original charters, taking into account the aimed at improving the services of these
nature of the responsibilities pertaining to, and employees. Considering, however, that the
the qualifications required for their positions. payment of these benefits constitute
(Art. IX-B) disbursement of public funds, it must not
contravene the law on disbursement of public
IX. Double Compensation funds.
SECTION 8. No elective or appointive public As clearly explained by the Court in Yap v.
officer or employee shall receive additional, Commission on Audit,40 the disbursement of
double, or indirect compensation, unless public funds, salaries and benefits of government
specifically authorized by law, nor accept without officers and employees should be granted to
the consent of the Congress, any present, compensate them for valuable public services
emolument, office, or title of any kind from any rendered, and the salaries or benefits paid to such
foreign government. officers or employees must be commensurate
Pensions or gratuities shall not be considered as with services rendered. In the same vein,
additional, double, or indirect compensation. additional allowances and benefits must be
(Art. IX-B) shown to be necessary or relevant to the
fulfillment of the official duties and functions of
the government officers and employees. Without
this limitation, government officers and
Purpose of prohibition
employees may be paid enormous sums without
o To inform the people of the exact
limit or without justification necessary other than
amount a public functionary is
that such sums are being paid to someone
receiving from the government,
employed by the government. Public funds are
so they can demand
the property of the people and must be used
commensurate service.
prudently at all times with a view to prevent
o To prevent the public
dissipation and waste.
functionary from dividing his
time among the several positions Undoubtedly, the above computation of the
concurrently held by him, and awardees’ reward is excessive and tantamount to
double and additional compensation. This cannot authorized by law, is considered a “constitutional
be justified by the mere fact that the awardees curb” on the spending power of the
have been elected for three (3) consecutive terms government.―Clearly, the only exception for an
in the same position. Neither can it be justified employee to receive additional, double and
that the reward is given as a gratuity at the end of indirect compensation is where the law allows
the last term of the qualified elective official. The him to receive extra compensation for services
fact remains that the remuneration is equivalent rendered in another position which is an
to everything that the awardees received during extension or is connected with his basic work.
the entire period that he served as such official. The prohibition against additional or double
compensation, except when specifically
Indirectly, their salaries and benefits are doubled,
authorized by law, is considered a “constitutional
only that they receive half of them at the end of
curb” on the spending power of the government.
their last term.
The purpose of the prohibition against additional
or double compensation is best expressed in Composition and Qualifications
Peralta v. Auditor General,42 to wit:
Composed of the Chairman and Six
“This is to manifest a commitment to the Commissioners
fundamental principle that a public office is a Qualifications:
public trust. It is expected of a government o Natural-born citizens of the
official or employee that he keeps uppermost in Philippines
mind the demands of public welfare. He is there o At the time of their appointment,
to render public service. He is of course entitled at least thirty-five years of age
to be rewarded for the performance of the o Holders of a college degree
functions entrusted to him, but that should not be o Must not have been candidates
for any elective positions in the
the overriding consideration. The intrusion of the
immediately preceding elections
thought of private gain should be unwelcome.
A majority thereof, including the
The temptation to further personal ends, public Chairman, shall be members of the
employment as a means for the acquisition of Philippine Bar who have been engaged in
wealth, is to be resisted. That at least is the idea. the practice of law for at least ten years
There is then to be an awareness on the part of the
officer or employee of the government that he is
to receive only such compensation as may be Powers and Functions
fixed by law. With such a realization, he is 1. Enforcement of election laws
expected not to avail himself of devious or
circuitous means to increase the remuneration SECTION 2 (1): “The Commission on Elections
attached to his position.” shall xxx [e]nforce and administer all laws and
regulations relative to the conduct of an election,
Dimagiba v. Espatero plebiscite, initiative, referendum, and recall”
o Remuneration for services
rendered in connection to an Such authority includes:
extension of his basic office is o Promulgate rules and regulations
not allowed, unless a law for the implementation of
provides for such remuneration election laws.
o Power to Ascertain identity of a
Administrative Law; Double Compensation; political party and its legitimate
The prohibition against additional or double officer.
