CBAD2103 System Analysis and Design Capr14 (RS) (M) PDF
CBAD2103 System Analysis and Design Capr14 (RS) (M) PDF
CBAD2103 System Analysis and Design Capr14 (RS) (M) PDF
System Analysis
and Design
CBAD2103 System Analysis and Design is one of the courses offered by the
Faculty of Information Technology and Multimedia Communication at Open
University Malaysia (OUM). This course is worth three credit hours and should
be covered over eight to 15 weeks.
This course is offered to all learners taking the Information Technology program.
This course introduces a systematic approaches or methodologies as a guideline
to analysing and designing a system. Learners in other specialisations too will
find this course interesting, because the field of systems analysis and design can
also be applied to various environments.
As an open and distance learner, you should be able to learn independently and
optimise the learning modes and environment available to you. Before you begin
this course, please ensure that you have the right course materials, understand
the course requirements, as well as know how the course is conducted.
It is a standard OUM practice that learners accumulate 40 study hours for every
credit hour. As such, for a three-credit hour course, you are expected to spend 120
study hours. Table 1 gives an estimation of how the 120 study hours could be
Study Activities
Briefly go through the course content and participate in initial discussions 3
Study the module 60
Attend three to five tutorial sessions 10
Online participation 12
Revision 15
Assignment(s), Test(s) and Examination(s) 20
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
This course is divided into 11 topics. The synopsis for each topic is presented
Topic 1 describes the goal of systems analysis and design which is to improve
organisational systems. This topic addresses business modelling process,
information system components and categories. Types of users in information
systems are also explained.
Topic 2 explains the methodology, model, tools and techniques that can be used
to develop information systems. Detailed explanations of system development
life cycle (SDLC) methodology with five main phases, each with certain objectives
and deliverables, are also presented. Finally, alternative approaches for system
development are discussed.
Topic 4 explains two of the most important skills in systems analysis which are
fact-finding, a function to identify system requirements, and business process
modelling based on the system requirements. In this topic, you will develop skills
in fact-finding and investigation. Finally a few methods of determining system
requirement are discussed.
Topic 5 focuses on the systemÊs process and its logical aspects. In this topic, you
will be briefed on process modelling – how information or facts that have been
obtained are arranged, manipulated and represented.
Topic 6 focuses on the system design phase. The initial part of the design phase
involves the logical diagrams of the analysis phase into the physical diagrams
that explain how the system will be built and all the documentation and
diagrams becoming the inputs to the steps of the design phase are discussed.
Topic 7 focuses on architecture design which involves four main functions: data
storage, data access logic, application logic and presentation logic. Depending on
the architecture, the four functions are performed on a server, on a client or
divided between the server and the client. This topic discusses server and client
characteristics and how each design alternative handles system functions.
Topic 8 describes user interface design in which the users interact. It includes the
screen displays that provide navigation through the system, the screens and
forms that capture data and the reports that the system produces (whether on
paper, on the Web or via some other media). This topic also introduces the basic
principles and processes of interface design and discusses how to design the
interface structure and standards.
Topic 11 explains the system support and maintenance phase. Providing system
support means helping the users to use the system. Usually, this means providing
answers to questions and helping users understand how to perform a certain
function. System maintenance is the process of refining the system to make sure it
continues to meet business needs. Over a systemÊs lifetime, more money and
effort are devoted to system maintenance than to the initial development of the
system, simply because a system continues to change and evolve as it is used.
Learning Outcomes: This section refers to what you should achieve after you
have completely covered a topic. As you go through each topic, you should
frequently refer to these learning outcomes. By doing this, you can continuously
gauge your understanding of the topic.
understood the sub-section(s). Most of the time, the answers to the questions can
be found directly from the module itself.
Activity: Like Self-Check, the Activity component is also placed at various locations
or junctures throughout the module. This component may require you to solve
questions, explore short case studies, or conduct an observation or research. It may
even require you to evaluate a given scenario. When you come across an Activity,
you should try to reflect on what you have gathered from the module and apply it
to real situations. You should, at the same time, engage yourself in higher order
thinking where you might be required to analyse, synthesise and evaluate instead
of only having to recall and define.
Summary: You will find this component at the end of each topic. This component
helps you to recap the whole topic. By going through the summary, you should
be able to gauge your knowledge retention level. Should you find points in the
summary that you do not fully understand, it would be a good idea for you to
revisit the details in the module.
Key Terms: This component can be found at the end of each topic. You should go
through this component to remind yourself of important terms or jargon used
throughout the module. Should you find terms here that you are not able to
explain, you should look for the terms in the module.
Ideally, learners need to have basic knowledge of computer system and computer
programming before taking up this course.
Please refer to myINSPIRE.
Dennis, A., Wixom, B. H., & Roth, R. M. (2012). Systems analysis and design (5th
ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Hoffer, J. A., George, J. F., & Valacich, J. S. (2012). Systems analysis and design
(5th.). New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
Kendall, K. E., & Kendall, J. E. (2011). Systems analysis and design (8th ed.). New
Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Mohamad, N. M., Safawi, A. R., & Kamarulariffin, A. J. (2001). Analisis & reka
bentuk sistem. Kuala Lumpur: McGraw Hill.
Satzinger, J. W., Jackson, R. B., & Burd S. D. (2002). Systems analysis and design
in a changing world (2nd ed.). Canada: Course Technology.
Shelly, G., & Rosenblatt, H. J. (2009). Systems analysis and design. New York:
Cengage Learning.
Whitten, J. L., Bentley L. D., & Dittman, K. C. (2001). Systems analysis and design
(5 th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Do you know that systems analysis and design is a step-by-step process for
developing high-quality information systems? The major goal of systems analysis
and design is to improve organisational systems. Often this process involves
developing or acquiring application software and training employees to use it.
Application software, also called a system, is designed to support a specific
organisational function or process, such as inventory management, payroll or
market analysis.
The goal of application software is to turn data into information. For example,
software developed for the inventory department at a bookstore may keep track
of the number of books in stock of the latest bestseller. Software for the payroll
department may keep track of the changing pay rates of employees. A variety of
off-the-shelf application software can be purchased, including WordPerfect,
Excel and PowerPoint.
As such, information technology has become the prime reason for the success
and failure of a company to compete in business.
The business process in Figure 1.2 has a beginning and an end, three sub-
processes and a result. When a company tries to simplify operations or tries to
decrease operational cost or increase value to customers, the company is said to
be involved in business process re-engineering (BPR).
List the business process activities involved when you apply to study at
OUM (state the process, sub-process and result).
Every system requires a form of data input. For example, an ATM machine
accepts data when you enter the PIN number. A washing machine accepts data
when you select the start button; it processes the input and produces the
respective output.
In an information system, input data consists of facts and figures, which form the
systemÊs raw material. Information is data that has been usefully processed.
However, an information system does not only contain data and information.
There are also other elements in the system that are related and support one
another. The presence of these related elements makes information more useful
whereby it can be made available, processed, distributed, manipulated, saved
and so on. This combination gives rise to a system, which is orderly and as such
it is called an „information system‰.
1.2.1 Hardware
What does hardware mean?
Information system hardware refers to all types of hardware and the media used
for input, processing, managing, distributing and saving information that is used
in an organisation. Examples of hardware are the computers, networks,
communication equipment, scanners, digital drives and so on.
Table 1.1 describes in greater detail the functions and examples of computer
Type of
Functions Examples
Input Giving data input to the system. Keyboard, mouse, pointer, screen,
touch ball and scanner.
Computers can be turned into useful tools if you know how to exploit them. To
enable computers to function more effectively and to diversify their functions,
you need the communication network to connect several computers together.
1.2.2 Software
Software falls into two categories:
(a) System software which controls the computer and contains the operating
system and device drivers. It communicates with the hardware. It can also
modify data into a new form, prevent viruses and make copies.
(b) Application software which contains programs that can help users and
enable companies to perform business functions. Users can increase
productivity with application software such as spreadsheets, word
processing, ordering systems and accounts receivable.
1.2.3 Data
What does data refer to?
Data refers to the raw facts on anything or entities like student names,
courses and marks.
The raw data that has not yet been provided can be processed to become more
useful information. What does information mean?
Information systems change data into information, which is useful and capable of
giving a certain meaning to its users.
Let us look at Figure 1.5 which shows an example of data and information
Based on the example in Figure 1.6, we can understand that records inside every
attribute under the DATA item do not have any specific meaning. Every data or
record here is a raw fact. After going through processes such as addition,
ordering, combining, manipulating and so on, many kinds of information can be
produced. The information generated is not limited to a certain form. It can be
interpreted in many ways according to the needs and wills of customers.
1.2.4 Process
What can you say to describe process? Process or procedure explains the
activities carried out by users, managers and staff. Process is important for
supporting a certain business model and is available as written documents or as
reference materials online. Processes are the building blocks of an information
system because they represent actual day-to-day business operations. So what
can we say to simplify the meaning of process?
The procedure for using a certain matter is very wide and important to ensure
that it can be implemented with success. All the information system components
contain management and implementation procedures on their own, and they are
different from each other.
Each stakeholder group has a vital interest in the information system, but most
experienced IT professionals agree that the success or failure of a system usually
depends on whether it meets the needs of its users. For that reason, it is essential
to understand user requirements and expectations throughout the development
Every type of information system has a role to play. If you look at the functions
and the scope of usage, information systems can be divided into six main
categories as listed in Figure 1.6.
To understand these six main categories of information systems, Table 1.2 gives
further explanation for each of them.
Transaction Better known as TPS and is one of the first systems to be automated.
System Can access and record information about all transactions related to
the organisation.
Transactions occur whenever there exist activities involving sales
order processing, accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory
and ordering as well as payroll.
These transactions involve credit and debit in the companyÊs ledger
The output from this transaction is the account statement, which is
used to generate financial reports.
TPS now uses the latest technology which applies the e-commerce
concept. This is a new challenge in the field of transaction processing
which is beginning to shift to the online transaction processing
Management This system will take the information that has been extracted from
Information TPS and generate reports which are required by the management for
System planning and controlling a company's business.
This system is capable of fulfilling the needs of management in
acquiring the information that:
(a) Is brief and useful.
(b) Can be obtained and processed at the right time to make a
Decision The main focus of this information system is for the effectiveness of
Support the manager in analysing the information and making a decision.
It is used for handling decisions that are not structured; decisions
which are made when an emergency occurs.
This system uses a database management system, query language,
financial modelling, electronic spreadsheet, statistical analysis
program, report generator or graphic software for supplying the
information needed.
Strategic planning affects the companyÊs future survival and growth, including
long-term IT plans. Top managers focus on the overall business enterprise and
use IT to set the companyÊs course and direction. To develop a strategic plan, top
managers also need information from outside the company, such as economic
forecasts, technology trends, competitive threats and governmental issues.
After you have been exposed to the basics of systems analysis and design in
Topic 1, let us now study closely the system development methodology.
Many options exist for developing information systems, but the most common
methodology for system development in many organisations is system
development life cycle. However, it is important to know other alternative
development methodology available in order to maximise the development
2.1.1 Methodology
Methodology in information system refers to system development methodology.
What does system development methodology mean?
Methodologies include the model that needs to be followed, plus the tools and
techniques that need to be used. It is normally developed in-house; which is
developed by experts in the organisation, based on their knowledge and
experiences. Some methodologies are made outside; purchased and obtained
from other organisations, either from consulting firms or other suppliers. For
example, structured systems analysis and design method (SSADM), dynamic
system development method (DSPM) and system development life cycle (SDLC).
Methodologies are seen as written information in the form of books and other
documents by detailing every activity which needs to be implemented by system
developers. This includes documentation forms and reports that need to be
provided by the project team. There are also methodologies in a more shortened
form, which contains general instructions on what needs to be implemented. Do
you know that many methodologies today have been shaped from other
methodologies? This has been done after some adaptations to suit the needs of
the new system development.
2.1.2 Models
Firstly, what does a „model‰ mean?
Models are easily used when you wish to share information on any matter.
Models in the development of information system have the same objectives.
As an example, try to imagine the model of a house. To enable you to see the
design aspect of the house, a housing developer would always build a small
model in three-dimensional view. For a two-storey house, the model must show
the physical building and also the floor shape of the house. The real world is the
terrace house which is going to be built later, based on the model.
You may be asking, in the development of information systems, what are the
models that can be used by the system developer?
Actually there are many models that can be used. Among them are
representations for the inputs, outputs, processes, data, objects and object
interactions, location, network and also devices involved. In addition, there are
process models, data models, object models and even the system development
models. Most of the models being used are in graphical form, and use symbols
and conventions that are generally acceptable and understood. These symbols
and conventions are known as graphs and charts.
You may draw a model that shows the process flow of a certain job by using the
flow chart. The texts, which you use in the flow charts, show the way to
understand it. Indeed, you can create many other models of information systems.
Figure 2.1 shows various models which can be used in system development.
The following Figure 2.2 shows one model for managing development process
which is the Gantt chart.
2.1.3 Tools
What can you say to define tools?
Tools refer to the supporting software that is used to create models or other
components that are needed in a certain project.
As for project management, there is specific software used for it, such as the
Microsoft Projects. It is a tool used for creating the model of a certain project and
also for creating related activities needed for implementation.
2.1.4 Techniques
Lastly, let us look at technique. What does it stand for?
The following Figure 2.3 lists a number of problems, which need to be considered
when building an information system.
The techniques and methods used to implement each of the above activities can
be obtained in the form of detailed instructions, and must be followed by every
individual involved in the information system development project.
After knowing the terms that are used in information systems development such
as methodology, models, tools and techniques, do you know their relationship to
each other?
Based upon your own idea, try to produce a chart which can represent
phases in the development of an information system.
