Tr01 11e Shunt Reactors Revision 9
Tr01 11e Shunt Reactors Revision 9
Tr01 11e Shunt Reactors Revision 9
These guidelines are mainly based on Standard SS-EN 60076. The guidelines specify
alternative in the case of more possibilities and also include additions and elucidations
to the standard. The guidelines can be made binding by the client and will then specify
the requirements which together with the applicable standard are valid for the design
and testing.
SvK405, v2.2, 2009-11-30
Revision Revision note Date
9 Section 5.8.5, Flat terminal dimensions updated. 2018-09-03
9 Section 11.1, Tank bottom shall be self-supported. 2018-09-03
9 Section 12.2, Surface treatment for connection 2018-09-03
boxes, cubicles and OLTC motor drive simplified.
Corrosion category modified.
9 Section 20.2, Tests in service shall be carried out by 2018-09-03
the supplier or the client (specified in Data
1 SCOPE................................................................................................................... 14
4.14.4 Control equipment insulation levels etc. .................................. 22
4.14.5 Disturbance requirements ........................................................ 22
4.15 Variable shunt reactors ........................................................................... 23
8.2 Ventilation, heating and lighting ............................................................ 32
8.3 Terminal blocks ....................................................................................... 33
8.3.1 General ...................................................................................... 33
8.3.2 Disposition of terminal groups in the control cabinet ............. 33
8.3.3 Disposition of terminal groups in the current transformer
cubicle ........................................................................................ 34
11.11 Gas and oil actuated relay inspection .................................................... 42
11.12 Track gauges ........................................................................................... 42
11.12.1 General ...................................................................................... 42
11.12.2 Longitudinal movement ............................................................ 42
11.12.3 Lateral movement ..................................................................... 43
11.13 Sound proofing ........................................................................................ 44
15.1 Plates ........................................................................................................ 49
15.1.1 Rating plate ............................................................................... 49
15.1.2 Diagram plate ........................................................................... 50
15.1.3 Accessory plate .......................................................................... 50
15.1.4 Oil circuit diagram .................................................................... 50
15.1.5 Bushing current transformer plate and marking .................... 50
15.1.6 Other plates ............................................................................... 51
15.2 Terminal markings.................................................................................. 51
19.7.6 Pressure testing ......................................................................... 57
19.7.7 Bushing current transformers .................................................. 57
19.7.8 Core insulation resistance measurement ................................. 57
19.7.9 Winding insulation resistance measurement........................... 57
19.7.10 Tests and inspections on accessories ........................................ 57
19.7.11 Painting inspection ................................................................... 57
19.8 Type tests ................................................................................................. 57
19.8.1 Determination of linearity of reactance (IEC 60076-6, Cl ....................................................................................... 57
19.8.2 Measurement of zero sequence reactance on three-phase
reactors (IEC 60076-6, Cl 7.8.8) ............................................... 58
19.8.3 Measurement of mutual reactance on three-phase reactors
(IEC 60076-6, Cl 7.8.9) ............................................................. 58
19.8.4 Temperature rise test (IEC 60076-6, Cl 7.8.14) ....................... 58
19.8.5 Loss of cooling temperature rise test (Addition to IEC
60076-6, Cl 7.8.14) .................................................................... 59
19.8.6 Bushings creepage distance verification for polluted
conditions .................................................................................. 59
19.8.7 Bushing current transformers .................................................. 59
19.8.8 Inspection and testing of accessories .......................................60
23 DATA COMPILATION FOR SHUNT REACTORS ............................................... 65
These guidelines cover three phase 50 Hz oil immersed shunt reactors with highest
voltage for equipment 145 kV and above.
If standards referred to have been revised, the ones in force at the ordering date shall
be considered as valid. SS-EN documents are the ruling requirements, thereafter
CENELEC (EN, HD or TS documents) and thereafter IEC or ISO.
SS-EN 50180 Bushings above 1 kV up to 36 kV and from 250 A to
3,15 kA for liquid filled transformers
SS-EN 50299 Oil-immersed cable connection assemblies for
transformers and reactors having highest voltage for
equipment Um from 72.5 to 550 kV
CLC TS 50458 Capacitance graded outdoor bushings 52 kV up to 420
kV for oil immersed transformers (not published)
IEC 60038 IEC standard voltages
SS-EN 61869-1 Instrument transformers-Part 1: General requirements
SS-EN 61869-2 Instrument transformers-Part 2: Additional
requirements for current transformers
SS-EN 60071 Insulation co-ordination; Part 1, 2 and 5
SS-EN 60137 Insulating bushings for alternating voltages above 1000 V
SS-EN 60296 Fluids for electro technical applications - Unused
mineral insulating oils for transformers and switchgear
SS-EN 60507 Artificial pollution tests on high-voltage insulators to be
used on a.c. systems
SS-EN 60529 Degrees of protection by enclosures (IP code)
IEC TR 60616 Terminal and tapping markings for power transformers
SS-EN 60617 Graphical symbols for diagrams
SS-EN 60664-1 Insulation co-ordination for equipment within low-
voltage systems
IEC TR 60815 Guide for the selection of insulators in respect of
polluted conditions
SS-EN 61000 Electromagnetic compatibility; Part 1 - 6 (IEC or EN
shall apply if no SS-EN standards are published)
SS-EN 61140 Protection against electric shock – Common aspects for
installation and equipment
SS-EN 61936-1 Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. - Part 1:
