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egkjktk xaxk flag fo'ofo|ky;] chdkusj

Maharaja Ganga Singh University, Bikaner

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/1

B.Sc. Part - I Examination-2020


Scheme of Examination
Distribution of Marks
Compulsory Suject :
1. (A) General Hindi
(B) General English
Or Elementary Hindi (In lieu of Comp. Hindi
Or Non Hindi speaking students)
Or History of Indian Civilization
2. Elementary Computer Application
3. Environmental Studies
Core Subjects
4. Physics
5. Chemistry
6. Mathematics
7. Zoology
8. Botany
9. Geology
10. Geography
11. Defence and Strategic studies
Vocational Subjects
12. Computer Application
13. Biotechnology
14. Microbiology

B.Sc. Part I

There shall be three (03) Sections in the Question Paper.
Section A shall consist of ten questions (02 questions from each Unit), all compulsory to be answered in around
50 words.
Section B shall consist of five/seven questions (02 from each section with internal choice/at least 01 question
from each Unit), to be answered in around 200 words. Five questions must be answered out of given seven.
Section C shall consist of five questions (01 question from each Unit), to be answered in around 500 words. Any
three questions must be answered out of given five.

The number of paper and the maximum marks for each paper together with the minimum marks required for
a pass are shown against each subject seperately. It will be necessary for a candidate to pass in the theory part
as Classification of successful candidates shall be as follows :
First Division 60% of the aggregate marks prescribed at (a) Part I
Second Division 48% Examination, (b) Part II Examination,
(c) Part III examination, taken together.
All the rest shall be declared to have passed the examination, if they obtain the minimum pass marks in each
subject viz. 36% no division shall be awarded at the part I and Part II Examination.

S.N. Name of the No. of Duration Max. Min. Pass
Subject/Papers Papers Marks Marks

Compulsory Subject :
1. General Hindi 3hrs. 100 36
or Ele. Hindi (in liew of G.Hindi)
or History of Indian Civilization

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/2

(in liew of G.Hindi for
foreign students
2. General English 3hrs. 100 36
3. Elementary Computer 2hrs. 100 36
4. Environmental Studies 2hrs. 100 36
Optional subjects : (Any three of the following subject to the restrictions as mentioned in 0.200 B-I)
5. Physics Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
6. Chemistry Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
7. Mathematics Paper-I 3hrs. 66
Paper-II 3hrs. 66 200 72
Paper-III 3hrs. 68
8. Zoology Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
9. Botany Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
10. Geology Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
11. Geography Paper-I 3hrs. 75 150 54
Paper-II 3hrs. 75
Practical 4hrs 50 18
12. Defence and Paper-I 3hrs. 75
Strategic studies Paper-II 3hrs. 75 150 54
Practical 5hrs 50 18
Vocational Subjects :
13. Computer Applications
Paper-I 3hrs. 75 150 54
Paper-II 3hrs. 75
Practical 3hrs. 50 18
14. Biotechnology Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
15. Microbiology Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
Note :
(i) The Marks secured in the paper of Gen Hindi or Gen. English and Computer Application shall not be counted in
awarding the division to a candidate. The candidate have to clear compulsory paper in three chance.
(ii) Non appearing or absent in the examination of complusory paper will be counted a chance.

1- lkekU; fgUnh
Max. Marks: 100 Min. Passing Marks: 36
x| Hkkx
bdkbZ & 1
1- Hkkjro"kZ dh mUufr dSls gks & HkkjrsUnq gfj'pUnz
2- vkpj.k dh lH;rk & v/;kid iw.kZflag
3- es?knwr & egkohj izlkn f}osnh
4- Hkkjrh; laLÑfr dh nsu & gtkjh izlkn f}osnh
5- fyfi dh lRrk & Hkxorh 'kj.k mik/;k;
6- fxYyw & egknsoh oekZ

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/3

7- lokyksa dh uksd ij & eksgu jkds'k
8- fuUnk jl & gfj'kadj ijlkbZ
9- usrk ugha ukxfjd pkfg, & jke/kkjh flag fnudj
10 gekjk le; vkSj foKku & xq.kkdj eqys
11- lkQ ekFks dk lekt & vuqie feJ
bdkbZ & 2
1- deZohj & v;ks/;k flag gfjvkSa/k
2- Hkw&yksd dk xkSjo & lans'k ;gkWa eSa ugha LoxZ dk yk;k & ¼Hkkjr Hkkjrh½&
eSfFkyh'kj.k xqIr
3- chrh foHkkojh tkxjh A v#.k ;g e/kqe; ns'k gekjk & t; 'kadj izlkn
4- rksM+rh iRFkj & lw;Zdkar f=ikBh fujkyk
5- iFk dh igpku & gfjoa'k jk; cPpu
6- iszr dk c;ku & ukxktZqu
7- tc&tc eSaus mldks ns[kk A ;g /kjrh ml fdlku dh & dsnkjukFk vxzoky
8- ty jgs nhi tyrh gS tokuh ¼Hkkx 2½ rqe eukrs gks ftls dgdj fnokyh— neu dh /ked >syh Fkh &
f’koeaxy flag lqeu
9- xhr Qjks'k &Hkokuh izlkn feJ
10- ns'k dh uLysa] ckr djks] vius & ljy fo'kkjn
bdkbZ & 3
1- la{ksi.k
2- iYyou
3- 'kCn ;qXe
4- yksdksfDr
5- 'kq)hdj.k & 'kCn ] okD;
bdkbZ & 4
1- vuqokn & vFkZ vkSj fl)kUr] egŸo] vkn'kZ] vuqokn dh fo’ks”krk,a
2- jktLFkkuh ,oa vaxzsth ls fgUnh vuqokn ¼,d vuqPNsn½
bdkbZ & 5
1- fdlh ,d fo”k; ij fuca/k
2- i=&izk:i
ijh{kdksa ds fy, funsZ’k %&
1- iz'u&i= bdkb;ksa esa foHkDr gksaA
2- izR;sd bdkbZ ls funsZ'kkuqlkj O;k[;kRed ,oa vkykspukRed iz'u iwNs tk,¡A
3- iz'u&i= orZeku esa fu/kkZfjr ikB~;Øekuqlkj gksA
foLr`r vad foHkktu
bdkbZ & 1
v & pkj O;k[;k,a iwNh tk,axh] ftuesa ls nks djuh gksxhA
'kCn lhek % 150 vad % 10] 1 x 10 = 10
c & pkj vkykspukRed iz'u iwNs tk,axs] ftuesa ls nks djus gksaxsA
'kCn lhek % 250 vad % 7] 2 x 7 = 14
bdkbZ & 2
v & pkj O;k[;k,a iwNh tk,axh] ftuesa ls nks djuh gkasxhA
'kCn lhek % 150 vad % 10] 1 x 10 = 10
c & pkj vkykspukRed iz'u iwNs tk,axs] ftuesa ls nks djus gksaxsA
'kCn lhek % 250 vad % 7] 2 x 7 = 14
bdkbZ & 3
v & la{ksi.k 5
c& iYyou 4
l& 'kCn ;qXe 4
n & yksdksfDr o eqgkojs 5
;& 'kq)hdj.k ] d&'kCn 'kq)hdj.k] [k& okD; 'kq)hdj.k 4 22
bdkbZ & 4
v & vuqokn % vFkZ] fl)kUr] fof'k"Vrk vkfn ls lacaf/kr nks iz'uA
lhek & 50 'kCn] vad 3] 2 x 03 = 06

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/4

c& jktLFkkuh ,oa vaxzsth ls fganh vuqPNsn dk vuqoknA
lhek & 300 'kCn] vad 9 ] 1 x 09 = 09
bdkbZ & 5
v& fdlh ,d fo”k; ij fucU/kA
lhek & 350 'kCn] vad & 10] 1 x 10 = 10
c& i=&izk:i A
lhek & 100 'kCn] vad 5] 1 x 5 = 05
lgk;d xzUFk &
1- vfuok;Z x|&i| laxzg & lEiknd MkW-eaxr ckny lw;Z izdk'ku efUnj] chdkusj
2- fgUnh lkfgR; dk bfrgkl & vkpk;Z jkepUnz 'kqDy
3- fgUnh lkfgR; dk bfrgkl & MkW- uxsUnz
4- fgUnh esa v'kqf+);ka & jes'k pUnz egjks=k
5- vPNh fgUnh & jkepUnz oekZ
6- fgUnh O;kdj.k & MkW- gjnso ckgjh
7- iz;kstuewyd fgUnh & izks- lw;Zizdk'k nhf{kr
8- fgUnh 'kCn ehekalk& fd'kksjh nkl oktis;h
9- O;kogkfjd fgUnh O;kdj.k & jk?ko izdk'k
2. General English
Max. Marks: 100 Min. Passing Marks: 36

A. Grammar [10 Marks]

Tenses and Concord
Basic Sentence Patterns
B. Transformations [10 Marks]
Active to Passive Voice
Simple to Compound / Complex
Declarative into Negative/ Interrogative
Direct to Indirect Speech
C. Comprehension [50Marks]
Comprehension of an Unseen Passage[10 Marks]
Comprehension (from the following Texts): Comprehension based Questions of 10 Marks each
will be asked from Prose, Short Stories, One Act Play and Poetry [40 Marks]
Digital India
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam: The Power of Prayer
Martin Luther King: I have a Dream
Albert Einstein: The World as I see it
Short Stories
Leo Tolstoy: The Three Questions
One Act Play
Cedric Mount: The Never Never Nest
R.N. Tagore : Heaven of Freedom
John Donne : Death be not Proud
Swami Vivekanand : Kali the Mother
Required Readings: Emerald (Macmillan)
D. Written Composition [30 Marks]
Precis Writing [5 Marks]
Paragraph Writing [10 Marks]
Letter Writing(Formal and Informal)[5 Marks]
Report Writing[10 Marks]
Suggested Readings:
Murphy, Raymond: Intermediate English Grammar ( OUP)

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/5

Huddleton, Rodney: English Grammar: An Outline (OUP)
Greenbaum, Sidney: The Oxford English Grammar (OUP)


Max. Marks: 100 Min. Passing Marks: 36
1. Passing in theory examination shall be necessary by securing at least 36% marks.
2. The theory paper shall consist of 50 objective type question. Each will carry 2 marks. Candidate will
have to write correct answer (A) or (B) or (C) or (D) is space provided against the question on OMR

Introduction to Information Technology, Generation of Computers, Types of computers: Micro, Mini,

Mainframe, Super,
Architecture of Computer System: CPU, ALU Primary Memory: RAM, ROM, Cache memory,
Secondary Memories, Input/Output device, Pointing device.
Number System (binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal) and their conversions, Logic gates,
Languages: machine, assembly and high level languages including 3GL, 4GL,
Concept of Operating System, need and types of operating systems: batch, single user,
multiprocessing, and time sharing, introduction to Windows.
Internet: Concept, email services, www, web browsers, search engines, simple programs in HTML,
type of HTML document, documents structures: element, type and character formatting, tables,
frames and forms, Stylisheet
Computer Networking: Type of networks, LAN, MAN and WAN, concept of topology, bridges, routers,
gateways, modems, ISDN leased lines, teleconferencing and videoconferencing.
E-Commerce: Concept of e-commerce, benefits and growth of e-commerce, e-commerce categories,
e-Governance, EDI, electronic funds transfer on EDI networks Electronic payment system.
Suggested Books :
1. Computer Fundamental By P.K. Sinha (BPB Publications)
2. Computer Made Easy For Beginners (in Hindi) By Niranjan Bansal, Jayshri Saraogi
3. IT Tools and Applications By Satish Jain, Shashank Jain, Dr. Madhulika Jain (BPB
4. Rapidex computer Course, Vikas Gupta, Pustak Mahal.

Theory : Max. Marks: 100 Min. Passing Marks: 36
1. The marks secured in this paper shall not be counted in awarding the division to a candidate.
2. The candidate have to clear compulsory paper in three years.
3. Non appearing or absent in the examination of compulsory paper will be counted a chance.
The syllables and scheme of examination is as under:
Compulsory in 1st year for all streams at undergraduate level
1. The paper will be of 100 marks.
2. There will be no practical/Field work, instead student should be aware of ecology of local area;
the question
related to field work of local area can be asked by paper setter.
3. There will be 100 questions in the paper of multiple choice, each question of 1 mark.
4. There will be no negative marking in the assessment.Core Module syllabus for Environmental
Studies for Under
Graduate Courses of All Branches of Higher Education
Unit-1 : The multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies.
- Definition scope and awareness.
- Need for public awareness.
Unit-2 : Natural Resources :
- Renewable and non-renewable resources
- Natural resources and associated problems.
- Forest resources.
- Use and over-exploitation.
- Deforestation.
- Timber exploitation.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/6

- Mining
- Dams and their effects on forests and tribal people.
- Water resources.
- Use and over utilization of surface and ground water.
- Floods
- Drought
- Conflicts over water
- Dams benefits and problems.
- Mineral resources.
- Use and exploitation.
- Environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources.
- Food resources.
- World food problems.
- Changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing.
- Effects of modern agriculture.
- Fertilizer, pesticide problems.
- Water logging.
- Salinity
Energy resources :
- Growing energy needs.
- Renewable and non-renewable energy resources.
- Use of alternate energy resources.
Land resources :
- Land as a resource.
- Land degradation.
- Man induced land slides.
- Soil erosion & desertification.
Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources. Equitable use of resources for
sustainable system.
Unit-3 : Ecosystem:
- Concept of an ecosystem.
- Structure and function of an ecosystem.
- Producers, consumers and decomposers.
- Energy flow in the ecosystem.
- Ecological succession.
- Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids.
- Introduction types, characteristic features, structure and function of the following ecosystems.
- Forest ecosystem.
- Grassland ecosystem
- Desert ecosystem.
- Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans estuaries).
Unit-4 : Biodiversity and its conservation:
- Introduction, definition and diversity at genetic, species and ecosys tem level.
- Biogeographically classification of India.
- Value of biodiversity, consumptive use productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values.
- Biodiversity at global, national & local levels.
- India as a mega-diversity nation.
- Hot-spots of biodiversity.
- Threats to biodiversity - habital loss poaching of wild life, man-wild
life conflicts.
- Endangered and endemic species of India.
- Conservation of biodiversity – In situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.
Unit-5 : Environmental Pollution :
- Definition, causes, effect and control measures of
- Air pollution.
- Water pollution
- Soil pollution.
- Marine pollution
- Noise pollution
- Thermal pollution

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/7

- Nuclear hazards.
- Solid waste management : Causes, effects and control measures of urban industrial wastes.
- Role of an individual in prevention of pollution.
- Disaster management : Flood, earthquake, cyclone and land slides.
Unit-6 : Social issues and the environment :
- From unsustainable to sustainable development
- Urban problems related to energy.
- Water conservation, rain water harvesting, water shed management.
- Settlement and rehabilitation of people, its problem of concerns.
- Environmental ethics-issues and possible solutions. Ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents.
- Wasteland reclamation.
- Consumerism and waste products.
- Environmental protection Act.
i. Air ( ) prevention and control of pollution Act
ii. Wild life protection Act
iii. Forest conservation Act.
- Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation.
- Public awareness.
Unit-7 : Human Population and the Environment :
- Population growth, variation among nations.
- Population explosion-Family welfare programme.
- Environment and Human health.
- Human rights.
- Value education.
- Women & child welfare.
- Role of information technology in environment and human health.
Field Work
- Visit to a local area to document environmental assets-river/forest/grassland/ hill/ mountain.
- Visit to local polluted site- Urban/rural/industrial/agricultural.
- Study of common plants, insects. Birds.
- Study of simple ecosystem-Pond, river, hill slope etc.
Suggested Books :
1 i;kZoj.k v/;;u & oekZ] xSuk] [k.Msyoky] jkor
2 i;kZoj.k foKku & ih-lh- f=osnh] xfjek xqIrk
3 i;kZoj.k v/;;u & lqjs’k vkesrk] f’kizk Hkkj}kt
4 Environmental studies - Pratap Singh, N.S. Rathore, A.N. Mathur
5 i;kZoj.k v/;;u & ckdjs] ckdjs ok/kok
6 i;kZoj.k v/;;u & eukst ;kno] vuwiek ;kno

Scheme of examination
Three Theory Papers Min. Pass Marks 48 Max. Marks 135
Paper-I : Frame of reference, 3 hrs. duration 45 marks
Mechanics and Oscillations
Paper-II : Mathematical background
3 hrs. duration 45 marks
Properties of matter
and Electromagnetic waves
Paper-III : Electrostatics,
Electricity 3 hrs duration 45 marks
and Magnetism
Practical 5 hrs. duration Min. Pass marks 24 Max. marks 65
Total 200
Note : There will be two experiments of 5 hrs. duration. The distribution of marks will be as follows :
Two experiments (one from each group)
Each of 20 marks - 40
Viva - 15
Record - 10

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/8

Total - 65
Work load : Each paper must be given 2 hrs. (or three pds) per week for theory. Practical must be
given 4 hrs. (or 6 pds) per week. This gives 60 hours for each theory paper with 30 weeks of teaching
every year and 120 hours for practical and laboratory tutorials work every year. For laboratory work-
each batch must not be more than 20 students.
Duration : 3 hrs. Max Marks: 45
Note: The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10
questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. All the questions are compulsory.
The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions (two from
each unit with internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required to
answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section C (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The candidate is
required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words. The question
paper shall have at least 30% weightage to numerical problems. MKSA system of units is to be used.
Inertial frames, Galilean Transformation, Non-inertial frames, laws of motion and motion in uniform
field, fictious forces, Displacement, velocity and acceleration in rotating co-ordinate systems,
centrifugal acceleration, coriolis force and its applications.
Michelson-Morley experiment, search for ether, Postulates of the spe-cial theory of relativity, Lorentz
transformations, length contraction, time dilation, velocity transformations, variation of mass with
velocity, mass en-ergy equivalence. Four vector formulation (qualitative only)
Motion under central force, Conservation laws, Kepler’s law, Gravitational law and field. Potential due
to a spherical body, Gauss and Poisson equations for gravitational self energy.
System of particles, centre of mass, equation of motion of single stage and multistage rocket,
concepts of elastic and inelastic collisions.
Rigid body motion, Rotational motion, Moment of inertia and their coefficients, Principle axes, Euler’s
Potential well and periodic oscillations, cases of harmonic oscillations, differential equations and its
solution, Kinetic and potential energy.
Simple harmonic oscillations in - Spring and mass system, Simple and compound pendulum,
Torsional pendulum, Bifilar oscillations, Helmholtz resonator, LC circuts, Vibration of bar magnet,
Oscillation of two masses connected by a spring.
Superposition of two simple harmonic motions of same frequency along the same line, Interference,
Superposition of two mutually perpendicular sim-ple harmonic vibrations of same frequency, Lissajous
figures, Cases of different (multiple) frequency.
Damped harmonic oscillators, Power dissipation, Quality factor, Driven harmonic os-cillator, Transient
and steady state, Power absorption, Two coupled oscillations, normal modes.
Text and Reference Books :
1. “Berkeley Physics Course Vol.-l, Mechanics” (Mc-Graw-Hill)
2. The Feynman Lectures in Physics, vol-1, R.P. Feynman, R.B. Lgnton and M. Sands.
3. P. Khandelwal — “Oscillation and Waves”, (Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.)
4. R.S. Gambhir — Mechanics, (CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.)
5. R.K. Ghosh — The Mathematics of Waves and Vibrations, (Macmilan, 1975.)


Duration : 3 hrs. Max. Marks : 45
Note: The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10
questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. All the questions are compulsory.
The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions (two from
each unit with internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required to
answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section C (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The candidate is

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/9

required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words. The question
paper shall have at least 30% weightage to numerical problems. MKSA system of units is to be used.
Scalars and Vectors : Dot & Vector products, triple vector product, gradient of scalar field and its
geometrical interpretation, divergence and curl of a vector field, line, surface and volume integral, Flux
of vector field, Gauss’s diver-gence theorem, Green’s theorem and Stokes theorem.Curvilinear
Elasticity, Small deformations, Young’s modulus, Bulk modulus and Modulus of rigidity for an isotropic
solid, Poisson ratio, relation between elastic constants, Theory of bending of beam, Cantilever,
Torsion of a cyl-inder, Bending moment and Shearing forces.
Kinematics of moving fluids, Equation of continuity, Euler’s equation, Bernoulli’s theorem, Viscous
fluids, Streamline and Turbulent flow, Reynold’s number, Poiseulle’s law, Capillary tube flow, Stoke’s
law, Surface tension and surface energy, molecular interpretation of surface tension, Pressure on a
curved liquid surface, wetting.
Electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s law (integral and differential form), Lenz’s law, Mutual and Self
inductance, Transformers, Energy in a static magnetic field, Measurement of self inductance by
Rayleigh’s method, Maxwell’s displacement current, Maxwell’s equations, Electromagnetic field and
Energy density.
Plane electromagnetic wave in vacuum, Wave equation for E and B of linearly, circularly and
elliptically polarized electromagnetic waves, Poynting vector, Boundary condition for B, E, H & D,
Frasnel’s relations(E in the plane), Reflection and refraction at a plane boundary of dielectrics,
Polariza-tion by reflection and total internal reflection,
Text and Reference Books:
1. Berkeley Physics Course, Electricity and Magnetism, Ed. E.M. Procell (Mc-Graw Hill)
2. Haliday and Resnik, ‘Physics’-Vol. II
3. DJ. Griffth “Introduction to Electrodynamics”, (Prentice Hall of India.)
4. A.M. Partis, ‘Electromagnetic field.”
5. V.V. Savate, ‘Electromagnetic field and Waves’, (Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.)
6. S.N. Ghosh, ‘Electromagnetic theory and Wave propagation’, (Narosa Publishing House.)


Duration: 3 hrs. Max. Marks. 45
Note: The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10
questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. All the questions are compulsory.
The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions (two from
each unit with internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required to
answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section C (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The candidate is
required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words. The question
paper shall have at least 30% weightage to numerical problems. MKSA system of units is to be used.
Coulomb’s law & its vector form, Potential and field of an arbitrary charge distribution at rest, Concept
of Multipole, Potentials and field due to Dipole and Quadrupole, Work done on moving a charge in an
electrostatic field, expressed as a line integral, Conservative nature of the electrostatic field, Electric
potential (f), E = -Ñf, Torque on a dipole in a uniform electric field and its energy, Electrostatic energy
of uniformly charged sphere, Classical radius of an electron, Screening of E-field by a conductor.
Dielectrics, Parallel plate capacitor with partially, or completely filled dielectrics, dielectric constant,
Polarization and polarization vector Atomic and molecular polarisability, Displacement vector D,
Molecular interpretation of Claussius Mosotti equation.
Steady current, Current density J, Non-steady currents and continuity equation, Charging and
discharging of condenser through resistance, Determination of high resistance by leakage method.
Rise and decay of current in LR and CR circuits, Decay constant, transients in LCR circuits, AC
circuits, Complex number and their applications in solving AC circuits, Complex impedance and

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/10

reactance, Series and parallel resonance, Q-factor and sharpness of resonance, Power consumed by
an AC circuit, Power factor transmission of electric power.
Force on moving charge Lorentz force equation and definition of B, Force on a straight conductor
carrying current in a uniform magnetic field, Torque on a current loop, Magnetic dipole moment,
Angular momentum and gyro magnetic ratio.Biot and Savart’s law, calculation of H in simple
geometrical situations, Ampere’s law, ∇.B = 0, ∇ x B = µJ, Field due to a magnetic dipole,
Magnetization current, Magnetization vector, Hall effect, Magnetic permeability (linear cases).
E as an accelerating field: Electron gun, case of discharge tube, linear accelerator, E as deflecting
field: CRO, sensitivity of CRO.
Transverse B field: 180° deflection, Mass spectrograph, Curvatures of tracks, energy determinations
of nuclear particles, Principle of a cyclotron.
Mutually perpendicular E and B field: Velocity selector, its resolution. Parallel E and B field: Positive
ray parabolas, discovery of isotopes, elements of mass spectrograph, Principle of magnetic focusing
Text and Reference Books:
1. Berkeley Physics Course, Electricity and Magnetism, Ed. E.M. Procell (Me Graw Hill)
2. Haliday and Resnik, ‘Physics’-Vol. II
3. D.J. Grifth “Introduction to electrodynamics”, (Prentice Hall of India.)
4. A.M. Partis, ‘Electromagnetic field.1
5. V.V. Savate, ‘Electromagnetic field and Waves’, (Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.)
6. S.N. Ghosh, ‘Electromagnetic theory and Wave propagation’, (Narosa Publishing House.)

Duration: 5 hrs Min. Pass Marks 24 Max. Marks 65
Total number of experiments to be performed by the students during the session should be 16,
selecting any eight from each section.In examination two experiments are to be performed taking at
least one from each section.
Section : A
1. Study of laws of parallel and perpendicular axes for moment of inertia.
2. To find M.I. of an irregular body by inertia table.
3. Study of conservation of momentum in two dimensional oscillations.
4. Study of a compound pendulum.
5. Study of damping of a bar pendulum under various conditions.
6. Study of oscillations under a bifilar suspension.
7. Potential energy curves of a 1 -dimensional system and oscillations in it for various amplitudes.
8. Study of oscillations of a mass under different combinations of springs.
9. Study of bending of a cantilever or a beam.
10. Study of torsion of a wire (static and dynamic methods)
11. Study of flow of liquids through capillaries.
12. Determination of surface tension of a liquid by different methods.
13. Study of viscosity of a fluid by different methods.
14. Determine Y by Hook’s law
15. Determine Y, ç, ó by Searle’s apparatus
16. Determine ç by Maxwell needle
17. Determine ç by Statical method
18. Determine ó of Rubber tube
19. Determine surface tension of water by Jaeger’s method
20. Study the air damping by compound pendulum
21. Variation of magnetic field by tangent galvanometer
Section : B
1. Characteristics of a ballistic galvanometer.
2. I-V Charateristic of a P-N junction diode.
3. I-V Charateristic of a Zener diode.
4. Setting up and using an electroscope or electrometer.
5. Use of a vibration magnetometer to study a field.
6. Study B field due to a current.
7. Measurement of low resistance by Carey-Foster bridge or otherwise.
8. Measurement of inductance using impedance at different frequencies.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/11

9. Measurement of capacitance using impedance at different frequencies.
10. Study of decay of currents in LR and RC circuits.
11. Response curve for LCR circuit and resonance frequency and quality factor.
12. Sensitivity of a cathode-ray oscilloscope.
13. Characteristics of a choke.
14. Measurement of inductance.
15. To verify the inverse square law using photocell
16. Study of Lorentz force.
17. Convert a galvanometer to voltmeter of a given range
18. Convert a galvanometer to ammeter of a given range
19. Study the variation of RC circuit with AC source
20. To verify maximum power trasfer theorem
21. Study the charging and discharging of a capacitor ( variation of RC circuit with DC)
22. Study of discrete and continuous LC transmission lines.

HkkSfrd 'kkL= & 2019

ijh{kk ;kstuk
rhu iz'u i= lS)kfUrd U;wure mrh.kkZad 48 vf/kdre vad 135
¼1½ izFke iz'u i= % funsZ'k ra=]
;kaf=dh ,oa nksyu le; 3 ?kaVs iw.kk±d 45
¼2½ f}rh; iz'u i= % inkFkZ ds
xq.k rFkk fo|qr pqEcd le; 3 ?kaVs iw.kk±ad 45
rjaxkaas dh xf.krh; i`"BHkwfe
¼3½ r`rh; iz'u i= % fLFkj oS/kqfrdh]
cS/kqfrdh rFkk pqEcdRo le; 3 ?kaVs iw.kk±d 45
izk;ksfxd ijh{kk % le; 5 ?kaVs U;wure mrh.kkZad 24 iw.kk±d 65
uksV % 5 ?kaVs ds fy;s nks iz;ksx gksaxs ftudk vad forj.k fuEu jgsxkA nks iz;ksx ¼izR;sd [k.M esa ls ,d½ izR;sd 20
vad ds 40
ekSf[kd iz'u ¼Vivaa½ 15
izk;ksfxd d{kk fjdkMZ 10
;ksx 65
f'k{k.k dk;Z&Hkkj
izR;sd iz'u i= ds fy;s izfr lIrkg 2 ?kaVs ¼3 dkyka'k½ lS)kfUrd f'k{k.kA izk;ksfxd dk;Z gsrq 4 ?kaVs ¼6 dkyka'k½ izfr
lIrkg gksaxsA bl izdkj 30 f'k{k.k lIrkg esa izfr iz'u i= 60 ?kaVksa rFkk 120 ?kaVksa dk izk;ksfxd dk dk;ZHkkj izfr
l= gksxkA izk;ksfxd dk;Z gsrq izR;sd oxZ ¼cSp½ esa 20 Nk=@Nk=k ls vf/kd u gksA
izFke iz'u i= & funsZ'k ra= ;kaf=dh ,oa nksyu
le; % 3 ?kaVs iw.kk±d 45
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 50
'KCnks dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi lfgr½A
izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5
vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnkas
dh gksxh A iz'u i= esa U;wure 30 izfr'kr vkafdd iz'uksa dk Hkkj j[kk x;k gSA MKSA i)fr ds ek=dksa dk iz;ksx
djuk gSA
bdkbZ & 1
tM+Roh; funsZ'k ra=] xSysfy;u :ikUrj.k] vtM+Roh; ra=] xfrdh; fu;e o leku {ks= esa xfr] vkHkklh cy] ?kwf.kZr
funsZ'k ra=ksa esa foLFkkiu] osx rFkk Roj.k] vidsUnzh; Roj.k] dksfj;ksfyl cy o mlds mi;ksxA
bdkbZ & 2
ekbdylu&eksysZ iz;ksx] bZFkj dh [kkst] lkis{kokn dh fof'k"V fl)kUr ds vHkhxzghr
yksjsUV~t :ikUrj.k] osx :ikUrj.k] yEckbZ ladqpu] dky foLQkj.k] osx ds lkFk nzO;eku esa ifjorZu] nzO;eku&ÅtkZ
rqY;rkA prqZfoe lfn'k la:i.k ¼dsoy xq.kkRed½
bdkbZ & 3
dsUnzh; cy esa xfr o laj{kh fu;e] dsiyj ds fu;e] xq:Rokd"kZ.k {ks= o fu;e] xksyh; oLrq ds dkj.k xq:Roh;
foHko xq#Roh; Lo ÅtkZ esa xkWl o ik;tu lehdj.kA cgqd.kh; ra=] nzO;eku dsUnz rFkk xfr dh lehdj.k ,dy o
cgq pj.kh; jkdsV dk laosx o ÅtkZ laj{k.k] izR;kLFk o vizR;kLFk VDdjA

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/12

bdkbZ & 4
n`<+ fi.M xfr] ?kw.kZu xfr] tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ o muds xq.kkad] eq[; v{k o tM+Ro] ;wyj lehdj.kA
foHko dwi o vkorhZ nksyu fofHkUu izdkj ds vkorhZ nksyu o yksyd] xfr dh vodyu lehdj.k o mlds gy
fLFkfrt o xfrt ÅtkZA
fLizax ls tqM+s nzO;eku ds fudk; dh ljy vkorZ xfr] ljy o n`<+ fi.M yksyd] ,sBu yksyd] ckvfQyj nksyu]
gsyEgksYVt vuquknd LC ifjiFk] pqEcd ds nksyu] fLiazs ls tqMs+ nks nzO;eku ds nksyuA
bdkbZ & 5
,d ljy js[kk esa xfr'khy nks leku vko`fr ds ljy vkorZ xfr dk v/;kjksi.kA O;frdj.k] leku vko`fr dh nks
yEcor ljy vko`fr xfr dk v/;kjksi.k] fylktw vkÑfr;kWA voeanu ljy vko`r xfr] voeafnr nksyd 'kfDr dk
{k;] xq.kakd] pkfyr vkorhZ nksyd] {kf.kd o LFkkbZ voLFkk] ÅtkZ vo'kks"k.k] f};qfXer nksyu] lkekU; fo/kk AikB~; o
lanHkZ iqLrdsa
1- cdZys HkkSfrdh ikB~;Øe Hkkx 1 xfrdh ¼eSdxzkfgy½
2- HkkSfrdh ds QkbeWu ysDpj Hkkx 1 vkj ih Qkbeu vkj ch ysUejsu o ,e lWUMl
3- rjax o nksyu( n;k izlkn [k.Msyoky ¼fgeky; ifCyf'kax gkÅl] eqEcbZ½
4- ^xfrdh*( vkj ,l xEHkhj ¼lh ch ,l ifCy'kj o forjd] ubZ fnYyh½
5- rjax o dEiu dh xf.kr] vkj ds ?kks"k ¼eSfDeyu 1975½
6- funsZ'k ra=] ;kaf=dh rFkk nksyu & dkyjk] Hk.Mkjh] dkdkuh ¼fgeka'kq ifCyds'ku½
7- funsZ'k ra=] ;kaf=dh rFkk nksyu & lDlsuk] flag] jkor] ¼dkWyst cqd gkÅl½

f}rh; iz'u i= & inkFkZ ds xq.k rFkk fo|qr pqEcdh; rjaxksa

dh xf.krh; i`"B Hkwfe
le; % 3 ?kaVs iw.kk±d 45
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnks
dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi lfgr½A izR;sd
iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn
lhek 200 'kCnksa dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxasA izR;sd iz'u 5 vadks dk
gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnkas dh gksxh A
iz'u i= esa U;wure 30 izfr'kr vkafdd iz'uksa dk Hkkj j[kk x;k gSA MKSA i)fr ds ek=dksa dk iz;ksx djuk gSA
bdkbZ & 1
lfn'k o vfn'k jkf'k;ka % lfn'k o vfn'k xq.kk] f=lfn'k xq.kk] vfn'k {ks= izo.krk o bldk T;kfefr; foospu]
lfn'k {ks= dk Mk;ojtsUl o dyZ] js[kh; {ks=Qy o vk;ru lekdyu ] lfn'k {ks= dk ¶yDl] ekml Mk;ojtsUl
izes;] xzhu o LVksDl izes;A oØ js[kh; fuZns'kkad
bdkbZ & 2
izR;kLFkrk] U;wu foÑfr;ka % ;ax dk izR;kLFkrk xq.kkad] vk;ru izR;kLFkrk xq.kkad o le :i Bksl ds fy,
vi:i.k xq.kkad] ik;tu xq.kkad] fofHkUu izR;kLFkrk xq.kkadksa esa laca/k] n.Mksa ds cadu dk fl)kUr o dsfUVyhoj] csyu
esa ,aBu] cadu vk?kq.kZ o ,aBu cyA
bdkbZ & 3
xfr'khy] rjy xfrdh lkarO;rk dh lehdj.k] ;wyj lehdj.k cjuksyh izes; ';kunzo] js[kh; o vjs[kh; izokg]
jsukYM uEcj] ik;lqyh fu;e] dsfiyjh uyh esa nzo izokg] LVksd fu;e] i`"B ruko o i`"B ÅtkZ] i`"B ruko dk
vk.kfod foospu] xksyh; nzo ij nkc] nzo dh fpidu izfØ;kA
bdkbZ & 4
fo|qr pqEcdh; izsj.k % QSjkMs fu;e ¼vodyu o lekdyu :i½] ysat dk fu;e] Lo o vU;ksU; izsjdRo]
VªkUlQkeZj] fLFkj pqEcdh; {ks= esa ÅtkZ] jsys fof/k }kjk Loizsj.k dk ekiu] eSDlosy foLFkkiu /kkjk] eSDlosy
lehdj.k] fo|qr pqEcdh; {ks= o ÅtkZ?kuRoA
bdkbZ & 5
fuokZr esa lery fo|qr pqEcdh; rjax] js[kh;] o`rh; o nh?kZ o`rh; /kqzfor fo|qr pqEcdh; rjaxksa ds fy;s E o B esa
rjaxh; lehdj.k] ikW;fUVax lfn'k] B, E, H o D ds fy;s ifjlhek izfrcU/k] ijkoS/kqfr lery lrg ij ijkorZu o
viorZu] Fresnal relation, iw.kZ vkrafjd ijkorZu] ijkorZu }kjk /kzqo.k A
ikB~; o lanHkZ iqLrdsa
1- fo|qr o pqEcdRo & cdZys HkkSfrd ikB~;Øe & lEiknd bZ ,e- izkslsy
2- HkkSfrdh & gsyhMs o jslfud Hkkx II
3- Introduction to electrodynamics & Mh-ts-fxzfQFk ¼izsfUVl gky vkWQ bf.M;k½
4- fo|qr pqEcdh; {ks= & ,-,e- ikVhZ'kA

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/13

5- fo|qr pqEcdh; {ks= o rjax & oh-oh- lscsV ¼okbys bLVuZ fyfeVsM U;w fnYyh½
6- Electromagnetic theory and wave propagation & ,l-,u- ?kks"k ¼ukjks'kk
ifCyf'kax gkÅl½
7- x.khfr; i`"BHkwfe] nzO; ds xq.k /keZ rFkk fo|qr pqrjaxs & dkyjk] Hk.Mkjh] dkdkuh
¼fgeka'kq ifCyds’ku½
8- x.khfr; i`"BHkwfe] nzO; ds xq.k /keZ rFkk fo|qr pq- rjaxs & lDlsuk] flag] jkor
¼dkWyst cqd gkÅl½

r`rh; iz'u i= & fLFkj oS|qrdh] oS|qrdh rFkk pqEcdRo

le; % 3 ?kaVs iw.kk±d 45
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnks
dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi lfgr½A izR;sd
iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn
lhek 200 'kCnksa dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxasA izR;sd iz'u 5 vadks dk
gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnkas dh gksxh A
iz'u i= esa U;wure 30 izfr'kr vkafdd iz'uksa dk Hkkj j[kk x;k gSA MKSA i)fr ds ek=dksa dk iz;ksx djuk gSA

bdkbZ & 1
fuokZr esa dwyke dk fu;e rFkk bldk lfn'k :i] fdlh fLFkj LoSfPNd vkos'k forj.k ds fy;s foHko ,ao {ks=]
cgq/kzqo] f}/kqzo ,oa prq/kzZo ds dkj.k fo|qr foHko ,oa {ks= dh vo/kkj.kk] js[kh; lekdyu ds :i esa fo|qr {ks= esa
vkos'k }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z] fLFkj fo|qr dh lajf{kr {ks= izÑfr] fo|qr foHko φ fo|qr {ks= E = &∇ ∇ φ] leku fo|qr
{ks= esa f}/kqzo ij cyk/kw.kZ rFkk bldh fo|qr ÅtkZ] le:i vkosf'kr xksys dh fo|qr ÅtkZ] bysDVªku dh fpjlEer
f=T;k] pkyd ds }kjk fo|qr {ks= esa vojks/k (Screening)
bdkbZ & 2
ijkoS/kqrrk] ¼Dielectric½ vkf'kad ,oa iw.kZ :i ls ijkoS/kqr inkFkZ ls Hkjs lekukUrj IysV la?kkfj=] ijkoS/kqrrkad
/kqox.krk rFkk /kzqo.krk lfn'k] vk.kfod ,oa ijek.kfod /kqzo.krk] fo|qr foLFkkiu lfn'k D, Dykfl;l & ekSlksVh
lehdj.k dk vk.kfod foospuA
bdkbZ & 3
fLFkj /kkjk ?kuRo J] vfLFkj /kkjk rFkk larr lehdj.k] la/kkfj= dk izfrjks/k esa vkos'ku ,oa fujkos'ku] fjlko
¼Leakage½ }kjk mPp izfrjks/k dk ekiu] LR rFkk RC ifjiFkksa esa /kkjk dh o`f)] {k; le; ds lkFk o`f) ,oa {k;]
{k;kad] LCR ifjiFk esa {kf.kd /kkjk ¼transient current½
izR;korhZ /kkjk ifjiFk] ¼Complex½ tfVy izfrck/kk rFkk izfr?kkr] Js.kh ,oa lekukUrj vuqokn] ¼Q½ xq.krk xq.kkad]
vuqukn dh rh{k.krk] izR;korhZ ifjiFk }kjk vo'kksf"kr 'kfDr] 'kfDr xq.kkad] fo|qr 'kfDr dk ifjxeuA
bdkbZ & 4
xfr'khy vkos'k ij cy] ykWjsUVt cy lehdj.k o B dh ifjHkk"kk] ,oa fdlh le pqEcdh; {ks= esa /kkjk okgd ljy
js[kh; pkyd ij vkjksfir cy] /kkjk ywi ij vkjksfir cy&vk?kw.kZ] pqEcdh; f}/kqzo vk?kw.kZ] dks.kh; laosx rFkk
tk;jksesxusfVd fu"ifrA
ck;ks rFkk lkokVZ dk fu;e] lkekU; T;kferh; fLFkfr ds fy;s H dh x.kukA
,Eih;j dk fu;e] ∇.B = 0, ∇ x B = µJ, pqEcdh; f}/kqzo ds dkj.k {ks=] pqEcdu /kkjk] pqEcdu lfn'k] gkWy izHkko]
pqEcdh; ikjxE;rkA

bdkbZ & 5
fo|qrh; Roj.k gsrq {ks= E bysDVªku xu] foltZu ufydk dk mnkgj.k] js[kh; RojdA
fo|qrh; fo{ksi.k gsrq {ks= E dSFkksM+ fdj.k nksyd ¼CRO½] CRO dh lqxzkfgrkA
yEcor {ks= B; 1800 ls fo{ksi.k] nzO;eku LisDVksxzkQ] iFk dh oØrk] ukfHkdh; d.kksa dh ÅtkZ ekiu] lkbDyksVªku
dk fl)kUrA
ijLij yEcor E rFkk B {ks= % osx p;ud rFkk bldh fo{ksi.k {kerk ¼Resolving½ {kerkA
lekukUrj E rFkk B {ks= % /ku fdj.k ijoy;] leLFkkfudksa dh [kkst] nzO;eku LisDVªksxzkQh rFkk blds ewy rRo]
pqEcdh; ysUl rFkk Qksdl izfØ;kA
uksV % mijksDr fooj.kksa esa ;kaf=d fcUnqvksa ij vf/kd egRo fn;k tk;A mDr midj.kksa ds fooj.k dks fufgr
fl)kUrksa dks le>kus gsrq gh egRo fn;k tk;A
ikB~; o lanHkZ iqLrdsa
1- fo|qr o pqEcdRo & cdZys HkkSfrd ikB~;Øe & lEiknd & bZ ,e- izkslsy

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/14

2- HkkSfrdh & gsyhMs o jslfud Hkkx II
3- Introduction to electrodynamics & Mh-ts-fxzfQFk ¼izsfUVl gky vkWQ bf.M;k½
4- fo|qr pqEcdh; {ks= & ,-,e- ikVhZ'kA
5- fo|qr pqEcdh; {ks= o rjax & oh-oh- lscsV ¼okbys bLVuZ fyfeVsM U;w fnYyh½
6- Electromagnetic theory and wave propagation & ,l-,u- ?kks"k ¼ukjks'kk
ifCyf’kax gkÅl½
7- fLFkj fo|qfrdh /kkjk fo|qr rFkk pqEcdRo & dkyjk] Hk.Mkjh] dkdkuh ¼fgeka'kq
8- fLFkj fo|qfrdh /kkjk fo|qr rFkk pqEcdRo & lDlsuk] flag] jkor ¼dkWyst cqd

HkkSfrdh izk;ksfxd ijh{kk

U;wure mÙkh.kk±d 24 iw.kk±d 65 le; % 5 ?kaVs
uksV %
1- mDr ijh{kk esa ijh{kkFkhZ dks izR;sd [k.M esa ,d iz;ksx ysrs gq, dqy nks iz;ksx djus gksaxsA
2- d{kk ds ikB~;Øe gsrq iwjs l= esa dqy 16 iz;ksx djus gksaxs ftuesa izR;sd [k.M ds vkB iz;ksx gksaA
[k.M & v
1- tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ ds fy;s lekukUrj ,oa yEcor v{kh; izes; dk v/;;uA
2- f} foeh; nksfy= ds fy;s laosx laj{k.k dk v/;;uA
3- fi.M yksyd ¼Compound pendulum½ dk v/;;uA
4- NM+ yksyd }kjk fofHkUu voLFkkvksa esa voeanu dk v/;;uA
5- ¼Bifilar½ ckbfQyj yVdu Suspension½ ds nksyu dk v/;;uA
6- ,d foeh; fudk; dh fLFkfrt ÅtkZ oØ rFkk blesa fofHkUu vk;keksa ds fy;s nksyuksa dk v/;;uA
7- fdlh nzO;eku dh fofHkUu fLizax la;kstuksa ds fy;s nksyuksa dk v/;;uA
8- dsUVyhoj ds cadu dk v/;;uA
9- fLFkfrd ,oa xfrd fof/k )kjk rkj ds ,saBu dk v/;;uA
10- lw{e ufydkvksa ¼Capillary½ ls nzo ds izokg dk v/;;uA
11- fofHku fof/k;ksa }kjk nzo ds i`‘Bruko dh x.kukA
12- fdlh nzo ds ';kurkxq.kkad dk fofHkUu fof/k;ksa }kjk v/;;uA
13 gqd ds fu;e ls Y dh x.kukA
14 lZy fof/k ls Y, ç, ó dh x.kukA
15 eSDlosy lqà dh lgk;rk ls ç dh x.kukA
16 LFksfrd fof/k ls ç dh x.kukA
17 jcj dh ó dh x.kukA
18 tsxj fof/k ls ikuh dk i`"Bruko dh x.kukA
19 fi.M yksyd ls gok esa voeanu dk v/;;uA
20 To find M.I. of an irregular body by inertia table.
21 Tangent xYoku¨ehVj ls pqEcdh; {ks= ds ifjoZru dk v/;;uA
[k.M & c
1- iz{ksi /kkjkekih dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk v/;;uA
2- bysDVªksLdksi ;k fo|qrekih ¼Electrometer½ dk la;kstu ,oa mldk mi;ksxA
3- nksyu & pqEcdekih dk mi;ksx ,oa {ks= dk v/;;uA
4- /kkjk ds dkj.k pqEcdh; {ks= B dk v/;;uA
5- dsjsQksLVj lsrq vFkok vU; fof/k ls vYi izfrjks/k dk ekiuA
6- izsjdRo dk fofHkUu vko`fr;ksa ij izfrck/kk ds }kjk ekiuA
7- /kkfjrk dk fofHkUu vko`fr;ksa ij izfrck/kk ds }kjk ekiuA
8- LR rFkk RC ifjiFkksa esa /kkjk ds {k; dk v/;;uA
9- LCR ifjiFk dk vuqukfnr vko`fr rFkk xq.krk xq.kad ds fy;s nf'kZr oØ dk v/;;uA
10- dSFkksM+ & fdj.k & vkWlhyksLdksi ¼CRO½ dh lqxzkfgrk dk v/;;uA
11- pksd dq.Myh dh vfHkyk{kf.kdh dk v/;;uA
12- izsjdRo dk ekiuA
13- ykWjsUVt cy dk v/;;uA
14- LC lapj.k ykbu dk lrr ,oa fMLØhV½ fofoDr :i esa v/;;uA
15 Q¨V¨ lsy dh lgk;rk ls O;qRØe oZx fu;e dk lR;kiu
16 xYoku¨ehVj d¨ nh xà ijkl ds o¨YVehVj esa cnyuk

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/15

17 xYoku¨ehVj d¨ nh xà ijkl ds vehVj esa cnyuk
18 vf|dre 'kDfr lapj.k çes; dk lR;kiu
19 AC L=¨r ls RC ifjiFk esa ifjoZru dk v/;;uA
20 la?kkfj= ds vkos'ku o fujkos’ku dk v/;;u ( DC L=¨r ls RC ifjiFk esa ifjoZru dk v/;;uA
21 P-N laf/k Mk;ksM dh I-V vfHkyk{kf.kd
22 thuj Mk;ksM dh I-V vfHkyk{kf.kd

Three papers Min. Pass Marks: 48 Max. Marks: 135
Paper I 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks
Paper II 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks
Paper III 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks
Practical : 5 Hrs. Duration, Min. Pass Marks : 24, Max. Marks 65 Marking scheme
1. Each theory paper will be of 45 marks (minimum passing marks 16).There will be three theory
papers total marks in theory will be 145 (minimum passing marks 48). Time duration for
each paper will be 3 hours.
2. The practical paper will be of 65 marks (minimum passing marks
24). Practical exam will be of 5 hrs.
3. Each theory question paper will be divided into three sections i.e. A, B and C. Section A (15
marks) shall contain 10 questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. All the
questions are compulsory. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions (two from each unit with internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The
candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section
C (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The
candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words.


(a) Atomic Structure :
Idea of De-Broglie matter/waves, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, atomic orbitals, Schrodinger
wave equation, significance of psi and psi*, quantum numbes, radial and angular wave function and
probability distribution curves, shapes of s, p,d orbitals. Aufbau and Pauli exclusion principles, Hund’s
multiplicity rule. Electronic configurations of the elements, effective nuclear charge.
(b) Periodic Properties :
Atomic and ionic radii, ionization energy, electron affinity and electronegativity, different, methods of
determination, trends in periodic table and applications in predicting and explaining the chemical
(a) Chemical Bonding :
Covalent Bond - Valence bond theory and its limitations, directional characteristics of covalent
bond, various types of hybridization and shapes of simple inorganic molecules and ions. Valence shell
electron pair repulsion (VESPR) theory to NH3, H3O+, SF4, CIF3, ICI2- and H2O.
(b) MO theory-Homonuclear and heteronuclear (CO and NO) diatomic molecules, multicentre bonding
in electron deficient molecules, bond strength and bond energy, percentage ionic character from
dipole moment and electronegativity difference.
(a) Ionic Solids - Ionic Structures, radius ratio effect and coordination number, limitation of radius
ratio rule, lattice defects, semiconductors, lattice energy and Born-Haber Cycle, solvation energy and
solubility of ionic solids, polarizaing power and polarizability of ions. Fajan’s rule. Metallic bond - Free
electron, valence bond and band theories.
(b) Weak interaction-Hydrogen bonding, Vander waals forces.
(a) s- Block Elements - Comparative study, diagonal relationship, salient features of hydrides,
solvation and complexation tendencies including their function in biosystems and introduction to alkyls
and aryls.
(b) Chemistry of Noble Gases-Chemical properties of the noble gases, chemistry of xenon, structure
and bonding in xenon compounds.
(c) p-Block elements-Comparative study (Including diagonal relationship) of groups13-17 elements,
compounds like hydrides, oxides, oxyacids and halides of groups 13-17.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/16

Chemistry of the following Compounds : Hydrides of Boron, diborane and higher boranes,
borazine, fullerenes, carbides, flurocarbons, silicates, tetrasulphur tetranitride, basic properties of
halogens, interhalogens and polyhalides.


(a) Structure and Bonding:
Hybridization, bond lengths and bond angles. Bond energy, localized and delocalized chemical
bond, vander waals interactions, inclusion compounds, clatherates, charge transfer complexes,
resonance, hyperconjugation, aromaticity, inductive and field effects, hydrogen bonding.
(b) Mechanisms of Organic Reactions :
Curved arrow notation, drawing electron movements with arrows, half headed and double headed
arrows, homolytic and heterolytic bond breaking. Types of reagents-electrophiles and nucleophiles.
Type of organic reactions, energy considerations.
Reactive intermediates- carbocations, carbanions, free radicals, carbenes, arynes and nitrenes
(with examples) Assigning, formal charges on intermdiates and other ionic species.
Methods of determination of reaction mechanism (product analysis, intermediates, isotope effects.
Kinetic and stereochemical studies).
Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds-Concept of isomerism, types of isomerism. Optical
isomerism- elements of symmetry, molecular chirality, enantiomers, stereogenic centre, optical
activity, properties of enantiomers, chiral and achiral molecules with two stereogenic centres,
diastereomers, threo and erythro diastereomers, meso compounds, resolution of enantiomers,
inversion, retention and recemization.
Relative and absolute, configuration, sequence rules, D& L and R & S systems of nomenclature.
Geometric isomerism- Determination of configuration of geometricisomers E & Z system of
nomenclature, geometric isomerism in oximes and alicyclic compounds.
Conformational isomerism- conformational analysis of ethane and n-butane. Conformations of
cyclohexane, axial and equatorial bonds, conformation of mono substituted cyclohexane derivatieves,
Newman projection and sawhorse fourmulae, Fischer and flying wedge formulae. Difference between
configuration and conformation.
Alkanes and Cycloalkanes
IUPAC nomenclature of branched and unbranched alkanes, the alky group, classification of
carbon atoms in alkanes. Isomerism in alkanes, sources, methods of formation (With special
reference to Wurtz reaction, Kolbe reaction, Corey-House reaction and decarboxylation of carboxylic
acids). physical properties and chemical reactions of alkanes.
Mechanism of free radical halogenation of alkanes : orientation, reactivity and selectivity.
Cycloalkanes - nomenclature, methods of formation, chemical reactions. Baeyer’s strain theory and
its limitations, ring strains in small rings (cyclopropane and cyclobutane), Theory of strainless rings,
the case of cyclopropance ring : banana bonds.
Alkenes, Cycloalkenes, Dienes and Alkynes
Nomenclature of alkenes, methods of formation. Mechanisms of dehydration of alcohols and
dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides, regio selectivity in alcohol dehydration. The saytzeff rule,
Hofmann elimination, physical propertes and relative stabilities of alkenes.
Chemical reactions of alkenes- mechanism involved in hydrogenation, electrophilic and free
radical additions, Markownikoff’s rule, hydroboration-oxidation, oxymecuration- reduction, epoxidation,
ozonolysis, hydration, dehydoxylation and oxidation with KMnO4, Polymerization of alkenes,
Substitution of the allylic and vinylic positions of alkenes. Industrial applications of ethylene and
Methods of formation, confirmation and chemical reactions of cycloalkenes.
Nomenclature and classification of Dienes : Isolated, conjugated and cumulated dienes. Structure
of allenes and butadiene, methods of formation, polymerization . Chemical reactions- 1,2 and 1,4
additions, Diels- Alder reaction.
Nomenclature, structure and bonding in alkynes. Methods of formation. Chemical reaction of
alkynes, acidity of alkynes. Mechanism of electrophilic and nucleophilic addition reactions,
hydroboration-oxidation, metal ammonia reductions, oxidation and polymerizations.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/17

Arenes and aromaticity
Nomenclature of benezene derivatives. The aryl group. Aromatic nucleus and side chain, structure
of benzene : molecular formula and Kukule structure, stability and carbon-carbon bond lengths of
benzene, resonance structue, MO picture, Aromaticity : The Huckel rule, aromatic ions.
Aromatic electrophilic substitution- general pattern of the mechanism, role of sigma(s) and pie(ð)
complexes. Mechanism of nitration, halogenation sulphonation, mercuration and Friedal- Craft’s
reactions, energy profile diagrams. Activating & deactivating substituents, orientation and ortho / para
ratio, side chain reactions of benzene derivatives. Birch reduction.
Methods of formation and chemical reactions of alkyl benzenes, alkynyl benzenes and biphenyl.
Alkyl and Aryl Halides
Nomenclature and classes of alkyl halides, methods of formation, chemical reactions.
Mechanisms, nucleophilic substitution reactions of alkyl halides, SN2 and SN1 reactions with energy
profile diagrams.
Polyhalogen compounds : Chloroform, carbon tetrachloride.
Methods of formation of aryl halides, nuclear and side chain reactions. The addition-elimination
and the elimination-addition mechanisms of nucleophillic aromatic substitution reactions.
Relative reactivities of alkyl vs allyl, vinyl and aryl halides. Synthesis and uses of D.D.T. and
Note : The paper is divided in five independent units. Two questions will be set from each unit. The
candidates are required to attempt one question from each unit.
Mathematical Concepts & Computers :
(a) Mathematical Concepts
Logarithmic relations, curve, sketching linear graphs and calculations of slopes, differentiation of
functions like Kx, ex, Xn, sin x, log x; maxima and minima, partial differentiation and reciprocity
relations. Intergrations of some useful/relevant functions; permutations and combinations, Factorials.
(b) Computers
General introduction to computers, different components of a computer, hardware and software,
input and output devices; binary numbers and arithmetic, introduction to computer languages,
Programming operating systems.
(a) Gaseous States : Postulates of kinetic theory of gases, deviation from ideal behaviour, Vander-
waals equation of state.
Critical Phenomena : PV isotherms of real gases, continuity of states, the isotherms of Vander-
waals equation, relationship between critical constants and Vander-waals constants, the law of
corresponding states, reduced equation of state.
(b) Molecular Velocities : Root mean square velocity, average and most probable velocities.
Qualitative discussions of the Maxwell’s distribution of molecular velocities, collision number, mean
free path and collision diameter. Liquification of gases (based on joule - thomson effect).
(a) Liquid State:
Intermolecular forces, structure of liquids (a qualitative description). Structural differences between
solids, liquids and gases,Liquid Crystals : Difference between liquid crystal, solid and
liquid. Classification, structure of nematic and cholestric phases. Thermography and seven-
segment cell.
(b) Colloidal State:
Definition of colloids, classification of colloids.
Solids in liquids (sols) properties - Kinetic, optical and electrical stability of colloids, protective
action, Hardy - Schultze law, gold number.
Liquids in liquids (emulsions) : Type of emulsions, preparation and properties of Emulsions.
Liquids in solids (gels) : Classification, preparation and properties, inhibition, general
applications of colloids.
Solid State : Definition of space lattice, unit cell.
Laws of crystallography- (i) Law of constancy of interfacial angles, (ii) Law of rationality of indices,
(iii) Law of symmetry. Symmetry elements in crystals.
X-ray diffraction by crystals. Derivation of Bragg equation. Determination of Crystal structure of
NaCl, KCl and CsCl (Laue’s method and powder method).

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/18

Chemical kinetics and catalysis
Chemical kinetics and its scope, rate of reaction, factors influencing the rate of reaction-
concentration, temperature, pressure, solvent, light, catalyst, concentration dependence of rates,
mathematical characteristics of simple chemical reactions: zero order, first order, second order,
pseudo order, half life and mean life. Determination of the order of reaction-differential method,method of
integration, method of half life period and isolation method.Radioactive decay as a first order phenomenon.
Experimental methods of chemical kinetics : Conductometric, potentiometric, optical methods,
polarimetric and spectrophotometeric.
Theories of chemical kinetics: Effect of temperature on rate of reaction, Arhenius concept of
Simple collision theory based on hard sphere model, transition state theory (equilibrium
hypothesis). Expression for the rate constant based on equilibrium constant and thermodynamic
aspects. Catalysis, characteristics of catalyzed reactions, classification of catalysis, miscellaneous

Time : 120 Hours (4 Hours / Week)
Max Marks 65 Min Marks 24
Semi micro and Macro analysis , Separation and Identification of Four radicals - two acidic and
two basic in a given mixture which may include any one interfering radical and/or combinations of
1.Laboratory techniques:
(i) Determination of melting point (0C)
Naphthalene 80-82 0C, Benbzoic acid 121.5-1330C
Urea 132.5-1330C, Succinic acid 184.5-1850C
Cinnamic acid 132.5-1330C , Salicylic acid 157.5-1580C
Acetanilide 113.5-1140C, m-Dinitrobenzene 900C
p- Dichlorobenzene 52 0C ,Aspirin 1350C
(ii) Determination of boiling point
Ethanol 780C, cyclohexane 81.40C, toluence 110.60C, Benzene 800C (iii)Mixed melting point
Urea-cinnamic acid mixture of various compositions(1:4,1:1,4:1)
(iv) Distillation
Simple distillation of ethanol-water using water condenser,
Distillation of nitrobenzene and aniline using air condenser
(v)Green Chemistry - Identification of Safety Symbols
2. Purification Methods
Phthalic acid from hot water (using fluted filter paper and stemless funnel)
Acetanilide from boiling water,Naphthalene from ethanol,Benzoic acid from water
(ii)..Decolorisation & Crystallization using charcoal
Decolorisation of brown sugar (sucrose) with animal charocoal using gravity filtration,
Crystallzation and decolorisation of impure naphthalene (100g of naphthalene mixed with 0.3 g of
Congo red using 1 g decolorizing carbon) from ethanol.
(iii) Sublimation (Simple and Vacuum) Camphor, Naphthalene, phthalic acid and succinic acid.
3.Qualitative analysis
Identification of an organic compound through the functional group analysis, determination of melting
point and preparation of suitable Derivatives
(i) Chemical Kinetics
1. To determine the specific reaction rate of the hydrolysis of methyl acetate/ethyl acetate catalyzed
by hydrogen ions at room temperature.
2. To study the effect of acid strength on the hydrolysis of an ester.
3. To compare the strengths of HCI and H2SO4 by studying the kinetics of hydrolysis of ethyl
4. To study kinetically the reaction of decomposition of iodide by H2O2.
(ii) Distribution Law

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/19

1. To study the distribution of iodine between water and CCl4
2. To study the distribution of benzoic acid between benzene and water
(iii) Colloids
1. To prepare arsenious sulphide sol and compare the precipitating power of mono- ,bi- and trivalent
(iv) Viscosity & Surface Tension
1. To determine the percentage composition of given mixture (non interacting system) by viscosity
2. To determine the viscosity of amyl alcohol in water at different concentrations and calculate the
viscosity of these compositions.
3. To determine the percentage composition of a given binary mixture by surface tension method
(acetone & ethyl- ketone)
Spotting will include Safety symbols, laboratory instruments, techniques etc. During examination in
spotting there should be 5 spots related with instruments, techniques, safety etc. from the syllabus ;
time of spotting is 20 minutes and a separate copy shall be used for the purpose.
Max. Marks: 65 Min.Marks:24 Time 5 hours
1. Analysis: One Exercise 15 Marks
1.Lab Techniques: One experiment from any one techniques- 2.5 Marks
2-Purifiction Methods: One experiment from any one methods- 2.5 Marks
3.Qualitative Analysis: One Compound 10 Marks
Any One experiment 15 Marks
(5 spots)
RECORD 5 Marks

Papers Nomenclature Duration Periods Max. Marks
per week Sc So. Sci
I Algebra 3 Hrs. 3 66 66
II Calculus 3 Hrs. 3 66 66
III Vector Calculus and
Geometry 3 Hrs. 3 68 68
Max. Marks 200 200
Min. Pass Marks 72 72

Paper- I (ALGEBRA)
Note : Each theory question paper will be divided into three sections i.e. A, B and C. Section A (10
marks) shall contain 10 questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1 mark. All the
questions are compulsory. Section B (20 marks) shall contain 5 questions (two from each unit with
internal choice). Each question shall be of 4 marks. The candidate is required to answer all 5
questions. Section C (36 marks) shall contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall
be of 12 marks. The candidate is required to answer any three questions.

