The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City
Yashodhan H. Mangukia
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City 2
A major style of architecture in New York City during the early twentieth century was Art Deco.
Art Deco style specially in NYC showed the world the new face of building design by pushing all
the boundaries. This essay gives the history of Art Deco, its role in buildings of that time,
information about construction phase of building, different challenges and how they were tackled
of some of those buildings. There are many differences in the buildings which this essay talks
about in terms of design, intention of design, their designers, end result and much more but one
mutual thing is the style of design used in them which is Art Deco. These buildings are the key
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City 3
Whenever the name New York City pops up, there are few things that straight away pops-
up in mind and one of that is definitely the skyline of Big Apple. A single building simply cannot
make the best skyline in the world. There are many beautiful and unique buildings in the city that
never sleeps which contributes to this canvas. This exhilarating city’s skyline is ever evolving but
there are buildings specially the Art Deco jewels which still stands tall even today.
The utility, design, height, volume and many other things of any building are dependent on many
factors. Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity states that ‘Everything is Relative’ (Einstein, 1920).
It doesn’t just apply to physics or any particular phenomenon but to the whole world and the ever-
expanding universe. Economy of America was booming in the early 1900s and that allowed
businessman to open their hands freely (White). The effect was mirrored everywhere including the
buildings that were built during that period. The major upraises and distinctive development in
terms of design, uniqueness and quantity of building was seen in the office spaces. Since radical
and boundaryless design was appreciated and allowed by different business tycoons specially for
their own office building, there was a steep incline in the office buildings.
The demand for more volume proliferated and due to less ground space, the era of skyscrapers
started with the invention of steel frame structures. Steel frame structures allowed builders and
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City 4
architects to construct buildings higher than twenty storeys which otherwise would not have been
Fig 1: View of midtown Manhattan which is the business sector of Manhattan in the 1930s (left)
and present (right).
Joseph, E. (2013) Cityscape: New York Then and Now. [Digital Image]. Retrieved from
Willis (1995) explains that economic and programmatic formulas for quality office space has
primary importance. These formulas create standardized templates of which the modifiers are local
conditions: historic grids of blocks and lots, municipal codes, zoning which caused tall buildings
to develop distinctive forms. This creates a vernacular unique to each city (Vlack, 1974). Taking
the example of Midtown Manhattan, the black rock bed and FSI norms in New York City allowed
According to Vlack (1974), the twenty-year period from the early 1920s through the 1930s
produced some of the most revolutionary architecture ever known (Vlack, 1974). Art Deco style
of architecture came to New York City in the early 1900s and it truly flourished as international
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City 5
style during the 1920s and 1930s. The name ‘Art Deco’ comes from the 1925 Paris Exposition
Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes. Some of the architectural masterpieces
which are Art Deco triumphs of New York City are the Flatiron Building (1902), the Woolworth
Building (1912), the American Radiator Building (1924), Rockefeller Center (1930-1939), the
Art Deco was a part of a design problem where the world saw a whole new side of what geometric
shapes can do when integrated with design. It turned out to be one of the most prominent styles in
history. The aesthetic movement rose and fell in the period between the two World Wars and
played a major role in shaping the West’s modern imagination, particularly within France and the
United States (Vlack, 1974). Weber (2005) explains that just as central to the Art Deco style were
the avant-garde art movements of the early twentieth century. From cubism came stylization and
geometric abstraction, while the vibrant colors of Art Deco were shared with fauvism, Orphism,
and synchronism. Art Deco grew out of yearning, aggressive desire to get rid of the past and
embrace the future in all its man-made, machine-driven glory (Tubach, 2018).
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City 6
Fig 2: The top section of the Flatiron Building which shows the artistic columns.
Author. (2019). Living at the Center. [Photo]
Jason Barr, an economist at Rutgers University, Newark explains that the skyscraper represents
the economy and the power which comes with great economy to build great monuments (Giles,
2019). The Flatiron Building (Fig 2) which is located on the intersection of Broadway and 5th
Avenue at 23rd Street was designed by architect Daniel H. Burnham of D. H. Burnham & Co. The
5th Avenue being one of the important and popular Avenue in New York City and Broadway being
the only street which intersects every Avenue and Streets at an angle; it was going to be the center
of attraction and thus bore the responsibility of being future landmark. The site area of the Flatiron
Building was shaped as a right-angled triangle. The space was known as the Flatiron for its
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City 7
resemblance to a household clothes iron. When completed in 1902, the 285 foot twenty-one storeys
high Flatiron Building was the tallest in the world (Collins, 2002) (Willis, 1995) (Ziga, 1993).
