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Marvin Vallega

Civil Manager of 15017025 UKAS accredited laboratory, Project Manager, Quality

Manager, Operations Manager, Materials Engineer

(+63) 9166546622 l mfvallega@yahoo.com l Old Balara, QC, NCR, Philippines

Professional Highlights
Wide hands-on experience in handling satellite projects involving complex issues with soil mechanics, corstruction materials,
concrete and asphalt. Over 20 years combined vast experience in project managemdnt, civil engineering, quality assurance
& control and materials testing management; 16 years of which is from Middle East (UAE & Qata0. Has wide ranging
operational experience in establishing and managing UKAS accredited facilities adhering to ISO 9001 quality management
system and IOSH operational safety requirements. IRCA trained Lead Auditor to ISO 9001 Quality Management System.

Graduate of Civil Engineering (top 7) from Mapua lnstitute of Technology, lntramuros, Manila.
Academic units completed for MS. Geotechnical Engineering - MlT, lntramuros, Manila
Joined Elsnent Materials Technology (formaly Exova - Bodycote) from 2003-2019.

. Gained IOSH certification for Managing and Working Safely.

. PMP - Project Management Professional trained.
. Vast and in-depth experience in actual construction industry including preparation of bid and tender bid documents, MS and
. Experienced in conducting quality audits on subcontraclors and material suppliers.
. Wide range of experience in international projects acceptable to international standards.
. Knowledgeable on a wide range of construction international standards such as ACl, ASTM, BS and BSEN standard series.
. Exova Employee of the Month Awardee (Odober 2010)
. Exova Values Awardee (January 2017)
' Created a Chloride Migration Test proto type equipment serving 56 cells at a time. Equipment and System were scrutinized
and was approved by UKAS - United Kingdom Accreditation Services.


. MSc. Geotechnical Engineering Thesis Completion prior to Graduation
Research: "Development of Bottom Ash as an Alternative Material for Asphalt Pavemenf'
. Registered Civil Engineer, PRC no. 87201
. Philippine lnstitute of Civil Engineers - Member No 0775
. American Concrete lnstitute - Member No. 1179923
. Concrete Society UK - Member No. 21841
. American Society of Civil Engineer Member No. 973929
. Other American lnstitute Membership:
o Transportation and Development lnstitute (DTl)
o Coasts, Oceans, Ports and Rivers lnstitute (COPRI)
o Construction lnstitute (Cl)


21 years of total experience

Jan 2A12 - Oct 2019 Civil Manager of ISO{7025 UKAS aceredited laboratories
1i ye*rs 1* months) Element Materials Technology I Qatar

lndustry Construction I Building I Engineering

Specialization Engineering - CiviUConstruction/Structural
Role Project Management
Position Level Corporate Manager - Projects
. Responsible for Quality Management Systems (aMS), production, reviewing, certiffing and
reporting test results. lnterac{ with internal and external clients on interpretation of results and
issues arising from testing.
. Responsible for Profit & Loss.
. Responsible for tender bid documents, department business development and suslainability^
. Manages and monitors resources workflow and assignments.
. Manage personnel and work ethic traits required to maintain good team cohesion.
' Review all test results for applicable screening and confirmatory testing methodologies,
relevant Quality Control data and associated documentation. Gertifr and release rmults.
' Conducts contracl revieur and apply quality control prac{ices and procedures to the revieur,
interpretqtion and report test resutts. Monitor maintenance of documentation.
' Take proper remedial action in .response to test systems being out of control limits. Detect
aberranl results of quality control and takes appropriate action.
' Provide consultation and assistance to clients when technical, interpretive, andlor regulatory
questions arise.
' Advise/consuft with laboratory technical staff regarding routine testing issues and practices.
' Assist in preparation for inspections and audits. lnteract with inspectors and audilors as
. Responsible for ensuring that resources both equipment and staff are utilized properly.
. Some major projects successfully managed.
r Doha Metro Green Line
. Neur Orbital Highway Contract 2
. Hamad Port Phase 1
. Qatar Primary Materials Co (Aggregate Testing)
. Doha Metro Red Line
. Mesaimeer Pumping Station
. Musheireb Downtown

Aug2006 - Jan2A12 Concrete Quality Control Engineer - CQCE

(5 years S i'ilOntil$) Exova Qatar LLC - Seconded to Sky Oryx JV. I Qatar

t*dustryr Construction / Building I Engineering

i:erialirati,r* Engineering - CivillConstruction/Structural
Role Quality ControllAssurance
F*ritir:r"r i-.*';et Site Manager / 5 Years & Up Experienced Employee

Approved by BECHTEL Overseas lnc.

