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OSM Server Manual v1.4.12

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Server Monitoring
System Receiver

Operation & Maintenance Manual

VERSION: 1.4.12
© 2018 EBS Sp. z o.o.
OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

This Operation and Maintenance Manual describes requirements, installation,

maintenance and operation tasks of Monitoring Receiver System
(OSM.Server) manufactured by EBS Ltd.

In case of any doubt please contact us via our Website http://www.ebs.pl/,

email support@ebs.pl, or by phone (+48) 022 8120505.
OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

© 2018 EBS Sp. z o.o.

All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the
written permission of the publisher.

Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the
respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no
responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this document
or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be
liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or
indirectly by this document.

Printed: 2018-05-11
4 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

Table of contents

Part I Introduction 7
1 Product description
................................................................................................................................... 7
2 Environment
................................................................................................................................... 8
3 Receiver...................................................................................................................................
features 9
4 Requirements
................................................................................................................................... 10
5 Operating
conditions 11
6 Windows
installation 12
7 Installation
................................................................................................................................... 14
8 OSM Tools
................................................................................................................................... 15

Part II Setup 19
1 Windows
................................................................................................................................... 20
2 Linux ................................................................................................................................... 20
Commands ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
Users ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Archiving......................................................................................................................................................... 25

Part III Operation 28

1 Management
Console 28
OSM server.........................................................................................................................................................
list 29
OSM Configurator
......................................................................................................................................................... 32
General .................................................................................................................................................. 33
Inputs .................................................................................................................................................. 34
Outputs .................................................................................................................................................. 40
Information .................................................................................................................................................. 48
Device list......................................................................................................................................................... 48
Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 50
Adding and ..................................................................................................................................................
modyfying devices 51
Deleting devices
.................................................................................................................................................. 53
Searching.................................................................................................................................................. 54
AG-specific ..................................................................................................................................................
commands 54
AT-specific ..................................................................................................................................................
commands 57
LX-specific ..................................................................................................................................................
commands 61
commands 63
CP-specific ..................................................................................................................................................
commands 65
Events history
.................................................................................................................................................. 67
Import/Export.................................................................................................................................................. 69
Status bar .................................................................................................................................................. 70
List of schemas
......................................................................................................................................................... 71
Analyzer ......................................................................................................................................................... 95
Connectors......................................................................................................................................................... 95

Part IV Administration 98

© 2018 EBS Sp. z o.o.

Contents 5

1 Windows
................................................................................................................................... 98
2 Linux ................................................................................................................................... 99
WWW Interface
......................................................................................................................................................... 100

Part V Appendicies 105

1 A. Product
specification OSM.2007 105
2 B. Restoring/updating
the Linux system 106
3 C. Serial
port settings 107
4 D. Troubleshooting
................................................................................................................................... 108
5 E. Remote
License Update 109
................................................................................................................................... 110
................................................................................................................................... 116
8 H. Autobackup
extension 120
9 I. Changelog
................................................................................................................................... 125

© 2018 EBS Sp. z o.o.


Introduction 7

1 Introduction
Thank you for choosing our OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver.
The receiver task is to collect signals transmitted by the field devices of
surveillance & monitoring systems. Its feature set (described within this Operation
& Maintenance Manual) fully justify the choice you have made.

Please carefully read all the below given system requirements, device setup
procedures, and operation instructions. In case of any doubt please contact us
via our Website http://www.ebs.pl/, email support@ebs.pl or by phone (+48) 022

1.1 Product description

The OSM.Server receiver is an interface between data transmitting
devices deployed within the protected objects i.e. objects under a surveillance
system, and the Alarm Processing Center (APC) of that system. Signals sent out
by the surveillance devices may reach the receiver via several transmission
channels: GSM-GPRS, GSM-SMS, Internet. The receiver significantly facilitates
building wide-area telemetric systems.
Modern IT solutions applied in the receiver software (server) have greatly
simplified the system setup procedures, therefore each user may easily set up
the system operation in a way best suited to his/her needs.
The OSM.Server receiver may cooperate with the following devices:
o AG (Active Guard) readers used in the Active Guard guardsmen
surveillance/protection system (GPRS and/or SMS communication
o AT (Active Track) personal GPS and communication device (GPRS and/
or SMS communication channels and GPS location)
o LX data transmitters with transmission encryption deployed in local alarm
processing centers or in individual surveillance devices (GPRS and/or
SMS communication channels)
o PX data transmitters deployed in local alarm processing centers or in
individual surveillance devices (GPRS and/or SMS communication
o EX data transmitters deployed in local alarm processing centers or in
individual surveillance devices (Internet and/or LAN communication
o CP control panels / GSM autodialers
o FPX - finger print reader to manage staff or as a standard access control
(GPRS communication channels)
o SDX - electronic surveillance system of sentence persons (GPRS

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8 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

communication channels)
The receiver is supplied in a 19" Rack Mount housing (2U). To operate the device
in its basic configuration, the user must only hook it up (power supply, Internet
link, RS-232 cables etc). No programming is needed.

The OSM.Server receiver is controlled by the Linux operating system.

ATTENTION: The receiver is equipped with a flash-type event memory.

The memory must be replaced every 5 years.

1.2 Environment
The OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver server may listen to input
data transmitted by the AG/EX/PX devices in any number of TCP/IP or UDP
ports, GSM modems, or SMSC connections. The incoming data are identified,
selected, and routed to individual dedicated computer programs supervising
various parts of the monitoring system. Hereafter those programs will be
collectively called “Analyzers”.

Data transmission system layout

© 2018 EBS Sp. z o.o.

Introduction 9

The OSM.Server receiver moves the received data to respective Analyzers via its
RS-232 ports or via an IP network. The data are transmitted in one of the
following formats:
o XML (basic data format)
o MLR-2 (the Contact ID or SIA protocol).

1.3 Receiver features

o verification of communication channel established with every transmitter
o data received over the Internet (via a GPRS network), or as SMS
messages (via GSM modems)
o multiple GSM modems simultaneously supported, and many TCP/IP or
UDP ports listened to
o SMS-C links supported.

o capability to send commands to the transmitters over the Internet (via a
GPRS network), or as SMS messages (via GSM modems or SMS-C link)
o received data may be routed to external systems (e.g. to some Analyzers)
via three RS232 ports, USB-RS232 converters (3 ports), LAN (using the
MLR-2 protocol, format SIA, ContactID), or as XML data.

o segregated according to either transmitter serial number, or type of the
given signal
o may be filtered (to discard non-interesting signals)
o may be directly stored in a PostgresSQL database
o definable re-transmission request delay in case a transmission has not
been acknowledged
o definable size of the event memory buffer
o traffic statistics and network configuration information available on a
dedicated Webpage.

o two different emergency signals generated when communication is lost:
 timeout period – when an expected signal has not been received
 disconnect period – when the link has been broken.
o two different per device emergency signals generated when configurable
network/SMS limits are exceeded:

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10 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

 too many data received - when device sent too many bytes (or SMS
messages) during defined period
 too many connections - when number of connect attempts exceeded
threshold value during defined period
o device link state signal may be generated periodically
o input modules (connectors) state transtions (WORKING/FAILURE)
o XML Analyzers authentication (commands port only)
o automatic synchronization of clocks in those transmitters that are equipped
with a clock (e.g. the Active Guard readers):
 adjustable maximum time deviation between the transmitter clocks and
the receiver clock
 definable transmitter clock time zone
 summer/winter time changeover
o advanced functions available in the system command line
o automatic backup of the entire receiver configuration (network, list of
transmitters, etc.) – recommended method: to store the backup file to an
USB-hooked pendrive or network share.
o additional functions:
 firewall (IP access lists, limits for the number of connections etc.)
 SNMP (system management over the Internet)
 ssh (remote online access to the log file).
 Network Time Protocol support
 network traffic redirection
o simple software update method
o hardware watchdog.

1.4 Requirements
The following requirements must be met if the OSM.Server receiver is to operate
o an Internet link with a dedicated public IP address (or a domain address),
opened port in the firewall
o connection to a LAN linked to the Internet with a dedicated public IP
address (or a domain address), opened port re-directed from router/
o Have installed Java Runtime Environment 1.6 (or higher)

© 2018 EBS Sp. z o.o.

Introduction 11

ATTENTION: If the OSM.Server receiver is to be operated within a

network accessible via a private access point (APN), its
networking properties must be configured in consultation
with the respective service provider so that data packets
sent by the transmitters might reach the receiver.

1.5 Operating conditions

Minimum IP link bandwidth required to support various numbers of Active
Guard readers at different event rates are shown in the below table. The data
have been calculated assuming that 10% of the connections fails. Both incoming
and outgoing bandwidths are listed.

Number of Mean number of Mean total Minimum required IP link Minimum required IP link
transmitters events generated by a event rate bandwidth IP for bandwidth IP for an XML
transmitter per hour (events/s) transmitters (Kb/s) analyzer (Kb/s)
1000 12 (every 5 3.34 in=4.14 out=3.36 in=7.10 out=2.60
1000 30 (every 2 8.34 in=10.35 out=8.40 in=17.76 out=6.50
5000 12 (every 5 16.67 in=20.69 out=16.81 in=35.52 out=13.02
5000 30 (every 2 41.67 in=51.73 out=42.02 in=88.80 out=32.55
10000 12 (every 5 33.34 in=41.38 out=33.61 in=71.04 out=26.04
10000 30 (every 2 83.34 in=103.45 out=84.05 in=177.6 out=65.10

A bandwidth twice that much is recommended to guarantee correct

operational conditions for the system, e.g. if the system comprises 1000
transmitters transmitting on the average 2 signals per minute, it is recommended
to provide each of them with a link of about 21 Kb/s input bandwidth and of about
17 Kb/s output bandwidth. Depending on error rate, delays, traffic fluctuations
etc. even larger bandwidth values might be required in practice. Transmission
delays within the GPRS network should be as low as possible. In any case they
should not exceed 3 seconds or else the transmitted packets might require

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12 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

1.6 Windows installation

Installation can be performed only by user with administrator privileges.
Typical installer is used to perform the installation process. User is able to
change some of the setup parameters like destination folder and components list.
A few screenshots showing installation process are presented below.

© 2018 EBS Sp. z o.o.

Introduction 13

Components list:

Component Place of Purpose Activity

OSM.Server A computer with Receive of data from AG/ Windows service, by
an internet AT/PX/EX/LX/CP/FPX/SDX default run during
access (with fixed devices using GPRS or Windows startup
IP address or GSM channels; forwarding
port forwarded message to XML analyzer
from another or PostgreSQL database;
computer with sending commands to
static IP address) devices (e.g. reset)
receiving data
from AG/AT/PX/
SDX devices
Management Any computer Allows editing list of GUI application can
console allowed to handled devices or some be run under any
configure OSM. configuration parameters of operating system with
Server. For OSM.Server. Java Runtime
receiving events Can act as a simple Environment (1.5 or
from devices Analyzer (receiving and greater) installed (
static IP address displaying data). http://www.java.com/)
or DNS name is

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14 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

1.7 Installation
Prior to turning the OSM.Server receiver power supply on it is indispensable to:
o check if all cables have been hooked up correctly, in particular the LAN
patch cord and the GSM modem antenna cables
o insert SIM cards to the GSM modules, card PIN should be “1111”
Verify whether the date, time, and time zone are correct and set up correct
networking properties as soon as the system is powered up the first time. By
default the time/date is set up for Poland.
To change date/time/time zone, log into the OSM.Server system as manager
and run the following commands (sample results are shown below):

manager > set timezone Europe/Warsaw

Changing time zone to 'Europe/Warsaw'
manager > set time 09:04:30
Setting system time to 09:04:30
manager > show time
System time: 09:04:35 (Europe/Warsaw)
System date: 2007-03-16
manager > config save
Running configuration saved to flash.
manager > logout

ATTENTION: If you are not sure what is the name of your time zone you
may just use "set timezone" or "set timezone REGION"
command (put your region name instead of REGION, eg.
Europe, Asia, US). The system will display possible time
zones then. It is possible to set timezone as a GMT offset
(eg. "set timezone Etc/GMT+4") but in this case OSM.
Server will not automatically adjust time settings if your
country uses DST (Dayligt saving time).

