Short version: The Hodges lived in the Philippines for almost half a century and died leaving substantial properties in Iloilo
and in the US. The missus died 5 years before the husband, providing in her will that while her estate would go to him, upon
his death, the remainder should pass to her siblings. (They were childless.) The court held that this testamentary provision,
while probably ineffectual as a substitution under the Civil Code, is not actually a substitution, but is a valid and simultaneous
institution of heirs, though the passing of title to the inheritance to the others (the siblings) was made to depend on a
resolutory condition (the husband’s death). Case was remanded to the trial court for the determination of the proper
application of the renvoi principle (conflict of laws between Philippines and Texas law), and the proper distribution of Linnie’s,
Charles’, and their conjugal estates.
Charles Newton Hodges and Linnie Jane Hodges were originally from Texas, USA. During their marriage, they had acquired
and accumulated considerable assets and properties in the Philippines and in Oklahoma and Texas in the US. They both
lived, worked and were domiciled in Iloilo City for around 50 years. Before her death, Linnie Jane executed a will leaving
her estate, less her debts and funeral expenses, to her husband Charles. Should Charles die, the will provided that the
remainder of her estate go to her brothers and sisters, share and share alike. Should any of the brothers and sisters die
before the husband, Linnie willed that the heirs of the said sibling be substituted in the deceased’s sibling’s place.
When Linnie died, Charles took the will to probate court, and was appointed Executor, then later, Special Administrator. He
moved to be allowed to continue administering the family business, as per Linnie Jane’s wishes, and to engage in sales,
conveyances, leases, mortgages and other necessary transactions. He also filed the necessary and appurtenant
administration/accounting records, and income tax returns for the estate. Charles named seven brothers and sisters of
Linnie Jane as her heirs (Esta, Emma, Leonard, Aline, David, Sadie, Era and Nimroy), but the order admitting the will to
probate unfortunately omitted one of the heirs, Roy (Nimroy?) Higdon, so Charles filed a verified motion to have Roy’s name
As an executor, he was bound to file tax returns for the estate he was administering under American law. He did file such
as estate tax return on August 8, 1958. In Schedule "M" of such return, he answered "Yes" to the question as to whether
he was contemplating "renouncing the will". On the question as to what property interests passed to him as the surviving
spouse, he answered:
“None, except for purposes of administering the Estate, paying debts, taxes and other legal charges. It is the
intention of the surviving husband of deceased to distribute the remaining property and interests of the deceased
in their Community estate to the devisees and legatees named in the will when the debts, liabilities, taxes and
expenses of administration are finally determined and paid.”
Charles died in Iloilo in December 1962 without having liquidated Linnie’s estate, which includes her share in the conjugal
partnership. A longtime employee of the Hodges, Avelina Magno, was appointed Administratrix (for Linnie’s estate) and a
Special Administratrix (for Charles’). Magno was appointed, but later Harold Davies (representative of Charles’ heirs in the
US) was designated Co-Special Administrator, who was then replaced by one Joe Hodges, Charles’ nephew. One Atty.
Mirasol was also appointed as co-administrator, and an order of probate and letters of administration were issued to Hodges
and Mirasol.
At this point, the SC was already very much confused about the gaps in the facts, convinced that the parties representing
both estates had cooked up a modus operandi to settle money matters (a settlement with records the Court never saw)—
which, however, went awry, with more and more heirs from the US flocking to the Iloilo shores, and lawyers (Ozaetas!
Mabantas! Manglapuses!) filing their respective claims for retainer fees. Much much later, PCIB became the administrator
of Charles’ estate, asserting a claim to all of his estate, including those properties/assets that passed to him upon Linnie
Jane’s death. Avelina naturally opposed this, as Linnie Jane’s other heirs (the HIGDONS) would be prejudiced, so she
continued acting in her capacity as administrator (entering into sales and other such conveyances). For these acts, the
PCIB dismissed her as an employee of Charles’ estate, to which she responded by locking up the premises being used by
PCIB as offices, which were among the estate’s properties.
PCIB’s Claims
Linnie Jane’s will should be governed by Philippine Law, with respect to the order of succession, the amount of successional
rights, and the intrinsic validity of its testamentary provisions.
Linnie intended Philippine laws to govern her Will.
Article 16, CC, provides that "the national law of the person whose succession is under consideration, whatever
may be the nature of the property and regardless of the country wherein said property may be found", shall prevail.