Relation between roots and coefficients of general polynomial equation in one variable, transformation
of equations, Descarte’s rule of signs, Solution of Cubic equations (Cardon Method) Biquadratic
Equations(Ferrari Method).
Symmetric, Skew symmetric. Hermitianand skew Hermitian matrices. Linear Independence of row and
column matrices. Row rank, Column rank, Rank of a matrix by Echelon form, the characteristic
equation of a matrix and eigenvectors. Cayley Hamilton theorem and its use in finding inverse of a
matrix. Applications of matrices to a system of linear (both homogenous and non-homogenous)
equations. Theorems of consistency of a system of linear equations.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/20

Definitions and examples of groups, general properties of groups, subgroups, cyclicgroups,
cosetsdecomposition, Lagranges theorem and its consequences, Fermats and Eular’s theorems.
Homomorphism and isomorphism of groups, normal subgroups, quotient groups. The fundamental
theorem of homomorphism. Kernel of homomorphous and its properties.
Permutations groups, even, odd and cyclic permutations, transformations, the alternating group-An ,
Conjugacy, and simple groups. Cayles theorem. Order of an element of a group and its properties.
1. Chandrika Prasad : The Text Book of Algebra and Theory
of Equations, PothishalaPvt Ltd.
2. Vashitha, A.R. : Modern Algebra, Krishna
PrakashnaMandir, Meerut
3. Gokhrooet. Al. : Matrices (Hindi Ed.) NavkarPrakashan,
4. Gokhrooet. Al. : Abstract Algebra (English/Hindi Ed.)
NavkarPrakashan, Ajmer.
5. P.B. Bhattacharya Basic Abstract Algebra
and Others : (2nd Edition) Camb. University Press
Indian Edition,1997
6. I. N. Herstein : Topics in Algebra Wiley Eastern Ltd.
New Delhi (1975)
7. Bansal, Bhargava & Abstract Algebra,
Agarwal : Jaipur Publishing House, Jaipur

Note : Each theory question paper will be divided into three sections i.e. A, B and C. Section A (10
marks) shall contain 10 questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1 mark. All the
questions are compulsory. Section B (20 marks) shall contain 5 questions (two from each unit with
internal choice). Each question shall be of 4 marks. The candidate is required to answer all 5
questions. Section C (36 marks) shall contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall
be of 12 marks. The candidate is required to answer any three questions.
Pedal equation of a curve,Envelope and Evolutes, Asymptotes, Curvature: Various Formulae, centre
of curvature, chord of curvature and related problems.
Partial differentiation, chain of variables, Eular’s theorem on homogeneous functions, first two
differential coefficients of an implicit functions. Taylor’s theorem for functions of two variables,
acobians with properties.
Maximum – Minimum and saddle points of functions of two and three variables connected by a
relation. Lagrange’s method of undermined multipliers. Test of concavity and convexity, points of
inflexion, multiple points, curve tracing in Cartesian and polar coordinates (standard curves).
Differentiation and Integration under the sign of integration, Beta and Gamma functions, double
integrals, change of order of integration, transformation in polar coordinates.
Quardrature, rectification, volume and surface of solid of revolution. Triple integrals. Dirichlet’s
integrals and Liouville’s extension.
1. Gorakh Prasad : Text Book of Differential calculus,
Pothishala Pvt. Ltd. Allahabad
2. Gorakh Prasad : Text Book of Integral calculus,
Pothishala Pvt. Ltd. Allahabad
3. N. Piskunov : Differential and Integral calculus,
Peace Publications, Moscow
4. Gokhrooet. al. : Differential Calculus (English/Hindi Ed.)
Navkar Prakashan, Ajmer.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/21

5. Gokhrooet. al. : Integral Calculus (English/Hindi Ed.)
Navkar Prakashan, Ajmer.
6. Erwin Kreyszig : Advance Engineering Mathematics
Johm Willey and sons 1999


Note : Each theory question paper will be divided into three sections i.e. A, B and C. Section A (12
marks) shall contain 12 questions atleast two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1 mark. All
the questions are compulsory. Section B (20 marks) shall contain 5 questions (two from each unit
with internal choice). Each question shall be of 4 marks. The candidate is required to answer all 5
questions. Section C (36 marks) shall contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall
be of 12 marks. The candidate is required to answer any three questions.
Scalar and Vector point functions, vector differentiation, directional derivatives, gradient, divergence
and curl. Identities involving these operators and related problems.
Vector integration, theorems of Stokes, Green, Gausses and problem based on them (Statement and
General equations of second degree in two dimensions, Tracing of conics, Polar equations of conics:
tangents, normal equations, asymptotes, chord of contact, pole and polar.
Sphere, cone and cylinder.
Central conicoid : Ellipsoid ; tangent planes, polar planes, polar lines, enveloping cone, enveloping
cylinder, sections with given centre. Normals, conjugate diameters and diameteral planes and their
properties. Paraboliod tangent plane, diameters, diameteral planes. Normals. Plane section of
1. Murray R. spiegal : Vector Analysis Schaum
Publishing Co. , New York.
2. N.Saran and S.N. Nigam : Introduction to Vector Analysis
Pothishala Pvt. Ltd. Allahabad
3. Shanti Narian : A text book of Vector Calculus
S. Chand & Co. New Delhi.
4. Gokhrooet. al. : Vector Calculus (English/Hindi
Ed.) Navkar Prakashan, Ajmer.
5. N.Saran and R. S. Gupta : Analytic Geometry of three
dimension Pothishala Pvt.
Ltd. Allahabad
6. Shanti Narian : Analytic Solid Geometry. S. Chand
& Co. New Delhi.
7. Golaset. al. : Analytic Solid Geometry
8. Gokhrooet. al. : Coordinate Geometry (English/
Hindi Ed.) Navkar Prakashan,
;kstuk %
iz'ui= 'kh"kZd dkyka'k@lIrkg vof/k iw.kkZad
foKku dyk
1 chtxf.kr 3 3 ?kUVs 66 66
2 dyu 3 3 ?kUVs 66 66
3 lfn'kdyu
,oa T;kfefr 3 3 ?kUVs 68 68
iw.kkZad 200 200
U;wure 72 72

iz'ui=&1 ¼cht xf.kr½

uksV % iz”ui= ds rhu Hkkx gksxsa

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/22

Hkkx , & bl Hkkx esa 01 vad ds 10 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 02 iz”u½ gksxsaA lHkh iz”u gy djus vfuok;Z gSaA Hkkx
ch & bl Hkkx esa 04 vad ds 05 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz”u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr ½ gksxsaAlHkh iz”u gy
djus vfuok;Z gSaA Hkkx lh & bl Hkkx esa 12 vad ds 05 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz”u½ gksxsaA dksbZ 03 iz”u gy
djus gksxsaA
,d pj okyh O;kid cgqinh; lehdj.k ds ewyksa rFkk xq.kkadks aesa laca/k] lehdj.k :ikUrj.k] MhdkVsZtfpUgfu;e]
f=?kkr lehdj.k dk gy ¼dkMZu fof/k½] prqZ?kkr lehdj.k dk gy ¼Qsjkjh fof/k½
lefer] fo”kelefer] gkfeZf’k;u rFkk fo”kegkfeZf’k;ueSfVªlst] iafDr rFkk LrEHkeSfVªlst dk ,d ?kkr LorU=rk]
iafDrtkfr] LraHktkfrrFkkeSfVªDl dh tkfrLraHk rFkk iafDr tkfr;ksa dh rqY;rk vkbxueku] vkbxulafn’k rFkk eSfVªDl
dh vfHky{kf.kd lehdj.k] dsyhgsfeYVu izes; dkeSfVªDl ds izfrykse Kkr djus esa iz;ksx] lehdj.k ds jSf[kdfudk;
¼le?kkr ,oa vle?kkr½ esa eSfVªDldk iz;ksx] ljy lehdj.k fudk; dh laxrrk ds izes;A
xzqi dh ifjHkk"kk,a mnkgj.k rFkk O;kid izxq.k mixzqi] pdzh; xzqi] lg&leqPp;] foHkfDrdj.k] ykxzkUtizes;
vkSjmldsfuxeu] QjesV~lrFkkvk;yjizes;A
dep; xzqi] pdz] i{kkUrj.k] le rFkkfo”kedzep;] ,dkUrjxzqi A nla;qfXerk] ljyxzqi] izlkekU; mixzqiAxzqi ds
vo;oksa dh dksfV rFkk mlds izxq.kA
xzqiksaesalekdkfjrk o rqY;dkfjrk ,oafoHkkx xzqi] lekdkfjrk dk ewyizes;A dSyhizes;] lekdkfjrk dh vf"V vkSj mlds
iz'ui=&2 ¼dyu½
uksV % iz’u i= ds rhu Hkkx gksxsa
Hkkx , & bl Hkkx esa 01 vad ds 10 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 02 iz”u½ gksxsaA lHkh iz”u gy djus vfuok;Z gSaA Hkkx
ch & bl Hkkx esa 04 vad ds 05 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz”u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr ½ gksxsaAlHkh iz”u gy
djus vfuok;Z gSaA Hkkx lh & bl Hkkx esa 12 vad ds 05 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz”u½ gksxsaA dksbZ 03 iz”u gy
djus gksxsaA
odz dh ikfnd lehdj.k vUokyksirFkkdsUnzt] vuUrLif’kZ;ksa] odzrk o lacaf/krlw=] odzrk dsUnz odzrk thok vkSj
muls lacaf/kr iz'uA
vkaf’kdvodyupjksa dh dfM+;kWa] le?kkr Qyuksa dk vk;yj izes;] vLi"V Qyuksa ds izFke&f}rh; vodyu xq.kkadA
nkspjksa okys Qyuksa dk Vsyj izes;A tdkfc;u o mlds xq.k/keZA
nks o rhu pjksa okys Qyuksa ds mfPp"B] fufEu”B ,oa iY;k.k fcUnqvfu/kk;Z xq.kkadksa dh ykxzkUt fof/kA mRryrk ,oa
voryrk] xfr ifjorZu fcUnq ,o acgqy fcUnq gsrq ifj{k.k odz vuqjs[k.k /kqohZ; o dkfrZ; funZ’kkadksa esa ¼vkn'kZ odzksa dk½
lekdyu fpUg ds vUrxZrvodyu o lekdyu] chVk o xkekdyu % f}lekdyu Kkr djukA lekdyu ds dze esa
ifjorZu djuk ,oa /kzqoh; funsZ’kkadksa esa ifjorZu djuk A
{ks=Qy] pkWidyu] ifjdze.k] ?kukd‘fr;ksa dks vk;ru ,oa i‘“Bh; {ks=Qy] f=lekdyu] fMfjpysVlekdyu vkSj
mldk fyosyh O;kidhdj.kA

iz'ui=&3 ¼lfn'k dyu ,oa T;kfefr½

uksV % iz’u i= ds rhu Hkkx gksxsa
Hkkx , & bl Hkkx esa 01 vad ds 12 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls U;wure 02 iz”u½ gksxsaA lHkh iz”u gy djus vfuok;Z
gSaA Hkkx ch & bl Hkkx esa 04 vad ds 05 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz”u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr ½ gksxsaAlHkh iz”u
gy djus vfuok;Z gSaA Hkkx lh & bl Hkkx esa 12 vad ds 05 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz”u½ gksxsaA dksbZ 03 iz”u
gy djus gksxsaA
vfn’k o lfn’kQyu] lfn’kvodyu] funsZf’kr vodyu] xzsfM;UV] vilj.k] dqUry] budks lekuhr djus okyh loZ
lfedk,a] ,oa lacaf/kr leL;k,aA
lfn’k lekdyu] LVkWd] xzhu o xkSl ds izes; vkSj mu ij vk/kkfjr leL;k,aA ¼dsoy izdFku o lR;kiu½

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/23

O;kid f}?kkr f}foeh; lehdj.k ‘kkado ds vuqjs[k.k ¼ledksf.kd funsZ’kkadksa ds½] ‘kkado dh /kzqoh; lehdj.k; Li’kZjs[kk]
vfHkyEc dh lehdj.k] vuUrLi’khZ] Li’kZthok] /kzqo o /kzqohA
xksyk] 'kadq o csyuA
dsUnzh; 'kadot] nh/kzo`rt% Li’kZry] /kzqohry] /kzqoh; js[kk,a] vUrkyksih 'kadqvUokyksihcsyufn, dsUnzokykizfrPNsnury]
vfHkyEHk] la;qXehO;klrFkkO;klxlery ,oa muds xq.k/keZAijoyt%Li’kZry] O;kl] O;klxlery] vfHkyEcA

Three papers Min. Pass Marks: 48 Max Marks: 135
Paper I 3 Hrs Duration Min. Pass Marks: 16 45 Marks
Paper II 3 Hrs Duration Min. Pass Marks: 16 45 Marks
Paper III 3 Hrs Duration Min. Pass Marks: 16 45 Marks
Practical: 5h duration, Min Pass Marks: 24 Max Marks: 65


NOTE: The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10
questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. The candidate is required to
answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions (two from each unit, as internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The
candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section C
(15 marks) shall contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The
candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words.
General principles of classification, concept of five kingdom scheme, basis of classification of lower
non-chordata: Symmetry, coelome, segmentation, embryogeny.
General characters and classification of Protozoa; Porifera; Coelenterata; Platyhelminthes and
Nematode upto classes with examples emphasizing their diversity and economic importance.
Protozoa: Habit, habitat, Structure, function and life history of Euglena and Paramecium.
Parasitic protozoans of man with reference to diagnostic characters, mode of infection, pathogenicity
and control of Giardia, Leishmania, Trypanosoma, Entamoeba and Trichomonas.
Porifera: Habit, habitat, structure and function of Sycon and Leucosolenia. Types of canal
system.Coelenterata: Habit, habitat, structure, function and life history of Aurelia. Polymorphism in
coelenterata. A brief account of coral and coral reefs.
Platyhelminthes: Habit, habitat, structure, function, life history, pathogenicity and parasitic adaptations
of Fasciola and Taenia.
Parasitic nematodes of man with reference to diagnostic characters, mode of infection, pathogenicity
and control of Dracunculus, Ancyclostoma, Enterobius, Wuchereria. Habit, habitat, structure and
function of plant nematode (Heterodera)


NOTE: The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10
questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. The candidate is required to
answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions (two from each unit, as internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The
candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section C
(15 marks) shall contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The
candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/24

Annelida: General characters and classification up to orders. Hirudinaria-habit, habitat, structure,
function(External features, digestive, circulatory, excretory, reproductive systems, development and
life history. Parasitic adaptations of Leech.
Arthropoda : General characters and classification upto orders.
Palaemon-Habit, habitat, external features, appendages, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory,
reproductive, nervous systems and sense organs. Larval forms of crustacean. Drosophilla-Structure
and life history.
Mollusca: General characters and classification upto orders
Lamellidens-habit, habitat, external features, anatomy(digestive, circulatory, respiratory, reproductive,
nervous systems and sense organs)
Pila-habit, habitat, external features, anatomy (digestive, circulatory, respiratory, reproductive,
nervous systems and sense organs).Torsion in Gastropoda.
Echinodermata-general characters and classification of Echinodermata upto orders. External features
and water vascular system of Asterias.
Economic zoology- Apiculture, Sericulture, Social life of termites. Sex determination in termites,
Harmful insects (Major insect pests): Rhizopertha, Sitophilus, White grub and locust.


NOTE: The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10
questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. The candidate is required to
answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions (two from each unit, as internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The
candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section C
(15 marks) shall contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The
candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words.
Cell theory: Introduction to cell, morphology, size, shape, concept of Prokaryote and eukaryote with
suitable examples. Ultrastructure of Virus, bacteria and typical animal cell. Cell cycle
Architecture of cell organelles- Chemical composition and functions of plasma membrane,
endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, centrosome, mitochondria, cilia, flagella, microtubules,
lysosomes and nucleus. Active and passive transport.
Biochemical make up of protoplasm including functions: Inorganic and organic constituents-water,
electrolytes, minerals, various forms of carbohydrates, proteins, lipid and their conjugates, nucleic
acids, hormones, vitamins and enzymes.
Metabolic mechanisms (Catabolism) Glycolysis, krebs cycle, Oxidative phosphorylation, oxidation of
fatty acids, transamination, deamination and decarboxylation. Metabolic mechanisms (Anabolism)-
DNA duplication, genetic code, transcription of RNA, translation, lipid synthesis and glycogenesis.

Bacteria and viruses of medical importance (elementary knowledge)
Gram positive: Cocci- Staphylococci, Streptococci, Bacilli- Diptheria, Tetanus.
Gram Negative: Cocci- Gonorrhoea, Meningitis; Bacilli- Pneumonia, Diarrhoea; Mycobacteria-
Tuberculosis, leprosy, Actinomycetes.
Obligate intracellular agents, AIDS (Causative agents, HIV-I, HIV-II, Transmission, pathogenicty).
Secondary disease, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
SARS-Causes, pathogenicity and prevention. Elementary idea of Cancer.
I. General survey of Invertebrates (Museum specimens and slides)
1.PROTOZOA- Entamoeba, Polystomella, Monocystis, Euglena, Noctiluca, Leishmania, Nyctotherus,
Paramecium, Vorticella.
2.PORIFERA- Sycon, Hyalonema, Euplectella, Spongilla, Euspongia.
3.COELENTERATA- Obelia colony, Physalia, Porpita, Aurelia, Rhizostoma, Alcyonium,
Corallium,Gorgonia, Pennatula, Madrepora, Metridium

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/25

4.PLATYHELMINTHES- Dugesia , Fasciola,Taenia, Schistosoma
5.NEMATODA- Filaria, Dracunculus, Ancylostoma,Wuchereria, Enterobius
6.ANNELIDA- Neries, Aphrodite, Arenicola, Pontobdella, Hirudinaria, Peripatus
7.ARTHROPODA- Limulus, Spider, Palaemaneus, Lepas, Balanus, Sacculina, Palaemon,
Eupagurus, Crab, Lepisma, Lobster, Odontotermes, Pediculus, Schistocerca, Papilio, Bombyx,
Xenopsylla, Rice weevil, Millipede, Scolopendra, Ticks and mites.
8.MOLLUSCA- Chiton, Dentallium, Patella, Pila, Turbinella, Aplysia, Slug, Snail, Mytillus, Ostrea,
Pinctada, Lamelidens, Teredo, Sepia, Octopus, Nautillus.
9.ECHINODERMATA-Pentaceros, Ophiothrix, Echinus, Pentaceros, Antedon.

II-Study of the section of organs and developmental stages

1.PORIFERA- Sections of Scypha
2.COLENTERATA- Planula, Scyphistoma, Ephyra larva of Jelly fish.
3.PLATYHELMINTHES-T.S. of Taenia and Fasciola., Scolex of Taenia, mature and gravid proglotid
of Taenia, Hexacanth, Bladderworm and cysticercus stages of Taenia, Miracidium, Sporocyst, Redia
Matecercaria and Larva of Fasciola.
4.ANNELIDA- T.S. of Leech and Neries through different regions, Parapodia of Neries and
Heteroneries phase, Trochophore larva
5.ARTHROPODA- Nauplius, Zoea, Megalopa, and Mysis larvae, Cyclops.
6.MOLLUSCA- T.S. of Lamellidens, Glochidium larva.
7.ECHINODERMATA- Pedicellareae

III-Dissections/demonstration(Models, Charts, Computer simulation)

1. Earthworm- External features, General anatomy, Digestive, Nervous, Excretory, and Reproductive
2. Palaemon-External features, appendages, General anatomy, Digestive and nervous system.
3. Grasshopper/Locust/Cockroach-External feature, general anatomy, alimentary canal, nervous
4. Pila: External features, General anatomy, Digestive and nervous system.
5.Unio: External features, General anatomy, nervous systems.

IV-Mounting permanent preparations of the following:

PROTOZOA- Euglena, Paramecium, Polystomella, or any other foraminifera.
PORIFERA- Spicules, spongil fibres, gemmule.
COLENTERATA- Obelia medusa,
PLATYHELMINTHES-Taenia proglottid
ANNELIDA- Neries ( parapodia )
ARHTOROPODA-Statocyst, Hastate plate, of Prawn, Cyclops, Daphnia.
MOLLUSCA- Pila- Gill lamella, Osphradium, Redulla,Unio- Gill lamella

V-Cell biology
(a) study of living cell by vital staining
(b) Temporary acetocarmine staining of squashed testis of grasshopper
and study of chromosome during mitosis and meiosis.
(c) Any slide of important bacteria. Photograph of animal tissues and
TMV virus .Electron micrograph of cell and cell organelles.
(d) Cell membrane permeability(Crenation, and Haemolysis in mamma
lian RBC)

VI. Biochemistry Exercise-

(a) Protein- Biuret test
(b) Lipid- Sudan IV test
(c) Carbohydrate- Benedict test
(d) Catalase enzyme in animal tissue
(e) Janus green- Vital test for mitochondria in buccal smears, Cauda
epididymis sperm.

(Note-Use of animals for dissection is subject to the condition that these are not banned under
the wildlife Protection Act).
S.No. Permanent exercise Regular Ex- student

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/26

1 Dissection/ demonstration 6 8
2 Preparation 7 9
3 Cell biology 8 10
4 Biochemistry 10 12
5 Spots(07)) 14 14
6 Record 10 Nil
7 Viva voce 10 12
Grand Total 65 65
Suggested reading material:
1. Hickman, Roberts and Hickman: Principles of Zoology(Times Mirror)
2. Kotpal, Agrwal and Khetrapal: Modern text book of Zoology: Invertebrate(Rastogi Publications)
3. Nigam: Biology of Nonchordates(S. Nigam, Chand)
4. Parker and Haswell: text book of Zoology Vol:I(Macmillan)
5. Prescott:cell (Jones and Barnett)
6. Russel Hunter: A life of Invertebrate(Macmillan)
7. Wolfe: Biology the foundation(Wadsworth)
8. Panwar, V.S. Lower Nonchordate( CBC, Jaipur)
9. Panwar, V.S. Higher Nonchordate(CBC, Jaipur)
10. Soni, K.C.: Modern Cell Biology(CBC, Jaipur)

rhu iz'u&i= U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad % 48 vf/kdre vad % 135
iz'u&i= izFke le;kof/k 3?k.Vs U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad% 16 45 vad
iz'u&i= f}rh; le;kof/k 3 ?k.Vs U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad% 16 45 vad
iz'u&i= r`rh; le;kof/k 3 ?k.Vs U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad% 16 45 vad
izk;ksfxd le;kof/k 5 ?k.Vs U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad% 24 vf/kdre vad % 65

iz'u&i= izFke % okxhZdh] fuEu vd'ks:dh izkf.k;ksa dh fØ;kRed 'kkjhfjdh] okxhZdh ,oa fofo/krk
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 50 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi
lfgr½A izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh
vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxasA izR;sd
iz'u 5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500
'kCnkas dh gksxhA
oxhZdj.k ds lkekU; fl)kUr] ikap txr dh ifjdYiuk] oxhZdj.k ds vk/kkj& leferrk] nsgxqgk] [k.MhHkou]
Hkzw.kksn~HkoAla?k izksVkstksvk] iksjhQsjk] flysUVªsVk] IysfVgsyehaFkhl rFkk fuesVksMk dk oxZ rd oxhZdj.k ,oa vkfFkZd egÙoA
izksVkstksvk & vkokl] okl LFkku] lajpuk] dk;Z rFkk thou pØ ¼;qXyhuk] iSjkehf'k;e½A
euq"; ds ijthoh izksVkstkvu] muds eq[; y{k.k] laØe.k dk rjhdk] jksxtudrk] fu;a=.k ,oa mipkj ¼ft;kjfM;k]
yslekfu;k] fVªisukslksek] ,UVvfeck] Vªkbdkseksukl½A
iksjhQsjk& vkokl] okl LFkku] lajpuk] dk;Z rFkk thoupØ ¼lkbZdksu½] ukyra= ds izdkjA
flysUVªsVk & vkokl] okl LFkku] lajpuk] dk;Z rFkk thoupØ ¼vkWjsfy;k½] cgq:irk] dksjy rFkk dksjy jhQ dk
laf{kIr ifjp;A
IysfVgsyehaFkhl & vkokl] okl LFkku] lajpuk] dk;Z rFkk thoupØ ,oa ijthoh vuqdwyu ¼;ÑrÑeh rFkk QhrkÑeh½
euq";ksa ds ijthoh fuesVksM] y{k.k] laØe.k] jksxtudrk] fu;a=.k ,oa mipkj ¼Mªsdudwyl] ,ulkbDyksLVksek]
,aVhjksfc;l] owphjsfj;k½A
ikni fuesVksM ¼fgVªksMsjk½ dk vkokl] okl LFkku] lajpuk ,oa thoupØA

iz'u&i= f}rh; % okxhZdh] mPp vd'ks:dh izkf.k;ksa dh fØ;kRed 'kkjhfjdh] okxhZdh ,oa fofo/krk
MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/27
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 50 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi
lfgr½A izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh
vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxasA izR;sd
iz'u 5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500
'kCnkas dh gksxhA
,usfyMk & lkekU; y{k.k ,oa vkWMZj rd oxhZdj.kA
tkasd & vkokl] okl LFkku] lajpuk] dk;Z] cká y{k.k] ikpu ra=] ifjlapj.k ra=] mRltZu ra=] iztuu ra=] ifjo/kZu
,oa thoupØ] ijthoh vuqdwyuA
vkFkzksiksMk & lkekU; y{k.k ,oa vkWMZj rd oxhZdj.kA
>haxk ¼iksyheksj½ & vkokl] okl LFkku] cká y{k.k] mikax] ikpu ra=] ifjlapj.k ra=] mRltZu ra=] iztuu ra=]
raf=dk ra=] laosnh jpuk,aA
ØLVsf'k;k ds ykokZ] MªkslksfQyk & lajpuk ,oa thoupØ
eksyLdk & lkekU; y{k.k ,oa vkWMZj rd oxhZdj.kA
;wfu;ks & vkokl] okl LFkku] cká y{k.k] 'kkjhfjdh] ikpu ra=] 'olu ra=] ifjlapj.k ra=] iztuu ra=] raf=dk ra=
,oa laosnh jpuk,aA
ikbyk & vkokl] okl LFkku] cká y{k.k] 'kkjhfjdh] ikapu ra=] 'ol ra=] ifjlapj.k ra=] raf=dk ra=] iztuu ra=
,oa laosnh jpuk,aA
xsLVªksiksMk esa ,aBu
bdkbZuksMesZVk & lkekU; y{k.k ,oa vkWMZj rd oxhZdj.k
rkjk eNyh ds cká y{k.k ,oa ty ifjlapj.k ra=
vkfFkZd izk.kh'kkL= & e/kqeD[kh ikyu] js'ke dhV ikyu] nhed dk lkekftd thou] nhed esa fyax fu/kkZj.k]
gkfudkjd dhV ¼jkbtksiFkkZ] 'osr lw.Mh] lhVksfQyl] VhM~Ms dk thoupØA

iz'u&i= r`rh; % dksf'kdk foKku] tSo jklk;fudh ,oa lq{e tSfodh

uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 50 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi
lfgr½A izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh
vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxasA izR;sd
iz'u 5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500
'kCnkas dh gksxhA
dksf'kdk fl)kUr] dksf'kdk dk ifjp;] vkdkj] vkÑfr] izksdsfj;ksV rFkk ;wdsfj;ksV dk ifjp;] fo"kk.kq dh ijklajpuk]
tho.kq dh ijklajpuk] izk:ih izk.kh dksf'kdk] dksf'kdk pØA
dksf'kdh; vaxdks dh lajpuk] jklk;fud laxBu ,oa dk;Z ¼dksf'kdk f>Yyh] vUr%iznO;h tkfydk] xksyth fudk;]
ls.Vªkslkse] lq{e fi.M] d'kkfHkdk] i{kekfHkdk] lq{e ufydk,a] ykblkslkse] dsUnzd] lfØ; ,oa fuf"Ø; ifjogu½A
thonzO; dk tSojklk;fud laxBu ,oa dk;Z & vdkcZfud rFkk dkcZfud ?kVd & ty] bysDVªksykbV] [kfut]
dkcksZgkbMªsV] izksVhu] fyfiM] U;wfDyd vEy] gkWeksZu] foVkehu] ,UtkbeA
mikip;h fØ;kfof/k & Xykbdksykbfll] ØsCl pØ] vkWDlhdkjd QkWLQksfjyhdj.k] olh; vEyksa dk vkWDlhdj.k]
Vªkal,feus'ku] Mh&,feus’ku] Mh&dkcksZDlhys'kuA
Mh,u, izfrfyfidj.k] vuqokaf'kd dwV] vkj-,u-,- dk vuqys[ku] vuqoknu] fyfiM la'ys"k.k ,oa Xykdkstu dk
fpfdRlk egÙo ds thok.kq rFkk fo"kk.kq

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/28

xzke ?kukRed & dksdkbZ & LVsfQyksdksdkbZ] LVªsIVksdksdkbZ] csflykbZ & fM¶Fkhfj;k] fVVul
xzke _.kkRed & dksdkbZ & xksuksfj;k] esfutkbfVl] csflykbZ & U;weksfu;k] Mk;fj;k] ekbdkscsfDVfj;k &
V~;wcjDyksfll] ysizkslh] ,DVhuksekbZflfVtA
vfodYih vUr%dksf'kdh; dkjd & AIDS, HIV-I, HIV-II rFkk budk lapj.k ,oa jksxtudrkA
SARS dh jksxtudrk] dkj.k] y{k.k] funku] mipkj ,oa cpko] dsl a j dh lkekU; ifjdYiukA
I fuEu izkn'kZ rFkk LykbMksa dk v/;;u
1- izksVkstksvk & ,aVvfeck] iksfyLVksesyk] eksuksflfLVl] ;qxfyuk] uksDVhywdk]
yslekfu;k] fuDVksfFkjl] isjkfefl;e] oksfVZlsykA
2- iksfjQsjk & lkbdkWu] gkbyksfuek] ;kysdVsyk] Liksaftyk] ;wLiath;kA
3- flysaVªsVk & vksosfy;k dksyksuh] QkbZlsfy;k] iksfiZVk] vkWjsfy;k] jkbtksLVksek]
,ylk;ksfu;e] dksjsfy;e] xksxkZsfu;k] isukVwyk] esMªhiksjk] esVªhfM;eA
4- IysfVgsyehaFkht & Mwxsfl;k] Qsfl;ksykfgisfVdk] fVfu;k lksfy;e] flLVkslksekA
5- fuesVksMk & Qkbysfj;k] Mªsdudwyl] ,ulkbyksLVksek] owphjsfj;k] ,UVhjksfc;lA
6- ,usfyMk & usjht] ,ÝksMkbV] ,jsfudksyk] iks.VksCMsyk] fg:fMusfj;k] isjhisVlA
7- vkFkzksiksMk & fyeqyl] LikbMj] isfyesfu;l] ysikl] csyul] lsdqykbuk] isfyeksu]
;wisxwjl] Øsc] ysfi”ek] ykscLVj] vkWMks.VksVfeZl] isfMdwyl] flLVksljdk] isfify;ks]
cksafcDl] ftuksfIlyk] fefyihM] Ldksykis.Mªk] fVd] ekbVA
8- eksyLdk & dkbVu] MsUVsfy;e] iVsyk] ikbyk] VfcZusyk] vIykbfl;k] Lyx]
Lusy] ekbfVyl] vkfLVª;k] fiadVkMk] ;wfu;ks] VsfjMks] lhfi;k] vkDVksil] uksfVylA
9- bZdkbuksMesZVk & rkjk eNyh] vksfQ;ksfFkzDl] bdkbul] is.Vkfljl] ,UVhMksuA
II- fofHkUu vaxksa ds dkV rFkk ifjo/kZu voLFkkvksa dk v/;;u &
1- iksfjQsjk & lkbdksu ds dkV
2- flysaVªsVk & Iysuqyk] lkbfQLVksek] ,Qkbjk ykokZ
3- IysfVgsysehaFkhl & fVfu;k rFkk Qsfl;ksyk dk vuqizLFk dkV] fVfu;k dk LdksysDl]
ifjiDo [k.M] xzsfoM [k.M] gSDlkdsUFk] CysMjoeZ] flfLVldZl voLFkk] ehjkflfM;e] LiksjksflLV] jsfM;k] ldsZfj;k
4- ,susfyMk & tksad dk vuqizLFk dkV] usjht dk vuqiLz Fk dkVA
5- vkFkzksiksMk & ukWify;l] tksb;k] esxkyksik rFkk ekbfll ykokZ] lkbDyksIlA
6- eksyLdk & ;wfu;ks ds fxy dk vuqizLFk dkV] XyksdhfM;e ykokZA
7- bdkbuksMesZVk & isfMflysjhA
III- foPNsnu ¼ekWMy] pkVZ vFkok dEI;wVj }kjk izn’kZu½
1- dsapqvk & cká y{k.k] lkekU; 'kkjhfjdh] ikpu ra=] raf=dk ra=] mRltZu ra=] iztuu ra=A
2- izkWu & cká y{k.k] mikax] lkekU; 'kkjhfjdh] ikpu ra= rFkk raf=dk ra=A
3- xzklgksij@VhM~Mk] frypVk & cká y{k.k] lkekU; 'kkjhfjdh] vkgkj uky] raf=dk ra=A
4- ikbyk & cká y{k.k] lkekU; 'kkjhfjdh] ikpu ra=] ‘olu ra=A
5- ;wfu;ks & cká y{k.k] lkekU; 'kkjhfjdh] raf=dk ra=A
IV- LFkkbZ LykbM dk fuekZ.k
1- izksVkstksvk & ;qfXyuk] isjkfefl;e] iksfyLVksesyk vFkok dksbZ QksjkfefuQsjkA
2- iksfjQsjk & dafVdk,a] Liat Qkbcj] thE;wyA
3- flysaVªsVk & vkWcsfy;k dkWyksuh] esM~;wlhA
4- IysfVgsyehaFkhl & fVfu;k dk izksXyksfVMA
5- ,usfyMk & fujht dk isjkiksfM;kA
6- vkFkzksiksMk & LVsVksfl"V] gksLVsV ifVdk] lkbDyksIl] MsQfu;kA
7- eksyLdk & ikbyk dk fxy] vksLÝsfM;e] jsM~;wyk] ;wfu;ks dk fxyA
V- dksf'kdk foKku &
1- tSfod vfHkjatu }kjk dksf’kdk dk v/;;uA
2- ,flVksdkfeZu & vfHkjaftr LykbM dk v/;;u] I;kt dh tM+ esa lw=h foHkktu dk v/;;uA
3- thok.kq dh LykbM dk v/;;u] izk.kh mÙkd] Vh,eoh ok;jl dk v/;;u] dksf’kdk ,oa dksf’kdh; vaxdksa ds
bysDVªksu ekbØksxzkQ fp=ksa dk v/;;uA
4- dksf’kdk f>Yyh dh ikjxE;rk dk v/;;uA
VI- tSo jklk;fudh &
1- izksfVu & ckb;wjsV ijh{k.kA
2- fyfiM & lwMku IV ijh{k.kA
3- dkcksZgkbMªsV & csusfMDV ijh{k.kA

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/29

4- izk.kh mÙkdksa esa dsVkyst ,Utkbe dk izn’kZuA
5- tkul xzhu & eq[kxqgk ds Leh;j esa ekbVksdksafMª;k dk v/;;u] dkWMk ,fiMsMk;fel esa 'kqØk.kq dk v/;;uA
uksV % izkf.k;ksa dk foPNsnu ;wthlh ds fu;ekuqlkj ,oa oU; tho lqj{kk vf/kfu;e ds rgr mUgha izkf.k;ksa dk fd;k
tk;s ftu] ij izfrcU/k ugha gSA
vadkas dk forj.k &
fu;fer vH;kl fu;fer fo|kFkhZ iwoZ fo|kFkhZ
1- foPNsnu 6 8
2- LFkkbZ LykbM 7 9
3- dksf'kdk foKku 8 10
4- tSo jlk;u 10 12
5- LiksV ¼7½ 14 14
6- izk;ksfxd fjdkWMZ 10 Nil
7- lk{kkRdkj 10 12
dqy ;ksx 65 65

Three Papers Max. Marks : 135 Minimum Marks- 48
Paper I 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks 16
Paper II 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks 16
Paper III 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks 16
Practical 5 Hours Duration Max. Marks : 65 Min. Pass Marks : 24
(One day)
Pattern of Paper
The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10 questions two
from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. The candidate is required to answer all the
questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions
(two from each unit, as internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required
to answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section C (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The candidate is
required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words.

General characters, thallus organization, pigments, reserve food material. reproduction and different
types of life cycle in algae Classification with special reference to Firtsch . General account of
Cynobacteria, Cell structure and reproduction in Oscillatoria and Nostoc.
General characters of Chlorophyta and Xanthophyta. Morphology and reproduction in-Chlorophyta -
Volvox, Oedogonium Charophyta- Chara Xanthophyta –Vaucheria
Unit- III
General characters of Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta. Morphology andreproduction in.Phaeophyta -
EctocarpusRhodophyta - Polysiphonia Economic importance of Algae .Lichens - General characters.
Habitat, structure, reproduction ( with special reference to Parmelia and Usnea) and economic
importance of Lichens specially as colonisers and indicators of environment.
General characters and classification of Bryophytes, Evolutionary trends
in thallus and sporogonium in Bryophytes. Morphology and life historyof Riccia and Marchantia .
Morphology, life history of Anthoceros and Sphagnum. Economic importance of Bryophytes.

Characteristics and broad classification of Fungi (Alexopoulus and Mims 1979) .Structure and life
history of Albugo, Mucor, Penicillium and Morchella.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/30

Structure and life history of Puccinia, Ustilago, Agaricus, and Alternaria. General Economic
importance of Fungi.
Unit – III
Brief history of Microbiology : Major contributions of Leuwenhoek, Pasteur, Koch, Metchinkoff, Paul
Ehrlich, Edward Jenner, Flemming and Waksman.
Characteristics, structure, nutrition and reproduction of Bacteria. Gram staining, economic importance
of Bacteria
Characteristics, structure and economic importance of Mycoplasma, Viruses : nature, structure
multiplication and transmission of plant viruses.General account of Viroids, AIDS, Prions.
Principles of Plant Pathology : Symptoms and control measures of following plant diseases; Green
ear disease of Bajra. Loose and covered smut of Wheat/ Barley, Black rust of Wheat, Citrus canker,
Little leaf of
Brinjal, Yellow vein mosaic of Bhindi.

Characteristics and broad classification of Pteridophyta. Stelar system
in Pteridophytes. Geological Time Scale. Types of fossils, process of
fossilisation. Applied aspects of Palaeobotany. Structure of Rhynia and
Occurrence, structure and life history of Psilotum, Lycopodium and Equisetum.
Occurrence, structure and life history of Selaginella Pteris and Marsilea, Homospory, Heterospory
and origin of seed habit.
General characters, economic importance and broad classification of Gymnosperms. Occurrence,
structure and life history of Cycas.
Occurrence, Morphology, Anatomy and life history of Pinus and Ephedra.
Reference Books :
1. A text book of Botany Vol. I & II – Saxena and Sarabhai, Ratan Prakashan Mandir, Agra.
2. A text book of Botany – Singh, Pandey and Jain, Rastogi Publication, Merut.
3. Algae, Lichens and Bryophyta – Gena, Verma and Chaudhary, Alka Publication, Ajmer.
4. Fungi, Microbiology and Plant Pathology – Gena, Verma and Chaudhary, Alka Publication, Ajmer.
5. Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms and Palaceobotany – Tyagi and Saxena, R.B.D., Jaipur.
6. Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany - – Gena, Verma and Chaudhary, Alka
Publication, Ajmer.
7. Practical Botany – Bendre and Kumar, Rastogi Publication, Meerut.

Microscopic preparations and study of the following algal material :
Nostoc, Oscillatoria, Volvox, Oedogonium, Vaucheria. Chara, Ectocurpus and Polysiphonia.
Microscopic preparation and study of Albugo, Mucor, Morchella, Penicillium, Ustilago, Puccinia,
Agaricus, Alternaria .Staining of different types of Bacteria. Study of some locally available plant
diseases caused by Viruses. Mycoplasma, Bacteria and Fungi in field/laboratory.
Yellow vein mosaic of Bhindi. Little leaf of Brinjal, Citrus canker, Green ear disease of Bajra,Rust and
smut of wheat and White rust of Crucifer.Study of External morphology and microscopic preparations
of the following Bryophytes :- Riccia, Marchantia, Anthoceros and Sphagnum. Microscopic
examination of fossil slides, specimen/photographs - Rhynia and Williamsonia.
Microscopic, temporary, double stained preparations and study of stem/rhizome, anatomy of following
Pteriodophytes - Psilotum,
Lycopodium, Selaginella. Equisetum and Marsilea. Study of temporary, single stained microscopic
preparations of the
followings : Cone of Lycopodium, Selaginella and Equisetum. Sporophyll of pteris Sporocarp of

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/31

Microscopic temporary double stained preparations of T.S. of stem of Pinus and Ephedra, T.S. Leaflet
and Rachis of Cycas and needle of Pinus, T.S. of normal and coralloid root of Cycas. Study of male
cone and megasporophyll of Cycas.
Microscopic preparation of male cone of Pinus and male and female cones of Ephedra, Study of
female cone of pinus. .
Marking Scheme
There shall be a practical examination of five hours duration and the distribution of marks shall be as
follows –
Time : 5 Hours Regular & N C Ex.Students
1. A double stained section of
plant part either of Pteridophyte 7 8
or Gymnosperm (Glycerine mount)
2. Minor preparation of Pteridophyte
or Gymnosperm (not covered in Ques. 1) 5 6
3. Preparation and mounting of the part of
(a) A Bryophyte 5 6
(b) A Fungus 5 6
(c) An Alga 5 6
(d) Bacteria /Macerations technique 3 4
4. Spots - Seven.
(a) One from each group (Algae, Lichen,
Bryophyta, Fungi, Fossil,
Pteridophyte, Gymnosperm) 14 14
(b) One pathological specimen for
comments 5 5
5. Viva-Voce 8 10
6. Practical record 8 -
Total 65 65

ouLifr foKku
rhu isilZ vf/kdre vad 155 U;wure ikl vad 48
isij izFke 3 ?kaVs vof/k 45 vad 16
isij f}rh; 3 ?kaVs vof/k 45 vad 16
isij r`rh; 3 ?kaVs vof/k 45 vad 16
izk;ksfxd ijh{kk % 5 ?kaVs vof/k 65 vad 24 ¼,d fnu½
isij dk iSVuZ
iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u
1-5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 50
'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi lfgr½A
izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 200 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vadks
dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnkas dh

iz'u i= 1 % 'kSoky] ykbdsUl ,oa czk;ksQk;V~l

bdkbZ 1
'kSoky ds lkekU; y{k.k] lqdk; laxBu] tuu] o.kZd ,oa laxzfgr [kk| inkFkZA 'kSokyksa esa ik;s tkus oky fofHkUu
thou pØ 'kSoky oxhZdj.k fo'ks"k :Ik ls fÝ'p ds lUnHkZ esaA lkbuks thok.kq dk lkekU; fooj.k] vksflysVksfj;k ,oa
ukWLVkd dh dksf'kdh; lajpuk ,oa tuuA
bdkbZ 2
DyksjksQkbVk ,oa tSUFkksQkbVk ds lkekU; y{k.k] vkdkfjdh ,oa tuuA
DyksjksQk;Vk % okWYokWDl] ÅMksxksfu;eA
dkjksQk;Vk % dkjk
tSUFkksQk;Vk % okSdsfj;k
bdkbZ 3
fQ;ksQkbVk ,oa jksMksQkbVk ds lkekU; y{k.k] vkdkfjdh ,oa tuu

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/32

fQ;ksQk;Vk % ,DVksdkiZl
jksMksQk;Vk % ikWfylkbQksfu;k
'kSokyks dk vkfFkZd egRoA
Ykkbdsu % lkekU; y{k.k] vkokl] lajpuk ,oa tuu ¼ikesZfZy;k rFkk vfLu;k ds lanHkZ esa½ rFkk ykbdsuksa dk vkfFkZd
egRo mifuos'kd ,oa i;kZoj.kh; lwpd ds :i esaA
bdkbZ 4
czk;ksQk;Vk ds lkekU; y{k.k rFkk oxhZdj.kA FkSyl rFkk chtk.kq/kkuh esa mn~fodklh;
izo`fRr;kaA fjfDl;k rFkk ekdsZfUl;k dh vkdkfjdh ,oa thou o`RrA
bdkbZ 5
,UFkksfljksl rFkk LQSXue dh vkdkfjdh ,oa thouo‘RrA czk;ksQkbV~l dk vkfFkZd egRoA
iz’u i= 2 % dod foKku] lw{e tho foKku o ikni jksx foKku
bdkbZ 1
dodksa ds y{k.k rFkk foLr`r oxhZdj.k ¼,ysDlksiksykl rFkk feEl 1979½ ,Ycwxks E;wdj] isfuflfy;e ,oa eksdsZyk dh
lajpuk o thouo`RrA
bdkbZ 2
iDlhfu;k] vkfLVySxks] ,sxSfjdl ,oa vYVusZfj;k dh lajpuk rFkk thou o`RrA
dodksa dk lkekU; vkfFkZd egRoA
bdkbZ 3
lw{etho foKku dk laf{kIr esa bfrgkl % Y;wousgkWd] ik'pj] dkWp] esfpudkQ] iky
,gjfyd] ,MoMZ tsuj] ¶ysfeax ,oa okDlesu dk ;ksxnkuA
thok.kqvksa ds y{k.k] lajpuk ,oa iks"k.k rFkk tuuA xzke vfHkjatuA thok.kqvksa dk vkfFkZd egRoA
bdkbZ 4
ekbdksIykTek ds y{k.k] lajpuk ,oa vkfFkZd egRoA fo"kk.kq %ikni fo"kk.kqvksa dh izÑfr] lajpuk] xq.ku rFkk fo"kk.kqvksa
dk lapj.kA ok;jks;M~l ,M~l izk;ksu ds lkekU; y{k.kA
bdkbZ 5
ikni jksx foKku ds fl)kUrA fuEufyf[kr ikni jksxksa ds y{k.k rFkk jksx fu;a=.k
ds mik;% cktjk dk gfjr ckyh jksx] xsgwa dk 'yFk ,oa vko`r daM] xsgwa dkyk fdV~V] flVªl dsdja ] cSxau dk
y?kqi.khZ] fHk.Mh dk ihr f'kjk ekstdA

iz'u i= 3 % VsfjMksQkbV~l] vuko`rchth ,oa iqjkouLifr foKku

bdkbZ 1
VsfjMksQk;Vk ds y{k.k ,oa foLr`r oxhZdj.kA VsfjMksQk;Vk esa jEHk ra=A Hkw&oSKkfud
le;&lkfj.khA thok'eksa ds izdkj] thok'eh Hkou dh izfØ;kA jkbfu;k o fofy;elksfu;k dh lajpukA
bdkbZ 2
lkbyksVe] ykbdksiksfM;e rFkk bDohlhVe dk izkfIr LFkku] lajpuk o thou o`RrA
bdkbZ 3
flySftusyk] Vsfjl rFkk ekflZfy;k dk izkfIr LFkku] lajpuk o thou o`RrA lechtk.kqrk] folechtk.kqrk rFkk cht
izo`fRr dk mn~xeA
bdkbZ 4
ftEuksLiElZ ds lkekU; y{k.k] vkfFkZd egRo o foLr`r oxhZdj.kA lkbdl dk izkfIr LFkku] lajpuk rFkk thou o`RrA
bdkbZ 5
ikbul rFkk ,fQMªk dk izkfIr LFkku] vkdkfjdh ,oa 'kkjhfjdh rFkk thou o`RrA
v/;;u ;ksX; iqLrdsa %
1 dod] lw{e thofoKku ,oa ikni jksx foKku & xSuk ,oa pkS/kjh] vYdk
ifCyds'ku] vtesj A
2 VSfjMksQkbVk] ftEuksLieZ ,oa iqjkouLifr&xSuk ,oa pkS/kjh] vYdk ifCyds'ku] vtesjA
3 'kSoky] 'kSokd ,oa czk;ksQkbVk & xSuk ,oa pkS/kjh] vYdk ifCyds'ku] vtesjA
4 izk;ksfxd ouLifr foKku & xSuk] oekZ ,oa pkS/kjh] vYdk ifCyds'ku] vtesjA
5 izk;ksfxd ouLifr foKku & ts-ih- lSuh] dkWyts cqd fMiks] t;iqjA
6 izk;ksfxd ouLifr foKku & R;kxh ,oa lDlsuk dkWytss cqd fMiks] t;iqjA

ouLifr foKku izk;ksfxd ijh{kk

fuEufyf[kr 'kSokyksa dh lw{en'khZ; fojpu rFkk v/;;u & ukWLVkWd] vksflysVksfj;k

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/33

okWyokWDl] mMksxksfu;e] dkjk] okSdfsj;k] ,DVksdkiZl rFkk iksyhlkbQksfu;kA
fofHkUu izdkj ds ykbdsu izfrn”kksZa dk v/;;uA
fuEukafdr dodh; inkFkZ dh lw{en”khZ; fojpukvksa dks cukuk rFkk mudk v/;;u& ,Ycwxks] E;wdj isfuflfy;e]
eksjdsyk] vkfLVySxks] iDlhfu;k] vxsfjdl] vkYVjusfZj;kA fofHkUu izdkj ds thok.kqvksa dk vfHkjatuA fo"kk.kqvksa
ekbdksIykTek] thok.kqvksa rFkk dodksa }kjk tfur LFkkuh; :i ls ik;s tkus okys ikni jksxksa dk [ksrks@a iz;ksx’kkyk esa
v/;;uA fHk.Mh dk ihr f'kjk ekstsd A flVªl dsUdjA cSaxu dk y?kqi.khZjksx xsgwa ds fdV~V rFkk daM jksx ,oa
ØwlhQjksa dk lQsn fdV~V jksxA cktjs dk gfjr ckyh jksxA fuEufyf[kr czk;ksQkbV~l dh ckg~; vkdkfjdh rFkk
lw{en'khZ; fojpukvksa dk fuekZ.k o v/;;u % fjfDl;k] ekdsZf”k;k] ,UFkksfljkWl rFkk LQsxueA
jkbfu;k rFkk fofy;elksfu;k thok'e dh LykbM~l] izkn”kksZa@Za Nk;kfp= dk lw{en'khZ; fujh{k.k
fuEufyf[kr VsfjMksQkbV~l ds lw{en'khZ fojpu] vLFkk;h] f}&vfHkjatu rFkk LrEHk@izdUn dk 'kjhj v/;;u %
lkbyksVe ykbdksiksfM;e] flySftuSyk] bDohlhVe rFkk eklhZfy;kA
fuEufyf[kr ds vLFkk;h ,dy vfHkjaftr] lw{en'khZ; fojpuksa dk v/;;u
ykbdksiksfM;e] lsyfStuSyk rFkk bLohlhVe ds 'kadq Vsfjl dk LiksjkfQy eklhZfy;k dh chtk.kqQfydkA
ikbul rFkk ,fQMªk ds LrEHk dh vuqizLFk dkV rFkk lkbdl dh i.kZ ¼i.kZd rFkk
fiPNk{k½ rFkk ikbul dh lqP;kdkj i.kZ dh vuqiLz Fk dkV dh vLFkk;h] f}vfHkjaftr
fojpukvksa dks cukuk rFkk mudk v/;;u djukA
lkbdl dh lkekU; ,oa dksjksykWbM ewy dh vuqiLz Fk dkV dh lw{en'khZ; vLFkk;h
f}&vfHkjatud fojpuk dk fuekZ.k rFkk v/;;u] lkbdl ds uj 'kadq rFkk
xq:chtk.kqi.kZ dk v/;;uA
ikbul ds uj 'kadq dk lw{en'khZ; fojpu] ikbul ds eknk “kadq dk v/;;u ,QhMªk ds uj 'kadq rFkk eknk 'kadq
dk v/;;uA
vad ;kstuk
izk;ksfxd ijh{kk dh vof/k 5 ?k.Vs gksxh rFkk vadksa dk forj.k fuEu izdkj ls gksxk
fu;fer iwoZ fo|kFkhZ ,oa Lo;aikBh
1- VsfjMksQkbVk ;k ftEuksLieZ ds ikni Hkkx ¼,d½
f}vfHkjatu dkV ¼fXyljhu vkjksi.k½ 7 8
2- VsfjMksQkbV ;k ftEuksLieZ dk xkS.k fojpu ¼iz'u&1 ds vUrxZr ugha½
5 6
3- fuEu Hkkxksa dk fojpu rFkk vkjksi.k
v- ,d czk;ksQkbV
5 6
c- ,d dod
5 6
l- ,d ‘kSoky 5 6
n- thok.kq @esljs’ku rduhd 3 4
4- LikWV&lkr
v- izR;sd lewg esa ls ,d ¼’kSoky] ykbdsu] czk;ksQkbVk]
dod] thok’e] VsfjMksQkbV] ftEuksLieZ½ 14 14
c- fVIi.kh ds fy, ,d lw{ethoh; jksxxzflr iz;ksx 5 5
5- ekSf[kd ijh{kk
8 10
6- izk;ksfxd iqfLrdk
8 &
65 65
Theory/ Nomenclature Hours Duration Max. Min.
Practicle per of exam Marks Marks
Paper-I Physical Geology &
Tectonics 2 hrs 3 hrs 45 48
Paper-II Palaeontology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Paper -III Crystallography &
Mineralogy 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Practicals Related to all the

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/34

three papers 6 hrs 5 hrs 65 24
Note: – Each Theory paper is divided into 5 units. The question paper is divided into three parts,Part
A,Part B and Part C. Part A (15 Marks) is compulsory and contain 1 question containing 10 parts (
Answer limit 50 words) two questions from each unit, each question is of 1.5 marks. Part B (15 Marks)
is compulsory and contains five questions with internal choice, one from each unit.Candidate is
required to attempt all five questions; each question is of three marks each (Answer limit 200 words).
Part C (15 Marks) contains five questions one from each unit. Candidate is required to attempt three
questions; each question is of 5 Marks (Answer limit 500 words).
Work load: – Each paper shall be given atleast 2 (two) hours (or three periods) per week Theory
teaching. Practical shall be given 6 (Six) hours per week. In this way each theory paper shall be given
atleast 60 hours teaching and total180 hous teaching for practicals per teaching session.

Paper I – Physical Geology & Tectonics

Duration : 3 Hours. Max. Marks : 45
Unit – I
Geology & its branches; its relation with other branches of science and technology. Scope and
importance of Geology. The Earth as a planet. The Solar system. Our galaxy and the universe.
Physical parameters of Earth: mass, density, shape and size of the Earth. The rotation and revolution
of the earth. The structure of the Earth; Outer and inner geospheres, their constitution.Geophysical
conditions of the Earth – Gravity, Heat Flow and Magnetism. Origin of the Earth. Methods of
determination of the Age of the Earth.
Unit – II
Diastrophic Processes: Epierogeny & Orogeny. Mountain belts. Geosynclines. Isostasy. Sea floor
spreading. Continental drifting. Plate Tectonics; types of plate margins, plate motion. Elementary idea
about Crustal Types: Shields, platforms, Island arcs, trenches, Rift valleys, mid- oceanic ridges and
ocean basins.
Unit – III
Surface features of the Earth, Distribution of land and ocean and their peculiarities. Origin of
continents and ocean.
Earthquakes - Distribution, causes,classification & effect of Earthquakes. Determination of location of
Epicentre of an Earthquake Seismic waves as indicaters of Earth’s interior. Seismic belts and their
relation to volcanic activity. Volcanoes – causes and formation of volcanoes, their Types, products &
Unit – IV
Surface processes – Weathering, erosion and mass wasting. Soil profiles and pedogenesis.
Geological work of rivers, wind, glaciers, groundwater and oceans. Coral reefs – types, distribution
and origin
Unit – V
Geological Time Scale. Palaeomagnetism. Ice ages and past climates.
Concepts of geomorphology. Application of Geomorphology. Soil profile and pedogenesis.
Structure and evolution of Himalaya, Indogangetic alluvial plain and the Thar Desert.

Paper II – Palaeontology
Duration : 3 Hours. Max. Marks : 45
Theory/ Nomenclature Hours Duration Max. Min.
Practicle per of exam Marks Marks
Paper-I Physical Geology &
Tectonics 2 hrs 3 hrs 45 48
Paper-II Palaeontology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Paper -III Crystallography &
Mineralogy 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Practicals Related to all the
three papers 6 hrs 5 hrs 65 24
Note: – Each Theory paper is divided into 5 units. The question paper is divided into three parts,Part
A,Part B and Part C. Part A (15 Marks) is compulsory and contain 1 question containing 10 parts (
Answer limit 50 words) two questions from each unit, each question is of 1.5 marks. Part B (15 Marks)
is compulsory and contains five questions with internal choice, one from each unit.Candidate is
required to attempt all five questions; each question is of three marks each (Answer limit 200 words).

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/35

Part C (15 Marks) contains five questions one from each unit. Candidate is required to attempt three
questions; each question is of 5 Marks (Answer limit 500 words).
Unit – I
Palaeontology –its definition, divisions and history. Classification of organisms (Plants & animals).
Fossils and fossilization – Definition and morphology of fossils, their mode of preservation, and
significance of fossils. Elemenatry idea of organic evolution & Extinction. Evolution of life during
geological periods. Imperfaction of Geological records
Unit – II
Classification, morphology and geological distribution of: Graptoloidea, Corals (Actinozoa), Trilobita
and Echinoidea.
Unit – III
Classification, Morphology of hard parts and geological distribution of: Brachiopoda, Lamellibranchia,
Gastropoda and Cephalopoda
Unit – IV
Micropalaeontology – collection, seperation and study of microfossils. Classification of micro-
fossils.Bacteria, Diatoms, Coccoliths. Protozoa (foraminifera-morphology, classification & geological
distribution; and elementary idea about Radiolaria, ostracods and Conodonts).
Unit – V
Palaeobotany – Introduction, classification of plants, non-vascular and vascular plants. Morphology of
plant fossils. Elementary knowledge of Gondwana flora. Vertebrate Palaeontology – classification of
Chordata, Dinosours and their extinction.
Class Mammalia- mammalian characters. Vertebrates fauna of Siwaliks of India. Evolutionary history
of Primates, Man, Horse and Elephant.

Paper III – Crystallography and Mineralogy

Duration : 3 hrs. Max. Marks : 45
Theory/ Nomenclature Hours Duration Max. Min.
Practicle per of exam Marks Marks
Paper-I Physical Geology &
Tectonics 2 hrs 3 hrs 45 48
Paper-II Palaeontology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Paper -III Crystallography &
Mineralogy 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Practicals Related to all the
three papers 6 hrs 5 hrs 65 24
Note: – Each Theory paper is divided into 5 units. The question paper is divided into three parts,Part
A,Part B and Part C. Part A (15 Marks) is compulsory and contain 1 question containing 10 parts (
Answer limit 50 words) two questions from each unit, each question is of 1.5 marks. Part B (15 Marks)
is compulsory and contains five questions with internal choice, one from each unit.Candidate is
required to attempt all five questions; each question is of three marks each (Answer limit 200 words).
Part C (15 Marks) contains five questions one from each unit. Candidate is required to attempt three
questions; each question is of 5 Marks (Answer limit 500 words).
Unit – I
Crystals, their external & internal characters. Fundamental laws of crystallography. Elements of
crystal symmetry, Millers and Weiss systems of notation. Classification of Crystal into systems.
Study of Crystal classes of Cubic System: Galena type, Pyrite type, Tetrahedrite type and their forms.
Unit – II
Study of normal classes and their forms of following crystal systems: Tetragonal System, Hexagonal
System (Beryl type & Calcite type), Orthorhombic System, Monoclinic System and Triclinic System.
Crystal aggregates, Twinning- elements, classification and important twinning laws.
Unit – III
Physical properties of minerals. Concept of Isomorphism, Pseudomorphism & Polymorphism.
Petrological microscope and its construction.Principles of optics as applied to the study of minerals –
shape, form, R.I., colour, pleochroism , birefringence, polarisation colour , extinction, Isotropic,
Anisotropic- uniaxial and biaxial characters of minerals.
Unit –IV
Study of rock forming minerals - other than silicates: Calcite, Dolomite, Magnetite, Hematite, ,
Gypsum, Apatite, Fluorite, Topaz & Corundum.Elementary idea about structure and classification of

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/36

silicate minerals. Study of Chemical compositions, Physical & Optical properties, and occurrences of
rock forming mineral groups: Olivine, Garnet, Epidote, Tourmaline & Beryl.
Unit – V
Study of Chemical composition, Physical & optical properties, and occurrences of the following rock
forming mineral families: Pyroxene, Amphibole, Mica, Feldspar, Feldspathoid, Quartz and Zeolite.

Duration : 5 hrs. Min. Pass Marks : 24 Max. Marks : 65
Theory/ Nomenclature Hours Duration Max. Min.
Practicle per of exam Marks Marks
Paper-I Physical Geology &
Tectonics 2 hrs 3 hrs 45 48
Paper-II Palaeontology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Paper -III Crystallography &
Mineralogy 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Practicals Related to all the
three papers 6 hrs 5 hrs 65 24

Distribution of Marks in Geology Practical Examination

Physical Geology 10
Palaeontology 10
Crystallography – Mineralogy 20
Field Work 05
Viva 10
Record 10

(i) Palaeontology
Identification and description of following fossils in hand specimen – Foraminifera– Nummulities,
Assilina, Alveolina. Echinoidea–Cidaris, Hemiaster, Micrastar Brachiopoda – Rynchonella,
Terebratula, Productus, Spirifer. Lamellibranchia–Pecten Ostrea, Trigonia, Lima, Exogyra.Gastropoda
– Trochus, Murex, Voluta, Physa, Turritella, Conus.Ammonoidea –Phylloceras, Ceratites,
Perisphinctus, Bellemnites, Orthoceras. Nautiloidea – Nautilus.Trilobita – Calymene, Phacops,
Agnostus, Trinucleus, Paradoxides. Graptoloidea – Monograptus, Diplograptus.Plant fossils –
Glossopteris, Gangamopteris, Vertibraria, Ptilophyllum.
Labelled Diagram of characterstic important fossils of different phylum and classes

(ii) Crystallography & Mineralogy-

Description and Identification of the following minerals in hand specimen and under microscope-
Quartz, Felspar, Muscovite, Biotite, Chlorite, Hornblende, Augite, Olivine, Garnet, Kyanite, Staurolite,
Sillimanite, Tremolite, Asbestos, Serpentine, Calcite, Dolomite, Magnetite, Hematite, Epidote,
Tourmaline, Beryl, Talc, Gypsum, Apatite, Fluorite, Topaz & Corundum. Drawing and description of
axes of crystal systems and symmetry elements of their classes. Drawing, description and
identification (of system, class & forms) of crystal models.Clinographic projection of crystals of Cubic
System. Determination of specific gravity of minerals.

(iii) Physical Geology

Preparation of charts & diagrams illustrating Physical Parameters of Earth, interior of Earth, Solar
system, Distribution of Land & Ocean. Earthquake, Volcano, Plate- Tectonism.
Important processes of erosion and weathering. Study of topographical sheets. Profile drawing.