Default network configuration:

o the eth0 card turned on, address as assigned by the DHCP server, or
else default address
o the eth1 card turned off.

ATTENTION: Necessary networking properties include three IP

addresses: the receiver, its default gateway, and its DNS
server. Should any of the above addresses be incorrect,
network communication may be impossible.

To change network configuration, log into the OSM.Server system as manager

© 2018 EBS Sp. z o.o.

Introduction 15

and run the following commands (sample results are shown below):

manager > set if eth0

Successfully set address of interface eth0 to
manager > add route via
Route to via succesfully added.
manager > add dns
Dns server succesfully added.
manager > config save
Running configuration saved to flash.
manager > logout

1.8 OSM Tools

OSM Tools is a software package which consists of:
 OSM management application (Management Console),
 OSM firmware upgrade tool (Management Console),
 OSM License Update Utility.

Management Console is used to remotely monitor the OSM.Server system status

and to modify the system settings. The program may be installed only by an user
with the administrator privileges. The procedure is led by the Monitoring Receiver
OSM.Server Tools installation wizard. Enter appropriate parameters (the program
directory, list of the to-be-installed components etc.) on respective wizard
screens. Some wizard screens are shown below.

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16 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

Component description:
component where task prerequisites for
Management Any computer used to o to edit list of A client application that may
Console configure the OSM. supported be run under any GUI
Server program. If the transmitters operating system (a system
computer is to be used o to edit some OSM. with a graphical user
to receive event signals, Server parameters interface) with installed Java
a permanent IP address o to receive and Runtime Environment 1.5 or
or a DNS name is display event signals higher (http://www.java.com/)
indispensable. (simple Analyzer
HASP Any computer with o to create C2V file License Update Utility
License Windows operating (customer to vendor) consists of two programmes:
Update system used to remotely with HASP key license "License Update Utility" for
Utility/HASP update license parameters creating C2V files and
drivers parameters. o to apply V2C file applying V2C files, and "EBS
(vendor to client) with License Validator" for
new license validating license

© 2018 EBS Sp. z o.o.

Introduction 17

© 2018 EBS Sp. z o.o.


Setup 19

2 Setup
The OSM.Server program reads its configuration from two files:
o config.xml
o devices.xml.
The config.xml file contains general set-up options, like the number and types of
input modules, location and sizes of memory buffers, output module configuration
data. The other (devices.xml) file contains list of supported devices and the way
they are to be served.
The file contents may be edited in any text editor, but the syntax must be strictly
observed. To put in force the entered modifications, the OSM.Server program
must be shut down and restarted. It is recommended to use OSM Console and
OSM Configurator to change OSM's configuration (see OSM Configurator 32 ).

ATTENTION: In case any of the configuration files gets corrupted (e.g.

incorrectly edited), the OSM.Server program may refuse to
run or else it will run improperly. For this reason copies of
the most recently used configuration files must always be
safely stored.

Dependences between devices and analyzers block diagram:

Device Device Device Device
No 1 No 2 No 3 … No n1


Template A Template B Template C

Group I Group II


Analyzer Analyzer Analyzer


Detailed description of the configuration file parameters are given in appendices

of this manual.

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20 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

2.1 Windows
In case of Windows version of OSM.Server configuration files are placed
in the program's installation directory („C:\Program Files\EBS\OSM” by default).

ATTENTION: If computer with OSM.Server has firewall installed it's necessary

to allow network access (listening and sending packets through selected ports)
for the OSM service ("ecs.exe" executable in the application's installation
directory). In case of any problems with network communication (no connection,
very low speed) it's advised to check firewall's configuration or turn it off

2.2 Linux
Only a user granted special privileges may access OSM.Server
configuration files in the Linux operating system. The user must properly log in to
access a particular configuration file. As soon as modifications to the file are
stored, the user is automatically logged off. These files may also be accessed via
an Internet browser, see section WWW Interface 100 .

2.2.1 Commands

A dedicated CLI interface (Command Line Interface) has been worked out to
facilitate the OSM.Server system administration. The interface features include:
o network settings setup (static/DHCP interface addresses, routing, DNS
server address)
o firewall setup (access control lists, limits for the number of simultaneous
o turning on/off system services
o snmpd server setup
o serial port setup
o password management
o help (command syntax)
o date/time/time zone setup
o software update (from a removable medium)
o export of system settings to a removable medium (backup)
o restore configuration from a backup on a removable medium.
Type “help” or “?” in the command line to access the online help system. Type
sequence of commands, space, and “help” or “?” to display all possible
commands beginning with the entered sequence. For example type “set firewall
?” to display all possible commands beginning with “set firewall”. Empty
command lines are also processed. If the entered sequence may not be
alternatively extended (it is a complete command), the command description,
syntax and examples of use will be displayed.

© 2018 EBS Sp. z o.o.

Setup 21

List of all commands and their description is given in the table below.

command extended form description examples

add add dns IP add a DNS server add dns
add firewall (snmp|www|ssh| add a firewall function add firewall snmp acl
ecs) acl IP[/MASK] for the selected service
add firewall ecs
add nport IP number_of_ports [ add MOXA NPort serial add nport
data_port cmd_port] port 4
add ntp SERVER add a NTP server add ntp
add redirect IP PORT PROTO add network traffic add redirect
DEV redirection 2000 tcp eth0
add route NET/MASK via IP add a route add route via
config config save save current config save
configuration to a
permanent memory
config import NUM [pendrive| read-in and apply config import 1 netshare
netshare] [force] configuration from a
backup on a removable
medium (pendrive) or
network share
(netshare); use force
option to skip checksum
clear clear backup device DEV clear settings of backup clear backup device /dev/
device (pendrive) sda1
clear backup share clear settings of backup clear backup share
share (netshare)
clear log stats clear the so-far clear log stats
collected statistics
clear config serial-ports clears serial ports clear config serial-ports
configuration, setting
default values for
particular hardware;
may be necessary after
moving configuration
between different
hardware platforms.
Use, if there are
problems after switching
to another hardware.
delete delete dns IP delete a DNS server delete dns
delete firewall (snmp|www|ssh| delete a firewall function delete firewall snmp acl
ecs) acl IP[/MASK] for the selected service

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22 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

command extended form description examples

delete firewall ecs acl
delete nport IP delete MOXA NPort delete nport
serial port
delete ntp SERVER delete a NTP server delete ntp
delete redirect IP PORT delete network traffic delete redirect
PROTO DEV redirection 2000 TCP
delete route NET/MASK via IP delete a route delete route via
force force backup causes backup to be force backup
immediately done
logout logout shut down the current logout
configuration session
ping ping HOST testing connection with ping
specified network
device using ICMP
set set backup device DEV set backup medium (the set backup device /dev/
medium must be sda1
available at time the
command is executed)
set backup compression (0|1) set backup files set backup compression
compression 1
set backup interval NUM set backup interval set backup interval 3600
time; NUM=0 backup is
made after any change
withou waiting, NUM>0
backup is made no
often than every NUM
set backup share HOST set backup network set backup share
SHARE [USER PASSWORD] share parameters backups
set date YEAR-MONTH-DAY set the system date set date 2007-4-9
set date 2010-01-01
set ecs (on|off) turn on/off the receiver set ecs on
set firewall on/off/hashlimit turn on/off the firewall or set firewall on
set up the maximum set firewall hashlimit 100
number of connections
per second (hash limit)
set interface DEV (IP/MASK | configure the network set interface eth0
dhcp) card
set interface eth1 dhcp
set logbackup (0|1) turn on/off backup of log set logbackup 1
files produced by ecs
(receiver) service.
Backup files are sent to
network share only.
set nports (on|off) turn on/off support of set nport on

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Setup 23

command extended form description examples

MOXA NPort serial port
set nport encryption turn on/off encryption of set nport encryption 0 1
minor_number (0|1) data sent by MOXA
NPort serial port
set ntp (off|on) turn on/off time set ntp on
set ntp interval [minutes] enable automatic time set ntp 60
synchronization with a
period equal to "interval"
. When "interval" is set
to 0, time
synchronization is
disable. Synchronization
will take place only after
rebooting server or
when you manually use
command sync ntp
set password for USER modify an user set password for
PASSWORD (manager, operator, manager secretpass
devedit, confedit, set password for operator
logwatch) password. somepass
Resetting password
may be also necessary
after moving
configuration between
different hardware
set redirect mode (masq|plain) set mode of network set redirect mode masq
traffic redirection; masq
- replace sender IP
address, plain - don't
replace sender IP
set serial DEV uart UART irq set parameters of the set serial /dev/ttyS0 uart
IRQ port PORT baud BAUD serial port 16550A irq5 port 0x03f8
baud 115200
set snmp (rwcommunity| set SNMP parameters set snmp on
rocommunity|syslocation| set snmp sysdescr ebs
set ssh on/off turn on/off SSH protocol set ssh on
in remote access
set system name NAME change the system set system name
name ebslinux
set time HOUR:MINUTE: set the system time (24- set time 23:15:01
SECOND hour format)
set timezone [AREA/ set the time zone (if no set timezone US
[SUBAREA/]ZONE] argument supplied, or if set timezone US/Central
the supplied argument set timezone Europe/
is not precise enough, Warsaw
the available time zones set timezone
are displayed) set timezone Etc/GMT-10
set www on/off turn on/off the www set www off

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24 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

command extended form description examples

service service ecs|nport|snmp|ssh| restart the ECS/NPORT service www restart
www restart (MOXA)/SNMP/SSH/ service ecs restart
WWW service
show show backup device display name of the show backup device
backup device
show backup compression display backup show backup
compression state compression
show backup configs [pendrive| display list of backup show backup configs
netshare] files netshare
show backup interval display backup interval show backup interval
show dns display list of the DNS show dns
server names
show ecs display receiver state show ecs
show firewall display firewall settings show firewall
show interface display network card show interface
show logbackup display status of log files show logbackup
show netstat displays state of show netstat
network connections
show nports display list of installed show nports
MOXA NPort serial
show ntp display NTP settings show ntp
show ps display list of running show ps
show redirects display network traffic show redirects
redirection settings
show serial [DEV] display serial port DEV show serial
settings (if no argument show serial /dev/ttyS0
supplied, settings of all
serial ports in the
system are displayed)
show snmp display SNMP settings show snmp
show ssh display SSH settings show ssh
show system version/name display version/name of show system version
the system
show time display the current date, show time
time, and time zone
show route display routes show route
show www display the WWW show www
server status
sync sync ntp synchronize network sync ntp
time manually
system system export (pendrive| export diagnosed system export pendrive
netshare) settings and log files to
pendrive or network

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Setup 25

command extended form description examples

share; pendrive or
network share must be
configured as backup
system poweroff system halt system poweroff
system reboot [debug] reboot the system (an system reboot
opportunity to use the
debug mode)

The add, delete and set commands immediately modify respective system
settings. Use the config save command to store the current configuration, or
else the restarted system will return to the most recently saved configuration and
not to the most recently used one. Should the configuration be changed within a
remote session (via SSH) in a way excluding the possibility of remote
management (e.g. too restrictive firewall settings, turned off ssh server, incorrect
routing, incorrect network card settings), restart the system to recover previous

ATTENTION: Local sessions must be possible to open at all times.

