Scheme of Examination
Distribution of Marks
Compulsory Suject :
1. (A) General Hindi
(B) General English
Or Elementary Hindi (In lieu of Comp. Hindi
Or Non Hindi speaking students)
Or History of Indian Civilization
2. Elementary Computer Application
3. Environmental Studies
Core Subjects
4. Physics
5. Chemistry
6. Mathematics
7. Zoology
8. Botany
9. Geology
10. Geography
11. Defence and Strategic studies
Vocational Subjects
12. Computer Application
13. Biotechnology
14. Microbiology
B.Sc. Part I
There shall be three (03) Sections in the Question Paper.
Section A shall consist of ten questions (02 questions from each Unit), all compulsory to be answered in around
50 words.
Section B shall consist of five/seven questions (02 from each section with internal choice/at least 01 question
from each Unit), to be answered in around 200 words. Five questions must be answered out of given seven.
Section C shall consist of five questions (01 question from each Unit), to be answered in around 500 words. Any
three questions must be answered out of given five.
The number of paper and the maximum marks for each paper together with the minimum marks required for
a pass are shown against each subject seperately. It will be necessary for a candidate to pass in the theory part
as Classification of successful candidates shall be as follows :
First Division 60% of the aggregate marks prescribed at (a) Part I
Second Division 48% Examination, (b) Part II Examination,
(c) Part III examination, taken together.
All the rest shall be declared to have passed the examination, if they obtain the minimum pass marks in each
subject viz. 36% no division shall be awarded at the part I and Part II Examination.
S.N. Name of the No. of Duration Max. Min. Pass
Subject/Papers Papers Marks Marks
Compulsory Subject :
1. General Hindi 3hrs. 100 36
or Ele. Hindi (in liew of G.Hindi)
or History of Indian Civilization
1- lkekU; fgUnh
Max. Marks: 100 Min. Passing Marks: 36
x| Hkkx
bdkbZ & 1
1- Hkkjro"kZ dh mUufr dSls gks & HkkjrsUnq gfj'pUnz
2- vkpj.k dh lH;rk & v/;kid iw.kZflag
3- es?knwr & egkohj izlkn f}osnh
4- Hkkjrh; laLÑfr dh nsu & gtkjh izlkn f}osnh
5- fyfi dh lRrk & Hkxorh 'kj.k mik/;k;
6- fxYyw & egknsoh oekZ
Theory : Max. Marks: 100 Min. Passing Marks: 36
1. The marks secured in this paper shall not be counted in awarding the division to a candidate.
2. The candidate have to clear compulsory paper in three years.
3. Non appearing or absent in the examination of compulsory paper will be counted a chance.
The syllables and scheme of examination is as under:
Compulsory in 1st year for all streams at undergraduate level
1. The paper will be of 100 marks.
2. There will be no practical/Field work, instead student should be aware of ecology of local area;
the question
related to field work of local area can be asked by paper setter.
3. There will be 100 questions in the paper of multiple choice, each question of 1 mark.
4. There will be no negative marking in the assessment.Core Module syllabus for Environmental
Studies for Under
Graduate Courses of All Branches of Higher Education
Unit-1 : The multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies.
- Definition scope and awareness.
- Need for public awareness.
Unit-2 : Natural Resources :
- Renewable and non-renewable resources
- Natural resources and associated problems.
- Forest resources.
- Use and over-exploitation.
- Deforestation.
- Timber exploitation.
Scheme of examination
Three Theory Papers Min. Pass Marks 48 Max. Marks 135
Paper-I : Frame of reference, 3 hrs. duration 45 marks
Mechanics and Oscillations
Paper-II : Mathematical background
3 hrs. duration 45 marks
Properties of matter
and Electromagnetic waves
Paper-III : Electrostatics,
Electricity 3 hrs duration 45 marks
and Magnetism
Practical 5 hrs. duration Min. Pass marks 24 Max. marks 65
Total 200
Note : There will be two experiments of 5 hrs. duration. The distribution of marks will be as follows :
Two experiments (one from each group)
Each of 20 marks - 40
Viva - 15
Record - 10
Duration: 5 hrs Min. Pass Marks 24 Max. Marks 65
Total number of experiments to be performed by the students during the session should be 16,
selecting any eight from each section.In examination two experiments are to be performed taking at
least one from each section.
Section : A
1. Study of laws of parallel and perpendicular axes for moment of inertia.
2. To find M.I. of an irregular body by inertia table.
3. Study of conservation of momentum in two dimensional oscillations.
4. Study of a compound pendulum.
5. Study of damping of a bar pendulum under various conditions.
6. Study of oscillations under a bifilar suspension.
7. Potential energy curves of a 1 -dimensional system and oscillations in it for various amplitudes.
8. Study of oscillations of a mass under different combinations of springs.
9. Study of bending of a cantilever or a beam.
10. Study of torsion of a wire (static and dynamic methods)
11. Study of flow of liquids through capillaries.
12. Determination of surface tension of a liquid by different methods.
13. Study of viscosity of a fluid by different methods.
14. Determine Y by Hook’s law
15. Determine Y, ç, ó by Searle’s apparatus
16. Determine ç by Maxwell needle
17. Determine ç by Statical method
18. Determine ó of Rubber tube
19. Determine surface tension of water by Jaeger’s method
20. Study the air damping by compound pendulum
21. Variation of magnetic field by tangent galvanometer
Section : B
1. Characteristics of a ballistic galvanometer.
2. I-V Charateristic of a P-N junction diode.
3. I-V Charateristic of a Zener diode.
4. Setting up and using an electroscope or electrometer.
5. Use of a vibration magnetometer to study a field.
6. Study B field due to a current.
7. Measurement of low resistance by Carey-Foster bridge or otherwise.
8. Measurement of inductance using impedance at different frequencies.
bdkbZ & 1
fuokZr esa dwyke dk fu;e rFkk bldk lfn'k :i] fdlh fLFkj LoSfPNd vkos'k forj.k ds fy;s foHko ,ao {ks=]
cgq/kzqo] f}/kqzo ,oa prq/kzZo ds dkj.k fo|qr foHko ,oa {ks= dh vo/kkj.kk] js[kh; lekdyu ds :i esa fo|qr {ks= esa
vkos'k }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z] fLFkj fo|qr dh lajf{kr {ks= izÑfr] fo|qr foHko φ fo|qr {ks= E = &∇ ∇ φ] leku fo|qr
{ks= esa f}/kqzo ij cyk/kw.kZ rFkk bldh fo|qr ÅtkZ] le:i vkosf'kr xksys dh fo|qr ÅtkZ] bysDVªku dh fpjlEer
f=T;k] pkyd ds }kjk fo|qr {ks= esa vojks/k (Screening)
bdkbZ & 2
ijkoS/kqrrk] ¼Dielectric½ vkf'kad ,oa iw.kZ :i ls ijkoS/kqr inkFkZ ls Hkjs lekukUrj IysV la?kkfj=] ijkoS/kqrrkad
/kqox.krk rFkk /kzqo.krk lfn'k] vk.kfod ,oa ijek.kfod /kqzo.krk] fo|qr foLFkkiu lfn'k D, Dykfl;l & ekSlksVh
lehdj.k dk vk.kfod foospuA
bdkbZ & 3
fLFkj /kkjk ?kuRo J] vfLFkj /kkjk rFkk larr lehdj.k] la/kkfj= dk izfrjks/k esa vkos'ku ,oa fujkos'ku] fjlko
¼Leakage½ }kjk mPp izfrjks/k dk ekiu] LR rFkk RC ifjiFkksa esa /kkjk dh o`f)] {k; le; ds lkFk o`f) ,oa {k;]
{k;kad] LCR ifjiFk esa {kf.kd /kkjk ¼transient current½
izR;korhZ /kkjk ifjiFk] ¼Complex½ tfVy izfrck/kk rFkk izfr?kkr] Js.kh ,oa lekukUrj vuqokn] ¼Q½ xq.krk xq.kkad]
vuqukn dh rh{k.krk] izR;korhZ ifjiFk }kjk vo'kksf"kr 'kfDr] 'kfDr xq.kkad] fo|qr 'kfDr dk ifjxeuA
bdkbZ & 4
xfr'khy vkos'k ij cy] ykWjsUVt cy lehdj.k o B dh ifjHkk"kk] ,oa fdlh le pqEcdh; {ks= esa /kkjk okgd ljy
js[kh; pkyd ij vkjksfir cy] /kkjk ywi ij vkjksfir cy&vk?kw.kZ] pqEcdh; f}/kqzo vk?kw.kZ] dks.kh; laosx rFkk
tk;jksesxusfVd fu"ifrA
ck;ks rFkk lkokVZ dk fu;e] lkekU; T;kferh; fLFkfr ds fy;s H dh x.kukA
,Eih;j dk fu;e] ∇.B = 0, ∇ x B = µJ, pqEcdh; f}/kqzo ds dkj.k {ks=] pqEcdu /kkjk] pqEcdu lfn'k] gkWy izHkko]
pqEcdh; ikjxE;rkA
bdkbZ & 5
fo|qrh; Roj.k gsrq {ks= E bysDVªku xu] foltZu ufydk dk mnkgj.k] js[kh; RojdA
fo|qrh; fo{ksi.k gsrq {ks= E dSFkksM+ fdj.k nksyd ¼CRO½] CRO dh lqxzkfgrkA
yEcor {ks= B; 1800 ls fo{ksi.k] nzO;eku LisDVksxzkQ] iFk dh oØrk] ukfHkdh; d.kksa dh ÅtkZ ekiu] lkbDyksVªku
dk fl)kUrA
ijLij yEcor E rFkk B {ks= % osx p;ud rFkk bldh fo{ksi.k {kerk ¼Resolving½ {kerkA
lekukUrj E rFkk B {ks= % /ku fdj.k ijoy;] leLFkkfudksa dh [kkst] nzO;eku LisDVªksxzkQh rFkk blds ewy rRo]
pqEcdh; ysUl rFkk Qksdl izfØ;kA
uksV % mijksDr fooj.kksa esa ;kaf=d fcUnqvksa ij vf/kd egRo fn;k tk;A mDr midj.kksa ds fooj.k dks fufgr
fl)kUrksa dks le>kus gsrq gh egRo fn;k tk;A
ikB~; o lanHkZ iqLrdsa
1- fo|qr o pqEcdRo & cdZys HkkSfrd ikB~;Øe & lEiknd & bZ ,e- izkslsy
Three papers Min. Pass Marks: 48 Max. Marks: 135
Paper I 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks
Paper II 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks
Paper III 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks
Practical : 5 Hrs. Duration, Min. Pass Marks : 24, Max. Marks 65 Marking scheme
1. Each theory paper will be of 45 marks (minimum passing marks 16).There will be three theory
papers total marks in theory will be 145 (minimum passing marks 48). Time duration for
each paper will be 3 hours.
2. The practical paper will be of 65 marks (minimum passing marks
24). Practical exam will be of 5 hrs.
3. Each theory question paper will be divided into three sections i.e. A, B and C. Section A (15
marks) shall contain 10 questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. All the
questions are compulsory. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions (two from each unit with internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The
candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section
C (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The
candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words.
Time : 120 Hours (4 Hours / Week)
Max Marks 65 Min Marks 24
Semi micro and Macro analysis , Separation and Identification of Four radicals - two acidic and
two basic in a given mixture which may include any one interfering radical and/or combinations of
1.Laboratory techniques:
(i) Determination of melting point (0C)
Naphthalene 80-82 0C, Benbzoic acid 121.5-1330C
Urea 132.5-1330C, Succinic acid 184.5-1850C
Cinnamic acid 132.5-1330C , Salicylic acid 157.5-1580C
Acetanilide 113.5-1140C, m-Dinitrobenzene 900C
p- Dichlorobenzene 52 0C ,Aspirin 1350C
(ii) Determination of boiling point
Ethanol 780C, cyclohexane 81.40C, toluence 110.60C, Benzene 800C (iii)Mixed melting point
Urea-cinnamic acid mixture of various compositions(1:4,1:1,4:1)
(iv) Distillation
Simple distillation of ethanol-water using water condenser,
Distillation of nitrobenzene and aniline using air condenser
(v)Green Chemistry - Identification of Safety Symbols
2. Purification Methods
Phthalic acid from hot water (using fluted filter paper and stemless funnel)
Acetanilide from boiling water,Naphthalene from ethanol,Benzoic acid from water
(ii)..Decolorisation & Crystallization using charcoal
Decolorisation of brown sugar (sucrose) with animal charocoal using gravity filtration,
Crystallzation and decolorisation of impure naphthalene (100g of naphthalene mixed with 0.3 g of
Congo red using 1 g decolorizing carbon) from ethanol.
(iii) Sublimation (Simple and Vacuum) Camphor, Naphthalene, phthalic acid and succinic acid.
3.Qualitative analysis
Identification of an organic compound through the functional group analysis, determination of melting
point and preparation of suitable Derivatives
(i) Chemical Kinetics
1. To determine the specific reaction rate of the hydrolysis of methyl acetate/ethyl acetate catalyzed
by hydrogen ions at room temperature.
2. To study the effect of acid strength on the hydrolysis of an ester.
3. To compare the strengths of HCI and H2SO4 by studying the kinetics of hydrolysis of ethyl
4. To study kinetically the reaction of decomposition of iodide by H2O2.
(ii) Distribution Law
Papers Nomenclature Duration Periods Max. Marks
per week Sc So. Sci
I Algebra 3 Hrs. 3 66 66
II Calculus 3 Hrs. 3 66 66
III Vector Calculus and
Geometry 3 Hrs. 3 68 68
Max. Marks 200 200
Min. Pass Marks 72 72
Paper- I (ALGEBRA)
Note : Each theory question paper will be divided into three sections i.e. A, B and C. Section A (10
marks) shall contain 10 questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1 mark. All the
questions are compulsory. Section B (20 marks) shall contain 5 questions (two from each unit with
internal choice). Each question shall be of 4 marks. The candidate is required to answer all 5
questions. Section C (36 marks) shall contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall
be of 12 marks. The candidate is required to answer any three questions.
Relation between roots and coefficients of general polynomial equation in one variable, transformation
of equations, Descarte’s rule of signs, Solution of Cubic equations (Cardon Method) Biquadratic
Equations(Ferrari Method).
Symmetric, Skew symmetric. Hermitianand skew Hermitian matrices. Linear Independence of row and
column matrices. Row rank, Column rank, Rank of a matrix by Echelon form, the characteristic
equation of a matrix and eigenvectors. Cayley Hamilton theorem and its use in finding inverse of a
matrix. Applications of matrices to a system of linear (both homogenous and non-homogenous)
equations. Theorems of consistency of a system of linear equations.
Note : Each theory question paper will be divided into three sections i.e. A, B and C. Section A (10
marks) shall contain 10 questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1 mark. All the
questions are compulsory. Section B (20 marks) shall contain 5 questions (two from each unit with
internal choice). Each question shall be of 4 marks. The candidate is required to answer all 5
questions. Section C (36 marks) shall contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall
be of 12 marks. The candidate is required to answer any three questions.
