Education 08 00112
Education 08 00112
Education 08 00112
Effects of Peer Tutoring on the Academic
Achievement of Students in the Subject of Biology at
Secondary Level
Irfan Ullah 1, * ID
, Rabia Tabassum 1 and Muhammad Kaleem 2
1 Department of Education, Northern University Nowshera, Nowshera 24110, Pakistan;
2 Department of Sociology, Bacha Khan University Charsadda, Charsadda 24420, Pakistan;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +92-333-989-0280
Received: 25 June 2018; Accepted: 1 August 2018; Published: 3 August 2018
Abstract: The present study is aimed at analyzing the effects of peer tutoring on the academic
achievement of students in the subject of biology at secondary level. The objectives of the study were:
(1) To find out the effects of peer tutoring on the academic achievement of students in the subject of
biology; and (2) To examine the effects of peer tutoring with respect to knowledge, comprehension and
application levels in cognitive domain of Bloom Taxonomy. All 433,405 male students at secondary
level of 10th grade of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were the population of the study. Forty students
were taken as the sample of the study from the Allied National Software Institute (ANSI) Mardan.
The Posttest-Only Equivalent Group Design was used. The data collected from pretest and posttest
were analyzed through an independent sample t-test. It was found that the mean score of the
experimental group was significantly better than that of the control group. It was concluded that
peer tutoring enhanced the academic achievement of students in the experimental group significantly
as compared to the control group; hence, it was an effective method of instruction for teaching
biology at secondary level. It was suggested that peer tutoring may be incorporated along with other
teaching methodologies for the subject of biology and it may be given due consideration in all teacher
education practices in the country.
Keywords: peer tutoring; tutors; tutees; lecture demonstration method; bloom taxonomy
1. Introduction
Individual difference cannot be neglected at any stage of human learning. Therefore, teachers
should design learning activities that can better address the individual needs of students.
Some need-based learning activities are discussion, group work, private tuition, mentoring and
peer tutoring. These methods are usually adopted to enhace students’ learning [1] (p. 64).
Tutoring is a process in which expert and trained people help and support other people who
are less skilled and have low level of knowledge (or expertise), in an interactive, meaningful and
organized way. Usually shy children learn effectively through tutoring by sharing their thoughts with
classmates [2] (p. 345). The history of tutoring has undergone an evolution which can be traced back
to Roman and Greek ages [3] (pp. 6, 7). As far as peer tutoring is concerned, it is a teaching strategy
where a group of students interact to help each other’s learning by one student occupying the role of
tutor and the other the role of tutee. Usually peer tutoring involves the linking of intelligent students
with less-intelligent ones [4] (p. 1). Peer interaction among children is useful in learning new skills,
knowledge and solutions to each other’s problems by playing, talking, quarreling and sharing ideas [5].
Peer tutoring helps to develop the skills of students to manage and plan learning experiences, work in
association, give and receive responses about their activities and finally evaluate their own learning.
At present, the significance of peer tutoring is increasing, and it has become an important part of many
courses and disciplines in different countries [1] (pp. 62, 64).
According to researchers such as Austin [6] and Eisenkopf [7], peer tutoring has positive impacts
on student learning, motivation and socialization. Peer tutoring was found effective in the development
of creativity and problem-solving skills of both tutors and tutees. Due to its interactive nature, peer
tutoring helps the tutor in understanding the mental level of the tutees and concept about the topic.
Results are very successful if the tutor and tutees are engaged in collaborative work and meaningful
activities under planned and structured program [8] (pp. 440, 442). Moreover, peer tutoring is
advantageous for students, as it provides opportunities for discussion which lead to learning in an
affable environment. In the same way, peer tutoring builds up confidence and enhances cognitive
levels of introvert students because it gives confidence to shy students [2] which may enable them to
express themselves in front of the class [9] (p. 59) or other gatherings.
Likewise, peer tutoring is useful for institutions which offers inclusive education to diversified
students [10], because it may reduce the social and behavioral problems among students to a significant
degree [11]. In this regard, significant improvement was recorded in the ability of acceptance of
resposibility and sense of control of tutors as shown in a study by [12,13]. Similarly, the problem of
limited teachers and scarce financial resources can be overcome by peer tutoring, i.e., hiring volunteers
and old students. In addition, because of its participatory approach, peer tutoring may also help in
controlling drop-out rate of weak students to a greater extent [14,15].