2.2.2 Users

The following users are defined within the OSM.Server server (username/default
o operator/llpp – may browse the configuration via the CLI interface, and
browse the WWW statistics
o manager/llpp - may browse and modify the configuration via the CLI
interface, and browse the WWW statistics
o confedit/llpp - may edit the config.xml file
o devedit/llpp - may edit the devices.xml file
o logwatch/llpp – may online browse the OSM.Server system log.

2.2.3 Archiving

Each modification of the OSM.Server system settings:

o by a config save command, or
o by any modification entered to either the config.xml file or to the devices.
xml file
is automatically followed up by storing the entire configuration to an archive file.

Archive files are stored on the backup device indicated by the set backup device

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26 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

command (any device hooked-up via USB, e.g. a pendrive). After issuing this
command the system will mark connected pendrive by creating special file. Only
marked pendrive's are recognized as proper backup storage. Current date/time is
included in the archive file name. The device must have an EXT2 or a FAT file
system. Amount of the required free space on the media depends on frequency
of the modifications entered to the system configuration, as well as on the
number of supported transmitters. Size of a single archive file may be as low as
10 KB, or as high as several megabytes.
As soon as the removable medium with archive files is hooked-up, the system
compares the most recently stored archive configuration with the current
configuration. In case they do not match, a new archive file with the current
configuration is stored.

Integrity of archive files is controlled by MD5 checksums. Do not remove the

removable medium while an archiving operation is in progress, or else the file
gets corrupted. If this happens, re-connect the medium to store another copy of
the archive configuration file. The previously stored corrupted file will not be
deleted automatically, however it will not be importable (the system prevents
import of configuration files with incorrect MD5 checksums).

Take care not to damage the backup medium nor allow it to fill up. It is best to
routinely, periodically transfer archive configuration files to a permanent storage
e.g. on some CD disks.

After moving configuration between different hardware plaftorms (`config import'

command) resetting www password may be necessary. This must be done by
`set password for USER PASSWORD' command.
For example: in order to reset password for user "manager" to defaults, `set
password for manager llpp' command should be issued.

© 2018 EBS Sp. z o.o.


28 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

3 Operation
Functions of the OSM.Server server may be accessed using a
management console. That Java-based application may be used in any operating
system equipped with a GUI and the respective Java Runtime Environment.
Functions of the console are presented below.

3.1 Management Console

Management Console may be run from the Start menu, or from the
desktop (if the respective icon was put on the desktop during installation). The
program main window:

The tree displayed in the left hand side pane of the console main window has (in
the default configuration) the “local” branch. That branch is used to access the
locally installed OSM server. List of OSM servers may be modified according to
the needs.

Connect establish connection with the selected OSM

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Operation 29

Unregister server delete the selected OSM server from the list of
accessible servers
Edit registration settings modify connection parameters of the selected
OSM server
Restart OSM send restart command to the selected OSM
Properties open OSM Configurator window for the selected
OSM server

3.1.1 OSM server list

You may navigate the list of OSM servers with the keyboard (highlight an
element with arrow keys and press Enter to select it) or with the mouse (point and
click). Point and right-click with the mouse any element of the Servers tree (root
or any of its branches) to display its context menu. The Connect option in the
menu is used to connect with the selected OSM server. Once the connection is
established, additional leaves appear in the selected tree branch (e.g. list of the
devices supported by the selected server).

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30 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

Events pausing stops sending events to selected analyser for

the specified time
Generate state signal generates all devices link state signal manually
(90 seconds must pass since last invoke)
Disconnect disconnect with the selected OSM server
Edit registration settings modify connection parameters of the selected
OSM server
Restart OSM send restart command to the selected OSM
Properties open OSM Configurator window for the selected
OSM server

Description of the parameters:

parameter range of possible values description

Server name OSM server name, must be the displayed server ID
unique within the console
Server address IP address or DNS name, address of the host, on which the OSM server
eg. "" runs
Server port 1 – 65535 integer number of the port, in which the OSM server
listens to commands
Analyser name a valid analyzer name only the device settings, schemas and

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Operation 31

messages assigned to the selected server will

be displayed
Act as analyser checkbox set/cleared set if a simple analyzer module is to be run
Analyser port 1 – 65535 integer number of the port, in which the analyzer listens
(must be identical as that specified for a given
analyzer within the config.xml file)

Click Next to display the Commands Properties window:

Description of the parameters:

parameter description
Connector name name of the input module used to communicate with the devices (from the
config.xml file). By default: GPRS module if GPRS communication is
available, or GSM modem otherwise.
Command timeout time in seconds to negative acknowledgment of a command in case there
no replay to the command has arrived.

During next step you may define connection to SQL database server. Database
server should be installed on a different machine than OSM.Server and
connection to it should be also defined in OSM configuration file (config.xml) as a
one of Analyzers. This connection will be used to show device's events history

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32 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

and you don't have to set it at this moment though device's events history will not
be available.

Description of the parameters:

parameter range of possible values description

Database type Postgres SQL 8.x type of SQL database server
Host addres IP addres or DNS name, machine address where database server is
eg. "" installed
Host port 1 – 65535 integer port number of database server (given
default value is proper in most of the cases)
User name any string database user name
User password any string database user password
DB name any string name of database

Click Finish to accept the entered changes.

3.1.2 OSM Configurator

OSM Configurator is a tool which can be used to change OSM
configuration parameters. Any changes made by OSM Configurator will be
applied right after following OSM restart, and in some cases (eg. changes of

© 2018 EBS Sp. z o.o.

Operation 33

serial port settings) they will be applied immediately. OSM Configurator is able to
show two different kind of values: running (current) and configured values
(these which will be applied after OSM restart). In any moment you may switch
from one view to another view. OSM Configurator uses bold font style to
emphasize values changed by user during current configuration session. General

General settings:
Command listening port TCP/IP port number used to listen and receive
commands requests send by analysers

Buffers settings:
Path buffers root directory
Default size default size of each buffer file (if size not

Settings of hardware Watchdog module (available only on Linux OS):

On turn on or off watchdog module
Period maximal period of system inactivity
Deactivate on proper exit deactivate watchdog module on proper program
exit (eg. during restart)

Backup settings (available only on Linux OS):

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34 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

Device name of device (eg. /dev/sda1) used for backup

copies; attention: device (flash pendrive) should
be connected during configuration reading and
Network share network share settings for backup files
Period how often backup copies should be made (if
Compression compress backup copies (GZip method, about
1:10 ratio)

Automatically add new devices

to default schema of default group turns on adding unknown devices to
OSM's device list. ATTENTION: if default group
does not schema with specified type of devices
then unknown device request will be rejected. Inputs

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Operation 35

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36 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

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Operation 37

By default, connectors has been created which support each type of task. These
connectors can be freely modified.
To add a new connector you should select a category item (TCP/IP, UDP or
RS232) from tree control. After clicking "Add" button then panel with connector
parameters will appear in window.

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38 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

TCP/IP connector settings:

Name name of connector
Handled devices type of devices which this connector will handle
(no other device type will be handled)
Listening port port number used to listen and communicate with
TCP keepalive period period of sending small TCP keepalive packets
used to keep connection open, 10 unsuccessful
attempts sent every half of this period will cause
connection to be closed (5 attempts with full
period on Linux systems)
Virtual device type type of virtual device, which will send notifications
about connector's state as a connect (connector
working) or disconnect (connector failure) events
Virtual device serial number serial number of virtual device, which will send
notifications about connector's state as a connect
(connector working) or disconnect (connector
failure) events; if virtual device serial number is
less than 0 then notifications shall be disabled

UDP connector settings are similar to TCP/IP settings.

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Operation 39

GSM modem connector settings:

Name name of connector
Serial port name of serial port device
Parameters parameters of serial port device
PIN PIN number of SIM
Prefix default prefix code for phone numbers (optional)
Virtual device type type of virtual device, which will send notifications
about connector's state as a connect (connector
working) or disconnect (connector failure) events
Virtual device serial number serial number of virtual device, which will send
notifications about connector's state as a connect
(connector working) or disconnect (connector
failure) events; if virtual device serial number is
less than 0 then notifications shall be disabled

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40 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

SMS-C link connector settings:

Name name of connector
Type type of SMS-C link
Host host name of the SMS-C link service
Port port number of the SMS-C link service
Username user name used to authenticate
Password password used to authenticate
SMPP System Type SMPP parameter (leave empty for most of the
SMPP Address range SMPP parameter (leave empty for most of the
Virtual device type type of virtual device, which will send notifications
about connector's state as a connect (connector
working) or disconnect (connector failure) events
Virtual device serial number serial number of virtual device, which will send
notifications about connector's state as a connect
(connector working) or disconnect (connector
failure) events; if virtual device serial number is
less than 0 then notifications shall be disabled Outputs

One of the most important operational parameters of OSM.Server is a way of

events acknowledgement processing send by the group. OSM configuration
defines output modules with two levels: analysers (events receivers) and

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Operation 41

groups, which simply combine analysers into bigger parts. Event received from
device is originally dispatched to proper group (configured by device template)
and then transmitted to all analysers of the group. Each group has one and only
one output queue (buffer). Following cases, which are dependent on group
acknowledgement method and assigned to group analysers states, must be
taken to consideration:
1. Acknowledgement method "all" and all assigned analysers are connected
and send acksŕ events are transmitted to all assigned analysers without
2. Acknowledgement method "all" and some of assigned analysers are not
connected and/or do not send acksŕ events are transmitted to all assigned
analysers with delays (all new events wait in an output queue until all
acknowledgements are received)
3. Acknowledgement method "one and/or all mandatory" and all assigned
mandatory analysers are connected and send acks and number of
connected assigned analysers is greater than 0 ŕ events are transmitted to
all assigned connected analysers without delays, OSM waits for
acknowledgements send by all assigned mandatory analysers and at least
one acknowledgement from assigned non-mandatory analyser if there are no
mandatory analysers assigned to this group
4. Acknowledgement method "one and/or all mandatory" and some of assigned
mandatory analysers are not connected and/or do not send acks or number
of assigned connected analysers is equal to 0 ŕ events are transmitted to all
assigned connected analysers with delays (all new events wait in an output
queue until all acknowledgements from assigned mandatory analysers are
received or any other assigned non-mandatory analyser if there are no
mandatory analysers assigned to this group)

Acknowledgement method "all" is similar to method "one and/or all mandatory"

with all analysers marked as mandatory. You may assign one analyser to many

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42 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

To add a new analyser you should select a category item (TCP/UDP, RS232 or
Database) from tree control. After clicking "Add" button then panel with analyser
parameters will appear. You may assign analyser to group by drag and drop

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Operation 43

TCP/IP UDP analyser settings:

Name name of analyser
Format format of events protocol (available: XML,
Contact ID, SIA)
Protocol type of communication protocol
Address analyser's IP address
Port analyser's port number

RS232 analyser settings:

Name name of analyser
Format format of events protocol (available: XML,
Contact ID, SIA)
Protocol type of communication protocol
Serial port name of serial port device
Parameters parameters of serial port device

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44 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

Database analyser settings:

Name name of analyser
Format format of events protocol (available: Postgres
SQL 8.x)
Protocol type of communication protocol
Address database IP address
Port database port number
User name database user name
Password database authentication password
DB name name of database

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Operation 45

Authorization and authentication settings for each analyser are available if you
press "Authorization and authentication >>" button.

