420010178500A (Fault List)
420010178500A (Fault List)
420010178500A (Fault List)
Fault list
1 General information
1.1 Validity of this manual
This document is a supplement to the instruction manual for the burner. It also supplements
the separate manual for the BT 3xx. It is valid only in conjunction with these documents for the
respective device. It applies to BurnerTronic BT3xx burner controllers of any configuration but
is intended specifically for the following versions:
BurnerTronic: v.
Thermowattdisplay: v.01.09.04
If you have a different software version, it may be the case that some of the functions
described here are not available in your software version, or that not all functions available in
your software version are described here.
BT 320
BT 330
BT 340
2 Extraneous light
105 Curve data buggy or not present. Fuel no. Curve set
191 1st maximum monitoring band threshold violated for too long: Channel
201 1st minimum monitoring band threshold violated for too long: Channel
211 2nd maximum monitoring band threshold violated for too long: Channel
221 2nd minimum monitoring band threshold violated for too long: Channel
241 Actuator not moving, i.e. giving no position feedback Channel Direction:
372 Load value deviation between main processor & watchdog too
381 Deviation between main processor & watchdog too great Correction
channel (x)
394 BURNER ON/OFF signal from the operating unit has dropped
out illegally
802 Inclusion of a channel into the ratio controller taking too long Channel
(1x restart)
803 Channel hanging for too long (serious fault, no restart possible) Channel
804 Channel mode of ratio controller does not match control type Channel
(serious fault, no restart)
D1 D2 Comment
410 sIO.sIn.ulInputsN Detected positive half-wave on terminal input!
411 input status received from UP Different input status between controllers
412 0 The readback input of the fuel selection relay contacts in the dual fuel is
invalid. DFM probably defective.
420 uil Input status of digital input on HP and UP is inconsistent (>20 ms)
430 ucPin2Test Pin short circuit test detected an error! Currently tested pin not configured
as output or is stuck at 1
431 ucPin2Test Pin short circuit test detected an error! Short circuit between pins, pull-up of
input stage defective or pin is externally stuck at 0
440 0 sIO.sIn.uiTestSignalTimeout expired
450 0 Main power relay (K2) does not switch correctly to off when out of power.
451 ucRelay Relay does not switch correctly, when relay power is enabled (for details
see enum teRelais)
460 uiFaultParam Failure of relay power switching or readback of relay coils of K1 or
K2Param2: Bit 0 is set if readback line of K1 is erroneous, Bit 1 is set if
readback line of K2 is erroneous
461 uiFaultParam Readback status of relay K1 or K2 differs from desired switching status, relay
probably defective. Param2:Bit 0: nominal state of K1Bit 1: nominal state of
K2Bit 8: state of readback line of K1Bit 9: state of readback line of K2
D1 D2 Comment
1290 uiMyFlames XOR uiPartnerFlames Flame signals on both controllers are inconsistent
(bit 0: main flame, bit 1: ignition flame)
D1 D2 Comment
1455 psActuator->ucSANumber H_SA_STEPCALC_WRONG_STATUS
1472 psActuator->ucSANumber U_SA_FEEDBACK_WRONG_FEEDBACK
1490 psActuator->ucSANumber psActuator->ucSANumber Invalid!
D1 D2 Comment
2308 Cold check
2309 Cold check
2310 Invalid state
2350 - Cold check
2800 Air pressure signal had not dropped yet burner started anyway
2801 During the cold check, more than one valve was opened
2802 Maintenance mode active on main processor even though no maintenance
mode parameterised
2803 Maintenance mode active and yet ignition completed
2804 Burner starts even though watchdog processor blocked
2805 Burner starts even though no reference run carried out
2806 Stage sent from main processor for multistage operation appears implausible
3000 All errors for which no error number has been entered
D1 D2 Comment
4000-4999 Internal faults generated from within application (air/fuel ratio control [Verbundregler])
4000 0 For load of ignition point, no curve point exists
4001 0 ucPIdx_R >= ucPunktAnzahl
4500 0 sRampe.uiLaufzeit == 0!
4501 ucKnr IfKM_VB() returned 0
D1 D2 Comment
4717 ucKnr Transferred channel number outside legal range
D1 D2 Comment
6217 Actual curve point index Return target value writing failed (ram defect)
6218 Original curve point index Invalid point index
6219 0 Point approximation failed, one of the points used was invalid
6220 Actual curve point index Evaluated correction target value writing failed (ram defect)
6221 Original curve point index Invalid point index
6222 0 Write failed: ram defect
6223 0 Write failed: ram defect
6224 Fault quantity Too many differences between curves
(sliding counter, subtract 1 per cycle)
6225 State number Undefined state of state machine
ELCO Austria GmbH
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Elco Industry Italy
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1411 AW Naarden
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+7 495 783 0440
St.bld.14/1 office 626
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