Common rules
IEC TR 61462 Composite insulators – Hollow insulators for use in
outdoor and indoor electrical equipment – Definitions,
test methods, acceptance criteria and design
IEC 62155 Hollow pressurized and unpressurized ceramic and
glass insulators for use in electrical equipment with
rated voltages greater than 1000 V
SS-EN ISO 1461 Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel
articles – Specifications and test methods
SS-EN ISO 9001 Quality systems – Requirements
SS-EN ISO 10684 Fasteners – Hot dip galvanized coatings
SS-EN ISO 12944 Paints and varnishes – Corrosion protection of steel
structures by protective paint systems; Part 1 - 8
SS-EN ISO 14001 Environmental systems – Requirements with guidance
for use
SS-ISO 6708 Pipe work components – Definition and selection of
DN (nominal size)
SS 14 2324 Stainless steel – SS steel 23 24
SS-EN 61936-1 Power installations exceeding 1 kV AC-General
SS-EN 50522 Power installations exceeding 1 kV AC-Earthing
SS-EN 1092-1 Flanges and their joints – Circular flanges for pipes,
valves, fittings and accessories, PN-designated-Part 1
SS-EN 12560-1 Flanges and their joints – Gaskets for Class-designated
flanges-Part 1
SS-EN 1514-1 Flanges and their joints – Dimensions of gaskets for
PN-designated flanges-Part 1
Cigré Report 204 Guidelines for conducting design reviews for
transformers 100 MVA and 123 kV and above
Cigré Report 673 Guide on transformer transportation
ELSÄK-FS 2004:1 Elsäkerhetsverkets föreskrifter (New Swedish Safety
AFS 2008:03 Swedish Work Environment Authority Regulations
ISO 14122-3 Maskinsäkerhet - Fasta konstruktioner för tillträde till
maskiner - Del 3: Trappor, trappstegar och
ISO 14122-4 Maskinsäkerhet - Fasta konstruktioner för tillträde till
maskiner - Del 4: Fasta stegar
ISO 3601-1 Fluid power systems -- O-rings -- Part 1
ISO 3601-2 Fluid power systems -- O-rings -- Part 2
ISO 3601-3 Fluid power systems -- O-rings -- Part 3
SEN 280901 Flänsöppningar (Flange openings)
SS-EN 61558-2-1 Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors
and similar products – Part 2-1: Particular
requirements and tests for separating transformers and
power supplies incorporating separating transformers
for general applications
SS-EN 62271-211 Kopplingsapparater för spänning över 1 kV –
Del 211: Direkt anslutning av krafttransformatorer till
Gasisolerade metallkapslade ställverk med
märkspänning högre än 52 kV
For all equipment due consideration shall be taken to the increased maximum ambient
temperature caused by the temperature of the reactor tank which is assumed to reach
105 °C on the cover. The lower limit ambient temperature –40°C shall be accounted
for as well.
For built in bushing current transformers the following shall apply (if not otherwise
verified by the supplier):
stated the given range of the ratio between the zero sequence impedance and the
positive sequence impedance shall be valid.
4.1 Ratings
For 420 kV power rating 165 Mvar shall be selected if not other specified. For other
voltages, the power rating shall be specified in the tender.
4.3 Tapping range
Tappings are normally not required.
Note 1 For phase to phase insulation the following addition shall apply
145 – 170 kV LI550 AC 275
245 kV SI750 LI850
420 kV SI1050 LI1300
Minimum creepage distance
Highest voltage Ceramic type Polymeric type
for equipment, Um Clean environment Polluted Clean
(kV) Class I environment environment
(mm) Class II and III Class I
(mm) (mm)
145 – 170 2750 4300 2050
245 6000
420 10000
-The ratio (creepage distance) / (insulator length) must not exceed 3.5 for ceramic
type insulators.
-In case of environmental Class II or III the insulator shall be designed with
alternating short and long sheds, i.e. of the self-cleaning type.
-Creepage distances are given as minimum length.
If not otherwise explicitly stated, it shall be possible to operate the reactor at 105% of
rated voltage, irrespective of highest voltage for equipment.
At an ambient temperature of about 20 °C, rated voltage and steady state it shall be
possible to operate the reactors for one hour with disconnected cooler power supply
(not applicable for cooling type ONAN) without any damages in the reactor (i.e. the
core and winding hot spot temperatures must not exceed 140 °C).
Bushings and other accessories shall be selected in such way that they can carry
currents above the corresponding winding rated current of at least the same amplitude
and for the same duration as the reactor itself can withstand.
The reactor neutral and its bushings as well as built in bushing current transformers
shall have the same loading capability as the corresponding line terminals.
For type OD.. cooling the same maximum allowable temperature rise as for type OF..
shall apply (Deviation from SS-EN 60076-2, Cl 4.2). Furthermore when
disconnecting a fully loaded reactor at max ambient temperature it shall not be
required to pump oil through the windings, i.e. no post tripping cooling.
The sound power level LWA shall be measured in accordance with IEC 60076-10 and
shall apply both with and without cooling equipment in operation.
For variable shunt reactors, sound level measurement shall be performed at the
tapping giving the highest core flux density.
In case of separately erected cooling equipment maximum allowable sound level will
be specified in every single case.
Factory measured sound power level shall be rounded off to the closest integer value
before comparison with the guarantee level.
4.8 Core design
If not otherwise specified the reactor core shall be of five limbed core type. Three
limbed core or shell type may be used in special cases if explicitly specified in the
If connected to a 50 Hz voltage equal to rated voltage free of distortion the total r.m.s.
value of current harmonic No. three (150 Hz) and higher must not exceed 0.5 % of the
line current.
The reactor shall be designed in such a way that copper sulphide deposition will be
prevented. Copper winding wires shall always be equipped with a high temperature
varnish layer. The varnish layer shall be designed for hot spot temperatures according
to IEC 60076-7.
4.14 Other data
4.14.1 Supply voltages for motors, control equipment etc.: Cooling equipment motors
400/230 V ac
Maximum voltage variation -15% to +10% shall apply at the connection point of
4.15 Variable shunt reactors
The adjustment method shall be stepwise control, in which an OLTC is used to
change the number of turns on the shunt reactor winding. All requirements
regarding on-load tap-changers and equipment related to on-load tap-changers,
stated in TR01-10E, are valid for variable shunt reactors.
5.1 General
Condenser type bushings shall be used. Applicable standard is SS-EN 60137. Bushings
shall be of either resin impregnated paper (RIP) or resin impregnated synthetic (RIS)
Ceramic type bushing shall fulfil SS-EN 50180, SS-EN 50243 or SS-EN 50386.