However, peer tutoring programs are not free from hitches due to individual diffrences of
students. There are some limitations, which are mostly related to the behavior of the students during
classroom activities or management of academic activities during peer tutoring programes [16,17].
Therefore, it is necessarythat peer tutoring programs should be highly structured and planned and
should be conducted under strict supervision and in a controlled environment [18,19].
According to Jo and Almarzouqi [20] (pp. 13–22), a peer in the form of tutor may not always
ensure good scaffolding and the reasons forthis are the lack of skills and experience of tutors, usually
in a situation when the tutors are young. Therefore Lee, Leung and Bush [21] admit that students as
tutors should be given proper orientation about the tutoring activity.
The researchers in the field of education are trying to enhance the learning outcomes of the
students by introducing innovative approaches. The learning outcomes are of diverse nature; therefore,
Bloom [22], Harrow [23] and Krathwohl [24] have categorized the learning achievements into three
major categories—cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains—and this classification is named the
Bloom Taxonomy [22]. Bloom further classified the cognitive learning outcomes into six sub-levels.
Researchers working on learning usually characterize the outcomes of his/her research into these
levels of cognitive domain.
As far as the origin of peer tutoring is concerned, it has strong roots both in behaviorist and
constructivist approaches of learning [25]. According to the behaviorist approach to learning, the
outcome of peer tutoring can be improved by rewarding the tutors for their good performance or
providing other favorable conditions for tutoring. Here, the outcomes of peer tutoring are conditioned
to some external stimuli, which are the main idea of Skinner’s learning theory [26].
In the same way, the constructivists—both Vygotsky [27] and Piaget [28]—were in favor of peer
tutoring. According to Piaget, learning does not occur totally from the external influence; rather, it
is a reconstruction process in the human mind. Every individual has their own innate abilities and
concepts. The information from the external world interacts and integrates with these innate abilities
and results in the creation of new knowledge [28]. Piaget’s cognitive theory admits that cognition
of both tutors and tutees develop in all stages of peer tutoring, e.g., when the tutor prepares the
lesson for tutoring session. During this preparation his/her cognition are improving by studying the
relevant material. Similarly, during peer tutoring session, when both tutor and tutee are interacting
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and exchanging their views, the process of accommodation is taking place and the process of learning
is proceeding further. The final stage equilibrium takes place when both tutor and tutee have satisfied
each other by communicating knowledge at the targeted level [29]. Similarly, other characteristics of
both tutors and tutees, such as discussion abilities, confidence and motivation, also develop through
peer tutoring [30].
Vygotsky was the strongest supporter of peer tutoring. Vygotsky said that academic performance
of slow learners could be improved if they were engaged in collaborative work or in peer tutoring.
Vygotsky classified learners into three categories based on their cognitive development: (1) The zone
of actual development, in which the students are independent in their learning, meaning that the
individual does not need any help in the learning of a specific topic at this stage; (2) the zone of
proximal development, in which the students depends on one other for learning and need a little help
(Vygotsky recommended peer tutoring for the students in this stage); (3) the zone of no development,
in which students cannot perform or learn something even in the presence of external help, where even
peer tutoring is also useless [27]. According to Rizve [31] (p. 171), students experiencing peer tutoring
did better in their zone of proximal development than students experiencing traditional methods of
teaching in the learning of English.
Several studies carried out on the impact of peer tutoring reveal that it has a positive role in the
instructional process. For example, during an evaluation study by Brost [32] (p. 7) in Chippewa Valley
Technical College in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA researchers explored some facts about peer tutoring.
The primary purpose of the research was to evaluate the effectiveness, shortcomings, and practicability
of the peer tutoring program that already existed in Chippewa Valley Technical College. The findings
of the research showed that the peer tutoring program at Chippewa Valley Technical College was
effective but neededsome improvement. The process of peer tutoring should be restructured based
on prior planning and scheduled so that it improves the level of understanding. The achievement
rate of the tutoring program was good but needed further efforts to increase. The door is open for
other researchers from all over the world to contribute by devising more tutoring models. In another
experimental study conducted by Campit, Cayabyab and Galas [33], peer tutoring was found to
have significant positive effects on the performance of students. Similarly, Rizve [31] (pp. 169, 170)
measured the effect of peer tutoring on students’ academic achievements at secondary level in the
subject of English in light of Vygotsky’s theory in her doctorate dissertation. She believed that effective
learning takes place in the zone of proximal development of a child if help is provided by peers or
by some elders. Vygotsky recommended that social interactions, communication and guidance are
prerequisites for learning. Therefore, scaffolding was recommended for those students, who are in the
zone of proximal development. The researcher provided scaffolding in the form of peer tutoring to
the students of the experimental group of 9th grade by the students of 10th grade of the same school
in the subject of English. The control group was giveninstruction through the traditional method.
