Model W210 Electric Seat Adjustment
Model W210 Electric Seat Adjustment
Model W210 Electric Seat Adjustment
Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12/1
Actual Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13/1
Complaint Related Diagnostic Chart (Seat adjustment with memory,
left or right seat) 14/1
b Diagnostic Manual • Body and Accessories • 09/95 15.3 ESA C/1
15.3 Electric Seat Adjustment (ESA) Model 210
The diagnostic trouble codes (DTC‘s) can only be read out and erased via
the Hand-Held-Tester.
Special Tools
BI022 Left front power seat does not communicate on CAN data line 23 O 1.0, 21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0
Left front ESA control module (N32/1)
BI023 Right front power seat does not communicate on CAN data line 23 O 1.0, 21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0
Right front ESA control module (N32/2)
BIII2 Front head restraint adjustment and height adjustment harness ∞±$ 23 O 2.0, 15.0, 16.0
BIII3 Rear fore/aft adjustment and height adjustment harness ∞±$ 23 O 2.0, 3.0, 4.0
BIII4 Steering column adjustment harness ∞±$ 23 O 6.0, 7.0, 9.0, 10.0
The diagnostic trouble codes (DTC‘s) can only be read out and erased
using the Hand-Held Tester (HHT).
Special Tools
05 Memory button 1 switch (S91s6) (with memory button [S91s9]), S92s9 store 23 O 18.0
07 Memory button 2 switch (S91s7) (with memory button [S91s9]), S92s9 store 23 O 18.0
09 Memory button 3 switch (S91s8) (with memory button [S91s9]), S92s9 store 23 O 18.0
Seat fore/aft adjustment does not function. Fore/aft switch (S91s1 or S92s1) 23 O 3.0
Fore/aft motor (M27m1 or M28m1) 23 O 4.0, 5.0
Front power seat raise/lower adjustment does not function. Front raise/lower switch (S91s3 or S92s3) 23 O 6.0
Front raise/lower motor (M27m3 or M28m3) 23 O 7.0, 8.0
Rear power seat raise/lower adjustment does not function. Rear raise/lower switch (S91s2 or S92s2) 23 O 9.0
Rear raise/lower motor (M27m2 or M28m2) 23 O 10.0, 11.0
Backrest fore/aft adjustment does not function. Backrest fore/aft switch (S91s5 or S92s5) 23 O 12.0
Backrest fore/aft motor (M27m5 or M28m5) 23 O 13.0, 14.0
Head restraint raise/lower adjustment raise/lower does not Head restraint raise/lower switch (S91s4 or S92s4) 23 O 15.0
function. Head restraint raise/lower motor (M27m4 or M28m4) 23 O 16.0, 17.0
Switch illumination does not function. Left or right front ESA switch group (S91 or S92) 23 O 20.0
(with memory) illumination
Seat position (memory) does not function. Left or right front ESA switch group (S91 or S92) (position
memory) 23 O 18.0, 19.0
Left or right front ESA switch group (S91 or S92) 23 O 2.0
CAN L/CAN H dataline 23 O 21.0 – 25.0
Combination control module (N10-1) D.M., Body and Accessories,
Volume 1, 2.1, 23 O 2.0,
Seat adjustment does not function with left or right front door Left or right front door switches (S17/3, S17/4) D.M., Body and Accessories,
open and without ignition key: ON Volume 1, 3.3, 23 O 2.0,
CAN L/CAN H dataline 23 O 21.0 – 25.0
Combination control module (N10-1)
PSE controlmodule (A37) (combined functions)
Left front power seat fore/aft adjustment, rear power seat Programming of left or right front ESA control Seat adjustment motor supplier
raise/lower and fore/aft adjustment operate opposite of normal module (N32/1 or N32/2) “Brose“, “Hammerstein“
function. programmed in error into N32/1.
Programming of combination control module (N10-1) Left hand driver/right hand drive
programmed in error.