Due to triangular shaped site, the northern vertex of the building is only 6.5 feet wide (Fig 3). This
narrow portion does obstruct in terms of space usage but has interesting spatial configuration
within the building where slanting walls accommodate for the narrow corner offices that open up
to panoramic views of Midtown Manhattan. Manhattan has been and always will be synonymous
with the overarching imposition of the grid system that defines the entire city, but each block as
Fig 3: The plan of Flatiron Building where details of how the space was divided for offices is
[2011]. Untitled. [Digital Image]. Retrieved from
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City 8
Due to its unusual shape and slenderness, people thought it would collapse upon completion and
even placed their bets on how much debris would generate after it collapses. The structural part is
entirely made up of steel while the outer part of the building is clad in limestone and glazed with
terra cotta, which amplifies the heavy, yet rich aesthetic. Even after 100 years, Flatiron Building
stays as it was built and is an architectural icon and international tourist spot (Kroll, 2011).
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City 9
Fig 4: Due to such unique shape of site, the building appeared unusual than the other buildings
due to grid pattern.
Unknown. (1902). Untitled. [Digital Image]. Retrieved from
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City 10
The Chrysler Building (Fig 5), built in 1930 is referred as the greatest Art Deco example. The
Chrysler Building is a classic example of the Art Deco style, from the street to its terraced crown.
Interior and exterior alike, it is admired for its distinctive ornamentation based on features that
were also found on Chrysler automobiles at the time (Sveiven, 2010). The amount of dedication
for creating one’s own building can be clearly seen in the end result. Walter Chrysler wanted to
build his corporate headquarter for his three-year-old automobile company - Chrysler
Automobiles. He found an area at the intersection of Lexington Avenue and 42nd Street and
architect William Van Alen was given the responsibility. Van Alen had built a reputation as one
of the most daring new generation radicals of American architecture. The design of Chrysler
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City 11
Fig 5: The streamline design language and ziggurat influence in Van Alen is clearly seen.
Author. (2019). The Modern Day Pyramid. [Photograph]
Chrysler was impressed by Van Alen’s design for the site, but as someone who attributed his
success as an automobile manufacturer to his own artistic and technical judgment, he immersed
himself in the project, intending to leave his personal imprint on the exterior of the building (Vlack,
2015). Triangles emanate from the rounded tiers decorating the top of the Chrysler Building; the
arrangement resembles the sun radiating toward a peak, invoking the man-over-nature power
captured by the gravity-defying skyscraper. As an architectural cherry on top, the building’s iconic
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City 12
metal gargoyles are extraordinarily sleek, bearing more of a resemblance to the hood ornament of
a car than the motif’s traditionally fearsome Victorian counterparts (Tubach, 2018).
Walter Chrysler ordered three major changes to Van Alen’s proposed design drawing: first the
building would be increased in size from sixty-eight to seventy-seven stories rising to height of
809 feet; next, the tower would be reduced in thickness or ‘streamlined’, in the business jargon of
the day, to satisfy his demand for sleekness and elegance; and finally, the ‘stubby, nearly Moorish’
copper dome would be replaced by a tall pointed spire (Stanges, 2005). These changes reflect
Chrysler’s own design language which he used in building his successful automobile company.
All these signifies the involvement of Walter Chrysler’s vision and dedication towards his
Fig 6: The grand lobby ceiling of Chrysler Building which has one of the largest murals (36 m x
26 m) representing the construction process of Chrysler Building by Edward Trumbull.
Trumbull, E. (1930). Transport on Human Endeavour. [Oil on canvas]. Retrieved from
Chrysler wanted his building to be taller than the Eiffel Tower, which was the world’s tallest
structure at that time to marks his name in history as the man who built the building taller than
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City 13
Eiffel tower. The crown helped Chrysler Building achieve the title of tallest building in the world
and also crown’s utopian design gave it the uniqueness for which it is recognized all around the
world. Van Alen designed a stunning 186-foot stainless steel spire which was delivered to the
building in five sections and assembled in secret on the 65th floor which raised slowly into position
Fig 7: The sui generis crown speaks the story in itself and its imperishable place in New York
City Skyline.
Shutterstock. (2019). Untitled. [Digital image]. Retrieved from
On September 28, 1929, the Chrysler Building became the tallest building in the world exceeding
Eiffel Tower by twenty-two feet (Stanges,2005). Even though its record was short lived for eleven
months before Empire State Building took over, the Chrysler Building has made a special place in
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City 14
New York City’s skyline. New buildings are made every day and they all have different designs
from each other, some of which are beautiful while others are catastrophe, but the design of
Chrysler Building will remain as one of the most beautiful designs ever made.
