Santos Vs Tan
Santos Vs Tan
Santos Vs Tan
● Complainant Atty. Jose S. Santos filed disbarment proceedings against respondent Atty. Cipriano A. Tan for
alleged gross misconduct, charging the respondent with having committed acts of immorality, falsification,
and bigamy.
● The complainant who was then the Acting Director of the Department of Agrarian Reform, stated that the
respondent, while employed as Trial Attorney IV, with the Judicial Cases Division under the aforesaid
Department, maintained amorous relationship with a married clerk, a certain Norma O. Pihid (whom he had
also a son), who was then directly under him. Eventually, the respondent got married to Norma O. Pihid,
purportedly in an attempt to cover up their illicit relations.
● The complainant, moreover, alleged that the respondent falsified his marriage contract with Norma O. Pihid
by deliberately misrepresenting himself as single, thus, deceiving the said mayor into solemnizing the said
marriage. In the information sheet, however, prepared and filed by the respondent prior to his employment,
he clearly stated therein that he was married to one Emilia Benito Tan and had begotten eight (8) children
with the latter.
● Consequently, the complainant likewise charged the respondent with bigamy since it appears from the
records of the Local Civil Registrar that he had previously contracted marriage with the said Emilia A. Benito
on January 6, 1941. The complainant asserted that the said marriage continued to be valid and binding
between the said contracting parties when the respondent entered into a subsequent manage with Norma
O. Pihid on April 27, 1981.
The respondent denied having married Norma O. Pihid on April 27, 1981 and having fathered a child by the name of
Noel Olea Tan, although he admitted being married to Emilia A. Benito. Anent the charge of maintaining amorous
relationship with Norma O. Pihid, the respondent contended that the same charge had been previously resolved in an
Order issued by the Secretary) of the Department of Agrarian Reform. In the said order, the allegation of immorality
which was originally the content of an anonymous letter-complaint was dismissed for being devoid of merit. He further
instituted a counter-complaint against the complainant with acts unbecoming of a lawyer and a member of the
Philippine Bar such as obtaining and utilizing confidential documents without the necessary authorization, introducing
a falsified document as evidence in a court proceeding, and executing an affidavit-complaint containing false
Issue: WON Atty. Tan is guilty of gross immoral conduct hence should be disbarred?
Held: Yes. But considering his age of 72 who has retired and is in the twilight of his life, disbarment would be too
harsh a penalty to impose on respondent. Suspension from the practice of law would be proper for humanitarian
reasons if respondent is still actively engaged in practice, as recommended by the OSG.
Aside from claiming that the documents presented by complainant were allegedly unauthenticated, hearsay, self-
serving, and his defense of alibi at the time of the marriage on April 27, 1981, respondent has miserably failed in
refuting the same and at the same time presenting strong evidence to convince the Solicitor General of the falsity of
the charges against him.
On April 27, 1981 respondent claims that he was attending a government case at the then CFI of Caloocan City while
his alleged second wife was at the Court of Appeals on official business.
A glance at the daily time records reveals that both entries of respondent and Norma Olea were indicated on the line
covering April 26, 1981; secondly, penmanship of the alleged entries for April 27, 1981 are the same; thirdly, the
indicated time in's of respondent and Norma Olea were the same, i.e., 8:01 a.m.; fourthly, probability that they were
together is high because they were both out of the office.
Assuming, arguendo, respondent's alibi that they were married in Meycauayan, Bulacan, it was highly probable and
possible for both to proceed to Meycauayan, Bulacan on April 27, 1981 since the places where they were allegedly
then is not impossibly far from Meycauayan Bulacan.
Respondent even failed to specify the alleged government case he was attending at the CFI of Caloocan either by
mentioning the title of the case or by presenting other evidence aside from his self-serving testimony.
With respect to the Birth Certificate of respondent's alleged son, the former has not made a categorical denial that
Noel Olea Tan is NOT his son. He only argues that the birth certificate is not authentic. Evidence for complainant,
however, was presented to show the authenticity of the Birth Certificate contrary to respondent's claim. Likewise,
respondent has not made any categorical denial of his amorous relationship with Norma Olea despite the existence
of his first marriage with Emilia Benito Tan.
The circumstances of the case definitely has put respondent's moral character in doubt despite non-conviction of the
criminal case for bigamy against respondent. The reputation of a lawyer must be such that he be of good moral
character during the continuance of his practice and the exercise of the privilege.
The findings are clear and convincing that respondent entered into a second marriage despite the existence of his
first marriage and that he begot a child with the second woman. Definitely, such factual findings have put serious
doubt on respondent's moral character. Respondent's main defense of alibi is rather too weak a reason that he did
not engage in an immoral act. As earlier said, respondent has neither categorically denied that Norma Olea is his wife
nor Noel Olea Tan is his son with Norma.