(IV) Field Training- Field work for a period of about five days duration and a report thereon.
Books Recommended
1. Homes A – Physical Geology. (Thomas Nelson Sons, London).
2. Spencer – Basic concepts of Physical Geology.
3. Datta A.K. – Physical Geology. (A.K. Bos 38 Road, Ranchi).
4. Read, H.H – Elements of Mineralogy (C.B.S. New Delhi).
5. Ford, W.E. – Dana’s Text books of Mineralogy : (Asia Publishing

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/37

6. Woods,– Invertebrate Palaeontology. (CBS Pub. and Distri., New
7. Moore, R.C., Lalicker, C.G. & Fisher, A.C. – Invertebrate fossils
(McGraw Hill).
8. Jain, P.C. and Anantha Raman, M.S. – Palaeontology – Evolution of
Animals & Distribution (Vishal Publishers, Delhi).
10. P.K. Mukherjee-Text book of Geology
11. Parbeen singh - Engineering and General Geology

LSk}kafrd dky[kaM Ikjh{kk iw.kkZad U;wure
lIrkg vof/k mÙkh.kkZad
Ikz'u Ik= I HkkSfrd Hkw&foKku
,oa foorZfudh 2 3 ?kaVs 45 48
Ikz'u Ik= II Tkhok'e foKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikz'u Ik= III fØLVfydh ,oa
[kfutdh 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikzk;ksfxd 6 5 ?kaVs 65 24
;kstuk %
uksV % izR;sd lS)kfUrd iz'u i= dks ikap bdkb;ksa esa ckaVk x;k gSA iz'u i= rhu Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr gSA Hkkx ,]
Hkkx ch vkSj Hkkx lhA Hkkx , ¼15 vad½ vfuok;Z gS vkSj blesa 15 vad dk ,d iz'u gksxk ftlds 10 Hkkx gksaxs]
izR;sd bdkbZ ls nks iz'u gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 500 'kCn½A Hkkx ch ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls vkarfjd fodYi ds lkFk
dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 200 'kCn½A izR;sd iz'u rhu vadksa dk gksxkA Hkkx lh ¼15 vad½ izR;sd
bdkbZ ls ,d iz'u gksxk] vH;fFkZ;ksa dks rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u ikap vad dk gksxk ¼mÙkj lhek
500 'kCn½(

Ikz'u i= : I % HkkSfrd Hkw&foKku

Lke; 3 ?k.Vs iw.kkZad 45
bdkbZ & I
HkwfoKku ,oa mldh 'kk[kk,sa] foKku o VsDuksyksth dh vU; 'kk[kkvksa ds lkFk lEcU/k HkwfoKku dk {ks= o egRoA Ik`Foh
,d xzg] lkSj e.My] gekjh vkdk'ka xaxk ,oa czãk.MA Ik`Foh ds HkkSfrd ifjek.kA i`Foh& vkd`fr vkeki] i`Foh dk
ifjØe.k ,oa ifjHkze.kA i`Foh dh lajpuk& ckg~; ,oa vkarfjd Hkwe.My mu dk laxBu] i`Foh dh HkwHkkSfrdh; fLFkfr]
xq:Rroh;] pqacdh;] ,oa rkih; izokgA Ik`Foh dh vk;q Kkr djus dh fof/k;k¡A Ik`Foh dh mÙifÙkA
iVy fo:i.k % egkns'ktud ,oa ioZr fuekZ.kdkjh cyA ioZr J`[kayk- HkwlfUufr lefLFkfrA leqnz fury izlj.k ,oa
egk}hih; foLFkkiuA
IysV fooÙkZfudh IysV fdukjks izdkj IysV xfrA ØLVy VkbIl % 'khYM] IysV QkeZl] ioZrh; dfVca/k] }hi&pki]
[kkb;k¡] e/; egklkxjh; dVdsa] fj¶V osyhl o egklkxjh; nzksf.k;k¡A
Ik`Foh dh /kjkryh; vkÑfr;k¡] Fky ,oa egklkxjksa dk forj.k ,oa mudh fo'ks"krk,saA egk}hiksa o egklkxjks dh
HkwdEi ds forj.k] dkj.k ,oa izHkkoA Hkwdaih; rajxsa Ik`Foh dh vkarfjd lajpuk ds lwpd ds :Ik esaA HkwdEi ds vfHkdsUnz
dk fu/kkZj.kA Hkwdaih; dfVca/k ,oa mudk Tokykeq[kh fØ;kvksa ls laca/kA
Tokykeq[kh % izdkj] mRikn] dkj.k ,oa forj.kA
/kjkryh; fof/k;k¡ % vi{k;] vijnu ,oa lkewfgr LFkkukUrj.kA
unh] ok;q] fgeun] ,oa Hkwfexr ty ,oa leqnzksa }kjk fd;k tkus okyk Hkw&oSKkfud dk;ZA izoky fHkRrh

HkwoSKkfud le; lkj.khA iqjkpqacdRoA fge dky ,oa iqjk tyok;qA Hkw vkÑfr foKku dh vo/kkj.kk ,oa vuqiz;ksxA
e`nk izksQkby o e`nk tuuA fgeky;] flU/kq] xaxk] tyks<+ o Fkkj jsfxLrku dh lajpuk ,oa fodklA Hkw vkÑfr foKku
dh ladYiuk ,oa vuqiz;ksxA

Ikz'u i= II % thok'e foKku

Lke; 3 ?k.Vs iw.kkZad 45

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/38

LSk}kafrd dky[kaM Ikjh{kk iw.kkZad U;wure
lIrkg vof/k mÙkh.kkZad
Ikz'u Ik= I HkkSfrd Hkw&foKku
,oa foorZfudh 2 3 ?kaVs 45 48
Ikz'u Ik= II Tkhok'e foKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikz'u Ik= III fØLVfydh ,oa
[kfutdh 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikzk;ksfxd 6 5 ?kaVs 65 24
;kstuk %
uksV % izR;sd lS)kfUrd iz'u i= dks ikap bdkb;ksa esa ckaVk x;k gSA iz'u i= rhu Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr gSA Hkkx ,]
Hkkx ch vkSj Hkkx lhA Hkkx , ¼15 vad½ vfuok;Z gS vkSj blesa 15 vad dk ,d iz'u gksxk ftlds 10 Hkkx gksaxs]
izR;sd bdkbZ ls nks iz'u gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 500 'kCn½A Hkkx ch ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls vkarfjd fodYi ds lkFk
dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 200 'kCn½A izR;sd iz'u rhu vadksa dk gksxkA Hkkx lh ¼15 vad½ izR;sd
bdkbZ ls ,d iz'u gksxk] vH;fFkZ;ksa dks rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u ikap vad dk gksxk ¼mÙkj lhek
500 'kCn½(

thok'e foKku& ifjHkk"kk] 'kk[kk,sa ,oa bfrgklA thoksa ¼ikS/ks o izkf.k;ksa½ dk oxhZdj.kA thok'e& ifjHkk"kk vkdkfjdh
,oa lajf{kr djuss ds rjhds ,oa mi;ksfxrkA tSoh; fodkl dk vkjafHkd Kku] foyksiu ,oa HkwxHkhZ; dkyksa ds nkSjku
tSfod fodklA HkwvfHkys[k dh viw.kZrk
xSzIVksyksbMh;k] dksjy VªkbyksckbVk] ,oa bdkbuksbfM;k dh vkdkfjdh] oxhZdj.k ,oa HkwoSKkfud forj.k dk v/;;uA
czSfd;ksiksMk] ySesyhczSfUd;k] xsLVªksiksMk] isyslhiksMk ,oa flQsyksiksMk ds dBksj aHkkxksa dh vkdkfjdh] oxhZdj.k ,oa muds
HkwoSKkfud forj.k dk v/;;uA

lw{e thokf'edh% lw{e thok'eksa dk ,d=hdj.k] i`FkDdj.k ,oa v/;;u& cSDVhfj;k] dksdksfyFk] Mk;Ve vkfn]
QksjkfeuhQsjk dh vkdkfjdh] oxhZdj.k ,oa Hkw oSKkfud forj.k rFkk jsfM;ksysfj;k] vksLVªkdksMk o dksuksMksUV dk
izkjfEHkd Kku
iqjkokuLifrdh& ifjp;] ikni oxhZdj.k& laoguh o vlaoguh ikni] ikni thok'e dh vkdkfjdh] xkasMokuk dky
ds ikniksa dk izkjfEHkd KkuA d’ks:dh thok'e foKku& dkMZsVk dk oxhZdj.k] Mk;uklksj o mudk foyksiu] eSesfy;k
oxZ ds y{k.k Hkkjr ds f'kokfyd esa ik, tkus okys jh<+/kkjh thok'eA izkbZesVl rFkk ekuo /kksMk gk ds fodkl dk

Ikz'u i= III % fØLVfydh ,oa [kfutdh

le; 3 ?k.Vs iw.kkZad 45
LSk}kafrd dky[kaM Ikjh{kk iw.kkZad U;wure
lIrkg vof/k mÙkh.kkZad
Ikz'u Ik= I HkkSfrd Hkw&foKku
,oa foorZfudh 2 3 ?kaVs 45 48
Ikz'u Ik= II Tkhok'e foKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikz'u Ik= III fØLVfydh ,oa
[kfutdh 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikzk;ksfxd 6 5 ?kaVs 65 24
;kstuk %
uksV % izR;sd lS)kfUrd iz'u i= dks ikap bdkb;ksa esa ckaVk x;k gSA iz'u i= rhu Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr gSA Hkkx ,]
Hkkx ch vkSj Hkkx lhA Hkkx , ¼15 vad½ vfuok;Z gS vkSj blesa 15 vad dk ,d iz'u gksxk ftlds 10 Hkkx gksaxs]
izR;sd bdkbZ ls nks iz'u gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 500 'kCn½A Hkkx ch ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls vkarfjd fodYi ds lkFk
dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 200 'kCn½A izR;sd iz'u rhu vadksa dk gksxkA Hkkx lh ¼15 vad½ izR;sd
bdkbZ ls ,d iz'u gksxk] vH;fFkZ;ksa dks rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u ikap vad dk gksxk ¼mÙkj lhek
500 'kCn½(

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/39

fØLVy] muds ckg~; ,oa vkarfjd y{k.k] fØLVfydh ds ekSfyd fu;eA fØLVy lefefr ds rRoA feyj ,oa oht+
Ik)fr ds lwpdkadA fØLVy leqnk;A ?kuh; leqnk; ds fØLVy oxZ&xsyksukVkbi] ik;jkbV Vkbi] VsVªkgsMªkbV
Vkbi ,oa mudh vkÑfr;k¡A
fuEu fØLVy leqnk;ksa ds iw.kZQydh; lewgksa dk v/;;u& prq"dks.kh; leqnk;] ”kVdks.kh; leqnk; ¼csfjy Vkbi o
dsYlkbV Vkbi½] fo"ke v{kh; leqnk;] ,durk{k leqnk; ,oa f=urk{k leqnk;A fØLVy iqUt] ;eyu& rRo
oxhZdj.k o fu;eA
[kfutksa ds HkkSfrd xq.kA le:irk] dwV:irk ,oa cgq:irk dh /kkj.kkA 'kSfydh; lw{en'khZ ,oa bldh cukoV]
izdkf'kdh ds fl)kUrksas dk [kfutksa ds lw{en'khZ v?;;u esa iz;ksx % vkdkj ]jax] fjyhQ] vkd`fr] f}viorZu] cgqo.kZrk]
foyksiu [kfutksa ds lensSf'kd o fo”kenSf'kd] ,d v{kh; ,oa f} cgqv{kh; izd`fr ds fo"k; esa KkuA
'kSydkjh [kfutksas dk v/;;u& ftIle] dsYlkbV] cSjkbZV] ¶yksjkbV] ,isVkbV] Vksikt] dksjaMe vkfnA
flfydsV [kfut lewgksa ds lajpuk ,oa oxhZdj.k dk izkjfEHkd KkuA
vksyhohu] xkusZV] ,ihMksV] Vwjehyhu ,oa csfjy 'kSy fuekZ.kdkjh [kfut lewgksa dk jklk;fud la?kVu] HkkSfrd o
izdk'kdh; xq.kksa ,oa mudh mifLFkfr dh voLFkk,saA
ik;jkWDlhu] ,EQhcksy] ekbdk] QsYlikj] QsYlisFkkW;M] DokVZ~t+ ,oa ft;ksykbV 'kSy fuekZ.kdkjh [kfut lewgksa dk
jklk;fud la/kVu] HkkSfrd o izdk'kdh; xq.k rFkk mudh mifLFkfr dh voLFkk,saA

Hkw&foKku izk;ksfxd
Lke; 5 ?k.Vs U;wure vad 24 iw.kkZad 65
HkkSfrd HkwfoKku 10
Tkhok’e foKku 10
fØLVfydh ,oa [kfutdh 20
QhYM odZ 05
ekSf[kdh 10
LSk}kafrd dky[kaM Ikjh{kk iw.kkZad U;wure
lIrkg vof/k mÙkh.kkZad
Ikz'u Ik= I HkkSfrd Hkw&foKku
,oa foorZfudh 2 3 ?kaVs 45 48
Ikz'u Ik= II Tkhok'e foKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikz'u Ik= III fØLVfydh ,oa
[kfutdh 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikzk;ksfxd 6 5 ?kaVs 65 24
(I) thok'e foKku
fuEu thok'eksa ds uewuksa dh igpku ,oa forj.k QksjkfefuQsjk % uqeqykbVhl] ,lhyhuk ,fYo;ksyhukA bdhuksbMh;k %
lhMkfjl] gsfe;kLVj] ekbØkLVj czsZfd;ksiksMk % fjadksusyk] VsjsoszbVwyk] izksMDVl] LihjhQj ySesyhczSfUd;k % isDVsu]
vkfLVª;k] Vªhxksfu;k] yhek] ,Dtks+xkbjkA xSLVªksiksMk % Vªksdl] E;qjsDl] oksyqVk] Qkblk] VqfjVsYyk] dksulA
veksuksbMh;k % Qkbykslsjkl] lsjkVkbVl] isfjl &fQUd~Vl] osYysesukbVl] vkSFkkZslsjkl ukWVhyksbMh;k % ukSfVyl
VªkbyksokbVk % dSfyfeu QSdksIl ,xukWLVe] VªkbU;wfDy;l] ijkMkWDlkbM~l XkzSIVksyksbMh;k % eksuksxzsIVl] fMIyksxszIVl
ikni thok'e % XykWLkksIVsfjl] xsaxeksIVsfjl] oVhZcszfj;k] VkbyksfQYyeA
(II) fØLVfydh ,oa [kfutdh
gLr uewus ,oa lw{en'khZ esa fuEufyf[kr [kfutksa dk fooj.k ,oaa igpkuuk %
DokV~Zt] QsYlikj] eLdksokbV] ok;ksVkbV] DyksjkbV] gkuZCysUM] vkSxkbV] vksyhohu] xkjusV] dk;ukbV] LVkWjksykbV]
flyhesukbV] VªseksykbV] ,lcsLVl] ljisUVhu] dSYlkbV] MksyksekbV] eSXusVkbV] gsesVkbV] bihMhV] Vwjesyhu] osfjy]
lksMkykbV] VkYd] ftIle] ,isVkbV] ¶yksjkbV] Vksikt ,oa dksjaMe fØLVy ekWMyksa dh igpku] js[kkadu ,oa fooj.kA
?kuh; fØLVyksa ds DykbuksxzkfQd izkstsDluA
(III) HkkSfrd Hkw&foKku
Ik`Foh ds HkkSfrd ifjek.k] vkarfjd lajpuk( lkSjeaMy] Fky o egk}hiksa dk forj.k] Hkwdai] Tokykeq[kh] IysV foorZfudh(
vijnu ,oa vi{k;.k dh izeq[k fof/k;ksa dks n'kkZus okys fp=ksa ,oa pkVksZa dk fuekZ.kA VksiksxzkfQd lhV~l dk v/;;u
,oa izksQkbZy MªkbZaxA
(IV) eSnkuh izf'k{k.k
yxHkx ik¡p fnuksa ds fy, 'kSyksa ,oa [kfutksa ds v/;;u gsrq eSnkuh izf’k{k.k¼QhYM odZ½ ,oa mlds Ik'pkr~ fjiksVZA

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/40

Two papers Mini pass marks: 54 Maxi marks: 150
Paper-I 3 hours duration 75 marks
Paper- II 3 hours duration 75 marks
Arts & Science Practical :
Arts Mini pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50
Science Mini. pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50


Note: The question paper will be divided into three sections.
Section A shall contain 10 questions in all (two questions from each unit). Each question shall carry 2
marks. All 10 questions are compulsory. Section B shall contain 10 questions in all (two questions
from each unit). Candidates have to attempt 5 questions by selecting 1 question from each unit. Each
question shall carry 5 marks. Section C shall contain 5 questions (one from each unit). Candidates
have to attempt any three questions. Each question shall carry 10 marks.
(a) Solar system, Origin of the Earth: Nebular hypothesis, tidal hypothesis, Big Bang theory.
(b) Physical and chemical state of the interior of the earth: structure and zone.
(c) Alfred Wegner’s theory of continental drift.
(d) Plate tectonics.
(e) Isostasy.
(f) Theories of mountain building.
(a) Rocks: their types and characteristics.
(b) Weathering and soil formation.
(c) Earth movements: diastrophism- faults and folds.
(d) Earthquakes.
(e) Volcanoes: causes and landforms.
(a) Cycle of erosion- W.M. Davis and Walter Penk.
(b) Fluvial landforms.
(c) Karst landforms.
(d) Glacial landforms.
(e) Aeolian landform.
(f) Coastal landforms.
(a) Composition and layers of atmosphere.
(b) Insolation and heat budget.
(c) Temprature.
(d) Pressure and winds.
(e) Jet stream.
(f) Air masses and fronts.
(g) Cyclones- tropical and temperate.
(h) Climatic types, Koeppen’s climatic classification.
(a) Configuration of ocean bottom.
(b) Distribution of temperature and salinity in oceanic water.
(c) Ocean currents and tides.
(d) Marine deposits.
(e) Coral reefs and Atolls: types and their origin according to Darwin,
Murray and Daly.
Books recommended:
1. Monkhouse,F.J.: Principles of Physical Geography, Hodder &Stoughton, London,1960.
2. Sharma, R.C. & Vatal M,: Oceanography to Geographers, Chetanya Publishing House,
Allahabad, 1970.
3. Singh, Savindra: Physical Geography, Prayag Pustak Bhavan, Allahabad.
4. Small, R.J.: The study of landforms, McGraw Hill, New York,1985.
5. Steers J.A.: The Unstable Earth, Kalyani Publishers,New Delhi.
6. Strahler, A.N.: Modern Physical Geography, John Wiley, Revised 1992.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/41

7. Thurman,H.B.: Introductory Oceanography, Charls Webber, E Memi Pub. Co. 1984.
8. Trewartha G.T.: An Introduction to Climate, McGraw Hill, New York, 1980.
9. Wooldrige, S.W. & Morgan , R.S.: The Physical basis of Geography- An outline of
Geomorphology, Longman, 1959.
10. V.S. Chouhan & Alka Gotam: Physical Geography(Hindi), Rastogi Publication, Meerut.


Note: The question paper will be divided into three sections.
Section A shall contain 10 questions in all (two questions from each unit). Each question shall carry 2
marks. All 10 questions are compulsory. Section B shall contain 10 questions in all (two questions
from each unit). Candidates have to attempt 5 questions by selecting 1 question from each unit. Each
question shall carry 5 marks. Section C shall contain 5 questions (one from each unit). Candidates
have to attempt any three questions. Each question shall carry 10 marks.
Meaning, nature and components of resources & environment, Resources and environment interface.
Classification of resources: renewable and non-renewable, biotic (forests, wild-life, livestoch, fisheries
and agricultural crops), and abiotic (water, land and minerals).
Distribution and utilization of minerals and energy resources- their economic and environmental
significance, Types and distribution of forests, flora, fauna and fisheries- their economic and
environmental significance.
Major soil types and their distribution; problems of soil erosion ans soil conservation. Distribution and
utilization of water, water harvesting- need, forms of water, ground water- utility, storing rain water for
direct use, economic and environmental significance.
Classification of environment: Natural and Human. Man- environment inter-relations with respect to
population size, types of economy and technology. Environmental pollution – water, air, noise and
radioactivity- causes, impact and measures.
Environmental management: Forest, soil and wild life and its awareness; environmental education,
problems and its planning, deforestation, Global warming.
Books Recommended:
1. Agrawal, A. et al. : The Citizen’s Fifth Report , Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi,
2. Alexander, J.W.: Economic Geogrphy, Prentice Hall of India Ltd., New Delhi, 1988.
3. Allen, J.L.: Students Atleas of Environmental Issues, Duskhin Pub., 1997.
4. Brown, L.R.: In the Human Interest; East-West Press, New Delhi, 1976.
5. Global Environmental Outlook, Earthscan, London, 2000.
6. Janaki, VA: Economic Geography, Concept Pub. Co. New Delhi, 1985.
7. Leonge, G.C. and Morgan GC : Human and Economic Geography, Oxford University Press,
London, 1982.
8. Simmons, I.G. : The Ecology of Natural Resources, Edward Amold, London, 1974.
9. V.K. Srivastava: Paryavaraniya Bhoogol avm Paristhitiki Vikas, Vasundhra, Gorakhpur.
10. Savinder Singh: Paryavarniya Bhoogol, Prayag Pustak Bhavan, Allahbad, 1994.
11. B.S.Negi: Sansadhan Bhoogol, Rastogi Prakasan, Meerut.
12. N.R. Kaswan: Manav aur Paryavaran, Malik & Co. Jaipur
13. R.K. Gurjar, B.C. Jat : Paryavaran Bhoogol, Panchsheel Prakasan, Jaipur.

Scheme: 6 periods per week per batch of 40 students.
Arts & Science Practical :
Arts Mini pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50
Science Mini pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50
Distribution of marks: Arts Science
1. Lab work 2 hrs duration 18 18
2. Field survey & viva-voce 2 hr duration 8+4=12 8+4=12
3. Record work & viva- voce 2 hr duration 8+4=12 8+4=12
4. Project work & viva- voce 6+2=08 6+2=08
Total 50 50

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/42

Note: Three exercises to be attempted out of five exercises and 40 candidates be examined in one
1. Scale- Plain, Diagonal and Comparative.
2. Enlargement, Reduction and Combination of Maps.
3. Methods of representation of relief- Hachures, Hill shading, Layer tint, Contours. Relief features-
types of slopes, valleys, waterfall, gorge,meanders, plateaus, conical hill, ridge, saddle & pass to
be drawn with the help of contours shown in topographical sheets of different physiographic
regions, Profile drawing.
4. Study of topographical sheets, scheme of Indian sheets.
5. Chain and tape survey.
6. Study of a village, based on socio- economic field survey. Report will be prepared by the students
7. Mean, Median,Mode, and Standard deviation.
Books recommended:
1. Monkhouse, F J & Wilkinson, H R : Maps and Diagrams, Methuen, London, 1994.
2. Singh, R L: Elements of Practical Geography, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
3. J.P. Sharma: Prayogatmak Bhoogol ki Rooprekha, Rastogi, Meerut.
4. Mamoria C B & Jain S M : Prayogatmak Bhoogol, Sahitya Bhavan Agra.

izFke iz'u i= % HkkSfrd Hkwxksy
vof/k % 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZd % 75
uksV %& iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u rFkk lHkh
iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxh A [k.M ^c* esa izR;sd
bdkbZ esa ls 2 iz'u lfgr dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vad dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u dk
mÙkj nsrs gq, dqy 5 iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCn gksxhA [k.M ^l* esa dqy
5 iz'u] izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u] gksxsa A ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs rFkk izR;sd iz'u 10 vad
dk gksxkA izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
bdkbZ & 1
v- lkSje.My] i`Foh dh mRifr % fugkfjdk ifjdYiuk] Tokjh; ifjdYiuk] fcx cSax fl}kar A
vk- i`Foh ds vkarfjd Hkkx dh HkkSfrd o jklk;fud voLFkk % lajpuk ,oa dfVcU/kA
b- vYÝsM osxuj dk egk}hih; foLFkkiu fla)kr
bZ- IysV foorZfudh m- lefLFkfr
Å- ioZr fuekZ.k ds fl)kar & tksyh] dkscj] vkSj vFkZj gksEl
bdkbZ &2
v- 'kSy& muds izdkj vkSj fo'ks"krk,sa
vk- vi{k; vkSj e`nk fuekZ.k
b- Hkw&lapkyu&iVy fo:i.k&Hkza'k ,ao oyu
bZ- HkwdEi
m- Tokykeq[kh& dkj.k vkSj fufeZr LFkykÑfr;ka
bdkbZ &3
v- vijnu pØ& fofy;e ekSfjl Msfol vkSj okYFkj iSad
vk- unhÑr LFkykÑfr;ka b- dkLVZ LFykÑfr;ka
bZ- fgekukÑr LFykÑfr;ka m- iou }kjk fufeZr LFykÑfr;ka
Å- rVh; LFykÑfr;ka
bdkbZ &4
v- ok;qe.My dk la?kVu vkSj Lrjhdj.k vk- lw;Zrki vkSj m"ek ctV
b- rkieku bZ- ok;qnkc vkSj iousa
m- tSV LVªhe Å- ok;q jkf'k;ka vkSj okrkxz
,- pØokr & m".k dfVcU/kh; vkSj 'khrks".kfVcU/kh;
,as- tyok;q izdkj& Oyknhfej dksisu dk tyok;q oxhZdj.k
bdkbZ &5
v- egklkxjh; fury dk foU;kl
vk- egklkxjh; ty esa rkieku o yo.krk dk forj.k
b- egklkxjh; /kkjk;sa rFkk TokjHkkVk bZ- egklkxjh; fu{ksi
m- izoky fHkfRr;ka ,oa izcky oy; & izdkj vkSj MkfoZu] ejs o Msyh ds vuqlkj

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/43

mudh mRifr

f}rh; iz'u i= % lalk/ku ,ao Ik;kZoj.k

vof/k % 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZd % 75
uksV %& iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u rFkk lHkh
iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxh A [k.M ^c* esa izR;sd
bdkbZ esa ls 2 iz'u lfgr dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vad dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u dk
mÙkj nsrs gq, dqy 5 iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCn gksxhA [k.M ^l* esa dqy
5 iz'u] izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u] gksxsa A ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs rFkk izR;sd iz'u 10 vad
dk gksxkA izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
bZdkbZ & 1
lalk/ku rFkk i;kZoj.k dk vFkZ] izÑfr vkSj muds ?kVd A lalk/ku rFkk i;kZoj.k ds e/; varjlEc/krk A lallk/kuksa
dk oxhZdj.k % uohdj.kh; ;ksX; rFkk vuohdj.kh;] tSfod ¼ ou] oU;] tho] i'kqpkj.k] eRL;] Ñf"kxr Qlysa½ vkSj
vtSfod lalk/ku ¼Hkwfe] ty] [kfut½
bZdkbZ & 2
[kfut vkSj ÅtkZ lalk/kuksa dk forj.k ,oa mi;ksx rFkk mudk vkfFkZd vkSj Ik;kZoj.kh; egRo A ou] ouLifr] tUrq
vkSj eRL; ds izdkj ,oa forj.k& mudk vkfFkZd ,ao Ik;kZoj.kh; egRo A
bZdkbZ & 3
izeq[k e`nk izdkj vkSj mudk forj.k] e`nk vijnu dh leL;k;sa vkSj e`nk laj{k.kA ty dk forj.k ,oa mi;ksx] ty
nksgu& vko';drk] ty ds Lo:i] Hkwfety& mi;ksfxrk] izR;{k mi;ksx ds fy;s o"kkZ ty dk lap;] vkfFkZd ,oa
I;kZoj.kh; egRoA
bZdkbZ & 4
i;kZoj.k dk oxhZdj.k%& izkÑfrd ,ao ekuoh; A ekuo& Ik;kZoj.k ds e/; varjlcU/k% tula[;k ds vkdkj vkSj
vFkZO;oLFkk ds izdkj ,oa rduhdh Lrj ds vuqlkjA i;kZoj.kh; iznw"k.k & ty] ok;q] /ofu] e`nk rFkk jsfM;k lfØ;
& dkj.k] izHkko vkSj mik; A
bZdkbZ & 5
i;kZoj.kh; izca/ku % ou] e`nk vkSj oU; tho] mldh tkx:drk] Ik;kZoj.kh; f'k{kk% leL;k;sa ,oa mudk fu;kstu] ou
fouk'k] Hkwe.Myh; m"ehdj.kA

;kstuk % izfr cSp 40 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk izfr lIrkg 6 dkyka'k v/;;u
iw.kkZd % dyk 50 vof/k 4 ?kaVs U;wure mRrh.kkZd dyk 18
foKku 50 vof/k 4 ?kaVs U;wure mRrh.kkZd foKku 18
vadks dk foHkktu dyk foKku
1- iz;ksx'kkyk dk;Z % 18 18
2- {ks= losZ{k.k vkSj ekSf[kd 8+4=12 8+4=12
3- fjdkMZ dk;Z vkSj ekSf[kd 8+4=12 8+4=12
4- losZ{k.k fjiksVZ vkSj ekSf[kd 6+2=8 6+2=8
dqy 50 50
uksV % dqy 5 iz'uksa esa ls 3 iz'u gy djus gksaxsA izfr cSp 40 ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dk ewY;kadu fd;k tk,xkA
1- ekiuh & ljy] fod.kZ vkSj rqyukRed
2- foo/kZu] y?kqdj.k vkSj ekufp= la;kstu
3- mPPkkop fu:i.k dh fof/k;ka] gS';wj] ioZrh; Nk;kdj.k] Lrj&jatu fof/k] leksPPk js[kk,a vkfnA LFkykÑfrd
i=dksa esa iznf'kZr fofHkUUk HokÑfrd izns'kksa ds mPPkkop] Hkw&Lo:Ik tSls&<ky ds izdkj] ?kkfV;ka] tyizrki] xktZ]
foliZ iBkj % 'kaDokdj igkM+h&dVd] dkBh vkSj njksZ dk leksPPk; js[kkvksa }kjk iznf'kZr djukA ifjPNsfndk
4- LFkykÑfrd i=dksa dk v/;;u] Hkkjr ds LFykÑfrd i=dksa dh i}frA
5- Tkjhc rFkk Qhrk LkosZ{k.kA
6- ,d xkao dk lekftd&vkfFkZd {ks=h; losZ{k.k ,oa v/;;uA fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks i`Fkd&i`Fkd izfrosnu izLrqr djuk
7- ek/;] ekf/;dk] cgqyd ,oa izeki fopyuA



MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/44

General Instructions:
1. There shall be two theory papers of 75 Marks each and Practical of 50 marks. The candidate will
be required to pass in theory and practical separately.
2. Each theory paper will require four teaching periods of 60 minutes or six teaching period of 45
minutes for both papers per week.
3. Practical papers will require 4 period of 45 minutes or 3 periods of sixty minutes per week for a
batch of 20 students.
4. Each paper will contain three parts- Part-A will have 10 questions, these will be compulsory.
Answers of these questions are limited upto 50 words each. Each question carries 2 marks. Part-B
will have 7 questions out of which five questions are to be attempted. The answer of each question
shall be limited upto 200 words. Each question carries 5 marks. Part-C will have total 4 questions out
of which two questions are to be attempted. The answers of each question shall be limited upto 500
words. Each question carries 15 marks.
Paper I 3Hrs Max. Marks 75 Min. Pass Marks 27
Paper II 3Hrs Max. Marks 75 Min. Pass Marks 27
Practicals 3Hrs Max. Marks 50 Min. Pass Marks 18


Duration : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 75
a) Definition of defence and strategic Studies
b) Sources of studies
c) Relation of other subject with defence and strategic studies as – Political Science, Economics,
Geography, Psychology, Sociology, History, Science and Technology.
d) Utility of the subject in present scenario.
a) Military system of Vedic and Epic period
b) Comparative study of Indo-Greek Art of War with special reference to the battle of Hydaspus 326
c) Mauryan Military System.
a) Kautilya’s Philosophy of War
b) Military Systems of the Gupta and Harsh Period
c) Rajputs and Turk Pattern of Warfare with special reference of the battle of Tarrain (1192 A.D.)
a) Military system of the Mughal period and First Battle of Panipat (1526 A. D.)
b) Military System of Maratha and guerrilla warfare of Shivaji.
c) Third Battle of Panipat (1761 A. D.)
a) Military System of Sikh’s of 18th Century
b) War technology under Maharaja Ranjeet Singh
c) Reorganization of Indian Army under the Crown.
Books Recommended:
1. Das ST : Indian Military, its History and Development.
2. Majumdar : The Military System in Ancient India
3. Sardesai G S : New History of the Maratha
4. Saxena K M L : The Military System of India
5. Majumdar B N : Military System of the Sikhs
6. Major A. David : Indian Art of War
7 MkW- ,l- ,u- jk; % Hkkjr dk lSU; bfrgklA
8 MkW- ,l- ds- feJ % Hkkjrh; lSU; bfrgklA
9 MkW- ch- vkj- ik.Ms; % lSU; v/;;uA
10 MkW- yYyu flag % Hkkjrh; lSU; bfrgklA
11 MkW- lqjsUnz dqekj feJ % lalkj ds izfl) ;q)A
26- j{kk ,oa j.kuhfr v/;;u
lkekU; funsZ'k
1 dqy nks lS)kfUrd iz’u&i= 75&75 vad ds gksaxs] tcfd ,d izk;ksfxd i= 50 vad dk gksxkA fo|kFkhZ dks
lS)kfUrd ,oa izk;ksfxd i= esa vyx&vyx mÙkh.kZ gksuk vfuok;Z gSA

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/45

2 izR;sd lS)kfUrd i= ds fy, 45 feuV ds 6 dkyka'k gksaxs vFkok 60 feuV ds 4 dkyka'k izfr lIrkg nksuksa i=ksa
ds fy, fu/kkZfjr gksaxsA
3 izk;ksfxd i= gsrq 45 feuV ds pkj dkyka’k vFkok 60 feuV ds rhu dkyka’k izR;sd lIrkg 20 fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds ny
(Group) ds fy, gksaxsA
4 izR;sd iz'u i= ds rhu Hkkx gksxsa A Hkkx & v esa 10 iz’u gksxsa ;s vfuok;Z gksxsaA izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj 50 'kCnksa
rd lhfer gksxsaA izR;sd iz'u 2 vad ds gksxsaA Hkkx& c esa dqy lkr iz'u gksxsa] ftlesa ls fdUgh ikap iz'uksa ds mRrj
fy[kus gksxsaA izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj 200 'kCnksa rd lhfer gksxkA izR;sd iz'u ds ikap vad gksxsaA Hkkx & l esa dqy
pkj iz'u gksxsa ftlesa ls nks iz'uksa ds mRrj fy[kus gksxsaA izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj 500 'kCnksa rd lhfer gksxkA izR;sd
iz'u ds 15 vad gksxsaA
;kstuk %
izFke iz'u&i= vof/k 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad 75 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad 27
f}rh; iz'u&i= vof/k 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad 75 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad 27
izk;ksfxd i= vof/k 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad 50 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad 18
izFke i= & vk/kkjHkwr j{kk ,oa j.kuhfr v/;;u
le; % 3 ?kaVs dqy vad% 75
bdkbZ & 1
¼v½ j{kk ,oa j.kuhfr v/;;u dh ifjHkk"kk
¼c½ v/;;u ds fofHkUu L=ksr
¼l½ j{kk ,oa j.kuhfr v/;;u fo"k; ds vU; fo"k;ksa ls lEcU/k] tSls& jktuhfr foKku] vFkZ'kkL=] Hkwxksy] euksfoKku]
lekt&'kkL=] bfrgkl] foKku ,oa rduhdh
¼n½ orZeku ifjn`'; esa fo"k; dh mi;ksfxrk
bdkbZ & 2
¼v½ egkdkO; ,oa oSfnd dky dh lSU; i)fr
¼c½ ;wukuh ,oa Hkkjrh; ;q)&dyk dk rqyukRed v/;;u fo”ks"k :i ls >sye dk laxzke( 326 bZ- iw- ds lanHkZ esa
¼l½ ekS;Zdkyhu lSU; O;oLFkk
bdkbZ & 3
¼v½ dkSfVY; dk ;q) n'kZu
¼c½ xqIrdkyhu ,oa g"kZdkyhu lSU; O;oLFkk
¼l½ jktiwr o rqdZ dh ;q)dyk dh O;k[;k fo”ks"k :i ls rjkbu ds ;q) ¼1192 bZ- ds lUnHkZ esa½
bdkbZ & 4
¼v½ eqxydkyhu lSU;&O;oLFkk rFkk ikuhir dk izFke ;q) ¼1526 bZ-½
¼c½ ejkBk lSU; O;oLFkk rFkk f'kokth dh Nkikekj ;q)dykA
¼l½ ikuhir dk rhljk ;q) ¼1761 bZ-½
bdkbZ & 5
¼v½ 18oha 'krkCnh esa flD[k lSU; O;oLFkkA
¼c½ egkjktk j.kthr flag ds usr`Ro esa ;q) rduhdA
¼l½ Økmu ds v/khu Hkkjrh; lsuk dk iquxZBu
vuq'kaflr iqLrdsa &
1. Military System in ancient India: B. K. Majumdar
2. Indian Art of war: Major Alfread Daylol
3. Indian Army Through the Ages: Col. Gautam Sharma
4. Ancient India: V. D. Mahajan
5. Decisive Battle of Indian History: Col. Maleson
6. War in Ancient India: Prof. B. R. Ram Chandra
7- lalkj ds izfl) ;q) % MkW- lqjsUnz dqekj feJ] izHkkr izdk'ku] ubZ fnYyhA
8- Hkkjrh; lSU; bfrgkl % MkW- ch- vkj- ik.Ms; % izdk'k cqd fMiks] cjsyhA
9- Hkkjrh; lSU; bfrgkl % MkW- yYyu flag % izdk'k cqd fMiks] cjsyhA
10- Hkkjrh; lSU; bfrgkl % MkW- ,l- ds- feJ] eksMZu ifCy'klZ] tkya/kjA
Duration : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 75
UNIT - 1
a) Organization and role of Indian Defence forces.
b) Organization, Role, Aim and Importance of Second line of Indian
c) National Cadet Corps: Aims, Role, Organization and Importance.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/46

d) Civil Defence: Aim, Role, Organization and Importance.
a) Lesson Learn from Indo-Pak War (1947-48 A.D.)
b) Lesson Learn from Sino-Indo Conflict (1962 A.D.)
c) Lesson Learn from Indo-Pak War (1965 A.D.)
d) Lesson Learn from Indo-Pak War (1971 A.D.)
e) Lesson Learn from Kargil War (1999 A.D.)
a) Head Quarter (H.Q.) and Organization of Indian Army
b) Fighting Forces and Administrative Institutions
c) Functions of Indian Army during War and Peace period
d) Types of tanks in Indian Army
a) Head Quarter (H.Q.) and Organization of Indian Navy.
b) Operation and Administrative Commands of Indian Navy.
c) Modern ships of Indian Navy.
d) Functions of Indian Navy during War and peace period.

a) Head Quarter (H.Q.) and organization of Indian Air Force
b) Commands and formations of Indian Air Force
c) Modern aircraft of Indian Air Force
d) Functions of Indian Air Force during War and peace periods
Books Recommended :
1. Indian Arms Forces: Jaswant Singh
2. Indian’s Defence Organization and Administration: Brig. Rajender
3. The Naval Defence of India: K. P. Vaidya
4. Air Power in War: Lord Toder Holder
5. Defence Organization in India: H. L. Venkateswaran
6. MkW- ,l- ds- feJ% jk"Vªh; j{kk o lqj{kk
7. MkW- ,l- ds- feJ% Hkkjrh; lSU; laxBu
8 MkW- ch- vkj- ik.Ms;% lSU; v/;;u
9 MkW- yYyu flag% Hkkjrh; lSU; bfrgkl ,oa lSU; laxBu
10 MkW- gjohj 'kekZ% ;q) ds HkkSfrd ,oa ekuoh; rRo

f}rh; i= & Hkkjrh; lSU; iz'kklu

le; % 3 ?kaVs dqy vad% 75
bdkbZ & 1
¼v½ Hkkjrh; lqj{kk lsukvksa dk laxBu ,oa mldh Hkwfedk
¼c½ Hkkjrh; j{kk dh f}rh; iafDr dk laxBu] mn~ns';] egRo ,oa Hkwfedk
¼l½ jk"Vªh; dSMsV dksj ¼,u-lh-lh½% laxBu] mn~ns';] egRo ,oa Hkwfedk
¼n½ ukxfjd lqj{kk] mn~ns';] laxBu] egRo ,oa Hkwfedk
bdkbZ & 2
¼v½ Hkkjr&ikd ;q) ¼1947&48 ½ ls izkIr f'k{kk,a
¼c½ Hkkjr&phu ;q) ¼1962½ ls izkIr f'k{kk,a
¼l½ Hkkjr&ikd ;q) ¼1965½ ls izkIr f'k{kk,a
¼n½ Hkkjr&ikd ;q) ¼1971½ ls izkIr f'k{kk,a
¼;½ dkjfxy ;q) ¼1999½ ls izkIr f'k{kk,a
bdkbZ & 3
¼v½ Hkkjrh; LFky lsuk dk eq[;ky; ,oa laxBu
¼c½ yM+kdw vax ,oa iz'kklfud laLFkk,a
¼l½ Hkkjrh; LFky lsuk ds ;q)dkyhu ,oa 'kkfUrdkyhu dk;Z
¼n½ Hkkjrh; LFky lsuk ds VSadksa ds izdkj
bdkbZ & 4
¼v½ Hkkjrh; ukS&lsuk dk eq[;ky; o laxBu
¼c½ ukS&lsuk dh lafØ;kRed o iz'kklfud dek.M
¼l½ Hkkjrh; ukS&lsuk ds vk/kqfud ty;ku
MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/47
¼n½ Hkkjrh; ukS&lsuk ds ;q) o 'kkfUrdkyhu dk;Z
bdkbZ & 5
¼v½ Hkkjrh; ok;qlsuk dk eq[;ky; o laxBu
¼c½ Hkkjrh; ok;qlsuk dek.M rFkk lajpuk
¼l½ Hkkjrh; ok;qlsuk ds vk/kqfud ok;q;ku
¼n½ Hkkjrh; ok;qlsuk ds ;q)dkyhu o 'kkfUrdkyhu dk;Z
vuq'kaflr iqLrdsa &
1 bf.M;u vkElZ QkslZ% tloUr flag
2 vkxsZukbts'ku ,aM ,MfefuLVªs'ku% fczxsfM;j jktsUnz flag
3 nkW usoy fMQsUl vkWQ bf.M;k% ds- ih- oS|
4 ,;j ikoj bu okj% ykMZ VksMj gksYMj
5 fMQsUl vkxsZukbts'ku bu bf.M;k% ,p- ,y- oSadVs'oj
6 Hkkjrh; lSU; laxBu% MkW- ,l- ds- feJ
7 Hkkjrh; lSU; bfrgkl o laxBu% MkW- ch- vkj- ik.Ms;
8 jk"Vªh; j{kk o lqj{kk% MkW- ,l- ds- feJ
9 ;q) dss ekuoh; ,oa HkkSfrd rRo% MkW- gjohj 'kekZ
10 Hkkjrh; lSU; bfrgkl] laxBu o ;q) ds fl)kUr% MkW- yYyu flag
Duration : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 50
1. Introduction of topography map and its utility in army
2. Grid system: Four figure reference, six figure reference and eight figure reference
3. Military and geographical conventional signs
4. Scale: Simple and time scale
5. Liquid prismatic compass: Use and its type
6. Service protector: Use and importance
7. Bearing and conversion of Bearing
8. Map setting with the help of compass
9. Utility of compass
10. Finding positions on the map
Note: Practical written test 30 marks, record and viva voce 10-10 marks each:
Recommended Books:
1 flEiy eSi jhfMax & guqeku izlkn
2 izk;ksfxd lSU; foKku & MkW- ,l- ds- feJ] ekMuZ izdk'ku] tkya/kj
3 iz;ksxkRed lSU; foKku & ,e- ih- oekZ] Hkkjr izdk'ku eafnj]] vyhx<+
4 iz;ksxkRed lSU; foKku & ds- ,u- JhokLro] pUnzizdk'k fMiks] gkiqM+
5 ,u-lh- lh- izSfDVdy & vkj- lh- feJ
6 Practical Military Science - B.N. Maliwal

izk;ksfxd dk;Z
j{kk o j.kuhfr v/;;u
le; % 3 ?kaVs dqy vad% 50
1 ekufp= dk ifjp;( VksiksxzkQh losZ eSi rFkk bldh lsuk esa mi;ksfxrk
2 tkyh; O;oLFkk( (Grid system) pkj vad funs'kkad] N% vad funs'kkad rFkk vkB vad funs'kkadA
3 lSfud ,oa HkkSxksfyd ijEijkxr fpg~u
4 ekid (Scale) ljy o le; ekid
5 fnd~lwpd dEikl( (Liquid prismatic compass) ds vax ,oa izdkj
6 lfoZl izksVSªDVj( (Service protector)
7 fnd~eku( (Bearing) o fnd~eku ifjorZu
8 dEikl dh lgk;rk ls ekufp= fn'kkuqdwfyr (set) djuk
9 fnd~lwpd ;a= ¼dEikl½ dh mi;ksfxrk
10 ekufp= ij fLFkfr fu/kkZj.k
uksV % blesa izk;ksfxd fyf[kr ijh{kk 30 vad rFkk ekSf[kdh o fjdkM~Zl 10&10 vad dk gksxkA
vuq'kaflr iqLrdsa%
1 flEiy eSi jhfMax & guqeku izlkn
2 izk;ksfxd lSU; foKku & MkW- ,l- ds- feJ] ekMuZ izdk'ku] tkya/kj

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/48

3 iz;ksxkRed lSU; foKku & ,e- ih- oekZ] Hkkjr izdk'ku eafnj] vyhx<+
4 iz;ksxkRed lSU; foKku & ds- ,u- JhokLro] panzizdk'k fMiks] gkiqM+
5 ,u-lh-lh- izSfDVdy & vkj- lh- feJ
6 Practical Military Science - B. N. Maliwal


Scheme of Examination
For a pass in the examination, a candidate is required to obtain at least 36% in each paper (Theory,
Practical and Project) and 36% marks of total aggregate marks of theory and practical papers
Division Total Marks
First Division 60% and above
Second Division Above 48% and below 60%
Pass Above 36% and below 48%
Fail Below 36%
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of syllabus).
Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of syllabus). The word limit of part A, B
and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively
4. BACKLOG As per University Norms
At least 3 classes for theory class and 3 classes for practical lab should be assigned per week for
each paper.
6. INSTRUCTIONS FOT PRACTICAL EXAMINATION Each practical exam is to be conducted by
two examiners one External and one Internal Examiner. External examiner should be senior lecturer
from jurisdiction of other universities. Question paper of Practical Examination will be prepared by
External Examiner. Students have to perform exercise on computer. Exercise must be written in
answer books in proper documentation. Marks distribution for Practical of 70 marks is as under
a) Four Exercise of 10 marks each 40 Marks
(Logic 04, Execution 03, Documentation 03)
b) Viva-Voce 20 Marks
c) Laboratory Exercise File 10 marks
Examination Scheme 2020
Paper Paper Name Lec/ Total Exam Max. Mini.
code (Theory) week week Hrs. Marks Pass
Theory Papers
Paper I Computer
& PC Software 3 1 3 65 23
Paper II Database
System 3 1 3 65 23
Total of Theory Papers
(PAPER I 65 + PAPER II 65) 130 47
Practical Papers
Practical 3 3 70 25
Total of Practical Papers 70 25
Grand Total 200
Scheme of Examination
Maximum Marks: 65 Duration: 3 Hours
Minimum Passing Marks: 23

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/49

The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of syllabus). Section-
C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of syllabus).
The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively.
Unit – I
Historical Evolution of Computers, Characteristics of computer, Classification of Computer, Modern
Computer & its Application; Block diagram and Components of Computer System, Central Processing
Unit, Memory Unit, Microprocessor; Interconnecting the Units of a Computer, Inside a Computer
Cabinet; Functions and Characteristics of Various commonly used Input/Output Devices; Start-up
Process (Booting), Specification of a Desktop and Laptop currently available in the market
(Processor, motherboard, memory, interface & capacity of HDD & DVD drives, I/O ports etc).
Unit – II
Need & Types of Software: System & Application software; Programming Languages: Machine,
Assembly, High Level, 4GLs, Assemblers, Compilers and Interpreter; Objectives of Operating System,
Concept of CUI & GUI; Installation of Windows Operating System, Installation of Printer and Other
Software Packages such as Ms Office etc; Backup and Restore Operations. Features of Windows;
Various versions of Windows, Desktop, Explorer, Searching, Recycle Bin, Setting common devices
using Control Panel, System Tools, Disk cleanup, defragmentation, scanning for virus, Windows
Unit – III
Features of Word Processor: Create, edit, store, print documents, Navigation of documents, cut, copy
& paste, Find & replace, Different Page Views and layouts, Alignment, formatting features, Tabs &
Indents, Inserting tables, pictures, hyperlinks, Spell checking, Macros, Mail merge, Template,
Wizards, Overview of Index and Tables. Importing and exporting to and from various formats.
Unit – IV
Features of Spreadsheet: Creating, saving, editing, moving around a worksheet, workbook; Inserting,
deleting navigation in worksheets, Working with Formula, Cell reference, Functions (Financial,
Database, Maths, Trigonometric, Statistical etc); Creating, editing, selecting and naming range.
Format Feature, Changing alignment, Character styles, Date Format, Border & Colors etc. Previewing
& Printing a worksheet, Goal Seeks, Pivot Table, Creating Charts & Graphs. Database in worksheet,
Data organization- what-if analysis, Macro, Linking and embedding.
Unit – V
Power Point Presentation Package: Creating Presentation, Different presentation templates, Setting
backgrounds, layouts, Customizing, Formatting a presentation, Adding Graphics and effects to the
presentation, Printing Handouts, Generating standalone presentation viewer.
Suggested Readings
1. Computer Fundamental By P.K. Sinha (BPB Publications)
2. Upgrading and Repairing PCs By Scott and Mueller, Techmedia, New Delhi
3. Rapidex MS Office By Vikas Gupta (Pustak Mahal)
4. Absolute Beginners Guide to Computer Basics By Miller M, Pearson Education,
5. Fundamentals of Computers By Balagurusamy E, Tata McGraw-Hill By Wiley INDIA


Scheme of Examination
Maximum Marks: 65 Duration: 3 Hours
Minimum Passing Marks: 23
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of syllabus). Section-
C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of syllabus). The word limit of part A, B and C are
50, 200 and 500 respectively.
Unit I
Data, Data Processing, Merits and demerits of file organisation. Database Overview, Purpose of the
Database system, File systems Vs. Database Systems, View of Data: Data Abstraction, Instances,
Schema, Data Models: Overview of Network, Hierarchical, and Relational Model, Database
Architecture and Administrators, Codd’s Rules.
Unit II
ER Model: Basic Terminology, Entity, Entity sets, attributes and keys, Relation and Relationship sets,
Entity-Relationship Diagram, Weak and Strong entity types, Features of E-R Model, Specialization,
Generalization Aggregation, Creating table from ER diagram. Basic Concept of Normalization up to

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/50

Unit III
Implement Database concepts using Access, Creating Tables, Data Types, Entering Data, Table
Design, Indexing, Importing Data, Operators and expressions, expression builder, various functions of
Access, Import and Export Table, Creating Queries, Setting Relationship between Tables, Creating
Forms, Controls and components of form, Master table and transaction table. Join property, various
join options available in access, Creating & Printing Reports.
Unit IV
Query Languages: DDL, DML, DCL, Introduction to SQL, Data Types, Basic SQL commands like
Create, Alter, Drop, Truncate, Insert, Update, Delete etc, Basic SQL Queries, Union, Intersect and
Except, Nested Queries.
Unit V
Transaction management and Concurrency control,Transaction management: ACID properties,
serializability and concurrency control, Lock based concurrency control (2PL, Deadlocks),Time
stamping methods, optimistic methods, database recovery management.
Suggested Readings
1. Database Management System By A. Silberschatz, Henry F.Korth, S. Sudershan (McGraw-Hill)
2. An Introduction to Database System By C.J. Date (Addision Wesley)
3. Fundamentals of DBMS By Gupta, Dhillon, Magho, Sharma (Lakhanpal Publishers)
4. Teach yourself Access. Sieglel, BPB
5. Introduction to Computer Data Processing and System Analysis By V K Kapoor (Sultan Chand
and Sons)


Theory Duration Max. MarksMin. Marks Paper I Computational
Biology & Biostatistics 3hrs 45
Paper II Cell Biology &
Genetics 3hrs 45 48
Paper III Biochemistry
& Biotechniques 3hrs 45
Practical based on
paper I,II,III 5hrs 65 24


NOTE: There shall be three (3) sections in the question paper.
Section A (15marks) shall consist of 10 questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5
marks. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50
Section B (15marks) shall consist of 5 questions (two from each unit, with internal choice). Each
question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should
not exceed 200 words.
Section C (15 marks) shall consist of 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5
marks. The candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500
Unit I
Introduction to computers: Hardware and Software, binary number system, flowcharts and
programming techniques. Introduction to data structure and database concepts. Perverse software’s
Unit II
Introduction to M.S. Office software (M.S Word, Excel, Corel Draw) and presentation software
(PowerPoint). Introduction to Internet and its application ( Local Area Network and Wide Area
Unit III
General account of Biostatistics: Definition, historical perspective, role and scope in Biosciences,
terms and symbols used in statistics. Sample and sampling, merits and demerits of sampling,
methods of samplings, Frequency distribution, bar diagrams, Histogram.
Unit IV
Measures of central tendency and partition: Values, types, mathematical averages, averages of
position. Measures of dispersions: Mean , mode, median, standard deviation, and variance. Test of

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/51

significance: significance of difference of means, standard errors of mean, standard deviation.
Introduction, definition, formula and application of Z/F test, student t-test, Chi-square test.
Unit V
Introduction to Bioinformatics: Role of computers in taxonomy, microbiology, computation of mean,
variance and standard deviation, t- test, bubble sort, introduction to nanotechnology.


NOTE: There shall be three (3) sections in the question paper.
Section A (15marks) shall consist of 10 questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5
marks. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50
Section B (15marks) shall consist of 5 questions (two from each unit, with internal choice). Each
question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should
not exceed 200 words.
Section C (15 marks) shall consist of 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of
5marks. The candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed
500 words.
Unit I
Historical aspects: cell size and shape, cell theory. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Ultra structure
and function: Plasma membrane, cell wall, golgi apparatus, mitochondria, chloroplast, rough &
smooth ER, vacuoles, ribosomes, lysomsomes, peroxysomes and nucleus.
Unit II
Cell cycle and cell division: cell motility (Cilia and flagella of prokaryotes and eukaryotes), mitosis and
meiosis, structure and function of chromosomes ,euchromatin and heterochromatin, chromosome
banding, lampbrush and polytene chromosome.
Unit III
Nucleic acids, fine structure of gene (coding and non coding sequences), gene concept, one gene
one enzyme hypothesis,Mendalism: monohybrid and dihybrid crosses, gene concept, interaction of
genes: incomplete dominance, codominance, epistatis, complementary genes, duplicate genes,
polymeric genes, multiple alleles, lethal genes, polygenes.
Unit IV
Genetic code and mapping, linkage, crossing over, synaptonemal complex, extrachromosomal
inheritance (episome, mitochondria and chloroplast), chromosomal aberrations, mutations.
Unit V
Genetic basis of sex determination, sex linked inheritance, autosomal inheritance of dominant and
recessive traits, autosomal anomalies (Down’s syndrome, Edward’s syndrome), sex chromosome
anomalies ( Klinefelter’s syndrome, Turner’s syndrome), Biology of cancer (oncogenes and tumor
suppressor genes).


NOTE: There shall be three (3) sections in the question paper.
Section A (15marks) shall consist of 10 questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5
marks. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50
Section B (15marks) shall consist of 5 questions (two from each unit, with internal choice). Each
question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should
not exceed 200 words.
Section C (15 marks) shall consist of 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of
5marks. The candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed
500 words.
Unit I
Chemical foundations of biology: pH, acids, bases, buffers, structure of atoms, molecules, bonds
(Ionic, covalent and hydrogen), classes of organic compounds & functional groups.
Unit II
Amino Acids and Proteins Introduction, Classification Optical isomerism, chemical properties, Acid-
base properties- polyionic nature, zwitter ions, Peptide bond formation and properties, Classification
of proteins. Levels of protein structure (brief mention of primary, secondary, tertiary & quaternary
structures, Denaturation of Proteins. glycoprotein and peptidoglycans.
Lipids: Introduction ,Structure, types properties, Functions and metabolism (α oxidation, β oxidation )

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/52

Unit III
Enzymes and coenzymes (activators & inhibitors), isoenzymes allosteric enzymes, ribozyme,
abzyme, various uses of enzymes (food processing, medicines, diagnosis, production of new
Unit IV
Basic principles & application of various biotechniques: Separation techniques (filtration,
centrifugation, density gradient, chromatography- PC, TLC, GLC, HPLC), biomolecules quantification
(colorimetry, photometry, nephelometry, flame photometry, Visible, UV & atomic absorption
Unit V
Physical techniques in protein, nucleic acids & polysaccharide structure analysis (IR , NMR, LASER,
Raman spectroscopy, Fluorescence spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography), fractional precipitation (gel
filtration, gel electrophoresis, northern, western, & southern blotting), microscopy (phase contrast,
Scanning Electron Microscope ‘SEM’ and Transmission Electron Microscope ‘TEM’)


Practical Based on Theory Papers.
Time: - 5hrs Maximum Marks : 65 Minimum Marks : 24
Combined Practical Marks
1. Exercise of Cell Biology [10]
2. Genetics problem [05]
3. Biostatistics problem [05]
4. Computer exercise [05]
5. Biochemical test & Enzyme activity [10]
6. Exercise in Bio-technique [05]
7. Spots (Five) [10]
8. Viva-voce [05]
9. Practical Record [10]

List of Practical Exercises

Exercises in Biostatistics
1. Bar Diagram 2. Histogram
3. Mean 4. Mode
5. Median 6. Standard error
7. Null-hypothesis 8. Chi2 test.
Exercises in Computational biology
1. Type a letter or paragraph in M.S. Word Formatting by font size, Change font style, Bold, under
2. Alignment, Insert Page number, Footer, Header, Making tables, Creating tables, Sorting table.
3. Merge cells, Format tables.
4. Make a Data sheet, sorting, addition, formula writing , Cell address, Graphs
5. Making slides in Power point, Animation in slides.
Exercises in Cell biology and Genetics
1. Study mitosis in onion root tip by using temporary acetocarmine stain.
2. Study meiosis in flower bud.
3. Study cell permeability (crenation and heamolysis) in mammalian RBC.
4. Prepare temporary slides of mitochondria in buccal smears by vital staining.
5. Determine blood group of human blood sample.
6. Problems based on gene interactions, multiple alleles, sex- linked inheritance.
Exercises in Biochemistry
1. Preparation of standard solution of acids and bases.
2. Molisch test for carbohydrate.
3. Fehling test for carbohydrate.
4. Benedict’s qualitative test for reducing sugars.
5. Lead acetate test for carbohydrate.
6. Iodine test with given carbohydrate solution.
7. Biuret test (group test for protein).
8. Test amino acid with ninhydrin.
9. Determine pH of a solution using pH meter.
10. Demonstrate catalase activity.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/53

11. Demonstrate salivary amylase activity.
12. Solubility test for lipids.
13. Grease-spot test for lipids.
Exercises in Bio-techniques
1. Separation using filtration, centrifugation, density gradient, chromatography.
- Mouse, C.P.U., C.D., Floppy, Keyboard, Monitor.
- Prokaryotic cell, Plant cell, Animal cell, Bacterial cell, Mycoplasma,
Cyanobacteria, Microscope.
- Electrophoresis, Chromatography, Centrifuge, Spectrophotometer, Water Bath
1. Computational Statistics, Rao, MJM, Himalaya Publishing House
2. Biostatistics, Arora and Malhan, Himalaya Publication
3. Statistics, S. P. Gupta, Rastogi Publication
4. Computer Fundamentals, Pradeep K. Sinna et al, BPB Publications
5. Essential of Cytology, Powar, C. B., Himalaya Publishing House
6. Essential Cell Biology, Alberts, Bray Johnson Lewis, Raff, Robberts, Walter, Panima Publications
7. Genetics, B. D. Singh, Himalaya Publication
8. Genetics, Veer Bala Rastogi, Rastogi Publication
9. Principles of Biochemistry, Lehninger A. L., Nelson D. K. and Cox M. M., CBS Publishers &
Distributors, New Delhi.
10. Fundamentals of Biochemistry, J. L. Jain, Sanjay Jain & Nitin Jain, S. Chand
11. Biochemistry (Chemistry of Life), David T. Plummer, Mc Graw Hill Book Company
12. Cell and Molecular Biology, E D de Roberties & E M F de Roberties
(Jr) Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Phiadalphia
13. Introduction to plant biochemistry, T W Goodwin and E I Mercer. Pergaman Press, Oxford, NY,
Toronto, Sydney, Paris, Frankfurt.
14. Principles and Techniques of Practical Biochemistry, K Wilson and J Walker (eds.) Cambridge
Univ. Press.

For a pass in the examination, a candidate is required to obtain at least 36 % in each
paper (Theor y and Practical) and 36 % marks of total aggregate marks of theor y and
practical papers separately.
Division Total Marks
First Division 60% and above
Second Division Above 48 % and below 60 %
Pass Above 36 % and below 48 %
Fail Below 36 %
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section- A consists of 10 questions (2
questions from each unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions
from each unit of s yllabus with internal choice). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1
question from each unit of syllabus). The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and
500 respectively.
As per University Norms
At least 3 hrs theor y and 3 hrs practical slot should be assigned per week for each
Each practical exam is to be conducted by two examiners one External and one
Internal. External examiner should preferably be a senior lecturer from any Indian
recognized University or its affiliated college. External Examiner will prepare question
paper of Practical Examination Students have to perform the given exercises. Exercise
must be written in answer books I proper documentation.
Marks distribution for Practical of 65 marks is as under-

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/54

Part I & II Part III
Three Exercises of 10 marks each 30 marks 30 marks
For B.Sc. Part I
Exercise Students
Regular Ex.
1. Culture, Staining and identification
of non pathogenic and pathogenic
bacteria 10 15
2. Identification of Fungal and algal Microbes 10 10
3. (a) Determination of Glucose/Proteins/fats 05 10
(b) Enumeration of bacteria 05 05
4. Spotting -(10) 15 15
5. Viva-Voce 10 10
6. Practical Record 10 -
Total 65 65

Teaching and Examination scheme for

Bachelor in Microbiology
Session 2018-19 Examination 2019
Paper code Paper Name Lect/ Exam Max Min.
week Hrs Mrk Pass
Theory Papers
BSCM 101 General Microbiology 3 3 45 16
BSCM 102 Microbial Structure and
Growth 3 3 45 16
BSCM 103 Microbial Biochemistr y 3 3 45 16
Aggregate 48

Practical Based on
Paper I,II and III 5 65 24
Grand Total 200 72


Scheme of Examination
The question paper is divided into three Sections: A, B & C. Section A will consist of 10 questions (2
questions from each unit). Section B will consist of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit with
internal choice). Section C will consist of 5 questions (1 question from each unit)
Maximum Marks : 45 Duration : 3 Hrs
Minimum Passing Marks : 16
Histor y of Microbiology, Origin and evolution of life, Contribution of Pioneers with
special reference to Leeuwenhoek, Pasteur, Jenner and Koch, Contribution of Indian
Scope of Microbiology, Microbiology of human health (short description of causal
agent, pathogenesis and diagnosis of Typhoid, Cholera, Influenza, Herpes, Malaria and
Ringworm), General account of beneficial and harmful Microbes.
Prokar yotic and Eukaryotic cell, Classification of bacteria: phylogenetic and phenetic
classification, numerical taxonom y, Hierarchical taxa, Nomenclature and taxonom y of
bacteria, , General account of cyanobacteria and archaebacteria.
General properties of virus, Classification of virus, ICTV-scheme for viral classification
based on genome, morphology and host properties, Identification of Viruses, General
account of bacteriophages: structure, replication and transmission.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/55

Classification and general account of algae, Structure and reproduction of,
Euglina,Volvox, Laminaria and Fucus. Classification and general account of fungi,
Structure and reproduction of Slime moulds, Mucor, Synchytrium, Curvularia,


Scheme of Examination
The question paper is divided into three Sections: A, B & C. Section A will consist of 10 questions (2
questions from each unit). Section B will consist of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit with
internal choice). Section C will consist of 5 questions (1 question from each unit)
Maximum Marks : 45 Duration : 3 Hrs
Minimum Passing Marks : 16
Structure and organization of bacteria, Capsule, cell wall, cytoplasmic membrane,
nucleoid, Ribosome, endospores, cytoplasmic inclusions, flagellum, pilli, protoplast and
spheroplast, binar y fission. Gram positive and negative bacteria, staining techniques;
simple and differential.
Structure of viruses, symmetr y, nucleocapsid, envelop, nature of nucleic acids in
viruses, general methods for cultivation of viruses, Viroids and Prions.
Microbial Growth and multiplication; Growth curve and kinetics of bacteria,nutritional
requirements, culture media, factors affecting growth; Physical and chemical
measurement of Microbial growth. Chemostat and turbidostat.
Nucleic acid; types, structure and function.Plasmids;col,F and R plasmid. Transposons.
Types of DNA; A,B,Z. Types of RNA; mRNA, tRNA, rRNA.
Pure cultures of bacteria, isolation methods, control of growth of microorganisms,
Sterilization, disinfection, antisepsis, Physical and chemical methods of control,
autoclave, hot air oven techniques, antibiotics etc and preservation of microbial


Scheme of Examination
The question paper is divided into three Sections: A, B & C. Section A will consist of 10 questions (2
questions from each unit). Section B will consist of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit with
internal choice). Section C will consist of 5 questions (1 question from each unit)
Maximum Marks : 45 Duration : 3 Hrs
Minimum Passing Marks : 16
Biochemistr y of Microbes: Chemical elements, Structure of atoms, Molecules and
chemical bonds, Chemical reactions, Molecules of living systems. Concepts of
thermodynamics; Enthalpy, Entropy, Gibb’s free energy.
Structure, classification and functions of: Carbohydrates (mono, di, and
polysaccharides),Lipids (fatty acids; (saturated, unsaturated) and glycerides), Amino
acids and proteins (Primar y, secondar y and tertiar y).
Structure, classification and functions of nucleotides, nucleic acids. Brief outline of
nucleotide biosynthesis.
Biochemistr y of enzymes: Classification specificity; Lock and Key model and induced fit
model, isolation, purification; chromatographic methods. Kinetics; Michaelis-Menten
equation, Lineweaver-Burk equation and inhibition; Competitive, Uncompetitive and Mixed.
Allosteric Enzymes.
Major catabolic pathways; Embden-Meyerhof pathway, Entner-Doudoroff pathway, Krebs cycle,
Electron transport chain. Gluconeogenesis. Oxidative and substrate level phosphorylation.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/56

1. Introduction of Microbiology laboratory.
2. Study of Microscope
3. Sterilization techniques.
4. Preparation of culture media.
5. Isolation of bacteria using spread plate and streak plate method.
6. Culture of non-pathogenic and pathogenic bacteria.
7. Determine pH of a solution using pH meter.
8. Buffer preparation.
9. Enumeration of bacterial culture by serial dilution and plating.
10. Preparation of smear.
11. Simple staining.
12. Gram staining
13. Estimation of Carbohydrates (Glucose).
14. Estimation of Lipids.
15. Estimation of Proteins.
16. Identification of Fungal and Algal microbes.
Marking schemes:
There shall be a practical examination of five hours duration and the distribution of
marks shall be as follows:
Students Regular Ex.
1. Culture, Staining and identification of non pathogenic and
pathogenic bacteria 10 15
2 Identification of Fungal and algal Microbes 10 10
a. Estimation of Glucose/Proteins/fats 05 10
b. Enumeration of bacterial numbers 05 05
3. Spotting’s-(10) 15 15
4. Viva-Voce 10 10
5. Practical Record 10 -
Total 65 65
1. Ronald M. Atlas, Alfred E. Brown, Kenneth W. Dobra, Llonas Miller (1986). Basic
Experimental Microbiology Prentics Hall.
2. Robert F. Boyed (1964) General Microbiology. Times Mirror/Mobsy/College Pub.
3. Pelczer MJ: Chan ECS and k rieg NR Microbiology Fifth Education.
4. P.D. Sharma 2000: Microbiology. Rastogi Publications.
5. Alcamo IE 967. Fundamentals of microbiology 2 n d ed. The Benjamin/ Cummings
Publishing Co. Inc. California.
6. Norton CF 1986. Microbiology 2 n d ed. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Col. Inc.
7. W ilinson JF 1986, Introduction to Microbiology (Basic Microbiology series Vol.
1) 3 r d ed. Black W ell, Oxford

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/57

B.Sc. Part - II Examination-2021


Scheme of Examination
Distribution of Marks
Core Subjects
1. Physics
2. Chemistry
3. Mathematics
4. Zoology
5. Botany
6. Geology
7. Geography
8. Defence and Strategic studies
Vocational Subjects
9. Computer Application
10. Biotechnology
11. Microbiology


There shall be three (03) Sections in the Question Paper.

Section A shall consist of ten questions (02 questions from each Unit), all compulsory to be answered in around
50 words.
Section B shall consist of five/seven questions (02 from each section with internal choice/at least 01 question
from each Unit), to be answered in around 200 words. Five questions must be answered out of given seven.
Section C shall consist of five questions (01 question from each Unit), to be answered in around 500 words. Any
three questions must be answered out of given five.

The number of paper and the maximum marks for each paper together with the minimum marks required for
a pass are shown against each subject seperately. It will be necessary for a candidate to pass in the theory part
as Classification of successful cnadidates shall be as follows :
First Division 60% of the aggregate marks prescribed at (a) Part I
Second Division 40% Examination, (b) Part II Examination,
(c) Part II examination, taken together.
All the rest shall be declared to have hassed the examination, if they obtain the minimum pass marks in each
subject viz. 36% no division shall be awarded at the part I and Part II Examination.

S.N. Name of the No. of Duration Max. Min. Pass
Subject/Papers Papers Marks Marks
1. Physics Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
2. Chemistry Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
3. Mathematics Paper-I 3hrs. 66
Paper-II 3hrs. 66 200 72
Paper-III 3hrs. 68
4. Zoology Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
5. Botany Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
6. Geology Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/58

Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
7. Geography Paper-I 3hrs. 75 150 54
Paper-II 3hrs. 75
Practical 5hrs 50 18 8. Defence and
Paper-I 3hrs. 75
Strategic studies Paper-II 3hrs. 75 150 54
Practical 5hrs 50 18
Vocational Subjects :
9. Computer Applications
Paper-I 3hrs. 65 130 46
Paper-II 3hrs. 65
Practical 3hrs. 70 26
10. Biotechnology Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
11. Microbiology Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24

Scheme of examination:
Three theory papers Min. Pass Mrk 48 Duration MaxMrk 135
Paper-I Statistical Physics
and Thermodynamics 3 hrs. 45
Paper-II Waves, Acoustics and Kinetic
theory of Gases 3 hrs. 45
Paper-III Optics 3 hrs. 45
Practical 5 hrs. 65
Total 200
Note : For practical examination, there will be two experiments of total duration 5 hrs. The distribution
of marks will be as follows –
Two experiments (one from each section A & B) 40
Viva 15
Record 10
Total 65
Work Load:
Each paper must be given 2 hrs. (or three periods) per week for theory. Practical must be given 4 hrs
(or 6 periods) per week. This gives 60 hours for each theory paper with 30 weeks of teaching every
year and 120 hours for practical and laboratory tutorial work every year. For laboratory work each
batch must not be more than 20 students.


Duration: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 45
Note: The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10
questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. All the questions are compulsory.
The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions (two from
each unit with internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required to
answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section C (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The candidate is
required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words. The question
paper shall have at least 30% weightage to numerical problems. MKSA system of units is to be used.
Phase space, micro and macro states, the statistical basis of thermodynamics:
The mu(m) space representation, division of mu space into energy sheets and into phase cell of
arbitrary size, Probability and thermodynamic probability, principle of equal a priori probabilities,
probability distribution and its narrowing with increase in number of particles. The expressions for

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/59

average properties. Constraints, accessible and inaccessible states, distribution of particles with a
given total energy into a discrete set of energy states. The monoatomic ideal gas, the barometric
Some universal laws: Equilibrium before two sys-tems in thermal contact, bridge with macroscopic
physics. Probability and entropy, Boltzmann entropy relation. Statistical interpretation of second law of
thermodynamics. Boltzmann canonical distribution law and its applications; rigorous form of
equipartition of energy.
Transition to quantum statistics: ‘h’ as a natural constant and its implications, cases of particle in a
one-dimensional box and one-dimensional harmonic oscil-lator. Indistinguishability of particles and its
consequences, M.B., Bose-Einstein, and Fermi-Dirac statistics and their comparision,
The laws of thermodynamics: The Zeroth law, various indicator diagrams, work done by and on the
system, first law of thermodynamics, internal energy as state function and other applications.
Reversible and irreversible changes, Carnot cycle and its efficiency, Carnot theorem and the second
law of thermodynamics Different versions of the second law, practical cycles used in internal
combustion engines. Entropy,, principle of increase of entropy. The thermodynamic scale of
temperature; its identity with the perfect gas scale. Third law of thermodynamics.
Thermodynamic relationships: Thermodynamic variables; extensive and intensive, Maxwell’s
general relations, application to Joule-Thomson cooling and adiabatic cooling in a general system,
Van-der Waals gas, Clausius Clapeyron heat equation. Thermodynamic potentials and equilibrium of
thermodynamic systems, relation with thermodynamical variables. Cooling due to adiabatic
demagnetization, production and measurement of very low temperatures.
Blackbody radiation: Pure temperature dependence. Stefan-Boltzmann law of radiation. Spectral
distribution of blackbody radiation. Wien’s displacement law, Rayleigh-Jean’s law, the ultraviolet
catastrophy, Planck’s quantum postulates, Planck’s law, complete fit with experiment. Interpretation of
behavior of specific heats of gases and solids at different temperature.


Duration: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 45
Note: The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10
questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. All the questions are compulsory.
The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions (two from
each unit with internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required to
answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section C (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The candidate is
required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words. The question
paper shall have at least 30% weightage to numerical problems. MKSA system of units is to be used.
Ideal Gas: Kinetic model, deduction of Boyle’s law; interpretation of tempera-ture, estimation of rms
speeds of molecules. Brownian motion, estimate of the Avogadro number. Equipartition of energy,
specific heat of monatomic gas, extension to di-and triatomic gases, Behaviour at low temperatures.
Adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas, application to atmospheric physics.
Transport phenomena in gases: Molecular collisions, mean free path and col-lision cross sections.
Estimates of molecular diameter and mean free path. Trans-port of mass, momentum and energy and
interrelationship, dependence on temperature and pressure.
Real Gas: Van der Waals gas, equation of state, nature of Van der Waals forces, comparison with
experimental P-V curves. The critical constants, gas and vapour. Joule expansion of ideal gas, and of
a Van der Waals gas, Joule coefficient, estimates of J-T cooling.
Liquifaction of gases: Boyle temperature and inversion temperature. Principle of regenerative
cooling and of cascade cooling, liquification of hydrogen and helium. Refrigeration cycles, meaning of

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/60

Maxwellian distribution of law of velocity and speed in an ideal gas : Distribution of speeds and of
velocities, experimental verification, distinction between mean, rms and most probable speed and
velocity values. Doppler broadning of spectral lines.
Applied acoustics: The acousticity of a hall, reverberation period, Sabine’s formula.