Steering column in/out switch (S91s12) D.M., Body and Accessories,
Volume 3, 12.4b, 23 O 17.0
Figure 1
Figure 2
N32/1 Left front ESA control module
N32/2 Right front ESA control module
1 Connector 1, activation of left/right ESA switch
group (S91, S92) (with memory)
4 Connector 4, activation of rear raise/lower motor
5 Connector 5, activation of fore/aft motor
6 connector 6, activation of front raise/lower motor
7 Connector 7, activation of headrestraint raise/lower
motor, backrest fore/aft motor P82.00-0242-11
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 1
b Diagnostic Manual • Body and Accessories • 09/95 15.3 ESA 21/1
15.3 Electric Seat Adjustment (ESA) Model 210
Electrical Test Program – Preparation for Test (Seat Adjustment with Memory)
Preliminary work:
Diagnosis - Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Memory .......................... 12
Electrical wiring diagrams: The left/right front ESA control modules (N32/1, N32/2), as well as the
Electrical Troubleshooting Manual, Model 210, Volume 2, group 91 various motors of the left/right ESA motor group (M27, M28) are of like
design and can be interchanged with each other.
i When changing a left/right front ESA control module (N32/1, N32/2), the
The diagnostic trouble codes (DTC‘s) can only be read out and erased seat adjustment motor supplier (Brose/Hammerstein) must be programmed
using the Hand-Held Tester (HHT). into the ESA control module.
Electrical Test Program – Preparation for Test (Seat Adjustment with Memory)
Special Tools
126-pin socket box 78-pin test cable Electrical connecting set Fused cable
Electrical Test Program – Preparation for Test (Seat Adjustment with Memory)
O A Test scope Test connection Test condition Nominal value Possible cause/Remedy
1.0 BI022 Left or right front ESA N32/1 Disconnect connector (1) 11 – 14 V Wiring.
BI023 control module (N32/1 or N32/2 from N32/1 or N32/2.
N32/2) with memory 11 w c L2
Voltage supply (1) (1)
1.1 Left or right front ESA control N32/1 see step 1.0 11 – 14 V Wiring.
module (N32/1 or N32/2) with N32/2
memory 11 w c L3
Voltage supply (1) (1)
2.0 BIIII Left or right front switch S91 Disconnect connector from 11 – 14 V Wiring,
BIII2 group (S91 or S92) with S92 S91 or S92. O 20.0
BIII3 memory 1w c L 8 Parking lamps: ON
Voltage supply
S91s1 or S92s2:
Press aft approx. 16 ]
O A Test scope Test connection Test condition Nominal value Possible cause/Remedy
4.0 BIII3 Left or right front ESA N32/1 Fore/aft switch (S91s1 or O 3.0,
control module (N32/1 or N32/2 S92s1): (for 1 – 2 sec.) N32/1 or N32/2
N32/2) with memory 1v c K 2 Press forward 11 – 14 V
Seat fore/aft (5) (5)
S91s1 or S92s1:
Press aft – 11 to – 14 V
5.0 BI200 Fore/aft motor (M27m1 or N32/1 Ignition: OFF Motor runs. If nominal values attained,
M28m1) N32/2 a CAUTION! O 5.1
2w u L 1 Disconnect connector (1
(1) (5)and 5) from N32/1 or
N32/1 N32/2.
N32/2 Bridge sockets 1 and 2
11 w u L 2 with fused jumper wire Wiring,
(1) (5) 124 589 37 63 00 M27m1 or M28m1
O A Test scope Test connection Test condition Nominal value Possible cause/Remedy
6.0 BIII4 Front raise/lower switch N32/1 Disconnect connector (1) >20 k] Wiring,
(S91s3) N32/2 from N32/1 or N32/2. S91 or S92
Resistance 12 v b K4
(1) (1) S91s3 or S92s3:
Press raise approx. 43 ]
S91s3 or S92s3:
Press lower approx.16 ]
7.0 BIII4 Left or right front ESA N32/1 Front raise/lower switch O 6.0,
control module (N32/1 or N32/2 (S91s3 or S92s3): (for 1 – 2 sec.) N32/1 or N32/2
N32/2) with memory 2v c K 1 Press raise 11 – 14 V
Front seat raise/lower (6) (6)
S91s3 or S92s3:
Press lower – 11 to – 14 V
8.0 BI20I Front raise/lower motor N32/1 Ignition: OFF Motor runs. If nominal values attained:
(M27m3 or M28m3) N32/2 a CAUTION! O 8.1
2w u L 1 Disconnect connector (1
(1) (6)and 6) from N32/1 or
N32/1 N32/2.
N32/2 Bridge sockets 1 and 2
11 w u L 2 with fused jumper wire Wiring,
(1) (6) 124 589 37 63 00 M27m3 or M28m3
O A Test scope Test connection Test condition Nominal value Possible cause/Remedy
9.0 BIII4 Rear raise/lower N32/1 Disconnect connector (1) >20 k] Wiring,
switch (S91s2 or S92s2) N32/2 from N32/1 or N32/2. Left or right front ESA switch
Resistance 12 w b K 5 S91s2 or S92s2: group (S91 or S92).
