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3.2 Aquatic Ecosystems...............................................................................................................................................

Environment for General Studies UPSC Civil Services Exam Aquatic Organisms............................................................................................................................................................. 37
Factors Limiting the Productivity of Aquatic Habitats ....................................................................................................... 38
Wetland Ecosystem ........................................................................................................................................................... 38
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands ...................................................................................................................................... 42
Websites: https://www.pmfias.com and https://store.pmfias.com Estuarine Ecosystem .......................................................................................................................................................... 47
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/PoorMansFriend2485 Mangroves ......................................................................................................................................................................... 49

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/poormansfriend 4. Global Environmental Issues and Environmental Degradation............................................................................ 52

Newsletter: https://www.pmfias.com/newsletters 4.1 Major Causes of Environmental Degradation ....................................................................................................... 52

4.2 Consequences of Environmental Degradation ..................................................................................................... 53
Environment Print Friendly PDF 4.3 Air Pollution .......................................................................................................................................................... 53
Classification of Pollutants ................................................................................................................................................ 54
1. Environment and Ecology ...................................................................................................................................6 Major Gaseous Air Pollutants, Their Sources & Effects ..................................................................................................... 56
1.1 Environment............................................................................................................................................................ 6 Prevention and Control of Air Pollution ............................................................................................................................ 59
Biosphere............................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Effects of Air Pollution: Acid Rain – Acidification .............................................................................................................. 63
Habitat ................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Ocean Acidification ............................................................................................................................................................ 66
Ecosystem ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7 4.4 Water Pollution ..................................................................................................................................................... 67
Components of an Ecosystem ............................................................................................................................................. 8 Causes of Water Pollution ................................................................................................................................................. 68
1.2 Ecology – Principles and Organizations................................................................................................................. 10 Effects of Water Pollution ................................................................................................................................................. 71
Levels of Organizations in Ecology .................................................................................................................................... 10 Water Pollution Control Measures .................................................................................................................................... 71
Principles of Ecology .......................................................................................................................................................... 11 Eutrophication – Ageing of Lakes ...................................................................................................................................... 76

1.3 Ecotone ................................................................................................................................................................. 14 4.5 Radioactive Pollution ............................................................................................................................................ 78

Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation .................................................................................................................................. 79
2. Functions of Ecosystem ..................................................................................................................................... 16 Accidents at nuclear power plants .................................................................................................................................... 80
Safe Disposal of Nuclear Wastes ....................................................................................................................................... 80
2.1 Ecological Succession ............................................................................................................................................ 16 Impact of Radiation from Mobile Phone Towers .............................................................................................................. 81
Stages ................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
4.6 Soil Pollution ......................................................................................................................................................... 81
2.2 Homeostasis in Ecosystem .................................................................................................................................... 18 Causes and Sources of Soil Pollution ................................................................................................................................. 82
Homeostasis ...................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Effects of soil pollution ...................................................................................................................................................... 82
2.3 Energy Flow Through an Ecosystem – Trophic Levels........................................................................................... 20 4.7 Noise Pollution ...................................................................................................................................................... 82
Food Chain ......................................................................................................................................................................... 20 4.8 Solid Wastes .......................................................................................................................................................... 83
Food Web .......................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Effects of Plastic Waste ..................................................................................................................................................... 83
Ecological Pyramids ........................................................................................................................................................... 23 Industrial solid waste......................................................................................................................................................... 83
Pollutants and Trophic Level – Biomagnification .............................................................................................................. 26 Plastic waste in road construction .................................................................................................................................... 83
Issues with treatment and disposal of solid waste............................................................................................................ 83
2.4 Biogeo Chemical Cycling or Nutrient Cycling ........................................................................................................ 27
Waste Minimization Circles (WMC) ................................................................................................................................... 84
Types of Nutrient Cycles .................................................................................................................................................... 28
Carbon Cycle (Gaseous Cycle) ........................................................................................................................................... 28 4.9 Hazardous Waste .................................................................................................................................................. 85
Nitrogen Cycle (Gaseous Cycle) ......................................................................................................................................... 29 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants .................................................................................................. 85
Basel Convention ............................................................................................................................................................... 85
3. Natural Ecosystem ............................................................................................................................................ 34 Rotterdam Convention ...................................................................................................................................................... 85
3.1 Biomes or Terrestrial Ecosystems ......................................................................................................................... 34 4.10 Electronic waste | E-WASTE.................................................................................................................................. 85
Tundra Biome .................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Source and health effects .................................................................................................................................................. 86
Taiga or Boreal Biome ....................................................................................................................................................... 35 E-Waste in India................................................................................................................................................................. 87
Temperate Deciduous Biome (North-Western Europe – British Type Climate) ................................................................ 35 Heavy Metal Toxicity and Methods of Their Prevention ................................................................................................... 88
Temperate Rainforest Biome ............................................................................................................................................ 36
Sub-Tropical Deciduous Biome in Eastern China, South Eastern USA ............................................................................... 36
4.11 Marine Pollution ................................................................................................................................................... 89
Steppe or Temperate Grassland Biome............................................................................................................................. 36 Convention on Dumping of Wastes at Sea ........................................................................................................................ 89
The United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea ........................................................................................................... 90
Temperate Deciduous Biome (Mediterranean Climate) ................................................................................................... 36
Tropical Deciduous Biome (Monsoon Climate) ................................................................................................................. 36 4.12 Land Degradation .................................................................................................................................................. 90
Savanna or Tropical Wet and Dry Biome ........................................................................................................................... 36 Deforestation .................................................................................................................................................................... 90
Tropical Rain Forest Biome ................................................................................................................................................ 36 Overgrazing ....................................................................................................................................................................... 92
Desert Biome ..................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Faulty Methods of Agriculture........................................................................................................................................... 92
Soil Salinity and Soil Alkalinity ........................................................................................................................................... 92

1 2
Desertification ................................................................................................................................................................... 93 ‘Vulnerable’ Reptiles ....................................................................................................................................................... 136
Waterlogging ..................................................................................................................................................................... 94 ‘Near Threatened’ Reptiles.............................................................................................................................................. 137
Characteristics of Indian Soils ............................................................................................................................................ 94 ‘Critically Endangered’ Fish ............................................................................................................................................. 137
Soil Erosion ........................................................................................................................................................................ 94 ‘Endangered’ Fishes ......................................................................................................................................................... 138
Soil Conservation ............................................................................................................................................................... 96 ‘Critically Endangered’ Spiders ........................................................................................................................................ 138
‘Critically Endangered’ Corals .......................................................................................................................................... 139
4.13 Human Modified Ecosystems and Environmental Degradation ........................................................................... 98 Others .............................................................................................................................................................................. 139
Agroecosystems ................................................................................................................................................................ 98
Steps Taken by the Government for Wildlife Protection ................................................................................................ 140
Plantation Forest ............................................................................................................................................................... 99
Aquaculture ....................................................................................................................................................................... 99 6.6 Misc. Topics ......................................................................................................................................................... 140
Dams, Reservoirs and Diversions ...................................................................................................................................... 99 Indian Vulture Crisis ........................................................................................................................................................ 143
Environmental Issues in the Himalayas ........................................................................................................................... 100
7. Climate Change .............................................................................................................................................. 146
5. Biodiversity .................................................................................................................................................... 102
7.1 Greenhouse effect and Global Warming ............................................................................................................ 146
5.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................... 103 Importance of Natural Greenhouse Effect ...................................................................................................................... 146
5.2 Biodiversity of India ............................................................................................................................................ 104 Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) .............................................................................................................................................. 146
Realms ............................................................................................................................................................................. 105 Global Warming – Impacts .............................................................................................................................................. 149
Biomes of India ................................................................................................................................................................ 105 Sea Level Change ............................................................................................................................................................. 150
Bio-geographic Zones ...................................................................................................................................................... 105
7.2 Reducing Carbon in the Atmosphere to fight Climate Change ........................................................................... 152
Bio-geographic provinces ................................................................................................................................................ 105
Clean coal technology to reduce CO2 in atmosphere ...................................................................................................... 152
Wildlife Diversity of India ................................................................................................................................................ 106
Carbon capture and storage ............................................................................................................................................ 153
5.3 Loss of Biodiversity.............................................................................................................................................. 108 Carbon Sink and Carbon Sequestration ........................................................................................................................... 153
Cause for the loss of biodiversity .................................................................................................................................... 108
7.3 Ozone Depleting Substances............................................................................................................................... 155
5.4 Biodiversity Conservation ................................................................................................................................... 112 Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer ............................................................................................. 156
In situ conservation ......................................................................................................................................................... 112 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer ................................................................................... 156
Ex Situ Conservation ........................................................................................................................................................ 115 Kigali amendment to Montreal Protocol 2016 ................................................................................................................ 157
The Ozone Depleting Substances Rules........................................................................................................................... 157
5.5 Historic Citizen Movements to Conserve Biodiversity ........................................................................................ 116
Chipko Movement ........................................................................................................................................................... 116 8. International Conventions, NGOs, Laws........................................................................................................... 158
Appiko Movement ........................................................................................................................................................... 116
8.2 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (1972) ....................................................................... 159
5.6 Biodiversity Hot Spots ......................................................................................................................................... 117 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) or UN Environment .......................................................................... 159
Biodiversity hotspots in India .......................................................................................................................................... 117
8.3 UNCED or Earth Summit 1992, Rio De Janeiro Brazil .......................................................................................... 161
5.7 World Heritage Sites ........................................................................................................................................... 118
8.4 Agenda 21 ........................................................................................................................................................... 161
Man and Biosphere Programme (MAB programme) ...................................................................................................... 119
Rio+5 (1997) .................................................................................................................................................................... 162
Rio+10 (2002) or Earth Summit 2002 .............................................................................................................................. 162
6. International Union for Conservation of Nature............................................................................................... 119 Rio+20 (2012) .................................................................................................................................................................. 162
6.1 BirdLife International .......................................................................................................................................... 119 2030 Agenda – Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ................................................................................................. 163
6.2 CITES .................................................................................................................................................................... 120 8.5 Convention on Biological Diversity ..................................................................................................................... 165
6.3 TRAFFIC ............................................................................................................................................................... 120 Cartagena Protocol .......................................................................................................................................................... 166
World Wide Fund for Nature (World Wildlife Fund) ....................................................................................................... 121 Nagoya Protocol .............................................................................................................................................................. 166
6.4 IUCN Red List or Red Data List or Red Book ........................................................................................................ 121 International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) ..................................................... 166
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) ................................................................................................... 166
6.5 IUCN Red List India (As of March 2019) .............................................................................................................. 122
‘Critically Endangered’ Mammals .................................................................................................................................... 122 8.6 UNFCCC: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change............................................................... 167
‘Endangered’ Mammals................................................................................................................................................... 124 Conferences of the Parties (COP) – UNFCCC ................................................................................................................... 167
‘Endangered’ Marine Mammals ...................................................................................................................................... 127 Criticisms of the UNFCCC................................................................................................................................................. 168
‘Vulnerable’ Mammals .................................................................................................................................................... 128 Kyoto Protocol (COP 3; UNFCCC Summit 1997) .............................................................................................................. 168
‘Vulnerable’ Herbivorous Marine Mammals ................................................................................................................... 130 Important UNFCCC Summits Post Kyoto ......................................................................................................................... 173
‘Near Threatened’ Mammals .......................................................................................................................................... 130 Lima (Peru) Climate Change Conference 2014 (COP 20; CMP 10) .................................................................................. 174
Least concern .................................................................................................................................................................. 132 Paris Climate Change Conference 2015 (COP 21; CMP 11) ............................................................................................. 175
‘Not Evaluated’ Mammals ............................................................................................................................................... 132 Post Paris Summit ............................................................................................................................................................ 178
Crocodile species in India ................................................................................................................................................ 132 UN-REDD and REDD+ ....................................................................................................................................................... 179
‘Critically Endangered’ Birds ............................................................................................................................................ 132 Forest Carbon Partnership Facility .................................................................................................................................. 180
Endangered Birds ............................................................................................................................................................ 134
‘Vulnerable’ Birds ............................................................................................................................................................ 134 8.7 Others.................................................................................................................................................................. 181
‘Critically Endangered’ Reptiles ....................................................................................................................................... 135 Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) ........................................................................................................................... 181

3 4
BioCarbon Fund Initiative ................................................................................................................................................ 181 Bringing Green Revolution in Eastern India (BGREI) ....................................................................................................... 214
Global Climate Change Alliance + (GCCA+) ..................................................................................................................... 182 Making Second Green Revolution a Success ................................................................................................................... 215
Arctic Council ................................................................................................................................................................... 182
10.3 Concept of Sustainable Agriculture .................................................................................................................... 215
Methods of Sustainable Agriculture ................................................................................................................................ 216
9. National Environmental Legislation ................................................................................................................. 183
Bio-Fertilizers and Their Use In Agriculture ..................................................................................................................... 218
9.1 Pollution Related Laws ........................................................................................................................................ 183 Organic Farming .............................................................................................................................................................. 221
The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1974 and Amendment, 1988 .................................................. 183 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) ................................................................................................................................ 222
The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act of 1977 ................................................................................ 183 Biotechnology – Genetically Modified (GM) ................................................................................................................... 223
The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act of 1981 and amendment, 1987 ........................................................ 183 Newer Agricultural Practices ........................................................................................................................................... 225

9.2 Environment (Protection) Act of 1986 ................................................................................................................ 184

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) ......................................................................................................................... 186
Biosphere (Source)
9.3 Biodiversity Related Laws ................................................................................................................................... 192
Wild Life (Protection) Act of 1972 and Amendment, 1982 ............................................................................................. 192
1. Environment and Ecology
• Biosphere is absent at extremes of the North
Forest (Conservation) Act of 1980 ................................................................................................................................... 193
and South poles, the highest mountains and the
1.1 Environment
Biodiversity Act 2000 ....................................................................................................................................................... 193
Forest Rights Act, 2006 .................................................................................................................................................... 194 deepest oceans, since existing hostile conditions
National Green Tribunal Act, 2010 .................................................................................................................................. 196 there do not support life (life is the characteris-
• Environment is the natural component in which tic feature of biosphere).
9.4 Acts for Protecting Coastal Environment and Wetlands .................................................................................... 197
Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) ........................................................................................................................................ 197 biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) factors in- • Occasionally spores of fungi and bacteria do oc-
Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules 2010 ................................................................................................. 198 teract among themselves and with each other. cur at great height beyond 8,000 metres, but
• These interactions shape the habitat and eco- they are metabolically inactive, and hence repre-
9.5 Animals Related Laws ......................................................................................................................................... 198
Animal Welfare Board of India ........................................................................................................................................ 198 system of an organism. sent only dormant life.
Project Tiger – Tiger Conservation .................................................................................................................................. 199 • In biological sense, environment constitutes the
Project Elephant .............................................................................................................................................................. 202 physical (nutrients, water, air) and biological fac- Habitat
Indian (One Horn) Rhino Vision 2020 .............................................................................................................................. 203 tors (biomolecules, organisms) along with their
Project Snow Leopard ..................................................................................................................................................... 204
chemical interactions (chemical cycles – carbon • Habitat is the physical environment in which
Sea Turtle Project ............................................................................................................................................................ 204
Indian Crocodile Conservation Project ............................................................................................................................ 205 cycle, nitrogen cycle etc.) that affect an organism an organism lives (address of an organism).
Project Hangul ................................................................................................................................................................. 205 or a group of organisms. • Many habitats make up the environment.
Ganges Dolphin ............................................................................................................................................................... 205 • All organisms are dependent on the environ- • A single habitat may be common for more than
9.6 NGOS ................................................................................................................................................................... 205 ment to carry out their natural life processes and one organism which have similar requirements.
Bombay Natural History Society ...................................................................................................................................... 206 to meet their physical requirements (food, en- • For example, a single aquatic habitat may sup-
ergy, water, oxygen, shelter etc.). port a fish, frog, crab, phytoplankton and many
9.7 India's National Action Plan on Climate Change ................................................................................................. 206
National Solar Mission ..................................................................................................................................................... 206 others.
National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) ............................................................................................ 207 Biosphere • The various species sharing a habitat thus have
National Mission on Sustainable Habitat ........................................................................................................................ 209 the same ‘address’. E.g. Forest, river etc.
National Water Mission (NWM) Mission ........................................................................................................................ 209 • The biosphere is the biological compo-
National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE) ............................................................................. 210
nent (supporting life) of earth which includes
National Mission for A Green India (Green India Mission) .............................................................................................. 210
National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) .................................................................................................... 211 the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere.
The National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change (NMSKCC) ............................................................... 212 • The biosphere includes all living organisms on
National Bio-Energy Mission ........................................................................................................................................... 212 earth, together with the dead organic matter
Indian Network on Climate Change Assessment ............................................................................................................. 212 produced by them.
10. Green Revolution and Modern Agricultural Practises ....................................................................................... 212
10.1 India’s first Green Revolution ............................................................................................................................. 212
Introduction of High Yielding Varieties (HYV) .................................................................................................................. 213
Use of Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides ...................................................................................................................... 213
Mechanization of Agriculture .......................................................................................................................................... 213
Irrigation .......................................................................................................................................................................... 213 Difference between Habitat and Environ-
10.2 Second Green Revolution for Sustainable Livelihood ......................................................................................... 214 ment
Need for Second Green Revolution ................................................................................................................................. 214
What we want from Second Green Revolution ............................................................................................................... 214

5 6
• A habitat always has life in it, whereas the envi- river and estuary are some examples of aquatic • The flora and fauna of a geographical area ➔ topsoil ⇒ most of the seeds don’t germinate
ronment does not necessarily have life in it. ecosystems. biodiversity. for years ⇒ regeneration is very slow (it takes
• All habitats are environments, but all environ- • Crop fields and an aquarium are human-made decades). But the layer below topsoil (sub-soil)
ments are not habitats. ecosystems. Answer: c) is very fertile. Thus, plants grow very quickly
• A habitat is always a preference of one species. once their roots reach the sub-soil and if they
• An environment could be a preference of many Difference between Ecology, Environment & Components of an Ecosystem receive enough sunlight.
species that could eventually become many hab- Ecosystem • Propagules of the trees in a rain forest have
itats. • The components of the ecosystem are poor viability (true): Propagule ⇒ detachable
• Usually, the environment governs the properties categorized into abiotic or non-living and biotic structure that can give rise to a new plant, e.g.
of a habitat, but not vice versa. or living components. Both the components of a bud, sucker, or spore (sexual reproduction in
the ecosystem and environment are the same. plants). Seed-bearing plants are more signifi-
Ecosystem cant than propagules in a rainforest.
Abiotic Components
• The rain forest species are slow-growing
• An ecosystem can be visualised as a functional Environment (Left) and an Aquatic Ecosystem (Right) (false): The plant species in rainforests com-
• Abiotic components are the inorganic and non-
unit of nature, where living organisms (produc- pete for sunlight. Hence, they grow as rapidly
living parts which act as major limiting factors.
ers, consumers, and decomposers) interact • Ecology is the study of interactions between or- as they can.
among themselves and also with the surround- ganisms, organisms and the surroundings occur- • Exotic species (non-native) invade the fer-
ing physical environment. ring within an ecosystem or environment. Limiting factor tile soil of rain forest: this statement is wrong
• An ecosystem can be of any size but usually en- • An ecosystem is a functional unit of the • A lot of factors determine the survival of an or- as the rainforest soil is heavily leached. Hence,
compasses specific and limited species. E.g. environment (mostly biosphere). ganism. One single factor can limit the range they are not fertile. But exotic invasive species
Aquatic Ecosystem. (This is how ecosystem is • An environment is a group of ecosystems. of an organism. are a threat to the rainforests, especially when
different from Environment) • This single factor is called as a limiting factor. the forests are cleared.
• In the ecosystem, biotic and abiotic components Environment ➔ Can be almost everything or a Answer: a)
• For example, seeds don’t germinate quickly
are linked together through nutrient cy- small region.
in evergreen rain forests in spite of good
Habitat ➔ Area where an organism lives. Light
cles and energy flows. rains and vegetation as the surface soil is
• Everything that lives in an ecosystem is depend- Biosphere ➔ The region on earth that supports • The spectral quality of solar radiation is im-
heavily leached (nutrients washed away by
ent on the other species and elements that are life. portant for life.
running water). Here, poor soil is the limiting
also part of that ecological community. Ecosystem ➔ Producers, Consumers, • The UV component of the spectrum is harmful to
• If one part of an ecosystem is damaged or disap- Decomposers and their relationships (tiny many organisms.
• Likewise, germinated saplings may not sur-
pears, it has an impact on everything else. environment). It is the functional unit of the en-
vive due to lack of light because of the dense
vironment. Rainfall
canopy. Here, the absence of light (shade of
the forest) is the limiting factor. • Majority of biochemical reactions take place in
Q. Which one of the following is the best descrip-
an aqueous medium.
tion of the term “ecosystem”? Q. If a tropical rain forest is removed, it does
a) A community of organisms interacting with one not regenerate quickly as compared to a tropi- Temperature
another cal deciduous forest. This is because
• A few organisms can tolerate and thrive in a wide
b) That part of the Earth which is inhabited by living a) the soil of rain forest is deficient in nutri- range of temperatures (they are called euryther-
organisms ents mal).
c) A community of organisms together with the en- b) propagules of the trees in a rain forest • A vast majority of them are restricted to a narrow
vironment in which they live. have poor viability range of temperatures (stenothermal).
d) The flora and fauna of a geographical area. c) the rain forest species are slow-growing
d) exotic species invade the fertile soil of rain Atmosphere
Aquatic Ecosystem (Source) forest. • 21% oxygen helps in the survival of many organ-
• A community of organisms interacting with one Explanation: isms; 78% nitrogen prevents spontaneous
Classification of Ecosystems another – no specific term. • The soil of rain forest is deficient in nutrients combustion and 0.038% carbon dioxide helps
• That part of the Earth which is inhabited by living (true): Rainforest ⇒ It rains almost every day ⇒ primary producers in the synthesis of carbohy-
• Forest, grassland and desert are some examples organisms ➔ biosphere. The topsoil is continuously washed away ⇒ drates.
of terrestrial ecosystems; pond, lake, wetland, • A community of organisms together with the en- nutrients are also washed away (leaching of
vironment in which they live ➔ ecosystem. nutrients) ⇒ very little fertility remains in Organic compounds

7 8
• Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids etc. are essential Frost • Primary producers are green plants, certain bac- • Ecology encompasses the study of individual,
for energy transfer in the living world. teria and algae that carry out photosynthesis. organisms, population, community, ecosys-
• Frost results in freezing the soil moisture.
• In the aquatic ecosystem, microscopic algae tem, biome and biosphere which form the var-
Inorganic compound • The plants are killed due to increased transpi-
(plankton) are the primary producers. ious levels of ecological organisation.
ration when their roots are unable to supply
• Carbon, carbon dioxide, water, sulphur, nitrates, moisture. Consumers or Heterotrophs or Phagotrophs
phosphates, and ions of various metals are es- • Water in the intercellular spaces of the plant gets (other nourishing)
sential for organisms to survive. frozen into ice. This results in increasing con-
centration of salts and dehydration of cells. • Consumers are incapable of producing their own
Altitude food.
• Also, frost leads to the formation of canker (var-
• Vertical zonation of vegetation is caused due ious plant diseases with similar symptoms • They depend on organic food derived from
to altitude. caused by a wide range of fungi, bacteria, and plants, animals or both.
• Change in temperature with altitude is a limiting viruses). • Consumers can be divided into two broad
factor. groups namely micro and macro consumers.
Buffering capacity of the earth Macro consumers
• Snow acts as a blanket, prevents a further drop
• A a neutral pH (pH of 7) is maintained in the in temperature and protects seedlings from • Herbivores are primary consumers which feed
soil and water bodies due to the buffering capac- excessive cold and frost. mainly on plants. E.g. sheep, rabbit, etc.
ity of earth. • Accumulation of snow on tree parts can break • Secondary consumers feed on primary con- Individual and Species
• The neutral pH is conducive for the survival and the branches or even uproot the tree. sumers. E.g. wolves, dogs, snake, etc.
sustenance of living organisms. • Snow shortens the period of vegetative growth. • Carnivores which feed on both primary and sec- • Organism is an individual living being that has
ondary consumers are called tertiary consum- the ability to act or function independently.
Salinity Temperature ers. E.g. lion (can eat wolves), snakes etc. • Species are a group of living organisms consist-
• Some organisms are tolerant of a wide range of • Omnivores are organisms which consume both ing of similar individuals capable of exchang-
• High-temperature results in the death of plant
salinities (euryhaline). plants and animals. E.g. man, bear, pig, etc. ing genes or of interbreeding.
due to coagulation of protoplasmic proteins
• Others are restricted to a narrow range of salini- • They are considered as the basic unit of taxon-
(some bacteria can survive high temperatures Micro consumers or Saprotrophs (decomposers
ties (stenohaline). omy and are denoted by a Latin binomial,
because of their protoplasmic proteins that or osmotrophs) e.g. Homo sapiens.
don’t coagulate at normally high tempera-
Effect of Abiotic Components on Terrestrial Pri- • They are bacteria and fungi which obtain en-
mary Producers (Plants) ergy and nutrients from dead organic substances Population
• High temperature disturbs the balance between
respiration and photosynthesis. (detritus).
Light • Earthworm and certain soil organisms (such as • Population is a community of interbreeding
• It also results in desiccation of plant tissues and
• Extremely high intensity favours root growth nematodes, and arthropods) are detritus feed- organisms (same species), occupying a defined
depletion of moisture.
than shoot growth which results in increased ers and help in the decomposition of organic area during a specific time.
transpiration, short stem, smaller thicker matter and are called detrivores. • Population growth rate can be positive due to
Dieback birth and/or immigration or negative due to
• On the other hand, low intensity of light re- • Refers to the progressive dying usually 1.2 Ecology – Principles and Or- death and/or emigration.
tards growth, flowering and fruiting. backwards from the tip of any portion of the • In the case of large, mobile animals like tigers,
ganizations leopards, lions, deer etc., the population den-
• When the Intensity of light is less than the mini-
mum, the plants cease to grow due to the • This is one of the adaptive mechanisms to sity may be determined by counting the pug-
avoid adverse conditions like drought. • The term ecology was derived from two Greek marks (foot imprints) left by the animals in a
accumulation of CO2 and finally die.
• In this mechanism, the root remains alive for words ‘Oikos’ meaning home and ‘logos’ mean- defined area.
• Of the visible part of the spectrum,
years together, but the shoots die. ing study. • Study of pug marks can provide the following
only red and blue are effective in photosyn-
• E.g. sal, red sanders, silk cotton tree etc. • Ecology is the branch of biology concerned with information reliably:
the relations of organisms to one another (en- ✓ Presence of different species in the area of
• Plants grown in blue light are small, red light
Biotic Components ergy flow and mineral cycling) and to their phys- study.
results in elongation of cells (etiolated
ical surroundings (environment). ✓ Identification of individual animals.
• Plants grown in ultraviolet and violet light are Primary producers or Autotrophs (self-nourish- ✓ Population of large cats (tigers, lions etc.).
ing) Levels of Organizations in Ecology

9 10
✓ Sex ratio and age (young or adult) of Principles of Ecology • A hyperthermophile is an organism that thrives Speciation
large cats. (sex of tigers can be determined in extremely hot environments — from 60 °C. E.g.
from pugmarks) Adaptation Archaebacteria flourish in hot springs and deep- • Speciation is the process by which new species
sea hydrothermal vents. are formed, and evolution is the mechanism
Community • An adaptation is, “the appearance or behaviour • Desert lizards lack the physiological ability that by which speciation is brought about.
or structure or mode of life of an organism that mammals have. They bask in the sun and absorb • A species comprises of many populations. Often
• Communities in most instances are named after allows it to survive in a particular environment”. heat when their body temperature drops but different populations of a species remain iso-
the dominant plant form. move into the shade when the ambient temper- lated due to some geographic barrier such as
• For example, a grassland community is domi- Adaptation may be: ature starts increasing. mountain, ocean, river, etc.
nated by grasses, though it may contain herbs, • Some species are capable of burrowing into the • Geographic isolation leads to speciation (allo-
trees, etc. • Morphological – when trees grew higher, the
soil to hide and escape from the above-ground patric speciation or geographic speciation).
giraffe's neck got longer;
Major Communities • Physiological – in the absence of an external
source of water, the kangaroo rat in North Amer- Variation
• These are large sized and relatively independent.
ican deserts is capable of meeting all its water
• They depend only on the sun’s energy from out-
requirements through its internal fat oxidation • Variations are induced by changes in genetic
side. E.g. Tropical evergreen forests.
(in which water is a by-product). It also has the makeup due to addition or deletion of certain
Minor Communities ability to concentrate its urine so that minimal genes.
volume of water is used to remove excretory • Mutations, change in climate, geographical
• These are dependent on neighbouring commu-
products; barriers etc. induce variations over a period of
nities and are often called societies.
• Behavioural – animals migrating temporarily to a time.
• They are secondary aggregations within a major
less stressful habitat. • The difference in the colour of skin, type of hair;
community. E.g. A mat of lichen on a cow dung
pad. curly or straight, eye colour, blood type among
Examples of Adaptation
different ethnic groups represents variation
Ecosystem • Many desert plants have a thick cuticle on their within human species.
leaf surfaces and have their stomata arranged
in deep pits to minimise water loss through Adaptive radiation • After a long period of time, the sub-populations
• An ecosystem is a community of organisms in-
transpiration. become very different (genetic drift) and get
teracting with each other and with their environ-
• Some desert plants like Opuntia, have no • Adaptive radiation is a process in which organ- isolated, reproductively, i.e. they no longer inter-
ment such that energy is exchanged and system-
leaves – they are reduced to spines, and the isms diversify from an ancestral species into a breed.
level processes, such as the cycling of elements,
photosynthetic function is taken over by the flat- multitude of new forms when the environment • Later even when the barrier is removed, the sub-
tened stems (few leaves mean less area is availa- creates new challenges or opens new environ- populations are unable to interbreed, and thus
ble for transpiration). mental niches. subsequently the sub-populations become two
• Mammals from colder climates generally different species.
• A biome is a large naturally occurring commu- have shorter ears and limbs to minimise heat
loss. (This is called Allen’s Rule.) Guess why an Mutation
nity of flora and fauna occupying a major
habitat. E.g. Rainforest biome or tundra biome. elephant has huge ears?
• We need to breathe faster when we are on high • Mutation (a change in genetic material that re-
• Plants and animals in a biome have common
mountains. After some days, our body adjusts to sults from an error in replication of DNA)
characteristics due to similar climates and can be
the changed conditions on the high mountain. causes new genes to arise in a population.
found over a range of continents.
• Such small changes that take place in the body • Further, in a sexually reproducing popula-
• Biomes are distinct from habitats because any
of a single organism over short periods, to over- tion, meiosis and fertilisation produce a new
biome can comprise a variety of habitats.
come small problems due to changes in the sur- combination of genes every generation, which is
roundings, are called acclimatisation. termed recombination.
• The body compensates low oxygen availability • Thus, members of the same species show ‘varia-
by increasing red blood cell production, de- tion’ and are not identical.
• The biosphere includes all living organisms on
earth, together with the dead organic matter creasing the binding capacity of haemoglo-
Natural Selection
produced by them. bin and by increasing breathing rate.

11 12
• Natural Selection is the mechanism proposed • Extinction occurs when species cannot evolve c) 1,2,4 only Answer: c) 1,2,3 only (incorrect pairs)
by Darwin and Wallace. fast enough to cope with the changing environ- d) 1,2,3 only
• Natural selection is the process by which spe- ment. 1.3 Ecotone
cies adapt to their environment. • At present, the 6th Mass Extinction (Anthropo- Explanation:
• It is an evolutionary force that selects among genic Extinction – human induced) is in progress. • The presence of specific features or certain hab- • An ecotone is a zone of junction or a transi-
variations, i.e. genes that help the organism its, which enable a plant or an animal to live in its tion area between two biomes (diverse ecosys-
to better adapt to its environment. Such genes Q. The term “sixth mass extinction/sixth extinc-
surroundings, is called adaptation and not evo- tems).
are reproduced more in a population due to nat- tion” is often mentioned in the news in the con-
lution. E.g. Hibernation. • Ecotone is the zone where two communities
ural selection. text of the discussion of (2018)
• The surroundings where an organism lives is meet and integrate.
• Those offsprings which are suited to their imme- a) Widespread monoculture practices in agri- called its habitat. (True) • For e.g. the mangrove forests represent an eco-
diate environment have a better chance of sur- culture and large-scale commercial farming • Small changes that take place in the body of a tone between marine and terrestrial ecosystem.
viving, reaching reproductive age and passing on with indiscriminate use of chemicals in many single organism over short periods, to overcome • Other examples are grassland (between forest
the suitable adaptations to their progeny. parts of the world that may result in the loss small problems due to changes in the surround- and desert), estuary (between fresh water and
of good native ecosystems. ings, is called acclimatization (True). E.g. Sol- salt water) and riverbank or marshland (be-
Evolution b) Fears of a possible collision of a meteorite tween dry and wet).
diers undergo rigorous acclimatization training
with the Earth in the near future in the man- before they can serve in harsh climatic regions
• Evolution is the change which gives rise to new ner it happened 65 million years ago that like Siachen Glacier.
species. caused the mass extinction of many species • Gradual changes in an organism to survive in an
• It happens in order to make the organism better including those of dinosaurs. . environment is call evolution and not Adapta-
suitable to the present environment. c) Large scale cultivation of genetically modi- tion. E.g. The evolution of Giraffes neck over a
fied crops in many parts of the world and period of time.
promoting their cultivation in other parts of
the world which may cause the disappear- Answer: b) 2,3 only
ance of good native crop plants and the loss Picture Credits
of food biodiversity. Q. Choose the incorrect pairs
d) Mankind’s over-exploitation/misuse of natu- Characteristic feature Vegetation
ral resources, fragmentation/loss of natural 1. Sloping branches and Desert vegetation
habitats, destruction of ecosystems, pollu- needle-like leaves
tion and global climate change. 2. Deep roots Taiga vegetation
3. Waxy stem, thick leaves Tundra vegetation
Answer: d) or no leaves
4. Canopy Tropical vegetation
Q. Which of the following are true? Codes: Picture Credits
1) The presence of specific features or certain
a) All
habits, which enable a plant or an animal to
• Evolution involves the processes of natural selec- b) 4 only Characteristics of Ecotone
live in its surroundings, is called evolution.
tion, adaptation, variation etc. c) 1,2,3 only
2) The surroundings where an organism lives is
d) 2,3 only • It may be narrow (between grassland and forest)
• A valid theory of evolution was propounded by called its habitat.
or wide (between forest and desert).
Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace in 1859. 3) Small changes that take place in the body of Explanation: • It has conditions intermediate to the adjacent
• This theory has been extended in the light of a single organism over short periods, to over-
ecosystems. Hence it is a zone of tension.
progress in genetics and is known as Neo-Dar- come small problems due to changes in the • Sloping branches (prevent accumulation of
• Usually, the number and the population density
winism. surroundings, is called acclimatization snow) and needle-like leaves (reduce transpira-
of the species of an outgoing community de-
4) Gradual changes in an organism to survive in tion) – Taiga vegetation.
Extinction creases as we move away from the community or
an environment is call adaptation • Deep roots – Desert vegetation
• Waxy stem, thick leaves or no leaves – Desert
• The primary reason behind extinctions is envi- Codes: • A well-developed ecotone contains some organ-
ronmental change or biological competition. isms which are entirely different from that of the
• Canopy – the characteristic feature of tropical
a) All adjoining communities.
forests – rainforests, deciduous forests etc.
b) 2,3 only

13 14
Ecocline knowledge about the niche requirements of a) Ecotone
the species. b) Ecological niche
• Ecocline is a zone of gradual but continuous c) Habitat
change from one ecosystem to another when d) Home range
there is no sharp boundary between the two in
terms of species composition. Explanation:
• Ecocline occurs across the environmental gradi- • Ecotone – zone of transition between two eco-
ent (gradual change in abiotic factors such as al- systems. E.g. grasslands, mangroves etc.
titude, temperature (thermocline), salinity (halo- • Habitat – surroundings in which an organism Primary Succession (Picture Credits: NIOS Environ-
cline), depth, etc.). lives (home). ment)
• Home Range – A home range is an area in which
Edge Effect – Edge Species • The first plant to colonize an area is called the pi-
an animal lives and moves on a daily or periodic
basis (a little bigger than habitat – home → office oneer community.
• Edge effect refers to the changes in population • The final stage of succession is called the climax
→ home).
or community structures that occur at the community.
boundary of two habitats (ecotone). Answer: b) Niche • A climax community is stable, mature, more
• Sometimes the number of species and the pop- complex and long-lasting.
ulation density of some of the species in the eco- • The stage leading to the climax community is
tone is much greater than either community. This 2. Functions of Ecosystem called successional stages or seres.
is called edge effect. • Each transitional community that is formed and
• The organisms which occur primarily or most • The function of an ecosystem includes: replaced during succession is called a stage in
abundantly in this zone are known as edge spe- 1. Ecological succession or ecosystem devel- succession or a seral community.
cies. opment • Succession is characterized by the following: in-
• In the terrestrial ecosystems edge effect is espe- 2. Homeostasis (or cybernetic) or feedback creased productivity, the shift of nutrients
cially applicable to birds. control mechanisms from the reservoirs, increased diversity of or-
• For example, the density of birds is greater in 3. Energy flow through the food chain ganisms, and a gradual increase in the com-
the ecotone between the forest and the desert. 4. Nutrient cycling (biogeochemical cycles) plexity of food webs.
• Succession would occur faster in area existing
Ecological Niche 2.1 Ecological Succession in the middle of the large continent. This is
because here seeds of plants belonging to the
• Niche refers to the unique functional role and Difference between niche and habitat
• The process by which communities of plant and different seres would reach much faster.
position of a species in its habitat or ecosys- animal species in an area are replaced or
tem. • The habitat of a species is like its ‘address’ (i.e.
changed into another over a period of time is Primary Succession
• The functional characteristics of a species in its where it lives) whereas niche can be thought of
as its “profession” (i.e. activities and responses known as ecological succession.
habitat is referred to as “niche” in that common • Succession is a universal process of directional • Primary succession takes place an over where no
habitat. specific to the species).
change in vegetation, on an ecological time community has existed previously.
• In nature, many species occupy the same habitat, • A niche is unique for a species while many
scale. • Such areas include rock outcrops, newly
but they perform different functions: species share the habitat.
• Succession occurs due to large scale changes or formed deltas and sand dunes, emerging vol-
a) habitat niche – where it lives, food niche – • No two species in a habitat can have the same
destruction (natural or manmade). cano islands and lava flows, glacial mo-
what is eats or decomposes & what species niche. This is because of the competition with
• The process involves a progressive series of raines (muddy area exposed by a retreating glac-
it competes with, one another until one is displaced.
changes with one community replacing another ier), etc.
b) reproductive niche – how and when it repro- • For example, a large number of different species
until a stable, mature, climax community de- • In primary succession on a terrestrial site, the
duces, of insects may be pests of the same plant, but
velops. new site is first colonised by a few hardy pioneer
c) physical & chemical niche – temperature, they can co-exist as they feed on different parts
species that are often microbes, lichens and
land shape, land slope, humidity & another of the same plant.
Stages mosses.
requirement. Q. Which one of the following terms describes • The pioneers over a few generations alter the
• Niche plays an important role in the not only the physical space occupied by an habitat conditions by their growth and develop-
conservation of organisms. If we have to con- organism but also its functional role in the com- ment.
serve species in its native habitat, we should have munity of organisms?

15 16
Q. Lichens, which are capable of initiating ecolog- interventions such as deforestation, agriculture, Q. In the grasslands, trees do not replace the • In primary succession in water, the pioneers are
ical succession even on a bare rock, are actually a overgrazing, etc. grasses as a part of an ecological succession be- the small phytoplankton, and they are replaced
symbiotic association of • This abandoned land is first invaded by hardy cause of with time by free-floating angiosperms, then by
species of grasses that can survive in bare, sun- rooted hydrophytes, sedges, grasses and finally
a) algae and bacteria baked soil. a) insects and fungi the trees.
b) algae and fungi • These grasses may be soon joined by tall grasses b) limited sunlight and paucity of nutrients • The climax again would be a forest. With time the
c) bacteria and fungi and herbaceous plants. These dominate the eco- c) water limits and fire water body is converted into land.
d) fungi and mosses system for some years along with mice, rabbits, d) None of the above • Another important fact is to understand that all
insects and seed-eating birds. succession whether taking place in water or
Explanation Explanation:
• Eventually, some trees come up in this area, on land, proceeds to a similar climax commu-
• Lichen are plant-like organisms that consist of a seeds of which may be brought by wind or ani- • Grasses have one good trick to monopolise a nity – the mesic.
symbiotic association of algae (usually green) mals. place. In the dry season the grasses dry up and
or cyanobacteria and fungi. • And over the years, a forest community devel- cause fires which destroy other plant species and
• Fungi provide shelter, water and minerals to the ops. Thus, an abandoned land over a period be- their seeds.
algae and, in return, the alga provides food. comes dominated by trees and is transformed • Also, grasslands develop in regions with scanty
into a forest. rainfall where plant growth cannot be achieved.
Answer: b) Algae and Fungai • Though forests form the climax community in
• The pioneers through their death any decay most of the ecosystems, in the grassland eco-
leave patches of organic matter in which small system grasses form the climax community.
animals can live. Thanks to fire and lack of water.
• The organic matter produced by these pioneer • Grasslands are almost irreversible once defor-
species produce organic acids during decompo- estation in water-scarce areas gives way to grass-
sition that dissolve and etch the substratum re- lands.
leasing nutrients to the substratum. Answer: c) water limits and fire
• Organic debris accumulates in pockets and crev-
ices, providing soil in which seeds can become Secondary Succession (Picture Credits: NIOS Envi- Autotrophic and Heterotrophic succession
lodged and grow. ronment)
• The new conditions may be conducive to the es- • Succession in which, initially the green plants are
tablishment of additional organisms that may Difference Between Primary and Secondary Suc- much greater in quantity is known as autotrophic
subsequently arrive at the site. cession succession; and the ones in which the hetero-
• As the community of organisms continues to de- trophs are greater in quantity is known as het-
velop, it becomes more diverse, and competi- • Unlike in the primary succession, the secondary erotrophic succession.
tion increases, but at the same time, new niche succession starts on a well-developed soil al-
opportunities develop. ready formed at the site. Thus, secondary succes- Succession in Plants
• The pioneer species disappear as the habitat sion is relatively faster.
conditions change and invasion of new species
2.2 Homeostasis in Ecosystem
• Succession that occurs on land (dry areas) where
progresses, leading to the replacement of the Autogenic and Allogenic Succession moisture content is low for e.g. on a bare rock is
preceding community. known as xerarch.
• When succession is brought about by living in- Homeostasis
• Succession that takes place in a water body, like
Secondary Succession habitants of that community itself, the process is ponds or lake is called hydrarch.
called autogenic succession, while change • Homeostasis is the maintenance of stable
• Both hydrarch and xerarch successions lead
• Secondary succession is the sequential develop- brought about by outside forces is known as al- equilibrium, especially through physiological
to medium water conditions (mesic) – neither
ment of biotic communities after the complete logenic succession. (through bodily part functions. E.g. Cooling
too dry (xeric) nor too wet (hydric).
or partial destruction of the existing commu- • Autogenic succession is driven by the biotic your body through sweating processes.
• With time the xerophytic habitat gets converted
nity. components of an ecosystem. • Organisms try to maintain the constancy of its
into a mesophyte (plat needing only a moderate
• A mature or intermediate community may be de- • Allogenic succession is driven by the abiotic internal environment despite varying external
amount of water).
stroyed by natural events such as floods, components (fire, flood) of the ecosystem. environmental conditions that tend to upset
droughts, fires, or storms or by human Succession in Water their homeostasis.

17 18
• The organism can move away temporarily • After some time, the population size of zoo- • This energy loss at each trophic level is quite sig-
Regulate from the stressful habitat to a more hospitable plankton also increases, and this process contin- nificant. Hence there are usually not more than
area and return when a stressful period is over ues at all the trophic levels of the food chain. four-five trophic levels (beyond this the energy
• Some organisms can maintain homeostasis by • Every winter the famous Keoladeo National • Note that in a homeostatic system, negative available is negligible to support an organism).
physiological (sometimes behavioural – mi- Park (Bhartpur) in Rajasthan hosts thou- feedback mechanism induced by the limiting • The trophic level interaction involves three con-
grating to tree shade) means which ensures sands of migratory birds coming from Siberia resource (here its scarcity of food) is responsible cepts namely
constant body temperature, constant osmotic and other extremely cold northern regions. for maintaining stability in an ecosystem. 1) Food Chain
concentration, etc. • However, the homeostatic capacity of ecosys- 2) Food Web
• All birds and mammals and a very few lower Suspend tems is not unlimited as well as not everything in 3) Ecological Pyramids
vertebrate and invertebrate species are indeed an ecosystem is always well regulated.
capable of such regulation (thermoregula- • In bacteria, fungi and lower plants, various Food Chain
tion and osmoregulation). kinds of thick-walled spores are formed which 2.3 Energy Flow Through an Eco-
• The ‘success’ of mammals is largely due to help them to survive unfavourable conditions • Transfer of food energy from green plants (pro-
their ability to maintain constant body tem- – these germinate on the availability of suita-
system – Trophic Levels
ducers) through a series of organisms with re-
perature and thrive whether they live in Ant- ble environment. peated eating and being eaten link is called a
arctica or the Sahara Desert. • In higher plants, seeds and some other vege- (Trophe = Nourishment)
food chain. E.g. Grasses → Grasshopper → Frog
• Plants, on the other hand, do not have such tative reproductive structures serve as means • A trophic level is the representation of energy → Snake → Hawk/Eagle.
mechanisms to maintain internal tempera- to tide over periods of stress besides helping flow in an ecosystem. • Each step in the food chain is called trophic level.
tures. in dispersal. • The trophic level of an organism is the position it • A food chain starts with producers and ends with
• In animals, the organism, if unable to migrate, occupies in a food chain. top carnivores.
Conform might avoid the stress by escaping in time. The • The trophic level of an organism is the position it
• Trophic level interaction deals with how the
familiar case of bears going members of an ecosystem are connected based occupies in a food chain.
• An overwhelming majority of animals and into hibernation during winter is an example • Types of Food Chains: 1) Grazing food chain
on nutritional needs.
nearly all plants cannot maintain a constant in- of an escape in time. and 2) Detritus food chain
ternal environment. Their body temperature • Some snails and fish go into aestivation to
changes with the ambient temperature. avoid summer-related problems – heat and Grazing food chain
• In aquatic animals, the osmotic concentration desiccation.
of the body fluids changes with that of the am- • Under unfavourable conditions, many zoo-
bient water osmotic concentration. These ani- plankton species in lakes and ponds are
mals and plants are simply conformers. known to enter diapause, a stage of sus-
Why these conformers had not evolved to be- pended development.
come regulators? • In ecology, the term homeostasis applies to the
tendency for a biological system to resist
• Thermoregulation is energetically expensive changes.
for many organisms. This is particularly true for • Ecosystems are capable of maintaining their Pic Credits
small animals like shrews and hummingbirds. state of equilibrium.
• Heat loss or heat gain is a function of surface • They can regulate their own species structure Trophic levels
area. Since small animals have a larger sur- and functional processes. • The consumers which start the food chain,
Autotrophs Green plants (Producers)
face area relative to their volume, they tend • This capacity of the ecosystem of self-regula- Heterotrophs Herbivore (Primary consumers) utilising the plant or plant part as their food,
to lose body heat very fast when it is cold out- tion is known as homeostasis. Heterotrophs Carnivores (Secondary consumers) constitute the grazing food chain.
side; then they have to expend much energy • For example, in a pond ecosystem, if the popula-
Heterotrophs Carnivore (Tertiary consumers)
• For example, in a terrestrial ecosystem, the grass
to generate body heat [a lot of food goes into Heterotrophs Top carnivores (Quaternary consumers)
tion of zooplankton increases, they consume a is eaten by a caterpillar, which is eaten by lizard
heat generation] through metabolism. • Energy flows through the trophic levels from
large number of the phytoplankton and as a and lizard is eaten by a snake.
• This is the main reason why very small ani- producers to subsequent trophic levels is unidi-
result, food would become scarce for zooplank- • In Aquatic ecosystem phytoplankton (primary
mals are rarely found in polar regions. rectional.
ton. producers) are eaten by zooplanktons which are
• Energy level decreases from the first trophic
• When the number of zooplanktons is reduced eaten by fishes and fishes are eaten by pelicans.
Migrate level upwards due to loss of energy in the form
because of starvation, the phytoplankton popu-
of heat at each trophic level.
lation start increasing. Detritus food chain

19 20
• This type of food chain starts from organic Select the correct answer using the codes given be- Food Web Q. With reference to food chains in ecosystems,
matter of dead and decaying animals and plant low. consider the following statements:
bodies from the grazing food chain. • Multiple interlinked food chains make a food
a) 1 only 1) A food chain illustrates the order in which a
• Dead organic matter or detritus feeding organ- web.
b) 2 and 3 only chain of organisms feed upon each other.
isms are called detrivores or decomposers. • Food web represents all the possible paths of
c) 1 and 3 only 2) Food chains are found within the populations
• The detrivores are eaten by predators. energy flow in an ecosystem.
d) 1, 2 and 3 of a species.
• In an aquatic ecosystem, the grazing food • If any of the intermediate food chains is
Explanation: 3) A food chain illustrates the numbers of each
chain is the major conduit for energy flow. removed, the succeeding links of the chain will organism which are eaten by others.
• As against this, in a terrestrial ecosystem, a • Fungi and Bacteria are decomposers. They be affected largely.
much larger fraction of energy flows through breakdown organic matter into simple inorganic • The food web provides more than one alterna- Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
the detritus food chain than through the graz- substances. tive for food to most of the organisms in an eco-
ing food chain. a) 1 only
• Virus represents dormant life. They are metabol- system and therefore increases their chance of
b) 1 and 2 only
ically inactive as long as they are outside a host survival.
c) 1, 2 and 3
body. They are not decomposers. They invade
d) None
host cells and use their nucleus (DNA machinery)
to carry out their life processes. Explanation:
• Protists are unicellular organisms, such as para-
mecium and euglena. They're not decomposers • A food chain illustrates the order in which a chain
either. of organisms feed upon each other. (True)
• Food chains are found within the populations of
• Bacterial and fungal enzymes degrade detritus
Answer: b) 2 and 3 only a species. (Man won’t eat man – so, false)
into simpler inorganic substances. This pro-
• A food chain illustrates the numbers of each or-
cess is called catabolism. Q. Which one of the following is the correct se-
ganism which are eaten by others (food web il-
• Humification and mineralisation occur dur- quence of a food chain?
lustrates the number, not the food chain).
ing decomposition in the soil. Picture Credits
a) Diatoms-Crustaceans-Herrings
• Humification leads to accumulation of a dark- Answer: a) 1 only
b) Crustaceans-Diatoms-Herrings
coloured amorphous (formless) substance
c) Diatoms-Herrings-Crustaceans
called humus that is highly resistant to micro- Types of Biotic Interactions in a Food Web
d) Crustaceans-Herrings-Diatoms
bial action and undergoes decomposition at
an extremely slow rate. Explanation: ‘0’ is no effect; ‘–’ is detrimental; ‘+’ is beneficial.
• Being colloidal in nature, humus serves as a Type of interac- Species Effect Comments
reservoir of nutrients. • The food chain starts with a producer and ends tion 1 2
• The humus is further degraded by some mi- with a top consumer. Negative Interactions
crobes and release of inorganic nutrients oc- • Phytoplankton are the primary producers in the Amensalism – 0 One species is • The bread mould fungi Penicillium produce penicillin an an-
cur by the process known as mineralisation. oceans. They include: inhibited while the tibiotic substance which inhibits the growth of a variety of
• Warm and moist environment favour decom- ✓ diatoms (unicellular algae), other species is unaf- bacteria.
position whereas low temperature and anaer- ✓ coccolithophores (unicellular, eukaryotic fected. • A large tree shades a small plant, retarding the growth of the
obiosis inhibit decomposition resulting in a protist), small plant. The small plant has no effect on the large tree.
buildup of organic materials (soils become ✓ Cyanobacteria (Bluegreen algae)– Predation + – One species (preda- • Predators like leopards, tigers and cheetahs use speed, teeth
Synechococcus, Prochlorococcus, Nostoc, tor) benefits while and claws to hunt and kill their prey.
acidic like in taiga).
spirogyra etc. the second species • Predators help in maintaining species diversity in a commu-
Q. With reference to the food chains in ecosys- (prey) is harmed and nity, by reducing the intensity of competition among
✓ Dinoflagellates (flagellated protists).
tems, which of the following kinds of organism inhibited. competing prey species.
• Crustaceans form a very large group of arthro-
is/are known as decomposer organism/organ- Parasitism + – Beneficial to one spe- • Parasitism involves parasite living in or on another living
pods which includes crabs, lobsters, crayfish, cies (parasite) and species called the host.
shrimp, krill and barnacles (Biology NCERT). harmful to the other • The parasite gets its nourishment and often shelter from its
1) Virus • Herrings are a fish, and they eat crustaceans. species (host). host.
2) Fungi • Tap worm, roundworm, malarial parasite, many bacteria,
3) Bacteria Answer: (a) Diatoms-Crustaceans-Herrings. Tough fungi, and viruses are common parasites of humans.