Waves in media: Speed of transverse waves on a uniform string, speed of longitudinal waves in a
fluid, energy density and energy transmission in waves, typical measurements. Waves over liquid
surface: ripples. Group velocity and phase velocity, their measurements.
Superposition of waves: Linear homogeneous equations and the superposition principle, nonlinear
superposition and consequences.
Standing waves: Standing waves as normal modes of bounded systems, ex-amples, Harmonics and
the quality of sound; examples. Chladni’s figures and vibrations of a drum. Production and detection
of ultrasonic waves and applications.
Noise and Music: The human ear and its responses; limits of human audibility, intensity and
loudness, bel and decibel the musical scale, temperament and musical instruments violin, sitar, flute,
harmonium & tabla.
Reflection, refraction and diffraction of sound: Acoustic impedance of a medium, percentage
reflection and refraction at a boundary, Measurements of frequency and velocity, impedance
matching for transducers, diffraction of sound, principle of a sonar system, sound rang-ing.

Duration: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 45
Note: The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10
questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. All the questions are compulsory.
The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions (two from
each unit with internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required to
answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section C (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The candidate is
required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words. The question
paper shall have at least 30% weightage to numerical problems. MKSA system of units is to be used.
Fermat’s Principle: Principle of extremum path and application to laws of reflection refraction.
General theory of image formation : Cardinal points of an optical system, general relationships,
thick lens and lens combinations, Lagrange equation of magnification, telescopic combinations,
telephoto lenses and eyepieces.
Aberration in images: Chromatic aberrations, achromatic combination of lenses in contact and
separated lenses. Monochromatic aberrations and their reduc-tions; aplanatic points, oil im-mersion
objectives, meniscus lens.
Optical instruments: Entrance and exit pupils, need for a multiple lens eye-piece, common types of
eyepieces Ramsden & Huygen’s eyepiece.
Interference: The principle of superpositions, two-slit interference, coherence requirements for the
sources, optical path retardations, lateral shift of fringes. Localised fringes Newton’s ring; Interference
in thin films. Michelson interferometer, its application for precision determination of wavelength,
wavelength difference and the width of spectral lines, Fabry-Perot interferometer and etalon.
Fresnel diffraction : Fresnel half-period, zones plates, straight edge, rectilinear propagation of light.
Fraunhofer diffraction: Diffraction at a slit, half-period zones. Phasor diagram and integral calculus
methods, the intensity’ distribution, diffraction at a circular aperture and a circular disc, resolution of
images, Rayleigh criterion, resolving power of telescope and microscopic systems, outline of phase
contract micros-copy.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/61

Diffraction gratings: Diffraction at N parallel slits, intensity distribution, plane diffraction grating,
reflection grating and blazed gratings. Concave grating and different mountings. Resolving power of a
grating and comparison with resolv-ing powers of prism and of a Fabry-Perot etalon.
Laser systems : Purity of a spectral line, coherence length and coherencen in time, spatial
coherence of a source, Einstein’s A and B coefficients. Spontane-ous and induced emissions,
conditions for laser action, population inversion, Ruby and He-Ne laser.
Holography & Nonlinear optics : Hologram, construction and reproduction mathematical analysis,
principle of self focusing, principle of fiber optics and types of optical fiber.
Some Text and Reference Books for papers I, II, III
1. A.K. Ghatak, “Physical Optics”
2. D.P. Khandclwal; “Optics and Atomic Physics” (Himalaya Publisning House, Bombay, 1988).
3. F Smith and J.H. Thomson; “Manchester Physics series: Optics” (English Language Book Society
and John Wiley, 1977).
4. Bom and Wolf; “Optics”
5. K.D. Moltev; “Optics” (Oxford University Press)
6. Sears; “Optics”
7. Jenkins and White; “Fundamental of Optics” (McGraw-Hill)
8. B.B. Laud; Lasers and Non-linear Optics (Wiley Eastern 1985)
9. Smith and Thomson; “Optics” (John Wiley and Sons).
10. Berkcly Physics Coursse: Vol. Ill “Waves and Oscillations”
11. I.G. Main: “Vibrations and Waves” (Cambridge University Press)
12. H.J. Pain: “The Physics of Vibrations and Waves” (MacMillian 1975)
13. B.B. Laud, “Introduction !o Statistical Mechanics” (MacMillian 1981).
14. F.Reif: “Statistical Physics” (McGraw-Hill, 1988).
15. K.Haung: “StatisticalPhysics” (Wiley Eastern, 1988)


Duration: 5 hrs. Min. Pass Marks 24 Max. Marks 65
Note : Total number of experiment to be performed by the students during the session should be
atleast 16, selecting any eight from each section.
In examination two experiments one from each section are to be performed. The laboratory tutorials
are to be done in the lab classes so that these maybe applied in regular laboratory exercises.
Section ‘A’
1. Study of adiabatic expansion of a gas or Determination of ‘g = Cp/Cv ratio of two specific heats of
a gas by Clement & Desort’s method.
2. Study of conversion of mechanical energy in to heat.
3. Study of temperature dependence of total radiation.
4. Application of resistance thermometry : Determine melting point of wax using platinum resistance
5. Application of resistance thermometry : Determine temperature coefficient of resistivity using
platinum resistance thermometer.
6. Application of thermo emf : Plot thermo emf versus temperature and find the neutral temperature
and an unknown temperature.
7. Conduction of heat through poor conductor: Determine thermal conductivity of a poor conductor
by Lee’s method.
8. Experimental study of probability distribution for a two option system using a colored dice.
9. Determination of velocity of sound, using CRO microphone, speakers by standing waves.
10. Study of dependence of velocity of wave propagation on line parameters using torsional wave
11. Study of variation of reflection coefficient with nature of termination using torsional wave
12. Study of interference with two coherent sources of sound.
13. Determine the ballistic constant of a ballistic galvanometer/spot galvanometer.
14. Determine the charge senstivity of a ballistic galvanometer/spot galvanometer.
15. Determine the high resistance by leakage method using ballistic galvanometer
16. Determine the ratio of capacitance by using a De Sauty bridge
17. Determine the inductance of a coil by Anderson bridge
18. Determine the normal modes in coupled oscillator system

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/62

19. Study of Energy transfer in coupled oscillator system
20. Determine Planck’s constant “h” by photo cell.
21. Determine the band gap of PN junction diode
Section ‘B’
1. Determination of principal points of a combination of lenses.
2. Use of diffraction grating, find wavelength of main spectral lines of Hg source and its resolving
3. Determine resolving power limit of resolution of a telescope and study of various eye pieces, (any
4. Determine Angular dispersion of Prism
5. Polarization of light by reflection, verify Brewster ‘s law & law of Malus.
6. Study of optical rotation of plane of polarization of sugar//specific rotation of canesugar, using
7. Study of interference of light with Bi-prism and determine ‘l’.
8. Use of Michelson’s interferometer and determine dl, ‘l’ for sodium light.
9. Use of P.P. Etalon to determine of ‘l,’ for sodium light.
10. Study of laser as a monochromatic source with reference to interference.
11. Study of laser as a monochromatic source with reference to diffraction.
12. Determine the wavelength of sodium light by Newton’s rings
13. Determine Peak and R.M.S value of voltage in a RC circuit with AC source
14. Characteristics of a transistor.(CB, CE)
HkkSfrd 'kkL=& 2020
rhu iz'u i= lS+)kfUrd U;wure mrhZ.kkad 48 le; vf/kdre vad 135
¼1½ izFke iz'u i= % lkaf[;dh HkkSfrd ,oa
m"rkxfrdh 3 ?kaVs 45
¼2½ f}rh; iz'u i= % v.kqxfr fl)kUr]
rjaxs ,oa /ofudh 3 ?kaVs 45
¼3½ r`rh; iz'u i= % izdkf'kdh 3 ?kaVs 45
izk;ksfxd ijh{kk % ¼U;wure mÙkh.kkZad vad 24½ 5 ?akVs 65
dqy 200
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nks iz;ksx ¼[k.M v ,ao c esa ls ,d&,d½ 40
ekSf[kd 15
izk;ksfxd d{kk fjdkMZ 10
dqy 65
f'k{k.k dk;ZHkkj %
izR;sd iz'u i= ds fy, lIrkg 2 ?kaVs ¼3 dkyka'k½ lS)kfUrd f'k{k.kA izk;ksfxd dk;Z gsrq 4 ?kVs ¼6 dkyka'k izfr
lIrkg gksaxsA bl izdkj 30 f'k{k.k lIrkg esa izfr iz'u i= 60 ?kaVks rFkk 120 ?kaVks dk izk;ksfxd ,ao ysc V~;wVksfj;y
dk dk;ZHkkj izfr l= gksxkA iz;ksfxd dk;Z gsrq izR;sd oxZ ¼cSp½ esa 20 Nk=@Nk+=k ls vf/kd u gksa A

HkkSfrd foKku
izFke iz'u i= % lkaf[;dh HkkSfrd ,oa m"rkxfrdh
le; % 3 ?kaVs iw.kk±d 45
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 50
'KCnks dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi lfgr½A
izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5
vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnkas
dh gksxh A iz'u i= esa U;wure 30 izfr'kr vkafdd iz'uksa dk Hkkj j[kk x;k gSA MKSA i)fr ds ek=dksa dk iz;ksx
djuk gSA
bdkbZ 1
lkaf[;dh HkkSfrdh
m”ekxfrdh dk lkaf[;dh vk/kkj % E;w vkdk’k fu:iu] E;q vkdk’k mtkZ ifêdkvksa ,o LoSfPNd vkdkj dh dyk
dksf’kdkvksa esa foHkktu] dyk vkdk’k] lq{e ,ao LFkqy voLFkk] izkf;drk ,ao m”ekxfrd izkf;drk] leku iwoZ
izkf;drk dk fl)kUr ¼Principle of equal and priori probability½ izkf;drk forj.k ,ao d.kksa dh la[;k o`f) g¨us
ij bldk ladh.kZu] ek/; xq.kksa ds fy, O;atd] cU/rk ¼constrainty½] cks/kxE; ,ao vcks/kxE; voLFkk,a] nh xbZ dqy

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/63

mtkZ ds d.kksa dk ,d fofoDr mtkZ voLFkkvksa ds leqPp; ds fy, forj.k] ,dyijek.kfod vkn’kZ xSl] nkch;
lEcU/k] Bksl dh fof’k”V m”ek ,oa fof’k”V {kerkA
bdkbZ 2
lkoZf=d fu;e % rkih; lEidZ esa vkus ls iwoZ nks rU=ksa dh lkE;koLFkk] LFkwy & HkkSfrdh ls mldk lEcU/k] ,UVªksih
,ao cksYV~teku ,UVªksih lEcU/k m”ekxfrdh fd f}rh; fu;e dk lkaf[;dh :i] cksYVteku dSukfudy forj.k dk
fu;e ,ao mlds vuqiz;ksx] mtkZ dk lefoHkktu dk fu;e O;kid :iA
DokUVe lkaf[;dh esa laØe.k %,d izkd`frd fu;rkad ,ao blds izHkko] ,d foeh; ckWDl ,ao ,d foeh; vkorhZ
nksfy=] d.kksa dh vfoHksn;rk izfrcU/k ,ao blds ifj.kke] eSDloSy cksYVt eSu] cksl vkbUlVhu ,ao QehZ fMjkd
fl)kUr dh 'krsaZ o rqyukA
bdkbZ 3
m"ekxfrdh ds fu;e% ‘kqU;kadh fu;e] fofHkUu lwpd vjs[k] fudk; }kjk ,oa fudk; ij fd;k x;k dk;Z]
m”ekxfrdh dk izFke fu;e] vkUrfjd mtkZ ,d voLFkk Qyu ds :i esa rFkk vU; vuqiz;ksx] mRdze.kh; ,o
vuqRØe.kh; ifjorZu] dkuksa pØ ,ao bldh n{krk] dkuksZ izes; ,ao m”ekxfrdh dk f}rh; fu;e] f}rh; fu;e ds
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m"ekxfrdh iSekuk] bldh vkn'kZ xSl iSekus ls lerqY;rk] m”ekxfrdh dk r`rh; fu;eA
bdkbZ 4
m"ekxfrdh lEcU/k % m”ekxfrdh; pj o‘gr ,ao y/kq ¼extensive and intensive½] eSDlosy ds lkekU;
lEcU/k] lkekU; rU= ds fy, twy Fkkelu ‘khryu ,ao :}ks”e ‘khryu esa budk vuqiz;ksx] okUMj okYl xSl]
Dykfl;l DySijksu m”eh; lehdj.k] m”ek xfrdh; foHko ,ao m”ek xfrdh; rU= dh lkE;koLFkk Å”ekxfrd pjks
ls budk lEcU/k] :)ks”e fopqEcdu ls ‘khryu rFkk vfry?kq rki dk mRiknu ,ao ekiu A
bdkbZ 5
d`f".kdk fofdj.k % ‘kq) rki ij fofdj.k dh fuHkZjrk] LVhQucksYVteku~ fu;e] fofdj.k nkc] d‘f”.kdk fofdj.k
dk LisDVªeh forj.k] ohu dk foLFkkiu fu;e] jSys&thu fu;e] ijkcSaxuh vfu;ferrk ¼catsatrophe½ Iykad ds DokUVe
vfHkx`ghr] Iykad fu;e rFkk bldh iz;ksx ls iw.kZ laxrrk U;wu rki ij xslksa o Bkslksa dh fof’k”V m”ek ds O;ogkj
dh O;k[;kA

f}rh; iz'u i= & v.kqxfr fl)kUr] rjaxs ,ao /ofudh

le; % 3 ?kaVs iw.kk±d 45
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 50
'KCnks dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi lfgr½A
izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxasA izR;sd iz'u 5
vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnkas
dh gksxh A iz'u i= esa U;wure 30 izfr'kr vkafdd iz'uksa dk Hkkj j[kk x;k gSA MKSA i)fr ds ek=dksa dk iz;ksx
djuk gSA
bdkbZ 1
nzO; dk v.kqxfr fl)kUr
vkn’kZ xSl% xfrd izk:i] ckW;y ds fu;e dk fuxZeu] rki dh foospuk v.kqvksa dh oxZek/; ewy pky d vkdyu]
czkmfu;u xfr] vkoksxsnzks la[;k dk vkdyu] mtkZ dk lefoHkktu fu;e] ,d ijek.kfod xSl dh fof’k”V m”ek] f}
,ao fozijek.kfod xSlks rd foLrkj] U;wu rkiksa ij O;ogkj] vkn’kZ xSl dk :)ks”e izlkj] ok;qeaMyh; HkkSfrdh esa
xSlksa esa vfHkxeu ifj?kVuk,sa %& vk.kfod VDdjsa] ek/; eqDr iFk ,oa la/kV dkV {ks=A ek/; eqDr iFk ,ao
vk.kfod O;kl dk vkdyu A nzO;eku] laosx ,ao mtkZ dk vfHkxeu ,ao nkc ,oe~ rki ij fuHkZjrkA
bdkbZ 2
okLrfod xSl % okUMj okYl xSl] voLFkk lehdj.k] okUMj okYl cyks dh izd‘fr izk;ksfxd pv oØks ls rqyuk]
dkafrd fu;rkad xSl ,ao ok”i] vkn’kZ xSl o okUMj okYl xSl dk twy fu;rkd] tqy VkWelu 'khryu dk
xSlksa dk nzo.k % ckW;y rki ,oa izfrykaseu rki] iqufuZos'kh ‘khryu ,ao mRjksrj (cascade) 'khryu dk fl)kUr]
gkbMªkstu ,oa ghfy;e dk nzo.k] iz’khru pØ n{krk dk vFkZA
bdkbZ 3
vkn’kZ xSl ds fy, vk.fod pky vkSj osx dk eSSDlosfy;u forj.k %& xfr ,oa osxksa dk forj.k izk;ksafxd lR;iku]
ek/; oxZ ek/; ewy ,oa vf/kdre lEHkkO; pkyksa@osxksa dh x.kuk] LisDVªeh js[kkvksa dh pkSMk+ bZ esa MkIyj foLrkjA

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/64

vuqiz;qDr /ofudh % lHkkd{kksa dh /ofudh] iquZHkj.k ¼Reverberation½ dky] lfcus ¼Sabine dk lw=½

bdkbZ 4
ek/;e esa rjaxs % ,d le:i Mksjh ij vuqizLFk rjaxksa dh pky] ,d rjy esa vuqnS/;Z rjaaxksa dh pky] rjaxksa esa mtkZ
lapj.k ,o mtkZ /kuRo] izk:fod ekiu ¼typical measurements½ nzo lrg ij rjaxs ,oa mfeZdk,] lewg ,ao dyk
osx] mudk ekiuA
rjaxksa dk v/;kjkasi.k % jSf[kd le?kkr lehdj.k ,ao v/;kjksi.k dk fl)kUr] vjs[kh; v/;kjksi.k ,ao ifj.kke A
vizxkeh rjaxs % c) fudk;ksa dh izlkekU; fo/kkvks ds :o esa vizxkeh rjsaxs] mnkgj.k %& laukfn;ksa ,ao /ofu dh
xq.oRrk] dyknfu ¼Chladni’s½ds fp= ,ao Mªe ds dEiu] ijkJO; rjaxksa dk mRiknu ,oa lalwpu rFkk vuqiz;ksxA
bdkbZ 5
'kksj ,ao laxhr % ekuo d.kZ ,oa bldh xzkàrk] ekuoh; Jo.k dh lhek,a rhozrk ,o izcyrk] csy ,ao Mslhcsy]
laxhrh; iSekuk ¼Temperament½ rFkk ok| ;a= lhrkj] gkjeskfu;e] ok;skfyu] rcyk] cklqjhA
/ofu dk ijkoZru] viorZu ,ao foorZu % ek/;e dh /ofud izfrck/kk] ifjlhek ij izfr’kr ijkorZu ,ao vioZru]
vko‘fr o osx dk ekiu] Vªka;M~;wlj ds fy, izfrck/kk lqesyu /ofu dk foorZu] lksukj rU= dk fl)kUr] /ofu dk

r`rh; iz'u i= % izdkf’kdh

le; % 3 ?kaVs iw.kk±d 45
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnks
dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi lfgr½A izR;sd
iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn
lhek 200 'kCnksa dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxasA izR;sd iz'u 5 vadks dk
gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnkas dh gksxh A
iz'u i= esa U;wure 30 izfr'kr vkafdd iz'uksa dk Hkkj j[kk x;k gSA MKSA i)fr ds ek=dksa dk iz;ksx djuk gSA
bdkbZ 1
T;kfefr; izdkf’kdh
QjesV dk fl)kUr % iFk vkf/kD; dk fl)kUr] ijkorZu rFkk viorZu esa vuqiz;ksxA
izfrfcEc fuekZ.k dk lkekU; fl)kUr % izdk’kh; rU= ds iz/kku fcUnq lkekU; lEcU/k] eksVs ysUlksa dk laa;ksstu]
vko/kZu ds fy, ykjsat lehdj.k] nwjn’khZ; la;kstu] VsyhQksVks ySUlA
bdkbZ 2
izfrfcEcksa esa foiFku % o.kZ foiFku] laifdZr ,ao i‘Fkd fLFkfr;ksa esa yslksa dk vo.kZd foiFku] ,d o.khZ; foiFku ,ao
mldk fujkdj.k] vfoiFkh fcUnq rSy fueTtu vfHkn‘’;d] uopUnzd ysUlA
izdk’kh; ;U= % vkiru ,ao fuxZe usf=dk,a ¼Entrance and Exit Pupils½ cgqxqf.kr usf=dk ysUl dh vko';drk
lk/kkj.k izdkj dh usf=dk,a jsElMu rFkk gkbxsu ¼Ramsden & Huygen’s a ½ usf=dk, A
bdkbZ 3
HkkSfrd izdf’kdh
izdk’k dk O;frdj.k % v/;kjksi.k dk fl)kUr] f}fLyV O;frdj.k] L=ksrksa dh duk lEc)rk dh vko’;drk]
izdk’kh; iFk dk eanu] fQªUtksa dk vuqizLFk foLFkkiu] jSysdk viorZuekih ,ao vU; vuqiz;ksx] LFkkuh; fÝUtsa U;wVu
fjax Newton’s Ring] iryh fQYe esa O;frdj.k] ekbdylu O;frdj.kekih rFkk rjax nS/;Z] rjaxnS/;ksa esa vUrj o
LisDVªeh js[kkvksa dh pkSMkbZ ds ifj’kq) ekiu esa bldk mi;ksxA Qsch & isjks O;frdj.kekih ,ao bZVkyksuA
bdkbZ 4
+Ýsusy foorZu % Ýsusy ds v)kZorhZ dfVcU/k] ifV‘dk,a] lh/kh/kkj ¼straight edge) _tqjs[kh; lapj.k
ÝkWugkWQj fooZru % fLyV ls foorZu] v/kZvkorZ dfVcU/k] dyk vkjs[k ,ao lekdyu fof/k;k¡] rhozrk forj.k]
o`rkdkj vojks/k ,oa o`rkdkj pdrh ls foorZu] izfrfcEcksa dk foHksnu] jSy dh foHksnu dlkSVh] nwjn'khZ ,ao lq{en'khZ
dh foHksnu {kerk] dyk ladqpu lq{en'khZrk dk fooj.k ¼outline of pahse contrast microscopy½
foforZu xzsfVx % N lekUrj fLyV ls foorZu] rhozrk forj.k] lery foorZu xszfVx] ijkorZu xzsfVx rFkk ¼Blazed½
xzsfVx] vory xzsfVx ,ao fofHkUu LFkkiu O;oLFkk] xszfVx dh foHksnu {kerk rFkk fizTe dh foHksnu {kerk rFkk QSchz &
isjks bVkykWu dh foHksnu {kerk ls rqyuk A
bdkbZ 5
yslj fudk; % LisDVªeh js[kk dh ‘kq)rk] dyk lEc)rk] nwjh ,ao le; leca/krk] L=ksr dh

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/65

LFkkfud lEc)rk] vkbZUlVkVu ds , vkSj ch xq.kkad] Lor% ,ao izsfjr mRltZu yslj izfØ;k ds fy, ‘krsZ] tula[;k
izfryksHkuA :ch o ghfy;e fu;ksu ysatj Ruby and He-Ne laser.
Holography & vjSf[kd izdkf’kdh: gksyksxzke cukoV o iquZmRiknu xf.krh; foospuk] LoQksDlu dk
fl)kar] izdk’kh; rUrq dk fl)kar o izdkj Hologram, construction and reproduction mathematical
analysis, principle of self focusing, principle of fiber optics and types of optical fiber.
ikB~; ,ao lanHkZ iqLrdsa %
1- “Physical optics”
2- “Optics and Atomic Physics”
3- “Mannchestyer Physics Series, Optics” & ,Q fLeFk o ts- ,p- FkkWelu (English Language Book
Society and John Wiley, 1977½
4- “Optics” ckse ,ao oksYQ
5- “Optics” - ds-Mh- eksYVso ¼vkWDlQksMZ fo’ofo|ky; izsl½
6- “Fundamental of Optics”& tsufdUl ,ao okbV ¼eSDxzk & fgYl½
7- “Optics” - Seatrs
8- “Laser and Non-liner optics” - B.B. land ¼foys-bZluZ 1985½
9- “Optics” fLeFk mao FkkWelu ¼tkWu foys ,.M lUl½
10- “Waves and Oscillations” – cdZys HkkSfrd ikB~;Øe Hkkx III
11- “Vibrations and waves” – I.G. Main Cambridge University Press)
12- “The Physics of Vibrations and Waves” - H.J. Pain eSdfeyu 1975
13- “Introduction to static\stical Mechanies” - B.B. Land eSdfeyu 1981
14- “Statisitcal Physics” - F. Reif ¼eSDxzk&fgYl 1988½
15- “Statistical Physics” - K. Haung (Wiley-Eaxternh 1988)

izk;ksfxd & HkkSfrd ikB~;Øe

le;% 5 ?kaVs U;wUre mrhZ.kkad % 24 iq.kkZda % 65
uksV % d{kk esa ikB~;Øe gasrw iwjs l= esa dq 16 iz;ksx djus gksaxs] ftuesa izR;sd [k.M ds 8 iz;ksx gksaA mDr ijh{kkFkhZ
dks izR;sd [k.M ls ,d iz;ksx ysrs gq, dqy nks iz;ksx djus gksxkA
[k.M % v
1- xSl ds :)ks”e izlkj dk v/;;u djuk vFkok DysesUV o Mslksjse fof/k ls m”ekxfed fu;rkad γ = Cp/Cv dk
eku Kkr djukA
2- ;kaf=d mtkZ dk m”eh; mtkZ esa :ikUrj.k dk v/;;u djuk
3- oLrq ds dqy mRlftZr fofdj.k dk mlds rki ds lkFk v/;;u djuk A
4- izfrjks/k rkiekih fof/k dk vuqiz;ksx% IysfVue izfrjks/k rkiekih dh lgk;rk ls ekse dk xyukad Kkr djukA
5 izfrjks/k rkiekih fof/k dk vuqiz;ksx% IysfVue izfrjks/k rkiekih dh lgk;rk ls rki izfrjks/k xq.kkad Kkr djukA
6- rkih; fo-ok-c- dk vuqiz;ksx % rki;qXe ds rkih; fo-ok-c- rFkk rki ds chp oØ [khapuk rFkk mnklhu rki ,oa
vKkr rki Kkr djukA
7- U;wu pkyd ls m”ek lapkyu % U;wu pkyd inkFkZ dh m”ek pkydrk yh dh fof/k ls Kkr djukA
8- jaxhu MkVl (Dice) dk mi;ksx djrs gq, nks lEHko fudk; ds fy, izf;drk forj.k dk izk;ksfxd v/;;u djukA
9- C.R.O.] ekbØksQksu] Lihdj ds mi;ksx ls vizxkeh rjaxks dk mi;ksx djrs gq, /ofu rjaxksa dk osx Kkr djukA
10- ejksMh rjax midj.k dk mi;ksx dj rjax lapj.k ds osx dk ykbu izkpkyksa ij fuHkZjrk dk v/;;u djukA
11- ejksMh rjax midj.k dk mi;ksx dj ijkoZru xq.kkad dk vUroLFkk Hkkj ds lkFk ifjorZu dk v/;;u djukA
12- /ofu ds nks dyk lEc) L=ksrksa ls O;frdj.k dk v/;;u djukA
13 ç{ksi /kkjkekih dk ç{ksi fu;rkad Kkr djuk
14 ç{ksi /kkjkekih dh vkos’k lqXkzkfgrk Kkr djuk
15 ç{ksi /kkjkekih ls {kj.k fof/k ls mPp çfrj¨/k Kkr djuk
16 MhlkWVh lsrq De Sauty bridge ls /kkfjrk ds vuqikr Kkr djuk
17 ,.Mjlu lsrq Anderson bridge ls dq.Myh dh izsjdRo Kkr djuk
18 ;qfXer n¨yd ds lkekU; fo/kk dk v/;;u djukA
19 ;qfXer n¨yd ds ÅtkZ gLrkarj.k dk v/;;u djukA
20 Q¨V¨ lsy dh lgk;rk ls Iykad fu;rkad Kkr djuk
21 P-N laf/k Mk;ksM dk cS.M varjky Kkr djuk
[k.M % c
1- ysUlks ds ;qXeu ds eq[; fcUnq Kkr djukA
2- foorZu xzsfVax dk mi;ksx djrs gq, Hg izdk’k L=ksr dh eq[; o.kZ Øe dh rjaxnS/;Z rFkk xzsfVax dh foHksnu {kerk
Kkr djuk A

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/66

3- nwjn’khZ dh foHksnu {kerk Kkr djuk rFkk fofHkUu usf=dkvksa dk v/;;u djukA ¼dksbZ nks½
4- izdk’k ds ijkorZu }kjk /kqzo.k] cqLV~j fu;e ,ao eSyl ds fu;e dks fl) djukA
5- /kzqo.kekih dh lgk;rk ls ‘kDdj ds /kzqo.k dks.k ds izdkf’k; ?kq.kZu dk v/;;u djukA
6 f}fizTe dh lgk;rk ls izdk’k ds O;frdj.k dk v/;;u djuk rFkk izdk’k dh rjaxnS?;Z Kkr djukA
7 ekbdYlu O;frdj.kekih dh lgk;rk ls ,d o.khZ; izdk’k L=ksr dh rjaxnS/;Z Kkr djuk ,ao lksfM;e izdk’k dh
D1 o D2 js[kkvksa dk rjaxnS/;Z esa vUrj Kkr djukA
8- Qsczh & isjks bVkykWu dh lgk;rk ls lkfM;e izdk’k dh rjaxnS/;Z Kkr djukA
9- O;frdj.k ds lanHkZ esa yslj ,d o.khZ; izdk’k L=ksr dk v/;;u djukA
10- foorZu ds lanHkZ esa yslj ,do.khZ; izdk’k L=ksr dk v/;;u djukA
11 U;wVu fjax ls lkfM;e izdk’k dh rjaxnS/;Z Kkr djukA
12 fizTe dh o.kZ fo{ksi.k {kerk Kkr djukA
13 VªkaftLVj ds vfHkyk{kf.kd (CB, CE)
14 AC L=¨r ds lkFk RC ifjiFk dh o¨YVrk ds f’k[kj o R.M.S. eku Kkr djukA

Paper I 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks
Paper II 3 Hours Duration ` 45 Marks
Paper III 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks
Practical : 6 Hrs. Duration, Min. Pass Marks : 24, Max. Marks 65
Chemistry of Elements of First Transition Series:
(a) Characteristic properties of d-block elements.
Properties of the elements of first transition series, their binary compounds and complexes ,
illustrating the relative stabilities of oxidation states, coordination number and geometry.
(b) Chemistry of elements belonging to II and III transition series comparative study of post
lanthanide transition metals with the members of 4d series with special emphasis on ionic radii,
oxidation states, magnetic & spectral properties. Stereochemistry of their compounds.
(a) Oxidation and reduction :
Use of redox potential data-Analysis of redox cycle. Redox stability in water. Frost, Latimer and
Pourbaix diagram . Principles involving in the extraction of elements.
(b) Chromatography – Definition, classification, Rf-value , law of differential migration eluant and
elution, Paper, TLC, Chromatographies and their applications.
Coordination Compounds:
Werner’s coordination theory and its experimental verification, effective atomic number concept,
chelates, nomenclature of coordination compounds, isomerism in coordination compounds, valence
bond theory of transition metal complexes.
(a) Chemistry of Lanthanide Elements :
Electronic structure, oxidation states and ionic radii and lanthanide contraction, complex formation,
occurrence and isolation of lanthanide compounds.
(b) Chemistry of Actinides :
General features and chemistry of actinides, chemistry of separation of Np, Pu and Am from U,
similarities between the later actinides and the later lanthanides.
(a) Acids and Bases
Lux-Flood concept of acid base and its limitation. Lewis concept and its limitation Usanovich concept.
A generalized acid –base concept.
(b) Non-aquenous Solvents:
Physical properties of a solvent, types of solvent and their general characteristics reactions in non-
aqueous solvents with reference to liquid NH3 and liquid SO2.


Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 45 60 Hours (2
Hours/ week)

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/67

Electromagnetic Spectrum : Absorption Spectra
Ultraviolet (UV) absoption spectroscopy-absoption laws (Beer-Lamberts law), molar absoptivity,
presentation and analysis of UV spectra, types of electronic transitions, effect of conjugation. Concept
of chromophore and auxochrome. Bathchromic, hypsochromic shifts hyperchromic and hypochromic
UV spectra of conjugated enes and enones. Infrared (IR) absoptions pectroscopy, molecular
vibrations, Hooke’s law, selection rules, intensity and position of IR bands, measurements of IR
spectrum, fingerprint region, characteristic absorption of various functional groups and interpretation
of IR spectra of simple organic compounds.
(a) Alcohols
Classification and nomenclature.
Monohydric alcohols-nomenclature, methods of formation by reduction of aldehydes, ketones,
carboxylic acids and esters. Hydrogen bonding. Acidic nature. Reactions of alcohols.
Dihydric alcohols-nomenciature, methods of formation, chemical reactions of vicinal glycols, oxidative
cleavage [Pb(OAc)4 and HIO4] and pinacol-pinacolone rearrangement.
Trihyd ric alcohols-nomenclature and methods of formation, chemical reactions of glycerol.
(b) Phenols:
Nomenclature, structure and bonding. Preparation of phenols, physical properties and acidic
character. Comparative acidic strengths of alcohols and phenols, resonance stabilization of
phenoxide ion. Reactions of phenols-electrophilic aromatic substituion, acylation and carboxylation.
Mechanisms of Fries rearrangement, Claisen rearrangement, Gatterman synthesis; Hauben-Hooesch
reaction, Lederer-Manasse reaction and Reimer-Tiemann reaction.
(a) Ethers and Epoxides
Nomenclature of ethers and methods of their formation, physical properties.
Chemical reactions-cleavage and autoxidation, Ziesels method.
Synthesis of epoxides. Acid and base-catalyzed ring opening of epoxides, orientation of epoxide ring
opening, reactions of Grignard and organolithium reagents with epoxides.
(b) Aldehydes and Ketones
Nomenclature and structure of carbonyl group. Synthesis of aldehydes and ketones with particular
reference to the synthesis of aldehydes from acid chlorides, synthesis of aldehydes and ketones
using 1, 3-dithianes, synthesis of ketones from nitriles and from carboxylic acid. Physical properties.
Mechanism of nucleophilic addition to carbonyl group with particular emphasis on benzoin, Aldol,
Perkin and Knoevenagel condensations. Condensation with ammonia and its derivatives. Witting
reaction. Mannich reaction.
Use of acetate as protecting group. oxidation of aldehydes, Baeyer-villiger oxidation of ketones,
Cannizzaro reaction. MPV, clemmensen, Wolff-kishner, LiAlH4 and NaBH4 reductions, Halogenation
of enolizable ketones. An introduction to á, â unsaturated aldehydes and ketones.
Unit- IV
(a) Carboxylic Acid :
Nomenclature, structure and bonding, physical properties, acidity Carboxylic acids, effect of
substituftnts on acid strength. Preparation of carboxylic acids. Reactions of carboxylic acids. Hell-
Volhard-Zelinsky reaction. Synthesis of acid chlorides, esters and amides. Reduction of carboxylic
acids. Mechanism of decarboxylation Methods of formation and chemical reactions of halo acids,
hydroxy acids: malic, tartaric and citric acids. Methods of formation and chemical reactions of
unsaturated monocarboxylic acids. Dicarboxylic acids : Methods of formation and effect of heat and
dehydrating agents.
(b) Carboxylic Acid derivatives
Structure and nomenclature of acid chlorides, esters, amides (urea) and acid anhydrides. Relative
stability of acyl derivatives. Physical properties, interconversion of acid derivatives by nucleophilic acyl
Preparation of carboxylic acid derivatives, chemical reactions. Mechanisms of esterfication and
Hydrolysis,(acidic and basic).
Organic Compounds of Nitrogen
Preparation of nitroalkanes and nitroarenes. Chemical reactions of nitroalkanes. Mechanisms of
nucleophilic substitution in nitroarenes and their reductions in acidic, neutral and alkaline media. Picric
Halonitroarenes : Reactivity; Structure and nomenclature of amines, physical properties.
Stereochemistry of amines. Separation of a mixture of primary, secondary and teritary amines.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/68

Structural features affecting basicity, of amines. Amines salts as phase-transfer catalysts. Preparation
of alkyl and aryl amines (reduction of nitro compounds, nitriles), reductive amination of aldehydic and
ketonic compounds. Gabriel-phtnalimide reaction, Hofmann bromamide reaction.
Reaction of amines, electrophilic aromatic substitution in aryl amines, reaction of amines with nitrous
acid. Synthesis, transformation of aryl diazonium salts, azo coupling.


Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 45 60 Hours (2 Hours/ week)
Thermodynamics-I : Definition of thermodynamics terms : system, surroundings etc. Types of
systems, intensive and extensive properties. State and path functions and their differentials.
Thermodynamic process. Concept of heat and work.
First Law of Thermodynamics: statement, definition and internal energy and enthalpy. Heat capacity,
heat capacities at constant volume and pressure and their relationship. Joule’s law-joule-Thomson
coefficient and inversion temperature. Calculation of w, q, dU & dH for the expansion of ideal gases
under isothermal and adiabatic conditions for reversible process.
Thermochemistry: Standard state, standard enthaply of formation-Hess’s’Law of heat summation and
its applications. Heat of reaction at constant pressure and at constant volume. Enthalpy of
neutrilization. Bond dissociation energy and its calculation from thermo-chemical data, temperature
dependence of enthalpy, Kirchhoffs equation.
Interaction of radiation with matter, difference between thermal and photochemical processes, laws of
photochemistry: Grothus- Drapper law, Stark-Einstein law, Jablonski diagram depicting various
processes occurring in the excited state, qualitative description of fluroscence, phorescence, non-
radiative processes (internal conversion, inter system crossing), quantum yield, photosestitized
reactions-energy transfer processes (simple examples)
(a) Chemical Equilibrium :
Equilibrium constant and free energy. Thermodynamic derivation of law of mass action, Le Chatelier’s
Reaction isotherm and reaction isochore-Clapeyron equation and Clausisus-Clapeyron equation,
(b) Phase Equilibrium:
Statement and meaning of the terms-phase, component and degree of freedom, derivation of Gibbs
phase rule, phase equilibria of one component system-water, CO2 and S systems.
Phase equilibria of two component system-solid-liquid equilibria .simple eutectic-Bi-Cd, Pb-Ag
systems, desilverisation of lead.Solid solutions-compound formation with congruent melting point (Mg-
Zn) and incongruent melting point, (NaCI-H2O), (FeCI3-H2O) and (CuSO4-H2O) system. Freezing
mixtures, acetone-dry ice.
Liquid-liquid mixtures-Ideal liquid mixtures, Raoult’s and Henrys law. Non-ideal system-azeotropes-
HCl-H20 and ethanol-water systms.Partially miscible liquids-Phenol-water, trimethylamine, nicotine-
water systems. Lower and upper consulate temperature. Effect of impurity on consulate temperature
Immiscible liquids, steam distillation. Nernst distribution law-thermodynamic derivation, applications.
Unit - IV
Electrical transport-conduction in metals and in electrolyte solutions, specific conductance and
equivalent conductance, measurement of equivalent conductance, variation of equivalent and specific
conductance with dilution.
Migration of ions and Kohlrahusch law, Arrehenius theory of electrolyte dissociation and its limitations,
weak and strong electrolytes, Ostwald’s dilution law its uses and limitations. Debye-Huckel-Onsagar’s
equation for strong electrolytes (elementary treatment only). Transport number- Definition and
determination by Httorf method and moving boundary method.
Applications of conductivity measurements : Determination of degree of dissociation, determination of
Ka of acids, determination of solubility product of a sparingly soluble salt, conductometric titrations.
Types of reversible electrodes-gas-metal ion, metal-insoluble salt anion and redox electrodes.
Electrode reactions, Nernst equation, derivation of cell E.M.F. and single electrode potential, standard

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/69

hydrogen electrode reference electrodes, standard electrode potential, sign conventions,
electrochemical series and its significance.
Electrolytic and Galvanic cells-reversible and irreversible cells, con-ventional representation of
electrochemical cells.
EMF of a cell and its measurements. Computation of cell EMF. Calculation of thermodynamic
quantities of cell reactions (rG, rH and K) polarization, over potential and hydrogen over
voltage.Concentration cell with and without transport, liquid junction potential, application of
concentration cells, valency of ions, solubility product and activity coefficient, potentiometric titrations.
Definition of pH and pKa determination of pH using hydrogen, quinhydrone and glass electrodes, by
potentiometric methods.
Buffers-mechanisrn of buffer action, Henderson-Hazel equation. Hy-drolysis of salts. Corrosion-
Types, theories and methods of combating it.
1.Calibration & Preparation of solutions
Calibration of fractional weights, pipettes and burettes. Preparation of standard solutions. Dilution 0.1
M to 0.001 M solutions. ‘
For examination, alternatively, one exercise either from (I) or (II) be given
(I) Volumetric Analysis
(i) Determination of acetic acid in commercial vinegar using NaOH.
(ii) Determination of alkali content-antacid tablet using HCI.
(iii) Estimation of calcium content in chalk as calcium oxalate by
(iv) Estimation, of hardness of water by EDTA. (v) Estimation of ferrous and ferric by dichromate
method, (vi) Estimation of copper using thiosulphate.
(II) Gravimetric Analysis
(i) Analysis of Cu as CuSCN.
(ii) Analysis of Ba as BaSO4
1.Chromatography:Determination of Rf values and identification of organic compounds.

(i) Preparation and separation of 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrozone of acetone, 2-butanone, hexan-

2- and 3-one using toluene and lightpetroleum (40 :60). (Thin
layer chromatography)
(ii) Separation of a mixture of dyes using cyclohexane and ethyl acetate(8.5 : 1.5). (Thin layer
(iii) Separation of a mixture of phenylalanine and glycine. Alanine andaspartic acid. Leucine and
glutamic acid. Spray reagent-ninhydrin.(Paper chromatography :
Ascending and Circular),
(iv) Separation of a mixture of D, L-alanine, glycine and L-Leucine using n-butanol: acetic acid :
water (4:1:5), spray reagent-ninhydrin.
(Paper chromatography : Ascending and Circular).
(v) Separation of monosachharides-a mixture of D-galactose and
D-frutose using n-butanol: acetone: water (4:5:1) spray reagent- aniline hydrogen phthalate.
(Paper chromatography: Ascendingand Circular).
2.Qualitative Analysis:
Analysis of given organic mixture containing two solid components
Using water ,NaHCO3 or NaOH for separation and preparation of suitable derivatives.
1 - Determination of the transition temperature of the given substance by thermometric/dialometric
method (e.g. MnCl2.2H2O/ SrBr22H2O.)
2. To study the effect of a solute (e.g. NaCI, suecinic acid) on the critical solution temperature of two
partially miscible liquids (e.g.phenol-water system) and to determine the concentration of that
solute in the given phenol water system.
3. To construct the phase diagram of two component (e.g. diphenylamine-benzophenone) system
by cooling curve method.
4. To determine the solubility of benzoic acid at different tempera-tures and to determine “H of the
dissolution process.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/70

5.. To determine the enthalpy of neutralisation of weak acid/weak base versus strong base/strong
acid and determine the enthalpy of nionisation of the weak acid/weak base.
6. To determine the enthalpy of solution of solid calcium chloride and calculate the lattice energy of
calcium chloride from its enthalpy data using Born Haber cycle.
Note : Similar exercise may be set in question paper as per availability
Max. Marks: 65 Min. Marks:- 24 Time: 6 hours
1. Calibration and preparation of solution – 5 Marks
2. Analysis: One Exercise from 2(i) or 2(ii) 10 Marks
1-Chromatography: One Exercise 5 Marks
2-One Organic mixture 10 Marks
Any One experiment 15 marks
10 Marks
10 Marks
Papers Nomenclature Duration Periods Max. Marks
per week Sc So. Sci
I Higher Calculus 3 3 Hrs. 66 66
II Differential Equations 3 3 Hrs. 66 66
III Mechanics 3 3 Hrs. 68 68
Max. Marks 200 200
Min. Pass Marks 72 72

Paper I (Higher Calculus)

Note : The paper consists of three sections
Section A : This section contain 10 questions of 01 Mark each (02 question from each unit) all
questions are compulsory
Section B : This section contain 05 questions of 04 Mark each (01 question from each unit with
internal choice) all questions are compulsory
Section C : This section contain 05 questions of 12 Mark each (01 question from each unit) attempt
any 03 questions

Unit - I
Limit å-ä definition of the limit of a function, Limit of functions of one and two variables, Continuity,
classification of discontinuities, Sequential continuity, Properties of continuous functions, Uniform
continuity, Continuity of functions of two variables.
Unit - II
Differentiability, Chain rule of differentiability, Differentiability of functions of two variables, Darboux’s
intermediate value theorem for derivatives, Mean Value Theorems and their geometrical
interpretations, Taylor’s theorem with various forms of remainders, Taylor’s theorem for functions of
two variables.
Unit - III
Riemann integral, Partition, Darboux sums, Lower and Upper integrals, Integrability of continuous
and monotonic functions. the fundamental theorem of Integral Calculus, Mean value theorems of
Integral Calculus.
Unit - IV
Real sequence, definition, Theorems on limits of sequences, Bounded and monotonic sequences,
Cauchys convergence criterion.
Infinite Series of non negative terms, Comparison tests, Cauchy’s nth root test, Ratio tests, Raabe’s,
logarithmic, De Morgan and Bertrand’s tests Alternating series, Leibnit’z theorem, Absolute and
conditional convergence.
Unit - V
Uniform convergence of series of functions, Weirestrass M-test, Abel’s and Dirichle’ts test for
uniform convergence. Improper integrals and their convergence, Comparison tests, Abel’s and
Dirichlet’s tests, Fourier Series, Fourier expansion of piecewise monotonic functions.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/71

Books Recommended:
1. Real Analysis : Shanti Narayan
2. Real Analysis : G. N. Purohit
3. Real Analysis : Bhargava & Goyal
4. Advanced Calculus : Gokhroo et. al. (English / Hindi Ed.)
5. Theory of Convergence : Gokhroo et. al. (English / Hindi Edn.)
Navkar Prakashan, AJMER


Note : The paper consists of three sections
Section A : This section contain 10 questions of 01 Mark each at least (02 question from each unit) all
questions are compulsory
Section B : This section contain 05 questions of 04 Mark each (01 question from each unit with
internal choice) all questions are compulsory
Section C : This section contain 05 questions of 12 Mark each (01 question from each unit) attempt
any 03 questions
Unit - I
Degree and order of a differential equations, Equations of first order and first degree, Equations in
which the variables are separable, Homogeneous equations, Linear equations and equations
reducible to the linear form, Exact differential equations, Integrating Factors, First order and higher
degree equations solvable for x, y, p, Clairaut’s form and Singular solutions, Geometrical meaning of
a differential equation, Orthogonal trajectories.
Unit - II
Linear differential equations with constant coefficients, Homogeneous Linear ordinary differential
equations, Ordinary simultaneous differential equations, Total differential equations.
Unit - III
Linear differential equations of Second order, Transformation of the equation by changing dependent
variable/the independent variable. Methods of variation of parameters.
Series solution of differential equations, Power series method, Bessel, Legendre and Hyper
geometric equations, Bessel, Legendre and Hyper geometric functions and their properties.
Unit - IV
Partial differential equations of the first order, Lagrange’s solution, Some special type of equations
which can be solved easily by methods other than the general method, Charpit’s general method of
Unit - V
Partial Differential equations of second order and higher orders, Classification of linear Partial
differential equations of second order, Homogeneous and non homogeneous equations with constant
coefficients, Partial differential equations reducible to equations with constant coefficients, Monge’s
Books Recommended:
1. Differential Equations : Ray and Chaturvedi
2. Differential Equations : Sharma and Gupta
3. Differential Equations : Bansal and others
4. Ordinary Differential Equations : Gokhroo et. al.
(English / Hindi Ed.)
5. Partial Differential Equations : Gokhroo et.al.
(English / Hindi Edn.)
Navkar Prakashan, Ajmer


Note : The paper consists of three sections
Section A : This section contain 12 questions of 01 Mark each (02 question from each unit) all
questions are compulsory
Section B : This section contain 05 questions of 04 Mark each (01 question from each unit with
internal choice) all questions are compulsory
Section C : This section contain 05 questions of 12 Mark each (01 question from each unit) attempt
any 03 questions
Unit - I
Analytical conditions of equilibrium of coplanar forces, friction.
Unit - II

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/72

Simple problems on Virtual Work, Catenary, Forces in three dimensions, Poinsot’s central axis,
Wrenches, Null lines and planes.
Unit - III
Velocities and accelerations along radial and transverse directions, and along tangential and normal
directions, Simple Harmonic Motion, Rectilinear motion under variable laws.
Unit - IV
Hook’s law, related problems on horizontal and vertical elastic strings. Constrained motion, Circular
and Cycloidal motion.
Unit - V
Impact, Central forces, Central orbits, p-r equation, Apses, Time in an orbit, Kepler’s laws of planetary
Books Recommended:
1. Statics : R. S. Verma
2. Statics (English/Hindi Ed.) : Gokhroo et. al.
3. Statics : S. M. Mathur
4. Text book of Dynamics : M. Ray
5. Dynamics : Gupta and Juneja 6. Dynamics
(English/Hindi Ed.) : Gokhroo et. al.,
Navkar Prakashan, Ajmer
;kstuk %
iz'ui= 'kh"kZd dkyka'k@lIrkg vof/k iw.kkZad
foKku dyk
1 mPprj dyu 3 3 ?kUVs 66 66
2 vody lehdj.k 3 3 ?kUVs 66 66
3 ;kaf=dh 3 3 ?kUVs 68 68
dqy vad 200 200
U;wure mŸkhZ.kkad 72 72
uksV %
iz”u i= ds rhu Hkkx gksxsa
Hkkx ,& bl Hkkx esa 01 vad ds 10 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 02 iz”u½ gksxsaA lHkh iz”u gy djus vfuok;Z gSaA
Hkkx ch& bl Hkkx esa 04 vad ds 05 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz”u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr ½ gksxsaA lHkh iz”u
gy djus vfuok;Z gSaA
Hkkx lh& bl Hkkx esa 12 vad ds 05 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz”u½ gksxsaA dksbZ 03 iz”u gy djus gksxasA

iz'u i=&1 ¼mPprj dyu½

lhek] lhek dh ifjHkk"kk] ,d rFkk nks pjksa ds Qyuksa dh lhek] lkarR;rk] vlaxrrk dk oxhZdj.k] vuqdzeh;
lkarR;rk] larr Qyuksa ds izxq.k] ,dleku lkarR;rk] nks pjksa okys Qyuksa dh lkarR;rkA
vodyuh;rk] vodyuh;rk dk J`a[kyk fu;e] nks pjksa okys Qyuksa dh vodyuh;rk] vodyt ds MkWcw e/;orhZ eku
izes;] e/;eku izes; rFkk mudk T;kferh; vFkZ] fofHkUu izdkj ds 'ks"kQy okyk Vsyj izes;] nks pjksa okys Qyuksa dk
Vsyj izes;A
jheku lekdyu] foHkktu] MkWcZw ;ksx] fupyk rFkk Åijh lekdy] larr rFkk ,dfn"V Qyuksa dh lekdyuh;rk]
lekdy xf.kr dk ewy izes;] lekdy xf.kr ds e/;eku izes;A
okLrfod vuqdze] ifjHkk"kk] okLrfod vuqdze dh lhek laca/kh izes;] ifjc) rFkk ,dfn"V vuqdze] dks"kh vfHklj.k
dlkSVh] v_.kkRed inksa okyh vuUr Jsf.k;k¡] rqyuk ijh{k.k] dks’kh ijh{k.k] vuqikr ijh{k.k] jsch] y?kqxq.kd rFkk
fMekxZu ijh{k.k] ,dkUrj Js.kh] yscuht izes;] fujis{k rFkk l’krZ vfHklj.kA
Qyuksa dh Js.kh dk ,dleku vfHklj.k] ,dleku vfHklj.k ds fy, okbZLVªkl ,e ijh{k.k] ,scy rFkk fMfjpfyV
ijh{k.k] vuUr lekdy rFkk mudk vfHklj.k] rqyuk ijh{k.k] ,scy rFkk fMfjpfyV ijh{k.k] Qwfj, Js.kh] ,dfn”V
Qyuksa ds Qwfj, izlkjA

iz'u i=&2 ¼vody lehdj.k½

uksV %
MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/73
iz”u i= ds rhu Hkkx gksxsa
Hkkx ,& bl Hkkx esa 01 vad ds 10 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 02 iz”u½ gksxsaA lHkh iz”u gy djus vfuok;Z gSaA
Hkkx ch& bl Hkkx esa 04 vad ds 05 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz”u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr ½ gksxsaA lHkh iz”u gy
djus vfuok;Z gSaA
Hkkx lh& bl Hkkx esa 12 vad ds 05 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz”u½ gksxsaA dksbZ 03 iz”u gy djus gksxasA
vody lehdj.k dk dze rFkk ?kkr] izFke Js.kh rFkk izFke ?kkr ds vody lehdj.k] pj i`FkDdj.k] le?kkr
lehdj.k] jSf[kd lehdj.k rFkk jSf[kd lehdj.k esa lekuhr lehdj.k] ;FkkFkZ vody lehdj.k] lekdy [k.M
x,y,p ds fy, gy okys izFke dze rFkk mPp ?kkr ds lehdj.k] DykjsV :i] fofp= gy] vody lehdj.k dk
T;kfefr vFkZ] yEcdks.kh; laNsnhA
vpj xq.kkad okys jSf[kd lehdj.k] jSf[kd le?kkr lehdj.k] lk/kkj.k ;qxir vody lehdj.k] iw.kZ vody
f}rh; dze ds jSf[kd vody lehdj.k] vkfJr pj] Lora= pj dks cny dj lehdj.k dk :ikarj.k] izkpy forj.k
fof/k] vody lehdj.k dk Js.kh gy] ?kkr Js.kh fof/k] csly] ystkUMªs rFkk gk;ijT;kferh; lehdj.k] csly] ystkUMªs
rFkk gk;ijT;kferh; Qyu gy rFkk izxq.kA
izFke dze ds vkaf’kd vody lehdj.k ystkUMªs gy] O;kid fof/k ds vfrfjDr vU; fof/k;ksa ls gy gksus okyh fo’ks”k
izdkj dh lehdj.k] gy gsrq pkjihV O;kid fof/kA
f}rh; rFkk mPp dze ds vkaf’kd vody lehdj.k] f}rh; dze ds jSf[kd vkaf’kd vody lehdj.kksa dk oxhZdj.k]
vpj xq.kkadksa okys le?kkr rFkk vle?kkr lehdj.k] vpj xq.kkad okys vkaf’kd vody lehdj.kksa esa lekuhr
lehdj.k] eksaxs fof/kA

iz’u i=&3 ¼;kaf=dh½

uksV %
iz”u i= ds rhu Hkkx gksxsa
Hkkx ,& bl Hkkx esa 01 vad ds 12 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls U;wure 02 iz”u½ gksxsaA lHkh iz”u gy djus vfuok;Z
Hkkx ch& bl Hkkx esa 04 vad ds 05 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz”u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr ½ gksxsaA lHkh iz”u
gy djus vfuok;Z gSaA
Hkkx lh& bl Hkkx esa 12 vad ds 05 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz”u½ gksxsaA dksbZ 03 iz”u gy djus gksxasA
leryh; cyksa ds larqyu gsrq fo'ysf"kr izfrca/k] ?k’kZ.k
dsVsujh] dfYir dk;Z dh ljy leL;k,as] rhu foekvksa esa cy] dsUnzh; v{k] jsap] uy js[kk rFkk leryA
osx rFkk Roj.k] vjh; rFkk vuqizLFk osx] Li'kZ js[kh; rFkk vfHkykfEcd osx ,oa Roj.k] ljy vkorZ xfr] pj cy
fu;eksa ds v/khu xfrA
gqd dk fu;e] m/okZ/kj rFkk {kSfrt izR;kLFk Mksfj;k¡] leryh; odzksa ij izfrcaf/kr xfr] o‘Ÿkh; rFkk pdzh; xfrA
la?kVV] dsUnzh; cy] dsUnzh; d{kk] p-r lehdj.k] LrfC/kdk] d{kh; le;] xzgh; xfr gsrq dsIyj fu;eA

Three papers Min. Pass Marks: 48 Max Marks: 135
Paper I 3 Hrs Duration Min. Pass Marks: 16 45 Marks
Paper II 3 Hrs Duration Min. Pass Marks: 16 45 Marks
Paper III 3 Hrs Duration Min. Pass Marks: 16 45 Marks
Practical: 5h duration Min Pass Marks: 24 Max Marks: 65


NOTE: The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10
questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. The candidate is required to

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/74

answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions (two from each unit, as internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The
candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section
C (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The
candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words.
Chordate classification: Protochordates, Hemichordata and cyclostomes. Habit, Habitat, External
features and anatomy of Herdmania and Branchiostoma (Excluding development) Ascidian larva and
retrogressive metamorphosis, Affinities of Urochordata and cephalochordate. Habit, habitat and
External features of Petromyzon and Myxine. Ammocoete larva and affinities.
Classification of vertebrates(excluding extinct form) up to orders(Subclass in case of mammals).
Poisonous and nonpoisonous snakes and biting mechanism. Basic plan of skull, skull types in
reptiles, jaw suspension, axial and appendicular skeleton
Comparison of the following organ systems of vertebrates with special reference to evolutionary
aspects Scoliodon, Rana, Uromastix(or any lizard), Columba, Oryctolagus (or any mammals)
1. Integument including structure and development of placoid scales,
feathers, hair, nails and claws.
2. Alimentary canal
3. Heart and evolution of aortic arches.
4. Respiratory system
5. Urinogenital system
Evolutionary thought: Lamarckism, Drawinism, origin of life, evidences of organic evolution, genetic
basis of evolution, Hardy -WeinBerg’s law, natural selection, isolating mechanism, speciation,
variation, adaptation with special reference to flight adaptation, aquatic adaptation and desert
Geological time scale, fossils, dating of fossils and imperfection of the geological records. Principle
zoogeographical regions of the earth and their mammalian fauna, Extinct forms: Archaeopteryx,
Dinosaurs, evolution of horse.


NOTE: The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10
questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. The candidate is required to
answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions (two from each unit, as internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The
candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section
C (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The
candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words.
Physiology of Digestion- nature of food stuffs and various types of digestive
enzymes(Carbohydrases, proteinases, lipases) and their digestive action on corresponding food stuffs
in the alimentary canal of mammals. Hormonal control of digestive functions. Mechanism of
absorption of various products of digestion. elementary idea of common disorders related to digestive
Excretory physiology- Structure of kidney, kind of nitrogenous excretory products. Role of liver in
the formation of these products. Relation between nature of excretory products and habitat (fresh
water, marine and terrestrial) functional architecture of mammalian kidney tubule and formation of
urine. elementary idea of common disorders related to excretory systems.
Circulatory physiology- Blood groups, Rh factors, blood clotting, heart beat, cardiac cycle, blood
pressure, body temperature regulation, elementary ideas of cardiovascular disorders, hypertension,
angina pectoris, myocardial infraction, pericarditis.
Respiratory physiology- Mechanism of breathing, exchange of gases, transportation of oxygen and
carbon dioxide in blood, regulation of breathing, elementary idea about asthma and emphysema.
Muscle Physiology- Functional architecture of skeletal muscle, mechanism of contraction and
relaxation of muscle fibers. elementary idea of common disorders related to muscles.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/75

Sensory physiology- Physiology of vision, hearing, pain and touch. Origin and Functional
architecture of a neuron. propagation of nerve impulse, synaptic transmission, central control of reflex
action, reflex arc. Elementary idea of common sensory and nervous disorders
Immunology- History, definition, types of immunity (innate, acquired direct and indirect, humoral and
cell mediated) Antigen, Antigenicity of molecules, Antibody definition, types(IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD,IgE),
Properties of each class and their function, production of monoclonal antibody and their applications.
Cells of immunity, macrophage lymphocytes, B and T type, T helper cells, T Killer cells, Suppressor
T cells, Plasma cell and memory cell their functions only. Antigen- antibody reactions, major
histocompatibility complex, precipitation reaction, agglutination reaction, neutralizing reaction,
complement and lytic reaction.autoimmune disease, AIDS


NOTE: The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10
questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. The candidate is required to
answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions (two from each unit, as internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The
candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section
C (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The
candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words.
Historical perspective, aims and scope of developmental biology, definition and phases of
development, theories of development, epigenesisu and preformation, mosaic, regulative, gradient,
spemanns, theory of organizers, gametogenesis, origin of PGC, spermatogenesis, morphology of
mature sperm, types of sperms, oogenesis, general feature of mature ovum, polarity of egg,
symmetry of egg, types of egg.
Reproductive cycles(estrous and menstrual cycles).Events of fertilization, Mechanism of sperm
transfer, polyspermy preventing mechanism. Errors in fertilization and significance of fertilization,
Parthenogenesis, evolution of viviparity.
Cleavage-Definition, types, pattern and planes of cleavage, morulation, blastulation, types of blastula,
gastrulation, types of gastrulation mechanisms. Fate maps (with suitable examples),Morphogenetic
cell movement and their significance in gastrulation. Embryonic induction, organizers, competence
Differentiation and organogenesis- Differentiation, growth and organogenesis, regeneration,
developmental defects (teratology), Senescence and ageing. Brief idea of animal tissue culture, In
vitro fertilization, stem cells and culture media
1. Embryonic adaptations exemplified by
(a) Extra embryonic membranes in chick and salient features of development of chick development
upto 72hrs.
(b) Placentation in mammals: definition, types, classification on the basis of morphology and
histology, functions of placenta.
2. Amphibian Metamorphosis including endocrine regulation.

(1)Study of Chordates: Balanoglossus, Herdmania, Ciona, Botrylus, Salpa, Doliolum, Pyrosoma,
Amphioxus, Ammocoete larva, Petromyzon, Myxine, Zygaena, Torpedo, Chiamaera, Acipenser,
Amia, lepidosteus, Labeo, Clarias, Anguilla, Hippocampus, Exocoetus, Echeneis, Pleuronectes,
Protopterus, Ichthiophis, , Proteus, Ambystoma, larva (Axolotl ), Siren, Alytes, Hyla, Testudo,
Chelone, Tortoise,, Sphenodon, Hemidactylus, Phrynosoma, Draco, Chameleon, Eryx, Hydrophis,
Naja, Viper, Bungarus, Crocodilus, Alligator, Archaeopteryx,(Model), Pavo cristatus, Ornithorhynchus,
Macropus, Bat, Loris, Scaly ant eater (Model )
(2) Permanent Slides: Mammalian histology, V.S. of Skin, T.S. of Spinal cord, T.S. of Pituitary gland,
T.S. of Testis,, T.S. of Ovary, T.S. of Placenta, Bone, Lung, Pancreas, Kidney, Liver, Blood cell types,
Oral hood, Velum, pharyngeal wall, T.S. of Amphioxus through various regions. T.S. of
Balanoglossus, Whole mount of Amphioxus, Tadpole larva of Ascidia.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/76

(3) Dissection/demonstration(Models, charts, computer simulation: carp or any other commercial
fish/Scoliodon/Labeo- External features, Placoid scale, general anatomy, afferent and efferent
branchial vessels, Cranial nerves, Internal ear, digestive system, Eye ball and its muscles,
Urinogenital system.
(4) Permanent mounting, Spicules and pharyngeal wall of Herdmania, Ampulla of lorenzini,placoid
scale, Striped muscle fiber, Blood film
(5) Osteology: Comparative study of articulated and disarticulated bones of Frog, Varanaus, Fowl
and Rabbit.
(6) Study of Development of Chick : With the help of W. M. slides through various regions of 18- 72
hrs embryo. Live material 18 hrs, 24 hrs, 36hrs, 48 hrs, 72 hrs. Histological study of development of
frog / toad, through preserved material ( whole embryo or sections ) eggs, early cleavage, blastula,
gastrula, neurula, tail bud, external gill, mature tadpole larva. Study of metamorphosis (Frog/ toad )
through preserved material and chart /model. Drosophila / Limnea as embryological material. Study of
spermatogenesis and oogenesis through slides/ models/ chart in frog. Study of fertilization through
slides/ models/ charts.
(7) Experiments in physiology: Estimation of Haematocrit value in a blood sample, Total
Haemoglobin, RBC and WBC counting, Demonstration of enzyme activity, ESR value, Blood
coagulation time experiment, Blood urea estimation, Estimation of blood glucose level, study of reflex
(8) Exercise in evolution-serial homology in appendages of Prawn, Analogy and homology(wings of
birds and insects, forelimb of bat and rabbit.
(Note-Use of animals for dissection is subject to the condition that these are not banned under the
wildlife Protection Act).

