(i) I am not below 18 years of age and that I am otherwise of full legal capacity.
(ii) Within a period of 3 years preceding the date of this statement I have not had any
disqualification order made by the High Court of Singapore against me under section
149A(1) of the Companies Act (“the Act”).
(iii) Within a period of 5 years preceding the date of this statement I have not had any
disqualification order made by the High Court of Singapore against me under section
149(1) or 154(2) of the Act.
*(iv) That within a period of 5 years preceding 12th November 1993 I have not been
convicted whether within or without Singapore, of any offence —
(A) in connection with the promotion, formation or management of a corporation;
(C) under section 157 (failure to act honestly and diligently as a director or making
improper use of company information for gain) or under section 339 (failure to
keep proper company accounts books) of the Act.
*(v) That within a period of 5 years preceding the date of this statement I have not been
convicted, in Singapore or elsewhere, of any offence involving fraud or dishonesty
punishable on conviction with imprisonment for 3 months or more.
(vi) That —
(A) I have not been convicted of 3 or more offences under the Act in relation to the
requirements on the filing of returns, accounts or other documents with the
Registrar of Companies and have not had 3 or more orders of the High Court
of Singapore made against me under section 13 or 399 of the Act in relation to
such requirements;
(B) the last of any such conviction did not take place or the last of any such order
was not made during the period of 5 years preceding the date of this statement;
(C) I am not an undischarged bankrupt under section 148(1) of the Act.
(vii) By virtue of the foregoing I am not disqualified from acting as a director of the
abovenamed company.
(b) I am aware of and undertake to abide by my duties, responsibilities and liabilities specified
in the Act as well as under the common law where applicable, including the following key
administrative and substantive duties, that is, to:
(ii) ensure that I have a reasonable degree of skill and knowledge to handle the affairs of
the company;
(iii) act honestly and be reasonably diligent in discharging my duties and act in the interest
of the company without putting myself in a position of conflict of interest;
(iv) employ the powers and assets that I am entrusted with for the proper purposes of the
company and not for any collateral purpose;
(v) ensure that the company and I comply with all the requirements and obligations under
the Act including those in respect of meetings, requisitions, resolutions, accounts, reports,
statements, records and other documents on the company, filing and notices and any other
prerequisites; and
(vi) account to the shareholders for my conduct of the affairs of the company and make
such disclosures that are incumbent upon me under the Act.
(c) That —
*(i) I have read and understood the above statements; or
*(ii) the above statements were interpreted to me in
(state language/dialect)
(state name)
before I executed this form and I confirm that the statements are true. I am also aware that I
can be prosecuted in Court if I willfully give any information on this form which is false.
Signature : X ...............................
Director Declaration
☐ I am not holding this directorship in any nominee capacity
☐ I am a Nominee Director and my nominator is ________________
Shareholder Declaration
☐ I am the Shareholder and the ultimate Beneficial Owner
☐ I am a Nominee Shareholder and holding the shares in trust for _____________
I solemnly declare the statements contained in this declaration to be true. I may be subject to
prosecution if I am found to have made any false statement or intentionally suppressed any
material fact. I will update you within 14 days if there are any changes to the above
In accordance with Section 165 of the Singapore Companies Act, Cap. 50, I give notice of my interests in shares,
debentures, participatory interests, rights, options and contracts relating to the shares of the Company and/or related
corporation/s on the ______ day of _________________ , being the day on which I was appointed a director of the
In the event of any changes in any of the above, I shall notify the Company in writing within 2 days after the
occurrence of the event.
The Company Date of acquisition Nature of interest Price or other How held (i.e. holder,
*** consideration in trust, right to become
** Related corporation/s
Name of Date of acquisition Nature of interest Price or other How held (i.e. holder,
Corporation *** consideration in trust, right to become
* Delete if not applicable.
** Where a corporation -
(a) is the holding company of another corporation; (b) is a subsidiary of another corporation; or
(c) is a subsidiary of the holding company of another corporation, that first-mentioned corporation and that other corporation shall be deemed to be
related to each other.
***No. of shares, stocks, rights, options, etc. Please also indicate percentage of shareholdings if the number of shares held is = 20% of the total paid-
up capital