Therefore, the system request may come from the top management, the strategic
planning group, the head of department or staff of the information technology
department itself.
In this phase, it will identify the scope, the problem boundary and the strategy
for the new information system development plan. It is also a phase which will
determine whether or not a certain project will get the approval of the
(a) An analysis strategy is developed to guide the project teamÊs efforts. Such a
strategy usually includes a study of the current system (called the as-is
system) and its problems and envisioning ways to design a new system
(called the to-be system).
(c) The analyses, system concept and models are combined into a document
called the system proposal, which is presented to the project sponsor and
other key decision makers (such as members of the approval committee)
who will decide whether the project should continue to move forward.
The system proposal is the initial deliverable that describes what business
requirements the new system should meet. It is important to remember,
however, that the deliverable from the analysis phase is both an analysis and a
high-level initial design for the new system.
Although most of the strategic decisions about the system are made in the
development of the system concept during the analysis phase, the steps in the
design phase determine exactly how the system will operate. The design phase
has four steps. They are:
(a) The design strategy must be determined. This clarifies whether the system
will be developed by the companyÊs own programmers, whether its
development will be outsourced to another firm (usually a consulting firm)
or whether the company will buy an existing software package.
(b) This leads to the development of the basic architecture design for the
system that describes the hardware, software and network infrastructure
that will be used. In most cases, the system will add to or change the
infrastructure that already exists in the organisation. The interface design
specifies how the users will move through the system (such as by
navigation methods such as menus and on-screen buttons) and the forms
and reports that the system will use.
(c) The database and file specifications are developed. These define exactly
what data will be stored and where they will be stored.
(d) The analyst team develops the program design, which defines the
programs that need to be written and exactly what each program will do.
(b) Doing the last preparation including data preparation into a format, which
can be used by the new system, training of users and migrating to the new
(c) Doing the system evaluation to ascertain that the new system can operate
with complete satisfaction; and
(d) Ensuring that the cost and benefits of the system produced are as
In this phase, the information technology staff will update and add value to the
new system. Updates will involve correction of errors, if any, and to make
changes that are appropriate with the environment at the location used, such as
including value-added tax for the tax rate. Meanwhile, activities to add value to
the system just developed can be things such as adding new features and
In the phases described above, you can understand why such phases need to be
implemented, the objectives that need to be achieved and the deliverables that
are required for each phase. In Table 2.1, the objectives and deliverables for each
phase are listed for comparison.
Table 2.1: Objectives and Output of the Phases in Information System Development
The key deliverables for each phase are typically voluminous (often, hundreds of
pages) and are presented to the approval committee and project sponsor for
approval as the project moves from phase to phase. Once the work produced in
one phase is approved, the phase ends and the next phase begin. As the project
progresses from phase to phase, it moves forward in the same manner as a
waterfall. While it is possible to go backward through the phases (such as from
design back to analysis), it is quite difficult (just imagine yourself as a salmon
trying to swim upstream in a waterfall!).
Objects are persons, places or things that are relevant to the system we are
analysing. Each object can be viewed as an independent little machine with a
distinct role or responsibility. Each object is capable of receiving messages,
processing data and sending messages to other objects.
A class defines the set of shared attributes and behaviours found in each object in
the class. For example, records for students in a course section have similar
information stored for each student. The values may be different for each
student, but the type of information is the same.
Object-oriented analysis (OOA) looks at the problem domain, with the aim of
producing a conceptual model of the information that exists in the area being
analysed. Analysis models do not consider any implementation constraints that
might exist, such as concurrency, distribution, persistence or how the system is to
be built. Implementation constraints are dealt with during object-oriented design
(OOD). Analysis is done before the design.
The sources for the analysis can be a written requirements statement, a formal
vision document and interviews with stakeholders or other interested parties. A
system may be divided into multiple domains, representing different businesses,
technological or other areas of interest, each of which are analysed separately.
The result of object-oriented analysis is a description of what the system is
functionally required to do, in the form of a conceptual model. That will typically
be presented as a set of use cases and one or more UML class diagrams. It may
also include some kind of user interface mock-up.
The concepts in the analysis model are mapped onto implementation classes and
interfaces. The result is a model of the solution domain, a detailed description of
how the system is to be built. Finally the goal of OOAD is to make system
elements more reusable, thus improving system quality and productivity of
systems analysis and design.
It can be said that all system developers today try to speed up their information
system development processes and activities for their organisations. Among the
factors that influence a need for rapid system development are continuous needs
for new systems for use by their organisations and rapid changes in technology
and business environment. To finish a system development rapidly, it is required
to speed up the process. When a certain system is finished late, it will delay profit
returns and this certainly creates a loss for their company.
The RAD approach is used to speed up activities and processes found inside
every phase of system development, such as speeding up the analysis phase by
scheduling intensive meetings among the parties involved for the purpose of
information collection. In this way, decisions on a certain matter can be made
immediately and rapidly.
Prototype system building during the analysis and design phases of SDLC can
also speed up the development process. However, prototyping is not always
done for RAD. The main objective of building prototypes is to increase the
understanding of system requirements.
Figure 2.8 shows the comparison between phases inside the traditional SDLC or
also known as Waterfall and the RAD life cycle.
Figure 2.8: Comparison between phases inside traditional SDLC and RAD life cycle
Project teams are kept small. An XP project begins with user stories that describe
what the system needs to do. Then, programmers code in small, simple modules
and test to meet those needs. Users are required to be available to clear up
questions and issues as they arise. Standards are very important to minimise
confusion, so XP teams use a common set of names, descriptions and coding
practices. XP projects deliver results sooner than even the RAD approaches and
they rarely get bogged down in gathering requirements for the system.
For small projects with highly motivated, cohesive, stable and experienced teams,
XP should work just fine. However, if the project is not small or the teams are not
cooperative, then the likelihood of success for the XP project is reduced. XP
requires a great deal of discipline to prevent projects from becoming unfocused
and chaotic.
Many of the RAD and agile development methodologies require the use of new
tools and techniques that have a significant learning curve. Often, these tools and
techniques increase the complexity of the project and require extra time for
learning. Once they are adopted and the team becomes experienced, the tools
and techniques can significantly increase the speed in which the methodology
can deliver a final system.
Model can be defined as a representation of certain parts taken from the real
world. It is also known to be abstract. It is used to represent inputs, outputs,
process, data, objects and their interactions, locations, the network and also
the devices involved.
Tool is the support software and hardware used to create models or other
components which are required in a certain project. It is used to simplify the
task of system development.
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. Identify skills needed for a systems analyst;
2. Identify analyst roles;
3. Differentiate between a project and project management;
4. Explain system request factors;
5. Describe two steps in system request evaluation; and
6. Apply six steps in initial investigation.
The systems analyst plays an important role in system development project.
Among the roles of a systems analyst is to cooperate with other individuals in the
organisation to evaluate system requirements.
In addition, systems analysts may serve as change agents; a person who serves as
a catalyst for change, develops a plan for change and works with others in
facilitating that change.
Is your ambition to become a systems analyst? Try and look around the
advertisement spaces in the newspapers or websites. One example is shown in
Figure 3.1; a post of analyst offered to anyone interested and qualified.
There will always be a shortage of qualified workers to fill the posts in the field
of information technology. This will create a high demand for individuals with
expertise, knowledge and wide experience in the field of information technology
to fill these vacancies.
There are four skills needed by a systems analyst as summarised in Table 3.1.
Skills Explanation
(a) The systems analystÊs role focuses on the IS issues surrounding the system.
This person develops ideas and suggestions for ways that IT can support
and improve business processes, helps design new business processes
supported by IT, designs the new information system and ensures that all
(b) The business analystÊs role focuses on the business issues surrounding the
system. This person helps to identify the business value that the system
will create, develops ideas for improving the business processes and helps
design new business processes and policies. The business analyst will have
business training and experience, plus knowledge of analysis and design.
(c) The requirements analystÊs role focuses on eliciting the requirements from
the stakeholders associated with the new system. As more organisations
recognise the critical role that complete and accurate requirements play in
the ultimate success of the system, this specialty has gradually evolved.
Requirements analysts understand the business well, are excellent
communicators and are highly skilled in an array of requirements
determination techniques (will be discussed in the next Topic 4).
(e) The change management analystÊs role focuses on the people and
management issues surrounding the system installation. This person
ensures that adequate documentation and support are available to users,
provides user training on the new system, and develops strategies to
overcome resistance to change. The change management analyst will have
significant training and experience in organisational behaviour and specific
expertise in change management.
(f) The project managerÊs role is to ensure that the project is completed on time
and within budget and that the system delivers the expected value to the
organisation. The project manager is often a seasoned systems analyst who,
through training and experience, has acquired specialised project
management knowledge and skills.
The roles and the names used to describe them may vary from organisation to
organisation. In addition, there is no single typical career path through these
professional roles. Some people may enter the field as a more technically-
oriented programmer/analyst. Others may enter as a business-oriented
functional specialist with an interest in applying IT to solve business problems.
3.3.1 Project
In your opinion, what do you understand by the term „project‰? Before we learn
further about how to manage a project, first of all, it is better to define what is
meant by the term „project‰ itself.
In general, a project contains a number of elements, which are time, budget and
objective as depicted in Figure 3.3.
System projects are initiated by many different sources for many reasons. Some
of the projects suggested will survive various stages of evaluation to be worked
on by you (or you and your team); others will not and should not get that far.
Business people suggest system projects for two broad reasons:
Both situations can arise as the organisation adapts to and copes with natural,
evolutionary change.
Projects come from many different sources and for many reasons. Not all projects
should be selected for further study. You must be clear in your mind about the
reasons for recommending a systems study on a project that seems to address a
problem or could bring about improvement.
Project management can be defined as the use of knowledge, skills, tools and
also certain techniques in activities of a certain project to fulfil a requirement
and to satisfy the wishes of the project stakeholders.
The process of directing and controlling a project from start to finish may be
further divided into five basic phases: initiating, planning, executing, monitoring
and controlling, and closing down a project.
(b) Project plan consists of processes performed to establish the total scope of
the effort, define and refine the objectives and develop the course of action
required to attain these objectives. The planning processes develop the
project management plan and the project documents that will be used to
carry out the project. The complex nature of project management may
require the use of repeated feedback loops for additional analysis. As more
project information or characteristics are gathered and understood,
additional planning will likely be required.
The key benefit of this phase is to delineate the strategy and tactics as well
as the course of action or path to successfully complete the project or phase.
When the planning is well managed, it is much easier to get stakeholder
buy-in and engagement. These processes express how this will be done,
setting the route to the desired objective.
(d) Project monitor and control consists of those processes required to:
(i) Track, review and orchestrate the progress and performance of the
(ii) Identify any areas in which changes to the plan are required; and
The key benefit of this phase is that project performance is measured and
analysed at regular intervals, appropriate events or exception conditions to
identify variances from the project management plan.
Similar to the phases contained in SDLC, every project phase can help a project
manager in managing and categorising project activities based on the objectives
to be achieved for each phase. He would continue with these until the installation
of an information system which could operate with complete satisfaction.
Factor Description
Failure of the The old system fails to perform satisfactorily, which cannot be
Old System tolerated. This failure could be due to old hardware or old software
with constraints to upgrade. Thus, it is time to change to a completely
new one.
Legal The government may introduce new tax rates or other laws. This
Requirements requires changes in the formulas for calculations, the number of
copies to be produced and to be sent, plus other requirements. Failure
to address these would result in penalties and other legal problems.
To Improve Often system requests are made to improve or add additional services
Services for users and customers. Examples are to enable share investors to
check their account balances on the website, saving data about taxes,
or developing an online registration facility.
More The current system may not provide information required by the
Information organisation. For example, a customer ordering system may not
provide facilities for analysis and forecasting market trends.
However, to compete in the market and to address rapidity of the
sales cycles, managers need enough information to plan, design and
market products and services.
More Stable A system may need to add on new effective controls to ensure that
Control data is accurate and safe. Examples include passwords, various levels
of user access and encryption or data encoders. More sophisticated
controls are those like retina scanners to identify personnel. Poor
controls can result in mistakes in input data or invalid user access.
Controls inside the system should be effective and not overload
customers. If the system takes too long to process the data, this will
cause users or customers to get bored and think that the system is not
user friendly.
Reducing Operating cost of the existing system may be too expensive. It could
Operating incur a high updating cost due to technical problems, poor design or
Cost changing requirements in terms of the business direction. To
overcome this problem, the system may need to be upgraded by
incorporating new technology.
In the evaluation of a system request, there are two steps that need to be done.
These steps are shown in Figure 3.4.
These two steps are further explained in the next following subtopics.
Feasibility study uses three main yardsticks to measure or to ensure the success
of the system to be developed, that is:
Operational feasibility;
Technical feasibility; and
Economic feasibility.
(i) Whether the management supports the project. Whether users also
support the project.
(iii) Whether users will get involved in the system development right
from the beginning.
„Is the technology required by the new system obtainable from outside
parties or capable of being self-developed, and is it capable of being
introduced to the organisation with success?‰
Besides the above listed costs, the analyst needs to look at the tangible
benefits and the intangible ones which may have some effect on the
organisation. The system evaluation committee will use these figures and
the estimated cost in deciding on whether or not to continue with the
Tangible benefits are the benefits that can be measured in the form of
money, or those that can be easily quantified.
(i) A user-friendly system that can improve job satisfaction of the staff;
(ii) A sales system which can supply information to help in making
decisions about the market;
(iii) A new website which can uplift the companyÊs image;
(iv) A system that provides competitive advantage in the marketplace;
(v) The cost of not having the proposed system.
Now let us study the tasks that need to be done by a systems analyst in dealing
with the initial investigation phase.