S.No Permanent exercise Regular Ex- student
1 Dissection/ demonstration 8 10
2 Preparation 6 8
3 Developmental Biology/
Exercise in evolution 6 8
4 Physiology 9 11
5 Spot(8) 16 16
6 Record 10 Nil
7 Viva-voce 10 12
Grand Total 65 65

Suggested reading material

1. Medical Physiology by Ganong
2. Human physiology by C.C.Chaterjee
3. Animal physiology and Immunology by K.C.Soni
4. Immunology by Janis Kubby
5. Immunology by T. Kanan
6. Human Anatomy and physiology by Tortora
7. Embryology by P.S. Verma
8. Modern developmental Biology By K.C.Soni
9. Developmental Biology by Scot. F. Golbert
10. Text book of vertebrate by R.L.Kotpal
11. Chordata by S.K.Sharma
12. Text book of vertebrate by H.C. Nigam

rhu iz'u&i= U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad % 48 vf/kdre vad % 135
iz'u&i= izFke le;kof/k 3?k.Vs U;wuremÙkh.kZ vad% 16 45 vad
iz'u&i= f}rh; le;kof/k 3?k.Vs U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad% 16 45 vad
iz'u&i= r`rh; le;kof/k 3?k.Vs U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad %16 45 vad
izk;ksfxd le;kof/k 5 ?k.Vs U;wuremÙkh.kZ vad% 24 vf/kdre vad % 65

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/77

iz'u&i= izFke % d'ks:dh ,oa mf}dkl
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 50 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi
lfgr½A izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh
vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxasA izR;sd
iz'u 5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500
'kCnkas dh gksxhA
izksVksdksMsZVk] gsehdksMsZVk] ,oa lkbDyksLVkesVk dk oxhZdj.kA gMZekfu;k ,oa ,EQhvkWDll dk vkokl] oklLFkku] cká
y{k.k ,oa 'kkjhfjdh] ,lhfM;k ykokZ ,oa izfrxkeh dk;karj.k] gsehdksMsZVk] ;wjksdksMsZVk ,oa flQsyksdksMsZVk dh ca/kqrk,aA
isVªksekbtksu ,oa feDlhu dk vkokl o okl LFkku] cká y{k.k] ,ekslhV ykokZ ,oa ca/kqrk;saA
d'ks:dh izkf.k;ksa dk vkWMZj rd oxhZdj.k ¼Lru/kkfj;ksa esa mioxZ rd½] fo"kSys ,oa fo"kghu lkai rFkk liZna’k
fØ;kfof/kA diky dh lkekU; ;kstuk] diky ds izdkj] tcM+s dk la;kstu] v{kh; ,oa mikaxh; dadkyA
LdksfyvksMksu] jkuk] ;wjksesfLVDl] dcwrj ,oa [kjxks'k dk rqyukRed v/;;u
1- v/;koj.k] IysdksbM 'kYd] ia[k] jkse] ujo ,oa ujoj dh lajpuk ,oa ifjo)ZuA
2- vkgkj uky
3- ân; ,oa /keuh pkiksa dk mf}dkl
4- 'olu ra=
5- ew=kstuu ra=
mf}dklh; er] ykekdZokn] MkfoZuokn] thou dh mRifÙk] mf}dkl ds izek.k] mf}dkl dk vkuqoaf'kd vk/kkj]
gkMhZ&fouoxZ lkE;] izkÑfrd p;u] ikFkZD;] tkfr fuekZ.k] fofHkUurk;saA
mM+u vuqdwyu] tyh; vuqdwyu] e:LFkyh; vuqdwyu
thok'e] thok'e dh frfFk ¼Hkw&oSKkfud le; Øe½
Hkw&oSKkfud vkys[k dh viw.kZrk] Hkw&iiZVh dk Hkw&oSKkfud foHkktu] izkf.k;ksa dk Hkw&forj.k ,oa muds Lru/kkjh
izk.khtkr] vkfdZvksIVsfjDl] Mk;ukslksj] ?kksM+s dk mf}fodklA
iz'u&i= f}rh; % Lruh; dkf;Zdh ,oa izfrj{kk foKku
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 50 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi
lfgr½A izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh
vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxasA izR;sd
iz'u 5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500
'kCnkas dh gksxhA
ikpu dh dkf;Zdh %
[kk| inkFkksZa ds izdkj] fofHkUu izdkj ds ikpd ,Utkbe ,oa vkgkjuky esa [kk| inkFkksZa ij mudk dk;Z] ikpu fØ;k
dk gkWeksZfu; fu;a=.k] ikpu ds mRiknksa ds vo'kks"k.k dh fØ;k fof/k] ikpu ra= ls lEcfU/kr lkekU; jksxA
mRltZu dh dkf;Zdh %
o`Dd dh lajpuk] ukbVªkstuh mRlthZ mRiknksa ds izdkj] ;Ñr dk bu mRiknksa ds fuekZ.k esa ;ksxnku] mRlthZ mRikn
,oa izk.kh ds okl LFkku ds e/; lEcU/k] usÝksu dk fØ;kRed laxBu] o`Dd dh ijklajpuk] eq= fuekZ.k dh fØ;kfof/k]
mRlthZ ra= ls lEcfU/kr lkekU; jksxA
ifjlapj.k dh dkf;Zdh %
jDr lewg] RH dkjd] jDr Ladnu] ân; Lianu] dkfMZ;d pØ] jDr nkc] nsg dk rki fu;eu] ifjlapj.k ra= ds
jksx ¼vfrruko] ,atkbuk isDVksfjl] ân; ?kkr] iSfjdkfMZ;fVl½
'olu dh dkf;Zdh %
'olu dh fØ;kfof/k] xSlksa dk fofue;] jDr esa O2 rFkk CO2 dk ifjogu] 'olu dk fu;eu] 'olu ra= la
lEcfU/kr jksx ¼vLFkek] ,aQkblhek½
is'kh dh dkf;Zdh %

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/78

dadkyh is'kh dh lajpuk ,oa dk;Z] is'kh rarq] ds ladqpu ,oa f'kfFkyu dh fØ;kfof/k
raf=dk dh dkf;Zdh %
raf=dk dh lajpuk] raf=dk m}hiu dh mRifÙk ,oa lapj.k] flusIl ij gksus okyk lapj.k] izfrorhZ fØ;k] izfrorhZ
pki] raf=dh; fodkj
laosnh vaxksa dh dkf;Zdh %
n`f"V dh dkf;Zdh] lquus dh fØ;kfof/k] nnZ ,oa Li'kZxzkgh
izfrj{kk foKku %
bfrgkl] ifjHkk"kk] izfrj{kk ds izdkj] izfrtu] v.kqvksa dh izfrtudrk] izfrj{kh dh lajpuk] izdkj (IgG, IgA, IgM,
IgD, IgE), y{k.k ,oa dk;Z] eksuksDyksuy izfrj{kh dk mRiknu ,oa mikns;rkA
izfrj{kh dksf'kdk,a %
Macrophage, B rFkk T fyEQkslkbV] Iyktek ,aVhtu&,aVhckWMh izfrfØ;k] MHC] vo{ksi vfHkfØ;k] vkaltu
vfHkfØ;k] mnklhuhdj.k vfHkfØ;k] y;u fØ;k] y;u pØ] Loizfrj{kh; jksx] ,M~l (AIDS)

iz'u&i= r`rh; % ifjo)Zu tSfodh

uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 50 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi
lfgr½A izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh
vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxasA izR;sd
iz'u 5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500
'kCnkas dh gksxhA
,frgkfld ifjis{k] mÌs';] ifjo)Zu tSfodh dk egÙo ,oa Hkfo";] ifjo)Zu ds fl)kUr] ;qXed tuu] PGC dh
mRifÙk] 'kqØk.kqtuu] dh lajpuk] 'kqØk.kq ds izdkj] v.Mk.kq tU;] v.Mk.kq dh lajpuk] v.Ms dh /kzqork] leferrk]
v.Mksa ds izdkjA
iztuu pØ ¼jt pØ ,oa en pؽ] fu"kspu dh izeq[k ?kVuk,a] 'kqØk.kq LFkkukUrj.k dh fØ;kfof/k] fu"kspu dh =qfV;ka]
fu"kspu dk egÙo] vfu"ksdtuu] tjk;qtrk dk mf}dklA
fonyu & ifjHkk"kk] izdkj] izfr:i] rqrdHkou] danqdHkou] CykLVwyk ds izdkj] xsLVªwykHkou] xsLVªwykHkou dh
fØ;kfof/k] lEHkkfor vkjs[k] lajpuk vkdkfjdh xfr;ka ,oa egÙo] Hkzw.kh; izsj.k] laxBd] lkeF;ZA
foHksnu] vaxfodkl] foHksnu] o`f)] fo:ituu] th.kZrk] izk.kh mÙkd lao)Zu] ik= fu"kspu] LraHk dksf'kdk] lao/kZu
1- vfrfjDr Hkwz.kh; f>fYy;ka] pwts dk ifjo)Zu&72 ?kaVs rd] Lru/kkfj;ksa esa IyslsaVs'ku] ifjHkk”kk] izdkj] oxhZdj.k]
IyslsaVk ds dk;ZA
2- mHk;pj esa dk;karj.k ,oa gkWeksZfu; fu;a=.kA
1- dksMsZV dk v/;;u %
csysuksXyksll] gMZekfu;ka] lk;ksuk] ckssVªhyl] lkYik] Mksfy;ksye] ikbjkslksek] ,EQhvkWDll] ,ekslhV ykokZ] isVªksekbtksu]
feDlhu] tk;xhuk] VksjihMks] dk;ehjk] ,lhisUlj] ,fe;k] ysfiMksLVh;l] ysfo;ks] Dysfj;l] ,aXohyk] fgIiksdsEil]
,DlkslhVl] ,dsful] IywjksusfDVl] izksVksIVsjl] bDFkh;ksfQl] izksfV;l] ,aohLVksek] ,DlksyksVy ykokZ] lkbdu] ,yhfVl]
gk;yk] VsLVqMks] fdyksu] VksVksZbl] LQhuksMksu] gsehMsDVkbyl] Ýhukslksek] Mªsdks] dsesfy;ksu] ,fjDl] gkbMªksfQl] uktk]
okbij] cawxkjl] ØksdksMkby] ,fyxsVj] vkfdZ;ksIVsfjDl] isoks] vksfuZFkksfdadl] esØksil] pexknM+] phaVh joksjA
2- LFkkbZ LykbM
Ropk dk V.S., Likbuy dksMZ dk T.S., ih;w"k xzaFkh dk T.S., o`"k.k dk T.S., v.Mk'k; dk T.S., IyslsaVk dk T.S.,
vLFkh dk T.S., QsQM+k] vXuk’k;] o`Dd] ;Ñr] jDr dksf'kdk ds izdkj] vksjy gqM] osye] x`luh] ,EQhvkWDll ds
fofHkUu {ks=ksa ds dkV] cksysuksXyksll dk T.S., ,EQhvkWDll dk T.S., ,flfM;k ykokZA
3- foPNsnu ¼ekWMy] pkVZ] dEI;wVj vk/kkfjr½
dkiZ ;k vU; O;kikfjd eNyh@Ldksfy;ksMkWu@ysfc;ks cká y{k.k] IysdksbM 'kYd] lkekU; 'kkjhfjdh] raf=dk,a] var%
d.kZ] ikpu ra=] us= xksyd ,oa isf'k;k] ew=kstuu ra=A
4- LFkkbZ vfHkajtu &

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/79

gMZekfu;k dh dafVdk,a ,oa xzluh fHkrh] ,aiwyk vksQ yksjsUthuh] IysdksbM 'kYd] jsf[kr is'kh] jDr fQYe
5- vfLFk foKku &
esa<+d] osjsul] eqxsZ ,oa [kjxks'k dh la/kh;qDr ,oa la/khfoghu vfLFk;ksa dk rqyukRed v/;;u
6- ifjo)Zu tSfodh &
pwts ds Hkzq.k dh 18&72 ?kaVs dh voLFkkvksa dk W.M. LykbMks }kjk v/;;u] 18hr, 24hrs, 36hrs, 48hrs, 72hrs dh
voLFkkvksa dk ftank izn'kZu] es<+d ds v.Ms] fonyu] CykLVwyk] xksLVªwyk] U;w:yk] Vsy cM] cká fxy] ifjiDo
rsMikSy ykokZ dk vkSfrdh v/;;u] es<+d esa dk;karj.k dk v/;;u] LykbM] ekWMy] pkVZ ds }kjk 'kqØk.kqtuu ,oa
v.Mk.kqtuu dk v/;;u] fu"kspu dk v/;;uA
7- izk.kh dkf;Zdh ds iz;ksx &
jDr esa fgesVksfØV eku dk fu/kkZj.k] fgeksXyksfcu dk fu/kkZj.k] RBC dh x.kuk] WBC dh x.kuk] ESR dk ekiu]
jDr Ldanu dk fu/kkZj.k] jDr ;wfj;k dk ekiu] jDr Xyqdkst dk ekiu] izrhorhZ fØ;k dk v/;;u] ,atkbe fØ;k dk
8- mf}dkl ds iz;ksx &
izkWu ds mikaxksa esa lhfj;y gkseksyksxh dk v/;;u] letkr ,oa fo"ketkr vaxksa dk v/;;uA
uksV % izkf.k;ksa dk foPNsnu ;wthlh ds fu;ekuqlkj ,oa oU; tho lqj{kk vf/kfu;e ds rgr mUgha izkf.k;ksa dk fd;k
tk;s ftu] ij izfrcU/k ugha gSA
vadkas dk forj.k &
fu;fer vH;kl fu;fer fo|kFkhZ iwoZ fo|kFkhZ
foPNsnu 8 10
LFkkbZ LykbM 6 8
ifjo)Zu tSfodh @ mf}dkl 6 8
dkf;Zdh 9 11
LiksV ¼8½ 16 16
jsdksMZ 10 -
lk{kkRdkj 10 12
dqy ;ksx 65 65

Three Papers Max. Marks : 135 Minimum Marks- 48
Paper I 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks 16
Paper II 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks 16
Paper III 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks 16
Practical 5 Hours Duration Max. Marks : 65 Min. Pass Marks : 24
(One day)
Pattern of Paper
The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10 questions two
from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. The candidate is required to answer all the
questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions
(two from each unit, as internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required
to answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section C (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The candidate is
required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words.
Herbarium technique. Important herbaria and Botanical gardens of India. Principles of classification.
Basic evolutionary tendencies in flowering plants. Nomenclature of Angiosperms. System of
classification of Bentham and Hooker’s &, Hutchinson’s. Flora and Icons. Flora of Rajasthan.
Range of vegetative and floral characteristics and economic importance of
Ranunculaceae,Capparidaceae, Papilionaceae ( Fabaceae
Caesalpiniaceae,Mimosaceae,Cucurbitaceae, Apiaceae ( Umbilliferae ) and Asteraceae
Range of vegetative and floral characteristics and economic importance of Apocynaceae,
Asclepiadaceae, Solanaceae, Lamiaceae(Labiatae), Euphorbiaceae, Liliaceae and Poaceae

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/80

Structure of stamen and pistil. Pollen Pistin Interaction & Sself Incompatibility Microsporogenesis-
Structure and germination of pollen-grains. Megasporogenesis- types of ovules. Development and
types of embryo-sacs (mono, bi and tetrasporic embryo sacs), Fertilization.
Endosperm- Structure, types and development. Types of endosperm haustoria, nature of endosperm.
Types of embryogeny. Seed structure and types. Apomixis, polyembryony and parthenogenesis.
Experimental embryology- culture of anther and embryo.

Meristems and various theories related to organization of apical meristems (root and stem).Simple
and complex permanent tissues and their functions, secretory tissues, tissue systems.
Primary internal structure of root ,stem and leaves. Structure of leaf epidemis, trichomes and stomata,
origin of lateral roots.Primary anomalous structure (Monocot & Dicot Root & Stem) Periderm and
abscission of leaves
Normal Secondary growth in dicot root and stem. Periderm Heart wood sap wood,tylosis annual ring
& secondary anomalous growth in roots and stems.
Origin, cultivation and improvement of Wheat, Rice, Maize, Potato and Sugarcane, Study of economic
botany of following group of plants.-
Fibre yielding- Cotton, Jute Oil yielding- Groundnut, Mustard, Sunflower and Coconut. Timber
yielding- Tectona, Dalbergia, Tecomella.
General account and economic importance of following group of plants-
Medicinal plants with special reference to- Cinchona, Rauvolfia, Papaver, Withania and Aloe.
Spices and condiments with special reference to-Red pepper, Clove,
Coriander, Zinger, Heeng, Turmeric.
Beverages-Tea, Coffee.
General account of Rubber plants.
Ethnobotany: Definition methods of study and importance.

Concept of cell and cell theory. Structure, composition and function of cell wall and cell membrane.
Types, structure and functions of cell organelles. Cell divisions.
Mendel’s laws of inheritance. Monohybrid and dihybrid ratio. In-complete
dominance, lethal gene. Gene interaction- Epistasis. Complementary
Supplementary, Duplicate Physical and chemical structure of chromosome , types of chromosomes
lampbrush and supernumerary. Chromosomal mutations.
Structure and functions of nucleic acids. Types of RNA and DNA.
Replication of DNA. Evidences of DNA as genetic material.
Synaptonematal complex, crossing over, chiasma, linkage and mapping
of genes.
Principles of Plant breeding. Methods of breeding; Introduction and
acclimatization, selection (mass, pureline and clonal), hybridization,
pedigree analysis, hybrid vigour, use of mutation and polyploidy in
Lamarckism and neo-Lamarckism. Darwinism and neo-Darwinism.
De Vries concept, origin of species, Elementay study of biostatistics mean, mode, median, standard
error, chi-spuare test, standard deviation.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/81

Time : 5 Hrs. Max Marks: 65 Min Pass Marks: 24
Note : The practical exercises have been divided into following two groups.
Group-I : Taxonomy, Embryology and Economic Botany.
Group-II : Anatomy and Cytogentics etc.
1. Ranunculaceae:Ranunculus, Delphinium
2. Capparidaceae .: Cleome, Capparis.
3.. Leguminosae:Albizia, Cassia, Clitoria
4. Cucurbitaceae:Citrullus, Cucumis
5. Apiaceae:Coriandrum, Foeniculum
6. Asteraceae:Helianthus, Tagetes
7. Apocynaceae:Catharanthus, Nerium
8. Aselepiadaceae:Calotropis, Laptadenia
9. Solanceae:Datura, Solanum
10. Lamiaceae:Ocimum, Salvia
11. Euphorbiaceae:Ricinus, Euphorbia
12. Lilliaceae:Asphodelus, Aloe
13. Poaceae:Triticum
(Locally available plants be substituted, if necessary)
EMBRYOLOGY : Slides/Specimen.Placentation : Axile, free central, parietal, marginal and basal.
Ovules : Anatropus, and Orthotropus
Ovary : Different types. T.S. anther, L.S. mature seed, pollinium whole mount.
Inflorescence : Cyathium, Hypanthodium, Capitulum, Vertecellaster and
ECONOMIC BOTANY: Drugs : Cinchona, Rauvolfia, Papaver, Withania, Aloe.
Fibres: Cotton, Sunnhemp Oil Seeds: Groundnut, Mustard, Sunflower
Timber: Heartwood, sap-wood, annual rings. Spices & condiments: Red pepper, Clove, Coriandrum,
Turmeric and Heeng .Beverages: Tea, Cofee.
Anatomy : Stem: Boerhaavia, Achyranthes, Bignonia, Bougainvillea.
Laptadenia, Nyctanthes, Salvadora, Casuarina. Dracaena.
Root : Hygroscopic roots of Orchids, Assimilatory roots of Tinospora, Prop roots of Ficus.
Leaf : Nerium, Ficus, Maize, epidermal studies. Types of stomata.
Cytology : Smear preparation of root tips, floral buds of onion for different stages of cell division
Plant breeding : Monohybrid and dihybrid crosses. Emasculation. Marking Scheme
There shall be a practical examination of five hours duration and the distribution of marks shall be as
follows -
Time : 5 Hours Student Reg. N.C.Ex.
1. Meterial for anatomical study with 7 10
(i) double stained T.S. preparation
(ii) Labelled cellular sector diagram
(iii) indentification with characters
(iv) special anatomical characters
2. Description in semi technical language of given 7 10
flower with:
(i) diagrams (ii) description (iii) identification
and systematic position with characters
(iv) F.F. & F.D
3. Economic Botany
6 6
(Two specimen)
4. Embryology
5 5
5. Smear preparation: two stages of cell division 6 6
6. Emasculation technique 4 4
7. Exercise on breeding/ Genetics 4 4
8. Spots 5 (one each from Anatomy, Taxonomy 10 10
Economic Botany, Embryology, Cytology)

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/82

9. Viva-voce 8 10
10. Records and herbarium 8 —-
Total 65 65
Suggested Books :
1. Taxonomy of Angiosperms and Embryology - Gena, Verma and Chaudhary, Alka Publ. Ajmer.
2. Anatomy of Angiosperms and Economic Botany-Gena, Verma and Chaudhary, Alka Publ., Ajmer.
3. Cytology, Genetics, Plant Breeding, Evolution and Biostatics- Gena, Verma and Chaudhary, Alka
Publications, Ajmer.
4. A text book of Botany - Singh, Pandey and Jain, Rastogi Publications, Meerut.
5. Cytology, Genetics, Biotechnology and Biostatistics -P.K.Gupta, Rastogi Publications, Meerut.
6. Practical Botany - Bendre and Kumar, Rastogi Publication, Meerut
7. Practical Botany- Trivedi, Sharma, Sharma and Dhankhad, RBD Publications, Jaipur

ouLifr foKku
rhu isilZ vf/kdre vad 155 U;wure ikl vad 48
isij izFke 3 ?kaVs vof/k 45 vad 16
isij f}rh; 3 ?kaVs vof/k 45 vad 16
isij r`rh; 3 ?kaVs vof/k 45 vad 16
izk;ksfxd ijh{kk % 5 ?kaVs vof/k 65 vad 24 ¼,d fnu½
isij dk iSVuZ
iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u
1-5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 50
'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi lfgr½A
izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 200 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vadks
dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnkas dh

iz'u i= 1 % vko`rohft;ksa dh ofxZdh rFkk HkzkSf.kdh

bdkbZ 1
gcsZfj;e rduhd] Hkkjr ds izeq[k gcsZfj;k rFkk okuLifr m|kuA vko`rchft;ksa ds oxhZdj.k ds fl}kar] iq"ih; ikniksa
esa vk/kkjHkwr fodklh; izo`fRr;ka] vko`rchft;ksa dk ukedj.k] ikni oxhZdj.k i}fr&cSaFke rFkk gqdj] gVphulUl
oxhZdj.k ! ¶yksjk rFkk vkbZdksUl A ¶yksjk rFkk ¼vkbdksUl½jktLFkku ¶yksjk A
bdkbZ 2
fuEufyf[kr dqyksa ds dkf;d o iq’ih; y{k.kksa dk ijkl rFkk vkfFkZd egRo&jsuudqylh] dsisjhMslh] isihfy;ksuslh
¼Qscslh½ lhlyihuslh] ekbeksllh ½] dqdqjchVslh] ,fi,lh ¼vEcsyhQsjh½ rFkk ,LVjslh ¼dEiksftVh½
bdkbZ 3
fuEufyf[kr dqyksa ds dkf;d o iq"ih; y{k.kksa dk ijkl rFkk vkfFkZd egRo ,ikslkbuslh] ,sfLDyfi,Mslh] lksyuslha]
ySfe,lh ¼ysfc,Vh½] ;wQksfcZ,lh] iks,lh ¼xzsfeuh½ rFkk fyfy,lh A
bdkbZ 4
iqdlsj rFkk v.Mi dh lajpuk] vUr%fØ;k] Lor% vlaxrrk] y?kqchtk.kqtuu ijkxd.kksa dh lajpuk o vadqj.k]
xq:chtkuqtuu&chtk.M ds izdkj] Hkzw.kdks"k dk ifjo/kZu o izdkj ¼,d }h] prq'dhchtk.kqt Hkzw.kdks"k½] fu"ksspuA

bdkbZ 5
Hkzw.kiks"k&lajpuk] izdkj o ifjo/kZu] Hkzw.kiks"k pw"kdkaxksa ds izdkj] Hkzw.kiks"k dh vkdkfjdh; izÑfrA Hkzw.kksn~Hkou rFkk blds
izdkjA cht lajpuk o izdkj A vlaxtuu] cgqHkzq.krk o vfu"ksdtuuA izk;ksfxd HkzkSf.kdh&ijkxd.k o Hkzw.k lao/kZuA

iz'u i= 2 % vko`rchft;ksa dh “kkjhfjdh rFkk vkfFkZd ouLifr foKku

bdkbZ 1
foHkT;ksrd rFkk “kh’kZZLFk foHkT;ksrd ¼ewy rFkk LrEHk½ ls lEcfU/kr fofHkUu fl}kUrA ljy o tfVy LFkk;h mRrd
rFkk muds dk;Z] L=koh ÅRrd] ÅRrd ra=A
bdkbZ 2

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/83

ewy] LrEHk o ifRr;ksa dh izkFkfed vkarfjd lajpuk] i.kZ vf/kpeZ] Ropkjkseksa rFkk jU/kzksa dh lajpuk o izdkjA ik'oZ
ewyksa dk ifjo/kZuA ,dchti=h o f}chti=h tM o rus esa izkFkfed vlkekU; lajpuk rFkk i.kksZ dk foyXkuA
bdkbZ 3
f}chti=h ewy o rusa esa lkekU; f}rh;d o`f}] ifjRod] O;kikfjd dkx] gkVZ oqM] lsi oqM] Vkbyksll okf’kZd oy;
ewy o rus esa vlkekU; f}rh;d o`f} A
bdkbZ 4
xsagw] pkoy] eDdk] vkyw rFkk xUus dk mn~Hko] Ñf"k rFkk lq/kkjA
ikniksa ds fuEufyf[kr lewgksa ds vkfFkZd ouLifr foKku dk v/;;u%
js'ksa mRiknd% dikl] twVA
rsy mRiknd% ewaxQyh] ljlksa] lwjteq[kh] ukfj;yA
dk"B mRiknd% lkxoku ¼VsDVksuk½] 'kh'ke ¼MsYcftZ;k½] jksfgMk ¼fVdkseys½
bdkbZ 5
ikniksa ds fuEufyf[kr lewgksa ds vkfFkZd egRo ,oa lkekU; v/;;uA
vkS"k/kh; ikni% fludksuk] jkSofYQ;k] iSiosj] foFkSfu;k o ,yks,A
elkys% ykyfepZ] ykSax] /kfu;k] vnjd] ghax] gYnhA
is; inkFkZ %pk;] dkWQhA
jcj ikni dk lkekU; ifjp;A
ekuotkfr ouLIkfr foKku% ifjHkk"kk] i<us ds rjhds o egRoA

iz'u i= 3 % dksf'kdkuqoaf'kdh] ikni iztuu] fodkl

,oa tSo lkaf[;dh
bdkbZ 1
dksf'kdk ladYiuk rFkk dksf'kdk fl}kUr] dksf'kdk fHkRrh rFkk dksf'kdk dyk dh lajpuk] laxBu ,oa dk;Z]
dksf'kdkaxksa ds izdkj] lajpuk ,oa dk;Z] dksf'kdk foHkktuA

bdkbZ 2
es.My ds oa'kkuqxfr ds fu;e] ,dladj vuqikr] f}ladj vuqikrA viw.kZ izHkkfork] ?kkrd thuA thu bUVj,D'ku&
izcyrk] dkEiyhesaVªh] lIyhesaVªh o MqIyhdsVA xq.klw=ksa dh HkkSfrd rFkk jklk;fud lajpuk] xq.klw=ksa ds izdkj ¼ySEIcz'k]
ikWyhVhu]½ xq.klw=h mRifjorZuA
bdkbZ 3
U;wDyhd vEyksa dh lajpuk o dk;Z] vkj-,u-,- o Mh-,u-,- ds izdkj] Mh-,u-,-dh
izfrÑfrA Mh-,u-,- vkuqoaf'kd inkFkZ gSa] ds i{k esa izek.kA varxzfFklw=h ¼flusIVksfuesVy½
lfEeJ] thu fofue; ¼dzkflax vksoj½] O;R;kfldk ¼dkb,sTek½] lgyXurk o thuksa dk ekufp=.kA
bdkbZ 4
ikni iztuu ds fl}kar] iztuu dh fof/k;ka& iqj%LFkkiu rFkk n'kkuqdwyu] oj.k ¼lagfr 'kq} oa'kdze rFkk Dyksuh;½
ladj.k] oa'kkoyh fo'ys"k.k] ladj vkst] iztuu esa mRifjoZru rFkk cgqxqf.krk dk mi;ksx A
bdkbZ 5
ySekdZokn rFkk uo&ySekdZokn]MkfoZuokn rFkk uo&MkfoZuokn] Mh czht dh ladYiuk] tkfr dk mn~Hko A
tSo lkaf[;dh dk izkjfEHkd v/;;u&ek/;] cgqyd] e/;dk] ekud =qfV] dkbZ oxZ ijh{k.k] ekud fopyu A
izk;ksfxd vH;klksa dks nks lewgksa esa foHkkftr fd;k x;k gSa %&
lewg 1 % ofxZdh] HkzkSf.kdh rFkk vkfFkZd ouLIkfr foKkuA
lewg 2 % ikni 'kjhj] dksf'kdkuqoaf'kdh rFkk ikni iztuuA
lewg %1 ofxZdh] HkzkSf.kdh rFkk vkfFkZd ouLifr foKkuA
v- ofxZdh
1- jsuudqyslh% jsuudqyl] MsfYQfu;e
2- dSisjhMslh % dSisjhl] Dyhvkse
3- ysX;qfeukslh % ,fYcft;k] dSfl;k] ySFkkbjl
4- dqdfcZVslh % flVªwyl] dqdqfel
5- ,fi,lh% dksfj,UMªe] Qhfudqye
6- ,LVªlh% gSfy,UFkl] VstsVl
7- ,ikslkbuslh% dSFksjsUFkl] uhfj;e
8- ,sfLDyfi,Mslh% dsyksVªksfil] ysIVMsfu;k
9- Lkksyuslh% /krwjk] lksyuse
10- fyfy,lh% ,LQksfMyl] ,yks;

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/84

11- ySfe,lh% vkflee] lkfYo;k
12- ;wQksfcZ,lh% fjflul] ;wQksfcZ;k
13- Ikks,lh% fVªfVde
¼vko';drkuqlkj LFkkuh; miyC/k ikniksa dk mi;ksx fd;k tk ldrk gSa ½A
c- HkzkSf.kdh% LykbM rFkk izkn'kZ
chtk.MU;kl% v{kh;] fHkRrh;] eqDrLrEHkh] lhekUr] vk/kkjh; chtk.M % izrhi
o _tq v.Mk”k;% fofHkUu izdkj ijkxdks’k ds vuqizLFkdkV] ifjiDo cht dh yEcor~ dkV] iksfyfu;ee dk iw.kZ
iq’idze% lk,fFk;e] gkbisUFkksfM;e] eqaMd ,oa ofZVZflykLVj rFkk N=d
l- vkfFkZd ouLIkfr foKku
vkS’k/kh; ikni % fludksuk] jkSokfYQ;k iSiosj] foFksfu;k o ,yksjk
js”ks % dikl] lu
rsyh; cht % ewaxQyh] ljlksa] lwjteq[kh
dk"B % vardk"B] jldk’B] okf’kZd oy;
elkys % ykyfepZ] ykSax] /kfu;k] vnjd] gYnh o ghax
is; inkFkZ % pk;] dkWQh
lewg 2 % ikni 'kkjhfjd ¼'kjhj ½] dksf'kdkuqoaf'kdh rFkk ikni iztuu
v- mÙkdh
1- LrEHk% cksjgkfo;k] ,sdkbjsUFkl] fcXuksfu;k] cksxufofy;k] ysIVsMhfu;k] fuDVsUFkl] lkYosMksjk] dStq,jkbuk] Mªsfluk A
2- Ekwy % vkWfdZM dh vknzrkxzkgh ewysa] fVuksLiksjk dh Lokaxhdkjh ewysa] Qkbdl dh voLrEHk ewysa A
3- i.kZ % uhfj;e] Qkbdl] eDdk] vf/kpehZ; v/;;u] ja/kzks ds izdkj A
c- dksf”kdkuqof'kadh lelw=h rFkk v/kZlw=h dksf”kdkfoHkktu dh fofHkUu voLFkkvksa ds v/;;u ds fy, I;kt dh
ewykxzksa rFkk iq’idfydkvksa dk vkysi fuekZ.kA
l- ikni iztuu ,d ladj rFkk f}ladj ladj.k] foiqlau A ;kstuk
Lke; 5 ?kaVs vf/kdre vad 65 fu;fer ,oa iwoZ fo|kFkhZ Loa;ikBh fo|kFkhZ
1 ,d vko`rchth inkFkZ dk “kfjjh; v/;;u 7 10
1- f}vfHkjatu 2- ukekafdr dksf’kdh; fp=
3-igpku rFkk 4- fo”ks"k 'kkjhfjd@ikfjfLFkfrdh; y{k.k
2- fn;s x;s iq"i dk v/kZ&rduhdh Hkk"kk esa o.kZu 7 10
1-fp=ksa 2] o.kZu rFkk 3 y{k.kksa lfgr ofxZdh rFkk
igpku 4- iq-lw- rFkk iq-fp-
3- vkfFkZd ouLIkfr foKku ¼nks izknkZ½ 6 6
4- HkzkSf.kdh 5 5
5- fLe;j cukuk 6 6
6- foiqalu rduhd 4 4
7- ikni iztuu 4 4
8- izfrn’kZ 5 ¼'kkjhfjdh] ofxZdh] vkfFkZd ouLifr foKku½ HkzkSf.kdh]
dksf'kdkfoKku] izR;sd esa ls ,d 10 10
9- ekSf[kd ijh{kk 8 10
10- izk;ksfxd vH;kl iqfLrdk rFkk ikniky; 8 &
dqy 65 65
v/;;u ;ksX; iqLrdsa
1- vko`rchth oxhZdh ,oa Hkzwf.kdh& xSuk] oekZ ,oa pkS/kjh] vYdk ifCyds'ku] vtesj
2- vko`rchth dh vdkfjdh ,oa vkfFkZd ouLifr foKku& xSuk] oekZ ,oa pkS/kjh vYdk ifCyds'ku] vtesjA
3- dksf'kd foKku] vuqokaf'kdh] ikni iztuu] fodkl ,oa tSo lkaf[;dh& xSuk] oekZ ,oa pkS/kjh] vYdk ifCyds'ku]
4- vko`rchth ouLIkfr foKku& flag] ik.Ms ,oa tSu] jLrksxh ifCyds'kUl] esjB
5- vko`rchft;ksa dh oxhZdh& f=osnh] 'kekZ ,oa ;kno] vkj-ch-Mh- ifCyds'kUl] t;iqj
6- iq"ih; ikniksa dh lajpuk& ifjo/kZu ,oa tuu& f=osnh] 'kekZ ,oa ;kno] vkj-ch-Mh- ifCyds”kUl] t;iqj
7- izk;ksfxd ouLIkfr foKku& xSuk] oekZ ,oa pkS/kjh] vYdk ifCyds'ku] vtesj
8- izk;ksfxd ouLifr foKku&f=osnh] 'kekZ ,oa ;kno] vkj-ch-Mh-ifCyds'kUl] t;iqj
9- dksf'kdkuqokaf’kdh] ikni iztuu ,oa mf}dkl& R;kxh] {ks=iky ,oa R;kxh] vkjch- Mh- ifCyds'kUl] t;iqj
10- vko`rchth ofxZdh& R;kxh ,oa {ks=iky& vkj-ch-Mh- ifCyds'kUl] t;iqj


MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/85

Theory/ Nomenclature Hours Duration Max. Min.
Practicle per of exam Marks Marks
Paper-I Geology of Rajasthan
& Sedimentology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Paper-II Igneous &
Petrology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45 48
Paper -III Stratigraphy of
India 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Practicals Related to all the
three papers 6 hrs 5 hrs 65 24
Note: – Each Theory paper is divided into 5 units. The question paper is divided into three
parts,Part A,Part B and Part C. Part A (15 Marks) is compulsory and contain 1 question containing 10
parts ( Answer limit 50 words) two questions from each unit, each question is of 1.5 marks. Part
B (15 Marks) is compulsory and contains five questions with internal choice, one from each
unit.Candidate is required to attempt all five questions; each question is of three marks each (Answer
limit 200 words). Part C (15 Marks) contains five questions one from each unit. Candidate is required
to attempt three questions; each question is of 5 Marks (Answer limit 500 words).
Work load: – Each paper shall be given atleast 2 (two) hours (or three periods) per week Theory
teaching. Practical shall be given 6 (Six) hours per week. In this way each theory paper shall be given
atleast 60 hours teaching and total180 hous teaching for practicals per teaching session.

Paper I : Geology of Rajasthan and Sedimentology

Duration : 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 45
Regional Geology and Tectonics of Rajasthan.
Basement: Banded Gniessic Complex, Mangalwar Complex, Sandmata Complex, Hindoli Group,
Untala, Gingla and Berach Granites. Form and distribution, stratigraphy, metamorphism structure and
tectonics of Proterozoic : Aravalli Superrgroup; Delhi Superrgroup; Vindhyan Supergroup; and Marwar
Supergroup. Late Proterozoic Magmatism- Erinpura granites and its equivalents; Malani Igneous
Suite –distribution, classification, age and evolution.
Unit –II
Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Stratigraphy of Rajasthan – Bap Boulder Bed, Badhura Formation,
Mesozoic sequence of Jaisalmer Basin. Deccan Traps in Rajasthan – form and distribution.
Alkaline Rocks- Mundwara, Sarnu-Dandali and Sankra-Sanawara.
Tertiary Stratigraphy of Jaisalmer, Barmer and Palana-Ganganagar basins.
Quaternary Geology of Western Rajasthan – stratigraphy, landforms, palaeoclimate and
Unit –III
Sedimentology – Sedimentary deposits and sedimentary rocks. Sediment; origin, transportation and
deposition; Depositional Environment. Post depositional changes- lithification and diagenesis.
Dynamics of eolian, fluvial, near shore and deep sea environments. Concepts of sedimentary facies.
Mineral composition of sedimentary rocks. Heavy minerals :their seperation , classification and
Texture of sedimentary rocks: Grain size – distribution, graphical representation and their geological
significance. Grain shape, sphericity and roundness. Packing , orientation and internal fabric of
sedimentary rocks.
Sedimentary structures: Surface structures viz. - Ripple marks, Sole marks- flute, groove, Rill marks,
Rain drops imprints etc. Internal structures: Bedding, Graded bedding, Cross bedding and
penecontem poraneous deformation structures etc. Chemical structures: geodes, cone in cone,
septaria, styolites etc. Biogenic structures: stromatolites and echnofossils.
Unit – V
Classification of sedimentary rocks. Clastic and nonclastic rocks.
Petrogenesis of common sedimentary rocks viz. conglomerates, breccia, sandstone, shale, laterite,
bauxite, limestone, dolomite, gypsite, coal, bog iron ore, rock phosphate. Carbonate rocks, their
minerals, composition, classification and origin.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/86

Paper II : Igneous and metamorphic petrology :
Duration - 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 45
Theory/ Nomenclature Hours Duration Max. Min.
Practicle per of exam Marks Marks
Paper-I Geology of Rajasthan
& Sedimentology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Paper-II Igneous &
Petrology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45 48
Paper -III Stratigraphy of
India 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Practicals Related to all the
three papers 6 hrs 5 hrs 65 24
Note: – Each Theory paper is divided into 5 units. The question paper is divided into three
parts,Part A,Part B and Part C. Part A (15 Marks) is compulsory and contain 1 question containing 10
parts ( Answer limit 50 words) two questions from each unit, each question is of 1.5 marks. Part
B (15 Marks) is compulsory and contains five questions with internal choice, one from each
unit.Candidate is required to attempt all five questions; each question is of three marks each (Answer
limit 200 words). Part C (15 Marks) contains five questions one from each unit. Candidate is required
to attempt three questions; each question is of 5 Marks (Answer limit 500 words).

Unit – I
Igneous rock- plutonic, hypabassal and volcanic rocks. Forms, Texture and structures of igneous
Unit – II
Composition, physicochemical constitution of magma. Types of magma and crystallization of
unicomponent and bicomponent magma- solid solution, mixed crystal, differentiation and assimilation
of magma. Bowen’s Reaction Series.
Unit – III
Concepts of rock kindreds. Classification of igneous rocks. Petrography and petrogenesis of common
igneous rocks, Granite, granodiorite, Diorite, Gabbro, Syenite, ultrabasic and ultramafic rocks and
their volcanic equivalents.
Unit – IV
Metamorphism, agents of metamorphism and types of metamorphism. Concepts of metamorphic
grades and facies. Phase rule. Regional (dynamothermal) metamorphism Thermal (contact)
metamorphism, Plutonic metamorphism and cataclastic metamorphism.
Unit – V
Texture and structure of metamorphic rocks. Stress and anti-stress minerals. Metasomatism,
Pneumatolytic injections. Metamorphism and auto metamorphism. Palingenesis and anataxis.
Retrograde metamorphism. Description of common metamorphic rocks:- slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss,
quartzites, marbles, granulite, eclogites, migmatite, charnockites etc.

Paper III – Stratigraphy of India

Duration 3 hrs. Max. Marks : 45

Theory/ Nomenclature Hours Duration Max. Min.

Practicle per of exam Marks Marks
Paper-I Geology of Rajasthan
& Sedimentology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Paper-II Igneous &
Petrology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45 48
Paper -III Stratigraphy of
India 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Practicals Related to all the
three papers 6 hrs 5 hrs 65 24

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/87

Note: – Each Theory paper is divided into 5 units. The question paper is divided into three
parts,Part A,Part B and Part C. Part A (15 Marks) is compulsory and contain 1 question containing 10
parts ( Answer limit 50 words) two questions from each unit, each question is of 1.5 marks. Part B (15
Marks) is compulsory and contains five questions with internal choice, one from each unit.Candidate
is required to attempt all five questions; each question is of three marks each (Answer limit 200
words). Part C (15 Marks) contains five questions one from each unit. Candidate is required to
attempt three questions; each question is of 5 Marks (Answer limit 500 words).
Unit – I
Stratigraphy and sedimentation: Dual hierarchy in stratigraphy, vertical and lateral relationship.
Elements & Principles of stratigraphy. Standard Stratigraphic Time scale and its Indian equivalents.
Lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic & chronostratigraphic units. Geochronology. Physical and tectonic
divisions of India and their characteristics.
Unit – II
Major Precambrian provinces of India: Dharwar Province, Eastern Ghats Province, Central Indian
Province, Singhbhum –Orissa Province: Distribution, Classification, Formations, Important economic
minerals. Precambrians of the Extra- Peninsula
Unit – III
Proterozoic Formations of India: Cuddapah Supergroup, Bijawar, Gwalior and Kolihan, Kaladagi and
Pakhal groups. Vindhyan Supergroup, Kurnool group Marine Palaeozoic formations of India: tetheyan
regions and lesser Himalayan region and mesozoic formations of India : Distribution, Formations &
Unit – IV
Gondwana Super group : sedimentation and Palaeoclimates. Distribution, division, lithology, fossil and coal
content. Deccan traps: distribution , classification origin and age.
Infratrappean and intertrappean beds.
Unit – V
Cenozoic geology of India: Boundary problems.
Distribution, classification, lithology and fossil content of Himalayan Paleogene succession, Himalayan Neogene
succession, Assam-Arakan region, Cauveri and Godavari region :.

Duration 5 hrs. Min. Pass Marks 24 Max. Marks 65
Theory/ Nomenclature Hours Duration Max. Min.
Practicle per of exam Marks Marks
Paper-I Geology of Rajasthan
& Sedimentology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Paper-II Igneous &
Petrology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45 48
Paper -III Stratigraphy of
India 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Practicals Related to all the
three papers 6 hrs 5 hrs 65 24
Note: – Each Theory paper is divided into 5 units. The question paper is divided into three parts,Part
A,Part B and Part C. Part A (15 Marks) is compulsory and contain 1 question containing 10 parts (
Answer limit 50 words) two questions from each unit, each question is of 1.5 marks. Part B (15 Marks)
is compulsory and contains five questions with internal choice, one from each unit.Candidate is
required to attempt all five questions; each question is of three marks each (Answer limit 200 words).
Part C (15 Marks) contains five questions one from each unit. Candidate is required to attempt three
questions; each question is of 5 Marks (Answer limit 500 words).
Distribution of Marks in Geology Practical Examination
Sedimentology 12
Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology 18
Stratigraphy of India 10
Field Training 05
Viva 10
Record 10

Study of rocks in hand specimens and Petrographic studies under microscope.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/88

Igneous rocks: Granite, Granodiotrite, syenite, diorite, anorthosite, norite, gabbro, pyroxenite,
peridotite, pegmatite, dolerite, rhyolite and basalt.
Metamorphic Rocks: Quartzite, marble, gneiss, mica schist, phyllite, slate, amphibolite, charnockite,
mylonite, migmatite.
Sedimentary rocks: Sandstone, Limestone, shale, conglomerate, arkose, greywacke. Identification
of important stratigraphic rocks in hand specimens. Distribution of important stratigraphic formations
and supergroups in the boundary maps of India and Rajasthan
Field Training: Study of geological formation and rock types for about five days duration and a report
Books Suggested
1. Mukherjee P.K. – A text book of geology, (The World Press, Calcutta).
2. Subramania S. – Petrology I, (COSIP-ULP,Mysore, Uni. Maysore).
3. Hatch F.H. , Wells, A.K. & Wells M.K. – Petrology of the Igneous rocks, (CBS Publication, Delhi).
4. Mason, Roger – Petrology of the Metamorphic Rocks, (CBS Publication, Delhi).
5. Sen Gupta, S.M. – Introduction to Sedimentology. (Oxford & IBH, Delhi).
6. Verma, V.K. & Prasad, C. – Text Book of Sedimentary Petrology, (Int.Book Distributers,
7. Greensmith, J.T. – Petrology of the Sedimentry Rocks, (CBS Publication, Delhi).
8. Ehlers, E.G., Blatt, H. – Petrology Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic, (CBS Publication,
9. Tyrrel, G.W. – Principle of Petrology.
10. Krishnan, M.S. – Geology of India and Burma (Higgin Bothams, Madras).
11. Wadia, D.N. – Geology of India (Tata Mcgraw hill, Delhi.)
12. Ravindra Kumar – Fundamentals of Historical Geology & Stratigra phy of India (CBS)
13. Mahapatra G.B. – A text book of geology. (CBS Publication, Delhi)
;kstuk %
LSk}kafrd dky[kaM ikjh{kk iw.kkZad U;wure
lIrkg vof/k mÙkh.kkZad
Ikz'u Ik= I jktLFkku dk HkqfoKku
,oa volkn foKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45 48
Ikz'u Ik= II vkXus; ,oa dk;karfjr
'kSy foKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikz'u Ik= III Hkkjro"kZ dk Hkw&foKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikzk;ksfxd 6 5 ?kaVs 65 24
uksV % izR;sd lS)kfUrd iz'u i= dks ikap bdkb;ksa esa ckaVk x;k gSA iz'u i= rhu Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr gSA Hkkx ,]
Hkkx ch vkSj Hkkx lhA Hkkx , ¼15 vad½ vfuok;Z gS vkSj blesa 15 vad dk ,d iz'u gksxk ftlds 10 Hkkx gksaxs]
izR;sd bdkbZ ls nks iz'u gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 50 'kCn½A Hkkx ch ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls vkarfjd fodYi ds lkFk
dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 200 'kCn½A izR;sd iz'u rhu vadksa dk gksxkA Hkkx lh ¼15 vad½ izR;sd
bdkbZ ls ,d iz'u gksxk] vH;fFkZ;ksa dks rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u ikap vad dk gksxk ¼mÙkj lhek
500 'kCn½(
izFke iz'u i= % jktLFkku dk HkwfoKku ,oa volkfndh
le; 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad 45
jktLFkku dk izknsf'kd Hkw&foKku o foorZuhdhA vk/kkj % csUMsM fufld dkWEiysDl] eaxyokj] lkanekrk dkWEiysDl]
fg.Mksyh la?k] ÅUVkyk] fxaxyk o csMp xzsukbZVA
izksVksjkstksbd & vjkoyh oyu es[kyk] fnYyh oyu es[kyk] foU/k;u egkla?k o ekjokj egkla?k dk vkdkj forj.k
Lrjhdh dk;kUrj.k ljapuk o foorZuhdhA ,sjhuiqjk xzsukbV o mlds lerqY;] eykuh vkXus; lqV& forj.k]
oxhZdj.k ,oa mRifÙk
jktLFkku dh iqjkthoh o e/;thoh Lrfjdh &cki laxqfVdk'e] Hknksjk Qksjes'ku] tSlyesj csflu dh eslkstksbZd
pV~VkusA jktLFkku esa MsDdu pV~Vkus& vkdkj o forj.kA {kkjh; pV~Vkus& eq/kaokM+k] lkjuq M.Mkyh o lka[kyk
lukoM+kA tSlyesj] ckMesj o iykuk xaxkuxj nzks.kh dh vkfnuwru Lrjhdh] if'peh jktLFkku dk DokVjujh
HkwfoKku& Lrjhdh HkwvkÑfr] iqjk tyok;q o uo foorZuhdhA

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/89

volkndh&volkn ,oa volknh; 'kSy & muds cuus gh izfØ;k] volkn&mRifÙk ifjogu o fu{ksi.k] fu{ksi.k
okrkoj.k] i'p fu{ksi.k ifjorZu& f'kyh Hkou ,oa izla?kuuA ok;q<+] unh;] fudVrVh; ,oa xaHkhj lkxj okrkoj.k dh
xfrdh volknh; lay{k.kh dh vo/kkj.kkA volknh 'kSyksa dk [kfut laxBu xq:Ro [kfut% mudk Ik`FkDdj.k
oxhZdj.k ,oa egRoA
volknh 'kSykas dk xBu] d.k vkdkj] mudk forj.k ,oa HkwoSKkfud egRo]
vkdkj& xksykHkrko xksfy;rk] ,oa volknh 'kSyks dk ladqyau vfHkfoU;kl ,oa vkarfjd lajpukA
volknh; lajpuk;s lrgh lajpuk;sa & rjax fpUg] lksy ekdZ] xzqo o ¶ywV] vYilfjr fpUg] o"kkZ fpUg( vkarfjd
lajpuk,a& laLrj.k] /kkjklaLrj.k] ØkWl laLrj.k isusdkUVsiksjsfu;l fo:i.k lajpuk,] jklk;fud lajpuk& thvksM]
lsIVsjh;k o LVk;ksykbV vkfn] tho tfur lajpuk,]LVªksesVksykbVl] bDuksthok'eA
volknh 'kSyksa dk oxhZdj.k] lkekU; la[k.Mh o vla[k.Mh 'kSyA
lkekU; volknh 'kSyksa dk 'kSy tUku& laxqfVdk'e] czsfD'k;k ckywdk'e] pwuk iRFkj 'kSy ySVkjkbV] ckDlkbV
MksyksekbV ftilkbV dks;yk cksx vk;ju jksd QkWLQsV dkcksZusV 'kSy &muds [kfut] laxBu] oxhZdj.k ,oa mRifrA
f}rh; iz'u i= % vkXus; ,oa dk;karfjr ’kSy foKku
le; 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad 45
;kstuk %
LSk}kafrd dky[kaM Ikjh{kk iw.kkZad U;wure
lIrkg vof/k mÙkh.kkZad
Ikz'u Ik= I jktLFkku dk HkqfoKku
,oa volkn foKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45 48
Ikz'u Ik= II vkXus; ,oa dk;karfjr
'kSy foKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikz'u Ik= III Hkkjro"kZ dk Hkw&foKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikzk;ksfxd 6 5 ?kaVs 65 24
uksV % izR;sd lS)kfUrd iz'u i= dks ikap bdkb;ksa esa ckaVk x;k gSA iz'u i= rhu Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr gSA Hkkx ,]
Hkkx ch vkSj Hkkx lhA Hkkx , ¼15 vad½ vfuok;Z gS vkSj blesa 15 vad dk ,d iz'u gksxk ftlds 10 Hkkx gksaxs]
izR;sd bdkbZ ls nks iz'u gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 500 'kCn½A Hkkx ch ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls vkarfjd fodYi ds lkFk
dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 200 'kCn½A izR;sd iz'u rhu vadksa dk gksxkA Hkkx lh ¼15 vad½ izR;sd
bdkbZ ls ,d iz'u gksxk] vH;fFkZ;ksa dks rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u ikap vad dk gksxk ¼mÙkj lhek
500 'kCn½(
vkXus; 'kSy & foryh;] vf?kforyh; ,oa Tokykeq[kh 'kSyA vkXus; 'kSyksa ds :i] xBu o lajpuk,¡A
eSXek dk la?kVu ,oa jpuk eSXek ds izdkj] ,d ?kVdh; o f}vaxh; eSXek dk fØLVyhdj.k& feJfØLVy
foHksnhdj.k ,oa Lokaxhdj.kA ckWosu izfrfØ;k Ja[kykA
vkXus; 'kSyksa esa la?kkr dh vo/kkj.kkA vkXus; 'kSyksa dk oXkhZdj.k izeq[k vkXus; 'kSyksa dh 'kSy o.kZuk o 'kSy tuu &
xzsukbV] xzsuksMk;ksjkbV] Mk;ksjkbV] xzsczks] lkbukbV] vfr{kkjh; ,oa vfryksgh; 'kSy ,oa mudh Tokykeq[kh; lerqY;A
dk;kUrj.k % dkjd ,oa izdkjA dk;kUrj.k dh Jsf.k;ksa ,oa lay{kf.k;ksa dh vo/kkj.kkA
izknsf'kd ¼m"ekxfrd½ rkih; ¼Li'kZ½ foryh; ,oa vinyuh; dk;kUrj.kA
dk;krfjr 'kSyksa ds xBu ,oa lajpuk,¡ lEkcy o izfrcy [kfut] rRokUrj.k& m".k okf"i; dk;kUrj.k vUr%{ksi.k
dk;kUrj.k o Lodk;kUrj.k] iquxZyu o iquHkZou] i'pxfrd dk;kUrj.kA
izeq[k dk;kUrfjr 'kSyksa dk v?;;u& LysV] QkbykbV] f'kLV] ukbl] gkuZQsYl] laxejej] DokVZtkbV XkzsuqykbV
feXesVkbV] pkjuksdkbV vkfnA
r`rh; iz'u i= % Hkkjro"kZ dk Hkw&foKku
le; 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad 45
;kstuk %
LSk}kafrd dky[kaM Ikjh{kk iw.kkZad U;wure
lIrkg vof/k mÙkh.kkZad
Ikz'u Ik= I jktLFkku dk HkqfoKku

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/90

,oa volkn foKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45 48
Ikz'u Ik= II vkXus; ,oa dk;karfjr
'kSy foKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikz'u Ik= III Hkkjro"kZ dk Hkw&foKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikzk;ksfxd 6 5 ?kaVs 65 24
uksV % izR;sd lS)kfUrd iz'u i= dks ikap bdkb;ksa esa ckaVk x;k gSA iz'u i= rhu Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr gSA Hkkx ,]
Hkkx ch vkSj Hkkx lhA Hkkx , ¼15 vad½ vfuok;Z gS vkSj blesa 15 vad dk ,d iz'u gksxk ftlds 10 Hkkx gksaxs]
izR;sd bdkbZ ls nks iz'u gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 500 'kCn½A Hkkx ch ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls vkarfjd fodYi ds lkFk
dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 200 'kCn½A izR;sd iz'u rhu vadksa dk gksxkA Hkkx lh ¼15 vad½ izR;sd
bdkbZ ls ,d iz'u gksxk] vH;fFkZ;ksa dks rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u ikap vad dk gksxk ¼mÙkj lhek
500 'kCn½(
Lrfjdh o volknu % Lrfjdh esa nksgjh mPpksPp ijaijk m/okZ/kj o ik'oZ lEcU/kA Lrfjdh ds rRo o fl)kUrA Ekud
HkwoSKkfud le;pØ o Hkkjrh; rqY; LrfjdhA vLe Lrfjdh] tSo Lrfjdh o dkykuqØe Lrfjdh bZdkb;k¡ HkwoSKkfud
dky fu.kZ; fo/kkA Hkkjr dk HkkSfrd o fooÙkZfud foHkktuA
Hkkjr ds izeq[k vk|egkdYi dfVcU/k % /kkjokM+] iwohZ ?kkV] e/; Hkkjr] flagHkwe& mM+hlk dfVcU/k ,oa muds forj.k]
oxhZdj.k] QkesZ'ku] egRoiw.kZ vkfFkZd [kfutA vfrizk;}hih; Hkkjr ds iwoZ ØsEczh;u QkesZ'kuA
Hkkjr dh izksVksjkstksbd QkesZ'ku % dqMIik egkla?k] chtkoj] Xokfy;j] dksfygku] dkykMxh ,oa ik[kky la?kA foU/k;u
egkla?k] dqjuqy la?kA Hkkjr dh leqnzh iqjkthoh egkdYi QkesZ'ku% VsFkh;u o yslj fgeky; {ks= o Hkkjr ds
e?;thoh egkdYi lewg dk Hkw&foKku % forj.k] QkesZ'ku ,oa fyFkksykWthl o thok'eA
xkasMokuk lewg dk Hkw&foKku&forj.k] oxhZdj.k] 'kSfydh thok"e ,oa dks;ys ds HkaMkjA
MsDdu VªsIl % forj.k] oxhZdj.k] mRifÙk ,oa vk;qA bUVªk Vsªfi;u o bUÝk Vsªfi;u 'kSyA
Hkkjr ds lsukstksbd o DokVauZjh egkdYi lewgksa dk Hkw&foKku&forj.k] oxhZdj.k] ’kSfydh ,oa thok’e % r`rh;d dYi
ds 'kSy&f'kokfyd egkla?k] vklke&vjkdku] dkosjh ,oa xksnkojh {ks=
Hkw&foKku &izk;ksfxd
;kstuk %
LSk}kafrd dky[kaM Ikjh{kk iw.kkZad U;wure
lIrkg vof/k mÙkh.kkZad
Ikz'u Ik= I jktLFkku dk HkqfoKku
,oa volkn foKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45 48
Ikz'u Ik= II vkXus; ,oa dk;karfjr
'kSy foKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikz'u Ik= III Hkkjro"kZ dk Hkw&foKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikzk;ksfxd 6 5 ?kaVs 65 24
uksV % izR;sd lS)kfUrd iz'u i= dks ikap bdkb;ksa esa ckaVk x;k gSA iz'u i= rhu Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr gSA Hkkx ,]
Hkkx ch vkSj Hkkx lhA Hkkx , ¼15 vad½ vfuok;Z gS vkSj blesa 15 vad dk ,d iz'u gksxk ftlds 10 Hkkx gksaxs]
izR;sd bdkbZ ls nks iz'u gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 500 'kCn½A Hkkx ch ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls vkarfjd fodYi ds lkFk
dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 200 'kCn½A izR;sd iz'u rhu vadksa dk gksxkA Hkkx lh ¼15 vad½ izR;sd
bdkbZ ls ,d iz'u gksxk] vH;fFkZ;ksa dks rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u ikap vad dk gksxk ¼mÙkj lhek
500 'kCn½(

Hkw foKku izk;ksfxd

Lke; 5 ?kaVs U;wure vad 24 iw.kkZad 65
volkn foKku 12
vkXus; ,oa dk;kUrfjr 'kSy foKku 18
Hkkjr dk Lrfjr 'kSy foKku 10
{ks=h; dk;Z 05
ekSf[kd 10
iz;ksx'kkyk dk;Z vH;kl iqfLrdk 10

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/91

izk;ksfxd ikB;Øe
'kSykssa dh gLruewus esa igpku ,oa v?;;u vkXus; 'kSysa & xzsukbV] xzsuksMkbjkbV] lkbukbV] Mk;ksjkbV] ,uksFkksZlkbV]
uksjkbV] xzsczk]s ikbjksDlhukbV] iSjhMksVkbV] iSXesVkbV] MksysjkbV] jk;ksykbV] cslkYVA
dk;kUrfjr 'kSy&DokV~tkZbV] laxejej] uhl] vHkzd f'kLV] QkbykbV] LysV] ,EQhcksykbV] pkuksZdkbV] ek;yksukbV]
volknh 'kSysa &ckyqdk'e] pwukiRFkj] 'kSy] laxqfVdk';] vkdksZt] xzsosdA fuEu 'kSyksa dk lw{en'kZd ;a= ls f'kykoh{k.kh
v?;;u& xzsukbV] xzsuksMk;ksjkbV] jk;ksykbV] lkbukbV] MksyksjkbV] xzsczks] ckyqdk’e] pwukiRFkj] vkdksZt] xzsosd 'kSy]
Qk;ykbV] vHkzd f'kLV] laxejej] pkuksZdkbVA
nsgyh&vjkoyh oyu es[kyk] eq[; foU?;u nkªsf.kdk] xksMokuk egklewg o Msdu VsªIk dk forj.k n'kkZus okys Hkkjr ds
{ks=h; dk;Z & ,d lIrkg ds fy, Hkw&oSKkfud lewgksa ,oa 'kSyksa ds v?;;u gsrq {ks=h; izf'k{k.k ,oa mlds Ik'pkr~

Two papers Mini pass marks: 54 Maxi marks: 150
Paper-I 3 hours duration 75 marks
Paper- II 3 hours duration 75 marks
Arts & Science Practical :
Arts Mini pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50
Science Mini pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50


Note: The question paper will be divided into three sections.
Section A will contain 10 questions in all (two questions from each unit). Each question will carry 2
marks. All 10 questions are compulsory. Section B will contain 10 questions in all (two questions from
each unit with internal choice). Candidates have to attempt 5 questions by selecting 1 question from
each unit. Each question will carry 5 marks. Section C will contain 5 questions (one from each unit).
Candidates have to attempt any three questions. Each question will carry 10 marks.
Nature and scope of human geography; Branches of human geography; Principles of human
geography; Approaches of human geography; Concepts of man-environment relationship-
determinism, possibilism, and neo-determinism; Dichotomy in physical and human geography.
Division of mankind: spatial distribution, physical and social profile of racial groups, ethnic groups,
tribal groups in the world and in India; early economic activities of mankind- food gathering, hunting,
fishing and shifting cultivation.
Human adaptation to environment (i) Cold region Eskimos, (ii) Hot region Bushman & Pigmy, (iii)
Plateau region Gonds & Masai, (iv) Mountain region Gujjar & Naga, (v) Plain region Bhils & Santhal,
their social and economic activities.
Distribution of population: World distribution pattern; physical, economic and social factors influencing
spatial distribution; Concept of over population, under population, and optimum population. Zero
population growth; Migration- internal and international.
Population regions of India; dynamic, prospective, depressed; Problem of over population of India and
remedial measures. Population programmes and policy of India.
Books recommended:
1. Bergwan Edward E: Human Geography: Culture, Connection and Landscape, Prentice Hall, New
Jersey, 1995.
2. Carr,M: Patterns, Process and Change in Human Geography, MacMillan,London, 1987.
3. Fellman, J L: Human Geography- Landscape of human activities, Brown & Benchman, USA,
4. Blij HJ: Human Geography, Culture, Society and space; John Willey, New York, 1996.
5. Kaushik: Manav Bhoogol ke saral sidhant, Rastogi, Meerut.
6. Dvivedi and Kannojia: Manav Bhoogol ke Sidhant, Kitab Mahal, Allahbad.
7. Gujjar and Jat: Manav Bhoogol, Panchshee Prakashanl, Jaipur.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/92

Duration : 3hrs Maxi marks: 75
Note: The question paper will be divided into three sections.
Section A will contain 10 questions in all (two questions from each unit). Each question will carry 2
marks. All 10 questions are compulsory. Section B will contain 10 questions in all (two questions from
each unit with internal choice). Candidates have to attempt 5 questions by selecting 1 question from
each unit. Each question will carry 5 marks. Section C will contain 5 questions (one from each unit).
Candidates have to attempt any three questions. Each question will carry 10 marks.
Introduction: Formation and administrative setting of the state, Geological structure, Relief,
Physiographic regions, Drainage, Climate, Soils, Natural vegetation.
Agricultural and economic aspects of the state: Food and commercial crops, Main irrigation sources,
types and their intensity, waste land and desert land development programmes, Livestock and dairy
Power and energy resources: Hydro based, Thermal, Atomic, Solar, Biogas; Mineral resources and
Demographic structure: growth, distribution, density, urban- rural, occupational structure, literacy and
cultural heritage; Tribes of Rajasthn: Bhil and Grasia; Factors affecting the development of
transportation and trade in the state.
Geographical regions of Rajasthan, Detailed study of Marusthali, Aravalli, Hadoti and Eastern Plain.
Books Recommended:
1. Mishra, V C: Geography Rajasthan, National Book Trust, New Delhi, 1967.
2. Sharmas H.S. & M.L.: Geographical Facts of Rajasthan.
3. Bhalla L R: Rajasthan ka Bhoogol, Kuldip Prakashan, Ajmer.
4. Sharm & Sharma: Rajasthan ka Bhoogol, Pancheel Prakashan, Jaipur.
5. Saxena, H M: Rajasthan ka Bhoogol, Rajsthn Hindi Granth Academy, Jaipur.
6. Sharma Dinesh Chandra & Puspa Sharma: Rajasthan Aaj Tak.