Deviations may be made for the connection details on the oil side but first after written
approval from the client.
For each combination of highest voltage for equipment and insulation level only one
type of bushing is allowed.
Extended bushing turrets may be specified to facilitate future installation of a sound level reduction
enclosure. The height (d) of an extended bushing turret shall comply with
Bushing turret
d ≥ 500 mm α α ≤ 90°
5.2 Marking
Each bushing shall have a rating plate showing the identification, e.g. type and
catalogue No. On smaller bushings this can be stamped into the top bolt or the flange
or on a separate plate on the reactor.
5.4 Oil level indication
Oil filled bushings for highest voltage for equipment Um 245 kV shall be provided
with oil level indication.
The reactor supplier shall provide a detailed description of the oil level and pressure
supervision system for the bushings.
It is the reactor supplier’s responsibility to make such arrangements that short circuit
bridges have no harmful impact on the reactor.
The over all responsibility of the interface lies on the reactor supplier.
The over all responsibility of the interface lies on the reactor supplier.
Other requirements such as cable box with SF6, oil or air etc. are specified in every
single case.
All hollow silicone composite insulators shall comply with the requirements of the IEC
publication IEC 61462 and the relevant parts of IEC 62217. The design of the
composite insulators shall be tested and verified according to IEC 61462 (design test
and type test). Each composite insulator shall undergo routine tests according to IEC
5.8 Terminals
5.8.1 General
Current carrying connections including screws, nuts and washers necessary for the
connection of external conductors are to be provided by the client in case of
capacitance graded bushings.
The size of the flat terminal shall be selected from Table 5.1 below:
The size of the cylindrical terminal shall be selected from Table 5.2 below:
5.8.4 Material
Terminals of copper or a copper alloy must not exceed a temperature of 105 °C and
shall be tin coated to layer thickness of at least 10 µm. Copper alloy sensitive to stress
corrosion must not be used.
Terminals of aluminium or an aluminium alloy must not be surface treated. In case of
an alloy this shall have the same corrosion resistance as pure aluminium. Aluminium
alloy sensitive to stress corrosion, layer corrosion or grain boundary erosion must not
be used.
Flat terminal of aluminium or an aluminium alloy shall have a hardness of at least HB
min 75.
5.8.5 Flat terminal dimensions
Size: 2-40
t≥10, Φ=14
≥ 70
Size: 4-75
t≥15, Φ=14
40 75
Size: 9-120
t≥35, Φ=14
≥ 120
Size: 9-120
t≥35, Φ=14
40 165
Size 30: = 30
125 Size 40: = 40
Size 60: = 60
The reactors shall normally be provided the following gauges. These shall have a
prompt making and breaking function.
In order not to prevent the development of new technologies other configurations may
be accepted, however, only after written approval.
One closing for heavy gas formation, heavy oil flow and low oil level to be used
for tripping.
The relay shall be provided with shut off valves as well as a by-pass with no shut off
possibility in order to facilitate relay exchange when the reactor is in service.
Gas sampling and functional testing shall be possible to carry out when the reactor is
in service.
The relay shall be located in such a way that a person executing testing or replacement
work standing on a ladder or on the platform according to Clause 11.11 can not reach
within the safety distance according to Clause 4.4.4. If specified, a device for gas
sampling at service level shall be included.
The oil level indicators shall be located at service level (not on the conservator) and, if
specified, be provided with remote indication possibility (potentiometer).
To prevent water from dripping into oil level indicators a drip protection or a
protruded roof shall be provided.
The temperature gauge shall be provided with a legible maximum pointer resettable
from the outside.
The reactors shall be provided with one temperature gauge for top oil temperature.
The location of the thermometer pocket shall allow the outgoing top oil to the cooling
equipment to be measured.
The temperature gauge shall be provided with Pt100 resistors for remote temperature
In addition to thermometer pocket for the above gauge there shall be one extra
thermometer pocket.
There shall be at least 4–20 mA signals for remote indication of gases and moisture.
7.1 General
For cooling by means of oil pumps, all components having circulating oil must
withstand an internal overpressure of 0.3 MPa(e) without any leakage the oil having a
temperature of 90 °C.
The manufacturer shall if requested take part in the design of the site as to cooler
location and thereby also guarantee that the necessary cooling air will be supplied
according to Clause 3.2.
In case of separately mounted coolers the necessary cabling and piping as well as
assembly shall be included in the supply.
It shall be possible to control the oil pumps by an auxiliary contact of the reactor
The control circuits shall be voltage supervised and this signal shall be separated from
all other signals. This facility may be used to block the closing of the reactor circuit
The control shall normally have one switch with a handle for operation mode selection.
FRÅN (off)
TILL (on)
VAKT t1 (gauge t1)
VAKT t2 (gauge t2)
temperature setting t1<t2
For cooling types including pumps, each cooling group must contain the same number
of pumps and fans. For cooling type OD.. without radiators, the first cooling group
must be switched on when the transformer is energized. For remaining cooling types,
including pumps, the first cooling group is governed by gauge t1.
Each motor shall have its own motor protective switch having both manual and
automatic operation.
The motor protective switch shall have at least one auxiliary contact which is closed
when the switch is open. This contact will be used for signalling at protective switch
The motor protective switches must not be provided with under-voltage protection.
Motor protections and contactors (auxiliary relays) in each cooling group shall at least
be provided with one miniature circuit breaker (MCB).
The complete control circuit shall be protected by a circuit breaker and be provided
with voltage supervision. Provisions for disconnection in case of fire or risk of fire shall
be provided.
In case of cooling equipment power consumption higher than 20 kW half the number
of fans must be delayed in order to limit the total starting current.
The manufacturer shall state the maximum value and duration of the total starting
current at simultaneous start of all motors as above. Taking the selectivity into account
information shall also be given on which size and type is applicable for the main circuit
breaker through which the complete cooling equipment is fed.
The principal cooling equipment circuit is given in the principal cooling circuit
diagram below.