21 22
• The female mosquito is not considered a parasite, alt- • The standing crop is measured as the mass of liv-
hough it needs our blood for reproduction. Why? Because it ing organisms (biomass) or the number in a unit
doesn’t live on the host. area.
Competition – – Adversely affects • Competition occurs when two populations or species, both
both species. need a vital resource that is in short supply.
Positive Associations
Commensalism + 0 One species (the • Suckerfish often attaches to a shark. This helps the suckerfish
commensal) benefits, get protection, a free ride as well as a meal from the leftover
while the other spe- of the shark’s meal. The shark does not, however, get any
cies (the host) is nei- benefit nor is it adversely affected by this association.
ther harmed nor in- • Another example of commensalisms is the relationship be-
hibited tween trees and epiphytic plants.
Mutualism + + Interaction is favour- • Sea anemone gets attached to the shell of hermit crabs for
able to both species the benefit of transport and obtaining new food while the
• This type of pyramid can be seen in the
anemone provides camouflage and protection utilizing its
grassland ecosystem and pond ecosystem.
stinging cells to the hermit crab.
• The grasses occupy the lowest trophic level
• Some mutualisms are so intimate that the interacting species
can no longer live without each other as they depend totally (base) because of their abundance.
on each other to survive. • The next higher trophic level is primary con-
• Such close associations are called symbiosis (symbiosis is in- sumer – herbivores like a grasshopper.
tense mutualism – E.g. coral and zooxanthellae). • The individual number of grasshoppers is less
than that of grass.
Neutral Interactions Credits
Neutralism 0 0 Neither species af- • True neutralism is extremely unlikely.
• The next energy level is a primary carnivore like
fects the other rats. Pyramid of Biomass – upright
• The number of rats is less than grasshoppers, be-
cause, they feed on grasshoppers. • For most ecosystems on land, the pyramid of
• The next higher trophic level is secondary carni- biomass has a large base of primary producers
Ecological Pyramids
vore like snakes. They feed on rats. with a smaller trophic level perched on top.
• The next higher trophic level is the top carnivore • The biomass of producers (autotrophs) is at the
• The pyramidal representation of trophic levels of
like Hawk. maximum. The biomass of next trophic level i.e.
different organisms based on their ecological
• With each higher trophic level, the number of in- primary consumers is less than the producers.
position (producer to final consumer) is called as
dividual decreases. The biomass of next higher trophic level i.e. sec-
an ecological pyramid.
• The pyramid consists of a number of horizontal ondary consumers is less than the primary con-
Pyramid of numbers – inverted
bars depicting specific trophic levels. The length sumers. The top, high trophic level has very less
of each bar represents the total number of indi- amount of biomass.
• Pyramid of numbers represents the total number • In this pyramid, the number of individuals is
viduals or biomass or energy at each trophic of individuals of different species (population) at increased from lower level to higher trophic
level in an ecosystem. each trophic level. level. E.g. Tree ecosystem.
• The food producer forms the base of the pyr- • Depending upon the size, the pyramid of num-
amid and the top carnivore forms the tip. Other bers may not always be upright, and may even Pyramid of Biomass
consumer trophic levels are in between. be completely inverted.
• The ecological pyramids are of three categories: • It is very difficult to count all the organisms, in a • Pyramid of biomass is usually determined by col-
1) Pyramid of numbers, pyramid of numbers and so the pyramid of num- lecting all organisms occupying each trophic
2) Pyramid of biomass, and ber does not completely define the trophic level separately and measuring their dry weight.
3) Pyramid of energy or productivity. structure for an ecosystem. • This overcomes the size difference problem be-
cause all kinds of organisms at a trophic level are
Pyramid of Numbers Pyramid of numbers – upright weighed.
• Each trophic level has a certain mass of living
• In this pyramid, the number of individuals is material at a particular time called the standing
decreased from lower level to higher trophic crop. Pyramid of Biomass – Inverted

23 24
the deer gets an even smaller amount of energy. • Moreover, saprophytes (plant, fungus, or micro- some insecticides, such as DDT, are persistent
Thus, usable energy decreases from sunlight to organism that lives on decaying matter) are not organic pollutants.
producer to herbivore to carnivore. Therefore, given any place in ecological pyramids even • DDT was widely used a few decades ago as an
the energy pyramid will always be upright. though they play a vital role in the ecosystem. effective pesticide and insecticide.
• In contrast, in many aquatic ecosystems, the • Energy pyramid concept helps to explain the • It was later identified as a persistent organic
pyramid of biomass may assume an inverted phenomenon of biological magnification – the Pollutants and Trophic Level – Biomagni- pollutant, and its usage was phased out in al-
form. (In contrast, a pyramid of numbers for tendency for toxic substances to increase in con- fication most all developed countries.
the aquatic ecosystem is upright) centration progressively with higher trophic lev- • It accumulated in food chains and caused egg-
• This is because the producers are tiny phyto- els. • Pollutants move through the various trophic lev- shell thinning in certain bird species.
plankton that grows and reproduces rapidly. els in an ecosystem. • In India, it is still being used by civic admin-
• Here, the pyramid of biomass has a small base, • Non-degradable pollutants (persistent pollu- istrations as a mosquito repellent (disease
with the consumer biomass at any instant ex- tants), which cannot be broken down by detri- vector control).
ceeding the producer biomass and the pyramid vores, not only move through the various trophic • In India, traces of DDT spray used three dec-
assumes an inverted shape. levels but also remain in that tropic level for a ades ago can still be found on the walls of
very long duration. homes.
• Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (Organochlorides) • Crops that are grown in fields that were
are the most damaging non-degradable pollu- sprayed with DDT in the last decades show
tants that are long-lasting. substantial traces of the insecticide.
• DDT residues continue to be found in mam-
mals all across the planet.
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons (CHC) • In Arctic areas, particularly high levels are
found in marine mammals.
• CHCs are hydrocarbons in which one or more • The traces of persistent organic pollutant are
Pic Credits
hydrogen atoms have been replaced by chlo- found in human breast milk.
rine E.g. DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloro- • In some species of milk-producing marine
Ecological Efficiency
ethane), endosulfan, chloroform, carbon mammals, males typically have far higher lev-
Pic credits
tetrachloride, etc. els, as females reduce their concentration by
• Ecological efficiency describes the effi-
Pyramid of Energy ciency with which energy is transferred from one Applications of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons transfer to their offspring through lactation.
trophic level to the next. (CHC) • Endosulfan, one of the most widely used pes-
• To compare the functional roles of the trophic • The number of trophic levels in the grazing food ticide, is an endocrine disruptor (enhances
levels in an ecosystem, an energy pyramid chain is restricted as the transfer of energy fol- • CHCs are used in the production of polyvinyl the effect of estrogens causing reproductive
is most suitable. lows 10 per cent law – only 10 per cent of the chloride (a synthetic plastic polymer used to and developmental damage in both animals
• An energy pyramid represents the amount of en- energy is transferred to each trophic level from make PVC pipes). and humans).
ergy at each trophic level and loss of energy at the lower trophic level. • Chloroform, dichloromethane, dichloro- • Because of its threats to human health and the
each transfer to another trophic level. Hence the • The decreases at each subsequent trophic level ethane, and trichloroethane are useful sol- environment, a global ban on the manufacture
pyramid is always upward, with a large energy is due to two reasons: vents. and use of endosulfan was negotiated under
base at the bottom. ✓ At each trophic, a part of the available energy • These solvents are immiscible with water (not the Stockholm Convention in 2011.
• Suppose an ecosystem receives 1000 calories of is lost in respiration or used up in metabo- forming a homogeneous mixture when mixed Movement of these pollutants involves two main
light energy in a given day. Most of the energy is lism. with water) and effective in cleaning applica- processes:
not absorbed; some is reflected to space; of the ✓ A part of the energy is lost at each transfor- tions such as degreasing and dry cleaning.
energy absorbed only a small portion is utilized • DDT, heptachlor and endosulfan are were 1) Bioaccumulation
by green plants, out of which the plant uses up widely used as pesticides. 2) Biomagnification
some for respiration and of the 1000 calories; Limitations of Ecological Pyramids Effects of CHC Bioaccumulation
therefore only 100 calories are stored as energy-
rich materials. • It does not consider the same species belonging • Dioxins (toxic by-products produced when • Bioaccumulation is the gradual accumulation
• Now suppose an animal, say a deer, eats the to two or more trophic levels. organic matter is burned in the presence of of pollutants, chemicals (chronic poisoning)
plant containing 100 calories of food energy. The • It assumes a simple food chain, something that chlorine in industrial or natural processes such or other substances in an organism.
deer use some of it for its metabolism and stores seldom exists in nature; it does not accommo- as volcanic eruptions and forest fires), and
only 10 calories as food energy. A lion that eats date a food web.
25 26
• Bioaccumulation occurs when the rate of loss of • In mammals, milk produced by females is tested Pic Credits

the substance from the body of the organism for pollutants since the milk has a lot of fat in.
through catabolism (breakdown of complex Types of Nutrient Cycles
molecules in living organisms), or excretion is 2.4 Biogeo Chemical Cycling or
lower than the rate of accumulation of the sub- Based on the replacement period, a nutrient cycle is
Nutrient Cycling referred to as Perfect or Imperfect cycle.
• As persistent organic pollutants like DDT are
• Energy flow and nutrient circulation are the ma- • A perfect nutrient cycle is one in which nutrients
long-lasting, the risk of bioaccumulation is high
jor functions of the ecosystem. are replaced as fast as they are utilized.
even if the environmental levels of the pollutant
• Energy is lost as heat forever in terms of the use- • Most gaseous cycles are generally considered
are not high.
fulness of the system. On the other hand, nutri- as perfect cycles.
ents of food matter never get used up. They can • In contrast sedimentary cycles are considered
be recycled again and again indefinitely. relatively imperfect, as some nutrients are lost
• Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitro- from the cycle and get locked into sediments
gen and phosphorus as elements and com- and so become unavailable for immediate cy-
cling. Credits
pounds makeup 97% of the mass of our bodies
and are more than 95% of the mass of all living • It is the element that anchors all organic sub-
Based on the nature of the reservoir, a nutrient cycle
organisms. stances from coal and oil to DNA (deoxyribonu-
is referred to as Gaseous or Sedimentary cycle
• In addition to these, about 15 to 25 other ele- cleic acid: the compound that carries genetic in-
ments are needed in some form for the survival • Gaseous Cycle: the reservoir is the atmosphere formation).
and good health of plants and animals. or the hydrosphere — water cycle, carbon cy- • Carbon is present in the atmosphere, mainly in
• These elements or mineral nutrients are always cle, nitrogen cycle, etc. and the form of carbon dioxide (CO2).
Credits in circulation moving from non-living to living • Sedimentary Cycle: the reservoir is the earth's • Carbon cycle involves a continuous exchange of
and then back to the non-living components of crust (soluble elements mostly found in earth’s carbon between the atmosphere and organisms.
Biomagnification the ecosystem in a more or less circular fashion. crust) — phosphorous cycle, sulphur cycle, • Carbon from the atmosphere moves to green
• This circular fashion is known as biogeochemi- calcium cycle, magnesium cycle etc. plants by the process of photosynthesis, and
cal cycling (bio for living; geo for atmosphere). then to animals.
• Among the most important nutrient cycles are Carbon Cycle (Gaseous Cycle) • By process of respiration and decomposition of
the carbon nutrient cycle and the nitrogen nu- dead organic matter, it returns to the
trient cycle. • Carbon is a minor constituent of the atmosphere atmosphere. It is usually a short term cycle.
• There are many other nutrient cycles that are im- as compared to oxygen and nitrogen. • Some carbon also enters a long term cycle. It ac-
portant in ecology, including a large number of • However, without carbon dioxide life could not cumulates as un-decomposed organic matter
trace mineral nutrient cycles. exist because it is vital for the production of car- in the peaty layers of marshy soil or as insolu-
bohydrates through photosynthesis by plants. ble carbonates in bottom sediments of aquatic
Credits systems which take a long time to be released.
• In deep oceans, such carbon can remain buried
• Biomagnification refers to progressive bioaccu- for millions of years till geological movement
mulation (increase in concentration) at each may lift these rocks above sea level.
tropical level with the passage of time. • These rocks may be exposed to erosion, releas-
• In order for biomagnification to occur, the pollu- ing their carbon dioxide, carbonates and bicar-
tant must have a long biological half-life (long- bonates into streams and rivers.
lived), must not be soluble in water but must be • Fossil fuels such as coals, oil and natural gas etc.
soluble in fats. E.g. DDT. are organic compounds that were buried before
• If the pollutant is soluble in water, it will be they could be decomposed and were subse-
excreted by the organism. quently transformed by time and geological pro-
• Pollutants that dissolve in fats are retained for a cesses into fossil fuels. When they are burned the
long time. Hence it is traditional to measure the carbon stored in them is released back into the
amount of pollutants in fatty tissues of organ- atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
isms such as fish.

27 28
Q. Consider the following: b) Free energy is converted into potential en- • Apart from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, ni- ✓ free-living nitrogen fixing bacteria (non-
ergy and stored trogen is the most prevalent element in living or- symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria or
1) Photosynthesis
c) Food is oxidized to release carbon dioxide ganisms. nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria) (e.g. aero-
2) Respiration
and water • Nitrogen is a constituent of amino acids, pro- bic Azotobacter and Beijemickia; anaero-
3) Decay of organic matter
d) Oxygen is taken, and carbon dioxide and wa- teins, hormones, chlorophylls and many of bic Clostridium and Rhodospirillum),
4) Volcanic action
ter vapour are given out the vitamins (explained in Biology NCERT). ✓ symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria (e.g. Rhi-
Which of the above add carbon dioxide to the car- • Potential energy is released to form free energy • Plants compete with microbes for the limited ni- zobium) living in association with leguminous
bon cycle on Earth? (false – sun’s free energy is converted into po- trogen that is available in the soil. Thus, nitrogen plants and non-leguminous root nodule
tential energy in photosynthesis) is a limiting nutrient for both natural and agri- plants and
a) 1 and 4 only • Food is oxidized to release carbon dioxide and cultural ecosystems. ✓ some cyanobacteria (a major source of nitro-
b) 2 and 3 only water (false – oxygen is released and not carbon • Nitrogen exists as two nitrogen atoms (N2) gen fixation in oceans) (blue-green algae. E.g.
c) 2,3 and 4 only dioxide) joined by a very strong triple covalent bond (N ≡ Nostoc, Anabaena, Spirulina etc.).
d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 • Oxygen is taken, and carbon dioxide and water N). • Leguminous: denoting plants of the pea family
• Photosynthesis takes out CO2 from the carbon vapour are given out (false – CO2 is taken, and • In nature, lightning and ultraviolet radia- (Leguminosae), typically having seeds in pods,
cycle. Rest all add CO2. oxygen is given out) tion provide enough energy to convert nitrogen distinctive flowers, and root nodules containing
• Answer: b) Sunlight (free energy) is converted to nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2, N2O). nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
Answer: c) 2,3 and 4 only
into carbohydrates (potential energy) using wa- • Industrial combustions, forest fires, automo-
Q. Which one of the following is the process in- ter and carbon dioxide. Oxygen is released in the bile exhausts and power-generating stations Nitrification – Ammonia to Nitrates
volved in photosynthesis? process. are also sources of atmospheric nitrogen oxides.
• Ammonium ions can be directly taken up as a
a) Potential energy is released to form free en- Nitrogen Fixing – Nitrogen to Ammonia
Nitrogen Cycle (Gaseous Cycle) source of nitrogen by some plants.
ergy Others absorb nitrates which are obtained by
(N2 to NH3) •
oxidising ammonia and ammonium ions.
• There is an inexhaustible supply of nitrogen in • Ammonia and ammonium ions are oxidised
the atmosphere, but the elemental form cannot to nitrites or nitrates by two groups of
be used directly by most of the living organisms. specialized bacteria.
• Nitrogen needs to be ‘fixed’, that is, converted • Ammonium ions are first oxidised to nitrite by
to ammonia, nitrites or nitrates, before it can the bacteria Nitrosomonas and/or Nitrococ-
be taken up by plants. cus.
• Nitrogen fixation on earth is accomplished in • The nitrite is further oxidized to nitrate with the
three different ways: help of the bacterium Nitrobacter.
a) By microorganisms (bacteria and blue- • These steps are called nitrification. These nitri-
green algae), fying bacteria are chemoautotrophs (they use
b) By man using industrial processes (ferti- inorganic chemical energy sources to
liser factories) and synthesise organic compounds from carbon
c) To a limited extent by atmospheric dioxide).
phenomena such as thunder and lighting. • The nitrate thus formed is absorbed by plants
• Certain microorganisms are capable of fixing at- and is transported to the leaves.
mospheric nitrogen into ammonia • In leaves, it is reduced to form ammonia that
(NH3) and ammonium ions (NH4+). finally forms the amine group of amino acids,
• Ammonia (NH3) is a molecule consisting of nitro- which are the building blocks of proteins. These
gen and hydrogen, while ammonium (NH4+) is then go through higher trophic levels of the eco-
an ion of ammonia that is formed by accepting a system.
hydrogen ion. • Nitrification is important in agricultural sys-
• The enzyme, nitrogenase which is capable of ni- tems, where fertiliser is often applied as ammo-
trogen reduction is present exclusively in pro- nia.
karyotes. Such microbes are called N2-fixers. • Conversion of this ammonia to nitrate increases
These include: nitrogen leaching because nitrate is more wa-
ter-soluble than ammonia.

29 30
• Nitrification also plays an important role in the Ammonification – Urea, Uric Acid to Ammo- Select the correct answer using the codes given be- Q. Consider the following:
removal of nitrogen from municipal nia low.
1) Carbon dioxide
a) 1 only 2) Oxides of Nitrogen
• The conventional removal is nitrification, fol- • Living organisms produce nitrogenous waste
b) 2 and 3 only 3) Oxides of Sulphur
lowed by denitrification. products such as urea and uric acid (organic ni-
c) 1 and 3 only
trogen). Which of the above is/are the emission/emissions
d) 1, 2 and 3
• These waste products, as well as dead remains of from coal combustion at thermal power plants?
organisms, are converted back into inorganic Explanation:
ammonia and ammonium ions by the bacteria. a) 1 only
This process is called ammonification. • All the above three adds to the nitrogen cycle. b) 2 and 3 only
• Some of this ammonia volatilizes and re-enters • Burning coal releases CO, CO2, sulphur dioxide c) 1 and 3 only
the atmosphere, but most of it is converted and oxides of nitrogen – air pollutants. d) 1, 2 and 3
into nitrate by soil bacteria. • Oxides of nitrogen fall on earth as acid rain. • Burning coal releases CO, CO2, sulphur dioxide
Acidic rain is a complex mixture of nitrous, nitric, and oxides of nitrogen.
Denitrification – Nitrate to Nitrogen sulphurous and sulfuric acids which all combine
Answer: d) 1, 2 and 3.
to lower the pH.
• Nitrate present in the soil is reduced to nitro- • But, the question asks, “Which of the following Q. What can be the impact of excessive/inappro-
gen by the process of denitrification. adds/add nitrogen to the soil?” priate use of nitrogenous fertilisers in agricul-
• In the soil as well as oceans there are special de- • Animal waste like urea, uric acid and death of ture?
nitrifying bacteria (Pseudomonas and Thioba- vegetation add nitrogen in the form of ni-
1) Proliferation of nitrogen-fixing microorgan-
cillus), which convert the nitrates/nitrites to el- trates directly into the soil.
isms in soil can occur.
emental nitrogen. • Coal combustion adds nitrogen to the
2) Increase in the acidity of soil can take place.
• This nitrogen escapes into the atmosphere, thus atmosphere and from there it falls back to earth
3) Leaching of nitrate to the ground-water can
completing the cycle. in the form of acid rain and acid rain adds nitro-
gen to the soil.
Step 1: N2 Fixing ➔ Nitrogen → Ammonia or Ammonium Ions • “The release of nitric oxides into the air in large Select the correct answer using the code given be-
Step 2: Nitrification ➔ Ammonia or Ammonium Ions → Nitrite → Nitrate quantities causes smog and acid rain. The in- low.
Step 3: Ammonification ➔ Dead Matter + Animal Waste (Urea, Uric Acid) → Ammonia or Ammonium crease in nitrogen and nitrous oxide is caused by
Ions automobiles, power plants and a wide variety of a) 1 and 3 only
✓ Most of the ammonia escapes into the atmosphere. Rest is Nitrified (Step 2) to nitrates. industries.” b) 2 only
✓ Some of the nitrates is available for plants. Rest is Denitrified (Step 4). • And also http://chemistry.elmhurst.edu/vchem- c) 2 and 3 only
Step 4: Denitrification ➔ Nitrate → Nitrogen book/307nitrogen.html says: d) 1,2 and 3
• “Nitrogen will only react with oxygen in the pres-
ence of high temperatures and pressures found
• The amount of nitrogen fixed by man through
near lightning bolts and in combustion reactions • Nitrification is important in agricultural systems,
the industrial process has far exceeded the
in power plants or internal combustion engines. where fertiliser is often applied as ammonia.
amount fixed by the Natural Cycle.
Nitric oxide, NO, and nitrogen dioxide, NO2, are Conversion of this ammonia to nitrate in-
• As a result, nitrogen fixed by man has become a
formed under these conditions. Eventually, ni- creases nitrogen leaching because nitrate is
pollutant which can disrupt the balance of nitro-
trogen dioxide may react with water in the rain more water-soluble.
gen. It may lead to Acid rain, Eutrophica-
to form nitric acid, HNO3. The nitrates thus • Agricultural fertilisation and the use of nitrogen-
tion and Harmful Algal Blooms.
formed may be utilised by plants as a nutrient fixing plants also contribute to atmospheric NOx,
Q. Which of the following adds/add nitrogen to (so, soil gets nitrogen from acid rain).” by promoting nitrogen fixation by microorgan-
the soil? • From the above explanation, it is clear that burn- isms. Excess NOx leads to acid rain. Acid rain low-
ing of coal by man adds nitrogen to soil but in- ers pH of the soil (increase in acidity of soil)
1) Excretion of urea by animals
directly though acid rain. • The legume-rhizobium symbiosis is a classic ex-
2) Burning of coal by man
3) Death of vegetation ample of mutualism — rhizobia supply ammonia
Answer: Official UPSC Key says the answer is c) 1 and
or amino acids to the plant and in return receive
3 only.
organic acids as a carbon and energy source.

31 32
• So, excessive/inappropriate use of nitroge- • After more time, weathering will release them • Sulphur bound in a living organism is carried
nous fertilisers can make the plants inde- from rock, and the cycle's geochemical phase be- back to the soil, to the bottom of ponds and 3. Natural Ecosystem
pendent of both symbiotic and free-living ni- gins again. lakes and seas through excretion and decom-
trogen fixers. Fixers don’t get the food from the position of dead organic material. • A natural ecosystem is an assemblage of plants
plants due to a broken relationship and other Sulphur Cycle (Sedimentary cycle) and animals which functions as a unit and is ca-
factors. So, their population decreases. pable of maintaining its identity.
• There are two main categories of ecosystems: 1)
Answer: c) 2 and 3 only
Terrestrial ecosystem and 2) Aquatic ecosystem
Phosphorus Cycle (Sedimentary cycle)
3.1 Biomes or Terrestrial Ecosys-

• The terrestrial part of the biosphere is divisible

into enormous regions called biomes.
• No two biomes are alike. They are characterized,
by distinct climate (precipitation and tempera-
ture mainly), vegetation, animal life and general
soil type.
Pic Credits
• The climate determines the boundaries of a bi-
• The sulphur reservoir is in the soil and sedi- ome and abundance of plants and animals found
ments where it is locked in organic (coal, oil and in each one of them.
peat) and inorganic deposits (pyrite rock and
sulphur rock) in the form of sulphates, sul-
phides and organic sulphur. • Arctic and Alpine Tundra Biome
• It is released by weathering of rocks, erosional
Pic Credits Forest
• Phosphorus plays a central role in aquatic eco- runoff and decomposition of organic matter and
systems and water quality. is carried to terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in Q. With reference to agricultural soils, consider • Taiga or Boreal Biome (Evergreen Coniferous for-
• Unlike carbon and nitrogen, which come primar- salt solution. the following statements: ests)
ily from the atmosphere, phosphorus occurs in • The sulphur cycle is mostly sedimentary except • Temperate Deciduous Biome (North Western Eu-
1) A high content of organic matter in soil dras-
large amounts as a mineral in phosphate rocks two of its compounds, hydrogen sulphide (H2S) rope – British Type Climate)
tically reduces its water holding capacity.
and enters the cycle from erosion and mining and sulphur dioxide (SO2), which add a gaseous • Temperate Rainforest Biome
2) Soil does not play any role in the Sulphur cy-
activities. component. • Sub-Tropical Deciduous Biome in Eastern China,
• This is the nutrient considered to be the main • Sulphur enters the atmosphere from several South Eastern USA
3) Irrigation over a period of time can contrib-
cause of excessive growth of rooted and free- sources like volcanic eruptions, combustion of • Temperate Deciduous Biome (Mediterranean
ute to the salinization of some agricultural
floating microscopic plants (phytoplankton) fossil fuels (coal, diesel etc.), from the surface Climate)
in lakes (leads to eutrophication). of the ocean and gases released by decompo- • Tropical Deciduous Biome (Monsoon Climate)
• The main storage for phosphorus is in the sition. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? • Savanna or Tropical Wet and Dry Biome
earth's crust. • Atmospheric hydrogen sulphide also gets • Tropical Rain Forest Biome
oxidised into sulphur dioxide. a) 1 and 2 only
• On land, phosphorus is usually found in the form
• Atmospheric sulphur dioxide is carried back to b) 3 only Grassland
of phosphates.
• By the process of weathering and erosion, phos- the earth after being dissolved in rainwater as c) 1 and 3 only • Steppe or Temperate Grassland Biome
phates enter rivers, streams and finally oceans. weak sulphuric acid (acid rain). d) 1, 2 and 3 • Savanna or Tropical Wet and Dry Biome (Tropical
• In the ocean, phosphorus accumulates on conti- • Whatever the source, sulphur in the form of sul- • A high content of organic matter (humus) in Shrublands and Grasslands)
nental shelves in the form of insoluble deposits. phates is taken up by plants and incorporated soil increases its water holding capacity.
through a series of metabolic processes into sul- Desert
• After millions of years, the crustal plates rise from Answer: b) 3 only
the seafloor and expose the phosphates on land. phur bearing amino acid which is incorporated • Tropical and Mid Latitude Desert Biome
in the proteins of autotroph tissues. It then
passes through the grazing food chain.

33 34
For detailed explanation ad maps, you must go ✓ the litter derived from conifer needle • The trees shed their leaves in the cold season. Temperate Deciduous Biome (Mediterra-
though Geography > Climatology > Climatic Re- (leaf) is decomposed very slowly and is not • This is an adaptation for protecting themselves nean Climate)
gions. rich in nutrients (humus content is low). against the winter snow and frost.
✓ conifers do not shed their leaves frequently. • Shedding begins in autumn, the ‘fall’ season. • Trees with small broad leaves are widely spaced
Growth begins in spring. and never very tall.
Podzols • Some of the common species include oak, elm, • Regions with adequate rainfall are inhabited by
ash, birch, beech, and poplar. low, broad-leafed evergreen trees (mostly ever-
• Podzols are the typical soils of a coniferous or
boreal biome. green oaks).
Temperate Rainforest Biome • Fire is an important hazardous factor in this eco-
• The top layer of the soil is very thin and is
overlain over sandy or loamy subsurface which system, and the adaptation of the plants enable
• This is a small biome in terms of area covered. them to regenerate quickly after being burnt.
Tundra Biome has no organic matter (lost due to leaching
The main stretch of this habitat is along the • Plants are in a continuous struggle against heat,
of nutrients to the bottom layers).
northwestern coast of North America from dry air, excessive evaporation and prolonged
• There are two types of tundra – arctic and alpine. northern California through southern Alaska. droughts.
• Alpine tundra occurs at high mountains above • There are also small areas in southern Chile, New • They are, in short xerophytic (drought toler-
the tree line. E.g. High ranges of the Himalayas, Zealand, Australia and a few other places around ant).
Andes, Alps etc. the world.
• There are no trees in the tundra (due to perma- • Big coniferous trees dominate this habitat, in- Tropical Deciduous Biome (Monsoon Cli-
frost). cluding Douglas fir, Western red cedar, Moun-
• The lowest form of vegetation like mosses, li- •The soils are characterized by low levels of mate)
tain hemlock, Western hemlock, Sitka spruce and
chens are sparsely found on bare rocks. moisture (excessively drained) and nutrients
Lodgepole pine.
• Coastal lowlands reindeer moss which provides and are loamy or sandy. Others have shallow • Tropical Monsoon Forests are also known as a
• In addition to the trees, mosses and lichens are
the only pasturage for reindeers. rooting zones and poor drainage due to sub- drought-deciduous forest; dry forest; dry-decid-
very common, often growing as epiphytes.
• In the summer, birds migrate north to prey on soil cementation. uous forest; tropical deciduous forest.
• Grizzly bears are the common mammals found in
the numerous insects which emerge when the • A low pH further compounds issue. The low • Teak, neem, bamboos, sal, shisham, sandal-
snow thaws. pH (acidic) is due to excessive leaching of wood, khair, mulberry are some of the im-
alkaline matter which if present would portant species.
• Insects have short life cycles which are Sub-Tropical Deciduous Biome in Eastern
completed during the favourable period of the neutralise the organic acids of the accumulat-
ing litter. China, South Eastern USA Savanna or Tropical Wet and Dry Biome
• Hence, most Podzols are poor soils for agri-
• Animals like the reindeer, arctic fox, wolves, • Supports luxuriant vegetation.
musk-ox, polar bear, lemming, arctic hare, arctic culture. They are mostly used for grazing. • The savanna landscape is typified by tall grass
• The lowlands carry both evergreen broad-leaved and short trees.
willow live in tundra region. • The predominant vegetation is an evergreen co-
forests and deciduous trees (hardwood). The trees are deciduous, shedding their leaves
• Reptiles and amphibians are almost absent. niferous forest with species such as spruce, fir •
• On the highlands, various species of conifers in the cool, dry season to prevent excessive loss
• Most of the animals have long life, e.g. arctic wil- and pine.
such as pines and cypresses are important. of water through transpiration, e.g. acacias.
low has a life span of 150 to 300 years. • The conifers require little moisture are best
• Perennial plant growth is not checked by either Trees usually have broad trunks, with water-
• They are protected from chillness by the pres- suited to this type of sub-Arctic climate. •
a dry season or a cold season. storing devices to survive through the prolonged
ence of thick cuticle and epidermal hair or fur. • The productivity of boreal forest is lower than
• Mammals have a large body size and small tail those of any other forest ecosystem. drought.
• Animals found in this region include Siberian
Steppe or Temperate Grassland Biome • Many trees are umbrella shaped, exposing only
and ear to avoid the loss of heat from the sur-
face. tiger, wolverine, lynx, wolf, bear, red fox, squirrel, a narrow edge to the strong winds.
• They are practically treeless, and the grasses are Savanna biome is rich in mammal, bird and
and amphibians like Hyla, Rana, etc. •
much shorter. reptile diversity.
Taiga or Boreal Biome • Grasses are fresh and nutritious.
Temperate Deciduous Biome (North-
• Poleward, an increase in precipitation gives rise Tropical Rain Forest Biome
• Boreal forest soils are characterized by thin pod- Western Europe – British Type Climate)
to a transitional zone of wooded steppes where
zols and are rather poor. This is because: some conifers gradually appear.
✓ The weathering of rocks proceeds slowly • Soils of temperate forests are podzolic and fairly • High temperature and abundant rainfall support
• Do not have much animal diversity. a luxuriant tropical rain forest.
in cold environments deep.
• The natural vegetation of this climatic type is de-

35 36
• The equatorial vegetation comprises a multitude 3.2 Aquatic Ecosystems • Benthos: The benthic organisms are those • Oxygen enters the aquatic ecosystem through
of evergreen trees, e.g. mahogany, ebony, dye- found living at the bottom of the water mass. the air-water interface and by the photosynthetic
woods etc. • Aquatic ecosystems refer to plant and animal activities of aquatic plants.
• In the coastal areas and brackish swamps, man- communities occurring in water bodies.
Factors Limiting the Productivity of • Dissolved oxygen escapes the water body
grove forests thrive. • Aquatic ecosystems are classified into two Aquatic Habitats through the air-water interface and respiration of
• All plants struggle upwards (most epiphytes) for subgroups: 1) Freshwater ecosystems, such as organisms (fish, decomposers, zooplankton,
sunlight resulting in a peculiar layer arrangement rivers, lakes and ponds; 2) Marine ecosystems, • Sunlight and oxygen are the most important lim- etc.).
(canopy). such as oceans, estuary and mangroves. iting factors of the aquatic ecosystems. • The amount of dissolved oxygen retained in wa-
• Epiphyte (commensalism – epiphyte benefits • Aquatic ecosystems are classified on the basis of ter is also influenced by temperature.
without troubling the host): An epiphyte is a salinity into the following types: Sunlight • Oxygen is less soluble in warm water. Warm
plant that grows harmlessly upon another plant • Freshwater ecosystems: water on land which is water also enhances decomposer activity.
(such as a tree) and derives its moisture and nu- continuously cycling and has low salt content (al- • Sunlight penetration rapidly diminishes as it Therefore, increasing the temperature of a water
trients from the air, rain, and sometimes from de- ways less than 5 ppt) is known as fresh water. passes down the column of water. body increases the rate at which oxygen is
bris accumulating around it. • There are two types of freshwater ecosystems: 1) • The depth to which light penetrates a lake deter- depleted from the water.
Static or still water (Lentic) ecosystems, e.g. mines the extent of plant distribution. • When the dissolved oxygen level falls below 3-5
Q. Which of the following is/are unique charac- • Suspended particulate matters such as clay, silt, ppm, many aquatic organisms are likely to die.
teristic/characteristics of equatorial forests? pond, lake, bogs and swamps. 2) Running water
(Lotic) ecosystems, e.g. springs, mountain phytoplankton, etc. make the water turbid.
Turbidity limits the extent of light penetration Winterkill
1) Presence of tall, closely set trees with crowns brooks, streams and rivers. •
forming a continuous canopy • Marine ecosystems: the water bodies contain- and photosynthetic activity in a significant way. • An ice layer on the top of a water body can ef-
2) Coexistence of a large number of species ing salt concentration equal to or above that of • Based on light penetration and plant distribution fectively cut off light. Photosynthesis stops but
3) Presence of numerous varieties of epiphytes seawater (i.e., 35 ppt or above). E.g. shallow seas they are classified as photic and aphotic zones. respiration continues in such water body.
and open ocean. • If the water body is shallow, the oxygen gets de-
Select the correct answer using the code given be- Photic zone pleted, and the fish die. This condition is known
• Brackish water ecosystems: these water bodies
low: as winterkill.
have salt content in between 5 to 35 ppt. e.g. • Photic (or "euphotic") zone is the portion that ex-
a) 1 only estuaries, salt marshes, mangrove swamps tends from the lake surface down to where the
and forests. Temperature
b) 2 and 3 only light level is 1% of that at the surface. The depth
c) 1 and 3 only of this zone depends on the transparency of wa-
Aquatic Organisms • Since water temperatures are less subject to
d) 1, 2 and 3 ter. change, the aquatic organisms have narrow
• Photosynthetic activity is confined to the photic temperature tolerance limit.
Answer: d) All • The aquatic organisms are classified on the basis zone. • As a result, even small changes in water temper-
of their zone of occurrence. • Both photosynthesis and respiration activity
Desert Biome ature are a great threat to the survival of aquatic
• Neuston: These organisms live at the air-water takes place. organisms when compared to the changes in air
interface, e.g. floating plants.
• The predominant vegetation of both hot and Aphotic zone temperatures in the terrestrial organisms.
• Periphyton: These are organisms which remain
mid-latitude deserts is xerophytic or drought- attached to stems and leaves of rooted plants or
resistant. substances emerging above the bottom mud • The lower layers of the aquatic ecosystems, Wetland Ecosystem
• This includes the cacti, thorny bushes, long- such as sessile algae. where light penetration and plant growth are re-
rooted wiry grasses and scattered dwarf acacias. stricted forms the aphotic zone (profundal zone). • Wetlands are areas of marsh or peatland with
• Plankton: Microscopic floating organisms such
• Most desert shrubs have long roots and are Only respiration activity takes place in this zone. water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or
as algae, diatoms, protozoans and larval forms
well spaced out to gather moisture, and search • The aphotic zone extends from the end of the saline, including areas of marine water the depth
are called plankton. This group includes both mi-
for ground water. photic zones to bottom of the lake. of which at low tide does not exceed 6 m.
croscopic plants like algae (phytoplankton) and
• Plants have few or no leaves, and the foliage is • Wetlands are transition zones (ecotone) be-
animals like crustaceans and protozoans (zoo-
either waxy, leathery, hairy or needle- Dissolved oxygen tween terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
shaped to reduce the loss of water through • E.g. Mangroves, lake littorals (marginal areas be-
• The locomotory power of the planktons is limited
transpiration. • In freshwater the average concentration of dis- tween highest and lowest water level of the
so that their distribution is controlled, largely, by
• The seeds of many species of grasses and herbs solved oxygen is 10 parts per million by weight. lakes), floodplains (areas lying adjacent to the
currents in the aquatic ecosystems.
have thick, tough skins to protect them while • This is 150 times lower than the concentration of river channels beyond the natural levees and pe-
• Nekton: This group contains powerful swim-
they lie dormant. oxygen in an equivalent volume of air. riodically flooded during high discharge in the
mers that can overcome the water currents.
river) and other marshy or swampy areas.

37 38
• Lakes are generally less important when food and building materials, and biodiversity, to • Preventing unsustainable aquaculture and culti-
compared to wetland from the viewpoint of flood control, groundwater recharge, and cli- vation of shellfish.
ecosystem and biodiversity conservation. mate change mitigation. • Treating industrial effluents and water from
• There is no clear distinction between lakes and • Wetlands are habitat to aquatic flora and fauna, farmlands before discharging into wetlands.
wetlands. Wetlands are shallow water bodies numerous species of native and migratory • Utilizing wetlands on a sustainable basis by giv-
whereas lakes can be deep or shallow. birds. ing enough time for natural regeneration.
• National Lake Conservation Programme (NLCP) • Wetlands are an important resource for sustain- • Artificial regeneration for a quick recovery.
considers lakes as standing water bodies which able tourism. • Afforestation, weed control, preventing invasive
• These habitats experience periodic flooding from have a minimum water depth of 3 m, generally • They carry out water purification, filtration of species is the key to wetland conservation.
adjacent deepwater habitats and therefore sup- cover a water spread of more than ten hectares sediments and nutrients from surface water. • Preventive measures to stop the introduction of
ports plants and animals specifically adapted to and have no or very little aquatic vegetation. • They help in nutrients recycling, groundwater re- exotic invasive species like water hyacinth.
such shallow flooding or waterlogging. • Wetlands (generally less than 3 m deep over charging and stabilisation of local climate. • Soil conservation measures & afforestation.
• Waterlogged soil adapted plant life (hydro- most of their area) are usually rich in nutri- • Play an important role in flood mitigation by • Preventing grazing in peripherals of wetlands.
phytes), and hydric soils (not enough O2) are ents (derived from surroundings and their sedi- controlling the rate of runoff. • Wildlife conservation, sustainable tourism, eco-
the chief characteristics of wetlands. ments) and have abundant growth of aquatic • Buffer (act as a riparian buffer) shorelines against tourism and sensitizing local populace.
• India has over 27,000 wetlands, of which 23,000+ macrophytes (an aquatic plant large enough to erosion and pollutants. • Eutrophication abatement by processing
are inland wetlands, and around 4000 are coastal be seen by the naked eye). • They act as a genetic reservoir for various species nutrient rich discharge into the water body.
wetlands. • They support high densities and diverse of plants (especially rice). • Involving the local population in the conserva-
• Wetlands occupy 18.4% of the country's area of fauna, particularly birds, fish and tion of wetlands.
which 70% are under paddy cultivation. macroinvertebrates, and therefore, have high
• Natural wetlands in India range from high alti- value for biodiversity conservation. Measures to Protect Wetlands
tude wetlands in the Himalayas; flood plains of • Excessive growth of macrophytes (both sub-
the major river systems; saline and temporary merged and free-floating) in wetlands affects the • Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
wetlands of the arid and semi-arid regions; water quality adversely and interfere with the • Ramsar Sites in India
coastal wetlands such as lagoons, backwaters, utilisation of the water body. • Wetlands International
estuaries, mangroves, swamps and coral reefs, • However, marginal aquatic vegetation is desira- • National Wetlands Conservation Programme
and so on. ble as it checks erosion, serves habitat for wildlife (NWCP)
and helps improve water quality.
Distinction from Lakes Reasons for depletion Wetlands International

Characteristic Lake Wetland (shallow lake) • Excessive pollutants (Industrial effluents, domes- • Wetlands International is a global organisation
Origin • Largest is due to tectonic forces: • Mostly Fluvial, Residual lakes tic waste, agricultural runoff etc.) are dumped (NGO) that works to sustain and restore wet-
Fluvial, Geomorphic, increase in the into wetlands beyond the recycling capacity. lands and their resources for people and biodi-
water table, etc. • Habitat destruction and deforestation create versity.
Water turnover • Permanent • Permanent or Temporary ecological imbalance by altering the population • Wetlands International's work ranges from re-
Water level changes • Relatively small • Relatively Large of wetland species. search, advocacy and engagement with govern-
Thermal stratification • Yes • No • Conversion of wetlands for agriculture and ments, corporate and international policy fora
Vertical mixing • Thermally regulated • Wind regulated encroachment by public and mafia. and conventions.
Dominant Producer • Phytoplankton • Macrophytes • Overfishing and fish farming (Aquaculture).
Food chain • Grazing Pathway • Detritus Pathway • Overgrazing in marshy soils. Q. With reference to a conservation organisation
Productivity • Low • High • Removal of sand from beds near seas makes the called ‘Wetlands International’, which of the fol-
Trophic status • Oligotrophic • Mostly Eutrophic wetland vulnerable to wave action and tidal bore. lowing statements is/are correct?
Functions-Flood control • Less Significant • Significant 1) It is an intergovernmental organization
Waste treatment • No • Yes formed by the countries which are signato-
• Demarcation of wetlands using the latest tech- ries to Ramsar Convention.
nology, proper enforcement of laws and strin- 2) It works at the field level to develop and
Importance of Wetlands • Wetlands are indispensable for the countless mobilize knowledge and use the practical ex-
gent punishments for violators.
benefits or “ecosystem services” that they pro- perience to advocate for better policies.
vide humanity, ranging from freshwater supply,
39 40
• It also provides guidelines, financial & technical • The Convention uses a broad definition of wet-
assistance to state govt. lands. It includes all lakes and rivers, under-
• Since the land resources belong to them, the ground aquifers, swamps and marshes, wet
State Governments/UT Administration are re- grasslands, peatland, oases, estuaries, deltas and
sponsible for the management of wetlands. tidal flats, mangroves and other coastal areas,
• Aim: Conservation of wetlands to prevent their coral reefs, and all human-made sites such as fish
further degradation and to ensure their wise use ponds, rice paddies, reservoirs and salt pans.
for the benefit of local communities and overall
conservation of biodiversity. COP

Objectives • COP is the policy-making organ of the Conven-

tion which adopts decisions (Resolutions and
• to lay down policy guidelines for conservation Recommendations) to administer the work of the
and management of wetlands. Convention.
• to provide financial assistance for undertaking • Every three years, representatives of the Con-
intensive conservation measures. tracting Parties meet as the Conference of the
• to monitor the implementation of the pro- Contracting Parties (COP)
gramme. • COP12 was held in Punta del Este, Uruguay in
• to prepare an inventory of Indian wetlands. 2015. COP13 took place in Dubai, United Arab
Emirates, in 2018.
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
Under the Convention, the Contracting Parties
commit to:
• International treaty for “the conservation and
sustainable use of wetlands”. • Work towards the wise use of all their wetlands;
• It is also known as the Convention on Wetlands. • Designate suitable wetlands for the List of
• It is named after the city of Ramsar in Iran. Wetlands of International Importance (the
• The Convention was signed on 2nd of February “Ramsar List”) and ensure their effective man-
1971. agement;
• The 2nd of February each year is World Wet- • Cooperate internationally on trans boundary
lands Day. wetlands, shared wetland systems and shared
• Number of parties to the convention (COP) is170. species.
• At the centre of the Ramsar philosophy is the
“wise use” of wetlands. Ramsar Site
• Wise use: maintenance of ecological character
within the context of sustainable development. • At the time of joining the Convention, each Con-
tracting Party undertakes to designate at
Need for Such Convention least one wetland site for inclusion in the List
Select the correct answer using the code given be- • NWCP was implemented in the year 1985-86. • Wetlands are indispensable for the countless of Wetlands of International Importance.
low. • Under the programme, 115 wetlands have been benefits or “ecosystem services” that they pro- • The inclusion of a “Ramsar Site” in the List em-
identified by the MoEF which require urgent con- vide ranging from freshwater supply, food and bodies the government’s commitment to take
a) 1 only the steps necessary to ensure that its ecological
servation and management interventions. building materials, and biodiversity, flood con-
b) 2 only character is maintained.
• Criteria for identification of wetlands of national trol, groundwater recharge, and climate change
c) Both 1 and 2 • There are over 2,300 Ramsar Sites on the territo-
importance under NWCP are the same as those mitigation.
d) Neither 1 nor 2 ries of 170 Ramsar Contracting Parties across the
prescribed under the Ramsar Convention on • 64% of the world’s wetlands have disappeared in
Wetlands. the last century. world.
Answer: b) 2 only. Wetlands International is an NGO
• The Central Government is responsible for the • The countries with the most Sites are the United
overall coordination of wetland conservation What is wetland Kingdom with 170 and Mexico with 142.
National Wetlands Conservation Pro-
programmes. • Bolivia has the largest area under Ramsar pro-
gramme (NWCP)

41 42
Transboundary Ramsar Sites • The Ramsar Convention works closely with six • is an important source of food for fishes, spawn- • As of February 2019, there are 27 Ramsar Sites
organisations known as International Organiza- ing ground, nursery and/or migration path. in India.
• Contracting Parties are designating their new tion Partners (IOPs). These are: • is an important source of food and water re- • Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Ker-
and existing Ramsar Sites as Transboundary 1. Birdlife International source, increased possibilities for recreation and ala and Punjab have three wetlands each.
Ramsar Sites. 2. International Union for Conservation of eco-tourism, etc. • West Bengal, Orissa and Rajasthan have two
• These are ecologically coherent, shared wetlands Nature (IUCN) wetlands each.
extending across national borders, which are 3. International Water Management Insti- Ramsar Sites in India • Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Tripura, Andhra Pradesh,
managed collaboratively. tute (IWMI) Tamil Nadu, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur
4. Wetlands International Jammu & Kashmir have one wetland each.
5. WWF
6. International Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust Sl. No. Name of Site State Area (in Sq. km.)
(WWT) 1 Asthamudi Wetland Kerala 614
2 Bhitarkanika Mangroves Orissa 650
Other Partners 3 Bhoj Wetlands Madhya Pradesh 32.01
4 Chandertal Wetland (Chandra Taal) Himachal Pradesh 0.49
• Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 5 Chilka Lake Orissa 1165
Global Distribution of Ramsar Sites (Source)
• Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), 6 Deepor Beel Assam 40
• Convention on the Conservation of Migratory 7 East Calcutta Wetlands West Bengal 125
The Montreux Record 8 Harike Lake Punjab 41
Species of Wild Animals
• Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), 9 Hokera Wetland Jammu and Kashmir 13.75
• The Montreux Record is a register of wetland 10 Kanjli Lake Punjab 1.83
• World Heritage Convention (WHC) and
sites on the List of Wetlands of International Im- 11 Keoladeo Ghana NP Rajasthan 28.73
• Convention on International Trade in Endan-
portance where changes in ecological charac- 12 Kolleru Lake Andhra Pradesh 901
gered Species (CITES).
ter have occurred, are occurring, or are likely to 13 Loktak Lake Manipur 266
• Project funding is done by various groups like
occur as a result of technological developments, 14 Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary Gujarat 120
multilateral development banks, bilateral donors,
pollution or other human interference. 15 Point Calimere Tamil Nadu 385
UN agencies such as UNEP, UNDP, Non-gov-
• It is maintained as part of the Ramsar List. 16 Pong Dam Lake Himachal Pradesh 156.62
ernmental organisations etc.
17 Renuka Wetland Himachal Pradesh 0.2
Q. If a wetland of international importance is 18 Ropar Lake Punjab 13.65
brought under the ‘Montreux Record’, what does Criteria for Identification of Wetlands under 19 Rudrasagar Lake Tripura 2.4
it imply? Ramsar Convention 20 Sambhar Lake Rajasthan 240
21 Sasthamkotta Lake Kerala 3.73
a) Changes in ecological character have oc-
If a wetland 22 Sunderbans Wetland West Bengal 4230
curred, are occurring or are likely to occur in
23 Surinsar-Mansar Lakes Jammu and Kashmir 3.5
the wetland as a result of human interfer- • contains a representative, rare, or unique exam- 24 Tsomoriri Lake Jammu and Kashmir 120
ence. ple of a natural or near-natural wetland type. 25 Upper Ganga River (Brijghat to Narora Stretch) Uttar Pradesh 265.9
b) The country in which the wetland is located • supports vulnerable, endangered, or critically en- 26 Vembanad Kol Wetland Kerala 1512.5
should enact a law to prohibit any human ac- dangered species; or threatened ecological com- 27 Wular Lake Jammu & Kashmir 189
tivity within five kilometres from the edge of munities. 11,121.31
the wetland • supports populations of plant and/or animal
c) The survival of the wetland depends on the species important for maintaining the biological (Source: Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govern- Notable Ramsar Sites in India
cultural practices and traditions of certain diversity of a particular biogeographic region. ment of India)
communities living in its vicinity, and there- • supports plant and/or animal species at a critical
fore the cultural diversity therein should not stage in their life cycles or provides refuge during Ramsar Site Comments
be destroyed adverse conditions. Asthamudi Wetland • A natural backwater in Kollam district.
d) It is given the status of ‘World Heritage Site’ • It forms an estuary with Sea at Neendakara (famous fishing harbour in Kerala).
• regularly supports 20,000 or more water birds.
Bhitarkanika Mangroves • The core area of Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary was declared Bhitarkanika National
• regularly supports 1% of the individuals in a pop-
Answer: a) Park.
ulation of one species or subspecies of water
• Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary includes Gahirmatha Marine Wildlife Sanctuary.
birds. • Bhitarkanika Mangroves, a part of Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary was designated a
International Organization Partners
• supports a significant proportion of indigenous Ramsar Wetland of International Importance in 2002.
fish subspecies • It is famous for its saltwater crocodiles and Olive ridley sea turtle.

43 44
Bhoj Wetlands • Consists of two lakes located in the city of Bhopal. • It is below sea level and is famous for exotic fish varieties and Paddy fields that are
• The two lakes are the Bhojtal and the Lower Lake. below sea level.
• It is a humanmade reservoir. Wular Lake • The largest freshwater lake in India.
• The largest bird of India, the sarus crane (Grus antigone) is found here.
Chilka Lake • Chilka Lake is a brackish water lagoon at the mouth of the Daya River.
• It is the largest coastal lagoon in India.
• Birds from as far as the Caspian Sea, Lake Baikal, the Aral Sea and other remote parts
of Russia, Kirghiz steppes of Mongolia, Central and Southeast Asia, Ladakh and Him-
alayas come here.
• In 1981, Chilika Lake was designated the first Indian wetland of international im-
portance under the Ramsar Convention.
• Nalbana Island (bird sanctuary) is the core area of the Ramsar designated wet-
lands of Chilika Lake.
• The Irrawaddy dolphin (Vulnerable) is the flagship species of Chilika lake.
• Chilka is home to the only known population of Irrawaddy dolphins in India.
• It is classified as critically endangered in five of the six other places it is known to live.
Deepor Beel • It is a permanent freshwater lake, in a former channel of the Brahmaputra River.
East Calcutta Wetlands • The wetland forms an urban facility for treating the city's wastewater.
Keoladeo Ghana NP • A complex of ten artificial, seasonal lagoons, varying in size, situated in a densely
populated region.
• Placed on the Montreux Record in 1990 due to "water shortage and an unbalanced
grazing regime".
• Additionally, the invasive growth of the grass Paspalum distichum has changed the
ecological character of large areas of the site, reducing its suitability for certain
waterbird species, notably the Siberian crane.
Kolleru Lake • Bird sanctuary and wildlife sanctuary. I was previously a lagoon, but now it is several
kilometres inland due to the coastline of emergence and delta formation.
Loktak Lake • Loktak Lake is the largest freshwater lake in the north-eastern region.
• Keibul Lamjao the only floating national park in the world floats over it.
Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary • A natural freshwater lake (a relict sea) that is the largest natural wetland in the Thar
Desert Biogeographic Province.
• Besides a few mammalian species including the wild ass and the black buck, its mi-
gratory bird population includes rosy pelicans, flamingoes, white storks, brahminy
ducks and herons.
• Thousands of migratory waterfowl flock to this sanctuary just after the Indian mon- Source and Credits
soon season.
Point Calimere • One of the last remnants of Dry Evergreen Forests. Largest and Smallest, Newest and Oldest Ramsar Sites in India
• Habitat: Dry Evergreen Forests, Mangrove & Wetlands.
• Winter Migrants: Spoon Billed Sandpiper, Greater Flamingos. Largest Ramsar Sites in India (Area in Sq. km)
Sambhar Lake • The Sambhar Salt Lake, India's largest inland salt Lake. 1. Sunderbans Wetland West Bengal 4230
• A key wintering area for tens of thousands of flamingos and other birds that 2. Vembanad Kol Wetland Kerala 1512.5
migrate from northern Asia. 3. Chilka Lake Orissa 1165
Tsomoriri Lake • A freshwater to brackish lake lying at 4,595m above sea level. 4. Kolleru Lake Andhra Pradesh 901
• The site is said to represent the only breeding ground outside of China for one of the
5. Bhitarkanika Mangroves Orissa 650
most endangered cranes, the Black-necked crane, and the only breeding ground for
Bar-headed geese in India.
6. Asthamudi Wetland Kerala 614
• The Great Tibetan Sheep or Argali and Tibetan Wild Ass (Equus kiang) are en- Smallest Ramsar Sites in India (Area in Sq. km)
demic to the Tibetan plateau, of which the Changthang is the westernmost part. 1. Renuka Wetland Himachal Pradesh 0.2
Upper Ganga River • The river provides habitat for IUCN Red-listed Ganges River Dolphin and Gharials. 2. Chandertal Wetland Himachal Pradesh 0.49
(Brijghat to Narora Stretch) 3. Kanjli Lake Punjab 1.83
Vembanad Kol Wetland • Longest lake of India. Newest Ramsar Sites in India (Year)
• Largest lake of Kerala.
1. Sunderbans Wetland West Bengal 2019
• Second largest Ramsar Site in India after Sundarbans.

