GEH-6678 Rev.g PDF
GEH-6678 Rev.g PDF
GEH-6678 Rev.g PDF
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to
provide for every possible contingency to be met during installation, operation, and
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no warranty as to the accuracy of the information included herein. Changes,
modifications and/or improvements to equipment and specifications are made
periodically and these changes may or may not be reflected herein. It is understood that
GE may make changes, modifications, or improvements to the equipment referenced
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This document contains proprietary information of General Electric Company, USA and
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operation, and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document shall not be
reproduced in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party
without the written approval of GE Energy.
GE provides the following document and the information included therein as is and
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Revised: 101029
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GE Energy
Documentation Design, Rm. 293
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Index I-9
This document is an installation and startup guide for the LS2100 Static Starter
Control (LS2100). It assumes the following:
• All receiving, handling and storage procedures were strictly followed, as defined
in document GEI-100256.
• You are ready to move the static starter(s) to the installation site.
• The installation site was previously prepared and cables run per GE
specifications, and all necessary system parts are at the site.
Additionally, these instructions require that the user:
• Be adequately trained to thoroughly understand and strictly follow all safety
procedures necessary for working with and around high voltages.
• Know the physical and electrical requirements of installing high voltage
• Understand the theory of static starter operation.
• Be experienced in using the LS2100 configuration software (the GE Control
System Toolbox).
• Understand the structure and conventions of this document in order to follow the
instructions exactly as required. The document is organized in the order required
for installing and starting the static starter (see How to Use This Document).
Chapter 1 provides a document overview.
Section Page
How to Use This Document .....................................................................................1-4
Document Structure ...................................................................................1-4
Text Conventions .......................................................................................1-5
How to Get Help.......................................................................................................1-5
Equipment Covered ..................................................................................................1-6
Related Documents...................................................................................................1-7
Document Distribution...............................................................................1-8
Acronyms and Abbreviations ...................................................................................1-8
Document Structure
GE recommends that a Sections of related procedures are presented in the order that they should be
detailed installation log be followed (see figure below).
maintained for the static
Appendices provide reference information, as follows:
starter to document
completed installation steps. • Appendix A, Understanding Equipment Drawings
• Appendix B, Cable Separation and Routing
• Appendix C, Installing Fiber-Optic Cable
For an exact outline of the document’s organization, refer to the Table of Contents.
Connect cables
Chapter 4,
& I/O wiring
Cabling and
Verify correct
functioning of Chapter 5,
connected devices Pre-power On
Installation Checks
(power, I/O)
End of
Document Flow
¾ A procedure follows.
Numbered list Procedural steps to be followed in order (for example,
1, 2, 3).
Alphabetized list Procedural substeps (of numbered steps) to be
followed in order (for example, a, b, c).
Bulleted (•) list Related items or procedures, but order does not
A procedure with only one step.
Boxed (
) list A checklist.
Arial Bold When describing software, indicates the actual
command or option that is chosen from a menu or
dialog box.
Monospace Represents examples of screen text or words and
characters that are typed in a text box or at the
command prompt.
8.5 MVA 1 1 1 1 3
14 MVA 2 2 1 1 4
Pump Cabinet
Control Cabinet
Pump Cabinet
Power Conversion
Control Cabinet
Catalog (Part)
Number Board/Module Description Document
DS200ADMA Analog to Digital Module Daughterboard GEI-100218
DS200DDTB Main I/O Board GEI-100219
DS200DSPC Digital Signal Processor Board GEI-100220
DS200FCGD Bridge Interface Board GEI-100221
DS200FCSA Current Feedback Board GEI-100222
DS200FGPA Gate Pulse Amplifier Board GEI-100223
DS200FHVA High Voltage Gate Interface Board GEI-100224
IS200FHVB High Voltage Gate Interface Board GEI-100530
DS200NATO Voltage Feedback Board GEI-100225
DS200UCVx Unit Controller Board GEH-6679
DS200VPBL P2 Backplane Board GEI-100227
Note If differences exist between the general product documentation and the
requisition documentation, the requisition documentation should be considered the
more exact representation of your equipment or system configuration.
This chapter discusses installation planning and requirements for the LS2100 Static
Starter control system. Specific topics include GE installation support, siting the
equipment, and environmental requirements.
Before installation, consult and study all furnished drawings. These should include
outline drawings, elementary diagram, connection diagrams, and a summary of the
This chapter is organized as follows:
Section Page
Installation Support ..................................................................................................2-2
Early Planning............................................................................................2-2
GE Installation Documents ........................................................................2-2
As-Shipped Drawings ................................................................................2-2
Technical Advisory Options.......................................................................2-3
Siting LS2100 Equipment ........................................................................................2-5
Operating Environment ..............................................................................2-5
Equipment Clearances................................................................................2-6
Cable and Conduit Routing and Schedules ................................................2-6
Early Planning
To help ensure a fast and accurate exchange of data, a planning meeting among all
parties is recommended. This meeting must include the customer’s project
management and construction engineering representatives as well as local GE
service personnel. It should accomplish the following:
• Familiarize the customer and construction engineers with the equipment.
• Set up a direct communication path between GE and the party making the
customer’s installation drawings.
• Determine a drawing distribution schedule that meets construction and
installation needs.
• Establish working procedures and lines of communication for drawing
GE Installation Documents
Installation documents consist of both general and requisition-specific information.
The cycle time and the project size determine the quantity and level of
documentation provided to the customer.
General information, such as this manual, provides product-specific guidelines for
the equipment. They are intended as supplements to the requisition-specific
Requisition documents, such as outline drawings and elementary diagrams; provide
data specific to a custom application. Therefore, they reflect the customer’s specific
installation needs and should be used as the primary data source.
As-Shipped Drawings
These drawings include changes made during manufacturing and test. They are
issued when the equipment is ready to ship. As Shipped drawings consist primarily of
elementary diagrams revised to incorporate any revisions or changes made during
manufacture and test.
Revisions made after the equipment ships, but before start of installation, are sent as
a Field Change, with the changes circled and dated.
Installation Support
Optional installation support is offered: planning, practices, equipment placement,
and onsite interpretation of construction and equipment drawings. Engineering
services are also offered to develop transition and implementation plans to install and
commission new equipment in both new and existing (revamp) facilities.
Shield Terminations
The conduit and cable schedule should indicate shield termination practice for each
shielded cable (refer to the section, Cable and Conduit Routing and Schedules and
Appendix B).
Operating Environment
The main concern in the choice of equipment location is the operating environment.
The LS2100 control cabinet is suited to most industrial environments. To ensure
proper performance and normal operational life, the environment should be
maintained as follows:
Ambient temperature Control Module 0 to 40°C (32 to 104 °F)
(acceptable) PCM
Ambient temperature (preferred) 20 to 30°C (68 to 87 °F)
Maximum rate of temperature 0.1ºC (32.2 °F) per min
Relative humidity 5 to 95% non-condensing
Maximum rate of relative 1% per min
humidity change
Note Higher ambient temperature decreases the life expectancy of any electronic
component. Keeping ambient air in the preferred (cooler) range should extend
component life.
Maximum concentration of corrosive gases at 50% relative humidity and 40ºC (104 °F)
per EN50178: 1994 Section A.6.1.4 Table A.2 (m).
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) 30 ppb
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) 10 ppb
Nitrous fumes (NOx) 30 ppb
Chlorine (Cl2) 10 ppb
Hydrogen fluoride (HF) 10 ppb
Ammonia (NH3) 500 ppb
Ozone (O3) 5 ppb
Particle sizes from 10 − 100 microns for the following materials:
Aluminum Oxide Steel Mill Oxides
Sand/Dirt Paper
Cement Soot
Lint Ink
Coal/Carbon dust
Seismic Universal Building Code (UBC) - Seismic Code
section 2312 Zone 4
Vibration Maximum of 1.0 G horizontal, 0.5 G vertical at 15
to 120 Hz
Normal Operation 0 to 3300 ft (101.3 – 89.8 KPa)
3300 – 10000 ft (89.8 – 69.7 KPa) Special heat
Extended Operation
exchanger required
Shipping 15000 feet maximum (57.2 KPa)
Equipment Clearances
Each LS2100 is supplied with an outline drawing that provides the physical
dimensions of the cabinet. Front panel clearance for personnel entry and way out are
important. Provide the following minimum clearances for each part of the cabinet:
Sidewalls 0 in (0 mm)
Rear Panel 0 in (0 mm) (rear access panel must be provided for the
pump parts)
Top Panel 0 in (0 mm)
Doors 32 in (812.8 mm) with doors open at a 90º angle
Note Special attention to the door clearances must be maintained to comply with
local regulations regarding proper entry and way out to working spaces.
GE document GEI-100256 This chapter provides general guidelines for moving the static starter to the
provides receiving and installation site, and then installing it. The requisition drawings provided with the
storage guidelines. equipment provide specific information and are a required supplement to this
document. This chapter is organized as follows:
Section Page
Static Starter Handling Procedures...........................................................................3-2
Lifting ........................................................................................................3-2
Moving .......................................................................................................3-3
Unpacking ..................................................................................................3-3
Mounting ..................................................................................................................3-4
Connecting the Grounds.............................................................................3-4
Securing the Static Starter Lineup to the Floor ..........................................3-4
Heat Exchanger Installation......................................................................................3-5
Cleaning .....................................................................................................3-5
Stress Relief ...............................................................................................3-5
Allowable Pressure Drop ...........................................................................3-6
Heat Exchanger Elevation..........................................................................3-6
Drain-Back Provision.................................................................................3-6
General Mechanical Provisions..................................................................3-7
Liquid-to-Air Heat Exchanger Option .......................................................3-7
Liquid-to-Liquid Exchanger Option...........................................................3-7
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 3 Handling and MountingGuidelines • 3-1
Static Starter Handling Procedures
The shipped equipment consists GE recommends that you do not completely unpack the equipment until it has been
of four cabinets secured moved as near as possible to its permanent location. This practice ensures that loose
together in a lineup, typically parts remain with the static starter. Additionally, the shipping enclosure helps protect
not exceeding 15 ft in length. the equipment during storage.
Before lifting and moving the static starter, always refer to the equipment outline
drawings. Become familiar with the designated lift points and the stress points, and
any specified handling instructions.
While lifting and moving the static starter, be sure to follow the suggested
methods in this chapter for handling the equipment, along with normal handling
precautions. Additionally, it is important to observe any instructions that may be
printed on or attached to the equipment container or wrapping.
Lifting beams are attached Make sure that the lifting equipment is suitable for the configuration and weight of
across the top of the static the static starter as follows:
starter at the factory. − 8.5 MVA – 5900 lbs / 2670 kg
− 14 MVA – 9000 lbs / 4082 kg
• Observe the center-of-gravity.
• Use four hooks for lifting at the openings in the lifting beam.
• Make sure the lifting beams are tightly secured to the static starter.
• The lift cables should be at an angle greater than 45º from the horizontal. Use
spreader bars or similar equipment to ensure this angle.
• Lift the static starter(s) in a slow and steady manner to an acceptable clearance
• Check for any flexing of the equipment. If noticed, lower the lineup and
re-position the cables.
Do not lift and move the static starter using equipment that
applies pressure from below, such as a forklift. Doing so
could damage the static starter frame. If a crane is not
available for lifting, contact GE for guidelines on using other
3-2 • Chapter 3 Handling and Mounting Guidelines GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
• When using a crane, ensure that motions are slow and smooth so that the
equipment does not swing.
• If using other moving devices, such as rollers:
– Be sure to place the rollers at the shipping splits and at the corners to reduce
potential stress.
– Roll only on the shipping pallets that are attached to the cabinets when
shipped from the factory.
• Do not move with a forklift, since the weight of the static starter against the
forklift tines would put damaging pressure on the static starter frame.
• Make sure that all doors are closed and latched.
Recommended: Do not • If the equipment has been exposed to low temperatures for an extended period,
completely unpack the do not unpack it until it has reached room temperature (location where static
equipment until it is placed as starter will be mounted).
near as possible to its • Use standard unpacking tools, including a nail puller.
permanent location.
• When unpacking, check the contents of entire case against the packing list.
Report any shortage to GE.
Carefully remove the packaging and move the equipment from its container, still
observing all lifting and handling guidelines.
While unpacking, inspect for damage that may not have been detected at the time of
Wipe off any particles of packing materials or foreign substances that may be lodged
in or between the parts.