Initial investigation is the process of studying the system request and preparing a
recommendation. The purpose of the initial investigation is to determine if the
systems request is worth pursuing into the analysis phase and to perform some
initial project management planning tasks. Initial investigation can also be
known as preliminary investigation.
(a) Develop a business profile to explain its business process and functions as
you have studied in Topic 1.
(b) Know how the change influences business operations and other information
Usually, changes in one system will influence other systems without you
realising it. When you analyse a system request, you need to ensure that the user
department and the business process involved are considered. In most cases, a
system request does not show the hidden problems, only the symptoms. For
For example, a statement like the pay slip not being produced correctly is too
general as compared with a statement like overtime pay not being calculated
correctly for the staff in the Treasury Department. Sometimes, a project is
expanded without realising it. To overcome this problem, you need to determine
the project scope clearly. You may need to use a graphical model to illustrate the
system, the individuals involved and the business process. The project scope also
determines the boundary in the initial investigation. A systems analyst should
limit his or her focus on the problem and avoid using excessive time going over
budget specifications.
Besides determining the project scope, you need to identify the systemÊs
limitations. Limitations and needs are conditions for the system to achieve as per
the stated specification or the estimated systemÊs usefulness to be achieved.
Limitations can involve:
(a) Hardware;
(b) Software;
(c) Time;
(d) Policy;
(e) Law; and
(f) Cost.
(a) Order system must receive inputs from 15 departments outside the
location; and
(b) A new web portal must be operational on March 1.
Having identified the limitations, you also need to determine features of the
limitations. All limitations need to be identified as early as possible to avoid
future unforeseen problems. A clear definition of the project scope and
limitations can avoid differences in understanding, which may arise when the
manager thinks of the system having certain features, but in the end, he would
find that those features are not included in the system.
To avoid a certain project from expanding without being realised, you need to
understand two things; the project scope and project limitation.
(a) What information do you need to get? How to get the information? And
how to analyse it?
(b) What sources of information do you use? What are the problems faced in
getting the information?
(c) Do you need interviews? How many people do you need to interview?
How long do you need to interview and to summarise their responses?
(d) Do you need questionnaires? Who will be involved? How much time is
required to complete the questionnaires? How much time is required to
finish the questionnaires and to get the results?
(e) How much cost is involved to analyse the information obtained to provide
the report and also your proposal?
Besides estimating the time and cost for the next development phase, you also
need to estimate the time and cost for the entire project. This enables the manager
to understand the overall financial and scheduling implications. An accurate
estimate may not be known, but an estimate of time and cost may help, especially
when you forecast a good scenario as compared with a bad one.
The last step in this phase is to produce a report for management. This report
should contain an evaluation of the system request, estimated cost and benefits,
and your proposal. The completed report will then be presented to the
management. The content of the proposed report is shown in Table 3.3.
Summarised The summary explains the basis for the system request.
System Request
Planning Planning section contains the result of planning that has been made.
This includes an elaboration of project scope, limitations and the
systemÊs feasibility.
Proposal Proposal for the following actions with acceptable reasons and their
justification. The management will make a decision, but inputs
from the information technology department are required.
Time Duration This section will explain the cost required and the delivery of
and Cost system to user locations. Also included is the overall system
ownership cost during the time of its use.
Estimated Tangible and intangible benefits involved and also a table showing
Benefits when the costs are incurred.
Appendix All the appendices which can support the information supplied are
Recorded kept in this section.
A systems analyst should have various skills and expertise to ensure that he
can supervise and deal with various individuals involved in the development
of an information system. Some of the skills are knowledge of business and
organisation, skills in solving problems and skills in inter-personal
Some of the roles of a systems analyst focus on the information system issues
and business issues surrounding the system, eliciting the requirements from
the stakeholders associated with the new system, and focus on the people and
management issues surrounding the system installation.
Some of the system request factors are failure of the old system, legal
requirements, new industry standards and to improve services.
Expertise Skills
Initial investigation Systems analyst
Project System request evaluation
Project management System request factors
Objectives and activities of the analysis and design phases have been briefly
described in the previous topics of this module. You also know in detail about
the roles and skills of the systems analyst. This topic will discuss the associated
skills and functions of a systems analyst. Two of the most important skills in
systems analysis are:
In this topic, you will develop skills in fact-finding and investigation, while
process modelling will be explained in the next topic.
In the activities of fact-finding and investigation, you will study the business
process and daily operations in depth. Actually, your objective is to gain the
same understanding as the users whom you have interviewed about how the
business operates. Why should you be an expert? It is because this is the only
way for you to ensure that the system satisfies business requirements. The
technical expertise that you have, together with the business knowledge that you
acquire constitutes a very valuable combination for organisational excellence.
These skills enable you to identify an intelligent method of achieving business
objectives in the use of information technology.
By becoming an expert in the problem domain, you also will gain usersÊ
confidence. Knowledge of your domain gives credibility to your proposal and
this can ensure that your proposal can fulfil usersÊ needs. If you can understand
usersÊ business operations, they will accept your proposal more openly.
Otherwise, your proposal will be rejected or questioned because users see you as
an outsider who does not understand their problems.
What is the relationship between a systemÊs capability and the analysis phase? In
analysis, the analyst defines and explains the systemÊs capability in detail. In
other words, the analyst expands the general systemÊs capability into more
specific system requirements.
System requirements that are concerned System requirements that are concerned
with functions or process that needs to with anything else other than functions.
be performed by the system.
They constitute operational objectives
For example, if you develop an order that are related to hardware, software,
system, business functions that you will the environment and others.
include are:
Examples of the non-functional
(i) Record Customer Information; requirements are:
(ii) Accept Customer Order; (i) Ability to operate in the client-
server and Unix environment;
(iii) Verify Customer Order;
(ii) Ability to process online; and
(iv) Calculate Total Price;
(iii) Must have database on the
(v) Accept Payment; and
website and so on.
(vi) Generate Reports.
These requirements are often stated as
These functions will be included in the specific objectives that need to be
new Order System. achieved by the system.
The process to identify and explain
each business function requires a lot of
time and effort.
Functional requirements are proposed based on the procedures and rules used
by the organisation in performing its business.
(a) There are procedures that are well documented and easy to identify and to
explain. For example, „every customer must register before making an
(b) There are procedures that are difficult to understand and difficult to be
met. For example, „the total price calculated needs to be deducted with
discounts for specific promotions‰.
This promotion is given by the salesperson who takes up orders for specific
situations, such as a small free item for a large purchase, or price reduction for
rounding up total payment for example, from RM102.70 to RM100. This may be
a procedure which needs to be included into the new system. It is not written
anywhere and its implementation in the new system will only happen if the
manager tells you.
Business rules are things that need to be taken into account inside the system
design and implementation. Otherwise, in the above case, you may design a new
system that allows a fixed discount only. On the other hand, if the rules are
noted, you can design a system that is more flexible and can handle several types
of discounts, besides the fixed discount in the transactions.
Functional Requirements Non-Functional Requirements
Category Description
Users People who use the system daily.
Owners People who own and pay for the system.
Technical Staff People who ensure that the system operates in the organisational
computing environment.
You need to identify the stakeholders who can give you information on the
current system and the new system requirements. Then, ensure that important
individuals in each category can give you contributions as business experts in the
project. What will happen if the stakeholders are supposed to participate but do
not participate in the project? The risk is that, besides the incomplete analysis,
you may also produce a system that does not fulfil the entire needs of users.
Figure 4.1 below shows various types of stakeholders who are interested in the
new system.
If you are a systems analyst, are you considered a stakeholder? Who are actually
qualified to become stakeholders?
4.2.1 Users
Users can be identified in two ways, which are, horizontal and vertical.
Information gathering horizontally means the analyst searches for information
according to departments, units or functions of the organisation. For example, an
order information system involves several departments in the firm such as
customer service, sales and accounts (see Figure 4.2).
Information can also be searched vertically, that is, according to hierarchy and
management levels in every department. For example, you begin with the
highest post such as the President or the Chief Executive Officer. This is to be
followed by mid-level managers, such as the Vice-President and heads of
divisions. Next, you move down to the operational managers like the supervisors
or heads of units. Finally, you go further down to the support staff like the clerks
and technicians. This hierarchy is illustrated in Figure 4.3.
There are several types of users who use the system such as business users,
information users, management users, executive users and external users (see
Figure 4.4). They need different kinds of information from the same system.
Business users use the system for performing the daily operation
activities or functions of an organisation. These daily operations are
also known as transactions.
Information users are normally allowed to see and access information, but
they are not allowed to change and enter information. Information users
help the analyst to know the information that is provided by the system
frequently such as daily, weekly, monthly and yearly, with displays in very
suitable formats.
Management users need information that is brief and detailed from the
Managers help the analyst to get information about the types of reports
produced, graphic displays, visual data, total data stored, total transactions
supported by the system, system controls on errors and cheating and total
requests by users about the system.
Executives are made up of managers at the top level. They prepare for
organisationÊs strategic plan for a duration of five, 10 or 20 years.
Executive users need information that is more compact and has more
coverage to help them evaluate the overall organisational performances
and the use of resources. They also need information on the organisationÊs
external environment, such as competitors, industry trends and
technological changes. This can be achieved by linking the system with
several other related systems.
There may be system owners outside the organisation, for example, an executive
from a partner company. The system owner is important in system development
because the project progress report needs to be presented to him, and must be
evaluated by him from time to time, to be endorsed by him, so that the project
can proceed to the following phase.
Stakeholder Definition
In the early stages when the structured approach was first put into practice, the
analyst needed to go through four processes, that is to:
(b) Identify logical processes of the current system, based on the physical
(d) Build physical processes of the new system, based on the logical processes.
This approach takes a long time and costs a lot, and hence is not practical to be
used in this information era. This approach can be modified to get a shortcut in
achieving the information system objectives. One of the ways is to re-design the
process to upgrade organisational effectiveness by the use of IT. This technique is
known as business process re-engineering (BPR) which will be further discussed
later in the final subtopic.
Today, the analyst uses an approach that is faster in reaching the current system
and determining the new system requirements. The focus of the analyst today is
to produce a logical model of the new system quickly. This is done by carefully
looking at the current system to understand the business requirements and not to
define the current systemÊs processes in details. Figure 4.5 shows the relationship
between fact-finding and model-building to determine requirements and to build
a new system model.
The systems analyst builds logical models of the new system following the fact-
finding. The physical models are developed later in the design stage. Logical
models can be developed using various techniques.
There are many other questions that need to be asked, depending on the size and
scope of the system. However, as a guide, you need to answer five basic
questions during fact-finding work. These basic questions are shown in Figure
To answer those questions, you also need to ask one additional question that is
important, which is „why‰? Examples of the questions that can be asked from
4W1H are shown in Figure 4.8.
There are clear differences between questions that ask „what is being done‰ and
„what can and needs to be done‰. Certainly, the analyst needs to know current
situations beforehand in order to get the picture of what needs to be asked about
the new system requirements.
Table 4.3 shows a guide to the questions that can help you when conducting an
Can you differentiate between the ordinary questions and those being used in
your investigation to produce a new system?
List five types of questions with examples that can be asked in your
search for system requirements.
Activity Responsibility
1. Distribute circular letter and forms for Deputy Academic Dean,
examination particulars for the course Asst. Academic Officer
offered at the faculty, at week No. 6.
(i) The presence of overlap in two or more jobs overlapping jobs need
to be removed before the system design begins. In other words, the
organisation may need to be re-designed before the information
system is developed in order to achieve maximum benefits.
(iv) Work procedures that are written may contradict the information
gathered from the interviews, questionnaires and observation.
Similar to other problems, this can be solved by referring to users and
the management.
The stated four problems actually show the differences between a „formal
system‰ and an „informal system‰.
Forms are used in many activities and transactions of the company such as
customer registration, product booking and product delivery. Forms are
important in understanding the system because they state clearly the data
flows coming in and going out of the system and the important data flows
for the systemÊs functions. Let us refer back to Figure 4.10 Book Order
Form. It contains several data items like Order Number, Customer Name,
Book Title, Customer Address, Product Particulars and Order Date.
You need to analyse two types of forms one blank form and one form
filled with real data. In Figure 4.10, an order form that has been filled
shows several weaknesses of the form that can be improved before being
used in the new system. Forms can be obtained by requesting from system
Copyright © Open University Malaysia (OUM)
users or staff performing related jobs. Ensure that the form to be analysed
is still being used and contains valid data.
(c) Reports
System report is the third type of report that is of no less importance. As
the main output of a system, reports enable us to know which data is
important to produce the report.
information systems that have been built in-house do not have complete
Besides that, documents can serve as visual tools during interviews and
documentation work in group discussions. Discussions can focus on
objectives, usage, distribution and information content of the document.
Processes that involve the use of forms and the sharing of forms with
several processes can also be discussed.
4.3.3 Interview
Interview is a very effective technique to understand the function and rules of
business (see Figure 4.12).
However, it takes a long time and uses an expensive resource. In this technique,
the analyst meets with users individually or in a group. The analyst will pose
questions to users about business operations and the current system.
Now, let us try to understand the steps in conducting an interview. There are
three proposed steps in conducting an interview (see Figure 4.14).
(ii) Second step is determining the stakeholders, whom you need to ask
for getting information. First and second steps are closely related
where suitable stakeholders need to be selected to achieve interview
objectives. Both steps are important because they determine the
subsequent process together with the final outcome of the interview.
(iii) Interviews involve two parties, who are the users and the project
team. It is better if at least two members are involved in each
interview session. This is because they can help each other during the
interview and they can compare the accuracy of the notes after
completing the interview.
Guideline Explanation
You need to be Dress can give confidence and present a formal situation to
dressed formally the participants.
and be smart
It also creates first impressions of the image and the
personality of the project team.