45 46
2. Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary Gujarat 2012 • Precipitation of clay and alluvium particles in
Oldest Ramsar Sites in India (Year) the estuarine region is high because of the ex-
1. Chilka Lake Orissa 1981 posure to saline water (saline water precipitates
2. Keoladeo Ghana NP Rajasthan 1981 fine alluvium).
• Estuaries store and recycle nutrients, traps sedi-
ment and forms a buffer between coastal catch-
• Estuaries are formed due to rise in sea level, ments and the marine environment.
movement of sand and sandbars, glacial pro- • They also absorb, trap and detoxify pollutants,
cesses and tectonic processes. acting as a natural water filter.
• All the plants and animals in the estuaries are • Estuaries with their wetlands, creeks, lagoons,
subjected to variations in salinity to which they mangroves and sea-grass beds are rich in natural
are adapted (osmoregulation). resources including fisheries.
• Estuaries are greatly influenced by tidal action. • They are deep and well protected from marine
They are periodically washed by sea water once transgressions, and hence they are ideal loca-
or twice a day based on the number of tides. tions for the construction of ports and harbours.
• In some narrow estuaries, tidal bores are signifi- • The banks of estuarine channels form a favoured
cant. Tidal bores cause great damage to the es- location for human settlements, which use the
tuarine ecology. estuaries for fishing and commerce but nowa-
days also for dumping civic and industrial waste.
Importance of Estuaries
Differences between Lagoon and Estuary
• They are the most productive (more productive
than wetlands) water bodies in the world be- • A lagoon is a stretch of salt water separated from
cause of the mixing of freshwater and saline wa- the sea by a low sandbank or coral reef.
ter zone where marine organisms of both the • Backwaters in Kerala are mostly lagoons where
ecosystems meet. seawater flows inwards through a small inlet that
• Ecotone regions (transitional zones) like man- is open towards the sea.
groves, wetlands, estuaries, grasslands etc. have • In estuaries, the water flows fast and strong,
far greater productivity compared to natural while in lagoons the water is shallower and flows
ecosystems like a forest ecosystem, ocean eco- sluggishly.
system, pond ecosystem, riverine ecosystem, de- • Estuaries are usually deeper than lagoons. Also,
sert ecosystem etc. This is because of the wide- lagoons mostly don’t have any fresh water
ranging species from the adjacent ecosystems source while the estuaries have at least one. La-
being present in the ecotone. goons are more saline than estuaries.
• Also, an estuary has very little wave action, so • Lagoons are formed due to falling in sea lev-
it provides a calm refuge from the open sea and els (coastline of emergence. E.g. Kerala Coast)
hence becomes ideal for the survival of numer- whereas estuaries are mostly formed due to
ous aquatic species. rise in sea levels (coastline of submergence. E.g.
• Estuaries are most heavily populated areas Konkan coast)
throughout the world, with about 60% of the
Estuarine Vegetation
world's population living along estuaries and the
Estuarine Ecosystem • At the estuaries, freshwater carrying fertile silt coast.
and runoff from the land mixes with the salty sea • Only certain types of plants and animals adapted
• The vast mangrove forests on the seaward side
water. to the "brackish" estuarine waters flourish in the
• An estuary is a place where a river or a stream of an estuary act as a barrier for the coastal
• Estuaries form a transition zone (ecotone) be- estuaries.
opens into the sea (mouth of the river). habitat to check the wind speed during cyclones
tween river environments and maritime environ- • Factors influencing the distribution of organism
• It is a partially enclosed coastal area of brackish and high velocity landward winds.
ments. in an estuary are its salinity and the amount of
water (salinity varies between 0-35 ppt) with one • Mangroves act as a filter trapping suspended
• Examples of estuaries are river mouths, coastal flooding.
or more rivers or streams flowing into it, and with mud and sand carried by rivers which leads to
a free connection to the open sea. bays, tidal marshes, lagoons and deltas. delta formations around estuaries.
47 48
• Estuaries support diverse habitats, such as man- • Expansion of urban and rural settlements, mining • They contain a complex salt filtration system and
groves, salt marshes, sea-grass, mudflats etc. & industries, agriculture and dumping of solid complex root system to cope with salt water im-
• Estuaries are very dynamic and productive eco- wastes. mersion and wave action.
systems since the river flow, tidal range and sed- • Overexploitation of target fish stock due to in- • They are adapted to the low oxygen (an-
iment distribution is continuously changing in creased demand. oxic) conditions of waterlogged mud.
them. • Reclaiming the fringed areas for intensive aqua- • They produce pneumatophores (blind
• In general, the phytoplankton of estuaries are culture in pens. roots) to overcome the respiration problem in
diatoms, dinoflagellates, green algae, blue- • Obstructing the migratory routes of fish and the anaerobic soil conditions.
green algae. prawn recruitment (e.g., Chilka, Pulicat). • Mangroves occur worldwide in the tropics and
• Towards the sea coast of the estuaries, there are • Polluting the environment through feeding of subtropics, mainly between latitudes 25° N and
large algae and seagrasses. Near the mouth of stocked fish and prawn in pens (Chilka). 25° S.
the rivers and deltas, there are mangrove forests. • Destruction of biodiversity through prawn seed
• Estuaries are homes to all king of terrestrial or collection and operation of small-meshed nets
land-based plants and animals, such as wood (e.g., Hooghly, Chilka, Pulicat).
storks, pelicans, coniferous and deciduous trees • Submergence of catchment areas due to rising in
and butterflies. water level.
• Estuaries are also home to unique aquatic plants
and animals, such as sea turtles, sea lions, sea Mangroves
catfish, saltworts, eelgrass, salt grasses, Prop roots and pneumatophores
cordgrasses, seagrass, sedge, bulrush etc. • Mangroves represent a characteristic littoral
(near the seashore) forest ecosystem.
India Estuarine Ecosystem • These are mostly evergreen forests that grow in
sheltered low lying coasts, estuaries, mudflats, • The mangroves of Sundarbans are the largest
• The Country has 14 major, 44 medium and 162 tidal creeks backwaters (coastal waters held back single block of tidal halophytic mangroves of the
minor rivers drains into the sea through various on land), marshes and lagoons of tropical and world.
estuaries. subtropical regions. • This mangrove forest is famous for the Royal
• Major estuaries occur in the Bay of Bengal. • Mangroves grow below the high water level of Bengal Tiger and crocodiles.
Many estuaries are locations of some of the ma- spring tides. Stilt roots • Mangrove areas here are being cleared for agri-
jor seaports. • The best locations are where abundant silt is cultural use.
• Most of India's major estuaries occur on the east brought down by rivers or on the backshore of • The mangroves of Bhitarkanika (Orissa), which
coast. In contrast, the estuaries on the west coast accreting sandy beaches. • They require high solar radiation to filter saline is the second largest in the Indian sub-conti-
are smaller (in environmental studies, deltas • Mangroves are highly productive ecosystems, water through their roots. This explains why nent, harbour high concentration of typical man-
are considered as subsections of estuaries). and the trees may vary in height from 8 to 20 m. mangroves are confined to only tropical and grove species and high genetic diversity.
• Two typical examples of estuaries on the west They protect the shoreline from the effect of cy- sub-tropical coastal waters. • Mangrove swamps occur in profusion in the in-
coast are the Mandovi and Zuari estuaries. clones and tsunamis. • Mangroves occur in a variety of configurations. tertidal mudflats on both side of the creeks in the
• They are breeding and spawning ground for Some species (e.g. Rhizophora) send arch- Godavari-Krishna deltaic regions of Andhra Pra-
Issues of Indian Estuarine Ecosystem many commercially important fishes. ing prop roots down into the water. desh.
• Since mangroves are located between the land • While other (e.g. Avicennia) send vertical “Pneu- • Mangroves of Pichavaram and Vedaranyam
• Modifications of the estuarine catchments result and sea, they represent the best example of eco- matophores” or air roots up from the mud. are degraded mainly due to the construction of
in changes in water flow in various estuaries, ei- tone. • Adventitious roots which emerged from the aquaculture ponds and salt pans.
ther far in excess or much lower than required • Mangroves are shrubs or small trees that grow in main trunk of a tree above ground level are • On the west coast of India, mangroves, mostly
(E.g. Hooghly, Godavari, Pulicat etc.) coastal saline or brackish water. called stilt roots. scrubby and degraded occur along the intertidal
• Pollution through industries and combined city • Mangroves are salt tolerant trees, also • Mangroves exhibit Viviparity mode of repro- region of estuaries and creeks in Maharashtra,
sewage discharge. called halophytes, and are adapted harsh duction. i.e. seeds germinate in the tree itself Goa and Karnataka.
• Recreational boating and fishing. coastal conditions. (before falling to the ground). • The mangrove vegetation in the coastal zone of
• Navigation, dredging and shipping (e.g. • Mangrove vegetation facilitates more water • This is an adaptive mechanism to overcome the Kerala is very sparse and thin.
Hooghly). loss. Leaves are thick and contain salt-secreting problem of germination in saline water. • In Gujarat (north-west coast) mangroves Avicen-
glands. Some block absorption of salt at their nia marine, Avicennia officinalis and Rhizophora
roots itself. Mangroves in India

49 50
mucronata are found mainly in Gulf of Kutch Q. Which one of the following is the correct se- have productivity slightly greater than that of 4.1 Major Causes of Environmen-
and the Kori creek. quence of ecosystems in the order of decreasing oceans.
• Mangroves are of scrubby type with stunted productivity? tal Degradation
growth, forming narrow, discontinuous patches
a) Oceans, lakes, grasslands, mangroves Air pollution
on soft clayey mud.
b) Mangroves, oceans, grasslands, lakes
• The condition of the mangroves is improving es-
c) Mangroves, grasslands, lakes, oceans • Pollution: Gaseous pollutants: Oxides of carbon,
pecially in the Kori creek region, which is a
d) Oceans, mangroves, lakes, grasslands nitrogen and sulphur.
paleodelta of the Indus river (once upon a time
• Particulate matter: Fine metal dust, fly ash, soot,
it was part of Indus delta). Explanation:
cotton dust and radioactive substances.
• In size, mangroves range from bushy stands of
• Productivity = production/unit area/unit time. • Burning of plastics: Emits polychlorinated
dwarf mangroves found in Gulf of Kutch, to taller
• Production/unit area depends on the number biphenyls (PCBs).
stands found in the Sunderbans.
and diversity of producers. • Industrial catastrophes: Accidental release of
• On the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, the small
• Ecotones have greater productivity compared to some poisonous gases like phosgene (COCl2)
tidal estuaries and the lagoons support a dense
the surrounding ecosystems. Mangroves and and methyl isocyanate (as it happened in Bho-
and diverse undisturbed mangrove flora.
grasslands are ecotones. (Tropical Rainforests is pal in 1985) were fatal.
Importance of Mangroves an exception as it has productivity comparable to • Secondary air pollutants formed from complex
wetlands because of its rich diversity of primary reactions between primary pollutants, such as
• Mangrove plants have (additional) special roots producers). smog and acid rain.
such as prop roots, pneumatophores which help • Note: Grasslands are not transitional all the time. 4. Global Environmental Issues • Global warming: Increasing use of fossil fuels is
E.g. Steppe. Non-transitional grasslands have a leading cause of increasing levels of CO2 and
to impede water flow and thereby enhance the and Environmental Degradation other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
deposition of sediment in areas (where it is al- very low productivity because of very limited di-
ready occurring), stabilise the coastal shores, versity of primary producers. (Grasslands be-
The important global environmental issues are: Water pollution
provide a breeding ground for fishes. come transitional only when they are narrow).
• Mangroves moderate monsoonal tidal floods • So, the order of decreasing productivity will be ✓ Biodiversity Loss • Industrial and domestic effluents: Pathogens,
and reduce inundation of coastal lowlands. like ✓ Desertification heavy metals in water bodies and soil.
• They prevent coastal soil erosion. • Mangroves ,…… , …… , …….. ✓ Depletion of Ozone Layer (explained in • Hazardous waste/Toxic substances: Use of a
• They protect coastal lands from tsunami, hurri- • Oceans = very deep and hence productivity is Geography > Climatology > Polar Vortex various type of chemicals today have serious
canes and floods. limited to the surface only (Below in the aphotic > Ozone Depletion) health implications. The incidence of cancer, ge-
• Mangroves enhance the natural recycling of nu- zone productivity is negligible. Aphotic zone in ✓ Acid Rain netic mutations and damage to nervous, im-
trients. oceans is few kilometres). ✓ Oil Spills mune and hormonal systems.
• Mangrove supports numerous florae, avifauna • Also, surface water in oceans is very poor in nu- ✓ Dumping of Hazardous Wastes
and wildlife. trients. Nutrient-rich cold water flows as a sub- ✓ Climate change due to greenhouse effect Soil degradation
• Provide a safe and favourable environment for surface flow lying in the aphotic zone. Sunlight and global warming.
breeding, spawning, rearing of several fishes. and nutrients are far apart, and hence primary • Environmental degradation is making the envi- • Deforestation, overgrazing, intensive cultivation,
• They supply woods, firewood, medicinal plants productivity is very low except in regions where ronment unfit or less suitable for the survival of over irrigation etc. results in the loss of topsoil
and edible plants to local people. there is an upwelling of nutrient-rich cold water different life forms thereby causing immense and fertility of the land. Prolonged degradation
• They provide numerous employment opportuni- (Cold and Warm current mixing zones). ecological damage. of land leads to desertification.
ties to local communities and augments their • So open ocean ecosystem has the least produc- • Population explosion, urbanisation and the
livelihood. tivity. (Desert ecosystem also has very low Damage to ecology and biodiversity
associated increase in human needs and com-
productivity, lesser than oceans). forts have resulted in rapid industrialisation.
Threats • So, the answer will look like Mangroves, ………., • Habitat fragmentation and destruction: Industri-
• Rapid industrialization in turn has led to overex- alization and associated infrastructure develop-
………, Oceans. ploitation of natural resources.
• They are destroyed for conversion of the area for • The only such option is c) ment have led to the destruction of habitats of
• The consequences of such exploitation are evi- many species.
agricultural purpose, fuel, fodder and,
Answer: c) Mangroves, grasslands, lakes, oceans. dent in the form of soil erosion, desertification, • Invasive populations: Introduction of new alien
salinisation, mining, oil spills, aquacultural
loss of biodiversity, pollution of land, air and wa- species or non-native species reduces the
(shrimp farming), use of chemical pesticides &
• Lakes just like oceans have low productivity. But ter bodies. populations' growth of native species.
fertilisers, industrial purposes.
due to some plants in the photic zone, lakes

51 52
• Overexploitation and introduction of a new or result of human activities. The agents which • Presence of high levels of all these pollutants diameter (PM 2.5) are responsible for causing
genetically modified species reduce the produc- cause environmental pollution are called pol- causes visibility to be lowered, especially in cold the greatest harm to human health.
tivity of natural ecosystems. lutants. weather when water also condenses out of the • These fine particulates can be inhaled deep into
• A pollutant may be defined as a physical, air. This is known as smog and is a visible indica- the lungs and can cause breathing and respira-
4.2 Consequences of Environmen- chemical or biological substance released into tion of air pollution. tory symptoms, irritation, inflammations
the environment which is directly or indirectly and pneumoconiosis (disease of the lungs
tal Degradation Classification of Pollutants
harmful to humans and other living organisms. caused due to inhalation of dust. It is
• Pollution may be of the following types: Air characterised by inflammation, coughing, and fi-
• Increased sensitivity to diseases: Cultivated
pollution, Noise pollution, Water pollution, According to the form in which they persist after re- brosis – excess deposition of fibrous tissue).
species of plants, fishes and other domesticated
Soil pollution, Thermal pollution and Radi- lease into the environment.
animals have become increasingly sensitive to Fly ash
ation pollution.
pest and diseases. • Primary pollutants: These are persistent in the
• In order to control environmental pollution,
• Genetic resistance: An increased use of insecti- form in which they are added to the environ- • Fly ash is ejected mostly by thermal power
the Government of India has passed the Envi-
cides, pesticides and antibiotics has speeded up ment, e.g. DDT, plastic, CO, CO2, oxides of ni- plants as by-products of coal burning opera-
ronment (Protection) Act, 1986 (Bhopal dis-
directional natural selection and caused ge- trogen and sulphur, etc. tions.
aster) to protect and improve the quality of
netic resistance in pathogens. • Secondary Pollutants: These are formed by inter- • Fly ash pollutes air and water and may cause
our air, water and soil.
• Effect on nutrient recycling: Use of fertilisers in action among the primary pollutants. For exam- heavy metal pollution in water bodies.
• Air pollution may be defined as the presence of
agricultural fields interferes with the natural bio- ple, peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) is formed by • Fly ash affects crops and vegetation as a result of
any solid, liquid or gaseous substance includ-
geochemical cycles. the interaction of nitrogen oxides and hydro- its direct deposition on leaf surfaces.
ing noise and radioactive radiation in the at-
• Loss of biodiversity: Habitat destruction and carbons.
mosphere in such concentration that may be di-
habitat fragmentation are threatening the sur- Composition
rectly and/or indirectly injurious to humans or According to their existence in nature
vival of many endangered species.
other living organisms, property or interferes
• Climate change/global warming: Air pollution • Fly ash particles are oxide rich and consist of
with the normal environmental processes. • Quantitative Pollutants: These occur in nature
is making the planet inhospitable due to events silica, alumina, oxides of iron, calcium, and
• An ever-increasing use of fossil fuels in power and become pollutant when their concentration
like global warming, acid rain, ocean acidification magnesium and toxic heavy metals like lead,
plants, industries, transportation, mining, con- reaches beyond a threshold level. E.g. carbon di-
etc. arsenic, cobalt, and copper.
struction of buildings, stone quarries had led to oxide, nitrogen oxide.
• Melting of ice caps and glaciers/Sea level • Major oxides are present are aluminium sili-
air pollution. • Qualitative Pollutants: These do not occur in
change: Global warming is posing a serious cate (in large amounts), silicon dioxide
• Fossil fuels contain small amounts of nitro- nature and are human-made. E.g. fungicides,
threat to Himalayan and polar ecosystems by (SiO2) and calcium oxide (CaO).
gen and sulphur. herbicides, DDT etc.
melting snow at a faster rate. Rise in sea level in
• Burning of fossil fuels like coal (thermal power
future is a serious threat to coastal landforms. Uses
plants) and petroleum release different oxides Particulate pollutants
• Change in weather patterns: The incidence of
of nitrogen and sulphur into the atmosphere. • Cement can be replaced by fly ash up to 35%,
extreme weather events and change in weather
• These gases react with the water vapour present • Particulate pollutants are matter suspended in air
patterns have become common due to environ- thus reducing the cost of construction, making
in the atmosphere to form sulphuric acid and such as dust and soot.
mental degradation. roads, etc.
nitric acid. The acids drop down with rain, mak- • Major source of SPM (suspended particulate
• Depletion of water resources: Water pollution • Fly ash bricks are light in weight and offer high
ing the rain acidic. This is called acid rain. matter) are industries, vehicles, power plants,
has created a tremendous scarcity of quality wa- strength and durability.
• Acid rain corrodes the marble monuments like construction activities, oil refinery, railway yard,
ter resources. • Fly ash is a better fill material for road embank-
Taj Mahal. This phenomenon is called as Marble market place, industries, etc.
• Desertification: Lot of arable lands is converted ments and in concrete roads.
cancer. • Their size ranges from 0.001 to 500 microme-
to wasteland due to erosion, salinity and loss of • Fly ash can be used in the reclamation of waste-
• Other kinds of pollutants are chlorofluorocar- tres (µm) in diameter.
fertility. lands.
bons (CFCs) which are used in refrigerators, air ✓ Particles less than 10 µm float and move
• Abandoned mines can be filled up with fly ash.
conditioners and as pressurising agents in freely with the air current.
4.3 Air Pollution • Fly ash can increase crop yield when added to
aerosol sprays. CFCs damage the ozone layer ✓ Particles which are more than 10 µm in diam-
the soil. But if it gets deposited on the leaf, it will
of the atmosphere. eter settle down.
reduce photosynthesis.
• The combustion of fossil fuels also increases the ✓ Particles less than 0.02 µm form persistent
Pollution • It also enhances the water holding capacity of
number of suspended particles in the air. These aerosols.
the land.
suspended particles could be unburnt carbon • According to the Central Pollution Control Board
• Pollution may be defined as the addition of
particles or substances called hydrocarbons. (CPCB), particulate size 2.5 µm or less in Policy measures of MoEF
undesirable material into the environment as a

53 54
• The Ministry of Environment and Forests has • It has long term effects on children as it lowers • Dust cloud formation decreases sunlight inten- 3) They can trigger the production of free radi-
made it mandatory to use Fly Ash-based prod- intelligence. sity. cals.
ucts in all construction projects, road embank-
ment works, and low lying landfilling works Metallic Oxides Asian brown clouds impact on Himalayan glaci- Select the correct answer using the code given be-
within 100 km radius of Thermal Power Station ers low.
and mine filling activities within 50 km radius of • Oxides of iron, aluminium, manganese, magne-
a) 1 and 2 only
Thermal Power Station. sium, zinc and other metals have an adverse ef- • Asian brown clouds carry large amounts of soot
b) 3 only
fect due to deposition of dust on plants during and black carbon (NPs) and deposit them on
c) 1 and 3 only
Q. With reference to ‘fly ash’ produced by the mining operations and metallurgical processes. the Himalayan glaciers.
d) 1, 2 and 3
power plants using the coal as fuel, which of the • They create physiological, biochemical and de- • This could lead to higher absorption of the sun's
following statements is/are correct? velopmental disorders in plants and also contrib- heat (reduced albedo) and potentially contrib- Answer: d) all
ute towards reproductive failure in plants. uting to the increased melting of glaciers.
1) Fly ash can be used in the production of Major Gaseous Air Pollutants, Their
bricks for building construction Nanoparticles (NPs) NPs and ozone depletion Sources & Effects
2) Fly ash can be used as a replacement for
some of the Portland cement contents of • Nanoparticles are particles with dimensions • NPs can result in increased production of reac-
Carbon monoxide (CO)
concrete comparable to 1/109 of a meter (1 divided by 100 tive oxygen species (ROS), including free rad-
3) Fly ash is made up of silicon dioxide and cal- crores). icals like Cl-.
• Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless,
cium oxide only and does not contain any • Major natural processes that release NPs in the • Radicals like Cl- destroy ozone. (Explained in Ge-
tasteless and highly toxic gas that is slightly less
toxic elements. atmosphere are forest fires, volcanic erup- ography > Climatology > Polar Vortex > Ozone
dense than air. It is short-lived (stay only a few
tions, weathering, dust storms from desert Depletion)
months) in the atmosphere.
Select the correct answer using the code given below etc.
In chemistry, a radical (a free radical) is an atom, • Carbon monoxide is produced from the exhaust
a) 1 and 2 • Naturally occurring NPs are quite heterogeneous
molecule, or ion that has unpaired valence electrons. of internal combustion engines and incom-
b) 2 only in size and can be transported over thousands of
plete combustion of various other fuels. Iron
c) 1 and 3 kilometres and remain suspended in the air for
Effect of NPs on stratospheric temperature smelting also produces carbon monoxide as a
d) 3 only several days.
• Nanotechnology has a global socioeconomic
• NPs in the troposphere interact with molecular • It forms when there is not enough oxygen to pro-
• Fly ash does contain heavy toxic elements like ar- value, with applications ranging from electronics
hydrogen accidentally released from hydrogen duce carbon dioxide (CO2).
senic, cobalt, lead etc. to biomedical uses (delivering drugs to target
fuel cells and other sources. • In the presence of oxygen, carbon monoxide
Answer: a) 1 and 2 • Molecular hydrogen along with NPs moves up burns with a blue flame, producing carbon diox-
• Man-made NPs are unknowingly or purposely
to the stratosphere, resulting in the abundance ide.
released in the environment during various in-
Lead of water vapour in the stratosphere. • Worldwide, the largest source of carbon monox-
dustrial and mechanical processes.
• This will cause stratospheric cooling due to the ide is natural in origin, due to photochemical
• It is present in petrol, diesel, lead batteries, formation of Stratospheric clouds (mostly ice reactions in the troposphere.
Effects of Nanoparticles on the environment
paints, hair dye products, etc. crystals). • Other natural sources of CO include volcanoes,
• It can cause nervous system damage and diges- • Stratospheric clouds destroy ozone. (Geography forest fires, and other forms of combustion.
• After releasing in the environment, NPs will ac-
tive problems and, in some cases, cause cancer. cumulate in various environmental matrices such > Climatology > Polar Vortex > Ozone Deple-
• Lead affects children in particular. tion) Health Effects
as air, water, soil and sediments including
• Tetraethyl lead (TEL) is used as an anti-knock wastewater sludge.
agent in petrol for a smooth and easy running Q. There is some concern regarding the nanopar- • Carbon monoxide poisoning is the most com-
• NPs in the environment influences dust cloud
of vehicles. ticles of some chemical elements that are used by mon type of fatal air poisoning (poor ventilation
formation, environmental hydroxyl radical
• The lead particles coming out from the exhaust the industry in the manufacture of various prod- and heat management in laptops and other elec-
concentration, ozone depletion, or strato-
pipes of vehicles is mixed with air. ucts. Why? trons can cause the release of CO).
spheric temperature change.
• It produces injurious effects on kidney and • It is toxic to haemoglobin animals (including
liver and interferes with the development of red 1) They can accumulate in the environment and humans) when encountered in concentrations
Effect of NPs on dust cloud formation
blood cells. contaminate water and soil. above about 35 ppm.
• Lead mixed with water and food can create cu- • NPs in environment coagulate and form dust 2) They can enter the food chains. • It combines with haemoglobin to pro-
mulative poisoning. cloud. duce carboxyhaemoglobin, which usurps the

55 56
space in haemoglobin that normally carries • It is also a major cause of ocean acidifica- • Agricultural fertilisation and the use of ✓ some industrial processes, such as the
oxygen. tion because it dissolves in water to form car- nitrogen-fixing plants also contribute to at- production of paper and smelting of metals.
bonic acid. mospheric NOx, by promoting nitrogen fixation ✓ reactions involving Hydrogen Sulphide
Environmental Effects by microorganisms. (H2S) and oxygen.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) • NO and NO2 (contribute to global cool- ✓ The roasting of sulphide ores such as
• Carbon monoxide (CO) is not considered a di- ing) should not be confused with nitrous oxide pyrite, sphalerite, and cinnabar (mercury
rect greenhouse gas (GHG). • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are used in refriger- (N2O – GHG), which is a greenhouse gas and sulphide).
• In the atmosphere, it is spatially variable and ators, air conditioners and aerosol sprays. has many uses as an oxidiser.
short-lived, having a role in the formation • Since the late 1970s, the use of CFCs has been Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
of ground-level ozone (tropospheric ozone) heavily regulated because of their destructive ef- Effects on Health and Environment
and can elevate concentrations of methane (a fects on the ozone layer. (Explained in Geogra- • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are a large
strong GHG). phy > Climatology > Polar Vortex > Ozone De- • They are believed to aggravate asthmatic con- group of carbon-based chemicals that eas-
✓ Carbon monoxide reacts with hydroxyl pletion) ditions and create many respiratory health is- ily evaporate at room temperature.
radical (-OH) to produce peroxy radical. • The Montreal Protocol on Substances that De- sues. • For example, formaldehyde, which evaporates
✓ Peroxy radical reacts with nitrogen oxide plete the Ozone Layer (a protocol to the Vienna • The reduction of NOx emissions is one of the from paint, has a boiling point of only –19 °C.
(NO) to form nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and Convention for the Protection of the Ozone most important technical challenges facing bio- • Formaldehyde causes irritation to the eyes and
hydroxyl radical. Layer) is an international treaty designed to diesel. nose and allergies.
✓ NO2 gives O3 via photolysis (separation of protect the ozone layer by phasing out the pro- • NOx gases react to form smog and acid rain as • The main indoor sources are perfumes, hair
molecules by the action of light). duction of numerous substances including CFCs well as being central to the formation of tropo- sprays, furniture polish, glues, air fresheners,
which are responsible for ozone depletion. spheric ozone. (Explained in Geography > Cli- moth repellents, wood preservatives, and
Carbon dioxide (CO2) matology > Forms of Condensation > Smog) other products.
Ozone (O3) • When NOx and volatile organic compounds • Health effects: irritation of the eye, nose and
(VOCs) react in the presence of sunlight, they throat, headaches, nausea and loss of
• Colourless and odourless gas. It is heavier than
form photochemical smog. coordination.
air. • It occurs naturally in the stratosphere and ab-
• Mono-nitrogen oxides eventually form nitric acid • Long term health effects: suspected to damage
• Natural sources include volcanoes, hot springs sorbs harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.
when dissolved in atmospheric moisture, form- the liver and other parts of the body.
and geysers, and it is freed from carbonate rocks • However, at the ground level, it is a pollutant
ing a component of acid rain.
by dissolution in water and acids. (Greenhouse gas) with highly toxic effects.
• NO and NO2 emissions cause global cool- Benzene
• Because carbon dioxide is soluble in water, it • Vehicles and industries are the major sources of
ing through the formation of -OH radicals
occurs naturally in groundwater, rivers and lakes, ground-level ozone emissions.
that destroy methane molecules, countering
in ice caps and glaciers and also in seawater. • Carbon monoxide, Nitrogen dioxide play a • Benzene is a natural constituent of crude oil and
the effect of greenhouse gases.
major role in converting O2 to O3. is one of the elementary petrochemicals.
Effects on Health • Ozone makes our eyes itchy, and watery. It low- • Because benzene has a high octane number, it
Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
ers our resistance to cold and pneumonia. is an important component of gasoline (petrol).
• CO2 is an asphyxiant gas (asphyxia: a condition • Benzene increases the risk of cancer and other
• It is a toxic gas with a pungent, irritating smell. It
arising when the body is deprived of oxygen, Nitrogen oxide (NOx) illnesses.
contributes to acid rain.
causing unconsciousness or death.). • Benzene is a notorious cause of bone marrow
• It is released naturally by volcanic activity. It is
• Concentrations of 7% may cause suffocation, • NOx is a generic term for the various nitrogen ox- failure.
abundantly available in the atmosphere of Ve-
even in the presence of sufficient oxygen, mani- ides produced during combustion.
festing as dizziness, headache, and unconscious- • They are produced mainly in internal combus- Ethylene
• Sulphur dioxide is primarily produced for sulfuric
ness. tion engines and coal-burning power plants.
acid manufacture.
• They are also produced naturally by lightning. • Ethylene is widely used in the chemical industry.
Effects on Environment • Inhaling sulphur dioxide is associated with in-
• Much of this production goes toward polyeth-
creased respiratory symptoms and premature
Oxygen and nitrogen do not react at ambient temper- ylene, a widely used plastic containing polymer
• Carbon dioxide is an important greenhouse gas. atures. But at high temperatures, they produce vari- chains of ethylene units in various chain lengths.
• It also weakens the functioning of certain nerves.
• Burning of carbon-based fuels since the indus- ous oxides of nitrogen. Such temperatures arise inside • Ethylene is also an important natural plant hor-
• It is also produced by
trial revolution has led to global warming. an internal combustion engine or a power station mone, used in agriculture to force the ripening
boiler. of fruits.
✓ burning coal in thermal power
plants and diesel fuels.

57 58
• Ethylene is of low toxicity to humans and expo- thickening and scarring making the lungs less Control of Industrial Pollution • The particles are removed from the collection
sure to excess ethylene cause adverse health ef- efficient in supplying oxygen to the blood. surface by occasional shaking or by rapping the
fects like headache, drowsiness, dizziness and • Industrial pollution can be greatly reduced by: surface.
unconsciousness. Chemicals and Biological Agents • ESPs are used in boilers, furnaces, and many
• Ethylene is not but ethylene oxide is a carcino- ✓ use of cleaner fuels such as liquefied natural other units of thermal power plants, cement
gen (cancer-causing agent). • Substances such as benzene, chromium, ni- gas (LNG) in power plants, fertiliser plants factories, steel plants, etc.
trosamines and asbestos may cause cancers etc. which is cheaper in addition to being en-
Biological pollutants of lung, bladder, skin, mesothelium, liver, etc. vironmentally friendly.
• Occupational asthma is caused due to expo- ✓ employing environment-friendly industrial
• It includes pollen from plants, mite, and hair from sure to organic dust, microorganisms, bacte- processes so that emission of pollutants and
pets, fungi, parasites, and some bacteria. ria, fungi and moulds and several chemicals. hazardous waste is minimized.
• Most of them are allergens and can cause • Silicosis first reported from Kolar gold mines ✓ installing devices which reduce the release of
asthma, hay fever, and other allergic diseases. in 1947 is a common disease among miners, pollutants.
pottery and ceramic industry workers.
Asbestos • Pneumoconiosis and byssinosis are com- • Devices like filters, electrostatic precipitators,
mon among mica and textile industry workers inertial collectors, scrubbers, gravel bed fil-
• Asbestos refers to a set of six naturally occurring respectively. ters or dry scrubbers are described below:
silicate fibrous minerals –– chrysotile, crocido- Inertial collectors
lite, amosite, anthophyllite, tremolite, and actin- Prevention and Control of Air Pollution Filters
olite. • It works on the principle that inertia of SPM (sus-
• It is now known that prolonged inhalation of as- Indoor Air Pollution • Filters remove particulate matter from the gas
pended particulate matter) in gas is higher than
bestos fibres can cause serious and fatal illnesses stream.
its solvent and as inertia is a function of the mass
including lung cancer, mesothelioma, and as- • Paints, carpets, furniture, etc. in rooms may give • Baghouse filtration system is the most common
of the particulate matter, this device collects
bestosis (a type of pneumoconiosis). out volatile organic compounds (VOCs). one and is made of cotton or synthetic fibres (for
heavier particles more efficiently (centrifuga-
• Use of disinfectants, fumigants, etc. may release low temperatures) or glass cloth fabrics (for
tion is the technique).
Radon hazardous gases. higher temperature up to 2900 C).
• ‘Cyclone’ is a common inertial collector used in
• In hospitals, pathogens present in waste remain gas cleaning plants.
• It is a gas that is emitted naturally by the soil. in the air in the form of spores. Electrostatic precipitators (ESP)
• Due to modern houses having poor ventilation, • In congested areas, slums and rural areas burn- Scrubbers
it is confined inside the house and causes lung ing of firewood and biomass results in lot of • Electrostatic precipitation can remove over 99
cancers. smoke. per cent particulate matter present in the ex-
• Scrubbers are wet collectors. They remove aer-
• Children and ladies exposed to smoke may suffer haust.
osols from a stream of gas either by collecting
from acute respiratory problems. • The emanating dust is charged with ions, and
wet particles on a surface followed by their
Occupational Health Hazards the ionised particulate matter is collected on
removal or else the particles are wetted by a
Prevention and control of indoor air pollution an oppositely charged surface.
scrubbing liquid.
Black lung disease • The particles get trapped as they travel from sup-
• Use of wood and dung cakes should be replaced Working
porting gaseous medium across the interface to
• In coal mining areas coal dust is the main air by cleaner fuels such as biogas, LPG or electricity. the liquid scrubbing medium. (this is just like mu-
pollutant. The deposits of coal dust make min- The use of solar cookers must be encouraged. • An electrostatic precipitator has electrode wires
cus in trachea trapping dust)
ers lungs look black instead of a healthy pink • Those species of trees such as baval (Acacia that are maintained at several thousand volts,
• A scrubber can remove gases like sulphur diox-
and hence the name black lung disease. nilotica) which are least smoky should be used. which produce a corona that releases electrons.
• Black lung disease is the common name • Charcoal is a comparatively cleaner fuel. • These electrons attach to dust particles giving
for pneumoconiosis (CWP) or anthracosis, a Indoor pollution due to the decay of exposed them a net negative charge. The collecting plates
• Catalytic converter
lung disease of older workers in the coal in- kitchen waste can be reduced by covering the are grounded (relatively positive charge) and at-
dustry, caused by inhalation over many years, waste properly. tract the charged dust particles.
• Catalytic converters, having expensive metals
of small amounts of coal dust. • Segregation of waste, pre-treatment at the • The velocity of air between the plates must be
namely platinum-palladium and rhodium as
• The particles of fine coal dust accumulate in source, sterilisation of rooms will help. low enough to allow the dust to fall.
the catalysts, are fitted into automobiles for re-
the lungs. Eventually, this build-up causes ducing the emission of poisonous gases.

59 60
• As the exhaust passes through the catalytic con- • CNG burns most efficiently, unlike petrol or oxides from vehicles using internal combustion measured by number standard instead of mass
verter, unburnt hydrocarbons are converted into diesel, in the automobiles and very little of it is engines. standard.
carbon dioxide and water, and carbon mon- left unburnt. • The norms are meant to be adopted by using ap-
oxide and nitric oxide are changed to carbon • Moreover, CNG is cheaper than petrol or propriate fuel and technology. Impact
dioxide and nitrogen gas, respectively. diesel, cannot be siphoned off by thieves and • As the stage goes up, the control of emissions
• Motor vehicles equipped with catalytic converter adulterated like petrol or diesel. become stricter. • Compliance requires a higher investment in
should use unleaded petrol because the lead in • The main problem with switching over to CNG • BS IV and BS VI norms are based on similar technology to make new vehicles.
the petrol inactivates the catalyst. is the difficulty of laying down pipelines to norms in Europe called Euro 4 and Euro 6. • Upgrading vehicles in stock is an additional bur-
deliver CNG through distribution • As decided initially, BS V would have been rolled den for the manufacturers.
Apart from the use of the above mentioned devices, points/pumps and ensuring uninterrupted out by 2021 and BS VI in 2024, but leapfrog to • BS Vl-compliant vehicles will be expensive.
other control measures are: supply. BS VI norms by 2020 (skipping BS V) had to be • BS Vl-compliant fuel too will be more expensive.
• increasing the height of chimneys. done because of the carbon footprint obliga-
• Simultaneously parallel steps taken in Delhi for tions. National Air Quality Monitoring Programme
• closing industries which pollute the environ-
ment. reducing vehicular pollution include phasing out
of old vehicles, use of unleaded petrol, use of India’s UNFCCC commitments (Intended Na- • Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has been
• shifting of polluting industries away from cities
low-sulphur petrol and diesel, use of catalytic tionally Determined Contributions) executing a nationwide programme of ambient
and heavily populated areas.
converters in vehicles, application of stringent  Improve the emissions intensity of its air quality monitoring known as National Air
• development and maintenance of a green belt of
pollution-level norms for vehicles, etc. GDP by 33 to 35 per cent by 2030 be- Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP).
adequate width.
• The Government of India through a new auto low 2005 levels.
fuel policy has laid out a roadmap to cut down  Increase the share of non-fossil fuels- The National Air Quality Monitoring Programme
Steps Taken to Control Vehicular Pollution
vehicular pollution in Indian cities. based electricity to 40 per cent by (NAMP) is undertaken
• More stringent norms for fuels means steadily 2030.
• The emission standards for automobiles have  Enhance forest cover which will absorb • to determine the status and trends of ambient air
been set which if followed will reduce the pollu- reducing the sulphur and aromatics content in
petrol and diesel fuels. 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of carbon diox- quality;
tion. ide by 2030. • to ascertain the compliance of NAAQS;
• Standards have been set for the durability of cat- • The goal, according to the roadmap, is to reduce
sulphur to 50 ppm in petrol and diesel • to identify non-attainment cities;
alytic converters which reduce vehicular emis- Differences between BS IV and BS VI • to understand the natural process of cleaning in
sion. and bring down the level of aromatic hydro-
carbons to 35 per cent. the atmosphere; and
• In cities like Delhi, vehicles need to obtain Pollu- • The extent of sulphur is the major difference • to undertake preventive and corrective
tion Under Control (PUC) certificate at regular in- between Bharat Stage IV and Bharat Stage VI measures.
tervals. BS VI from 2020
• This ensures that levels of pollutants emitted • BS-IV fuels contain 50 parts per million (ppm) National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
from vehicles are not beyond the prescribed le- • From April 2017, BS IV norms are applicable na-
sulphur; the BS-VI grade fuel only has 10 ppm
gal limits. tionwide.
sulphur. The NAAQS have been revisited and revised in No-
The price of diesel is much lower than petrol • October 2018: Supreme Court ordered a ban on
• • BS VI can bring vember 2009 for 12 pollutants, which include
which promotes the use of diesel. To reduce the the sale of Bharat Stage IV vehicles from April
✓ PM in diesel cars down by 80 per cent. • sulphur dioxide (SO2),
emission of sulphur dioxide, sulphur content 1, 2020.
✓ nitrogen oxides from diesel cars by 70 per • nitrogen dioxide (NO2),
in diesel has been reduced to 0.05%. • The central government had announced the
cent and in petrol cars by 25 per cent. • particulate matter having micron (PM10),
Earlier lead in the form of tetraethyl lead was April 1, 2020 deadline for adopting Bharat
• • BS VI also makes onboard diagnostics (OBD) • particulate matter having a size less than 2.5
added in the petrol to raise octane level for the Stage VI emission norms by manufactures.
mandatory for all vehicles. microns (PM2.5),
smooth running of engines. Addition of lead in • OBD device informs the vehicle owner or the re-
Bharat Stage (BS) norms • ozone,
petrol has been banned to prevent the emission pair technician how efficient the systems in the • lead,
of lead particles. vehicle are.
• The BS norms are instituted by the government • carbon monoxide (CO),
• Usage of alternative fuels like CNG in public • RDE (Real Driving Emission) will be introduced
to regulate the emission of air pollutants from • arsenic,
transport vehicles is made mandatory in cities for the first time that will measure the emission
motor vehicles. • nickel,
like Delhi. All the buses of Delhi were converted in real-world conditions and not just under test
• The norms were introduced in 2000. • benzene,
to run on CNG by the end of 2002. conditions.
• The norms limit the release of air pollutants such • ammonia, and
as nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydro- • Bharat Stage VI norms will also change the way • benzopyrene.
carbons, particulate matter (PM) and sulphur particulate matter is measured. It will now be

61 62
National Air Quality Index (AQI) considered in calculating the value of Air Quality The pH scales • pH values decrease as hydrogen ion levels in-
Index? (2016) crease.
• Launched by the Environment Ministry in April • The pH scale is a measure of how acidic or basic • A solution with pH 4 is ten times more acidic than
1) Carbon dioxide
2015. (alkaline) a solution is. pH 5, and a hundred times more acidic than pH
2) Carbon monoxide
• Initiative under ‘Swachh Bharat’. • It ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral. 6.
3) Nitrogen dioxide
• A pH less than 7 is acidic, and a pH greater than • Whilst the pH range is usually given as 0 to 14,
4) Sulphur dioxide
AQI 7 is basic. lower and higher values are theoretically possi-
5) Methane
• It is based on hydrogen ion concentration in ble.
• It helps the common man to judge the air quality Select the correct answer using the code given be- an aqueous solution.
within his vicinity. low. Gases that cause acid rain
• Index constituted as a part of the Government’s
a) 1, 2 and 3 only
mission to improve the culture of cleanliness. Acidic gases Source
b) 2, 3 and 4 only
SOx (Sulphur oxides) • Fossil fuel burning, power plants, smelting of metal sulphide ores, industrial
Old vs new c) 1, 4 and 5 only
sources, industrial production of sulfuric acid in metallurgical, chemical and
d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
fertiliser industries volcanoes, seas and oceans, decomposition of organic
• While the earlier measuring index was limited to Answer: b) 2, 3 and 4 only matter.
three indicators, the current measurement index NOx (Nitrogen oxides – • Fossil fuel burning, lightning, biomass burning, forest fires, oceans, power
had been made quite comprehensive by the ad- Alternatives NO, NO2 and N2O) plants.
dition of more parameters. • (NO and N2O are mentioned in NIOS Environment)
• Government is disincentivising use of private ve-
Previously who measured Air pollution hicles through congestion charging.
• The National Green Tribunal has ordered that Q. Acid rain is caused by the pollution of the • The neutral oxides are comparatively less, and
• Central Pollution Control Board along with State diesel vehicles over 10 years old not ply on Delhi environment by they combine with oxygen and produce nitrogen
Pollution Control Boards have been operating roads. dioxide.
the National Air Monitoring Program a) carbon dioxide and nitrogen • Thus, N2O and NO are indirectly involved (2NO
(NAMP). Smog is already explained in detail in Geography b) carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide +O2 --->2NO2) in causing acid rain.
> Climatology > Forms of Condensation > Smog c) ozone and carbon dioxide
Why is AQI necessary? d) nitrous oxide and sulphur dioxide Answer: d) nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and sul-
Ozone Depletion is already explained in detail in
phur dioxide
Geography > Climatology > Polar Vortex >
• Quality of data from some cities remains weak, Explanation:
Ozone Depletion.
and the standards set for pollutants fall short of Types of Acid Deposition
• CO and CO2 react with rainwater to form weak
World Health Organization recommendations. Effects of Air Pollution: Acid Rain – Acid- carbonic acid. Hence, rainwater is naturally
• The pollution related analysis using a vast num- • "Acid rain" is a broad term referring to a mixture
ification slightly acidic. But this is not enough to call it of wet and dry deposition (a form of deposition
ber of complex parameters was complicated for
acid rain (acid rain must have pH of less than material) from the atmosphere.
the common man to understand.
• Acid rain refers to any precipitation (rain, fog, 5.6).
mist, snow) that is more acidic than normal (pH • Even increased concentration of CO and CO2 is Wet Deposition
Categories of air pollution under AQI
of less than 5.6. pH below 7 is acidic). not enough to cause rainwater of pH less than
• Acid rain is caused by atmospheric pollution 5.6. • If the acid chemicals in the air are blown into ar-
• There are six AQI categories, namely Good, Sat-
from acidic gases such as sulphur diox- • Only NIOS (10.3.2 Gaseous pollutants > Table eas where the weather is wet, the acids can fall
isfactory, Moderately polluted, Poor, Very Poor,
ide and oxides of nitrogen emitted from the 10.3 – Page 167) mentions N2O (nitrous oxide). to the ground in the form of rain, snow, fog, or
and Severe.
burning of fossil fuels. mist.
• It is also recognized that acidic smog, fog, mist, More details:
Pollutants considered • As this acidic water flows over and through the
move out of the atmosphere and settle on dust ground, it affects a variety of plants and animals.
• N2O and NO are neutral in nature.
particles which in turn accumulate on vegetation
• The AQI will consider eight pollutants (PM10, • N2O3, NO2 and N2O5 are acidic in nature.
as acid depositions. Dry Deposition
PM2.5, NO2, SO2, CO, O3, NH3, and Pb). • These acidic oxides react with water and pro-
• When rain falls, the acid from these depositions
duce acids like HNO3 (nitric acid) and HNO2
leak and form acid dews. In areas where the weather is dry, the acid chem-
Q. In the cities of our country, which among the (nitrous acid) which causes acid rain. •
following atmospheric gases are normally icals may become incorporated into dust or

63 64
smoke and fall to the ground through dry depo- 1. The atmosphere receives oxides of sulphur and • Acid rain damage cuticle of plant leaves and re- • Lowering of soil pH is reported from north-east-
sition, sticking to the ground, buildings, veg- nitrogen from natural and human-made sources. duces photosynthesis. ern India, coastal Karnataka and Kerala, parts of
etation, cars, etc. 2. Some of these oxides fall back directly to the • Acidic medium promotes leaching of heavy Orissa, West Bengal and Bihar.
• Dry deposited gases and particles can be washed ground as dry deposition, either close to the metals like aluminium, lead and mercury. Such
from these surfaces by rainstorms, through run- place of origin or some distance away. metals when percolate into ground water affect Acid Rain Control
off. This runoff water makes the resulting mixture 3. Sunlight stimulates the formation of photo-ox- soil micro flora/fauna.
more acidic. idants (such as ozone) in the atmosphere. • Other indirect effects of acid rain on wildlife are • Use of low sulphur fuel or natural gas or washed
• About half of the acidity in the atmosphere falls 4. These photo-oxidants interact with the oxides of loss or alteration of food and habitat resources. coal (chemical washing of pulverised coal) in
back to earth through dry deposition. sulphur and nitrogen and other gases (like NH3) thermal plants can reduce incidences of acid rain.
to produce H2SO4 (sulphuric acid) and HNO3 (ni- Effects on microorganisms • Buffering: the practice of adding a neutralising
Chemistry of Acid Rain tric acid) by oxidation. agent to the acidified water to increase the pH.
5. Acid rain containing ions of sulfate, nitrate, am- • pH determines the proliferation of any microbial Usually, lime in the form of calcium oxide and
Six basic steps are involved in the formation of acid monium and hydrogen falls as wet deposition. species. calcium carbonate is used.
rain: • The optimum pH of most bacteria and proto-
zoa is near neutrality. Ocean Acidification
• Most fungi prefer an acidic environment.
• Most blue-green bacteria prefer an alkaline
• Ocean acidification has been called the “evil
twin of global warming” and “the other CO2
• So, microbial species in the soil and water
shift from bacteria-bound to fungi-bound.
• Ocean acidification is the ongoing decrease in
• This causes a delay in the decomposition of
the pH of the Earth's oceans, caused by the up-
soil organic material.
take of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmos-
Effect on buildings, monuments and materials
• An estimated 30–40% of the carbon dioxide from
human activity released into the atmosphere dis-
• Many old, historical, ancient buildings and works
solves into oceans, rivers and lakes.
of art/textile etc. are adversely affected by acid • To achieve chemical equilibrium, some of it re-
rain. acts with the water to form carbonic acid.
Harmful effects of acid rain • An increase in ammonia in the soil due to a de- • Limestone and marble are destroyed by acid rain. • Some of these extra carbonic acid molecules re-
crease in other nutrients decrease the rate of Smoke and soot cover such objects. They slowly act with a water molecule to give a bicarbonate
• Acid precipitation affects both aquatic and ter- decomposition. The nitrate level of the soil is dissolve/flake away from the surfaces because of ion and a hydronium ion, thus increasing
restrial organisms. also found to decrease. acid fumes in the air. ocean acidity (H+ ion concentration).
It also damages buildings and monuments. • The impact of acid rain on soil is less in India; be- • Many buildings/monuments such as Taj Mahal in
• • Checking CO and CO2 emissions and controlling
cause Indian soils are mostly alkaline, with Agra have suffered from acid rain (Marble Can- pollution are the only means to reduce ocean
Effects on humans good buffering ability. cer). acidification.

• Bad smells, reduced visibility; irritation of the Effects on aquatic life Acid Rain Areas Other contributors
skin, eyes and the respiratory tract.
• Some direct effects include chronic bronchitis, • Eggs or sperms of fish, frogs and other aquatic • They are concentrated in the industrialised belt • Eutrophication leads to large plankton blooms,
pulmonary emphysema and cancer. organisms are sensitive to pH changes. of the northern hemisphere. and when these blooms collapse and sink to the
• Acid rain kills their gametes affecting the life cy- • Scandinavia, Canada, the Northeast United sea bed the subsequent respiration of bacteria
Effects on soil cles and productivity (ecosystem imbalances). States and North-western Europe. decomposing the algae leads to a decrease in
• Acidic lake waters may kill microbes and turn seawater oxygen and an increase in CO2 (a de-
• The exchange between hydrogen ions and the them unproductive. In India cline in pH).
nutrient cations like potassium and magnesium • Acid rain can make metals bound on soils to be
in the soil cause leaching of the nutrients, mak- released into the aquatic environment. • In India, the first report of acid rain came from Effects of Ocean Acidification
ing the soil infertile. Bombay in 1974.
Effect on terrestrial life • Instances of acid rain are being reported from
metropolitan cities.
65 66
• Oceans are an important reservoir for CO2, ab- • Cloud seeding is the process of spreading ei- natural solubility and solubility triggered by acid • Water pollution by organic wastes is measured in
sorbing a significant quantity of it (one-third) ther dry ice or more commonly, silver iodide rain) and decaying of organic matter. terms of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD).
produced by anthropogenic activities and effec- aerosols, into the upper part of clouds to try • BOD is the amount of dissolved oxygen
tively buffering climate change. to stimulate the precipitation process and Point and non-point sources of pollution needed by bacteria in decomposing the or-
• The uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide is oc- form rain. ganic wastes present in water. It is expressed in
curring at a rate exceeding the natural buffering • Since most rainfall starts through the growth • When pollutants are discharged from a specific milligrams of oxygen per litre of water.
capacity of the oceans. of ice crystals from super-cooled cloud drop- location such as a drain pipe carrying industrial • The higher value of BOD indicates low DO
• Increasing acidity depresses metabolic rates and lets in the upper parts of clouds, the silver io- effluents discharged directly into a water body it content of water.
immune responses in some organisms. dide particles are meant to encourage the represents point source pollution. • Since BOD is limited to biodegradable materi-
• Seawater absorbs CO2 to produce carbonic acid, growth of new ice particles • In contrast, non-point sources include discharge als, it is not a reliable method of measuring water
bicarbonate and carbonate ions. of pollutants from diffused sources or from a pollution.
• However, the increase in atmospheric CO2 levels Q. The acidification of oceans is increasing. larger area such as runoff from agricultural fields,
lead to a decrease in pH level, an increase in the Why is this phenomenon a cause of concern? grazing lands, construction sites, abandoned Q. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a stand-
concentration of carbonic acid and bicarbonate mines and pits, etc. ard criterion for (2017)
ions, causing a decrease in the concentration 1) The growth and survival of calcareous phyto- a) Measuring oxygen levels in blood
of carbonate ions. plankton will be adversely affected. Causes of Water Pollution b) Computing oxygen levels in forest ecosys-
• The decrease in the amount of carbonate ions 2) The growth and survival of coral reefs will be tems
available makes it more difficult for marine cal- adversely affected. Sewage Water c) Pollution assay in aquatic ecosystems
cifying organisms, such as coral (calcareous 3) The survival of some animals that have phy- d) Assessing oxygen levels in high altitude re-
corals) and some plankton (calcareous plankton), toplanktonic larvae will be adversely affected. • Sewage water includes discharges from houses gions
to form biogenic calcium carbonate. 4) The cloud seeding and formation of clouds and other establishments.
• Commercial fisheries are threatened because will be adversely affected. • The sewage contains human and animal excreta, Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
acidification harms calcifying organisms which food residues, cleaning agents, detergents, etc.
form the base of the Arctic food webs. Which of statements given above is / are correct? • Domestic and hospital sewage contain many un- • Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is a slightly bet-
• Increasing acidity accentuates coral bleaching as desirable pathogenic microorganisms. ter mode used to measure pollution load in the
corals are very sensitive to changes in water a) 1, 2 and 3 only water.
composition. b) 2 only Dissolved Oxygen (DO) • COD measures the amount of oxygen in parts
c) 1 and 3 only per million required to oxidise organic (bio-
Impact of Ocean Acidification on Cloud For- d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 • Presence of organic and inorganic wastes in wa- degradable and non-biodegradable) and oxi-
mation ter decreases the dissolved oxygen content of dizable inorganic compounds in the water
Explanation: the water. sample.
• The majority of sulphur in the atmosphere is • Water having DO content below 8.0 mg/L may
emitted from the ocean, often in the form of di- We have already learnt that ocean acidification de- be considered as contaminated. Industrial Wastes
methylsulfide (DMS) produced by phyto- creases the calcifying ability of corals, calcareous • Water having DO content below. 4.0 mg/L is con-
plankton. plankton, crustaceans etc. It also adversely affects sidered to be highly polluted. • Discharge of wastewater from industries like pe-
• Some of DMS produced by phytoplankton en- cloud formation and cloud seeding. So, Options 1, 2 • DO content of water is important for the survival troleum, paper manufacturing, metal extraction
ters the atmosphere and reacts to make sul- and 4 are correct. of aquatic organisms. and processing, chemical manufacturing, etc.,
phuric acid, which clumps into aerosols, or mi- Answer: d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 • A number of factors like surface turbulence, pho- that often contain toxic substances, notably,
croscopic airborne particles. tosynthetic activity, O2 consumption by organ- heavy metals (defined as elements with den-
• Aerosols seed the formation of clouds, which 4.4 Water Pollution isms and decomposition of organic matter are sity > 5 g/cm3 such as mercury, cadmium,
help cool the Earth by reflecting sunlight. the factors which determine the amount of DO copper, lead, arsenic) and a variety of organic
• But, in acidified ocean water, phytoplankton present in water. compounds.
• Water pollution is the addition/presence of un-
produces less DMS. • The higher amounts of waste increase the
desirable substances to/in water such as organic,
• This reduction of sulphur may lead to decreased rates of decomposition and O2 consumption Agricultural sources
inorganic, biological, radiological, heat, which
cloud formation, raising global temperatures. thereby decreases the DO content of water.
degrades the quality of water so that it becomes
unfit for use’. • Agricultural runoff contains dissolved salts such
Artificial Cloud seeding Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) as nitrates, phosphates, ammonia and other
• Natural sources of pollution of water are soil ero-
sion, leaching of minerals from rocks (due to nutrients, and toxic metal ions and organic com-

67 68
• Fertilizers contain major plant nutrients such • Oceans are the ultimate sink of all natural and Underground water pollution • Excess fluoride in drinking water causes neuro-
as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. manmade pollutants. muscular disorders, gastrointestinal prob-
• Excess fertilisers may reach the groundwater by • The sewerage and garbage of coastal cities are • In India at many places, the groundwater is lems, teeth deformity, hardening of bones
leaching or may be mixed with surface water. also dumped into the sea. threatened with contamination due to seepage and stiff and painful joints (skeletal fluorosis).
• Pesticides include insecticides, fungicides, herbi- • The other sources of oceanic pollution are from industrial and municipal wastes and efflu- • Pain in bones and joint and outward bending of
cides, etc. They contain a wide range of chemi- navigational discharge of oil, grease, detergents, ents, sewage channels and agricultural runoff. legs from the knees is called Knock-Knee syn-
cals such as chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHCs. sewage, garbage and radioactive wastes, • Pollutants like fluorides, uranium, heavy met- drome.
E.g. DDT, Endosulfan etc.), organophos- offshore oil mining, oil spills. als and nutrients like nitrates and phosphates • Fluorosis is a common problem in several states
phates, metallic salts, carbonates, etc. are common in many parts of India. of the country due to the intake of high fluoride
• Many of the pesticides are non-degradable, and Oil Spills content water.
their residues have a long life. Nitrates
• Wastes from poultry farms, piggeries and • The most common cause of oil spill is leakage Q. Which of the following can be found as pollu-
slaughterhouses etc. reach the water though during marine transport and leakage from un- • Dissolved nitrates commonly contaminate tants in the drinking water in some parts of India?
runoff. derground storage tanks. groundwater.
• An oil spill could occur during offshore oil pro- • Excess nitrate in drinking water reacts with hae- 1) Arsenic
Thermal and Radiation Pollution duction as well. moglobin to form non-functional methaemo- 2) Sorbitol
globin and impairs oxygen transport. This con- 3) Fluoride
• Power plants – thermal and nuclear, chemical Impact of oil spill on marine life dition is called methemoglobinemia or blue 4) Formaldehyde
and other industries use a lot of water for cooling baby syndrome. 5) Uranium
purposes, and the used hot water is discharged • Oil being lighter than water covers the water
into rivers, streams or oceans. surface as a thin film cutting off oxygen to Methaemoglobin is a form of the oxygen-carry- Select the correct answer using the codes given be-
• Discharge of hot water may increase the temper- floating plants and other producers. ing metalloprotein haemoglobin. Methaemoglo- low.
ature of the receiving water by 10 to 15 °C above • Within hours of an oil spill, the fishes, shellfish, bin cannot bind oxygen, unlike oxyhaemoglobin.
the ambient water temperature. This is thermal plankton die due to suffocation and metabolic a) 1 and 3 only
pollution. disorders. • High level of nitrates may form carcinogens b) 2, 4 and 5 only
• Increase in water temperature decreases dis- • Birds and sea mammals that consume dead and can accelerate eutrophication in surface c) 1, 3 and 5 only
solved oxygen in the water. fishes and plankton die due to poisoning. waters. d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
• Unlike terrestrial organisms, aquatic organisms
are adapted to a uniform steady temperature of Invasive species Trace metals Explanation
the environment. A sudden rise in temperature
kills fishes and other aquatic animals. Plants of water hyacinth are the world’s most • The easiest option is 3) Fluoride. So, (b) can be
• • Include lead, mercury, cadmium, copper,
• One of the best methods of reducing thermal problematic aquatic weed, also called ‘Terror of eliminated.
chromium and nickel.
pollution is to store the hot water in cooling Bengal’. • The next easiest option is Arsenic (Heavy metal).
• These metals can be toxic and carcinogenic.
ponds, allow the water to cool before releasing Damn!
into any receiving water body Arsenic • Nest easiest option is Uranium. Many columns
• Nuclear accidents near water bodies or during are written on uranium mining and its ill-effects.
natural calamities like tsunami and earthquakes So, (a) also can be elevated. (a) and (b) elimi-
• Seepage of industrial and mine discharges, fly
pose the risk of radiation leakage (radiation ex- nated. (c) and (d) remains.
ash ponds of thermal power plants can lead to
posure) into water bodies. E.g. Fukushima • The knowledge of either “Sorbitol” or “Formalde-
arsenic in groundwater.
Daiichi nuclear disaster. hyde” will tell us the answer.
• In India and Bangladesh (Ganges Delta), millions
• Radiation exposure causes mutations in the • Formaldehyde is more known than sorbitol.
of people are exposed to groundwater contami-
DNA of marine organisms. If those mutations are Googling didn’t give me any authentic source
nated with high levels of arsenic, a highly toxic
not repaired, the cell may turn cancerous. that called formaldehyde a water pollutant. It is
and dangerous pollutant.
• Radioactive iodine tends to be absorbed by the • They grow abundantly in eutrophic water used as a preservative to preserve human or-
• Chronic exposure to arsenic causes black foot
thyroid gland and can cause thyroid cancer. bodies and lead to an imbalance in the ecosys- gans. It finds some application in textile, resigns
disease. It also causes diarrhoea and also lung
tem. and wood industry.
and skin cancer.
Marine pollution • They cause havoc by their excessive growth lead- • Sorbitol (glucitol) is a sugar alcohol with a sweet
ing to stagnation of polluted water. Fluoride taste which the human body metabolises slowly.

69 70
Answer: c) 1, 3 and 5 only • A few toxic substances, often present in indus- ✓ electrical conductivity etc. • In situ — It involves treatment of the contami-
trial wastewaters, can undergo biological magni- nated material at the site.
Effects of Water Pollution fication (Biomagnification) in the aquatic food • The CPCB, in collaboration with the concerned • Bioventing: supply of air and nutrients through
chain. This phenomenon is well-known for mer- State Pollution Control Boards, has classified all wells to contaminated soil to stimulate the
Effects of Water Pollution on Human Health cury and DDT. the water bodies including coastal waters in the growth of indigenous bacteria.
• High concentrations of DDT disturb calcium me- country according to their “designated best • Biosparging: Injection of air under pressure be-
• Domestic and hospital sewage contain many un- tabolism in birds, which causes thinning of egg- uses”. low the water table to increase groundwater ox-
desirable pathogenic microorganisms, and its shell and their premature breaking, eventually • This classification helps the water quality manag- ygen concentrations and enhance the rate of bi-
disposal into water without proper treatment causing a decline in bird populations. ers and planners to set water quality targets and ological degradation of contaminants by natu-
may cause an outbreak of serious diseases, such identify needs and priority for water quality res- rally occurring bacteria.
as typhoid, cholera, etc. Effects of Water Pollution on Aquatic Eco- toration programmes for various water bodies in • Bioaugmentation: Microorganisms are im-
• Metals like lead, zinc, arsenic, copper, mer- system the country. ported to a contaminated site to enhance the
cury and cadmium in industrial wastewaters ad- • The famous Ganga Action Plan and subse- degradation process.
versely affect humans and other animals. • Polluted water reduces Dissolved Oxygen (DO) quently the National River Action Plan are re-
• Consumption of such arsenic polluted water content, thereby, eliminates sensitive organisms sults of such exercise. Using bioremediation techniques, TERI has devel-
leads to accumulation of arsenic in the body like plankton, molluscs and fish etc. • Riparian buffers: A riparian buffer is a vege- oped a mixture of bacteria called ‘Oilzapper and
parts like blood, nails and hairs causing skin le- • However, a few tolerant species like Tubifex tated area (a "buffer strip") near a stream, usually Oilivorous-S’ which degrades the pollutants of oil-
sions, rough skin, dry and thickening of the skin (annelid worm) and some insect larvae may sur- forested, which helps shade and partially protect contaminated sites, leaving behind no harmful resi-
and ultimately skin cancer. vive in highly polluted water with low DO con- a stream from the impact of adjacent land uses. dues..
• Mercury compounds in wastewater are con- tent. Such species are recognized as indicator • Treatment of sewage water and the industrial
verted by bacterial action into extremely species for polluted water. effluents before releasing it into water bodies. Q. Recently, ‘oilzapper’ was in the news. What is
toxic methyl mercury, which can cause numb- • Biocides, polychlorinated biphenyls Hot water should be cooled before release from it?
ness of limbs, lips and tongue, deafness, blurring (PCBs) and heavy metals directly eliminate sen- the power plants.
of vision and mental derangement. sitive aquatic organisms. • Excessive use of fertilisers and pesticides should a) It is an eco-friendly technology for the reme-
• Pollution of water bodies by mercury • Hot waters discharged from industries, when be avoided. Organic farming and efficient use of diation of oil sludge and oil spills.
causes Minamata (neurological syndrome) dis- added to water bodies, lowers its DO content. animal residues as fertilisers can replace chemi- b) It is the latest technology developed for
ease in humans. cal fertilizers. under-sea oil exploration.
• Lead causes lead poisoning (Lead interferes Water Pollution Control Measures • Water hyacinth (an aquatic weed, invasive c) It is a genetically engineered high biofuel
with a variety of body processes and is toxic to species) can purify water by taking some toxic yielding maize variety.
many organs and tissues). materials and a number of heavy metals from d) It is the latest technology to control the acci-
• Realising the importance of maintaining the
• The compounds of lead cause anaemia, head- water. dentally caused flames from oil wells.
cleanliness of the water bodies, the Government
ache, loss of muscle power and bluish line • Oil spills in water can be cleaned with the help
of India has passed the Water (Prevention and
around the gum. of bregoli — a by-product of paper industry re- Answer: a) Current Affairs based question. Keep track
Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 to safeguard
• Water contaminated with cadmium can cause sembling sawdust, oil zapper, microorganisms. of the latest developments.
our water resources.
itai itai disease also called ouch-ouch disease • It has been suggested that we should plant eu-
• An ambitious plan to save the river called
calyptus trees all along sewage ponds. These Ex situ bioremediation
(a painful disease of bones and joints) and cancer the Ganga Action Plan was launched in 1985.
of lungs and liver. trees absorb all surplus wastewater rapidly and
• In India, the Central Pollution Control Board
release pure water vapour into the atmosphere. • Ex situ — involves the removal of the contami-
(CPCB), an apex body in the field of water quality
Effects of Water Pollution on the nated material to be treated elsewhere.
management, has developed a concept of “des-
Bioremediation • Landfarming: contaminated soil is excavated
Environment ignated best use”.
and spread over a prepared bed and periodically
• Accordingly, the water body is designated as A,
• Bioremediation is the use of microorganisms tilled until pollutants are degraded. The goal is to
• Micro-organisms involved in biodegradation of B, C, D, E on the basis of
(bacteria and fungi) to degrade the environmen- stimulate indigenous biodegradative microor-
organic matter in sewage waste consume a lot of
tal contaminants into less toxic forms. ganisms and facilitate their aerobic degradation
oxygen and make water oxygen deficient killing ✓ pH,
• Microorganisms can be specifically designed for of contaminants.
fish and other aquatic creatures. ✓ dissolved oxygen, mg/l
bioremediation using genetic engineering • Bioreactors: it involves the processing of con-
• Presence of large amounts of nutrients in water ✓ BOD, (200C) mg/l
techniques. taminated solid material (soil, sediment, sludge)
results in algal bloom (excessive growth of ✓ total coliform (MPN/100ml)
or water through an engineered containment
planktonic algae. This leads to ageing of lakes. ✓ free ammonia mg/l,
In situ bioremediation system.