Figure 7.1 Principal cooling circuit diagram
- Supervisory equipment
- Cooling equipment
The control equipment shall be designed and assembled to withstand occurring reactor
Boxes and cubicles shall be lockable by means of a padlock (padlock=5-6 mm, hole≈8-
10 mm) and located for easy access. Doors shall be equipped with doorstops. The
cubicles shall always be mounted on the reactor tank so that it is readily and safely
accessible from ground level with the reactor in service. Cables shall normally be
connected from below why the underside shall be at least 600 mm above the erection
plane, including oak planks, supports, wheels or skids. The bottom of all boxes and
cubicles shall be equipped with blind flanges for connection of external cables. Flange
sizes shall be selected in accordance with standard SEN 280901, for instance FL21.
All components shall be provided with individual markings for easy identification in
the circuit diagram.
To prevent water dripping into the boxes or the cubicles a dripping protection or a
protruded roof shall be provided.
If applicable, boxes and cubicles for the on-load tap-changer drive and for the cooling
equipment shall be provided with lighting and an earthed 230 V socket with a residual
current circuit breaker. A heater to prevent condensation shall also be provided.
Boxes or cubicles containing equipment which requires extra heating to secure its
function at – 40°C ambient temperature the heater shall be controlled by a thermostat.
Switch on and switch off temperatures of the thermostat shall be optimised with
respect to a low temperature in combination with avoidance of moisture. An extra
thermostat shall be provided to give an alarm before the temperature drops below the
limit of safe equipment function.
If applicable, it shall be provided a possibility to feed the heating and lighting in the on
load tap changer motor drive and control cabinet from the station local power supply.
Cubicles containing cooling control equipment shall always be provided with thermal
insulation. Thermal insulation shall be of incombustible material.
8.3 Terminal blocks
8.3.1 General
Connection blocks shall be of disconnecting type, Phoenix URTK/S or Weidmüller
WTL6/1 EN STB. Other types may be accepted after written agreement.
Terminals shall preferable be placed horizontally and opened down. In case of vertical
location, terminals shall be opened to the left. Connection blocks for 230 and 400 VAC
shall have labels, indicating their purpose. These terminals must be touch protected
and separated from other terminals blocks. If more than one conductor is connected to
a terminal same cross section must be used.
All cubicles shall have 8 mm wide slide link type disconnect terminal blocks.
Terminal blocks shall be suitable for the connection of conductors having a cross
section of 1-10 mm² (single stranded) and 1 - 6 mm² (multi stranded).
Terminal blocks for the motor power supply shall have a size governed by its purpose.
All cables coming from the outside shall be connected to the one side of the terminal
groups and all the internal cables to the other one. Maximum two conductors may be
connected to one terminal.
The terminal blocks shall be located for easy access. For the connection of incoming
conductors minimum 100 mm free space along the complete terminal row shall be
All components shall be provided with individual markings for easy identification in
the circuit diagram.
X61 Temperature transmitter If supply from current transformer
| this shall be connected to this group
X91 Gauges for oil-SF6 bushings
Terminal Use
X11 Core No. 1 for all three phases
X12 Core No. 2 for all three phases
X13 Core No. 3 ...
X14 Core No. 4 ...
X15 Core No. 5 ...
X101 Core No. 1 in the neutral
X102 Core No. 2 "-
34/73 Terminal numbering for current transformers around neutral bushings
Example: Core No. 1 for the neutral terminal
Neutral, 1S1 1
Neutral, 1S2 4
9.1 General
Of redundancy reasons one of the relaying cores in each phase shall be connected to
the terminal box by a separate cable.
The bushing current transformer shall be mounted with P2 closest to the reactor. The
test conductor terminal marking, M, shall correspond to P1.
The metering core(s) shall be located closest to the bushing and be labelled No. 1(-2).
9.2.3 Rated continuous thermal current
The rated continuous thermal current shall be 1.1 times rated current of the reactor.
36/73 Accuracy classes
The cores shall fulfil the following requirements:
9.3 Design
9.3.1 General
The current transformers shall fulfil the requirements of the SS-EN 61869-2.
Permanently laid cables shall be of screened type and possibly wire armoured cable.
To prevent excessive heating the cables must not come into contact with the reactor
cover and they shall be laid in such a way that they do not become an obstacle for
water drainage.
Cables on the cover and other horizontally laid cables shall be provided with a
threading protection, however, this is not required when using steel wire armouring.
Clips and cable straps shall be of stainless steel.
Cable sheath and possible protective earthing conductor shall be earthed in both ends
of the cable.
The cable bending radius of any cable must not be below ten times its own diameter.
Power cables must have black insulation and control cables, inside cubicles, must have
grey insulation.
All cables and cable cores shall be provided with individual markings at both ends for
the identification in the circuit diagram. The cables markings outside boxes and
cubicles shall be of stainless steel.
11.1 General
Welders must be qualified in accordance with applicable ISO standards. Welding shall
be performed in accordance with applicable ISO standards. Preparation grade P3 shall
apply. The tank bottom shall be self-supported, implying a possibility to locate the
tank on beams with variable width and internal distance. Bell type tanks are generally
not permitted.
11.3 Cover
The cover must be welded to the tank. The edge of the cover should be equipped with a
slip protection, for separate ladders. On the cover there should be a necessary number
of fasten eyelets, located on the cover or on each bushing turret. Tank and cover shall
be designed for opening and sealing.
11.6 Valves
11.6.1 General
Butterfly valves and ball valves are preferred
All valves shall be located at the tank bottom level. For the valves A and B a pipe
connection from the sampling level shall be furnished. The valve dimension shall be
Connection No. 20 with an internal thread R 3/4".
11.8 Surge arresters
An external bracket on the tank may be specified to facilitate installation of surge
arresters close to the reactor. The delivery may include:
Attachments and bracket (including cabling)
Attachments, bracket and surge arresters (including cabling)
The surge arresters shall fulfil requirements stated in TR01-12E and shall be earthed
on the tank by means of black insulated cables (minimum 50 mm2 Cu) with low wave
impedance, mounted on cable ladders or equivalent. The earthing cables must not be
assembled together with other cables. The arresters shall be mounted on insulated
base and it shall be possible to use surge counters and perform measuring of leakage
current from each arrester at service level with the unit energized. All cables shall be
connected to a common busbar, welded to the tank and provided with five holes, three
holes for the surge arrester cables and two holes for connection to ground.