You also need to Remember that stakeholders have many other important
arrive at the jobs.
interview location
precisely on time They do not have much time to wait for you.
Organise for several If you are inundated with information given and the user
sessions of may be too tired to answer more questions, having several
interviews interview sessions will give you an opportunity to analyse
and document information and to request for explanations
on the sections concerned, in the following interviews.
Identify all Ask questions, like „how if‰ or „what if‰, wherever needed.
possibilities of
errors For example:
What happens if the report does not reach the
Record the notes The analyst needs to get overall information to understand
completely and completely the current situation and to avoid any
with details misunderstanding.
Compact and orderly notes can be the basis for building the
analysis models and guides for subsequent interviews.
Figure 4.15 shows an example of the agenda for an interview session. You can
use it to help in conducting a good interview. This agenda can be modified
according to your needs.
There may be questions such as, „what happens if‰ that were asked but
were not answered by users. This question may refer to the policy that
needs to taken into account by the new system, but was not realised by the
Finally, list down the new questions that were left out, or that further
clarified previous questions. These questions can be used for later
4.3.4 Questionnaires
An interview is a technique that is very effective in getting information and to
interact with related individuals. However, an interview is not practical if it
involves a large number of individuals because it takes a long time, costs a lot,
and only a limited number of questions can be asked. As such, a questionnaire is
the answer to address such problems. Questionnaires can be printed in large
volumes and can be distributed to respondents at a cost that is not too high per
Respondents will fill in the questionnaires distributed and return them to the
analyst. If the respondents are cooperative, the time taken to fill in the
questionnaire will be short. Questionnaires are suitable for collecting facts
outside the organisation (such as suppliers and customers) and for organisations
that have users at various geographical locations. Questionnaires are normally
done on paper, but today, an electronic form of questionnaires, such as e-mails
and websites are preferred because they are cheaper and faster.
Free format consists of space and style that is more flexible for the
respondents to answer. Respondents will answer inside the space
provided, just below the free format question.
(i) What are the hardware and software that you have and how are they
(ii) Do the hardware and software have problems (such as server being
down, network problems, software being attacked by virus or not
functioning)? If yes, explain the problems.
There are three types of questions in the fixed format these are multiple-
choice questions, rating questions and ranking questions (see Figure 4.17).
If no, explain
why ____________________________________________
Strongly agree
Not sure
Strongly disagree
(b) In one month, how often is the e-mail system attacked by viruses?
Very frequently
Not sure
Very rarely
(a) In one month, how many times do your customers send goods
that have been bought to be repaired? ______
(b) What is the percentage profit that you obtain from online
bookings as compared with telephone bookings? ______ %
4.3.5 Observation
Observation of the business process or the current system is another technique
that can be used in fact-finding. By personally looking at the working system in
operation, you can understand better the business process being executed and
you can see the system in a different perspective.
This technique also enables you to confirm information from the interviews
besides ensuring that the business process operates as stated. You may be
shocked to find that information from interviews and current documents are not
practised in the real work situation, when you do the observation.
4.3.6 Prototyping
What is meant by prototype?
In the analysis phase, prototypes are used in searching for facts, requirement
analysis and identifying processes.
To determine basic system requirements, you still need to look into the current
documents and to interview users. Prototyping enables you to translate basic
requirements quickly into a small version of an information system. In other
words, requirements in conceptual form can be visualised in the physical form
through prototyping, which is through this mini system. This prototype can be
seen, used and evaluated by users.
Normally, users can see the advantages and disadvantages of the requirements
being presented inside a simple physical system. Users will give comments to be
improved by the analyst based on their experiences in using the prototypes. For
example, during the interview, the user may have said that he wanted all
information dealing with employees, such as their personal particulars, service
records, and loan lists to be placed on the same screen.
However, when he sees the screen being built containing too much information
which makes it difficult for him to read, he may propose that the employee
information be separated according to a certain category on different screens.
Each screen is linked easily via certain buttons. Users may then also realise
several requirements that were not thought of or were left out during the
These changes made by users are later incorporated into design prototypes that
follow. After modification, users will see and test the prototype for the second
time. For this second time, you also will change the prototype according to the
user's request. This process will be repeated until users feel satisfied with the
prototype being produced. This process enables you to finally come to a better
version of the system requirements.
Prototypes can be built by using CASE tools and fourth generation programming
language (4GL) such as Visual Basic, Informix and Java.
The period of a single session may last a few hours, few days or weeks,
depending on the number of issues that need to be discussed and the total
information that needs to be obtained.
Participant Description
Facilitator An individual with experience and skills in the conduct of JAD
sessions. He determines the meeting agenda and provides guidance
on discussion, but does not participate in the participantsÊ discussion.
Users Several types of users who have been discussed before can participate
in JAD sessions according to their respective requirements. Normally,
the manager makes the decision on issues being discussed.
Technical Staff Besides handling the tools, hardware and software in JAD, they are
also required to explain the detailed aspects of the technical system.
System This includes the analyst and user experts. They help in discussions,
Development clarification, model building, documenting the results of discussions
Team and ensuring that system requirements are defined clearly. They also
ensure that JAD session objectives are met.
Most JAD sessions are held in rooms that are fully equipped with the necessary
tools and are separated from the participantsÊ workplace, so that discussions can
be take place without interruptions. Meeting room tables are arranged in a
U-shape so that participants can see each other (see Figure 4.18).
The management of some organisations are looking for new ways to implement
current business processes. These new methods may be different from normal
practice, but the returns may be greater. For example, a reduction of manpower
in executing a certain job, or a better relationship with customers, make business
processes more effective and efficient. All these will bring greater profit to the
Two steps on how radical improvement can be achieved are shown in Figure
The main tasks in BPR are to understand all activities in the key
business process and then to change the sequence or the structure of
activities in order to upgrade quality, speed and customer satisfaction
You can use the technique of requirement determination that has been
discussed before to identify and understand the key business process.
Interviews, observation, analysis of current documents and JAD can be
used to search and select the key business process.
After listing the key business process, identify the activities that can be
improved radically through BPR. Three questions can be asked to identify
activities that can be changed:
The answers to these questions can help you to determine the activities that
need changes. Activities that are considered important (but they have
weaknesses) can be changed these are the main candidates in BPR.
(i) Whether there are information changes that are not supposed to be
among individuals;
(ii) Information that is recorded repeatedly or needs to be re-enlisted;
(iii) Excessive inventory checking or slow inventory movement; and
These activities can be modelled by using most of the tools and techniques
in data modelling, process modelling and others.
There are six main techniques that can be used to collect information i.e.
looking at current documents, interviews, questionnaires, observation, joint
application design (JAD) and business process re-engineering (BPR).
A prototype is an initial model that forms part of the real system. Prototypes
are built to test a certain idea. They will be built and tested again several
times until users are satisfied with the outcome.
Fact-finding techniques such as interviews, questionnaires and observation have
already been explained to you. In this new topic, you will be briefed on how the
information or facts that have been obtained are arranged, manipulated and
represented in the form of process models.
Although there are many process modelling techniques, this topic focuses on the
technique of a data flow diagram (DFD) only. DFD is a popular technique of
illustrating business processes and data flows. In this topic, we will explain the
definitions and symbols of DFD, followed by examples, rules, details and
balancing the DFD.
DFD is categorised into two sections, which are logical and physical.
Logical DFD shows what processes are operating inside an organisation without
touching on how the processes are implemented. Physical DFD, on the other
hand, explains how the processes are actually implemented. Physical DFD must
be consistent with logical DFD.
For example, a logical DFD for the Airline Reservation System contains a ticket
booking process and a ticket issuing process. A physical DFD for this system
shows the way both processes are implemented, such as the ticket booking
process via the telephone and ticket printing from the computer system. Take
note that this topic emphasises on the logical DFD.
Why do you not need to know all these technical aspects? Well, the objective of a
logical diagram is to let you understand the processes needed for the business so
that you can define the system requirements correctly and think about the
process implementation in detail at a later stage. Process implementation will be
defined in detail in the design phase of SDLC by translating the logical models
into physical models.
(a) Process;
(b) Data flow;
(c) Data store; and
(d) External entity.
Copyright © Open University Malaysia (OUM)
DFD contains several different types of notations but each type has the same
objective and set of elements. This topic uses a popular DFD notation known as
Gane and Sarson. Another popular notation is Yourdon, which is also often used
by the analysts. Figure 5.1 shows the four DFD symbols that are used by both
Figure 5.1: DFD symbols from Gane and Sarson notation and Yourdon notation
(a) Process
Process has a name, which consists of a verb plus a noun, for example
Register Student and Generate Report. The noun needs to be short but
easily understood. In general, each process performs one activity.
Therefore, try to avoid using comma and „and‰ because they show a
process performing more than one activity.
Each process has input data to be processed, from which it will generate
output data. Output is different from input in terms of content and form or
both. For example, the „Calculate Pay‰ process requires „Employee No‰ as
input data and this will produce „Pay Slip‰ as output data. Another
process, called „Sort Marks‰ has „Mark List‰ as input data and „Sorted
Marks‰ as output data.
Data flow inside DFD can represent something like Name, Matrix No and
Faculty. Data flow is labelled with a name that is made up of a noun or a
combination of a noun and an adjective, if required. Other examples of data
flows are Payment, Customer Order and Confirmed Order.
Data flow coming out of a data store shows that information is retrieved
from the data store, while data flow going in shows that information is
inputted (or record being added) into the data store. Data flowing in and
out can represent the same data.
Each data store must have at least one input data and one output data. If
there is no input data, then how can you output the data? If there is no
output data, then the data store does not function, because it is not being
used by the system.
The word „external‰ means that entities are located outside the system, but
entities can be located inside or outside of the organisation. Confusion
often occurs when determining entities that are supposed to be external
External entities are labelled according to the names that represent them.
Other examples of external entity names are Doctor, Customer, University
and Student Information System. External entities show the boundaries of
the system and how the system interacts with the outside environment. For
example, suppliers who supply raw materials to the inventory system are
the external entities that provide input data to the system. Customers who
receive invoices and products are considered external entities that receive
output data from the system.
External Entities
Source Destination (or sink)
To give input data to the system. To receive output data from the system.
Take note that external entity can become a source or a destination or both.
Data Store Data cannot flow from one data store to another data store
without going through a process.
Data Flow Data flow that links a process to a data store has only one
direction. Data flows are only allowed to have two directions
when a process is linked to a data store for showing data being
retrieved before being processed.
Data flow that has branches shows that data from the same
source flows to several processes, data stores, or external
entities. Normally, in this situation several copies of the same
data are sent to different locations.
Several data flows being combined show that data from different
sources flow into the same location.
Data flowing out cannot flow back to the process that produces
them. This data flow needs to go through another process first
before being sent back to the earlier process.
Figure 5.2 shows an illustration of the right and wrong ways of drawing DFD.
Besides the rules stated in Table 5.2, there are three general guidelines that can be
The highest level of DFD is known as context diagram, which represents the
entire information system. DFD of lower levels show details of the business
process inside several series of DFD. Figure 5.3 shows a business process being
detailed into several DFD levels.
The process inside the context diagram is labelled as process 0, to show that the
process represents the entire system. Detailing process 0 (the context diagram)
brings us to the building of DFD of the lower levels. The processes coming out of
the decomposed process 0 are labelled as Process 1, Process 2, Process 3 and so
on this is called Level-0 DFD.
Similarly, decomposing any process inside Level-0 DFD, for example from
Process 2 to become Processes 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and so on would create Level-1 DFD.
Upon further decomposing any process inside Level-1 DFD, for example from
Process 2.2 to become Processes 2.2.1, 2.2.3 and so on would become Level-2
DFD. Indeed, the process can go on until the analyst feels that he has
decomposed and simplified enough for data flow diagramming.
Context diagram shows the boundary and scope of the system and
how the system interacts with the external environment. Context
means the context in which the system sits.
Every process model begins with a context diagram. A context diagram has
only one process, which is labelled as "information system" (see previous
Figure 5.3). This process is linked to several external entities via data flows.
How do you determine which entity to put in? By checking the system
requirements, you can know the external entities that serve as the sources
and destinations for the system. Data store is not shown in the context
diagram because data stores of the system are conceptually embedded
inside the one process.
All the external entities, data flows and data stores that are related to the
processes are shown in this diagram. Every process model has only one
Level-0 DFD.
Consistency means every input and output data flow at a higher level
of DFD is retained at the lower levels to ensure that the diagrams are
consistent and balanced.
Observe that, in the previous Figure 5.3, every data flow at a higher level is
present at a lower level.
On the other hand, Figure 5.4 shows DFD that is not consistent with the
addition of Source-2.
With this explanation, it is hoped that you have understood the concept of
DFD that is consistent and balanced.
No matter how complex and how many levels of DFD you draw, you need
to take into account the concepts of decomposition, balancing and
consistency that have been explained above, in order to ensure the
production of correct DFD.
Now, we will see further how a system is decomposed into processes and sub-
processes, together with the relationships among them. This is important in
helping you to determine what processes are to be modelled inside a DFD.
Besides the decomposition diagram, you can also list every business activity
related to the system. These activities can help you to identify processes, external
entities and data stores that need to be modelled in a DFD.
When you can define the relationships among the systemÊs processes and sub-
processes, you can then begin to draw the DFD. There are two approaches that
can be used by the analyst in drawing a DFD, that is:
Whichever approach you choose, you need to follow DFD rules that were
explained earlier. The DFD produced needs to be checked for validity by users of
the system.
(b) The customer order is processed by confirming all the information given to
be correct and the product ordered by him is in stock.
(c) Orders that have been confirmed are sent to the factory.
(d) Prepare an invoice based on the order that has been confirmed.
(e) Customers who make payment in cash, cheque or credit card are receipted.