compensation, except when specifically
take effect only upon the start of the campaign To guarantee the proper conduct of
period”. election and other exercises calling for
the suffrages of the people
seven years, one Commissioner for five years, subsidiaries; and (d) such non-governmental
and the other Commissioner for three years, entities receiving subsidy or equity, directly or
without reappointment. Appointment to any indirectly, from or through the Government,
vacancy shall be only for the unexpired portion of which are required by law or the granting
the term of the predecessor. In no case shall any institution to submit to such audit as a condition
Member be appointed or designated in a of subsidy or equity. However, where the internal
temporary or acting capacity. (Art. IX-D, Section control system of the audited agencies is
1.) inadequate, the Commission may adopt such
measures, including temporary or special pre-
Composition audit, as are necessary and appropriate to
correct the deficiencies. It shall keep the general
- 1 Chairman accounts of the Government and, for such period
- 2 Commissioners as may be provided by law, preserve the vouchers
and other supporting papers pertaining thereto.
The Commission shall have exclusive authority,
- Natural-born citizen subject to the limitations in this Article, to define
- At least 35 years of age the scope of its audit and examination, establish
- CPA with at least 10 years of experience the techniques and methods required therefor,
in auditing and promulgate accounting and auditing rules
- Member of the IBP and practiced law for and regulations, including those for the
at least 10 years. prevention and disallowance of irregular,
unnecessary, excessive, extravagant, or
unconscionable expenditures, or uses of
government funds and properties. (Art. IX-D,
Section 2)
- Appointed by the President with consent
of Commission on Appointments
- Seven-year term Public funds are derived mainly from taxes, fines
- No reappointment and loans contracted by the Government. All
- No temporary appointment or collections are required to be turned over to the
designation or in an acting capacity national treasury and accounted for in accordance
- At no time shall all the members be from with law and regulations. The Commission on
the same profession. Audit sees to it that this duty is duly performed
by the officers receiving these collections.
II. Powers and Functions
Powers of the COA
The Commission on Audit shall have the power,
authority, and duty to examine, audit, and settle - to examine, audit, and settle all accounts
all accounts pertaining to the revenue and pertaining to the revenue and receipts of,
receipts of, and expenditures or uses of funds and and expenditures or uses of funds and
property, owned or held in trust by, or pertaining property, owned or held in trust by, or
to, the Government, or any of its subdivisions, pertaining to, the Government, or any of
agencies, or instrumentalities, including its subdivisions, agencies, or
government-owned or controlled corporations instrumentalities, including government-
with original charters, and on a post-audit basis: owned or controlled corporations with
(a) constitutional bodies, commissions and original charters
offices that have been granted fiscal autonomy - on a post-audit basis: (a) constitutional
under this Constitution; (b) autonomous state bodies, commissions and offices that
colleges and universities; (c) other government- have been granted fiscal autonomy under
owned or controlled corporations and their this Constitution; (b) autonomous state
supervision of the SC. But administrative charges Sec. 15. "The right of the State to recover
filed against them with the SC will defer the filing properties unlawfully acquired by public officials
of criminal charges based on the same offense by or employees, from them or from their nominees
the SP before the sandiganbyan. or transferees, shall not be barred by prescription,
laches, or estoppel."
Inting v. Tanodbayan
Held that Tanodbayan could review and reverse This provision applies only to civil cases for the
the findings of a city fiscal and order him to recovery of Ill-gotten wealth and not to criminal
withdraw certain charges filed by him. the cases, such as for violation of the provisions of
president's power of control over fiscals was in republic act 3019 or Anti-graft and corruption
this case exercised, not through the minister of practices act involving ill-gotten wealth.
justice, but through the Tanodbayan because the
cases involved offenses allegedly committed by a The prosecution of offenses involving ill-gotten
public functionary in connection with her office. wealth may be barred by prescription. of the
commission of the crime is known, the
Zaldivar v. Gonzales prescriptive period shall commence to run on the
Where the respondent who had been appointed day it was committed. the prescription shall be
Tanodbayan before the adoption of the 1987 interrupted when proceedings are instituted
constitution, claimed that he was the Ombudsman against the guilty person and shall begin to run
under the new charter, SC ruled that; again if the proceedings are dismissed for reasons
not constituting double jeopardy.