Authorization and authentication settings:

Password authentication password for analyser; you may remove
password after selecting row and pressing Delete key
Description short description assigned to password
Access level to OSM configuration access level to general OSM
Access level to devices list access level to list of devices and list of

ATTENTION: Password list is encrypted with 2048 bit RSA asymmetric key
during configuration transmission through the network. Passwords are
not send at all during authentication phase.

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46 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

Group settings:
Name name of group
Acknowledgement method method of events acknowledgement
Buffer file name name of file buffer
Messages limit maximum number of messages stored in the
Size limit maximum size of file buffer
Retry time period of events retransmitting to analysers which
didn't send acknowledgement since last
Default whether this group should be default
Device state every set period of sending cyclic messages about
devices states (STILL_CONNECTED or
Test signal generate test signal
Type of test device type of test device
SN of test device serial number of test device
Period period of test signals

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Operation 47

Group's analyser settings:

Name name of assignment (read only)
Mandatory (available for "one and/or all mandatory"
acknowledgement method only) if this checkbox
is checked then OSM does not send new events
to all other groups' analysers until this analyser
sends acknowledgement of current events

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48 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver Information

About OSM Configurator:

Address IP address of OSM server
Operating system OSM's operating system
License OSM's license
Running since OSM's start time

3.1.3 Device list

Select the Devices option on the selected server tree to display the list of
its devices. Below is an example list of devices added. Click the Add, Edit or
Delete button to modify the list. These functions are also available in main menu.
Every modification of the device list is immediately stored in the program
configuration file.

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Operation 49

Buttons below are used to command the highlighted device or devices (several
devices may be highlighted on the list):
Settings configure settings for the device list view (see the Settings 50
Refresh update (refresh) the device list
Auto refresh turn on automatic refreshing mode
Add add a new device (see the Adding and modyfying devices 51
Edit edit parameters of the selected device (see the Adding and
modyfying devices 51 section)
Delete delete the selected device (see the Deleting devices 53

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50 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

Find find device (see the Searching 54 section)

Import/Export import/export the device list (see the Import/Export 69

Result of every issued command will appear within the window bottom pane. Settings

The Settings command displays the View settings window with the following
filtering criteria: Device type radio button, Serial number text box, Phone
number text box, and Schema name text box.

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Operation 51

Auto refresh period period of device's list refreshing

Show local time display GMT time as local time

Show description column display device description column
Show device address display device network address
Show device last message time display device's last message time
Show XML object name column display XML object name column
Show Contact ID object name column display Contact ID object name
Show object's Contact ID line number column display Contact ID line
number column
Show SIA object name column display SIA object name column
Show DTMF object name type column display DTMF object name type
Show known devices display known devices on the list
Show unknown devices display unknown devices on the list Adding and modyfying devices

The Add command runs the Add New Device wizard. For every added device
the following parameters must be specified: device type, device serial number,
and phone number (necessary only in case of GSM modem communication).
Besides, a schema name and an access code (necessary to command the
device) may be specified. If the latter parameters are specified, default values will
be used.

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52 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

Device type device type

Serial number serial number
Phone number phone number
Schema name schema name
Cipher key cipher key
SMS Cipher key cipher key for SMS messages
Access code access code
Description object description
XML name object name in the XML format
SIA name object name in the SIA format
SIA line object line number in SIA (numerator)
Contact ID name object name in the Contact ID format
Contact ID line object line number in Contact ID (numerator)
Decode DTMF DTMF data type

Click Next to send the command to add the device to the OSM server. Progress
and the results are displayed on the second wizard screen.

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Operation 53

Modification of device parameters is very similar to adding devices. The

difference is that you should select (mark) specified devices at first and then click
on "Edit" button (available from toolbar, main or popup menu). Deleting devices

If you try to delete selected devices message with question window will appear
then. To continue click "Yes" button.

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54 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver Searching
In order to find some specified device you may use "Find" functionality (available
from toolbar, main or popup menu). The "Find device" window will appear. List of
available "Find by" fields is determined by list of visible fields (see Device list 48 ). AG-specific commands

If some Active Guard devices have been selected on the list, the following AG-
specific command buttons appear within the top bar:
Get configuration read out the device parameters
Set configuration display the Active Guard Settings configuration window
Remote update display remote update window (available only for Active
Guard 2 and newer),
Get version read out the device firmware version
Set current time set current date/time in the device
Get location read out the device location
Reset device restart the device
Custom display a window, in which individually composed
commands may be edited and sent over.
Disconnect disconnects the device
Remove queue clear the device command queue waiting for
accomplishment or for results

Options of the Active Guard Settings configuration window have been grouped
into two tabs:

Server address address of the OSM server

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Operation 55

Server port port the OSM server listens in

Server phone phone number of GSM modem used by OSM
APN name
APN user name
APN password
Cipher key cipher key of the device
Test period[minutes] frequency of testing in minutes
Test period[seconds] frequency of testing in seconds (firmware

Authorized SMS number number of the phone, from which the device will
accept configuration SMS messages
Dial number/count 1 [2,3,4] 1st [2nd, 3rd, 4th] phone to which the Active
Guard device will respond after count bells
Dial number/count 5 [6,7,8] 5th [6th, 7th, 8th] phone to which the Active
Guard device will respond after count bells (
firmware >=1.0rc2)
Emergen. phone number number of the phone, to which the device will try
to call after prassing and holding "Call Me" button
(firmware >=0.21rc1)
Reset connection if this checkbox is marked, the device will reset
the connection after receiving and processing
configuration parameters.

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56 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

Options of the AG Remote update window (available only for Active Guard 2 and
Get configuration save device configuration to CMI file,
Send configuration send device configuration from CMI file to device,
Send firmware remote firmware update.

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Operation 57

The Custom button displays a window, in which individually composed

commands may be edited and sent over (OK button):

ATTENTION: Custom commands are used for diagnostics only and

should be issued by knowledgeable persons only. Some
incorrect commands may hang the device. AT-specific commands

If some Active Track devices have been selected on the list, the following AT-
specific command buttons appear within the top bar:
Get configuration read out the device parameters
Set configuration display the Active Track Settings configuration window
Remote update display remote update window,
Get version read out the device firmware version
Set current time set current date/time in the device
Get location read out the device location
Reset device restart the device
Custom display a window, in which individually composed
commands may be edited and sent over.
Disconnect disconnects the device
Remove queue clear the device command queue waiting for
accomplishment or for results

Options of the Active Track Settings configuration window have been grouped
into two tabs.

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58 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

Server address address of the OSM server

Server port port the OSM server listens in
Server phone phone number of GSM modem used by OSM
APN name
APN user name
APN password
Cipher key cipher key of the device
Test period[minutes] frequency of testing in minutes
Test period[seconds] frequency of testing in seconds

Authorized SMS number number of the phone, from which the device will
accept configuration SMS messages
Dial number/count 1 1st phone to which the Active Track device will
respond after count1 bells
Dial number/count 2 2nd phone to which the Active Track device will
respond after count2 bells
Dial number/count 3 3rd phone to which the Active Track device will
respond after count3 bells
Dial number/count 4 4th phone to which the Active Track device will
respond after count4 bells
Dial number/count 5 5th phone to which the Active Track device will
respond after count5 bells
Dial number/count 6 6th phone to which the Active Track device will
respond after count6 bells
Dial number/count 7 7th phone to which the Active Track device will
respond after count7 bells
Dial number/count 8 8th phone to which the Active Track device will
respond after count8 bells
Emergen. phone number number of the phone, to which the device will try
to call after prassing and holding "Call Me" button

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Operation 59

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60 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

Reset connection if this checkbox is marked, the device will reset

the connection after receiving and processing
configuration parameters.

Options of the AT Remote update window:

Get configuration save device configuration to CMI file,
Send configuration send device configuration from CMI file to device,
Send firmware remote firmware update.

The Custom button displays a window, in which individually composed

commands may be edited and sent over (OK button):

ATTENTION: Custom commands are used for diagnostics only and

should be issued by knowledgeable persons only. Some
incorrect commands may hang the device.

© 2018 EBS Sp. z o.o.

Operation 61 LX-specific commands

If some LX devices have been selected on the list, the following LX-specific
command buttons appear within the top bar:
Get configuration read out the device parameters
Set configuration display the LX Settings configuration window
Remote update display LX remote update window,
Get version read out the device firmware version
Lock inputs lock or unlock one of the device inputs
Change output state change state of one of the device outputs
Get state read out the device status
Send RS232 data Send data to the RS232 port, which can be used to
configure the external device connected to the
transmitter. When you select a command, appears
a window, where you enter a string of data
understandable for the device
AT Command display LX AT Command window
Reset device restart the device
Custom display a window, in which individually composed
commands may be edited and sent over.
Disconnect disconnects the device
Remove queue clear the device command queue waiting for
accomplishment or for results

LX Settings configuration window contains the following parameters:

Server address address of the OSM server

Server port port the OSM server listens in
DNS1 Primary DNS IP address
DNS2 Backup DNS IP address
APN name
APN user name
APN password
SMS number number of the phone, to which the device is to send

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62 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

emergency SMS messages

Test period frequency of testing
Reset connection if this checkbox is marked, the device will reset the
connection after receiving and processing configuration

Options of the LX Remote update window:

Get configuration save device configuration to CMI file,
Send configuration send device configuration from CMI file to device,
Send firmware remote firmware update.

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Operation 63

The Custom button displays a window, in which individually composed

commands may be edited and sent over (OK button):

ATTENTION: Custom commands are used for diagnostics only and

should be issued by knowledgeable persons only. Some
incorrect commands may hang the device. PX/EX-specific commands

If some PX/EX devices have been selected on the list, the following PX/EX-
specific command buttons appear within the top bar:
Get version read out the device firmware version
Lock inputs lock or unlock one of the device inputs
Change output state change state of one of the device outputs
Get state read out the device status
AT Command display PX AT Command window
Send RS232 data Send data to the RS232 port, which can be used to

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64 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

configure the external device connected to the

transmitter. When you select a command, appears a
window, where you enter a string of data
understandable for the device
Reset device restart the device
Disconnect disconnects the device
Remove queue clear the device command queue waiting for
accomplishment or for results

PX Settings configuration window contains the following parameters:

SMS number number of the phone, to which the device is to send

emergency SMS messages

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Operation 65 CP-specific commands

If some CP (CPX/GD) devices have been selected on the list, the following CP-
specific command buttons appear within the top bar:
Get configuration read out the device parameters
Set configuration display the CP Settings configuration window
Remote update display CP remote update window,
Get version read out the device firmware version
Change output state change state of one of the device outputs
Get state read out the device status
AT Command display CP AT Command window
Reset device restart the device
Custom display a window, in which individually composed
commands may be edited and sent over.
Disconnect disconnects the device
Remove queue clear the device command queue waiting for
accomplishment or for results

CP Settings configuration window contains the following parameters:

Server address address of the OSM server

Server port port the OSM server listens in
DNS1 Primary DNS IP address

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66 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

DNS2 Backup DNS IP address

APN name
APN user name
APN password
SMS number number of the phone, to which the device is to send
emergency SMS messages
Test period frequency of testing
Reset connection if this checkbox is marked, the device will reset the
connection after receiving and processing
configuration parameters.

Options of the CP Remote update window:

Get configuration save device configuration to CMI file,
Send configuration send device configuration from CMI file to device,
Send firmware remote firmware update.

© 2018 EBS Sp. z o.o.