Order information is also used to provide monthly reports that are sent to
the companyÊs Accounts Department.
Since the system deals with customers, data flows between customers and
the system are more than those for other external entities. The context
diagram is brief when you compare it with DFD of the lower levels. Can
you understand the Suria PewterÊs Ordering System by looking at its
context diagram?
Let us now see what happens in Process 1 Receive Order. This process
can be decomposed into two sub-processes: Confirm Order and Prepare
Confirmation Notice. So the sub-processes are labelled as Process 1.1 and
Process 1.2. Existing external entities (Customer and Factory) and data
store (Product) are passed down from Level-0 Diagram into Level-1
Diagram. Similarly, existing data flows are passed down too.
Figure 5.8: Level-1 diagram for „receive order‰ process (of order system)
Which DFD needs to be drawn first? Well, there are actually four types of DFD
being used in structured system analysis and design current physical DFD,
current logical DFD, new logical DFD and new physical DFD. It was originally
argued that all the four types of DFD should be drawn in that order.
However, many experts today think and recommend that the focus should be on
the new logical system. If the analyst knows very little about the user's business,
then it is fine to create a set of current physical DFD just to get a good overview
of the current system (Hoffer et al, 2002).
So, once you have understood the system fairly well, with or without the DFD of
the current system, you should then focus on drawing the logical DFD for the
new system in great detail, during the analysis phase. This will enable you to
produce a complete set of the physical DFD of the new system, based on your
implementation plan, during the design phase.
Figure 5.9 shows an example of the logical and physical DFD for a Sale System of
a supermarket. Customer brings items to the cashier counter. The cost of each
item is checked and totalled. Payment is made to the cashier. Finally, the
customer is given the receipt. Logical DFD only shows what sales processes are
involved without clarifying how the processes are implemented. Through a
physical DFD, customers can know that processes are realised by checking the
UPC Code using the scanner and payment is received in the form of cash and
Logical DFD Physical DFD
Each of these three ways describes the process by using algorithms, and the
choice depends on suitability ease of understanding, accuracy and clarity
The language structure is simple and clear. It describes the process logic
precisely in sequence. Normally, structured English uses:
Examples of the structured English are shown in Figure 5.10 and Figure
5.11. Observe that several keywords are written in small letters like If,
End, For, Else and others to explain the process logic.
Figure 5.12 shows a decision table for the „Order Confirmation‰ that is
equivalent to Figure 5.10. Based on the given structured English (Figure
5.10), we find that the condition for receiving an order is Credit Status
being OK, and the product is in stock. If both conditions are not fulfilled,
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the order is rejected. All the conditions and actions are based on whether
the conditions are fulfilled, as shown in Figure 5.12.
Since every condition has two values (Yes or No), the number of rules is
doubled for each condition added. For example, one condition has two
rules, two conditions have four rules, four conditions have eight rules and
so on. As you can see in Figure 5.12, there are four rules because there are
two conditions.
(i) Place all the process conditions in the first column at the left of the
table with one condition at each row.
(ii) Place all the process outcomes after the last line of conditions at the
first column on the left of the table with one outcome on each line.
(iii) Enter all the combinations Y (for yes) or N (for no) for each condition.
The columns after the condition column represent all the probabilities
that are called the rules.
(iv) Mark with an X at each column in the outcome row for each
condition concerned.
Let us try to build a decision table for the „Pay Commission‰ process based
on the steps given. Then, compare your result with the decision table in
Figure 5.13. Take note that there are two conditions for the „Pay
Commission‰ process: Extra Bonus and Total Payment Being More Than
Decision table in Figure 5.13 is now shown as a decision tree in Figure 5.14.
A decision tree is read from left to right, beginning with conditions and
followed by rules for the conditions. Observe that Figure 5.13 has four rules
because there are two conditions. The tree ends with four actions.
There are also data flows with a more complex structure; they may consist of a
combination of several other data flows. With several types of notations in the
description of data flows, one notation is by listing all the data elements like the
one shown in Figure 5.15.
Data flows can also be documented by using algebraic symbols (like plus sign) to
describe that they are made up of several other data flows. For example,
Examination Result is made up of Semester Code, Faculty Code, Matrix Number,
Student Name, Course Code, Grade and CGPA (see Figure 5.16).
Size, validity value, maximum and minimum values, fixed value for data
elements are also explained in data dictionary. For example, Customer Code of
character type and its length is at least five and not exceeding 20 and must begin
with A, B or C. Alphabet „A‰ means customer is made up of individuals and
alphabet „B‰ means the customer is made up of companies. Several examples of
data elements are shown in Figure 5.17.
A data flow diagram (DFD) describes the entire system in graphic form that
is easily understood. DFD shows the main components of a system with
processes, data flows, data stores and external entities.
The general overview of the system can be seen through the context diagram
the highest level DFD. Details of the system are then shown by DFD at
lower levels, beginning with Level-0 DFD, followed by Level-1 DFD, Level-2
DFD, and so on until the Primitive DFD DFD with all the simplest processes
that cannot be decomposed anymore. The DFD drawn must take into account
the concepts of decomposition and consistency to ensure that the diagrams
are correct.
A physical DFD, on the other hand, shows how the system is implemented,
by stating the individuals, the software, and other aspects.
After DFD has been checked for validity, its components like processes, data
flows and data stores are documented using a number of techniques.
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. Identify three approaches to the creation of new systems;
2. Describe how to choose a design strategy;
3. Explain the method in building the alternative matrix; and
4. Summarise the steps in creating the physical data flow diagram
(DFD) and physical entity-relationship diagram (ERD).
For your information, the objective of the system design phase is to re-look at the
business requirements, which have already been identified in the analysis phase
and to proceed with making decisions that fulfil these requirements.
During the initial part of the design phase, the project group changes the logical
diagrams of the analysis phase into the physical diagrams that explain how the
system will be built. All the documentation and diagrams become the inputs to
the steps of the design phase.
For example, the logical data flow diagram (DFD) and logical entity-relationship
diagram (ERD) will be changed into the physical DFD and physical ERD. During
the entire design phase, the project group should be careful to consider the new
system in the context of its environment and the current system.
This topic will also evaluate the basic approaches to developing a new system; to
build, to buy or to outsource. Then it will explain the movement in the DFD and
ERD from logical to physical, and the development of a new design for the new
Please note that each alternative comes with its own strengths and weaknesses.
Therefore, one alternative is better than the others in different situations.
Now let us learn more about these three approaches in the next subtopics.
(a) Increasing the technical skills and knowledge of the developers who work
together with the business users in the company;
(b) Understanding of business development that will make them more skilful
in organising the information system requirements and strategy; and
(c) Projects that use the same technology by making them easier to develop in
However, system development from beginning to end has a high risk. This is
Have you ever considered developing your own word processing software? An
effort to develop your own word processing software may be a loss because there
are various software packages that are already in the market and can be used.
(b) The package normally does not provide all the companyÊs needs; and
(c) The package that has a big scope can lead to changes in business functions.
The scenario that allows technology to change your business functions may
endanger the business industry.
6.1.3 Outsourcing
The last alternative design approach that requires a little in-house resource is
outsourcing. What does it mean?
There are many advantages to allowing other parties to develop your system.
Those parties may have a lot of experience in technology or may have a lot of
resources like programming experience.
Thus, there are many risks if outsourcing is chosen. To reduce the risks, the
following steps need to be taken:
(b) Choose your suppliers and developers carefully and check their service
records to see proof of the system and the technology that you need.
Figure 6.1 shows you three types of contracts that can be implemented to control
outsourcing contracts.
Added Value This contract appears to be the most popular. The contractor
Contract receives a percentage of the added value after the system has
been completed. You have a small risk here, but you need to
share the benefits after the system is implemented.
Fixed-Price Contract This means you do not have to pay beyond the estimated cost. If
the contractor spends more than the agreed cost, he has to bear
the cost. So the contractor will fix the needs clearly. Any change
or addition is difficult to entertain.
Creating a fair contract is an art. This is because you need to balance the
requirement flexibility and the clear definition. Requirements will change with
time, but changes to the requirements cannot be made if the contract is too
detailed and limited. You can refer to Table 6.2 for the guidelines to outsourcing.
1. Ensure that communication between you and the outsourcer (contractor) is always
What are the differences between time and expenses agreement, fixed-
price contract and added value contract?
Try to think of three approaches in creating a new system. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of each approach?
These five factors shown in Figure 6.2 are further explained in Table 6.3.
Factor Description
Business If system requirements are normal and technical solutions already exist
Requirements in the market, which can fulfil the systemÊs requirements, it is not
reasonable to develop a custom application. Getting an application
package is therefore the best alternative in fulfilling most of the business
On the other hand, if the business requirements are unique and specific,
a custom development alternative needs to be studied. Outsourcing is
the best alternative if the business requirements are not critical.
Project Skills The skills required to implement a project are functional and technical
in nature. Different design alternatives are possible depending on the
strategic skills present inside the company. A few skills like network
security may go beyond the technical skills, and this may not be part of
the company strategy. Therefore, skill is largely an operational issue.
Time Frame When time becomes a factor, the project group needs to look for a
system that has been built and tested. In this way, the company will
have a good idea of the time frame needed by the package to be placed
at a fixed location and what will be the final content.
Lastly, for easy and quick referencing, we can summarise the choice of design
strategies as in Table 6.4.
When to Use
When to Use a When to Use
Needs Custom
Software Package Outsourcing
Time Frame Time frame is Time frame is short. Time frame is short
flexible. and flexible.
There are ways of knowing the advantages and disadvantages of the design
approach you have chosen. The next subtopic will tell you how to find them.
Do you know that there is one tool that can help? It is the RFP (request for
proposal), which contains a proposed document for getting alternative solutions
from development suppliers or service providers.
Basically, RFP explains the system that you are trying to develop and the criteria
that you use to select a system.
Later, suppliers will provide feedback by explaining what it means when they
get involved in the solution. They communicate by giving the time, cost and how
the product requirements or services will be met.
There is no formal method of writing the RFP, but it needs to contain basic
information like:
The summaries of the DFD and related matters are explained in the following
tables and figure. Firstly, Table 6.6 describes briefly the steps in creating the
physical DFD.
Steps Description
1. Add implementation Use existing logical DFD; place the direction of data stores,
reference data flows and processes that will be implemented inside
opening statement below each component.
2. Sketch the man- Sketch the boundary line that separates the system being
machine boundary automated from the manual section.
3. Add data stores, Add data stores, data flows and processes (of related
data flows and system) to the model. These are components that are less
processes of related involved with the business process.
4. Update data Update data flows for entering data elements of the related
elements inside data system.
5. Update metadata Update metadata inside CASE repository for entering the
inside computer- physical characteristics.
aided software
engineering (CASE)
Meanwhile Table 6.7 explains the steps in moving from logical ERD to physical
Steps Explanation
1. Change entity to table Begin with logical ERD, change entity to table and
update metadata.
Last but not least, the differences between the logical DFD and the physical DFD
are identified and these are shown in Figure 6.3.
During planning for design, alternative matrix can help the project group to
understand every strategy in fulfilling project requirements.
After the design strategy and developing a design plan, the next step is the
process of changing the logical data model into the physical data model.
The physical DFD contains specific information to explain how the system
will be built and put to work. There are five steps in creating a physical DFD.
Among them is adding implementation reference and sketching the man-
machine boundary.
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. State the objective of architecture design;
2. Describe four basic functions of architectural components;
3. Describe the architectures of client-server and client server tiers;
4. Differentiate between server-based and client-based architecture;
5. Summarise how to choose the architectures; and
6. Evaluate factors in hardware and software specification.
Every information system involves four main functions: data storage, data access
logic, application logic and presentation logic. Depending on the architecture, the
four functions are performed on a server, on a client or are divided between the
server and the client. As you plan the system design, you must determine where
the functions will be carried out and the advantages and disadvantages of each
design approach. This new topic discusses server and client characteristics and
how each design alternative handles system functions.
In this subtopic, we will first discuss the major functions of the software to
understand how the software can be divided into different parts. Then we will
briefly discuss the major types of hardware onto which the software can be
placed. Although there are numerous ways in which the software components
can be placed on the hardware components, the most common architecture is the
client server architecture; our focus for this topic.
Basically, all software systems can be divided into four basic functions.
(a) The first is data storage. Most information systems require data to be stored
and retrieved, whether it is a small file, such as a list of lawn chemicals that
are no longer authorised for residential applications or a large database that
stores an organisationÊs human resources records. These are the data
entities documented in entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) which you
have learned in the database course.
(b) The second function is the data access logic. This is the processing required
to access data, often meaning database queries in Structured Query
Language (SQL).
(c) The third function is the application logic. This is the logic documented in
the data flow diagrams (DFDs), use cases and functional requirements.
(d) The fourth function is the presentation logic. This is the display of
information to the user and the acceptance of the userÊs commands (the
user interface).
These four functions (data storage, data access logic, application logic and
presentation logic) are the basic building blocks of any information system.
In these architectures, the client is responsible for the presentation logic, whereas
the server is responsible for the data access logic and data storage. The
application logic may reside on the client, reside on the server or be split between
both (Figure 7.1). If the client shown in Figure 7.1 contained all or most of the
application logic, it is called a thick or fat client.
Currently, thin clients, containing just a small portion of the application logic, are
popular because of lower overheads and easier maintenance. For example, many
web-based systems are designed with the web browser performing presentation
and only minimal application logic using such programming languages as
JavaScript, while the server side has most of the application logic, all of the data
access logic and all of the data storage.
Client server architectures have four important benefits. First and foremost, they
are scalable. That means it is easy to increase or decrease the storage and
processing capabilities of the servers. If one server becomes overloaded, you
simply add another server so that many servers are used to perform the
application logic, data access logic or data storage. The cost to upgrade is
gradual, and you can upgrade in small increments.