Pedal equation of a curve,Envelope and Evolutes, Asymptotes, Curvature: Various Formulae, centre
of curvature, chord of curvature and related problems.
Partial differentiation, chain of variables, Eular’s theorem on homogeneous functions, first two
differential coefficients of an implicit functions. Taylor’s theorem for functions of two variables,
acobians with properties.
Maximum – Minimum and saddle points of functions of two and three variables connected by a
relation. Lagrange’s method of undermined multipliers. Test of concavity and convexity, points of
inflexion, multiple points, curve tracing in Cartesian and polar coordinates (standard curves).
Differentiation and Integration under the sign of integration, Beta and Gamma functions, double
integrals, change of order of integration, transformation in polar coordinates.
Quardrature, rectification, volume and surface of solid of revolution. Triple integrals. Dirichlet’s
integrals and Liouville’s extension.
1. Gorakh Prasad : Text Book of Differential calculus,
Pothishala Pvt. Ltd. Allahabad
2. Gorakh Prasad : Text Book of Integral calculus,
Pothishala Pvt. Ltd. Allahabad
3. N. Piskunov : Differential and Integral calculus,
Peace Publications, Moscow
4. Gokhrooet. al. : Differential Calculus (English/Hindi Ed.)
Navkar Prakashan, Ajmer.
Three papers Min. Pass Marks: 48 Max Marks: 135
Paper I 3 Hrs Duration Min. Pass Marks: 16 45 Marks
Paper II 3 Hrs Duration Min. Pass Marks: 16 45 Marks
Paper III 3 Hrs Duration Min. Pass Marks: 16 45 Marks
Practical: 5h duration, Min Pass Marks: 24 Max Marks: 65
Bacteria and viruses of medical importance (elementary knowledge)
Gram positive: Cocci- Staphylococci, Streptococci, Bacilli- Diptheria, Tetanus.
Gram Negative: Cocci- Gonorrhoea, Meningitis; Bacilli- Pneumonia, Diarrhoea; Mycobacteria-
Tuberculosis, leprosy, Actinomycetes.
Obligate intracellular agents, AIDS (Causative agents, HIV-I, HIV-II, Transmission, pathogenicty).
Secondary disease, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
SARS-Causes, pathogenicity and prevention. Elementary idea of Cancer.
I. General survey of Invertebrates (Museum specimens and slides)
1.PROTOZOA- Entamoeba, Polystomella, Monocystis, Euglena, Noctiluca, Leishmania, Nyctotherus,
Paramecium, Vorticella.
2.PORIFERA- Sycon, Hyalonema, Euplectella, Spongilla, Euspongia.
3.COELENTERATA- Obelia colony, Physalia, Porpita, Aurelia, Rhizostoma, Alcyonium,
Corallium,Gorgonia, Pennatula, Madrepora, Metridium
V-Cell biology
(a) study of living cell by vital staining
(b) Temporary acetocarmine staining of squashed testis of grasshopper
and study of chromosome during mitosis and meiosis.
(c) Any slide of important bacteria. Photograph of animal tissues and
TMV virus .Electron micrograph of cell and cell organelles.
(d) Cell membrane permeability(Crenation, and Haemolysis in mamma
lian RBC)
(Note-Use of animals for dissection is subject to the condition that these are not banned under
the wildlife Protection Act).
S.No. Permanent exercise Regular Ex- student
rhu iz'u&i= U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad % 48 vf/kdre vad % 135
iz'u&i= izFke le;kof/k 3?k.Vs U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad% 16 45 vad
iz'u&i= f}rh; le;kof/k 3 ?k.Vs U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad% 16 45 vad
iz'u&i= r`rh; le;kof/k 3 ?k.Vs U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad% 16 45 vad
izk;ksfxd le;kof/k 5 ?k.Vs U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad% 24 vf/kdre vad % 65
iz'u&i= izFke % okxhZdh] fuEu vd'ks:dh izkf.k;ksa dh fØ;kRed 'kkjhfjdh] okxhZdh ,oa fofo/krk
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 50 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi
lfgr½A izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh
vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxasA izR;sd
iz'u 5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500
'kCnkas dh gksxhA
oxhZdj.k ds lkekU; fl)kUr] ikap txr dh ifjdYiuk] oxhZdj.k ds vk/kkj& leferrk] nsgxqgk] [k.MhHkou]
Hkzw.kksn~HkoAla?k izksVkstksvk] iksjhQsjk] flysUVªsVk] IysfVgsyehaFkhl rFkk fuesVksMk dk oxZ rd oxhZdj.k ,oa vkfFkZd egÙoA
izksVkstksvk & vkokl] okl LFkku] lajpuk] dk;Z rFkk thou pØ ¼;qXyhuk] iSjkehf'k;e½A
euq"; ds ijthoh izksVkstkvu] muds eq[; y{k.k] laØe.k dk rjhdk] jksxtudrk] fu;a=.k ,oa mipkj ¼ft;kjfM;k]
yslekfu;k] fVªisukslksek] ,UVvfeck] Vªkbdkseksukl½A
iksjhQsjk& vkokl] okl LFkku] lajpuk] dk;Z rFkk thoupØ ¼lkbZdksu½] ukyra= ds izdkjA
flysUVªsVk & vkokl] okl LFkku] lajpuk] dk;Z rFkk thoupØ ¼vkWjsfy;k½] cgq:irk] dksjy rFkk dksjy jhQ dk
laf{kIr ifjp;A
IysfVgsyehaFkhl & vkokl] okl LFkku] lajpuk] dk;Z rFkk thoupØ ,oa ijthoh vuqdwyu ¼;ÑrÑeh rFkk QhrkÑeh½
euq";ksa ds ijthoh fuesVksM] y{k.k] laØe.k] jksxtudrk] fu;a=.k ,oa mipkj ¼Mªsdudwyl] ,ulkbDyksLVksek]
,aVhjksfc;l] owphjsfj;k½A
ikni fuesVksM ¼fgVªksMsjk½ dk vkokl] okl LFkku] lajpuk ,oa thoupØA
iz'u&i= f}rh; % okxhZdh] mPp vd'ks:dh izkf.k;ksa dh fØ;kRed 'kkjhfjdh] okxhZdh ,oa fofo/krk
MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/27
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 50 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi
lfgr½A izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh
vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxasA izR;sd
iz'u 5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500
'kCnkas dh gksxhA
,usfyMk & lkekU; y{k.k ,oa vkWMZj rd oxhZdj.kA
tkasd & vkokl] okl LFkku] lajpuk] dk;Z] cká y{k.k] ikpu ra=] ifjlapj.k ra=] mRltZu ra=] iztuu ra=] ifjo/kZu
,oa thoupØ] ijthoh vuqdwyuA
vkFkzksiksMk & lkekU; y{k.k ,oa vkWMZj rd oxhZdj.kA
>haxk ¼iksyheksj½ & vkokl] okl LFkku] cká y{k.k] mikax] ikpu ra=] ifjlapj.k ra=] mRltZu ra=] iztuu ra=]
raf=dk ra=] laosnh jpuk,aA
ØLVsf'k;k ds ykokZ] MªkslksfQyk & lajpuk ,oa thoupØ
eksyLdk & lkekU; y{k.k ,oa vkWMZj rd oxhZdj.kA
;wfu;ks & vkokl] okl LFkku] cká y{k.k] 'kkjhfjdh] ikpu ra=] 'olu ra=] ifjlapj.k ra=] iztuu ra=] raf=dk ra=
,oa laosnh jpuk,aA
ikbyk & vkokl] okl LFkku] cká y{k.k] 'kkjhfjdh] ikapu ra=] 'ol ra=] ifjlapj.k ra=] raf=dk ra=] iztuu ra=
,oa laosnh jpuk,aA
xsLVªksiksMk esa ,aBu
bdkbZuksMesZVk & lkekU; y{k.k ,oa vkWMZj rd oxhZdj.k
rkjk eNyh ds cká y{k.k ,oa ty ifjlapj.k ra=
vkfFkZd izk.kh'kkL= & e/kqeD[kh ikyu] js'ke dhV ikyu] nhed dk lkekftd thou] nhed esa fyax fu/kkZj.k]
gkfudkjd dhV ¼jkbtksiFkkZ] 'osr lw.Mh] lhVksfQyl] VhM~Ms dk thoupØA
Three Papers Max. Marks : 135 Minimum Marks- 48
Paper I 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks 16
Paper II 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks 16
Paper III 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks 16
Practical 5 Hours Duration Max. Marks : 65 Min. Pass Marks : 24
(One day)
Pattern of Paper
The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10 questions two
from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. The candidate is required to answer all the
questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions
(two from each unit, as internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required
to answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section C (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The candidate is
required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words.
General characters, thallus organization, pigments, reserve food material. reproduction and different
types of life cycle in algae Classification with special reference to Firtsch . General account of
Cynobacteria, Cell structure and reproduction in Oscillatoria and Nostoc.
General characters of Chlorophyta and Xanthophyta. Morphology and reproduction in-Chlorophyta -
Volvox, Oedogonium Charophyta- Chara Xanthophyta –Vaucheria
Unit- III
General characters of Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta. Morphology andreproduction in.Phaeophyta -
EctocarpusRhodophyta - Polysiphonia Economic importance of Algae .Lichens - General characters.
Habitat, structure, reproduction ( with special reference to Parmelia and Usnea) and economic
importance of Lichens specially as colonisers and indicators of environment.
General characters and classification of Bryophytes, Evolutionary trends
in thallus and sporogonium in Bryophytes. Morphology and life historyof Riccia and Marchantia .
Morphology, life history of Anthoceros and Sphagnum. Economic importance of Bryophytes.
Characteristics and broad classification of Fungi (Alexopoulus and Mims 1979) .Structure and life
history of Albugo, Mucor, Penicillium and Morchella.
Characteristics and broad classification of Pteridophyta. Stelar system
in Pteridophytes. Geological Time Scale. Types of fossils, process of
fossilisation. Applied aspects of Palaeobotany. Structure of Rhynia and
Occurrence, structure and life history of Psilotum, Lycopodium and Equisetum.
Occurrence, structure and life history of Selaginella Pteris and Marsilea, Homospory, Heterospory
and origin of seed habit.
General characters, economic importance and broad classification of Gymnosperms. Occurrence,
structure and life history of Cycas.
Occurrence, Morphology, Anatomy and life history of Pinus and Ephedra.
Reference Books :
1. A text book of Botany Vol. I & II – Saxena and Sarabhai, Ratan Prakashan Mandir, Agra.
2. A text book of Botany – Singh, Pandey and Jain, Rastogi Publication, Merut.
3. Algae, Lichens and Bryophyta – Gena, Verma and Chaudhary, Alka Publication, Ajmer.
4. Fungi, Microbiology and Plant Pathology – Gena, Verma and Chaudhary, Alka Publication, Ajmer.
5. Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms and Palaceobotany – Tyagi and Saxena, R.B.D., Jaipur.
6. Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany - – Gena, Verma and Chaudhary, Alka
Publication, Ajmer.
7. Practical Botany – Bendre and Kumar, Rastogi Publication, Meerut.
Microscopic preparations and study of the following algal material :
Nostoc, Oscillatoria, Volvox, Oedogonium, Vaucheria. Chara, Ectocurpus and Polysiphonia.
Microscopic preparation and study of Albugo, Mucor, Morchella, Penicillium, Ustilago, Puccinia,
Agaricus, Alternaria .Staining of different types of Bacteria. Study of some locally available plant
diseases caused by Viruses. Mycoplasma, Bacteria and Fungi in field/laboratory.
Yellow vein mosaic of Bhindi. Little leaf of Brinjal, Citrus canker, Green ear disease of Bajra,Rust and
smut of wheat and White rust of Crucifer.Study of External morphology and microscopic preparations
of the following Bryophytes :- Riccia, Marchantia, Anthoceros and Sphagnum. Microscopic
examination of fossil slides, specimen/photographs - Rhynia and Williamsonia.
Microscopic, temporary, double stained preparations and study of stem/rhizome, anatomy of following
Pteriodophytes - Psilotum,
Lycopodium, Selaginella. Equisetum and Marsilea. Study of temporary, single stained microscopic
preparations of the
followings : Cone of Lycopodium, Selaginella and Equisetum. Sporophyll of pteris Sporocarp of
ouLifr foKku
rhu isilZ vf/kdre vad 155 U;wure ikl vad 48
isij izFke 3 ?kaVs vof/k 45 vad 16
isij f}rh; 3 ?kaVs vof/k 45 vad 16
isij r`rh; 3 ?kaVs vof/k 45 vad 16
izk;ksfxd ijh{kk % 5 ?kaVs vof/k 65 vad 24 ¼,d fnu½
isij dk iSVuZ
iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u
1-5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 50
'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi lfgr½A
izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 200 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vadks
dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnkas dh
Paper II – Palaeontology
Duration : 3 Hours. Max. Marks : 45
Theory/ Nomenclature Hours Duration Max. Min.
Practicle per of exam Marks Marks
Paper-I Physical Geology &
Tectonics 2 hrs 3 hrs 45 48
Paper-II Palaeontology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Paper -III Crystallography &
Mineralogy 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Practicals Related to all the
three papers 6 hrs 5 hrs 65 24
Note: – Each Theory paper is divided into 5 units. The question paper is divided into three parts,Part
A,Part B and Part C. Part A (15 Marks) is compulsory and contain 1 question containing 10 parts (
Answer limit 50 words) two questions from each unit, each question is of 1.5 marks. Part B (15 Marks)
is compulsory and contains five questions with internal choice, one from each unit.Candidate is
required to attempt all five questions; each question is of three marks each (Answer limit 200 words).
Duration : 5 hrs. Min. Pass Marks : 24 Max. Marks : 65
Theory/ Nomenclature Hours Duration Max. Min.
Practicle per of exam Marks Marks
Paper-I Physical Geology &
Tectonics 2 hrs 3 hrs 45 48
Paper-II Palaeontology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Paper -III Crystallography &
Mineralogy 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Practicals Related to all the
three papers 6 hrs 5 hrs 65 24
(i) Palaeontology
Identification and description of following fossils in hand specimen – Foraminifera– Nummulities,
Assilina, Alveolina. Echinoidea–Cidaris, Hemiaster, Micrastar Brachiopoda – Rynchonella,
Terebratula, Productus, Spirifer. Lamellibranchia–Pecten Ostrea, Trigonia, Lima, Exogyra.Gastropoda
– Trochus, Murex, Voluta, Physa, Turritella, Conus.Ammonoidea –Phylloceras, Ceratites,
Perisphinctus, Bellemnites, Orthoceras. Nautiloidea – Nautilus.Trilobita – Calymene, Phacops,
Agnostus, Trinucleus, Paradoxides. Graptoloidea – Monograptus, Diplograptus.Plant fossils –
Glossopteris, Gangamopteris, Vertibraria, Ptilophyllum.
Labelled Diagram of characterstic important fossils of different phylum and classes
(IV) Field Training- Field work for a period of about five days duration and a report thereon.