Small parts (such as bolts and screws) are packed in special containers to keep them
together, but may become separated. For this reason, carefully inspect the packing
material for loose parts before discarding it.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 3 Handling and MountingGuidelines • 3-3
The requisition outline Along with the information shown on the outline drawings, use the following
drawings show specific mounting guidelines:
lineup and installation • The mounting surface should be smooth and level to prevent door misalignment.
• Position the static starter to permit heat radiation from all surfaces and proper
ventilation (cooling air).
• Provide front clearance of at least the width of the enclosure door so that the
door can be fully opened for easy access. Refer to Chapter 2, the section,
Equipment Clearances.
• If lifting beams are removed after positioning the equipment, then lifting beam
hardware must be replaced in the holes in the enclosure top and re-tightened.
3-4 • Chapter 3 Handling and Mounting Guidelines GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Heat Exchanger Installation
When an external heat exchanger is provided, either water-water or water-air,
mounting and plumbing at the site is required. The LS2100 cooling system requires
ultra-high purity water in order to function correctly. Water purity will be
compromised by any contaminants that make their way into the heat exchanger
cooling loop. For this reason, it is very important that the recommendations in this
section concerning exchanger installation, materials used, and cleaning be followed.
Failure to follow these guidelines can result in startup delays, frequent deionizer
replacement, and extensive damage to the LS2100.
Plumbing on the customer’s Prevention is the only way to keep contamination from negatively affecting LS2100
side of a water-water performance for years to come. These guidelines apply to piping between the heat
exchanger should conform to exchanger and the LS2100 pump panel.
the customer’s specifications
and not to this guide.
Suitable material for piping and fittings include Type K or L copper tube, copper-
base alloys, stainless steel, or schedule 80 CPVC. To avoid rust contamination, do
not use steel or cast iron pipe or fittings. There is no restriction on the type of flux,
solder, or glue that can be used, however, keep flux to a minimum to avoid excessive
Clean all metal pipe and fittings before assembly by wiping their interior with a non-
residue solvent such as Xylol (Xylene) to remove oil, solder flux, and any other
Note Do not attempt to clean CPVC piping with Xylol. Instead, use soap and then
rinse thoroughly with water.
Complete the entire installation with the exception of the final connections to the
LS2100 pump panel. Blow out any remaining dust or construction debris from the
entire heat exchanger loop with compressed air before making the final connections
to the LS2100 pump panel.
Stress Relief
Rubber hose and rubber vibration isolators are not required, but can be used if the
manufacturer confirms its compatibility with water and propylene glycol. Use
accepted alignment, strain relief, and expansion practices to prevent stressing system
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 3 Handling and MountingGuidelines • 3-5
Allowable Pressure Drop
To keep pressure drop within the acceptable limit, make sure that field-installed
piping complies with the length restrictions as follows:
Note Heat exchanger performance is reduced above 5000 feet altitude and requires a
special design.
Drain-Back Provision
3-6 • Chapter 3 Handling and Mounting Guidelines GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Using an auxiliary reservoir requires calculating the total volume of drain-back from
the heat exchanger and piping located above the top of the reservoir. Coolant volume
for the type K copper piping connecting the system to the heat exchanger is as
Volume Diameter
0.089 gal/ft 1½-inch
0.156 gal/ft 2-inch
Contact the factory for dimensions of the various heat exchangers used with this
system. The volumes for the standard redundant-blower heat exchangers are shown
on the heat exchanger's nameplate. Use the nameplate volume when calculating any
drain-back volumes.
Note GE does not supply this valve. It must be furnished by the user and picked to
operate within the cooling system requirements and meet the environmental
conditions of the site location. Its function is to limit coolant requirements and to
possibly reduce/eliminate manifold sweating during temperature and humidity
The use of a thermowell is The dimensions shown (238B4861 sheet 2) for the sensing bulb are for the
recommended so that the thermowell supplied with the valve. The sensing bulb can be installed in any position
coolant does not have to be from vertical to horizontal. If the bulb is installed away from vertical, the arrow
drained if the sensing bulb and/or UP markings on the positioning disk must point UP. The top (threaded end)
has to be removed. should be approximately the same elevation as the valve actuator. Do not install the
sensing bulb below horizontal or with the threaded end below the bulb.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 3 Handling and MountingGuidelines • 3-7
3-8 • Chapter 3 Handling and Mounting Guidelines GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections
This chapter assumes that This chapter contains guidelines for connecting cable to the static starter during
cabling was previously run to installation. This information must be used along with the project specific
the installation site and is elementary diagrams and outline diagrams supplied with the equipment.
ready for connection to the
static starter.
All installations should meet the requirements of both the National Electrical Code®
(NEC) and any applicable local codes. Use these codes to determine such factors as
wire size, insulation type, and conduit sizing. This chapter is organized as follows:
Section Page
Static Starter Connections ........................................................................................ 4-2
Grounding, Shielding and Cable Entry ..................................................................... 4-7
Cable Entry ................................................................................................ 4-7
Control Power......................................................................................................... 4-12
Converter Power ..................................................................................................... 4-12
Signal and Communications Cabling Guidelines ................................................... 4-16
VersaMax Micro PLC .............................................................................. 4-16
Data Highway .......................................................................................... 4-18
PC Interface.............................................................................................. 4-19
Cabling Guidelines ................................................................................................. 4-19
Preventing Cable Damage ........................................................................ 4-19
Installing Power Cable ............................................................................. 4-19
Installing Signal and Communications Cable .......................................... 4-20
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections • 4-1
Static Starter Connections
Cabling and wiring connections to the static starter include the following:
• One cabinet ground
• Incoming ac control power
• Incoming ac power to the power conversion cabinet
• Outgoing dc power to the dc link reactor from the power conversion cabinet
• Incoming dc power from the dc link reactor to the power conversion cabinet
• Ac outgoing power connections to the 89SS switch
• Static starter I/O connections to terminal boards
Note The component nomenclature examples (see Figures 4-1, 4-2) show the
location of connection points, fuses, and other static starter components. Device
nomenclature stickers, located on the inside of each static starter cabinet door
identify the major components and their locations within the cabinet. Complete
outline diagrams are supplied with the static starter.
GEH-6679, LS2100 User Customer cabling to the static starter’s terminal boards must comply with level-
Guide describes the terminal separation guidelines (refer to Appendix B) after it enters the static starter cabinet.
board I/O. To meet CE Mark requirements, all I/O wires leaving a building must be routed
inside continuous metal conduit.
4-2 • Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
T1: Control
CBI: Connect 3- Transformer
T3: Normalizing
(FU2P and FU2S
CB3: Power to located in fuse
Pump Panel holder)
Components DS200DDTB
Remote Hub
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections • 4-3
Source Filter
(ACFM-S) Power
Load Filter
Figure 4-2. Sample Layout, 8.5MVA Static Starter Power Conversion Cabinet (Front View)
4-4 • Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Ac Filter A9M
Figure 4-2A. Sample Layout 14 MVA Static Starter Power Conversion Cabinet (Front View)
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections • 4-5
Ac Filter A9M
Power Conversion
Figure 4-2B. Sample Layout 14 MVA Static Starter Power Conversion Cabinet (Front View)
4-6 • Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Grounding, Shielding and Cable Entry
If you have an engineered For both safety and proper functioning of the equipment, it is important that the static
system, consult your starter be properly grounded. The installation site must have a reliable building
requisition elementary grounding system and the static starter’s grounding cable must be securely fastened
drawings for the grounding to this system per the elementary diagram. Follow the procedures provided in the
method recommended for LS2100 requisition elementary diagram sheet 0D, Grounding Instructions. Complete
your installation. instructions, recommended cable sizes, and diagrams are provided there.
Shielded Cables
Recent changes to electrical codes made it necessary for GE to change the standard
LCI power cables from unshielded to shielded. Additional safety grounding is
needed for shielded power cables. When power is running through the inner
conductors, a voltage is induced on the cable shield. The zero-to-peak induced
voltage on the shield at a typical LCI installation was measured using a voltage
recorder at a 200,000 Hertz sampling rate (LCI current is non-sinusoidal). Under
several different running conditions, the worst-case voltage measured was 0.33 volts
per foot. The voltage readings were taken on cables with copper tape shields, so
results may vary for different types of cables, depending on the cable characteristics.
1. To keep the induced voltage below 50 volts zero to peak at any point where the
shield may be exposed, and personnel may come in contact with the shield
2. To keep the induced voltage below the voltage rating of the outer insulation
jacket (Typically 600 volts)
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections • 4-7
TO To 89SS and
XFMR generator
NOTE Explanation
Equipment panels must be properly grounded per the instructions on sheet 0AD
of the LCI electrical diagram. Cable shields must be grounded to the equipment
panel ground at the locations labeled NOTE 1 on above diagram. Ground the
cable shield at the transformer, the ac and dc reactors, field splice, and any other
junction point.
2 Cable shields must never be grounded at the LCI enclosure because the resulting
electrical noise can corrupt the control signals and cause loss of control, or it can
prevent the LCI from operating properly. If a shield ground is needed in this area,
connect an insulated ground cable to the cable shield at the end near the LCI, and
connect this ground cable to a building ground grid that is external to the LCI.
3 For workman safety, cable shields should be insulated so that workmen will not
come into contact with the shield. If there are any locations where the cable shield
will be exposed and workmen may come into contact with the shield, the cable
shield must be grounded within 120 feet of any point where the shield will be
exposed. In areas where the shields are not exposed (such as underground buried
cables) the cables may be run without grounding the shield for up to 1000 feet
long if the outer insulating jacket is rated for 600 volts or greater. Any cable runs
longer than 1000 feet must be reviewed by GE.
f f
4-8 • Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Cable Entry
Removable access panels for cable entry are provided in the top of the control,
pump, and power conversion cabinet(s). The bottoms of all cabinets are open.
27.58 18.08
[700] [458] 7.00
5.67 3.41
[1016] Top View
[144] [87]
3.48 [1016]
[88.3] 4.08
5.41 5.67
[391] [143.9]
[459.2] 7.00
Bottom View
Wire entry, bottom
No cover plate provided
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections • 4-9
Cable entry top, usable
area defined by x+ and y+
K+=53.00 dimensions
4.91 [1346.2]
20.00 Y+=9.35
[508] [237.5]
Top View
Bottom View
Figure 4-4. 8.5 MVA Converter Cable Entry (Power Conversion Cabinet)
4-10 • Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
[4.09 in.]
Top or Bottom
Customer cable
[6.6] area without
cover plate
[41.2] [.88]
[4.09 in.] Plan View at “K-X”
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections • 4-11
Control Power
The static starter requisition The static starter control power requirements are as follows:
drawings specify the power Voltage: Nominal 480 V ac, ±10% at 60 Hz , ±5%; three phase, 24 A rms max
requirements for the
application and show Nominal 400/415 V ac, ±10% at 50 Hz, ±5%; three phase, 27.5A rms max
connection points. Nominal 120/240 V ac, ±10% at 50/60 Hz for heaters, 20 A max
Nominal 120 V ac, ±10% at 50/60 Hz for T3 (If supplied. Power for T3
may be supplied by LS2100#2 T1.)
See LS2100 outline drawings Control power cables may be either top or bottom entry. Removable access panels
for complete information on for cable entry are provided at the top of the cabinet. The bottom of the cabinet is
cable entry dimensions. open. See Figure 4-3 for details.
Input cables are connected directly to CB1 at the top of the control cabinet
(see Figure 4-1). The output of CB1 feeds CB3 that delivers power to the pump
panel. It also feeds a control power transformer (T1) which supplies 120 V ac to the
Control Power Supply (CPS), PLC, relays, DS200DDTB Board, DS200FGPA
boards, VersaMax™ Micro PLC, control rack fan, resistivity meter, and changeover
components (if supplied). The CPS produces 5, 12, 15 and 24V for the VME card
rack and FCSA boards. It is located on the back panel behind the VME card rack.
Converter Power
The static starter requisition The main ac power supply for the static starter comes from a dedicated isolation
drawings specify the power transformer (see Figure 4-6).
requirements for the Input Voltage: Nominal 2080 V ac each, ±10% at 50 or 60 Hz, ±5%
application and show
connection points. Output Voltage: 0-4160 V ac, 0-50 or 60 Hz
Specification of this supply is the responsibility of the user or the concerned
engineering company. If help is needed contact:
“+” indicates the GE Energy
international access code Post Sales Service
required when calling from 1501 Roanoke Blvd.
outside the USA. Salem, VA 24153-6492 USA
Phone: 1 800 533 5885, United States.