71 72
• Composting: Composting is nature's process of • Phytoremediation is the use of plants to remove Filtration • Water fluoridation is the treatment of commu-
recycling decomposed organic materials into a contaminants from soil and water. nity water supplies for the purpose of adjusting
rich soil known as compost. • Natural phytoremediation is carried out by man- • Water flows through a filter designed to remove the concentration of the free fluoride ion to the
groves, estuarine vegetation and other wetland particles in the water. The filters are made of lay- optimum level sufficient to reduce dental car-
Advantages of bioremediation vegetation. ers of sand and gravel, and in some cases, ies.
• Phytoextraction/phytoaccumulation: plants crushed anthracite. • Fluoride is generally present in all natural water.
• Useful for the destruction of a wide variety of accumulate contaminants into the roots and • Filtration collects the suspended impurities in Its concentration up to a certain level is not
contaminants. aboveground shoots or leaves. water and enhances the effectiveness of disinfec- harmful. Beyond that level, the bones start disin-
• The destruction of target pollutants is possible. tion. The filters are routinely cleaned by back- tegrating. This disease is called fluorosis.
• Less expensive. Sewage Water Treatment for Domestic Use washing. • We have fluoride problem in many parts of our
• Environment-friendly. country. Bureau of Indian Standards prescribes
• Substances that are removed during the process Disinfection 1.0 mg/l as desirable and 1.5 mg/l as a maximum
Disadvantages of bioremediation of drinking water treatment include suspended permissible limit for drinking water.
solids, bacteria, algae, viruses, fungi, and miner- • Water is disinfected before it enters the distribu- • Defluoridation at domestic level can be carried
• Bioremediation is limited to biodegradable als such as iron and manganese. tion system to ensure that any disease-causing out by mixing water for treatment with an
compounds. Not all compounds are susceptible • The processes involved in removing the contam- bacteria, viruses, and parasites are destroyed. adequate amount of aluminium sulphate
to rapid and complete degradation. inants include physical processes such as settling • Chlorine is used because it is a very effective dis- (alum) solution, lime or sodium carbonate
• Bioremediation often takes a longer time than and filtration, chemical processes such as disin- infectant, and residual concentrations can be and bleaching powder depending upon its al-
other treatment processes. fection and coagulation and biological processes maintained to guard against possible biological kalinity (concentration of bicarbonates and car-
such as slow sand filtration. contamination in the water distribution system. bonates in water) and fluoride contents.
Q. In the context of solving pollution problems, • The addition of chlorine or chlorine compounds
what is/are the advantage/advantages of biore- Coagulation / Flocculation to drinking water is called chlorination. pH Correction
mediation technique? • Chlorine can combine with certain naturally oc-
• Aluminium sulphate (alum) is the most com- curring organic compounds in water to pro- • Lime is added to the filtered water to adjust the
1) It is a technique for cleaning up pollution by
mon coagulant used for water purification. duce chloroform and other potentially harmful pH and stabilise the naturally soft water in order
enhancing the same biodegradation process
• Other chemicals, such as ferric sulphate or so- by-products. to minimise corrosion in the distribution system
that occurs in nature.
dium aluminate, may also be used. • The risk of this is very small, however, when chlo- and within customers’ plumbing.
2) Any contaminant with heavy metals such as
cadmium and lead can be readily and com- • During coagulation, liquid aluminium sulfate rine is applied after coagulation, sedimentation,
(alum) is added to untreated water. and filtration. Titbit: National Environmental Engineering Re-
pletely treated by bioremediation using mi-
• This causes the tiny particles of dirt in the water • Ozone gas may also be used for disinfection of search Institute (NEERI) is at Nagpur.
3) Genetic engineering can be used to create to stick together or coagulate. drinking water. However, since ozone is unstable,
• Next, groups of dirt particles stick together to it cannot be stored and must be produced on- Removal of iron
microorganisms specifically designed for bi-
oremediation. form larger particles called flocs. site, making the process more expensive than
• Flocs are easier to remove by settling or filtration. chlorination. • In many parts of our country, we have a problem
Select the correct answer using the code given be- • Ozone has the advantage of not causing taste of excess iron in drinking water, especially in
low: Sedimentation or odour problems. It also leaves no residue in North-East regions.
the disinfected water. • Iron causes bad taste and odour to the drinking
a) 1 only The lack of an ozone residue, however, makes it water.
• As the water and the floc particles progress •
b) 2 and 3 only difficult to monitor its continued effectiveness as • Bureau of Indian Standards prescribes desirable
through the treatment process, they move into
c) 1 and 3 only water flows through the distribution system. limit for iron as 0.3 mg/l.
sedimentation basins where the water moves
d) 1, 2 and 3 • A major part of iron is oxidised. Then the water is
slowly, causing the heavy floc particles to settle
• Bioremediation is limited to biodegradable Sludge Drying made to react with oxidising media (lime-
to the bottom.
compounds. stone).
• Floc which collects on the bottom of the basin is
called sludge and is piped to drying lagoons. • Solids that are collected and settled out of the • By aeration and further oxidation, the dissolved
Answer: c) 1 and 3 only
• In Direct Filtration, the sedimentation step is not water by sedimentation and filtration are iron is converted to insoluble ferric hydroxide.
Phytoremediation included, and the floc is removed by filtration removed to drying lagoons. The insoluble iron can thus be easily removed
only. through filtration.
Removal of arsenic

73 74
• Arsenic is found in groundwater in some parts • Anaerobic Bacteria: Anaerobic bacteria flourish • Minimal maintenance and no recurring cost.
of West Bengal. Arsenic is highly toxic. in the absence of free dissolved oxygen, and sur-
• Bureau of Indian Standards prescribes desirable vive by utilizing the bounded molecular oxygen Q. With reference to bio-toilets used by the In-
limit for arsenic as 0.05 mg/l. in compounds like nitrates (NO3) and sulphates dian Railways, consider the following statements:
• Bleaching powder and alum are used for the (SO4) etc. thereby reducing them to stable end
removal of arsenic. products along with evolution of foul-smelling 1) The decomposition of human waste in the
gases like H2S (hydrogen sulphide), CH4 (me- bio-toilets is initiated by a fungal inoculum.
Q. Which one among the following industries is thane). 2) Ammonia and water vapour are the only end
the maximum consumer of water in India? • Facultative Bacteria: Facultative bacteria can products in this decomposition which are
operate either as aerobically or as anaerobically. released into the atmosphere.
a. Engineering • Anaerobic Microbial inoculums: a mixture of
b. Paper and pulp different types of bacteria responsible for the Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
c. Textiles breakdown of complex polymers into simple
d. Thermal power sugars which are further broken down into low a) 1 only
chain fatty acids and finally into biogas. b) 2 only
Water consumption by various industries c) Both 1 and 2
Anaerobic biodegradation system d) Neither 1 nor 2
1. Thermal power
2. Textile industry • Anaerobic digestion is a collection of processes • Decomposition of human waste in bio-toilets is
3. Paper and Pulp by which microorganisms break down biode- carried out by anaerobic bacteria.
4. Iron and Steel industry gradable material in the absence of oxygen. • The final waste is CO2 and CH4.
5. Fertilizer Industry
Answer: d) Neither 1 nor 2
EcoSan toilets
Eutrophication – Ageing of Lakes
• Ecological sanitation is a sustainable system for
handling human excreta, using dry composting • Lakes receive their water from surface runoff and
toilets. • The final waste is Methane and Carbon Dioxide. along with its various chemical substances and
• This is a practical, hygienic, efficient and cost-ef- minerals.
fective solution to human waste disposal. Aerobic biodegradation • Over periods spanning millennia, ageing occurs
• With this composting method, human excreta as the lakes accumulate mineral and organic
can be recycled into a resource (as natural matter and gradually, get filled up.
• Forced aeration is essential which is energy in-
fertiliser), which reduces the need for chemical • The nutrient-enrichment of the lakes promotes
fertilisers. the growth of algae, aquatic plants and various
• Incomplete aeration (partial aerobic condition)
leads to a foul smell. fauna. This process is known as natural eutroph-
Bio-Toilets Cannot tolerate detergents ication.
Terms associated with Bio-Toilets •
• Generate a large amount of sludge. • Similar nutrient enrichment of lakes at an
• Designed by Railways along with DRDO. accelerated rate is caused by human activities
• Bio-digesters: The term biodigester is used for • Repeated addition of bacteria/enzyme is
required for the process. and the consequent ageing phenomenon is
the shells made up of steel for the anaerobic di-
Why Bio Toilets in Rail? Maintenance & recurring cost is high. known as cultural eutrophication.
gestion of human waste. •
• On the basis of their nutrient content, lakes are
• Bio tank: The term bio tank is used for the tanks
• Direct discharge of human waste from the exist- Anaerobic biodegradation categorized as Oligotrophic (very low
made up of concrete for the anaerobic digestion
ing toilet system in trains causes corrosion of the nutrients), Mesotrophic (moderate nutrients)
of human waste.
tracks, costing crores to replace the rail tracks. and Eutrophic (highly nutrient rich).
• Aerobic Bacteria: Aerobic bacteria are those • No aeration is required.
• The bio-toilets are fitted underneath the lavato- • A vast majority of lakes in India are either eu-
which flourish in the presence of free dissolved • Complete anaerobic conditions.
ries and the human waste discharged into them trophic or mesotrophic because of the nutri-
oxygen in the wastewater and consume organic • More than 99% pathogen inactivation.
is acted upon by a particular kind of bacte- ents derived from their surroundings or organic
matter for their food, and thereby oxidising it to • Anaerobes can even degrade detergents/phenyl.
ria that converts it into non-corrosive neutral wastes entering them.
stable end products. • Sludge generation is very less.
water. • One time bacterial inoculation is enough.

75 76
Eutrophication and Algal Bloom • Most algal blooms are not harmful, but some 4.5 Radioactive Pollution
produce toxins. These are known as Harmful Al-
• Eutrophic water body: it is a body of water rich in gal Blooms (HABs). • Radioactive Pollution is defined as the increase
nutrients and so supporting a dense plant popu- • Toxicity: Some algal blooms when died or in the natural radiation levels in the environment
lation, the decomposition of which kills animal eaten, release neuro & hepatotoxins which can that pose a serious threat to humans and other
life by depriving it of oxygen. kill aquatic organism & pose a threat to humans. life forms.
• Eutrophication is the response to the addition of E.g. Shellfish poisoning. • Radioactive contamination is the deposition of
nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates nat- • HAB events adversely affect commercial and rec- or presence of radioactive substances on sur-
urally or artificially, fertilising the aquatic ecosys- reational fishing, tourism, and valued habitats, faces or within solids, liquids or gases (including
tem. creating a significant impact on local economies the human body), where their presence is unin-
• Phytoplankton (algae and blue-green bacteria) and the livelihood of coastal residents. tended or undesirable (International Atomic En-
thrive on the excess nutrients and their popula- ergy Agency definition).
tion explosion covers almost entire surface layer. Mitigation of Eutrophication
This condition is known as algal bloom. • Water temperature has also been related to the The use of nuclear energy has two very serious
occurrence of algal blooms, with unusu- • Treating Industrial effluents domestic sewage to inherent problems:
Mechanism ally warm water being conducive to blooms. remove nutrient-rich sludge through wastewater
• Algal blooms can be any colours, but the most processing. 1. Accidental leakage, as occurred in the Three
• Phytoplankton are photosynthetic during day common ones are red or brown. These blooms • Riparian buffer: Interfaces between a flowing Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima inci-
time adding oxygen to the aquatic ecosystem. are commonly referred to as red or brown tides. body of water and land created near the dents and
• But during nights, they consume far more ox- waterways, farms, roads, etc. in an attempt to 2. Safe disposal of radioactive wastes.
ygen as they respire aggressively. Effects of Eutrophication filter pollution. • At high doses, nuclear radiation is lethal, but at
• i.e. Algal blooms accentuate the rate of oxygen • Sediments and nutrients are deposited in the lower doses, it creates various disorders, the
depletion as the population of phytoplankton is • Loss of freshwater lakes: Eutrophication even- buffer zones instead of deposition in water most frequent of all being cancer.
very high. tually creates detritus layer in lakes and pro- (Wetlands, estuaries are natural riparian buff- • Continued small dose exposure to nuclear radia-
• The primary consumers like small fish are killed duces successively shallower depth of surface ers). tion can cause childhood leukaemia, miscar-
due to oxygen deprivation caused by algal water. • Increase in efficiency of nitrogen & phosphorous riage, underweight babies, infant deaths, in-
blooms. • Eventually, the water body is reduced into marsh fertilisers and using them inadequate levels. creased susceptibility to AIDS and other im-
• Death of primary consumers adversely affects whose plant community is transformed from an • Nitrogen testing & modelling: N-Testing is a mune disorders.
the food chain. aquatic environment to a technique to find the optimum amount of
• Further, more oxygen is taken up by microor- recognizable terrestrial environment. fertiliser required for crop plants. It will reduce Artificial Sources of Radioactive pollution
ganisms during the decomposition process of • Algal Blooms restrict the penetration of sunlight the amount of nitrogen lost to the surrounding
dead algae, plants and fishes. resulting in the death of aquatic plants and area. • Accidents in nuclear power plants and nuclear
• The new anaerobic conditions (absence of oxy- hence restricts the replenishment of oxygen. • Encouraging organic farming. waste.
gen) created to promote the growth of bacteria • New species invasion: Eutrophication may • Reduction in nitrogen emission from vehicles • Nuclear weapon testing and explosion (Nuclear
such as Clostridium botulinum which pro- cause the ecosystem competitive by transform- and power plants. fallout). The fall Out contains radioactive sub-
duces toxins deadly to aquatic organisms, birds ing the normal limiting nutrient to abundant stances such as strontium-90, caesium-137, io-
and mammals. level. This cause shifting in species composition Harmful Algal Blooms dine-131, etc.
of the ecosystem. • Uranium mining and mining of other radioactive
• Loss of coral reefs: Occurs due to decrease in • Algae or phytoplankton are microscopic organ- material like thorium (monazite is the ore of
water transparency (increased turbidity). isms that can be found naturally in coastal wa- thorium).
• Affects navigation due to increased turbidity; ters. • Radiation therapy and direct exposures to
creates colour (yellow, green, red), smell and wa- • They are major producers of oxygen and food for radiation for diagnostic purposes (e.g. X-rays),
ter treatment problems; increases biomass of in- many of the animals that live in these waters. chemotherapy etc.
edible toxic phytoplankton, benthic and epi- • When environmental conditions are favourable • The slow nuclear radiations can emanate from a
phytic algae and bloom of gelatinous zooplank- for their development, these cells may multiply variety of sources viz. nuclear reactors, laborato-
ton. rapidly and form high numbers of cells, and this ries, etc.
is called an algal bloom.
Harmful Algal Blooms Natural Sources

77 78
• They include cosmic rays from space and terres- In a microwave oven, the radiation causes water mol-  Ionising radiations have high penetration reaching far, and can only be blocked by a very
trial radiations from radio-nuclides present in ecules in the cooking medium to vibrate faster and power and cause breakage of thick, strong, massive piece of concrete.
earth's crust such as radium-224, uranium-238, thus raising its temperature. macromolecules.
thorium-232, potassium-40, carbon-14, etc. Half-Life – Period of Radioactivity
Ionising radiations Biological Damage Due to Ionizing Radiations
Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation • Each radioactive material has a constant decay
• Ionising radiations cause ionisation (one or • Radiation damage can be divided into two types: rate.
more electrons are pealed out from the outer (a) somatic damage (also called radiation sick- • Half-life is the time needed for half of its atoms
shells of an atom) of atoms and molecules of the ness) and (b) genetic damage. to decay.
medium through which they pass. • Somatic damage refers to damage to cells that • The half-life may vary from a fraction of a second
are not associated with reproduction. to thousands of years.
Ionisation is the process by which an atom or a mole- • Effects of somatic radiation damage include loss • The radionuclides with long half-time are the
cule acquires a negative or positive charge by gaining of hair, fibrosis of the lungs, a reduction of chief source of environmental radioactive pollu-
or losing electrons to form ions, often in conjunction white blood cells, and the induction of cataract tion.
with other chemical changes. in the eyes. This damage can also result in can-
cer and death. Accidents at nuclear power plants
• Electromagnetic radiations such as short wave- • Genetic damage refers to damage to cells asso-
length ultraviolet radiations (UV), X- ciated with reproduction.
• Nuclear fission in the reactor core produces a lot
• Radioactivity is a phenomenon of spontaneous rays and gamma rays and energetic particles • This damage can subsequently cause genetic
of heat which if not controlled can lead to a melt-
emission of proton (alpha-particles), electrons produced in nuclear processes, electrically damage from gene mutation resulting in ab-
down of fuel rods in the reactor core.
(beta-particles) and gamma rays (short wave charged particles like alpha and beta parti- normalities.
• If a meltdown happens by accident, it will release
electromagnetic waves) due to the cles produced in radioactive decay and neu- • Genetic damages are passed on to the next gen-
large quantities of highly dangerous radioactive
disintegration of atomic nuclei of some ele- trons produced in nuclear fission, are highly eration.
materials in the environment with disastrous
ments. These cause radioactive pollution. damaging to living organisms.
consequences to the humans, animals and
• Radiations can be categorized into two groups • Electrically charged particles produced in the nu- Radiation dose
namely the non-ionizing radiations and the clear processes can have sufficient energy to
• To prevent this type of accidents and reactor
ionising radiations. knock electrons out of the atoms or molecules of • A traditional unit of human-equivalent dose is blow up, the reactors are designed to have a
the medium, thereby producing ions. the rem, which stands for radiation equivalent in number of safety features.
Non-ionizing radiations • The ions produced in water molecules, for exam- man. • Inspire of these safety measures three disasters
ple, can induce reactions that can break • At low doses, such as what we receive every day in the nuclear power plants are noteworthy
• Non-ionizing radiations are constituted by the bonds in proteins and other important mole- from background radiation (<1 m rem), the cells – Three Mile Island’ in Middletown (U.S.A.) in
electromagnetic waves at the longer wave- cules. repair the damage rapidly. 1979, Chernobyl (U.S.S.R.) in 1986 and Fuku-
length of the spectrum ranging from near infra- • An example of this would be when a gamma ray • At higher doses (up to 100 rem), the cells might
shima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011.
red rays to radio waves (includes higher wave- passes through a cell, the water molecules near not be able to repair the damage, and the cells • In the first two cases, a series of mishaps and er-
length ultraviolet rays, microwaves). the DNA might be ionised and the ions might re- may either be changed permanently or die. E.g. rors resulted in overheating of the reactor core
• These waves have energies enough to excite the act with the DNA causing it to break. radiation sickness. and a lot of radiation was released into the envi-
atoms and molecules of the medium through • They can also cause chemical changes by break- • Cells changed permanently may go on to pro- ronment.
which they pass, causing them to vibrate faster ing the chemical bonds, which can damage living duce abnormal cells when they divide and may • The leakage from the Three Mile Island reactor
but not strong enough to ionise them. tissues. become cancerous. was low, and no one was injured immediately.
• They may damage eyes which may be caused • Short range effects include burns, impaired me-
• However, in the case of Chernobyl, the leakage
by reflections from coastal sand, snow (snow tabolism, dead tissues and death of the organ- The damage potential of radiation particles was very heavy causing the death of some work-
blindness) directly looking towards the sun dur- isms.
ers and radiation spread over large areas scat-
ing an eclipse. • Long range effects are mutations increased the • Alpha particles can be blocked by a piece of pa- tered all over Europe.
• They injure the cells of skin and blood capillaries incidence of tumours and cancer, shortening of per and human skin. • The latest one – Fukushima Daiichi nuclear
producing blisters and reddening called sun- life-span and developmental changes. • Beta particles can penetrate through the skin, accident was triggered by an earthquake.
burns. while they can be blocked by some pieces of
 Non-ionizing radiations affect only those glass and metal.
components which absorb them and have Safe Disposal of Nuclear Wastes
• Gamma rays can penetrate easily to human
low penetrability. skin and damage cells on its way through,
79 80
• Radioactive wastes are of two types • One cell phone tower is being used by a number disease-causing agents in the soil which have ad- • Radioactive elements from mining and nuclear
of operators, more the number of antennas more verse effects on plant growth, human and animal power plants, find their way into the water and
1. low-level radioactive wastes (LLW) which in- is the power intensity in the nearby area. health. then into the soil.
clude civilian applications of radionuclides in • The power level near towers is higher and re-
medicine, research and industry, materials duces as we move away. Causes and Sources of Soil Pollution Effects of soil pollution
from decommissioned reactors, protection • EMR may cause cellular and psychological
clothing worn by persons working with radi- changes in human beings due to thermal ef- Plastic bags • Reduced soil fertility due to increase in alkalinity,
oactive materials or working in nuclear es- fects that are generated due to the absorption salinity or pH.
tablishments. of microwave radiation. • They accumulate in soil and prevents germina- • Reduced nitrogen fixation due to the reduced
2. High-level radioactive wastes (HLW) results • The exposure can lead to genetic defects, effects tion of seeds. They stay in the soil for centuries number of nitrogen fixers.
from spent nuclear fuel rods and obsolete on reproduction and development, Central Nerv- without decomposing (non-biodegradable). • Increased erosion due to loss of forests and
nuclear weapons. ous System behaviour etc. • Burning of plastic in garbage dumps release other vegetation.
• EMR can also cause non-thermal effects which highly toxic and poisonous gases like carbon • Runoff due to deforestation cause loss of soil
Some proposed methods of disposing nuclear waste are caused by radio frequency fields at levels too and nutrients.
monoxide, carbon dioxide, phosgene, diox-
are: low to produce significant heating and are due Deposition of silt in tanks and reservoirs due to
ins and other poisonous chlorinated com- •
to movement of calcium and other ions across pounds. soil erosion.
• Bury it deep underground in insulated contain- cell membranes. • Toxic solid residue left after burning remains in • Health effects are similar to the effects of water
ers. This is a strategy being pursued in the united • Such exposure is known to be responsible for fa- the soil. The harmful gases enter soils through pollution.
states. tigue, nausea, irritability, headaches, loss of ap- chemical cycles. • Ecological imbalance.
• Shoot it into space or the sun. The cost would be petite and other psychological disorders.
very high, and a launch accident should be dis- • The current exposure safety standards are purely
astrous. based on the thermal effects considering few
Industrial sources 4.7 Noise Pollution
• Bury it under the ice sheet of Antarctica or pieces of evidence from exposure to non-ther-
• They include fly ash, metallic residues, mer- • Noise by definition is “sound without value” or
Greenland ice cap. The ice could be destabilised mal effects.
cury, lead, copper, zinc, cadmium, cyanides, “any noise that is unwanted by the recipient”.
by heat from the waste. The method has been
chromates, acids, alkalies, organic sub- • Noise level is measured in terms of decibels (dB).
prohibited by international law. Impact on birds
stances, nuclear wastes An increase of about 10 dB is approximately dou-
• Dump it into deep oceans by keeping the waste
• A large number of industrial chemicals, dyes, ac- ble the increase in loudness.
into glass and steel cases. But the containers • The surface area of a bird is relatively larger ids, etc. find their way into the soil. • H.O. (World Health Organization) has prescribed
might leak and contaminate the ocean. than their body weight in comparison to the
• Change it into harmless or less harmful isotopes. optimum noise level as 45 dB by day and 35 dB
human body, so they absorb more radiation. Pesticides and fertilisers
Currently, no method is known to do that, and by night. Anything above 80 dB is hazardous.
• Also, the fluid contained in the body of the
the method would be too costly. • Noise pollution leads to irritation, increased
bird is less due to small body weight, so it gets
• Presently waste fuel rods are being stored in spe- • Chlorohydrocarbons (CHCs) like DDT, en- blood pressure, loss of temper, mental depres-
heated up very fast.
cial storage ponds at reactor sites or sent to re- dosulfan, heptachlor accumulate in soil and sion and annoyance, a decrease in work effi-
• The magnetic field from the towers disturbs
processing plants. Even though reprocessing is cause biomagnification. Some of these pesti- ciency, loss of hearing which may be first tempo-
birds' navigation skills; hence when birds are
more expensive, but some countries use repro- cides like DDT and endosulfan are banned by rary but can become permanent in the noise
exposed to EMR they disorient and begin to fly
cessing as an alternative to waste storage. most of the countries. stress continues.
in all directions.
• Excessive use of chemical fertilisers reduces the • A green belt of trees is an efficient noise ab-
• A large number of birds die each year from colli-
Impact of Radiation from Mobile Phone population of soil-borne organisms and the sorber.
sions with telecommunication masts.
crumb structure of the soil, productivity of the
Towers soil and increases salt content of the soil. Ambient Noise Level Monitoring
4.6 Soil Pollution
• The radiation that comes from mobile tower ra- Other pollutants • Noise Pollution (Control and Regulation) Rules,
diation is non-ionizing radiation. • Soil pollution is defined as the 'addition of sub- 2000 define ambient noise levels for various ar-
stances to the soil, which adversely affects phys- • Many air pollutants (acid rain) and water pollu- eas.
Health Impacts ical, chemical and biological properties of soil tants ultimately become part of the soil, and the • The Government of India on Mar 2011 launched
and reduces its productivity. soil also receives some toxic chemicals during a Real-time Ambient Noise Monitoring Network.
• Every antenna on cell phone tower radiates • It is a build-up of persistent toxic compounds, weathering of certain rocks. • Silence Zone is an area comprising not less than
electromagnetic radiation (power). chemicals, salts, radioactive materials, or 100 metres around hospitals, educational

81 82
institutions, courts, religious places or any other dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated • The rainwater runoff from these dumps contam- • Pyrolysis of carbonaceous wastes like firewood,
area declared as such by a competent authority. dibenzofurans (PCDFs). inates nearby land and water thereby spreading coconut, palm waste, corn combs, cashew shell,
disease. rice husk paddy straw and sawdust, yields char-
4.8 Solid Wastes • Plastic bags can also contaminate foodstuffs due coal along with products like tar, methyl alco-
to leaching of toxic dyes and transfer of patho- Landfills hol, acetic acid, acetone and fuel gas.
• Solid wastes or municipal solid wastes generally gens.
comprise paper, food wastes, plastics, glass, met- • Careless disposal of plastic bags chokes drains, • It is a pit that is dug in the ground. The garbage Composting
als, rubber, leather, textile, etc. blocks the porosity of the soil and causes prob- is dumped, and the pit is covered with soil every
• Open-burning reduces the volume of the wastes, lems for groundwater recharge. day thus preventing the breeding of flies and • Composting is a biological process in which mi-
although it is generally not burnt to completion • Plastic disturbs the soil microbe activity. The ter- rats. cro-organisms, mainly fungi and bacteria, de-
and open dumps often serve as the breeding restrial and aquatic animals misunderstand plas- • After the landfill is full, the area is covered with a compose degradable organic waste into humus-
ground for rats and flies. tic garbage as food items, swallow them and die. thick layer of mud, and the site can thereafter be like substance in the presence of oxygen.
• Sanitary landfills were adopted as the substitute • Plastic bags deteriorate soil fertility as it forms developed as a parking lot or a park. • This finished product, which looks like soil, is
for open-burning dumps. In a sanitary landfill, part of manure and remains in the soil for years. • All types of waste are dumped in landfills, and high in carbon and nitrogen and is an excellent
wastes are dumped in a depression or trench af- when water seeps through them it gets contam- medium for growing plants.
ter compaction and covered with dirt every day. Industrial solid waste inated and in turn, pollutes the surrounding area. • It increases the soil's ability to hold water and
• Landfills are also not much of a solution since the • This contamination of groundwater and soil makes the soil easier to cultivate. It helps the soil
amount of garbage generation especially in the • Thermal power plants producing coal ash/fly ash; through landfills is known as leaching. retain more plant nutrients.
metros has increased so much that these sites • The integrated iron and steel mills producing
are getting filled too. blast furnace slag; Sanitary landfills Vermiculture
• Also, there is a danger of seepage of chemicals, • Non-ferrous industries like aluminium, copper
etc. from these landfills polluting the under- and zinc producing red mud and tailings; • Sanitary landfill is more hygienic and built • It is also known as earthworm farming. In this
ground water resources. • Sugar industries generating press mud; methodically to solve the problem of leaching. method, Earthworms are added to the compost.
• Pulp and paper industries producing lime mud; • These are lined with materials that are imperme- • These worms break the waste, and the added ex-
Effects of Plastic Waste • Fertilizer and allied industries producing gyp- able such as plastics and clay and are also built creta of the worms makes the compost very rich
sum; over impermeable soil. in nutrients.
• Conventional plastics, right from their manufac- • Constructing a sanitary landfill is very costly.
ture to their disposal are a major problem to the Plastic waste in road construction Waste Minimization Circles (WMC)
environment. Incineration plants
• The land gets littered by plastic bag garbage and • Polyblend is a fine powder of recycled and mod- • WMC helps Small and Medium Industrial Clus-
becomes ugly and unhygienic. ified plastic waste. • The process of burning waste in large furnaces at ters in waste minimisation in their industrial
• Conventional plastics have been associated • This mixture is mixed with the bitumen that is high temperature is known as incineration. plants.
with reproductive problems in both humans used to lay roads. • In these plants, the recyclable material is segre- • This is assisted by the World Bank with the Min-
and wildlife. • Blends of Polyblend and bitumen, when used to gated, and the rest of the material is burnt. istry of Environment and Forests acting as the
• Dioxin (highly carcinogenic and toxic) by-prod- lay roads, enhanced the bitumen’s water repel- • Burning garbage is not a clean process as it pro- nodal ministry.
uct of the manufacturing process is one of the lent properties, and helped to increase road life duces tonnes of toxic ash and pollutes the air and • The project is being implemented with the assis-
chemicals believed to be passed on by a factor of three. water. tance of the National Productivity Council
through breast milk to the nursing infant. • At present, incineration is kept as the last resort (NPC), New Delhi.
• Burning of plastics, especially PVC releases di- Issues with treatment and disposal of and is used mainly for treating infectious waste. • The initiative aims to realise the objectives of the
oxin and also furan into the atmosphere. solid waste Policy Statement for Abatement of Pollution
Pyrolysis (1992), which states that the government should
 Dioxins are environmental pollutants. They Open dumps educate citizens about environmental risks, the
belong to the so-called “dirty dozen” – a • It is a process of combustion in the absence of economic and health dangers of resource degra-
group of dangerous chemicals known oxygen or the material burnt under a controlled dation and the real economic cost of natural re-
• Open dumps refer to uncovered areas that are
as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). atmosphere of oxygen. It is an alternative to in- sources.
used to dump solid waste of all kinds.
 The name "dioxins" is often used for the cineration. • The policy also recognises that citizens and non-
• The waste is untreated, uncovered, and not seg-
family of structurally and chemically re- • The gas and liquid thus obtained can be used as governmental organisations play a role in envi-
regated. It is the breeding ground for flies, rats,
lated polychlorinated dibenzo para fuels. ronmental monitoring, therefore, enabling them
and other insects that spread disease.

83 84
to supplement the regulatory system and recog- • Endrin: Endrin has been used primarily as an ag- appliances, audio and video products and all of transported from one place to the other in parts
nizing their expertise where such exists and ricultural insecticide on tobacco, apple trees, cot- their peripherals are popularly known as Elec- or totality in the formal sector.
where their commitments and vigilance would ton, sugar cane, rice, cereal, and grains. tronic waste (E-waste). • The e-waste can, however, be considered haz-
be cost effective. • Polychlorinated biphenyl: PCB's commercial • E-waste is not hazardous if it is stocked in safe ardous if recycled by primitive methods.
utility was based largely on their chemical stabil- storage or recycled by scientific methods or
4.9 Hazardous Waste ity, including low flammability, and physical Source and health effects
properties, including electrical insulating proper-
ties. They are highly toxic. Particulars Source Health Effects
• Any substance that is present in the environment
• DDT: DDT is the best-known of several chlorine- Lead • Used in glass panels and gaskets in computer • Lead tends to accumulate in the
or released into the environment causing sub-
containing pesticides used in the 1940s and monitors environment and has high
stantial damage to public health and welfare of
1950s. • Solder in printed circuit boards and other Com- acute and chronic effects on
the environment is called hazardous substance. ponents plants, animals and microor-
• Any hazardous substance could exhibit any one ganisms.
or more of the following characteristics: toxicity, Basel Convention
Cadmium • Occurs in SMD chip resistors, infra-red detectors, • Toxic cadmium compounds ac-
ignitability, corrosivity or reactivity (explo- and semiconductor chips cumulate in the human body,
sive). • Basel Convention on the Control of Trans- • Some older cathode ray tubes contain cadmium especially the kidneys.
• Thus, any waste that contains hazardous or very boundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes Mercury • It is estimated that 22 % of the yearly world con- • Mercury can cause damage to
hazardous substance is called hazardous waste. and Their Disposal. sumption of mercury is used in electrical and organs including the brain and
• Hazardous wastes can originate from various • An international treaty that was designed to re- electronic equipment kidneys, as well as the foetus.
sources such as household, local areas, urban, in- duce the movements of hazardous waste be- • Mercury is used in thermostats, sensors, relays, • The developing foetus is highly
tween nations. switches, medical equipment, lamps, mobile vulnerable to mercury expo-
dustry, agriculture, construction activity, hospi-
• Main goal is to prevent the transfer of hazardous phones and in batteries sure.
tals and laboratories, power plants and other
• Mercury, used in flat panel displays, will likely in- • When inorganic mercury
sources. waste from developed to less developed coun-
crease as their use replaces cathode ray tubes spreads out in the water, it is
tries (LDCs).
transformed to methylated
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Or- • It does not address the movement of radioac- mercury which bio-accumulates
tive waste. in living organisms and concen-
ganic Pollutants
trates through the food chain,
Rotterdam Convention particularly via fish.
• Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Hexavalent • Chromium VI is used as corrosion protec- • Chromium VI can cause dam-
Pollutants is an international environmental Chromium/ tor of untreated and galvanized steel plates and age to DNA and is extremely
treaty. • Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed
Chromium VI 29 as a decorative or hardener for steel housings toxic in the environment.
• Came into effective in 2004. Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous
Plastics (including PVC): Dioxin is released when
• Aims to eliminate or restrict the production Chemicals and Pesticides in International PVC is burned.
and use of persistent organic pollutants Trade. • The largest volume of plastics (26%) used in elec-
(POPs). • Multilateral treaty to promote shared tronics has been PVC. PVC elements are found in
• POPs are defined as "chemical substances that responsibilities in relation to the importation of cabling and computer housings.
persist in the environment, bioaccumulate hazardous chemicals. • Many computer mouldings are now made with
• The convention promotes an open exchange of the somewhat more benign ABS plastics
through the food web, and pose a risk of causing
information and calls on exporters of hazardous Barium • Barium is used in computers in the front panel of • Studies have shown that short-
adverse effects to human health and the environ-
chemicals to use proper labelling, safe handling, a CRT, to protect users from radiation term exposure to barium
ment". causes brain swelling.
and inform purchasers of any known restrictions
Beryllium • Beryllium is commonly found on motherboards • Exposure to beryllium can
or bans.
Important Listed substances and finger clips cause lung cancer.
• Signatory nations can decide whether to allow or
• It is used as a copper-beryllium alloy to • Beryllium also causes a skin dis-
ban the importation of chemicals listed in the strengthen connectors and tiny plugs while main- ease that is characterised by
• Aldrin: Used as an insecticide
treaty. taining electrical conductivity poor wound healing and wart-
• Heptachlor: Uses as a termiticide (including in
the structure of houses and underground), for like bumps.
organic treatment and in underground cable 4.10 Electronic waste | E-WASTE Toners • Found in the plastic printer cartridge containing • Inhalation is the primary expo-
black and colour toners. sure pathway, and acute expo-
sure may lead to respiratory
• Hexachlorobenzene: Use as a chemical inter- • The discarded and end-of-life electronic prod-
tract irritation. Carbon black has
mediate and a solvent for pesticides ucts ranging from computers, equipment, home

85 86
been classified as a class 2B • Lead can cause irreversible behavioural disturb-
carcinogen, possibly carcino- ances, neurological damage and other develop-
genic to humans. mental problems in young children and babies.
Phosphor and • Phosphor is an inorganic chemical compound • The phosphor coating on cath- It is a carcinogen of the lungs and kidneys.
additives that is applied as a coat on the interior of the CRT ode ray tubes contain heavy
faceplate. metals, such as cadmium, and
other rare earth metals, for ex-
ample, zinc, vanadium as addi-
tives. These metals and their • In Japan, mass mercury poisoning (Minamata
compounds are very toxic. disease) was observed in the 1960s, caused by
eating fish from Minamata Bay which was con-
taminated with methyl mercury.
Q. Due to improper/indiscriminate disposal of • Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Ahmadabad, Hy- • Mercury kills cells in the body and damages or-
old and used computers or their parts, which of derabad, Pune, Surat and Nagpur are other im- gans and thus impairs their functioning.
the following are released into the environment portant cities generating a substantial amount of Heavy Metal Toxicity and Methods of
• Inhalation of mercury vapours is more danger-
as e-waste? e-waste. Their Prevention ous than its ingestion.
• Among the eight largest e-waste generating • Chronic exposure causes lesions in the mouth
1. Beryllium states, Maharashtra ranks first followed • Toxic metals are dispersed in the environment and skin and neurological problems.
2. Cadmium by Tamil Nadu (2nd), Andhra Pradesh (3rd), through metal smelting industrial emissions, • Mercury thermometers used earlier are getting
3. Chromium Uttar Pradesh (4th), Delhi (5th), Gujarat (6th), burning of organic wastes, automobiles and replaced by mercury-free thermometer.
4. Heptachlor Karnataka (7th) and West Bengal (8th). coal-based power generation.
5. Mercury • Over half of the e-waste generated in the devel- • Heavy metals can be carried to places far away Arsenic
6. Lead oped world are exported to developing coun- from their source of origin by winds when they
7. Plutonium tries, mainly to China, India and Pakistan, where are emitted in gaseous form or form of fine par- • Arsenic is associated with copper, iron and sil-
metals like copper, iron, silicon, nickel and gold ticulates. ver ores.
Select the correct answer using the codes given be- are recovered during the recycling process. • Rain ultimately washes the air having metallic • Arsenic is also emitted from fossil fuel burning.
low. pollutants and brings them to the land and to • Liquid effluents from fertilizer plants also con-
• Unlike developed countries, which have spe- water bodies. tain arsenic.
a) 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7 only cifically built facilities for recycling of e- • Heavy metals cannot be destroyed by biological • Groundwater contamination with arsenic is very
b) 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 only waste, recycling in developing countries of- degradation. common in areas where it is present.
c) 2, 4, 5 and 7 only ten involves manual participation thus ex- • The heavy metals often encountered in the envi- • Chronic arsenic poisoning causes melanosis and
d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 posing workers to toxic substances present ronment include lead, mercury, arsenic, chro- keratosis (dark spots on the upper chest, back
in e-waste. mium. These are known to cause toxic effects in and arms are known as melanosis. The next stage
Explanation: living organisms. is keratosis in which palms become hard) and
leads to loss of appetite, weight, diarrhoea, gas-
• Heptachlor is a Chlorohydrocarbon (CHC) which Lead trointestinal disturbances and skin cancer.
is used as an insecticide.
• Surface waters are generally free from arsenic
• Plutonium is a radioactive metal and hence not Lead enters the atmosphere from automobile ex-
• pollution and should be preferred for drinking
used in computers. haust. and cooking.
• So, the answer should not contain either 4) or 7). • Tetraethyl lead (TEL) was added to petrol as
an anti-knock agent for a smooth running of Cadmium
Answer: b) 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 only
• Lead in petrol is being phased out by the • Mining, especially of zinc and metallurgical op-
E-Waste in India
introduction of lead-free petrol. erations, electroplating industries, etc., release
• Many industrial processes use lead, and it is cadmium in the environment.
• India generates about 18.5 lakh metric tonnes often released as a pollutant. • It may enter the human body by inhalation or
(MT) of electronic waste every year, with Mumbai • Battery scrap also contains lead. It can get mixed from aquatic sources including fish, etc.
and Delhi-NCR accounting for the biggest chunk. up with water and food and create cumulative • It may cause hypertension, liver cirrhosis, brittle
The figure is likely to reach up to 30 lakh MT per poisoning. bones, kidney damage and lung cancer.
year by 2018.

87 88
• Itai-itai disease first reported from Japan in • The definition of dumping under the Convention operations etc. for which the concern is mainly developing low carbon energy forms especially
1965 was attributed to cadmium contamination relates to deliberate disposal at sea of wastes or physical impact. for sources of enormous CO2 emissions.
in water and rice caused by the discharge of ef- other materials from vessels, aircraft, platforms • The Protocol prohibits incineration of wastes at • The amendments allow storage of carbon di-
fluents from a zinc smelter into a river. and other man-made structures. sea (permitted by the 1972 convention but pro- oxide (CO2) under the seabed but regulate the
• ‘Dumping’ here does not cover wastes derived hibited under the 1993 amendments). sequestration of CO2 streams from CO2 cap-
Other Heavy Metals from the exploration and exploitation of sea-bed • The Protocol states that “Contracting Parties ture processes in sub-seabed geological for-
mineral resources. shall not allow the export of wastes or other mat- mations.
• Metals such as zinc, chromium, anti- • The 1978 amendment dealt with the incineration ter to other countries for dumping or incinera-
mony and tin enter food from cheap cooking of wastes at sea. tion at sea”. The United Nations Convention on Law
utensils. • Another set of amendments adopted at the same • The International Maritime Organization of the Sea
• Preserved foods stored in tin cans also cause time related to introduction of new procedures (IMO) is responsible for Secretariat duties with
contamination by tin. for dispute settlement. respect to the Protocol. • UNCLOS establishes general obligations for safe-
• Zinc is a skin irritant and affects the pulmonary • The 1993 amendments banned dumping of low- guarding the marine environment and protect-
system. level radioactive wastes into the seas. 2006 Amendments to the Protocol ing freedom of scientific research on the high
• They phased out the dumping of industrial seas.
wastes by 1995 and called for an end to incinera- • Adopted in 2006, the amendments were en-
4.11 Marine Pollution forced in 2007.
• It also creates an innovative legal regime for con-
tion of industrial wastes at sea. trolling mineral resource exploitation in deep
• It is to be noted that dumping of low-level radi- • The amendments have created a basis in inter- seabed areas beyond national jurisdiction,
• Marine pollution refers to the emptying of chem-
oactive wastes and industrial wastes as well as national environment law to regulate carbon through an International Seabed Authority.
icals into the ocean and its harmful effects.
incineration of wastes were earlier permitted by capture and storage in subsealed geological • UNCLOS can hold states liable for damage
• The potentially toxic chemicals stick to tiny par-
the Convention. formation. caused by violation of their international obliga-
ticles and these are taken up by plankton and
• The changing approach, keeping in view the • It is part of the measures being considered to ad- tions to combat pollution of the seas.
benthos animals which are deposit or filter feed-
need of the times, led to the adoption of the dress climate change and ocean acidification like
ers concentrating upward within food chains.
1996 Protocol on November 7, 1996. 4.12 Land Degradation • The large scale damage to the soil in Shiwalik
• As animal feeds usually have a high fish meal or
range, the Chos of Punjab, the ravines of Cham-
fish oil content, toxins can be found in consumed
1996 Protocol • Soil degradation is the decline in soil quality bal valley are due to deforestation.
food items obtained from livestock and animal
husbandry. caused by its improper use, usually for agricul-
• The Protocol, which became effective in 2006, re- Major Causes of Deforestation
• To curb marine pollution and regulate the use of tural, pastoral, industrial or urban purposes.
places the 1972 Convention. • Soil degradation is a serious global environmen-
the world’s oceans by individual States, the na- Shifting cultivation
• The 1996 Protocol is much more restrictive as tal problem and may be exacerbated by climate
tions of the world have come together to form
compared to the 1972 Convention that allowed change.
two major conventions: • In this practice a patch of land is cleared, vege-
dumping provided certain conditions were satis- • It encompasses physical (soil erosion), chemical
1. Convention on the Dumping of Wastes at tation is burned, and the ash is mixed with the
fied. (salinity and alkalinity, pollution) and biological
Sea, to be replaced by the 1996 Protocol) soil thus adding nutrients to the soil.
• 1996 Protocol calls for appropriate preventive deterioration (pollution and deterioration of
and • This patch of land is used for raising crops for
measures to be taken when wastes thrown into vegetal cover).
2. United Nations Convention on Law of the two to three years, and the yield is modest.
the sea are likely to cause harm “even when there
Sea or UNCLOS. • Then this area is abandoned and is left to recover
is no conclusive evidence to prove a cause rela- Deforestation
tion between inputs and their effects.” its fertility, and the same practice is repeated
Convention on Dumping of Wastes at • The Protocol states that “the polluter should, in elsewhere on a fresh piece of land.
• The population explosion has created pressure
Sea principle, bear the cost of pollution”. • This agricultural practice has become unsustain-
on forest land and resources, and this causes de-
• The Contracting Parties must ensure that the able due to rapid increase in population pressure
• An inter-governmental conference on the Con- Protocol does not simply result in pollution be- in the forested areas.
• Deforestation accentuates soil erosion (soil deg-
vention on the Dumping of Wastes at Sea met in ing transferred from one part of the environment radation). Development project and Mining
London in November 1972 to adopt this instru- to another. • Roots of trees and plants bind the soil particles
ment, the London Convention. • The Protocol prohibits the Contracting Parties and regulate the flow of water, thus saving soil • Opencast mining has resulted in deforestation all
• The Convention has a global character and is from dumping “wastes or any other matter with from erosion. Deforestation makes soil vulnera- over the world.
aimed at international control and putting an the exception of those listed in Annex 1”. ble to wind and water erosion.
end to marine pollution. • Annex 1 includes dredged material; sewage
sludge; fish waste from industrial fish processing

89 90
• Deforestation also results from overgrazing, ag- • In some parts of the country, the same crop is
riculture, mining, urbanisation, flood, fire, pest, grown year after year which spoils the chemical
diseases, defence and communication activities. balance of the soil. This soil is exhausted and is
easily eroded by wind or water.
Effects of Deforestation • The removal of the forest cover shifting cultiva-
tion leads to the exposure of the soil to rains and
• Closed forests (based on canopy level) have sun which results in heavy loss of topsoil, espe-
diminished due to deforestation leading to an cially on the hill slopes.
increase in degraded forests.
• Forests recycle moisture (natural motors) from Soil Salinity and Soil Alkalinity
soil into their immediate atmosphere by transpi-
ration where it again precipitates as rain. • In Saline and Alkaline Soils, the topsoil is im-
• Deforestation results in an immediate lowering pregnated (soak or saturate with a substance)
of groundwater level (low percolation due to the with saline and alkaline efflorescences (become
quick surface runoff on barren lands) and in covered with salt particles).
long-term reduction of precipitation. • Undecomposed rock fragments, on weathering,
• Due to deforestation, this natural reuse cycle is give rise to sodium, magnesium and calcium
broken, and water is lost through rapid runoff. salts and sulphurous acid.
• Deforestation affects the biota and neighbouring • Some of the salts are transported in solution by
ecosystems, soil erosion, land degradation, alter- the rivers.
ation of groundwater channels, pollution and • In regions with low water table (due to over irri-
scarce. gation in canal irrigated areas), the salts perco-
late into the subsoil, and in regions with good
Overgrazing drainage, the salts are wasted away by flowing
• During the rainy season, there is plenty of vege- • But in places where the drainage system is poor,
tation and animals get enough fodder. the water with high salt concentration becomes
• But during the dry period, there is a shortage of stagnant and deposits all the salts in the topsoil
fodder, and the grass is grazed to the ground once the water evaporates.
and torn out by the roots by animals. • In regions with the high sub-soil water table, in-
• This leads to lose structure of the soil and the soil jurious salts are transferred from below by the
is easily washed away by rains. capillary action as a result of evaporation in the
• Moreover, the soil is pulverised (reduce to fine dry season.
particles) by the hoofs of animals and thus • In canal irrigated areas plenty of the water is
proves detrimental to topsoil when heavy show- available, and the farmers indulge in over irriga-
ers fall on it. tion of their fields.
• Soil erosion due to overgrazing is a common site • Under such conditions, the groundwater level
in the hilly areas. rises and saline and alkaline efflorescences con-
sisting of salts of sodium, calcium and magne-
Plantation Boom • Wood is used as a raw material by various indus- Faulty Methods of Agriculture sium appear on the surface as a layer of white
tries for making paper, plywood, furniture, match
salt through capillary action.
• Increase in demand for cocoa, coffee, tea, sugar, sticks, boxes, crates, packing cases, etc. • Much of the soil erosion in India is caused by • Vast tracts of canal irrigated areas in Uttar Pra-
palm oil, rubber etc. have resulted in deforesta- • Industries also obtain their raw materials from faulty methods of agriculture. desh. Punjab and Haryana; arid regions of Raja-
tion in the tropical rainforests. plants such as drugs, scents and perfumes, resin, • Wrong ploughing, lack of crop rotation and sthan, semi-arid areas of Maharashtra, Gujarat,
gums, waxes, turpentine, latex and rubber, practice of shifting cultivation are the most ad- Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Karnataka etc.
Raw Materials tannis, alkaloids, bees wax. versely affecting methods of agriculture. are facing this problem.
• If the fields are ploughed along the slope, there • Although Indira Gandhi canal in Rajasthan has
Other Causes
is no obstruction to the flow of water and the turned the sandy desert into a granary, it has
water washes away the topsoil easily.

91 92
given birth to serious problems of salinity and al- • Salinity and alkalinity create difficulties in build- • Excessive soil erosion by wind and to some plain where the pumped water is used for irrigat-
kalinity. ing and road construction. extent by water. ing the neighbouring regions.
• These cause floods due to reduced percolation • Deposition of sand in rivers, lakes decrease their
Q. Which of the following is/are the possible con- of water. water containing capacity. Characteristics of Indian Soils
sequence/s of heavy sand mining in riv- • Lowering of water table leading to acute water
erbeds? (2018) Steps to treat salinity and alkalinity shortage. • Most soils are old and mature.
1) Decreased salinity in the river • Increase in area under wastelands. • Soils of the peninsular plateau are much older
2) Pollution of groundwater • Providing outlets for lands to drain out excess • Decrease in agricultural production. than the soils of the great northern plain.
3) Lowering of the water-table water and lower water table. • Increase in frequency and intensity of droughts. • Indian soils are largely deficient in nitrogen,
• Seal leakages from canals, tanks and other water mineral salts, humus and other organic mate-
Select the correct answer using the code given be- bodies by lining them. Measures of Controlling Desertification rials.
low: • Making judicious use of irrigation facilities. • Plains and valleys have thick layers of soils while
• Improve vegetal cover to avoid further degrada- • Intensive tree plantation in the transition zones. hilly and plateau areas depict thin soil cover.
a) 1 only
tion by planting salt-tolerant vegetation. • Mulching shifting sand dunes in deserts with dif- • Some soils like alluvial and black soils are fertile
b) 2 and 3 only
• Crop rotation. ferent plant species. Mulches serve as an effec- while some other soils such as laterite, desert and
c) 1 and 3 only
• Liberal application of gypsum to convert the al- tive physical barrier to the moving sand. alkaline soils lack infertility and do not yield a
d) 1 ,2 and 3
kalis into soluble compounds. • Grazing should be controlled, and new pastures good harvest.
• Water accumulates in the (pores) space between
• Alkali can be removed by adding sulphuric acid should be developed. • Indian soils have been used for cultivation for
soil particles and can stay in these spaces’ dues
or acid forming substances like sulphur and py- • Indiscriminate felling of trees should be banned. hundreds of years and have lost much of their
to capillary action (capillary action explained in
rite. • Alternative sources of fuel can reduce the de- fertility.
Indian Geography > Soils > Saline – Alkaline
• Organic residues such as rice husks and rice mand for fuelwood.
straw can be added to promote the formation of • Sandy and wastelands should be put to proper Soil Erosion
• Capillary action occurs because water is sticky
mild acid as a result of their decomposition. use by judicious planning.
and helps the water in pores overcome gravity.
• Soil erosion is the loosening and displacement of
• It is because of the capillary action that water Desertification Waterlogging topsoil particles from the land.
(water table) is available just a few feet below the
• Soil erosion in nature may be
top soil.
• Desertification is the spread of desert-like condi- • The flat surfaces and depressions result in water- a) a slow process (or geological erosion) or
• When the soil is removed the capillary action is
tions in arid or semi-arid areas due to man's in- logging. b) a fast process promoted by deforestation,
lost and the water table falls.
fluence or climatic change. • Waterlogged soils are soaked with water accu- floods, tornadoes or other human activities.
• In places of high water table (near marshlands,
• A large part of the arid and semi-arid region ly- mulated during the rainy season or due to leak- • These two processes are explained below:
wetlands, river beds) when the top soil is re-
ing between the Indus and the Aravalli range is age from various water sources.
moved the water table is exposed to sunlight and
affected by spreading desert conditions. • The extent of waterlogged soils is about 12 mil- Water Erosion
evaporation increases salinity.
• Desert soils suffer maximum erosion by wind. lion hectares in India – half of which lies along
• Also, soil acts as a filter and when it is removed
The sand carried by wind is deposited on the ad- the coast and the other half in the inland area. • Running water is one of the main agents, which
the pollutants manage to reach the ground wa-
joining fertile lands whose fertility dwindles, and • Waterlogging is believed to be one of the chief carries away soil particles.
ter more easily.
slowly the fertile land starts merging with the ad- causes of salinity. • Soil erosion by water occurs by means of
Answer: b) 2 and 3 only vancing desert. • Proper layout of drainage schemes is the only raindrops, waves or ice.
• It has been estimated that the Thar Desert is ad- way to overcome the menace of waterlogging. • Soil erosion by water is termed differently ac-
Effects of salinity and alkalinity vancing at an alarming rate of about 0.5 km per • The basic methods of removing excess water cording to the intensity and nature of erosion.
year. from waterlogged soils are (a) surface drainage • Raindrop erosion (ii) Sheet erosion (iii) Rill ero-
• Salinity and alkalinity have an adverse effect on • The process of desertification is attributed to un- and (b) vertical drainage. sion (iv) Steam banks erosion (v) Erosion due to
soil and reduce soil fertility. controlled grazing, reckless felling of trees and (a) Surface Drainage. Surface drainage involves the landslides (vi) Coastal erosion.
• Cultivation is not possible on saline soils unless growing population. Climate change has also disposal of excess water over ground surface
they are flushed out with large quantities of irri- contributed to the spread of deserts. through an open drainage system with an ade- Raindrop erosion
gation water to leach out the salts. quate outlet.
Ecological implications of desertification (b) Vertical Drainage. Any bore or well from which • Raindrops behave like tiny bombs when falling
• Choice of crops is limited to salinity-tolerant
the underlying water is extracted is defined as on exposed soil, displace soil particles and de-
crops like cotton, barley etc.
• Drifting of sand and its accumulation on fertile vertical drainage. It works well in Indo-Gangetic stroy soil structure.
• Quality of fodder and food produced is of poor
quality. agricultural land.

93 94
• Average size of a raindrop is approximately 5 loss of balance of land mass with respect to grav- • Wind erosion removes the finer soil material in- • Crops may be cultivated in alternate strips,
mm in diameter falling through the air hits the ity. cluding organic matter, clay and slit, in a suspen- parallel to one another. Some strips may be al-
soil at a velocity of 32 km/hr. sion (colloidal) form and leaving behind coarser, lowed to lie fallow while in other different crops
• Presence of vegetation on land prevents Coastal erosion less fertile material. may be sown.
raindrops from falling directly on the soil thus • The productive capacity of the soil is lost as most • Various crops are harvested at different intervals.
erosion of soil in areas covered by vegetation is • Coastal erosion of soil occurs along seashores. It of the plant nutrients which remain attached This ensures that at no time of the year the entire
prevented. is caused by the wave action of the sea and the smaller colloidal soil fraction are lost. area is left bare or exposed.
inward movement of the sea into the land. • Wind erosion also damages roads and fertile ag- • The tall growing crops act as windbreaks and the
Sheet erosion ricultural fields by depositing large quantities of strips which are often parallel to the contours
Consequences of water erosion air blown soil particles. help in increasing water absorption by the soil by
• The detachment and transportation of soil parti- slowing down runoff.
cles by flowing rainwater is called sheet or wash • Erosion removes the most fertile part of the soil. Soil Conservation
off erosion. The less fertile subsoil is left. Use of Early Maturing Varieties
• This is a very slow process and often remain un- • The fine particles of the topsoil which contain the
• Soil conservation is the prevention of soil from
noticed. bulk of nutrients and organic matter needed by • Early maturing varieties of crops take less time to
erosion or reduced fertility caused by overuse,
the plants are lost from soil erosion. mature and thus put lesser pressure on the soil.
acidification, salinisation or other chemical soil
Rill erosion • Erosion may result in removal of seeds or seed- In this way, it can help in reducing the soil ero-
lings so that the soil becomes bare. Bare soil is sion.
• Soil erosion is the greatest single evil to Indian
• In rill erosion finger like rills appear on the culti- more vulnerable to erosion both by wind and
agriculture and animal husbandry.
vated land after it has undergone sheet erosion. water. Contour Ploughing
• Notable Quotable from Khullar’s Indian Geogra-
• These rills are usually smoothened out every year • Removal of seeds and seedlings reduces the abil-
phy: “With soil conservation people rise and with
while forming. ity of soil to store water. • If ploughing is done at right angles to the hill
its destruction, they fall. Neglect of soil is like kill-
• Each year the rills slowly increase in number be- • Sheet, rill, gully and stream bank erosion also slope, the ridges and furrows break the flow of
ing the hen that lays the golden egg.”
come wider and deeper. cause siltation of rivers, streams and fields. water down the hill.
• When rills increase in size, they are called gullies. • Deposition of silt results in damage of crops and • This prevents excessive soil loss as gullies are less
Crop Rotation
Ravines are deep gullies. pastures, and sedimentation of water bodies like likely to develop and also reduce run-off so that
streams, dams, reservoirs etc. • Adopting sustainable agricultural practices is the plants receive more water.
• Sedimentation of water bodies deteriorate water most important measure to conserve soil.
quality and damage aquatic habitats and organ- • In many parts of India, a particular crop is sown Checking Shifting Cultivation
isms. in the same field year after year. This practice
• Coastal erosion causes the adjourning land to leads to exhaustion of certain nutrients in the soil • Checking and reducing shifting cultivation by
become covered by sand. making it infertile. persuading the tribal people to switch over to
Streambank erosion • Crop rotation is a practice in which a different settled agriculture is a very effective method of
Wind erosion crop is cultivated on a piece of land each year. soil conservation.
• The erosion of soil from the banks (shores) of the • This helps to conserve soil fertility as different • This can be done by planning for their resettle-
streams or rivers due to the flowing water is • Soil erosion by wind is more common in areas crops require different nutrients from the soil. ment which involves the provision of residential
called bank erosion. where the natural vegetation has been Crop rotation will provide enough time to restore accommodation, agricultural implements, seeds,
destroyed. Such conditions occur mainly in arid manures, cattle and reclaimed land.
lost nutrients.
and dry areas along the sandy shores of oceans,
• For example, potatoes require much potash, but
lakes and rivers.
wheat requires nitrate. Thus, it is best to alternate Ploughing the Land in Right Direction
• The loose soil particles are blown and trans-
crops in the field.
ported from wind by following three ways: (i) Sil- • Ploughing the land in a direction perpendicular
• Legumes such as peas, beans, and many other
tation: blown by the wind in a series of short to wind direction also reduces wind velocity and
plants, add nitrates to the soil by converting free
bounces. (ii) Suspension: transported over long protects the topsoil from erosion.
nitrogen in the air into nitrogenous nodules on
distances in the form of suspended particles. (iii)
their roots.
Landslide Surface creep: transported at ground level by Mulching
• Thus, if they are included in the crop rotation ni-
high-velocity winds.
• A sudden mass movement of soil is called a trogenous fertilisers can be dispensed with.
landslide. Landslides occur due to instability or Consequences of wind erosion Strip Cropping

95 96
• The bare ground (topsoil) between plants is controls around open construction sites to keep • Some examples of human-modified ecosystems
covered with a protective layer of organic sediments from being blown offsite by the wind. are agro-ecosystems, plantation forests, rural
matter like grass clippings, straw, etc. and urban ecosystems, aquaculture etc.