Scheme: 6 periods per week per batch of 40 students.
Arts & Science Practical :
Arts Mini pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50
Science Mini pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50
Distribution of marks: Arts Science
1. Lab work 2 hrs duration 18 18
2. Field survey & viva-voce 2 hrs duration 8+4=12 8+4=12
3. Record work & viva- voce 2 hrs duration 8+4=12 8+4=12
4. Project report & viva- voce 6+2=08 6+2=08
Total 50 50
Note: Three exercises to be attempted out of five exercises and 410 candidates be examined in one
Types of cartographic symbols and their uses- point, line and area symbols, Classification of
distribution maps, Representation of population data, Distribution (dot), density (choropleth), growth
(ring), sex composition (pyramid), urban- rural population (dot, circle & sphere), Agriculture data- Land
use(divided circle), distribution (dot and symbols), Irrigated area as percentage to total cropped area
(choropleth), Industrial data- production (Block pile, bar), Transport data ( traffic flow diagram);
Spearman’s rank correlation and regression; Plane Table Survey- radiation, intersection, resection:
two & three point problems- Llano’s method, Bassel’s method, Trial & error method, Mechanical
method. Survey Report- Agricultural survey of a village, Report should be prepared by the students
Books recommended:
1. Lawrence, G R P: Cartographic Methods, Methuen, London.
2. Mishra R P: Fundamentals of Cartography, McMilan, New Delhi.
3. Monkhouse, F J & Wilkinson, H R : Maps and Diagrams, Methuen, London, 1994.
4. Singh, R L: Elements of Practical Geography, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/93

5. J.P. Sharma: Prayogatmak Bhoogol ki Rooprekha, Rastogi, Meerut.
6. Mamoria C B & Jain S M : Prayogatmak Bhoogol, Sahitya Bhavan Agra.
7. S.M. Jain: Prayogatmak Bhoogol, Sahitya Bhavan, Agra.

izFke iz'u i= % ekuo Hkwxksy
vof/k % 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZd % 75
uksV %& iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u rFkk lHkh
iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxh A [k.M ^c* esa izR;sd
bdkbZ esa ls 2 iz'u lfgr dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vad dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u dk
mÙkj nsrs gq, dqy 5 iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCn gksxhA [k.M ^l* esa dqy
5 iz'u] izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u] gksxsa A ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs rFkk izR;sd iz'u 10 vad
dk gksxkA izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
bdkbZ &1
ekuo Hkwxksy dh izÑfr vkSj fo"k;oLrq] ekuo Hkwxksy dh 'kk[kk,sa] ekuo Hkwxksy ds fl)kar] ekuo Hkwxksy ds mikxe %
ekuo& i;kZoj.k lEcU/k dh vo/kkjk.kk& fu'p;okn] lEHkookn vkSj uo&fu'p;okn] }Srokn & HkkSfrd cuke ekuo
bdkbZ &2
ekou iztkfr;ksa dk foHkktu % LFkkfud forj.k] fofHkUUk tkfr; lewgksa ds HkkSfrd ,oa lkekftd izk:i] tkrh; lewg]
fo'o vkSj Hkkjr esa tutkrh; lewg] ekuo dh izkjafHkd vkfFkZd xfrfof/k;ka % Hkkstu ,d=hdj.k] f'kdkj] eRL; ,oa
LFkkukrfjr Ñf"k A
bdkbZ &3
i;kZoj.k ds izfr ekuoh; vuqdwyu % ¼i½ B.Ms izns'k & ,fLdeks ¼ii½ xeZ izns'k& cq'keSu] fiXeh ¼iii½ iBkjh izns'k &
XkkSM] elkbZ ¼iv½ ioZrh; izns'k & xwtj ?kqeDdM+ ,oa ukxk ¼v½ eSnkuh izns'k & Hkhy] LaFkky] budh lkekftd vkSj
vkfFkZd xfrfof/k;kaA
bdkbZ &4
tual[;k dk forj.k% fo'o forj.k izk:i& LFkkfud forj.k dks izHkkfor djus okys HkkSfrd] vkfFkZd rFkk lekftd
dkjd] tukf/kD;] tukHkko vkSj vkn'kZ tula[;k dh vo/kkj.kk] 'kwU; tula[;k o`f)] tula[;k dk vkarfjd ,oa
varjkZ"Vªh; LFkkukarj.kA

bdkbZ &5
Hkkjr ds tula[;k izns'k % xR;kRed] fodklksUeq[k rFkk fodklfoeq[k {ks=] Hkkjr esa tuf/kD; dh leL;k rFkk mik;A
Hkkjr ds tual[;k dk;ZØe vkSj uhfr;kaA
f}rh; iz'u i= % jktLFkku dk Hkwxksy
vof/k % 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZd % 75
uksV %& iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u rFkk lHkh
iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxh A [k.M ^c* esa izR;sd
bdkbZ esa ls 2 iz'u lfgr dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vad dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u dk
mÙkj nsrs gq, dqy 5 iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCn gksxhA [k.M ^l* esa dqy
5 iz'u] izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u] gksxsa A ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs rFkk izR;sd iz'u 10 vad
dk gksxkA izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
bdkbZ &1
izLrkouk & jkT; dk fuekZ.k vkSj iz'kkldh; <kapk] HkwxfHkZd lajpuk] /kjkry] HkwvkÑfrd izns'k] ty izokg] tyok;q]
fefV~V;ka] izkÑfrd ouLifrA
bdkbZ &2
jkT; dk Ñf"kxr ,ao vkfFkZd Lo:Ik % [kk|kUUk ,oa O;kikfjd Qlysa] flapkbZ ds eq[; L=ksr & izdkj] mudh xgurk]
O;FkZ Hkwfe vkSj e:LFky fodkl dk;ZØe] Ik'kq/ku rFkk Ms;jh fodklA
bdkbZ &3
'kfDr o ÅtkZ ds lalk/ku % ty vk/kkfjr] rkih;] vk.kfod] lkS;Z ÅtkZ] ck;ks xSl] [kfut lalk/ku vkSj m/kksxA
bdkbZ &4
tukadh; ljapuk & tual[;k o`f)] forj.k] ?kuRo] uxjh;&xzkeh.k tula[;k] O;kolkf;d ljapuk] lk{kjrk]
lkaLÑfrd fojklr] jktLFkku dh tutkfr;ka Hkhy vkSj xjkfl;k rFkk jkT; esa ;krk;kr vkSj O;kikj ds fodkl dks
izHkkfor djus okys dkjdA
bdkbZ &5
jktLFkku ds HkkSxksfyd izns'k & e:LFky] vjkoyh] gkM+kSrh] iwohZ eSnku dk foLRk`r v/;;uA

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/94

;kstuk % izfr cSp 40 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk izfr lIrkg 6 dkyka’k v/;;u
iw.kkZd % dyk 50 vof/k 6 ?kaVs U;wure mRrh.kZ dyk % 18
foKku 50 vof/k 6 ?kaVs U;wure mRrh.kZ foKku% 18
vadks dk foHkktu % dyk foKku
1- iz;ksx'kkyk dk;Z % 18 18
2- {ks= losZ{k.k vkSj ekSf[kd 8$4=12 8$4=12
3- fjdkMZ dk;Z vkSj ekSf[kd 8$4=12 8$4=12
4- losZ{k.k fjiksVZ vkSj ekSf[kd 6$2=8 6$2=8
dqy 50 50
uksV %& dqy ikap iz'uksa esa ls rhu iz'u gy djus gksxsa A izfr cSp 40 ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dk ewY;kadu fd;k tk;sxkA
1- dkVksZxzkfQd fpg~uksa ds izdkj o muds mi;ksx& fcUnq] js[kh; o {ks=Qyd fpg~u]
2- forj.k ekufp=ksa dk oxhZdj.k] tula[;k lEcU/kh vkadM+ks dk fp=.k% forj.k ¼fcUnq fof/k½] ?kuRo ¼o.kZek=h½] o`f)
¼o`r vkjs[k½] fyax&ljapuk] ¼fijSfeM vkjs[k½ uxjh;& xzkeh.k tula[;k] ¼fcUnq] o`r] xksyh; vkjs[k½ 3- Ñf"k
lEcU/kh vkadM+ksa dk fp=.k % Hkwfe mi;ksx ¼ foHkkftr o`r vkjs[k½ Qlyksa dk forj.k ¼fcUnq rFkk fpg~u fof/k½ dqy
Qly {ks= esa flafpr {ks= dk izfr'kr ¼o.kZek=h½] 4- vkS|ksfxd vkadM+ks dk fp=.k& mRiknu ¼bf"Vdk iqat] n.M
vkjs[k½ ;krk;kr lEcU/kh vkadM+ks dk fp=.k & ;krk;kr izokg vkjs[k 5- Lih;jeSu dk lglEcU/k xq.kkad ,oa
fjxzslu A 6- leiVy losZ{k.k & fodhj.k izfrPNsnu] iqufLFkfr fu/kkZj.k % nks ,oa rhu fcUnq leL;k & ykuks
fof/k] csly fof/k] Hkwy ,oa tkap fof/k] ;kfU=d fof/kA 7- losZ{k.k fjiksVZ % fdlh ,d xkao dk Ñf"k losZ{k.k]
fo|kfFkZ;ksa }kjk fjiksVZ vyx ls rS;kj djuk gSA


Scheme of examination:
General Instructions:
1. There shall be two theory papers of 75 Marks each and Practical of 50 marks. The candidate will
be required to pass in theory and practical separately.
2. Each theory paper will require four teaching periods of 60 minutes or six teaching period of 45
minutes for both papers per week.
3. Practical papers will require 4 period of 45 minutes or 3 periods of sixty minutes per week for a
batch of 20 students.
4. Each paper will contain three parts- Part-A will have 10 questions, these will be compulsory.
Answers of these questions are limited upto 50 words each. Each question carries 2 marks. Part-B
will have 7 questions out of which five questions are to be attempted. The answer of each question
shall be limited upto 200 words. Each question carries 5 marks. Part-C will have total 4 questions out
of which two questions are to be attempted. The answers of each question shall be limited upto 500
words. Each question carries 15 marks.

Paper I 3Hrs Max. Marks 75 Min. Pass Marks 27
Paper II 3Hrs Max. Marks 75 Min. Pass Marks 27
Practical 3Hrs Max. Marks 50 Min. Pass Marks 18


Duration : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 75
UNIT - 1
a) War: Definition concept, scope, advantages and disadvantages
b) Modern warfare: Concept. Definition and features
c) Nuclear war, biological and chemical war (NBC), Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
a) Cold war: Definition, principles and its instrument as psychological,
economical and diplomatic war
b) Guerilla war: Definition, principles and main factors for successful
Guerrilla warfare
c) War as an instrument of policy, Disarmament.
a) Principles of war: Concept and its importance.
b) Selection and maintenance of Aim, Offencive action, concentration, surprise and co-operation

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/95

c) Economy of force, security, mobility, administration and moral

a) Strategy, definition, concept and importance
b) Strategy of indirect approach
c) Types of strategy
d) Difference between strategy and grand strategy
a) Tactics: Definition, concept and importance
b) Distinction between strategy and tactics
c) Tactics during 20th century
d) Importance of Science and Technology in war
Books Recommended:
1. The Art of war on land: Arthor Birni
2. Military Science: Col. Bhupender Singh
3 ;q) ds fl)kar ,oa lkefjdh% ,e- ih- oekZ
4 ;q) o 'kkfUr dh leL;k,a% feJ o ik.Ms;
5 LFky ;q) dyk% ';ke yky o eqdthZ
6 ;q) dh izÑfr vkSj mÙkjh vÝhdk dk laxzke% MkW- yYyu flag
7 Hkkjrh; lSU; bfrgkl% MkW- ckcwjke ik.Ms;
8 Hkkjrh; lSU; bfrgkl% MkW- yYyu flag
9 ;q) dk v/;;u% MkW- ,l- ds- feJ% ekMZu izdk'ku] tkya/kj
10 lEiw.kZ lSU; foKku% Jherh iq"ik tSu
j{kk ,oa j.kuhfr v/;;u
ijh{kk ;kstuk%
lkekU; funsZ”k
1 dqy nks lS)kfUrd iz'u&i= 75&75 vad ds gksaxs] tcfd ,d izk;ksfxd i= 50 vad dk gksxkA fo|kFkhZ dks
lS)kfUrd ,oa izk;ksfxd i= esa vyx&vyx mÙkh.kZ gksuk vfuok;Z gSA
2 izR;sd lS)kfUrd i= ds fy, 45 feuV ds 6 dkyka'k gksaxs vFkok 60 feuV ds 4 dkyka'k izfr lIrkg nksuksa i=ksa
ds fy, fu/kkZfjr gksaxsA
3 izk;ksfxd i= gsrq 45 feuV ds pkj dkyka'k vFkok 60 feuV ds rhu dkyka'k izR;sd lIrkg 20 fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds ny
(Group) ds fy, gksaxsA
4 izR;sd iz'u i= ds rhu Hkkx gksxsaA Hkkx & v esa 10 iz'u gksxsa ;s vfuok;Z gksxsaA izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj 50 'kCnksa
rd lhfer gksxsaA izR;sd iz'u 2 vad ds gksxsaA Hkkx& c esa dqy lkr iz'u gksxsa] ftlesa ls fdUgh ikap iz'uksa ds mRrj
fy[kus gksxsaA izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj 200 'kCnksa rd lhfer gksxkA izR;sd iz'u ds ikap vad gksxsaA Hkkx & l esa dqy
pkj iz'u gksxsa ftlesa ls nks iz'uksa ds mRrj fy[kus gksxsaA izR;sd iz'u dk mRrj 500 'kCnksa rd lhfer gksxkA izR;sd
iz'u ds 15 vad gksxsaA
;kstuk %
izFke iz'u&i= vof/k 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad 75 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad 27
f}rh; iz'u&i= vof/k 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad 75 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad 27
izk;ksfxd i= vof/k 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad 50 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad 18

izFke i= & ;q) dk v/;;u

le; % 3 ?kaVs dqy vad% 75
bdkbZ & 1
¼v½ ;q) dh ifjHkk"kk] vo/kkj.kk] xq.k ,oa nks"k
¼c½ vk/kqfud ;q)dyk% ifjHkk"kk] vo/kkj.kk ,oa Lo:i
¼l½ ijek.kq ;q)] tSfod rFkk jklk;fud ;q) ] tulagkjd gfFk;kj
bdkbZ & 2
¼v½ 'khr ;q) dh ifjHkk"kk] fl)kar ,oa blds lk/ku tSls & euksoSKkfud] vkfFkZd rFkk jktuf;d ;q)
¼c½ Nkikekj ;q)% ifjHkk"kk] fl)kUr rFkk lQy Nkikekj ;q) ds izeq[k rRo
¼l½ ;q) jkT; dh uhfr dk ,d lk/ku] fujL=hdj.k
bdkbZ & 3
¼v½ ;q) ds fl)kUr% vo/kkj.kk ,oa egRo
¼c½ y{; dk p;u ,oa fuoZgu] vkØe.kkRed dk;Zokgh] dsUnzh;dj.k] pfdr djuk rFkk lg;ksx dk fl)kUr
¼l½ 'kfDr dh ferO;;rk] lqj{kk] xfr'khyrk] iz'kklu rFkk eukscy
bdkbZ & 4

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/96

¼v½ dwwV;kstuk% ifjHkk"kk] vo/kkj.kk ,oa egRo
¼c½ vizR;{k mik;ksa dh dwV;kstuk
¼l½ dwV;kstuk ds fofHkUu izdkj
¼n½ dwV;kstuk ,oa egku dwV;kstuk esa vUrj
bdkbZ & 5
¼v½ lejrU=% ifjHkk"kk] vo/kkj.kk ,oa egRo
¼c½ dwV;kstuk ,oa lejrU= esa varj
¼l½ 20oha 'kkrkCnh dk lejrU=
¼n½ foKku ,oa rduhdh dk ;q) esa izHkko
vuq'kaflr iqLrdsa &
1. The Art of war on land: Arthor Birni
2. Military Science: Col. Bhupender Singh
3- ;q) ds fl)kar ,oa lkefjdh% ,e- ih- oekZ
4 ;q) o 'kkfUr dh leL;k,a% feJ o ik.Ms;
5 LFky ;q) dyk% ';ke yky o eqdthZ
6 ;q) dh izÑfr vkSj mÙkjh vÝhdk dk laxzke% MkW- yYyu flag
7 Hkkjrh; lSU; bfrgkl% MkW- ckcwjke ik.Ms;
8 Hkkjrh; lSU; bfrgkl% MkW- yYyu flag
9 ;q) dk v/;;u% MkW- ,l- ds- feJ% ekMZu izdk'ku] tkya/kj
10 lEiw.kZ lSU; foKku% Jherh iq"ik tSu
Duration : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks:75
UNIT - 1
Military geography of India
a) Geo-strategic location of India
b) Geo-politics and Geo-Strategy
c) India’s Boundary and frontier
d) India’s transport and communication system
Economic position of India
a) Economic factors for India’s Security: Natural and Energy Resource
b) India’s Main Defence Industries.
c) War Finance
d) India’s Economic Factor: Scientific, Technological and industrial
India’s security and Politics
a) Indian Ocean and Naval Policy of India
b) India’s Defence and Foreign policy
c) India’s internal Security problems
d) Internal political condition
War and international relation
a) Features of modern warfare
b) Total war
c) War and diplomacy
d) Prevention of global war
Civil defence
a) Civil defence: Meaning, aim, organization, need and role of civil defence before and after war
b) Paramilitary forces: meaning, aim, organization, need and role of Paramilitary forces during war
and peace
c) Collective security
d) Pillars of peace
Books Recommended:
1. People, State and Fear: Barry Buzam
2. National Security: K. Subramanyam
3. India’s Foreign Policy: J. N. Dixit

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/97

4. ASEAN Security: Air Comdr. Jasjit Singh
5. India’s Foreign Policy: J. Bandopadhya
6- vUrjkZ"Vªh; jktuhfr% oh- ,y- QkfM+;k
7- jk"Vªh; izfrj{kk% MkW- gjohj 'kekZ] t;izdk'k ukFk daiuh] esjB
8- jk"Vªh; lqj{kk% MkW- yYyu flag] izdk'k cqd fMiks] cjsyh
9- jk"Vªh; lqj{kk% MkW- ujsUnz flag] izdk'k cqd fMiks] cjsyh
10- jk"Vªh; lqj{kk% MkW- ik.Ms; o ik.Ms;] izdk'k cqd fMiks] cjsyh
11- jk"Vªh; j{kk o lqj{kk% MkW- ,l- ds- feJ] ekMZu ifCy'klZ] tkya/kj
f}rh; i= & jk"Vªh; j{kk o lqj{kk
le; % 3 ?kaVs dqy vad % 75
bdkbZ & 1
Hkkjr dk lSU; Hkwxksy %
¼v½ Hkkjr dh Hkw&dkS'kykRed fLFkfr
¼c½ Hkw&jktuhfr (Goe-politics) o Hkw&;q) dkS'ky (Geo-strategy)
¼l½ Hkkjr dh lhek ,oa lhekUr
¼n½ Hkkjrh; ifjogu ,oa lapkj&O;oLFkk
bdkbZ & 2
Hkkjr dh vkfFkZd fLFkfr
¼v½ Hkkjr dh lqj{kk ds vkfFkZd rRo% izkÑfrd o mtkZ lalk/ku
¼c½ Hkkjr ds izeq[k j{kk m|ksx
¼l½ ;q)dkyhu foÙk O;oLFkk
¼n½ Hkkjr dh vkfFkZd {kerk & oSKkfud] rduhdh o vkS|ksfxd fodkl
bdkbZ & 3
Hkkjrh; j{kk o jktuhfr
¼v½ fgUn egklkxj ,oa Hkkjr dh lkeqfnzd j{kk uhfr
¼c½ Hkkjrh; j{kk o fons'k uhfr
¼l½ Hkkjrh; lqj{kk ds vkUrfjd [krjs
¼n½ vkUrfjd jktuhfrd ifjfLFkfr;ka
bdkbZ & 4
;q) ,oa vUrjkZ"Vªh; lEcU/k
¼v½ vk/kqfud ;q) dk Lo:i
¼c½ lEiw.kZ ;q) (Total war)
¼l½ ;q) ,oa jktu; (War and Diplomacy)
¼n½ fo'oO;kih ;q) dh jksdFkke
bdkbZ & 5
ukxfjd lqj{kk
¼v½ ukxfjd lqj{kk dk vFkZ] mn~ns”;] laxBu ] vko”;drk ,oa ;q) ds iwoZ o ;q)
ds ckn viuk, tkus okys lqj{kk dk;Z
¼c½ v)Z lSfud cy% vFkZ mn~ns';] laxBu] vko';drk ,oa ;q) o 'kkafr dky esa
v)Z lSfud cy dh Hkwfedk
¼l½ lkeqfgd lqj{kk
¼n½ 'kkfUr ds LrEHk
vuq'kaflr iqLrdsa &
1. People, State and Fear: Barry Buzam
2. National Security: K. Subramanyam
3. India’s Foreign Policy: J. N. Dixit
4. ASEAN Security: Air Comdr. Jasjit Singh
5. India’s Foreign Policy: J. Bandopadhya
6- vUrjkZ"Vªh; jktuhfr% oh- ,y- QkfM+;k
7- jk"Vªh; izfrj{kk% MkW- gjohj 'kekZ] t;izdk'k ukFk daiuh] esjB
8- jk"Vªh; lqj{kk% MkW- yYyu flag] izdk'k cqd fMiks] cjsyh
9- jk"Vªh; lqj{kk% MkW- ujsUnz flag] izdk'k cqd fMiks] cjsyh
10- jk"Vªh; lqj{kk% MkW- ik.Ms; o ik.Ms;] izdk”k cqd fMiks] cjsyh
11- jk"Vªh; j{kk o lqj{kk% MkW- ,l- ds- feJ] ekMZu ifCy'klZ] tkya/kj

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/98

Duration : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks:50
1. Elementary tactics upto infantry section level
a) Section formations
b) Section strength and weapons
2. Elementary tactics upto infantry platoon level
a) Platoon formations
b) Platoon strength, weapons and equipments
3. Application of fire, fire control order, sequence and its importance
during wars
4. Indication and recognition of target,
5 Judging distance and method for judging distance
6 Interpretation of Topo-sheets
Note: Practical written test 30 marks, record and viva voce 10-10 marks each:

Recommended Books:
1- lsDlu Vªsfuax vH;kl% estj okMZ]
2- lejrkfU=d vH;kl% ,e- oh- oekZ o 'kekZ
3- lejrkfU=d vH;kl% MkW- ujsUnz flag
4- iz;ksxkRed iSny lejrU=% MkW- ,l- ds- feJ] ekMZu ifCy'klZ] tkya/kj

izk;ksfxd dk;Z
j{kk o j.kuhfr v/;;u
le; % 3 ?kaVs dqy vad% 50
1- iSny lsuk ds lsDlu Lrj ds vH;kl
¼v½ lsDlu lajpuk (Section formation)
¼c½ lsDlu la[;k] o gfFk;kj
2- iSny lsuk ds IykVwu Lrj ds vH;kl
¼v½ IykVwu lajpuk (Platoon formation)
¼c½ IykVwu dh la[;k] lk/ku o izeq[k gfFk;kj
3- Qk;j dk iz;ksx] Qk;j fu;a=.k vkns'k] Øe ,oa ;q)ksa esa bldk egRo lfgr
4- y{; funsZ'ku rFkk igpku]
5- nwjh dk vuqekiu ,oa nwjh dk vuqeku yxkus ds rjhds
6- LFkykÑr ekufp=ksa dh O;k[;k A
uksV % blesa fyf[kr ijh{kk 30 vad dh rFkk ekSf[kdh o fjdkM~Zl 10&10 vad dk gksxkA
vuq'kaflr iqLrdsa %
1- lsDlu Vªsfuax vH;kl% estj okMZ]
2- lejrkfU=d vH;kl% ,e- oh- oekZ o 'kekZ
3- lejrkfU=d vH;kl% MkW- ujsUnz flag
4- iz;ksxkRed iSny lejrU=% MkW- ,l- ds- feJ] ¼ekMZu ifCy'klZ] tkya/kj½

Scheme of Examination
Maximum Marks: 65 Duration: 3 Hours
Minimum Passing Marks: 23
Examination Scheme
Paper Paper Name Lec/ Total Exam Max. Mini.
code (Theory) week week Hrs. Marks Pass
Theory Papers
Paper I Programming
with C 3 1 3 65 23
Paper II Internet &
Programming 3 1 3 65 23
Total of Theory Papers
(PAPER I 65 + PAPER II 65) 130 47

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/99

Practical Papers
Practical 3 3 70 25
Total of Practical Papers 70 25
Grand Total 200 72
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of syllabus with
internal choice). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of syllabus).
The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively.
Paper-I : Programming with C
Max. Marks : 65 Duration : 3 Hrs.
Mini. Marks : 23
Basic concepts of programming: Characteristic & Implementation of Algorithm, Flow Chart Symbols,
Benefit and Limitations; Decision Table, Pseudo Code. Programming Techniques: Top down, Bottom
up, Modular, Structured, Features, Merits, Demerits and their Comparative study.
Structure of C Program, Character Set, Tokens, Variable, Constant, Data Types; Operator,
Expressions, Type Conversions, Console Input-Output functions, Control Flow Statements and
Blocks, Branching statements and Labels.
Loop Structure: While, Do while, For, Modular programming: Basic types of function, declaration and
definition, Function call, Parameter passing, Recursion, Scope of variables, Storage classes.
Arrays: Declaration and use of Array, Array manipulation; Searching, Insertion, Deletion of an
element, Strings as array of characters, Standard library string functions. Pointer: Declaring &
Initializing pointers, Accessing a variable and address of a variable, Pointer expressions, Pointers and
Function Arguments, Pointers and Arrays,
Structure & Union: Declaration and use. Programs to show the use of structure, union; Concept of
Files, Basic Functions for File Handling, Basic Input/Output operations on files.
Suggested Readings
1. Programming In C By Gottfried (Tata McGraw Hill)
2. C Programming Language By Kernighan (Prentice Hall Of India)
3. C Programming By R.B. Patel, Khanna Publication.
4. Let Us C By Yashwant Kanetkar (BPB Publication)

Paper-II : Internet and Web Programming

Scheme of Examination
Maximum Marks: 65 Duration: 3 Hours
Minimum Passing Marks: 23
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of syllabus with
internal choice). Section-C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of syllabus).The word
limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively.
Unit I
Introduction to Data communication, Transmission Media- Coaxial, UTP, Optical-Fiber, Wireless,
Components of Computer Networks, Transmission Mode- Simplex, Half Duplex, Full Duplex, LAN,
MAN, WAN, the OSI Model, TCP/IP and others main protocols used on the Web;Types of wireless
communication ( Mobile, WiFi, WiMAX, Bluetooth, Infrared – concept and definition only). Software
Piracy, Firewall, Threats, Hacking and Cracking (basic concepts only for these topics).
Unit II
Evolution of Internet, Introduction to the terms LAN, WAN, MAN, Basic internet terms ( Client, Server,
MODEM, Web page, Web site, Home page, Browser, URL, ISP, Web server, Download & Upload,
Online & Offline etc), Internet applications (Remote login, VoIP, Video Conferencing, Audio-Video
streaming, Chatting etc). Identify and solve basic problems related to connecting to networks and the
Internet. E-Mail, Advantages, How it’s Works? Anatomy of an e-mail Message, basic of sending and
receiving, E-mail Protocol.
Unit III
Introduction to World Wide Web: History, Working of Web Browsers, Its functions, Search engine
category, Concept of Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Web Servers, Internet Explorer, Web

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/100

publishing Document Interchange Standard, Component of Web Publishing, Site and Domain Name,
Overview of Intranet and its applications.
Unit IV
HTML, Designed Tools, HTML Editors, Issue in Web Site Creations and Maintenance, FTP S/W for
Upload Website, Elements of HTML & Syntax, Building HTML Documents, Use of Font Size and
Attributes, Backgrounds, Formatting tags, Images, Hyperlinks, div tag, List Type and its Tags, Table
Layout, , Use of Frames and Forms in Web Pages. Working with Style sheet: Elements and different
Type of style sheet; Introduction to Java Script: Identifier & operator, control structure, functions,
Predefined functions, numbers & string functions, Array in Java scripts.
Unit V
Basic of Cyber Security and Cyber Crime: Computer Ethics and Application Programs, Cyber Law,
Introduction to IT laws & Cyber Crimes – Internet, Hacking, Cracking, Viruses, Virus Attacks, Software
Piracy, Intellectual property, Legal System of Information Technology, Social Engineering, Mail
Bombs, Bug Exploits
Suggested Readings
1. Internet and Web Page Designing By V.K Jain (BPB)
2. Internet & Web Design By A. Mansoor, Pragya Publications.
3. Web Enabled Commercial Application Development Using HTML,
DHTML , java script, Perl CGI By Ivan Bayross (BPB)
4. Cyber Security by Nina Godbole & Sunit Belapure
5. Computer Forensics by Marie- Helen Maras


Duration Max. Min.
Marks Marks
Paper I Microbiology & Immunology 3hrs 45
Paper II Molecular Biology and Genetic
Engineering 3hrs 45 48
Paper III Environmental Biotechnology 3hrs 45
& Bioinformatics
Practical based on paper I,II,III 5hrs 65 24


NOTE: There shall be three (3) sections in the question paper.
Section A (15marks) shall consist of 10 questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5
marks. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50
Section B (15marks) shall consist of 5 questions (two from each unit, with internal choice). Each
question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should
not exceed 200 words.
Section C (15 marks) shall consist of 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5
marks. The candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500
Unit I
Introduction to microbiology: scope of microbiology, microbiology research after year 1980,
microbiology in India. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic microbial cell . Concept of sterilization (dry heat, wet
heat, radiation, chemical and filtration), Modern classification of microorganisms.
Unit II
Ultra structure of microbes (mycoplasma, viruses, bacteria and cyanobacteria). Some common
human diseases: Influenza, Herpes, Pox, AIDS, SAARS, Dengue and Meningitis: causes, symptoms,
prevention and control.
Unit III
Role of microbes in: Agriculture: Nitrogen fixation, phosphate stabilization, pest control; Medical:
pharmaceutical industry including vaccines and antibiotics; Environment: waste treatment and bio-
geochemical cycles.
Unit IV
Immunity: Types of immunity, nature of antigens and antibodies, antigen antibody reactions:
Complement and lytic reaction, precipitation, agglutination reaction and neutralizing reaction.
Unit V

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/101

Cells of immune system (A brief account): B-lymphocytes, T-lymphocytes, macrophages and natural
killers. Measurement of antigens and antibodies: Radio Immuno Assay (RIA), Enzyme Linked
Immuno Sorbant Assay (ELISA), fluorescent antibody technique, hypersensitivity.


NOTE: There shall be three (3) sections in the question paper.
Section A (15marks) shall consist of 10 questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5
marks. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50
Section B (15marks) shall consist of 5 questions (two from each unit, with internal choice). Each
question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should
not exceed 200 words.
Section C (15 marks) shall consist of 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5
marks. The candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500
Unit I
History and concept of molecular biology, Genetic material: Structure, chemical composition,
replication, reverse transcription, satellite DNA, DNA damage and repaire, Proteomics - definition,
scope and technology.
Unit II
Transcription and translation in prokaryotes & eukaryotes, processing of eukaryotic m-RNA, post
translational modifications of protein. Inhibitors of transcription and translation.

Unit III
Regulation of gene expression, recombination in prokaryotes: transformation, conjugation and
transduction. Brief history and development of genetic engineering, recombinant DNA technology:
Basic principles and method. Restriction endonuclease (types, classification and application) and
other enzymes needed in genetic engineering.
Unit IV
Cloning vectors: Plasmid vectors, bacteriophage vectors, cosmid vectors, phasmid vectors, shuttle
vectors, YAC &BAC. Integration of DNA insert into the vector, introduction of the vector into the
suitable host. Transposons and their uses in genetic manipulation.
Unit V
Molecular cloning, selection of recombinant clone, construction of cDNA and genomic library, PCR,
DNA sequencing, DNA probes methods of gene transfer. Application of genetic engineering in
agriculture and human welfare. A brief account of transgenic plants and animals.


NOTE: There shall be three (3) sections in the question paper.
Section A (15marks) shall consist of 10 questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5
marks. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50
Section B (15marks) shall consist of 5 questions (two from each unit, with internal choice). Each
question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should
not exceed 200 words.
Section C (15 marks) shall consist of 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5
marks. The candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500
Unit I
Natural resources : Conventional and alternate sources of energy and their environmental impacts,.
Methanogenic bacteria and biogas, microbial hydrogen production, conversion of sugars to ethanol,
gasohol. Solar energy, biodiesel, biodegradable plastics.
Unit II
Waste water treatment: Treatment of municipal waste and industrial effluents, BOD and COD,
Ground water remediation. Solid waste treatment: organic compost and process of composting,
vermiculture technology. Aeromicrobiology: aeroallergens and aeroallergy.
Unit III

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/102

Application of microbes: Biofertilizers, Biopesticides, degradation of pesticides, Bt toxin as natural
pesticide, biological control of insect pests ,microbes and their genetic engineering for degradation of
pollutants, enrichment of ores by microorganisms, use of super bugs for removal of oil spills.
Unit IV
Biotechnology in pollution monitoring: Principles and applications of biosensors for detection of
pollutants, Bioindicators, Biotechnology in pollution abatement: reduction of CO2 elimination, O2
production by algae, eutrophication, biomagnifications, biomethylation, phytoremidiation metal
chelation and detoxification, Biosorption..
Unit V
Introduction to Bioinformatics: Definition, objectives, biological databases, types (primary,
secondary, composite) and examples( gene bank, prosite, swissport), principles of sequence
similarity determinate FASTA and BLAST.


Practicals Based on Theory Papers.
Time: - 5hrs Maximum Marks : 65 Minimum Marks : 24
Combined Practical Marks
1. Exercise in Microbiolog y [10]
2. Exercise in Immunology [5]
3. Exercise in Molecular Biology&
Genetic Engineering [10]

4. Exercise in Environmental Biotechnology [10]

5. Exercise in Bioinformatics [05]
6. Spots (Five) [10]
7. Viva-voce [05]
8. Practical Record [10]
List of Practical Exercises
Exercises in Microbiology
1. General instructions for microbiology laboratory.
2. Study of construction, care and use of a compound microscope.
3. To demonstrate the importance of concept of asepsis and methods
of sterilization.
4. Isolation of bacteria from the soil sample in Nutrient broth
5. To become familiar with preparation of bacterial smears for the
microscopic visualization of bacteria.
6. To perform the monochrome staining for the given bacterial samples (E. coli, Bacillus cereus,
Staphylococcus aureus) to compare morphological shapes and arrangement of bacterial cells
using crystal violet stain.
7. To perform the Gram staining procedure for the given bacterial samples (E.coli, Lactobacillus
spp,. Rhizobium) and to differentiate two groups of bacteria gram-positive and gram-negative.
Exercises in Immunology
1. Purification of antigens
2. Raising polyclonal antibodies
3. Purification of antibodies
4. Conjugation and labeling of antibodies
5. Enzyme linked immunoassay
6. Antigen-antibody reactions
7. Diagnosis of an infection diseases by an immunoassay
Exercises in Molecular Biology
1. Preparation of buffers
2. DNA isolation
3. Isolation plasmid
4. Agarose gel electrophoresis.
5. Quantification of DNA.
6. Working of instruments- Thermocycler, Transilluminator, Spectrophotometer, and Electrophoresis
Exercises in Genetic engineering
1. To perform restriction digestion of plant genomic DNA and its visualization.
2. To check the presence of insert in the recombinant plasmid.
4. Preparation of competent cells of E. coli (strain DH5 a) using CaCl2 treatment.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/103

5. Demonstration of polymerase chain reaction.
6. Preparation of protein samples for profiling on polyacrylamide gel.
7. Running of gel, staining, destaining and analysis of protein profiles using standard protein
Exercises in Environmental Technology
1. Detection of coliforms for determination of the purity of potable water.
2. Determination of biological oxygen demand (BOD) of a sewage sample.
3. Determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD) of sewage sample.
4. Isolation of bacteria from various polluted sites (waste water, distillery waste) and their
5. Isolation and identification of Mycorrhizal fungi from soil samples.
6. Isolation and identification of nitrogen fixing bacterium Rhizobium from root nodules.
7. Estimation of dissolved oxygen in water sample.
8. Estimation of chloride in water sample.
Exercises in Bioinformatics
1. Use of internet, Making slides using Power point, Plotting Graphs, Tables, Animation in slides,
drug designing.
Different Laboratory Instruments, Thermocycler, Transilluminator, Spectrophotometer, and
Electrophoresis, Slides of Gram+ve rods, Gram-ve rods, Gram+ve cocci, Gram-ve cocci, Endospore;
CTAB, Lyophilized sample, Cuvette, Taq DNA polymerase, LB Agar, Combs, Micropipette, pH
electrode, Standard buffer, Eppendorff tube.

References :
1. Molecular Biology, Kumar H D
2. Genetic Engineering Principle and Methods, Setlow J. K. & Hollaender, Plenum Press, New York.
3. Molecular Biotechnology, Bernard R. Glick, Jack J. Pasternak, ASM Press, Washington DC
4. Microbiology, R. C. Dubey, D. K. Maheshwari, S. Chand & Company Ltd.
5. Microbiology, P. D. Sharma, Rastogi Publications
6. Cell and Molecular Biology, P. K. Gupta, Rastogi Publication
7. Genetic Engineering and its Applications, P. Joshi, Agrobios India
8. Environmental Biotechnology, Alan Scragg, Oxford University Press
9. Introduction to Environmental Biotechnology, A. K. Chatterji, Practice Hall Of India, 2005.
10. Biotechnology Expanding Horizons, B. D. Singh, Kalyani Publishers
11. Bioinformatics, Baxevanis Ouellette, Wiley-Less Publication
12. Advances in Biotechnology, Manjula K. Saxena and B.B.S.Kapoor, Madhupublications
13. Cell and Molecular Biology, E D de Roberties & E M F de Roberties (Jr) Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, Phiadalphia
14. Microbiology, Michael J Pelczar (Jr) ESC Chan, N R Kreig, Tata McGraw Hill.
15. Immunology, Janis Kuby, W H Freeman and Company, USA
16.. Essential Immunology, Ivan Roitt, Blackwell Science Ltd.

Theory Duration Max Min.Pass
Paper 1 3 Hrs. 45 16
Paper 2 3 Hrs. 45 16
Paper 3 3 Hrs. 45 16
Aggregate 48
Practical Based On Paper I,II and III 5 Hrs. 65 24
Scheme of Examination
The question paper is divided into three Sections: A, B & C. Section A will consist of 10 questions (2
questions from each unit). Section B will consist of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit with
internal choice). Section C will consist of 5 questions (1 question from each unit)
Maximum Marks : 45 Duration: 3 Hrs
Minimum Passing Marks : 16

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/104

Histor y and concepts of Molecular Biology, Early history of Genetic engineering,
Ethical issues, Structure and Properties of DNA and RNA.
Concepts of Central Dogma,DNA replication, Transcription, Translation, Genetic code,
Reverse Transcription, Gene Regulation in Prok aryotes; lac operon and tr yp operon.
Gene mutation, DNA Damage and Repair mechanism. Restriction endonucleases; ,
types, properties and uses. Cloning, PCR; types, functions.Taq polymerase, RFLP,
Methods of DNA, sequencing, DNA finger and foot printing, Genomic libraries, Gene
cloning and cloning vectors (Plasmids and cosmids).Applications of genetic
Bactrial Genetics-Conjugation, transformation and transduction, Transposons, Lytic
and Lysogenic development of T4 Phage and Phage ë (lambda).


Scheme of Examination
The question paper is divided into three Sections: A, B & C. Section A will consist of 10 questions (2
questions from each unit). Section B will consist of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit with
internal choice). Section C will consist of 5 questions (1 question from each unit)
Maximum Marks: 45 Duration: 3 Hrs
Minimum Passing Marks : 16
Microscopy- Principle and applications of bright field, Dark field, Phase contrast and
Electron microscope.
Principle and applications of Colorimetery, Spectrophotometer y, Nephalometer y, Flame
photometer y, Electrophoresis; Horizontal and vertical.Isoelectric focusing.
Principle and applications of Paper Chromatography, Thin layer Chromatography,
Adsorption Chromatography, ion exchange Chromatography, Affinity Chromatography
and HPLC.
Principle and applications of centrifugation, gradient, isopycnic, ultra centrifugation.
Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration.
Application of computers in Microbiology-Taxonomy and Laboratory.Bioinformatics-
Introduction, Primary and Secondar y databases, Sequence elucidation for proteins and
DNA by software. BLAST AND FASTA
Scheme of Examination
The question paper is divided into three Sections: A, B & C. Section A will consist of 10 questions (2
questions from each unit). Section B will consist of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit with
internal choice). Section C will consist of 5 questions (1 question from each unit)
Maximum Marks: 45 Duration: 3 Hrs
Minimum Passing Marks: 16
Physical and chemical characteristics of soil, Microflora of soil, Rhizosphere, Phyllosphere, Microbial
interactions- Symbiosis, Mutualism, Commensalism, Competition, Amensalism, Synergism,
Parasitism, Predation and Rumen microbiology.
Biological nitrogen fixation, Nitrogen fixing organism, symbiotic and non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation,
Bio-fertilizers, Mycorrhiza.Rumen Microbiology.
Major biogeochemical cycles and Microorganism-Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and sulphur A brief
account of Biodegradation, Xenobiotics, Bioaccumulation, Bio-deterioration, Bioremediation and

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/105

Organic matter decomposition, Composting, Biogas plants, Microbial decomposition of plant material:
Cellulose and lignin.
Host- parasite relationships and control measures, Symptoms of the diseases. TMV, Citrus canker,
Green ear, Tikka and mycoplasmal diseases, Microbial pesticides- Insecticides, herbicides and
1. Introduction of Microbiological Instruments.
2. Verification of Lambert- Beer law
3. Assessment of phosphate solubilizingactivity of microbes.
4. Staining of bacteria- Spore and negative.
5. Isolation of Microorganisms from soil.
6. Isolation of Rhizospheremicroflora.
7. Study of Phylloplanemicroflora (leaf impression method).
8. Preparation of slides of N-fixing bacteria from root nodules.
9. Preparation of Buffers.
10. Preparation of Agarose gel Electrophoresis for DNA separation.
11. Paper chromatographic estimation of amino acid and plant pigments.
12. Calculation of pH of given sample using pH meter.
13. Identification of VAM.
14. Nucleic acid estimations.
15. Introduction to BLAST and FASTA.
16. Thin layer chromatography of amino acids and plant pigments.
Marking schemes:
There shall be a practical examination of five hours duration and the distribution of
marks shall be as follows:
Students Regular Ex.
1. Experimental work (Major) 10 20
2. Experimental work (Minor) 10 10
3. Chromatographic separation 10 10
4. Spotting (three from each paper) 15 15
5. Viva-Voce 10 10
6. Practical Record 10 —
Total 65 65

1. Ronald M. Atlas, Alfred E. Brown, Kenneth W. Dobra, Llonas Miller (1986). Basic
Experimental Microbiology Prentics Hall.
2. Robert F. Boyed (1964) General Microbiology. Times Mirror/Mobsy/College Pub.
3. Pelczer MJ: Chan ECS and k rieg NR Microbiology Fifth Education.
4. P.D. Sharma 2000: Microbiology. Rastogi Publications.
5. Alcamo IE 967. Fundamentals of microbiology 2 n d ed. The Benjamin/ Cummings
Publishing Co. Inc. California.
6. Norton CF 1986. Microbiology 2 n d ed. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Col. Inc.
7. W ilinson JF 1986, Introduction to Microbiology (Basic Microbiology series Vol.
1) 3 r d ed. Black W ell, Oxford

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/106

B.Sc. Part - III Examination-2022


Scheme of Examination
Distribution of Marks
Core Subjects
1. Physics
2. Chemistry
3. Mathematics
4. Zoology
5. Botany
6. Geology
7. Geography
8. Defence and Strategic studies
Vocational Subjects
9. Computer Application
10. Biotechnology
11. Microbiology


There shall be three (03) Sections in the Question Paper.

Section A shall consist of ten questions (02 questions from each Unit), all compulsory to be answered in around
50 words.
Section B shall consist of five/seven questions (02 from each section with internal choice/at least 01 question
from each Unit), to be answered in around 200 words. Five questions must be answered out of given seven.
Section C shall consist of five questions (01 question from each Unit), to be answered in around 500 words. Any
three questions must be answered out of given five.

The number of paper and the maximum marks for each paper together with the minimum marks required for
a pass are shown against each subject seperately. It will be necessary for a candidate to pass in the theory part
as Classification of successful cnadidates shall be as follows :
First Division 60% of the aggregate marks prescribed at (a) Part I
Second Division 40% Examination, (b) Part II Examination,
(c) Part II examination, taken together.
All the rest shall be declared to have hassed the examination, if they obtain the minimum pass marks in each
subject viz. 36% no division shall be awarded at the part I and Part II Examination.

S.N. Name of the No. of Duration Max. Min. Pass
Subject/Papers Papers Marks Marks
1. Physics Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
2. Chemistry Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
3. Mathematics Paper-I 3hrs. 66
Paper-II 3hrs. 66 200 72
Paper-III 3hrs. 68
4. Zoology Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
5. Botany Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 130 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
6. Geology Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 150 54

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/107

Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 27
7. Geography Paper-I 3hrs. 75 27
Paper-II 3hrs. 75 27
Practical 5hrs 50 18
8. Defence and Paper-I 3hrs. 75
Strategic studies Paper-II 3hrs. 75 150 54
Practical 5hrs 50 18
Vocational Subjects :
9. Computer Applications
Paper-I 3hrs. 65 130 54
Paper-II 3hrs. 65
Practical 3hrs. 70 27
10. Biotechnology Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
11. Microbiology Paper-I 3hrs. 45
Paper-II 3hrs. 45 135 48
Paper-III 3hrs. 45
Practical 5hrs 65 24
Note : (i) The Marks secured in the paper of Gen Hindi or Gen. English and computer Application shall not be
counted in awarding the division to a candidate. The candidate have to clear compulsory paper in three chance.
(ii) Non appearing or absent in the examination of compulsory paper will be counted a chance.

Scheme of examination;
Three Theory Papers Min. Pass Marks 48 Max. Marks 135
Paper-I :
Quantum Mechanics, 3 hrs. duration 45 marks
Atomic and Molecular Physics
Paper-II :
Nuclear and Solid State
Physics 3 hrs. duration 45 marks
Paper-III :
Electronics and Solid State
Devices 3 hrs duration 45 marks
Practical 5 hrs. duration Min. Pass marks 24 Max. marks 65
Total 200
Note : There will be Two experiments or One experiment and a working project based on principle of
physics of 5 hrs. duration. The distribution of marks will be as follows:
Two experiments or One experiment and a working project based on principle of physics
Each of 20 marks - 40
Viva - 15
Record - 10
Total - 65
Work load :
Each paper must be given 2 hrs. (or three pds) per week for theory. Practical must be given 4 hrs. (or
6 pds) per week. This gives 60 hours for each theory paper with 30 weeks of teaching every year and
120 hours for practicals and laboratory tutorials work every year. For laboratory work-each batch must
not be more than 20 students.

PAPER -1 Quantum Mechanics, Atomic and Molecular Physics

Duration : 3 hrs. Max Marks: 45
Note: The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10
questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. All the questions are compulsory.
The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions (two from
each unit with internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required to
answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section C (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The candidate is
required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words. The question
paper shall have at least 30% weightage to numerical problems. MKSA system of units is to be used.
Unit I

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/108

Origin of Quantum theory : Failure of classical Physics to explain the phe-nomenon such as black
body spectrum. Planck’s radiation law. photoelectric effect and Einstein explanation. Compton effect,
“de-Broglie” hypothesis, evi-dence for diffraction and interference of particles. Uncertainly principle
and its consequences: diffraction at a single slit, particle in a box and its applications (i) Non existence
of electron in nucleus, (ii) Ground state energy of H-atom (iii) Ground slate energy of harmonic
oscillator. Energy-time uncertanity.
Unit 11
Schrodinger equation- Time dependent and lime independent form. Physical significance of the
wave function & its interpretation. Probability current density, Operators in quantum mechanics, linear
and Hermitian operators. Expec-tation values of dynamical variables, the position, momentum,
energy, fundamental postulates of quantum mechanics, eigen function and eigen value, degeneracy.
orthogonality of eigen functions’ commutation relations. Ehrenfest theorem, concept of group and
phase velocities, wave packet.
Unit III
Simple Solutions of Schrodinger equation : Time independent Schrodinger equation and
stationary state solution. Boundary and continuity conditions on the wave function, particle in one
dimensional box. eigen function and eigen values . discrete energy levels, extension of results for
three dimensional case and degeneracy of levels. Potential step and rectangular potential barriar.
Calcu-lation of reflection and transmission cofficient. Qualitative discussion of the application to alpha
decay (tunnel effect), square well potential problem, calcula-tion of transmission cofficient.
Unit IV
Bound State Problems : Particle in one dimensional infinite potential well and finite depth potential
well energy value and eigen functions, simple har-monic oscillator (one dimensional) eigen function
energy eigen values zero point energy. Schrodinger equation for a spherically symmetric potential.
Separation of variables. Orbital angular momentum and its quantisation spherical harmon-ics, energy
levels of H-atom shape of n=l, n=2 wave functions, comparision with Bohr model and
Correspondence principle,
Unit V
Atomic and Molecular Physics : Frank-Hertz enperiment spectra of hydro-gen, spectral terms, fine
structure, screening constant for alkali spectra for s, p, d, f states, selection rules.
Discrete set of electronic energies of molecules, quantisation of vibrational and rotational energies,
determination of internuclear distance purerotational and rotation vibration spectra, transition rules for
pure vibration and electronic vibration spectra. Raman effect.
Text and Reference Books:
1. H. S. Mani and G.K.Mehta. Introduction to modern Physics. (Affl. East West Press 1989)
2. A. Baiser. Prospective of modern Physics
3. H.E. White. Introduclion to Atomic Physics.
4. Barrow. Introduction to Molecular Physics.
5. D.P. Khandelwal. Optics and Atomic Physics (Himalaya Pub. House Mumbai 1988)

Paper-II - Nuclear and Solid State Physics

Duration: 3 hrs. Max.Marks: 45
Note: The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10
questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. All the questions are compulsory.
The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions (two from
each unit with internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required to
answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section C (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The candidate is
required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words. The question
paper shall have at least 30% weightage to numerical problems. MKSA system of units is to be used.
Unit I
Rutherford theory of alpha paticle scattering, properties of nucleus quadrupole moment and nuclear
ellipticity. Quadrapole moment and nuclear spin. parity and orbital angular momentum. Nuclear
potential and properties of nuclear forces. Semi-emperical mass formula.
Unit II
Theory of nuclear fission and liquid drop model, Barrier penetration theory of spontaneous fission.
Nuclear fission as a source of energy, chain reaction and condition of controlled chain reaction, the
principle of nuclear reactor, uses of atomic energy.
Unit III

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/109

Nuclear fussion. energy production in stars by p.p and carbon cycle. Interaction of charge particles
and neutron with matter and regions of multplicative operation, work-ing of nuclear detectors G.M.
counter, proportional counter, scintillation counter cloud and spark chamber, Linear accelerator.
cyclotron, synchrocyclotron. Betatron. Electron synchroton.
Unit IV
Space lattice and crystal structure, Bravis lattice. Miller Indices, spacing of planes in crystal lattice.
unit cell, wigner-seitzcell Atomic packing. common crystal structures. Laue’s theory of X-ray
diffraction. Bragg’s law. laue pattern., Concept of phonon, classical view of lat-tice specific heat of
solid, the Einstein model , Debye model, thermal conductivity.
Unit V
Band Structure :Formation of bands .periodic potential of a solid, Bloch theorem. Kroing Penny
model, Drude-Lorentz theory of electrical conductivity, Boltzmann transport equation Sommerfeld
theory of electrical conductivity thermal conductivity & Widemann Frenz law, Hall Effect.
Text and Reference Books:
1. H. S. Mam and G.K.Mchta. Introduction to modem Physics. (Afll East West Press 1989)
2 A. Bciscr. Prospective of modern Physics
3. C Kittel. Introduction to Solid Slate Physics.
4. J.S.Blackmore, Solid State Physics(Cambridgc Univ. Press)
5. H.A.Enge, Introduction to Nuclear Physics.

Paper-III - Electronics and Solid State Devices

Duration: 3 hrs. Max.Marks: 45
Note: The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10
questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. All the questions are compulsory.
The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions (two from
each unit with internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required to
answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section C (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The candidate is
required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words. The question
paper shall have at least 30% weightage to numerical problems. MKSA system of units is to be used.
Unit I
Network some definitions loop, nodel equations Driving point and transfer impedance four terminal
networks parameters. Open circuit short circuit and hybrid network theorems super position,
Thevenin, Norton, Reciprocity, Compensation and Maximum power transfer theorem. T and ð
Unit II
Instrinsic semicondutor, extrinsic semiconductor, Fermi level calculation of electron and hole
concentration along with their temprature dcpendance, law of mass action . Semiconductor devices,
p-n junction , majority and minority carri-ers , diode. zener and tunnel diodes. light emitting diode,
solar cell.
Rectification : halfwave and full wave rectifiers, bridge rectifier ripple factor. different types of filters
(shunt capacitor, inductor filter, L section and ð filters), voltage stabilization, voltage multiplier circuits.
Unit III
Transistors :Notations and volt-ampere relation for bipolar junction transis-tor concept of load line and
operating point, hybrid parameters. CB.CE.CC con-figuration. their characteristics curves and their
equivalent circuits, Analysis of a transistor amplifier using h-parameter (Ai, Av, Zin, Zo), fixed and
emitter bias, bias stability in transistor circuit. FET, its characteristics and constants, bias-ing JFET
and operation of JFET.
Unit IV
Small signal amplifiers : General principles of operation, classification, distortion, RC coupled
amplifier, gain frequency response.
Operational Amplifiers : Differential amplifier DC level shifter input & output impedance . input offset
current application unity gain buffer adder, subtractor integrator differentiator. Numbers systems,
Binary arithmetic, fundamental Logic gates, Boolean theorems and circuit realization of logic functions
using diodes (DL).
Unit V
Amplifiers with feed hack : Concept of feed back, Effect of negative feed back on stabilization of
gain, output and input impedence, reduction of nonlinear distortion, voltage & current feed back

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/110

Oscillators Feed back requirement for oscillator, basic oscillator analysis. Colpitt and Hartley
Text and Reference Books
1. Stanley : Electronic devices circuits and applications.
2 J D. Ryder : Electronics Fundamental and applications.(PHI 1988)
3. Millman and Gabel : Microelectronics (McGraw Hill)

Duration: 5 hrs Min. Pass Marks 24 Max. Marks 65
Total number of experi-ments to be performed by the students during the session should be 16,
select-ing any eight from each section.
In examination two experiments are to be performed taking atleast one from each section.
Section: A
1. Determination of Planck’s constant.
2. Determination of e/m using Thomson’s Tube.
3. Determination of e/m using magnetrron method.
4. Determination of e/m using helical method.
5. Absorption spectrum of Iodine vapour.
6. Study of spectra of Hydrogen and Deutron (Rydberg constant and ratio of masses of electron to
7. Study of Zeeman effect for determination of Lande g-factor.
8. Study of absorption of alpha and beta rays.
9. Study of statistics in radioactive measurement.
10. Hysteresis Curve of transformer core.
11. Study of L and ð filter in Half wave rectifier
12. Study the characteristic of an R-C transmission line.
13. Study the characteristic of an L-C transmission line.
14. Study the characteristic of F.E.T. and determine rp, gm, and µ
15. Study the frequency response of LCR series/ parallel resonance circuit with and without
Section - B
1. Characteristics of a transistor.
2. Characteristics of a tunnel diode.
3. Study of voltage regulation system.
4. Study of Lissajuous figures using a CRO.
5. Study of VTVM.
6. Study of RC coupled amplifier.
7. Study of AF and RF oscillators.
8. Determination of a energy gap of a semiconductor.
9. Determination of dielectric constant.
10. Analysis of a given band spectrum.
11. Hall-probe method for measurement of magnetic field.
12. Study the application of an operational amplifier as inverting and non- inverting amplifier.
13. Determine the value of Stefan constant.
14. Study of voltage multiplier as a doublers, tripler and quadrupole.
15. Construct OR, AND,NOT, XOR gate from NAND gate and verify their truth table
16. Study the recovery time of the given diodes.

HkkSfrd 'kkL=
ijh{kk ;kstuk
rhu iz'ui= lS)kfUrd U;wure mrhZ.kkad&48 vf/kdre vad 135
le; iw.kkaZd
¼1½ izFke iz'u i=%
DokaVe ;kaf=dh] ijek.koh; rFkk vk.kfod HkkSfrdh 3 ?kaVs 45
¼2½ f}rh; iz'u i=%
ukfHkdh; ,oa Bksl voLFkk HkkSfrdh 3 ?kaVs 45
¼3½ r`rh; iz'u i=%
bysDVªksfudh ,oa Bksl voLFkk ;qfDr;ka 3 ?kaVs 45
izk;ksfxd ijh{kk% U;wure mrhZ.kkad 24 5 ?kaVs 65

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/111

;ksx 200
uksV % izk;ksfxd ijh{kk esa] 5 ?kaVs ds fy, nks iz;ksx ;k ,d iz;ksx o ,d izkstsDV tks fd HkkSfrdh ds fl)kUrksa ij
vk/kkfjr gksaxs] ftudk vad fooj.k fuEu izdkj ls gS %
izR;sd 20 vad 40
ekSf[kd 15
izk;ksfxd d{kk fjdkMZ 10
dqy 65
f'k{k.k dk;ZHkkj %
izR;sd iz'u i= ds fy, izfr lIrkg 2 ?kaVs ¼3 dkyka'k½ lS)kfUrd f'k{k.k gksxkA izk;ksfxd dk;Z gsrq 4 ?kaVs ¼6
dkyka'k½ izfr lIRkkg gksaxsA bl izdkj 30 f'k{k.k lIrkg esa izfr iz'u i= 60 ?kaVks rFkk 120 ?kaVks dk izk;ksfxd ,oa
ysc V~~;Vksfj;y dk dk;ZHkkj izfr l= gksxkA izk;ksfxd dk;Z gsrq izR;sd oxZ ¼cSp½ esa 20 Nk=@Nk=k ls vf/kd u gksA
iz'u i=&1
DokaVe ;kaf=dh] ijek.koh; rFkk vk.kfod HkkSfrdh
le; % 3 ?kaVs iw.kk±d 45
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 50
'KCnks dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi lfgr½A
izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5
vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnkas
dh gksxh A iz'u i= esa U;wure 30 izfr'kr vkafdd iz'uksa dk Hkkj j[kk x;k gSA MKSA i)fr ds ek=dksa dk iz;ksx
djuk gSA
bdkbZ &1
DokaVe fl)kar dk mn~Hko % Ñf”.kdk fofdj.k] LisDVªeh forj.k dh foospuk djus esa fpjlEer HkkSfrdh dh
vlQyrk] Iykad dh DokaVe ifjdYiuk vkSj fofdj.k fu;e dh xq.kkRed foospuk] izdk’k oS|qr izHkko vkSj vkbZLVhu
dh O;k[;k] dkzsEiVu izHkko] Mh&czksXyh dh ifjdYiuk] O;frdj.k gsrq izk;ksfxd lk{;] vfuf’prrk dk fl)kar ,oa
blds ifj.kke&,dyfLyV ij foorZu] ÅtkZ ckWDl esa d.k] o blds vuqiz;ksx tSls % ¼1½ ijek.oh; ukfHkd esa
bysDVªksuksa dh vuqifLFkfr ¼2½ gkbMªkstu ijek.kq dh ewy ÅtkZ ¼3½ vkorhZ nksfy= dh ewy voLFkk esa ÅtkZA
le;&ÅtkZ vfuf’prrkA
bdkbZ & 2
JksfMatj lehdj.k % dky vkfJr vkSj dky eqDr Lo:i] rjax Qyu dh HkkSfrd lkFkZdrk vkSj mldh O;k[;kA
izkf;drk /kkjk ?kuRo] DokaVe ;kfU=dh esa ladkjd] ¼jsf[kd vksj gfeZVh ladkjd½ xfrt pjksa ds izR;k’kk eku] fLFkfr]
laosx vkSj ÅtkZA DokaVe ;kfU=dh ds ekSfyd vfHkxzghr] vkbxsu Qyu vkSj vkbxsu eku] viHkz”Vrk] vkbxsu Qyuksa
dh ykafcdrk] Øe fofues; lEcU/k] ,sjsuQsLV izes;] dyk ,oa lewg osx] rajx la/kA
bdkbZ & 3
JksfMatj lehdkj.k ds ljy gy % dky eqDr JksfMatj lehdj.k vkSj LFkk;h voLFkk gy] rjax Qyu ij lhekUr
vkSj lkURr; izfrcU/k] ,d foeh; ckWDl esa fLFkr d.k] vkbxsu Qyu vkSj vkbxsu eku] fofoDr ÅtkZ Lrj] f=foe;
fLFkfr ds fy;s lw=ksa dk foLrkj vkSj ÅtkZ Lrjksa dh viHkz”Vrk] foHko lh<h] ,d foeh; vk;rkdkj foHko izkphj]
ijkorZu vkSj ikjxeu xq.kkadks dh x.kuk] a- {k; esa mi;ksx ds fy;s xq.kkRed foospuk ¼lqjaxu izHkko½] oxZ foHko dwi]
ikjkxeu xq.kkad dh x.kukA
bdkbZ & 4
c) voLFkk dh leL;k,a % ,d foeh; vuUr o ifjfer xgjkbZ ds foHko dwi esa fLFkr d.k&vkbxsu ÅtkZ eku vkSj
vkbxsu Qyu] ljy vkorhZ nksfy= ¼,d foeh;½ dh JksfMatj lehdj.k rFkk blds vkbxsu Qyuksa dh xq.kkRed
foospuk ÅtkZ vkbxsu eku] ‘kwU; fcUnq ÅtkZ] xksyh; lefer foHko ds fy, JksfMatj lehdj.k] pj jkf’k;ksa dk
i`FkDdj.k] d{kh; dks.kh; laosx vkSj DokUVhdj.k] xksyh; gkeksZSuhd] gkbMªkstu ijek.kq ds ÅtkZ Lrj n=1 vksj n=2
ds rjaxQyuksa dh vkÑfr;ka] cksgj ekWMy ls rqyuk vkSj cksgj dk laxfr fu;eA
bdkbZ & 5
ijek.oh; ,oa vk.kfod HkkSfrdh % ÝsUd&gVZt iz;ksx] gkbMªkstu LisDVªe] LisDVªeh ifjHkk”kk;sa] lw{e lajpuk] {kkjh;
LisDVªe esa s, p, d, o f voLFkkvksa ds fy;s LØhfuax fu;rkad] oj.k fu;eA
v.kqvksa ds fy;s bysDVªksfud ÅtkZ dk fofoDr leqPp;] dEiu ,oa ?kw.khZ aÅtkZvksa dk DokUVhdj.k] vUrjukfHkdh; nwjh
dk fu/kkZ.k ‘kq) ?kw.khZ ,oa ?kw.khZ dkEifud LisDVªe] ‘kq) dkEifud ,oa bysDVªksfud dkEifud LisDVªe ds laØe.k fu;e]
jeu izHkkoA
iz’u i= &2
ukfHkdh; ,oa Bksl voLFkk HkkSfrdh
le; % 3 ?kaVs iw.kk±d 45

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/112

uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 50
'KCnks dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi lfgr½A
izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5
vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnkas
dh gksxh A iz'u i= esa U;wure 30 izfr'kr vkafdd iz'uksa dk Hkkj j[kk x;k gSA MKSA i)fr ds ek=dksa dk iz;ksx
djuk gSA
bdkbZ & 1
vYQk d.k izdh.kZu dk jnjQksMZ fl)kUr] ukfHkd ds xq.k/keZ prqZ/kqoZ vk?kw.kZ ,oa ukfHkdh; nh?kZo rh;rk] prqZ/kqoZ vk?kw.kZ
,oa ukfHkdh; pØ.k] lerk rFkk d{kh; dks.kh; laosx] ukfHkdh; foHko ,oa ukfHkdh; cyks ds xq.k/keZ] v?kZ&ewykuqikfr
bdkbZ & 2
ufHkdh; fo[k.Mu dk fl)kUr rFkk nzo cwan ekWMy] Loa; LQwrZ fo[k.Mu dk izkphj Hksnu fl)kUr] ufHkdh; fo[k.Mu
,d ÅtkZ L=ksr ds :i esa ufHkdh; J‘a[kyk vfHkfØ;k rFkk fu;fU=r J‘a[kyk vfHkfØ;k ds fy;s izfrcU/k] vfHkfØ;d
dk fl)kUr ijek.kq ÅtkZ ds mi;ksxA
bdkbZ & 3
ukfHkdh; lay;u] rkjksa esa ÅtkZ dk L=ksr p-p rFkk dkcZu pØ] vkosf’kr d.kksa rFkk U;wVªku dh nzO; ls vU;ks; fØ;k]
regions of multplicative operation, ukfHkdh; lalwpdks dh dk;Z iz.kkyh] xkbxj ewyj xf.k=] vkuqikfrd xf.k=]
izLQqj.k xf.k=] vHkz rFkk LQqfyax izdks”B] jsf[kd Rofj=] lkbDyksVªku] flUdks lkbDyksVªku] chVkVªku] bysDVªku
bdkbZ & 4
vUrjkd’kh tkyd rFkk fdLVªy lajpuk] czso tkyd feyj lqpdkad] fdLVªy tkyd ryksa ds e/; vUrjky] ,dkad
dksf”Bdk] foxuj&fLB~t dksf”Bdk] ijek.kfod ladqyu] eq[; fdzLVy lajpukA fdj.k foorZu] yos fu;e o czsx dk
fu;e] yos iSVuZ] Qksuku dh vo/kkj.kk] Bksl dh fof’k”B Å”ek dk fpjlEer fopkj] vkbUlVhu ,oa fMckbZ ekWMy]
Ŕeh; pkydrkA
bdkbZ & 5
ÅtkZ cS.Mksa dk fuekZ.k] Bksl dk vkofrZ foHko] Cykd izes;] Øksfu iSuh izfr:i] fo|qrpkydrk dk M~wM ykWjsUt
fl)kUr] cksYVteku vfHkxeu lehdj.k] fo|qr pkydrk dk lksej QhYM fl)kUr] Ŕeh; pkydrk ,oa foMseku
ÝsUt fu;e] gkWy izHkkoA
iz’u i= & 3
bysDVªkfudh ,oa Bksl voLFkk ;qfDr;ka
le; % 3 ?kaVs iw.kk±d 45
uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 50
'KCnks dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi lfgr½A
izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 200 'kCnksa dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5
vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnkas
dh gksxh A iz'u i= esa U;wure 30 izfr'kr vkafdd iz'uksa dk Hkkj j[kk x;k gSA MKSA i)fr ds ek=dksa dk iz;ksx
djuk gSA
bdkbZ & 1
ifjiFk fo’ys’k.k % tky&dqN egRoiw.kZ ifjHkk xk;sa] ik'k rFkk laf/k lehdj.k ¼fdjpkWQ fu;e½ ifjpkyu fcUnq rFkk
vkUrfjr izfrck/kk;sa] prqVfeZuy tky izkpy&[kqyk ifjiFk] y|qifFkr ifjiFk rFkk ladj izkpy] tky
izes;&v/;kjksi.k] Fksofuu] ukWVZu]ikjLifjdrk ,oa vf/kdre ‘kfDr gLrkUrj.k izes;] T RkFkk P tky
bdkbZ & 2
uSt v/kZpkyd] vinzO;h v/kZpkyd] QehZ ÅtkZ Lrj] gksy rFkk bysDVªku ?kuRo dh x.kuk rFkk budh rki ij
fuHkZjrk] nzO; vuqikrh fØ;k dk fu;eA
v/kZpkyd ;qfDr;ka % p-n laf/k] eq[; ,oa vYila[;d /kkjk okgd] Mk;ksM lehdj.k] thuj rFkk Vuy Mk;ksM izdk’k
mRltZd Mk;ksM] lkSj lSyA
fn’Vdj.k % v/kZ rFkk iw.kZ rjax fn”Vdkjh] mfeZdk xq.kkad] fQYVj ¼ik’oZ iFk] izsj.k iFk la/kkfj=] L section RkFkk P
fQYVj½] oksYVrk xq.kkad ifjiFkA
bdkbZ & 3

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/113

VªkaftLVj % izrhd rFkk f}/kzqoh VªkaftLVj ds fy;s oksYV ,fEi;j lac/k] yksM ykbu dh vo/kkj.kk rFkk izkpy fcUnq]
ladj izkpy] VªkaftLVj ds CB, CE o CC foU;kl rFkk muds rqY; ifjiFk ds vfHkyk{kf.kd odz] ladj izkpy dh
lgk;rk ls VªkaftLVj dk fo’ys”k.k
Analysis of a transistor amplifier using h-parameter (Ai, Av, Zin, Zo),] fu;r rFkk mRltZd ck;lu rFkk
VªkaftLVj ifjiFkksa esa ck;l LFkkf;Ro] {ks= izHkko VªkaftLVj rFkk blds ifjiFkh; vfHky{k.kA {ks= izHkko VªkaftLVj dk
vfHkyk{kf.kd odz o JFET dh dk;Z fof/k A
bdkbZ & 4
y|q ladsr izo/kZd % izkpyu dk lkekU; fl)kUr] oxhZdj.k] fo:i.k] RC ;qfXer izo/kZd rFkk bldh vko‘fr
lafØ;kRed izo/kZd % Hksn izo/kZd] fn”V/kkjk Lrj foLFkkid] lafØ;kRed izo/kZd fuos’kh rFkk fuxZe izfrck/kk;sa] fuos’kh
vkWQlsV /kkjkA vuqiz;ksx % ,dkad yfC/k cQj] ;kstd] O;odfy=] lekdyd ,oa vad i}fr;kW] f}vk/kkjh xf.kr
vfHkfØ;k] ewy rkfdZd }kj (ykWftd xsV)] cwy ;u izes; rFkk rkfdZd }kj ¼ykWftd xsV½ ds Mk;ksM }kjk okLrfod
ifjiFk Numbers systems, Binary arithmetic, fundamental Logic gates, Boolean theorems and circuit
realization of logic functions using diodes (DL).
bdkbZ & 5
iquZfuosf’k& izo/kZd % iqufuZos’k dh vo/kkj.kk] _.kkRed iqufuZos’k }kjk yfC/k dk LFkk;hdj.k] _.kkRed iqufuZos’k dk
fuxZr ,oa fuos’kh izfrjks/kksa ij izHkko] _.kkRed iqufuZos’k }kjk vjs[kh; fo:i.k dk U;wuhdj.k] oksYVrk rFkk /kkjk
iqufuZos’k ifjiFkA
nksyuksa ds fy;s iquZfuosf’k izfrc/k] vk/kkjHkwr nksfy=] fo’ys”k.k] dkWfYiV o gkZVys nksfy= A
lanHkZ iqLrdsa%&
1 DokaVe ;kaf=dh] ijek.koh; rFkk vk.kfod HkkSfrdh dkyjk] Hk.Mkjh] dkdkuh ¼fgeka’kq ifCyds’ku½
2 ukfHkdh; ,oa Bksl voLFkk HkkSfrdh dkyjk] Hk.Mkjh] dkdkuh ¼fgeka’kq ifCyds’ku½
3 bysDVªksfudh ,oa Bksl voLFkk ;qfDr;ka Hk.Mkjh] ¼fgeka’kq ifCyds’ku½
HkkSfrd izk;ksfxd ijh{kk
le; % 5 ?k.Vsa U;wure mÙkh.khZad 24 iw.kkZad&65
uksV % 1- mDr ijh{kk esa ijh{kkFkhZ dks izR;sd [akM esa ls ,d iz;ksx ysrs gq, dqy nks iz;ksx ;k ,d iz;ksx o ,d
izkstsDV tks fd HkkSfrdh ds fl)kUrksa ij vk/kkfjr djus gksaxsA
2- d{kk esa ikB~;Øe gsrq l= esa dqy 16 iz;ksx djus gksaxs] ftuesa izR;sd [kaM ds vkB iz;ksx gksA
1- Iykad fu;arkd dk fu/kkZj.k
2- Fkkelu V~;wc dh lgk;rk ls e/m Kkr djuk
3- esxusVªku fof?k }kjk e/m Kkr djuk
4- gsfydy fof/k }kjk e/m Kkr djuk
5- vk;ksMhu ok”i dk vo’kks”k.k LisDVªe
6- gkbMªkstu o M;wVªku o.kZØe dk v/;;u ¼fjMcxZ fu;rkad o bysDVªku&izksVksu nzO;eku vuqikr½
7- ySaMs g ?kVd dks theu izHkko ds v/;;u }kjk Kkr djuk
8- ,YQk ,oa chVk fdj.kksa dk vo’kks”k.k
9- jsfM;ksa lfØ; ekiu dk lkfa[;dh; v/;;u
10- VªkalQkeZj ØksM dk ‘kSfFkY; oØ
11- v/kZ rjax fn”Vdkjh esa L ,oa π fQYVj dk v/;;u
12- RC lapj.k ykbu ds vfHky{k.kdksa dk v/;;u
13- LC lapj.k ykbu ds vfHky{k.kdksa dk v/;;u
14- FET ds vfHky{k.kdksa dk v/;;u ,oa rp,gm ,oa m Kkr djuk
15- LCR Js.kh / lkekukarj vuqukn ifjiFk dh vko‘fr vuqfØ;k dk v/;;u , voeanu jfgr ,oa voeanu lfgr
1- VªkaftLVj vfHky{k.kdksa dk v/;;u
2- Vuy Mk;ksM vfHky{k.kdks dk v/;;u
3- oksYVrk fu;ked ra= dk v/;;u
4- dSFkksM fdj.k vkfLyksLdksi }kjk fylktw vkÑfr;ksa dk v/;;u
5- VTVM dk v/;;u
6- RC o VªkalQkeZj ;qfXer izo/kZdksa dk v/;;u
7- JO; ,oa jsfM;ks vko‘fr nksfy=ksa dk v/;;u
8- ijkoS|qrkad dk ekiu
9- cS.M LisDVªe dk fo’ys”k.k
10- gkWy izksc dh lgk;rk ls pqEcdh; {ks= dk ekiu

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/114

11- lafØ;kRed izo/kZd ds çfry¨eh ,oa vçfry¨eh izo/kZd ds vuqiz;ksx dk v/;;u
12- LVhQu fu;arkd dk fu/kkZj.k
13- Study of voltage multiplier as a doublers, tripler and quadrupole.
14- Construct OR, AND,NOT, XOR gate from NAND gate and verify their truth table
15- Study the recovery time of the given diodes.