However, the Conflict of Law of Texas, which is the "national law" of the testatrix, Linnie Jane Hodges, provide that
the domiciliary law (Philippine law) should govern the testamentary dispositions and successional rights over
movables, and the law of the situs of the property (also Philippine law as to properties located in the Philippines) as
regards immovables.
Thus applying the "Renvoi Doctrine", as approved and applied in the Christensen case (1963), Philippine law should
Under Philippine and Texas law, the conjugal or community estate of spouses shall, upon dissolution, be divided
equally between them. Thus, upon Linnie’s death, ½ of the entirety of the assets of the Hodges spouses constituting
their conjugal estate pertained automatically to Charles, not by way of inheritance, but in his own right as partner in
the conjugal partnership.
The other one-half (1/2) portion forming part of Linnie’s estate, cannot, under a clear and specific provision of her
Will, be enhanced or increased by income, earnings, rents, or emoluments accruing after her death. “All rents,
emoluments and income from said estate shall belong to him (C. N. Hodges) and he is further authorized to use
any part of the principal of said estate as he may need or desire."
Articles 900, 995 and 1001 provide that the surviving spouse of a deceased leaving no ascendants or descendants
is entitled, as a matter of right and by way of irrevocable legitime, to at least one-half (1/2) of the estate of the
deceased, and no testamentary disposition by the deceased can legally and validly affect this right of the surviving
spouse. In fact, her husband is entitled to said one-half (1/2) portion of her estate by way of legitime. (Article 886)
Clearly, therefore, immediately upon the death of Linnie Jane Hodges, C. N. Hodges was the owner of at least 3/4
or 75% percent of all of the conjugal assets of the spouses, 50% by way of conjugal partnership share and 1/4 or
25% by way of inheritance and legitime) plus all "rents, emoluments and income" accruing to said conjugal estate
from the moment of Linnie Jane Hodges' death.
In his capacity as sole heir and successor to Linnie’s estate, Charles appropriated to himself the entirety of her
estate. He operated all the assets, engaged in business and performed all acts in connection with the entirety of
the conjugal estate, in his own name alone, just as he had been operating, engaging and doing while the late Linnie
Jane Hodges was still alive. Upon his death on December 25, 1962, therefore, all said conjugal assets were in his
sole possession and control, and registered in his name alone, not as executor, but as exclusive owner of all said
As the sole and exclusive heir, Charles did not need to liquidate the estate. Neither was there any asset left to
Linnie’s estate at the time of Charles’ death, though Linnie’s estate may have referred to “all of the rest, residue
and remainder of my estate” which would go to her siblings in the event of Charles death. The provision is thus void
and invalid at least as to Philippine assets.
There are generally only two kinds of substitution provided for and authorized by our Civil Code (Articles 857-870),
namely, (1) simple or common substitution, sometimes referred to as vulgar substitution (Article 859), and (2)
fideicommissary substitution (Article 863). All other substitutions are merely variations of these. The substitution
provided for by paragraph four of the Will of Linnie Jane Hodges is not fideicommissary substitution, because there
is clearly no obligation on the part of C. N. Hodges as the first heir designated, to preserve the properties for the
substitute heirs. At most, it is a vulgar or simple substitution. However, in order that a vulgar orsimple substitution
can be valid, three alternative conditions must be present, namely, that the first designated heir (1) should die before
the testator; or (2) should not wish to accept the inheritance; or (3) should be incapacitated to do so. None of these
conditions apply to C. N. Hodges, and, therefore, the substitution provided for by the above-quoted provision of the
Will is not authorized by the Code, and, therefore, it is void. Manresa even said, “when another heir is designated
to inherit upon the death of a first heir, the second designation can have effect only in case the first instituted heir
dies before the testator, whether or not that was the true intention of said testator.”
The remedy of the Higdons, then, who are claiming dubious rights to ¼ of the conjugal estate of the Hodges, is to
file a claim against the estate of Charles.
It also follows that the conveyances executed by Avelina, claiming to be merely in continuation of the Hodges’
businesses, and which corresponding deeds of sale were confirmed by the probate court, are null and void and
should be subject to reconveyance.
Avelina’s Claims
(At one point, even Linnie’s heirs wanted to have Avelina removed from her capacity as administrator, but the lower court
reversed its earlier grant of the motion, on account of a previous injunction it issued.)
Linnie Jane merely gave Charles a life-estate or a usufruct over all her estate, and gave a vested remainder-estate
or the naked title over the same estate, to her relatives.