Benefits Characteristics of human-modified ecosystems

• Protects the soil from erosion. • Highly unstable, unsustainable and have a dev-
• It helps to retain soil moisture.
Contour Bunding astating effect on the environment.
• Reduces compaction from the impact of heavy • Highly simplified with very low species diversity
• Contour bunding involves the construction of and poor nutrient cycling.
banks along the contours. • Food chains are simple, small and undergo fre-
• Conserves moisture, reducing the need for fre-
• Terracing and contour bunding which divide Afforestation quent changes.
quent watering.
the hill slope into numerous small slopes, check • Depend on human (anthropogenic) support for
• Maintains a more even soil temperature.
the flow of water, promote absorption of water • It includes the prevention of forest destruction
• Prevents weed growth. survival.
by soil and save soil from erosion. along with growing new forests or increase area
• Organic mulches also improve the condition of • Species are highly susceptible to epidemic dis-
• Retaining walls of terraces control the flow of under forests.
the soil. As these mulches slowly decompose, eases.
water and help in reducing soil erosion. • A minimum area 20 to 25 per cent of forest land
they provide organic matter which helps keep • Highly subject to soil erosion and soil degrada-
was considered healthy for soil and water con-
the soil loose. tion.
Intercropping servation for the whole country.
• Regeneration and recovery of the environment
• It was raised to 33 per cent in the second five-
Contour barriers are very slow.
• Different crops are grown in alternate rows and year plan – 20 per cent for the plains and 60 per
• Some adverse effects are irreversible for a very
are sown at different times to protect the soil cent for hilly and mountainous regions.
• Stones, grass, soil are used to build barriers long time.
from rain wash.
along contours. Trenches are made in front of
Checking Overgrazing
the barriers to collect water. Agroecosystems
Contour ploughing
• They intercept downslope flowing water and soil
• Overgrazing accentuates erosion. During the dry
particles. These barriers slow down the water • Agroecosystems are large areas where commer-
• Ploughing parallel to the contours of a hill slope period, there is a shortage of fodder, and the
movement and reduce its erosive force. They cial crops are cultivated.
to form a natural barrier for water to flow down grass is grazed to the ground and torn out to the
also filter out and trap many of the suspended • Crops are mostly cultivated as a
the slope roots by animals. The soil is pulverised (reduce to
soil particles, keeping them from being washed monoculture (growing only one type of crop)
fine particles) by the hoofs of animals. All this
out of the field. Shelterbelts or Windbreaks on the entire field.
leads to the weak top layer.
• A long term advantage of barriers is that soil
• So overgrazing needs to be checked to prevent Characteristics of agro-ecosystems
tends to build up behind them, creating a terrace • In the coastal and dry regions, rows of trees are soil erosion.
effect. Barriers can be classified as live (strips of planted to check the wind movement to protect • This can be done by creating separate grazing • Attract weeds and susceptible to plant diseases.
living plants), dead (rocks, crop residues), or soil cover. grounds and producing larger quantities of fod- • Soil are poor, deficient in nutrients, require sup-
mixed (a combination of the previous two).
der. plement of chemical or fertilizers.
Rock Dam • Need artificial irrigation and water management.
• Rocks are piled up across a channel to slow down Disadvantages of agro-ecosystem
• Much of the soil erosion by river floods can be
the flow of water. This prevents gullies and fur-
avoided by constructing dams across the rivers • Large scale monoculture of crops results in se-
ther soil loss.
in proper places. This checks the speed of water vere loss of native biodiversity including ge-
and saves soil from erosion. netic diversity of crop plants.
Terrace farming
• But indiscriminate dam construction can worsen • High yielding varieties of crop plants are more
Sand fences the condition by creating floods and landslides susceptible to disease. E.g. smut of sugarcane,
• In terracing, a number of terraces are cut along
like it happens in the Himalayan region. maize and sorghum and rust of wheat and bajra.
the hill slope.
• Sand fences are barriers made of small, evenly • Protecting crops from pests and diseases re-
• These are made on the steep slopes so that flat
spaced wooden slats or fabric. They are erected 4.13 Human Modified Ecosystems quires large scale use of pesticides and chemicals
surfaces are available to grow crops. They can re-
to reduce wind velocity and to trap blow- which pollute the environment.
duce surface run-off and soil erosion.
ing sand. Sand fences can be used as perimeter and Environmental Degradation

97 98
• Deplete groundwater in many areas due to well made water bodies, e.g. the culture of fish like They are used for: • It has recently gained notice for its ‘vulnerability’
irrigation. carps, tilapia (also known as aquatic chicken). due to various unsustainable economic and de-
• Runoff water from agricultural field laden with • controlling or moderating floods, velopmental activities such as unchecked tour-
fertilisers and pesticides pollute river, lakes and There are two types of aquaculture • producing hydroelectric power, and ism and mountaineering, hydroelectric power
ponds (Eutrophication). • supply water for irrigation, industry and other projects, indiscriminate urbanisation etc.
• Fish farming is the cultivation of fish in a con- uses to rural, suburban and urban areas.
trolled environment often a coastal or inland • Support recreational activities such as swimming
Plantation Forest Biotic pressure
pond, lake, reservoir or rice field (paddy) and har- and boating.
vesting when they reach the desired size. • Population explosion has resulted in high biotic
• It is a humanmade ecosystem consisting of indi- • Fish ranching is a practice of keeping fishes in Advantages of dams pressure by putting a strain on natural re-
viduals of a particular tree species.
captivity for the first few years in floating cages sources.
• The aim is to grow fast growing trees which are in coastal lagoons and releasing them from cap- • Water released from dams is used to generate
commercially valuable. E.g. Palm, rubber, euca- • Many species are now threatened due to habitat
tivity into water bodies. electricity. destruction and habitat fragmentation caused by
lyptus etc. • Adults are harvested when they return for • Hydroelectricity reduces dependence on coal
• Plantation forest is trees planted as a part of anthropogenic activities.
spawning to the lagoons. E.g. Salmon and Hilsa and hence reduces CO2 emission. • Man-animal conflict: snow Leopards are hunted
wasteland management or commercial plan- which migrate to rivers to spawn are cultivated • Reduces downstream flooding.
tations. to save livestock.
by fish ranching method. • Reduces river silting below the dam.
• Supply irrigation water for croplands. Pollution and solid waste
Characteristics of plantation forests Merits of aquaculture
Disadvantages of dams • Air pollution due to the increase in vehicle den-
• Plantation forests are generally monoculture, like • Ecological efficiency is high. 2 kg. of grains are
oil palm plantation, rubber plantation, coffee sity; water pollution and soil pollution due to do-
required to add 1 kg live weight. • Permanently submerge large areas of forests and mestic sewage are making the region more vul-
plantation, Jatropa curcare (biodiesel). • High yield in a small volume of water. croplands.
• Plantation forests have trees of the nerable.
• Improved qualities of fish obtained by selection • Displace a large number of native people. • Indiscriminate solid waste dumping as a result of
approximately the same age. and breeding and genetic engineering. • Increase water pollution on account of reduced
• Plantation forests are highly susceptible to path- urbanisation and tourism development have re-
• Aquaculture reduces over-harvesting of fisheries. water flow. sulted in the accumulation of debris along the
ogens. • High profit. • Reduce nutrients replenishment of downstream water courses which cause flash floods in the wet
flood plains. season.
Economic importance Demerits of aquaculture • Disrupt spawning and migration of some fish
• Tree plantation are raised for fruits, oil, rubber, species. Hydroelectric power projects
• Large inputs of feed, water and land are required. • High costs and a long gestation period.
coffee, timber, firewood, pulpwood for making • Loss of native aquatic biodiversity as it is
rayon and paper industries. • Large reservoirs increase the risk of earthquakes. • Their construction has weakened the structural
replaced by a monoculture of a commercially stability of the steep slopes causing landslides.
• Trees are also planted to serve as windbreaks or important fish species.
shelterbelts. Environmental Issues in the Himalayas • Tunnel drilling has created new unnatural
• Produces large amounts of fish wastes that pol- watercourses that cause more soil erosion and
• Tree plantations are also raised for controlling lute water bodies.
soil erosion and for increasing soil fertility. Importance of Himalayan Region makes the stratum highly unstable increasing the
• Aquaculture fishes are very sensitive to pesticide risk of landslides.
runoff from croplands. • With wide-ranging natural vegetation, it acts as • Change of river courses causes accumulation of
Aquaculture • In aquaculture ponds, high population density is a giant ‘carbon sink’. debris in new sites which increase the chances of
maintained that makes them highly vulnerable to • It is one of the most important regions of rich flash floods in the wet season.
• Aquaculture is the artificial cultivation of aquatic diseases leading to total collapse of the crop. biodiversity, especially the eastern Himalayan re-
plants or animals.
• Aquaculture tanks or reservoirs are often get gion which is a global biodiversity hotspot. It is a Urbanisation to meet tourism demands
• It is primarily carried out for cultivating certain
contaminated after a few years. storehouse of endemic species.
commercially important edible species of fresh • The thriving tourist industry has created a great
and marine water fishes, molluscs, crustaceans Dams, Reservoirs and Diversions Degradation of Himalayan Environment demand for lodging facilities. Buildings are con-
and aquatic plants. structed indiscriminately by flouting rules. Gen-
• Fisheries include the extraction of food from the • A dam is a structure built in order to store river • The Himalayan region, with its young and unsta- eral non-compliance with prescribed norms and
sea and the fresh water whereas aquaculture is ble topography, is one of the most fragile eco- guidelines has become very common.
or tidal water.
rearing of the aquatic organisms in artificially • Dams, reservoirs and diversions capture and systems on earth.
store runoff water and release it as needed.

99 100
• The natural sites for these illegal constructions • The receding snowline has threated the local bi- • Under the Act, the state government can bring development in remote settlements, by gradu-
are river banks, dried and old river courses and odiversity. any hill under its purview for protection. ally building local capacity and ownership.
moderately sloped regions. • Many species acclimatised to the cold environ-
• During wet seasons, landslides become common ment are moving further up the slopes. They lose Sikkim's Ecotourism Policy Promoting Ecotourism and Regulation of Com-
along sloped regions that are affected by con- their normal pray and hence struggle to survive. mercial Tourism
struction. • "Sikkim - the Ultimate Tourist Destination" is the
• The debris from the construction sites block the Initiatives to save Himalayan Environment policy motto of the state. • Eco-tourism villages, parks, sanctuaries and
river courses causing flash floods. All these cause • The state is employing a system of environmen- other areas should be identified to establish a
great damage to the fragile ecology. Ban on Plastic in HP tal fees and permits for entries, and stay time re- primary base for ecotourism.
strictions in some environmentally sensitive high • Village communities, especially youths, and rural
Infrastructure development • State government enacted the Himachal Pradesh altitude/pristine areas. women should be involved in Ecotourism.
Non-Biodegradable Garbage (Control) Act, 1995 • Operationalization of tourism in various modes, • Restrictions on the entry of vehicles and visitors
• Growing population, thriving tourism, military in order to prevent throwing or depositing non- such as village tourism, nature tourism, wildlife per day/ per group should be imposed on sensi-
(security) needs have led to the rapid construc- biodegradable garbage in public drains, roads. tourism, trekking/adventure tourism, and tive ecological sites.
tion of roads, and railways on the Himalayan • It was then increased the minimum thickness of cultural tourism in the state and • Local art, crafts, cuisines, and dishes should be
slopes. plastic carry bags to 70 microns of virgin mate- institutionalization of tourism management at promoted and made an integral part of tourist
• Instability caused by infrastructure development rial, which exceeded the 20-micron thickness the community level. experience in order to ensure economic benefits
is evident in numerous landslides that occur in recommended by Central Rules. • Promotion and use of local art & craft, cuisines, to the locals and their cultural integrity/ entity is
along the slopes in the region. • Further, the State Government has taken a Cabi- etc., along with organizing tourism fairs and not lost.
net decision to ban plastics altogether in the en- festivals. • Best practices on commercial trekking should be
Cultural/Pilgrimage Tourism tire state since 2009. • Imparting training in tourism-related service in- imposed on a mandatory basis
dustries. • Creation of log/bamboo huts should be
• Unfortunately, most of the pilgrimage places lack Participatory Conservation of Lakes in the Region • The efforts made by Sikkim can be a basis of re- promoted in busy mountain areas.
adequate facilities for transport, accommoda- sponsible tourism in other Himalayan states.
tion, waste disposal and other amenities for the • The Nainital Lake is the sole source of drinking
ever-growing number of pilgrims that visit them water for Nainital town, an important tourist des- Measures That Can Be Taken to Protect the 5. Biodiversity
every year. tination in Uttarakhand state. Himalayan Ecosystem
• Also, there is a gross lack of a regulatory mecha- • An increasing inflow of tourists, urban waste • According to IUCN (2004), the total number of
nism for infrastructure creation, management, making its way into the lake is adversely affecting Harnessing Religious Sentiments for Conserva- plant and animal species described so far is
and for controlling the tourist inflow in such sites. water quality. tion slightly more than 1.5 million.
• As a result, the sensitive ecosystems and cultural • To conserve the water body, the residents have • Estimates place the global species diversity at
values of these areas are facing pressures far be- switched on to a scientific garbage disposal sys- • Encouraging devotees and tribals to undertake several million.
yond their carrying capacities. tem - under the project name 'Mission Butterfly' participatory plantation for the rehabilitation of • A large proportion of the species waiting to be
by Nainital Lake Conservation Project. degraded areas. discovered are in the tropics.
Deforestation • The sweepers, on a small monthly charge, collect • Promoting the concept of eco-cultural land- • More than 70 per cent of all the species recorded
waste from each household and directly transfer scapes. Both landscapes are highly evolved with are animals, while plants (including algae, fungi,
• Deforestation in rampant all over India. In spite
it to the compost pits. a high level of economic and ecological efficien- bryophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms)
of their fragile ecosystem, Himalayas are no ex-
• Apart from the residents, schools and hotel own- cies. comprise no more than 22 per cent of the total.
ers have extended full cooperation to the au- • Involving them in maintenance and strengthen- • Among animals, insects are the most species-
• Trees are felled for their timber which finds many
thorities, to save its precious eco-system. ing of sacred groves/landscape (e.g., Sacred rich taxonomic group, making up more than 70
domestic and industrial applications.
• In addition, they are able to generate income and Groves of Meghalaya: The tribal communities - per cent of the total.
• Deforestation leads to soil erosion and slope in-
employment by converting it to manure. Khasis, Garos, and Jaintias, have a tradition of en- • The number of fungi species in the world is more
stability. Landslides become common.
vironmental conservation based on religious be- than the combined total of the species of fishes,
Assam Hill Land and Ecological Sites Act, 2006 liefs and customary law and are protected from amphibians, reptiles and mammals.
Climate change/global warming
any product extraction.) • The largely tropical Amazonian rain forest in
• The Assam Hill Land and Ecological Sites (Protec-
• Climate change has evolved as the single biggest • Himalayan Homestays: The Himalayan South America has the greatest biodiversity on
tion and Management) Act, 2006 to prevent in-
threat to the Himalayan ecosystem. Homestays programme fosters conservation- earth.
discriminate cutting of trees and filling up of wa-
• Melting of glaciers, ice caps and bursting of lakes based community managed tourism
ter bodies in urban areas.
create havoc downstream.

101 102
• It refers to the diversity within a particular area • In general, species diversity decreases as we • Keystone species is a species whose addition
or ecosystem and is usually expressed by the move away from the equator towards the poles. to or loss from an ecosystem leads to major
number of species (i.e., species richness) in that • With very few exceptions, tropics (latitudinal changes in the occurrence of at least one
ecosystem. range of 23.5° N to 23.5° S) harbour more species other species.
than temperate or polar areas. • Certain species in an ecosystem is considered
Beta diversity • Bioprospecting: nations endowed with rich bio- more important in determining the presence of
diversity explore molecular, genetic and species- many other species in that ecosystem.
• It is a comparison of diversity between ecosys- level diversity to derive products of economic im- • All top predators (Tiger, Lion, Crocodile, Ele-
tems, usually measured as the change in the portance. phant) are considered as keystone species be-
amount of species between the ecosystems. cause they regulate all other animal population
Stable community indirectly.
Gamma diversity • Hence top predators are given much considera-
• A stable community means that there is not tion in conservation.
• It is a measure of the overall diversity for the dif- much variation in productivity from year to • If keystone species is lost, it will result in the deg-
ferent ecosystems within a region. year; it is either resistant or resilient to occa- radation of the whole ecosystem.
sional disturbances (natural or human-made) • For example, certain plant species (ebony tree,
Genetic diversity and is resistant to invasions by alien species. Indian-laurel) exclusively depends upon bats for
its pollination. If the bat population is reduced,
• Genetic diversity is the total number of genetic Ecological diversity
then regeneration of particular plants becomes
characteristics in the genetic makeup of a spe-
• Ecological diversity refers to different types of more difficult.
5.1 Definitions cies.
• A single species might show high diversity at the habitats. A habitat is the cumulative factor of the
Foundation species
genetic level (E.g. Homo sapiens: Chinese, Indian climate, vegetation and geography of a region.
American, African etc.). • It includes various biological zones, like a lake, • Foundation species is a dominant primary pro-
• Biodiversity is the variety of plant and animal life • India has more than 50,000 genetically different desert, coast, estuaries, wetlands, mangroves, ducer in an ecosystem both in terms of abun-
in the world or in a particular habitat. strains of rice and 1,000 varieties of mango. coral reefs etc. dance and influence. Example: kelp in kelp for-
• Biodiversity is measured by two major compo- • Genetic diversity allows species to adapt to • At the ecosystem level, India, for instance, with ests and corals in coral reefs.
nents: species richness, and species evenness. changing environments. This diversity aims to its deserts, rain forests, mangroves, coral reefs,
ensure that some species survive drastic wetlands, estuaries, and alpine meadows has a Flagship species
Species richness changes and thus carry on desirable genes. greater ecosystem diversity than a Scandinavian
• Species that differ from one another in their ge- country like Norway. • A flagship species is a species chosen to repre-
• It is the measure of the number of species found netic makeup do not interbreed in nature. sent an environmental cause, such as an eco-
in a community. Endemism system in need of conservation.
• Closely-related species have in common much of
their hereditary characteristics. For instance, • These species are chosen for their vulnerability,
Species evenness • There are more than 200000 species in India of attractiveness or distinctiveness in order to en-
about 98.4 per cent of the genes of humans and which several are confined to India (endemic).
chimpanzees are the same. gender support and acknowledgement from the
• Species evenness is a measure of the relative • Endemism is the ecological state of a species public at large.
abundance of the different species making up being unique to a defined geographic loca- • Example: Indian tiger, African elephant, giant
Species diversity
the richness of an area. tion, such as an island, nation, country or other panda of China, the leatherback sea turtle, etc.
• Example: The sample forest A has 4 tigers, 5 deer • It is the ratio of one species population over total defined zone, or habitat type; organisms that are
and 6 rabbits and sample forest B has 1 tiger, 6 indigenous to a place are not endemic to it if
number of organisms across all species in the 5.2 Biodiversity of India
deer and 8 rabbits. Both samples have the same given biome. ‘Zero’ would be infinite diversity, they are also found elsewhere.
richness (3 species – species richness) and the and ‘one’ represents only one species present. • A particular type of animal or plant may be en-
demic to a zone, a state or a country. The ex- • India is recognized as one of the mega-diverse
same total number of individuals (15). However, • Species diversity is a measure of the diversity
treme opposite of endemism is cosmopolitan countries, rich in biodiversity and associated tra-
the sample forest A has more evenness than the within an ecological community that incorpo-
distribution. ditional knowledge.
sample forest B. rates both species richness (the number of spe- • India has 23.39% of its geographical area under
• Low evenness indicates that a few species domi- cies in a community) and the evenness of spe-
Keystone species forest and tree cover.
nate the site. cies. • With just 2.4% of the land area, India accounts
Alpha diversity for nearly 7% of the recorded species even while

103 104
supporting almost 18% of the human popula- Biomes of India 2) The Himalaya 4) 2A: Himalaya – North West Himalaya
tion. 5) 2B: Himalaya – West Himalaya
• In terms of species richness, India ranks sev- • The term biome means the main groups of 6) 2C: Himalaya – Central Himalaya
enth in mammals, ninth in birds and fifth in plants and animals living in areas of certain 7) 2D: Himalaya – East Himalaya
reptiles. climate patterns. 3) The Indian Desert 8) 3A: Desert – Thar
• In terms of endemism of vertebrate groups, In- • It includes the way in which animals, vegetation 9) 3B: Desert – Kutch
dia's position is tenth in birds with 69 spe- and soil interact together. The plants and animals 4) The Semi-Arid 10) 4A: Semi-Arid – Punjab Plains
cies, fifth in reptiles with 156 species and sev- of that area have adapted to that environment. 11) 4B: Semi-Arid – Gujarat Rajputana
enth in amphibians with 110 species. 5) The Western Ghats 12) 5A: Western Ghats – Malabar Plains
• India's share of crops is 44% as compared to the The five biomes of India are: 13) 5B: Western Ghats – Western Ghats Mountains
world average of 11%. 6) The Deccan Peninsula 14) 6A: Deccan Peninsular – Central Highlands
1) Tropical Humid Forests 15) 6B: Deccan Peninsular – Chotta Nagpur
India Represents 2) Tropical Dry or Deciduous Forests (including 16) 6C: Deccan Peninsular – Eastern Highlands
Monsoon Forests) 17) 6D: Deccan Peninsular – Central Plateau
• Two ‘Realms’ 3) Warm deserts and semi-deserts 18) 6E: Deccan Peninsular – Deccan South
• Five Biomes 4) Coniferous forests and 7) The Gangetic Plains 19) 7A: Gangetic Plain – Upper Gangetic Plains
• Ten Bio-geographic Zones 5) Alpine meadows. 20) 7B: Gangetic Plain – Lower Gangetic Plains
• Twenty-five Bio-geographic provinces 8) The Coasts 21) 8A: Coasts – West Coast
Bio-geographic Zones 22) 8B: Coasts – East Coast
Realms 23) 8C: Coasts – Lakshadweep
• Biogeography deals with the geographical dis- 9) Northeast India 24) 9A: North-East – Brahmaputra Valley
• Biogeographic realms are large spatial regions tribution of plants and animals. 25) 9B: North-East – North East Hills
within which ecosystems share a broadly sim- • Biogeographic zones were used as a basis for 10) Islands 26) 10A: Islands – Andaman
ilar biota. planning wildlife protected areas in India. 27) 10B: Islands – Nicobars
• A realm is a continent or sub-continent sized • There are 10 biogeographic zones which are dis-
area with unifying features of geography and tinguished clearly in India. They are as follows:
fauna & flora. 1) Trans-Himalayas Wildlife Diversity of India Western Himalayas (High altitude region)
• The Indian region is composed of two realms. 2) Himalayas
They are: 3) Desert • Flora: Natural monsoon evergreen and semi-ev-
Himalayan mountain system
1) the Himalayan region represented by Pale- 4) Semi-arid ergreen forests; rhododendrons; dwarf hill
arctic Realm and 5) Western Ghats bamboo and birch forests mixed with alpine
• The west Himalayas have low rainfall, heavy
2) the rest of the sub-continent represented by 6) Deccan Peninsula pastures.
snowfall (temperate conditions).
Malayan Realm 7) Gangetic plain • Fauna: Tibetan wild ass (kiang) (Don’t confuse
• In the east Himalayas, there is heavy rainfall,
• In world, Eight terrestrial biogeographic realms 8) North-east India this with Asiatic wild ass which in found in
snowfall only at very high altitudes.
are typically recognised. They are 9) Islands Kutch region), wild goats (thar, ibex) and blue
• Lower altitudes conditions are similar to the
1) Nearctic Realm 10) Coasts sheep; antelopes (Chiru and Tibetan gazelle),
tropical rain forests.
2) Palaearctic Realm deers (hangul of Kashmir stag and shou or
3) Africotropical Realm Bio-geographic provinces Sikkim stag, musk deer); golden eagle, snow
Himalayan foothills
4) Indomalayan Realm cocks, snow partridges; snow leopard, black
5) Ocenaia Realm and brown bears; birds like Griffon vultures.
• Bio-geographic Province is an ecosystematic or • Flora: Natural monsoon evergreen and semi-ev-
6) Australian Realm
biotic subdivision of realms. ergreen forests; dominant species are sal, silk-
7) Antarctic Realm Q. What is the difference between the antelopes
• India is divided into 25 bio geographic zones. cotton trees, giant bamboos; tall grassy
8) Neotropical Realm Oryx and Chiru?
meadow with savannahs in terai.
• Fauna: Elephant, sambar, swamp deer,
Biogeographic Zones (10) Biogeographic Provinces (25) a) Oryx is adapted to live in hot and arid areas
cheetal, hog deer, barking deer, wild boar
1) Trans Himalaya 1) 1A: Himalaya – Ladakh Mountains whereas Chiru is adapted to live in steppes
tiger, panther, hyena, black bear, sloth bear,
2) 1B: Himalaya – Tibetan Plateau and semi-desert areas of cold high moun-
Great Indian one-horned rhinoceros, wild
3) 1C: Trans – Himalaya Sikkim tains.
buffalo, Gangetic gharial, golden langur.

105 106
b) Oryx is poached for its antlers whereas Chiru scrub species predominate. The forests give way langur slender loris, bats, giant squirrel, civ- • Ecologists warn that if the present trends con-
is poached for its musk. to more open savannah habit. ets, flying squirrels, Nilgiri mongoose, spiny tinue, nearly half of all the species on earth might
c) Oryx exists in western India only whereas • Fauna: Elephant, wild boar, deers (cheetal or mouse. be wiped out within the next 100 years.
Chiru exists in north-east India only. axis deer), hog deer swamp deer or barasinga, • In general, loss of biodiversity in a region may
d) None of the statements a, b, and c given sambar, muntjak or barking deer, antelopes Andaman and Nicobar Islands lead to
above is correct. (four-horned antelope, Nilgiri, blackbuck, ✓ decline in plant production,
chinkara gazelle), wild dog or dhole, tiger, • Flora: These are home for tropical rain forests. ✓ lowered resistance to environmental pertur-
• They are both antelopes. leopard, cheetah, lion, wild pig, monkey, Mangroves are distributed in the coastal areas. bations such as drought and
striped hyena, jackal, gaur. • Fauna: Among mammals, bats and rats; Anda- ✓ increased variability in certain ecosystem
man pig, crab-eating macaque, palm civet processes such as plant productivity, water
Indian desert and deers (spotted deer, barking deer, hog deer, use, and pest and disease cycles.
• Thar desert of Rajasthan has unique flora and • Among marine mammals, there are dugong, Cause for the loss of biodiversity
fauna. false killer whale, dolphin.
Answer: a) • Flora: Thorny trees with reduced leaves; cacti, • Among birds are rare one is Narcondum horn- • There are four major causes – The Evil Quartet
other succulents are the main plants. bill, white-bellied sea-eagle. – Habitat loss, Overexploitation, Alien species
Eastern Himalayas • Fauna: Animals are mostly burrowing ones. • Salt-water crocodile, a number of marine tur- and Secondary extinction.
Among mammals’ rodents are the largest group. tles, coconut crab, lizards (the largest being wa-
• Flora: Oaks, magnolias, laurels and birches • The Indian desert gerbils are mouse-like, ro- ter monitor), 40 species of snakes including co- Habitat loss and fragmentation
covered with moss and ferns; coniferous forests dents, other animals are, Asiatic wild ass, black bra, viper, voral and sea snake, python, etc. are
of pine, fir, yew and junipers with an buck, desert cat, caracal, red fox; reptiles present. • This is the most important cause of driving ani-
undergrowth of scrubby rhododendrons and (snakes, lizards and tortoise) well represented. mals and plants to extinction.
dwarf bamboos; lichens, mosses, orchids, and • Desert lizards include agamids and geckos. Mangrove swamps of Sundarbans • Due to the growing human population, wetlands
other epiphytes dominant (due to high humidity Among birds, the most discussed is Great Indian are being made dry through landfills, as the de-
and high rainfall). Bustard. • Sunderbans are the delta of the Ganges where mand for land increases.
• Fauna: Red panda, hog badgers, forest badg- both the Brahmaputra and the Ganges join and • Natural forests are cleared for industry, agricul-
ers, crestless porcupines, takins etc. Tropical rain forest region drain into the Bay of Bengal. ture, dams, habitation, recreational sports, etc.
• Flora: Various species of mangroves. • The most dramatic examples of habitat loss
Peninsular - Indian sub-region • Distributed in areas of Western Ghats and • Fauna. In the higher regions of mangroves, there come from tropical rain forests.
northeast India. are spotted deer, pigs, monitor lizard, monkeys. • Once covering more than 14 per cent of the
• It has two zones. • Flora: Extensive grasslands interspersed with The most interesting animal of Sunderbans is the earth’s land surface, these rain forests now cover
a) peninsular India and its extension into the densely forested gorges of evergreen vegetation Royal Bengal Tiger. no more than 6 per cent. They are being
drainage basin of the Ganges river system, known as sholas occur in the Nilgiris (an offshoot destroyed fast.
and of Western Ghats). Sholas also occur in 5.3 Loss of Biodiversity • The Amazon rain forest (it is so huge that it is
b) desert region of Rajasthan-the Thar of Indian Annamalai and Palani hills. called the ‘lungs of the planet’) harbouring
desert region. • The rain forests of the Western Ghats have dense probably millions of species is being cut and
• The IUCN Red List (2004) documents the extinc-
and lofty trees with much species diversity. cleared for cultivating soya beans or for conver-
tion of 784 species in the last 500 years.
Peninsular India Mosses, ferns, epiphytes, orchids, lianas and sion to grasslands for raising beef cattle.
• Some examples of recent extinctions include the
vines, herbs, shrubs make diverse habitat. Eb-
three subspecies (Bali, Javan, Caspian) of tiger.
• It is home to tropical moist deciduous to tropical ony trees predominate in these forests. Man-Animal Conflict
• During the long period (> 3 billion years) since
dry deciduous and scrub vegetation depending • Fauna: It is very rich with all kinds of animals.
the origin and diversification of life on earth,
upon the variation in rainfall and humidity. There are wild elephants, gaur and other larger • It refers to the interaction between wild animals
there were five episodes of mass extinction of
• Flora: Sal in north and east extensions (higher animals. and people and the resultant negative impact on
rainfall) and teak in southern plateau are domi- • Most species are tree dwellers. The most people or their resources, or wild animals or their
• Sixth Extinction (anthropogenic) presently is in
nant trees. prominent are hoolock gibbon (only ape habitat.
progress with current species extinction rates es-
• West Ghats have evergreen vegetation (flora and found in India), golden langur, capped langur • It occurs when wildlife needs overlap with those
timated to be 100 to 1,000 times faster than in
fauna similar to evergreen rainforests of or leaf monkey, Assam macaque and the pig- of human populations, creating costs to resi-
the pre-human times.
northeastern of India. In dry areas of Rajasthan tailed macaque, lion-tailed macaque, Nilgiri dents and wild animals.
and Aravalli hills, trees are scattered, and thorny
107 108
Causes Culling of animals – Conservation or Biodiversity • Culling lobby: Affected farmers and government
loss? administration.
• Human population growth and encroachment
into forest lands. Natural culling Arguments by animal welfare activists against culling Arguments by Culling lobby
• Land use transformation – industrialization, in- • Ethical grounds: we do not have the right to cull other • They support a practical and realistic approach.
frastructure development, commercial farming • Culling means ‘Selection’. species.
etc. • In the wild, it is the process of weeding out of the • Animal welfare activists believe that every individual • Conservationists are concerned about the integrity of
• Species habitat loss, degradation and weak. animal is ethically indispensable, even at the cost of the ecosystem and the future of entire species.
putting entire species at risk.
fragmentation due to above-mentioned reasons. • A population boom makes individuals compete
• Culling is against animal conservation. • Culling is for conservation
• Increasing livestock populations and competitive for food and safety, and the weaker ones lose
• By law, wildlife is protected because they are too few
exclusion of wild herbivores. out, leaving a smaller population of more able
and require protection.
• Growing interest in ecotourism and increasing individuals. • But when certain pockets see a population boom in
access to nature reserves. • Culling naturally occurs by starvation, disease herbivores, farmers cannot wait for predators to reoc-
• Abundant distribution of prey in the form of and predation. It is nature’s way of controlling cupy such areas.
livestock on the periphery of forest lands. population. • The absence of lawful intervention often triggers re-
• Increasing wildlife population as a result of con- taliation by illegal means.
servation programmes. Culling by humans – controlled culling • In anger, farmers may indiscriminately target wildlife,
• Climatic factors – climate change-induced including those that may not be causing any problem.
habitat destruction. • In the post-conservation era, human intervention
• Stochastic events (e.g. fire, floods etc.) became necessary for the management of wild-
life populations through controlled hunting,
which is now referred to as culling. • Culling drives are often not well monitored frequently • Can be monitored easily using strict guidelines and
leads to free-for-all shooting sprees. law enforcement.
• Culling can increase people’s apathy (lack of interest • No concrete evidence to prove that culling increases
• Crop damage and damage to property – ele- Why did controlled culling become necessary?
or enthusiasm) for the conservation of other forms of insensitivity among people.
phants damage crops and villages. life. • (But practically it does. A lot of people enjoy hunting
• Livestock depredation – Himalayan snow leopard • Man-Animal conflict – too many wild animals animals and others might take inspiration from cull-
preys on goats in the Himalayan region. Farmers compete with humans for resources. ing)
trap and kill snow leopards to save their live- • Threat to life and livelihood (crop, property dam-
stock. age) makes culling necessary.
• Injuries and deaths – Man eater tigers, are re- • Loss of forestland to mines, industry, agriculture,
ported to have injured and killed villagers living etc. is the primary reason behind the man-animal
on the periphery. conflict.
• Injuries to wildlife – leopards and other wild ani- • Crop-raiding by smaller herbivores due to a pop-
ulation boom & animals raiding nutrient-rich • (Some people recruited to cull animals post their pic-
mals are hacked to death by mobs.
crops like wheat and maize are other major rea- tures along with their prey on social media. This is
totally unprofessional as it glorifies killing an animal.)
Preventive and Mitigation strategies sons for man-animal conflict.
• Culling creates a conducive atmosphere for the poach- • It is specious (misleading) to claim that time-bound,
ing mafia to move in. limited permissions to cull create an atmosphere for
• Artificial and natural barriers (physical and bio- The practice of Culling worldwide
logical) – very expensive. • This is because most of the cropland areas may not
• Guarding – very expensive. • In the US, some areas require seasonal culling to host commercially lucrative wildlife species.
• Alternative high-cost livestock husbandry prac- ease pressure on livestock feed.
tices • In parts of Africa, culling has been used for com- • They argue that man-animal conflict can be controlled • Fencing merely shifts conflict to the next accessible
• Relocation: voluntary human population reset- mercial harvesting. through non-invasive means, including cropland.
tlement. • Australia culls feral cats to protect native species. • Fencing is expensive and its maintenance is not effec-
• Waste management systems that restrict wildlife • Australia also culls kangaroos. a) fencing crop fields, tive.
b) planting chilli around cropland, • Even the selection of crops that traditionally repelled
access to refuse.
Animal welfare activists vs Pro culling lobby c) creating buffer areas between croplands and the animals does not seem to work any longer. For exam-
• Community-based natural resource manage-
forest’s edge, ple, farmers in Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh, now com-
ment schemes (CBNRMS) plain that monkeys raid garlic fields that they avoided
d) selecting non-edible crops,
until recently.

109 110
e) providing adequate and regular compensation for • Other measures are mostly long-term and can keep a • Traits that adversely affect or increase a species • It provides a vast knowledge of potential use to
crop loss, etc. check on conflict only in situations where crop dam- vulnerability to extinction due to habitat frag- the community.
age is still reasonable. mentation have been identified. These are: • A reservoir of wild animals and plants is pre-
• But in pockets where the situation is already out of ✓ rarity or low abundance served, thus enabling them to be introduced, if
hand, the only option is often to reduce the number
✓ poor dispersal ability need be, in the surrounding areas.
of habitual crop-raiders.
✓ high trophic status – as animals occupying a • Biodiversity conservation assures sustainable uti-
higher trophic level (i.e. the position of a spe- lization of potential resources.
cies in a food chain) usually have smaller
Over-exploitation ecologically unique assemblage of more than
populations than those at lower levels (e.g. In situ conservation
carnivores are fewer in number than herbi-
200 species of cichlid fish in the lake.
vores) • In-situ conservation is the on-site conservation
• Humans have always depended on nature for • You must be familiar with the environmental
✓ low adult survival rates of genetic resources in natural populations of
food and shelter, but when ‘need’ turns to damage caused and threat posed to our native
‘greed’, it leads to over-exploitation of natural species by invasive weed species like carrot plant or animal species.
Co-extinctions • In India, ecologically unique and biodiversity-rich
resources. grass (Parthenium), Argemone, Lantana and
• In the last 500 years, many species extinctions water hyacinth (Eicchornia). regions are legally protected as biosphere re-
• The recent illegal introduction of the African • When a species becomes extinct, the plant and serves, national parks, sanctuaries, reserved
(Steller’s sea cow, passenger pigeon) were due to
catfish Clarias gariepinus for aquaculture pur- animal species associated with it in an obligatory forests, protected forests and nature re-
overexploitation by humans.
poses is posing a threat to the indigenous cat- way also become extinct. serves.
• Presently many marine fish populations around
fishes in our rivers. • When a host fish species becomes extinct, its • India now has 18 biosphere reserves, 104 na-
the world are over-harvested, endangering the
• The colonization of tropical Pacific Islands by hu- unique assemblage of parasites also meets the tional parks and 500 wildlife sanctuaries.
continued existence of some commercially im-
mans is said to have led to the extinction of more same fate. • Plantation, cultivation, grazing, felling trees,
portant species.
than 2,000 species of native birds. • Another example is the case of a coevolved hunting and poaching are prohibited in bio-
• Whales for oil, fish for food, trees for wood,
plant-pollinator mutualism where extinction of sphere reserves, national parks and sanctuar-
plants for medicines etc. are being removed by
Some Invasive fauna in India are one invariably leads to the extinction of the ies.
humans at higher rates than they can be
• Excessive cutting of trees, overgrazing, collection • Eucalyptus in Southern India. Protected Area Network in India
of firewood, hunting of wild animals for skin (for • Gold Fish 5.4 Biodiversity Conservation
• House Gecko • National Board for Wildlife (NBWL), chaired
example tigers from reserve forests of India),
• When we conserve and protect the whole eco- by the Prime Minister of India provides for
ivory etc. all result in gradual loss of species.
Species Extinction system, its biodiversity at all levels is protected. policy framework for wildlife conservation in the
Poaching E.g. we save the entire forest to save the tiger. country.
• Extinction is caused through various processes: This approach is called in in-situ (on site) con- • The National Wildlife Action Plan (2002-2016)
servation. was adopted in 2002, emphasizing the people’s
• Large mammals such as the tiger, rhinoceros and
1) Deterministic processes that have a cause • However, when there are situations where an an- participation and their support for wildlife con-
the elephant once faced the distinct possibility of
and effect. E.g. glaciations, human interfer- imal or plant is endangered or threatened and servation.
complete extinction due to rampant hunting and
poaching. ence such as deforestation. needs urgent measures to save it from extinc-
• Global warming (Climate change), natural calam- 2) Stochastic processes (chance and random tion, ex-situ (off-site) conservation is the desir- Reserved & Protected Forests
ities are other reasons for loss of biodiversity. events) that affect the survival and reproduc- able approach.
tion of individuals. E.g. unexpected changes • As of present, reserved forests and protected for-
Alien species invasions in weather patterns decreased food supply, Benefits of Biodiversity conservation ests differ in one important way:
disease, increase of competitors, predators • Rights to all activities like hunting, grazing, etc.
or parasites, etc. that may act independently • Conservation of biological diversity leads to con- in reserved forests are banned unless specific
• When alien species are introduced unintention-
or add to deterministic effects. servation of essential ecological diversity to pre- orders are issued otherwise.
ally or deliberately for whatever purpose, some
• The impact of these processes will, of course, de- serve the continuity of food chains. • In protected areas, rights to activities like hunt-
of them turn invasive and cause decline or ex-
pend on the size and degree of genetic diversity • The genetic diversity of plants and animals is ing and grazing are sometimes given to com-
tinction of indigenous species.
and resilience of populations. preserved. munities living on the fringes of the forest, who
• The Nile perch introduced into Lake Victoria in
• It ensures the sustainable utilisation of life sup- sustain their livelihood from forest resources or
East Africa led eventually to the extinction of an
port systems on earth. products.

111 112
• The first reserve forest in India was Satpura Na- • The National Wildlife Action Plan (2002– • Comprises a strictly protected ecosystem for Transition area
tional Park in Madhya Pradesh. 2016) of MoEFCC stipulated that state govern- conserving ecosystems, species and genetic var-
• Typically, reserved forests are often upgraded to ments should declare land falling within 10 km of iation. • Ecologically sustainable human settlements
the status of wildlife sanctuaries, which in turn the boundaries of national parks and wildlife • In core or natural zone human activity is not and economic activities (tourism) are permit-
may be upgraded to the status of national sanctuaries as eco-fragile zones or ESZs under allowed. ted.
parks, with each category receiving a higher de- the Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986. • With the cooperation of reserve management
gree of protection and government funding. • The purpose of the ESZ was to provide more pro- and local people, several human activities like
tection to the parks by acting as a shock ab- settlements, cropping, recreation, and forestry
In terms of protection, National Parks > Wildlife sorber or transition zone. are carried out without disturbing the environ-
Sanctuary > Reserved forests > Protected forests • Eco-Sensitive Zones would minimise forest de- ment.
pletion and man-animal conflict.
Wildlife Sanctuaries or wildlife refuges • The protected areas are based on the core and Q. The most important strategy for the conserva-
buffer model of management. tion of biodiversity together with traditional hu-
• Wildlife Sanctuaries or wildlife refuges are home • The core area has the legal status of being a man life is the establishment of
to various endangered species. national park.
• They are safe from hunting, predation or • The buffer area, however, does not have legal a) biosphere reserves
competition. status of being a national park and could be a b) botanical gardens
• They are safeguarded from extinction in their reserved forest, wildlife sanctuary or tiger re- c) national parks
natural habitat. serve. d) wildlife sanctuaries
• Certain rights of people living inside the Sanctu- Buffer zone
ary could be permitted. Q. With reference to ‘Eco-Sensitive Zones’, which Answer: a)
• Grazing, firewood collection by tribals is allowed of the following statements is/are correct? • Used for scientific research, monitoring, train-
but strictly regulated. ing and education.
• Settlements not allowed (few exceptions: tribal 1) Eco-Sensitive Zones are the areas that are
settlements do exist constant; efforts are made declared under the Wildlife (Protection) Act,
Biosphere Reserves in India
to relocate them). 1972.
• A Sanctuary can be promoted to a National Park. 2) The purpose of the declaration of Eco-Sensi- Name State Type Key fauna
• There are more than 500 wildlife sanctuaries in tive Zones is to prohibit all kinds of human 1. Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve Tamil Nadu, Ker- Western Ghats Nilgiri tahr, lion-tailed macaque
India. activities, in those zones except agriculture. ala and Karnataka
2. Nanda Devi National Park & Bio- Uttarakhand Western Himalayas Snow Leopard, Himalayan Black Bear
sphere Reserve
National Park Select the correct answer using the code given be-
3. Gulf of Mannar Tamil Nadu Coasts Dugong or sea cow
low. 4. Nokrek Meghalaya (Part East Himalayas Red panda
• National parks are areas reserved for wildlife of Garo Hills)
a) 1 only 5. Sundarbans West Bengal Gangetic Delta Royal Bengal tiger
where they can freely use the habitats and natu- b) 2 only 6. Manas Assam (Terai region) East Himalayas Golden langur, red panda
ral resources. c) Both 1 and 2 7. Simlipal Odisha Deccan Peninsula Gaur, royal Bengal tiger, elephant
• The difference between a Sanctuary and a Na- d) Neither 1 nor 2 8. Dihang-Dibang Arunachal Pradesh Eastern Himalaya
tional Park mainly lies in the vesting of rights of 9. Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve Madhya Pradesh Semi-Arid Giant squirrel, flying squirrel
people living inside. • Answer: d) Neither
10. Achanakmar-Amarkantak Bio- Madhya Pradesh, Maikala Hills Four-horned antelope, Indian wild
sphere Reserve Chhattisgarh dog, Sarus crane, White-rumped vulture
• Unlike a Sanctuary, where certain rights can
11. Great Rann of Kutch Gujarat Desert Indian wild ass
be allowed, in a National Park, no rights are Biosphere Reserve 12. Cold Desert Himachal Pradesh Western Himalayas Snow leopard
allowed. 13. Khangchendzonga Sikkim East Himalayas Snow leopard, red panda
• No grazing of any livestock shall also be permit- 14. Agasthyamalai Biosphere Reserve Kerala, Tamil Nadu Western Ghats Nilgiri Tahr, elephants
• Large areas of protected land for conservation
ted inside a National Park while in a Sanctuary, 15. Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve Andaman and Nico- Islands Saltwater crocodile
of wildlife, plant and animal resources and bar Islands
the Chief Wildlife Warden may regulate, control
traditional life of the tribals living in the area. 16. Dibru-Saikhowa Assam East Himalayas Golden langur
or prohibit it.
• May have one or more national parks or wildlife 17. Seshachalam Hills Andhra Pradesh Eastern Ghats
sanctuaries in it. 18. Panna Madhya Pradesh Catchment Area of Tiger, chital, chinkara, sam-
Eco-Sensitive Zones the Ken River bhar and sloth bear

Core area

113 114
Tiger Reserves Sanctuary or a Conservation Reserve, where an accessions on long-term basis, as base collec- especially for research purposes. So, its ex-situ
individual or a community has volunteered to tions for posterity, predominantly in the form of conservation.
• Same as sanctuaries. But they are monitored by conserve wildlife and its habitat. seeds. • Rest all along with protected forests and re-
NTCA under Project Tiger. • As in the case of a Conservation Reserve, the served forests are in-situ conservation methods.
• The various tiger reserves were created in the rights of people living inside a Community Re- Botanical garden
country based on 'core-buffer' strategy. serve are not affected. Answer: b) Botanical Garden
• Botanical garden refers to the scientifically
Core area Sacred Groves planned collection of living trees, shrubs, herbs, 5.5 Historic Citizen Movements to
climbers and other plants from various parts of Conserve Biodiversity
• The core areas are freed of all human activi- • India has a history of religious/cultural traditions the globe.
ties. that emphasised the protection of nature.
Chipko Movement
• It has the legal status of a national park or • In many cultures, tracts of forest were set aside, Purpose of botanical gardens
wildlife sanctuary. and all the trees and wildlife within were vener-
• Collection of minor forest produce, grazing, and ated and given total protection. • To study the taxonomy as well as growth of • It is a social-ecological movement that practiced
other human disturbances are not allowed. • Such sacred groves are found in Khasi and plants. the Gandhian methods of satyagraha and non-
Jaintia Hills in Meghalaya, Aravalli Hills of Ra- • To study the introduction and acclimatization violent resistance, through the act of hugging
Buffer areas jasthan, Western Ghat regions of Karnataka process of exotic plants. trees to protect them from falling.
and Maharashtra and the Sarguja, Chanda • It augments conserving rare and threatened spe- • The modern Chipko movement started in the
• Twin objectives: and Bastar areas of Madhya Pradesh. cies. early 1970s in the Garhwal Himalayas of Utta-
✓ providing habitat supplement to spill • In Meghalaya, the sacred groves are the last ref- rakhand, with growing awareness towards rapid
overpopulation of wild animals from core uges for a large number of rare and threatened Zoo deforestation.
area. plants. • The landmark event in this struggle took place
✓ provide site-specific co-developmental in- on March 26, 1974, when a group of peasant
• Zoo is an establishment, whether stationary or
puts to surrounding villages for relieving women in Reni village, Hemwalghati, in Chamoli
Ex Situ Conservation mobile, where captive animals are kept for exhi-
their impact on core area. district, Uttarakhand, India, acted to prevent the
bition to the public and includes a circus and res-
• Collection of minor forest produce and grazing cutting of trees and reclaim their traditional
• In this approach, threatened animals and plants cue centres but does not include an establish-
by tribals is allowed on a sustainable basis. forest rights that were threatened by the con-
are taken out from their natural habitat and ment of a licensed dealer in captive animals.
• The Forest Rights Act passed by the Indian gov- tractor system of the state Forest Department.
placed in special setting where they can be pro- • The initial purpose of zoos was entertainment,
ernment in 2006 recognises the rights of some • Their actions inspired hundreds of such actions
tected and given special care. over the decades, zoos have got transformed
forest dwelling communities in forest areas. at the grassroots level throughout the region.
• Zoological parks, botanical gardens, wildlife into centres for wildlife conservation and envi-
• By the 1980s the movement had spread through-
safari parks and seed banks serve this purpose. ronmental education.
Conservation Reserves out India and led to formulation of people-sen-
• There are many animals that have become ex- • Apart from saving individual animals, zoos have
sitive forest policies, which put a stop to the open
tinct in the wild but continue to be maintained in a role to play in species conservation too
Conservation Reserves can be declared by the felling of trees in regions as far reaching as Vin-
• zoological parks. (through captive breeding).
State Governments in any area owned by the dhyas and the Western Ghats.
• In recent years ex-situ conservation has ad- • Zoos provide an opportunity to open up a whole
Government, particularly the areas adjacent to • The first recorded event of Chipko however, took
vanced beyond keeping threatened species. new world, and this could be used in sensitizing
National Parks and Sanctuaries and those areas place in village Khejarli, Jodhpur district, in 1730
• Now gametes of threatened species can be pre- visitors regarding the value and need for conser-
which link one Protected Area with another. AD, when 363 Bishnois, led by Amrita Devi sacri-
served in viable and fertile condition for long pe- vation of wildlife.
• Such a declaration should be made after having ficed their lives while protecting green Khejri
riods using cryopreservation techniques.
consultations with the local communities. Which one of the following is not a site for in-situ trees, considered sacred by the community, by
• Eggs can be fertilized in vitro, and plants can be
• The rights of people living inside a Conservation method of conservation of flora? hugging them.
propagated using tissue culture methods.
Reserve are not affected. • Seeds of different genetic strains of commer-
a) Biosphere Reserves Appiko Movement
cially important plants can be kept for long peri-
Community Reserves ods in seed banks. b) Botanical Garden
• The national gene bank at National Bureau of c) National Park • Appiko movement was a revolutionary move-
• Community Reserves can be declared by the Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), Delhi is pri- d) Wildlife Sanctuary ment based on environmental conservation in
State Government in any private or community marily responsible for conservation of unique India.
land, not comprised within a National Park, • Botanical Garden: Plants are bred in a protected • The Chipko movement in Uttarakhand in the
environment far from their natural home, Himalayas inspired the villagers of the district of

115 116
Karnataka province in southern India to launch a • According to CI, to qualify as a hotspot a region 1) Himalaya: Includes the entire Indian Himala- c) Both 1 and 2
similar movement to save their forests. must meet two strict criteria: yan region (and that falling in Pakistan, Tibet, d) Neither I nor 2
• In September 1983, men, women and children of 1) It must contain at least 1,500 species of Nepal, Bhutan, China and Myanmar).
Salkani ‘hugged the trees’ in Kalase forest. (The vascular plants (> 0.5% of the world’s to- 2) Indo-Burma: Includes entire North-eastern In- Answer: d) neither
local term for ‘hugging’ in Kannada is appiko.) tal) as endemics – which is to say, it must dia, except Assam and Andaman group of Is- • The Himalaya Hotspot is home to important
• Appiko movement gave birth to a new aware- have a high percentage of plant life found lands (and Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, populations of numerous large birds and mam-
ness all over southern India. nowhere else on the planet. A hotspot, in Cambodia and southern China). mals, including vultures, tigers, elephants, rhinos
other words, is irreplaceable. 3) Sundalands: Includes Nicobar group of Is- and wild water buffalo.
5.6 Biodiversity Hot Spots 2) It has to have lost at least 70% of its orig- lands (and Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Bru- • Indo-Burma holds remarkable endemism in
inal habitat. (It must have 30% or less of nei, Philippines). freshwater turtle species, most of which are
its original natural vegetation). In other threatened with extinction, due to over-harvest-
• Biodiversity hotspots are regions with high
words, it must be threatened. ing and extensive habitat loss.
species richness and a high degree of ende-
• In 1999, CI identified 25 biodiversity hotspots in • The spectacular flora and fauna of the Sundaland
the book “Hotspots: Earth’s Biologically Richest Hotspot are succumbing to the explosive growth
• The British biologist Norman Myers coined the
and Most Endangered Terrestrial Ecoregions”. of industrial forestry in these islands and to the
term "biodiversity hotspot" in 1988 as a biogeo-
• In 2005 CI published an updated titled “Hotspots international animal trade that claims tigers,
graphic region characterized both by excep-
Revisited: Earth's Biologically Richest and Most monkeys, etc.
tional levels of plant endemism and by serious
Endangered Terrestrial Ecoregions”. • Faced with tremendous population pressure, the
levels of habitat loss.
• The 35 biodiversity hotspots cover 2.3% of the forests of the Western Ghats and Sri Lanka have
• Conservation International (CI) adopted My-
Earth's land surface, yet more than 50% of the been dramatically impacted by the demands for
ers’ hotspots and in 1996, the organization made
world’s plant species and 42% of all terrestrial timber and agricultural land.
the decision to undertake a reassessment of the
vertebrate species are endemic to these areas. • The region also houses important populations of
hotspots concept.
• In 2011, the Forests of East Australia region was Asian Elephants, Indian Tigers, the Lion-tailed
identified as the 35th biodiversity hotspot. 4) Western Ghats and Sri Lanka: Includes entire
Western Ghats (and Sri Lanka). Macaque, Niligiri tahr, Indian Giant squirrel,
• Eastern Himalayas, which was originally part of etc.
the Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot and in-
cluded Bhutan, north-eastern India and south- 5.7 World Heritage Sites
ern, central and eastern Nepal.
• In 2004, a hotspot reappraisal classified the re- • World Heritage Sites means “Sites any of various
gion as part of two hotspots: Indo-Burma and areas or objects inscribed on the United Nations
the newly distinguished Himalaya. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) World Heritage List”.
List of Biodiversity hotspots in India given in Ge- • The sites are designated as having outstanding
ography notes must be ignored. The info given universal value under the Convention concern-
here is the most accurate. ing the Protection of the World Cultural and
Source Natural Heritage.
Q. Consider the following statements: [2010] • This Convention, which was adopted by the
UNESCO in 1972 (and enforced in 1975) provides
1) Biodiversity hotspots are located only in
a framework for international cooperation in pre-
tropical regions.
serving and protecting cultural treasures and
2) India has four biodiversity hotspots, i.e., East-
natural areas throughout the world. The first list
ern Himalayas, Western Himalayas, Western
of World Heritage state was published in 1978.
Ghats and Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
• The convention defines the kind of sites which
Which of the statements given above is/are cor- can be considered for inscription of the World
rect? heritage list (ancient monuments, museums, bi-
odiversity and geological heritage,), and sets out
a) 1 only the duties of the State Parties in identifying po-
Biodiversity hotspots in India
b) 2 only tential sites and their role in protecting them.