Seconded to Sky Oryx JV
Project Hamad lnternational Airport project

' Responsible for enguring that concrete is properly produced, placed, cured and protected.
. Reported direcdly to the conlractofs management and consultant.
. Postponed concreting operations until outstanding requirements are conected.
. Rejected materials or workmanship that does not conform to project specification.
' Prevent the use of equipment that coutd cause improper construction relative to the
. Stopped any work that is not being done in accordance with specified requirements.
' Report within 24 hours and provide records to contrador upon discovery of non-compliance.
' Review method statement and inspection and test plan for all types of concrete works.
' Performed quality audits on concrete supplier.
. Provided technical advises indosing out of non-conforming concrete works.
. Reviewed and implernent a concrete quality improve+nent plan
' Prepared statistical report on concrete inspections to reveal reasons why inspections were
rejected and advise ways to minimize re-occurrence of rejection.
' Successfulty managed Hamad lnternalional Airport site laboratory - USD 7M testing vatue.

Jan 2005 - Aug 2006 Quality Manager

(1 year I months) Bodycote Materials Testing Services, Doha, Qatar I Qatar

lndustry Construction I Building / Engineering

Specialization Engineering - Civil/ConstructionlStructural
Role Quality Control/Assurance
Position Level Assistant Manager / Manager
. ln-charged in setting - up on site laboratories complying the reguirements of ISO 17025.
' Trained technicians on a vast range of materials testing and performed internal audits against
the management and technical requirements of ISO 17025.
. Ensures that all UIGS (United Kingdom Accreditation Services - formerly NAMAS) raised
non-conformances were closed - out in the most immediate time.
' Coordinates with section Laboratory Managers and ensures that their staff and subordinates'
responsibilities are discharged strictly with the requirements of ISO 17025.
. Assigned in implementing an audit program to ensure that the procedures deemed necessAry
to achieve the BMTS Quality Policy are implemented and adhered to.
. Qualified QA/QC Manager of UKAS accredited laboratory by March 2005.

Dec 2003 - Jan 2005 QAJQC Civil lnspector

{1 y*ar ? rnonths} Al Futtaim Bodycote Materials Testing Services I United Arab Emirates

Construction I Building / Engineering

Engineering - Civil/ConstructionlStructural
Q uality Control/Assurance
Fresh Grad / < 1 Year Experienced Employee

Ensure that daily operations are technically and with highest level of professionalism operates
with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025
Assigned in concrete delivery inspection and soils testing induding compaction tests for below
. Palm lsland Main Crescent lnfrastructures and Bridges
. Burj Khalifa

Jun 2000 - Dec 2003 Project Engineer

{3 yearu 7 rnonth$} Silver Horizon Trading Co., lnc. I National Capital Reg, Philippines

Construction / Building / Engineering

Engineering - CivillConstruction/Structural
Civil Engineer
1-4 Years Experienced Employee

Responsible for the daily project construdion operation. in charge of schdulling different
construction activities. in charge of making Pert CPM by means of Primavera and Microsoft
Project softwares

Jun 2000 - Nov 2002 Research Assistant

(? years S rnonths) Mapua lnstitute of Technology I National Capital Reg, Philippines

1-4 Years Experienced Employee

Research associate for the "Development of Bottom Ash as an Alternative lr/laterial for Asphalt
Jun 1998 - May 2000 Laboratory Assistant
Mapua lnstitute of Technology, Manila I National Capital Reg, Philippines

Fresh Grad I < 1 Year Experienced Employee

Mapua Institute of Technology
Profeqsional License (Passed Board/BarlProfessiona] License Exam) in Engineering

Major BSc. CivilEngineering

MSc. Geotechnical Engineering (Academic Units)

About Me
Gender Male
Age 41 years
Telephone Nurnber (+63) 2-5512321
Address T lnterior 7 Capitol Hills Road,, 1119, Otd Batara, QC, National Capital Reg,
Nationality Philippines

Huw Woodyatt
huw.woodyatt@element.com ;

+971 50 444 39A1

Technical Director- Middle East and Asia
Element Materials Technology
2003 to present

Manohar Nayagar
Manohar. nayaqar@elernent.com
+974 44603202
Operations Manager - UAE, Bahrain and Qatar
Element Materials Technology
1992 to present

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