On the bracket, it shall be possible to assemble designation plates for each surge
arrester (height 80 mm, width 200 mm) by means of screws.
In case attachments and bracket will be chosen, the following dimensions can be used,
if not otherwise is specified:
Um=170 kV. Øplate ≈320 mm. Holes might be drilled at a later stage.
Um>170 kV. To be designed by the supplier.
The sealing must be vacuum proof to a pressure of 20 Pa (0,2 mbar) and oil tight to a
pressure of 0.2 MPa. Furthermore: For reactors the maximum long term working
temperature is assumed to be +70 °C. For the remaining 1% of the service life +80 to
+90 °C can be considered. Other temperature ranges might be specified in single cases.
Required service life for sealing devices is 60 years.
Suitable Sealing devices are mainly divided into Gaskets and Seals.
Gaskets: Detailed information regarding gasket type and dimension, housing and
material selection is found in international standards e.g. SS-EN 1092-1, SS-EN 12560
part 1 and SS-EN 1514 Part-1. The gaskets must not contain asbestos. It is strongly
recommended that selection of the type of gasket and suitable material is made in
close cooperation with the gasket manufacturer. Gaskets should be changed into new
ones each time a flange is opened.
Seals: Detailed descriptions, including standardized sizes and groove design and
quality acceptance criteria is given in national and international standards, preferably:
ISO 3601-1, ISO 3601-2, ISO 3601-3. The largest standardized O-ring cross section size
should be used whenever possible to provide for best function and service life. It is
important that material selection is made in close cooperation with the O-ring
manufacturer. O-rings below lid level should not be re-used.
O-rings shall be used in general, but a rectangular cross section shape may be
accepted. In some special application it might not be possible. If so it shall be declared
and agreed between supplier and client.
Solid silicon seals are generally not permitted. To secure functionality at low service
temperatures, i.e. none energized reactor they may, for deliveries in north Sweden, be
chosen in agreement with the client.
Due to the high complexity corporation with supplier with high competence is
requested. For example: Trelleborg, James walker, Parker and Eriks.
At beginning of project (Design review stage) the supplier shall present a complete
solution for the sealing system.
Reactors shall be designed for dragging and will normally be placed on oak beams.
Erection of reactors can be made by means of supports. For moving on rails, wheels
may be used and shall, if specified, be included in the supply. If wheels are specified,
wheel holders shall be included in the supply.
If anti-vibration plates are specified, these must be dimensioned with respect to the
weight and pressure.
Wheel holders or bogies shall be designed for longitudinal and lateral movement. As to
track gauges, refer to Clause 11.12 Track gauges.
The reactor tank shall be provided with clearly marked attaching plates for jacks
minimum 300 mm above the rail or the erection plane.
When placed on supports in addition to the jacking plates there shall be sufficient
number of jacking positions on the tank bottom. These shall be so located that the
wheels, wheel holders or bogies do not interfere with the handling of jacks.
Reactors having a transport mass 80 tons and above shall be possible to transport by
wagons with home location in Sweden and fulfilling Swedish railway transport
profiles, hanging on brackets between the beams. If possible the choice of two different
transport wagons is preferable.
Transport profiles, weight limits and the procedure to get transports permits, are
described in the Network Statement with amendments, which will be updated and
published at the website of the Swedish Transport Administration.
Reactors must not be transported hanging in yokes (loops) between the transport
wagon side members.
For the transport two independent impact recorders shall be provided. There shall be
one external, tank mounted, and one internal, active-part mounted, impact-recorder.
The external is used to indicate if a high impact has occurred and if further check of
the internal impact-recorder is necessary. For reactors 80 MVA and below, or if the
reactor is transported oil filled, only one recorder outside the tank is required.
The manufacturer shall before the start of the transport state the maximum allowed
The setting of the detection limits shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and
the client.
The operation of the impact recorders shall regularly be checked during the transport.
The platform shall be constructed with a floor of lattice type and have raised borders
(slip protection). Furthermore bars or chains shall be provided at the ladder opening.
Permanently assembled ladder shall be provided with protections against falling down
in accordance with AFS 2000:42, 61§.
11.12.3 Lateral movement
Alternative A – track gauge 1435 mm1
Alternative B – Track gauge 2940 mm, possibly a centrally located support wheels1
1 For 130 kV reactors the track gauge 1435 mm shall be chosen if possible.
Alternative D – Track gauge 2×1435 or 2×2500 mm with 4000 or 5000 mm centre
distance between track pairs.
4000 / 5000
The external painting system shall comply with the requirements based on SS-EN ISO
12944 Corrosivity category C4 H (high atmospheric corrosivity with a protection
durability of more than 15 years).
Accelerated laboratory test according to SS-EN ISO 12944-6 shall only be used as
guidance for qualification of the paint system but to qualify the paint system it must be
tested through field test. The outdoor test site for qualification of the paint system
must comply with SS-EN ISO 8565. The field test requirement and assessment must
be according with section 8.726 in BSK 07. A pre-qualification test can be made
according to SS-ISO 11474 (SCAB-test) with requirement and assessment according to
section 8.726 in BSK 07.
12.3 Screws etc.
All screws, washers and nuts shall be of acid proof steel (steel grade A4) in accordance
with SS 14 2324 and SS-EN 10088-3 or of another from the corrosion point of view
equivalent material.
Screws and nuts shall be waxed in order to prevent seizing. Type of washers shall be
selected in order to prevent paint cracking.
12.4 Radiators
The radiators shall be hot dip galvanized in accordance with SS-EN ISO 1461. The
coating thickness shall be at least 70 μm. Hot dip galvanized surfaces must not be
painted. However, if a corrosivity category higher than C4 H is required, painting may
be accepted.
