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Rekha D PDF
HbA1c 11.1 %
Estimated average glucose (eAG) 272 mg/dL
Result Rechecked,
Please Correlate Clinically.
| As per American Diabetes Association (ADA) |
| Reference Group | HbA1c in % |
| Non diabetic adults >=18 years| 4.0 - 5.6 |
| At risk (Prediabetes) | 5.7 - 6.4 |
| Diagnosing Diabetes | >= 6.5 |
| Therapeutic goals for glycemic| . Goal of therapy: < 7.0 |
| control | . Action suggested: > 8.0 |
1. Since HbA1c reflects long term fluctuations in the blood glucose concentration, a diabetic patient who
is recently under good control may still have a high concentration of HbA1c. Converse is true for a
diabetic previously under good control but now poorly controlled
2. Target goals of < 7.0 % may be beneficial in patients with short duration of diabetes, long life
expectancy and no significant cardiovascular disease. In patients with significant complications of
diabetes, limited life expectancy or extensive co-morbid conditions, targeting a goal of < 7.0 % may not
be appropriate
3. Any condition that shortens erythrocyte survival such as sickle cell disease, pregnancy (second and
third trimesters), hemodialysis, recent blood loss or transfusion, or erythropoietin will falsely lower
HbA1c results regardless of the assay method
4. In patients with HbA1c level between 7-8%, Glycemark (1,5 Anhydroglucitol) test may be done to
identify those with more frequent and extreme hyperglycemic excursions
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HbA1c provides an index of average blood glucose levels over the past 8 - 12 weeks and is a much better
indicator of long term glycemic control as compared to blood and urinary glucose determinations. This
single test can be used both for diagnosing & monitoring diabetes. ADA recommends measurement of
HbA1c 3-4 times per year in Type 1 diabetes and poorly controlled Type 2 diabetes patients. In well
controlled Type 2 diabetes patients, the test can be performed twice a year.
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Dr Anita
MD, Pathology
Chief of Laboratory
Dr Lal PathLabs Ltd
*Test results released pertain to the specimen submitted .*All test results are dependent on the quality of the sample received by the Laboratory .
*Laboratory investigations are only a tool to facilitate in arriving at a diagnosis and should be clinically correlated by the Referring Physician .*Sample
repeats are accepted on request of Referring Physician within 7 days post reporting.*Report delivery may be delayed due to unforeseen
circumstances. Inconvenience is regretted.*Certain tests may require further testing at additional cost for derivation of exact value. Kindly submit
request within 72 hours post reporting.*Test results may show interlaboratory variations .*The Courts/Forum at Delhi shall have exclusive
jurisdiction in all disputes/claims concerning the test(s) & or results of test(s).*Test results are not valid for medico legal purposes. * Contact
customer care Tel No. +91-11-39885050 for all queries related to test results.
(#) Sample drawn from outside source.
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