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 45
(a) Metal-ligand Bonding in Transition Metal Complexes
Limitation of valence bond theory, an elementary idea of crystal-field theory, crystal field splitting
in octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar complexes, factors. affecting the crystal Field Parameters
(b) Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspect of Metal Complexes
A brief outline of thermodynamic stability of metal complexes and factors affecting the stability,
substitution reactions of square planar complexes.
(a) Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Complexes
Types of magnetic behavior, methods of determining magnetic susceptibility, spin-only formula. L-
S coupling, correlation of ms and left values, orbital contribution to magnetic moments, application of
magnetic moment data for 3d-metal complexes.
(b) Electronic Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes
Types of electronic transition, selection rules of d-d transitions, spectroscopic ground state,
spectrochemical series. Orgel-energy level diagram for d1 and d9 states, discussion of the electronic
spectrum of [Ti(H2O)6J3+ complex ion.
Organometallic Chemistry
Definition, nomenclature and classification of organometallic compounds. Preparation, properties,
bonding and applications of alkyls and Aryls of Li, Mg, Al, Zn, Hg, Sn and Ti a brief account of metat-
ethylene complexes and homogeneous hydrogenation, mononuclear carbonyls and the nature of
bonding in metal carbonyls.
Nuclear Chemistry
Stability of nucleous n/p ratio, Einstein mass –energy relation. Types of Radioactivity, Group
displacement law, Disintegration series, Q-values, nuclear corss-section, spallation, Applications of
radio activity.
Bioinorganic Chemistry
Essential and trace elements in biological processes, metallporphyrins with special reference to
hemoglobin and myoglobin. Biological role of alkali and alkaline earth metal ions with special
reference to Ca2+, nitrogen fixation.
(a) Hard and Soft Acids and Bases (HSAB)
Classification of acids and bases as hard and soft. Pearson’s HSAB concept, acid base strength
and hardness and softness. Symbiosis, theoretical basis of hardness and softness, electronegativity
and hardness and Softness. (B) Silicones and Phosphazenes
Silicones and phosphazenes as examples of organic ploymers, nature of bonding in triphosphazenes.
Nucelear Magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Paramagnetic resonance (1H NMR)
spectroscopy, nuclear shielding and deshielding chemical shift and molecular structure, spin-spin
splitting and coupling constants, areas of signals, interpretation of PMR spectra of simple organic
molecules such as ethyl bromide, ethanol, acetaldehyde, 1,1,2,-tribromoethane, ethyl acetate, toluene
and acetophenone. Problems pertaining to the structure elucidation of simple organic compounds
using UV, IR and NMR spectroscopic techniques.
(a) Heterocyclic Chemistry
Nomenclature , preparation and properties of compounds having one heteroatom with five and six
member ring (Pyrrole, Thiophene, Furan and Pyridine)

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/115

(b) Fats, Oil and Detergents
Natural fats, edible and industrial oils of vegetable origin, common fatty acids, glycerides.
hydrogenation of unsaturated oils. saponification value, iodine value, acid value. Soaps, synthetic
detergents, alkyl and aryl sulphonates.
(a) Organic Synthesis Via Enolates
Acidity of a-hydrogens, alkylation of diethyl malonate and ethyl acetoacetate. Synthesis of ethyl
acetoacetate:, the Claisen condensation, Keto-enol tautomerism of ethyl acetoacetate. Alkylation of
1,3-dithianes.Alkylation and acylation of enamines.
(b) Amino Acids, Peptides, Proteins and Nucleic Acids
Classification, structure and stereochemistry of amino acids. Acid base behavior, electrophoresis.
Preparation and reactions of a-amino acids, structure and nomenclature of peptides and proteins.
Classification of proteins. Peptide structure .determination, end group analysis, selective hydrolysis of
peptides. Classical peptide synthesis. solid-phase peptide synthesis. Structures of peptides and
proteins, level of protein structure. Proteins denaturation/renaturation.
Nucleic acids: Introduction, Constitution of nucleic acids-Ribnonucleosides and ribonucleotides. The
double helical structure of DNA.
Unit IV
Classification and nomenclature. Monosaccharides. mechanism of osazone formation,
interconversion of glucose and fructose, chain lengthening and chain shortening of aldoses.
Configuration of monosacchariedes. Erythro and threo diastereomers. Conversion of glucose into
mannose. Formation of glycosides, ethers and esters. Determination of ring size of monosaccharides.
Cyclic structure of D(+)-glucose. Mechanism of mutarotation. Structrure or ribose and deoxyribose.
An introduction to disaccharides (maltose, sucrose and lactose) and polysaccharides e.g. starch and
cellulose (without involving structure determination.)
(a) Synthetic Polymers
Addition of chain-growth polymerization. Free radical vinyl polymerization, ionic vinyl
polymerization, Ziegier-Natta polymerization and vinyl polymers.
Condensation or step growth polymerization. Polyesters, polyamides, phenol- formaldehyde
resins, urea- formaldehyde resins, epoxy resins and polyurethanes.
(b) Synthetic Dyes
Color and constitution (electronic concept). Classification of dyes. Chemistry and synthesis of
Methyl orange, Congo red, Malachite green, Crystal violet, Phenolpthalein, Fluorescein, Alizarin and
Elementary Quantum Mechanics
Black-body radiation, Planck’s radiation law, photoelectric effect, heat capacity of solids, Bohr’s model
of hydrogen atom (no derivation) and its defects, Compton effect.
De Brogile hypothesis, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, Sinusoidal wave equation, Hamiitonian
operator, Schrodinger wave equation and its importance, physical interpretation of the wave function,
postulates of quantum mechanics, particle in a one dimensional box. Schrödinger wave equation for
H-atom, separation into three equations (without derivation), quantum numbers and their importance,
hydrogen like wave functions, radial wave functions, angular wave functions.
Molecular orbital theory, basic ideas-criteria for forming. M.O from A.O, construction of M.O’s by
LCAO,H2+ ion, calculation of energy levels from ‘wave functions, physical picture of bonding: and
antibonding wave functions, concept of s, s *, p, p* orbitals and their characteristics. Hybrid orbitals-
sp, sp2, sp3 , calculation of coefficients of A.O’s used in these hybrid orbitals.
Introduction to valence bond model of H2, comparison of M. O. and V. B. models.
Introduction: electromagnetic radiation, regions of the spectrum, basic features of different
spectrometers, statement of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, degrees of freedom.

Rotational Spectrum

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/116

Diatomic molecules, Energy levels of a rigid rotator (semi-classical principles), selection rules,
spectral intensity, distribution using population distribution (Maxwell- Boltzmann distribution)
determination of bond length, qualitative description of non-rigid rotor, isotope effect.
Vibrational spectrum
Infrared spectrum: Energy levels of simple harmonic oscillator, selection rules, pure vibrational
spectrum, intensity, determination of force constant and qualitative relation of force constant and bond
energies, effect of an harmonic motion and isotope on the spectrum, idea of vibrational frequencies of
different functional groups.
Raman Spectrum concept of polarizability, pure rotational and pure vibrational Raman spectra of
diatomic molecules, selction rules.
Unit – IV
Thermodynamics -ll
Second law of Thermodynamics : Need for the law, different statements of the law. Carnot cycle and
its efficiency, Carnot theorem. Thermodynamic scale of temperature.
Concept of entropy: Entropy as a statement function, entropy as a function of V & T, entropy as a
function of P & T, entropy change in physical change, Clausius inequality, entropy as a criteria of
spontaneity and equilibrium. Entropy change in ideal gases and mixing of gases.
Third Law of Thermodynamics : Nernst heat theorem, statement and concept of residual entropy,
evaluation of absolute entropy from heat capacity data. Gibbs and Helmholtz functions; Gibbs function
(G) and Helmholtz function (A) as thermodynamic quantities, A & G as criteria for thermodynamic
equilibrium and spontaneity, their advantages over entropy change. Variation of G with A and P, V
and T.
Solutions, Dilute Solutions and Colligative Properties
Ideal and non-ideaf solutions, method of expressing concentration of solutions, activity and
activity coefficient.
Dilute solution, colligative properties, Raoult’s law, relative lowering of vapour pressure, molecular
weight determination. Osmosis, law of osmotic pressure and its measurement, determination of
molecular weight form osmotic pressure. Elevation of boiling point and depression in freezing point.
Expdwmental methods for determining various colligative properties. Abnormal molar mass, depree of
dissociation and association of solutes.

A. Instrumentation
(i) Colorimetry
(a) To determine Metal- Ligand ratio of complexes by Jobs method
(b) To determine Metal- Ligand ratio of complexes by Mole Ratio
(c) Determination of adulteration in Food Stuffs.
(d) Effluent or waste water analysis.
(e) Ground Water Analysis.
(ii) Solvent Extraction: Separation and estimation of Mg(II) and Fe(II)
(iii) Exchange Method: Separation and estimation Mg(II) and Zn(II) ions.
B. Synthesis & Analysis
(i)Inorganic Synthesis
(a) Sodium trioxalato ferrate (III), Na3 [Fe(C2O4)3]
(b) Ni-DMG complex, [Ni (DMG)2]
(c) Copper tetrammine complex [Cu(NH3)]4 SO4.
(d) Cis-and trans-bisoxalato diaqua chromate (III) ion.
(ii) Analysis
Semi micro and Macro analysis , Separation and Identification of Six radicals - three acidic and
three basic from a mixture with one interfering radicals and/or combinations of radicals.
(i)Laboratory Techniques
(a) Steam Distillation
(b) Naphthalene from its suspension in water
(c) Clove Oil form Cloves
(d) Separation of o-and p-nitrophenols

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/117

(e) Column Chromatography
(f) Separation of fluorescene and methylene blue
(g) Separation of leaf pigments form spinach leaves
(h) Resolution of racemic mixture of (+) mandelic acid
(ii) Stereochemical Study of Organic Compounds via Models
(a) R and S configuration of optical isomers.
(b) E and Z configuration of geometrical isomers.
(c) Conformational analysis of cyclohexanes and substituted
(iii) Determination of following parameters of oils & fats
(a) Saponification Value
(b)Iodine Value and /or
(c)R.M. Value
(iv) Green Chemistry Synthesis – Solventless synthesis of aldol derivative or any other compound
1. To determent the strength of the given acid conductometrically using standard alkali solution.
2. To deternime the solubility and solubility product of a sparingly soluble electrolyte
3. To study the saponification of ethyl acetate conductometrically.
4. To determint the ionisation constant of a weak acid conduct-ometrically.
5. To tirate potentiometrically the given ferrous ammonium sulphate solution using KMnO4 /K2Cr2O7
as titrant calculate the redox potential of Fe++/Fe+++ system on the hydrogen scale.
6. To verify law of refraction of mixtures (e.g. of glycerol and water) using Abbe’s refractometer.
7. To determine the specific rotation of a given optically active compound.
8. Determination of molecular weight of a non-violatile solute by Rast method/Backmann freezing
point method.
9. Determination of the apparent degree of dissociation of an electolyte (e.g- Na Cl) in aqueous
solution at different concentrations by ebullioscopy.
10. To verify Beer-Lambert law for KMnO4/K2, Cr2, O7 and determine the concentration of the given
solution of the substance.
Suggested Books :
1. Vogel’s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, revised, Svehta, Orient Longman.
2. Vogel’s Textbook of quantitative Inorganic Analysis (revised), J. Bassett, R.C. Denney, G.H.
Heffery and J Mendham, ELBS.
3. Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis, W.W. Scott, The Technical Press.
4. Experimental inorganic Chemistry, W.G. Palmer, Cambridge.
5. Handbook of Preparative Inorganic Chemistry, Vol, I & II Brauer, Academic Press.
6. Inorganic Synthesis, McGraw Hill.
7. Experimental Organic Chemistry Vol. l&ll, P.R.Singh, D.S.Gupta and K.S. Bajpai, Tata McGraw
8. Laboratory Mannual in Organic Chemistry, R.K. Babsal, Wiley Eastern.
9. Vogel’s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, B.S. Fumiss, A.J. Hannaforct, V. Rogers,
P.W.G. Smith and A.R. Tatchell, ELBS.
10. Experiments in General Chemistry, C.N.R; and U.C. Agarwal, East- West press.
11. Experiments in Physical Chemistry, R.C. Das and B. Behra, Tata McGraw hill.
12. Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry, Vol. I-Physical, J.B. Yadav, Goel Publishing House.
13. Advanced Experimental Chemistry, Vol. I-Physical, J.N. Gurju and R. Kapoor, S Chand & Co.
14. Selected Experiments in Physical Chemistry, N.G. Mukherjee. J.N. Ghose & Sons.
15. Experiments in Physical Chemistry, J.C. Ghosh, Bharati Bhavan.
Max. Marks: 65 Min. Marks:- 24 Time: 5 hours
1. Instrumentation: Any one exercise – 8 Marks
2.Synthesis & Analysis: Any one exercise 7 Marks

Any Two exercises taking not more than one from (i) to
(iv) 5+10Marks 15 marks
Any One experiment 15 marks

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/118

VIVA 10 Marks
RECORD 10 Marks


Papers Nomenclature Hours Exam. Max. Marks

per week duration Sc. Soc.Sc.
I Advanced Algebra 3 Hrs. 3 Hrs. 66 66
II Analysis 3 Hrs. 3 Hrs. 66 66
III Numerical Analysis and
Optimization Techniques 3 Hrs. 3 Hrs. 68 68
Max. Marks 200 200
Min. Pass Marks 72 72

Paper I (Advanced Algebra)

Note : The paper consists of three Sections
Section A : This section contain 10 questions of 01 Mark each (02 question from each unit) all
questions are compulsory
Section B : This section contain 05 questions of 04 Mark each (01 question from each unit with
internal choice) all questions are compulsory
Section C : This section contain 05 questions of 12 Mark each (01 question from each unit) attempt
any 03 questions 1.
Unit - I (Ring theory)
Introduction to Rings, Zero divisors, Integral Domain and Fields, their examples and properties.
Characteristic of a ring and integral domain. Sub rings, subfields, Prime field, Ring homomorphism,
Embedding of Rings, Field of quotients of an integral domain.
Unit - II
Ideals and their properties. Principal ideal and principal ideal ring, Prime ideal, Maximal ideal. Ideals
and Quotient rings, Euclidean rings, Unique Factorization Domain, Polynomial rings, Remainder
theorem, factor theorem, Polynomials over the rational fields.
Unit - III (Linear Algebra)
Vector Spaces : Definition and examples of a vector spaces, subspaces, sum and direct sum of
subspaces, linear span, linear dependence, Independence and their basic properties, Basis, finite
dimensional vector spaces, Existence theorem for basis, invariance of the number of elements of a
basis set, Dimension, complimentary subspace of a dimension of subspaces, quotient space and its
Unit - IV
Linear transformations : Linear Transformations and their representation as matrices, the algebra of
linear transformations, the Rank-Nullity theorem, change of basis, Dual space, Dual Basis, Bidual
space, Ad joint of a linear transformation, Annihilator of a sub space.
Unit - V
Eigen values and Eigen vectors, similar matrices, equivalent matrices, Similarity of Linear
transformations, Reduction to triangular form, Minimal Polynomial. Diagonalisation of Matrices.
Books Recommended for Reference:
1. I.N. Herstein : Topics in Algebra
2. Lang, S. : Linear Algebra
3. Hoffman & Kunz : Linear Algebra
4. A.R. Vashistha : Modern Algebra
5. Gokhroo et. al. : Ring Theory (English / Hindi Edn.)
6. Gokhroo et. al. : Linear Algebra (English / Hindi Edn.)

Paper - II (Analysis)
Note : The paper consists of three sections
Section A : This section contain 10 questions of 01 Mark each (02 question from each unit) all
questions are compulsory
Section B : This section contain 05 questions of 04 Mark each (01 question from each unit with
internal choice) all questions are compulsory
Section C : This section contain 05 questions of 12 Mark each (01 question from each unit) attempt
any 03 questions
Unit - I (Metric Spaces)

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/119

Real Number System as a complete Ordered Field.
The point set theory, Open and Closed sets, Limit point of a set, Neighborhood, Bolzano-Weierstrass
theorem, Heine-Borel theorem, Compactness, connectedness, cantor’s ternary set.
Unit - II
Definition and example of a metric space, Diameter of a set, Bounded set, Open sphere, Interior point
and Interior of a set, Derived and Closure of set, Closed set, Closed Sphere, Properties of Open and
Closed sets, Boundary point of set, Convergent and Cauchy sequences, complete metric space,
Cantor’s Intersection theorem. Dense subset, Baire Category theorem.

Unit - III
Limit of a function, Continuous function, theorem on necessary and sufficient conditions for continuity
of a function, Uniform continuity, Contracting mapping, Banach Fixed Point theorem, Equivalent
matrices, Compactness, Sequentially compactness, Totally Bounded space, Finite Intersection
Unit - IV (complex Analysis)
Complex Numbers as ordered pairs, Complex plane, Geometrical representation, Connected and
compact sets, Curves and region in the complex plane, Statement of Jordan curves theorem,
Extended complex plane and stereographic projection, Complex valued functions limits,
Convergence, continuity, Differentiailbility in the extended plane, Analytic functions. Cauchy-Reimann
equations (Cartesian & Polar forms).
Unit - V
Harmonic functions, Construction of an analytic function, conformal mapping, Bilinear transformation
and its properties, Fixed points, Cross ratio, Inverse point, Elementary maps. F(z) = 1/2 (z+1/z), Z2,
2z, sinz and logz
Books Recommended for Reference:
1. Shanti Narain : Complex Variables, S. Chand,
New Delhi.
2. Gupta, KP : Complex Analysis
3. Sharma J.N. : Metric Spaces, Krishna Prakashan
Mandir, Meerut.
4. Gokhroo et.al. : Metric Spaces (English / Hindi Edn.)
5. Gokhroo et.al. : Complex Analysis (English / Hindi
Edn.) Navkar Publications, AJMER.

Paper - III
(Numerical Analysis and Optimization Techniques)
Duration: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks 75 (Science) 66 (Art)
Note : The paper consists of three sections
Section A : This section contain 12 questions of 01 Mark each at least (02 question from each unit) all
questions are compulsory
Section B : This section contain 05 questions of 04 Mark each (01 question from each unit with
internal choice) all questions are compulsory
Section C : This section contain 05 questions of 12 Mark each (01 question from each unit) attempt
any 03 questions1.
Note :- Use of scientific non-programmable calcultor is permitted
Unit - I
Difference operators and factorial notation. Relation between difference and derivatives. Difference
of polynomial. Newton’s formulae for forward and backward interpolation for equal intervals.

Unit - II
Divided difference. Relation between divided differences and simple differences. Newton’s general
interpolation formula. Lagrange’s interpolation formula. Gauss central difference formula. Stirling
and Bessel interpolation formula. Inverse interpolation.
Unit - III
Numerical differentiation and integration. Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3.3/8 rules. Weddle’s rule.
Solution of algebraic Transcendental equations. Bisection method. Regular Falsi method. Newton-
Raphson method.
Unit - IV
The simplex algorithm and its application to simple linear programming problems. Concept of duality
in Linear programming problems, Formation of dual problem, Elementary theorem of duality.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/120

Unit - V
Assignment problems, Transportation Problems
Books Recommended:
1. Saxena, H. C. : Numerical Analysis
2. Goyal and Mittal : Numerical Analysis
3. Gokhroo et. al. : Numerical Analysis (Hindi / English
Edn.) Navkar prakashan, Ajmer
4. Bansal and Ojha : Numerical Analysis (Hindi Edition)
5. Gokhroo et. al. : Linear Programming (Hindi / English
Edn.) Navkar Prakashan, Ajmer
6. Hadley G. : Linear Programming Problems

;kstuk %
iz'ui= 'kh"kZd dkyka'k vof/k iw.kkZad
lIrkg foKku dyk
1 vxzxr chtxf.kr 3 ?kaVs 3 ?kUVs 66 66
2 fo'ys"k.k 3 ?kaVs 3 ?kUVs 66 66
3 la[;kRed fo'ys"k.k ,oa
b"Vredkjh izfof/k;k¡ 3 ?kaVs 3 ?kUVs 68 68
dqy vad 200 200
U;wure mŸkhZ.kkad 72 72
iz'u i=&1 ¼vxzxr chtxf.kr½
uksV %
iz”u i= ds rhu Hkkx gksxsa
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Hkkx ch& bl Hkkx esa 04 vad ds 05 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz”u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr ½ gksxsaA lHkh iz”u gy
djus vfuok;Z gSaA
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oy;] vf}rh; xq.ku[kaMu izkar] cgqin oy;] ifjes; {ks= ij cgqinA
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lekurk] foek] iwjd milef"V] foHkkx lef"V rFkk mldh foekA
jSf[kd :ikUrj.k] jSf[kd :ikUrj.k dk chtxf.kr ,oa mudk eSfVªDl fu:i.k] lef"V lekdkfjrk] jSf[kd :ikUrj.k
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:i esa leu;u] U;wure cgqin] eSfVªDl dk fod.khZdj.kA

iz'u i=&2 ¼fo'ys"k.k½

uksV %
iz”u i= ds rhu Hkkx gksxsa
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Hkkx ch& bl Hkkx esa 04 vad ds 05 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz”u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr ½ gksxsaA lHkh iz”u
gy djus vfuok;Z gSaA
Hkkx lh& bl Hkkx esa 12 vad ds 05 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz”u½ gksxsaA dksbZ 03 iz”u gy djus gksxasA

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/121

okLrfod la[;k fudk; dk iw.kZ dzfed {ks= okyk :i] fcUnq leqPp;] leqPp; dk lhek fcUnq] izfros'k] O;qRiUu foo`r
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leqPp;A O;qRiUu ,oa laojd leqPp;] lao`r leqPp;] lao`r xksykA foo`r ,oa lao`r leqPp;ksa ds xq.k/keZA leqPp;
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Js.kh izes;A
Qyu dh lhek] larr Qyu] Qyuksa dh lkarR;rk ds fy, vko';d ,oa i;kZIr izfrca/k] ,d leku larrrk] laf{kIr
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ifjfer loZfu"Brk xq.k/keZA
dzfer ;qXe ds :i esa lfEeJ la[;k,¡] lfEeJ lery] lfEeJ jkf'k;ksa dk T;kfefr fu:i.k] lagr leqPp;] lfEeJ
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iz'u i=&3 ¼la[;kRed fo'ys"k.k ,oa b"Vredkjh izfof/k;k¡½

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uksV %
iz”u i= ds rhu Hkkx gksxsa
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Hkkx lh& bl Hkkx esa 12 vad ds 05 iz”u ¼izR;sd bdkbZ esa ls 01 iz”u vkarfjd fodYi lfgr ½ gksxsaA dksbZ 03 iz”u
gy djus gksxsaA
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ds U;wVu vxz o i'p lw=A
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dsUnzh; lw=] LVjfyax rFkk cSly vUrosZ'kuA
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lehdj.k ds gy] f}Hkktu fof/k] jsxaqyk&Qkylh fof/k] U;wVu jSIlu fof/kA
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leL;k dk fuekZ.k fu/kkZj.k] }Srh ij izkjafHkd izes;A
fu;ru leL;k,¡] ifjogu leL;k,¡A

Three papers Min. Pass Marks: 48 Max Marks: 135
Paper I 3 Hrs Duration Min. Pass Marks: 16 45 Marks
Paper II 3 Hrs Duration Min. Pass Marks: 16 45 Marks Paper III 3 Hrs Duration
Min. Pass Marks: 16 45 Marks
Practical: 5h duration Min Pass Marks: 24 Max Marks: 65



MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/122

NOTE: The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10
questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. The candidate is required to
answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions (two from each unit, as internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The
candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section
C (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The
candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words.
Types of endocrine glands and their disorders: Pituitary, Pineal, Adrenal, Thyroid, Islets of
langerhans, Testis and Ovary. Chemical Nature of Hormone, Hormone action (including role of cyclic
AMP in Hormone action). Preliminary idea of neurosecretion; hypothalamic control of pituitary
functions. Endocrine glands in insects. Neurotransmitters.
Endocrine glands: ovary and placenta, Ovarian cycles and their neuroendocrine control..
Endocrinology of ovulation, implantation, parturition and lactation.MTP and related social issues.
Endocrine glands: testis, testicular cycle and its hormonal control. Hormonal control of reproduction,
using mammalian and insect examples.Reproductive disorders, birth control devices. Pheromones
and their role in reproductive functions and behaviour.
Introduction and history of ethology, methods of studying behaviour, neuroanatomical,
neurophysiological, neurochemical, focal and scan sampling technique. Human brain and behaviour.
Biological clock/circadian rhythms. Social behaviour and social organization of Black buck and rhesus
monkey. Social communication among animals, acoustic, tactile, olfactory and language of bees.
Migration of fishes, pheromones and hormones and their role in behaviour, Fixed action pattern, sign
stimulus, innate releasing mechanism, action specific energy, motivation, imprinting and learning,
orientation, taxes and kinesis, Neurotoxin and behavior, Cryopreservation.


NOTE: The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10
questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. The candidate is required to
answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions (two from each unit, as internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The
candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section
C (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The
candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words.
Mendelian Genetics: Mendel’s laws of inheritance. Monohybrid and dihybrid cross, dominance,
incomplete dominance. Current status of Mendelism. gene interactions, supplementary,
complimentary, Epistasis and inhibitory and polymorphic gene.
Multiple allele-ABO, Rh and MN blood groups and their inheritance, Sex determination XX-XY, XO-
XY, and ZW mechanisms, sex linked inheritance (X-linked and Y linked). Colour blindness,

Genetic variation: variation in chromosome number (Euploidy and Aneuploidy). Types of
chromosomal mutations, molecular basis of gene mutation, mutagens, crossing over and linkage.
Genetic disorders in Human beings (Down’s, Turner’s, klinefelter’s and Edward Syndromes).
Molecular genetics: Nucleic acids, structure, function and types of DNA, Structure, function and types
of RNA, genetic code, Transcription. Protein synthesis, gene structure (Recon, Muton, Cistron) and
regulation of gene (Lac operon: inducible and repressible system). Bacterial genetic transformation,
transduction and conjugation. Lytic and lysogeny cycle. Elementary idea about wugenics. Elementary
idea about genetic engineering, gene cloning and recombinant DNA technology (vectors for gene
transfers, plasmids and phages). Restriction enzymes.
Introduction, historical perspective, animal cell hybridoma, major areas and future prospects of
biotechnology. Medicines and Biotechnology, Microbes in medicine. Antibiotics, Vaccine, Antibodies,

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/123

Antigens, Environmental biotechnology: Use of microorganisms in metal and petroleum recovery, pest
control, waste treatment, processing of industrial waste. Degradation of xenobiotic compounds
including pesticides and surfactants. Surfactants and oil pollutants. Food and drink biotechnology,
ferment food, dairy products, food preservation, microbial spoilage, alcoholic beverages. Vinegar,
Monoclonal antibodies and their applications.


NOTE: The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10
questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. The candidate is required to
answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions (two from each unit, as internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The
candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section
C (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The
candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words.
Introduction to ecology, definition, history, subdivisions and scope of ecology. Environmental factors-
Physical factors-Soil, water, air, temperature. Biotic factors-interspecific and intraspecific relations,
neutralism, mutualism, commensalisms, antibiosis, parasitism, predation, competition. Concept of
limiting factors, Leibig’s law of minimum, Shelfords law of tolerance, combined concept of limiting
Concept of niches. Population and community ecology. Measurement of population density. Factors
affecting population growth, growth curves, dispersal, migration. Characteristics of community.
Concept of ecosystem. Trophic levels- food chain and food web. Ecological pyramid. Energy flow in
an ecosystem, biogeochemical cycles Co2, N2, O2,S and P. Prospects and strategies of sustainable
Aquatic ecology-Physicochemical nature of fresh water habitat, lentic habitat(Lake and ponds),
lotic(stream and river). Fresh water fauna and their adaptations. Characteristics of marine habitat,
zonation of marine environment, marine water fauna and their adaptations, deep sea fauna and their
adaptations, estuarine habitat-their fauna and adaptations.
Terrestrial and applied ecology- Characteristics of terrestrial habitat, forest ecosystem(forest types),
desert ecosystem- characteristics of desert environment, desert fauna and their adaptations with
special reference to Rajasthan. Pollution types of pollution(water, air, and ground, thermal, noise,
industrial and chemical). Radiation, nuclear fallout and biological effects of radiation. Green house
effects. fossil fuels, coal and petroleum, nuclear fuels, management of environment. Wild life
conservation with special reference to Rajasthan.
Introduction and understanding of concepts of descriptive and inferential statistics, frequency
distribution, graphical presentation, mean, mode, median, standard deviation, standard error of mean.
Productivity distribution, correlation and regression. Test of significance, Chi square and t-test.
Biostatistical analysis of gene distribution in population.

I. Analysis of environment:
1. Soil pH
2. Water analysis-pH, Alkalinity, Acidity, Dissolved oxygen and CO2
3. Salinity (Chloride)
4. Qualitative estimation of zooplanktons in a given sample of water
1. Visit to zoo- Identification and general information about Zoo animals. General information about
local amphibian fauna(Frog, toads), reptiles(Snakes and lizards), bird fauna(crow, kite, house
sparrow, parrot, pigeon, peacock, vultures) and mammalian fauna(Kangaroo, Echidina,
Hedgehog, Indian Mongoose, camel, mice, rabbit).Behavioral study of social organization of Black
buck, Rhesus monkey and Honey bee.
Note- Student must produce a project report based on animal pollution, ethology, field trip, local
habitat, wild life sanctuary, national parks
2. Antennal grooming in cockroach / wing cleaning in Musca domestica

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/124

3. Study of phototactic response of Tribolium / Housefly. Response of Paramecium to touch,
Chemicals and light. Study of local habitat, collection and examination of microscopic fauna (Pond
and terrestrial ecosystem)
III. Biostatistics
1. Construction of frequency tables, Histogram, polygons, pie charts.
2. Exercise on Mean, Median and Mode.
3. Test of significance:t- test and Chi square test
IV. Endocrinology
1. Demonstration of major endocrine glands in mice/rat by using
Models/Charts/ Computers
2. Histological slides of major endocrine glands including gonads of mammalian and sub
mammalian groups.T.S. endocrine glands.
V. Genetics
Drosophilla life cycle and idea about its culture. Identification of wild and mutant ( yellow and ebony
body ), Vestigial wings, white eye, vestigial and ebony mutants, prepared slides of Drosophilla, Sex
comb and Salivary gland chromosomes, Barr bodies of Human chromosomes. Identification of blood
groups (ABO and Rh factor). Simple problems based on Monohybrid/ Dihybrid cross.Use of colour
beads for exercise in genetics, genetic exercises based on widow peak, rolling of tounge, era lobes,
hypertrichosis, finger locking.
VI. Mounting/permanent preparation
Drosophila, Wild mutant, white and red eyed, male/ female. Zooplankton:daphnia, Cyclops, cypris.
VII. Spots
Preserved animals of amphibian, reptiles, birds, mammals of wildlife importance, prepared slides, any
apparatus used in ecology, physiology, endocrinology, ethology, genetics, biotechnology may be put
(Note-Use of animals for dissection is subject to the condition that these are not banned under the
wildlife Protection Act and UGC guidelines).
S. No Exercise Regular student Ex- student
1 Ecology 7 9
2 Genetics 5 7
3 Biostatistics 5 7
4 Ethology 5 7
5 Permanent preparation 5 6
6 Endocrine gland 5 7
7 Project report 5 Nil
8 Spots(5) 10 10
9 Record 8 Nil
10 Viva- voce 10 12
Grand Total 65 65

Suggested reading material

(1) Endocrinology and animal behavior By V.S. Panwar
(2) Endocrinology and animal behavior by S. K.Sharma
(3) Animal behavior by John Alcock
(4) Gene tics. By M.S. Gardner
(5) Concept of genetics by Clug and cummings
(6) Molecular biology of the gene by J.D. Watson
(7) Genetics and biotechnology By K.C.Soni
(8) Animal ecology and biostatistics By K.C.Soni
(9) Animal ecology by veerbala rastogi
(10)Ecology by P.S. Verma
(11)Ecology By P.D.Sharma
(12) Ethology by Reena Mathur
rhu iz'u&i= U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad % 48 vf/kdre vad % 135
iz'u&i= izFke le;kof/k 3?k.Vs U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad% 16 45 vad
iz'u&i= f}rh; le;kof/k 3 ?k.Vs U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad% 16 45 vad
iz'u&i= r‘rh; le;kof/k 3 ?k.Vs U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad% 16 45 vad
MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/125
izk;ksfxd le;kof/k 5 ?k.Vs U;wure mÙkh.kZ vad% 24 vf/kdre vad % 65

iz'u&i= izFke % Lru/kkfj;ksa dh raf=dklzkoh foKku ,oa O;kogkfjdh

uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 50 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi
lfgr½A izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh
vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxasA izR;sd
iz'u 5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500
'kCnkas dh gksxhA
var%lzkoh xazfFk;ksa ds izdkj ,oa jksx %& ih;w"k xzafFk] ihfu;y xzafFk] ,Mªhuy] Fkk;jksbM] ySaxjgSl
a dh }hfidk,a] gkWeksZu
dh jklk;fud izÑfr] gkWeksZu dh dk;Z iz.kkyh] raf=dklzko] ih;w"k xzafFk dk gkbiksFksysel }kjk fu;a=.k dhVks dh
var%lzkoh xzafFk;ka] ra=hdh; izs"kd
v.Mk'k; ,oa IyslasVk] v.Mk'k;h pØ ,oa bldk fu;eu] v.MksRlxZ] vkjksi.k] izlo fØ;k] nqX/klzko] ,e-Vh-ih- ,oa
blds lkekftd igyqA
o`"k.k] o`"k.kpØ ,oa bldk gkWeksZu }kjk fu;a=.k] Lru/kkfj;ksa rFkk dhVksa esa iztuu dk gkWeksZfuh; fu;a=.k] iztuu
lEcU/kh O;kf/k;ka] tUe fu;a=.k ;qfDr;ka] fQjkseksu ,oa budh iztuu ,oa O;ogkj esa HkwfedkA
O;kogkfjdh dk ifjp; ,oa bfrgkl] O;ogkj v/;;u dh fof/k;ka] raf=dk 'kkjhfjdh] raf=dk dkf;Zdh] raf=dk
jlk;fudh] ukHkh; ,oa Øeoh{k.k izfrp;u] ekuo efLr"d ,oa O;ogkj] tSfod ?kM+h] Ñ".ke`x ,oa jhll okud dk
lkekftd O;ogkj ,oa laxBu] izkf.k;ksa esa lkekftd lapkj] /ouh] Li'kZ] /kzk.k ,oa e/kqeD[kh dh Hkk"kkA
eNfy;ksa esa izoklu] gkWeksZu ,oa Qhjkseksu dk O;ogkj esa ;ksxnku] LFkkbZ fØ;k Øe dh vo/kkj.kk] fpà mÌhiu] lgt
ekspu iz.kkyh] fØ;k fof'k"V mtkZ] vfHkizsj.k] v/;adu] vf/kxe] vfHkfoU;kl] vuqpyu ,oa xfrØe] raf=dh; vuqpyu
,oa O;ogkj] 'khrijhj{k.k

iz'u&i= f}rh; % Lruh; dk;Zdh ,oa izfrj{kk foKku

uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 50 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi
lfgr½A izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh
vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxasA izR;sd
iz'u 5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500
'kCnkas dh gksxhA
eS.Msfy;u vkuqoaf'kdh % es.My ds oa'kkxfr ds fu;e] ,d ladj] f}ladj ladj.k] izHkkfork] viq.kZ izHkkfork] es.My ds
fu;eksa dh orZeku fLFkfr] thuksa dh ikjLifjd fØ;k] iqjd thu] laiqjd thu] izcyrk] voeany thu] cgqvkdkfjdh
cgq;qXe fodYih] ABO, Rh rFkk MN jDr leqg ,oa budh oa'kkxfr] fyax fu/kkZj.k, XX-XY, XO-XY rFkk ZW fof/k]
fyax lgyXu oa’kkxfr] o.kkZU/krk] gheksfQfy;k
vkuqoaf'kd fofHkUurk,a] xq.klw=ksa esa lajpukRed ifjorZu ¼lqxqf.krk ,oa vlqxqf.krk½] xq.k lq=h; mRifjorZu] thu
mRifjotZu dk vkf.od vk/kkj] mRifjorZtu] thu&fofue; ,oa lgyXurk] euq";ksa esa vkuqoaf'kd fodkj] ¼Mkmu
fl.Mªkse] VuZj fl.Mªkse] DykbusQsYVj fl.Mªkse ,oa ,MoMZ fl.Mªkse½
vkf.od vuqoaf'kdh& U;wfDyd vEy] lajpuk] dk;Z] DNA ds izdkj] RNA dh lajpuk] dk;Z ,oa izdkj] vkuqoaf'kd
ladsr] vuqys[ku] izksVhu la'ys"k.k] thu dh lajpuk (Lac vksijksu½] lw{ethfo; vkuqoaf'kdh ¼:ikarj.k] ikjØe.k]

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/126

la;qXeu½ ykbfVd ,oa ykblkstsuh pØ] thu vfHk;kaf=dh] thu Dyksfuax] iwu;ksZth DNA rduhdh] Dyksfuax okgd]
jsfLVªDlu ,atkbeA
ifjp;] ,frgkfld ifjis{k] izk.kh dksf'kdk gkbczhMksek] tSo rduhdh] vkS"k/kh ,oa lw{etho] oSDlhu] i;kZoj.kh; tSo
rduhdh] lw{etho ,oa /kkrq dh izkfIr] lw{etho ,oa isVªksfy;e dh iqu% izkfIr] vkS|ksfxd vif'k"V dk izØeu] rsy
iznq"kd] ljQDVsaV] Hkkstu] is; inkFkZ ,oa tSo rduhdh] fdf.or Hkkstu] Ms;jh mRikn] Hkkstu ifjj{k.k] ,Ydksgksfyd
is;] fljdkA

iz'u&i= r`rh; % izk.kh ikfjfLFkfrdh ,oa tSolkaf[;dh

uksV % iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA
izR;sd iz'u 1-5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 50 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi
lfgr½A izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh
vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 200 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxasA izR;sd
iz'u 5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500
'kCnkas dh gksxhA
ikfjfLFkfrdh dk ifjp;& ifjHkk"kk] bfrgkl] fofHkUu {ks= ,oa Hkfo";] i;kZoj.kh; dkjd& HkkSfrd dkjd& e`nk] ty]
ok;q] rkieku] tSfod&dkjd& var%tkrh; ,oa varjktkrh; laca/k] U;wVªsfyTe] lgksidkfjrk] lgHkksftrk] fojksf/krk]
ijthfork] ijHk{k.k] ijthfork] izfrLi)kZ] lhekdkjh dkjd dh vo/kkj.kk] yhfcax dk U;wurerk fl)kUr] 'kSYQksMZ dk
lgu'khyrk dk fu;e] lhekdkjh dkjd dh la;qDr vo/kkj.kkA
fudsr dh vo/kkj.kk] tholef"V ,oa leqnk; ikfjfLFkfrdh tula[;k ?kuRo dk vkdyu] thola[;k o`f) dks izHkkfor
djus okys dkjd] o`f) oØ] forj.k] izoklu] tSo&leqnk; dh fo'ks"krk,a] ikfjra= dh vo/kkj.kk] iks"kd Lrj] [kk|
Ja`[kyk] [kk| tky] fijkfeM] ikfjra= esa mtkZ dk izokg] xSlh; pØ (Co2, N2, O2, S rFkk P), nh?kZdkyhu i;kZoj.k
dh laHkkouk ,oa j.kuhfrA
tyh; ikfjfLFkfrdh& vyo.ktyh; vkokl ds HkkSfrd&jklk;fud y{k.k] fLFkj tyh; vkokl ¼>hy] rkykc½ lfjr
tyh; vkokl ¼>jus ,oa ufn;ka½] vyo.k tyh; izk.kh tkr ,oa buds vuqdwyuA leqnzh okl dh fo'ks"krk,a leqnzh
okrkoj.k dk tksus'ku] leqnz tyh; izk.kh tkr ,oa buds vuqdwyu] csyklaxe vkokl&buds izk.kh tkr ,oa vuqdwyuA

LFkyh; ,oa vuqiz;qDr ikfjfLFkfrdh& LFkyh; vkokl dh fo'ks"krk,a] ou ikfjra= ¼ouksa ds izdkj½] e:LFkyh; ikfjra=]
fo'ks"krk,a] e:LFkyh;&izk.khtkr ,oa vuqdwyu jktLFkku ds lUnHkZ] esa iznw"k.k ds izdkj ¼ty] ok;q] LFky] rkih;]
/ouh] vkS|ksfxd ,oa jklk;fud½ fofdj.ks] ukfHkdh; voikr ,oa fofdj.kksa ds tSfod izHkko] gfjrxzg izHkko] thok’e
bZa/ku] dks;yk] isVªksfy;e] ukfHkdh; bZa/ku] i;kZoj.k dk izca/kuA
o.kkZRed ,oa fu"d"kkZRed lkaf[;dh dk ifjp;] vko`fr forj.k] vkjs[kh; fu:i.k] ek/;] Hkwf;"Bd] e/;dk] ekud
fopyu] ekud =qVh] izkf;drk forj.k] lglEca/k] lekJ;.k] lkFkZdrk ifj{k.k] dkbZ oxZ ijh{k.k] tho lef"V esa thu
forj.k dk tsolkaf[;dh fo'ys"k.kA

1- i;kZoj.k dk fo’ys”k.k %
1- e`nk pH
2- ty dk fo'ys"k.k & pH, {kkfj;rk] vfEy;rk] foysrs; O2, Co2
3- yo.krk & DyksjkbM
4- ty esa izk.khIyod dk vkdyu
2- izk.kh&O;kogkfjdh %
1- fpfM+;k?kj dk Hkze.k& fpfM+;k?kj ds izkf.k;ksa dh igpku ,oa lkekU; ifjp;] LFkkuh; mHk;pjh izk.khtkr
¼es<+d] Hksd½] lfjDVi ¼lkai ,oa fNidyh½ i{khtkr ¼dkSok] phy] ?kjsyw fpfM+;k] rksrk] dcqrj] fx)½]
Lru/kkjh&izk.khtkr ¼daxk:] ,fdfMuk] >kÅ pqgk] usoyk] m¡V] pqgk] [kjxks'k½] Ñ".ke`x] jhll okuj] e/kqeD[kh dk
O;kogkfjd v/;;u ,oa lkekftd laxBuA
uksV % fo|kFkhZ] izk.kh tSolef"V] O;kogkfjdh] QhYM Hkze.k] LFkkuh; vkokl] oU; tho vH;kj.;] jkf"Vª; m|ku] ij
vk/kkfjr izkstsDV fjiksVZ izLrqr djsxkA
2- frypV~Vs esa ,aVhuy xwzfeax] eD[kh esa ia[k lkQ djus dk O;ogkjA

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/127

3- VªkbZcksfy;e@eD[kh esa izdk'kkuqpyu dk v/;;u iSjkfef’k;e esa Li'kZ] jlk;u ,oa izdk'k ds izfr vuqfØ;k dk
3- tSo lkaf[;dh &
1- vko`fr forj.k ,oa rkfydk] fg"Vksxzke] iksyhxksu] o`r&fp= dk fuekZ.k
2- ek/;] ekf/;dk ,oa cgqyd vk/kkfjr iz'u
3- lkFkZdrk ijh{k.k & t- ijh{k.k] X2 ijh{k.k
4- var%lzkfodh &
1- pwgs@ekWMy@pkVZ@dEI;wVj dh lgk;rk ls var%lzkoh xzafFk;ksa dk izn'kZu
2- fofHkUu var%lzkoh xzafFk;ksa ds vuqizLFk dkV dk v/;;u
5- vkuqoaf'kdh &
MªkslksfQyk dk lao/kZu ,oa thou pØ] taxyh] mRifjorhZ ¼ihyk ,oa ,cksuh 'kjhj½] vo'ks"kh ia[k] 'osr vka[k] vo'ks"kh
,oa ,cksuh mRifjorhZ dk LFkkbZ LykbMksa }kjk v/;;u] fyax da?kh] ykj xzaFkh xq.klw=] ekuo xq.klw= dh ckj cksMh] jDr
leqg dh igpku] ,dladj ,oa f}ladj ladj.k ij vk/kkfjr iz'u] foMks ihd] thHk dk pØ.k] d.kZ iYyo]
gkbijVªkbZdksfll] fQaxj yksfdax ij vk/kkfjr iz;ksxA
6- LFkkbZ vfHkjatu &
MªkslksfQyk & taxyh ,oa mRifjorhZ] 'osr vka[k] yky vka[k Msf¶u;k] lkbDyksIl] lkbfizlA
7- izkn'kZ &
dksbZ mHk;pj] lfjl`i] i{kh] Lru/kkjh] dksbZ LFkkbZ LykbM] ikfjfLFkfrdh esa dke vkus okys midj.k] dk;Zdh]
var%lzkfodh] O;kogkfjdh] vkuqoaf'kdh] tSoizkS|ksfxdh esa iz;qDr dksbZ midj.kA
uksV % izkf.k;ksa dk foPNsnu ;w-th-lh- ds fu;ekuqlkj ,oa oU; tho lqj{kk vf/kfu;e ds rgr mUgha izkf.k;ksa dk fd;k
tk;s ftu ij izfrcU/k ugha gSA
vadkas dk forj.k &
fu;fer vH;kl fu;fer fo|kFkhZ iwoZ fo|kFkhZ
1- ikfjfLFkfrdh 7 9
2- vkuqokaf’kdh 5 7
3- tSolkaf[;dh 5 7
4- O;kogkfjd 5 7
5- LFkkbZ LykbM 5 6
6- vUr%lzkoh xzaFkh 5 7
7- izkstsDV fjikVZ 5 Nil
8- izkn’kZ 10 10
9- fjdksMZ 8 Nil
10- ekSf[kd 10 12
dqy ;ksx 65 65

Three Papers Max. Marks : 135 Minimum Marks- 48
Paper I 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks 16
Paper II 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks 16
Paper III 3 Hours Duration 45 Marks 16
Practical 5 Hours Duration Max. Marks : 65 Min. Pass Marks : 24
(One day)
Pattern of Paper
The question paper shall contain three sections. Section A (15 marks) shall contain 10 questions two
from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5 marks. The candidate is required to answer all the
questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B (15 marks) shall contain 5 questions
(two from each unit, as internal choice). Each question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required
to answer all 5 questions. The answers should not exceed 200 words. Section C (15 marks) shall
contain 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5 marks. The candidate is
required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500 words.


Plant Ecology: Definition, scope, branches, Ecological factor affecting the vegetation. Ecosystem:
Structure, its biotic and abiotic components, food chain and food web, ecological pyramids, energy
flow, biogeochemical cycles.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/128

Productivity: Primary and secondary productivity and their measurements
Plant succession: causes. Process types: Hydrosere, Xerosere (Lithosere and Psammosere).
Community : Structure and development
Pollution of air, water, Noise, their causes, consequences and control.
Resources: Renewable and non-renewable, management problem of depletion of natural vegetation;
endangered plants. Red data book. National parks and sanctuaries.

Plant adaptations: Hydrophytes, Xerophytes and Halophytes (morpho-
logical, anatomical and physiological adaptations).
Ecology of Rajasthan desert.
Biodiversity Phytogeography Introduction, continuous and discontinuous distribution,
Phytogeography of India, Vegetational regions of India,. Plant indicators.


Osmosis, plasmolysis, deplasmolysis, Adsorption. Absorption of water. Ascent of sap. Concept of
water potential. Transpiration (mechanism of opening &closing of stomata )factors affecting
transpiration and its importance Role of macro and micro elements.
Photosynthesis: Photosynthetic pigments (Chlorophylls, caratenoids and
phycobilins)- structure and function. Light reactions mechanism of car-
bon fixation in C3 and C4 plants. Brief description of C.A.M. plants. compensation point. Factors
affecting photosynthesis.
Respiration: Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport system and oxidative phosphorylation, Photo-
respiration factors affecting respiration. Fats: synthesis and degradation.
Plant growth regulators: Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ethylene and abscissic acid, their discovery,
structure, physiological effects and appli-
cations. Seed dormancy, senescence, photoperiodism and vernalization.
Enzymes General Characteristics, classification, mode of action, inhibitors. Principles and use of
following instruments, techniques: pH measurement, centrifugation, colorimetry, chromatography (PC,


Gene concept from Mendel to molecular level, Genetic code, DNA types: DNA replication and
transcription in prokaryotic system. Nif gene and nitrogen fixation.
Plasmids, kinds and their uses as vectors, principle of genetic engineer-
ing and recombinant DNA technology . Tools of genetic engineering (PCR, gene sequencing ,
restriction enzymes, genomic library).
Interaction and expression of trans genes, Bt-toxin, Methods of gene transfer in higher plants, vector
mediated gene transfer. Brief account of
vectorless gene transfer (Particle gun, liposomes, chemical methods).
History and scope of plant tissue culture. Basic techniques and tools ofplant tissue culture. Brief
amount of protoplast culture and fusion. Planttissue culture in agriculture and forestry.
Micropropagation and somatic embryogenesis.
Plant tissue culture in industry, secondary plant products: defination types and uses of alkaloids,
factors affecting production of secondary products in cultures grown in bioreactors (fermentors).


MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/129

1. Find out the density, frequency & abundance of herbaceous species by quardrat method.
2. To find out the minimum size of the quardrat.
3. Plant adaptive modifications. Specimens/slides. Opuntia, Euphorbia, Capparis, Leptadenia,
Hydrilla, Eichhornia and Typha.
4. Soil analysis: Field tests.a. Soil texture b. Soil moisture c. Soil pH
5. Water analysis a. Hardness of water b. Water temperature c. Carbonate, bicarbonate & chloride
6. Ecological instruments and their working. a. Maximum and minimum thermometer b. Oven.
1. To observe streaming movement of protoplasm (Hydriila).
2. Demonstration of phenomenon of plasmalysis using Rhoeo discolor leaves.
3. Demonstration of phenomenon of osmosis by potato osmoscope.
4. Unequal transpiration by four leaf method
5. Demonstration of unequal transpiration in dorsiventrat leaf using cobalt chloride paper.
6. Effect of various wavelengths of light on the process of phosynthesis.
7. Demonstration that light, CO2 and chlorophyll are necessary for photosythesis.
8. To demonstrate evolution of oxygen in photosynthesis.
9. Determine the value of respiratory quotient (RQ) of different respiratory substrates by Ganong's
10. Growth measurements by Auxanomerer
11. Demonstration of respiratory enzymes (peroxidase, catalase, dehydrogenase) in plant tissue
12. Introduction and demonstration of the following instruments/ techniques-pH meter, centrifuge,
calorimeter, paper chromatrography.
13. Phytochemical tests of the following: glucose, starch, proteins, fats, tannins, ascorbic acid and
1. Principle and application of the following- Laminar air flow/sterile bench, autoclave, ultrafilteration.
2. Preparation of culture media for microbial growth (Nutrient agar and P.D.A) and solutions of
nutrient and growth regulators.
3. Demonstration of inoculation technique, aspetic transfer of explant and microbial transfer
4. Demonstration of resistance sensitivity using antibiotic discs.
5. Germination of pollen of Catharanthus roseus in 10% sucrose solution.
Marking Scheme
Time: 5 Hrs. Maximum Marks-65 Minimum Marks- 24
Reg Ex non coll.
1. Phsiology experiment 6 8
2. Ecological exercise -Morphology & Anatomy 6 8
3. SoiI Water tests and Field Exercise 6 7
4. Experiments in tissue culture 7 8
5. Phyto chemical tests (two) 6 6
6. Spots (six). Two from each paper 18 18
7. Viva-voce 8 10
8 Records 8 -
Total 65 75

ouLifr foKku
rhu isilZ vf/kdre vad 155 U;wure ikl vad 48
isij izFke 3 ?kaVs vof/k 45 vad 16
isij f}rh; 3 ?kaVs vof/k 45 vad 16
isij r`rh; 3 ?kaVs vof/k 45 vad 16
izk;ksfxd ijh{kk % 5 ?kaVs vof/k 65 vad 24 ¼,d fnu½
isij dk iSVuZ
iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 iz'u] dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u
1-5 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 50
'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^c* ¼15 vad½ esa dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsa ¼izR;sd bdkbZ es ls 2 iz'u] vkarfjd fodYi lfgr½A

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/130

izR;sd iz'u 3 vadks dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, lHkh 5 iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre
'kCn lhek 200 'kCnkas dh gksxh A [k.M ^l* ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 o dqy 5 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vadks
dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgh rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd mÙkj dh vf/kdre 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnkas dh
iz'u i= & 1
ikni ifjfLFkfrdh rFkk ikni Hkwxksy
bdkbZ & 1
ikni ifjfLFkfrdh % ifjHkk’kk] egRo] “kk[kk,a] ouLifr dks izHkkfor djus okys ifjfLFkfrdh; dkjd] ifjfLFkfrd
ra=&lajpuk] tSfod o vtSfod ?kVd] [kkn~; J`a[kyk o [kkn~; tky] ifjfLFkfrd fijsfeMl ÅtkZ izokg] tSo Hkw
jklk;fud pdz A
bdkbZ & 2
mRikndrk% izkFkfed o f}rh;d mRikndrk rFkk budk LFkyh; o tyh; Ik;kZoj.k esa ekiu] ikni vuqdze.k% dkj.k]
izdze&tydzed] “kq’d dzed ¼”kSy dzed o ckywdh; dzed½ ] leqnk; lajpuk ,oa fodkl
bdkbZ & 3
ok;q ty rFkk /ofu iznw’k.k% dkj.k] izHkko rFkk fu;U=.k] lalk/ku&uohdj.k o vuohdj.k ;ksX;] izkÑfrd ouLIfr ds
ál dh izcU/kdh; leL;k;sa] ladVxzLr ikni] jsM MkVk iqLrd] jk’Vªh; m|ku o vHk;kj.; A
bdkbZ & 4
ikni vuqdwyu% tyksn~fHkn] e:n~fHkn ,oa yo.ke`nksn~fHkn ¼vdkfjdh “kkfjfjdh; ,oa dk;Zdh vuqdwyrka,½ jktLFkku
ds e:LFky dh ifjfLFkfrdh A
bdkbZ & 5
tSo fofo/krk& ikni Hkwxksy ifjp;] lrr rFkk vlarr forj.k] Hkkjr dk ikni Hkwxksy& Hkkjr ds okuLifrd izns”k]
ikni lwpd A

iz'u i= & 2
ikni “kjhj fdz;k foKku ,oa tSSo jlk;u
bdkbZ & 1
ijklj.k] thonzO;dqapu] thonzO; fodqapu] ty vo”kks’k.k] jlkjksg.k] ty foHko vo/kkj.kk vf/ks”kks’k.k] ok’iksRltZu dh
fdz;kfof/k ,oa izHkko Mkyus okys dkjd] ikS/kksa esa lq{e ,oa xq: rRoksa dh mikns;rk A
bdkbZ & 2
izdk”k la”ys’k.k& o.kZd ¼DyksjksfQy] dsjsVhuksbM~l ,oa Qk;dksfcfyUl½ lajpuk ,oa dk;Z] izdkf”kd vfHkfdz;k] C3 ,oa
C4 ikniksa esa dkcZu fLFkjhdj.k vfHkfdz;k] CAM ikni] larqyu fcUnq] izdk”k la”ys’k.k ij izHkko Mkyus okys dkjd A
bdkbZ & 3
“olu % Xykbdksykbfll] dzsCl pdz] bysDVªkWu laogu ra= ,ao vkDlhd`r QksLQksfjfydj.k] izdkf”kdh “olu ij
izHkko Mkyus okys dkjd olk% la”ys’k.k o vi?kVu A
bdkbZ &4
ikni o`f} fu;U=d % vkWfDlu] ftczsfyu] lkbVksdkbfuu bFkkhyhu ,Clhfld vEy] [kkst] lajpuk] dk;Zdh izHkko ,oa
mi;ksx] cht lq’kqIr voLFkk] th.kZrk] nhfIrdkfyrk ,oa clarhdj.k a
bdkbZ & 5
,atkbe% lkekU; y{k.k] oxhZdj.k] fdz;kfof/k] fujks/kd% fuEu midj.kksa dk fl}kUr] mi;ksx o dk;Zfof/k& PH ehVj]
lsUVªh¶lwt] o.kZekih] dzksesVksxzkQh ¼PC, TLC½ A

iz'u i= & 3
v.kq tho foKku ,oa tSo izkS|ksfxdh
bdkbZ & 1
thu ladYiuk& esaMy ls vkf.od Lrj rd] vkuqoaf”kd dksM] DNA izdkj] izksdsfj;ksV~l esa DNA izfrfyihdj.k ,oa
vuqys[ku] fuQ thu ,oa ukbVªkstu fLFkjhdj.k
bdkbZ & 2
IySfTeM~l&izdkj rFkk okgd ds :Ik esa budk mi;ksx] vkuqoaf”kd vfHk;kaf=dh rFkk iqu;ksZxt DNA rduhd ,oa
izksdsfj;ksVl esa blds vuqiz;ksx A vkuqoaf”kd vfHk;kaf=dh ds vkStkj& PCR thu vuqdze] jsLVªhD”ku ,Utkbe]
thukse ykbczsjh A
bdkbZ & 3
thuksa dh ikjLifjd vfHkfdz;k,a rFkk vfHkO;fDr] BT&fo’k] mPp ikniksa esa thu LFkkukUrj.k] okgd }kjk thu
LFkkukUrj.k] okgd jfgr thu LFkkukUrj.k& laf{kIr o.kZu ¼izk{ksfid] ykbikslksel] jlk;fud fo/kh ½ A
bdkbZ &4

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/131

ikni mRrd lao/kZu % bfrgkl] mi;ksx] ewyHkwr rduhads ,oa vkStkj] thonzO;d lao/kZu ,oa lay;u] Ñf’k ,oa okfudh
esa mRrd lao/kZu rduhdh] lw{e izo/kZu ,oa dkf;d Hkzw.kksn~Hkou A
bdkbZ & 5
m|ksxksa esa ikni mRrd lao/kZu dk mi;ksx ] f}rh;d ikni mRikn ,YdsyksbM dh ifjHkk’kk izdkj ,oa mi;ksx]
ck;ksfj,DVj ¼QesZUVlZ½ esa f}rh;d mRikn ds fuekZ.k ij izHkko Mkyus okys dkjd A
izk;ksfxd flysCkl
isij & 1 ikni ifjfLFkfrdh rFkk ikni Hkwxksy
1- DokMªsV iz;ksx }kjk “kkdh; ikniksa dk ?kuRo] vko`fr o ?kSjko Kkr djuk DokMªsV dk fuEure vkeki IXI mt.
2- DokMªsV dk fuEure vkeki Kkr djuk
3- Ikni esa vuqdwyrk,a izkn”kZ@LykbM vkifU”k;k] ;wQksfc;k] dSisjhl] ySIVfMfu;k] gkbZfMªyk] vkbdkfuZ;k]
4- e`nk fo”ys’k.k@ {ks= ifj{k.k
(a) e`nk&laxBu (b) e`nk vknzrk (c) e`nk PH
5- ty fo”ys’k.k
(a) ty dBksjrk (b) ty rkidze (c) dkcksZusV] ckbdkcksZusV o DyksjkbM VsLV
6- ikfjfLFkfrdh midj.k o mudh dk;Z”kSyh
(a) vf/kdre o U;wure FkekZehVj (b) vou
isij & 2 ikni dkf;Zdh o tSo jlk;u
1- dkWy;Mh ra= iznf”kZr djuk& lalisU”ku] bewylk;M] czkÅfu;u xfr
2- izksVksIykle ¼gkbfMªyk½ xfr iznf”kZr djuk
3- jksfg;ksfMldyj dh ifRr;ksa esa tho nzO;dqapu iznf”kZr djuk
4- vkyw ijklj.k ekih }kjk ijklj.k iznf”kZr djuk
5- dkckWYV DyksjkbM isij ds }kjk f}ik”kfoZd iRrh esa vleku ok’iksRltZu dk izn”kZu
6- izdk”k la”ys’k.k ij izdk”k ds fofHkUu rjax nS?;ksZ dk izHkko
7- izdk”k la”ys’k.k ds fy, izdk”k CO2 o DyksjksfQy dh vko”;drk dks n”kkZuk
8- izdk”k la”ys’k.k ds le; vkDlhtu mRltZu dks n”kkZuk
9- xsukax jslikbjksehVj }kjk fofHkUu “oluk/kkj dk “olu xq.kkad Kkr djuk
10- “olu&,takbe dks ¼ijvksDlhMst] dsVyst] fMgkMªksftust½ ikni mRrdksa esa n”kkZuk
11- fuEu midj.kksa dk ifjp; o fdz;k fof/k dks n”kkZuk
PH ehVj] lsUVªh¶;wt] dsyksjhehVj isij dzksesVksxzkQh
12- fuEu ds ikni jlk;u VsLV & Xywdkl] LVkpZ] izksfVu] olk] Vsuhu] ,ldkfcZd ,flM] ,UFkkslkbfuu
isij & 3 v.kq tho foKku ,oa tSo izkS|ksfxdh
1- fuEu ds fl}kUr o vuqiz;ksx& ysfeukj ok;q izokg] futZyhdj.k csap] vkVksDyso] vYVªkfQyVsª”ku
2- lw{e thoksa dh o`f} ds fy, lao/kZc ek/;e rS;kj djuk ¼iks’kd&vxj o P.O.A½ rFkk o`f} fu;ked o iks’kdksa dk
3- buvksD;wys”ku rduhd dks n”kkZuk] drksZrdks dk futZe&LFkkukUrj.k] lw{ethoksa dh LFkkukUrj.k rduhd
4- jksx izfrjks/kd fMLd ls izfrjks/kd &laosnu”khyrk n”kkZuk
5- lnkcgkj ¼dSFksjsUFkl jkstsf”k;l½ ds ijkxd.kksa dk 10 izfr'kr lqdzksl esa vadqj.k
izk;ksfxd vad foHkktu ;kstuk
le;& 5 ?kaVs vf/kdre vad 65 fu;fer Loa;ikBh
1- tSo dkf;Zdh iz;ksx 6 8
2- ikni ikfjfLFkfrdh& ckg~; vkdkfjdh o vkUrfjd 6 8
3- e‘nk@ty fQYM VsLV 6 7
4- mRrd lao/kZu esa iz;ksx 7 8
5- ikni jlk;u iz;ksx nks 6 6
6- izkn”kZ ¼N%½ nks izR;sd isij ls 18 18
7- ekSf[kd ijh{kk 8 10
8- izk;ksfxd vH;kl iqfLrdk 8 &
;ksx 65 65

Scheme :
Theory/ Nomenclature Hours Duration Max. Min.
Practicle per of exam Marks Marks

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/132

Paper-I Economic Geology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45 48
Paper-II Structural Geology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Paper -III Applied Geology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Practicals Related to all the
three papers 6 hrs 5 hrs 65 24
Note : – Each Theory paper is divided into 5 units. The question paper is divided into three parts,
Part A, Part B and Part C. Part A (15 Marks) is compulsory and contain 1 question containing 10 parts
( Answer limit 50 words) two questions from each unit, each question is of 1.5 marks. Part B (15
Marks) is compulsory and contains five questions with internal choice, one from each unit.Candidate
is required to attempt all five questions; each question is of three marks each (Answer limit 200
words). Part C (15 Marks) contains five questions one from each unit. Candidate is required to
attempt three questions; each question is of 5 Marks (Answer limit 500 words).
Work load: – Each paper shall be given atleast 2 (two) hours (or three periods) per week Theory
teaching. Practical shall be given 6 (Six) hours per week. In this way each theory paper shall be given
atleast 60 hours teaching and total180 hous teaching for practicals per teaching session.
Paper-I : Economic Geology
Duration: 3hrs Max. Marks: 45
Magma and its relation with mineral deposits. Factors controlling mineral availability.
Distribution of mineral deposits in space and time. Processes of ore genesis:- magmatic
concentration, contact metasomatism, metamorphism, Hydrothermal and skarns.
Processes of ore genesis- Sedimentation, Evaporation, Volcanogenic, oxidation and supergene
Enrichment. Residual and Mechanical concentration. Global Tectonics and Metallogeny through
Geologic times.
Mode of occurence, distribution, uses and origin of following metallic mineral deposits of India:- Lead,
Zinc, Copper, Iron, Mangnese, Gold, Aluminium, Chromium and Tungsten.
Classification of non-metallic minerals.
Mode of occurence, distribution, uses and origin of following non-metallic minerals deposits of India:-
Rock phosphate, Gypsum, Talc, Barytes, Fluorite, Mica, Garnet, Magnesite, Sillimanite and clay
Mode of occurence, distribution and origin of Coal and Petroleum. Types of coal.
Radioactive minerals:- Types, mineralogy, chemistry and distribution in India.
Non-conventional energy resources : Nuclear energy, solar energy, wind energy, and Geothermal

Paper-II : Structural Geology

Duration 3hrs Max. Marks-45
Theory/ Nomenclature Hours Duration Max. Min.
Practicle per of exam Marks Marks
Paper-I Economic Geology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45 48
Paper-II Structural Geology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Paper -III Applied Geology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Practicals Related to all the
three papers 6 hrs 5 hrs 65 24
Note : – Each Theory paper is divided into 5 units. The question paper is divided into three
parts,Part A,Part B and Part C. Part A (15 Marks) is compulsory and contain 1 question containing 10
parts ( Answer limit 50 words) two questions from each unit, each question is of 1.5 marks. Part
B (15 Marks) is compulsory and contains five questions with internal choice, one from each
unit.Candidate is required to attempt all five questions; each question is of three marks each (Answer
limit 200 words). Part C (15 Marks) contains five questions one from each unit. Candidate is required
to attempt three questions; each question is of 5 Marks (Answer limit 500 words).