+ 1 540 378 3280 (International)
Fax: + 1 540 387 8606 (All)
See LS2100 outline drawings Converter power cables may be either top or bottom entry, depending on the rating.
for complete information on Table 4-1 specifies converter cable entry options and connection locations.
cable entry dimensions. Removable access panels for cable entry are provided at the top of the power
conversion cabinet(s). The bottoms of the cabinets are open.
4-12 • Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
DC Link Reactor
LCI Isolation
User Turbine
LS2100 Exciter
I/F Control
Static Starter
Unit Data Highway
The following power connections must be made to the power conversion cabinet(s).
Figure 4-7 shows the power connection layout for an 8.5 MVA LS2100:
• Incoming ac power (L1A, L2A, L3A, L1B, L2B, L3B)
• Incoming/Outgoing dc power to the dc Link Reactor (DCPB, DCPL)
• Ac outgoing power connections to the current limiting fuses (M1, M2, M3)
Cabinet Location
Rating Cable Entry Input AC DC Link Output AC
8.5 MVA Bottom Converter Converter Converter
14 MVA Top/Bottom Source Source/Load Load
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections • 4-13
M3 M2 M1
Figure 4-7. 8.5MVA LS2100 Power Conversion Cabinet Connections (Back View)
4-14 • Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Source Bridge Cabinet
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections • 4-15
Signal and Communications Cabling Guidelines
The VersaMax changeover • Be sure to strictly follow the cable manufacturer’s installation instructions.
I/O is described in Chapter 7. These will vary based on the type of installation required.
• To meet CE Mark requirements, all I/O wires leaving a building must be
routed inside continuous metal conduit.
• Signal inputs to analog and digital blocks or to programmable logic control
(PLC)-related devices should be run as shielded twisted-pair (for example,
inputs from RTDs and encoders).
• For shielded and twisted shielded wire, ground the shields on one end only,
preferably at the drive end. Provisions have been made to tie shields to chassis
ground on the DDTB drive terminal board.
Note Refer to the system elementary drawings for wiring to the DS200DDTB I/O
terminal connectors.
Tool Serial ADL
Enet 2
Serial ADL
Load Bridge
Source B Bridge
Source A Bridge
Cable Enet
Breaker Control I/O Micro PLC Turb/Gen 1 Control I/O
Ext Device I/O
Breaker Control I/O Turb/Gen 2 Control I/O
Turb/Gen Control I/O
Pump Panel I/O Turb/Gen 3 Control I/O
Turb/Gen 4 Control I/O
4-16 • Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Health check for Communication link between
IC200UAA007 & IS200UCVE – COM port 2
The IC200UAA007 Port-2 communicates with external devices on RS485. A Horner
Electric SNP adapter is used to convert RS485 to RS232 serial, used by the
IS200UCVE. The adapter needs 5Vdc to operate properly, supplied by
IC200UAA007. Hence 5Vdc should be present across pins 5 & 7 on VersaMax PLC
Pin configuration of Versamax Micro PLC (IC200UAA007) Port 2:
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections • 4-17
Data Highway
A typical static starter connection to the redundant Unit Data Highway (UDH)
network is shown in Figure 4-10. The UDH connection is made to the LAN 1 port on
the UCVE board. The UDH is implemented using commercially available fast
Ethernet switches. The 10BaseT cabling is used for short distances between the
controller and the T switch, and any local HMI. The 100BaseFX fiber-optic cabling
is used for longer distances between the local control area and the central control
Central Control Room
Fast Ethernet Fast Ethernet
Switch A Switch A
T-Switch A T-Switch B
To local
HMI Viewer,
Local Control Area Switch Connections
g GE Industrial
LCI / Exciter
g Control
G 15
M 9 M 9
1 2
The 10BaseT ports in the UCVE and the T switch use RJ-45 connectors. The
maximum distance using unshielded twisted pair cable is 328 ft (100 meters).
The 100BaseFX ports in the T switch and the Fast Ethernet Switch are for SC type
fiber-optic connectors. The maximum distance using 100BaseFX fiber-optic cables
is 2 km.
4-18 • Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
PC Interface
Control program downloads A computer can be used to download firmware from the controller into the LS2100
are usually made from a PC on system. The computer connects to the LAN 1 port on the UCVE board (the same
the UDH Unit Data Highway port where the UDH connection is made).
using the toolbox software.
Cabling Guidelines
• Be sure to comply with OSHA and other applicable regulations.
• Observe minimum installation temperature to avoid damage to shielding and
Note The PC-to-static starter cables are not provided with the static starter and must
be ordered separately. Part numbers are:
323A4747NZP12B 10BaseTstraight Cat 5 cables with RJ45 connectors on both
ends, 10' in length.
323A4747NZP12C: 10BaseTstraight Cat 5 cables with RJ45 connectors on both
ends, 25' in length.
Serial connection to DSPC adapter HE693SNP232 plus RJ45 to DBP adapter L-
COM#RA098F (
Serial connection to UCVE 336A3582P1 plus mini DB9 adapter cable 336A4929P1.
323A4747NZP13 10baseT crossover Cat 5 cable, 3' in length.
323A4747NZP13A 10baseT crossover Cat 5 cable, 50' in length.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections • 4-19
To minimize stray capacitance, GE recommends the use of shielded cables on all
cable runs. 10 kV cables are recommended as per NEC 2005 for ANSI/NEMA jobs
and 8 kV for IEC jobs. Because long cable runs can introduce excessive capacitance
when using shielded cable, GE provides an ac reactor on every application to ensure
proper LCI operation and to compensate for excessive capacitance. Excessive cable
capacitance of greater than 0.125 uF creates problems for LCI operation. In the case
of the incoming cable runs from the isolation transformer and to the dc link reactor,
there is no way to compensate for excessive capacitance. The dc link reactor and
isolation transformer should be located in close proximity to the Static Starter to
avoid any cable capacitance problems. In addition, shielded cable must be grounded
only on the end away from the Static Starter cabinet. If the shielded cable is
grounded at the Static Starter cabinet, then electrical noise can corrupt the control
signals and cause loss of control or prevent the Static Starter from operating
4-20 • Chapter 4 Cabling and Connections GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Chapter 5 Pre-Power On
Installation Checks
This chapter must be This chapter contains instructions to verify that the LS2100 lineup is ready for initial
completed before applying power up. This includes checks and procedures to ensure that the static starter has
power to the static starter. been installed correctly and can be safely energized.
This chapter assumes that the static starter lineup and connected devices have
already been installed, and that all wiring and cabling are installed correctly,
including control and power connections. It is presented as follows:
Section Page
Equipment/Material Needed.....................................................................................5-2
Securing the Equipment for Safety...........................................................................5-2
Hardware Checks .....................................................................................................5-3
Initial Checks and Setup.............................................................................5-5
Meggar Test ...............................................................................................5-5
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 5 Pre-Power On Installation Checks • 5-1
Equipment/Material Needed
Checkboxes should be marked Check that the following equipment and materials are available for the procedures in
to verify that equipment is this chapter.
onhand. Locks and tags, danger and caution tape
Source of low-pressure, compressed, dry air (less than 15 psi) or clean, dry cloth
Small standard (flat-head) screwdriver
Torque wrench
Socket sets, standard and metric
Digital multimeter
One dc megger tester (1000 V), optional
High voltage detector
Static-charge wrist straps
Source of dry, low-pressure compressed air (less than 15 psi or clean, dry cloth)
Heatsink spreader tool
Elementary Diagrams
Outline Drawings
GEH-6679 LS2100 Static Starter Control User Guide
Printed Wiring Board Reference table (refer to Chapter 1)
5-2 • Chapter 5 Pre-Power On Installation Checks GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Hardware Checks
All procedures in this section All static starters are factory-tested and operable when shipped to the installation
were completed successfully site. However, connections could loosen during shipping and handling. To help
for: ensure successful startup, check the hardware after installation and before initial
Control powerup.
Power Conversion
To check LS2100 hardware
1. Become familiar with the static starter one-line on elementary sheet 1A.
2. Make sure that the equipment is secured for safety as required in the previous
3. Using an approved tester for the voltage levels being measured, verify that
power has not yet been applied to the circuitry.
4. Using either low-pressure, compressed, dry air or a clean, dry rag, remove any
dust that may have accumulated in the static starter's interior.
5. Inspect wiring to ensure that it has not been damaged or frayed during
installation. Replace if necessary.
6. Check that stab connections and electrical terminal connections are tight.
As a general practice and unless otherwise directed in the system
documentation, electrical bus connection hardware should be torqued as follows:
SAE Thread Torque
(lbs ft)
1/4-20 4
3/8-16 14
1/2-13 35
5/8-11 70
Note To ensure that electrical connections remain tight, they should be re-checked
within three to six months after initial powerup, and annually thereafter. Use
screwdrivers and torque wrenches or an infrared survey for these checks.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 5 Pre-Power On Installation Checks • 5-3
7. Check that all electrical terminal connections are tight.
8. Check that all devices, modules, and boards have not been damaged during
handling or installation, and that they are secure in there mounting connections.
9. Check that fiber-optic cable ends have been properly finished (correct length in
holder, polished, and secure), and that the ends are connected to the correct
boards (refer to Appendix B for guidelines on terminating fiber-optic cabling).
10. Check for the fusing in the static starter cabinet. (Refer to the elementary sheet
11. Check incoming wiring/cabling, as follows:
• It should be complete and agree with the elementary drawings supplied with
the LS2100.
• It should conform to the cable separation guidelines defined in Appendix B.
12. Verify that the cabinet is properly grounded. Refer to elementary sheet 0AD.
13. Operate each magnetic device by hand to make sure that all moving parts
operate freely. Check all electrical interlocks for proper operation.
5-4 • Chapter 5 Pre-Power On Installation Checks GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Initial Checks and Setup
1. Verify that the lineup is grounded per grounding practices described on drive
elementary sheet 0AD.
2. On the bridge, check the SCR stack’s clamp pressure and adjust if necessary
(refer to GEH-6680, Chapter 3).
3. Open all circuit breakers (refer to drive elementary sheet BA for the pump panel
and sheets CB and CC for the control panel).
4. In the LS2100 control cabinet; partially extract all boards from the control rack
so that they are no longer connected within their slots.
Meggar Test
1. Disconnect the ribbon cable at the NATO boards in the source and load bridges.
2. Remove NATO ground at stab JG.
3. Disconnect the load bridge ac filter neutral ground at the bottom of the load
bridge compartment.
4. Confirm that both source and load side circuit interrupters are open.
5. Using temporary jumpers, connect together:
source side buses L1A, L2A, L3A, L1B, L2B, L3B
dc buses, DCPB, DCPL
load side buses M1, M2, M3
6. From any bus, meggar to ground using a 1000 V meggar. Indicated resistance
should be greater than 5 megohms.
7. If the static starter has a load side interrupter, connect together (with temporary
jumpers) its output terminals and meggar to ground. Indicated resistance should
be greater than 100 megohms.
8. Remove temporary jumpers and reconnect the ribbon cables and grounds.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 5 Pre-Power On Installation Checks • 5-5
5-6 • Chapter 5 Pre-Power On Installation Checks GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Chapter 6 Initial Startup and
. This chapter provides instructions to verify that the LS2100 Static Starter system is
ready for operation. This includes control power checks, software setup, use of the
keypad and offline/online commissioning guidelines.
This chapter is organized as follows:
Section Page
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-1
Before Beginning
Before beginning the procedures in this chapter, the following conditions must exist:
All pre-startup and installation checks from the previous chapters are completed
All interconnecting wires and cables are in place, connected, and ready for
power on.
Power is not yet applied.
Tip It is good practice to check off each procedure when you complete it. For
this purpose, this chapter includes checkboxes next to each procedure heading.
Information Needed
Before beginning, you should review the applicable elementary and outline drawings
to become familiar with the type of LS2100 supplied. Make sure you know the
power requirements and location of components, connections, and power switches.
Software for the LS2100 will The GE Control System Toolbox (toolbox) will be used to configure the LS2100
be found either on the turbine control and to aid in the commissioning process. Each LS2100 will have its own
control master HMI or unique configuration file (.lsb) tailored to the specific turbine application. Verify that
supplied separately. this file is correct and the most up-to-date available. The software is tested at the
factory prior to shipment and should require a minimum of changes during
6-2 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Equipment/Material Needed
Checkboxes should be marked to
verify that equipment is onhand. Safety Equipment
Appropriate safety gear (may include safety boots, safety glasses, hard-hat, high
voltage gloves, and face shield)
Locks, tags, and danger/ caution tape
High voltage detector (using an insulated pole of appropriate length)
Protective grounding cables and grounding stick
Static-charge wrist straps
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-3
Reference Documents
System elementary for LS2100 (required)
Tip It is good practice to study the elementary before working on the LS2100
LS2100 outline drawings
GEH-6679 - LS2100 User’s Guide.