117 118
"Natural heritage sites are restricted to those • Provide long term in situ conservation of genetic 3) It identifies the sites known/referred to as 1) IUCN is an organ of the United Nations and
natural areas that diversity. ‘Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas’. CITES is an international agreement between
• Provide opportunities for education and training. governments
1) furnish outstanding examples of the Earth's • Provide appropriate sustainable managements Select the correct answer using the code given be- 2) IUCN runs thousands of field projects around
record of life or its geologic processes. of the living resources. low. the world to better manage natural environ-
2) provide excellent examples of ongoing eco- • Promote infer national co-operation. ments.
a) 1 only
logical and biological evolutionary processes. 3) CITES is legally binding on the States that
b) 2 and 3 only
3) contain natural phenomena that are rare, have joined it, but this Convention does not
unique, superlative, or of outstanding beauty 6. International Union for Con- c) 1 and 3 only
take the place of national laws.
d) 1, 2 and 3
or servation of Nature • BirdLife International has nothing to do with the Select the correct using the code given below.
concept “biodiversity hotspots”.
1) furnish habitats or rare endangered animals • (IUCN) is an international organization (NGO) a) 1 only
or plants or are sites of exceptional biodiver- Answer: c) 1 and 3 only b) 2 and 3 only
working in the field of nature conservation and
sity”. sustainable use of natural resources. c) 1 and 3 only
2) There are ten criteria for cultural heritage and • It is involved in data gathering and analysis, re- 6.2 CITES d) 1, 2 and 3
natural heritage. search, field projects, advocacy, lobbying and • IUCN is an NGO. CITES is an international agree-
3) Nominated sites must be of "outstanding education. • CITES (the Convention on International Trade in ment between governments (multilateral treaty).
universal value" and meet at least one of the • The organization is best known for compiling Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is • Answer: b) 2 and 3 only
criteria below. and publishing the IUCN Red List, which as- also known as the Washington Convention)
• It is a multilateral treaty drafted as a result of a Similar treaty: Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Ele-
sesses the conservation status of species world-
International Year of Biodiversity resolution adopted in 1963 at a meeting of phants – MIKE
• Its headquarters are in Gland, Switzerland. members of the International Union for Con-
• The United Nations declared 2010 to be the In- 6.3 TRAFFIC
servation of Nature (IUCN).
ternational Year of Biodiversity.
6.1 BirdLife International • CITES entered into force in 1975.
• It is a celebration of life on earth and of the value
• Convention has 183 parties • TRAFFIC: The Wildlife Trade Monitoring Network
of biodiversity for our lives.
• Its aim is to ensure that international trade in (TRAFFIC).
• BirdLife International is the world’s largest na-
Slogan specimens of wild animals and plants does • TRAFFIC is a NGO working globally on trade in
ture conservation partnership.
"Biodiversity is variety of life on earth not threaten the survival of the species in the wild animals and plants in the context of both bi-
• Together they are 120 BirdLife Partners world-
Biodiversity is life. wild, and it accords varying degrees of protec- odiversity conservation and sustainable develop-
Biodiversity is our life". tion to more than 35,000 species of animals and ment.
• BirdLife International strives to conserve birds,
plants. • TRAFFIC is a joint programme of World Wide
their habitats and global biodiversity, working
Man and Biosphere Programme (MAB • Although CITES is legally binding on the Par- Fund for Nature (WWF) and IUCN.
with people towards sustainability in the use of
ties – in other words the member states have to • Traffic is complimentary to CITES.
programme) natural resources.
implement the Convention – it does not take the • The programme was founded in 1976, with
• BirdLife International is the official Red List au-
place of national laws. headquarters now located in Cambridge, United
• It was first started by UNESCO in 1971. thority for birds, for the International Union for
• Rather it provides a framework to be respected Kingdom.
• Later introduced in India in 1986. Conservation of Nature.
by each Party, which has to adopt its own do- • TRAFFIC’s mission is to ensure that trade in wild
• It identifies the sites known/referred to as ‘Im-
mestic legislation to ensure that CITES is imple- plants and animals is not a threat to the conser-
Aim portant Bird and Biodiversity Areas’.
mented at the national level. vation of nature.
With reference to an organization known as • It investigates and analyses wildlife trade
• Studying the effects of human interference and Q. With reference to the International Union for
‘Birdlife International’ which of the following trends, patterns, impacts and drivers to provide
pollution on the biotic and abiotic components Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
statements is/are correct? the leading knowledge base on trade in wild
of ecosystems. (IUCN) and the Convention on International animals and plants.
• Conservation the ecosystems for the present as Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
1) It is a Global Partnership of Conservation Or-
well as future. Flora (CITES), which of the following statements Q. Consider the following statements in respect
2) The concept of ‘biodiversity hotspots’ origi- is/are correct? of Trade Related Analysis of Fauna and Flora in
The main objects of MAB programme are to: Commerce (TRAFFIC): (2017)
nated from this organization.
• Conserve representative samples of ecosystem.

119 120
1) TRAFFIC is a bureau under United Nations future in which humans live in harmony with • Extinct in the wild (EW) ➔ Known only to sur- 6.5 IUCN Red List India (As of
Environment Programme (UNEP). nature.” vive in captivity, or as a naturalized population
2) The mission of TRAFFIC is to ensure that • The Living Planet Report is published every outside its historic range. March 2019)
trade in wild plants and animals is not a two years by WWF since 1998. • Critically endangered (CR) ➔ Extremely high
threat to the conservation of nature. • WWF has launched several notable worldwide risk of extinction in the wild. • The list contains critically endangered, endan-
campaigns including Earth Hour and Debt- ✓ reduction in population (greater than 90% over gered and vulnerable species.
Which of the above statements is/are correct? for-Nature Swap. the last 10 years), • The list is updated by Zoological Survey of India
✓ population size (number less than 50 mature in- (ZSI) from time to time as per the International
a) 1 only Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 1996.
b) 2 only 6.4 IUCN Red List or Red Data List dividuals),
✓ quantitative analysis showing the probability of
c) Both 1 and 2 or Red Book extinction in wild in at least 50% in their 10 years, ‘Critically Endangered’ Mammals
d) Neither 1 nor 2
• The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Himalayan Brown/Red Bear (Ursus arctos is-
✓ it is therefore considered to be facing an ex-
founded in 1964, is the world's most comprehen- abellinus)
World Wide Fund for Nature (World tremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
sive inventory of the global conservation status
Wildlife Fund) • Endangered (EN) ➔ High risk of extinction in
of biological species.
the wild.
• When discussing the IUCN Red List, the official
• It is an international non-governmental or- • Vulnerable (VU) ➔ High risk of endangerment
term “threatened” is a grouping of three cate-
ganization founded in 1961. in the wild.
gories: Critically Endangered, Endangered,
• It works in the field of the wilderness preser- • Near threatened (NT) ➔ Likely to become en-
and Vulnerable.
vation, and the reduction of human impact on dangered in the near future.
the environment. • Least concern (LC) ➔ Lowest risk. Does not
• WWF aims to "stop the degradation of the qualify for a more at-risk category. Widespread
planet's natural environment and to build a and abundant taxa are included in this category.
• Data deficient (DD) ➔ Not enough data to as-
sess its risk of extinction.
• Distribution: Nepal, Tibet, north India, and north
• Not evaluated (NE) ➔ Has not yet been evalu-
ated against the criteria.
• Threats: loss of suitable habitat and persecution
by humans.
Q. The ‘Red Data Books’ published by the Inter-
national Union for Conservation of Nature and
Natural Resources (IUCN) contain lists of Pygmy Hog (Porcula salvania)

1) Endemic plant and animal species present in

the biodiversity hotspots.
2) Threatened plant and animal species.
3) Protected sites for conservation of nature &
• The pink pages in this publication include the natural resources in various countries.
critically endangered species.
• As the status of the species changes, new pages Which of the statement given above is/are correct?
are sent to the subscribers.
a) 1 & 3
• Green pages are used for those species that
b) 2 only
were formerly endangered but have now re-
c) 2 & 3 • Is the world's smallest wild pig. This species con-
covered to a point where they are no longer
d) 3 only structs a nest throughout the year.
• IUCN is an NGO. It publishes Red data book • It is one of the most useful indicators of the man-
• With passing time, the number of pink pages
which contains a list of ‘Threatened species’ (vul- agement status of grassland habitats.
continue to increase.
nerable, endangered and critically endangered). • The grasslands where the pygmy hog resides are
Species are classified by the IUCN Red List into nine Nine Groups in IUCN Red List (Source) crucial for the survival of other threatened spe-
Answer: b) 2 only cies such as Indian Rhinoceros, Swamp Deer,
• Extinct (EX) ➔ No known individuals remaining.

121 122
Wild Buffalo, Hispid Hare, Bengal Florican and • Habitat: Tropical and subtropical dry deciduous Malabar Civet (Viverra civettina)
Swamp Francolin. forests and tropical scrub.
• Habitat: Relatively undisturbed, tall terai grass- • Threats: Major threats are habitat loss, overgraz-
lands. ing of vegetation and disturbance from tourism
• Distribution: Previously spread across India, Ne- and recreational activities.
pal, and Bhutan. Now only found in Assam (Ma-
nas Wildlife Sanctuary and its buffer reserves). Large Rock Rat or Elvira Rat (Cremnomys
• Pygmy hog-sucking Louse (Haematopinus ol- elvira)
iveri), a parasite that feeds only on Pygmy Hogs
will also fall in the same risk category of critically • It is a subspecies of Red Deer which is native to
endangered as its survival is linked to that of the India.
host species. • Habitat: Dense riverine forests, high valleys, and
• Threats: The main threats are loss and degrada- mountains of the Kashmir valley and northern
• It is endemic to India and was first reported from
tion of grasslands, dry-season burning, live- Chamba in Himachal Pradesh.
Travancore, Kerala.
stock grazing and afforestation of grasslands. • State animal of Jammu and Kashmir.
• It is nocturnal in nature and found exclusively in
Hunting is also a threat. • Threat: habitat destruction, over-grazing by do-
the Western Ghats.
mestic livestock, and poaching.
• Habitat: Wooded plains and hill slopes of ever-
Andaman White-toothed Shrew (Crocidura • It is a medium sized, nocturnal and burrowing ro- green rainforests.
andamanensis) ‘Endangered’ Mammals
dent endemic to India. • Habitat/distribution: Western Ghats.
• Habitat: Tropical dry deciduous shrub land for- • Threats: Deforestation and commercial planta-
est, seen in rocky areas.
Tigers (including Bengal Tiger)
tions are major threats.
• Habitat/distribution: Known only from Eastern
• 2015: International Union for Conversation of
Ghats of Tamil Nadu. Recorded from an eleva- Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus suma-
Nature (IUCN), said that tiger numbers have
tion of about 600 m above mean sea level. trensis)
grown to 3,890—a marked increase from esti-
• Threats: Major threats are habitat loss, conver-
mates in 2010 that put the number at “as few as
sion of forests and fuel wood collection.
• Distribution: It is endemic to the South Andaman • The general observation is that the population of
Namdapha Flying Squirrel
Island of India. tigers in India has increased while that of the rest
(Biswamoyopterus biswasi)
• They are usually active by twilight or in the night. of the world has decreased.
• Threats: Habitat loss due to selective logging,
natural disasters such as tsunami and drastic Asiatic Lion (Included Gir Lions)
weather change are thought to contribute to
current population declines. • Habitat: Gir forests in Gujarat
• It is the smallest and most endangered of the five • Threats: Habitat destruction, Diseases spreading
Kondana Rat (Millardia kondana) from domestic animals.
rhinoceros’ species.
• It is now thought to be regionally extinct in India,
Red Panda
though it once occurred in the foothills of the
Himalayas and north-east India.
• The Javan Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is
also believed to be extinct in India and only a
• It is a unique (the only one in its genus) flying
small number survive in Java and Vietnam.
squirrel that is restricted to a single valley in the
• Threat: Poaching, loss of habitat.
Namdapha N.P. (or) W.L.S. in Arunachal Pra-
• Distribution: Known only from the small Sin- desh. Kashmir stag/hangul (Cervus elaphus han-
hagarh Plateau (about one km2), near Pune in • Habitat: Tropical forest. glu)
Maharashtra. • Habitat/distribution: Found only in Namdapha
• It is a nocturnal burrowing rodent that is found Tiger Reserve in Arunachal Pradesh.
only in India. • Threats: Hunted for food.

123 124
• Red panda is endemic to the temperate forests • Habitat: Southern foothills of the central Himala- Q. In which of the following States is lion-tailed
of the Himalayas. yas. macaque found in its natural habitat?
• Habitat: Sikkim and Assam, northern Arunachal • Threats: The habitat of hispid hares is highly frag-
Pradesh. mented due to increasing agriculture, flood con- 1) Tamil Nadu
• Threats: habitat loss and fragmentation, poach- trol, and human development. 2) Kerala
ing, and inbreeding depression. 3) Karnataka
Hog deer 4) Andhra Pradesh
Dhole/Asiatic wild dog or Indian wild dog
Select the correct answer using the codes given be-
(Cuon alpinus)

• Primate, is an Old World monkey a) 1, 2 and 3 only

• Distribution: small region of western Assam and b) 2 only
in the neighbouring foothills of the Black Moun- c) 1, 3 and 4 only
tains of Bhutan. d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
• Threats: Deforestation, human encroachments. • Lion-tailed macaque is found in Western Ghats.
So, AP is the odd option.
Himalayan / White-bellied Musk Deer
Answer: a) 1, 2 and 3 only
• Distribution: They occur in most of India south of
the Ganges, particularly in the Central Indian Nilgiri tahr
Highlands and the Western and Eastern Ghats of
• Habitat: Terai region and grasslands in northern
the southern states.
• In north-east India, they inhabit Arunachal Pra-
• Threats: Hunting, habitat loss, habitat fragmen-
desh, Assam, Meghalaya, and West Bengal.
tation, human encroachments.
• Threats: Habitat loss, depletion of its prey base,
competition from other predators, persecution Lion-tailed macaque/ wanderoo (Macaca si-
and possibly diseases from domestic and feral

Eld's deer/thamin or brow-antlered deer

(Panolia eldii)

• Habitat: Kashmir, Kumaon and Sikkim.

• The Nilgiri tahr is the largest of the three tahr
• Threat: poaching & illegal trade for its musk.
species, inhabit montane grasslands of Western
Only males produce the musk.
Ghats. It is the state animal of Tamil Nadu.
Hispid hare/ Assam rabbit (Caprolagus his- • Threats: Habitat loss, overgrazing, illegal hunt-

• Endemic to the Western Ghats. What is/are unique about ‘Kharai camel’, a
• Avoids human presence and they do not live, breed found in India?
feed or travel through plantations.
• Habitat: Evergreen forests in the Western Ghats 1) It is capable of swimming up to three kilo-
• Distribution: Keibul Lamjao National Park (KLNP), range. metres in seawater.
Manipur. • Threat: Habitat fragmentation due to spread of 2) It survives by grazing on mangroves.
• Threats: Overgrazing, loss of grassland habitat. agriculture and tea, coffee, teak and cinchona, 3) It lives in the wild and cannot be domesti-
construction of water reservoirs and human set- cated.
Golden langur (Trachypithecus geei) tlements to support such activities. Select the correct answer using the code given be-

125 126
a) 1 and 2 only Select the correct answer using the code given be-
b) 3 only low.
c) 1 and 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3 a) 1 and 2 only
Answer: a) 1 and 2 only b) 2 and 3 only
c) 1, 3 and 4 only
Kharai Camel – India’s swimming camels d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
• ‘Susu’ shares its habitat with crocodiles, freshwa-
• Since 2015, Kharai camels are getting protec- • Because of the sound it produces when breath- ter turtles and wetland birds, many of which are • Habitat: Found only in the tall grasslands and for-
tion similar to endangered species. ing, the animal is popularly referred to as the 'Su- fish eaters and are potential competitors with ests in the foothills of the Himalayas (Terai re-
• During monsoons, they swim to the mangrove su'. dolphins. gion).
islands in hordes. • Susu can only live in freshwater and is essentially • National Parks: Kaziranga National Park, Pabitora
Answer: c) 1, 3 and 4 only wildlife sanctuary, Manas National Park, Assam.
blind. Hence, susu are also known as blind dol-
phin. • Status in the Wild: Moved from Endangered to
Q. Which one of the following is the national
• They hunt by emitting ultrasonic sounds. Vulnerable.
aquatic animal of India?
• Distribution: India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Paki- • Threat: Poached for its horn (in SE Asian coun-
stan which is split into two subspecies, the Gan- tries it is a belief that its horn has medicinal prop-
a) Saltwater crocodile
ges river dolphin and Indus river dolphin. erties), habitat loss, habitat fragmentation.
b) Olive ridley turtle
• Threats: Unintentional killing through entangle- c) Gangetic dolphin
ment in fishing gear; habitat loss and degrada- Gaur/Indian Bison
d) Gharial
• For eight months in a year, the Kharai camels tion – water development projects (barrages,
are completely dependent on the mangrove high dams, and embankments), pollution – in- Answer: c) Susu
islands dustrial waste and pesticides, municipal sewage
• Kharai camels are a main source of livelihood discharge and noise from vessel traffic. ‘Vulnerable’ Mammals
of Jat and Rabari communities (Kutch region).
Ganges river dolphin (Susu) Lion
Q. What is/are unique about ‘Kharai camel’, a
breed found in India? (2016) • Habitat: Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers and • Placed in Vulnerable category.
1) It is capable of swimming up to three kilo- their tributaries in Bangladesh, India and Nepal. • Threats: Trade in bones is the major reason for
• The Ganges river dolphin has been recognized • The gaur (Bos gaurus), also called Indian bison, is
metres in seawater. their dwindling numbers.
by the government of India as its National a large bovine native to South Asia and South-
2) It survives by grazing on mangroves.
Aquatic Animal. Nilgiri langur/ Nilgiri leaf monkey east Asia.
3) It lives in the wild and cannot be domesti-
• Gaur are largely confined to evergreen forests or
cated. (Trachypithecus johnii)
Indus river dolphin semi-evergreen and moist deciduous forests, but
Select the correct answer using the code given be-
also occur in deciduous forest areas at the pe-
low. • Habitat: Indus River in Pakistan and its Beas and riphery of their range.
a) 1 and 2 only Sutlej tributaries. • The domesticated form of the gaur is called gayal
b) 3 only
or mithun.
c) 1 and 3 only Q. Other than poaching, what are the possible
• Threats: Habitat loss, habitat fragmentation.
d) 1, 2 and 3 reasons for the decline in the population of Gan-
Answer: a) 1 and 2 only ges River Dolphins? Four-horned antelope, Chousingha
‘Endangered’ Marine Mammals 1) Construction of dams and barrages on rivers
• Moved from Endangered to Vulnerable.
2) Increase in the population of crocodiles in
• Habitat: Hilly areas of Western Ghats in Tamil
Freshwater (river) dolphin / South Asian rivers
Nadu and Kerala.
River Dolphin 3) Getting trapped in fishing nets accidentally
• Threats: Habitat degradation, development ac-
4) Use of synthetic fertilizers and other agricul-
tivities, introduction of exotic tree species.
tural chemicals in crop-fields in the vicinity of
Great Indian one horn Rhinoceros

127 128
• The four-horned antelope must drink water reg- 2) It is found along the entire coast of India
ularly in order to survive. 3) It is given legal protection under Schedule 1
• Distribution: Presently it is confined to the Indian of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
subcontinent. Scattered between the foothills of
the Himalayas in the north to the Deccan Plateau Select the correct answer using the code given be-
in the south. Gir National Park has 1000 of these low.
animals. a) 1 and 2
• Threats: Loss of its natural habitat due to agricul- b) 2 only
tural expansion. Four-horned skull and horns • Habitat: Isolated localities in northern and cen-
c) 1 and 3
have made it a popular target for hunters. tral India, and southwestern Nepal.
d) 3 only
• Threats: Hunting for horns, habitat fragmenta-
Takin tion and habitat loss. Explanation:

Oriental small-clawed otter/ Asian small- • Dugong is an herbivorous animal. It eats sea
• Habitat: Seen across much of the Himalayas, Ko-
clawed otter (Aonyx cinerea) grass and aquatic plants found in shallow oceans
rea, north-eastern China, the Russian far east and
(at depths sea grass and aquatic plants don’t
the Honshu and Shikoku islands of Japan.
grow due to absence of sunlight).
• Threats: deforestation and active hunting for its
body parts. Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972

‘Vulnerable’ Herbivorous Marine Mam- • Harming endangered (vulnerable, endangered,

• Distribution: Mountainous regions in the Hima- mals critically endangered) species listed in Schedule
layan Mountains and western China. 1 of the Act is prohibited throughout India.
• Threats: Largely due to overhunting and the de- Dugong/Sea Cow • Hunting species, like those requiring special pro-
struction of their natural habitat, takin are con- • Semiaquatic mammals which feed on fish, amphibi- tection (Schedule II), big game (Schedule III), and
sidered Endangered in China and Vulnerable as ans, birds and small mammals. small game (Schedule IV), is regulated through
per the IUCN. • It is a smallest otter species in the world. licensing.
• Habitat: It lives in mangrove swamps and freshwa- • A few species classified as vermin (Schedule V),
Nilgiri marten ter wetlands. may be hunted without restrictions.
• Threat: habitat loss, pollution and hunting.
Answer: c) 1 and 3
Clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa)
‘Near Threatened’ Mammals
• Threat: hunting (meat and oil), habitat degrada- Wild ass/ khur (Equus hemionus khur)
tion, and fishing-related fatalities.

Manatees Species

• Endemic to the Western Ghats. Inhabits areas • Dugong belongs to manatees species.
that are far from human disturbance. • Habitat: Indian seas (near shore waters of Gulf of
• Threat: habitat loss and fragmentation, hunting Mannar, Gulf of Kachchh and Andaman and
for its fur. • Habitat: Himalayan foothills through mainland
Nicobar Islands), Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico,
• Only species of marten found in southern India. Southeast Asia into China. They occur in northern
the Amazon Basin, and West Africa
West Bengal, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Mani-
• Threat: Coastal development, red tide, hunting. • Showed an increase in population. Moved from
Barasingha or swamp deer (Rucervus pur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura.
Endangered (2015) to Near Threatened
duvaucelii) • Threat: deforestation and poaching. Q. With reference to ‘dugong’, a mammal found (2019).
in India, which of the following statements is/are
Asian black bear/ moon bear or white- • Distribution: Mostly occurs in Rann of Kutch re-
chested bear (Ursus thibetanus)
• Population steadily increasing.
1) It is an herbivorous marine animal.

129 130
• Today, its last refuge lies in the Indian Wild Ass • 2016: Tibetan antelope has been moved from • The markhor is the national animal of Pakistan. • Distribution: Trans-Himalayan region of Hima-
Sanctuary, Little Rann of Kutch. Endangered to Near Threatened. • Habitat: Mountains of central Asia. In India - chal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir.
• Threats: Diseases, habitat degradation due to salt • Habitat: Tibet cold desert. some parts of Jammu and Kashmir . • Threats – Climate Change, Prey by humans to
activities, Invasive species Prosopis juliflora • Threat: The chiru is threatened by hunting for its • Status: Moved from endangered to Near Threat- protect their cattle.
shrub, and encroachment and grazing by the fine wool which is used to make the shahtoosh ened in 2015
Maldhari. scarves, meat, magnificent horns. • Threats: Hunting (both for meat and for its Crocodile species in India
twisted horns), armed conflict and habitat loss.
Q. Why is a plant called Prosopis juliflora of- Marbled cat (Pardofelis marmorata) • Gharials (Critically Endangered) once thrived
ten mentioned in news? (2018) Least concern in all the major river systems of the Indian Sub-
a) Its extract is widely used in cosmetics. Blackbuck (Salman Khan) • Today, they are extinct in the Indus River, in the
b) It tends to reduce the biodiversity in the area Brahmaputra of Bhutan and Bangladesh, and in
in which it grows. the Irrawaddy River.
c) Its extract is used in the synthesis of pesti- • Their distribution is now limited to only 2% of
cides. their former range.
d) None of the above • The mugger (or marsh) crocodile (Vulnerable)
• Prosopis juliflora is an invasive species. is a freshwater species found sparsely in various
• Habitat: northern India and Nepal, through
lakes, rivers and marshes in the Indian subconti-
Answer: b) it reduces biodiversity south-eastern Asia to Borneo and Sumatra. In In-
dia - Sikkim, Darjeeling, moist tropical forest.
Q. A sandy and saline area is the natural habitat • Apart from the eastern coast of India, the salt-
• Threats: hunting, habitat destruction for marbled
of an Indian animal species. The animal has no water crocodile (Least Concern) is extremely
cat and its prey.
predators in that area, but its existence is threat- rare on the Indian subcontinent.
ened due to the destruction of its habitat. Which • A huge population is present within the Bhitar-
Himalayan tahr • Moved from Near Threatened to Least Con-
one of the following could be that animal? kanika Wildlife Sanctuary of Odisha and they
are known to be present in smaller numbers
• Distribution: In the Indian subcontinent, the
a) Indian wild buffalo throughout the Indian and Bangladeshi portions
blackbuck can also be found in deserts (in the
b) Indian wild ass of the Sundarbans.
north western region), coastal areas, mountains
c) Indian wild boar
(in the northern-north-eastern region) Habitat:
d) Indian Gazelle ‘Critically Endangered’ Birds
Grass land.
• Sandy saline area ➔ Kutch region.
• Threat: excessive hunting for meat and sporting
• Indian wild buffalo ➔ Terai region. The Jerdon's Courser (Rhinoptilus bi-
trophies, as well as habitat loss.
• Indian wild boar ➔ can survive in different types torquatus)
of habitat: grasslands, taiga, tropical rainforests, • Habitat: Himalayas.
‘Not Evaluated’ Mammals
but they prefer life in deciduous forests. • Threats: The major threats in China are uncon-
• Chinkara (Indian gazelle) ➔ Thar desert. trolled hunting and deforestation. In India, Him-
alayan tahr is sometimes hunted for meat, and Himalayan wolf
Answer: b) Indian wild ass there is apparently significant competition with
livestock for summer grazing in some areas.
Chiru/ Tibetan Antelope
Markhor (Capra falconeri)

• It is a nocturnal bird found only in the northern

part of the state of Andhra Pradesh in peninsular
India (Sri Lankamaleswara Wildlife Sanctuary).
• Conservation Status is ‘Not Evaluated’. Several • Habitat: Undisturbed scrub jungle with open ar-
biologists feel that it needs be in the ‘Critically eas.
Endangered List’. • Distribution: Jerdon's Courser is endemic to An-
dhra Pradesh.

131 132
• Threats: Clearing of scrub jungle, creation of new • Threats: Ongoing conversion of the bird's grass- • It is a large, strikingly majestic migratory bird that
pastures, growing of dry land crops, Illegal trap- land habitat for various purposes including agri- breeds and winters in wetlands.
ping of birds, plantations of exotic trees, quarry- culture is mainly responsible for its population • They are known to arrive in winter at Keoladeo
ing and the construction of the River Canals. decline. National Park, Rajasthan.
• Habitat: Wetland areas.
White-bellied Heron (Ardea insignis) Himalayan Quail (Ophrysia superciliosa) • Located distribution: Keoladeo National Park in
• Threats: Pesticide pollution, wetland drainage,
• It is a winter migrant to India. development of prime habitat into agricultural
• Habitat: Fallow fields and scrub desert. fields, and to some extent, hunting.
• Distribution: central Asia, Asia Minor, Russia,
Egypt, India, Pakistan. In India, habitat is re- Endangered Birds
stricted to the north and north-west of the coun-
try. Forest Owlet (Heteroglaux blewitti)
• Threats: Conversion of habitat to arable land, il-
legal hunting and proximity to human settle-
• Habitat: Tall grass and scrub on steep hillsides.
• Distribution: Western Himalayas.
• Threats: Indiscriminate hunting during the colo-
Spoon Billed Sandpiper (Eurynorhynchus
nial period along with habitat modification.
• Distribution: Extremely rare bird found in five or
six sites in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, one or Pink- headed Duck (Rhodonessa caryophyl-
two sites in Bhutan, and a few in Myanmar. lacea)
• Habitat: Rivers with sand or gravel bars or inland
• Threats: Loss and degradation of lowland forests • Moved from Critically Endangered to Endan-
and wetlands through direct exploitation and gered.
disturbance by humans. • Habitat: Dry deciduous forest.
• Habitat: South Madhya Pradesh, in north-west
Bengal Florican (Houbaropsis bengalensis) • India is home to some of the last existing winter- Maharashtra and north-central Maharashtra.
ing grounds of this species. • Threats: Logging operations, burning and cutting
• Habitat: Coastal areas with sparse vegetation. of trees damage roosting and nesting trees of
• Males have a deep pink head and neck from • Distribution: Has been recorded along the coast- the Forest Owlet.
which the bird derives its name. lines of West Bengal, Orissa, Kerala and Tamil
• Habitat: Overgrown still-water pools, marshes Nadu. ‘Vulnerable’ Birds
and swamps in lowland forests and tall grass- • Threats: Habitat degradation and land reclama-
lands. tion. Human disturbance also leads to high inci- Great Indian Hornbill
• Distribution: Recorded in India, Bangladesh and dence of nest desertion.
Myanmar. Maximum records are from north-east
India. Siberian Crane (Grus leucogeranus)
• Threats: Wetland degradation and loss of habi-
• A rare bustard species that is very well known for tat, along with hunting are the main causes of its
its mating dance. decline.
• Habitat: Grasslands occasionally interspersed
with scrublands. Sociable Lapwing (Vanellus gregarius)
• Distribution: Native to only 3 countries in the
world - Cambodia, India and Nepal. In India, it
occurs in 3 states, namely Uttar Pradesh, Assam • Habitat: Rainforest regions of India (Western
and Arunachal Pradesh. Ghats and North eastern region of India), South-
east Asia.

133 134
• Threats: Habitat loss and hunting. • Distribution: In India they are found in the Anda-
man and Nicobar Islands, the coast of Tamil
Q. In which of the following regions of India are Nadu and Orissa.
you most likely to come across the `Great Indian • Threats: Turtle shell trade, egg collection, slaugh-
Hornbill’ in its natural habitat? (2016) ter for meat, oil pollution and destruction of
a) Sand deserts of northwest India nesting and foraging habitats.
b) Higher Himalayas of Jammu and Kashmir
c) Salt marshes of western Gujarat Four-toed River Terrapin or River Terrapin
d) Western Ghats • It is the most uniquely evolved crocodilian in the (Batagur baska)
world, a specialized, river-dwelling, fish-eater. • Moved from Critically Endangered to Vulner-
Black-Necked Crane (Grus nigricollis) • Habitat: Clean rivers with sand banks. able.
• Distribution: Only viable population in the Na- • It is the largest of the living sea turtles, weighing
tional Chambal Sanctuary, spread across three as much as 900 kg.
states of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madhya • Jellyfish is their primary food.
Pradesh in India. • Habitat: Tropical and subtropical oceans.
• Small non-breeding populations exist in Son, • Distribution: Found in tropical and temperate
Gandak, Hoogly and Ghagra rivers. Now extinct waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, and into Indian
• Habitat: Freshwater rivers and lakes.
in Myanmar, Pakistan, Bhutan and Bangladesh. Oceans.
• Distribution: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indo-
• The threat to the future of a vulnerable bird spe- • Threats: The combined effects of dams, barrages, • Threats: High sea fishing operations, harvesting
nesia and Malaysia.
cies has halted the Rs. 6,400-crore hydro power artificial embankments, change in river course, of eggs, destruction of nests by wild predators
• Threats: Use of flesh for medicinal purposes, de-
project in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh. pollution, sand-mining, riparian agriculture and and domesticated species such as cats, dogs and
mand for eggs, which are considered a delicacy
• The species breeds on the Tibetan plateau and ingress of domestic and feral livestock. pigs.
migrates to Tawang for the winter. • Artificial lighting disorients hatchlings and adults
Red-crowned Roofed Turtle or the Bengal
• The bird, most commonly found in China, is le- Q. If you want to see gharials in their natural hab- and causes them to migrate inland rather than
itat, which one of the following is the best place Roof Turtle (Batagur kachuga)
gally protected in Bhutan and India and is con- towards the sea.
sidered sacred to certain Buddhist traditions. to visit? (2017) • Threats to habitat include construction, mining
a) Bhitarkanika Mangroves and plantation of exotics.
Q. Which one of the following groups of animals b) Chambal River
belongs to the category of endangered species? Q. Consider the following fauna of India:
c) Pulicat Lake
d) Deepor Beel 1) Gharial
a) Great Indian Bustard, Musk Deer, Red Panda
and Asiatic Wild Ass 2) Leatherback turtle
Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)
b) Kashmir Stag, Cheetal, Blue Bull and Great In- 3) Swamp deer
• Habitat: Deep, flowing rivers but with terrestrial
dian Bustard nest sites. Which of the above is/are endangered?
c) Snow Leopard, Swamp Deer, Rhesus Monkey • Distribution: Found in India, Bangladesh and Ne-
and Saras (Crane) pal. In India it resides basically in the watershed a) 1 and 2 only
d) Lion-tailed Macaque, Blue Bull, Hanuman of the Ganga. b) 3 only
Langur and Cheetal • Threats: Water development projects, water pol- c) 1, 2 and 3
lution, human disturbance and poaching for the d) None
Obsolete question. As of 2019, the status of many of
illegal wildlife market. • Gharial are ‘Critically Endangered’. Swamp deer
these animals has changed.
• The species is migratory in nature and nesting (barasingha) and Leatherback turtle are ‘Vulner-
‘Critically Endangered’ Reptiles occurs in about 70 countries across the world. ‘Vulnerable’ Reptiles able’.
• Maturation is slow and is estimated between 25
Answer: d) none
Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) — 40 years. Leatherbadc Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)
• Habitat: Nesting occurs on insular, sandy
Olive ridley sea turtle

135 136
slender teeth of the species suggest that it is pri- • This species was reported as frequently found in
marily a fish-eater. shallow water. It inhabits muddy bottoms and
• Distribution: It occurs in India and possibly in Pa- also enters estuaries.
kistan. The Ganga river system and Hooghly river • Distribution: Indo-Pacific region including Aus-
mouth are its known habitats. tralia, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia and Ma-
• Threats: Major fisheries targeting sharks. Other laysia.
probable threats include overfishing, pollution, • Threats: This species has been damaged inten-
increasing river use and construction of dams sively, both as a target species and as incidental
• Distribution: Endemic to Western Ghats, and and barrages. by catch in commercial, sport or shark-control
• Also known as the Pacific ridley sea turtle.
found in Sispara, Nilgiris, Kavalai near Cochin. net fisheries, as well as for aquarium display. As
• Distribution: found in warm and tropical waters,
• Threats: Habitat conversion and modification. Large-tooth Sawfish (Pristis microdon) a result, it has become severely depleted in re-
primarily in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
• Olive ridley turtles are best known for their be- cent decades, and now appears to have been ex-
‘Critically Endangered’ Fish tirpated from many parts of its range.
haviour of synchronized nesting in mass num-
The Pondicherry Shark (Carcharhinus hemi- ‘Endangered’ Fishes
• In the Indian Ocean, the majority of olive ridleys
nest near Gahirmatha in Odisha. odon)
• The coast of Odisha in India is the largest mass Knife-tooth Sawfish (Anoxypristis cuspi-
nesting site for the olive ridleys. data)
• Threats: unsustainable egg collection, slaughter- • Distribution: Western part of the Indo-Pacific
ing nesting females on the beach, and direct har- (East Africa to New Guinea, Philippines and Vi-
vesting adults at sea for commercial sale of both etnam to Australia).
the meat and hides. • In India, it is known to enter the Mahanadi river,
• Coastal development, natural disasters, climate up to 64 km inland, and also is very common in
change, and other sources of beach erosion have the estuaries of the Ganga and Brahmaputra.
also been cited as potential threats to nesting • Distribution: Indian Ocean – from Gulf of Oman
• Threats: The principal threat to all sawfish are • Distribution: Widespread in western part of the
grounds. to Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka.
fisheries. Their long tooth-studded saw makes Indo-Pacific region, including Red Sea.
• In scattered localities spanning India to New
them extraordinarily vulnerable to entanglement • Threats: Similar to Long-comb Sawfish.
What’s the difference between turtles and tor- Guinea. Also been recorded at the mouth of the
in any sort of net gear.
toises? Hooghly river.
• When sawfish are caught in by catch, they often ‘Critically Endangered’ Spiders
• Threats: Large, expanding, and unregulated
end up being traded because of the very high
Turtle Tortoise commercial fisheries in inshore localities and
value of their products (meat is high quality and Rameshwaram Ornamental or
• Lives in water • Lives on land habitats.
fins and saws extremely valuable in international
• Come to land to lay • Everything happens Rameshwaram Parachute Spider (Poeci-
eggs on land The Ganges Shark (Glyphis gangeticus) lotheria hanumavilasumica)
• Major habitat changes include construction of
• Good swimmers • Bad swimmers
dams over rivers, siltation, pollution from indus-
• Carnivores (flesh • Herbivores (plant
tries and mining operations.
eating) eating)
Terrapins are almost a combination of turtles and Long-comb Sawfish or Narrow-snout Saw-
tortoises. They live in water, mostly small dams or
fish (Pristis zijsron)
ponds; however they can also live on land.

‘Near Threatened’ Reptiles

Sispara day gecko (Cnemaspis sisparensis) • It occurs in the turbid waters of the Ganga river
and the Bay of Bengal.
• The small eyes suggest that it is adapted to living • It was recently described in 2004 and is only
in turbid water (just like dugong), while the found in India.

137 138
• The species is semi-social, which means they live India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Panama, Singapore • Cheetah is an extinct species. They have gone India is part of five main International Conventions
partly in groups. and Thailand. extinct during pre-independence era. Reason: which are associated to wildlife conservation:
• Habitat: Arboreal (living in trees) and tend to live • Threats: Collected for decoration and jewellery They were hunted down by various Indian kings
in hiding. trade. This group is also sensitive to temperature and British officers. 1) Convention on International Trade in Endan-
• Distribution: Endemic to India. Spread along the rise and is thought to have completely disap- • Flying Squirrels are found in many Indian forests. gered Species (CITES),
coastal savannah, tropical lowland rain forests peared from the majority of marine areas possi- • Snow leopard is an ‘endangered’ specie found in 2) Coalition Against Wildlife Trafficking
and montane forests up to an altitude of 2000 m bly because of growing global warming related the Himalayan ranges. (CAWT),
above mean sea level. bleaching effects. 3) International Whaling Commission (IWC),
• Threats: Major threats causing the disappearance Answer: b) 1, 3 and 4 only 4) United Nations Educational, Scientific and
of this species is habitat alteration and degrada- Others Cultural Organization – World Heritage Com-
tion. Steps Taken by the Government for mittee (UNESCO – WHC) and
Flying squirrel Wildlife Protection 5) Convention on Migratory Species (CHS).
Gooty Tarantula, Metallic Tarantula or Pea-
cock Tarantula (Poecilotheria metallica) • All the states, excluding Jammu and Kashmir 6.6 Misc. Topics
(it has its own Act), adopted Wildlife (Protec-
tion) Act in 1972 which prohibits any type of • Migration refers to the cyclical seasonal move-
trade for endangered and rare species. ment of birds from one place to other.
• The Central Government provides financial assis- • The distance of migration ranged from short dis-
tance to the State Governments for the conser- tance to thousands of kilometres.
vation and protection of the endangered species. • But at the end of period, birds will eventually re-
• National ban was imposed on tiger hunting in turn to the original place.
• Flying squirrels are mammals too, but they don't
1970 and Wildlife Protection Act became effec-
really fly.
tive in 1972. Reasons for migration
• They jump from high in a trees glide through the
• Innumerable numbers of National Parks, Wildlife
air like a kite. • To avoid adverse factors (extreme climatic con-
• It was first found in Gooty (Ooty/Udagamanda- Sanctuaries, Parks etc. have been established by
• Flying squirrels are a tribe of 44 species of squir- dition)
lam). the government.
rels. • To manage food shortage
• Habitat: Wooded mountain area. • In 1992, Central Zoo Authority (CZA) was initi-
• Their conservation status varies from Near • To manage shortage of water
• Distribution: Endemic to South India. ated for the supervision of the management of
Threatened to Endangered. • To have a better breeding conditions
• Threats: They are one of the most expensive spi- zoological parks in the country.
• Indian giant flying squirrel is included under • Less competition for safe nesting places
ders in the illegal pet trade. • In 1996, the Wildlife Advisory Committee and
‘Least Concerned’.
Wildlife Institute were established for seeking
‘Critically Endangered’ Corals Q. Consider the following: advice on different features of Wildlife conserva-
tion and matters related to it.
Fire corals (Millepora boschmai) 1) Black-necked crane
2) Cheetah Migratory birds of India
3) Flying squirrel
4) Snow leopard Winter birds Summer birds
• Siberian Cranes, Greater Flamingo, Common Teal, Yellow • Asian Koel, Black Crowned Night
Which of the above are naturally found in India? Wagtail, White Wagtail, Northern Shoveler, Rosy Pelican, Heron, Eurasian Golden Oriole, Comb
Wood Sandpiper, Spotted Sandpiper, Eurasian Pigeon, Black Duck, Blue Cheeked Bee Eater, Blue
a) 1, 2 and 3 only Tailed Godwit, Spotted Redshank Starling Bluethroat, Long Tailed Bee-Eater, Cuckoos.
b) 1, 3 and 4 only Billed Pipit.
c) 2 and 4 only
d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
• Black-necked crane is commonly found in Ti- There are only five living Monotreme/egg laying
• They are more closely related to jellyfish than Egg Laying Mammals •
betan and trans-Himalayan region. In winters Mammals species: they are – the duck-billed
they migrate to less colder regions of Indian • The unique feature of monotremes, a sub divi- platypus and four species of spiny anteaters
• Distribution: Indonesia, Gulf of Chiriqui, Panama
Himalayas. sion of mammal, is that monotremes lay eggs ra- (also known as echidna).
Pacific Province. Possibly extinct from Australia,
ther than giving birth to their young.

139 140
• These plants are specialized in trapping insects • Drosera and Aldrovanda belong to family Dro- • Distribution: Confined to the high rainfall hills
and are popularly known as insectivorous plants. seraceae. and plateaus of north-eastern region, at alti-
• They are very different from normal plants in • Drosera or Sundew inhabit wet infertile soils or tudes ranging from 100-1500 m, particularly in
their mode of nutrition. They, however, never marshy places. Garo, Khasi and Jaintia hills of Meghalaya.
prey upon humans or large animals. • Aldrovanda is a free-floating, rootless aquatic
• All of them are found only in Australia and New • Insectivorous plants can broadly be divided into plant, the only species found in India, occurs in Insect trapping mechanism of pitcher plant
Guinea. active and passive types based on their method the salt marshes of Sunderbans, south of Cal-
• In echidnas, the egg is carried in a pouch on the of trapping their prey. cutta. It also grows in fresh water bodies like
female's belly until the young hatches, at which • The active ones can close their leaf traps the mo- ponds, tanks and lakes.
point the barely-developed young must find a ment insects land on them.
mammary gland and latch onto it for nourish- • The passive plants have a 'pitfall' mechanism, Insect trapping mechanism of Drosera
ment. having some kind of jar or pitcher-like structure
into which the insect slips and falls, to eventually
Marsupials be digested.
• The insectivorous plants often have several at-
• Marsupials are the group of mammals com- tractions such as brilliant colors, sweet secretions
monly thought of as pouched mammals (like and other curios to lure their innocent victims.
the wallaby and kangaroo).
• Marsupial mammals have placenta, but it is very Why do they hunt despite having normal roots
short-lived and does not make as much of a con- and photosynthetic leaves?
• Nepenthes conforms to the pitfall type of trap. A
tribution to foetal nourishment. • The tentacles on the leaves secrete a sticky fluid honey like substance is secreted from glands at
• These plants are usually associated with rain- that shines in the sun like dew-drops. Therefore,
• They give birth very early and the young animal, the entrance of the pitcher. Once the insect en-
washed, nutrient-poor soils, or wet and acidic ar- the Drosera are commonly known as sundews.
essentially a helpless embryo, climbs from the ters into the pitcher, it falls down because of the
eas that are ill-drained. • When an insect lured by these glistening drops
mother's birth canal to the nipples. slipperiness.
• Such wetlands are acidic due to anaerobic con- alights on the leaf surface it gets stuck in this
• There it grabs on with its mouth and continues • The inner wall, towards its lower half, bears nu-
ditions, which cause partial decomposition of fluid and are absorbed and digested.
to develop, often for weeks or months depend- merous glands, which secrete a proteolytic en-
organic matter releasing acidic compounds into
ing on the species. zyme. This enzyme digests the body of the
the surroundings. Insect trapping mechanism of Aldrovanda
trapped insects and nutrients are absorbed.
• As a result, most microorganisms necessary for
List of common Marsupials
complete decomposition of organic matter can-
Utricularia and Pinguicula
• Kola not survive in such poorly oxygenated condi-
• Kangaroo tions. • Utricularia and Pinguicula belong to family
• Wallaby • Normal plants find it difficult to survive in such Lentibulariaceae.
• Tasmanian devils nutrient poor habitats.
• The hunter plants are successful in such places Insect trapping mechanism of Utricularia or Blad-
because they supplement their photosynthetic derworts
food production by trapping insects and digest- • On the leaf midrib are found some sensitive trig-
ing their nitrogen rich bodies. ger hairs. The two halves of the leaf blade of Al-
drovanda close along the midrib the moment an
Insectivorous plants of India insect comes into contact with the leaf, trapping
the victim inside.
• Insectivorous plants of India belong mainly to
three families: Pitcher Plants Family: Nepenthaceae
• Droseraceae (3 species),
• Nepenthaceae (1 species) and • Pitcher plants belong to family nepenthaceae.
• Lentibulariaceae (36 species). The members of the family are commonly known
as ‘pitcher plants’ because their leaves bear jar- • The Bladderworts generally inhabit freshwater
Drosera and Aldrovanda like structures. wetlands and waterlogged areas.

Insectivorous Plants

141 142
• Some species are associated with moist moss • Habitat destruction is also rampant, the wetlands • Two other species of Gyps, the Himalayan vulture • Indian Vulture (Gyps indicus)
covered rock surfaces, and damp soils during harbouring such plants being the main casualties (Gyps himalayensis) and the Eurasian griffon • Slender-Billed Vulture (Gyps tenuirostris)
rains. during the expansion of urban and rural habita- (Gyps fulvus) were less affected because they
• Utricularia in its bladders mouth, has sensitive tion. come to India only in winters Endangered
bristles or hairs. When an insect happens to con- • Pollution caused by effluents containing deter- • They are exclusively mountain-dwelling and
tact these hairs the door opens, carrying the in- gents, fertilizers, pesticides, sewage etc. into the hence less vulnerable to diclofenac contamina- • Cape Vulture (Gyps coprotheres)
sect into the bladder along with a little current of wetlands is yet another major cause for their de- tion.
Near Threatened
water. cline (Since insectivorous plants do not tolerate
• The door is shut when water fills the bladder, the high nutrient levels). Consequences of Depopulation of Vultures • Himalayan Vulture (Gyps himalayensis)
enzymes produced by the inner wall of the blad- • Moreover, polluted water bodies are dominated
der digest the insect. by prolific water weeds which cause elimination • Vultures previously played an important role in Least Concern
of the delicate insectivorous plants. public sanitation in India and their disappear-
Insect trapping mechanism of Pinguicula or But- ance has resulted in an explosion of rats and wild • Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
terwort Indian Vulture Crisis dogs and the spread of diseases resulting in an
estimated cost of up to ₹1700 billion (US$25 bil- Critically Endangered
• India is most favourable region for Vultures: Hin- lion) (as of 2015).
dus do not eat cows, which they consider sacred, • The carcasses formerly eaten by vultures’ rot in White-Rumped Vulture (Gyps bengalensis)
and when a cow dies, it is left to be fed on by village fields leading to contaminated drinking
vultures. water.
• India has a high species diversity and hence vul- • These newly abundant scavengers are not as ef-
tures get lot of food. ficient as vultures. A vulture’s metabolism is a
• Nine species of vulture can be found living in In- true “dead-end” for pathogens, but dogs and
dia. But today, most are in danger of extinction rats become carriers of the pathogens.
due to a veterinary drug called diclofenac (vul- • The mammals also carry diseases from rotting
tures do not have a particular enzyme to break carcasses such as rabies, anthrax, plague etc. and
• It grows in the alpine heights of Himalayas, from down diclofenac). are indirectly responsible for thousands of hu-
Kashmir to Sikkim, along stream-sides in cool man deaths. • The white-rumped vulture was very common es-
boggy places. Diclofenac pecially in the Gangetic plains of India, and often
• In Pinguicula, an entire leaf works as trap. When Diclofenac Alternative seen nesting on the avenue trees within large cit-
an insect lands on the leaf surface, it gets stuck • Diclofenac is a common anti-inflammatory ies in the region.
in the sticky exudate. the leaf margins roll up drug administered to livestock and is used to • The drug was banned for veterinary use in India
thus trapping the victim. in March 2006. White-Backed Vulture (Gyps africanus)
treat the symptoms of inflammation, fevers
and/or pain associated with disease or wounds. • A replacement drug was quickly developed and
Medicinal Properties of Insectivorous Plants • Diclofenac leads to renal failure in vultures proposed after tests on vultures in captivity:
damaging their excretory system (direct inhi- meloxicam.
• Drosera are capable of curdling milk, its bruised bition of uric acid secretion in vultures). • Meloxicam affects cattle the same way as diclo-
leaves are applied on blisters and used for dye- • Gyps species were the most affected by diclo- fenac but is harmless for vultures.
ing silk. fenac. • Diclofenac for human use was still being diverted
• Nepenthes in local medicine to treat cholera pa- • The population of the White-rumped vulture into veterinary uses through black markets in
tients, the liquid inside the pitcher is useful for (Gyps bengalensis) fell 99.7% between 1993 and certain parts of India. Ruppell's Vulture (Gyps rueppellii)
urinary troubles, it is also used as eye drops. 2002.
• Utricularia is useful against cough, for dressing • The populations of the Indian vulture (Gyps indi- Conservation Status of India Vultures (As of
of wounds, as a remedy for urinary disease. cus) and the slender-billed vulture (Gyps tenui- March 2019]
rostris) fell 97.4%.
Threats Critically Endangered
• The percentages differ slightly because the
white-rumped vulture is more sensitive to diclo-
• Gardening trading for medicinal properties is • White-Rumped Vulture (Gyps bengalensis)
fenac than the other two species, but all three
one of the main causes for their decline. • White-Backed Vulture (Gyps africanus)
were in danger of extinction.
• Ruppell's Vulture (Gyps rueppellii)

143 144
Indian Vulture (Gyps indicus) Near Threatened • A place where vultures can feed free from human radiation, so the infrared cannot escape via ra-
disturbances. diative transfer.
Himalayan Vulture (Gyps himalayensis) • Extra food close to breeding colonies, this helps • As the structure is not open to the atmosphere,
to increase their breeding success by improving heat also cannot escape via convection, so the
the survival chances of the young vultures. temperature inside the greenhouse rises. This is
known as the ‘greenhouse effect’.
Vulture Restaurants
Importance of Natural Greenhouse Effect
• At this restaurant, tables are reserved only for the
unique and rare vultures by Maharashtra and • The green-house effect is a natural phenomenon
Punjab forest departments. and has been occurring for millions of years on
the earth.
The Indian vulture is found only to the south of • Found along the Himalayas and the adjoining Ti-

betan Plateau
7. Climate Change • Life on the earth has been possible because of
the Ganges and breeds on cliffs. this natural greenhouse effect which is due
to water vapour and small particles of water pre-
Slender-Billed Vulture (Gyps tenuirostris) Least Concern • Climate change means a change of climate which
sent in the atmosphere.
is attributed directly or indirectly to human activ-
• Together, these produce more than 95 percent
Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) ity that alters the composition of the global at-
of total greenhouse warming.
mosphere and which is in addition to natural cli-
• Average global temperatures are maintained at
mate variability observed over comparable time
about 15°C due to natural greenhouse effect.
periods (100 years).
• Without this phenomenon, average global tem-
• Climate change is usually measured in major
peratures might have been around –17°C and at
shifts in temperature, rainfall, snow, and wind
such low temperature life would not be able to
patterns lasting decades or more.
• Humans are creating climate change by burning
large amounts of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural
Greenhouse Gases (GHGs)
gas), deforestation (when forests are cut
down or burned, they can no longer store car-
• Atmospheric gases like carbon dioxide, me-
bon, and the carbon is released to the atmos-
thane, nitrous oxide (N2O), water vapour, and
Vulture Safety Zones phere).
chlorofluorocarbons are capable of trapping
the out-going infrared radiation from the
• The slender-billed vulture is found along the
• Aim of developing VSZs is to establish targeted 7.1 Greenhouse effect and Global earth’s surface thereby causing greenhouse ef-
awareness activities surrounding 150 km radius
Sub-Himalayan regions and into Southeast Asia.
of vultures' colonies so that no diclofenac or the
Warming fect.
veterinary toxic drugs are found in cattle car- • Hence these gases are known as greenhouse
Endangered • A greenhouse is a structure whose roof and walls gases and the heating effect is known as green-
• The VSZ is spread around in several hundred kil- are made chiefly of transparent material, such as house effect.
Cape Vulture (Gyps coprotheres) glass, in which plants requiring regulated climatic
ometres covering the Jim Corbett in Uttarak- Oxides of Nitrogen with general formula NOx –
hand, Dudhwa and Kartamiaghat forest re- conditions are grown.
• In a greenhouse, the incident solar radiation NO, NO2 – Nitrogen oxide, Nitrogen dioxide etc.
serves in UP which is adjoining the Indo-Nepal are global cooling gasses while Nitrous oxide
border. (the visible and adjacent portions of the infra-
red and ultraviolet ranges of the spectrum) (N2O) is a greenhouse gas.
• Nepal has already set up VSZ on the Indian bor-
ders. passes through the glass roof and walls and is • If greenhouse gases are not checked, by the turn
absorbed by the floor, earth, and contents, which of the century the temperature may rise by 5°C.
VSZ's provide become warmer and re-emit the energy • Scientists believe that this rise in temperature will
as longer-wavelength infrared radia- lead to deleterious changes in the environment
• A safe source of food that is free of contamina- tion (heat radiation).
tion from veterinary drugs, poisons and other and resulting in odd climatic changes (e.g. in-
• Glass and other materials used for green- creased incidence of El Nino), thus leading to
agricultural chemicals. house walls do not transmit infrared

145 146
increased melting of polar ice caps as well as of • NO and NO2 (nitric oxide or nitrogen oxide and Sulphur hexafluoride
other places like the Himalayan snow caps. nitrogen dioxide) emissions cause global cool-
ing through the formation of (OH) radicals that • Sulphur hexafluoride is also a greenhouse gas.
Cryosphere: The cryosphere is the frozen water destroy methane molecules, countering the ef- • Sulphur hexafluoride is used in magnesium pro-
part of the Earth water system. Polar regions, fect of GHGs. cessing and semiconductor manufacturing, as
snow caps of high mountain ranges are all part well as a tracer gas for leak detection.
of cryosphere. Carbon Monoxide • Sulphur hexafluoride is used in electrical trans-
mission equipment, including circuit breakers.
• Over many years, this will result in a rise in sea
• Carbon monoxide is a short-lived greenhouse
level that can submerge many coastal areas and
gas (it is less dense than air). Black Carbon or Soot
lead to loss of coastal areas and ecosystems like
• It has an indirect radiative forcing effect by ele-
swamps and marshes (most important ecosys-
vating concentrations of methane and tropo- • Black carbon (BC) is a solid particle or aerosol
tems from the point of ecological services), etc.
spheric ozone through chemical reactions with (though not a gas) that contributes to warming
Gas Sources and Causes other atmospheric constituents (e.g., the hy- of the atmosphere. Black carbon, commonly
Carbon dioxide (CO2) Burning of fossil fuels, deforestation droxyl radical, OH.) that would otherwise destroy known as soot.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Refrigeration, solvents, insulation foams, aero propellants, industrial and them. • Soot is a form of particulate air pollutant, pro-
commercial uses • Through natural processes in the atmosphere, it duced from incomplete combustion.
is eventually oxidized to carbon dioxide. • Black carbon warms the earth by absorbing heat
Methane (CH4) Growing paddy, excreta of cattle and other livestock, termites, burning of
in the atmosphere and by reducing albedo (the
fossil fuel, wood, landfills, wetlands, fertilizer factories.
Fluorinated gases ability to reflect sunlight) when deposited on
Nitrogen oxides (N2O) Burning of fossil fuels, fertilizers; burning of wood and crop residue.
snow and ice.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) Iron ore smelting, burning of fossil fuels, burning e-waste.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) • BC is the strongest absorber of sunlight and
heats the air directly.
• CFCs were phased out via the Montreal Pro- • In addition, it darkens snow packs and glaciers
Carbon dioxide • Water vapour is also a variable gas in the atmos-
tocol due to their part in ozone depletion (ex- through deposition and leads to melting of ice
phere, which decreases with altitude.
plained in Geography > Climatology > Polar and snow.
• Carbon dioxide is meteorologically a very im- • Water vapour also decreases from the equator
Vortex). • Regionally, BC disrupts cloudiness and mon-
portant gas as it is transparent to the incoming towards the poles.
• This anthropogenic compound is also a green- soon rainfall.
solar radiation but opaque to the outgoing • In the warm and wet tropics, it may account for
house gas, with a much higher potential to en- • Black carbon stays in the atmosphere for only
terrestrial radiation. four per cent of the air by volume, while in the
hance the greenhouse effect than CO2. several days to weeks.
• It absorbs a part of terrestrial radiation and re- dry and cold areas of desert and polar regions, it
• Thus, the effects of BC on the atmospheric warm-
flects back some part of it towards the earth’s may be less than one per cent of the air. Hydrofluorocarbons ing and glacier retreat disappear within months
surface. It is largely responsible for the green- • One unique feature about this greenhouse gas is
of reducing emissions.
house effect. that it absorbs both incoming (a part of in- • Hydrofluorocarbons are used as refrigerants,
• Its concentration is greater close to the earth’s coming) and outgoing solar radiation. aerosol propellants, solvents, and fire retard- Brown Carbon
surface as it is denser than air. ants.
Methane • These chemicals were developed as a replace- • Brown carbon is a ubiquitous and unidentified
Ozone ment for chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). component of organic aerosol.
• Methane is the most important greenhouse • Unfortunately, HFCs are potent greenhouse • Biomass burning (possibly domestic wood burn-
• Ozone is another important greenhouse gas. But gas after carbon dioxide. gases with long atmospheric lifetimes. ing) is shown to be a major source of brown car-
it is in very small proportions at the surface. • It is produced from decomposition of animal
• Most of it is confined to the stratosphere where wastes and biological matter. Perfluorocarbons
• Brown carbon is generally referred for green-
it absorbs the harmful UV radiation. • The emission of this gas can be restricted by us-
house gases and black carbon for particles re-
• At ground level, pollutants like NO2 react with ing animal wastes and biological matter to pro- • Perfluorocarbons are compounds produced as a
sulting from impure combustion, such as soot
volatile organic compounds in the presence of duce gobar gas (methane). by-product in aluminium production and the
and dust.
sunlight to produce ozone (tropospheric manufacturing of semiconductors.
ozone). Nitrous Oxide (N2O) • Like HFCs, PFCs generally have long atmos- Q. The increasing amount of carbon dioxide in
pheric lifetimes and high global warming po- the air is slowly raising the temperature of the at-
Water vapour • N2O or Nitrous Oxide is a greenhouse gas. tential. mosphere, because it absorbs

147 148
a) the water vapour of the air and retains its Sustainable Development (WBCSD) recog- Extreme Climatic Events • Climate Change affects crops by impacting irri-
heat. nized the need for an international standard gation, insolation as well as the prevalence of
b) the ultraviolet part of the solar radiation. for corporate GHG accounting and reporting • Increased likelihood of extreme events such as pests.
c) all the solar radiations. in the late 1990s. heat wave, flooding, hurricanes, etc. will offset all • Increased frequencies of droughts, floods,
d) the infrared part of the solar radiation the economic advancements made. storms and cyclones are likely to increase agri-
Q4. What is ‘Greenhouse Gas Protocol’? (2016)
• Changes in rainfall patterns (E.g. 2015 Chennai cultural production variability.
Among GHGs, only water vapor has the ability to a) It is an international accounting tool for floods, 2018 Kerala floods) will severely impact • Moderate warming (increase of 1 to 3°C in mean
absorb both incoming (UV) and outgoing (infra- government and business leaders to un- agriculture. temperature) is expected to benefit crop yields
red) radiation. derstand, quantify and man-age green- in temperate regions, while in lower latitudes
house gas emissions Environmental Degradation the crops will take a hit.
Answer: d) the infrared part of the solar radiation
b) It is an initiative of the United Nations to • However, the natural calamities due to global
(outgoing radiation).
offer financial incentives to developing • Reduced hydroelectric power generation due to warming can offset the benefits in temperature
countries to reduce green-house gas emis- abnormal behaviour of glaciers will further in- regions.
GHG Protocol sions and to adopt eco-friendly technolo- crease dependence on fossil fuels. • In coastal areas, sea level rise will exacerbate wa-
gies • Widespread vanishing of animal populations due ter resource constraints due to increased salini-
• GHG Protocol is developing standards, tools c) It is an inter-governmental agreement rat- to habitat loss will add more species to the zation of groundwater supplies.
and online training that helps countries, cities ified by all the member countries of the ‘threatened’ and ‘extinct’ list.
and companies track progress towards their United Nations to reduce greenhouse gas Deterioration of Carbon sinks
climate goals. emissions to specified levels by the year Rising Health Related Issues
• GHG Protocol establishes frameworks to 2022 • High latitude forests store more carbon than
measure and manage greenhouse gas (GHG) d) It is one of the multilateral REDD+ initia- • Spread of diseases (like malaria, etc.) in tropics tropical rainforests.
emissions from private and public sector op- tives hosted by the World Bank will put more pressure on the health care sector. • One third of the world's soil-bound carbon is
erations, value chains and mitigation actions. • It is anticipated that there will be an increase in in taiga and tundra areas.
Answer: a)
• GHG Protocol arose when World Resources In- the number of deaths due to greater frequency • When the permafrost melts due to global
stitute (WRI) and World Business Council for and severity of heat waves and other extreme warming, it releases carbon in the form of
weather events. carbon dioxide and methane.
Global Warming Potential (GWP) & Lifetime of Green House Gases • Lack of freshwater during droughts and contam- • In the 1970s the tundra was a carbon sink, but
ination of freshwater supplies during floods today, it is a carbon source, all because of global
Gas GWP (100-year) Lifetime (years) compromise hygiene, thus increasing rates dis- warming. (global warming leads to more
Carbon di oxide 1 50-200 eases like cholera, diarrhoea etc. global warming).
Methane 21 12
Nitrous oxide 310 120 Biodiversity Loss Sea Level Change
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) 140 -11,700 1-270
Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) 6,500-9,200 800-50,000 • Loss of Plankton due to warming of seas will ad- • Sea level change means the fluctuations in the
Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) 23,900 3,200 versely affects marine food chain. mean sea level over a considerably long period
• Bleaching of Coral Reefs (rain forests of the of time.
ocean) will cause great loss of marine biodiver-
Populous cities lying on the coasts will be sub- sity. Processes that cause Change in Sea Level
Global Warming – Impacts •
merged under the sea. • Rising temperature would increase fertilizer re-
• Flooding in Himalayas and Ganga plains in wet quirement for the same production targets and 1. Eustatic changes occur when the volume of sea
Melting of the ice caps
season and drought in dry season will severely result in higher GHG emissions, ammonia vo- water changes due to factors such as
affect the country. latilization and cost of crop production. ✓ global warming and melting of ice sheets
• Melting of the ice caps and glaciers will lead to
• As a result of thawing of snow, the amount of • Rising temperatures will further affect the physi- (rise in sea level) or ice ages (fall in sea level)
rise in sea level.
arable land in high-latitude region is likely to cal, chemical and biological properties of fresh and
• Thermal expansion also contributes to sea level
increase by reduction of the amount of frozen water lakes and rivers, with adverse impacts on ✓ changes in the volume of mid-oceanic
lands. many individual fresh water species. ridges.
• Fertile agricultural lands on the coast will be sub-
• At the same time arable land along the coast 2. Tectonic changes occur due to a change in the
merged and saline water intrusions will degrade
lines are bound to be reduced as a result of ris-
No Food Security level of land.
the neighbouring land. Ground water in such re-
gions will become useless. ing sea level and saline water inundations.