Operation 67

The Custom button displays a window, in which individually composed

commands may be edited and sent over:

ATTENTION: Custom commands are used for diagnostics only and

should be issued by knowledgeable persons only. Some
incorrect commands may hang the device. Events history

Events history is available only if you configure OSM.Server to save events in
external database (see CONFIG.XML 110 ). Database connection parameters of
Console should also be configured properly (see OSM server list 29 ). Only in this
case "Events history" function will be accessible.

At first you should select one or more devices on the devices list and then click

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68 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

"Events history" button (available from toolbar, main or popup menu). "Events
history" window will appear then.

Device's events history

Show last maximal number of rows to show
Skip tests after marking this checkbox test events won't be shown
TYPE device's type
SN device's serial number
DEVICE TIME time of event occuring
SERVER TIME time of event receiving
EVENT SOURCE source of event
EVENT NAME event's name

© 2018 EBS Sp. z o.o.

Operation 69 Import/Export

Click the Import/Export button to import or export data on the devices served by
the selected OSM server. The displayed menu has three options:

Import from CSV file import device data from a CSV file
Import from ServerGPRS XML file import device data from the ServerGPRS
XML file
Export to CSV file export device data to a CSV file.
Export to XML file export device data to a XML file.

Format of the CSV files (subsequent fields of a row):

AG (Active Guard)
[Device type];[Serial number];[Phone number];[Schema name];[Cipher
key];[Description];[XML Name];[CID Line];[CID Name];[SIA Line];
[SIA Name]
AT (Active Track)
[Device type];[Serial number];[Phone number];[Schema name];[Cipher
key];[Description];[XML Name];[CID Line];[CID Name];[SIA Line];
[SIA Name]
[Device type];[Serial number];[Phone number];[Schema name];[Access
code];[Description];[XML Name];[CID Line];[CID Name];[SIA Line];
[SIA Name];[DTMF decode format];[DTMF data object name];[Cipher
key];[SMS cipher key]
[Device type];[Serial number];[Phone number];[Schema name];[Access
code];[Description];[XML Name];[CID Line];[CID Name];[SIA Line];
[SIA Name];[DTMF decode format];[DTMF data object name]
[Device type];[Serial number];[Phone number];[Schema name];[Cipher
key];[Description];[XML Name];[CID Line];[CID Name];[SIA Line];
[SIA Name]
[Device type];[Serial number];[Phone number];[Schema name];[Cipher
key];[Description];[XML Name];[CID Line];[CID Name];[SIA Line];
[SIA Name]
Device type "AG", "AT", "LX", "CP", "PX" or "FPX"
device type:
Serial number serial number of the device
Phone number phone number with the international prefix
Schema name name of the schema
Cipher key cipher key

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70 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

SMS cipher key SMS cipher key

Access code access code
Description object description
XML Name object name in the XML format
CID Name object name in the Contact ID format
CID Line object line number in Contact ID
SIA Name object name in the SIA format
SIA Line object line number in SIA
DTMF decode format DTMF data format:
"CID" Ademco Contact ID
"FAST42" FAST 4/2
"DIRECT" no conversion
DTMF data object name DTMF data object number:
"MSG" from the DTMF message
"SN" CID/SIA name

Sample CSV file contents:

px;7493;+105335078420;PX;1111;Description;7493;1;8068;1;8068;CID;MSG Status bar

Status bar of devices' list includes such information like: input modules state (IN),
output module state (OUT), event queue size, number of displayed devices etc.

Green filled IN field means that all input modules (connectors) work properly, red
color - malfunction. If you move mouse cursor over this field you will see detailed
information, like which connector is working and which is not. Red background in
OUT field means that specified Analyzer does not receive data properly or is too
slow (eg. message processing takes more than 15 seconds), green background -
events are being received properly.
If you put mouse cursor over last field you will see parameters for example about
last update (in local time) or about server version.

Some parameters description:

Event queue size number of events which are waiting to be
received by Analyzer (no asterisk - total
number of events is displayed, asterisk -

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Operation 71

there is more events waiting in nonvolatile

Total objects number of displayed devices
TCP5=1 etc. number of devices which are using specified

3.1.4 List of schemas

Click the Schemas leaf on the OSM server tree to display list of schemas.

The list may be edited using the following commands:

Refresh refresh the list
Add add a new schema
Edit edit parameters of the selected schema
Delete delete the selected schema.
Every modification of the schema list is immediately stored in the program
configuration file.
Each tab contains a list of protocol codes:
XML XML protocol event codes, any alphanumeric string with
length not greater than 64 characters
CID and FAST 4/2 Contact ID or FAST 4/2 protocol event codes in one of

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72 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

1. 3 digits of event code (eg. "123")
2. 3 digits of event code with (optional) 1-character
length Contact ID event qualifier and/or (optional)
3-characters length Contact ID event zone. Eg:
"123#E$999" - event code = "123", Contact ID
qualifier = "E", Contact ID zone = "999", optional
parameters could be given in any order
3. strings limited by '[' and ']' braces, the first character
('G'=GPRS or 'S'=SMS) inside braces defines
communication channel used to transmit incoming
event, rest of string is compatible with first or
second format. Example: "[G123$001][S124#E
$002]" means that event incoming via GPRS will
have event code="123" and Contact ID zone="001"
and the same event incoming via SMS will have
event code="124", Contact ID qualifier="E" and
Contact ID zone="002". In case of mode change
("MODE") event communication channels are
defined with two characters using "from-to" method,
specifically these are: "GG", "GS", "SG" and "SS".
SIA SIA protocol event codes in one of formats:
1. any alphanumeric string with length not greater
than 3 characters (eg. "A1")
2. strings limited by '[' and ']' braces, the first character
('G'=GPRS or 'S'=SMS) inside braces defines
communication channel used to transmit incoming
event, rest of string is compatible with first format.
Example: "[GA1][SA2]" means that event incoming
via GPRS will have event code="A1" and the same
event incoming via SMS will have event code="A2".
In case of mode change ("MODE") event
communication channels are defined with two
characters using "from-to" method, specifically
these are: "GG", "GS", "SG" and "SS".

Modify schema wizard - Active Guard (AG)

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Operation 73

Schema parameters may be edited using the following commands:

Device type type of devices supported by the
Output group name of the analyzer group that
receives events from devices
Device timeout time (in seconds) to generate the
“TIMEOUT” event for a GPRS device
that has not transmitted any signal in
the meantime
Disconnect timeout time (in seconds) to generate the
“DISCONNECT” event for a GPRS
device that has not transmitted any
signal in the meantime
SMS timeout time (in seconds) to generate the
“DISCONNECT” event for an SMS
device that has not transmitted any
signal in the meantime
Network bytes limit specifies maximum number of bytes
sent by the device in network mode
per time unit (see parameter Network
limit period). When this limit is
exceeded before Network limit period
is passed “TooManyDataServerAlert”

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74 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

event will be generated (0 - no limit)

Network connections limit specifies maximum number of
connection attempts made by the
device in network mode per time unit
(see parameter Network limit period).
When this limit is exceeded before
Network limit period is passed
event will be generated (0 - no limit)
Network limit period[s] specifies time unit for network limits
SMS messages limit specifies maximum number of SMS
messages sent by the device in SMS
mode per time unit (see parameter
SMS limit period). After this limit is
exceeded before SMS limit period is
passed “TooManyDataServerAlert”
event will be generated (0- no limit)
SMS messages limit period[s] specifies time unit for SMS mode limit
Synchronize server time with device time turn on/off time
synchronization between OSM and
Max difference in seconds maximal time difference (in seconds)
between OSM time and device time
Time zone GMT offset (hours) time zone offset choice (hours)
Time zone GMT offset (minutes) time zone offset choice (minutes)
Daylight savings turn on/off daylight savings

Below are the parameters along with the event codes. Green colour denotes
events available only for Active Guard version 2 and newer.

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Operation 75

Connect device connected

Timeout device timeout
Disconnect device disconnected
Mode change device re-connection (new connection before
disconnect timeout passed)
Call me Call Me button pressed
Panic Panic button pressed

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76 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

Tamper device tamper

Tamper end device tamper end
Tag read RFID tag read event code
Shock shock detected
Mandown Mandown begin
Mandown end Mandown end
Tilt tilt begin
Tilt end tilt end

Low acc. low battery voltage

Acc. OK normal battery voltage
Acc. charging battery charging (after low voltage was detected)
Charging end end of battery charging
Low bat. 2 very low battery voltage (device goes into sleep
Bat. 2 OK end of very low battery voltage
Test test signal received
Conn. attempt device connection attempt
SMS Limit begin of SMS limit
End of SMS limit end of SMS limit
Config changed device settings changed
Buffer error buffer failure
Buffer full buffer overflow
Buffer flushed buffer flushed by command
GSM watchdog GSM watchdog
GPRS watchdog GPRS watchdog
Out. voice call begin of outgoing voice call
Out. voice call end end of outgoing voice call
In. voice call begin of incoming voice call
In. voice call end end of incoming voice call
In. data call begin of incoming data call (CSD)
In. data call end end of incoming data call (CSD)
CLIP CLIP notification
Reset device reset by using an appropriate combination of
Power off device turned off by using an appropriate
combination of buttons

Command sent command sent to device

Text msg. recvd. text message received from device
Data limit exc. device's data limit exceeded
Conn. limit exc. device's connection attempts limit exceeded
Still conn. device is still connected (device link state
Still disc. device is still disconnected (device link state

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Operation 77

Clock adjusted clock adjust command send to device

Modify schema wizard - Active Track (AT)

The general parameters of the AT schema are the same as for the AG:

Below are the parameters along with the event codes:

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78 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

© 2018 EBS Sp. z o.o.

Operation 79

Connect device connected

Timeout device timeout
Disconnect device disconnected
Mode change device re-connection (new connection before
disconnect timeout passed)
Call me Call Me button pressed
Panic Panic button pressed
Tamper device tamper
Tamper end device tamper end
Tag read device read Tag
Checkpoint Checkpoint button pressed
Shock shock detected
Mandown Mandown begin
Mandown end Mandown end
Tilt tilt begin
Tilt end tilt end
GPS btn. GPS button pressed
Location update GPS location update event

Fire Alarm device fire alarm

Emergency device emergency alarm
Silent Alarm device silent alarm

Low acc. low battery voltage

Acc. OK normal battery voltage

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80 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

Acc. charging battery charging (after low voltage was detected)

Charging end end of battery charging
Low bat. 2 very low battery voltage (device goes into sleep
Bat. 2 OK end of very low battery voltage
Test test signal received
Conn. attempt device connection attempt
SMS Limit begin of SMS limit
End of SMS limit end of SMS limit
Config changed device settings changed
Buffer error buffer failure
Buffer full buffer overflow
Buffer flushed buffer flushed by command
GSM watchdog GSM watchdog
GPRS watchdog GPRS watchdog
Out. voice call begin of outgoing voice call
Out. voice call end end of outgoing voice call
In. voice call begin of incoming voice call
In. voice call end end of incoming voice call
In. data call begin of incoming data call (CSD)
In. data call end end of incoming data call (CSD)
CLIP CLIP notification
Reset device reset by using an appropriate combination of
Power off device turned off by using an appropriate
combination of buttons

Command sent command sent to device

Text msg. recvd. text message received from device
Data limit exc. device's data limit exceeded
Conn. limit exc. device's connection attempts limit exceeded
Still conn. device is still connected (device link state
Still disc. device is still disconnected (device link state
Clock adjusted clock adjust command send to device

Modify schema wizard - LX

The general parameters of the LX schema are the same as for the AG:

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Operation 81

Below are the parameters along with the event codes:

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82 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