GEH-6680 - LS2100 Maintenance, Parts Replacement, and Troubleshooting
GEH-6415 - LS2100 GE Control System Toolbox (toolbox) document.
6-4 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Refer to sections,
Control power applied and lights Verifying Control Power and
heaters, and fans operational Panel Lights, Heaters, and
Refer to
Is Control System No Install toolbox
toolbox document,
Toolbox installed? Install drive components GEH-6415 (Chapter 3).
Refer to
Start toolbox toolbox document,
GEH-6415 (Chapter 3).
Are LS2100 Obtain configuration files Refer to
configuration files No from HMI or requisition
toolbox document,
available? engineering (.lsb for DSPC
GEH-6415 (Chapter 3).
and UCVE)
Open the LS2100
configuration files (.lsb) Refer to
(toolbox version is toolbox document,
automatically verified) GEH-6415 (Chapter 3).
Message: Message:
File last saved with No File last saved with No
older version toolbox newer version toolbox
Yes Yes
4a 4b
Load old toolbox version
Get new toolbox version
or upgrade the file
4a and 4b
Refer to toolbox document,
GEH-6415 (chapter 3).
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-5
Establish 5 and 6
communications Refer to
with the LS2100 toolbox document,
6 6a
No No Download Flash
Do LS2100 and File Is LS2100 newer
versions agree? than file?
(File is newer than LS2100)
Yes Yes
6b 6a and 6b
Refer to
toolbox document,
Upgrade file
GEH- 6415
Check hardware Refer to
Check firmware toolbox document,
GEH- 6415 and section
Check keypad
Checking the Keypad (DDI)
Perform bridge check
and setup, and check
external exciter
Perform Crowbar and phase
sequence test and checks
with machine running
6-6 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Panel Heaters
All procedures in this Each LS2100 may have cabinet heaters. These cabinet heaters should be energized
section were completed and operation verified prior to energizing the control power. Refer to the applicable
successfully for: system elementary and outline drawings for location of components in each
Heaters cabinet.
1. Verify all temporary shipping constraints for cabinet lights have been removed.
These may consist of tape or protective wraps.
2. Energize the ac power feed for the cabinet lights and heaters. Measure the line-
to-line voltage of the ac feed for proper voltage as specified on the applicable
system elementary. Verify that the line and neutral connections are consistent
with the system drawings.
3. Each heater has been hipot checked at the factory prior to shipping. It is not
recommended to megger check heater circuits in the field. Verify that no
flammable materials are in contact with the panel heaters.
4. Turn the ac breaker switch for the heaters to the on position. Each heater should
energize. Verify heater operation with an infrared heat detection device or
carefully feeling for heat several inches above the heater surface.
1. To ensure that power does not exist on the circuits, verify that all breakers are
open (see elementary sheets BA and CB).
2. Unplug LEMPS on the FCSA-L board (see Figure 6-1a and elementary sheet
3. Remove the three LS2100 power fuses: FU2S (electronic), FUG (gating), and
FUCP (control panel), as on elementary sheet CB.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-7
Control Transformer Secondary
To check for correct voltage
1. Close the incoming control power circuit breaker (typically, CB1).
2. Verify that voltage at the T1 transformer is between 115 V ac and 130 V ac.
3. Close circuit breaker CB2.
4. Verify that voltage at the T2 transformer is between 115 V ac and 130 V ac.
5. Open CB1 and CB2. Replace fuses FU2S, FUG, and FUCP.
3. Close CB2. Then verify that P5, P15, N15, and P24 remain constant.
4. With all boards in, if necessary, adjust the power supply (PS) to obtain the
following voltages at the VPBL board.
Adjust V1 until P5 = +5.0 0.1 V
Adjust V2 until P15 = +15 0.2 V
Adjust V3 until N15 = -15 0.2 V
Adjust V4 until P24 = +24 2.0 V
6-8 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Load Bridge Current Sensor Power Supply
To check for correct voltage
1. At the FCSA-L (load bridge) LEMPS plug (see Figure 6-1a), verify these
P15 at pin 1
ACOM at pin 2
N15, pin 3
2. Reconnect the LEMPS plug at FCSA-L.
1 3
12 10
1 1
E1 E2
Figure 6-1a. FCSA Board Layout (Board is rotated 90° when mounted)
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-9
Cooling System Startup Procedure
This equipment contains a potential hazard of electrical
shock or burn. Only those who are adequately trained and
thoroughly familiar with the equipment and the instructions
should install, operate, or maintain this equipment.
2. Verify that pump 1 is selected using the keypad’s Cooling Status screen.
3. Before filling the cooling system, jog the pump 1 motor by turning motor starter
M1 to the AUTO position and then quickly returning it to the OFF position.
Confirm that motor blower rotation direction matches the direction of the arrow
on the front of the pump housing. Use motor starter M2 to confirm proper
rotation of pump 2.
4. Make sure that the carbon filter and deionizer are in place in the deionizer loop.
5. Make sure that all external piping connections have been made and tested for
6. Fill the reservoir to the full mark with deionized or distilled water.
7. Turn all valves in the pump panel to the ON position.
Note The drain valve must be in the ON position to read system pressure correctly.
Make sure that drain cap is tightened securely before opening valve.
6-10 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
10. Check the system for leaks, especially at the heat exchanger connection points.
Do not empty the reservoir and risk running the pump dry.
11. Stop the pump and refill the reservoir. Record the volume of coolant required to
fill the system for future reference.
Refer GEH-6679, Figure 2-9. 12. Drain half of the volume of water from the system. Replace with propylene
13. Repeat the fill and pump cycle until all air is purged from the system and the
reservoir level is stabilized.
Note When the pump is stopped, the reservoir level can rise as coolant flows back
from components above the reservoir. Do not fill the reservoir past the full mark.
14. Air is vented from the pump and deionizer to the reservoir. The bridge and heat
exchanger can have additional manual or continuous vents to the reservoir. Open
these vents to speed purging air, but be careful to avoid losing coolant and
contaminating electric circuits.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-11
15. Verify that the pressure gauge reads between 15 and 40 psi. To ensure adequate
cooling flow, the pressure should not drop below 12 psi. The pressure must be
increased above this level before running the LS2100. A low reading could
result from any of the following:
Incorrect pump rotation
Malfunctioning pump
High-pressure drop through the heat exchanger due to blockage or
excessive pipe lengths
Malfunctioning pressure gauge
16. The differential pressure switch is factory set for 8 psig (55 kPa).Verify that it is
operating correctly as follows:
Slowly close and open the outlet valve on pump 1.Verify that pump 2
comes online before the outlet valve is completely closed
Fully re-open the outlet valve on pump 1. Pump 2 will remain running
Verify that pump 2 is shown as the running pump on the keypad’s Cooling
Status screen
Reset faults per the instructions on Page 11. Verify that pump 2 shuts off
and pump 1 turn on. Confirm that pump 1 is the selected pump and running
pump on the Cooling Status screen
17. Check the keypad’s Change Pump control as follows:
Confirm that motor starters M1 and M2 are in the AUTO position
Verify pump transfer by pressing the Change Pump pushbutton. Confirm
that pump 2 is the selected pump and running pump on the Cooling Status
Press the Change Pump pushbutton again and confirm that pump 1 is the
selected pump and running pump on the Cooling Status screen
18. If the system has blower controls (only in systems that use liquid-to-air heat
exchangers), check them as follows:
Turn motor starters M3 and M4 to the AUTO position.
Verify blower transfer by pressing the Change Blower pushbutton.
Confirm that blower 2 is the selected blower and running blower on the
Cooling Status screen
Press the Change Blower pushbutton again and confirm that blower 1 is
the selected blower and running blower on the Cooling Status screen
Note The Coolant Temp alarm is factory set at 68C (155 F) and the over-
temperature fault is set at 77C (170 F). These should not require adjustment.
6-12 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
It is not unusual for the resistivity to be low when the system is initially filled. After
several hours of running the pumps, the resistivity should slowly climb above 0.5
M-cm. If the resistivity does not climb above 1.0 M-cm after 12 hours, try the
6. From any bus, meggar to ground using a 1000 V meggar. Indicated resistance is
expected to be 3 to 5 M at 1000 V dc.
7. If this drive has a load side interrupter, connect together (with temporary
jumpers) its output terminals and meggar to ground. Indicated resistance should
be greater than 100 M.
8. Remove temporary jumpers and reconnect the ribbon cables and grounds.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-13
Note: These arrows
indicate direction of 7 M1
liquid flow. 1
8 M2
1 Cap (Fill Here) 3
2 Vent
3 High-Level Alarm
4 Low-Level Alarm
5 Low-Low-Level
7 8
Manual Isolation 5
9 Flow into Filters
10 Flow from Pump 1
11 Flow from Pump 2
12 Opens Strainer Pump 1
13 Flow to Pump 2
14 Flow to Pump 1
13 Pump 2
Flow 12
6-14 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Set Overcurrent Level
1. Set the hardware suppression function’s overcurrent level to the values listed on the
elementary diagram (sheet 1KA) or P.Hw_OCPOT_Val (refer to the Finder in the
To do this, use a multimeter to measure at testpoint OCSP and adjust potentiometer
IOC SET on each FCGD board.
2. Insert all boards fully into their slots in the VME rack.
OCSP Hardware
IFB View of Board from
FBAR Front of Control Rack
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-15
Using the Static Starter Configuration Tools
GEH-6415 describes the The GE Control System Toolbox (toolbox) is a Microsoft® Windows®-based,
LS2100 toolbox installation configuration program used to tune and commission the static starter. The toolbox is
and use. designed with menus, block diagrams, dialog boxes, and wizards. It simplifies and
guides you through the startup and commissioning process.
The toolbox Help feature provides detailed information about using the toolbox,
including installation, operation, and system configuration instructions.
For Do this
Menu commands Highlight the command and press function key F1.
Dialog boxes Press F1 when the dialog box displays on the screen.
Click on the desired block with the right mouse button
Block information
and choose Item Help.
Help contents Choose Help then Contents.
Help Choose Help then Using Help.
Choose Help then Contents and Find. From there,
Specific word(s)
enter the word(s) you want to find.
When you select the Help menu on the toolbox main menu bar, a drop-down menu
provides the following options for finding information.
Contents display Help files for the toolbox. It also contains the Find tab with a
work list to search for specific topics.
Using Help displays general instructions on how to use Help.
Item Help displays help for the item selected in the Outline View.
Product Help displays the Help file for the currently loaded product. The file
contains help on parameters, faults, diagrams, and wizards.
Release Notes provides product changes in the toolbox.
Send Problem Report submits a system change request for the toolbox.
Goto Toolbox Web Site takes you to the toolbox home page. (This feature is only
available if you have a connection to the GE intranet.)
About Toolbox… displays the version number of the toolbox.
6-16 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
GE provides the toolbox on the Using the Toolbox
Control System Solutions CD. The remaining procedures in this section require that you use the toolbox. For
Software files will be available more details, refer to GEH-6415, Chapter 3.
on the Turbine HMI or supplied
separately. The following procedures are outlined in Figure 6-1.
To download static starter software in the toolbox
All LS2100 static starters are pre-
engineered and this file should be 1. When the toolbox is started, the toolbox Work Area displays.
available on the turbine control
2. From the File menu, select Open.
HMI or a software CD supplied with
the static start equipment. 3. Select the static starter configuration file (.lsb).
The firmware pattern used to create the .lsb file must be of the same version as
the pattern loaded in the static starter (the UCVE and DSPC boards). If it is not,
then either the flash code (which contains the pattern version) must be
downloaded from the toolbox to the controls, or the .lsb file must be upgraded.
Refer to GEH-6415, Chapter 3.
Note The toolbox requires the pattern directory to be located under the exact
structure of GE Control System Solutions / LS2100. If this exact directory
structure is not present, you must correct it.
Tip .lsb files are typically stored in a project directory. The current standard
directory structure is E:\master\static_start. From the toolbox, select the Options
menu, Settings, and the tab Startup. Click on the option, Select File. The
directory location (if toolbox was setup properly) displays in the text box.
The revision of the firmware used to create the .lsb file must be the same as the
firmware revision loaded into the DSPC and UCVE. To achieve this, it may be
necessary to upgrade the .lsb file to a more recent version. The toolbox can
automatically upgrade older .lsb files to newer revisions.