Books Recommended
1. Homes A – Physical Geology. (Thomas Nelson Sons, London).
2. Spencer – Basic concepts of Physical Geology.
3. Datta A.K. – Physical Geology. (A.K. Bos 38 Road, Ranchi).
4. Read, H.H – Elements of Mineralogy (C.B.S. New Delhi).
5. Ford, W.E. – Dana’s Text books of Mineralogy : (Asia Publishing
LSk}kafrd dky[kaM Ikjh{kk iw.kkZad U;wure
lIrkg vof/k mÙkh.kkZad
Ikz'u Ik= I HkkSfrd Hkw&foKku
,oa foorZfudh 2 3 ?kaVs 45 48
Ikz'u Ik= II Tkhok'e foKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikz'u Ik= III fØLVfydh ,oa
[kfutdh 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikzk;ksfxd 6 5 ?kaVs 65 24
;kstuk %
uksV % izR;sd lS)kfUrd iz'u i= dks ikap bdkb;ksa esa ckaVk x;k gSA iz'u i= rhu Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr gSA Hkkx ,]
Hkkx ch vkSj Hkkx lhA Hkkx , ¼15 vad½ vfuok;Z gS vkSj blesa 15 vad dk ,d iz'u gksxk ftlds 10 Hkkx gksaxs]
izR;sd bdkbZ ls nks iz'u gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 500 'kCn½A Hkkx ch ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls vkarfjd fodYi ds lkFk
dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 200 'kCn½A izR;sd iz'u rhu vadksa dk gksxkA Hkkx lh ¼15 vad½ izR;sd
bdkbZ ls ,d iz'u gksxk] vH;fFkZ;ksa dks rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u ikap vad dk gksxk ¼mÙkj lhek
500 'kCn½(
HkwoSKkfud le; lkj.khA iqjkpqacdRoA fge dky ,oa iqjk tyok;qA Hkw vkÑfr foKku dh vo/kkj.kk ,oa vuqiz;ksxA
e`nk izksQkby o e`nk tuuA fgeky;] flU/kq] xaxk] tyks<+ o Fkkj jsfxLrku dh lajpuk ,oa fodklA Hkw vkÑfr foKku
dh ladYiuk ,oa vuqiz;ksxA
thok'e foKku& ifjHkk"kk] 'kk[kk,sa ,oa bfrgklA thoksa ¼ikS/ks o izkf.k;ksa½ dk oxhZdj.kA thok'e& ifjHkk"kk vkdkfjdh
,oa lajf{kr djuss ds rjhds ,oa mi;ksfxrkA tSoh; fodkl dk vkjafHkd Kku] foyksiu ,oa HkwxHkhZ; dkyksa ds nkSjku
tSfod fodklA HkwvfHkys[k dh viw.kZrk
xSzIVksyksbMh;k] dksjy VªkbyksckbVk] ,oa bdkbuksbfM;k dh vkdkfjdh] oxhZdj.k ,oa HkwoSKkfud forj.k dk v/;;uA
czSfd;ksiksMk] ySesyhczSfUd;k] xsLVªksiksMk] isyslhiksMk ,oa flQsyksiksMk ds dBksj aHkkxksa dh vkdkfjdh] oxhZdj.k ,oa muds
HkwoSKkfud forj.k dk v/;;uA
lw{e thokf'edh% lw{e thok'eksa dk ,d=hdj.k] i`FkDdj.k ,oa v/;;u& cSDVhfj;k] dksdksfyFk] Mk;Ve vkfn]
QksjkfeuhQsjk dh vkdkfjdh] oxhZdj.k ,oa Hkw oSKkfud forj.k rFkk jsfM;ksysfj;k] vksLVªkdksMk o dksuksMksUV dk
izkjfEHkd Kku
iqjkokuLifrdh& ifjp;] ikni oxhZdj.k& laoguh o vlaoguh ikni] ikni thok'e dh vkdkfjdh] xkasMokuk dky
ds ikniksa dk izkjfEHkd KkuA d’ks:dh thok'e foKku& dkMZsVk dk oxhZdj.k] Mk;uklksj o mudk foyksiu] eSesfy;k
oxZ ds y{k.k Hkkjr ds f'kokfyd esa ik, tkus okys jh<+/kkjh thok'eA izkbZesVl rFkk ekuo /kksMk gk ds fodkl dk
Hkw&foKku izk;ksfxd
Lke; 5 ?k.Vs U;wure vad 24 iw.kkZad 65
HkkSfrd HkwfoKku 10
Tkhok’e foKku 10
fØLVfydh ,oa [kfutdh 20
QhYM odZ 05
ekSf[kdh 10
LSk}kafrd dky[kaM Ikjh{kk iw.kkZad U;wure
lIrkg vof/k mÙkh.kkZad
Ikz'u Ik= I HkkSfrd Hkw&foKku
,oa foorZfudh 2 3 ?kaVs 45 48
Ikz'u Ik= II Tkhok'e foKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikz'u Ik= III fØLVfydh ,oa
[kfutdh 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikzk;ksfxd 6 5 ?kaVs 65 24
(I) thok'e foKku
fuEu thok'eksa ds uewuksa dh igpku ,oa forj.k QksjkfefuQsjk % uqeqykbVhl] ,lhyhuk ,fYo;ksyhukA bdhuksbMh;k %
lhMkfjl] gsfe;kLVj] ekbØkLVj czsZfd;ksiksMk % fjadksusyk] VsjsoszbVwyk] izksMDVl] LihjhQj ySesyhczSfUd;k % isDVsu]
vkfLVª;k] Vªhxksfu;k] yhek] ,Dtks+xkbjkA xSLVªksiksMk % Vªksdl] E;qjsDl] oksyqVk] Qkblk] VqfjVsYyk] dksulA
veksuksbMh;k % Qkbykslsjkl] lsjkVkbVl] isfjl &fQUd~Vl] osYysesukbVl] vkSFkkZslsjkl ukWVhyksbMh;k % ukSfVyl
VªkbyksokbVk % dSfyfeu QSdksIl ,xukWLVe] VªkbU;wfDy;l] ijkMkWDlkbM~l XkzSIVksyksbMh;k % eksuksxzsIVl] fMIyksxszIVl
ikni thok'e % XykWLkksIVsfjl] xsaxeksIVsfjl] oVhZcszfj;k] VkbyksfQYyeA
(II) fØLVfydh ,oa [kfutdh
gLr uewus ,oa lw{en'khZ esa fuEufyf[kr [kfutksa dk fooj.k ,oaa igpkuuk %
DokV~Zt] QsYlikj] eLdksokbV] ok;ksVkbV] DyksjkbV] gkuZCysUM] vkSxkbV] vksyhohu] xkjusV] dk;ukbV] LVkWjksykbV]
flyhesukbV] VªseksykbV] ,lcsLVl] ljisUVhu] dSYlkbV] MksyksekbV] eSXusVkbV] gsesVkbV] bihMhV] Vwjesyhu] osfjy]
lksMkykbV] VkYd] ftIle] ,isVkbV] ¶yksjkbV] Vksikt ,oa dksjaMe fØLVy ekWMyksa dh igpku] js[kkadu ,oa fooj.kA
?kuh; fØLVyksa ds DykbuksxzkfQd izkstsDluA
(III) HkkSfrd Hkw&foKku
Ik`Foh ds HkkSfrd ifjek.k] vkarfjd lajpuk( lkSjeaMy] Fky o egk}hiksa dk forj.k] Hkwdai] Tokykeq[kh] IysV foorZfudh(
vijnu ,oa vi{k;.k dh izeq[k fof/k;ksa dks n'kkZus okys fp=ksa ,oa pkVksZa dk fuekZ.kA VksiksxzkfQd lhV~l dk v/;;u
,oa izksQkbZy MªkbZaxA
(IV) eSnkuh izf'k{k.k
yxHkx ik¡p fnuksa ds fy, 'kSyksa ,oa [kfutksa ds v/;;u gsrq eSnkuh izf’k{k.k¼QhYM odZ½ ,oa mlds Ik'pkr~ fjiksVZA
Scheme: 6 periods per week per batch of 40 students.
Arts & Science Practical :
Arts Mini pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50
Science Mini pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50
Distribution of marks: Arts Science
1. Lab work 2 hrs duration 18 18
2. Field survey & viva-voce 2 hr duration 8+4=12 8+4=12
3. Record work & viva- voce 2 hr duration 8+4=12 8+4=12
4. Project work & viva- voce 6+2=08 6+2=08
Total 50 50
izFke iz'u i= % HkkSfrd Hkwxksy
vof/k % 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZd % 75
uksV %& iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u rFkk lHkh
iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxh A [k.M ^c* esa izR;sd
bdkbZ esa ls 2 iz'u lfgr dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vad dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u dk
mÙkj nsrs gq, dqy 5 iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCn gksxhA [k.M ^l* esa dqy
5 iz'u] izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u] gksxsa A ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs rFkk izR;sd iz'u 10 vad
dk gksxkA izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
bdkbZ & 1
v- lkSje.My] i`Foh dh mRifr % fugkfjdk ifjdYiuk] Tokjh; ifjdYiuk] fcx cSax fl}kar A
vk- i`Foh ds vkarfjd Hkkx dh HkkSfrd o jklk;fud voLFkk % lajpuk ,oa dfVcU/kA
b- vYÝsM osxuj dk egk}hih; foLFkkiu fla)kr
bZ- IysV foorZfudh m- lefLFkfr
Å- ioZr fuekZ.k ds fl)kar & tksyh] dkscj] vkSj vFkZj gksEl
bdkbZ &2
v- 'kSy& muds izdkj vkSj fo'ks"krk,sa
vk- vi{k; vkSj e`nk fuekZ.k
b- Hkw&lapkyu&iVy fo:i.k&Hkza'k ,ao oyu
bZ- HkwdEi
m- Tokykeq[kh& dkj.k vkSj fufeZr LFkykÑfr;ka
bdkbZ &3
v- vijnu pØ& fofy;e ekSfjl Msfol vkSj okYFkj iSad
vk- unhÑr LFkykÑfr;ka b- dkLVZ LFykÑfr;ka
bZ- fgekukÑr LFykÑfr;ka m- iou }kjk fufeZr LFykÑfr;ka
Å- rVh; LFykÑfr;ka
bdkbZ &4
v- ok;qe.My dk la?kVu vkSj Lrjhdj.k vk- lw;Zrki vkSj m"ek ctV
b- rkieku bZ- ok;qnkc vkSj iousa
m- tSV LVªhe Å- ok;q jkf'k;ka vkSj okrkxz
,- pØokr & m".k dfVcU/kh; vkSj 'khrks".kfVcU/kh;
,as- tyok;q izdkj& Oyknhfej dksisu dk tyok;q oxhZdj.k
bdkbZ &5
v- egklkxjh; fury dk foU;kl
vk- egklkxjh; ty esa rkieku o yo.krk dk forj.k
b- egklkxjh; /kkjk;sa rFkk TokjHkkVk bZ- egklkxjh; fu{ksi
m- izoky fHkfRr;ka ,oa izcky oy; & izdkj vkSj MkfoZu] ejs o Msyh ds vuqlkj
;kstuk % izfr cSp 40 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk izfr lIrkg 6 dkyka'k v/;;u
iw.kkZd % dyk 50 vof/k 4 ?kaVs U;wure mRrh.kkZd dyk 18
foKku 50 vof/k 4 ?kaVs U;wure mRrh.kkZd foKku 18
vadks dk foHkktu dyk foKku
1- iz;ksx'kkyk dk;Z % 18 18
2- {ks= losZ{k.k vkSj ekSf[kd 8+4=12 8+4=12
3- fjdkMZ dk;Z vkSj ekSf[kd 8+4=12 8+4=12
4- losZ{k.k fjiksVZ vkSj ekSf[kd 6+2=8 6+2=8
dqy 50 50
uksV % dqy 5 iz'uksa esa ls 3 iz'u gy djus gksaxsA izfr cSp 40 ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dk ewY;kadu fd;k tk,xkA
1- ekiuh & ljy] fod.kZ vkSj rqyukRed
2- foo/kZu] y?kqdj.k vkSj ekufp= la;kstu
3- mPPkkop fu:i.k dh fof/k;ka] gS';wj] ioZrh; Nk;kdj.k] Lrj&jatu fof/k] leksPPk js[kk,a vkfnA LFkykÑfrd
i=dksa esa iznf'kZr fofHkUUk HokÑfrd izns'kksa ds mPPkkop] Hkw&Lo:Ik tSls&<ky ds izdkj] ?kkfV;ka] tyizrki] xktZ]
foliZ iBkj % 'kaDokdj igkM+h&dVd] dkBh vkSj njksZ dk leksPPk; js[kkvksa }kjk iznf'kZr djukA ifjPNsfndk
4- LFkykÑfrd i=dksa dk v/;;u] Hkkjr ds LFykÑfrd i=dksa dh i}frA
5- Tkjhc rFkk Qhrk LkosZ{k.kA
6- ,d xkao dk lekftd&vkfFkZd {ks=h; losZ{k.k ,oa v/;;uA fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks i`Fkd&i`Fkd izfrosnu izLrqr djuk
7- ek/;] ekf/;dk] cgqyd ,oa izeki fopyuA
a) Head Quarter (H.Q.) and organization of Indian Air Force
b) Commands and formations of Indian Air Force
c) Modern aircraft of Indian Air Force
d) Functions of Indian Air Force during War and peace periods
Books Recommended :
1. Indian Arms Forces: Jaswant Singh
2. Indian’s Defence Organization and Administration: Brig. Rajender
3. The Naval Defence of India: K. P. Vaidya
4. Air Power in War: Lord Toder Holder
5. Defence Organization in India: H. L. Venkateswaran
6. MkW- ,l- ds- feJ% jk"Vªh; j{kk o lqj{kk
7. MkW- ,l- ds- feJ% Hkkjrh; lSU; laxBu
8 MkW- ch- vkj- ik.Ms;% lSU; v/;;u
9 MkW- yYyu flag% Hkkjrh; lSU; bfrgkl ,oa lSU; laxBu
10 MkW- gjohj 'kekZ% ;q) ds HkkSfrd ,oa ekuoh; rRo
izk;ksfxd dk;Z
j{kk o j.kuhfr v/;;u
le; % 3 ?kaVs dqy vad% 50
1 ekufp= dk ifjp;( VksiksxzkQh losZ eSi rFkk bldh lsuk esa mi;ksfxrk
2 tkyh; O;oLFkk( (Grid system) pkj vad funs'kkad] N% vad funs'kkad rFkk vkB vad funs'kkadA
3 lSfud ,oa HkkSxksfyd ijEijkxr fpg~u
4 ekid (Scale) ljy o le; ekid
5 fnd~lwpd dEikl( (Liquid prismatic compass) ds vax ,oa izdkj
6 lfoZl izksVSªDVj( (Service protector)
7 fnd~eku( (Bearing) o fnd~eku ifjorZu
8 dEikl dh lgk;rk ls ekufp= fn'kkuqdwfyr (set) djuk
9 fnd~lwpd ;a= ¼dEikl½ dh mi;ksfxrk
10 ekufp= ij fLFkfr fu/kkZj.k
uksV % blesa izk;ksfxd fyf[kr ijh{kk 30 vad rFkk ekSf[kdh o fjdkM~Zl 10&10 vad dk gksxkA
vuq'kaflr iqLrdsa%
1 flEiy eSi jhfMax & guqeku izlkn
2 izk;ksfxd lSU; foKku & MkW- ,l- ds- feJ] ekMuZ izdk'ku] tkya/kj
Scheme of Examination
For a pass in the examination, a candidate is required to obtain at least 36% in each paper (Theory,
Practical and Project) and 36% marks of total aggregate marks of theory and practical papers
Division Total Marks
First Division 60% and above
Second Division Above 48% and below 60%
Pass Above 36% and below 48%
Fail Below 36%
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of syllabus).
Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of syllabus). The word limit of part A, B
and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively
4. BACKLOG As per University Norms
At least 3 classes for theory class and 3 classes for practical lab should be assigned per week for
each paper.
6. INSTRUCTIONS FOT PRACTICAL EXAMINATION Each practical exam is to be conducted by
two examiners one External and one Internal Examiner. External examiner should be senior lecturer
from jurisdiction of other universities. Question paper of Practical Examination will be prepared by
External Examiner. Students have to perform exercise on computer. Exercise must be written in
answer books in proper documentation. Marks distribution for Practical of 70 marks is as under
a) Four Exercise of 10 marks each 40 Marks
(Logic 04, Execution 03, Documentation 03)
b) Viva-Voce 20 Marks
c) Laboratory Exercise File 10 marks
Examination Scheme 2020
Paper Paper Name Lec/ Total Exam Max. Mini.
code (Theory) week week Hrs. Marks Pass
Theory Papers
Paper I Computer
& PC Software 3 1 3 65 23
Paper II Database
System 3 1 3 65 23
Total of Theory Papers
(PAPER I 65 + PAPER II 65) 130 47
Practical Papers
Practical 3 3 70 25
Total of Practical Papers 70 25
Grand Total 200
Scheme of Examination
Maximum Marks: 65 Duration: 3 Hours
Minimum Passing Marks: 23
For a pass in the examination, a candidate is required to obtain at least 36 % in each
paper (Theor y and Practical) and 36 % marks of total aggregate marks of theor y and
practical papers separately.
Division Total Marks
First Division 60% and above
Second Division Above 48 % and below 60 %
Pass Above 36 % and below 48 %
Fail Below 36 %
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section- A consists of 10 questions (2
questions from each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions
from each unit of s yllabus with internal choice). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1
question from each unit of syllabus). The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and
500 respectively.
As per University Norms
At least 3 hrs theor y and 3 hrs practical slot should be assigned per week for each
Each practical exam is to be conducted by two examiners one External and one
Internal. External examiner should preferably be a senior lecturer from any Indian
recognized University or its affiliated college. External Examiner will prepare question
paper of Practical Examination Students have to perform the given exercises. Exercise
must be written in answer books I proper documentation.
Marks distribution for Practical of 65 marks is as under-
Practical Based on
Paper I,II and III 5 65 24
Grand Total 200 72
Scheme of Examination
Distribution of Marks
Core Subjects
1. Physics
2. Chemistry
3. Mathematics
4. Zoology
5. Botany
6. Geology
7. Geography
8. Defence and Strategic studies
Vocational Subjects
9. Computer Application
10. Biotechnology
11. Microbiology
The number of paper and the maximum marks for each paper together with the minimum marks required for
a pass are shown against each subject seperately. It will be necessary for a candidate to pass in the theory part
as Classification of successful cnadidates shall be as follows :
First Division 60% of the aggregate marks prescribed at (a) Part I
Second Division 40% Examination, (b) Part II Examination,
(c) Part II examination, taken together.
All the rest shall be declared to have hassed the examination, if they obtain the minimum pass marks in each
subject viz. 36% no division shall be awarded at the part I and Part II Examination.
S.N. Name of the No. of Duration Max. Min. Pass
Subject/Papers Papers Marks Marks
1. Physics Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
2. Chemistry Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
3. Mathematics Paper-I 3hrs. 66
Paper-II 3hrs. 66 200 72
Paper-III 3hrs. 68
4. Zoology Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
5. Botany Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
6. Geology Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Scheme of examination:
Three theory papers Min. Pass Mrk 48 Duration MaxMrk 135
Paper-I Statistical Physics
and Thermodynamics 3 hrs. 45
Paper-II Waves, Acoustics and Kinetic
theory of Gases 3 hrs. 45
Paper-III Optics 3 hrs. 45
Practical 5 hrs. 65
Total 200
Note : For practical examination, there will be two experiments of total duration 5 hrs. The distribution
of marks will be as follows –
Two experiments (one from each section A & B) 40
Viva 15
Record 10
Total 65
Work Load:
Each paper must be given 2 hrs. (or three periods) per week for theory. Practical must be given 4 hrs
(or 6 periods) per week. This gives 60 hours for each theory paper with 30 weeks of teaching every
year and 120 hours for practical and laboratory tutorial work every year. For laboratory work each
batch must not be more than 20 students.
Waves in media: Speed of transverse waves on a uniform string, speed of longitudinal waves in a
fluid, energy density and energy transmission in waves, typical measurements. Waves over liquid
surface: ripples. Group velocity and phase velocity, their measurements.
Superposition of waves: Linear homogeneous equations and the superposition principle, nonlinear
superposition and consequences.
Standing waves: Standing waves as normal modes of bounded systems, ex-amples, Harmonics and
the quality of sound; examples. Chladni’s figures and vibrations of a drum. Production and detection
of ultrasonic waves and applications.
Noise and Music: The human ear and its responses; limits of human audibility, intensity and
loudness, bel and decibel the musical scale, temperament and musical instruments violin, sitar, flute,
harmonium & tabla.
Reflection, refraction and diffraction of sound: Acoustic impedance of a medium, percentage
reflection and refraction at a boundary, Measurements of frequency and velocity, impedance
matching for transducers, diffraction of sound, principle of a sonar system, sound rang-ing.
Duration: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 45
Note: The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10
questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. All the questions are compulsory.
The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions (two from
each unit with internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required to
answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section C (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The candidate is
required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words. The question
paper shall have at least 30% weightage to numerical problems. MKSA system of units is to be used.
Fermat’s Principle: Principle of extremum path and application to laws of reflection refraction.
General theory of image formation : Cardinal points of an optical system, general relationships,
thick lens and lens combinations, Lagrange equation of magnification, telescopic combinations,
telephoto lenses and eyepieces.
Aberration in images: Chromatic aberrations, achromatic combination of lenses in contact and
separated lenses. Monochromatic aberrations and their reduc-tions; aplanatic points, oil im-mersion
objectives, meniscus lens.
Optical instruments: Entrance and exit pupils, need for a multiple lens eye-piece, common types of
eyepieces Ramsden & Huygen’s eyepiece.
Interference: The principle of superpositions, two-slit interference, coherence requirements for the
sources, optical path retardations, lateral shift of fringes. Localised fringes Newton’s ring; Interference
in thin films. Michelson interferometer, its application for precision determination of wavelength,
wavelength difference and the width of spectral lines, Fabry-Perot interferometer and etalon.
Fresnel diffraction : Fresnel half-period, zones plates, straight edge, rectilinear propagation of light.
Fraunhofer diffraction: Diffraction at a slit, half-period zones. Phasor diagram and integral calculus
methods, the intensity’ distribution, diffraction at a circular aperture and a circular disc, resolution of
images, Rayleigh criterion, resolving power of telescope and microscopic systems, outline of phase
contract micros-copy.
HkkSfrd foKku
izFke iz'u i= % lkaf[;dh HkkSfrd ,oa m"rkxfrdh
le; % 3 ?kaVs iw.kk±d 45
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 50
'KCnks dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi lfgr½A
izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5
vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnkas
dh gksxh A iz'u i= esa U;wure 30 izfr'kr vkafdd iz'uksa dk Hkkj j[kk x;k gSA MKSA i)fr ds ek=dksa dk iz;ksx
djuk gSA
bdkbZ 1
lkaf[;dh HkkSfrdh
m”ekxfrdh dk lkaf[;dh vk/kkj % E;w vkdk’k fu:iu] E;q vkdk’k mtkZ ifêdkvksa ,o LoSfPNd vkdkj dh dyk
dksf’kdkvksa esa foHkktu] dyk vkdk’k] lq{e ,ao LFkqy voLFkk] izkf;drk ,ao m”ekxfrd izkf;drk] leku iwoZ
izkf;drk dk fl)kUr ¼Principle of equal and priori probability½ izkf;drk forj.k ,ao d.kksa dh la[;k o`f) g¨us
ij bldk ladh.kZu] ek/; xq.kksa ds fy, O;atd] cU/rk ¼constrainty½] cks/kxE; ,ao vcks/kxE; voLFkk,a] nh xbZ dqy
bdkbZ 4
ek/;e esa rjaxs % ,d le:i Mksjh ij vuqizLFk rjaxksa dh pky] ,d rjy esa vuqnS/;Z rjaaxksa dh pky] rjaxksa esa mtkZ
lapj.k ,o mtkZ /kuRo] izk:fod ekiu ¼typical measurements½ nzo lrg ij rjaxs ,oa mfeZdk,] lewg ,ao dyk
osx] mudk ekiuA
rjaxksa dk v/;kjkasi.k % jSf[kd le?kkr lehdj.k ,ao v/;kjksi.k dk fl)kUr] vjs[kh; v/;kjksi.k ,ao ifj.kke A
vizxkeh rjaxs % c) fudk;ksa dh izlkekU; fo/kkvks ds :o esa vizxkeh rjsaxs] mnkgj.k %& laukfn;ksa ,ao /ofu dh
xq.oRrk] dyknfu ¼Chladni’s½ds fp= ,ao Mªe ds dEiu] ijkJO; rjaxksa dk mRiknu ,oa lalwpu rFkk vuqiz;ksxA
bdkbZ 5
'kksj ,ao laxhr % ekuo d.kZ ,oa bldh xzkàrk] ekuoh; Jo.k dh lhek,a rhozrk ,o izcyrk] csy ,ao Mslhcsy]
laxhrh; iSekuk ¼Temperament½ rFkk ok| ;a= lhrkj] gkjeskfu;e] ok;skfyu] rcyk] cklqjhA
/ofu dk ijkoZru] viorZu ,ao foorZu % ek/;e dh /ofud izfrck/kk] ifjlhek ij izfr’kr ijkorZu ,ao vioZru]
vko‘fr o osx dk ekiu] Vªka;M~;wlj ds fy, izfrck/kk lqesyu /ofu dk foorZu] lksukj rU= dk fl)kUr] /ofu dk
Paper I 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks
Paper II 3 Hours Duration ` 45 Marks
Paper III 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks
Practical : 6 Hrs. Duration, Min. Pass Marks : 24, Max. Marks 65
Chemistry of Elements of First Transition Series:
(a) Characteristic properties of d-block elements.
Properties of the elements of first transition series, their binary compounds and complexes ,
illustrating the relative stabilities of oxidation states, coordination number and geometry.
(b) Chemistry of elements belonging to II and III transition series comparative study of post
lanthanide transition metals with the members of 4d series with special emphasis on ionic radii,
oxidation states, magnetic & spectral properties. Stereochemistry of their compounds.
(a) Oxidation and reduction :
Use of redox potential data-Analysis of redox cycle. Redox stability in water. Frost, Latimer and
Pourbaix diagram . Principles involving in the extraction of elements.
(b) Chromatography – Definition, classification, Rf-value , law of differential migration eluant and
elution, Paper, TLC, Chromatographies and their applications.
Coordination Compounds:
Werner’s coordination theory and its experimental verification, effective atomic number concept,
chelates, nomenclature of coordination compounds, isomerism in coordination compounds, valence
bond theory of transition metal complexes.
(a) Chemistry of Lanthanide Elements :
Electronic structure, oxidation states and ionic radii and lanthanide contraction, complex formation,
occurrence and isolation of lanthanide compounds.
(b) Chemistry of Actinides :
General features and chemistry of actinides, chemistry of separation of Np, Pu and Am from U,
similarities between the later actinides and the later lanthanides.
(a) Acids and Bases
Lux-Flood concept of acid base and its limitation. Lewis concept and its limitation Usanovich concept.
A generalized acid –base concept.
(b) Non-aquenous Solvents:
Physical properties of a solvent, types of solvent and their general characteristics reactions in non-
aqueous solvents with reference to liquid NH3 and liquid SO2.
Unit - I
Limit å-ä definition of the limit of a function, Limit of functions of one and two variables, Continuity,
classification of discontinuities, Sequential continuity, Properties of continuous functions, Uniform
continuity, Continuity of functions of two variables.
Unit - II
Differentiability, Chain rule of differentiability, Differentiability of functions of two variables, Darboux’s
intermediate value theorem for derivatives, Mean Value Theorems and their geometrical
interpretations, Taylor’s theorem with various forms of remainders, Taylor’s theorem for functions of
two variables.
Unit - III
Riemann integral, Partition, Darboux sums, Lower and Upper integrals, Integrability of continuous
and monotonic functions. the fundamental theorem of Integral Calculus, Mean value theorems of
Integral Calculus.
Unit - IV
Real sequence, definition, Theorems on limits of sequences, Bounded and monotonic sequences,
Cauchys convergence criterion.
Infinite Series of non negative terms, Comparison tests, Cauchy’s nth root test, Ratio tests, Raabe’s,
logarithmic, De Morgan and Bertrand’s tests Alternating series, Leibnit’z theorem, Absolute and
conditional convergence.
Unit - V
Uniform convergence of series of functions, Weirestrass M-test, Abel’s and Dirichle’ts test for
uniform convergence. Improper integrals and their convergence, Comparison tests, Abel’s and
Dirichlet’s tests, Fourier Series, Fourier expansion of piecewise monotonic functions.
Three papers Min. Pass Marks: 48 Max Marks: 135
Paper I 3 Hrs Duration Min. Pass Marks: 16 45 Marks
Paper II 3 Hrs Duration Min. Pass Marks: 16 45 Marks
Paper III 3 Hrs Duration Min. Pass Marks: 16 45 Marks
Practical: 5h duration Min Pass Marks: 24 Max Marks: 65
(1)Study of Chordates: Balanoglossus, Herdmania, Ciona, Botrylus, Salpa, Doliolum, Pyrosoma,
Amphioxus, Ammocoete larva, Petromyzon, Myxine, Zygaena, Torpedo, Chiamaera, Acipenser,
Amia, lepidosteus, Labeo, Clarias, Anguilla, Hippocampus, Exocoetus, Echeneis, Pleuronectes,
Protopterus, Ichthiophis, , Proteus, Ambystoma, larva (Axolotl ), Siren, Alytes, Hyla, Testudo,
Chelone, Tortoise,, Sphenodon, Hemidactylus, Phrynosoma, Draco, Chameleon, Eryx, Hydrophis,
Naja, Viper, Bungarus, Crocodilus, Alligator, Archaeopteryx,(Model), Pavo cristatus, Ornithorhynchus,
Macropus, Bat, Loris, Scaly ant eater (Model )
(2) Permanent Slides: Mammalian histology, V.S. of Skin, T.S. of Spinal cord, T.S. of Pituitary gland,
T.S. of Testis,, T.S. of Ovary, T.S. of Placenta, Bone, Lung, Pancreas, Kidney, Liver, Blood cell types,
Oral hood, Velum, pharyngeal wall, T.S. of Amphioxus through various regions. T.S. of
Balanoglossus, Whole mount of Amphioxus, Tadpole larva of Ascidia.