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Operation 83

Connect device connected

Timeout device timeout
Disconnect device disconnected
Mode change device re-connection (new connection before
disconnect timeout passed)

Sab. out on sabotage output on

Sab. out off sabotage output off
Line on phone line on
Line off phone line off
Aux 1 out on auxiliary 1 output on
Aux 1out off auxiliary 1 output off
Aux 2 out on auxiliary 2 output on
Aux 2 out off auxiliary 2 output off
Zone 1 armed zone 1 armed
Zone 1 disarm. zone 1 disarmed
Zone 2 armed zone 2 armed
Zone 2 disarm. zone 2 disarmed
Input x on input x on
Input x off input x off
Input x lock input x temporary locked
Input x unlock input x temporal lock removed
Tamper lock sabotage switch lock
Tamper unlock sabotage switch unlock

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84 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

Jamming begin jamming of GSM signal detected

Jamming end jamming of GSM signal stopped

No power power loss

Power OK. power restored
Low acc. low battery voltage
Acc. OK. normal battery voltage
Low bat. 2 backup battery low voltage
Bat.2 OK. backup battery normal voltage
RS232 Data RS232 data received
DTMF Data DTMF data received
RS232 t-out lack of RS232 test
RS232 OK. restore of RS232 tests
Off-hook t-out off hook too long
Off-hook ok restore after off hook too long
Dial t-out too long period between digits of dialed number
Dial ok restore after too long period between digits of dialed
Service begin service cable connected to the device
Service end service cable disconnected from the device
Test test signal received
Connection attempt device connection attempt
SMS Limit begin of SMS limit
End of SMS limit end of SMS limit
Config change configuration changed
Clip notification about rejected incoming voice call (the
phone number was defined as CLIP allowed)
Conf. chang. start begin of device configuration changes
Firmware up. start begin of device firmware changes
Firmware changed device firmware changed

Command sent command sent to device

Text msg. recvd. text message received from device
Data limit exc. device's data limit exceeded
Conn. limit exc. device's connection attempts limit exceeded
Still conn. device is still connected (device link state
Still disc. device is still disconnected (device link state
Clock adjusted clock adjust command send to device

Modify schema wizard - PX

The general parameters of the PX schema are the same as for the AG:

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Operation 85

Below are the parameters along with the event codes:

Connect device connected

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86 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

Timeout device timeout

Disconnect device disconnected
Mode change device re-connection (new connection before
disconnect timeout passed)

Sab. out on sabotage output on

Sab. out off sabotage output off
Sab. switch on sabotage switch on
Sab. switch off sabotage switch off
Aux out on auxilary output on
Aux out off auxilary output off
Line on phone line on
Line off phone line off
Zone 1 armed zone 1 armed
Zone 1 disarmed zone 1 disarmed
Zone 2 armed zone 2 armed
Zone 2 disarmed zone 2 disarmed
Input x on input x on
Input x off input x off

No power power loss

Power OK power restored
Low acc. low battery voltage
Acc. OK normal battery voltage
Data RS232/DTMF data received
Status device status received
Ack last operation acknowledge received
Test test signal received
Command sent command sent to device
Text msg. recvd. text message received from device
Data limit exc. device's data limit exceeded
Conn. limit exc. device's connection attempts limit exceeded
Still conn. device is still connected (device link state
Still disc. device is still disconnected (device link state
Clock adjusted clock adjust command send to device

Modify schema wizard - CP

The general parameters of the PX schema are the same as for the AG:

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Operation 87

Below are the parameters along with the event codes:

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88 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

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Operation 89

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90 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

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Operation 91

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92 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

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Operation 93

Connect device connected

Timeout device timeout
Disconnect device disconnected
Mode change device re-connection (new connection before
disconnect timeout passed)
Sab. out on sabotage output on
Sab. out off sabotage output off
Sab. switch on sabotage switch on
Sab. switch off sabotage switch off
Input x on input x on
Input x off input x off
Input x sab. on input x tamper on
Input x sab. off input x tamper off
Out x on output x on
Out x off output x off
Zone 1 arm zone 1 armed
Zone 1 disarm zone 1 disarmed
Zone 2 arm zone 2 armed
Zone 2 disarm zone 2 disarmed

Out. x tamper Output x tamper begin

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94 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

Out. x tamp. rest. Output x tamper restore

Bad code bad user code entered
Duress code entered duress code
AUXx power output failure AUX x power output failure
AUXx power output failure end AUX x power output failure end
KPOUT power output failure KPOUT power output failure
KPOUT power output failure end KPOUT power output failure end
Keypad lost Communication with keypad lost
Keypad restore Communication with kepad restored
Keypad power fail Keypad reported power failure
Keypad pow. rest. Keypad reported power restore

No power power loss

Power OK power restored
Low acc. low battery voltage
Acc. OK normal battery voltage
Test test signal received
Conn. attempt device connection attempt,
Config changed device settings changed
CLIP CLIP notification
Buffer error buffer failure
Buffer full buffer overflow
Buffer flushed buffer flushed by command
Modem reset modem reset
GSM watchdog GSM watchdog
GPRS watchdog GPRS watchdog
Out. voice call begin of outgoing voice call
Out. voice call end end of outgoing voice call
In. voice call begin of incoming voice call
In. voice call end end of incoming voice call
In. data call begin of incoming data call (CSD)
In. data call end end of incoming data call (CSD)
Startup device startup
Time lost time has been lost
Service begin enter to the service mode
Service end exit from the service mode

Command sent command sent to device

Text msg. recvd. text message received from device
Data limit exc. device's data limit exceeded
Conn. limit exc. device's connection attempts limit exceeded
Still conn. device is still connected (device link state
Still disc. device is still disconnected (device link state
Clock adjusted clock adjust command send to device

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Operation 95

3.1.5 Analyzer

The analyzer module of the console may be used only to browse the list of
messages received from devices served by the selected OSM server. These
messages are not stored in any way. Use some XML analyzer of your own, or
configure the Postgres SQL database as the OSM.Server output module to store
the events.

3.1.6 Connectors
On the Connectors tab you can view the work of connected devices to the
monitoring station, including the number of active devices, the total number of
errors. With this tab, the operator station has the ability to see the traffic at all
inputs and outputs of a given type.

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98 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

4 Administration
Administration tasks include:
o backup configuration files
o halting and running the OSM.Server server
o modifying OSM.Server networking parameters.

4.1 Windows
During normal system operation OSM.Server can be started and stopped
with two methods. One way is to control service using appropriate shortcuts in
Start Menu -> EBS.

The other way is to use Computer Management console (right-click on "My

computer" -> "Manage").

Starting/stopping the OSM Server using Service Management console

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Administration 99

4.2 Linux
The OSM.Server server is equipped with commands used to:
o modify parameters of the network card (set interface)
o modify list of DNS servers (add/delete dns)
o modify routes (add/delete route)
o modify firewall options (add/delete/set firewall)
o modify backup options (set config device)
o halt/run network services (set)
o import configuration data from a backup (config import)
o back up configuration data on a removable medium (e.g. a pendrive)
o restart the server.
Usually networking parameters (static/dynamic addressing, DNS server
addresses, gateway address) must be set up only when the receiver is turned on
the first time. In case of static addresses, pay particular attention to correctly
supply the default gateway address, or else the OSM.Server server will not be
able to communicate with served devices.

Sample setup session:

login as: manager

manager@'s password:
manager > set if eth0
Successfully set address of interface eth0 to
manager > add route via
Route to via succesfully added.
manager > add dns
Dns server succesfully added.
manager > show firewall
[firewall] status: OFF
acl_ecs :
acl_snmp :
acl_ssh :
acl_www :
hashlimit :
manager > set timezone Europe/Warsaw
Changing time zone to 'Europe/Warsaw'
manager > set time 09:04:30
Setting system time to 09:04:30

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100 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

manager > show time

System time: 09:04:35 (Europe/Warsaw)
System date: 2007-03-16
manager > config save
Running configuration saved to flash.
manager > logout

4.2.1 WWW Interface

WWW browsers may be used to access the following functions of the OSM.
Server server:
o browse system load statistics
o modify network interface parameters.
Enter the OSM.Server server address to the address field of the browser, and
log-in as manager (supply the currently valid manager password). The displayed
Web page presents the following statistics (time charts): CPU processor load,
RAM memory usage, number of active TCP/IP connection, event buffer usage.
Time scale of the charts may be selected as the last hour, the last day, the last
week, the last month, or the last year. Statistics are automatically collected by the
system at an insignificant processor load.

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Administration 101

Server statistics

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102 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

Modifying networking parameters

Click the network menu button to modify networking parameters. If the entered
modifications are to be used by default at the next system start-up, they must be
stored. Click the config menu button to display a Web page used to store the
current configuration settings (use the Save button on that page). OSM.Server
server configuration files may also be read-in (imported) using that page.

© 2018 EBS Sp. z o.o.

Administration 103

Web page used to export/import configuration files

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Appendicies 105

5 Appendicies
5.1 A. Product specification OSM.2007
Housing Rack Mount 19’ 2U

Operating system Linux (kernel 2.6)

Processor Intel® Atom™ N270 1.6GHz

Installed RAM 2GB

Hard disk drive (FLASH disc) 1GB

Motherboard Avalue Technology EMX-945GSE

 I/O  1 x PCI
 2 x LAN (RTL8111C Gigabit Ethernet)
 4 x COM (RS232)
 6 x USB

 Operating temperature 0 °C – +60 °C

 Operating humidity 0% – 90%

Installed GSM modems 1 x Sierra Wireless Airlink Fastrack Xtend


 Frequency bands 850/900/1800/1900MHz

 Operating temperature -30 °C – +75 °C

Size of buffer max: 1 000 000 events

 default XML: 500 000 events
 default ContactID: 50 000 events
 default SIA: 50 000 events

Limit of connected devices 5000 units

License HASP key 2 x Aladdin HASP Max Pro (optional)*

Net weight 13,7 kg

Gross weight 19 kg

Power supply 100-240V @ 50-60Hz

Power consumption (max) 350W

Box contents OSM.Server, antenna GSM, rack mounting

supplying cable, 2 x HASP key (optional)*
*up to 5000 units license keys are not required

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106 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

5.2 B. Restoring/updating the Linux system

The installer program on the bootable CD disk supplied together with the server
may be used to:
o repair/update the system (preserving the current configuration)
o install the system from scratch
o make a bootable copy of itself to a removable medium (e.g. a pendrive).
The installer may be used exclusively on the hardware platform selected by the
system manufacturer. Even if the installation procedure performed on
another hardware platform may succeed, the installed system will not
operate correctly.

To repair/update the system:

1. Connect an external CD reader to the receiver USB port and put the bootable
CD disk into the reader, or
2. Make a copy of the installer program on a pendrive.
In order to do this run the Management Console program and open "Tools" ->
"OSM firmware update" from application menu. The new window will appear
then. Press "Write image file to selected device" after specyfing image file and
storage device. Write process will take about 2-10 minutes depending on
your's computer speed. You should not close the program or remove storage
device during this operation.

OSM firmware update tool

Another way is to put the bootable CD disk into the CD reader of a PC

computer, and boot the computer from that disk. As soon as the installer
program has started, insert a pendrive of capacity not less than 64 MB into
any USB port of the computer.

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Appendicies 107

ATTENTION All data on the pendrive will be lost.