Note If the version required does not appear, it needs to be installed from the
Control System Solutions CD.
Typically, firmware and hardware revisions are backward compatible with older
revisions. However, occasionally the firmware depends upon a minimum revision of
hardware. The release notes (RelNotes.txt, provided with the toolbox files), provide
an overview of the LS2100 hardware and software relationship.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-17
Checking the Keypad
The operator interface located on the control cabinet front door is the LS2100
Refer to GEH-6679, LS2100 Diagnostic Interface module.
Static Starter Control User
1. Observe that the display’s heartbeat icon is pulsing. This indicates that the
keypads can communicate with the LS2100. (The cable from the keypad
connects to the DSPC’s monitor port and the XTFP power supply Mate-N-Lok
Note If the keypad’s display cannot be read or contrast is poor, refer to the section,
Adjusting Keypad Display Contrast before proceeding to step 2.
2. If errors are present, use toolbox Help (select Help, Product Help, Contents,
Faults) or LS2100 Maintenance Guide (listed in Equipment/Material Needed in
this chapter) for information.
The keypad can be used to check firmware and hardware versions, run the static
starter, set parameters, reset the LS2100, and provide many other functions to control
the static starter.
3375 RPM 0 50% 100%
Output amps
1000 A rms Not ready
0 50% 100%
Speed Ref Output Volts Output Power
3500 RPM 4160 V rms 1500 hp
Coolant Temp Source Volts DC Link Volts
2080 V rms Running
60 deg F 0.01 edo
Navigation Control
Reset Change
Status Faults Pump
Escape Enter
- +
Display: Pushbuttons:
Status screens provide analog and digital Organized into functional groups:
representation of static starter functions and values.
Navigation buttons for using the menu
Menu screens provide text-based access to LS2100 Control buttons
parameters, wizards, and faults.
6-18 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Adjusting Keypad Display Contrast
You can improve visibility of the keypad display by adjusting the contrast. This can
be done using either the keypad or the toolbox.
Toolbox menu
bar selections.
If the display is still not readable, contact GE Product Service (refer to Chapter 1,
How to Get Help).
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-19
Commissioning the Static Starter
Commissioning is the final stage of starting up an LS2100 lineup. To complete the
following steps, it is assumed that the LS2100 has all connections completed, control
power has been applied, software has been loaded and all faults cleared. During this
testing, some access to the turbine control HMI will be necessary, but most steps are
run from the toolbox.
Note The procedures in this chapter are based on sample parameter values. Any
parameter values referenced should not be used for any specific job. If a parameter
value is in doubt, contact GE Salem for clarification.
Application specific data has been entered into the LS2100 parameters found in the
toolbox software files. These parameters provide the data for the application rules
used in the toolbox during the validation and calculation of settings for the LS2100.
Occasionally, specific parameter values require changes prior to initial operation of
the equipment. Any changes to parameters should be saved in the .lsb file by
uploading the parameter values from the LS2100 to the toolbox (refer to Optional:
Uploading the .lsb File in this chapter).
To access the block diagrams, Parameters may be adjusted individually from the toolbox menus, the block diagram,
from the toolbox Outline or the keypad. Changing parameter values while the LS2100 is running is not
View, select Diagram. recommended, although some parameters, such as diagnostic setups, can be adjusted
with minimal risk while running. In the following paragraphs, parameters will be
designated by P. parameter name and variables designated by V. variable name.
Downloads of LS2100 parameters are performed in two separate steps. Both the
application layer software (UCVE) and the static starter regulator software (DSPC)
are sent to the LS2100. The RED and BLUE down arrow icons are used through the
toolbox. Individual parameters can be changed when the LS2100 is running. An
entire parameter download to the DSPC processor (using the Blue down arrow icon
from the toolbox) is allowed, but the changes will be effective only after a DSPC
hard reset. The toolbox will notify the user that the static starter requires a hard reset.
This will cause the unit to trip if it is done while the static starter is running.
While not recommended, an entire download of the application layer software,
UCVE, (using the Red down arrow icon from the toolbox) is allowed while the static
starter is running.
If a minor difference exists, then download to memory and download to
permanent storage is allowed.
If a major difference exists, only a download to permanent storage is allowed.
Changes to diagnostic tables can also be download while the static starter is
6-20 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Viewing Parameter Differences
If the parameters in the toolbox are not equal to parameters in the static starter, a not
equal sign displays in the status bar. To display the differences, double-click on the
not equal sign . This causes the toolbox to compare its parameter values with those
in the LS2100.
Privilege levels provide To view and clear overrides with Level 4 privilege
different types of access to the
devices. 1. From the toolbox, select the Finder button , then Overrides, and
Level 4 privilege allows
changing parameters and 2. Double-click on the desired item.
editing hardware, and 3. Select Clear Override then Override in Device.
requires a password.
4. Select Device, Reset Drive, Hard Reset.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-21
Bridge Check and Setup
The following procedures make use of the Toolbox program:
Establish Toolbox communication with the control through Ethernet connection to
the UC card. Verify parameter and application code equality before proceeding.
You are now ready to proceed with the bridge check procedure. Bridge check and
setup is performed in six stages, which are as follows:
Shorted SCRs
Using a multimeter, check across each SCR in the bridges. Measurement should
indicate over 200 k.
6-22 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
e. With the current probe, look at the gate current of each SCR while
simultaneously monitoring the corresponding gating command signal. The
two signals should line up with each other as in Figure 6-7.
f. Hook the current probe to each of the SCR gate leads (white wire) with the
arrow on the current probe pointing toward the SCR.
g. Verify that the waveform has the same characteristics as in Figure 6-7.
h. Connect the oscilloscope’s channel 1 (triggering channel) to R201 (see
Figure 6-6) and repeat steps C through F.
i. Terminate the user test by pressing the Stop Test button on the diagram.
Each leg test should be terminated before starting the test for the next bridge
and before proceeding to step 5.
6. From the toolbox, save the configuration file to your pc hard drive.
Table 6-1. Assignment for FGPA LEDs
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-23
R201 -- Attach
Scope Channel 1
Lead Here to Test
SCR Legs 2, 4, & 6
(Close-up View R101 -- Attach
of Board Area) Scope Channel 1
Lead Here to Test
SCR Legs 1, 3, & 5
B B B B B B B B B B B B E203
U306 U305 U304 U303 U302 U301 U312 U311 U310 U309 U308 U307
TP305 TP304 TP303 TP302 TP301 TP312 TP311 TP310 TP309 TP308 TP307
100ND1 100N D2 100ND3 100ND4 100ND5 100ND6 100ND7 100ND8 100ND9 100ND10 100ND11 100ND12 P5
DS308 DS307
U318 TP203 TP204
U201 1MHZ
Q402 TP315
Q403 Q404 TP209 TP207 Q205
1PSHA Q104
Q105 TP402
T403 TP107
DN42 TP108 TP110 TP109
1 16
T401 C106
D401 DN43
8 9
(-) (-)
C402 C403
6-24 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Figure 6-7. Oscilloscope Reading for Gate Current Check
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-25
Null Dc Offset at Reconstructed Flux Testpoints
1. Verify that the control power supply has been on for several hours so that the
temperature of the power supply and electronics has stabilized. Failure to let
system temperatures stabilize could lead to inaccurate null offset values.
2. Connect the multimeter in mV dc scale and monitor testpoint FACR at the
Source A FCGD board (see Figure 6-8).
Note Use the ACOM testpoint at the same FCGD board for dc offset measurement.
5. From the toolbox, save the configuration file to your computer hard drive.
6-26 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-27
Source No Load Full Voltage Checkout
Setup Checks. The test in this section requires that the source bridge power be
connected and available.
With power applied, this equipment contains a potential
hazard of electric shock or burn. Only adequately trained
persons who are thoroughly familiar with the equipment and
the instructions should install or maintain this equipment.
1. Verify that the SWGRT relay trips the breaker 52SS if the control detects a
2. Verify that the source breaker trip contact wires directly to the LS2100 control.
3. Verify that the source breaker 52A contact closes when the breaker closed.
4. Make sure that the control is functioning properly. This includes the UCVE,
DSPC, FCGD, and DDTB boards, the VersaMax™ and the Keypad.
5. Check for any fault indications, and fix and clear if found.
6. From the toolbox, verify that parameter sa_fluxcap is set per the static starter’s
input frequency:
= 6 for a 50 Hz source
= 7 for a 60 Hz source.
Source A Voltage Signal Phasing and Balancing. After completing the
previous setup checks, verify correct voltage phase and balance, as follows:
1. Close the source-side circuit interrupter.
From the toolbox, select the SaCelTst diagram
Click the Start Src A Cel Stat button in the diagram to verify all SCRs in
the source bridge A are blocking.
To terminate the user test, click Stop Test button on the diagram.
Connect an oscilloscope to simultaneously observe the waveforms on test
points SAVA, SAVB, and SAVC on the VPBL board at the bottom of the
VME rack. The measured voltage should be approximately 1.73 V ac.
2. Verify SCR blocking state.
From the Toolbox, select Diagram from the Outline View. From the
LS2100 Static Starter Overview diagram (in the Summary View), select
the SaCelTst diagram under Startup Tests.
From this screen, you will be able to perform cell test on the source A bridge.
Click the Start Src A Cel Stat button on the diagram to verify all SCRs
in the source bridge A are blocking.
Click the Stop Test button on the diagram to stop the test.
3. Connect an rms-measuring meter to testpoint FBAR on the SA-FCGD.
4. From the toolbox, modify P.sa_scale_vba to obtain voltage as follows:
Actual _ System _ Voltage
FBAR x4.75 Vac rms
Normal _ System _ Voltage
6-28 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
5. Connect the multimeter to the FCBR testpoint. From the toolbox, modify
P.sa_scale_vcb to obtain the same rms voltage as above.
6. Repeat for the FACR testpoint using parameter P..sa_scale_vac.
7. From the toolbox Trend Recorder, display V.Sap1t_Freq (source frequency),
V.sa_Vmag (source A pu voltage magnitude) and V.Sa_Fmag (source A pu
flux magnitude). Verify whether the trender values are correct.
8. From the toolbox, save the configuration file to your pc hard drive.
click Go on/offline .
10. From the toolbox, modify parameter P.sa_scale_vba to obtain voltage as
Actual _ System _ Voltage
FBAR x4.75 Vac rms
Normal _ System _ Voltage
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-29
14. From the toolbox, modify parameter Sb_Leads_Sa according to measurement in
step 13.
15. Check the Keypad for the correct source voltage display.
16. From the toolbox trender, display Sapll_Freq (source frequency), sb_vmag
(source B pu voltage magnitude) and Sb_Fmag (source B pu flux magnitude).
Verify whether the trender values are correct.
17. From the toolbox, save the configuration file to your computer hard drive.
6-30 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
10. Connect the multimeter for measuring rms to testpoint FBAR on LA-FCGD.
From the toolbox, modify parameter la_scale_vba to obtain FBAR voltage as
Simulate_Actual_Load _Voltage FRQM
FBAR 4 .75 V ac rms
Normal _ Load_Voltage FRQS
Simulate_Actual_Load_Voltage was calculated in step 8.
Normal Load Voltage is given on the elementary drawing.
FRQM is the motor base frequency, defined by parameter frqm
FRQS is the source frequency, defined by parameter frqs
The value for parameter la_scale_vba should be within 15% of the factory-
calculated value.
11. Repeat step 9 for FCBR testpoint using parameter la_scale_vcb to achieve the
same rms voltage. The value should be within 15% of the factory-calculated
12. Repeat step 9 for FACR testpoint using parameter la_scale_vac to achieve the
same rms voltage. The value should be within 15% of the factory-calculated
13. Check the Keypad for the correct output voltage display.
14. From the toolbox trender, display Lapll_Freq (load/motor frequency), La_Vmag
(load A pu voltage magnitude) and La_Fmag (load A pu flux magnitude).
Verify that the Toolbox trender values are correct.
15. Open source switchgear/interrupter.
16. From the toolbox, return the parameter Flt_Msk_3 to the original value recorded
in step 3.
17. From the toolbox, save the configuration file to your pc hard drive.
18. Turn control power off.
19. Return the LAJV and SAJV to their original positions.
20. Turn control power on.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-31
EX2100 Excitation Control Interface Checks
The external exciter interface is checked using an open loop alpha test. The object of
the test is to verify that the EX2100 exciter can be controlled from the 0 to 10 V dc
reference originating in the LS2100 Static Starter control. This test must be
coordinated with the checkout of the EX2100 exciter. Refer to the following
GEH-6631 EX2100 Excitation Control, Installation and Startup
1. Command the exciter controller to run, and monitor generator field current
through an external (to static starter) means.