Second, client server architectures can support many different types of clients
and servers. It is possible to connect computers that use different operating
systems so that you are not locked into one vendor. Users can choose which type
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of computer they prefer (such as combining both Windows computers and Apple
Macintoshes on the same network).
However, client server architectures also have some critical limitations, the most
important of which is their complexity. All applications in client server
computing have two parts, the software on the client side and the software on
the server side. Updating the overall system with a new version of the software is
more complicated too. With client server architectures, you must update all
clients and all servers and you must ensure that the updates are applied on all
In this case, the server is responsible for the data and the client is responsible for
the application and presentation. This is called a two-tiered architecture because
it uses only two sets of computers which are clients and servers.
In this case, the software on the client computer is responsible for the
presentation logic, an application server(s) is responsible for the application logic
and a separate database server(s) is responsible for the data access logic and data
An n-tiered architecture distributes the work of the application (the middle tier)
among multiple layers of more specialised server computers. This type of
architecture is common in todayÊs web based e-commerce systems (see Figure
The browser software on client computers makes HTTP requests to view pages
from the web server(s) and the web server(s) enable the user to view
merchandise for sale by responding with HTML documents. As the user shops,
components on the application server(s) are called as needed to allow the user to
put items in a shopping cart; determine item pricing and availability, compute
purchase costs, sales tax, and shipping costs, authorise payments and so on.
As shown in Figure 7.3, we have three separate server types, a configuration that
provides more power than if we had used a two-tiered architecture with only one
server. If we discover that the application server is too heavily loaded, we can
simply replace it with a more powerful server or just put in several more
application servers to share the load. Conversely, if we discover that the database
server is underused, we could store data from another application on it.
This very simple architecture often works very well. Application software is
developed and stored on the server and all data are on the same computer. There
is one point of control because all messages flow through the one central server.
Software development and software administration are simplified because a
single computer hosts the entire system (operating system and application
This simple architecture often works very well in situations with low numbers of
users or limited data access requirements.
However, the fundamental problem with the client-based architecture is that all
data on the server must travel to the client for processing. For example, suppose
that the user wishes to display a list of all employees with company life
insurance. All the data in the employee database must travel from the server,
where the database is stored, over the network to the client, which then executes
the query to find each record that matches the data requested by the user.
In the other computing models stated previously, the data access logic would be
executed on the server and only the results of the query transmitted to the client.
In the client-based computing model, the data access logic is executed on the
client system. Therefore, the entire database must be transmitted to the client
before processing can take place. This can overload both the network and the
power of the client computers.
(c) Facilities
Most organisations now have many mainframe applications but less
human resources. Most project groups belittle the work needed to create
security and efficiency of the client-server application.
(f) Measurable
This refers to the capability to add and reduce the capacity of the
computing architecture for fulfilling changes to user needs.
Each of the architectures discussed has its strengths and weaknesses. Client
server architectures are strongly favoured on the basis of the cost of
infrastructure (the hardware, software and networks that will support the
application system). The client server architecture is highly scalable because
servers can be added to (or removed from) the infrastructure when processing
needs change. The GUI development tools used to create applications for client
server architectures can be intuitive and easy to use. The development of
applications for these architectures can be fast and painless.
Keep in mind, however, that client server architectures do involve the added
complexity of several layers of hardware (such as database servers, web servers,
client workstations) that must communicate effectively with each other. Project
teams often underestimate the difficulty associated with creating secure, efficient
client server applications.
Other times, however, new hardware and software (usually for servers) must be
purchased. The hardware and software specification is a document that describes
what hardware and software are needed to support the application. There are
several steps involved in creating the document. Figure 7.6 shows a sample of
hardware and software specifications.
In order to create the document, firstly you will need to define the software that
will run on each component. This usually starts with the operating system (such
as Windows or Linux) and includes any special purpose software on the client
and servers (such as Oracle database). Here, you should consider any additional
costs such as technical training, maintenance, extended warranties and licensing
agreements (for example, a site licence for a software package). Again, the needs
that you list are influenced by decisions that are made in the other design phase
Next, you must create a list of the hardware needed to support the future system.
In general, the list can include such things as database servers, network servers,
peripheral devices (such as printers and scanners), backup devices, storage
components and any other hardware component needed to support an
application. At this time, you also should be aware of the quantity of each item
that will be needed.
Finally, you need to describe (in as much detail as possible) the minimum
requirements for each piece of hardware. Many organisations have standard lists
of approved hardware and software that must be used, so, in many cases, this
step simply involves selecting items from the lists.
Other times, however, the team is operating in new territory and is not
constrained by the need to select from an approved list. In this case, the project
team must convey such requirements as the amount of processing capacity, the
amount of storage space and any special features that should be included.
This step will become easier for you with experience; however, there are some
hints that can help you describe hardware needs (see Table 7.2).
Factor Description
Functions and What specific functions and features are needed (such as size
Features of monitor, software features)?
Performance How fast do the hardware and software operate (such as
processor, number of database writes per second)?
Legacy Databases and How well do the hardware and software interact with legacy
Systems systems (such as can it write to this database)?
Hardware and OS What are the future migration plans (such as the goal is to have
Strategy all of one vendorÊs equipment)?
Cost of Ownership What are the costs beyond purchase (such as incremental
licence costs, annual maintenance, training costs, salary costs)?
Political Preferences People are creatures of habit and are resistant to change, so
changes should be minimised.
Vendor Performance Some vendors have reputations or future prospects that are
different from those of a specific hardware or software system
that they currently sell.
For example, consider the hardware standards within the organisation or those
recommended by vendors. Talk with experienced system developers or other
companies with similar systems.
Finally, think about the factors that affect hardware performance, such as the
response-time expectations of the users, data volumes, software memory
requirements, the number of users accessing the system, the number of external
connections and growth projections.
After preparing the hardware and software specification, the project team works
with the purchasing department to acquire the hardware and software. The
project team prepares a request for proposal (RFP) based on legal and
organisational policies provided by the purchasing department, which then
issues the RFP. The project team then selects the most desirable vendor for the
hardware and software on the basis of the proposals received, perhaps using a
weighted alternative matrix.
On a large project, this evaluation may take months and involves extensive
testing and benchmarking of the projects offered by the vendors. The purchasing
department is actively involved in the vendor selection, again ensuring that
organisational policies are followed.
Finally, the purchasing department negotiates final terms with the vendor, issues
a contract and accepts delivery of the items, subject to approval of the project
There are four functions of all software systems: data storage, data access
logic, application logic and presentation logic. These are the basic building
blocks of any information system.
There are many methods in which the application logic can be partitioned
between the client and the server. Some methods are two-tiered architecture,
three-tiered architecture and n-tiered architecture.
There are certain factors that can help you describe hardware needs. Among
them are functions and features, performance and cost of ownership.
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. Describe user interface design and its principles;
2. Identify principles of navigation and its types of control;
3. Describe input design principles and its types;
4. Restate output design principles and its types; and
5. Distinguish between the four types of user reports.
Generally, a user interface is a part of the system with which the users interact. It
includes the screen displays that provide navigation through the system, the
screens and forms that capture data and the reports that the system produces
(whether on paper, on the web or via some other media).
Thus, this topic introduces the basic principles and processes of interface design
and discusses how to design the interface structure and standards.
User interface design is the process of defining how the system will interact
with external entities (such as customers, suppliers and other systems).
In other words, the user interface design defines the way in which the users will
interact with the system and the nature of the inputs and outputs that the system
accepts and produces.
The user interface includes three fundamental parts. The first is the navigation
mechanism; the way in which the user gives instructions to the system and tells it
what to do (such as buttons and menus). The second is the input mechanism; the
way in which the system captures information (such as forms for adding new
customers). Lastly, the third part is the output mechanism; the way in which the
system provides information to the user or to other systems (such as reports and
web pages).
Each of these is conceptually different, but all are closely intertwined; all
computer displays contain navigation mechanisms and most contain input and
output mechanisms. Therefore, navigation design, input design and output
design are tightly coupled.
The objective of interface design is to make the interface pleasing to the eye and
simple to use, while minimising the effort users expend to accomplish their work.
A good interface design is made up of the following principle combinations (see
Table 8.1).
Principle Explanation
Layout The interface should be a series of areas on the screen that are used
consistently for different purposes, for example, a top area for
commands and navigation, a middle area for information to be input or
output and a bottom area for status information.
Content Users should always be aware of where they are in the system and what
Awareness information is being displayed.
Aesthetics Interfaces should be functional and inviting to users through careful use
of white space, colours and fonts. There is often a trade-off between
including enough white space to make the interface look pleasing and
losing so much space that important information does not fit on the
User Although ease of use and ease of learning often lead to similar design
Experience decisions, there is sometimes a trade-off between the two. Novice users
or infrequent users of software will prefer ease of learning, whereas
frequent users will prefer ease of use.
Minimise The interface should be simple to use. Most designers plan on having no
User Effort more than three mouse clicks from the starting menu until users perform
We have found that the greatest problem facing experienced designers is using
space effectively. Simply put, there is more information to present than room to
present it. Analysts must balance the need for simplicity and pleasant appearance
against the need to present the information across multiple pages or screens,
which decreases simplicity.
8.2.1 Principles
Do you know that one of the hardest things about using a computer system is
learning how to manipulate the navigation controls to make the system do what
you want?
Analysts usually must assume that users have not read the manual, have not
attended training and do not have external help readily at hand. All controls
should be clear and understandable and placed in an intuitive location on the
Ideally, the controls should anticipate what the user will do and simplify his or
her efforts. For example, many set-up programs are designed so that, for a typical
installation, the user can simply keep pressing the „next‰ button. Following are
the principles of navigation design (Table 8.2).
Principle Description
Prevent Mistakes The first principle of designing navigation controls is to prevent
the user from making mistakes. A mistake costs time and creates
frustration. Worse still, a series of mistakes can cause the user to
discard the system.
Simplify Recovery No matter what the system designer does, users will make
from Mistakes mistakes. The system should make it as easy as possible to correct
these errors. Ideally, the system will have an „undo‰ button that
makes mistakes easy to override; however, writing the software
for such buttons can be very complicated.
Use Consistent One of the most fundamental decisions is the grammar order.
Grammar Order Most commands require the user to specify an object (such as file,
record and word) and the action to be performed on that object
(such as copy and delete).
There are three basic software approaches for defining user commands;
languages, menus and direct manipulation (Table 8.3).
Table 8.3: Three Basic Software Approaches for Defining User Commands
Approach Description
Language Can be divided into two:
(a) Command language; the user enters commands in a special
language developed for the computer system (such as UNIX
and SQL both use command languages).
(b) Natural language interfaces are designed to understand the
userÊs own language (such as English, French and Spanish).
Menu The most common type of navigation system today is the menu. A
menu presents the user with a list of choices, each of which can be
selected. Menus are easier to learn than languages because the user
sees an organised (but limited) set of choices. Some of the more
common types of menus include menu bars, drop-down menus, pop-
up menus, tab menus, tool bars and image maps.
As for message, it is a way for the system to respond to the user and inform them
of the status of the interaction. There are many different types of messages, such
as error messages, confirmation messages, acknowledgement messages, delay
messages and help messages.
8.3.1 Principles
The goal of input design is to capture accurate information for the system in a
simple and easy way. The fundamental principles of input design reflect the
nature of the inputs (whether batch or online) and ways to simplify their
collection. These principles are:
(b) In batch processing, all the inputs collected over a certain period are
gathered and entered into the system at one time in a batch. Some business
processes naturally generate information in batches. For example, most
hourly payrolls are done by batch processing because time cards are
gathered together in batches and processed at once.
Batch processing is also used for transaction processing systems that do not
require real-time information. For example, most stores send sales
information to district offices so that new replacement inventory can be
ordered. This information could be sent in real time as it is captured in the
store, so that the district offices are aware within a second or two that a
product is sold. If stores do not need up-to-the-second real-time data, they
will collect sales data throughout the day and transmit the data every
evening in a batch to the district office.
(c) Capture Data at the Source. Perhaps the most important principle of input
design is to capture the data in an electronic format at the original source or
as close to the original source as possible. In the early days of computing,
computer systems replaced traditional manual systems that were based on
paper forms. As these business processes were automated, many of the
original paper forms remained, either because no one thought to replace
them or because it was too expensive to do so.
Instead, the business process continued to contain manual forms that were
taken to the computer centre in batches to be keyed into the computer
system by a data entry operator.
Likewise, a system should not require a user to type information that can
be selected from a list; selecting reduces errors and speeds entry.
Each data item that has to be input is linked to a field, on the form into which its
value is typed. There are two methods of entering data into the system, which is
by using:
Screen form is a data entry interface that resembles the shape of the original
form. This form is developed by using a certain software for simplifying data
entry by users into the system.
Factors Description
Internal This is a basic requirement in a computerised information system.
Control The objective is to ensure that the data entered is precise, so that the
system is protected from errors and misuse. Emphasis is given to the
total data that needs to be supervised and that the data entered is
Graphical This control is needed to simplify user's data entry into the system.
User Figure 8.2 displays a graphical interface which contain certain
Interface components.
Additional Additional controls are also important during the process of entering
Control data into the system. Some of them are:
Drop-down calendar;
Slider edit calendar;
Internet link; and
Checklist box.
8.4.1 Principles
What is the goal of the output mechanism? The goal of the output mechanism is
to present information to users so that they can accurately understand it with the
least effort. The fundamental principles of output design reflect how the outputs
are used and ways to make it simpler for users to understand them. These
principles are:
Batch reports are those that report historical information that may be
months, days or hours old, and they often provide additional information
beyond the reported information (such as totals, summaries and historical
In some cases, this may result in the production of several different reports
on the same topics for the same users, because they are used in different
Audio output may also be designed for mobile phones. Electronic output is
created with special software tools. As you can see, the choices are numerous.