S.No Permanent exercise Regular Ex- student
1 Dissection/ demonstration 8 10
2 Preparation 6 8
3 Developmental Biology/
Exercise in evolution 6 8
4 Physiology 9 11
5 Spot(8) 16 16
6 Record 10 Nil
7 Viva-voce 10 12
Grand Total 65 65
rhu iz'u&i= U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad % 48 vf/kdre vad % 135
iz'u&i= izFke le;kof/k 3?k.Vs U;wuremÙkh.kZ vad% 16 45 vad
iz'u&i= f}rh; le;kof/k 3?k.Vs U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad% 16 45 vad
iz'u&i= r`rh; le;kof/k 3?k.Vs U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad %16 45 vad
izk;ksfxd le;kof/k 5 ?k.Vs U;wuremÙkh.kZ vad% 24 vf/kdre vad % 65
Three Papers Max. Marks : 135 Minimum Marks- 48
Paper I 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks 16
Paper II 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks 16
Paper III 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks 16
Practical 5 Hours Duration Max. Marks : 65 Min. Pass Marks : 24
(One day)
Pattern of Paper
The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10 questions two
from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. The candidate is required to answer all the
questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions
(two from each unit, as internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required
to answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section C (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The candidate is
required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words.
Herbarium technique. Important herbaria and Botanical gardens of India. Principles of classification.
Basic evolutionary tendencies in flowering plants. Nomenclature of Angiosperms. System of
classification of Bentham and Hooker’s &, Hutchinson’s. Flora and Icons. Flora of Rajasthan.
Range of vegetative and floral characteristics and economic importance of
Ranunculaceae,Capparidaceae, Papilionaceae ( Fabaceae
Caesalpiniaceae,Mimosaceae,Cucurbitaceae, Apiaceae ( Umbilliferae ) and Asteraceae
Range of vegetative and floral characteristics and economic importance of Apocynaceae,
Asclepiadaceae, Solanaceae, Lamiaceae(Labiatae), Euphorbiaceae, Liliaceae and Poaceae
Meristems and various theories related to organization of apical meristems (root and stem).Simple
and complex permanent tissues and their functions, secretory tissues, tissue systems.
Primary internal structure of root ,stem and leaves. Structure of leaf epidemis, trichomes and stomata,
origin of lateral roots.Primary anomalous structure (Monocot & Dicot Root & Stem) Periderm and
abscission of leaves
Normal Secondary growth in dicot root and stem. Periderm Heart wood sap wood,tylosis annual ring
& secondary anomalous growth in roots and stems.
Origin, cultivation and improvement of Wheat, Rice, Maize, Potato and Sugarcane, Study of economic
botany of following group of plants.-
Fibre yielding- Cotton, Jute Oil yielding- Groundnut, Mustard, Sunflower and Coconut. Timber
yielding- Tectona, Dalbergia, Tecomella.
General account and economic importance of following group of plants-
Medicinal plants with special reference to- Cinchona, Rauvolfia, Papaver, Withania and Aloe.
Spices and condiments with special reference to-Red pepper, Clove,
Coriander, Zinger, Heeng, Turmeric.
Beverages-Tea, Coffee.
General account of Rubber plants.
Ethnobotany: Definition methods of study and importance.
Concept of cell and cell theory. Structure, composition and function of cell wall and cell membrane.
Types, structure and functions of cell organelles. Cell divisions.
Mendel’s laws of inheritance. Monohybrid and dihybrid ratio. In-complete
dominance, lethal gene. Gene interaction- Epistasis. Complementary
Supplementary, Duplicate Physical and chemical structure of chromosome , types of chromosomes
lampbrush and supernumerary. Chromosomal mutations.
Structure and functions of nucleic acids. Types of RNA and DNA.
Replication of DNA. Evidences of DNA as genetic material.
Synaptonematal complex, crossing over, chiasma, linkage and mapping
of genes.
Principles of Plant breeding. Methods of breeding; Introduction and
acclimatization, selection (mass, pureline and clonal), hybridization,
pedigree analysis, hybrid vigour, use of mutation and polyploidy in
Lamarckism and neo-Lamarckism. Darwinism and neo-Darwinism.
De Vries concept, origin of species, Elementay study of biostatistics mean, mode, median, standard
error, chi-spuare test, standard deviation.
ouLifr foKku
rhu isilZ vf/kdre vad 155 U;wure ikl vad 48
isij izFke 3 ?kaVs vof/k 45 vad 16
isij f}rh; 3 ?kaVs vof/k 45 vad 16
isij r`rh; 3 ?kaVs vof/k 45 vad 16
izk;ksfxd ijh{kk % 5 ?kaVs vof/k 65 vad 24 ¼,d fnu½
isij dk iSVuZ
iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u
1-5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 50
'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi lfgr½A
izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 200 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vadks
dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnkas dh
bdkbZ 5
Hkzw.kiks"k&lajpuk] izdkj o ifjo/kZu] Hkzw.kiks"k pw"kdkaxksa ds izdkj] Hkzw.kiks"k dh vkdkfjdh; izÑfrA Hkzw.kksn~Hkou rFkk blds
izdkjA cht lajpuk o izdkj A vlaxtuu] cgqHkzq.krk o vfu"ksdtuuA izk;ksfxd HkzkSf.kdh&ijkxd.k o Hkzw.k lao/kZuA
bdkbZ 2
es.My ds oa'kkuqxfr ds fu;e] ,dladj vuqikr] f}ladj vuqikrA viw.kZ izHkkfork] ?kkrd thuA thu bUVj,D'ku&
izcyrk] dkEiyhesaVªh] lIyhesaVªh o MqIyhdsVA xq.klw=ksa dh HkkSfrd rFkk jklk;fud lajpuk] xq.klw=ksa ds izdkj ¼ySEIcz'k]
ikWyhVhu]½ xq.klw=h mRifjorZuA
bdkbZ 3
U;wDyhd vEyksa dh lajpuk o dk;Z] vkj-,u-,- o Mh-,u-,- ds izdkj] Mh-,u-,-dh
izfrÑfrA Mh-,u-,- vkuqoaf'kd inkFkZ gSa] ds i{k esa izek.kA varxzfFklw=h ¼flusIVksfuesVy½
lfEeJ] thu fofue; ¼dzkflax vksoj½] O;R;kfldk ¼dkb,sTek½] lgyXurk o thuksa dk ekufp=.kA
bdkbZ 4
ikni iztuu ds fl}kar] iztuu dh fof/k;ka& iqj%LFkkiu rFkk n'kkuqdwyu] oj.k ¼lagfr 'kq} oa'kdze rFkk Dyksuh;½
ladj.k] oa'kkoyh fo'ys"k.k] ladj vkst] iztuu esa mRifjoZru rFkk cgqxqf.krk dk mi;ksx A
bdkbZ 5
ySekdZokn rFkk uo&ySekdZokn]MkfoZuokn rFkk uo&MkfoZuokn] Mh czht dh ladYiuk] tkfr dk mn~Hko A
tSo lkaf[;dh dk izkjfEHkd v/;;u&ek/;] cgqyd] e/;dk] ekud =qfV] dkbZ oxZ ijh{k.k] ekud fopyu A
izk;ksfxd vH;klksa dks nks lewgksa esa foHkkftr fd;k x;k gSa %&
lewg 1 % ofxZdh] HkzkSf.kdh rFkk vkfFkZd ouLIkfr foKkuA
lewg 2 % ikni 'kjhj] dksf'kdkuqoaf'kdh rFkk ikni iztuuA
lewg %1 ofxZdh] HkzkSf.kdh rFkk vkfFkZd ouLifr foKkuA
v- ofxZdh
1- jsuudqyslh% jsuudqyl] MsfYQfu;e
2- dSisjhMslh % dSisjhl] Dyhvkse
3- ysX;qfeukslh % ,fYcft;k] dSfl;k] ySFkkbjl
4- dqdfcZVslh % flVªwyl] dqdqfel
5- ,fi,lh% dksfj,UMªe] Qhfudqye
6- ,LVªlh% gSfy,UFkl] VstsVl
7- ,ikslkbuslh% dSFksjsUFkl] uhfj;e
8- ,sfLDyfi,Mslh% dsyksVªksfil] ysIVMsfu;k
9- Lkksyuslh% /krwjk] lksyuse
10- fyfy,lh% ,LQksfMyl] ,yks;
Unit – I
Igneous rock- plutonic, hypabassal and volcanic rocks. Forms, Texture and structures of igneous
Unit – II
Composition, physicochemical constitution of magma. Types of magma and crystallization of
unicomponent and bicomponent magma- solid solution, mixed crystal, differentiation and assimilation
of magma. Bowen’s Reaction Series.
Unit – III
Concepts of rock kindreds. Classification of igneous rocks. Petrography and petrogenesis of common
igneous rocks, Granite, granodiorite, Diorite, Gabbro, Syenite, ultrabasic and ultramafic rocks and
their volcanic equivalents.
Unit – IV
Metamorphism, agents of metamorphism and types of metamorphism. Concepts of metamorphic
grades and facies. Phase rule. Regional (dynamothermal) metamorphism Thermal (contact)
metamorphism, Plutonic metamorphism and cataclastic metamorphism.
Unit – V
Texture and structure of metamorphic rocks. Stress and anti-stress minerals. Metasomatism,
Pneumatolytic injections. Metamorphism and auto metamorphism. Palingenesis and anataxis.
Retrograde metamorphism. Description of common metamorphic rocks:- slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss,
quartzites, marbles, granulite, eclogites, migmatite, charnockites etc.
Duration 5 hrs. Min. Pass Marks 24 Max. Marks 65
Theory/ Nomenclature Hours Duration Max. Min.
Practicle per of exam Marks Marks
Paper-I Geology of Rajasthan
& Sedimentology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Paper-II Igneous &
Petrology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45 48
Paper -III Stratigraphy of
India 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Practicals Related to all the
three papers 6 hrs 5 hrs 65 24
Note: – Each Theory paper is divided into 5 units. The question paper is divided into three parts,Part
A,Part B and Part C. Part A (15 Marks) is compulsory and contain 1 question containing 10 parts (
Answer limit 50 words) two questions from each unit, each question is of 1.5 marks. Part B (15 Marks)
is compulsory and contains five questions with internal choice, one from each unit.Candidate is
required to attempt all five questions; each question is of three marks each (Answer limit 200 words).
Part C (15 Marks) contains five questions one from each unit. Candidate is required to attempt three
questions; each question is of 5 Marks (Answer limit 500 words).
Distribution of Marks in Geology Practical Examination
Sedimentology 12
Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology 18
Stratigraphy of India 10
Field Training 05
Viva 10
Record 10
Study of rocks in hand specimens and Petrographic studies under microscope.
Two papers Mini pass marks: 54 Maxi marks: 150
Paper-I 3 hours duration 75 marks
Paper- II 3 hours duration 75 marks
Arts & Science Practical :
Arts Mini pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50
Science Mini pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50
Scheme: 6 periods per week per batch of 40 students.
Arts & Science Practical :
Arts Mini pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50
Science Mini pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50
Distribution of marks: Arts Science
1. Lab work 2 hrs duration 18 18
2. Field survey & viva-voce 2 hrs duration 8+4=12 8+4=12
3. Record work & viva- voce 2 hrs duration 8+4=12 8+4=12
4. Project report & viva- voce 6+2=08 6+2=08
Total 50 50
Note: Three exercises to be attempted out of five exercises and 410 candidates be examined in one
Types of cartographic symbols and their uses- point, line and area symbols, Classification of
distribution maps, Representation of population data, Distribution (dot), density (choropleth), growth
(ring), sex composition (pyramid), urban- rural population (dot, circle & sphere), Agriculture data- Land
use(divided circle), distribution (dot and symbols), Irrigated area as percentage to total cropped area
(choropleth), Industrial data- production (Block pile, bar), Transport data ( traffic flow diagram);
Spearman’s rank correlation and regression; Plane Table Survey- radiation, intersection, resection:
two & three point problems- Llano’s method, Bassel’s method, Trial & error method, Mechanical
method. Survey Report- Agricultural survey of a village, Report should be prepared by the students
Books recommended:
1. Lawrence, G R P: Cartographic Methods, Methuen, London.
2. Mishra R P: Fundamentals of Cartography, McMilan, New Delhi.
3. Monkhouse, F J & Wilkinson, H R : Maps and Diagrams, Methuen, London, 1994.
4. Singh, R L: Elements of Practical Geography, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
izFke iz'u i= % ekuo Hkwxksy
vof/k % 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZd % 75
uksV %& iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u rFkk lHkh
iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxh A [k.M ^c* esa izR;sd
bdkbZ esa ls 2 iz'u lfgr dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vad dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u dk
mÙkj nsrs gq, dqy 5 iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCn gksxhA [k.M ^l* esa dqy
5 iz'u] izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u] gksxsa A ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs rFkk izR;sd iz'u 10 vad
dk gksxkA izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
bdkbZ &1
ekuo Hkwxksy dh izÑfr vkSj fo"k;oLrq] ekuo Hkwxksy dh 'kk[kk,sa] ekuo Hkwxksy ds fl)kar] ekuo Hkwxksy ds mikxe %
ekuo& i;kZoj.k lEcU/k dh vo/kkjk.kk& fu'p;okn] lEHkookn vkSj uo&fu'p;okn] }Srokn & HkkSfrd cuke ekuo
bdkbZ &2
ekou iztkfr;ksa dk foHkktu % LFkkfud forj.k] fofHkUUk tkfr; lewgksa ds HkkSfrd ,oa lkekftd izk:i] tkrh; lewg]
fo'o vkSj Hkkjr esa tutkrh; lewg] ekuo dh izkjafHkd vkfFkZd xfrfof/k;ka % Hkkstu ,d=hdj.k] f'kdkj] eRL; ,oa
LFkkukrfjr Ñf"k A
bdkbZ &3
i;kZoj.k ds izfr ekuoh; vuqdwyu % ¼i½ B.Ms izns'k & ,fLdeks ¼ii½ xeZ izns'k& cq'keSu] fiXeh ¼iii½ iBkjh izns'k &
XkkSM] elkbZ ¼iv½ ioZrh; izns'k & xwtj ?kqeDdM+ ,oa ukxk ¼v½ eSnkuh izns'k & Hkhy] LaFkky] budh lkekftd vkSj
vkfFkZd xfrfof/k;kaA
bdkbZ &4
tual[;k dk forj.k% fo'o forj.k izk:i& LFkkfud forj.k dks izHkkfor djus okys HkkSfrd] vkfFkZd rFkk lekftd
dkjd] tukf/kD;] tukHkko vkSj vkn'kZ tula[;k dh vo/kkj.kk] 'kwU; tula[;k o`f)] tula[;k dk vkarfjd ,oa
varjkZ"Vªh; LFkkukarj.kA
bdkbZ &5
Hkkjr ds tula[;k izns'k % xR;kRed] fodklksUeq[k rFkk fodklfoeq[k {ks=] Hkkjr esa tuf/kD; dh leL;k rFkk mik;A
Hkkjr ds tual[;k dk;ZØe vkSj uhfr;kaA
f}rh; iz'u i= % jktLFkku dk Hkwxksy
vof/k % 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZd % 75
uksV %& iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u rFkk lHkh
iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxh A [k.M ^c* esa izR;sd
bdkbZ esa ls 2 iz'u lfgr dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vad dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u dk
mÙkj nsrs gq, dqy 5 iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCn gksxhA [k.M ^l* esa dqy
5 iz'u] izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u] gksxsa A ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs rFkk izR;sd iz'u 10 vad
dk gksxkA izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
bdkbZ &1
izLrkouk & jkT; dk fuekZ.k vkSj iz'kkldh; <kapk] HkwxfHkZd lajpuk] /kjkry] HkwvkÑfrd izns'k] ty izokg] tyok;q]
fefV~V;ka] izkÑfrd ouLifrA
bdkbZ &2
jkT; dk Ñf"kxr ,ao vkfFkZd Lo:Ik % [kk|kUUk ,oa O;kikfjd Qlysa] flapkbZ ds eq[; L=ksr & izdkj] mudh xgurk]
O;FkZ Hkwfe vkSj e:LFky fodkl dk;ZØe] Ik'kq/ku rFkk Ms;jh fodklA
bdkbZ &3
'kfDr o ÅtkZ ds lalk/ku % ty vk/kkfjr] rkih;] vk.kfod] lkS;Z ÅtkZ] ck;ks xSl] [kfut lalk/ku vkSj m/kksxA
bdkbZ &4
tukadh; ljapuk & tual[;k o`f)] forj.k] ?kuRo] uxjh;&xzkeh.k tula[;k] O;kolkf;d ljapuk] lk{kjrk]
lkaLÑfrd fojklr] jktLFkku dh tutkfr;ka Hkhy vkSj xjkfl;k rFkk jkT; esa ;krk;kr vkSj O;kikj ds fodkl dks
izHkkfor djus okys dkjdA
bdkbZ &5
jktLFkku ds HkkSxksfyd izns'k & e:LFky] vjkoyh] gkM+kSrh] iwohZ eSnku dk foLRk`r v/;;uA
Paper I 3Hrs Max. Marks 75 Min. Pass Marks 27
Paper II 3Hrs Max. Marks 75 Min. Pass Marks 27
Practical 3Hrs Max. Marks 50 Min. Pass Marks 18
a) Strategy, definition, concept and importance
b) Strategy of indirect approach
c) Types of strategy
d) Difference between strategy and grand strategy
a) Tactics: Definition, concept and importance
b) Distinction between strategy and tactics
c) Tactics during 20th century
d) Importance of Science and Technology in war
Books Recommended:
1. The Art of war on land: Arthor Birni
2. Military Science: Col. Bhupender Singh
3 ;q) ds fl)kar ,oa lkefjdh% ,e- ih- oekZ
4 ;q) o 'kkfUr dh leL;k,a% feJ o ik.Ms;
5 LFky ;q) dyk% ';ke yky o eqdthZ
6 ;q) dh izÑfr vkSj mÙkjh vÝhdk dk laxzke% MkW- yYyu flag
7 Hkkjrh; lSU; bfrgkl% MkW- ckcwjke ik.Ms;
8 Hkkjrh; lSU; bfrgkl% MkW- yYyu flag
9 ;q) dk v/;;u% MkW- ,l- ds- feJ% ekMZu izdk'ku] tkya/kj
10 lEiw.kZ lSU; foKku% Jherh iq"ik tSu
j{kk ,oa j.kuhfr v/;;u
ijh{kk ;kstuk%
lkekU; funsZ”k
1 dqy nks lS)kfUrd iz'u&i= 75&75 vad ds gksaxs] tcfd ,d izk;ksfxd i= 50 vad dk gksxkA fo|kFkhZ dks
lS)kfUrd ,oa izk;ksfxd i= esa vyx&vyx mÙkh.kZ gksuk vfuok;Z gSA
2 izR;sd lS)kfUrd i= ds fy, 45 feuV ds 6 dkyka'k gksaxs vFkok 60 feuV ds 4 dkyka'k izfr lIrkg nksuksa i=ksa
ds fy, fu/kkZfjr gksaxsA
3 izk;ksfxd i= gsrq 45 feuV ds pkj dkyka'k vFkok 60 feuV ds rhu dkyka'k izR;sd lIrkg 20 fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds ny
(Group) ds fy, gksaxsA
4 izR;sd iz'u i= ds rhu Hkkx gksxsaA Hkkx & v esa 10 iz'u gksxsa ;s vfuok;Z gksxsaA izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj 50 'kCnksa
rd lhfer gksxsaA izR;sd iz'u 2 vad ds gksxsaA Hkkx& c esa dqy lkr iz'u gksxsa] ftlesa ls fdUgh ikap iz'uksa ds mRrj
fy[kus gksxsaA izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj 200 'kCnksa rd lhfer gksxkA izR;sd iz'u ds ikap vad gksxsaA Hkkx & l esa dqy
pkj iz'u gksxsa ftlesa ls nks iz'uksa ds mRrj fy[kus gksxsaA izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj 500 'kCnksa rd lhfer gksxkA izR;sd
iz'u ds 15 vad gksxsaA
;kstuk %
izFke iz'u&i= vof/k 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad 75 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad 27
f}rh; iz'u&i= vof/k 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad 75 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad 27
izk;ksfxd i= vof/k 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad 50 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad 18
Recommended Books:
1- lsDlu Vªsfuax vH;kl% estj okMZ]
2- lejrkfU=d vH;kl% ,e- oh- oekZ o 'kekZ
3- lejrkfU=d vH;kl% MkW- ujsUnz flag
4- iz;ksxkRed iSny lejrU=% MkW- ,l- ds- feJ] ekMZu ifCy'klZ] tkya/kj
izk;ksfxd dk;Z
j{kk o j.kuhfr v/;;u
le; % 3 ?kaVs dqy vad% 50
1- iSny lsuk ds lsDlu Lrj ds vH;kl
¼v½ lsDlu lajpuk (Section formation)
¼c½ lsDlu la[;k] o gfFk;kj
2- iSny lsuk ds IykVwu Lrj ds vH;kl
¼v½ IykVwu lajpuk (Platoon formation)
¼c½ IykVwu dh la[;k] lk/ku o izeq[k gfFk;kj
3- Qk;j dk iz;ksx] Qk;j fu;a=.k vkns'k] Øe ,oa ;q)ksa esa bldk egRo lfgr
4- y{; funsZ'ku rFkk igpku]
5- nwjh dk vuqekiu ,oa nwjh dk vuqeku yxkus ds rjhds
6- LFkykÑr ekufp=ksa dh O;k[;k A
uksV % blesa fyf[kr ijh{kk 30 vad dh rFkk ekSf[kdh o fjdkM~Zl 10&10 vad dk gksxkA
vuq'kaflr iqLrdsa %
1- lsDlu Vªsfuax vH;kl% estj okMZ]
2- lejrkfU=d vH;kl% ,e- oh- oekZ o 'kekZ
3- lejrkfU=d vH;kl% MkW- ujsUnz flag
4- iz;ksxkRed iSny lejrU=% MkW- ,l- ds- feJ] ¼ekMZu ifCy'klZ] tkya/kj½
Scheme of Examination
Maximum Marks: 65 Duration: 3 Hours
Minimum Passing Marks: 23
Examination Scheme
Paper Paper Name Lec/ Total Exam Max. Mini.
code (Theory) week week Hrs. Marks Pass
Theory Papers
Paper I Programming
with C 3 1 3 65 23
Paper II Internet &
Programming 3 1 3 65 23
Total of Theory Papers
(PAPER I 65 + PAPER II 65) 130 47
Unit III
Regulation of gene expression, recombination in prokaryotes: transformation, conjugation and
transduction. Brief history and development of genetic engineering, recombinant DNA technology:
Basic principles and method. Restriction endonuclease (types, classification and application) and
other enzymes needed in genetic engineering.
Unit IV
Cloning vectors: Plasmid vectors, bacteriophage vectors, cosmid vectors, phasmid vectors, shuttle
vectors, YAC &BAC. Integration of DNA insert into the vector, introduction of the vector into the
suitable host. Transposons and their uses in genetic manipulation.
Unit V
Molecular cloning, selection of recombinant clone, construction of cDNA and genomic library, PCR,
DNA sequencing, DNA probes methods of gene transfer. Application of genetic engineering in
agriculture and human welfare. A brief account of transgenic plants and animals.
References :
1. Molecular Biology, Kumar H D
2. Genetic Engineering Principle and Methods, Setlow J. K. & Hollaender, Plenum Press, New York.
3. Molecular Biotechnology, Bernard R. Glick, Jack J. Pasternak, ASM Press, Washington DC
4. Microbiology, R. C. Dubey, D. K. Maheshwari, S. Chand & Company Ltd.
5. Microbiology, P. D. Sharma, Rastogi Publications
6. Cell and Molecular Biology, P. K. Gupta, Rastogi Publication
7. Genetic Engineering and its Applications, P. Joshi, Agrobios India
8. Environmental Biotechnology, Alan Scragg, Oxford University Press
9. Introduction to Environmental Biotechnology, A. K. Chatterji, Practice Hall Of India, 2005.
10. Biotechnology Expanding Horizons, B. D. Singh, Kalyani Publishers
11. Bioinformatics, Baxevanis Ouellette, Wiley-Less Publication
12. Advances in Biotechnology, Manjula K. Saxena and B.B.S.Kapoor, Madhupublications
13. Cell and Molecular Biology, E D de Roberties & E M F de Roberties (Jr) Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, Phiadalphia
14. Microbiology, Michael J Pelczar (Jr) ESC Chan, N R Kreig, Tata McGraw Hill.
15. Immunology, Janis Kuby, W H Freeman and Company, USA
16.. Essential Immunology, Ivan Roitt, Blackwell Science Ltd.
Theory Duration Max Min.Pass
Paper 1 3 Hrs. 45 16
Paper 2 3 Hrs. 45 16
Paper 3 3 Hrs. 45 16
Aggregate 48
Practical Based On Paper I,II and III 5 Hrs. 65 24
Scheme of Examination
The question paper is divided into three Sections: A, B & C. Section A will consist of 10 questions (2
questions from each unit). Section B will consist of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit with
internal choice). Section C will consist of 5 questions (1 question from each unit)
Maximum Marks : 45 Duration: 3 Hrs
Minimum Passing Marks : 16
1. Ronald M. Atlas, Alfred E. Brown, Kenneth W. Dobra, Llonas Miller (1986). Basic
Experimental Microbiology Prentics Hall.
2. Robert F. Boyed (1964) General Microbiology. Times Mirror/Mobsy/College Pub.
3. Pelczer MJ: Chan ECS and k rieg NR Microbiology Fifth Education.
4. P.D. Sharma 2000: Microbiology. Rastogi Publications.
5. Alcamo IE 967. Fundamentals of microbiology 2 n d ed. The Benjamin/ Cummings
Publishing Co. Inc. California.
6. Norton CF 1986. Microbiology 2 n d ed. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Col. Inc.
7. W ilinson JF 1986, Introduction to Microbiology (Basic Microbiology series Vol.
1) 3 r d ed. Black W ell, Oxford
Scheme of Examination
Distribution of Marks
Core Subjects
1. Physics
2. Chemistry
3. Mathematics
4. Zoology
5. Botany
6. Geology
7. Geography
8. Defence and Strategic studies
Vocational Subjects
9. Computer Application
10. Biotechnology
11. Microbiology
The number of paper and the maximum marks for each paper together with the minimum marks required for
a pass are shown against each subject seperately. It will be necessary for a candidate to pass in the theory part
as Classification of successful cnadidates shall be as follows :
First Division 60% of the aggregate marks prescribed at (a) Part I
Second Division 40% Examination, (b) Part II Examination,
(c) Part II examination, taken together.
All the rest shall be declared to have hassed the examination, if they obtain the minimum pass marks in each
subject viz. 36% no division shall be awarded at the part I and Part II Examination.
S.N. Name of the No. of Duration Max. Min. Pass
Subject/Papers Papers Marks Marks
1. Physics Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
2. Chemistry Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
3. Mathematics Paper-I 3hrs. 66
Paper-II 3hrs. 66 200 72
Paper-III 3hrs. 68
4. Zoology Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
5. Botany Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 130 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
6. Geology Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 150 54
Scheme of examination;
Three Theory Papers Min. Pass Marks 48 Max. Marks 135
Paper-I :
Quantum Mechanics, 3 hrs. duration 45 marks
Atomic and Molecular Physics
Paper-II :
Nuclear and Solid State
Physics 3 hrs. duration 45 marks
Paper-III :
Electronics and Solid State
Devices 3 hrs duration 45 marks
Practical 5 hrs. duration Min. Pass marks 24 Max. marks 65
Total 200
Note : There will be Two experiments or One experiment and a working project based on principle of
physics of 5 hrs. duration. The distribution of marks will be as follows:
Two experiments or One experiment and a working project based on principle of physics
Each of 20 marks - 40
Viva - 15
Record - 10
Total - 65
Work load :
Each paper must be given 2 hrs. (or three pds) per week for theory. Practical must be given 4 hrs. (or
6 pds) per week. This gives 60 hours for each theory paper with 30 weeks of teaching every year and
120 hours for practicals and laboratory tutorials work every year. For laboratory work-each batch must
not be more than 20 students.
Duration: 5 hrs Min. Pass Marks 24 Max. Marks 65
Total number of experi-ments to be performed by the students during the session should be 16,
select-ing any eight from each section.
In examination two experiments are to be performed taking atleast one from each section.
