Hikvision IP Camera Comparison Selection Chart
Hikvision IP Camera Comparison Selection Chart
Hikvision IP Camera Comparison Selection Chart
Series ECI 2xx3 ColorVu 2xx7 5 Series
7 Series
AcuSense 2x46
2 MP: 0.008 Lux – 0.0035 Lux (2xx7)
4 MP: 0.009 Lux – 0.0014 Lux (2xx7) 2/4 MP: Color: 0.002 Lux 2/4 MP: Color: 0.002 Lux
2 MP: 0.028 Lux 4 MP: 0.009 Lux – 0.012 Lux (2x46) 6/8/12 MP: Color: 0.009 Lux 6/8/12 MP: Color: 0.007 Lux
2 MP: 0.028 Lux, Digital WDR
Image Quality 4/6 MP: 0.018 Lux 5 MP: 0.027 Lux 2/4 MP DarkFighter: 2/4 MP DarkFighter:
4 MP: 0.018 Lux, 120 dB True WDR
120 dB True WDR 6/8 MP: 0.016 Lux 120 dB True WDR 120 dB True WDR
Powered by DarkFighter 2/4 MP: 140 dB WDR 2/4 MP: 140 dB WDR
120 dB True WDR
Max Resolution 4 MP 6 MP 8 MP 12 MP 8 MP
Codec H.265+ H.265+ H.265+ H.265+ H.265+
5 VCA 10 VCA 10 VCA
Includes Value VCA plus, Includes Performance VCA plus, Includes 5 series VCA plus
Video Content Analysis --- Line Crossing, Intrusion,
Object Removal, Entry and Exit Detection, Scene Human/Vehicle/Face detection
Face Detection
Unattended Baggage Change, Audio Exception, Defocus with Deep Learning GPU
Multiple Streams 2 3 3 10 10
2 MP @ 60 fps (2xx5)
Max Frame Rate 30 fps 30 fps 2 MP @ 60 fps 2 MP @ 60 fps
2 MP @ 30 fps (2xx7)
EXIR 2.0 Range Max 8/10/30/50
EXIR, 30 30 10/30/50 30/50/100
(meters) (2xx7 White Light)
2xx7 includes white light
Power Output for PIR,
--- --- 2x46 includes strobe light and alarm
Sensors, Microphones
(SL models)
Electric Image
--- --- ---
-40° C to 60° C -40° C to 60° C
-30° C to 50° C -30° C to 60° C -30° C to 60° C
Temperature Range (-40° F to 140° F) (-40° F to 140° F)
(-22° F to 122° F) (-22° F to 140° F) (-22° F to 140° F)
Outdoor models with heaters only Outdoor models with heaters only
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