Some of them are:
(a) Printers
Because printed reports are such a common kind of output, it is logical to
assume that in any large organisation printers are ubiquitous. Although
other types of output are gaining popularity, it is likely that businesses will
still desire printed output or will want to design output that will look good
if customers, suppliers or vendors print it out using their own software and
Display screens as output result in cost savings. If users can complete their
tasks by interacting with a screen, they may not need paper, thereby
eliminating the cost of printing, filing and physical storage. If a report was
previously sent out by post, convincing users to view the documents on
screen can save mailing, as well as printing, costs. Stockbrokers, phone
companies, utilities and banks are all offering electronic delivery of output
to their customers.
Electronic display may also be desirable from the userÊs standpoint. A user
may want just to glance briefly at a monthly statement to verify its
accuracy. The user, however, needs to file the statement away for tax
reasons. If the statement is delivered via e-mail, the electronic copy may be
all that the user wants. This will help record-keeping and consequently
encourage the user to prefer the electronic statement to the paper
statement. Another reason for preferring display output to paper output is
that it is easier to keep the electronic version up-to-date.
Animation is another form of output that can be used to enhance a Web site
or presentation. Animation is the presentation of different images in a
series, one at a time.
Push Technology
Another type of output analyst design is web and wireless content delivered via
push technology. Push technology can be used for external communication to
push (electronically send) solicited or unsolicited information to a customer or
client. It can also be used within the organisation to focus the immediate
attention of an employee or a decision-maker who is facing a critical deadline on
critical items. The term push technology can be described as any content sent to
users at specified times, from basic webcasting to selective content delivery using
sophisticated evolutionary filtering agents.
2. Identify four types of reports generated for users and what are
their purposes?
User interface design is the process of defining how the system will interact
with external entities (such as customers, suppliers, other systems).
There are two traditional hardware devices that can be used to control the
user interface the keyboard and a pointing device. As for software
approaches for defining user commands, they are language, menu and direct
The goal of input design is to capture accurate information for the system
simply and easily.
Input devices can be keyboard, mouse, touch screen, scanner and many more.
Three basic principles of output design are understand report usage, manage
information load and minimise bias.
System development and implementation is the fourth of five phases in the
systems development life cycle. In the previous phase, system design, you
created a logical and physical model of the system. Now you will develop and
implement that design. This phase includes application development,
documentation, testing, training, installation, data conversion and evaluation.
The deliverable for this phase is a completely functioning information system.
trained and existing data must be converted. After the new system is operational,
a formal evaluation of the results takes place as part of a final report to
While system implementation and installation take place, the old system will be
replaced by a new system. The new system will show its real capability and
whether or not it can operate in the real environment.
After going through the development phase, the system will be used in the real
environment via the implementation phase.
System development can be long and costly if planning was poorly done. This
phase aims to implement all the planning that has been made at the beginning.
On the contrary, it can also become something that closely follows the schedule
and does not require high cost if planning was done carefully. This is being
specific to development if careful analysis and design have been done earlier,
development can be completed on schedule.
However, if there were shortcomings in the design that are only known during
development, the design must be modified and this may delay the actual
development work.
Before you read the steps involved in the development phase of a system,
try to think of the basic things that you need to do if you want to make a
new product that can be used, like the telephone. Try to list down the
steps involved to produce this new product.
Now, let us look at the process of producing a good application system. Any
new system will pass through planning, development and testing. When a
development strategy has been chosen, the program that forms the system
will be developed. Development contains the activities of design, coding,
testing and documentation. The sequence of activities is shown in Figure 9.1.
Now let us focus on Figure 9.2 which highlights the four steps in the development
(a) Design
As explained previously, design work is to be performed by referring to the
documents that were produced from an earlier (analysis) phase. The
documents being referred to are:
(b) Coding
What does coding do?
Coding will convert all the process logic into a program that can be
executed by the computer.
By means of coding, the programmer will turn all the earlier planning and
design into a reality.
From the design documents that have been produced, the programmer will
use a certain programming language to change the process logic into
program codes. Normally, a program will be divided into several smaller
modules. Another programmer may be assigned to write some of these
smaller modules.
In the past, this coding activity used to take a long time. Now, the same
activity can be done in a much shorter time. This can be implemented by
using a software development tool, which can reduce coding time. The tool
can be used effectively if you have the know-how.
(c) Testing
After coding is done and even during coding, the programmer will test the
program codes produced to see whether they work well. A program is
normally tested individually, then tested as a group and finally as a whole
in one system. Testing will be described in detail in another section.
(d) Documentation
Documentation will record any kind of facts, information and specifications
for a certain information system. Documentation is very important because
it will be referred to at any time in the future, while the system is in
operation in the real environment.
Instead, analysts should first take time in the design phase to create a
maintainable system. In other words, analysts should create a design that is
modular and flexible. To do this, analysts can design programs in a top-down
modular approach, using a variety of program design techniques.
Once the overall program is defined at a high level, with a structure chart,
program specifications are written to describe exactly what needs to be included
in each program module. The specifications include basic module information
(such as a name, calculations that need to be performed and the target
programming language), special instructions for the programmer and
pseudocode. Pseudocode is a technique similar to structured English that is used
to communicate what needs to be written, using programming structures and a
generic language that is not program language specific. Program specifications
leave the implementation details to the programmers, but they communicate the
basic logic and programming structures to help reduce logical and syntactical
errors during the implementation phase. Some RAD approaches deemphasise
program specifications.
You will notice that the design techniques that are described here are based on
information and techniques from earlier phases of the SDLC. For example, the
components of the structure chart typically mirror the processes found on the
data flow diagrams and the process descriptions suggest the ways in which
structure chart components should interrelate. Data models are used to explain
the data that pass throughout the diagram. Also, analysts use the techniques and
information to develop the program specifications, especially when writing
pseudocode. Often during design, the analysts detect problems or inconsistencies
with the analysis deliverables and they must fine-tune or clarify previous work
as they move forward.
At the end of program design, the project team compiles the program design
document, which includes all of the structure charts and program specifications
that will be used to implement the system. The program design is used by
programmers to write code.
The structure chart is an important technique that helps the analyst design the
program for the new system. The structure chart shows all the components of
code that must be included in a program at a high level, arranged in a
hierarchical format that implies sequence (in what order components are
invoked), selection (under what condition a module is invoked) and iteration
(how often a component is repeated).
The components are usually read from top to bottom, left to right and they are
numbered by a hierarchical numbering scheme in which lower levels have an
additional level of numbering (such as the third level of modules would be
numbered 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3⁄ ).
Among the symbols in a structure chart is the perfect rectangle that represents a
module (together with arrows) and other symbols that give additional
information. High-level (control) modules direct the lower (subordinate)
(a) Module
Module is represented by a perfect rectangle. A perfect rectangle with lines
at the sides represents a library module. A library module can be re-used
and can be started from one or more points in the chart. A control module
is a higher-level component that contains the logic for performing other
Copyright © Open University Malaysia (OUM)
modules, and the components that it calls and controls are considered
subordinate modules. Figure 9.3 shows an example of the modules in a
structure chart.
Control couple shows a message that is also called a flag. A flag is sent
from one module to another module. A module uses a flag to show a
condition or an action to another module.
(d) Condition
Arrow-line with a diamond at one end represents a condition (see Figure
This shows that the control module determines the lower modules which
one to start depends on a certain condition.
(e) Loop
Curved arrow represents a loop. A loop shows that one or more modules
are repeated. In Figure 9.7, Get Student Grade module and Calculate GPA
(grade point average) module are repeated a few times according to how
many reports need to be produced.
Copyright © Open University Malaysia (OUM)
(f) Cohesion
What does cohesion measure?
The tips that can be obtained here is that if a certain module has the word
„and‰, it means the module contains more than one job. Therefore,
programming that is required for that module is more complex, and
maintenance becomes more difficult.
(g) Coupling
What does coupling measure?
Examples of structure charts that have loose coupling and tight coupling
are shown in Figure 9.9 (a) and Figure 9.9 (b).
Characteristics Explanation
Loosely They are easier to maintain and change. This is because the logic
Coupled inside one module does not affect the other modules. A programmer
who wants to modify a loosely coupled module needs to make
changes at one location only.
Tightly It means the module refers to a logic contained inside another
Coupled module. For example, Calculate CGPA module may refer to a
variable called Student Status that is contained inside a module
called Update Student Status. In this case, any logical error inside
the Update Student Status module will affect the Calculate CGPA
2. Before you continue with your reading, try to explain the symbols
contained inside the structure chart.
(a) Module (b) Data Couple
(c) Control Couple (d) Condition
(e) Loop (f) Cohesion
(g) Coupling
Step 1 Refer to the DFD to identify the process and method present. Ensure that
the diagrams produced are balanced, precise and complete by taking into
account any change that has been made.
Step 2 Identify the modules and the relationship between control module and
subordinate modules.
Step 4 Examine the structure chart to ensure that it meets the system
Once the analyst has communicated the big picture of how the program should
be put together, he must describe the individual modules in enough detail so that
programmers can take over and begin writing code. Modules on the structure
chart are described by the use of program specifications, written documents that
include explicit instructions on how to program pieces of code.
Typically, project team members write one program specification for each
module on the structure chart and then pass them along to programmers, who
write the code during the implementation phase of the project. Specifications
must be very clear and easy to understand or else programmers will be slowed
down trying to decipher vague or incomplete instructions. There is no formal
syntax for a program specification, so every organisation uses its own format,
often a form like the one in Figure 9.10.
Testing actually begins during application development. When a program is
compiled, the compiler would examine the syntax to track down syntax errors.
Syntax errors will be corrected by the programmer, and repeated until the
program is implemented without any syntax error message.
Figure 9.11 shows a program that passes through unit testing, integration testing
and system testing.
The following subtopics will elaborate more on these three types of program
Unit testing is done on the program or individual modules. This test will
examine the module's function individually to track down any error. Thus,
the test is also known as module testing.
This test is done together with coding. It aims to identify and remove logical
errors that cause the program to fail to function. During unit testing, the
programmer should also test the modules that interact with other modules before
all the individual modules are integrated. This test uses a technique called stub
Stub testing aims to test whether one program site can go to another program
site, and then return to the original program site. How to prove that you have
reached one program site? One way is to issue a print statement, such as „I have
arrived at Module A‰. By using stub testing, therefore, the programmer can
simulate the linking of all the related modules to show that they can work
together successfully, even before the modules are coded.
System testing is good to be done using real data in the real working
environment, together with other systems that are present inside the working
environment. Through system testing, a software system will be tested to see
whether or not it is ready to handle the real workload effectively.
Do you know that a systemÊs successful operation and maintenance depend on
good documentation? What is meant by documentation?
References are certainly required whether for maintenance or for performing any
modification in future. A system that has completely gone into operation will not
remain permanent just like that. From time to time, there will be changes made.
The programmer who does the change on the program requires accurate
documentation. Besides that, the operators and users working on the system
throughout the system's life also need to refer to the documentation.
Operation workers may not be able to operate the system without the
operating manual. The operating manual contains the steps for:
User documentation contains matters related to the system that help users
when they use the system. This type of documentation can be in the form of
user manual, help screen and tutorials.
Documentation Summary
Program Information about programs that have been developed in the
Documentation system.
Operating Detailed information for the use of the operating group on how to
Documentation start and stop the system, plus other activities to run applications
Three types of program testing are unit testing, integration testing and
system testing.
By the end of this topic, you should be able to:
1. Describe migration plan;
2. Identify four installation approaches;
3. Describe how to conduct user training;
4. Explain three methods of data conversion; and
5. Summarise how to do evaluation.
This topic discusses the activities needed to install the information system and
successfully convert the organisation to using it. Installing the system and making
it available for use from a technical perspective is relatively straightforward.
However, the training and organisational issues surrounding the installation are
more complex and challenging because they focus on people, not computers.
The migration plan specifies what activities will be performed when and by
whom as the transition is made from the old to the new system.
In order to ensure that the business is ready to make the transition, the project
team must determine the best conversion strategy or also known as installation
strategy to use as the new system is introduced to the organisation. Also, plans
should be made to ensure that the business can continue its operations even in
the event of technical glitches in the new system. These plans are termed as
business contingency plans.
As for technical readiness, it is achieved by arranging for and installing any
needed hardware and software, and converting data as needed for the new
system. These arrangements, while essential, are usually the least difficult of all
the issues dealt with in the migration plan.
Last but not least, ensuring that the people who will be affected by the new
system are ready and able to use it is the most complex element of the migration
plan. Managing the „people‰ side of change requires the team to understand the
potential for resistance to the new system, develop organisational support and
encouragement for the change and prepare the users through appropriate
training activities.
When a new system has been completely developed and tested, it needs to be
installed at locations where it is supposed to run. The process of installation is a
complex one as it involves users who need to leave the old system behind and
begin to use the new system completely. Installation will confirm whether or not
the new system can perform the functions that have been planned for it.
However, there are some issues related to installation. Among them are:
(a) Cost involved when both the new and old systems run concurrently;
(c) New system installation that disturbs daily running of an organisation; and
(d) User training and customer familiarisation with the new system.
Take note that different ways of system installation have different effects on the
costs, complexity and risks.
There are four approaches to installation. These are shown in Figure 10.2.
Take note that every method of installation has its own advantages and
disadvantages; these will be explained further in the next subtopics.
The advantage of this approach lies in the fact that it is easily done. Since the old
and new systems do not operate concurrently, the cost is low and additional
resources are not required.