The findings of the study pointed out that the experimental group had performed well as compared
to the control group. Likewise, a study performed by Ezenwosu and Nworgu [34] (pp. 944–950)
explored the effectiveness of peer tutoring and gender on the achievements of students in the subject
of biology. The finding of the study revealed that students who were instructed through peer tutoring
had performed significantly better than students of the control group. The results also showed that the
scores of male students were better than female students.
Based on the aforementioned studies, it may be said that peer tutoring may be very effective
in assisting teachers to increase time for teaching learning activities which is now a serious concern
for them. According to the Educational Management Information System [35], in most Pakistani
educational institutions the teacher-student ratio is above 1:40. This ratio limits teachers’ ability to
teach according to the individual needs of students. In this scenario, peer tutoring may be an ideal
strategy to overcome the burden of teachers and thus enable them to fulfill the needs of students
without any extra financial resources. Some researcher such as Galaviz [36] (pp. 44, 45) and Smith and
Nicolai [37] showed that due to a lack of proper planning and administration, peer tutoring sometimes
Educ. Sci. 2018, 8, 112 4 of 11
has negative effects on students. Therefore, it was necessary to conduct peer tutoring in a controlled
and planned manner.
(1) To find out the effect of peer tutoring on the academic achievement of students in the subject
of biology.
(2) To examine the effect of peer tutoring with respect to knowledge, comprehension and application
levels of cognitive domain of the Bloom taxonomy.
(1) There is no significant variation between the mean scores of the experimental and control groups.
(2) There is no significant variation between the mean scores of the experimental and control groups
with respect to knowledge level of cognitive domain.
(3) There is no significant difference between the mean scores of experimental and control groups
with respect to comprehension level of cognitive domain.
(4) There is no significant difference between the mean scores of experimental and control groups
with respect to application level of cognitive domain.
2.1. Population
All 433,405 male students at secondary level of 10th grade of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were the
population of study [35].
2.2. Sample
Allied National Software Institute (ANSI) school, Mardan was selected for the study. There were
110 secondary students enrolled in four section of ANSI school. The school administration allowed the
researcher to conduct the study in only two sections to avoid major disturbances. These two sections
were selected randomly among four sections. There were 47 students in two sections, 10th Green and
10th Yellow. The researcher then administered the pretest among the 47 students. Among these, seven
students refused to participate in the study for unknown reasons. Therefore, the sample of the study
consisted of forty students. The sample was further divided into two equivalent groups (experimental
and control groups) based on pretest scores by using pair random sampling techniques. Both groups
were further categorized into low-achiever and high-achiever students based onpretest scores. In the
experimental group the high achievers were named as tutors and low achievers were named as tutees.
The mean scores of both the groups before the treatment were almost same. Further results of the
t-test as given in Table 1 declared the matching of both the groups before the treatment. Therefore, the
Posttest-Only Equivalent Groups Design [38], sometimes named Randomized Subjects, Posttest-Only
Control Group Design [39] was used for measuring the effectiveness of peer tutoring. Symbolically the
design is expressed as:
Furthermore, all lesson plans were discussed with subject experts and were approved by the Advanced
Study Committee of the University. In total, thirty lesson plans were prepared for the treatment
period, at five plans per week. The lesson plans for peer tutoring were designed in such a way as
to ensure maximum discussions, questions and answers to enhance participation from both tutors
and tutees. Tutors were also guided in how to teach various components of the plan and satisfy their
tutees. During the peer tutoring session, the researcher continuously visited each pair and observed
the progress and intervened and provided help to the pairs experiencing academic or management
problems. The researcher also motivated tutees by asking questions and discouraged passive listening
on the part of tutees. Strict rules and discipline were highly needed and were maintained by the
researcher and laboratory attendant. When the instructional treatment of seven weeks was over, an
achievement test was administered to the students of both experimental and control groups (as posttest)
for measuring the effectiveness of peer tutoring.