PE PE Earth
For the connection of earthing cables by cable lugs the neutral bus lower end shall
normally be provided with two holes 14 mm with a vertical c/c 40 mm distance. If
specified, four holes shall be provided.
13.3 Protective earthing
13.3.1 Reactor tank
For the protective earthing of the reactor tank two earthing terminals diagonally
located close to the tank bottom shall be provided. The earthing cable comprises a few-
wire copper conductor, 95 mm² for highest voltage for equipment Um = 145 kV and
185 or 240 mm² for higher voltages.
The terminals shall be flat with four holes, 14 mm, having a vertical centre distance
of 40 mm and a horizontal one of 50 mm. The contact surface shall be protected
against corrosion in a way that a good electrical contact will be obtained after
The oil must fulfil the requirements for inhibited oil (group I in accordance with SS EN
60296). and contain at least 0.3% (kg/kg) of an oxidation inhibitor of type di tert
butyl-parakreosol (DBPC)
The oil must not contain any Dibenzyl Disulfide (DBDS).
The detection limit to verify the PCB content must be 0 ppm. If an oil sample
withdrawn at the delivery contains 2 ppm or more the oil delivery will not be accepted
The total aromatic content must not be higher than 10% (v/v)
It should be noted that the kinematic viscosity at -30°C must not be higher than 800
mm²/s (Deviation from SS-EN 60296).
The manufacturer shall present an oil specification for approval. In the specification
the type of base, country of origin and refining place shall be clearly stated.
In connection with the factory acceptance tests the manufacturer shall, if specified,
withdraw two oil samples from the reactors for among others PCB check (even if the
oil will not be shipped with the reactor). Sample containers will be provided by the
On-load tap-changer diverter switches operating in oil shall have an oil compartment
completely separated from the reactor oil and provided with a separate expansion
After oil filling the leakage of air into the reactor must not exceed 0.3% (by volume).
This will normally be fulfilled by using a rubber sack having a diffusion rate of less
than 50 l air/m² rubber and year at 20°C. The aging properties of the rubber material
shall be presented.
14.3 Conservator
At -40°C ambient temperature, off circuited reactor and at steady state condition the
oil level must not drop to such a level that the oil level indicator no longer will show
any level reading. Furthermore the oil shall at steady state not overflow at +40°C
ambient temperature and fully loaded reactor.
The opening for oil filling shall be provided with a case with an internal thread.
There shall be a shut off valve between the gas operated relay and the conservator.
The conservator must be welded. Necessary hand holes for exchange of rubber bag,
inspection and cleaning shall be provided.
The air dryer shall be located at service level and the drying substance must be visible
along the complete length of the dryer.
The air dryer shall be provided with a label showing the colour change when the drying
substance is becoming humid.
The size of the dehydrating breather must be designed for an exchange interval of the
drying substance exceeding four years.
15.1 Plates
All plates shall be in Swedish. English languish can be accepted for plates belonging to
accessories from sub suppliers. Outdoor plates shall be weather resistant.
- IEC/EN/SS-EN-standard
- highest voltage for equipment
- maximum continous operating voltage
The rating plate shall in other respects fulfil the requirements in the main document.
The diagram plate shall in other respects fulfil the requirements in the main
Each individual accessory, outside cubicles, shall be provided with a plate showing the
purpose as well as clear identification. Inside cubicles only clear identification is
A plate with a diagram showing the oil level or oil volume as a function of top oil
temperature and loading conditions (0, 100 %) in steady state condition shall be
provided. Even the signalling levels shall be indicated. From readings from the top oil
thermometer and the oil level indicator it shall be possible to easily judge if the oil level
is normal.
16.1 General
In addition to IEC 60076-1, Annex A the manufacturer shall in his bid submit all the
information asked for as specified below, in the inquiry or elsewhere in this document.
In case of missing information or parts of it the bid will not be taken into
Catalogues, pamphlets, summaries etc. shall be provided with clear reference to the
tendered equipment.
If applicable, Swedish railway coach transport drawing proofing that the reactor will
not exceed the Swedish railway transport sections.
The quality management shall be based on and in relevant parts fulfil the requirements
in SS-EN ISO 9001 and SS-EN ISO 14001.
The manufacturer is responsible to all his sub suppliers establishing and executing
quality management systems on their own.
It shall be clear from the inspection plan where inspection activities shall be
performed, the parties to be present and inspection plans in force and distribution of
testing and inspection documents.
The main inspection and test plan shall be approved by the client before the beginning
of the manufacturing.
The client or his representative shall have the right to take part in any inspection or
test and shall also be informed of the result as specified in the inspection documents.
The client or his representative shall also at any moment have the right to, without any
advance notice, make a follow-up of an arbitrary inspection, manufacturing step or test
at the manufacturer’s or the sub supplier’s plant and then also be informed of the
Inspections and tests performed in the presence of the client or his representative will
not imply any limitation of the manufacturer’s responsibility.
A design review includes an electrical and a mechanical part. A design review shall be
conducted in accordance with the guidelines in Cigré TB 209 and TB 529.
The data compilation sheet shall be reviewed and, if necessary, updated during the
design review.
The review is preferably held after completion of the electrical design but before start
of any manufacturing activities.
The review shall be held at the manufacturer’s plant and it shall be considered as
confidential. Its purpose is not to give possibilities to make changes in the design.
However, should it be evident that the manufacturer is not fulfilling specified
requirements necessary changes in the design may be required.
Special attention shall be paid concerning the thermal and mechanical design.
19.1 General
The factory acceptance tests shall be witnessed by the client or his representative and a
notice shall be submitted at least two weeks before commencement of the tests.
At the acceptance tests the reactor shall be assembled as for service, i.e. complete with
conservator, coolers, supervisory equipment etc. This means that even oil-SF6
bushings must not be replaced by corresponding oil-air bushings. Deviations from this
requirement may be made, however, only after written approval from the client.
Type tests on a representative reactor may be referred to if the type test report is not
older than five years and is submitted together with the bid. If this is not the case type
tests shall be made. The meaning of “representative” is explained further in the NOTE
to SS-EN 60076-1, Cl 3.11. These requirements apply also to on-load tap-changers,
bushings and built in current transformers.