However, the disadvantage of this approach is associated with the risk of failure
of the new system. If the new system fails to function, the organisation does not
have support from the old system anymore, because the old system has been
discontinued. Figure 10.3 illustrates the method of direct installation.
(b) If you can tolerate a system's failure for a few days or weeks, you may
adopt this approach, otherwise try to avoid it.
If you are not in either of these two situations, then you have to look for other
approaches like phase installation, parallel installation or pilot installation.
The advantage of parallel installation is the low risk of system failure and the low
effect of system failure. Figure 10.4 shows the method of parallel installation.
When the new system is used at that location, the old system is still running in
the entire company. When the new system has been tested completely at the pilot
site and used successfully there, only then the system is installed completely in
other branches of the company by following the direct installation approach.
The advantage of this method is the risk of failure is less when compared with
the direct installation approach. The costs of operating the old system and the
new system at the chosen location are also less than the parallel installation.
Figure 10.5 shows the method of pilot installation.
The advantage of the phase installation approach is the reduction of risk. Risk is
reduced because failure of one phase gives smaller problems when compared
with failure of the entire system.
This installation is suitable for a large-sized and complex system. Such a system
contains many sub-systems that are suitable for phase installation. Figure 10.6
shows the method of phase installation.
1. What are the methods that can be used to install new systems in
an organisation?
Firstly, let us learn the meaning of training.
Training is a process to enable users to understand the system and how the
system can be used to help increase productivity and facilitate them in
performing their jobs more effectively.
(a) Users;
(b) Managers; and
(c) Staff of the information technology department.
Training for a new system cannot be ignored even if the new system has many
similarities with the old system. There are bound to be differences in their mode
of operation. Therefore, even while documentation is developed, we need to
think of how it will be used during training. Training needs to be provided to the
right people at the right time.
The first thing that needs to be done is to identify who needs to be present at the
training and the form of training that needs to be provided. Example of training
for certain user groups is listed in Figure 10.7.
Every group has its own but different requirements. Among them are:
(a) Managers need not understand every function of the system. Nevertheless,
they need the overall picture of the system to ensure that users are trained
correctly and use the system wisely.
(b) Users need to know how to execute their daily jobs without knowing the
cost of operations for different sections.
(c) The group that needs a lot of information is the Information Technology
staff. They need to understand the system's functions, how the system
supports business needs and the skills that users need to have in order to
use the system in performing their jobs.
When the objectives of the system have been identified, we then need to
determine how training will be provided.
Figure 10.8: Main guides on training from early phase to final phase
Source: Kendal and Kendal (2001)
Normally, training sessions will combine all these three methods so that
every individual need can be fulfilled. For the listening method, training
takes the form of speech, discussion and question-and-answer sessions. The
seeing method involves demonstration of tools and hardware, while the
practical method involves training that makes use of tools.
However, the disadvantage of off-site training is that users cannot learn the
system in the real environment. Aside from off-site training, on-site
training inside the organisation can also be organised. Through on-site
training, users can use the system in the real environment.
Site Choose the site that is most effective to conduct the training.
Conducting training in the company itself has several
advantages such as reduction of travelling cost and training
is done in the real environment in which the system
Effective Training Get ready with effective training materials and interactive
Material tutorials. Training material that is user-friendly will produce
effective training and will become a useful resource for users.
Training material can be in the form of training manuals,
handouts or online material.
Services of Workers Try to use the services of workers who have gone through
who have gone the same sort of training before. After one group has
through the same undergone training, they can help another group. This
Training strategy is called „train-the-trainer‰, which can be done by
selecting an employee with wide experience who can train
other people later.
1. What are the examples of training items that are used to train
managers in an organisation?
You should develop a data conversion plan as early as possible and the
conversion process should be tested when the test environment is developed.
When a new system replaces an existing system, you should automate the data
conversion process, if possible. The old system might be capable of exporting
data in an acceptable format for the new system or in a standard format, such as
ASCII or Open Database Connectivity (ODBC).
You should maintain strict input controls during the conversion process, when
data is extremely vulnerable. You must ensure that all system control measures
are in place and operational to protect data from unauthorised access and to help
prevent erroneous input.
Even with careful data conversion and input controls, some errors will occur. For
example, duplicate customer records or inconsistent part numbers might have
been tolerated by the old system, but will cause the new system to crash. Most
organisations require that users verify all data, correct all errors and supply
every missing data item during conversion. Although the process can be time-
consuming and expensive, it is essential that the new system be loaded with
accurate and error-free data.
Kendall and Kendall (2001) say that there are three methods of data conversion
that can be used in the process of moving on to a new system. These methods are
given in Table 10.2.
Method Explanation
Using the This is the simplest method of data conversion, in which the old
Existing database is directly used by the new system, without change or with
Database just a little change. Changes needed may be the addition of classes or
entities, attributes and relationships. Existing attributes may also
change. All these changes are done using the functions of database
management system (DBMS).
Reload the Sometimes, a database needs to pass through complex changes before
Content of being used by a new system. In this case, data needs to be reloaded
Database into the database after the change process has been completed. Most
DBMS have facilities to extract and load data from databases, file and
documents that are scanned. This facility simplifies the process of data
imported from other sources.
Before we end this topic, let us look at evaluation. Are you aware that once the
new system is operational, you must perform post-implementation evaluation? A
post-implementation evaluation assesses the overall quality of the information
The evaluation is conducted to verify that the new system meets specified
requirements, complies with user objectives and produces the anticipated
Whenever possible, people who were not directly involved in developing the
system should conduct the post-implementation evaluation. IT staff and users
usually perform the evaluation, although some firms use an internal audit group
or independent auditors to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the
Users also might forget their impressions of IT team members over time. An
important purpose of the post-implementation evaluation is to improve the
quality of IT department functions, including interaction with users, training and
Consequently, the evaluation team should perform the assessment while users
are able to recall specific incidents, successes and problems so they can offer
suggestions for improvement. Post-implementation evaluation is primarily
concerned with assessing the quality of the new system. If the team performs the
evaluation too soon after implementation, users will not have enough time to
learn the new system and appreciate its strengths and weaknesses. Although
many IT professionals recommend conducting the evaluation after at least six
months of system operation, pressure to finish the project sooner usually results
in an earlier evaluation in order to allow the IT department to move on to other
Migration plan outlines the decisions, plans and procedures that will guide
the transition from the old business processes and computer programs to the
new business processes and computer programs.
Training is a process to enable users to understand the system and how the
system can be used to help increase productivity and facilitate them in
performing their jobs more effectively.
Training needs to take into account who will be trained, the specific needs of
the trainee group, who are the trainers, the training methods, the training
materials and others.
Three methods of data conversion are using the existing database, reload the
content of database and create a new database.
The evaluation verifies that the new system meets specified requirements,
complies with user objectives and produces the anticipated benefits.
The operation and support phase involves a lot of maintenance activities. The
maintenance done is again divided into several types, such as corrective
maintenance, adaptive maintenance and so on.
Normally, corrective maintenance is the most often done. Expenses for the
information system do not end by the time it is completely built. Instead, more
expenses are incurred for maintenance rather than for system development.
Expenses for system maintenance would even go up higher from year to year. An
information system needs to be maintained and upgraded from time to time in
response to the need for changes in business requirements.
Providing system support means helping the users to use the system. Usually,
this means providing answers to questions and helping users understand how to
perform a certain function; this type of support can be thought of as on-demand
Online support is the most common form of on-demand training. This includes
the documentation and help screens built into the system, as well as separate web
sites that provide answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) that enable users
to find answers without contacting a person.
Most organisations provide a help desk that provides a place for a user to talk
with a person who can answer questions (usually over the phone, but sometimes
in person). The help desk supports all systems, not just one specific system, so it
receives calls about a wide variety of software and hardware. The help desk is
operated by level 1 support staff who have very broad computer skills and are
able to respond to a wide range of requests, from network and hardware
problems to problems with commercial software and with the business
application software developed in house.
The goal of most help desks is to have the level 1 support staff resolve 80% of the
help requests they receive on the first call. If the issue cannot be resolved by level
1 support staff, a problem report is compiled (often using a special computer
system designed to track problem reports) and passed to a level 2 support staff.
The level 2 support staff are people who know the application system well and
can provide expert advice. For a new system, they are usually selected during the
implementation phase and become familiar with the system as it is being tested.
Sometimes, the level 2 support staff participate in training during the change
management process to become more knowledgeable with the system, the new
business processes, and the users themselves.
The level 2 support staff work with users to resolve problems. Most problems are
successfully resolved by the level 2 staff. In the first few months after the system
is installed, however, the problem may turn out to be a bug in the software that
must be fixed. In this case, the problem report becomes a change request that is
passed to the system maintenance group.
Over a systemÊs lifetime, more money and effort are devoted to system
maintenance than to the initial development of the system, simply because a
system continues to change and evolve as it is used. Most beginning systems
analysts and programmers work first on maintenance projects; usually only after
they have gained some experience are they assigned to new development
Maintenance includes any change to the system after it has been completely
developed. Maintenance involves changes in various aspects. Making changes to
a system in operation can be more complex than making changes during system
development. This is because any change in the system in operation would affect
users, customers and the organisation. However, maintenance needs to be done
to prevent system failure during operation.
(a) Analysis;
(b) Design;
(c) Development;
(d) Testing; and
(e) Documentation.
Their differences are mainly in terms of the scope and limitations of the
implementation. The maintenance process involves the activity of changing the
system through suitable maintenance work. There are four types of maintenance,
namely corrective maintenance, adaptive maintenance, perfective maintenance
and preventive maintenance.
In spite of the fact that the system has been completely developed and tested, it is
not necessarily free from problems. Mistakes could be inside the formula or
could be due to rounding errors. This is the most frequently done maintenance.
Any mistake or error present in the system has the potential of disturbing the
systemÊs operation. Therefore, this kind of problem needs to be solved quickly to
avoid losses in future.
The need for adaptive maintenance is born out of changes in the computing as
well as the business environments. Computers experience changes in operating
system from Windows to UNIX and so on. Similarly, business experiences
change like new products and services, new technology, support for web-based
operation and so on.
Problems can be viruses, system failure, program readability, Y2K type of issues
and so on. To prevent such problems from occurring, analysis is done on the
section that might cause them. Preventive maintenance would upgrade
performances and user satisfaction, and reduce system failure and cost.
Now let us get back to the steps of maintenance request. Further explanations of
these steps are as follow:
The process of determining the priority for maintenance work can be done in two
(a) The system evaluation committee separates the requests for maintenance
from the requests for new system development before evaluating and
determining their priorities. So, the requests for maintenance will given
(b) All the requests for new systems and for maintenance of existing systems
are gathered as a group and given priorities. In this case, all the requests
would be evaluated, and the most important project would be given the
highest priority, regardless of whether they are for maintenance or for new
1. What are the two main activities in the system support and
operation phase?
For an in-house developed system, the time between releases usually depends on
the level of maintenance activity. A new release to correct a critical error,
however, might be implemented immediately rather than saved for the next
scheduled release.
These technologies are always fast developing and this causes systems to have
limited lifetime. Managers and analysts need to realise that system obsolescence
can be predicted, actually, guided by some signs. Among the signs of system
obsolescence are when users do not need a set of system functions or when the
systemÊs platform becomes out-of-date.
The main reason for terminating a system's life is when the system is no longer
useful economically and this is shown through the following signs (see Table
Signs Explanation
History of History of system maintenance shows that adaptive and corrective
Maintenance maintenance becomes more frequent.
Cost or Time Operation cost or implementation time has increased rapidly and
perfective maintenance cannot reverse this trend.
Software There are software experts in the market who provide services that are
Experts comparable, but faster, better and cheaper than the existing system.
Technology New technology provides the method of doing the same functions
more effectively.
Difficult and Maintenance for changes or additions has become more difficult and
Expensive more expensive to be done.
Operation and support of the system would continue until a new replacement
system is installed. While approaching the end of a system's operation life, users
would not make any more requests for adaptive or perfective maintenance
because they are waiting for a new system.
At the same time, information technology staff would not do anymore perfective
or preventive maintenance, because its cost cannot be justified by getting a
system with a very short life. Therefore, towards the end of system's life, the
system only needs corrective maintenance just to continue with its operation.
User satisfaction influences much of the system's life. The critical success factor of
a system is whether the system is able to help users to achieve the operation and
business objectives. Information technology staff would receive inputs from
users and managers throughout the system development process. Any negative
input needs to be investigated in detail because this may become an early sign of
pushing the system towards obsolescence.
You find that the existing system in your company needs changes. You
wish to see a new system that is more effective. Your company chief has
asked you to plan for a change to the system. Try to state what are the
activities that need to be done during your planning for changes.
On the other hand, recovery involves restoring the data and restarting the system
after an interruption. An overall backup and recovery plan that prepares for a
potential disaster is called a disaster recovery plan.
As for offsiting, it refers to the practice of storing backup media away from the
main business location, in order to mitigate the risk of a catastrophic disaster
such as a flood, fire or earthquake. Even if the operating system includes a
backup utility, many system administrators prefer to use specialised third-party
software that offers more options and better controls for large-scale operations.
The fastest method, called an incremental backup, only includes recent files that
have never been backed up by any method. Most large systems use continuous
backup, which is a real-time streaming method that records all system activity as
it occurs. This method requires expensive hardware, software and substantial
network capacity. However, system restoration is rapid and effective because
data is being captured in real time, as it occurs.
Support activity begins after the system has begun operating. System support
activity helps the organisation and users to use the system's capability to the
fullest. Certain types of support are on-demand training, frequently asked
questions (FAQs) and help desk.
Recovery involves restoring the data and restarting the system after an
An overall backup and recovery plan that prepares for a potential disaster is
called a disaster recovery plan.
The backup policy should specify backup media, backup types and retention
Thank you.