- Office of the Tanodbayan was converted The prescriptive period is 15 years as amended,
into the Office of the Special Prosecutor prior to amendment the prescriptive period is 10
and allowed to retain only such of its yrs.
powers as had not been transferred to the
Ombudsman. it is the office of the SP as Republic of the Philippines v. Desierto
reduced in status by the present charter Held that in cases pertaining to behest loans
that is now held by the respondent. obtained during the Marcos regime. the
- The Office of the Ombudsman was prescriptive period shall be reckoned from the
directly created by the self-executing discovery of such loans. "the reason for this is that
provision of Article 11, Section 6. of the the government, as aggrieved party, could not
present constitution. have known that those loans existed they were
- The respondent is not and never has been made. both parties to such loans supposedly
the Ombudsman under the present conspired to perpetrate fraud against the gov't.
constitution. they could only have been discovered after the
- The clear intention of the constitution is 1986 EDSA revolution when the people ousted
to vest the Ombudsman with more President Marcos from office. prior to that date
authority, prestige and importance and no person would have dared question the legality
reduce the Special Prosecutor to the rank or propriety of the loans."
of a mere subordinate of the former.
- Special prosecutor cannot claim to be This ruling was not applied in Republic v.
concurrently the Ombudsman and Cojuangco
exercise the latter's powers as this would
be a violation of the constitution. - what is questioned here is not the grant of
- The president possesses the authority to behest loans, that by nature could be
discipline and even remove Special concealed from the public eye by the
Prosecutors. simple expedient of suppressing their
documentation. what is involved here is
ILL-GOTTEN WEALTH UPCBs investment in UNICOM which
corporation is allegedly owned by
Cojuangco, a Marcos crony. that
Ombudsman to obtain from all appropriate had not established that she had taken the oath of
government agencies including BIR. renouncing her American Citizenship, and having
been established that she continues to use her
Except those who serve in an honorary capacity, American passport after taking first oath of
laborers and casual or temporary workers. allegiance swearing allegiance to the republic of
the Philippines under the same law.
In Re: Request of copy of 2008 SALN and
personal data sheets or curriculum vitae of Advocates and Adherents of Social justice for
justices of the supreme court and officers and School Teachers and Allied Workers Member v.
employees of the judiciary. Datumanong
The SC held that where the request is directly or Framers were not concerned with dual citizenship
indirectly traced to a litigant, lawyer or interested per se but with dual allegiance.
party in case pending before the court, or where
the court is reasonably certain that a disputed Congress was given a mandate to draft a law that
matter will come before it under circumstances would set specific parameters of what really
from which it may be reasonably be assumed that constitutes dual allegiance. until this is done it
the request is not made in good faith and for a would be premature for the judicial department to
legitimate purpose, but to fish for information and rule on issues pertaining to dual allegiance.
with the implicit threat of its disclosure, to
influence a decision or to warn the court of Mercado v. Manzano
unpleasant consequences of an adverse Declared that dual citizenship is different from
judgement, the request may be denied. dual allegiance.
The SC required all requests to be filed with the
clerk of court of the SC or with court of It is clear that the concern of ConCom is not the
administrator, should indicate the purpose for the dual citizenship per se but with the naturalized
same. moreover, in case the request be denied, the citizens who maintain their allegiance to their
reason for the denial shall be given in all cases. countries of origin even after their naturalization.
Persons with mere dual citizenship do not fall
CHANGE OF CITIZENSHIP under this disqualification.
Sec. 18. "Public officers and employees owe the Unlike those with dual allegiance, who must,
State and this Constitution allegiance at all times, therefore, be subject to strict process with respect
and any public officer or employee who seeks to to the termination of their status.
change his citizenship or acquire the status of an
immigrant of another country during his tenure For candidates with dual citizenship it would be
shall be dealt with by law." suffice if upon the filing of their certificates of
candidacy, they elect Philippines citizenship to
terminate their status as persons with dual
Macquiling v. Comelec citizenship considering that their condition is the
A candidate who took such second oath was unavoidable consequence of conflicting laws of
considered to have recanted the same because of different states.
his having used his American passport after
taking said oath renouncing allegiance to
America. he was disqualified from running for Dual Citizenship
mayor. Arises when as a result of the concurrent
application of the different laws of two or more
states, a person is simultaneously considered a
Reyes v. Comelec national by the said states.