149 150
✓ Isostatic changes take place due to addition • Atmospheric pressure: Low pressure results in • In places of shallow continental shelves, the fall To check the phenomenon of sea level rise that the
or removal of load: during ice ages, landmass higher local sea level and vice versa. E.g. Storm in sea level leads to greater aridity in the conti- ‘Oceans and Coastal Areas Programme Activity
subsided due to the load exerted by the gla- surge. nental hinterland due to reduced surface runoff. Centre’ was set up in 1987 under the aegis of the
cial ice. On the other hand, landmasses rise A fall in sea level in temperate and high latitude United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

• Velocity of ocean currents: Fast-flowing ocean •

as the glacial ice is removed. currents when taking a curved path cause a rise regions causes extension of ice caps and glacial to identify the countries facing maximum risk of sub-
✓ Epeirogenic movement occurs due to broad in sea level on their outer fringes. tongues onto the continental shelves. mergence.
scale tilting of continents which may result in • Generally, a difference of 18 cm in sea level is ob-
the rise of one part of the continent even as served between the two sides of a fast-flowing Impact of Possible Rise in Sea Level 7.2 Reducing Carbon in the At-
the other part may subside causing an appar- current.
• Ice melt in the Antarctica may prove to be dan-
mosphere to fight Climate Change
ent rise in sea level. • Ice formation and fall in sea level: During win-
✓ Orogenic movement (mountain building) re- ter the ocean water trapped in the icecaps of the gerous in the near future if the temperature of
the atmosphere continues to increase. • Clean coal technology, Carbon capture and stor-
sults in the formation of lofty mountains and northern and the southern hemispheres leads to
• A vast segment of the populated land, viz., the age Carbon Sink and Carbon Sequestration.
an apparent fall in sea level. a fall in sea level.
• Piling up of water along windward coasts: A low-lying densely populated coastal areas, will
Importance of understanding Sea Level be submerged. Even the small islands will be Clean coal technology to reduce CO2 in
local rise of sea level occurs in the coastal region
Changes as water is driven towards the coasts by an air wiped out. atmosphere
mass, for example, the sea level rises in south and • An estimated global population of about one bil-
• It provides key evidences regarding climate lion will be affected by rise in sea levels. • Half of the world’s electricity is generated by
east Asia during the monsoon months due to
change in the past. landward movement of the air mass. • Immense damage may be caused to the coastal burning coal.
• It helps in estimating the rates of tectonic uplift- structures like ports, industrial establishments, • Coal will remain a dominant energy source for
ment in the past geological periods. The twentieth century has observed short-term etc. years to come.
• To assess the suitability of coastal locations for global sea level rise due to the following factors. • As a result of the rise in sea level, almost 33 per • CO2 and CO (carbon monoxide) are the major
industrial and agricultural development. cent of the world’s crop lands could be sub- greenhouse gas which are released during burn-
• Global warming in the last century due to an- ing of coal.
• To protect low-lying countries by building merged (coastal plains and deltas are made up
thropogenic activities has resulted in thermal • Along with the above gases, nitrogen ox-
coastal dykes and embankments. of very fertile soils).
expansion of ocean water. So, the sea level has ides (destroys ozone) and sulphur oxides
• The task of mapping of areas likely to be affected • Accelerated coastal erosion may cause damage
risen by about 10 to 15 cm in the past 100 years. (acid rains) are also released.
by storm surges and periodic flooding becomes to and destruction of beaches, coastal dunes and
• Melting of ice-sheets in the Antarctica by about • Clean coal technology seeks to reduce harsh en-
possible only if we know the likely areas to be bars.
3 per cent of its total volume of ice has, to some vironmental effects by using multiple technolo-
affected by future sea level rise. • As a consequence, a vast section of the coastal
extent, contributed to global sea level rise. gies to clean coal and contain its emissions.
• By identifying the areas of possible submergence land will remain unprotected against the direct
• In the last century, about 15 per cent of the total • Some clean coal technologies purify the coal
in the near future it becomes possible to set up attack of sea waves.
volume of the Greenland ice cap melted. before it burns.
tidal power generation plants in suitable loca- • Groundwater resources of the coastal regions
• Besides these areas of ice-melt, other glaciers are • One type of coal preparation, coal washing, re-
tions. will be severely affected by salinization due to
also estimated to have contributed about 48 per moves unwanted minerals by mixing crushed
marine water intrusion.
cent of the global sea level rise. coal with a liquid and allowing the impurities to
Changes in Global Sea Level • The ecosystem will suffer heavy damages as the
deltas, coral atolls and reefs will be destroyed. separate and settle.
Short-Term New coral reefs on the outer fringe of the dead • Other systems control the coal burn to mini-
corals will be formed. mize emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen
• Global sea level changes which exceed 100 m are
• Short-term changes occur during a year. • As a result of rise in sea level, the mouths of oxides and particulates.
possible only if the major ice-sheets melt or
• Commonly, seasonal variations of 5-6 cm in sea drainage basins will undergo submergence. This • Electrostatic precipitators remove particulates
there are substantial changes in the volume of
level are observed in a year. will lead to a readjustment of the long-profiles of by charging particles with an electrical field and
the world’s mid-oceanic ridge.
the rivers, which are likely to show a rise. then capturing them on collection plates.
Short-term sea level change may be due to a com-
Impact of Sea Level Fall • Islands are the worst affected by the recent rise • Gasification avoids burning coal altogether.
plex interaction of the following factors:
of sea level. Some of the affected islands are the With gasification, steam and hot pressurized air
• Marine water density: Temperature and salinity • A drop in sea level causes the death of coral Carteret Islands, located on the north-east of Pa- or oxygen combine with coal in a reaction that
control the density of sea water. Low tempera- reefs as the continental shelves on which they pua New Guinea in the Pacific Ocean, and Tuvalu forces carbon molecules apart.
ture and high salinity produce high density of sea are formed are left dry. So, fresh coral reefs Islands, about 1000 km north of Fiji in the South • The resulting syngas, a mixture of carbon
water and lower sea level. emerge along the fringe of dead corals. Pacific. monoxide and hydrogen, is then cleaned and
burned in a gas turbine to make electricity.

151 152
• Wet scrubbers, or flue gas desulfuriza- In the context of mitigating the impending • Greening means an increase in leaves on • It has been proposed as a way to slow the atmos-
tion systems, remove sulphur dioxide, a major global warming due to anthropogenic emissions plants and trees. pheric and marine accumulation of greenhouse
cause of acid rain, by spraying flue gas with lime- of carbon dioxide, which of the following can be • Increased concentrations of CO2 increases gases.
stone and water. the potential sites for carbon sequestration? photosynthesis, spurring plant growth. • Carbon dioxide is naturally captured from the at-
• Low-NOx (nitrogen oxides) burners reduce the • Carbon dioxide fertilization contributes to 70 mosphere through biological, chemical, or phys-
1) Abandoned and uneconomic coal seams
creation of nitrogen oxides, a cause of ground- percent of the greening effect. ical processes.
2) Depleted oil and gas reservoirs
level ozone, by restricting oxygen and manipu- • The second most important driver is nitrogen,
3) Subterranean deep saline formations
lating the combustion process. at 9 percent.
Select the correct answer using the code given be- • The rest occurs due to land cover changes, cli-
India’s coal low: mate change, precipitation and sunlight
• Coal mined in India is a poor quality coal (India’s a) 1 and 2 only • Plants acclimatize to rising CO2 concentration
coal is not Carboniferous Coal. It is Gondwana b) 3 only and the fertilization effect diminishes over
coal) with less carbon, high ash (hard to dispose) c) 1 and 3 only time.
and high moisture content (more gases; less fuel d) 1, 2 and 3 • That is, raising CO2 concentrations may be
efficiency) . • From figure (below) it is clear that abandoned beneficial for plants in the short run, but in the
• To improve efficiency and reduce adverse ef- coal seems, depleted oil and gas reservoirs can long run it is harmful due to climate change.
fects, India should do away with its present sub- be used for carbon sequestration.
Carbon Dioxide Fertilization is increasing car-
critical coal power plants and build more super-
Answer: d) all bon sink on land
critical and ultra-super-critical ones (15-20%
increase in efficiency). • Every year, about half of the 10 billion tons of
• Should employ clean coal technology.
Carbon Sink and Carbon Sequestration carbon emitted into the atmosphere from hu-
Forests as carbon Sinks
man activities remains temporarily stored, in
• A carbon sink is a natural or artificial reservoir
Carbon capture and storage about equal parts, in the oceans and plants.
• Forests are carbon stores, and they are carbon
that accumulates and stores some carbon-
• Studies have reported an increasing carbon
containing chemical compound for an indefi- dioxide sinks when they are increasing in density
• ‘Carbon capture and storage’ catches and se- sink on land since the 1980s, which is entirely
nite period. or area.
questers (hide) carbon dioxide (CO2) from sta- consistent with the idea of a greening Earth.
• The process by which carbon sinks remove car- • Trees absorb CO2 during photosynthesis
tionary sources like power plants.
bon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere is known Q. Which of the following statements best de- thereby converting atmospheric CO2 into bi-
• Capture: Flue-gas separation removes CO2 and
as carbon sequestration. scribes “carbon fertilization”? (2018) omass.
condenses it into a concentrated CO2 stream.
• When this biomass is buried the carbon is
• After capture, secure containers sequester the a) Increased plant growth due to increased
Carbon Sink vs Carbon Source concentration of carbon dioxide in the at-
trapped forming a carbon sink.
collected CO2 to prevent or stall its re-entry into
• When the carbon sink is exposed the bio-
the atmosphere. mosphere
• A carbon sink is anything that absorbs more car- mass decomposes adding methane to the at-
• The two storage options are geologic and oce- b) Increased temperature of Earth due to in-
bon than that it releases, whilst a carbon source mosphere and when the biomass is used as
anic (must hide the CO2 until peak emissions creased concentration of carbon dioxide in
is anything that releases more carbon than is ab- fuel (coal and petroleum) it releases CO2
subside hundreds of years from now). the atmosphere
sorbs. back into the atmosphere (carbon source).
c) Increased acidity of oceans as a result of
• Forests, soils, oceans and the atmosphere all • Ocean is also a very important carbo sink.
Geologic storage involves injecting CO2 into increased concentration of carbon dioxide
store carbon and this carbon moves between Most of the carbon is trapped in the ocean
the earth. in the atmosphere
them in a continuous cycle. and if a small fraction of this carbon is re-
d) Adaptation of all living beings on Earth to
• This constant movement of carbon means that leased the consequences will be disastrous.
• Depleted oil or gas fields and deep saline aq- the climate change brought about by the
forests act as sources or sinks at different times. • In Canada's boreal forests as much as 80% of the
uifers safely store CO2 while coal seams absorb increased concentration of carbon dioxide
total carbon is stored in the soils as dead or-
it. in the atmosphere
Carbon Dioxide Fertilization ganic matter.
• Ocean storage, a technology still in its early
Carbon sequestration • Tropical forests absorb about 18% of all carbon
stages, involves injecting liquid CO2 into waters
• Earth’s vegetated lands have shown significant dioxide added by fossil fuels.
500 to 3,000 meters deep, where it dissolves un-
greening largely due to rising levels of at- • Carbon sequestration is the process of capture • In the context of climate change, the most im-
der pressure.
mospheric CO2. and long-term storage of atmospheric carbon portant carbon stores are the natural fossil fuel
• However, this method would slightly decrease
dioxide. deposits.
pH and potentially harm marine habitats.

153 154
• But when humans burn coal, oil and natural gas, • Corals are very sensitive to temperature changes. • aerosol spray propellants • Phase out of these substances is required by spe-
they turn fossil carbon stores into atmospheric 3 °C rise in global temperature will lead to wide- • fumigants. cific deadlines.
carbon. spread coral mortality. • The Vienna Convention and its Montreal Pro-
• This release of carbon from fossil fuel has caused • 3° C rise in global temperature will lead to sub- Chlorofluorocarbons tocol are the first and only global environ-
greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in the at- mergence of many low lying coastal wetlands mental treaties to achieve universal ratifica-
mosphere to soar to levels more than 30 per cent due to rise in sea levels. Inland wetlands like Ke- • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were widely used as tion, with 197 parties.
higher than at the beginning of the industrial oladeo Ghana National Park will not be af- refrigerants until the 1980s. • As a result of the international agreement, the
revolution. fected. • They are also considered greenhouse gases that ozone hole in Antarctica is slowly recovering.
• Because of this increase in atmospheric carbon, • It has been estimated that a sea-level rise of ap- cause climate change. • Climate projections indicate that the ozone layer
a lot of emphasis and hope has been put into the proximately 2.3 metres (7.5 ft) for each degree • There are still CFCs left in older industrial air con- will return to 1980 levels between 2050 and
ability of trees, other plants and the soil to Celsius of temperature ca occur within the next ditioning and refrigeration systems. 2070.
temporarily sink the carbon that fossil fuel 2,000 years. (http://goo.gl/LH3RMl)
burning releases into the atmosphere. • Cultivation of cereals in tropics will take a hit. But Hydrochlorofluorocarbons
• Indeed, the Kyoto Protocol, the international in temperate regions their production increases
communities’ main instrument for halting global in the short run. • Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) have been Kigali amendment to Montreal Protocol
warming suggests that the absorption of car- used as a substitute for CFCs. 2016
bon dioxide by trees and the soil is just as Answer: b) 1 and 2 only • They do less damage to the ozone layer than
valid a means to achieve emission reduction CFCs. • Kigali is the capital city of Rwanda.
commitments as cutting carbon dioxide emis- 7.3 Ozone Depleting Substances • In the 28th meeting of the Parties (2016) to the
sions from fossil fuels. Halons Montreal Protocol, negotiators from 197 nations
Ozone Depletion is already explained in Geogra- have signed an agreement to amend the Mon-
Q. The scientific view is that the increase in global phy > Climatology > Polar Vortex • Halons are halocarbon gases that were originally treal Protocol in Kigali.
temperature should not exceed 2 °C above pre- developed for use in fire extinguishers. • The parties are expected to reduce the manu-
industrial level. If the global temperature in- • Ozone depleting substances are man-made • Production and consumption of halons ended in facture and use of Hydrofluorocarbons
creases beyond 3°C above the pre-industrial gases that destroy ozone once the gases reach 1994 in developed countries (HFCs) by roughly 80-85% from their respec-
level, what can be its possible impact/impacts on the ozone layer. tive baselines, till 2045.
the world? Vienna Convention for the Protection of • This phase down is expected to arrest the global
Ozone depleting substances include:
the Ozone Layer average temperature rise up to 0.5 °C by 2100.
1) Terrestrial biosphere tends toward a net car- 1. chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) • It is a legally binding agreement between the
bon source 2. hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) • The Vienna Convention for the Protection of the signatory parties with non-compliance
2) Widespread coral mortality will occur. 3. hydrobromoflurocarbons (HBFCs) Ozone Layer (Vienna Convention) was agreed in measures.
3) All the global wetlands will permanently dis- 4. halons (were used in fire extinguishers) 1985. • It came into effect from 1st January 2019.
appear. 5. methyl bromide (was used as fumigant. Fu- • It established global monitoring and reporting
4) Cultivation of cereals will not be possible an- migation is a method of pest control by suf- on ozone depletion. India’s position
ywhere in the world. focating pests with poison) • It also created a framework for the develop-
6. carbon tetrachloride (formerly widely used ment of protocols for taking more binding ac- • India has agreed on a lenient schedule as it con-
Select the correct answer using the code given be- in fire extinguishers, refrigerant and as a tion. sumes only 3% of HFCs as compared to the other
low. cleaning agent) nations like the USA (37%) and China (25%).
a) 1 only 7. methyl chloroform (solvent for organic Montreal Protocol on Substances that
b) 1 and 2 only compounds; used for cleaning metal parts Deplete the Ozone Layer Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
c) 2, 3 and 4 only and circuit boards).
• The Montreal Protocol under the Vienna Con- • Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are used since as
d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 They have been used as:
vention (the protocol) was agreed in 1987. an alternative to CFCs and HCFCs.
Explanation: • refrigerants in commercial, home and vehicle air • It facilitates global cooperation in reversing • HFCs do not contribute to ozone depletion.
conditioners and refrigerators the rapid decline in atmospheric concentra- • However, they are potent greenhouse gases with
• Taiga and temperate forests act as an im- • foam blowing agents high global warming potential.
tions of ozone.
portant carbon sink. Global warming by 3 °C • a component in electrical equipment • Under the protocol countries agreed to phase
will turn these forests into carbon source. • industrial solvents HFO Alternatives to HFCs
out the production and consumption of cer-
• solvents for cleaning (including dry cleaning) tain chemicals that deplete ozone.

155 156
• HFO stands for hydrofluoro olefin. • HFO refrigerants are composed of hydrogen, flu- • Since HCFCs are used as interim substitute to (CBD) on “Access to Genetic Resources and the
orine and carbon atoms, but contain at least one replace CFC, these are allowed up to 1st Jan- Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising
double bond between the carbon atoms. uary 2040. from their Utilization”.
Answer: b)
Advantages of HFCs Q. Consider the following statements: Chloro-
fluorocarbons, known as ozone-depleting sub-
Fluorochemical Ozone Depleting Potential Global Warming Potential stances, are used 8. International Conventions,
CFS High High
NGOs, Laws
HCFCs Low High 1. in the production of plastic foams
HFCs Zero High 2. in the production of tubeless tyres
HFOs Zero Very Low 3. in cleaning certain electronic components
Nature conservation
Source 4. as pressurizing agents in aerosol cans
• United Nations Conference on Environment
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? and Development (UNCED)
• Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
a. 1, 2 and 3 only
• Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (explained in
b. 4 only
“Wetland Ecosystem”)
c. 1, 3 and 4 only
• Convention on International Trade in Endan-
d. 1, 2, 3 and 4
gered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES) (ex-
plained in "IUCN Red List")
Answer: c) CFCs were used as refrigerants, pressuriz-
• The Wildlife Trade Monitoring Network (TRAF-
ing agents (foam and aerosol cans) and for cleaning
FIC) (explained in in "IUCN Red List")
electronic equipment.
• Convention on the Conservation of Migratory
Species (CMS)
Q. Which one of the following is associated with
• Global Tiger Forum (GTF)
the issue of control and phasing out of the use of
• Hazardous material (explained in in “Solid
ozone-depleting substances?
• Stockholm Convention (mentioned under
a. Bretton Woods Conference
“Hazardous Waste”)
b. Montreal Protocol
• Basel Convention (mentioned under “Hazard-
c. Kyoto Protocol
ous Waste”)
d. Nagoya Protocol
• Rotterdam Convention (mentioned under
“Hazardous Waste”)
• Bretton Woods Conference established the In-
ternational Bank for Reconstruction and Devel-
opment (IBRD) and the International Monetary
Fund (IMF). • United Nations Convention to Combat Deser-
Source and Credits • Montreal Protocol is an international treaty to tification (UNCCD)
protect the ozone layer by phasing out the pro-
The Ozone Depleting Substances Rules except in metered dose inhaler and for other duction of ozone depleting substances. It is le- Marine environment
medical purposes. gally binding.
• The rules are framed under the jurisdiction of En- • Similarly, use of halons is prohibited after 1st • Kyoto Protocol implemented the objective of the • International Whaling Commission (IWC)
vironment (Protection) Act. January 2001 except for essential use. UNFCCC to fight global warming by reducing
• Other ODSs such as carbon tetrachloride and greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmos- Atmosphere
• These Rules set the deadlines for phasing out of
various ODSs, besides regulating production, methylchoroform and CFC for metered dose in- phere to “a level that would prevent dangerous
• Vienna convention and Montreal Protocol (ex-
trade import and export of ODSs and the prod- halers can be used upto 1st January 2010. anthropogenic interference with the climate sys-
plained in “Ozone Depleting Substances”)
uct containing ODS. • Further, the use of methyl bromide has been al- tem”. It is binding on the parties.
• United Nations Framework Convention on Cli-
• These Rules prohibit the use of CFCs in manufac- lowed upto 1st January 2015. • Nagoya Protocol is a supplementary agreement
mate Change (UNFCCC)
turing various products beyond 1st January 2003 to the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity
• Kyoto Protocol

157 158
8.2 United Nations Conference on • UNEP has registered several successes, such as potential impacts of climate change and options • UN Convention to Combat Desertification
the 1987 Montreal Protocol, and the 2012 Mi- for mitigation and adaptation. (UNCCD)
the Human Environment (1972) namata Convention, a treaty to limit toxic • Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic
mercury. Special Reports Pollutants (POPs)
• The United Nations Conference on the Human • UNEP has sponsored the development of solar • Minamata Convention on Mercury
Environment was first held in Stockholm, Swe- loan programmes. • Special Reports have been prepared on topics • The GEF, although not linked formally to the
den, in 1972. • The solar loan programme sponsored by UN En- such as aviation, regional impacts of climate Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete
• It marked the emergence of international envi- vironment helped finance solar power systems in change, technology transfer, emissions scenar- the Ozone Layer (MP), supports implementation
ronmental law. India. ios, land use, land use change and forestry, car- of the Protocol in countries with economies in
bon dioxide capture and storage and on the re- transition.
Stockholm Declaration lationship between safeguarding the ozone layer
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
• It is also known as The Declaration on the Hu- (IPCC) and the global climate system. The GEF works with18 agencies. Notable ones
man Environment. among them are:
• It set out the principles for various international Conservation of Migratory Species
• IPCC is a scientific intergovernmental body
environmental issues, natural resource manage- under the auspices of the United Nations. 1) United Nations Development Programme
ment, pollution prevention and the relationship • Full name: The Convention on the Conservation 2) United Nations Environment
• It was first established in 1988 by two United Na-
between the environment and development. of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. 3) World Bank
tions organizations, the World Meteorological
• Convention on Migratory Species or the Bonn 4) Food and Agriculture Organization
Organization (WMO) and the United Nations
United Nations Environment Programme Convention or Global Wildlife conference. 5) Asian Development Bank
Environment Programme (UNEP).
• It is an international treaty, concluded under the 6) International Fund for Agricultural Devel-
(UNEP) or UN Environment • Membership of the IPCC is open to all members
aegis of the United Nations Environment Pro- opment
of the WMO and UNEP.
gramme. 7) World Wildlife Fund - US
• UNEP is an agency of the United Nations. • The IPCC produces reports that support the UN-
• The Convention was signed in 1979 in Bonn, Ger- 8) Conservation International
• It coordinates the UN’s environmental activi- FCCC.
many and entered into force in 1983. 9) International Union for Conservation of
ties. • IPCC reports cover all relevant information to un-
• The CMS is the only global and UN-based inter- Nature (IUCN)
• It assists developing countries in implementing derstand the risk of human-induced climate
governmental organization established exclu-
environmentally sound policies and practices. change, its potential impacts and options for ad-
sively for the conservation and management of Areas of work
• It was founded as a result of the United Nations aptation and mitigation.
terrestrial, aquatic and avian migratory species
Conference on the Human Environment 1972. • The IPCC does not carry out its own original
throughout their range. • Biodiversity, Climate change, International
• It has overall responsibility for environmental research.
waters, Land degradation, Sustainable forest
problems among United Nations agencies. • Thousands of scientists and other experts con-
Global Environment Facility management / REDD+ and Ozone depletion
• Addressing climate change or combating deser- tribute on a voluntary basis.
tification, are overseen by other UN organiza- • The 2007 Nobel Peace Prize was shared, in two Q. With reference to ‘Global Environment Facil-
• The Global Environment Facility (GEF) unites 183
tions, like the UNFCCC and the United Nations equal parts, between the IPCC and an American ity’, which of the following statements is/are cor-
countries in partnership with international insti-
Convention to Combat Desertification. Environmentalist. rect?
tutions, civil society organizations (CSOs), and
• UNEP's activities cover a wide range of issues re-
the private sector to address global environmen-
garding the atmosphere, marine and terrestrial The aims of the IPCC are to assess scientific infor- a) It serves as financial mechanism for ‘Conven-
tal issues while supporting national sustainable
ecosystems, environmental governance and mation relevant to: tion on Biological Diversity’ and ‘United Na-
development initiatives.
green economy. tions Framework Convention on Climate
• Human-induced climate change, • An independently operating financial organi-
• The World Meteorological Organization and Change’.
• The impacts of human-induced climate change, zation, the GEF provides grants for projects re-
UN Environment established the Intergovern- b) It undertakes scientific research on environ-
• Options for adaptation and mitigation. lated to biodiversity, climate change, interna-
mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in mental issues at global level
tional waters, land degradation, the ozone layer,
1988. c) It is an agency under OECD to facilitate the
IPCC Assessment Reports (AR) and persistent organic pollutants.
• UN Environment is also one of several Imple- transfer of technology and funds to underde-
menting Agencies for the Global Environment • In accordance with its mandate, the IPCC pre- The GEF also serves as financial mechanism for veloped countries with specific aim to pro-
Facility (GEF) and the Multilateral Fund for the pares at regular intervals comprehensive Assess- the following conventions: tect their environment.
Implementation of the Montreal Protocol. ment Reports of scientific, technical and socio- d) Both (a) and (b)
• It is also a member of the United Nations De- economic information relevant for the under- • Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
velopment Group. • United Nations Framework Convention on Explanation:
standing of human induced climate change,
Climate Change (UNFCCC)

159 160
• GEF is an independent financial organization. c) It is a Conference of the Inter-governmental 2) It originated in the World Summit on Sus- facilitates the allocation of major portion of
• It may fund scientific research, but it is not di- Panel on Climate Change tainable Development held in Johannesburg financial resources to these regions.
rectly involved in scientific research. d) It is a Conference of the Member Countries in 2002. 3) It is committed to bottom-up approach, en-
• IPCC takes care of most of the research work. of the Convention on Biological Diversity couraging the participation of local people in
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? combating the desertification.
Answer: a) Answer: a) United nations Conference on Sustainable
Development a) 1 only Select the correct answer using the code given be-
b) 2 only
8.3 UNCED or Earth Summit 1992, low.
The Earth Summit resulted in the following doc- c) Both 1 and 2
Rio De Janeiro Brazil uments: d) Neither 1 nor 2 a) 1 only
b) 2 and 3 only
1. Rio Declaration: principles intended to guide Answer: a) 1 only
• Earth Summit 1992 is also known as c) 1 and 3 only
countries in future sustainable development.
The United Nations Conference on Environ- d) 1, 2 and 3
2. Agenda 21: non-binding action plan of the United Nations Convention to Combat Des-
ment and Development (UNCED).
United Nations with regard to sustainable devel- ertification (UNCCD) Answer: c) 1 and 3 only
• Earth Summit 1992 succeeded in raising public
awareness of the need to integrate environ-
3. Forest Principles: Non-legally binding docu- • The Convention stemmed from a direct recom- Rio+5 (1997)
ment and development.
ment on Conservation and Sustainable Develop- mendation of the Rio Conference's Agenda 21
• 190 countries pledged their commitment to
ment of All Types of Forests. in 1994. • In 1997, the UN General Assembly held a special
achieve by 2010, a significant reduction in the
current rate of biodiversity loss at global, re- • UNCCD is a Convention to combat desertifica- session to appraise the status of Agenda 21 (Rio
Landmark Agreements
gional and local levels. tion and mitigate the effects of drought through +5).
• As a follow-up, the World Summit on Sustain- • An important achievement of the summit was an national action programs (NAP). • The Assembly recognized progress as "uneven"
able Development (Rio+10) was held in 2002 agreement on the Climate Change Convention • National action programs (NAP) incorporate and identified key trends, including increasing
in Johannesburg, South Africa. which in turn led to the Kyoto Protocol and the long-term strategies supported by international globalization, widening inequalities in income,
• In 2012, the United Nations Conference on Paris Agreement. cooperation. and continued deterioration of the global envi-
Sustainable Development was also held in Rio • Important legally binding agreements (Rio • It is the only internationally legally bind- ronment.
and is also commonly called Rio+20 or Rio Convention) were opened for signature: ing framework set up to address desertifica-
Earth Summit 2012. a) Convention on Biological Diversity. tion. Rio+10 (2002) or Earth Summit 2002
b) United Nations Convention to Combat • It was adopted in Paris, France in 1994 and en-
The issues touched included: Desertification. tered into force in 1996. • Rio+10 (2002) or Earth Summit 2002 or World
• It has 196 parties, making it truly global in reach. Summit on Sustainable Development.
• checking production of toxic components, such 8.4 Agenda 21 • 2006 was declared "International Year of De- • Took place in Johannesburg, South Africa in
as lead in gasoline, or poisonous waste includ- serts and Desertification". 2002.
ing radioactive chemicals, • Agenda 21 is a non-binding action plan of the • The UN Convention to Combat Desertification • Rio+10 affirmed UN commitment to Agenda 21,
• alternative sources of energy to replace the use United Nations (UN) related to sustainable de- has established a Committee on Science and alongside the Millennium Development Goals.
of fossil fuels, velopment. Technology (CST). • Johannesburg Declaration: committing the na-
• new reliance on public transportation systems in • It was an outcome of the Earth Summit 1992. • CST is composed of government representatives tions of the world to sustainable development.
order to reduce vehicle emissions, congestion in • The number 21 refers to an agenda for the 21st competent in the fields of expertise relevant to
cities, century. combating desertification and mitigating the ef- Rio+20 (2012)
• the health problems caused by polluted air and • Its aim is achieving global sustainable develop- fects of drought.
smoke, and ment. • UNCCD collaborates closely with Convention on • Rio+20 (2012) or United Nations Conference
• the growing usage and limited supply of water. • Since 2015, Sustainable Development Goals Biological Diversity (CBD). on Sustainable Development.
are included in the Agenda 2030. • Rio+20 was a 20-year follow-up to the Earth
Q. What is Rio+20 Conference, often mentioned Q. What is/are the importance(s) of the ‘United Summit 1992 and 10-year follow-up to the Earth
in the news? Q. With reference to ‘Agenda 21’, sometimes Nations Convention to Combat Desertification’? Summit 2002.
seen in the news, consider the following state- 1) It aims to promote effective action through • It is also known as Rio 2012 or Earth Summit
a) It is the United nations Conference on Sus- ments: (2016) innovative national programs and supportive 2012.
tainable Development
1) It is a global action plan for sustainable de- inter-national partnerships. • Hosted by Brazil in Rio de Janeiro in 2012.
b) It is a Ministerial Meeting of the World Trade
velopment 2) It has a special/particular focus on South Asia • It reaffirmed the commitment to Agenda 21.
and North Africa regions, and its Secretariat

161 162
• It was the third international conference on sus- 2030 Agenda – Sustainable Development ✓ ensuring sustainable food production sys- "Take urgent action to combat climate change
tainable development. Goals (SDGs) tems, and by and its impacts by regulating emissions and pro-
 Earth Summit 1992 (Rio de Janeiro) = UN ✓ progressively improving land and soil qual- moting developments in renewable energy."
Conference on Environment and Develop- • The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Develop- ity.
ment (UNCED) • Other targets deal with maintaining genetic di- Goal 14: Life below water
ment was launched in 2015.
 Earth Summit 2002 (Johannesburg) = • The UN 2030 Agenda’s Sustainable Develop- versity of seeds, increasing access to land, pre-
World Summit on Sustainable Develop- venting trade restriction and distortions in world "Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas
ment Goals (SDG) aim at eradicating poverty in
ment (WSSD) agricultural markets, eliminating wastage and and marine resources for sustainable develop-
all forms and “seek to realize the human
 Earth Summit 2012 (Rio de Janeiro) = UN ending malnutrition. ment."
rights of all and achieve gender equality”.
Conference on Sustainable Development • The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a • The targets include
(UNCSD) Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation ✓ preventing and reducing marine pollution
collection of 17 global goals, and their 169 tar-
gets, set by the United Nations General Assem- and acidification,
Partnership for Action on Green Economy "Ensure availability and sustainable management
bly in 2015 for the year 2030 (UNGA resolution ✓ protecting marine and coastal ecosystems
(PAGE) of water and sanitation for all."
“2030 Agenda”). and regulating fishing.
• Safe drinking water and hygienic toilets. • Microplastics come from a variety of sources,
• PAGE, launched in 2013, is a direct response to • Toilets in schools and work places. including from larger plastic debris.
the Rio+20 Declaration, The Future We Want. • Equitable sanitation for addressing the specific • Microbeads, a type of microplastic (tiny
• Rio+20 Declaration called upon the UN system needs of women and girls, disabled, aged per- pieces of polyethylene), are very tiny pieces
and the international community to aid inter- sons. of plastic that are added to health and beauty
ested countries in developing, adopting and im- products, such as some cleansers and
plementing green economy policies and strat- Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy toothpastes.
• PAGE supports nations in reframing economic "Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable Goal 15: Life on Land
policies and practices around sustainability. and modern energy for all."
• PAGE seeks to assist countries in achieving SDG “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of
• 2030 target: access to affordable and reliable en-
(2030 Agenda), especially SDG 8: "Promote Q8. Consider the following statements: (2016) terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage for-
ergy while increasing the share of renewable en-
sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic 1) The Sustainable Development Goals were ests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse
growth, full and productive employment.” first proposed in 1972 by a global think tank land degradation and halt biodiversity loss."
• PAGE brings together the expertise of five UN called the ‘Club of Rome’. Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities • Goal 15 calls for more attention to preventing
agencies – UNEP, ILO, UNIDO, UNDP and UNI- 2) The Sustainable Development Goals have to invasion of introduced species and more pro-
TAR. be achieved by 2030. "Make cities and human settlements inclusive, tection of endangered species.
ILO: International Labour Organization safe, resilient, and sustainable."
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
UNIDO: UN Industrial Development Organization • 2030 target is to ensure access to safe and af-
Millennium Development Goals
UNITAR: UN Institute for Training and Research. a) 1 only fordable housing.
b) 2 only
Q. The Partnership for Action on Green Economy • The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
c) Both 1 and 2 Goal 12: Responsible consumption and pro-
(PAGE), a UN mechanism to assist countries tran- replaced the MDGs in 2016.
d) Neither 1 nor 2 duction
sition towards greener and more inclusive econ- • The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
omies, emerged at (2018) Answer: b) 2 only were eight international development goals
"Ensure sustainable consumption and production
for the year 2015.
a) The Earth Summit on Sustainable Develop- patterns."
Goal 2: Zero hunger • MGDs had been established following the Mil-
ment 2002, Johannesburg
• The targets of Goal 12 include: lennium Summit of the United Nations in
b) The United Nations Conference on Sustaina-
"End hunger, achieve food security and improved ✓ using eco-friendly production methods 2000.
ble Development 2012, Rio de Janeiro
nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture". ✓ reducing the amount of waste. • United Nations Millennium Declaration was
c) The United Nations Framework Convention
✓ Increase national recycling rates. adopted.
on Climate Change 2015, Paris • This would be accomplished by
d) The World Sustainable Development Summit ✓ doubling agricultural productivity and in- Millennium Development Goals by 2015
Goal 13: Climate action
2016, New Delhi comes of small-scale food producers
(women and indigenous peoples), by 1. To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

163 164
2. To achieve universal primary education 8.5 Convention on Biological Di- Cartagena Protocol
3. To promote gender equality and empower International Treaty on Plant Genetic
• CBD covers the rapidly expanding field of bio- Resources for Food and Agriculture
4. To reduce child mortality technology through its Cartagena Protocol (PGRFA)
5. To improve maternal health • Biodiversity conservation is a collective responsi-
on Biosafety.
6. To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other bility of all nations.
• It addresses technology development and trans- • Popularly known as the International Seed
diseases • Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is a step
fer, benefit-sharing and biosafety issues. Treaty.
7. To ensure environmental sustainability towards conserving biological diversity or biodi-
• The Biosafety Protocol seeks to protect bio- • International agreement in harmony with the
8. To develop a global partnership for devel- versity with the involvement of the entire
logical diversity from the potential risks posed Convention on Biological Diversity.
opment world.
by living modified organisms resulting from • Aims at guaranteeing food security through
• The Convention on Biological Diversity (a multi-
modern biotechnology. the conservation, exchange and sustainable
lateral treaty) was opened for signature at
the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 use of the world's plant genetic resources
Nagoya Protocol for food and agriculture (PGRFA), as well as
and entered into effect in 1993.
• The convention called upon all nations to take the fair and equitable benefit sharing aris-
• It is the second Protocol to the CBD; the first is ing from its use.
appropriate measures for conservation of biodi-
the 2000 Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.
versity and sustainable utilisation of its bene-
• It is a 2010 supplementary agreement to the Q. Consider the following international agree-
1992 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). ments:
• The Convention has three main goals:
• The Nagoya Protocol is about “Access to Ge-
Transition to green economy 1) conservation of biological diversity (or bi- 1) The International Treaty on Plant Genetic
netic Resources and the Fair and Equitable
odiversity); Resources for Food and Agriculture
Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utiliza-
• Three priorities in transition of economy to 2) sustainable use of its components; and 2) The United Nations Convention to Combat
tion”, one of the three objectives of the CBD.
green economy are 3) fair and equitable sharing of benefits aris- Desertification
a) Decarbonizing the economy; ing from genetic resources. Q. Consider the following pairs (2016): 3) The World Heritage Convention
b) Commit the environmental community to • It is often seen as the key document regarding Which of the above has/have a bearing on the bi-
Terms sometimes seen Their origin
justice and equity; and sustainable development. odiversity?
in the news
c) Conserve the biosphere. • The Convention is legally binding; countries a) 1 and 2 only
1) Annex-I Countries Cartagena Protocol
that join it ('Parties') are obliged to implement its b) 3 only,
provisions. 2) Certified Emissions Nagoya Protocol
Measures to adapt green economy c) 1 and 3 only
• 195 UN states and the European Union are par- Reductions
3) Clean Development Kyoto Protocol d) 1, 2. and 3
• Energy audit can reduce your building's cli- ties to the convention.
Mechanism • World Heritage Convention explained in “Bio-
mate footprint. • All UN member states, with the exception of diversity”, rest two in this section.
• Sustainable fishing practices. the United States, have ratified the treaty. Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly
• Sustainably managed forests. matched? Answer: d) all
• Usage electronic files to reduce your demand
a) 1 and 2 only The Economics of Ecosystems and Bio-
for paper products.
b) 2 and 3 only
• Support certified sustainable forest products. diversity (TEEB)
c) 3 only
• Car-pooling or taking public transport.
d) 1, 2 and 3
• Walking or riding a bike for short trips. • It is an international initiative to draw atten-
• Wise water use. Explanation: tion to the global economic benefits of bi-
• Development of clean, renewable energy by odiversity.
using solar, wind, tidal, etc will contribute to • Annex-I Countries, Clean Development Mecha- • In 2007, environment ministers from the G8+5
green economy. nism, Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) countries meeting in Germany proposed TEEB
• Recycling appropriate materials and compost- or carbon credits ➔ Kyoto Protocol. to initiate the process of
ing food waste. ✓ analysing the global economic benefit
• At the 2010 10th Conference of Parties (COP) to Answer: c) 3 only
Moving towards a green economy has the poten- of biological diversity,
the Convention on Biological Diversity in Octo-
tial to achieve sustainable development. ✓ the costs of the loss of biodiversity and
ber in Nagoya, Japan, the Nagoya Protocol was

165 166
✓ the failure to take protective measures • Legal Effect: Treaty is considered legally non- • 1997: COP 3, The Kyoto Protocol on Climate Kyoto Protocol (COP 3; UNFCCC Summit
versus the costs of effective conserva- binding. Change 1997)
tion. • The treaty itself sets no binding limits on • 1998: COP 4. Buenos Aires, Argentina
• In response to TEED, a global study was initi- greenhouse gas emissions for individual • 1999: COP 5, Bonn, Germany • The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan,
ated in 2017 and was led by Pavan Sukhdev. countries. • 2000: COP 6. The Hague. Netherlands in 1997.
• Pavan Sukhdev is an Indian environmental • 2001: COP 6, Bonn. Germany • India ratified Kyoto Protocol in 2002.
economist whose field of studies include • 2001: COP 7. Marrakech, Morocco • The Kyoto Protocol came into force in Febru-
green economy and international finance. • 2002: COP 8, New Delhi, India ary 2005.
• 2003: COP 9, Milan, Italy • There are currently 192 Parties.
Q. With reference to an initiative called ‘The • 2004: COP 10. Buenos Aires. Argentina • USA never ratified Kyoto Protocol.
Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity • 2005: COP 11/CMP 1. Montreal, Canada Mon- • Canada withdrew in 2012.
(TEEB)’, which of the following statements treal, (Kyoto Protocol was ratified in 2005) • Goal: Fight global warming by reducing
is/are correct? (2016) • 2006: COP 12/CMP 2, Nairobi. Kenya greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmos-
• 2007: COP 13/CMP 3, Bali, Indonesia phere to “a level that would prevent danger-
1) It is an initiative hosted by UNEP, IMF and
• 2008: COP 14/CMP 4, Poznan. Poland ous anthropogenic interference with the cli-
World Economic Forum.
• 2009: COP 15/CMP 5, Copenhagen, Denmark mate system.”
2) It is a global initiative that focuses on
• 2010: COP 16/CMP 6, Canciin, Mexico Kyoto protocol aimed to cut emissions of green-
drawing attention to the economic bene- •
Credits: UCSUSA • 2011: COP 17/CMP 7, Durban, South Africa house gases across the developed world by
fits of biodiversity.
• 2012: COP 18/CMP 8, Doha, Qatar about 5 per cent by 2012 compared with 1990
3) It presents an approach that can help de-
cision-makers recognize, demonstrate and Conferences of the Parties (COP) – UN- • 2013: COP 19/CMP 9, Warsaw, Poland levels.
FCCC • 2014: COP 20/CMP 10. Lima, Peru The Protocol is based on the principle of com-
capture the value of eco-systems and bio- •
• 2015: COP 21/CMP 11, Paris, France mon but differentiated responsibilities.
• The COP is the decision-making body of UN- • 2016: COP 22/CMP 12, Marrakech, Morocco Kyoto Protocol is the only global treaty with
Select the correct answer using the code given be- •
FCCC. • 2017: COP 23/CMP 13, Bonn, Germany. binding limits on GHG emissions.
• All States that are Parties to the Convention are • 2018: COP 24/CMP 14, Katowice, Poland.
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 3 only represented at the COP. What is Common but Differentiated Re-
c) 2 and 3 only • They review the implementation of any legal in- Criticisms of the UNFCCC sponsibilities – Kyoto Protocol?
d) 1, 2 and 3 struments that the COP adopts.
• They promote the effective implementation of • Nothing except Kyoto Protocol made any bind- • It puts the obligation to reduce current emissions
Answer: d) 2 and 3 only ing limits on GHG emissions.
the Convention. on developed countries on the basis that they
• The first COP meeting was held in Berlin, Ger- • Never achieved its stated goals of reducing the are historically responsible for the current levels
8.6 UNFCCC: United Nations many in March 1995. emission of carbon dioxide. of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
• The parties to the convention have met annu- • Negotiations are governed by consensus and
Framework Convention on Climate small group of countries often block the negoti- CBDR divides countries into two categories.
ally since 1995.
Change • In 1997, the Kyoto Protocol (3rd COP) was ations.
• It is easy for the developed countries to escape 1. Historically biggest polluting developed
concluded and established legally binding ob-
• International environmental treaty that came from their responsibility: United States, one of countries like US, UK, France, Japan, Russia
ligations for developed countries to reduce
into existence under the aegis of UN. the biggest polluters never ratified Kyoto Pro- etc. (they are polluting the earth since Indus-
their greenhouse gas emissions.
• UNFCCC is negotiated at the Earth Summit tocol. trial Revolution).
• COP 21 (2015) was held in Paris in 2015.
1992. • Canada pulled out of Kyoto Protocol citing 2. Recently polluting developing countries like
• COP 22 (2016) was held at Marrakesh, Morocco.
• Signed in 1992, New York City. wealth transfers out the country due to binding China, India, Brazil, etc. (polluting since
• COP 23 (2017) was held at Bonn, Germany.
• As of March 2019, UNFCCC has 197 parties. limits. 1950s).
• COP 24 (2018) was held at Katowice, Poland.
• Role: UNFCCC provides a framework for negoti- • Treaty doesn’t cover developing countries who • “Common” ➔ Every country (both developing
• COP 25 (2019) will be held at Santiago, Chile
ating specific international treaties (called "pro- now include the largest CO2 emitters (India and and developed) must take part in the fight
during Nov-Dec 2019.
tocols") that aim to set binding limits on China). against climate change.
greenhouse gases. List of UNFCCC Summits • Japan, Russia didn’t sign second Kyoto term • “But differentiated responsibilities” ➔ Histori-
• Objective of UNFCCC: Stabilize greenhouse gas because it would impose restrictions on it not cally biggest polluters should do more compared
concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that • 1995: COP 1, The Berlin Mandate faced by its main economic competitors, China, to the recent polluters, i.e., responsibilities pro-
would prevent dangerous consequences. • 1996: COP 2, Geneva, Switzerland India and Indonesia. portional to pollution caused.