After Linnie’s death, Charles, as administrator and executor of the will, unequivocably and clearly through oral and
written declarations and sworn public statements, renounced, disclaimed and repudiated his life-estate and
Since there was no separation or segregation of the interests of Linnie and Charles in the combined conjugal estate,
as there has been no such separation or segregation, and because of Charles’ repudiation, both interests have
continually earned exactly the same amount of rents, emoluments and income.
1. Is Linnie’s disposition in favor of her siblings void? – NO
2. How should the estate be partitioned/liquidated? – REMAND!
1. To a certain extent, PCIB’s contention that Linnie’s testamentary substitution, when viewed as a substitution, may not be
given effect, is correct. Indeed, legally speaking, Linnie’s will provides neither for a simple or vulgar substitution under Article
859 of the Civil Code nor for a fideicommissary substitution under Article 863 thereof. There is no vulgar substitution because
there is no provision for either (1) predecease of the testator by the designated heir or (2) refusal or (3) incapacity of the
latter to accept the inheritance, as required by Article 859; and neither is there a fideicommissary substitution therein
because no obligation is imposed thereby upon Hodges to preserve the estate or any part thereof for anyone else. But from
these premises, it is not correct to jump to the conclusion, as PCIB does, that the testamentary dispositions in question are
therefore inoperative and invalid.
The error in PCIB's position lies simply in the fact that it views the said disposition exclusively in the light of substitutions
covered by the Civil Code section on that subject, (Section 3, Chapter 2, Title IV, Book III) when it is obvious that substitution
occurs only when another heir is appointed in a will "so that he may enter into inheritance in default of the heir originally
instituted," (Article 857) and, in the present case, no such possible default is contemplated. The brothers and sisters of Mrs.
Hodges are not substitutes for Hodges because, under her will, they are not to inherit what Hodges cannot, would not or
may not inherit, but what he would not dispose of from his inheritance; rather, therefore, they are also heirs instituted
simultaneously with Hodges, subject, however, to certain conditions, partially resolutory insofar as Hodges was concerned
and correspondingly suspensive with reference to his brothers and sisters-in-law. It is partially resolutory, since it bequeaths
unto Hodges the whole of her estate to be owned and enjoyed by him as universal and sole heir with absolute dominion
over them only during his lifetime, which means that while he could completely and absolutely dispose of any portion
thereof inter vivos to anyone other than himself, he was not free to do so mortis causa, and all his rights to what might
remain upon his death would cease entirely upon the occurrence of that contingency, inasmuch as the right of his brothers
and sisters-in-law to the inheritance, although vested already upon the death of Mrs. Hodges, would automatically become
operative upon the occurrence of the death of Hodges in the event of actual existence of any remainder of her estate then.
Contrary to Avelina’s view, however, it was not the usufruct alone of Linnie’s estate, as contemplated in Article 869, that
she bequeathed to Charles during his lifetime, but the full ownership thereof, although the same was to last also during his
lifetime only, even as there was no restriction whatsoever against his disposing or conveying the whole or any portion
thereof to anybody other than himself. The Court saw no legal impediment to this kind of institution, except that it cannot
apply to the legitime of Charles as the surviving spouse, consisting of one-half of the estate, considering that Linnie had no
surviving ascendants nor descendants. (Arts. 872, 900, and 904.)
Hodges’ acts of administration and accounting strongly negate PCIB’s claims that he had adjudicated to himself all of
Linnie’s estate. While he may have used language like “herein executor (being) the only devisee or legatee of the deceased,
in accordance with the last will and testament already probated… there is no other person interested in the Philippines of
the time and place of examining herein account to be given notice,” he would’ve known that doing so would impute bad faith
unto him. Also, in his very motions, Hodges asserted the rights of Linnie’s named heirs. He even moved to include Roy’s
name included in the probate court’s order, lest Roy’s heirs think that they had been omitted.
Thus, he recognized, in his own way, the separate identity of his wife’s estate from his own share of the conjugal partnership
up to the time of his death, more than 5 years after that of his wife. He never considered the whole estate as a single one
belonging exclusively to himself. The only conclusion one can gather from this is that he could have been preparing the
basis for the eventual transmission of his wife's estate, or, at least, so much thereof as he would not have been able to
dispose of during his lifetime, to her brothers and sisters in accordance with her expressed desire, as intimated in his tax
return in the US. And assuming that he did pay the corresponding estate and inheritance taxes in the Philippines on the
basis of his being sole heir, such payment is not necessarily inconsistent with his recognition of the rights of his co-heirs.