Section: A
1. Determination of Planck’s constant.
2. Determination of e/m using Thomson’s Tube.
3. Determination of e/m using magnetrron method.
4. Determination of e/m using helical method.
5. Absorption spectrum of Iodine vapour.
6. Study of spectra of Hydrogen and Deutron (Rydberg constant and ratio of masses of electron to
7. Study of Zeeman effect for determination of Lande g-factor.
8. Study of absorption of alpha and beta rays.
9. Study of statistics in radioactive measurement.
10. Hysteresis Curve of transformer core.
11. Study of L and ð filter in Half wave rectifier
12. Study the characteristic of an R-C transmission line.
13. Study the characteristic of an L-C transmission line.
14. Study the characteristic of F.E.T. and determine rp, gm, and µ
15. Study the frequency response of LCR series/ parallel resonance circuit with and without
Section - B
1. Characteristics of a transistor.
2. Characteristics of a tunnel diode.
3. Study of voltage regulation system.
4. Study of Lissajuous figures using a CRO.
5. Study of VTVM.
6. Study of RC coupled amplifier.
7. Study of AF and RF oscillators.
8. Determination of a energy gap of a semiconductor.
9. Determination of dielectric constant.
10. Analysis of a given band spectrum.
11. Hall-probe method for measurement of magnetic field.
12. Study the application of an operational amplifier as inverting and non- inverting amplifier.
13. Determine the value of Stefan constant.
14. Study of voltage multiplier as a doublers, tripler and quadrupole.
15. Construct OR, AND,NOT, XOR gate from NAND gate and verify their truth table
16. Study the recovery time of the given diodes.
HkkSfrd 'kkL=
ijh{kk ;kstuk
rhu iz'ui= lS)kfUrd U;wure mrhZ.kkad&48 vf/kdre vad 135
le; iw.kkaZd
¼1½ izFke iz'u i=%
DokaVe ;kaf=dh] ijek.koh; rFkk vk.kfod HkkSfrdh 3 ?kaVs 45
¼2½ f}rh; iz'u i=%
ukfHkdh; ,oa Bksl voLFkk HkkSfrdh 3 ?kaVs 45
¼3½ r`rh; iz'u i=%
bysDVªksfudh ,oa Bksl voLFkk ;qfDr;ka 3 ?kaVs 45
izk;ksfxd ijh{kk% U;wure mrhZ.kkad 24 5 ?kaVs 65
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 45
(a) Metal-ligand Bonding in Transition Metal Complexes
Limitation of valence bond theory, an elementary idea of crystal-field theory, crystal field splitting
in octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar complexes, factors. affecting the crystal Field Parameters
(b) Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspect of Metal Complexes
A brief outline of thermodynamic stability of metal complexes and factors affecting the stability,
substitution reactions of square planar complexes.
(a) Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Complexes
Types of magnetic behavior, methods of determining magnetic susceptibility, spin-only formula. L-
S coupling, correlation of ms and left values, orbital contribution to magnetic moments, application of
magnetic moment data for 3d-metal complexes.
(b) Electronic Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes
Types of electronic transition, selection rules of d-d transitions, spectroscopic ground state,
spectrochemical series. Orgel-energy level diagram for d1 and d9 states, discussion of the electronic
spectrum of [Ti(H2O)6J3+ complex ion.
Organometallic Chemistry
Definition, nomenclature and classification of organometallic compounds. Preparation, properties,
bonding and applications of alkyls and Aryls of Li, Mg, Al, Zn, Hg, Sn and Ti a brief account of metat-
ethylene complexes and homogeneous hydrogenation, mononuclear carbonyls and the nature of
bonding in metal carbonyls.
Nuclear Chemistry
Stability of nucleous n/p ratio, Einstein mass –energy relation. Types of Radioactivity, Group
displacement law, Disintegration series, Q-values, nuclear corss-section, spallation, Applications of
radio activity.
Bioinorganic Chemistry
Essential and trace elements in biological processes, metallporphyrins with special reference to
hemoglobin and myoglobin. Biological role of alkali and alkaline earth metal ions with special
reference to Ca2+, nitrogen fixation.
(a) Hard and Soft Acids and Bases (HSAB)
Classification of acids and bases as hard and soft. Pearson’s HSAB concept, acid base strength
and hardness and softness. Symbiosis, theoretical basis of hardness and softness, electronegativity
and hardness and Softness. (B) Silicones and Phosphazenes
Silicones and phosphazenes as examples of organic ploymers, nature of bonding in triphosphazenes.
Nucelear Magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Paramagnetic resonance (1H NMR)
spectroscopy, nuclear shielding and deshielding chemical shift and molecular structure, spin-spin
splitting and coupling constants, areas of signals, interpretation of PMR spectra of simple organic
molecules such as ethyl bromide, ethanol, acetaldehyde, 1,1,2,-tribromoethane, ethyl acetate, toluene
and acetophenone. Problems pertaining to the structure elucidation of simple organic compounds
using UV, IR and NMR spectroscopic techniques.
(a) Heterocyclic Chemistry
Nomenclature , preparation and properties of compounds having one heteroatom with five and six
member ring (Pyrrole, Thiophene, Furan and Pyridine)
Rotational Spectrum
A. Instrumentation
(i) Colorimetry
(a) To determine Metal- Ligand ratio of complexes by Jobs method
(b) To determine Metal- Ligand ratio of complexes by Mole Ratio
(c) Determination of adulteration in Food Stuffs.
(d) Effluent or waste water analysis.
(e) Ground Water Analysis.
(ii) Solvent Extraction: Separation and estimation of Mg(II) and Fe(II)
(iii) Exchange Method: Separation and estimation Mg(II) and Zn(II) ions.
B. Synthesis & Analysis
(i)Inorganic Synthesis
(a) Sodium trioxalato ferrate (III), Na3 [Fe(C2O4)3]
(b) Ni-DMG complex, [Ni (DMG)2]
(c) Copper tetrammine complex [Cu(NH3)]4 SO4.
(d) Cis-and trans-bisoxalato diaqua chromate (III) ion.
(ii) Analysis
Semi micro and Macro analysis , Separation and Identification of Six radicals - three acidic and
three basic from a mixture with one interfering radicals and/or combinations of radicals.
(i)Laboratory Techniques
(a) Steam Distillation
(b) Naphthalene from its suspension in water
(c) Clove Oil form Cloves
(d) Separation of o-and p-nitrophenols
Any Two exercises taking not more than one from (i) to
(iv) 5+10Marks 15 marks
Any One experiment 15 marks
Paper - II (Analysis)
Note : The paper consists of three sections
Section A : This section contain 10 questions of 01 Mark each (02 question from each unit) all
questions are compulsory
Section B : This section contain 05 questions of 04 Mark each (01 question from each unit with
internal choice) all questions are compulsory
Section C : This section contain 05 questions of 12 Mark each (01 question from each unit) attempt
any 03 questions
Unit - I (Metric Spaces)
Unit - III
Limit of a function, Continuous function, theorem on necessary and sufficient conditions for continuity
of a function, Uniform continuity, Contracting mapping, Banach Fixed Point theorem, Equivalent
matrices, Compactness, Sequentially compactness, Totally Bounded space, Finite Intersection
Unit - IV (complex Analysis)
Complex Numbers as ordered pairs, Complex plane, Geometrical representation, Connected and
compact sets, Curves and region in the complex plane, Statement of Jordan curves theorem,
Extended complex plane and stereographic projection, Complex valued functions limits,
Convergence, continuity, Differentiailbility in the extended plane, Analytic functions. Cauchy-Reimann
equations (Cartesian & Polar forms).
Unit - V
Harmonic functions, Construction of an analytic function, conformal mapping, Bilinear transformation
and its properties, Fixed points, Cross ratio, Inverse point, Elementary maps. F(z) = 1/2 (z+1/z), Z2,
2z, sinz and logz
Books Recommended for Reference:
1. Shanti Narain : Complex Variables, S. Chand,
New Delhi.
2. Gupta, KP : Complex Analysis
3. Sharma J.N. : Metric Spaces, Krishna Prakashan
Mandir, Meerut.
4. Gokhroo et.al. : Metric Spaces (English / Hindi Edn.)
5. Gokhroo et.al. : Complex Analysis (English / Hindi
Edn.) Navkar Publications, AJMER.
Paper - III
(Numerical Analysis and Optimization Techniques)
Duration: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks 75 (Science) 66 (Art)
Note : The paper consists of three sections
Section A : This section contain 12 questions of 01 Mark each at least (02 question from each unit) all
questions are compulsory
Section B : This section contain 05 questions of 04 Mark each (01 question from each unit with
internal choice) all questions are compulsory
Section C : This section contain 05 questions of 12 Mark each (01 question from each unit) attempt
any 03 questions1.
Note :- Use of scientific non-programmable calcultor is permitted
Unit - I
Difference operators and factorial notation. Relation between difference and derivatives. Difference
of polynomial. Newton’s formulae for forward and backward interpolation for equal intervals.
Unit - II
Divided difference. Relation between divided differences and simple differences. Newton’s general
interpolation formula. Lagrange’s interpolation formula. Gauss central difference formula. Stirling
and Bessel interpolation formula. Inverse interpolation.
Unit - III
Numerical differentiation and integration. Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3.3/8 rules. Weddle’s rule.
Solution of algebraic Transcendental equations. Bisection method. Regular Falsi method. Newton-
Raphson method.
Unit - IV
The simplex algorithm and its application to simple linear programming problems. Concept of duality
in Linear programming problems, Formation of dual problem, Elementary theorem of duality.
;kstuk %
iz'ui= 'kh"kZd dkyka'k vof/k iw.kkZad
lIrkg foKku dyk
1 vxzxr chtxf.kr 3 ?kaVs 3 ?kUVs 66 66
2 fo'ys"k.k 3 ?kaVs 3 ?kUVs 66 66
3 la[;kRed fo'ys"k.k ,oa
b"Vredkjh izfof/k;k¡ 3 ?kaVs 3 ?kUVs 68 68
dqy vad 200 200
U;wure mŸkhZ.kkad 72 72
iz'u i=&1 ¼vxzxr chtxf.kr½
uksV %
iz”u i= ds rhu Hkkx gksxsa
Hkkx ,& bl Hkkx esa 01 vad ds 10 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 02 iz”u½ gksxsaA lHkh iz”u gy djus vfuok;Z gSaA
Hkkx ch& bl Hkkx esa 04 vad ds 05 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz”u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr ½ gksxsaA lHkh iz”u gy
djus vfuok;Z gSaA
Hkkx lh& bl Hkkx esa 12 vad ds 05 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz”u½ gksxsaA dksbZ 03 iz”u gy djus gksxasA
oy; ifjp;] mioy;] iw.kkZaddh; izkar ¼Mksesu½] {ks= ¼QhYM½] oy; dk vfHky{k.k] oy; lekdkfjrk] oy; dks
<duk] HkkxQy {ks=A
xq.ktkoyh] eq[; xq.ktkoyh] eq[; xq.ktkoyh oy;] vHkkT; xq.ktkoyh] mfPp"B xq.ktkoyh] foHkkx oy;] ;qfDyfM;
oy;] vf}rh; xq.ku[kaMu izkar] cgqin oy;] ifjes; {ks= ij cgqinA
lfn'k lef"V ifjHkk"kk rFkk mnkgj.k] milef"V dk ;ksx rFkk lh/kk ;ksx] jSf[kd foLr`fr] jSf[kd vkfJrrk] Lora=rk
rFkk muds ewy xq.k] vk/kkj] ifjfer fofe; lfn’k lef"V] vfLrRork izes;] vk/kkj leqPp; esa vo;oksa dh la[;k esa
lekurk] foek] iwjd milef"V] foHkkx lef"V rFkk mldh foekA
jSf[kd :ikUrj.k] jSf[kd :ikUrj.k dk chtxf.kr ,oa mudk eSfVªDl fu:i.k] lef"V lekdkfjrk] jSf[kd :ikUrj.k
dh dksfV rFkk 'kwU;rk] flYosLVj dk 'kwU;rk dk fu;e] vk/kkj dk ifjorZuA }Srh lef"V] }Srh vk/kkj] 'kwU;dkjh dh
vkbxsu eku rFkk vkbxsu lfn'k] leku eSfVªlst] rqY; eSfVªlst] jSf[kd :ikUrj.k dh le:irk] eSfVªDl dk f=Hkqth;
:i esa leu;u] U;wure cgqin] eSfVªDl dk fod.khZdj.kA
Three papers Min. Pass Marks: 48 Max Marks: 135
Paper I 3 Hrs Duration Min. Pass Marks: 16 45 Marks
Paper II 3 Hrs Duration Min. Pass Marks: 16 45 Marks Paper III 3 Hrs Duration
Min. Pass Marks: 16 45 Marks
Practical: 5h duration Min Pass Marks: 24 Max Marks: 65
Genetic variation: variation in chromosome number (Euploidy and Aneuploidy). Types of
chromosomal mutations, molecular basis of gene mutation, mutagens, crossing over and linkage.
Genetic disorders in Human beings (Down’s, Turner’s, klinefelter’s and Edward Syndromes).
Molecular genetics: Nucleic acids, structure, function and types of DNA, Structure, function and types
of RNA, genetic code, Transcription. Protein synthesis, gene structure (Recon, Muton, Cistron) and
regulation of gene (Lac operon: inducible and repressible system). Bacterial genetic transformation,
transduction and conjugation. Lytic and lysogeny cycle. Elementary idea about wugenics. Elementary
idea about genetic engineering, gene cloning and recombinant DNA technology (vectors for gene
transfers, plasmids and phages). Restriction enzymes.
Introduction, historical perspective, animal cell hybridoma, major areas and future prospects of
biotechnology. Medicines and Biotechnology, Microbes in medicine. Antibiotics, Vaccine, Antibodies,
I. Analysis of environment:
1. Soil pH
2. Water analysis-pH, Alkalinity, Acidity, Dissolved oxygen and CO2
3. Salinity (Chloride)
4. Qualitative estimation of zooplanktons in a given sample of water
1. Visit to zoo- Identification and general information about Zoo animals. General information about
local amphibian fauna(Frog, toads), reptiles(Snakes and lizards), bird fauna(crow, kite, house
sparrow, parrot, pigeon, peacock, vultures) and mammalian fauna(Kangaroo, Echidina,
Hedgehog, Indian Mongoose, camel, mice, rabbit).Behavioral study of social organization of Black
buck, Rhesus monkey and Honey bee.