SC held that the petitioner's disqualification as a
congressional candidate on the ground that she
- when a person whose parents are citizens - a revamp or rewriting of the whole
of a state which adheres to the principle instrument
of jus sanguinis is born in a state which - only Congress or a constitutional
follows the doctrine of jus soli. such convention may propose revisions
person, ipso facto and without voluntary - broadly implies a change that alters a
act on his part, is concurrently considered basic principle in the constitution, like
a citizen of both states. altering the principle of separation of
- involuntary powers or the system of checks-and-
balances, and
Dual Allegiance - there is also revision if the change alters
Refers to the situation in which a person the substantial entirety of the
simultaneously owes, by some positive act, constitution, as when the change affects
loyalty to two or more states. substantial provisions of the constitution
- generally, affects several provisions of
- result of an individual's volition. the constitution
by a majority vote of all its Members, submit to - This test asks whether the proposed
the electorate the question of calling such a change is “so extensive in its provisions
convention. (Art. XVII, Section 1,2,3.) as to change directly the ‘substantial
entirety’ of the constitution by the
It should be noted that through the method of deletion or alteration of numerous
initiative, the people may propose only existing provisions.”
amendments and not a revision. - The court examines only the number of
provisions affected and does not consider
On the other hand, when what is intended is a the degree of the change.
mere amendment or change of particular
provisions only, the proposal is better made by The Qualitative Test
direct legislative action. Which in this case
requires only a ¾ vote of all members of - inquires into the qualitative effects of the
Congress. proposed change in the constitution.
- The main inquiry is whether the change
Lambino v. COMELEC will “accomplish such far reaching
changes in the nature of our basic
Distinction Between Amendment and Revision governmental plan as to amount to a
The framers of the Constitution intended, - E.g. changing the system of checks and
and wrote, a clear distinction between balances or the form of government.
“amendment” and “revision” of the Constitution.
The framers intended, and wrote, that only Thus, the Court declared:
Congress or a constitutional convention may
propose revisions to the Constitution. The Under both the quantitative and qualitative tests,
framers intended, and wrote, that a people’s the Lambino Group’s initiative is a revision and
initiative may propose only amendments to the not merely an amendment. Quantitatively, the
Constitution. Lambino Group’s proposed changes overhaul
two articles—Article VI on the Legislature and
Revision broadly implies a change that alters a Article VII on the Executive—affecting a total of
basic principle in the constitution, like altering 105 provisions in the entire Constitution.
the principle of separation of powers or the Qualitatively, the proposed changes alter
system of checks-and-balances. There is also substantially the basic plan of government, from
revision if the change alters the substantial presidential to parliamentary, and from a
entirety of the constitution, as when the change bicameral to a unicameral legislature. A change
affects substantial provisions of the constitution. in the structure of government is a revision of the
On the other hand, amendment broadly refers to Constitution, as when the three great co-equal
a change that adds, reduces, or deletes without branches of government in the present
altering the basic principle involved. Revision Constitution are reduced into two. This alters the
generally affects several provisions of the separation of powers in the Constitution. A shift
constitution, while amendment generally affects from the present Bicameral-Presidential system
only the specific provision being amended. to a Unicameral-Parliamentary system is a
revision of the Constitution. Merging the
Two-part Test to Determine Whether the legislative and executive branches is a radical
Proposed Changes are Amendments or change in the structure of government.
Where the proposed change applies only to a
The Quantitative Test specific provision of the Constitution without
affecting any other section or article, the change
may generally be considered an amendment and
not a revision. For example, a change reducing The essence of amendments “directly proposed
the voting age from 18 years to 15 years is an by the people through initiative upon a petition”
amendment and not a revision. Similarly, a is that the entire proposal on its face is a petition
change reducing Filipino ownership of mass by the people. This means two essential elements
media companies from 100 percent to 60 percent must be present:
is an amendment and not a revision. Also, a
change requiring a college degree as an additional 1. the people must author and thus sign the
qualification for election to the Presidency is an entire proposal. No agent or
amendment and not a revision. representative can sign on their behalf.