(1) (1) Press raise approx. 169 ]
S91s2 or S92s2:
Press lower approx. 75 ]
10.0 BIII4 Left or right front ESA N32/1 Rear raise/lower switch O 9.0,
control module (N32/1 or N32/2 (S91s2 or S92s2): (for 1 – 2 sec.) N32/1 or N32/2
N32/2) with memory 2v c K 1 Press raise 11 – 14 V
(4) (4)
S91s2 or S92s2:
Press lower – 11 to – 14 V
O A Test scope Test connection Test condition Nominal value Possible cause/Remedy
11.0 BI202 Rear raise/lower N32/1 Ignition: OFF Motor runs. If nominal values are attained,
motor (M27m2 or M28m2) N32/2 a CAUTION! O 11.1
2w u L 1 Disconnect connector (1
(1) (4)and 4) from N32/1 or
N32/1 N32/2.
N32/2 Bridge sockets 1 and 2
11 w u L 2 with fused jumper wire Wiring,
(1) (4) 124 589 37 63 00 M27m2 or M28m2.
12.0 BIIII Backrest fore/aft N32/1 Disconnect connector (1) >20 k] Wiring,
switch (S91s5 or S92s5) N32/2 from N32/1 or N32/2. Left or right front ESA switch
Resistance 12 w b L 1 S91s5 or S92s5: group (S91 or S92).
(1) (1) Press raise approx. 43 ]
S91s5 or S92s5:
Press lower approx. 16 ]
O A Test scope Test connection Test condition Nominal value Possible cause/Remedy
13.0 BIIII Left or right front ESA N32/1 Backrest fore/aft Wiring,
control module (N32/1 or N32/2 switch S91s5 or S92s5: (for 1 – 2 sec.) O 12.0,
N32/2) with memory 2v c K 4 Press forward 11 – 14 V N32/1 or N32/2
Backrest fore/aft (7) (7)
S91s5 or S92s5:
Press aft – 11 to – 14 V
14.0 BI204 Backrest raise/lower N32/1 Ignition: OFF Motor runs. If nominal values are attained,
motor (M27m5 or M28m5) N32/2 a CAUTION! O 14.1
2w u L 4 Disconnect connector (1
(1) (7)and 7) from N32/1 or
N32/1 N32/2 and connector (1)
N32/2 from M27m5 or M28m5.
11 w u L 2 Bridge sockets 1 and 2 Wiring,
(1) (7) with fused jumper wire M27m5 or M28m5
124 589 37 63 00
O A Test scope Test connection Test condition Nominal value Possible cause/Remedy
15.0 BIII2 Head restraint raise /lower N32/1 Disconnect connector (1) >20 k] Wiring,
switch (S91s4 or S92s4) N32/2 from N32/1 or N32/2. S91 or S92
Resistance 12 w b K 4 S91s4 or S92s4:
(1) (1) Press raise approx. 169 ]
S91s4 or S92s4:
Press lower approx. 75 ]
16.0 BIII2 Left or right front ESA N32/1 Head restraint raise/lower O 15.0,
control module (N32/1 or N32/2 switch (S91s4 or S92s4): N32/1 or N32/2
N32/2) with memory 4v c K 1 Press raise – 11 to – 14 V
Head restraint raise/lower (7) (7)
S91s4 or S92s4
Press lower 11 – 14 V
17.0 BI203 Head restraint raise/lower N32/1 Ignition: OFF Motor runs. If nominal values are attained,
motor (M27m4 or M28m4) N32/2 a CAUTION! O 17.1
2w u L 4 Disconnect connector (1
(1) (7)
and 7) from N32/1 or
N32/1 Bridge sockets 2 and 4
N32/2 with fused jumper wire
11 w u L 1 124 589 37 63 00 Wiring,
(1) (7) M27m4 or M28m4
O A Test scope Test connection Test condition Nominal value Possible cause/Remedy
18.0 Left or right front switch N32/1 Disconnect connector (1) Wiring,
group (S91 or S92) with N32/2 from N32/1 or N32/2. S91 or S92
memory 5w b L 12
Store memory (1) (1) Memory button 1:
Resistance Rest position >20 k]
Button pressed approx. 330 ]
O A Test scope Test connection Test condition Nominal value Possible cause/Remedy
19.0 BII05 Left front power seat N10-1 Ignition: OFF 11 – 14 V Wiring,
memory k O 21.0, 22.0,
43 w c L6 Combination control
(A) (A) module (N10-1).