Note- Student must produce a project report based on animal pollution, ethology, field trip, local
habitat, wild life sanctuary, national parks
2. Antennal grooming in cockroach / wing cleaning in Musca domestica
LFkyh; ,oa vuqiz;qDr ikfjfLFkfrdh& LFkyh; vkokl dh fo'ks"krk,a] ou ikfjra= ¼ouksa ds izdkj½] e:LFkyh; ikfjra=]
fo'ks"krk,a] e:LFkyh;&izk.khtkr ,oa vuqdwyu jktLFkku ds lUnHkZ] esa iznw"k.k ds izdkj ¼ty] ok;q] LFky] rkih;]
/ouh] vkS|ksfxd ,oa jklk;fud½ fofdj.ks] ukfHkdh; voikr ,oa fofdj.kksa ds tSfod izHkko] gfjrxzg izHkko] thok’e
bZa/ku] dks;yk] isVªksfy;e] ukfHkdh; bZa/ku] i;kZoj.k dk izca/kuA
o.kkZRed ,oa fu"d"kkZRed lkaf[;dh dk ifjp;] vko`fr forj.k] vkjs[kh; fu:i.k] ek/;] Hkwf;"Bd] e/;dk] ekud
fopyu] ekud =qVh] izkf;drk forj.k] lglEca/k] lekJ;.k] lkFkZdrk ifj{k.k] dkbZ oxZ ijh{k.k] tho lef"V esa thu
forj.k dk tsolkaf[;dh fo'ys"k.kA
1- i;kZoj.k dk fo’ys”k.k %
1- e`nk pH
2- ty dk fo'ys"k.k & pH, {kkfj;rk] vfEy;rk] foysrs; O2, Co2
3- yo.krk & DyksjkbM
4- ty esa izk.khIyod dk vkdyu
2- izk.kh&O;kogkfjdh %
1- fpfM+;k?kj dk Hkze.k& fpfM+;k?kj ds izkf.k;ksa dh igpku ,oa lkekU; ifjp;] LFkkuh; mHk;pjh izk.khtkr
¼es<+d] Hksd½] lfjDVi ¼lkai ,oa fNidyh½ i{khtkr ¼dkSok] phy] ?kjsyw fpfM+;k] rksrk] dcqrj] fx)½]
Lru/kkjh&izk.khtkr ¼daxk:] ,fdfMuk] >kÅ pqgk] usoyk] m¡V] pqgk] [kjxks'k½] Ñ".ke`x] jhll okuj] e/kqeD[kh dk
O;kogkfjd v/;;u ,oa lkekftd laxBuA
uksV % fo|kFkhZ] izk.kh tSolef"V] O;kogkfjdh] QhYM Hkze.k] LFkkuh; vkokl] oU; tho vH;kj.;] jkf"Vª; m|ku] ij
vk/kkfjr izkstsDV fjiksVZ izLrqr djsxkA
2- frypV~Vs esa ,aVhuy xwzfeax] eD[kh esa ia[k lkQ djus dk O;ogkjA
Three Papers Max. Marks : 135 Minimum Marks- 48
Paper I 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks 16
Paper II 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks 16
Paper III 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks 16
Practical 5 Hours Duration Max. Marks : 65 Min. Pass Marks : 24
(One day)
Pattern of Paper
The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10 questions two
from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. The candidate is required to answer all the
questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions
(two from each unit, as internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required
to answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section C (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The candidate is
required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words.
Plant adaptations: Hydrophytes, Xerophytes and Halophytes (morpho-
logical, anatomical and physiological adaptations).
Ecology of Rajasthan desert.
Biodiversity Phytogeography Introduction, continuous and discontinuous distribution,
Phytogeography of India, Vegetational regions of India,. Plant indicators.
ouLifr foKku
rhu isilZ vf/kdre vad 155 U;wure ikl vad 48
isij izFke 3 ?kaVs vof/k 45 vad 16
isij f}rh; 3 ?kaVs vof/k 45 vad 16
isij r`rh; 3 ?kaVs vof/k 45 vad 16
izk;ksfxd ijh{kk % 5 ?kaVs vof/k 65 vad 24 ¼,d fnu½
isij dk iSVuZ
iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u
1-5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 50
'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi lfgr½A
iz'u i= & 2
ikni “kjhj fdz;k foKku ,oa tSSo jlk;u
bdkbZ & 1
ijklj.k] thonzO;dqapu] thonzO; fodqapu] ty vo”kks’k.k] jlkjksg.k] ty foHko vo/kkj.kk vf/ks”kks’k.k] ok’iksRltZu dh
fdz;kfof/k ,oa izHkko Mkyus okys dkjd] ikS/kksa esa lq{e ,oa xq: rRoksa dh mikns;rk A
bdkbZ & 2
izdk”k la”ys’k.k& o.kZd ¼DyksjksfQy] dsjsVhuksbM~l ,oa Qk;dksfcfyUl½ lajpuk ,oa dk;Z] izdkf”kd vfHkfdz;k] C3 ,oa
C4 ikniksa esa dkcZu fLFkjhdj.k vfHkfdz;k] CAM ikni] larqyu fcUnq] izdk”k la”ys’k.k ij izHkko Mkyus okys dkjd A
bdkbZ & 3
“olu % Xykbdksykbfll] dzsCl pdz] bysDVªkWu laogu ra= ,ao vkDlhd`r QksLQksfjfydj.k] izdkf”kdh “olu ij
izHkko Mkyus okys dkjd olk% la”ys’k.k o vi?kVu A
bdkbZ &4
ikni o`f} fu;U=d % vkWfDlu] ftczsfyu] lkbVksdkbfuu bFkkhyhu ,Clhfld vEy] [kkst] lajpuk] dk;Zdh izHkko ,oa
mi;ksx] cht lq’kqIr voLFkk] th.kZrk] nhfIrdkfyrk ,oa clarhdj.k a
bdkbZ & 5
,atkbe% lkekU; y{k.k] oxhZdj.k] fdz;kfof/k] fujks/kd% fuEu midj.kksa dk fl}kUr] mi;ksx o dk;Zfof/k& PH ehVj]
lsUVªh¶lwt] o.kZekih] dzksesVksxzkQh ¼PC, TLC½ A
iz'u i= & 3
v.kq tho foKku ,oa tSo izkS|ksfxdh
bdkbZ & 1
thu ladYiuk& esaMy ls vkf.od Lrj rd] vkuqoaf”kd dksM] DNA izdkj] izksdsfj;ksV~l esa DNA izfrfyihdj.k ,oa
vuqys[ku] fuQ thu ,oa ukbVªkstu fLFkjhdj.k
bdkbZ & 2
IySfTeM~l&izdkj rFkk okgd ds :Ik esa budk mi;ksx] vkuqoaf”kd vfHk;kaf=dh rFkk iqu;ksZxt DNA rduhd ,oa
izksdsfj;ksVl esa blds vuqiz;ksx A vkuqoaf”kd vfHk;kaf=dh ds vkStkj& PCR thu vuqdze] jsLVªhD”ku ,Utkbe]
thukse ykbczsjh A
bdkbZ & 3
thuksa dh ikjLifjd vfHkfdz;k,a rFkk vfHkO;fDr] BT&fo’k] mPp ikniksa esa thu LFkkukUrj.k] okgd }kjk thu
LFkkukUrj.k] okgd jfgr thu LFkkukUrj.k& laf{kIr o.kZu ¼izk{ksfid] ykbikslksel] jlk;fud fo/kh ½ A
bdkbZ &4
Scheme :
Theory/ Nomenclature Hours Duration Max. Min.
Practicle per of exam Marks Marks
Hydrologic cycle. Genetic classification of water. Vertical distribution of sub-surface water, Ground
water occurence and distribution. Hydrological properties of rocks. Darcy law. Springs, Permafrost
regions. Distribution of ground water potential zones of India and Rajasthan. Ground water recharge
and Rain water harvesting.
Role of geology in civil engineering projects. Engineering properties of rocks. Rock as construction
material. Dams & Tunnels: Terminology, types, Geological consideration.
Brief Description of following important Dams of India. - Bhakra, Idduki, Nagarjuna sagar, Hirakund.
Description and use of Surveying instruments- Chain, Plane Table, Prismatic compass.
Uses of Topographic maps in Geology. Introduction to mineral exploration. Introductory knowledge of
Prospecting methods: Geological, Geophysical, Geochemical and Geobotanical.
Elements of mining- Introduction to open cast, under ground and alluvial mining. Terms related to
open cast and underground mining. Introduction to Drilling, Bore Hole Deviation.
Aerial photographs and Satellite Imageries. Application of Remote Sensing in geology.
Elements of minerals Dressing: Basic Principles of ore beneficiation, sizing, Grinding, Communition,
Floatation. Ore beneficiation methods for Lead, Zinc and Copper ores. Principles of mineral
Economics, Strategic, critical and essential minerals.
Identification of following ore minerals, their genesis, uses and distribution in India : Chalcopyrite,
Bornite, Galena, Sphalerite, Arsenopyrite, Pyrolusite, Psilomelane Limeonite, Haematite, Magnetite,
Bauxite, Chromite, Wolframite, Pyrite.
Identification of following non-metallic minerals, their genesis uses and distribution in India : Kyanite,
Sillimanite, Asbestos, Wollastonite, Calcite, Quartz, Garnet, corundum, Beryl, Baryte, Flourite,
Gypsum, Rock Phosphate, Talc, Orpiment, Realgar, Sulphur, Muscovite, Biotite, Feldspar. Coal,
Petroleum and Radioactive mineral deposits of India.
Distribution of important economic mineral and ore deposits in the boundary map of India and
Apparent and true thickness of beds; width of outcrops by calculation and geometrical methods.
Study of Geological Maps.Completion of Outcrops & determination of thickness of beds.
Drawing profile and section showing the following features, simple beds, unconformities, folds, faults,
overlap, offlap and Intrusion etc Identification and description of structural elements in hand
specimens. Measurement of apparent & true dip of a bed. Diagramatic Representation of various
structural features.
Prepration of Ground water Maps. Survey with Chain, Plane table & Prismatic compass. Ore Reserve
calculations. Diagramatic representation of vertical distribution of Ground water, Springs, Dams,
Prismatic compass, Photo-interpretation, Mineral Dressing etc. Field work : Field work for five days.
Books Suggested:
1. Jensen, M.L. and Bateman, A.M.: Economic Mineral Deposits. (John Wiley)
2. Gokhale & Rao : Ore Deposits of India (East- West Press Delhi).
3. Sharma & Ram : Economic Minerals of India.
4. Krishnaswami : Mineral Resources of India. (CBS)
5. Billings, M.P. : Structural Geology (Prentice Hall, India).
6. Hobbs, Means & Williams : An outline of Structural Geology (John Wiley)
7. Compton, R.R. : Manual of Field Geology.
8. Chiplonkar, G.W. & Power, K.B. : Geological Maps.
9. Arogyaswamy, R.N.P. : Courses in Mining Geology (Oxford IBH, New Delhi).
10. Todd, D.K. : Ground Water Hydrology (J. Wiley)
;kstuk %
LSk}kafrd dky[kaM Ikjh{kk iw.kkZad U;wure
lIrkg vof/k mÙkh.kkZad
Two papers Mini pass marks: 54 Maxi marks: 150
Paper-I 3 hours duration 75 marks
Paper- II 3 hours duration 75 marks
Arts &
Science Practical :
Arts Mini pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50
Science Mini pass marks : 18 Maxi marks: 50
Scheme: 6 periods per week per batch of 40 students.
Arts & Science Practical :
Arts Mini pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50
Science Mini pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50
Distribution of marks: Arts Science
1. Lab work 2 hrs duration 18 18
2. Field survey & viva-voce 2 hrs duration 8+4=12 8+4=12
3. Record work & viva- voce 2 hrs duration 8+4=12 8+4=12
4. Project report & viva- voce 6+2=08 6+2=08
Total 50 50
Note: Three Exercises to be attempted out of five exercises and 40 candidates be examined in one
General principles, classification and choice of projections; construction, properties, limitations and
use of the following projections:
1 Cylindrical- Simple and equal area.
2 Conical- One standard parallel, two standard parallel, Bone’s and Polyconic.
3 Zenithal- Orthographic, Stereographic, Gnomonic and Equidistant (Polar cases).
4 Conventional- Mollweide’s.
5 Climatic maps and diagrams-Isopleth, wind rose, climograph, hythergraph.
6 Study and interpretation of weather maps of January and July months;
7 Elementary remote sensing and G.I.S.
8 Prismatic Compass Survey- closed and open traverse corrections of bearings and removal of
closing error.
9 Project Report pertaining to problems of environmental geography of local areas, detailed report
be prepared in 10 to 15 pages with maps and diagrams.
Books Recommended:
1. Monkhouse, FG & Wilkinson, HR: Maps and Diagrams, Metheun, London,1994.
2. Robinson, AH et al. : Elements of Geography, John Willey, New York, 1995.
3. Steers JA: Map Projections, University of London Press,London.
4. Singh, RL: Elements of Practical Geography, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
5. Sharma JP: Prayogik Bhoogol, Rastogi, Meerut.
6 S.M. Jain: Prayogatmak Bhoogol, Sahitya Bhavan, Agra.
;kstuk %
izFke iz'u&i= vof/k 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad 75 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad 27
f}rh; iZ'u&i= vof/k 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad 75 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad 27
izk;ksfxd i= vof/k 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad 75 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad 27
izk;ksfxd dk;Z
j{kk o j.kuhfr v/;;u
le; % 3 ?kaVs dqy vad% 75
lS.M ekWMy
isij Dyhfiax] 'kS{kf.kd Hkze.k vkSj dsl LVMh
uksV % fyf[kr iz;ksxkRed ijh{kk 45 vad dh rFkk ekSf[kdh o fjdkMZ 15&15 vad dk gksxkA
Examination Scheme
Paper Paper Name Lec/ Total Exam Max. Mini.
code (Theory) week week Hrs. Marks Pass
Paper I DTP 3 1 3 65 23
Paper II Web
Development :
PHP & MYSQL 3 1 3 65 23
Total of Theory
(PAPER I 65 + PAPER II 65) 130 47
Paper Name (Practical)
Practical 3 3 70 25
Total of Practical 70 25
Grand Total 200
Paper Code: BA/BCom/BSc Part III Paper-I
Paper I : DTP
Scheme of Examination
Maximum Marks: 65 Duration: 3 Hours
Minimum Passing Marks: 23
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of syllabus). Section-
C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of syllabus).
The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively.
Unit – I
Unit III
Multimedia: Components of multimedia, Applications, Transition from conventional media to digital
media. Usage of text in Multimedia, Digitization of sound, Sound synthesis, MIDI, Compression and
transmission of audio on Internet, Image Compression and File Formats like GIF, JPEG, PNG, PDF;
Basic Image Processing, Use of image editing software, Video Basics, How Video Works, Overview of
Video Compression and File Formats, Video compression based on motion compensation.
Unit IV
Introduction of CorelDraw , The CorelDraw Menus, The Draw Toolbox: Using the Drawing Tools,
Using the Zoom Tool, Using the Text Tool, Using Pick Tool, Using node editing (Shape) Tool, Using
Fill tool, Arranging Objects:, Layering,Combining and Grouping Objects, Stacking Order, Aligning
Objects , Type Casting: Typeface or Font,Types of Typeface, Using and manipulate type in
CorelDraw, Using Fonts in your Drawing.
Colour & Fills: Colour Scheme, Colour Models,Using Colour in your document,Using Colour in
presentations,Using Fills , Texture and patterns Special Effects, Using Envelops, Using extrude,
Using blend, Using Lenses, Using perspective, Rotating and skewing objects with transform Roll-up,
Stretching and mirroring , Printing Your Document, Save & Close & open file, Export file
Suggested Readings
1. Learning Page Maker (BPB)
2. Multimedia making it work By Tay Vaughan, Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. Rajneesh Aggarwal & B. B Tiwari, “ Multimedia Systems”, Excel
Publication, New Delhi
Theory Duration Max Min.Pass
Paper I 3 Hrs. 45 16
Paper II 3 Hrs. 45 16
Paper III 3 Hrs. 45 16
Aggregate 48
Practical Based On Paper I,II
and III 5 Hrs. 65 24
Laborator y techniques in Parasitology: examination of feces for ova and cysts-worm
burden, concentration methods, floatation and sedimentation techniques, staining by