The behemoth on 5th Avenue 34th Street which broke every record in the book when completed
in April 1931, New York’s signature skyscraper: The Empire State Building (Fig 8). Robert H.
Shreve, William F. Lamb and Arthur Loomis Harmon were the architects of the Empire State
Building. Since the construction project was during the stock market crash and followed by the
great depression, there was high pressure from every side ranging from finance, labor to political
to complete the project. As William Lamb explained: The program was short enough- a fixed
budget, no space more than 28 feet from the window to corridor, as many stories of such space
possible, an exterior of limestone, and a completion date of May 1, 1931, which meant a year and
six months from the beginning of the sketches (Willis, 1998) (White).
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City 15
Fig 8: Empire State Building is one of the best symbols of human capability.
Valadi, S. (2012). Empire State - NY - Aerial View. [ Digital Image]. Retrieved from
The 103 stories high architectural marvel created 2.1 million square feet of rentable space and
surpassed Chrysler Building by 200 feet and at 1252 feet, it became the world’s tallest building
for almost 70 years before North tower of the World Trade Center surpassed it (Willis, 1998). With
more than one floor each day, within twenty months from the first signed contracts with the
architects in September 1929 to opening day ceremonies on May 1, 1931- the Empire State was
designed, engineered, erected, and ready for tenants (Willis, 1998). Creating a building from the
ground up to 100 storeys in less than two year in a city like New York City where there is active
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City 16
road with heavy traffic, not more than ten feet away from the building’s facade that too almost 90
Fig 9: The two architectural Art Deco icons of not just NYC but of the whole world. The Empire
State Building (left) and the Chrysler Building (right).
Author. (2019). The King and the Queen of skyscrapers. [Photo]
Art Deco slowly declined after the 1929 stock market crash and then followed by the great
depression (White). Still the visionaries and radicals of that time did not look back and created the
best designs (Gintoff, 2016). Design Utopia is all about creating the best thing which does not have
any problems and aesthetics is one of the many problems which needs to be solved in order to
make it utopian. Art Deco solved the problem of aesthetics giving the world one of the most
beautiful buildings ever made. Not only all these buildings offer great views from within, but other
buildings are marketed and sold for the views of them. The term of Art Deco was short lived, but
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City 17
it coached to many new design styles. Even today the Art Deco triumphs still stands out quite
significantly and are the symbols of firm boundary less vision and dedication.
Fig 10: From one Art Deco triumph to other. View from the Top of the Rock (30 Rockefeller Center)
of the Empire State Building.
Author. (2019). The Beautiful Chaos. [Photograph]
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City 18
“Sleepless city on the Hudson eight million strong, where fortunes are made, and monuments are
built. An island of skyscrapers reaching for the stars. A window cleaner’s dream or nightmare.
Charles J. Ziga
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City 19
2. Collins, J. (2002, September 30th). A 100-Year View Of Landmark Brushing the Sky;
Other Buildings Rise Higher, But Flatiron Still Stands Out. The New York Times.
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3. Einstein, A. (1920). Relativity. The Special and General Theory. New York: Henry Holt
and Company. Retrieved from
5. Giles, J. (2019, September 9). It’s Tough Being a Young Skyscraper in New York. The
New York Times. Retrieved from
6. Kroll, A. (2011, February 3rd). AD Classics: Flatiron Building / Daniel. Retrieved from> ISSN
The Statuesque Skyscrapers of New York City 20
8. Stranges, J. (2014). Mr. Chrysler's Building: Merging Design and Technology in the
Machine Age. Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology,
20(2), 1-19. Retrieved from
9. Sveiven, M. (2010, December 10th). AD Classics: Chrysler Building/ Willam Van Alen.
Retrieved from
10. Tubach, S. (2018). Art Deco’s Streamlined Designs Envisioned a Glamorous Future.
Retrieved from
11. Uren, A. (2015). Building the Flatiron. The Unpredictable Winds Around NYC’s First
Skyscraper. Retrieved from
12. Vlack, D. (1974). Art deco architecture in New York, 1920-1940. Retrieved from
13. Weber, E. (2005). American Art Deco. Massachusetts: World Publications Group, Inc.
14. Willis, C. (1995). Form Follows Finance: Skyscrapers and Skylines in New York and
Chicago. New York: Princeton Architectural Press
15. Willis, C. (1998). Building the Empire State. London and New York: W. W. Norton &
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