The Court thus viewed that under the peculiar provisions of his wife's will, and for purposes of the applicable inheritance tax
laws, Hodges had to be considered as her sole heir, pending the actual transmission of the remaining portion of her estate
to her other heirs, upon the eventuality of his death, and whatever adjustment might be warranted should there be any such
remainder then is a matter that could well be taken care of by the internal revenue authorities in due time. The Court also
considered as basis of Charles’ intentions several questionnaires in solemn forms in filing estate taxes abroad, though they
have not been introduced in evidence (!!!), only referred to several times by the parties.
It is obvious, though, that Charles’ procrastinating in settling Linnie’s estate, and his sole administration of it, commingled
his and his co-heirs interests, making it difficult to properly make an accounting of their shares. PCIB, then, cannot administer
the properties on its own. What would be just and proper is for both administrators of the two estates to act conjointly until
after said estates have been segregated from each other.
2. The parties were in disagreement as to how Article 16 of the Civil Code should be applied. On the one hand, PCIB
claimed that inasmuch as Linnie was a resident of the Philippines at the time of her death, under said Article 16, construed
in relation to the pertinent laws of Texas and the principle of renvoi, what should be applied here should be the rules of
succession under the Civil Code, and, therefore, her estate could consist of no more than one-fourth of the said conjugal
properties, the other fourth being, as already explained, the legitime of her husband (Art. 900) which she could not have
disposed of nor burdened with any condition (Art. 872). On the other hand, Avelina denied that Linnie died a resident of the
Philippines, since allegedly she never changed nor intended to change her original residence of birth in Texas, United States
of America, and contends that, anyway, regardless of the question of her residence, she being indisputably a citizen of
Texas, under said Article 16 of the Civil Code, the distribution of her estate is subject to the laws of said State which,
according to her, do not provide for any legitime, hence, Linnie’s brothers and sisters are entitled to the remainder of the
whole of her share of the conjugal partnership properties consisting of one-half thereof. Avelina further maintained that, in
any event, Charles had renounced his rights under the will in favor of his co-heirs, as allegedly proven by the documents
touching on the point already mentioned earlier, the genuineness and legal significance of which PCIB questioned.
The Court cannot decide on the claims, though, for neither the evidence submitted by the parties appeared to be adequate
enough for it to render an intelligent comprehensive and just resolution. No clear and reliable proof of what in fact the
possibly applicable laws of Texas are, was presented (Remember judicial notice in case of foreign laws?). Then also, the
genuineness of documents relied upon by Avelina is disputed. In Justice, therefore, to all the parties concerned, these and
all other relevant matters should first be threshed out fully in the trial court in the proceedings thereafter to be held for the
purpose of ascertaining and adjudicating and/or distributing the estate of Mrs. Hodges to her heirs in accordance with her
duly probated will.
Linnie’s estate is the remainder of 1/4 of the conjugal partnership properties, considering that even PCIB did not maintain
that the application of the laws of Texas would result in the other heirs of Mrs. Hodges not inheriting anything under her will.
And since PCIB's representations in regard to the laws of Texas virtually constitute admissions of fact which the other parties
and the Court are being made to rely and act upon, PCIB is not permitted to contradict them or subsequently take a position
contradictory to or inconsistent with them.
The only question that remains to be settled in the remand to the court below are:
(1) whether or not the applicable laws of Texas do provide in effect for more, such as, when there is no legitime provided
(2) whether or not Hodges has validly waived his whole inheritance from Mrs. Hodges.
In the course of the deliberations, it was brought out by some members of the Court that to avoid or, at least, minimize
further protracted legal controversies between the respective heirs of the Hodges spouses, it is imperative to elucidate on
the possible consequences of dispositions made by Charles after Linnie’s death, from the mass of the unpartitioned estates
without any express indication in the pertinent documents as to whether his intention is to dispose of part of his inheritance
from his wife or part of his own share of the conjugal estate as well as of those made by PCIB after the death of Hodges.
