CV - Sumbitted
CV - Sumbitted
CV - Sumbitted
Professional Highlights
Wide hands-on experience in handling satellite projects involving complex issues with soil mechanics, corstruction materials,
concrete and asphalt. Over 20 years combined vast experience in project managemdnt, civil engineering, quality assurance
& control and materials testing management; 16 years of which is from Middle East (UAE & Qata0. Has wide ranging
operational experience in establishing and managing UKAS accredited facilities adhering to ISO 9001 quality management
system and IOSH operational safety requirements. IRCA trained Lead Auditor to ISO 9001 Quality Management System.
Graduate of Civil Engineering (top 7) from Mapua lnstitute of Technology, lntramuros, Manila.
Academic units completed for MS. Geotechnical Engineering - MlT, lntramuros, Manila
Joined Elsnent Materials Technology (formaly Exova - Bodycote) from 2003-2019.
Jan 2A12 - Oct 2019 Civil Manager of ISO{7025 UKAS aceredited laboratories
1i ye*rs 1* months) Element Materials Technology I Qatar
' Responsible for enguring that concrete is properly produced, placed, cured and protected.
. Reported direcdly to the conlractofs management and consultant.
. Postponed concreting operations until outstanding requirements are conected.
. Rejected materials or workmanship that does not conform to project specification.
' Prevent the use of equipment that coutd cause improper construction relative to the
. Stopped any work that is not being done in accordance with specified requirements.
' Report within 24 hours and provide records to contrador upon discovery of non-compliance.
' Review method statement and inspection and test plan for all types of concrete works.
' Performed quality audits on concrete supplier.
. Provided technical advises indosing out of non-conforming concrete works.
. Reviewed and implernent a concrete quality improve+nent plan
' Prepared statistical report on concrete inspections to reveal reasons why inspections were
rejected and advise ways to minimize re-occurrence of rejection.
' Successfulty managed Hamad lnternalional Airport site laboratory - USD 7M testing vatue.
Ensure that daily operations are technically and with highest level of professionalism operates
with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025
Assigned in concrete delivery inspection and soils testing induding compaction tests for below
. Palm lsland Main Crescent lnfrastructures and Bridges
. Burj Khalifa
Responsible for the daily project construdion operation. in charge of schdulling different
construction activities. in charge of making Pert CPM by means of Primavera and Microsoft
Project softwares
1-4 Years Experienced Employee
Research associate for the "Development of Bottom Ash as an Alternative lr/laterial for Asphalt
Jun 1998 - May 2000 Laboratory Assistant
Mapua lnstitute of Technology, Manila I National Capital Reg, Philippines
Fresh Grad I < 1 Year Experienced Employee
Mapua Institute of Technology
Profeqsional License (Passed Board/BarlProfessiona] License Exam) in Engineering
About Me
Gender Male
Age 41 years
Telephone Nurnber (+63) 2-5512321
Address T lnterior 7 Capitol Hills Road,, 1119, Otd Batara, QC, National Capital Reg,
Nationality Philippines
Huw Woodyatt ;
Manohar Nayagar
+974 44603202
Operations Manager - UAE, Bahrain and Qatar
Element Materials Technology
1992 to present