2. From the toolbox, select the ExRefTst diagram.
3. From the toolbox, set the parameter P.Exc_Tst_Ref to 0 v
4. Click the Start Exc Ref button in the diagram. This starts the user test with the
exciter firing angle set to alpha = 90º.
5. From the toolbox, vary the field exciter reference voltage parameter
P.Exc_Tst_Ref until the full range has been checked.
Do not increase the exciter current above the maximum value allowed at turning
gear speed, per elementary diagram sheet 1GA.
Note Be careful when advancing the exciter-firing angle. This is an open loop test
and a small angle advance from 90º may result in significant current.
6. To terminate the user test, click the Stop Test button on the diagram.
7. From the toolbox, save the configuration file to your computer hard drive.
6-32 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Crowbar Test
The crowbar test permits controllable dc link current to be circulated without
involving the generator stator windings. On the load side, the dc current circulates
through one or more diametric cell pairs, bypassing the generator. An oscilloscope is
used to check whether the source side CT's are phased correctly.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-33
load currents (LA-FCGD) are zero for this test using a voltmeter.
12. If any of the current signals are inverted from what is in Figure 6-9 complete the
Note When this test is running, the hardware over current pot (OC POT) alarms will
be generated. The alarms will be cleared once the OC POT values are changed to the
actual value after the test.
14. If needed the crowbar test can be stopped by clicking the Stop Test button in the
toolbox diagram.
15. From the toolbox, modify the following parameters to their original values
(recorded in step 4):
crmin = original value
srcl1 = original value
16. From the toolbox, save the configuration file to your computer hard drive.
6-34 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Phase Sequence Test
The purpose of this test is to verify that the cables between the LS2100 and the
synchronous machine are connected to give the correct phase sequence.
Note This test requires the mechanical turning gear to be operational.
1. From the toolbox, select Diagram from the Outline View. From the LS2100
Static Starter Overview diagram (in the Summary View), select the ExRefTst
diagram under Startup Tests.
2. Command the exciter controller to run, and monitor generator field current
through an external (to static starter) means.
3. From the toolbox, set the parameter P.Exc_Tst_Ref to 0 v
4. Click the Start Exc Ref button in the diagram. This starts the user test with the
exciter firing angle set to alpha = 90º.
5. From the toolbox, vary the field exciter reference voltage parameter
P.Exc_Tst_Ref until approximately 100 Amps dc through the machine field is
Do not increase the exciter current above the maximum value allowed at turning
gear speed, per elementary diagram sheet 1GA.
Note Be careful when advancing the exciter control-firing angle. This is an open
loop test and a small angle advance from 90º may result in significant current.
6. Close the SS_LCI output isolator and/or the stator assignment switches
according to your site’s safety procedures.
7. Connect a chart recorder to the LA-FCGD board, as follows:
Channel 1 to testpoint FBAR
Channel 2 to testpoint FCBR
Channel 3 to testpoint FACR
8. These signals will be at low frequency (approximately 0.1 Hz) and low
magnitude. Check for proper phase sequence:
FBAR should lead FCBR by 120
FCBR should lead FACR by 120
If phase sequence is wrong, check and correct cabling from the LS2100 to the
synchronous machine.
9. From the toolbox, command the exciter reference P.Exc_Tst_Ref back to 0 v.
10. To terminate the user test. Click the Stop Test button on the diagram.
11. From the toolbox, save the configuration file to your computer hard drive.
12. Open the output isolator/switchgear.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-35
Checks with the Machine Running
6-36 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
5. From the toolbox, setup the DSP capture buffer by modifying the following
parameters (refer to Toolbox diagram Capture):
Parameter Setting
Cap_Tsk_Exec Task2 (1440hz)
Cap_P_Mult 1
Cap_Enb_Dly -1
Cap_Pre_Samp 0.8
Cap_Trig_Adr Trip_Flt
Cap_Trig_Mod Greater_Than
Cap_Trig_Lvl 0
Cap_Trig_Typ Edge
Cap_Chan_Cfg Cap_8_Chan
Cap_1_Adr Invlim
Cap_2_Adr Spdstr
Cap_3_Adr Sfb_Zxo
Cap_4_Adr CR_Cmd
Cap_5_Adr Sa_Idc_Link
Cap_6_Adr La_Fmag
Cap_7_Adr Sa_Alph_Cmd
Cap_8_Adr La_Alph_Cmd
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-37
6. From the toolbox, setup the Trender to capture the following variables / signals:
Name Sig / Var Description
Uc_Srr_Ref speed reference from turbine control
Speed speed feedback
Spdstr speed reference after ramp
Sr_Fbk speed feedback
Amps drive current
Tcom drive torque command
CR_Cmd drive current reference
Sb_Vmag source b voltage
Sa_Vmag source a voltage
Sa_Fmag source a flux
Sa_Alpha source a firing angle
Sa_Idc_Link source a dc link current
La_Vmag load voltage
La_Fmag load flux
La_Alpha load firing angle
La_Idc_Link load dc link current
Fr_Fbk flux feedback
Flux_sp flux reference
Fld_Alph_Cmd field exciter command
Mtr_Flx_Absm output flux
Lac_Mode load angle command mode
Mode_Flag bit coded mode flag
Invlim inversion limit coded word
Run run logical
6-38 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
c. Running mode is indicated by the voltage level at DA3 testpoint located at
the VPBL board (footer of the control rack).
lac_mode Output at Operating Mode
Value DA3
0 0.0 V dc Idle mode no current
1 1.0 V dc Fixed time forced commutated mode
2 2.0 V dc Segment fire forced commutated mode
3 3.0 V dc PLL fire forced commutated mode
4 4.0 V dc PLL load (self) commutated mode
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-39
Load Flux Feedback Check
1. Start the LS2100 and run up to purge speed.
2. Connect the oscilloscope differentially between test points LAVA and LAVC at
the VME backplane (VPBL board).
3. Record the peak voltage of the waveform, Vac-pk.
4. Calculate pu volts, as follows:
Vac _ pk _ ratio
PU _ Volt
2 Rated _ motor_ volt
5. Using the Hz scale on the multimeter, measure the frequency of the FCBR
waveform Freq_m at the load FCGD board.
6. Calculate pu frequency, as follows.
Freq _m
PU _ Freq
PU _ Volt
PU _ Flux
PU _ Freq
8. The flux signals FBAR, FCBR, and FACR at the load FCGD board should then
have the following rms voltages:
FBAR, FCBR, FACR 4.75 Vrms PU_ Flux
6-40 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Control Start
Refer to Figures 6-3 and 6-4. Verify the that the DSPC processor board, located in the control rack, has started
correctly, as follows:
All procedures in this section
were completed successfully The DSPC has the following LED indications:
for: Green status LED steady on or blinking
UCVE DSPC Red fault LED blinking indicating an alarm status or off (solid red indicates a
fault condition)
The UCVE has the following LED indications:
Green OK LED steady on
Green ACTIVE LED steady on
Green ENET LED blinking if the Ethernet communications are connected and
active. Off, if no Ethernet communications are enabled.
Green Status LEDs will be alternating in a clockwise progression.
For the other boards in the rack, check that the green power LEDs (IMOK) are
steady on.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning 6-41
6-42 Chapter 6 Initial Startup and Commissioning GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Chapter 7 Changeover I/O
VersaMax I/O provides the optional changeover function. The changeover function
provides all the switching between two static starters and up to eight gas
turbine/generators. The changeover function allows the operator to select both the
static starter and the turbine/generator set to be started.
The VersaMax I/O provides the status of all isolation switches and gas turbine/
generator switches to the static starter controllers through an Ethernet data link.
Analog input, analog output, digital input, and digital output modules are provided to
accomplish this function. Panel mounted relays, driven through VersaMax I/O, are
provided to control the switchgear.
The VersaMax I/O Ethernet interface units connect to the local changeover hub and
remote changeover hub. The local changeover hub connects to the LAN 2 port on the
UCVx board. Fiber-optic cables are required to connect between the fiber-optic hubs
located in each of the two LS2100 control panels (see Figure 4-1).
The local changeover hub on one LS2100 control panel connects to the remote
changeover hub located on the other LS2100 control panel that is part of the same
changeover network. Thus each LS2100 is able to see the state of the I/O on the
other side of the 89TS tie switch, enabling either LS2100 to start any of the gas
turbines connected to the changeover network.
The changeover I/O is on a private Ethernet network. Each device has a fixed IP
address. The addresses are listed below.
Section Page
System Overview .....................................................................................................7-2
VersaMax I/O EBI001 Network Interface Unit (NIU) Configuration......................7-3
Location of the NIU and the VersaMax I/O modules (GFK-1504H).........7-4
Hardware Configuration Files....................................................................7-4
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 7 Changeover I/O Configuration • 7-1
System Overview
The Changeover I/O is on a private Ethernet network. Each device has a fixed IP
address. Those addresses are as follows:
7-2 • Chapter 7 Changeover I/O Configuration GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
VersaMax I/O EBI001 Network Interface Unit (NIU)
The VersaMax I/O NIU are factory loaded with test hardware configuration.
The commissioning field engineer stores the VersaMax I/O hardware configuration
file into the NIU-EB1001 unit using either the stand-alone hardware configuration
for VersaPro™ or remote I/O manager programming software packages.
The VersaMax I/O NIU configuration contains information about the Ethernet
Global Data (EGD) communication IP addresses and the I/O modules present in the
VersaMax I/O station. Each LS2100 in a changeover panel system contains two
VersaMax I/O stations.
The local VersaMax I/O station is used to process input signals from the 89MD,
89TS and 89SS disconnect switches that are associated with the local or near-Bus
LS2100 in the system topology. The LS2100 elementary sheets 1EC and 1ED
displays the NIU and the MDL240 diagrams. The LS2100 UCVx EGD exchange
associated with this VersaMax station is VM1I. The consumer exchange IP
addresses in the local VersaMax hardware configuration must be of the local
LS2100 #1 (L1) =
LS2100 #2 (L2) =
The other VersaMax I/O station is used to process input and output signals from the
89MD, 89TS, and 89SS disconnect switches that are associated with the other or far-
Bus LS2100 in the system topology. The LS2100 elementary sheets 1FC, 1FD and
1FE show the NIU, the MDL240 (inputs), and the MDL940 (outputs) diagrams. The
other LS2100 UCVx EGD exchanges associated with the second VersaMax station
are VM21 (inputs) and VM2O (outputs). The consumer exchange IP addresses in the
other VersaMax hardware configuration must be that of the other LS2100.
LS2100 # 1 (L1) = (I/P address of LS2100 # 2)
LS2100 # 2 (L2) = (I/P address of LS2100 # 1)
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 7 Changeover I/O Configuration • 7-3
Location of the NIU and the VersaMax I/O modules
Network Interface Units
A VersaMax I/O station consists of a group of VersaMax modules with a VersaMax N/U
module and attached power supply in the first position.
The stand-alone hardware configuration creates these files for VersaPro software. If
you are not familiar with this software, refer to GEK-1670C, VersaMax
Programming Software User’s Guide.
7-4 • Chapter 7 Changeover I/O Configuration GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
LS2100 # 1 (L1) local VersaMax I/O elementary sheet 1EC.
Network IP address
Consumed exchange Producer IP address is corresponding to
VM1I in L1
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 7 Changeover I/O Configuration • 7-5
LS2100 # 1 (L1) other VersaMax I/O elementary sheet 1FC.
Network IP address
Consumed exchange Exchange ID is 3/Producer IP address is
corresponding to VM2I in L2.
Produced exchange Consumer IP address is corresponding to
VM2O from L2
7-6 • Chapter 7 Changeover I/O Configuration GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
LS2100 # 2 (L2) local VersaMax I/O elementary sheet 1EC.
Network IP address
Consumed exchange Exchange ID is 2/Producer ID is
corresponding to VM1I in L2
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 7 Changeover I/O Configuration • 7-7
LS2100 # 2 (L2) other VersaMax I/O elementary sheet 1FC.