After a long discussion, the consensus arrived at was as follows:
(1) any such dispositions made gratuitously in favor of third parties, whether these be individuals, corporations or
foundations, shall be considered as intended to be of properties constituting part of Hodges' inheritance from his wife, it
appearing from the tenor of his motions of May 27 and December 11, 1957 that in asking for general authority to make sales
or other disposals of properties under the jurisdiction of the court, which include his own share of the conjugal estate, he
was not invoking particularly his right over his own share, but rather his right to dispose of any part of his inheritance pursuant
to the will of his wife;
(2) as regards sales, exchanges or other remunerative transfers, the proceeds of such sales or the properties taken in by
virtue of such exchanges, shall be considered as merely the products of "physical changes" of the properties of her estate
which the will expressly authorizes Hodges to make, provided that whatever of said products should remain with the estate
at the time of the death of Hodges should go to her brothers and sisters;
(3) the dispositions made by PCIB after the death of Hodges must naturally be deemed as covering only the properties
belonging to his estate considering that being only the administrator of the estate of Hodges, PCIB could not have disposed
of properties belonging to the estate of his wife. Neither could such dispositions be considered as involving conjugal
properties, for the simple reason that the conjugal partnership automatically ceased when Linnie died, and by the peculiar
provision of her will, under discussion, the remainder of her share descended also automatically upon the death of Hodges
to her brothers and sisters, thus outside of the scope of PCIB's administration. Accordingly, these constructions of Linnie’s
will should be adhered to by the trial court in its final order of adjudication and distribution and/or partition of the two estates
in question.
Remand for determination of proper application of Art. 16, CC (renvoi), and of Charles’ alleged renunciation of his ineritance
under Linnie’s will. Avelina remains to be the administrator of Linnie’s estate. The said estate consists of ¼ of the community
properties of the said spouses, as of the time of Linnie’s death on May 23, 1957, minus whatever the husband had already
gratuitously disposed of in favor of third persons from said date until his death, provided, first, that with respect to
remunerative dispositions, the proceeds thereof shall continue to be part of the wife's estate, unless subsequently disposed
of gratuitously to third parties by the husband, and second, that should the purported renunciation be declared legally
effective, no deductions whatsoever are to be made from said estate. PCIB and Avelina should act thenceforth always
conjointly, never independently from each other, as administrators.
Teehankee—agreed with most parts but had substantial differences in the reasoning:
C. N. Hodges could not validly make gratuitous dispositions of any part or all of his wife's estate — "completely and
absolutely dispose of any portion thereof inter vivos to anyone other than himself" in the language of the main opinion —
and thereby render ineffectual and nugatory her institution of her brothers and sisters as her designated heirs to succeed
to her whole estate "at the death of (her) husband."
If according to the main opinion, Hodges could not make such gratuitous "complete and absolute dispositions" of his wife
Linnie's estate "mortis causa," it would seem that by the same token and rationale he was likewise proscribed by the will
from making such dispositions of Linnie's estate inter vivos.
I believe that the two questions of renvoi and renunciation should be resolved preferentially and expeditiously by the
probate court ahead of the partition and segregation of the minimum one-fourth of the conjugal or community properties
constituting Linnie Jane Hodges' separate estate, which task considering that it is now seventeen (17) years since Linnie
Jane Hodges' death and her conjugal estate with C. N. Hodges has remained unliquidated up to now might take a similar
number of years to unravel with the numerous items, transactions and details of the sizable estates involved.
Such partition of the minimum one-fourth would not be final, since if the two prejudicial questions of renvoi and
renunciation were resolved favorably to Linnie's estate meaning to say that if it should be held that C. N. Hodges is not
entitled to any legitime of her estate and at any rate he had totally renounced his inheritance under the will), then Linnie's
estate would consist not only of the minimum one-fourth but one-half of the conjugal or community properties of the Hodges
spouses, which would require again the partition and segregation of still another one-fourth of said properties
to complete Linnie's separate estate.
Justice Teehankee also drew up suggested guidelines for application in the probate court. Please see original case.
Makalintal, CJ. –
Regardless of whether or not C. N. Hodges was entitled to a legitime in his deceased wife's estate — which question, still
to be decided by the said probate court, may depend upon what is the law of Texas and upon its applicability in the present
case — the said estate consists of one-half, not one-fourth, of the conjugal properties. There is neither a minimum of one-
fourth nor a maximum beyond that. It is important to bear this in mind because the estate of Linnie Hodges consists of her
share in the conjugal properties, is still under administration and until now has not been distributed by order of the court.
The reference in both the main and separate opinions to a one-fourth portion of the conjugal properties as Linnie Hodges’
minimum share is a misnomer and is evidently meant only to indicate that if her husband should eventually be declared
entitled to a legitime, then the disposition made by Linnie Hodges in favor of her collateral relatives would be valid only as
to one-half of her share, or one-fourth of the conjugal properties, since the remainder, which constitutes such legitime, would
necessarily go to her husband in absolute ownership, unburdened by any substitution, term or condition, resolutory or
otherwise. And until the estate is finally settled and adjudicated to the heirs who may be found entitled to it, the administration
must continue to cover Linnie's entire conjugal share.
Digest by Pia