12 Mind Hacks To Improve Your Focus
12 Mind Hacks To Improve Your Focus
12 Mind Hacks To Improve Your Focus
There never seems to be enough time in the day. And despite the volumes written about time management, nobody
can manage time. But we can manage our energy, our attention and our mental resources. And this is not so we get
more done in the less time. What is important today, especially for people who work in knowledge industries, is that we
are better able to solve problems, be more creative and apply our emotional intelligence.
Attention Management not Time Management
Over the last few months, I’ve published a tip a week how to improve your attention and focus. It’s about the brain and
body being in the right state so you are performing at your best, for short bursts of time. And it is based on some of the
latest findings from neuropsychology, including some of the “oldie but goodie” tips that researchers have now found
new evidence to support.