Answer “c” (create bootable pendrive) to the first displayed prompt and
accept the found device (usually it is /dev/sda1). As soon as the installer copy
is ready, a message will appear prompting to remove the pendrive from the
USB port. The pendrive may next be inserted into any USB port of the
3. Restart the OSM.Server server (system reboot).
While starting, the installer displays for a short time the “EBSLinuxRecovery”
message. No such message means that the computer did not boot from the
inserted media but from its previous system. Check BIOS settings to verify
whether the booting sequence has been properly set.
4. Answer “s” (system) to the first displayed prompt. Then, depending on the
performed task, select:
o update to repair/update the system while retaining the current
o full to re-install the system from scratch
o clearconf to clear the current system configuration (to return to initial
5. Answer /dev/hda to the next prompt.
6. The installer program will accomplish the required task and prompt to remove
the medium. Remove the medium and press Enter.
7. The repaired/updated system restarts.

5.3 C. Serial port settings

Depending on your needs and on the receiver motherboard type, its serial port
settings may require a modification even if the default configuration is usually
Names of serial ports in the Linux operating system always begin with /dev/ttyS.
Individual port names are post-fixed with a 0-99 integer reflecting sequential
number of the port in question. And so the COM1 serial port in DOS/Windows will
be /dev/ttyS0 in Linux, the COM2 port will be /dev/ttyS1, etc.
Default configuration for motherboards equipped with 5 serial ports:

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108 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

Port Interrupt (IRQ) IO address

/dev/ttyS0 4 0x03f8
/dev/ttyS1 unavailable unavailable
/dev/ttyS2 5 0x03e8
/dev/ttyS3 3 0x02e8
/dev/ttyS4 10 0x04f8
/dev/ttyS5 11 0x04e8

ATTENTION: The above settings must be identically set both in BIOS as

well as in the operating system. Any mismatch may be a
reason for unstable operation of the system!

Popular USB-RS232 converters may also be used besides traditional serial ports
– our system is equipped with device drivers for many of them. Naming
convention is as follows: /dev/ttyUSB post-fixed with a 0-99 integer reflecting
sequential number of the USB port in question.

5.4 D. Troubleshooting
In case of a malfunction first of all check the log file for any error messages. Log
into the Linux operating system as the logwatch user. Dates in the log file
indicate whether the OSM server program ever started and eventually when.

symptom possible cause solution

Program has not started check the log file for an o check XML syntax in the config.xml
XML file error and devices.xml files
or a buffer error o have all the necessary parameters been
To this end log into the Linux operating
system or (using an Internet browser) into
the system Webpage as the confedit or
devedit user
Program does not collect wrong port number or o check configuration
data sent over by the traffic going through the o check whether the OSM.Server server
devices correct port gets filtered may be reached from outside the LAN.

In order to diagnose OSM events buffer you may use "OSM buffer converter"
tool. Events buffer is saved as a file with file name extension ".buf". You may get
this file by using "system export" CLI command. The "OSM buffer converter" tool
is available in the Management Console application ("Tools" -> "OSM buffer
converter" menu).

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Appendicies 109

After processing the order of entries in the output file may be incorrect (not
chronologic). The CSV file has following structure:
send to analyzer 0-not sent, 1-sent
device type device type
serial number device serial number
device timestamp device timestamp
server timestamp OSM timestamp
event event's name
event count event's counter
event source number source of the event as a internal connector number
additional data length number of additional bytes
additional data (hex) additional bytes

5.5 E. Remote License Update

License Update Utility is available after installing OSM Tools with "HASP License
Update Utility" component checked.

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110 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

License Update Utlities in Start Menu

The "1. License Update Utility" will lead you through licence update process.

License Update Utlity

You should notice that after removing HASP key from OSM.Server the system
will preserve the same license parameters for 15 minutes. This will allow you to
make one of license update process steps without stopping the system .

There are three sections within the config.xml file:
o Connectors setup of input modules
o Buffers setup of memory buffers
o Analysers setup of output modules.

Sample file contents:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<GPRSserver commandListeningPort="9000">


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Appendicies 111

<Connector name="TCP1" port="6830" proto="tcp" device="px"/>


<Buffers location="" maxSize="100M"/>

<Analyser name="console" addr="" port="7000" proto="tcp" format="XML"/>

<Group name="ALL" ackMethod="all" default="true" buffername="ALL" virtualDevice

="2" virtualDevicePeriod="30" virtualDeviceType="px">
  <AnalyserRef name="console" />

Description of the configuration parameters:

level/section parameter name require range of acceptable parameter meaning

d values
GPRSserver commandListeningPort yes 1- 65535 integer number of the IP port
in which the system
listens to commands
Watchdog periodMinutes no 3-255 integer period in minutes
before BIOS would
reboot machine in
case of system failure
Watchdog deactivateOnProperExit no ”true” or ”false” (by flag indicates whether
default "true") the watchdog function
should be turned off on
receiver's program
proper exit
Connector name no an alphanumeric output modules use
name, must be this name as the data
unique within the source ID
section scope (the
system will assign
a default name if
this parameter is
not defined)
Connector port yes 1-65535 integer or number of the IP port
serial port in which the system
designation COM1, listens for transmitted
COM2 etc. data or designation of
the serial port to which
the GSM modem is
hooked up
Connector proto yes “tcp”, “udp”, "gsm" IP protocol ID or GSM
or “smsc" modem ID
Connector device yes “ag”, "lx", “px” or type of transmitters
“any” served by the input
module („any” may be

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112 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

used only in case of

GSM modems)
Connector virtualDeviceType no “ag”, "lx" or “px” type of virtual device
(input module state
transitions notification)
Connector virtualDevice no 0-231 integer serial number of virtual
device (input module
state transitions
Connector baudRate no valid serial port parameters available
characterSize parameters only for GSM modem
parity and a valid PIN of input modules
stopBits the GSM modem
pin SIM card
Buffers location no a valid disk disk directory where
pathname messages from the
devices are stored e.g.
“C: \Temp\”
Buffers maxSize no size in bytes, kB, default maximum size
or MB (>100KB) of the message
memory buffer (e.g.
“2048K”, ”200M” etc.)
Analyser name yes an alphanumeric name of the analyzer
name, must be is used in the “Groups”
unique within the section and when
section scope receiving messages
Analyser addr no a valid IP address analyzer IP or DNS
or a valid DNS name (e.g.
name “”)
Analyser port yes 1-65535 integer or number of the IP
serial port address or serial port
designation COM1, in which the analyzer
COM2 etc. listens for data
Analyser proto yes ”tcp”, ”udp”, output module type
”rs232” or ”db”
Analyser format yes ”XML”, ”CID”, ”SIA” output data format
or ”DB_PQ”
Analyser user no a valid username, parameters available
password password, only in the database
db database name module
Analyser authLevel no "NONE", "READ" access level to OSM
or "READ_WRITE" configuration
(by default
Analyser MLR2HeartbeatPeriodS no 1-231 integer frequency of MLR2
econds heartbeats
Analyser MLR2Heartbeat no an alphanumeric MLR2 heartbeat signal
string (default is "1011

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Appendicies 113

@ ")
Analyser MLR2ReceiverLine no an alphanumeric MLR2 receiver line
character number
Analyser.Auth password no an alphanumeric password for analyzer
string authentication
(commands port only)
Analyser.Auth desc no an alphanumeric description of
string password
Group name yes an alphanumeric name used in the
name, must be schemas section of the
unique within the devices.xml file
section scope
Group ackMethod yes ”one” or ”all” message
mode: one” – each
message may be
acknowledged by a
single analyzer, “all” –
must be acknowledged
by all analyzers
Group default no ”true” or ”false” flag indicates whether
the group is to be used
by default (for adding
new devices)
Group buffername no a valid filename buffer filename (jointly
(without extension) with the Buffers->
location parameter
value makes up a
qualified pathname)
Group retryTime no 0-231 integer delay in seconds
before data are re-sent
to the analyzer in case
they have not been
Group maxMessages no 0-231 integer number of old, non-
messages may be
stored in memory
before they start to be
overwritten by new
Group virtualDevice no 0-231 integer serial number of virtual
Group virtualDevicePeriod no 0-231 integer period of sending test
signal from virtual
Group virtualDeviceType no “ag”, "lx" or “px” type of virtual device
Group generateStateSignalPeri no 1800-231 integer period in seconds
od before all devices link

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114 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

state signal is
Group testsPassingStartHours no List of time values moments in time at
(hour and minute) which OSM will pass
in 24 hour format enqueued device tests
separated by to external systems
comma (eg.
Group testsPassingLimitPerMin no 0-231 integer limit of number of
ute passed tests per
minute (other events
will not be limited)
Group testsPassingLimitCID no “true” or “false” (by flag indicating whether
default “true”) limit tests passing for
ContactID analyser or
Group testsPassingLimitSIA no “true” or “false” (by flag indicating whether
default “true”) limit tests passing for
SIA analyser or not
Group testsPassingLimitXML no “true” or “false” (by flag indicating whether
default “true”) limit tests passing for
XML analyser or not
Group. name yes a valid analyzer messages will be sent
AnalyserRef name (an entry to that analyzer
with this analyzer
must exist)
Group. mandatory no “true” or “false” (by flag indicating whether
AnalyserRef default “false”) analyzer must
acknowledge data
routed to it (used in
case ackMethod=”one

Sample input module configuration:

<Connector name="UDP1" port="6830" proto="udp" device="px" />

<Connector name="TCP1" port="6832" proto="tcp" device="ag" />
<Connector name="GSM1" port="COM1" proto="gsm" device="any" baudRate="115200"
characterSize="8" parity="N" stopBits="1" pin="1111" />
<Connector name="SMSC1" host="smsc_emi_host.com" port="3000" proto="smsc" device="
any" username="user" password="password" EMINotifyPid=""EMINotifyAddress=""/>
<Connector name="SMSC2" host="smsc_smpp_host.com" port="4001" proto="smsc" device="
any" username="user" password="password" SMPPSystemType=""SMPPAddressRange=""/>

The above set of parameters configures the following input modules:

o a GPRS module listens in port 6830 to messages sent over the UDP
protocol by the PX devices
o a GPRS module listens in port 6832 to messages sent over the TCP/IP

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Appendicies 115

protocol by the Active Guard devices

o a GSM modem (SIM card PIN="1111") listens in COM1 serial port to
messages sent over by any device
o a SMSC module collects messages sent over in the EMI/UCP protocol by
any device
o a SMSC module collects messages sent over in the SMPP protocol by any

Sample output module configuration:

<Analyser name="console_udp" addr="" port="6000" proto="udp" format="XML" />

<Analyser name="console" addr="" port="7000" proto="tcp" format="XML">
<Auth password="secret"/>
<Auth password="another_password"/>
<Analyser name="db_postgres" addr="" port="5432" proto="db" format="db_pq"
user="dbuser" password="dbpass " db="db" />
<Analyser name="rs232" port="COM5" baudRate="115200" characterSize="8" parity="N" stopBits
="1" format="SIA"/>

<Group name="ALL" ackMethod="all" buffername="ALL">

  <AnalyserRef name="db_postgres" />
  <AnalyserRef name="rs232" />
<Group name="ONE_WITH_DB" ackMethod="one" default="true" buffername="ONE">
  <AnalyserRef name="db_postgres" mandatory="true"/>
<AnalyserRef name="console" />
<AnalyserRef name="console_udp" />

The above set of parameters configures the following output modules:

o an XML “console udp” analyzer listens in port 6000 to messages sent over
the UDP protocol by the local computer
o an XML “console” analyzer listens in port 7000 to messages sent over the
TCP/IP protocol by the local computer, analyzer must authenticate itself
using one of the passwords
o a “db_postgres” analyzer stores the sent over messages to PostgresSQL
o a SIA analyzer collects messages sent over by the COM5 serial port of the
local computer
o an “ALL” group that sends messages to the “db postgres” and “rs232”
ATTENTION: In this case a next message will not sent over until the
previous one is acknowledged by both analyzers.
o an “ONE WITH DB” group that sends messages to the “db postgres”,
“console”, and “console udp” analyzers.