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/133

Concept of slope, Attitude of linear and planar features. Description and application of Brunton and
Clinometer compass. Top and bottom criteria for recognition of normal sedimentary sequence.
Concept of stress and strain. Stress ellipsoid and strain ellipsoid.
Unit – II
Folding in rocks:- morphology of fold parts. Types of folds. Geometric and Genetic classification of
folds. Recognition of folds. Elementary idea of mechanism of folding.
Unit – III
Faculting in rocks:- Description and classification of faults. criteria for faulting. Elementary idea about
mechanism of faulting. Effects of faults on outcrops. Unconformities- Types, recognition, significance
and their distinction form faults.
Unit – IV
Cleavage & schistosity- Types, recognition, significance and relationship with major deformation
structures in the field. Lineation- Types, origin, recognition and relation with mega structures in the
field. Joints- Character, types and classification.
Unit – V
Overlap, offlap, Salt Domes. Forms & Structure of igneous plutons.Principals of gelological mapping-
Location, contact maping, collection of structural data. Stereographic projection in analysis of
structural data. Stereconet and Equal- area net.
Preparation of Pi diagrams and Beta diagrams. Contouring of Pi and Beta diagram.Representation of
linear and planar feautures on stereonet.
Paper-III : Applied Geology
Duration 3hrs Max. Marks-45
Theory/ Nomenclature Hours Duration Max. Min.
Practicle per of exam Marks Marks
Paper-I Economic Geology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45 48
Paper-II Structural Geology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Paper -III Applied Geology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Practicals Related to all the
three papers 6 hrs 5 hrs 65 24 Note : – Each Theory paper is
divided into 5 units. The question paper is divided into three parts,Part A,Part B and Part C. Part A (15
Marks) is compulsory and contain 1 question containing 10 parts ( Answer limit 50 words) two
questions from each unit, each question is of 1.5 marks. Part B (15 Marks) is compulsory and
contains five questions with internal choice, one from each unit.Candidate is required to attempt all
five questions; each question is of three marks each (Answer limit 200 words). Part C (15 Marks)
contains five questions one from each unit. Candidate is required to attempt three questions; each
question is of 5 Marks (Answer limit 500 words).

Hydrologic cycle. Genetic classification of water. Vertical distribution of sub-surface water, Ground
water occurence and distribution. Hydrological properties of rocks. Darcy law. Springs, Permafrost
regions. Distribution of ground water potential zones of India and Rajasthan. Ground water recharge
and Rain water harvesting.
Role of geology in civil engineering projects. Engineering properties of rocks. Rock as construction
material. Dams & Tunnels: Terminology, types, Geological consideration.
Brief Description of following important Dams of India. - Bhakra, Idduki, Nagarjuna sagar, Hirakund.
Description and use of Surveying instruments- Chain, Plane Table, Prismatic compass.
Uses of Topographic maps in Geology. Introduction to mineral exploration. Introductory knowledge of
Prospecting methods: Geological, Geophysical, Geochemical and Geobotanical.
Elements of mining- Introduction to open cast, under ground and alluvial mining. Terms related to
open cast and underground mining. Introduction to Drilling, Bore Hole Deviation.
Aerial photographs and Satellite Imageries. Application of Remote Sensing in geology.
Elements of minerals Dressing: Basic Principles of ore beneficiation, sizing, Grinding, Communition,
Floatation. Ore beneficiation methods for Lead, Zinc and Copper ores. Principles of mineral
Economics, Strategic, critical and essential minerals.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/134

Concepts of Environmental Geology, Types of Environment- Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere
and Biosphere. Biotic & Abiotic resources. Introductory knowledge of Hazardous Earth Processes.
Duration 6 hrs. Min. Pass Marks 24 Max. Marks. 65
Theory/ Nomenclature Hours Duration Max. Min.
Practicle per of exam Marks Marks
Paper-I Economic Geology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45 48
Paper-II Structural Geology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Paper -III Applied Geology 2 hrs 3 hrs 45
Practicals Related to all the
three papers 6 hrs 5 hrs 65 24
Distribution of Marks in Geology Practical Examination
Economic Geology 15
Structural Geology & 15
Applied Geology 10
Field Work 05
Viva 10
Record 10
Total 65

Identification of following ore minerals, their genesis, uses and distribution in India : Chalcopyrite,
Bornite, Galena, Sphalerite, Arsenopyrite, Pyrolusite, Psilomelane Limeonite, Haematite, Magnetite,
Bauxite, Chromite, Wolframite, Pyrite.
Identification of following non-metallic minerals, their genesis uses and distribution in India : Kyanite,
Sillimanite, Asbestos, Wollastonite, Calcite, Quartz, Garnet, corundum, Beryl, Baryte, Flourite,
Gypsum, Rock Phosphate, Talc, Orpiment, Realgar, Sulphur, Muscovite, Biotite, Feldspar. Coal,
Petroleum and Radioactive mineral deposits of India.
Distribution of important economic mineral and ore deposits in the boundary map of India and
Apparent and true thickness of beds; width of outcrops by calculation and geometrical methods.
Study of Geological Maps.Completion of Outcrops & determination of thickness of beds.
Drawing profile and section showing the following features, simple beds, unconformities, folds, faults,
overlap, offlap and Intrusion etc Identification and description of structural elements in hand
specimens. Measurement of apparent & true dip of a bed. Diagramatic Representation of various
structural features.
Prepration of Ground water Maps. Survey with Chain, Plane table & Prismatic compass. Ore Reserve
calculations. Diagramatic representation of vertical distribution of Ground water, Springs, Dams,
Prismatic compass, Photo-interpretation, Mineral Dressing etc. Field work : Field work for five days.
Books Suggested:
1. Jensen, M.L. and Bateman, A.M.: Economic Mineral Deposits. (John Wiley)
2. Gokhale & Rao : Ore Deposits of India (East- West Press Delhi).
3. Sharma & Ram : Economic Minerals of India.
4. Krishnaswami : Mineral Resources of India. (CBS)
5. Billings, M.P. : Structural Geology (Prentice Hall, India).
6. Hobbs, Means & Williams : An outline of Structural Geology (John Wiley)
7. Compton, R.R. : Manual of Field Geology.
8. Chiplonkar, G.W. & Power, K.B. : Geological Maps.
9. Arogyaswamy, R.N.P. : Courses in Mining Geology (Oxford IBH, New Delhi).
10. Todd, D.K. : Ground Water Hydrology (J. Wiley)

;kstuk %
LSk}kafrd dky[kaM Ikjh{kk iw.kkZad U;wure
lIrkg vof/k mÙkh.kkZad

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/135

Ikz'u Ik= I vkfFkZd HkwfoKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45 48
Ikz'u Ik= II lajpukRed
HkwfoKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikz'u Ik= III vuqiz;qDr
HkwfoKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikzk;ksfxd 6 5 ?kaVs 65 24
uksV % izR;sd lS)kfUrd iz'u i= dks ikap bdkb;ksa esa ckaVk x;k gSA iz'u i= rhu Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr gSA Hkkx ,]
Hkkx ch vkSj Hkkx lhA Hkkx , ¼15 vad½ vfuok;Z gS vkSj blesa 15 vad dk ,d iz'u gksxk ftlds 10 Hkkx gksaxs]
izR;sd bdkbZ ls nks iz'u gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 50 'kCn½A Hkkx ch ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls vkarfjd fodYi ds lkFk
dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 200 'kCn½A izR;sd iz'u rhu vadksa dk gksxkA Hkkx lh ¼15 vad½ izR;sd
bdkbZ ls ,d iz'u gksxk] vH;fFkZ;ksa dks rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u ikap vad dk gksxk ¼mÙkj lhek
500 'kCn½(

izFke iz'u Ik= % vkfFkZd HkwfoKku

le; & 3 /kaVs iw.kkZad 45
eSXek ,oa bldk [kfut fu{ksiksa ls laCka/k [kfut mifLFkfr ds fu;a=d dkjd] {ks= o dky esa [kfut fu{ksiksa dk
forj.kA v;Ld fu{ski fuekZ.k izdze& eSXeh; laknz.k] laLi’khZ; rRokarj.k] dk;karj.k ,oa m”etyh; izfØ;kA
bdkbZ &II
v;Ld fu{ski fuekZ.k izdze-&volknu] Tokykeq[kh; izfØ;k] vkWDlhdj.k vkSj m/oZtfur le`f)Hkou] vof”k"V ,oa
;kaf=d lkanz.k HkwoSKkfud dky esa osSf'od foorZfudh o /kkrq tufudA
Hkkjr ds izeq[k /kkfRod [kfut fu{ksiksa dh mifLFkfr dh voLFkk] forj.k] mi;ksx o mRifÙk dk laf{kIr Kku& lhlk]
tLrk] rkack] yksgk] eSaxuht] lksuk] ,Y;wfefu;e] Øksfe;e vkSj VaxLVuA
Hkkjr ds izeq[k v/kkfRod [kfut fu{ksiksa dh mifLFkfr dh voLFkk] forj.k] mi;ksx o mRifÙk dk laf{kIr Kku % jkWd
QkWLQsV] ftIle] VkYd] csjkbV] ¶yksjkbV] ekbdk] xkusZV] eSXuslkbV ,oa flyhesukbZV o Dys [kfutA
dks;yk o isVªksfy;e&[kfut fu{kssiksa dh mifLFkfr dh voLFkk] forj.k] mi;ksx o mRifÙkA dks;ys ds izdkj jsfM;ksa
/kehZ [kfut fu{ksi&izdkj] [kfuftdh] dSfeLVªh o Hkkjresa forj.kA
xSjikjaifjd mtZk lalk/ku & vk.kfod mtZk] lkSj mtZk] ok;q mtZk] Hkw rkih; mtZkA
f}rh; iz'u Ik= % lajpukRed HkwfoKku
le; & 3 /kaVs iw.kkZad 45
;kstuk %
LSk}kafrd dky[kaM Ikjh{kk iw.kkZad U;wure
lIrkg vof/k mÙkh.kkZad
Ikz'u Ik= I vkfFkZd HkwfoKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45 48
Ikz'u Ik= II lajpukRed
HkwfoKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikz'u Ik= III vuqiz;qDr
HkwfoKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikzk;ksfxd 6 5 ?kaVs 65 24
uksV % izR;sd lS)kfUrd iz'u i= dks ikap bdkb;ksa esa ckaVk x;k gSA iz'u i= rhu Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr gSA Hkkx ,]
Hkkx ch vkSj Hkkx lhA Hkkx , ¼15 vad½ vfuok;Z gS vkSj blesa 15 vad dk ,d iz'u gksxk ftlds 10 Hkkx gksaxs]
izR;sd bdkbZ ls nks iz'u gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 50 'kCn½A Hkkx ch ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls vkarfjd fodYi ds lkFk
dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 200 'kCn½A izR;sd iz'u rhu vadksa dk gksxkA Hkkx lh ¼15 vad½ izR;sd
bdkbZ ls ,d iz'u gksxk] vH;fFkZ;ksa dks rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u ikap vad dk gksxk ¼mÙkj lhek
500 'kCn½(
izo.krk] ufr yEc] ufrA LFkykÑfr dk n`';ka'kks ij izHkkoA DykbuksehVj o czUVu fnDlwpd dk o.kZu ,oa vuqiz;ksxA
lkekU; volknu Øe dh igpku ds fy, VkWi ,oa ckWVe fud”kA
izfrcy o fod‘fr dh ladYiuk] izfrcy nh?kZ o`rt o foÑfr nh?kZ o`rtA
pV~Vkuksa esa oyu] oyu&xq.k/keZ o izdkj] oyu ds T;kferh; o tSusfVd oxhZdj.kA oyuu dh ;kaf=dh dk izkjfEHkd
KkuA {ks= esa budh igpku ds fud”kA

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/136

viHkza’k & xq.k/keZ ,oa oxhZdj.kA viHkza’k dk n`';ka'kksa ij izHkko] {ks= esa mudh igpku ds fud”k]
viHkza’kksa dh lkekU; ;kaf=dhAfo”ke foU;klks ds izdkj] mudh igpku ,oa egRo vkSj viHkz’kksa ls foHksnA iqjkUr% 'kk;h o
uokr% 'kk;hA
fonyu] ,oa f”k"VkHkrk&izdkj] igpku] egRo o {ks= esa eq[; fo:i.k lajpukvks ls lEcU?kA
lajs[k.k]&y{k.k] izdkj o egRo] {ks= esa eq[; lajpukvksa ls lEcU/kA laf/k&xq.k/keZ ,oa izdkj ,oa oxhZdj.kA HkwoSKkfud
ekufp=.k ds fl)kUr& vofLFkfr] laLi'kZ ekufp=.k] lajpukRed vkadMks dk lxazg.kA
vfrO;kfIr vkSj vzO;kfIrA yo.k xqEcn vkSj IywVksuksa dh vkÑfr;k¡ ,oa lajpuk,aA lajpukRed vkadMksa ds fo'ys"k.k esa
frzfoe iz{ksi] LVhfj;ksusV o le{ks= usV] ikbZ o chVk vkjs[kks dk fojp.k] chVk o ikbZ vkjs[kks dh daVwfjaxA ryh; o
js[kh; lajpukvks dk frzfoe usV ij fu:i.k
r`rh; iz'u Ik= % vuqiz;qDr HkwfoKku
le; & 3 /kaVs iw.kkZad 45
;kstuk %
LSk}kafrd dky[kaM Ikjh{kk iw.kkZad U;wure
lIrkg vof/k mÙkh.kkZad
Ikz'u Ik= I vkfFkZd HkwfoKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45 48
Ikz'u Ik= II lajpukRed
HkwfoKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikz'u Ik= III vuqiz;qDr
HkwfoKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikzk;ksfxd 6 5 ?kaVs 65 24
uksV % izR;sd lS)kfUrd iz'u i= dks ikap bdkb;ksa esa ckaVk x;k gSA iz'u i= rhu Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr gSA Hkkx ,]
Hkkx ch vkSj Hkkx lhA Hkkx , ¼15 vad½ vfuok;Z gS vkSj blesa 15 vad dk ,d iz'u gksxk ftlds 10 Hkkx gksaxs]
izR;sd bdkbZ ls nks iz'u gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 50 'kCn½A Hkkx ch ¼15 vad½ esa izR;sd bdkbZ ls vkarfjd fodYi ds lkFk
dqy ikap iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs ¼mÙkj lhek 200 'kCn½A izR;sd iz'u rhu vadksa dk gksxkA Hkkx lh ¼15 vad½ izR;sd
bdkbZ ls ,d iz'u gksxk] vH;fFkZ;ksa dks rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u ikap vad dk gksxk ¼mÙkj lhek
500 'kCn½(
ty pØ] ty dk tsusfVd oxhZdj.k Hkwty izkfIr dh voLFkk,sa ,oa forj.kA mi lrgh ty dk ÅèZokèkj forj.kA
'kSyksa ds tyh; y{k.kA Mkjlh fu;e] >jus] iekZQzkLVA Hkkjr o jktLFkku esa laHkkfor Hkwty {ks=ks dk forj.kA Hkwty
iwuHkZj.k o o”kkZ ty laxzg.kA
HkwfoKku dh flfoy vfHk;kaf=dh ifj;kstukvkssa esa HkwfedkA 'kSyksa ds vfHk;kaf=dh; xq.kA 'kSy fuekZ.kdkjh inkFkZ ds :Ik
esaA ck¡/kksa o lqjax dh ikfjHkkf"kd 'kCnkoyh] izdkj] HkwoSKkfud egRoA Hkkjr ds egRoiw.kZ cka/kks dk laf{kIr fooj.k&
Hkka[kMk bMMqdh ukxktqZu lkxj ghjkdqaMA
losZ{k.k midj.k ¼ pSu] Iysu Vscy] fizLesfVd daikl½ ,oa mudk mi;ksxA VksiksxzkfQd ekufp= o mudk HkwfoKku esa
mi;ksxA [kfut xos”k.k ,oa izfrp;u ¼lsaifyax½ dk ifjp;A iwoZs{k.k dk ifjp;kRed Kku & HkwoSKkfud] HkwHkkSfrdh;]
Hkwjklk;fud o HkwokuLifrd iwoZs{k.k
[kuu ds rRo % Hkwlrgh] Hkwfexr o ,yqfo;y [kuu dk ifjp;] Hkwlrgh ,oa Hkwfexr [kuu lca/kh ikfjHkkf"kd 'kCnA
os/ku dk ifjp;a] ok;O; fp= o mixzg fp=A nwjlaosnu ds rRoA nwjlaosnu dk HkwfoKku esa mi;ksxA
[kfut lTthdj.k dk ifjp; % v;Ld HkaMkj.k ds fl)kar] lkbftax] xzkbfUMax] dE;qfu'ku] ¶yks,Vs'kuA 'kh'kk] tLrk]
vkSj rkez v;Ldksa dh xq.kork o`f)dj.k dh fof/k;k¡A
[kfut vFkZ'kkL= ds fl)kUrA lkefjd] fdzfVdy o vko';d [kfutA i;kZoj.k HkwfoKku ds fl)kUr] i;kZoj.k ds
izdkjks dk izkFkfed Kku& ok;weaMy] tyeaMy] FkyeaMy] o tSoeaMyA vtSo o tSo lEinkA Ik`Foh dh vkinkdkjh
izfdzz;kvksas dk ifjp;kRed Kku

HkwfoKku & izk;ksfxd

vof/k & 6 ?kaVs U;wure mrh.kkZad 24 iw.kkZad&65

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/137

;kstuk %
LSk}kafrd dky[kaM Ikjh{kk iw.kkZad U;wure
lIrkg vof/k mÙkh.kkZad
Ikz'u Ik= I vkfFkZd HkwfoKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45 48
Ikz'u Ik= II lajpukRed
HkwfoKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikz'u Ik= III vuqiz;qDr
HkwfoKku 2 3 ?kaVs 45
Ikzk;ksfxd 6 5 ?kaVs 65 24

HkwfoKku & izk;ksfxd

vof/k & 6 ?kaVs U;wure mrh.kkZad 24 iw.kkZad&65
vkfFkZd Hkw foKku 15
lajpukRed Hkw foKku 15
vuqiz;qDr HkwfoKku 10
{ks=h; dk;Z 05
ekSf[kd ijh{kk 10
iz;ksfxd dk;Z dk vfHkys[k 10
vkfFkZd Hkw foKku % fuEufyf[kr v;Ld [kfutksa dh igpku] mRifÙk] mi;ksx vkSj Hkkjr esa forj.k& pkYdksik;jkbZV]
cksukZbV] xsysuk] LQsysjkbV] vklsZuksikbjkbV] ik;jksyqlkbZV] flyksfeysu] fyeksukbV] gsesVkbV] esxusVkbV] ckWDlkbV]
ØksekbV] oksYQszekbV] ik;jkbV]
fuEufyf[kr v/kkfRod [kfutksa dh igpku] mRifÙk] vuqiz;ksx vkSj Hkkjr esa forj.k& dk;ukbV] flfyesukbV]
,lcsLVkWl] oksysLVksukbV] dsYlkbV] DokVZt] xkjusV] dksjaMe] csfjy] csjkbV] ¶yksjkbV] ftIle] jkWd QkWLQsV] VkWYd]
vksjihesUV] fj;yxkj] xa/kd] eLdksokbV] ck;ksVkbV] QsYlikjA dks;yk] isVªksfy;e vkSj jsfM;ks lfØ; [kfutksa ds Hkkjr
esa fu{ksiA
lajpukRed Hkw foKku % T;kfefr; fo/kh ,oa x.kukvksa ls laLrjksa dh vkHkklh ,oa okLrfod eksVkbZ] n`';k'kksa dh pkSM+kbZ
n`';k'kksa dks iwjk djuk ,oa laLrjksa dh eksVkbZ Kkr djukA izksQkby o dkV fp= cukuk tks fuEufyf[kr rRoksa dk
izn'kZu djrs gksa & oyu] viHkza'k] fo"ke foU;kl] vfrO;kfIr] vO;kfIFk o varosZ/kuA
gLr uewuksa esa fofHkUu lajpukRed rRoksa dh igpku djukA ,d ry dh vkHkklh; ,oa okLrfod ufr dks Kkr djukA
fofHkUu lajpukvksa dk fp=kaduA
vuqiz;qDr HkwfoKku & Hkwty ekufp=ksa dk fuekZ.kA psu] Iysu Vscy ,oa fizT+esfVd dEikl ls losZ{k.kA v;Ld Hk.Mkj
fu/kkZj.k laca/kh x.kuk,saA Hkwty dk Å/okZ/kj forj.k] >jus] ck¡/k] fizT+esfVd dEikl] ok;O; fp= v/;;u] [kfut
lTthdj.k vkfn laca/kh fp=kadua

Two papers Mini pass marks: 54 Maxi marks: 150
Paper-I 3 hours duration 75 marks
Paper- II 3 hours duration 75 marks
Arts &
Science Practical :
Arts Mini pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50
Science Mini pass marks : 18 Maxi marks: 50


Note: The question paper will be divided into three sections.
Section A will contain 10 questions in all (two questions from each unit). Each question will carry 2
marks. All 10 questions are compulsory. Section B will contain 10 questions in all (two questions from
each unit with internal choice). Candidates have to attempt 5 questions by selecting 1 question from
each unit. Each question will carry 5 marks. Section C will contain 5 questions (one from each unit).
Candidates have to attempt any three questions. Each question will carry 10 marks.
Concept of region, Classification of region - geographical and economic. Natural regions of the world
with special emphasis on monsoon, mediterranean, hot desert and prairie.
Regional study of United States of America.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/138

Regional study of China,
Regional study of South Africa and Brazil.
Regional study of Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
Note: Regional study of the above countries under the following heads:
Relief, drainage, climate, chief crops and main minerals, power resources and industries like cotton,
iron & steel, paper & pulps, and industrial regions.
Books recommended:
1. Butland, G J: Africa
2. Crassey, G B: Geography of Chian
3. James, P E: Latin America, Cassed & Co. London
4. Jarrot, H. R. : Africa
5. Minshull Roger: Regional Geography
6. Minshull Roger: The Changing Nature of Geography.
7. Shaw E W: Anglo-America- A Regional Geography, John Willey &
Co. New York
8. Shaw E.W.: America- A Regional Geography.
9. Stamp, L.D.: Africa, John Willey & Sons, New York
10. Trewartha, G T: Japan, University of Wisconsin
11. L.R. Bhalla: Pradeshik Bhoogol, Kuldeep Publications, Ajmer
12. Banwari Lal : Uttari America ka bhoogol.


Note: The question paper will be divided into three sections.
Section A will contain 10 questions in all (two questions from each unit). Each question will carry 2
marks. All 10 questions are compulsory. Section B will contain 10 questions in all (two questions from
each unit with internal choice). Candidates have to attempt 5 questions by selecting 1 question from
each unit. Each question will carry 5 marks. Section C will contain 5 questions (one from each unit).
Candidates have to attempt any three questions. Each question will carry 10 marks.
India in the context of the South-east and South Asia; India- a land of diversity, unity in diversity;
Major terrain elements of India and their role in shaping physical landscape of India; Drainage
systems and its functional significance.
Regional and seasonal variation of climate- The Monsoon, western disturbances, northwesters,
climatic regions of India; Soil types- their distribution and characteristics, vegetation types and their
distribution; Forests- the status of its use, and need for conservation.
Agriculture, Irrigation and multipurpose projects, Geographical conditions, distribution and production
of wheat, rice, sugarcane, cotton, coffee, tea, fruits and vegetables etc.
Resources: Minerals- iron ore, mica, manganese, Power- coal, petroleum, hydropower, atomic power.
Industries- iron & steel, textile, cement, chemical, fertilizer, paper & pulp. Transportation- railways,
roads, air, and water.
Changing nature of Indian economy- agricultural growth during the plan period, Green revolution vis-
à-vis traditional farming; Regionalisation of Indian agriculture; Agricultural regions and its relevance in
agricultural development planning; Spatial distribution of population and density, socio- economic
implications of population explosion, urbanization.
Books recommended:
1. Chattergy S B: Climatology of India, Calcutta University, Calcutta.
2. Deshpande, C.D.: India- A Regional Interpretation, Northern Book Centre, New Delhi, 1992.
3. Khullar, D.R.; India- A Comprehensive geography, Kalyani Publication, New Delhi.
4. Gazetteers of India, Publication Division, New Delhi.
5. Govt. of India: Five Years Plans of India.
6. Indian Year Book: Publication Division, New Delhi.
7. Irrigation Atlas of India.
8. Negi, Geography of India

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/139

9. Singh R.L.(ed.): India- A Regional Geography, National Geog. Society, Varanasi, 1971.
10. Spate, O H K. & Learmonth A T A: India and Pakistan- Land, People and Economy, Methuen &
Co. London, 1967.
11. Wadia, D N: Geology of India, Mc Millan & Co. London, 1967.
12. V.K. Tiwari: Bharat ka Vrahat Bhoogol, Himalya Publication
13. Mamoria & Jain: Bharat ka Vrahat Bhoogol, Sahitya Bhavan, Agra.

Scheme: 6 periods per week per batch of 40 students.
Arts & Science Practical :
Arts Mini pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50
Science Mini pass marks: 18 Maxi marks: 50
Distribution of marks: Arts Science
1. Lab work 2 hrs duration 18 18
2. Field survey & viva-voce 2 hrs duration 8+4=12 8+4=12
3. Record work & viva- voce 2 hrs duration 8+4=12 8+4=12
4. Project report & viva- voce 6+2=08 6+2=08
Total 50 50
Note: Three Exercises to be attempted out of five exercises and 40 candidates be examined in one
General principles, classification and choice of projections; construction, properties, limitations and
use of the following projections:
1 Cylindrical- Simple and equal area.
2 Conical- One standard parallel, two standard parallel, Bone’s and Polyconic.
3 Zenithal- Orthographic, Stereographic, Gnomonic and Equidistant (Polar cases).
4 Conventional- Mollweide’s.
5 Climatic maps and diagrams-Isopleth, wind rose, climograph, hythergraph.
6 Study and interpretation of weather maps of January and July months;
7 Elementary remote sensing and G.I.S.
8 Prismatic Compass Survey- closed and open traverse corrections of bearings and removal of
closing error.
9 Project Report pertaining to problems of environmental geography of local areas, detailed report
be prepared in 10 to 15 pages with maps and diagrams.
Books Recommended:
1. Monkhouse, FG & Wilkinson, HR: Maps and Diagrams, Metheun, London,1994.
2. Robinson, AH et al. : Elements of Geography, John Willey, New York, 1995.
3. Steers JA: Map Projections, University of London Press,London.
4. Singh, RL: Elements of Practical Geography, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
5. Sharma JP: Prayogik Bhoogol, Rastogi, Meerut.
6 S.M. Jain: Prayogatmak Bhoogol, Sahitya Bhavan, Agra.

ch-,@ch-,llh ikVZ r”rh;

izFke iz'u i= % izksnf'kd Hkwxksy
vof/k % 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZd % 75
uksV %& iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u rFkk lHkh
iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxh A [k.M ^c* esa izR;sd
bdkbZ esa ls 2 iz'u lfgr dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vad dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u dk
mÙkj nsrs gq, dqy 5 iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCn gksxhA [k.M ^l* esa dqy
5 iz'u] izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u] gksxsa A ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs rFkk izR;sd iz'u 10 vad
dk gksxkA izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
bdkbZ &1
izsn'k dh vo/kkj.kk] izns'kksa dk oxhZdj.k&HkkSxksfyd vkSj vkfFkZd
fo'o ds izkÑfrd izns'k&fo'ks’k v/;;u&ekulwu] Hkwe/; lkxjh;]
m’.k e:LFky vkSj izsjh izns'k
bdkbZ &2
izknsf'kd v/;u & la;qDr jkT; vesfjdk
bdkbZ &3
MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/140
izknsf'kd v/;;u&phu
bdkbZ &4
izknsf'kd v/;;u& nf{k.kh vÝhdk vkSj czkthy
bdkbZ &5
izknsf'kd v/;u & ckaXykns'k] usiky vkSj Jhyadk
uksV %& mijksDr ns'kksa dk izknsf'kd v/;;u fuEukafdr 'kh"kZdksa esa fd;k tk,&
HkkSfrd Lo:i] izokg ra=] tyok;q] eq[; Qlysa ,oa eq[; [kfut] 'kfDr ds lk/ku vkSj m|ksx tSls & lwrh oL=]
yksgk ,oa bLikr] dkxt ,oa yqXnh rFkk vkS|ksfxd izns'kA

f}rh; iz'u i= % Hkkjr dk Hkwxksy

vof/k % 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZd % 75
uksV %& iz'u i= ds dqy rhu [k.M gksaxsA [k.M ^v* esa 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd bdkbZ ls 2 vadksa ds 2 iz'u rFkk lHkh
iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 50 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxh A [k.M ^c* esa izR;sd
bdkbZ esa ls 2 iz'u lfgr dqy 10 iz'u gksaxsaA izR;sd iz'u 5 vad dk gksxkA ijh{kkFkhZ dks izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u dk
mÙkj nsrs gq, dqy 5 iz'uksa dk mÙkj nsuk vfuok;Z gSA izR;sd mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 200 'kCn gksxhA [k.M ^l* esa dqy
5 iz'u] izR;sd bdkbZ ls 1 iz'u] gksxsa A ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha rhu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus gksaxs rFkk izR;sd iz'u 10 vad
dk gksxkA izR;sd iz'u ds mÙkj dh 'kCn lhek 500 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA
bdkbZ &1
Hkkjr] nf{k.kh ,oa nf{k.kh iwohZ ,f'k;k ds lEcU/k esa] Hkkjr ,d fofHkUUrvksa dk ns'k% fofHkUUrk esa ,drkA Hkkjr ds izeq[k
LFkykÑfrd ¼HkkSfrd½ ?kVdksa dk Hkkjr ds HkkSfrd Lo:Ik ds fuekZ.k esa ;ksXknkuA izokg iz.kkyh o mldk dk;ZRed
bZdkbZ &2
tyok;q dk izknsf'kd ,oa ekSlfed cnyko& ekulwu] if'peh fo{kksHk] uksjosLVjl] Hkkjr ds t;yok;q izns'k] e`nk
izdkj] mudk forj.k ,oa fo'ks’krk,sa] izkÑfrd ouLifr& izdkj ,oa forj.k] ou& muds mi;ksx dk oS/k Lrj vkSj
lja{k.k dh vko';drkA
bdkbZ &3
Ñf"k] flapkbZ ,oa cgqmís'kh; ifj;kstuk,sa] HkkSxksfyd n'kk,as] forj.k rFkk mRiknu xsgaw] pkoy] xUUkk] dikl] dkQh]
pk;] Qy ,oa lfCt;ka vkfnA
bdkbZ &4
lalk/ku% [kfut &yksgk v;Ld] vHkzd] eSaXuht] rFkk ÅtkZ lalk/ku& dks;yk] iSVªksy] ty fo/kqr] vk.kfod ÅtkZ]
m|ksx & yksgk ,oa bLikr] diM+k] lhesUV] jklk;fud moZjd] dkxt ,oa yqXnh m|ksx A ;krk;kr& jsy] lM+d] ok;q]
vkSj tyA
bdkbZ &5
Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk dk cnyrk Lo:i&iapo"khZ; ;kstukvksa esa Ñf"k dk fodkl] gfjr Økafr cuke ijEijkxr Ñf"k%
Hkkjr esa Ñf"k dk iznsf'kdj.k] Ñf"k izns'k vkSj bldh Ñf"k fodkl fu;kstu esa lkFkZdrkA tula[;k dk LFkkfud
forj.k ,oa ?kuRo] tual[;k foLQksV dk vkfFkZd&lkekftd igyw% uxjh;dj.kA
;kstuk % izfr cSp 40 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk izfr lIrkg 6 dkyka’k v/;;u
iw.kkZd % dyk 50 vof/k 6 ?kaVs U;wure mRrh.kZ dyk 18
foKku 50 vof/k 6 ?kaVs U;wure mRrh.k foKku 18
vadks dk foHkktu % dyk foKku
1- iz;ksx'kkyk dk;Z % 18 18
2- {ks= losZ{k.k vkSj ekSf[kd 8$4=12 8$4=12
3- fjdkMZ dk;Z vkSj ekSf[kd 8$4=12 8$4=12
4- losZ{k.k fjiksVZ vkSj ekSf[kd 6$2=8 6$2=8
dqy 50 50
uksV %& dqy ikap iz'uksa esa ls rhu iz'u gy djus gksxsaA izfr cSp 40 ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dk ewY;kadu fd;k tk;sxk A
iz{ksiksa dk lkekU; fl)kar] oxhZdj.k vkSj p;u A
fuEufyf[kr iz{ksiksa dh jpuk] xq.k] lhek,as vkSj mi;ksx &
1- csyukdkj % lkekU;] le {ks=Qy
2- 'kadq iz{ksi % ,d ekud v{kka'k okyk iz{ksi] nks ekud v{kka'k okyk iz{ksi] cksu iz{ksi] cgq'kdaq iz{ksiA
3- [kE/; iz{ksi % yEc dks.kh; ¼/kqozh;½] f=foe ¼/kqozh;½] dsUnzd ;k uksfefud ¼/kqozh;½ /kzqoh; lenqjLFk A
4- ikjEifjd iz{ksi % ekWyohM
5- tyok;q ekufp= vkSj vkjs[k % lekujs[kk fof/k] iou vkjs[k] DykbeksxzkQ] ghnjxzkQ A

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/141

6- tuojh vkSj tqykbZ efguksa ds ekSle ekufp=ksa dk v/;;u vkSj O;k[;kA
7- fjeksV lSaflax o Tkh vkbZ ,l
8- fizTeh; dEikl loSZ{k.k % can o [kqyh ekykjs[ku] fndekuksa dk la’kks/ku] =qfV Bhd djukA
9- ,d lIrkg dk eq[;ky; ls ckgj {ks= dk HkkSxksfyd losZ{k.k ds vk/kkj ij Ik;kZoj.k ls lEcfU/kr leL;kvksa dk
foLr`r izfrosnu ekufp=ksa vkSj vkjs[kksa lfgr 10 ls 15 i`‘Bksa esaA
Scheme of examination:
General Instructions :
1. There shall be two theory papers of 75 Marks each and Practical of 75 marks. The candidate will
be required to pass in theory and practical separately.
2. Each theory paper will require four teaching periods of 60 minutes or six teaching period of 45
minutes for both papers per week.
3. Practical papers will require 4 period of 45 minutes or 3 periods of sixty minutes per week for a
batch of 20 students.
4. Each paper will contain ten questions having two questions from each unit. Each question is
divided into two parts – Part A & Part B, having 12 & 3 marks respectively. Candidates are required to
attempt five questions in all, selecting at least one question from each unit. Candidate has to answer
Part A in about 5 pages and Part B in about one page.
Paper I 3Hrs Max. Marks 75 Min. Pass Marks 27
Paper II 3Hrs Max. Marks 75 Min. Pass Marks 27
Practicals 3Hrs Max. Marks 75 Min. Pass Marks 27


Duration : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 75
UNIT - 1
1. Machiavelli
a) Effect of war in Politics b) Principles of Total War
c) Self National Army
2. Vauban
a) Effect of Science in war b) Art of fortification
c) Siege of fort
3. Kautilya
a) About armed forces b) About fortification
c) About spy and ambassador d) About war policy
1. Fredrick the Great
a) Oblique attack b) Discipline and training
2. Gustavas adolphus
a) Father of modern artillery
b) Military reform and training
c) Military organization and formation
3. Sun-Tzu
a) War strategy b) Nation and war
c) Importance of war
1. Napoleon art of war 2. Jomini’s principles of war
3. Clausewitze’s nature of war
1. War thoughts and strategy of J.F.C. Fuller
2. War thoughts and strategy of Captain Liddle Hart
3. War thoughts and strategy of Adolf Hitler
1. Douhet’s theory of air power
2. A.T. Mohan’s Theory of Sea power
3. Thoughts on war by Mao-Tse-Tung
Books Recommended:
1. Second world war: J.F.C. Fuller
2. Maker’s of modern strategy: E.M. Earl
3. The art of war: Arthor Birni

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/142

4. On war: Clausewitze
5. Thoughts on war: Captain Liddle Hart
6- ik'pkR; lSU; fopkjd % izks- vkj- lh- tkSgjh
7- ik'pkR; lSU; fopkjd % MkW- yYyu flag
8- lSU; fopkjd% MkW- okbZ- ds- 'kekZ o fuxe
9- lSU; fopkjd% ds- ,u- JhokLro
10- lalkj dk lSU; bfrgkl% MkW- ,l- ds- feJ

8- j{kk o j.kuhfr v/;;u

ijh{kk ;kstuk %
lkekU; funsZ'k
1- dqy nks lS)kfUrd iz'u&i= 75&75 vad ds gksaxs] tcfd ,d izk;ksfxd i= 75 vad dk gksxkA fo|kFkhZ dks
lS)kfUrd ,oa izk;ksfxd i= esa vyx&vyx mÙkh.kZ gksuk vfuok;Z gSA
2- izR;sd lS)kfUrd i= ds fy, 45 feuV ds 6 dkyka'k gksaxs vFkok 60 feuV ds 4 dkyka'k izfr lIrkg nksuksa i=ksa
ds fy, fu/kkZfjr gksaxsA
3- izk;ksfxd i= gsrq 45 feuV ds pkj dkyka'k vFkok 60 feuV ds rhu dkyka'k izR;sd lIrkg 20 fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds ny
(Group) ds fy, gksaxsA
4- izR;sd iz'u&i= esa 10 iz'u rFkk izR;sd bdkbZ esa 2 iz'u gksaxsA izR;sd iz'u nks HkkXkks esa foHkkftr gksxk& HkkXk v
vkSj HkkXk Ck tks Øe'k% 12 o 3 vadks ds gksxsaA fo|kFkhZ dks izR;sd bdkbZ ls de ls de ,d iz'u dk vfuok;Z :i ls
mÙkj nsuk gksxk rFkk dqy ikap iz'u gy djus gksaxsA fo|kFkhZ dks HkkXk v dk mÙkj yxHkx ikap i`"Bksa esa o Hkkx c dk
mÙkj yxHkx ,d i`"B esa nsuk gksxkA

;kstuk %
izFke iz'u&i= vof/k 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad 75 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad 27
f}rh; iZ'u&i= vof/k 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad 75 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad 27
izk;ksfxd i= vof/k 3 ?kaVs iw.kkZad 75 U;wure mÙkh.kkZad 27

izFke i= & lSU; fopkjd

le; % 3 ?kaVs dqy vad% 75
bdkbZ & 1
1- eSD;kosyh
¼v½ ;q) dk jktuhfr ij izHkko ¼c½ lexz (Total) ;q) dk fl)kUr
¼l½ jk"Vªh; Lo;a lsuk
2- okWcu
¼v½ foKku dk ;q)ksa ij izHkko ¼c½ fdyscUnh dyk
¼l½ fdyksa dh ?ksjkcUnh
3- dkSfVY;
¼v½ lsukvksa ds lEcU/k esa ¼c½ fdyscUnh ds lEcU/k esa
¼l½ xqIrpj o jktnwr ds lEcU/k esa ¼n½ ;q) uhfr ds lEcU/k esa
bdkbZ & 2
1- QSfMªd egku
¼v½ frjNk vkØe.k ¼vkfCyd vVSd½ ¼c½ vuq'kklu ,oa izf'k{k.k
2- xqLVkol ,MkYQl
¼v½ vk/kqfud rksi[kkuk dk fuekZrk ¼c½ lsukvksa dk izf'k{k.k o lq/kkj
¼l½ lSU; laxBu ,oa lajpuk
3- lUr tw
¼v½ ;q) ;kstuk ¼ c½ jk"Vª ,oa ;q)
¼l½ ;q) dk egRo
bdkbZ & 3
1- usiksfy;u dh ;q) dyk 2- tksfeuh ds ;q) fl)kUr
3- Dykt foV~t dh ;q) dh izÑfr
bdkbZ & 4
1- ts- ,Q- lh- Qqyj dh ;q) ;kstuk ,oa fopkj
2- dSIVu fyfMy gkVZ dh ;q) ;kstuk ,oa fopkj
3- ,MkWYQ fgVyj dh j.kuhfr ,oa fopkj

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/143

bdkbZ & 5
1- MwgsV & ok;q'kfDr ds fl)kUr
2- ,- Vh- egku & ukS&lSfud (Navy) fl)kUr
3- ekvks&Rls&rqax & ;q) lEcU/kh fopkjA
vuq'kaflr iqLrdsa &
1- Second world war: J.F.C. Fuller
2- Maker’s of modern strategy: E.M. Earl
3- The art of war: Arthor Birni
4- On war: Clausewitze
5- Thoughts on war: Captain Liddle Hart
6- ik'pkR; lSU; fopkjd % izks- vkj- lh- tkSgjh
7- ik'pkR; lSU; fopkjd % MkW- yYyu flag
8- lSU; fopkjd% MkW- okbZ- ds- 'kekZ o fuxe
9- lSU; fopkjd% ds- ,u- JhokLro
10- lalkj dk lSU; bfrgkl% MkW- ,l- ds- feJ
Duration : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 75
1. Meaning of psychology, Importance and relation of psychology in war
2. Utility of military psychology
3. Intelligence test.
1. Adjustment in training and war period
2. Rumour.
3. Propaganda.
1. Importance, advantage and kinds of leadership in armed force.
2. Importance, kinds and problems of discipline
3. Aim of Discipline and treatment of indiscipline.
1. Meaning of morale and its importance in armed force
2. Principles of morale and elements of effective morale
3. Causes, problems and treatment of fear
1. Importance and features of terror and rule of its control
2. Importance of motivation and its role in armed forces
3. Causes and treatment of mental tension
Books Recommended:
1. Psychology and the soldier: F.C. Vartley
2. Psychology and the soldier: Concted
3. lSU; euksfoKku% MkW- ij'kqjke xqIr
4- lSU; euksfoKku% iq"ik tSu] izdk'k cqd fMiks] cjsyh
5. lSU; euksfoKku% MkW- yYyu flag

f}rh; i= & lSU; euksfoKku

le; % 3 ?kaVs dqy vad% 75
bdkbZ & 1
1- euksfoKku dk vFkZ 2- euksfoKku dk ;q+) esa egRo ,oa lEcU/k
3- lSU; euksfoKku ds mi;ksx
bdkbZ & 2
1- izf'k{k.k dky esa lek;kstu 2- laxzke ls lek;kstu
3- deku n{krk rFkk foJke
bdkbZ & 3
1- lsuk esa usr`Ro dk egRo] xq.k ,oa izdkj
2- vuq'kklu dk egRo] izdkj ,oa leL;k,a
3- vuq'kklu dk mn~ns'; rFkk vuq'kklu&ghurk dk mipkj

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/144

bdkbZ & 4
1- eukscy dk vFkZ ,oa lsuk esa egRo
2- eukscy dks izHkkfor djus okys rRo ,oa eukscy fl)kUr
3- Hk; ds dkj.k] leL;k,a ,oa lek/kku
bdkbZ & 5
1- vkrad dh fo”ks"krk,a] y{k.k ,oa fu;a=.k djus ds fu;e
2- laizsj.kk (Motivation) dh fo”ks"krk,a ,oa lsuk esa egRo
3- ekufld ncko] dkj.k ,oa fuokj.k
vuq'kaflr iqLrdsa &
1- Psychology and the soldier: F.C. Vartley
2- Psychology and the soldier: Concted
3- lSU; euksfoKku% MkW- ij'kqjke xqIr
4- lSU; euksfoKku% iq"ik tSu] izdk'k cqd fMiks] cjsyh
5- lSU; euksfoKku% MkW- yYyu flag
Duration : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 75
1. Sand Model
2. Paper Clipping, academic tour and case study.
Note: Practical written test 45 marks, record and viva voce 15-15 marks each:

izk;ksfxd dk;Z
j{kk o j.kuhfr v/;;u
le; % 3 ?kaVs dqy vad% 75
lS.M ekWMy
isij Dyhfiax] 'kS{kf.kd Hkze.k vkSj dsl LVMh
uksV % fyf[kr iz;ksxkRed ijh{kk 45 vad dh rFkk ekSf[kdh o fjdkMZ 15&15 vad dk gksxkA

Examination Scheme
Paper Paper Name Lec/ Total Exam Max. Mini.
code (Theory) week week Hrs. Marks Pass
Paper I DTP 3 1 3 65 23
Paper II Web
Development :
PHP & MYSQL 3 1 3 65 23
Total of Theory
(PAPER I 65 + PAPER II 65) 130 47
Paper Name (Practical)
Practical 3 3 70 25
Total of Practical 70 25
Grand Total 200
Paper Code: BA/BCom/BSc Part III Paper-I
Paper I : DTP
Scheme of Examination
Maximum Marks: 65 Duration: 3 Hours
Minimum Passing Marks: 23
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of syllabus). Section-
C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of syllabus).
The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively.
Unit – I

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/145

DTP: Importance of D.T.P in Publication, Introduction to PageMaker, Different page format/ Layouts,
Tool Box, Styles, Menus, Import and Export Facility, Alignment, Formatting, Filling in Page Maker.
Unit II
Photoshop Environment: Photoshop Interface, Photoshop toolbox and option bar, Graphics basic:
Bitmap v/s Vector Based, image resolution, graphic file format; color mode; Photoshop tool: Parts of
toolbox, Magic wand, lassos , move tool, crop tool, pencil , eraser tools, brushes, gradient, Pen tool:
Photoshop layers: Naming, creating, deleting, viewing, moving, locking, merging layers, blending

Unit III
Multimedia: Components of multimedia, Applications, Transition from conventional media to digital
media. Usage of text in Multimedia, Digitization of sound, Sound synthesis, MIDI, Compression and
transmission of audio on Internet, Image Compression and File Formats like GIF, JPEG, PNG, PDF;
Basic Image Processing, Use of image editing software, Video Basics, How Video Works, Overview of
Video Compression and File Formats, Video compression based on motion compensation.
Unit IV
Introduction of CorelDraw , The CorelDraw Menus, The Draw Toolbox: Using the Drawing Tools,
Using the Zoom Tool, Using the Text Tool, Using Pick Tool, Using node editing (Shape) Tool, Using
Fill tool, Arranging Objects:, Layering,Combining and Grouping Objects, Stacking Order, Aligning
Objects , Type Casting: Typeface or Font,Types of Typeface, Using and manipulate type in
CorelDraw, Using Fonts in your Drawing.

Colour & Fills: Colour Scheme, Colour Models,Using Colour in your document,Using Colour in
presentations,Using Fills , Texture and patterns Special Effects, Using Envelops, Using extrude,
Using blend, Using Lenses, Using perspective, Rotating and skewing objects with transform Roll-up,
Stretching and mirroring , Printing Your Document, Save & Close & open file, Export file

Suggested Readings
1. Learning Page Maker (BPB)
2. Multimedia making it work By Tay Vaughan, Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. Rajneesh Aggarwal & B. B Tiwari, “ Multimedia Systems”, Excel
Publication, New Delhi

Paper-II : Web Development & PHP MYSQL

Scheme of Examination
Maximum Marks: 65 Duration: 3 Hours
Minimum Passing Marks: 23
The question paper contains 3 sections. Section-A consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each
unit of syllabus). Section-B consists of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit of syllabus). Section-
C consists of 5 questions (1 question from each unit of syllabus).
The word limit of part A, B and C are 50, 200 and 500 respectively.
Unit I
INTRODUCTION TO PHP. : History of PHP, Apache Web Server, MySQL and Open Source
Relationship between Apache, MySQL and PHP (AMP Module) PHP configuration in IIS and
Apache Web server
Unit II
BASICS OF PHP: PHP structure and syntax,Creating the PHP pages ,Rules of PHP syntax,
Integrating HTML with PHP , Constants, Variables : static and global variable , Conditional Structure
& Looping , PHP Operators , Arrays, foreach loop , User defined function, function arguments,
function variables, Return from Function, default argument, variable length argument
Unit III
INTRODUCTION TO MYSQL : MySQL structure and syntax , Types of MySQL tables and storages
engines , MySQL commands , Integration of PHP with MySQL , Connection to the MySQL server ,
Working with PHP and arrays of data , Referencing two tables , Joining two tables
WORKING WITH DATA and PHP FUNCTION: FORM element, INPUT elements, Processing the form
User Input , INPUT checkbox type ,one form, multiple processing , Radio INPUT element

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/146

Multiple submit buttons , Basic input testing , Dynamic page title , Manipulating the string as an array
,Adding items , Validating the user input. Basic PHP Function like Variable Function, String Function,
Math Function , Date Function, Array Function , File Function.
Unit V
WORKING WITH DATABASE AND PHP FUNCTION: Creating a table, Manipulating the table ,Filling
the table with data , Adding links to the table , Adding data to the table , Displaying the new
information , Displaying table data , Editing the database , Inserting a record , Deleting a record ,
Editing data.
Suggested Readings
1. Beginning PHP, Apache, MySQL Web Development Elizabeth Naramore, Jason Gerner , Yann
Le Scouarnec, Jeremy Stolz, Michael K. Glass, Gary Mailer - By Wrox Publication
2. PHP, MySQL and Apache - Julie C. Melone By Pearson Education
3. Beginning PHP 5.3 by Matt Doyle - By Wrox Publication
4. PHP and MySQL Bible – Tim Converse and Joyce Park with Clark Morgam By Wiley INDIA


Duration Max. Min.
Marks Marks
Paper I Animal Cell Culture & 3hrs 50
Paper II Plant Tissue Culture & 3hrs 50 54
Paper III Industrial Biotechnology 3hrs 50


Practicals Based on theory Papers
Time :- 5hrs Maximum Marks :- 75 Minimum Marks :-27
Combined Practical Marks
Q.1 Exercise in Animal Biotechnology
(a) Major [10]
(b) Minor [05]
Q.2 Exercise Plant Tissue Culture
(a) Major [10]
(b) Minor [05]
Q.3.Exercise in Industrial Biotechnology
(a) Major [10]
(b) Minor [05]
Q.4. Spots (Five) [15]
Q.5. Viva-voce [05]
Q.6. Practical Record [10]


NOTE: There shall be three (3) sections in the question paper.
Section A (15marks) shall consist of 10 questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5
marks. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50
Section B (15marks) shall consist of 5 questions (two from each unit, as internal choice). Each
question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should
not exceed 200 words.
Section C (15 marks) shall consist of 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5
marks. The candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500
Unit I
History of development of cell cultures, equipment and materials for animal cell culture technology.
Stimulating natural conditions for growing animal cells. Primary and established cell line cultures.
Animal cell lines - their culturing and maintenance. Commonly used animal cell lines - their origin and
Unit II

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/147

Introduction to balanced salt solution and simple growth medium. Brief discussion on the chemical,
physical & metabolic functions of different constituents of culture medium. Serum and protein free
defined media and their application. Primary culture anchorage dependence of growth, non
anchorage dependent cells, secondary culture. Stem cell cultures.
Unit III
Biology and characterization of the cultured cells, measuring parameters of growth. Basic technique
of mammalian cell culture in vitro, disaggregation of tissue and primary culture, maintenance of cell
culture, cell separation. Growth factors promoting proliferation of animal cells: DGF (Derived Growth
Factor), EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor), IL-1 (Interleukin-1), IL-2 (Interleukin-2), NGF (Nerve Growth
Factor), Erythropoietin.
Unit IV
Organ culture, whole embryo culture, Histotypic culture, Cell synchronization, cell transformation,
transfection of animal cells, selectable markers, HAT, selection, antibiotic resistance etc., cell fusion,
differentiation of cultured cells, transplantation of cultured cells. Differentiation of cells, culture of
animal mycoplasma.
Unit V
Apoptosis, measurement of cell. Application of animal cell culture for studies on gene expression, cell
culture based vaccines, scaling-up of animal cell cultures and production of recombinant gene
products. Growth kinetics of cells in culture, Cloning of cell lines, three-dimensional culture and tissue
engineering (artificial skin and artificial cartilage), In vitro fertilization in humans, super ovulation,
embryo transfer in humans and livestock.


NOTE: There shall be three (3) sections in the question paper.
Section A (15marks) shall consist of 10 questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5
marks. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50
Section B (15marks) shall consist of 5 questions (two from each unit, as internal choice). Each
question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should
not exceed 200 words.
Section C (15 marks) shall consist of 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5
marks. The candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500
Unit I
History of Plant tissue culture, introduction to cell and tissue culture, terms and definitions. Tissue
culture media, types (composition, preparation and role of different constituents). Role of growth
regulators. Sterilization techniques, equipments. Initiation and maintenance of callus.
Unit II
Suspension culture, single cell culture, protoplast isolation, culture, fusion, Somatic hybridization,
selection of hybrid cells and regeneration of hybrid plants, symmetric and asymmetric hybrids,
Unit III
Anther/pollen culture for production of haploid and homozygous lines. Ovary, embryo, endosperm
cultures for in vitro pollination and embryo rescue. Micropropagation, shoot tip and meristem culture,
somatic embryogenesis, cryopreservation.
Unit IV
Secondary metabolites: Introduction, alkaloid production in plant tissue culture, cell selection for
higher yield, optimized conditions for higher production. Biotransformation. Immobilization of cells,
elicitors. Root formation using A. rhizogenes.
Unit V
Application of tissue culture in selection of variants / mutants, haploid cultures, in tumor formation in
plants using A. tumefaciens (Monocot & dicot), genetic transformation. Transgenic Plants: techniques
and practical application of genetic transformation. Ethical issues related to transgenic plants.


NOTE: There shall be three (3) sections in the question paper.
Section A (15marks) shall consist of 10 questions two from each Unit. Each question shall be of 1.5
marks. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/148

Section B (15marks) shall consist of 5 questions (two from each unit, as internal choice). Each
question shall be of 3 marks. The candidate is required to answer all 5 questions. The answers should
not exceed 200 words.
Section C (15 marks) shall consist of 5 questions, one from each Unit. Each question shall be of 5
marks. The candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answers should not exceed 500
Unit I
Introduction to industrial biotechnology, History and scope. Isolation and screening of microorganisms
for industrial products. Strategies for Strain improvement (mutation, selection, recombination).
Maintenance and Preservation of industrial microorganisms. Fermentation Technology: Basic
principles of fermentation technology, Types of fermentation processes. Fermentation Medium,
Formulation and sterilization of fermentation media.
Unit II
Kinetics of microbial growth and death. Fermentor: Basic design ,operation control and applications.
Types of fermentors (Stirred tank, airlift, photobiorector). Downstream processing : extraction,
separation, concentration, recovery & purification,
Unit III
Industrial production of organic acids (citric acid, acetic acid) amino acids (glutamic acid, lysine,
tryptophane), solvents (ethanol, glycerol), vitamins (Vitamin C, A, B2, B12), antibiotics (penicillin,
streptomycin, tetracycline), steroids and alkaloids.
Unit IV
Introduction to food technology: Basic concept and production of food products: Cheese, Yoghurt,
SCP, Mushroom and beverages. Sterilization, pasteurization, canning and packaging of different food
Unit V
Commercial production of genetically engineered plants for resistance to insects, viruses, herbicides
and pesticides and stress. Development of male sterile plants, synthetic seeds. Production of
Practicals Based on theory Papers
Time: - 5hrs Maximum Marks: - 75 Minimum Marks: - 27
Q.1 Exercise in Animal Biotechnology
(a) Major [10]
(b) Minor [05]
Q.2 Exercise Plant Tissue Culture
(a) Major [10]
(b) Minor [05]
Q.3. Exercise in Industrial Biotechnology
(a) Major [10]
(b) Minor [05]
Q.4. Spots (Five) [15]
Q.5. Viva-voce [05]
Q.6. Practical Record [10]

List of Practical Exercises

Exercises in Animal Biotechnology
1. Preparation of media for animal cell culture (Undefined media: Chick embryo extract, chick
plasma, chick serum).
2. In vitro animal cell culture.
3. Fusion of cells by polyethylene glycol (PEG).
4. Culture of lymphocytes from blood samples.
5. Preparation of single cell suspension from spleen and thymus.
6. Preparation of Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (BSS).
7. Culture of animal cells (embryo cells) on undefined media.
1. Acquaintance with tissue culture laboratory.
2. Washing and cleaning of glass wares.
3. Sterilization of glassware by moist air.
4. Sterilization by dry heat method.

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5. Observation of various developing stages of chick embryo.
Exercises in Plant Tissue Culture
1. Sterilization of plant material.
2. Preparation of aseptic plant.
3. Anther culture on M.S. media under aseptic condition.
4. Shoot apical meristem culture for obtaining virus free plants.
5. Principle and working of various instrument used in plant tissue
6. Methodology and preparation of M S media containing various plant
growth regulators of different concentrations.
7. Preparation of cell suspension culture and determination of cell count
by Haemocytometer.
8. Test of cell viability in cell suspension culture.
1. In vitro seed germination.
2. Preparation of various types of explants from the aseptically raised
3. Methodology and preparation and sterilization of nodal explant for
establishment of culture.
4. To study the characteristics of callus on the basis of following
(i) Colour and texture
(ii) Packed and volume
(iii) Fresh weight and dry weight
(iv Cell viability test
5. Preliminary tests of secondary metabolites.
6. Inoculation technique
Exercises in Industrial Biotechnology
1. Isolation of industrially important microorganisms for microbial processes.
2. To test the production of enzymes: Amylase, proteinases, lipases and celluloses by
3. Demonstration of citric acid production by Aspergillus niger, Penicillium citrianum.
4. Demonstration of production of antibiotics (penicillin) by microbes.
5. Isolation of pure cultures of Industrial microorganism.
6. Preparation of niacin by lactic acid bacteria.
7. Demonstration of fermenters.
1. Preparation of Yoghurt by lactic acid bacteria.
2. To study general methods of food preservation (e.g. Temperature, Salt, Moisture).
3. Testing of milk by MBRT.
4. Turbidity test for milk.
5. Test for pasteurization of milk.
6. Coliform test for milk.
7. Culture preservation.
8. Study of food-spoilage microorganisms in fresh, canned, fermented food and meat.
Slides of Microorganisms, Organized Culture, Callus Culture, Steroids, Laminar flow, Fermenters
Homozygous lines, Effect of hormones on organogenesis (Auxins & Kinetins).
1. Plant Cell and Tissue Culture, Narayanaswami, Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Plant Biotechnology, K. G. Ramawat, S. Chand and Company Ltd.
3. Introduction to Plant Biotechnology, H. S. Chowla, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
4. Animal Biotechnology, M. M. Ranga, Agrobios India.
5. Animal Cell Culture, John R. W. Masters, Oxford University Press
6. Culture of Animal Cell - A Manual of Basic Techniques, Freshney, Wiley-Liss Publication
7. Industrial Biotechnology, G. Read, Presscott and Dunns, Chapman and Hall
8. Industrial Microbiology, L. E. Casida, John Wiley and Sons Inc.
9. Principles of Fermentation Technology, A. Whitaker, Second Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann.

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10. Industrial Microbiology, A. H. Patel, Macmillan India Ltd.
11. Advances in Biotechnology, Manjula K. Saxena and B.B.S.Kapoor, Madhupublicationss
11. Biotechnology Expanding Horizons, B. D. Singh, Kalyani Publishers

Theory Duration Max Min.Pass
Paper I 3 Hrs. 45 16
Paper II 3 Hrs. 45 16
Paper III 3 Hrs. 45 16
Aggregate 48
Practical Based On Paper I,II
and III 5 Hrs. 65 24


Scheme of Examination
The question paper is divided into three Sections: A, B & C. Section A will consist of 10 questions (2
questions from each unit). Section B will consist of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit). Section
C will consist of 5 questions (1 question from each unit)
Maximum Marks : 45 Duration: 3 Hrs
Minimum Passing Marks: 16
General concepts of Industrial microbiology, Industrial strains, their sources, strategies
for selection, improvement and maintenance, types of fermentation, Substrates for
industrial fermentation, recent developments in industrial microbiology.
Design of a fermenter instrumentation and control, immobilization methods, adsorption,
covalent linkages: advantages and disadvantages. Methods for recover y and
purification of fermentation products (Downstream processing)
Food microbiology-Role of microbes in preparation of Sauerkraut, bread and pickles,
Preservation of food, Sources of food spoilage, Food infection and intoxication, control
of food borne microorganism, food adulteration and legislation, Microbes as food:
Single cell protein, Mushroom production.
Industrial production of organic acid (Lactic acid), Enzymes (Am ylase), Alcohol
(Ethanol), Antibiotics (Penicillin), Microbiology of milk, Preservation of milk and milk
products, Production of fermented dair y Products-Acidophilus milk, cheese, yogurt.
Microbial production of vitamins-Riboflavin, Vaccines: genetic and recombinant
vaccines, Alcoholic beverages (beer and wine), Vinegar, Bio-gums, Bio-chips and Bio-
plastics, Intellectual Propert y rights in industrial microbiology.


Scheme of Examination
The question paper is divided into three Sections: A, B & C. Section A will consist of 10 questions (2
questions from each unit). Section B will consist of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit). Section
C will consist of 5 questions (1 question from each unit)
Maximum Marks: 45 Duration: 3 Hrs
Minimum Passing Marks: 16
Parasitology-General concepts and protozoology : Introduction to parasitology
classification- Host parasite relationships, mechanism of pathogenesis, transmission
and life cycles of protozoa: Entamoeba, Leishmania, Trypanosoma, Giardia and

Laborator y techniques in Parasitology: examination of feces for ova and cysts-worm
burden, concentration methods, floatation and sedimentation techniques, staining by

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iron haematoxylin method, blood smear examinations- thick /thin smears, cultivation of
protozoan parasites.
Brief account of diseases caused by certain specific pathogens: Staphylococcus
aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Salmonella typhi,
Vibrio cholerae, HIV, Hepatitis virus. Collection and transport of appropriate clinical
samples for diagnosis.
Elements of chemotherapy, Principles, drugs microbes-host interaction, basic
mechanism of drug action, drug resistance, major antimicrobial agents rapid test for
antimicrobial susceptibilit y, general principles and clinical use of antimicrobial drugs.
Animal diseases: Epidemiology symptoms and diagnosis of Anthrax, foot and mouth
diseases, Brucellosis, salmonellosis , disease of silkworm, Mastitis and hog cholera.


Scheme of Examination
The question paper is divided into three Sections: A, B & C. Section A will consist of 10 questions (2
questions from each unit). Section B will consist of 10 questions (2 questions from each unit). Section
C will consist of 5 questions (1 question from each unit)
Maximum Marks: 45 Duration: 3 Hrs
Minimum Passing Marks: 16
General Virology: brief outline on discovery of viruses, Nomenclature and
classification, distinctive properties of viruses, morphology and ultra-structure, viroid
General methods of diagnosis and serology:-. Haemagglutination, complement fixation,
immunofluorescence methods, ELISA and radioimmunoassay.Cultivation of viruses,
and plaque assay.
Historical background of immunology, innate and acquired immunity, humoral and cell
mediated immunity, Organs and cells involved in immune response. T and B-
cells.Antigens; Types and characteristics.
Humoral immune response, immunoglobulin structure and properties, Monoclonal
antibodies, antigen-antibody reactions, complement system.
Characteristics of T-cell and types of T-cell, cytok ines, Hypersensitivity and its types,
mechanism.Autoimmune diseases.
1. Acquaintance with Microbiology laborator y rules.
2. Preparation of different t ypes of culture media for growing
pathogenic microbes.
3. Study of Bacterial growth curve.
4. Study of slides of important pathogens.
5. Isolation of of micro-organisms from seawage samples.
6. Alcohol production on laborator y scale by microbes.
7. Yogurt preparation by lactic acid bacterial.
8. Isolation and identification of common microorganisms spoiling
9. Preparation of fermented food (sauerkraut).
10. Determination of antibiotic resistance of bacteria.
11. Blood cell counting by Haemocytometer.
12. Determine the blood group of Human blood sample.
13. Demonstration of antigen-antibody interactions.
14. Enzyme linked immunoassay.
Marking schemes:
There shall be a practical examination of five hours duration and the distribution of
marks shall be as follows:
Students Regular Ex.

MGSU Syllabus B.Sc. I_II_III/152

1. Experimental work (Major) 12 20
2. Experimental work (Minor) 08 10
a. Blood cell counting by haemocytometer 05 05
b. Determine the blood group of human
blood sample 05 05
4. Spotting’s- (two from each paper) 15 15
5. Viva-Voce 10 10
6. Practical Record 10 —
Total 65 65
1. Ronald M. Atlas, Alfred E. Brown, Kenneth W. Dobra, Llonas Miller (1986). Basic
Experimental Microbiology Prentics Hall.
2. Robert F. Boyed (1964) General Microbiology. Times Mirror/Mobsy/College Pub.
3. Pelzor MJ: Chan ECS and krieg NR Microbiology Fifth Education.
4. P.D. Sharma 2000: Microbiology. RastogiPubactions.
5. Alcamo IE 967. Fundamentals of microbiology 2 n d ed. The Benjamin/ Cummings
Publishing Co. Inc. California.
6. Norton CF 1986. Microbiology 2 n d ed. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Col. Inc.
7. W ilinson JF 1986, Introduction to Microbiology (Basic Microbiology series Vol.
1) 3 r d ed. Black W ell, Oxford.

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