Network IP address
Consumed Exchange Exchange ID is 3/Producer ID is
corresponding to VM2I in L1
Produced exchange Consumer IP address is corresponding to VM2O
from L2
7-8 • Chapter 7 Changeover I/O Configuration GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
How To Store files
Each VersaMax I/O BIU has its own configuration file. Select the proper
configuration as described in the previous section (see figure below). Connect the
commissioning pc to the appropriate VersaMax I/O BIU using an ETHERNET
10BaseT crossover configuration cable.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 7 Changeover I/O Configuration • 7-9
Requirements include
• Stand-alone hardware configuration for VersaPro hardware configuration
software or the remote I/O manager hardware configuration software.
• Ethernet cable with 10BaseT connectors and crossover data configuration.
• Standard VersaMax I/O hardware configuration files.
2. Create a new device name to establish the EGD communication with the NIU-
EBI001. From the Tools menu, select Communication Setup.
7-10 • Chapter 7 Changeover I/O Configuration GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
3. To communicate with a replacement VersaMax BIU. Click New and enter the Add
New Device data, then click OK. This creates the Vmax_Default communication
Note The rotary switch IP address setting is active only when no hardware
configuration is stored into the unit. The stored hardware configuration information
takes precedence over the rotary switch. Once the BIU hardware configuration is
stored, the rotary switches address is not longer active.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 7 Changeover I/O Configuration • 7-11
4. Create the communication device to store L1_Vmax_EBI001_1EC.hwcfg and
L2_Vmax_EBI001_1EC.hwcfg. Click New and enter the Add New Device
data, then click OK. This creates Vmax_195_0_0_1 device.
7-12 • Chapter 7 Changeover I/O Configuration GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
5. Create the communication device to store L1_Vmax_EBI001_1FC.hwcfg and
L2_Vmax_EBI001_1FC.hwcfg. Click New and enter the Add New Device
data, then click OK. This creates Vmax_195_0_0_2 device.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 7 Changeover I/O Configuration • 7-13
6. When the communication devices are created, the Communication
Configuration Utility dialog box displays the following data.
7-14 • Chapter 7 Changeover I/O Configuration GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
¾ To store L1_Vmax_EBI001_1EC.hwcfg or
1. From the Device list, select Vmax_195_0_0_1 entry, then click Verify.
Note It will establish communication and you will see a status window indicating
equality or inequality between the opened configuration file and the BIU stored
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 7 Changeover I/O Configuration • 7-15
¾ To store L1_Vmax_EBI001_1FC.hwcfg or
1. From the Device list, select Vmax_195_0_0_2 entry, then click Verify.
7-16 • Chapter 7 Changeover I/O Configuration GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
¾ To store L1_Vmax_EBI001_1EC.hwcfg,
L2_Vmax_EBI001_1EC.hwcfg, L1_Vmax_EBI001_1FC.hwcfg or
L2_Vmax_EBI001_1FC.hwcfg into a replacement VersaMax BIU
1. From the Device list, select Vmax_Default entry, then click Verify.
Note When you store the new hardware configuration, the Ethernet communication
using will be lost. The new I/P address takes effect immediately.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Chapter 7 Changeover I/O Configuration • 7-17
7-18 • Chapter 7 Changeover I/O Configuration GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Appendix A Understanding
Equipment Drawings
GE supplies custom GE drawings are an important source of information to help the customer
documentation with each successfully install and maintain the static starter. These drawings provide an
static starter electrical and mechanical representation of the static starter equipment as it applies
specifically to the customer’s installation. This includes component layout,
mounting, wiring, and interconnection information, provided as outline drawings and
elementary diagrams.
For each customer requisition, GE assigns unique identification numbers to the
equipment and associated drawings. These numbers are included on the equipment’s
data nameplate, and are structured to provide information about the equipment.
This appendix defines content and numbering conventions used on drawings for GE
static starter systems. The purpose is to help the customer more effectively use the
documentation provided. This appendix is organized as follows:
Section Page
Data Nameplate .......................................................................................................A-2
Identifying the Equipment.......................................................................................A-3
Equipment Catalog Number......................................................................A-3
Drawing Numbers ...................................................................................................A-4
Outline Drawings ....................................................................................................A-4
Panel Drawings........................................................................................................A-4
Elementary Diagrams ..............................................................................................A-5
Equipment Reference Information ............................................................A-5
Elementary Drawing Number ...................................................................A-5
Wire Number Identification ......................................................................A-5
Conventions Used with Other Equipment ...............................................................A-6
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Appendix A Understanding Equipment Drawings • A-1
Data Nameplate
The data nameplate is located on the back of the cabinet door. Figure A-1 shows a
typical data nameplate found on a static starter lineup.
Note When contacting the factory for assistance, provide the requisition number,
the cabinet's ML number (shown as GEINDSYS field) printed on the nameplate, and
the item number (see Figure A-1).
A-2 • Appendix A Understanding Equipment Drawings GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Identifying the Equipment
Unique to
Order requisition
product line
Identifies manufacturer as GE Energy
Salem, VA
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Appendix A Understanding Equipment Drawings • A-3
Drawing Numbers
Each static starter has a For each customer requisition, GE assigns a unique drawing number. The number is
standard elementary, and structured to provide information about the drawing itself, as well as the equipment
outline drawing. The it defines, refer to Figure A-3.
secondary suffixes for these The basic drawing number is an eight-digit structure (seven numerals and one alpha)
are A and J to identify the for each drawing size. A double-alpha suffix is added to the end of the basic number
drawing type. to indicate the equipment category and drawing type.
359 B 3100 A E
Outline Drawings
GE provides outline drawings An outline drawing is a physical representation of the equipment to be furnished. It
with the static starter. includes equipment dimensions, openings, weights, and heat losses. This information
is essential when installing the static starter. A typical static starter outline drawing
provides the following views of the equipment:
• A front view, showing physical arrangement of the static starter with panel
• An end view, showing floor sill location, door opening, and general dimensions
• Bottom and/or top plan, showing conduit access areas, bolt hole locations, and
any other information needed to connect to or locate the equipment
Panel Drawings
GE provides panel drawings A panel drawing is a type of assembly drawing. It is the view inside the cabinet
with the static starter (located showing the following:
on the inside of the respective • Device and module locations
cabinet door).
• Terminal board locations
• Wiring paths and conduit
• External wireways/cableways
• External connection points to panel devices, and associated static starter/case
A-4 • Appendix A Understanding Equipment Drawings GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Elementary Diagrams
A static starter elementary is An elementary diagram (elementary) is a partial electrical representation of the
specific to the static starter. equipment as applied to the customer’s application. It references all control devices
supplied by GE under a particular requisition, unless otherwise defined. The
elementary’s drawing number ties it to the requisition, refer to Figure A-3.
An elementary includes the internal and external connections required to complete
the electrical system. It indicates interconnections to the equipment using slash
marks and level identifications.
Each elementary diagram reserves Static starter 0 for front sheets (for example,
sheets 0A, 0B, 0C). These contain reference information.
Note GE does not intentionally duplicate static starter numbers in any one project.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Appendix A Understanding Equipment Drawings • A-5
Conventions Used with Other Equipment
Note Different documentation conventions are used with other types of equipment.
A-6 • Appendix A Understanding Equipment Drawings GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Appendix B Cable Separation and
This appendix should be used Cables that carry signals and power are categorized into four defining levels: low,
to check for proper cabling medium, high, and power. Each level can include classes.
after the equipment is
Electrical noise from cabling of various voltage levels can interfere with
installed, but before
microprocessor-based control systems, causing the static starter to malfunction. This
beginning startup.
appendix provides recommended cable separation practices to reduce electrical
noise. The information is presented as follows:
Section Page
Low-Level Signals (Level L) .................................................................................. B-2
Medium-Level Signals (Level M) ........................................................................... B-2
High-Level Signals (Level H) ................................................................................. B-2
Power (Level P)....................................................................................................... B-2
Class Codes ............................................................................................................. B-2
Cableway Spacing Guidelines ................................................................................. B-3
General Cableway Spacing ....................................................................... B-3
Tray/Tray Spacing..................................................................................... B-4
Tray/Conduit Spacing ............................................................................... B-4
Conduit/Conduit Spacing .......................................................................... B-5
Note If a situation at the installation site is not covered in this document, or if these
guidelines cannot be met, please contact GE before installing the cable.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Appendix B Cable Separation and Routing • B-1
Low-Level Signals (Level L)
Low-level signals consist of:
• Analog signals 0 through ±50 V dc
• Digital (logic-level) signals less than 28 V dc
• 4 – 20 mA signals
• LAN communication signals, such as Ethernet, UDH, ISBus, and Genius bus
• Signal commons ACOM, DCOM, CCOM, and SCOM
Power (Level P)
Power cabling carries ac and dc buses at 0 – 800 V with currents of 20 – 800 A.
Class Codes
Certain conditions can require that specific wires within a level be grouped in the
same cable. This is indicated by following class codes, defined as follows:
S Special handling of specified levels can require special spacing of conduit
and trays. Check dimension chart for levels. These wires include:
• Signals from COMM field and line resistors
• Signals from line shunts to regulators
U High voltage potential unfused wires over 600 V dc
PS Power greater than 800 V dc and/or greater than 800 A
If there is no code, there are no grouping restrictions.
B-2 • Appendix B Cable Separation and Routing GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Cableway Spacing Guidelines
General Cableway Spacing
Spacing (or clearance) General spacing practices apply to all levels of cabling. They should be used with
between cableways (trays and the specific spacing values in Tables B-1 through B-3.
conduit) depends on the level
• All cables of like signal levels and power levels must be grouped together in
of the wiring inside them.
• In general, different levels must run in separate cableways, as defined in the
different classes. Intermixing cannot be allowed, except as noted by exception.
• Interconnecting wire runs should carry a level designation.
• If wires are the same level and same type signal, group those wires from one
panel to any one specific location together in multiconductor cables.
• When unlike signals must cross in trays or conduit, cross them in 90° angles at a
maximum spacing. Where it is not possible to maintain spacing, place a
grounded steel barrier between unlike levels at the crossover point.
• When entering terminal equipment where it is difficult to maintain the specific
spacing guidelines given in Tables B-1 through B-3, keep parallel runs to a
minimum, not to exceed 5 ft in the overall run.
• Where Tables B-1 through B-3 show tray or conduit spacing as 0, the levels can
be run together. Spacing for other levels must be based on the worst condition.
• Trays for all levels should be metal and solidly grounded with good ground
continuity. Conduit should be metal to provide shielding. (Use Table B-1 for
non-metal conduit/tray spacing.)
• When separate trays are impractical, levels L and M can be combined in a
common tray if a grounded steel barrier separates levels. This practice is not as
effective as tray separation, and may require some rerouting at system startup. If
levels L and M are run side-by-side, a 1-inch minimum spacing is
• Locate levels L and M trays and conduit closest to the control panels.
• Trays containing level L and level M wiring should have solid bottoms and be
covered to provide complete shielding. There must be positive and continuous
cover contact to side rails to avoid high-reluctance air gaps, which impair
• Trays containing levels other than L and M wiring can have ventilation slots or
• Trays and conduit containing levels L, M, and H(S) should not be routed parallel
to high power equipment enclosures of 100 kVA and larger at a spacing of less
than 5 ft for trays and 2 1/2 ft for conduit.
• Level H and H(S) can be combined in the same tray or conduit, but cannot be
combined in the same cable.
• Level H(S) is listed only for information since many customers want to isolate
unfused high voltage potential wires.
• Do not run levels H and H(S) in the same conduit as level P.
• Levels H and P can be run in a common tray if levels are separated by a barrier.
This barrier does not have to be grounded. Spacing should be for level P.
• Where practical for level P and/or P(S) wiring, route the complete power circuit
between equipment in the same tray or conduit. This minimizes the possibility
of power and control circuits encircling each other.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Appendix B Cable Separation and Routing • B-3
Tray/Tray Spacing
Table B-1 defines the recommended minimum distance between trays: the top of
one tray and the bottom of the tray above, or the sides of adjacent trays. Table B-1
also applies if the distance is less than five feet between trays and power equipment
up to 100 kVA.
*Spacing is in inches
Tray/Conduit Spacing
Use Table B-1 for tray/conduit spacing if:
• Trays or conduit are non-metal
• Levels L and M trays are not covered (Table B-2 assumes levels L and M trays
are covered)
• If the distance is less than five feet between trays or conduit and power
equipment up to 100 kVA
• Table B-2 lists the minimum recommended distance between the outside
surfaces of metal trays and conduit.
*Spacing is in inches
B-4 • Appendix B Cable Separation and Routing GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Conduit/Conduit Spacing
Use Table B-1 for conduit/conduit spacing if:
• Conduit is non-metal
• Distance is less than 2.5 feet between conduit and power equipment rated up to
100 kVA
Table B-3 lists the minimum recommended distance between the outside surfaces of
metal conduit run in banks.