The values of mean and standard deviation show in Table 3 that the both the groups were normally
distributed and seemed almost equal, and the calculated t-value (less than table value) supports the
null hypothesis. On the basis of this evidence it was interpreted that the diffrence between the two
groups was not significant and both the experimental and control groups were equivalent before the
treatment. The normality of the data was calculated through online Anderson-Darling Normality Test
Calculator [40], and the values 50.4% for experimental and 43.51% for control group show that both
experimental and control groups were normaly distribiuted prior to treatment.
Table 3. Significant difference between the mean of pretest scores of control group and experimental group.
Table 4 shows that the calculated t-value was greater than the table value, which leads to the
rejection of the null hypothesis. On the basis of this evidence it was interpreted that the treatment had
significant effect on the academic achievement of the students of the experimental group. The values
of standard deviation show that the experimental group was not only better in academic achievement
but also showed less variation compared to the control group. Further, the normality of the data
was calculated through online Anderson-Darling Normality Test Calculator, and the value 48.69% for
experimental and 74.59% for control group show that both the experimental and control groups were
normaly distributed.
Table 4. Significant difference between the mean of posttest score of experimental and control group.
Hypothesis 2 (H2). There is no significant difference between the mean scores of experimental and control
groupswith respect to knowledge level of cognitive domain.
The greater calculated t-value see Table 5 leads to the rejection of null hypothesis. Based on this
evidence it may be interpreted that the treatment had a significant effect on the academic achievement
with respect to knowledge level of cognitive domain of the students of the experimental group.
The values of standard deviation show that the experimental group was not only better in academic
achievement with respect to knowledge level of cognitive domain but also showed less variation as
compared to the control group.
Table 5. Significant difference between the mean of posttest scores of experimental and control group
with respect to knowledge level of cognitive domain.
Hypothesis 3 (H3). There is no significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental and control
groups with respect to comprehension level of cognitive domain.
The greater calculated t-value leads to the rejection of null hypothesis again(See Table 6). Based on
this evidence it may be interpreted that the treatment had a significant effect on academic achievement
with respect to comprehension level of cognitive domain of the students inthe experimental group.
The values of standard deviation show that the experimental group was both better in academic
achievement with respect to comprehension level of cognitive domain as well as less varied as
compared to control group.
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Table 6. Significant difference between the mean of posttest score of experimental and control group
with respect to comprehension level of cognitive domain.
Hypothesis 4 (H4). There is no significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental and control
groups with respect to application level of cognitive domain.
Here again(See Table 7), the greater calculated t-value rejects the null hypothesis. Hence, it
is interpreted that the treatment had a significant effect on academic achievement with respect to
application level of cognitive domain of the students inthe experimental group. The values of standard
deviation show the improved performance of the experimental group with respect to application level
of cognitive domain and it also showed less variation.
Table 7. Significant difference between the mean of posttest score of experimental and control group
with respect to application level of cognitive domain.
4. Discussion
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of peer tutoring on the academic
achievement of students in the subject of biology at secondary level. The study was experimental in
nature. The study followed pretest posttest equivalent group design. Before the treatment, a pretest
was conducted in already-taught areas of biology. Based on pretest scores the sampled students were
divided into two equivalent groups through pair random technique. Statistical analysis of pretest scores
led to the formation of both experimental and control groups. The experimental group was engaged in
peer tutoring for a period of seven weeks while the control group was taught through traditional lecture
demonstration method using the same contents for both the groups. The experimental group was
observed and monitored by the researcher. After the treatment phase, the posttest was administered
to both the groups. The data obtained were analyzed using statistical and narrative explanation.
The results are discussed as follows:
H1: Based on posttest score the t-value was 4.21 > 2.042 (table value) at 0.05 level of significance.
This evidence rejects the null hypothesis, while t-value shows that there was a significant difference
between the mean scores of experimental and control groups. Thus, the mean score (36.05) of
the experimental group was significantly greater than the mean score (27.25) of the control group.
The results of the study support the findings explored by [32] (p. 40) that peer tutoring may enhance
students’ grades; however, the study recommended additional research for further confirmation.
Similarly, the results also confirm the findings of Rizve [31] (pp. 196, 170) that peer tutoring
may enhance the learning of students who are in the zone of proximal development. The results
also supported the claims of studies such as [34,41] that peer tutoring has significant effects on
academic performance in the subject of biology. One of the reasons for improvement in academic
performance may be learning from peers, which further supports Skinner’s idea of learning [26].