Bushings shall be tested in accordance with IEC if not specified otherwise below.
Current transformers shall be tested in accordance with SS-EN 61869-2 if not specified
otherwise below.
19.4 Instrumentation
All measuring equipment shall be of at least class 0.2. Analogue watt meters giving a
full deflection for a power factor of 0.1 may be of class 0.5. The equipment shall be
calibrated at least once a year at a measurement laboratory. The latest calibration
curves shall be available at the test location. The equipment shall in addition be
provided with visible markings showing the last calibration date.
19.5 Tolerances
In the bid, order and contract it may be stated that the guaranteed losses shall apply
without tolerances. This refers only to the calculation of bonus and penalty.
19.6 Test results and test reports
19.6.1 General
A preliminary test report including copies of draft test reports shall be handed over to
the client’s inspector immediately after completion of each test. The inspector shall
have the right to receive a draft test result copy as soon as a part test is finished.
Routine test reports for bushings and current transformers shall be presented to the
inspector without request. Type test reports for the other equipment shall be available
at the test location.
The result from all routine, type and special tests shall be compiled in a document
together with the test program as well as a possible non-conformance report. Note that
if type tests have been performed on another reactor or its accessories the
corresponding type test reports shall be included.
At the latest three weeks after the factory acceptance tests the test report shall be
available at the client’s office.
Type test certificates more than five years old cannot be accepted without special
The routine test certificates shall include, in addition to the routine test results, the
following information: Induced AC withstand voltage test and partial discharge measurement (IEC
60076-6, Cl
The following PD guarantee levels shall apply:
250 pC when U=1.58×Ur/3 (For PD-levels >100 pC an explanation must be
100 pC when U=1.2×Ur/3
Measured partial discharge levels and the inception voltage, Ui, as well as the
extinction voltage, Ue, shall be recorded and presented in the final test report. Neither
of Ui or Ue is allowed to fall below Ur/√3.
The normal partial discharge detection method shall be of type broad band
measurement, but narrow band measurement may be permitted, however, only after
written approval from the client.
Table 19.1 Summary of dielectric tests with test voltages for different categories of
windings and Um-levels
For variable shunt reactors, sound level measurement shall be performed at the
tapping giving the highest core flux density.
A frequency analysis with a step factor of 1.25 (one third octave band) shall always be
For each location of microphones the measured sound power as well as the frequency
analysis shall be reported in the test certificate.
A measurement of the sound intensity shall be performed. The sound power shall then
be calculated from the sound intensity in accordance with IEC 60076-10.
19.7.5 FRA
Reactors shall be subjected to a frequency response analysis (FRA) fingerprint
measurement as a routine test. The result shall be described in the test report together
with a careful description of the performance of the test, making it possible to repeat
the measurement at site.
Core to tank
Core to yoke clamps
Yoke clamps to tank
Each complete control equipment shall be voltage tested with 2 kV 50 Hz for 1 min.
Motors for the on-load tap-changer motor drive shall be subjected to a test with at
least 1.5 kV 50 Hz for 1 min.
19.8.2 Measurement of zero sequence reactance on three-phase
reactors (IEC 60076-6, Cl 7.8.8)
Measurement of zero sequence reactance on three-phase reactors shall be performed
as a type test. At all tests, neutral current, phase to phase voltage and active power
consumption shall be measured.
The applied voltage levels shall be based upon the highest value of Um and Maximum
continuous operating voltage (Deviation from SS-EN 60076).
When determining oil temperature rise both method a and b according to SS-EN
60076-2 may be used.
Complete curves for oil and winding temperature determination shall be presented in
the test report. All measuring points shall be included and it shall also be clear which
measurements are deemed to be erroneous and consequently deleted. The
extrapolation method shall also be stated.
When switching off from rated current to determine the warm resistance the
measurement must have been started within one minute and the first reliable reading
must have been obtained within two minutes from current interruption. The resistance
measurement must proceed at least 20 min for cooling type OF/OD.. and 10 minutes
for cooling type ON...
In case of type OF/OD.. cooling pumps and fans shall be running after the test power
Normal gas production is specified in SS-EN 60076-2, edition 3.0-2011. The change of
gas concentrations during the test shall not exceed the following values:
For determination of the change of gas concentrations, it is preferred that the first and
last oil sample during the temperature rise test is used.
19.8.5 Loss of cooling temperature rise test (Addition to IEC 60076-
6, Cl 7.8.14)
To verify the loadability at a trip of the cooling equipment (not applicable for cooling
type ONAN) as requested in Clause 4.5.1 the normal temperature rise test shall be
followed by an additional temperature rise test for one hour with the coolers not in
operation. Before switching off the coolers the oil temperature rise shall have reached
a steady state condition. Determination of oil and winding temperatures shall be made
as for the conventional temperature rise test.
Table 19.2 Requirements for polymeric insulators in a polluted environment. The geometrical
parameters (expressed in mm) L1, D1, L2, D2, S, P and C are defined in IEC/TS 60815-3.
The secondary winding resistance (Rct) shall be measured and corrected to 75°C.
In addition to SS-EN 61869-2 the actual instrument security factor shall be calculated
In addition to SS-EN 61869-2 the actual accuracy limit factor shall be calculated as
19.8.8 Inspection and testing of accessories
It shall be possible to continuously operate contactor and relay coils at 110% of rated
voltage without damage. On request this shall be verified by the supplier.
The control equipment terminals shall be tested in accordance with SS EN 61000-4-4
Class 3.
After the reactor has been ordered the manufacturer shall submit a time schedule for
the following activities
1 Documentation
2 Manufacturing and testing
3 Transport
4 Erection and commissioning
For item 1 the client and the manufacturer will jointly settle the hold points.
22.1 General
All of the documentation shall be in Swedish to the utmost possible extent. The
documentation required for erection, assembly, operation and maintenance must be in
Swedish. However, test reports, catalogues and pamphlets may be in English provided a
written approval from the client.