20.0 Left or right front switch S91 Disconnect connector from 11 – 14 V Wiring,
group (S91 or S92) with S92 S91 or S92. S91 or S92
memory 3w c L 8 Parking lamps: ON
21.0 CAN H data line from left N32/1 N10-1 Ignition: OFF <1] Wiring,
or right front ESA control N32/2 k a CAUTION! O 21.1
module (N32/1 or N32/2) 7w b L 78 Disconnect connector 1
with memory to (1) (A) from N32/1 or N32/2,
combination control connector (A) from N10-1
module (N10-1) and connector (1) from
–//– PSE (A37).
21.1 CAN H data line from left or N10-1 Ignition: OFF < 20 K ] Wiring,
right front ESA control k a CAUTION! O 21.2
module (N32/1 or N32/2) o b L 78 Disconnect connector 1
with memory to combination (A) from N32/1 or N32/2,
control module (N10-1) connector (A) from N10-1
∞±$ and connector (1) from
PSE (A37).
O A Test scope Test connection Test condition Nominal value Possible cause/Remedy
21.2 CAN H data line from left or N10-1 Ignition: OFF <1V Wiring,
right front ESA control k a CAUTION! O 22.3
module (N32/1 or N32/2) 4w c L 78 Disconnect connector 1
with memory to combination (A) (A) from N32/1 or N32/2,
control module (N10-1) connector (A) from N10-1
∞±+ and connector (1) from
PSE (A37).
22.0 CAN L data line from left or N32/1 N10-1 Ignition: OFF <1] Wiring,
right front ESA control N32/2 k a CAUTION! O 22.1
module (N32/1 or N32/2) 6w b L 62 Disconnect connector 1
with memory to (1) (A) from N32/1 or N32/2,
combination control connector (A) from N10-1
module (N10-1) and connectors (1 and 3)
–//– from PSE (A37).
22.1 BI022 CAN L data line from left or N10-1 Ignition: OFF < 20 k ] Wiring,
BI023 right front ESA control k a CAUTION! O 22.2
BI024 module (N32/1 or N32/2) o b L 62 Disconnect connector 1
with memory to combination (A) from N32/1 or N32/2,
control module (N10-1) connector (A) from N10-1
∞±$ and connectors (1 and 3)
from PSE (A37).
O A Test scope Test connection Test condition Nominal value Possible cause/Remedy
22.2 BI022 CAN L data line from left or N10-1 Ignition: OFF <1V Wiring,
BI023 right front ESA control k a CAUTION! O 25.0
BI024 module (N32/1 or N32/2) 4w c L 62 Disconnect connector 1
with memory to combination (A) (A) from N32/1 or N32/2,
control module (N10-1) connector (A) from N10-1
∞±+ and connector (1 and 3)
from PSE (A37).
23.0 BI022 CAN H data line from right Ignition: OFF <1] Wiring,
BI023 front ESA control module N32/1 N32/2 a CAUTION! O 24.0
BI025 (N32/2) with memory to left 7w b L 7 Disconnect connector 1
front ESA control module (1) (1) from N32/1 or N32/2,
(N32/1) with memory connector (A) from N10-1
–//– and connectors (1 and 3)
from PSE (A37).
24.0 BI022 CAN L data line from right Ignition: OFF <1] Wiring,
BI023 front ESA control module N32/1 N32/2 a CAUTION! O 25.0
BI024 (N32/2) with memory to left 6w b L 6 Disconnect connector 1
front ESA control (1) (1) from N32/1 or N32/2,
module (N32/1) connector (A) from N10-1
–//– and connectors (1 and 3)
from PSE (A37).
O A Test scope Test connection Test condition Nominal value Possible cause/Remedy
25.0 BI022 CAN L /CAN H data lines N32/1 Ignition: OFF >20 k] Wiring,
BI023 ∞± to each other N32/2 a CAUTION! D.M., Body and Accessories,
BI024 6w b L 7 Disconnect connector 1 Volume 1, 5.2, 23 O 10.0
BI025 from N32/1 or N32/2,
connector (A) from N10-1
and connectors (1 and 3)
from PSE (A37).