Likewise, the cause of improvement in academic achievement may be linked to interaction during
tutoring and pre-preparatory sessions for peer tutoring, which was Piaget’s main learning idea during
peer tutoring [28].
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The pretest scores revealed that the tutees were low performers i.e., they were in the zone of
proximal development; however, they showed enhanced performance in the posttest which might
be the result of peer tutoring. This confirms Vygotsky [27]. The results are in the line with the study
findings reported by [42].
H2: The mean (20.6) of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group (15.5) on
the posttest. The difference between t-value 3.83 > 2.04 and table value at 0.05 level was significant.
Based on this evidence the null hypothesis is rejected, and it may be interpreted that the treatment had
a significant effect on academic achievement of the students of the experimental group with respect to
knowledge level of the cognitive domain. The findings are in the line with the results reported by [43]
(pp. 51, 52) that peer tutoring is an effective strategy for improvig academic learning at knowledge
level of cognitive domain. This further confirms the claim of constructivist school of thought that
children can easily learn something through interactions and discussions [27,30]. In addition, learning
from tutors or teaching to tutees may be an agent for motivation of learning for students; this idea may
be traced back to behaviorist school of thought as expressed by [26].
H3: The posttest’s higher mean (9) in theexperimental group and the significant difference
between t-value 2.87 > 2.04 and table value at 0.05 (level of significance), rejects the null hypothesis.
On these grounds, it may be interpreted that the treatment had a significant effect on the academic
achievement of the experimental group with respect to comprehension level of cognitive domain of
the students. The findings are in the line with the study results reported by [43] (pp. 51, 52) that
peer tutoring is an effective strategy for improving academic learning at comprehension level of
cognitive domain. Smilarly, the findings are also supported by [44] that peer tutoring may develop
comprehension skills of both the tutors and the tutees in the subject of physiology and anatomy.
H4: The mean score (6.65) in theexperimental group was higher than the mean score in thecontrol
group (4.2) on posttest. The greater t-value 2.58 > 2.04 (table value) at 0.05 (level of significance)
determines that the difference is significant. Therefore, based on this evidence the null hypothesis is
rejected, and it may therefore be interpreted that peer tutoring had a significant effect on the academic
achievement of the experimental group with respect to application level of cognitive domain.
5. Conclusions
Based on the findings represented through statistical analysis of data, the following conclusions
were drawn:
1. The performance rate of both the experimental and control group was found to be equivalent on
pretest because of no significant difference in their score.
2. The posttest scores provide evidence that the participants of the experimental group seemed to
have performed better than the students of control group, which may be an indication of the
effectiveness of peer tutoring in biology in contrast to traditional lecture demonstration methods
at secondary level.
3. Learning through peer tutoring also advocates constructivists’ and behaviorists’ idea of learning.
4. The posttest scores show that the participants in the experimental group performed better than
the students in the control group with respect to knowledge, comprehension and application
levels of cognitive domain. This is also evidence that peer tutoring in biology may be somewhat
effective in contrast to traditional lecture demonstration method at secondary level, in the first
three levels of cognitive domain of the Bloom taxonomy.
6. Recommendations
Based on results and conclusions of the study the following recommendations were made:
o Since peer tutoring was found to be more effective than traditional instruction in the subject of
biology, if resources allow and if it is feasible, the techniques may be incorporated in teaching
other subjects as well.
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o Peer tutoring needs a highly structured supervised environment and may be conducted in
controlled conditions. Therefore, the principles, procedures and rules of peer tutoring should be
given due consideration while preparing and training the prospective teachers.
o Peer tutoring was conducted as an instructional strategy and was found productive, but it may be
more fruitful and prolific if it is used as a supplementary and supporting instructional technique
rather than the principal strategy.
o To enhance their academic achievement, it might be a useful practice if low achievers are allotted
to students with high achievement rate so that they are provided with guidance and support in
low-performing subjects. Furthermore, to enhance their motivation, the tutors may be rewarded
if their subjects show good performance.
o The current study is conducted on male students of secondary level only; therefore, future
research studies are recommended involving both male and female students of different academic
levels so that the problem under observations explored in depth.
Author Contributions: The article was developed and written by the corresponding author (Irfanullah) while
Rabia Tabassum supervised this study and Muhammad Kaleem conducted necessary revision in the article.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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