6 One month Document D to Client for comments. Supplier
before factory
acceptance test
7 Within two weeks Comments on Pos 6 to Supplier. Client
after Pos 6
8 Three weeks Document C2-C3, B1-B9 and D in two Supplier
before factory complete sets to Client.
acceptance test
9 At the delivery of Document E to Client. Supplier
10 Within one Complete sets of the final documentation Supplier
month after Pos 9 (including documents C2 (if applicable),
C3 and C4) to Client.
Documents for approval shall be supplied in PDF format preferable at agreed common
web places or by electronic mail.
When delivering the final documentation (in PDF format) one additional drawing set on
USB shall be supplied.
Examination and approval of the drawings, diagrams and documentation by the client
does not lead to any confinements in the supplier’s responsibility.
For the bushings and current transformers their location shall be stated (serial No. and
phase). The same applies to single phase on-load tap-changers.
In submitted catalogues and pamphlets the actual component shall be legibly marked.
If values and information not explicitly is stated by the client in Data compilation, the tenderer is
asked to fill in values and information in accordance with TR01-11E. Several, not explicitly stated
values and information, are determined by TR01-11E. Remaining values and information in Data
compilation, which not are determined by TR01-11E, shall also be filled in, in order to make it
possible for the client to review what the supplier intend to deliver.
ID Date Description Author
Inquiry / Order Pos Station
Network kV
Short circuit power
from resp. network
Reference voltage kV
Relation X0/X+ -
Rated voltage kV
Maximum continuous
operating voltage
Maximum switch on
Rated power Mvar
Connection mode -
Line Neutral
Highest voltage for equipment, Um kV
Rated withstand voltages
Lightning impulse kV
Switching impulse kV
Power frequency kV
Air clearances
phase-phase mm
phase-ground mm
Reference voltage kV
Load loss kW
core type windings on all limbs limbs without windings shell type
Flux density at no load and OLTC in principal position (with two decimals) at 1,0 × Ur
Limb T, yoke T, shell / side T
Guaranteed max sound POWER level measured in accordance with IEC (tolerance +0 dB(A))
- reactor with /without coolers in operation / dB(A); LWA
- cooling equipment including pumps (if separate) / dB(A); LWA
Terminal Line Neutral
Bushing type
- OIP = oil impregnated paper
- RIP = resin impregnated paper
- RIS = resin impregnated synthetic
- RM = resin molded
- C = ceramic
Insulator type
- C = ceramic
- P = polymeric
Rated current A
Rated voltage kV
Pollution class (I,II,III)
Nominal creepage distance mm
Oil level indicator
Capacitance tap
Ratio (A) Core Accuracy class and rated output n / sec. Resistance
n = Fs or ALF
0,2S min max
Terminal primary/sec No. 5P20
Fs ratio ratio
n/Rct n/Rct
Type of cooling
ONAN ONAF OFAF ODAF OFWF To be optimised by the supplier
Cooler location
on the reactor on wall brackets on concrete shelf on separate support
supports / brackets included others:
Oil system
parallel groups on the oil side cooler(s) in each group pump(s) in each group
Oil type
Fan arrangement
horizontally blowing, vertically blowing, vertical suction
Cooler (Radiator) data Fan data
manufacturer manufacturer
type designation type designation
number of coolers (radiators) pcs number of fans pcs
cooling capacity per cooler at K kW fan speed r/min
average oil temperature rise
oil pressure drop per cooler bar air flow per fan m3/s
power requirement per fan kW
Valve size mm
Winding Top oil
centre phase reading at the reactor reading at the reactor
all windings Pt100 transmitters included Pt100 transmitters included
transducers included transducers included
open air system with rubber membrane
Conservator location
on the reactor on wall brackets on concrete shelf on separate support
brackets / support included
Oil volume in main tank and coolers (radiators) at –40°C m3
Conservator oil volume m3
Dehydrating breathers
maintenance-free non maintenance-free
Manufacturer Type designation
welded cover bolted cover pressure relief valve
Surface treatment
Externally Internally
Corrosivity category C3 C4 C4H C5 C5M
Primer paint
Cover paint
Cover paint colour
Total thickness m m
-total including oil tons -tank tons
-transport with oil tons -accessories tons
-transport without oil tons -pressboard tons
-active part (core + windings) tons -paper tons
-copper tons -pressboard tons
-oil tons tons
Erected on
supports wheels skids oak planks others:
pcs of supports and pcs of wheels included in the supply
anti-vibration plate
designed for railway transport on Swedish coach No. (Coach No.)
designed for road transport
-transport dimensions L × W × H: × × mm
impact recorder installed during transport
manufacturer type
Winding design
Winding type Winding 0,2% proof stress (N/mm2) Paper DP-number
material new processed
Capacitance winding to ground
-total capacitance nF/limb
Mean winding rise
Hot spot winding rise
Mean oil rise
Top oil rise
Max terminal inrush current
peak inrush kApeak
half value time s
-at highest voltage for equipment
Line Neutral
Bracket attachment
Bracket attachment and
Bracket attachment,
bracket and surge arresters
Type designation
Requested alternatives according to these guidelines and / or IEC
Guideline IEC 60076-1 Requested alternative
Clause Clause
5.1 Extended bushing turrets
11.9 Gas and oil actuated relay inspection platform
15.1.3 Accessory summary plate
15.1.4 Oil circuit diagram
18 Design review
20.2 Tests in service carried out by the client
20.2 Tests in service carried out by the supplier
10.1.3.h Measurement of power taken by fans and oil pumps (if applicable)
Tender enclosures (X-marked are compulsory as well as the tender references)
-item - tender reference No.
Factory description
Reference list
Failure record
Test resources
Dimension drawing
Transport drawing, railway
Circuit diagram
Test circuit, impulse tests
Test circuit, power frequency tests
Recommended priced spare parts
List of technical deviations
Time schedule
Valid type test reports
Quality management system
Quality management system
Eco management system
Eco management system certificate
Environmental impact for the
complete reactor delivery
Principal gauge arrangement