*Spacing is in inches
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Appendix B Cable Separation and Routing • B-5
B-6 • Appendix B Cable Separation and Routing GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Appendix C Installing Fiber-Optic
Appendix C of this manual provides guidelines for handling and terminating the
fiber-optic cable used for static starter systems. This section is presented as follows:
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Appendix C Installing Fiber-Optic Cable • C-1
Cable Characteristics
Cable Construction
Fiber-optic cable consists of a glass or plastic thread (fiber) surrounded by
cushioning and insulation. Light travels through the fiber’s inner core, which is
surrounded by an inseparable outer cladding.
This cladding has a different index of refraction, thus functioning as a mirror to keep
the light reflected back within the core.
In the tight buffer construction type of cable (refer to Figure C-1), a thermoplastic
coating protects the cladding. Strength members make the cable stronger, helping to
prevent stretching and temperature-related expansion/contraction. The jacket then
provides additional environmental protection.
Data Integrity
For fiber-optic cable, the main cause of data transmission problems is damage to the
fiber (refer to section Causes of Cable Damage), which prevents clear and precise
transmission of light.
High electric fields, such as lightning and external high voltages, do not affect data
integrity. This is because the data sent over fiber-optic cable has no electrical charge.
An opaque jacket sufficiently shields the fiber from the noise of other signal-bearing
Unlike parallel and coaxial wire cable, whose bandwidth varies inversely as square
of the length, the bandwidth in fiber-optic cable varies inversely as the first power of
the length.
When both factors exist at the same time, total stress equals the sum of both factors.
Proper handling and storage can prevent this damage (refer to the sections Handling
Guidelines and Environmental Guidelines).
C-2 • Appendix C Installing Fiber-Optic Cable GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Handling Guidelines
To prevent damage to fiber-optic cable during installation and assembly:
• Do not exceed the cable’s maximum pull force (tension): 600 Newtons (135 lbs
force), or the cable manufacturer’s specifications, whichever is less.
• Always observe the cable’s minimum bend radius: Do not pull cable around a
bend with a radius less than 20 times the cable diameter (refer to Figure C-2).
• Sheaves and cable guides are recommended at bends to help ensure minimum
bend radius.
• Install the cable grip directly over the cable end (no cable preparation is
• If pulling cable by hand, do not use gloves. Monitor the pull force with a gage
• Junction breakout boxes are not recommended.
• When attaching connectors to cable, make sure the cable is cut and polished
correctly (refer to section Attaching a Connector).
• Fiber-optic cable cannot accept multiple taps (it is point-to-point).
• There must be no ties or support within five inches of the cable’s termination
• Pull wire ties snug by hand. Do not use tie guns, which can deform fiber-optic
• Do not place a wire label closer than four inches from the termination point
(refer to Figure C-6).
• To prevent cable from twisting or curling when laying it aside temporarily, lay it
in a figure-8 pattern.
• Store cable at as large a diameter as possible to reduce bending stress and add to
cable life. With a 4 in (100 mm) diameter coil, the cable should last
beyond 100 years.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Appendix C Installing Fiber-Optic Cable • C-3
Environmental Guidelines
When selecting cable, the installer must ensure that the cable meets both GE
specifications and the manufacturer’s environmental requirements, using the
following considerations:
• Select cable made for the conditions that it will be exposed to (such as moisture,
sun, and temperature extremes).
• Select sturdy cable that is the most resistant to damage caused by harsh
environments (such as exposure to caustic or acidic fumes from certain
industrial processes).
• If installation must be underground, use conduit or armored cable to prevent
damage by burrowing animals.
C-4 • Appendix C Installing Fiber-Optic Cable GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Cable Assembly
To preserve the cable’s optical characteristics at the point of termination, the cable
must be correctly attached to the connector and the fiber end polished as defined in
this section.
Note The examples show both simplex and duplex cables with HPC#HFBR-4531
crimpless non-latching connectors. However, these practices should apply in general
to all recommended plastic fiber-optic cables and connectors. (refer Figure C-4)
Note Other models can be used if the quality and capability are equivalent to those
For inpsection:
Dust caps for fiber-optic cable connectors
Alcohol wipes (Grainger WWG#5AD39); if not available, use lint-free clean
cloths or chamois
Optical magnifier
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Appendix C Installing Fiber-Optic Cable • C-5
Attaching a Connector
To attach a connector
1. Cut cable to desired length with Nickerson model NM-S-4 plastic cutters. For
duplex cable, separate the fibers and unzip the cable about 3 - 4 in (76.2 to 101.6 mm).
Dull blades may damage the fiber ends when cutting the
cable. Make sure that cutter blades are sharp and even
before using them.
2. Using the no. 18 AWG slot of the wire strippers, remove four mm (about 3/16
in.) of cable jacket from the cable end, as in Figure C-3.
3 - 4 in.
Figure C-3. Fiber-Optic Cable with End Stripped For Insertion Into Connector
3. Seat the connector onto the cable, inserting the cable through the tube end, with
about 1.5 mm (1/16 in.) of fiber from the tube (refer to Figures C-4 and C-5).
Note Simplex cables require one connector. Duplex cables require two connectors
(one for each cable strand) that are assembled as a top and bottom that face each
Top View
On Underside)
C-6 • Appendix C Installing Fiber-Optic Cable GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Fiber Extending Top View
From Connector
(Before Polishing)
Tube On Bottom
Note: Connector has been folded Simplex Cable
around cable and snapped together.
Figure C-5. Simplex Cable With Type HFBR-4531 Non-Latching Connector Attached
4. Fasten the connector onto the simplex cable (for duplex cables, see step 5):
a. Fold the latch half of the connector over onto the tube half. Make sure that
the cable remains properly seated (see step 3) and that the edges of the
halves are aligned.
b. Press the halves together with your fingers until they snap.
c. Go to step 6.
5. Fasten the two connectors onto the duplex cable:
a. Align the edges of the facing connectors. Make sure that both cable strands
remain properly seated (see step 3).
b. Using your fingers, press and snap the two connectors together in the
following sequence: center, right end, left end.
6. Inspect the connector to make sure that no air gaps between the top and bottom
halves. If air gaps are found, snap them together again, then re-inspect.
7. Place the correct label onto the cable jacket at least 4 in from the termination
point (refer to Figure C-6).
8. Trim the ends of the fiber, leaving .75 mm (1/32 in) of fiber still extending from
the connector. If available, use the polishing fixture to do this.
9. Polish the fiber ends per the instructions in the section Polishing Fiber Ends.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Appendix C Installing Fiber-Optic Cable • C-7
Polishing Fiber Ends
To polish the fiber ends
1. Insert the connector fully into the polishing fixture with the trimmed fiber
sticking out from the bottom of the fixture. (The fixture is made so that both
fibers of the duplex cable or two simplex cables can be polished at the same
Note The four dots on the bottom of the polishing fixture are wear indicators.
Replace the fixture when any dot disappears. Typically, the polishing fixture can be
used 10 times.
2. Place the 600-grit, black abrasive paper with the rough side up onto a smooth,
flat surface.
3. Pressing down on the connector, polish the fiber and connector using a figure-8
pattern of continuous strokes (refer to Figure C-7) until the connector is flush
with the bottom of the polishing fixture.
Fixture Connector
"Figure 8"
4. Wipe the connector and fixture with a clean, lint-free cloth or tissue.
5. Place the 2000-grit sandpaper with rough side up onto a smooth, flat surface.
6. Press firmly down on the connector (in the polishing fixture) and polish the
connector end and fiber in a figure-8 motion for 8 – 10 strokes.
7. Wipe the connector and fixture with a clean, lint-free cloth or tissue.
8. Place the 3-micron pink lapping film with dull side up onto a flat, smooth
9. Press firmly down on the connector. The latch on the connector should be
resting against the flat surface of the two raised portions of the polishing fixture.
Polish the connector end and fiber in a figure-8 motion for 8 – 10 strokes.
10. Wipe the connector with a with an alcohol wipe. Then inspect the fiber end
using the instructions in Table C-1.
C-8 • Appendix C Installing Fiber-Optic Cable GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Inspecting Fiber Ends
Before connecting fiber-optic cable to any equipment, refer to Table C-1 to check the
ends for proper termination and damage.
1. Check the fiber end for pistoning, Connector End None. No action required (fiber has
as follows: been terminated and
Fiber Even Place a dust polished to the required
a. Backlight one end of the With cap on the
cable. level).
Connector end until use.
b. At the other end, use a End
magnifier to view the fiber at
an angle.
Check the relative position of the
Pistoning: Reject assembly.
fiber end to the connector end.
Fiber not Re-terminate per Cable
Fiber Below even with Assembly section, then re-
Connector connector inspect per Inspecting Fiber
End end. Ends section.
Fiber Above
2. Check that the fiber end is Connector End None. No action required (fiber and
polished correctly, as follows: connector end have been
Place a dust terminated and polished
a. Backlight one end of the cable Fiber Is Round cap on the
and Without correctly).
end until use.
b. At the other end, use a Scratches
magnifier to view the fiber end
straight on (not at an angle).
Check the appearance of the
fiber surface.
Fiber Has a
Few Light
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Appendix C Installing Fiber-Optic Cable • C-9
Table C-1. Procedures for Inspecting Fiber-Optic Cable Ends Continued
C-10 • Appendix C Installing Fiber-Optic Cable GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Connecting Fiber-Optic Cable to Modules
The fiber-optic connectors are color coded to help identify the correct connection.
The connector may be blue or gray, or may have blue or gray tag near the
termination point.
GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup Appendix C Installing Fiber-Optic Cable • C-11
C-12 • Appendix C Installing Fiber-Optic Cable GEH-6678G LS2100 Installation and Startup
Glossary of Terms
application code
Software that controls the machine or process, specific to the application.
A unit of data transmission. Baud rate is the number of bits per second transmitted.
Binary Digit. The smallest unit of memory used to store only one piece of
information with two states, such as One/Zero or On/Off.
Instruction blocks contain basic control functions, which are connected together
during configuration to form the required machine or process control. Blocks can
perform math computations, sequencing, or regulator (continuous) control.
Printed wiring board.
Upper bar for power transfer, also an electrical path for transmitting and receiving
A crowbar test permits controlled dc link current to be circulated without involving
generator stator windings.
Current Transformer, used to measure current in an ac power cable.
Ethernet Global Data, a control network and protocol for the controller. Devices
share data through EGD exchanges (pages).
LAN with a 10/100 M baud collision avoidance/collision detection system used to
link one or more computers together. Basis for TCP/IP and I/O services layers that
conform to the IEEE 802.3 standard.
EX2100 Exciter
GE static exciter; regulates the generator field current to control the generator output
The set of executable software that is stored in memory chips that hold their content
without electrical power, such as EEPROM or Flash.
A non-volatile programmable memory device.
Controlling the conduction of the power SCRs with an input pulse train (or a
A term that defines whether a signal is functioning as expected.
A signal emitted at regular intervals by software to demonstrate that it is still active.
Human Machine Interface, usually a PC running Windows NT and CIMPLICITY
HMI software.
IP address
The address assigned to a device on an Ethernet communication network.
A statement of a true sense, such as a Boolean.
The basic unit for variable information in the controller.
A Windows-based software package used to configure the EX2100, Mark VI and
LS2100 turbine controller.
Layout 6-9, 6-14 Tests
Lifting 2-6, 3-2, 3-4 Crowbar 6-33
Load Control Check 6-30 Phase Sequence 6-35
Toolbox 1-6, 6-4, 6-5, 6-16
Microprocessor-based controllers
DSPC 1-7, 4-12, 6-17 UDH (Unit Data Highway) 4-12, 4-13, 7-2
UCVx 1-7, 4 -12, 6-17, 6-41
Modbus RTU 4-12 V
Grounds 3-4 VersaMax I/O 7-3
Lineup 3-4 Versamax Micro PLC 4-8, 4-12, 4-17, 6-28
Operator Interface 6-18
Operating Environment 2-5
Online Help 6-16
Outline Drawings A-4
Panel Drawings A-4
Panel Heaters 6-7
Pattern 6-17, 6-21, C-3, C-8
PCM (Power Conversion Module) 1-5, 1-7, 2-5
Power Conversion Cabinet 1-2, 4-2, 4-5, 4-6, 4-9
Phase Sequence Test 6-35
Related Documents 1-4