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116 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

ATTENTION: In this case a next message will not sent over until the
previous one is acknowledged by the “db postgres” analyzer
(the “mandatory” parameter is TRUE).

There are two sections within the devices.xml file:
o GPRSSchemas setup of schemas
o GPRSDevices setup of devices.

Sample configuration (some lines have been omitted):

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<Schema name="AG" device="ag" outputGroup="ONE_WITH_DB">
<TimeSynchronization sync="on" maxDifference="150"/>
<NetworkMode softTimeout="600" hardTimeout="720" />
<SMSMode timeout="1800" />
<XMLDictionary … />
<CIDDictionary … />
<SIADictionary … />
<Schema name="PX" device="px" outputGroup="ALL">
<NetworkMode softTimeout="600" hardTimeout="720" />
<SMSMode timeout="1800" />
<XMLDictionary … />
<CIDDictionary … />
<SIADictionary … />

<Device serialNo="1" device="px" schema="PX" accessCode="1111" />
<Device serialNo="3856" device="px" schema="PX" accessCode="1111" /> 

Description of the configuration parameters:

level/section parameter name required range of acceptable parameter meaning

Schema name yes an alphanumeric schema name is used
name, must be in the “devices” section
unique within the
section scope
Schema device yes ”ag”, "lx" or ”px” device type
Schema outputGroup yes a valid group name devices assigned to

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Appendicies 117

this schema transmit

their data via output
modules assigned to
the group
TimeSynchronization sync no “on” or “off” (by flag indicates whether
default “off”) the time
function is to be turned
on (only for Active
Guard or LX devices)
TimeSynchronization maxDifference no 150 - 2^31 integer maximum time
difference in seconds
between the device
time and the OSM.
Server receiver time
low value of this
parameter may result
in unnecessary
retransmissions of
time synchronization
packets in high-delay
TimeSynchronization timeOffset no -13…+13 integer device time zone
relative to UTC (by
default taken as the
OSM.Server receiver’s
time zone)
TimeSynchronization dayLightSaving no "on" or "off" flag indicates whether
the device is to follow
summer/winter time
NetworkMode softTimeout no 0-231 integer time to generate the
“TIMEOUT” event for
GPRS device that has
not transmitted any
signal in the meantime
NetworkMode hardTimeout no 0-231 integer time to generate the
for GPRS device that
has not transmitted any
signal in the meantime
and to terminate
connection with it
NetworkMode limitSeconds no 0-231 integer delay in seconds
before too many data
or too many
connections signal is
generated in case of
data/connections limit
are exceeded
NetworkMode limitBytes no 0-231 integer number of bytes of

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118 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

network data limit

NetworkMode limitConnections no 0-231 integer number of connections
of network data limit
SMSMode timeout no 0-231 integer time to generate the
for SMS device that
has not transmitted any
signal in the meantime
SMSMode limitSeconds no 0-231 integer delay in seconds
before too many data
signal is generated in
case of number of
SMS messages limit is
SMSMode limitMessages no 0-231 integer number of SMS
messages of SMS data
XMLDictionary … no event names event code-to-name
conversion (events for
which no definition has
been supplied will be
ignored i.e. not routed
to analyzers)
CIDDictionary … no event names event code-to-name
conversion (events for
which no definition has
been supplied will be
ignored i.e. not routed
to analyzers)
SIADictionary … no event names event code-to-name
conversion (events for
which no definition has
been supplied will be
ignored i.e. not routed
to analyzers)
Device serialNo yes integer device serial number
Device device yes ”ag”, "lx" or ”px” device type
Device schema yes a valid schema name of the schema
name used by the device
(device type must
Device phone no phone number with used in the GSM or
its prefix (e.g. SMSC input module
Device accessCode no access code e.g. access code necessary
“1111” to remotely control LX
or PX/EX devices
Device key no cipher key cipher key for
encryption and

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decryption of data
packets from devices
(Active Guard and LX)
Device SMSkey no cipher key for SMS cipher key for
transmission encryption and
decryption of SMS
messages received
from devices (LX)

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120 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

5.8 H. Autobackup extension

OSM.Server has a unique feature of working in a computer group with

functional redundancy. If one of the machines fails, another node in the group
automatically takes over its functions. This functionality provides continuous
operation of the OSM.Server receiver, eliminating the need for constant control
by and participation of the system administrator.
Correct operation of the system nodes requires communication with all
peripherals and external systems (e.g. GSM modems, SMSC, supervising
software and software collecting events) to take place entirely within the
computer network. The peripherals requiring communication through RS232
serial port may be added to the system through NPort devices - RS232 Moxa port
It is also possible to create a couple of independent groups of computers
with common nodes. It is characteristic for each such group that at any given
moment only one of its machines may act as master, i.e. communicate with
devices and external systems.

The operation of the group requires n+1 IP addresses (where n is the

number of elements in the group): for each of the nodes separately (native
address) and one virtual address for the group as a whole. Operation of all the
group nodes should be provided within one Ethernet collision domain; this
requires visibility on OSI 2 layer without traffic filtering. It is recommended to have
native addresses assigned to one common computer subnetwork, as the system
does not impose limitations regarding the group’s virtual address. The whole
external communication of the group should take place through the virtual

The role of the nodes in the system (assigned manually or upon detection of
 active - master or ready to take over operation at any time (slave)
 passive/passive-fault – system which only synchronises the OSM
configuration (XML files), may not change its status to master

Current status of the system nodes:

 master – node communicating with devices and external systems
 slave – node in a given moment not communicating with devices and
external systems; ready to change its status to master at any time

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Example of configuration (one master and one slave)

Example of configuration (two groups with one common slave node)

The autobackup functionality is implemented by cyclical monitoring of the master

computer state by slave machines. The monitoring includes the following
 network activity (checking the computer operation through replying to the
heartbeat signals)
 operation of the OSM receiver (tests performed by an internal supervising

Upon detecting that master is inactive, one of the slave machines takes over its
function, i.e.
 assigns to itself a virtual IP address of the master
 activates all communication services (Moxa driver and the main receiver
 changes its status to master

Hardware server version OSM.2010 was equipped with a panel LEDs to indicate

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122 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

the status of the server and the autobackup feature. Below view panel with a
description of each LED.

Incoming data (green): blinking - events incoming to the server, off - server does
not receive any data
ECS Process (green): blinking - process active, off - process offline
Error (red): blinking - hardware error, off - no error

Autobackup (ON / OFF) (green): flashes - active autobackup, off - autobackup
Master / Slave (OFF) (green): flashes - the server in Master mode, off - the server
in Slave mode or autobackup offline
Fault (red): flashes - fault, the server can not change the status on the Master, off
- no fault

Below is a list of all commands related to extension along with the importance of

command extended form description example

add add autobackup group GID linking a given computer with add autobackup group 10
prio PRIO role ROLE vip computer group named GID prio 200 role active vip
IP interface IF (number 1-255) available interface eth0
under virtual network
interface address IF;PRIO is
the priority of the node (see
remarks below); the ROLE
parameter should take one of
the two values: active or
add autobackup node IP adding information on add autobackup node
SNMPCOMMUNITY another node to operate with public
a given computer (all nodes
with whom cooperation is
necessary should be
is a SNMP protocol
parameter of the added node

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command extended form description example

del delete autobackup group deleting link of a given delete autobackup group
GID computer with computer 10
group named GID; the
operation does not remove
the cooperating nodes added
through the "add autobackup
node" command
delete autobackup node IP removing information on the delete autobackup node
node cooperating with a
given computer
set set autobackup group GID changing parameters linking set autobackup group 10
prio PRIO role ROLE vip a given computer with a prio * role passive vip
IP interface IF group of computers; the interface *
meaning of the parameters is
identical as for "add
autobackup group" command
(character '*' replacing a
parameter means lack of
set autobackup state changing role (active/passive set autobackup state
ROLE [GID] ) of a given node in GID passive
group (the GID parameter is
optional if there was only one
group defined in a given
set autobackup [on|off] setting the autobackup set autobackup on
function on and off
show show autobackup showing the current show autobackup
autobackup state
show autobackup log [ showing the autobackup show autobackup log
NUM] function log file with optional
NUM parameter defining the
number of lines to show
An illustrative list of steps necessary for correctly configuring a group is presented
below. The operations are to be performed independently for each of the nodes.

Moxa – one-time configuration of device through another computer

according to the device manual (only important steps mentioned):
 Operation mode: RealCOM
 Max connection: n (number of group nodes elements)
 Allow driver control: Enable

OSM Configuration:
add nport 4 (NPort device IP address and number of ports)
set nports on

In OSM configuration adjust the names of all used RS232 ports to the
counterparts of NPort device (names “/dev/ttyrxx” where xx is the number
of port, from 0 to x).

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124 OSM.Server Monitoring System Receiver

OSM configuration for internal supervising program

You should add a new, separate analyser and group for the supervising
program (the analyser does not have to be connected with any other
program, and the group buffer should not be too large, e.g. 1MB). OSM
should listen to PX devices on port 1050. Add PX with serial number 2 and
assign it through the scheme to the newly created group.

Configuring the group nodes

Example for native addresses subnetwork:, group identifier:

10 and virtual address of the group: A new node is added
with address:

set system name XXX (assigning new system name to facilitate identification)
set snmp rocommunity rwx (setting SNMP parameter)
set snmp on (setting SNMP on)
add firewall rsync acl (subnetwork address for the
communicating OSMs)
add firewall snmp acl (subnetwork address for communicating
set firewall off
set firewall on (restarting firewall)
add autobackup group 10 prio 100 role active vip
interface eth0 (virtual address)
add autobackup node rwx (address of another, neighbouring node)
set autobackup on (setting the autobackup function on)


1. Time for the slave to change its status to master: about 10 seconds
2. Frequency of XML files synchronization (device list configuration) between the
nodes: about 10 seconds
3. Provide separate backup media (pendrives and network shares) for
correct operation of the system!
4. A system which automatically entered the passive-fault role due to fault
detection attempts to return to the active role after 72h
5. Some external systems (e.g. SMSC) after failure of master computer may not
allow for immediate establishment of the connection by another computer (
slave which changed its status to master). In such case adjust the external
system to other operating conditions or allow for possible delay in signals
6. The priority applies in the case of two or more computers simultaneously
changing their status to master. Please ensure uniqueness of the priority

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Appendicies 125

values in all computers of the group in order to allow for faultless

operation of the system!
7. It may happen, that communication between two nodes is lost. If both nodes
are connected to network (for example, when both systems are connected to
different switches, and communication is lost somewhere between the
switches), both will act as master, beeing isolated from themselves. When
connection is again established, it is time and date of configuration
modification, what decides which node should be left as master. Therefore, it
is important to set system date and time properly. It is recommended to
use NTP servers (`add ntp server', `set ntp interval') and auto-updating.

5.9 I. Changelog
Manual version Amendment
1.4.12 Update images in OSM server list chapter
1.4.11  Update images and text, added a section about
tab "Connectors"
1.4.10  added information about autobackup LED panel
1.4.9  added AT schema
 update other schemas
 update hardware server parameters
 added clear config serial-ports
1.4.8  Autobackup extension additions
 Fixes connected with necessity of resetting
1.4.7  added command set ntp interval [minutes]
 miscellaneous small fixes

© 2018 EBS Sp. z o.o.

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