2. as an initiative upon a petition, the
There can be no fixed rule on whether a change is proposal must be embodied in a petition.
an amendment or a revision. A change in a single
word of one sentence of the Constitution may be These essential elements are present only if the
a revision and not an amendment. For example, full text of the proposed amendments is first
the substitution of the word “republican” with shown to the people who express their assent by
“monarchic” or “theocratic” in Section 1, Article signing such complete proposal in a petition.
II of the Constitution radically overhauls the Thus, an amendment is “directly proposed by the
entire structure of government and the people through initiative upon a petition” only if
fundamental ideological basis of the Constitution. the people sign on a petition that contains the full
Thus, each specific change will have to be text of the proposed amendments. The full text of
examined case-by-case, depending on how it the proposed amendments may be either written
affects other provisions, as well as how it affects on the face of the petition or attached to it. If so
the structure of government, the carefully crafted attached, the petition must state the fact of such
system of checks-and-balances, and the attachment. This is an assurance that every one of
underlying ideological basis of the existing the several millions of signatories to the petition
Constitution. had seen the full text of the proposed amendments
before signing. Otherwise, it is physically
Four Modes of Proposal: impossible, given the time constraint, to prove
that every one of the millions of signatories had
1. By Congress upon a vote of ¾ of all its seen the full text of the proposed amendments
Members before signing.
2. By the People through initiative
(amendments only) by a petition, with at The Court in the case of Lambino held that there
least 12 percent of the total number of was no such attachment of the proposal in the
registered voters with each legislative petition. And that the 6.3million votes claimed by
district represented by at least 3 percent the Lambino Group were obtained without the
of the total registered voters therein. signatories ever seeing the proposed changes to
3. By a Constitutional Convention called by the Constitution. Hence, such petition and
Congress through a 2/3 vote of all its proposal are invalid and unconstitutional.
members or
4. By a Constitutional Convention through Furthermore, the Court also ruled that the petition
the people upon voting by the majority of of the Lambino Group was not merely an
the members of Congress regarding such. amendment but a revision. The petition is a
revision since it involves changes to the principle
Voting of the People on the Petition for of separation of powers and a shift from a
Amendment bicameral Congress to a unicameral Congress.
Position of the Constitutional Convention - Held not earlier than 60 days and not later
than 90 days.
There are three theories regarding the position of
the ConCon vis-à-vis the regular departments of Under Section 2
the government.
- Amendment only
1. Theory of Conventional Sovereignty - Valid when ratified by a majority of the
a. Superior to the regular votes cast in a plebiscite
departments - Held not earlier than 60 days and not later
b. Because the power it exercises is than 90 days after certification of the
a sovereign power. (Loomis v. ComElec of the sufficiency of the
Jackson) petition.
2. Wood’s Appeal
a. Inferior to the other departments Proposals to amend the Constitution must be
b. Because it is merely a creation of ratified within a reasonable time after they are
legislation. made because they are intended to correct current
3. Frantz v. Autry problems. If they are accepted only after a long
a. Independent and co-equal with delay, they may no longer serve the purposes for
the other branches as long as it which they are made in the first place.
exists and confines itself within
the jurisdiction V. Judicial Review of Amendments
b. This is what the Philippines
adheres to. (Mabanag v. Lopez The present doctrine allows the courts to inquire
Vito) into whether or not the prescribed procedure for
amendment has been observed.
IV. Ratification
In the Sanidad Case the Court held over the
Any amendment to, or revision of, this Solicitor General’s contention that the amending
Constitution under Section 1 hereof shall be valid process is within the Court’s jurisdiction that
when ratified by a majority of the votes cast in a such is not a political question but a justiciable
plebiscite which shall be held not earlier than question. Thus, the amending process both as to
sixty days nor later than ninety days after the proposal and ratification all fall within the
approval of such amendment or revision. purview of the Court.
Under Section 1.
- Amendment or revision
- Valid when ratified by the majority of the
votes cast in a plebiscite.