167 168
• Thus, under CBDR, developed countries like US, • Developing countries may volunteer to become • Negotiations were held in Lima in 2014 to agree world and tells them how it is working towards
UK, Russia etc. must contribute more to reduce Annex I countries when they are sufficiently de- on a post-Kyoto legal framework that would ob- meeting its Kyoto targets.
GHGs. veloped. ligate all major polluters to pay for CO2 emis- • Such projects can earn saleable certified emis-
• They must accept to certain binding limits on sions. sion reduction (CER) credits, each equivalent to
GHG emissions. • China, India, and the United States (three big one tonne of CO2, which can be counted to-
• They must contribute funds towards reducing villains) have all signalled that they will not ratify wards meeting Kyoto targets.
GHG emissions in developing and least devel- any treaty that will commit them legally to re- • In simple terms: Developed countries emit more
oped countries. duce CO2 emissions. and lose carbon credits. They provide financial
• On the other hand, developing and least devel- assistance to developing and least developed
oped countries should do everything possible to The Kyoto Protocol emission target gases countries to create clean energy (solar, wind en-
cut down their GHG emissions. But nothing is include ergy etc.) and gain some carbon credits thereby
binding on them, and every initiative is vol- meeting their Kyoto Quota (Kyoto units) of emis-
untary. • Carbon dioxide (CO2), sions without violations.
• Methane (CH4), • Suppose a developed country has a Kyoto Quota
Classification of Parties and their commit- • Nitrous oxide (N2O), of 100 Carbon Credits, it can emit 100 tonnes of
ments – Kyoto Protocol • Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), CO2.
Annex I • Developed countries [US, UK, • groups of hydro fluorocarbons (HCFs) and • Due to negligence it emits 110 tonnes of CO2, i.e.
Russia etc.] + Economies in tran- • groups of Per fluorocarbons (PFCs). 10 carbon credits are lost (Kyoto Quota viola-
sition (EIT) [Ukraine, Turkey, some What is commitment period – Kyoto Proto- tion).
eastern European countries etc.] Flexible Market Mechanisms – Kyoto Proto- • Now the country has to make up for its lost car-
col bon credits to avoid penalty.
Annex • Developed countries (Annex II is a • So, it invests some money (equal to 10 carbon
• Under Kyoto Protocol, there are two commit-
subset of Annex I). • Countries bound to Kyoto targets have to meet credits) in developing and LDCs to build clean
II ment periods:
• Required to provide financial and them largely through domestic action — that is, energy infrastructure like solar plants, wind farms
1. 2008 – 2012 and
technical support to the EITs and to reduce their emissions onshore. etc. and will make up for its 10 lost carbon credits
2. 2013 – 2020.
developing countries to assist • But they can meet part of their targets through and avoid penalty.
• The second commitment period was agreed on
them in reducing their greenhouse three “market-based mechanisms”.
in 2012, known as the Doha Amendment to the
gas emissions. protocol. The Kyoto Flexible Market Protocol mechanisms
• Each commitment period has its own binding include: Carbon Credits Trading [Carbon Trading] –
Annex • Annex I Parties with first or second- targets set for developed countries to reduce Kyoto Protocol
B round Kyoto greenhouse gas emis- their GHG emissions. 1. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
sions targets. • Nations that miss their Kyoto target in 2012 will 2. Emission Trading
• The first-round targets apply over incur a penalty of an additional third added to Carbon credit – Kyoto Protocol
3. Joint Implementation (JI)
the years 2008–2012 and the sec- whatever cut they agree under a new treaty in
ond-round Kyoto targets, which Copenhagen. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) – A carbon credit (often called a carbon offset)

apply from 2013–2020. • During first commitment period (2008-12), more is a tradable certificate or permit.
Kyoto Protocol
• Compulsory binding targets to than 35 countries had binding targets. • One carbon credit is equal to one tonne of
reduce GHG emissions. • Canada withdrew in 2012 after the first com- • CDM allows a country with an emission-reduc- carbon dioxide.
mitment period. tion or emission-limitation commitment under • Carbon credits are a part of attempts to miti-
Non- • Parties to the UNFCCC not listed in • Japan, New Zealand and Russia have partici- the Kyoto Protocol (Annex B Party) to imple- gate the growth in concentrations of GHGs.
Annex I Annex I of the Convention (mostly pated in Kyoto's first-round but have not taken ment an emission-reduction project in devel- • Carbon credits or carbon offsets can be ac-
low-income developing countries). on new targets in the second commitment pe- oping countries. quired through afforestation, renewable en-
• No binding targets to reduce riod. • Hypothetical E.g. of CDM: Australia takes up or ergy, CO2 sequestration, methane capture,
GHG emissions. • As of January 2019, 124 states have accepted the finances some environment benefitting project buying from an exchange (carbon credits
Doha Amendment, while entry into force re- in India (solar power projects, wind power pro- trading) etc..
LDCs • Least-developed countries quires the acceptances of 144 states. • Carbon trading is the name given to the ex-
jects, afforestation etc.) and earns some carbon
• No binding targets to reduce • Thus, the second commitment period is a fail- credits (certified emission reduction credits). change of emission permits.
GHG emissions. ure. Now it shows these earned carbon credits to the

169 170
• This exchange may take place within the econ- allotted to them buy carbon credits from those • Joint implementation offers Parties a flexible and
omy or may take the form of international trans- that emit less. Carbon tax (not related to Kyoto Protocol) cost-efficient means of fulfilling a part of their
action. • In Carbon trading, one credit gives the country Kyoto commitments, while the host Party bene-
• Under Carbon Credits Trading mechanism coun- or a company right to emit one tonne of CO2. • It is a tax on all fossil fuels in proportion to fits from foreign investment and technology
tries that emit more carbon than the quota carbon dioxide emissions. transfer.
• Proposed in may developed and developing
countries. Q. Regarding "carbon credits", which one of the
• The proposal faced political resistance (politi- following statements is not correct?
cian – corporate nexus, people feared more
burden). a) The carbon credit system was ratified in con-
• India has a carbon tax of sorts. Budget of junction with the Kyoto Protocol.
2010-11 introduced a cess of Rs. 50 per b) Carbon credits are awarded to countries or
tonne of both domestically produced and groups that have reduced greenhouse gases
imported coal. Later it was increased to Rs. below their emission quota.
100. c) The goal of the carbon credit system is to
• With the introduction of the Goods and Ser- limit the increase of carbon emission quota.
vice Tax (GST), the Clean Energy Cess was d) Carbon credits are traded at a price fixed
abolished in 2017. from time to time by the United Nations En-
• A new cess on coal production, called the GST vironment Programme.
Compensation Cess of Rs. 400 per tonne is • Answer d) Carbon credit prices are traded on an
put in place. exchange. So, their prices are never fixed.
• This cess is used to raise revenues for the Na-
tional Clean Energy Fund. Benefits of Flexible Market Mechanisms
Pic Credits

• A developing nation such as India, turns out to • An emission reduction unit (ERU) generated by a Non-Compliance of Kyoto And Penalties • Stimulating green investment in developing
be a seller of such credits, which eventually pro- joint implementation project. countries.
vides them with monetary gains. • A certified emission reduction (CER) generated • If a country does not meet the requirements for • Including the private sector in this endeavour to
• Carbon credits are traded at various exchanges from a clean development mechanism project measurements and reporting, the country loses cut and hold steady GHG emissions at a safe
across the world. activity. the privilege of gaining credit through joint im- level.
• Multi-Commodity Exchange of India plementation projects. • It also makes "leap-frogging" –– possibility to
(MCX) launched futures trading in carbon credits Offset Trading/Carbon Project/'baseline-and • If a country goes above its emissions cap and skip older, dirtier technology for newer, cleaner
in 2009. credit' trading does not try to make up the difference through infrastructure and systems, with obvious longer-
any of the mechanisms available, then said coun- term benefits.
Types of Carbon trading • Another variant of carbon credit is to be earned try must make up the difference plus an addi- • Strengthen the Protocol's environmental integ-
by a country by investing some amount of tional thirty percent during the next period. rity, support the carbon market's credibility and
• Emission trading and money in such projects, known as carbon pro- • The country could also be banned from partici- ensures transparency of accounting by Parties.
• Offset trading. jects, which will emit lesser amount of green- pating in the 'cap and trade' program.
house gas in the atmosphere. Criticism of Kyoto Protocol
Emission trading/'cap-and-trade' • For example, suppose a thermal plant of 800 Joint Implementation (JI) – Kyoto Protocol
megawatt capacity emit 400 carbon-equivalent • Under Kyoto Protocol, Annex 1 countries can
• Emissions trading allows countries to sell unused in the atmosphere. Now a country builds up an • The mechanism known as “joint implementa- meet their targets by cutting emissions or buying
emission units to countries that have exceeded 800 megawatt wind energy plant which does not tion,” allows a country with an emission reduc- unused allowances (carbon credits, carbon trad-
their targets. generate any amount of emission as an alterna- tion commitment under the Kyoto Protocol (An- ing) from other countries. This kind of approach
• Carbon is tracked and traded like any other com- tive of the thermal plant. Then by investing in this nex B Party) to earn emission reduction units ignores long term social and economic costs. It
modity in a "carbon market." project the country will earn 400 carbon-equiva- (ERUs) from an emission-reduction project in an- is like committing only half of what one needs to
lent. other Annex B Party, each equivalent to one commit.
Other trading units in the carbon market:
• Offset Trading is a variant of Emission Trading or tonne of CO2, which can be counted towards • Kyoto Protocol is based on the “common but dif-
• A removal unit (RMU) by reforestation. Carbon Trading. meeting its Kyoto target. ferentiated responsibility” approach to global

171 172
warming. Under CBDR, many countries were al- Celsius above pre-industrial levels, subject to a Q. Which of the following statements regarding • Further the Warsaw Mechanism was proposed,
lowed to increase pollution. review in 2015. ‘Green Climate Fund’ is/are correct? which would provide expertise, and possibly aid,
• It excluded most polluting countries like China • Developed countries promised to provide US$30 to developing nations to cope with loss and
and India, which have since become the world's billion for the period 2010-2012, and to mobilize 1) It is intended to assist the developing coun- damage from such natural extremities as heat-
largest and fourth largest polluters. long-term finance of a further US$100 billion a tries in adaptation and mitigation practices waves, droughts and floods and threats such as
year by 2020 from a variety of sources. to counter climate change. rising sea levels and desertification.
Important UNFCCC Summits Post Kyoto 2) It is founded under the aegis of UNEP, OECD,
Cancún (Mexico) Climate Change Confer- Asian Development Bank and World Bank Lima (Peru) Climate Change Conference
• After the Kyoto Protocol, parties to the Conven- ence 2010 (COP 16; CMP 6) 2014 (COP 20; CMP 10)
Select the correct answer using the code given be-
tion have agreed to further commitments.
• CMP: Conference of the Parties serving as the • Parties agreed to commit to a maximum tem- • The overarching goal of the conference is to re-
meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. perature, rise of 2 degrees Celsius above pre- a) 1 only duce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) to limit
• COP11 / CMP 1 was held in Montreal, Canada industrial levels, and to consider lowering that b) 2 only the global temperature increase by 2030 to 2
in 2005 (Kyoto Protocol was ratified in 2005). maximum to 1.5 degrees in the near future. c) Both 1 and 2 degrees Celsius above 1850 baseline or Pre
• Parties agreed to establish a Green Climate d) Neither 1 nor 2 Industrial era.
Bali (Indonesia) Climate Change Conference Fund to provide financing to projects, pro- • The agreement urged parties to take national
2007 (COP 13; CMP 3) grammes, policies and other activities in devel- Answer: a) 1 only pledges by finalizing their Intended Nationally
oping countries via thematic funding windows. Determined Contributions (INDC) by Novem-
COP 13: It is the13th session of the Conference of • Governments also agreed to include carbon cap- Doha (Qatar) Climate Change Conference
ber 2015 (before Paris Summit).
the Parties to the UNFCCC ture and storage (CCS) in the projects under the 2012 (COP 18; CMP 8) • No agreement was reached due to lack of con-
CMP 3: It is the 3rd session of the COP serving as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), subject sensus between developed and developing
Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. to technical and safety standards. • The conference reached an agreement to ex- countries.
tend the life of the Kyoto Protocol, which had
• Governments adopted the Bali Road Map. Durban (Denmark) Climate Change Confer- been due to expire at the end of 2012, until 2020 Developed vs. Developing
ence 2011 (COP 17; CMP 7) (second commitment period 2013 – 2020).
Bali Road Map included: • The extension of the Kyoto Protocol until 2020 • Wealthy nations like the U.S, EU argued that
• The outcomes included a decision by Parties to limited in scope to only 15% of the global CO2 emissions from developing countries are consist-
• Reaching an agreed outcome and adopting a de-
adopt a universal legal agreement on climate emissions. ently rising and they need to commit to more se-
cision at COP15 in Copenhagen.
change as soon as possible, and no later than • This was due to the lack of participation of Can- rious emission cuts.
• The review of the financial mechanism, going
2015. ada, Japan, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, New • But India accused them of watering down the
beyond the existing Global Environmental Fa-
• Second phase of Kyoto Protocol was secured. Zealand and the United States. (they all refused CDR principle envisaged in earlier.
• Approved the Governing Instrument for the to join the second commitment period under the • India stuck to its conventional position that the
Poznan (Poland) Climate Change Confer- GCF. Kyoto Protocol) developed countries should shoulder a bigger
• Also, developing countries like China, India burden as they are responsible for the problem
ence 2008 (COP 14; CMP 4)
Green Climate Fund and Brazil are not subject to any emissions re- in the first place.
ductions under the Kyoto Protocol. • India confirmed that poverty alleviation would
• It launched the Adaptation Fund under the
• COP 16 ➔ Decision Made to Establish GCF. • The conference made little progress towards the continue to be its primary concern and hence it
Kyoto Protocol.
• COP 17 ➔ Parties approved the Governing In- funding of the Green Climate Fund.
• The Fund is financed in part by government and will not compromise with its share of carbon
strument for the GCF ➔ Legal Approval credits.
private donors, and also from a 2% share of pro-
• COP 18 ➔ Songdo, Incheon, Republic of Ko- Warsaw (Poland) Climate Change Confer-
ceeds of Certified Emission Reductions (CERs)
rea will host GCF. ence 2013 (COP 19; CMP 9) India’s position
issued under Clean Development Mecha-
• The Fund will start operating from 2013.
nism projects.
• It is a mechanism to redistribute money from • The conference led to an agreement that all • China agreed a deal in 2014 under which its
the developed to the developing world. states would start cutting emissions as soon as emissions would peak by 2030 (after 2030, it
Copenhagen (Denmark) Climate Change
• GCF will help developing countries financially in possible, but preferably by the first quarter of will start reducing its carbon footprint).
Conference 2009 (COP 15; CMP 5)
adapting mitigation practices to counter climate 2015. • India, the world's third largest carbon emitter,
change. • The term Intended Nationally Determined is under pressure to make commitments like
• The Copenhagen Accord included the goal of
• It is intended to be the centrepiece of efforts to Contributions was coined in Warsaw. China.
limiting the maximum global average tem-
raise Climate Finance of $100 billion by 2020.
perature increase to no more than 2 degrees
173 174
• India says carbon emissions will grow as it strives contributions (so-called Intended Nationally De- • In 2017, United States announced that the U.S. a) 1 and 3 only
to beat poverty. termined Contributions, INDCs). would cease all participation in the 2015 Paris b) 2 only
• India wants to use its carbon credits to alleviate • However, no detailed timetable or country-spe- Agreement on climate change mitigation. c) 2 and 3 only
poverty and is not ready to accept anything cific goals for emissions were incorporated into • In accordance with Article 28 of the Paris Agree- d) 1, 2 and 3
other than ‘common but differentiated responsi- the Paris Agreement – as opposed to the previ- ment, the earliest possible effective withdrawal • It entered into force in November 2016.
bilities’. ous Kyoto Protocol. date by the United States cannot be before No-
• There will be neither a mechanism to force a vember 2020. Thus, The U.S. will remain a signa- Answer: b) 2 only
What India must do other than blaming de- country to set a target by a specific date nor en- tory till November 2020. Q. Momentum for Change: Climate Neutral Now”
veloped nations forcement measures if a set target is not met. is an initiative launched by (2018)
Climate Neutral Now
• India must demonstrate concerns about climate Paris Agreement a) The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
change issues (2015 Chennai floods, 2013 Utta- • The UNFCCC secretariat launched its Climate Change
rakhand floods, 2018 Kerala floods are all the ef- • The conference negotiated the Paris Agreement, Neutral Now initiative in 2015. b) The UNEP Secretariat
fects of climate change). a global agreement on the reduction of climate • The following year, the secretariat launched a c) The UNFCCC Secretariat
• Emissions in India are rising dangerously, and the change. new pillar under its Momentum for Change initi- d) The World Meteorological Organisation
environmental costs will offset all its economic • It entered into force in November 2016 after ative focused on Climate Neutral Now.
progress. (ratification by 55 countries that account for at • Climate Neutral Now is aiming at encouraging China-U.S. deal on emission cuts
• India had to make a pragmatically determined least 55% of global emissions) had been met. and supporting all levels of society to take cli-
national pledge before Paris Summit (India an- • Signatories: 195 as of 2019; 180+ countries have mate action to achieve a climate neutral world
nounced its INDC in October 2015). ratified; India signed and ratified in 2016. by mid-century, as enshrined in the Paris Agree-
• Climate neutrality is a three step process, which
requires individuals, companies and govern-
•Once the treaty has been signed, each state ments to:
will deal with it according to its own national 1. Measure their climate footprint;
procedures. 2. Reduce their emissions as much as possi-
• After approval has been granted under a ble;
state’s own internal procedures, it will notify 3. Offset what they cannot reduce with UN
the other parties that they consent to be certified emission reductions.
bound by the treaty. This is called ratification.
• The expected key result was an agreement to set Q. With reference to the Agreement at the UN-
a goal of limiting global warming to "well be- FCCC Meeting in Paris in 2015, which of the fol-
low 2 °C" Celsius compared to pre-industrial lowing statements is/are correct? (2016)
Paris Climate Change Conference 2015 levels. 1) The Agreement was signed by all the mem-
• The agreement calls for zero net anthropogenic ber countries of the UN and it will go into ef-
(COP 21; CMP 11)
greenhouse gas emissions to be reached dur- fect in 2017.
ing the second half of the 21st century. 2) The Agreement aims to limit the greenhouse • Prior to the summit, China and the United States
• No agreement was reached in Lima.
• In the adopted version of the Paris Agreement, gas emissions so that the rise in average have agreed on a timetable to limit emission of
• All agreements and decisions were reserved for
the parties will also "pursue efforts to limit the global temperature by the end of this century GHGs.
Paris Summit 2015.
temperature increase to 1.5 °C.” does not exceed 2 °C or even 1.5 °C above • US agreed to reduce by 2025 its emission of
• Paris Summit is one of the most important envi-
• The 1.5 °C goal will require zero emissions some- pre-industrial levels. greenhouse gases by 26 per cent to 28 per
ronmental conference because of the INDC
time between 2030 and 2050, according to some 3) Developed countries acknowledged their cent below its 2005 level.
commitments made by major polluters.
scientists. historical responsibility in global warming • China stated its intent to peak emissions of
• The conference objective is to achieve a legally
• The developed countries reaffirmed the commit- and committed to donate $ 1000 billion a carbon dioxide in 2030, if not earlier (from 2030
binding and universal agreement on climate
ment to mobilize $100 billion a year in climate year from 2020 to help developing countries it will start reducing its emissions).
to be signed in 2015 and implemented by
finance by 2020 and agreed to continue mobiliz- to cope with climate change. • It also agreed to raise the share of non-fossil
ing finance at the level of $100 billion a year until fuels to 20 per cent in the next 16 years.
• Prior to the conference, 146 national climate
2025. Select the correct answer using the code given be-
panels publicly presented draft national climate

175 176
• India’s per capita emissions are estimated • Since the INDCs are ‘nationally-determined’ How?
at one-tenth of the United States and one- and voluntary, the level of ambition in making Tax free infrastructure bonds
fourth of China. ‘contributions’ is likely to be low. • Install 175 GW of solar, wind and biomass
• China – US deal imposed a fresh pressure on In- • Some countries want an assessment of each electricity by 2022, and scale up further in fol- • A bond is an instrument to borrow money.
dia to make a voluntary commitment. country’s INDC to see whether these are in line lowing years. • Infrastructure bonds are borrowings to be in-
• India announced its INDCs in the end of 2015. with the global 2 degree target. • Aggressively pursue development of hydro- vested in government funded infrastructure
• India and the United States strongly resent any power. projects within a country.
What is an INDC? such provision, saying such an exercise will ne- • Achieve the target of 63 GW of installed nu- • They are issued by governments or govern-
gate the ‘nationally-determined’ nature of the clear power capacity by 2032. ment authorized Infrastructure companies or
• During Warsaw Summit 2013 (COP 19), coun- ‘contributions’. • Create an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 bil- Non-Banking Financial Companies.
tries agreed to publicly outline what actions lion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent by • Investments up to Rs. 20000 are eligible for in-
they intend to take under a global agreement Q. The term ‘Intended Nationally Determined 2030 through additional forest and tree cover. come tax deduction under Section 80 CCF of
well before the Paris Summit 2015. Contributions’ is sometimes seen in the news in the Income Tax Act.
the context of How?
• These country commitments are known as In-
tended Nationally Determined Contributions National Adaptation Fund on Climate Change
a) pledges made by the European countries to • Full implementation of Green India Mission and
rehabilitate refugees from the war-affected other programmes of afforestation.
Middle East • Develop 1,40,000 km long tree line on both sides
The main points of contention on INDCs • Budget 2015 introduced “National Adaptation
b) plan of action outlined by the countries of of national highways.
Fund” for climate change.
the world to combat climate change • Sustainable development.
Inclusion of Adaptation, finance and transfer of • As an initial sum, an amount of Rs 100 crore will
c) capital contributed by the member countries • Develop robust adaptation strategies for agricul-
technology be transferred to the Fund.
in the establishment of Asian Infrastructure ture, water and health sectors.
• Budget provision for the year 2015-16 and 2016-
• Developed countries are of the view that only ac- Investment Bank 17 is Rs.350 crores.
d) plan of action outlined by the countries of How?
tions that help in reducing greenhouse gas emis- • Money obtained from coal cess goes into
sions should be counted as ‘contributions’ in the world regarding Sustainable Develop- • Redesign National Water Mission and National NAFCC.
INDCs. ment Goals Mission on Sustainable Agriculture. • Objective: Assist States and Union Territories
• Almost every developing country, including In- Answer: b) • Active implementation of ongoing programmes that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse ef-
dia, however, wants adaptation measures also to like National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agri- fects of climate change in meeting the cost of
be counted. India’s INDC objectives culture, setting up of 100 mobile soil-testing la- adaptation.
• Developing countries also want efforts by devel- boratories, distribution of soil health cards to • The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural De-
oped ones on providing money or transferring • Announced in October 2015 (Lima summit urged farmers. velopment (NABARD) has been appointed as
technology to poorer nations to be included in every country to announce its INDCs by Nov • Additional impetus on watershed development National Implementing Entity (NIE) responsible
INDCs. 2015) through Neeranchal scheme. for implementation of adaptation projects under
• This will help in holding the rich countries (big- • Reduce emission intensity by 33 to 35 per • Effective implementation of National Mission on the (NAFCC).
gest culprits that contributed to the increase of cent by 2030 compared to 2005 levels. Clean Ganga.
GHG emissions since Industrial Revolution) ac- • Early formulation and implementation of Na- Post Paris Summit
countable to their promises on ensuring financial How? tional Health Mission.
and technology flows. • Complete Integrated Coastal Zone Management Marrakech (Morocco) Climate Change Con-
• Introduce new, more efficient and cleaner tech-
plan. Mapping and demarcation of coastal haz- ference 2016 (COP22; CMP12; CMA1)
Commitment Period nologies in thermal power generation.
ard lines.
• Reducing emissions from transportation sector.
• Promote energy efficiency, mainly in industry, • CMA1 ➔ the first meeting of the parties for the
• India, European Union, China etc. are in favour of Money required to meet India’s INDC
transportation, buildings and appliances Paris Agreement.
a 10-year commitment period.
• Develop climate resilient infrastructure. • The purpose of the conference was to discuss
• The United States, however, wants five-year • At least USD 2.5 trillion required between 2015
• Pursue Zero Effect, Zero Defect policy under and implement plans about combatting climate
commitment period so that countries can make and 2030 to implement all planned actions.
Make in India programme. change and to "[demonstrate] to the world that
quicker reviews. • Cess on coal is being used for funding clean en-
• Produce 40 per cent of electricity from non- the implementation of the Paris Agreement is
ergy projects through National Adaptation
Ex-post Review fossil fuel based energy resources by 2030, if underway".
international community helps with technology • COP22 was called as “Action COP” or “Agricul-
• Tax free infrastructure bonds were introduced
transfer and low cost finance. ture COP”.
for funding renewable energy projects.
177 178
• Adaptation of African Agriculture (AAA) was 1) The International Solar Alliance was launched implement REDD+ and meet UNFCCC requirements for • It aims to incentivize developing countries to reduce
launched at COP 22. at the United Nations Climate Change Con- REDD+ results-based payments. emissions from deforestation and forest degradation,
• AAA is promoted by FAO along with various ference in 2015. conserve forest carbon stocks, sustainably manage
governments, especially African countries. 2) The Alliance includes all the member coun- forests and enhance forest carbon stocks.
tries of the United Nations.
International Solar Alliance • In addition to the UN-REDD Programme, other • It is a global partnership of governments, busi-
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? initiatives assisting countries that are engaged in nesses, civil society, and Indigenous Peoples fo-
• The International Solar Alliance (ISA) is an al- REDD+ include the World Bank’s Forest Car- cused on reducing emissions from deforestation
liance was initiated by India. a) 1 only bon Partnership Facility, the Global Environ- and forest degradation, forest carbon stock con-
• It was initiated at the India Africa Summit, and a b) 2 only ment Facility, the Green Climate Fund etc. servation, the sustainable management of for-
meeting of member countries ahead of the Paris c) Both 1 and 2 ests, and the enhancement of forest carbon
Summit. d) Neither 1 nor 2 Q3. Which of the following statements stocks in developing countries (activities com-
• The framework agreement opened for signa- is/are correct? monly referred to as REDD+).
Answer: a) 1 only
tures in Marrakech in 2016, and 122 countries • The World Bank assumes the functions of trus-
have joined. Bonn (Germany) Climate Change Conference Proper design and effective implementation of UN- tee and secretariat.
• Most of the 122 countries are sunshine coun- REDD+ Programme can significantly contribute to • The World Bank, the Inter-American Develop-
2017 (COP 23; CMP 13; CMA 1-2)
tries, which lie either completely or partly be- ment Bank and United Nations Development
tween the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of 1) protection of biodiversity Programme are Delivery Partners under the
• At COP 23 nations of the world met to advance 2) resilience of forest ecosystems
Capricorn. Readiness Fund and responsible for providing
the aims and ambitions of the Paris Agreement 3) poverty reduction
• ISA is now extended to all members of UN and is REDD+ readiness support.
and achieve progress on its implementation
now a treaty-based inter-governmental organi-
guidelines. Select the correct answer using the code given be-
zation. Objectives
• Parties will need to finalise the Implementation low.
• Countries that do not fall within the Tropics can
Guidelines at COP24. • To assist countries in their REDD+ efforts by
join the alliance with the exception of voting a) 1 and 2 only
rights. b) 3 only providing them with financial and technical as-
Katowice (Poland) Climate Change Confer-
• The primary objective of the alliance is to work c) 2 and 3 only sistance.
ence 2018 (COP 24; CMP 14; CMA 1-3) • To pilot a performance-based payment system
for efficient exploitation of solar energy to re- d) 1, 2 and 3
duce dependence on fossil fuels. for REDD+ activities.
• The conference agreed on rules to implement To test ways to sustain or enhance livelihoods of
• Headquarters: Gurugram, Haryana, India. Explanation: •
the Paris Agreement, which will come into force local communities and to conserve biodiversity.
Q. Consider the following statements: (2016) in 2020, that is to say the rulebook on how gov- • Poverty reduction is nowhere mentioned in the • To disseminate broadly the knowledge gained in
ernments will measure, and report on their emis- REDD+. But the question is not asking for spe- Emission Reductions Programs (ERPs).
sions-cutting efforts. cific details “UN-REDD+ Programme can signif-
icantly contribute to?” Q. With reference to ‘Forest Carbon Partnership
UN-REDD and REDD+ • Conservation, sustainable management of for- Facility’, which of the following statements is/are
ests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in correct?
UN-REDD REDD+ developing countries will certainly contribute to
• The United Nations Programme on Reducing Emissions • Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest 1) It is global partnership of governments, busi-
employment opportunities and help in poverty
from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable
reduction. nesses, civil society and indigenous peoples.
• Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland. management of forests and enhancement of forest
• http://www.fao.org/redd/en/ also says the same 2) It provides financial aid to universities, indi-
• Membership: 64 Partner Countries. carbon stocks in developing countries (REDD+)
“REDD+ can also contribute to achieving other vidual scientists and institutions involved in
• It is a multilateral collaborative programme of the • Voluntary climate change mitigation approach that
✓ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United has been developed by Parties to the UNFCCC. SDGs – including those which address poverty scientific forestry research to develop eco-
Nations (FAO), reduction, health and well-being, hunger allevia- friendly and climate adaptation technologies
✓ United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) tion, and improving institutions” for sustainable forest management.
and 3) It assists the countries in their ‘REDD+ (Re-
✓ United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Answer: a) 1, 2 and 3 (UPSC Official Key) ducing Emission from Deforestation and For-
• It was created in 2008 in response to the UNFCCC deci- est Degradation+)’ efforts by providing them
sions on the Bali Action Plan and REDD at COP-13. Forest Carbon Partnership Facility with financial and technical assistance.
• It partners with developing countries to support them • REDD+ goes beyond simply deforestation and forest
in establishing the technical capacities needed to degradation. Select the correct answer using the code given below

179 180
a) 1 only • It also influences cloud formation and impacts • It seeks to promote reduced greenhouse gas d) 1, 2 and 3
b) 2 and 3 only regional circulation and rainfall patterns and also emissions from the land sector, from deforesta-
c) 1 and 3 only has negative effect on the photosynthesis. tion and forest degradation in developing coun- Answer: a) 1 and 2 only
d) 1, 2 and 3 tries (REDD+), and from sustainable agriculture,
• It provides financial incentives to countries in Methane (CH4) as well as smarter land-use planning, policies and Arctic Council
their REDD+ efforts. There is no mention of as- • Methane is a greenhouse gas that is over 21 practices.
sistance to universities, scientists… • Arctic Council is an intergovernmental forum
times more potent than CO2.
Q. ‘BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustain-able promoting cooperation, coordination and inter-
• It has an atmospheric lifetime of about 12 years.
Answer: c) 1 and 3 only Forest Landscapes’ is managed by the action among the Arctic states, Arctic Indigenous
• It is produced through the decomposition of
communities and other Arctic inhabitants on
plant and animal waste.
8.7 Others • It is also emitted from coal mines, natural gas
a) Asian Development Bank common Arctic issues, in particular on issues of
b) International Monetary Fund sustainable development and environmental
and oil systems, and landfills.
Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) c) United Nations Environment Programme protection in the Arctic.
• Methane is a precursor of tropospheric ozone.
d) World Bank • The Arctic Council consists of the eight Arctic
Tropospheric or ground-level ozone (O3) • Answer: d) World Bank States: Canada, the Kingdom of Denmark (in-
• 2012: a few nations, along with the United Na-
tions Environment Programme (UNEP), came cluding Greenland and the Faroe Islands), Fin-
• Tropospheric ozone is present in the lowest por-
together to form the Climate & Clean Air Coali-
Global Climate Change Alliance + land, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the
tion of the atmosphere (10–15 km above the
tion. ground).
(GCCA+) United States.
• It is a partnership of governments, public and • It has a lifetime of a few days to a few weeks.
private sector, scientific institutions, civil society • It is not directly emitted but formed by sunlight- • (GCCA+) is a European Union initiative.
organizations, etc. committed to protecting the driven oxidation of methane, carbon monoxide • It helps vulnerable countries on the front line of
climate through actions to reduce short-lived (CO), non-methane volatile organic com- climate change.
climate pollutants. pounds (NMVOCs) and nitrogen oxides • GCCA+ initiatives help mainly Small Islands De-
(NOX). veloping States (SIDS) and Least Developed
Short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) • Tropospheric ozone is responsible for reduc- Countries (LDCs) increase their resilience to cli-
tions in crop yields. mate change.
• SLCPs have relatively short lifetime in the atmos- • It also supports these group of countries in im-
phere – a few days to a few decades. Hydrofluorocarbons plementing their commitments resulting from
• Though short-lived, their potential to warm the the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change
• Though HFCs represent a small fraction of cur-
atmosphere can be many times greater than CO2. (COP21).
rent greenhouse gas emissions, their potential to
• SLCPs are responsible for up to 45% of current
warm the atmosphere is hundreds to thou- Q. With reference to ‘Global Climate Change Alli-
global warming, only next to CO2.
sands of times greater than that of the same ance’, which of the following statements is/are Q. Consider the following countries:
• SLCPs include black carbon, methane, tropo-
given mass of carbon dioxide. correct?
spheric ozone, and hydrofluorocarbons.
1) Denmark
Benefits of Reducing SLCPs 1) It is an initiative of the European Union.
Black carbon 2) Japan
2) It provides technical and financial support to
3) Russian Federation
• It is a major component of soot and is produced • Reducing methane and black carbon could pre- targeted developing countries to integrate
4) United Kingdom
by incomplete combustion of fossil fuel and bio- vent major crop losses. climate change into their development poli-
5) United States of America
mass. • Reducing SLCPs could slow down the warming cies and budgets.
• It is emitted from diesel cars and trucks, ships, expected by 2050 by about 0.5 °C. 3) It is coordinated by World Resources Insti- Which of the above are the members of the ‘Arctic
residential stoves, forest fires, agricultural open • SLCPs play an important role in achieving the 2° tute (WRI) and World Business Council for Council’?
burning, etc. C target set by the Paris Agreement. Sustainable Development (WBCSD).
• Its Global Warming Potential is 460-1500 times a) 1, 2 and 3
stronger than CO2. BioCarbon Fund Initiative Select the correct answer using the code given be- b) 2, 3 and 4
• Its lifetime varies from a few days to a few weeks. low: c) 1, 4 and 5
• When deposited on ice and snow, black carbon • The BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable d) 1, 3 and 5
a) 1 and 2 only
causes an increase of melting rate. Forest Landscapes (ISFL) is a multilateral fund,
b) 3 only Answer: d)
supported by donor governments and managed
c) 2 and 3 only
by the World Bank.

181 182
The Water (Prevention and Control of Environment held at Stockholm in June 1972, • The Act is an “umbrella” for legislations de-
9. National Environmental Parliament enacted the nationwide Air Act. signed to provide a framework for Central Gov-
Pollution) Act of 1974 and Amendment,
Legislation 1988
• The main objectives of this Act are to improve ernment, coordination of the activities of various
the quality of air and to prevent, control and central and state authorities established under
abate air pollution in the country. previous Acts, such as the Water Act and the Air
• Our constitution, originally, did not contain any Some important provisions of this Act are given be-
direct provision regarding the protection of nat- low: Important provisions of this Act are given below: • In this Act, main emphasis is given to “Environ-
ural environment.
• The Act vests regulatory authority in State Pol- • The Air Act’s framework is similar to that of the ment”, defined to include water, air and land and
• However, after the United Nations Conference
lution Control Boards to establish and enforce Water Act of 1974. the inter-relationships which exist among water,
on Human Environment, held in Stockholm in
effluent standards for factories. • The Air Act expanded the authority of the cen- air and land and human beings and other living
1972, Indian constitution was amended to in-
• A Central Pollution Control Board performs tral and state boards established under the creatures, plants, micro-organisms and property.
clude protection of the environment as a con-
the same functions for Union Territories and for- Water Act, to include air pollution control. • “Environmental pollution” is the presence of
stitutional mandate.
mulate policies and coordinates activities of dif- • States not having water pollution boards were pollutant, defined as any solid, liquid or gaseous
• Environment related legislation came very late in
ferent State Boards. required to set up air pollution boards. substance present in such a concentration as
1972 with Wild Life Protection Act 1971.
• The Act grants power to SPCB and CPCB to test • Under the Air Act, all industries operating within may be or may tend to be injurious to the envi-
• The forty second amendment (Fundamental
equipment and to take the sample for the pur- designated air pollution control areas must ob- ronment.
Duties) Clause (g) to Article 51A of the Indian
pose of analysis. tain a “consent” (permit) from the State • “Hazardous substances” include any substance
constitution made it a fundamental duty to
• Prior to its amendment in 1988, enforcement un- Boards. or preparation, which may cause harm to human
protect and improve the natural environment.
der the Act was achieved through criminal pros- • The states are required to prescribe emission beings, other living creatures, plants, microor-
• Clause (g) to Article 51A of the Indian constitu-
ecutions initiated by the Boards. standards for industry and automobiles after ganisms, property or the environment.
tion states “It shall be the duty of every citizen of
• The 1988 amendment act empowered SPCB consulting the central board and noting its am- • Through this Act Central Government gets full
India to protect and improve the natural environ-
and CPCB to close a defaulting industrial bient air quality standards. power for the purpose of protecting and im-
ment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life
plant. • The Act grants power to SPCB and to test equip- proving the quality of the environment.
and have compassion for living creatures.”
• There is a directive, given to the State as one of ment and to take the sample for the purpose of
The Water (Prevention and Control of The main provisions of this Act are given below
the Directive Principles of State Policy regard- analysis from any chimney, fly ash or dust or any
ing the protection and improvement of the envi- Pollution) Cess Act of 1977 other. • The Act empowers the centre to “take all such
ronment. • Prior to its amendment in 1988, enforcement un- measures as it deems necessary”.
• Article 48A states “The State shall endeavour to • The Water Cess Act was passed to generate fi- der the Act was achieved through criminal pros- • By virtue of this Act, Central Government has
protect and improve the environment and to nancial resources to meet expenses of the Cen- ecutions initiated by the Boards. armed itself with considerable powers which in-
safeguard the forests and wildlife of the country”. tral and State Pollution Boards. • The 1988 amendment act empowered SPCB and clude,
• Article 21 of the Indian Constitution assures • The Act creates economic incentives for pollu- CPCB to close a defaulting industrial plant. ✓ coordination of action by state,
the citizens of India the right to a healthy envi- tion control and requires local authorities and • Notably, the 1987 amendment introduced a citi- ✓ planning and execution of nationwide pro-
ronment. certain designated industries to pay a cess (tax) zen’s suit provision into the Air Act and extended grammes,
• The Department of Environment was estab- for water effluent discharge. the Act to include noise pollution. ✓ laying down environmental quality stand-
lished in India in 1980 to ensure a healthy envi- • The Central Government, after deducting the ex- ards, especially those governing emission or
ronment for the country. This later became the penses of collection, pays the central and state 9.2 Environment (Protection) Act discharge of environmental pollutants,
Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) boards such sums, as it seems necessary.
of 1986 ✓ placing restriction on the location of indus-
in 1985. • To encourage capital investment in pollution tries and so on.
• The Environment Protection Act of 1986 control, the Act gives a polluter a 70% rebate of ✓ authority to issue direct orders, included or-
• In the wake of the Bhopal tragedy, the govern-
(EPA) came into force soon after the Bhopal Gas the applicable cess upon installing effluent ders to close, prohibit or regulate any indus-
ment of India enacted the Environment Act of
Tragedy and is considered umbrella legislation treatment equipment. try.
as it fills many lacunae in the existing legislations. ✓ power of entry for examination, testing of
• The purpose of the Act is to implement the deci-
The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollu- equipment and other purposes and power to
sions of the United Nations Conference on the
9.1 Pollution Related Laws tion) Act of 1981 and amendment, 1987 Human Environment of 1972. analyse the sample of air, water, soil or any
• The decisions relate to the protection and im- other substance from any place.
• To implement the decisions taken at the United provement of the human environment and the • The Act explicitly prohibits discharges of envi-
Nations Conference on the Human prevention of hazards to human beings, other ronmental pollutants in excess of prescribed reg-
living creatures, plants and property. ulatory standards.

183 184
• There is also a specific prohibition against han- 3. Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee • In 2014, the NGRBA has been transferred from Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
dling hazardous substances except those in (GEAC): it is the apex body constituted in the the Ministry of Environment and Forests to
compliance with regulatory procedures and MoEF under ‘Rules 1989', under the Environ- the Ministry of Water Resources, River Devel- • Development projects in the past were under-
standards. ment Protection Act, 1986. opment & Ganga Rejuvenation. taken without any consideration to their environ-
• The Act provides provision for penalties. For each 4. State Biotechnology Coordination Committee • It was established by the Central Government of mental consequences.
failure or contravention, the punishment in- (SBCC’s) have a major role in monitoring. It also India, in 2009 under Section 3(3) of the Environ- • In view of the colossal damage to the environ-
cluded a prison term up to five years or fine up has powers to inspect, investigate and take pu- ment Protection Act, 1986, which also declared ment, governments and public are now con-
to Rs. 1 lakh, or both. nitive action in case or violations of statutory Ganges as the ‘National River’ of India. cerned about the environmental impacts of de-
• The Act imposed an additional fine of up to Rs. provisions. velopmental activities.
5,000 for every day of continuing violation. 5. District Level Committees (DLCs) have a major Composition of NGRBA • Thus, to assess the environmental impacts, the
• If a failure or contravention occurs for more than role in monitoring the safety regulations in in- mechanism of EIA was introduced.
one year, offender may be punished with impris- stallations engaged in the use of genetically • The Prime Minister chairs the authority. • EIA is a tool to anticipate the likely environ-
onment which may be extended to seven years. modified organisms/hazardous microorganisms mental impacts that may arise out of the pro-
• Section 19 provides that any person, in addition and its applications in the environment. Members belonging to the government sector are as posed developmental activities and suggest
to authorized government officials, may file a 6. Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBSC) is follows: mitigation measures and strategies.
complaint with a court alleging an offence under established under the institution engaged in • EIA was introduced in India in 1978, with respect
• Prime Minister of India
the Act. GMO research to oversee such research and to to river valley projects.
• Minister of Environment and Forests (Union Min-
• This “Citizens’ Suit” provision requires that the interface with the RCGM in regulating it. • Later the EIA legislation was enhanced to include
person has to give notice of not less than 60 days other developmental sections.
Q. The Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee • Minister of Finance
of the alleged offence of pollution to the Central • EIA comes under Notification on Environmen-
is constituted under the • Minister of Urban Development
Government. tal Impact Assessment (EIA) of developmen-
• Minister of Water Resources
• Minister of Power tal projects 1994 under the provisions of Envi-
Hazardous Microorganisms/Genetically En- a) Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006
• Minister of Sciences and Technology ronment (Protection) Act, 1986.
gineered Organisms or Cells 1989 b) Geographical Indications of Goods (Registra-
• Chief Ministers of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, • Besides EIA, the Government of India under En-
tion and Protection) Act, 1999
Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal vironment (Protection) Act 1986 issued a
• Biosafety concerns have led to the development c) Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
• Ministry of Environment and Forests (state min- number of other notifications, which are related
of regulatory regime in India. d) Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972
ister) to environmental impact assessment.
• Aim of ‘Rules 1989’ is to protect environment, • EIA is now mandatory for more than 30 catego-
The Ozone Depleting Substances Rules • Ministry of Environment and Forests, secretary.
nature and health in connection with application ries of projects, and these projects get Environ-
of gene technology and micro-organisms. Q. Which of the following are the key features of mental Clearance (EC) only after the EIA re-
• The rules are framed under the jurisdiction of En-
• These rules cover areas of research as well as ‘National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA)’? quirements are fulfilled.
vironment (Protection) Act.
large scale applications of GMOs and their prod- (2016) • Environmental clearance or the ‘go ahead’ sig-
• These Rules set the deadlines for phasing out of
ucts including experimental field trials and seed nal is granted by the Impact Assessment
various ODSs, besides regulating production, 1) River basin is the unit of planning and man-
production. Agency in the Ministry of Environment and
trade import and export of ODSs and the prod- agement.
• The Rules 1989 also define the competent au- Forests, Government of India.
uct containing ODS. 2) It spearheads the river conservation efforts at
thorities and composition of such authorities for
handling of various aspects of the Rules. the national level. All projects that require clearance from central gov-
National Ganga River Basin Authority 3) One of the Chief Ministers of the States ernment can be broadly categorized into the follow-
Presently there are six committees: (NGRBA) through which the Ganga flows becomes the ing:
Chairman of NGRBA on rotation basis.
1. Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee • National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) is • Individual projects that need require clearance
(RDAC): The functions are of an advisory nature. a financing, planning, implementing, monitoring Select the correct answer using the code given Be- from central government,
It recommends safety regulations for India in re- and coordinating authority for the Ganges River, low. • Nuclear power and related projects,
combinant research, use and applications. functioning under the Ministry of Water Re- • River valley projects including hydel power, ma-
2. Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation a) 1 and 2 only
sources. jor irrigation and flood control,
(RCGM) established under the Department of b) 2 and 3 only
• The mission of the organization is to safeguard • Ports, harbours, airports (except minor ports and
Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technol- c) 1 and 3 only
the drainage basin which feeds water into the harbours),
ogy, to monitor the safety related aspects in re- d) 1, 2 and 3
Ganges by protecting it from pollution or over- • Petroleum refineries including crude and prod-
spect of on-going research projects. use. Answer: a) 1 and 2 only uct pipelines,

185 186
• Chemical fertilizers and pesticides, • serve as a primary environmental tool with clear • Pollution control desires/air quality standards. preventing, minimizing or by passing the im-
• Petrochemical complexes and petrochemical in- provisions. pacts or else the level of compensation for prob-
termediates and production of basic plastics, • apply consistently to all proposals with potential Noise able environmental damage or loss.
• Bulk drugs and pharmaceuticals, environmental impacts. • Public hearing: On completion of the EIA report,
• Exploration for oil and gas and their production, • use scientific practice and suggest strategies for • Levels of noise present and predicted public and environmental groups living close to
transportation and storage, mitigation. • Strategies for reducing noise pollution. project site may be informed and consulted.
• Synthetic rubber, • address all possible factors such as short term, • Decision making: Impact Assessment Authority
Water environment
• Asbestos and asbestos products, long term, small scale and large scale effects. along with the experts consult the project-in-
• Hydrocyanic acid and its derivatives, • consider sustainable aspects such as capacity for • Existing ground and surface water resources, charge along with consultant to take the final de-
• Primary metallurgical industries (such as produc- assimilation, carrying capacity, biodiversity pro- their quality and quantity within the zone. cision, keeping in mind EIA and EMP (Environ-
tion of iron and steel, aluminium, copper, zinc, tection. • Impact of proposed project on water resources. ment Management Plan).
lead, and ferro-alloys), • lay down a flexible approach for public involve- • Monitoring and implementation of environ-
• Chlor-alkali industry, ment. Biological environment mental management plan: The various phases
• Integrated paint complex including manufacture • have in built mechanism of follow up and feed- of implementation of the project are monitored.
of resins and basic raw materials required in the back. • Flora and fauna in impact zone. • Assessment of Alternatives, Delineation of
manufacture of paints, • include mechanisms for monitoring, auditing • Potential damage (likely) due to project, due to Mitigation Measures and Environmental Im-
• Viscose staple fibre (biodegradable fibre similar and evaluation. effluents, emissions and landscaping. pact Assessment Report: For every pro-
to cotton) and filament yarn, • Biological stress (prediction). ject, possible alternatives should be identified,
• Storage batteries integrated with manufacture of Benefits of EIA and environmental attributes compared. Alter-
oxides of lead and lead antimony alloy, Land environment natives should cover both project location and
• All tourism projects between 200m-500 metres • EIA links environment with development for process technologies.
environmentally safe and sustainable devel- • Study of soil characteristics, land use, and drain-
of High Water Line and at locations with an ele- • Once alternatives have been reviewed, a mitiga-
opment. age pattern, and the likely adverse impact of the
vation of more than 1000 metres with investment tion plan should be drawn up for the selected
• EIA provides a cost effective method to eliminate project.
of more than Rs. 5 crores, option and is supplemented with an Environ-
or minimize the adverse impact of developmen- • Impact on historical monuments and heritage
• Thermal power plants, mental Management Plan (EMP) to guide the
tal projects. site.
• Mining projects (with lease more than 5 hec- proponent towards environmental improve-
tares), • EIA enables the decision makers to analyse the ments.
EIA Process and Procedures
• Highway projects except projects relating to im- effect of developmental activities on the environ- • Risk assessment: Inventory analysis and hazard
provement work provided it does not pass ment well before the developmental project is probability and index also form part of EIA pro-
Steps in EIA process
through ecologically sensitive areas such as Na- implemented. cedures.
tional Parks, Sanctuaries, Tiger Reserves, Reserve • EIA encourages the adaptation of mitigation • EIA involves the steps mentioned below. How-
Forests, strategies in the developmental plan. Steps in Preparation of EIA report
ever, EIA process is cyclical with interaction be-
• Tarred roads in the Himalayas and forest areas, • EIA makes sure that the developmental plan is
tween the various steps.
• Distilleries, environmentally sound and within limits of the • Collection of baseline data from primary and sec-
• Screening: The project plan is screened for scale
• Raw skins and hide, capacity of assimilation and regeneration of the ondary sources;
of investment, location and type of development
• Pulp, paper and newsprint, dyes, ecosystem. • Prediction of impacts based on past experience
and if the project needs statutory clearance.
• Cement, and mathematical modelling;
• Scoping: The project’s potential impacts, zone
• Electroplating, Environmental Components Of EIA • Evolution of impacts versus evaluation of net
of impacts, mitigation possibilities and need for
• Meta aminophenol, etc. cost benefit;
• The EIA process looks into the following compo- • Preparation of environmental management
• Collection of baseline data: Baseline data is the
The important aspects of EIA are nents of the environment. plans to reduce the impacts to the minimum;
environmental status of study area.
• Quantitative estimation of financial cost of mon-
Air environment • Impact prediction: Positive and negative, re-
• risk assessment, itoring plan and the mitigation measures.
versible and irreversible and temporary and per-
• environmental management and
• Quality of ambient air present and predicted. manent impacts need to be predicted which pre- Environment Management Plan
• post product monitoring.
• Meteorological data: Wind speed, direction, hu- supposes a good understanding of the project
EIA is to midity etc. by the assessment agency. • Delineation of mitigation measures including
• Quantity of emission likely from project. • Mitigation measures and EIA report: The EIA prevention and control for each environmental
• Impact of the emission on the area. report should include the actions and steps for

187 188
component and rehabilitation and resettlement The Main Participants Of EIA projects in two categories, i.e., Category A (na- experts, Anthropologists and Social Scientists (to
plan. tional level appraisal) and Category B (state study the social impact of the project).
• EIA applies to public and private sections. The six level appraisal).
Environmental Appraisal main players are: • 'Category A' projects are appraised at national Public hearing
1) Those who propose the project level by Impact Assessment Agency (IAA) and the
• An Appraisal Committee constituted by the 2) The environmental consultant who prepare Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) and Category • Public comments are not considered at the early
Ministry of Environment and Forests will first EIA on behalf of project proponent. B projects are apprised at state level. stage, which often leads to conflict at the later
scrutinized a project based on the data pre- 3) Pollution Control Board (State or National). • State Level Environment Impact Assessment Au- stage of project clearance.
sented by the project authorities. 4) Public has the right to express their opinion. thority (SEIAA) and State Level Expert Appraisal • A number of projects with significant environ-
• If necessary, the MoEF may also hold consulta- 5) The Impact Assessment Agency. Committee (SEAC) are constituted to provide mental and social impacts have been excluded
tions with the investors and experts on specific 6) Regional centre of the Ministry of Environ- clearance to Category B process. from the mandatory public hearing process.
issues as and when necessary. ment and Forest. • The documents which the public are entitled to
• After considering all the facets of a projects, en- After 2006 Amendment the EIA cycle comprises are seldom available on time.
vironmental clearance is accorded subject to im- Composition of the expert committees for of four stages • The data collectors do not pay respect to the in-
plementation of the stipulated environmental EIA digenous knowledge of local people.
safeguards. 1) Screening
• In case of projects where the project proponents The Committees will consist of experts in the follow- 2) Scoping Quality of EIA
have submitted complete information, a decision ing disciplines: 3) Public hearing
is taken within 90 days. 4) Appraisal • One of the biggest concerns with the environ-
• The six regional offices of the Ministry function- • Eco-system management • Category A projects require mandatory environ- mental clearance process is related to the quality
ing at Shillong, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Ban- • Air/water pollution control mental clearance and thus they do not undergo of EIA report that are being carried out.
galore, Lucknow and Bhopal undertake monitor- • Water resource management the screening process. • The reports are generally incomplete and pro-
ing of cleared projects. • Flora/fauna conservation and management • Category B projects undergoes screening pro- vided with false data.
• Land use planning cess and they are classified into two types. • Many EIA reports are based on single season
EIA of Coasts • Social Sciences/Rehabilitation ✓ Category B, projects (Mandatorily requires data.
• Project appraisal EIA). • The EIA document in itself is so bulky and tech-
• Coastal Zone Management Plans (CZMPs) are • Ecology ✓ Category B2 projects (Do not require EIA). nical, which makes it very difficult to decipher so
prepared by coastal states or Union Territories as • Environmental Health • Thus, Category A projects and Category B, pro- as to aid in the decision making process.
per rules set by CRZ notification 1991. • Subject Area Specialists jects undergo the complete EIA process whereas
• CZMPs are prepared based on identification and • Representatives of NGOs/persons concerned Lack of Credibility
Category B2 projects are excluded from com-
categorization of coastal areas for different ac- with environmental issues plete EIA process.
tivities and then submitted to the MoEF for ap- • It is the responsibility of the project propo-
• The Chairman will be an outstanding and expe-
proval. nent to commission the preparation of the EIA
rienced ecologist or environmentalist or tech- Shortcomings of Environmental Impact As-
• The ministry then forms a task force for examin- for its project.
nical professional with wide managerial experi- sessment
ing their plans. • The EIA is actually funded by an agency or indi-
ence in the relevant development.
vidual whose primary interest is to procure clear-
• The representative of Impact Assessment Agency Applicability
Single window clearance ance for the project proposed.
will act as a Member-Secretary.
• There is little chance that the final assessment
• Chairman and members will serve in their indi- • There are several projects with significant envi-
• Environmental clearance + Forestry clearance. presented is un biased, even if the consultant
vidual capacities except those specifically nomi- ronmental impacts that are exempted from the
• When a project requires both environmental may provide an unbiased assessment that is crit-
nated as representatives. notification either because they are not listed in
clearance as well as approval under the Forest ical of the proposed project.
• The membership of a committee shall not ex- schedule I, or their investments are less than
(Conservation) Act, 1980, proposals for both • There are so many cases of fraudulent EIA stud-
ceed 15 members. what is provided for in the notification.
are required to be given simultaneously to the ies where erroneous data has been used, same
concerned divisions of the Ministry. Composition of expert committees and stand- facts used for two totally different places etc.
Salient Features of 2006 Amendment to EIA
• The processing is done simultaneously for clear- ards • There is no accreditation of EIA consultants,
ance or rejection. therefore any such consultant with a track record
• If the project does not involve diversion of for- • It is being found that the team formed for con- of fraudulent cases cannot be held liable for dis-
• Environment Impact Assessment Notification of
estland, the case is processed only for environ- ducting EIA studies is lacking the expertise in var- crepancies.
2006 has decentralized the environmental clear-
mental clearance. ious fields such as environmentalists, wild life • It is hard to imagine any consultant after being
ance projects by categorizing the developmental
paid lakh of rupees, preparing a report for the

189 190
project proponents, indicating that the project is • Creation of a centralized baseline data bank. Monitoring, compliance and institutional ar- III), and small game (Schedule IV), is regu-
not viable. • Dissemination of all information related to pro- rangements lated through licensing.
jects from notification to clearance to local com- • A few species classified as vermin (Schedule
Case Study munities and general public. • The EIA notification needs to build within it an V), may be hunted without restrictions.
automatic withdrawal of clearance if the condi- • Wildlife wardens and their staff administer the
• The MoEF constituted the Western Ghats Ex- Applicability tions of clearance are being violated and intro- act.
perts Ecology Panel (WGEEP) in 2010 under the duce more stringent punishment for noncompli- • An amendment to the Act in 1982, introduced a
Chairmanship of Prof. Madhav Gadgil. • All those projects where there is likely to be a ance. At present the EIA notification limits itself provision permitting the capture and trans-
• The Panel submitted its report in 2011 but it was significant alternation of ecosystems need to go to the stage when environmental clearance is portation of wild animals for the scientific
not made public immediately due to its stringent through the process of environmental clearance, granted. management of animal population.
assessment of the condition of Western Ghats. without exception.
• The report suggested many radical changes that • No industrial developmental activity should be Redressal Q. In India, if a species of tortoise is declared pro-
needs to be brought to conserve Western Ghats. permitted in ecologically sensitive areas. tected under Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protec-
• The recommendation if implemented would ad- • The composition of the NGT needs to be tion) Act, 1972, what does it imply? (2017)
versely affect mining mafia, sand mafia and local Public hearing changed to include more judicials from the field
of environment. a) It enjoys the same level of protection as the
• Public hearings should be applicable to all hith- • Citizen should be able to access the authority for tiger.
• Under pressure from various stakeholders, MoEF
erto exempt categories of projects which have redressal of all violation of the EIA notification as b) It no longer exists in the wild, a few individu-
set up the High Level Working Group (HLWG)
environmental impacts. well as issues relating to non-compliance. als are under captive protection; and now it
under the Chairmanship of Dr. K. Kasturirangan
is impossible to prevent its extinction.
to study recommendations of WGEEP.
Quality Capacity building c) It is endemic to a particular region of India.
• The HLWG had diluted many recommendations
d) Both (b) and (c) stated above are correct in
of WGEEP to satisfy the interests of various mafia. • The focus of EIA needs to shift from utilization • NGOs, civil society groups and local communities this context.
and exploitation of natural resources to conser- need to build their capacities to use the EIA no- • Bengal Tiger’s IUCN status is ‘Endangered’. Gir
Monitoring, compliance and institutional ar-
vation of natural resources. tification towards better decision making on pro- Lions are also ‘Endangered’. Hence they fall un-
• At present EIA reports are extremely weak when jects. der Schedule I of Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
• Often, and more so for strategic industries such it comes to assessment of biological diversity of
a project area and the consequent impacts on it. Answer: a) It enjoys the same level of protection as
as nuclear energy projected, the EMPs are 9.3 Biodiversity Related Laws
This gap needs to be plugged. the tiger (Bengal Tiger’s IUCN status is ‘Endan-
kept confidential for political and administrative
• All EIA reports should clearly state what are the gered’).
reasons. Wild Life (Protection) Act of 1972 and
• Details regarding the effectiveness and imple- adverse impacts that a proposed project will
Amendment, 1982 Q. According to the Wildlife (Protection) Act,
mentation of mitigation measures are often not have. This should be a separate chapter and not
1972, which of the following animals cannot be
provided. hidden within technical details.
• In 1972, Parliament enacted the Wild Life Act hunted by any person except under some provi-
• Emergency preparedness plans are not dis- • It is critical that the preparation of an EIA is com-
(Protection) Act. sions provided by law? (2017)
cussed in sufficient details and the information pletely independent of the project proponent.
• The Wild Life Act provides for 1) Gharial
not disseminated to the communities. ✓ state wildlife advisory boards,
Grant of clearance 2) Indian wild ass
Q. ‘Gadgil Committee Report’ and ‘Kasturirangan ✓ regulations for hunting wild animals and 3) Wild buffalo
• The notification needs to make it clear that the birds,
Committee Report’, sometimes seen in the news,
provision for site clearance does not imply any ✓ establishment of sanctuaries and national Select the correct answer using the code given be-
are related to (2016)
commitment on the part of the impact Assess- parks, low:
1) constitutional reforms ment agency to grant full environmental clear- ✓ regulations for trade in wild animals, animal
2) Ganga Action Plan ance. a) 1 only
products and trophies, and
3) linking of rivers b) 2 and 3 only
✓ judicially imposed penalties for violating the
4) protection of Western Ghats Composition of expert committees c) 1 and 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3
• Harming endangered species listed in Sched-
Recommendations to improve EIA process • The present executive committees should be re- • From the question, it is clear that the animal
ule I of the Act is prohibited throughout In-
placed by expert's people from various stake- should falls under Schedule II or later.
Independent EIA Authority. holder groups, who are reputed in environmen- • Gharial is ‘Critically Endangered’ and Water buf-
• Hunting species, like those requiring special
tal and other relevant fields. falo is ‘Endangered’. Hence, they fall under
protection (Schedule II), big game (Schedule
• Sector wide EIAs needed.

191 192
Schedule I. (Almost every animal listed in Chap- • The preservation of protected forests is enforced biological resources within the country for their Answer: c) 1 and 3 only
ter 6 IUCN Red List are in Schedule I). through rules, licenses and criminal prosecu- own use, medicinal purposes and research pur-
• Indian wild ass is moved from Endangered (2015) tions. poses. Forest Rights Act, 2006
to Near Threatened (2016). It is listed under • While granting approvals, NBA will impose terms
Schedule I. Biodiversity Act 2000 and conditions to secure equitable sharing of • The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional For-
benefits. est Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act,
Answer: d) all • India’s richness in biological resources and indig- • Before applying for any form of IPRs (Intellec- 2006.
enous knowledge relating to them is well recog- tual Property Rights) in or outside India for an • Forest Rights Act, 2006 provides for the restitu-
Forest (Conservation) Act of 1980 nized. invention based on research on a biological re- tion of deprived forest rights across India.
• The legislation aims at regulating access to bio- source obtained from India, prior approval of • The Act is providing scope of integrating con-
• First Forest Act was enacted in 1927. logical resources so as to ensure equitable NBA will be required. servation and livelihood rights of the people.
• Alarmed at India’s rapid deforestation and re- sharing of benefits arising from their use. • The monetary benefits, fees, royalties as a result
sulting environmental degradation, Centre Gov- • The Biological Diversity Bill was introduced in the of approvals by NBA will be deposited in Na- FRA is tool
ernment enacted the Forest (Conservation) Act Parliament in 2000 and was passed in 2002. tional Biodiversity Fund.
in1980. • NBF will be used for conservation and develop- • To empower and strengthen the local self-gov-
• It was enacted to consolidate the law related to Salient features of the biodiversity legislation ment of areas from where resource has been ac- ernance
forest, the transit of forest produces and the duty cessed, in consultation with the local self-gov- • To address the livelihood security of the people
liveable on timber and other forest produce. • The main intent of this legislation is to protect ernment concerned. • To address the issues of Conservation and man-
• Forest officers and their staff administer the India’s rich biodiversity and associated • There is provision for notifying National Herit- agement of the Natural Resources and conserva-
Forest Act. knowledge against their use by foreign indi- age Sites important from standpoint of biodi- tion governance of India.
• Under the provisions of this Act, prior approval viduals and organizations without sharing the versity by State Governments in consultation
of the Central Government is required for di- benefits arising out of such use, and to check bi- For the first time Forest Rights Act recognizes
with local self-government.
version of forestlands for non-forest purposes. opiracy. and secures
• There also exists provision for notifying items,
• An Advisory Committee constituted under the • This bill seeks to check biopiracy, protect biolog- and areas for exemption provided such exclusion • Community Rights in addition to their individual
Act advises the Centre on these approvals. ical diversity and local growers through a three- does not violate other provisions. This is to ex- rights
• The Act deals with the four categories of the for- tier structure of central and state boards and lo- empt normally traded commodities so as not to • Right to protect, regenerate or conserve or man-
ests, namely reserved forests, village forests, pro- cal committees. adversely affect trade. age any community forest resource which the
tected forests and private forests. • The Act provides for setting up of a National Bi-
communities have been traditionally protecting
odiversity Authority (NBA), State Biodiversity Q. How does National Biodiversity Authority
Reserved forest and conserving for sustainable use.
Boards (SBBs) and Biodiversity Management (NBA) help in protecting the Indian agriculture?
• Right to intellectual property and traditional
Committees (BMCs) in local bodies.
• A state may declare forestlands or waste lands as 1) NBA checks the biopiracy and protects the knowledge related to biodiversity and cultural
• The NBA will enjoy the power of a civil court.
reserved forest and may sell the produce from indigenous and traditional genetic resources. diversity
• BMCs promote conservation, sustainable use
these forests. 2) NBA directly monitors and supervises the sci- • Rights of displaced communities & Rights over
and documentation of biodiversity.
• Any unauthorized felling of trees quarrying, entific research on genetic modification of developmental activities
• NBA and SBB are required to consult BMCs in de-
grazing and hunting in reserved forests is pun- crop plants.
cisions relating to use of biological resources.
ishable with a fine or imprisonment, or both Salient Features
• All foreign nationals or organizations require 3) Application for intellectual Property Rights
prior approval of NBA for obtaining biological related to genetic / biological resources can-
Village forests • Nodal Agency for the implementation is Minis-
resources and associated knowledge for any use. not be made without the approval of NBA.
try of Tribal Affairs (MoTA).
• Reserved forests assigned to a village commu- • Indian individuals/entities require approval of
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? • This Act is applicable for Tribal and Other Tradi-
nity are called village forests. NBA for transferring results of research with re-
tional Forest Dwelling Communities.
spect to any biological resources to foreign na- a) 1 only • The Act provides for recognition of forest rights
Protected forests tionals/organizations. b) 2 and 3 only of other traditional forest dwellers provided they
• Collaborative research projects and exchange of c) 1 and 3 only have for at least three generations prior to
• The state governments are empowered to knowledge and resources are exempted pro- d) 1, 2 and 3 13.12.2005 primarily resided in and have de-
designate protected forests and may prohibit vided they are drawn as per the policy guidelines • The top biotech regulator in India for Genetically pended on the forests for bonafide livelihood
the felling of trees, quarrying and the removal of of the Central Government. Modified Organisms is Genetic Engineering needs.
forest produce from these forests. • However, Indian citizens/entities/local people in- Appraisal Committee (GEAC). • The maximum limit of the recognizing rights on
cluding vaids and hakims have free access to use
forest land is 4 ha.

193 194
• National Parks and Sanctuaries have been in- August 2018 Guidelines by MoEF How do the guidelines dilute FRA? • As per the amendment, the district level commit-
cluded along with Reserve Forest, Protected tee shall ensure that all PVTGs receive habitat
Forests for the recognition of Rights. • In March 2017, the National Tiger Conservation • The guidelines have replaced prior consent of rights, in consultation with these groups, after fil-
• The Act recognizes the right of ownership access Authority (NTCA) issued an order to deny forest the gram sabha with a public hearing of all stake- ing claims before the gram sabha.
to collect, use, and dispose of minor forest pro- rights in critical tiger habitats (core areas of tiger holders • It is MoTA that decides habitat rights.
duce by tribals. reserves) in the absence of CWH guidelines. • The guidelines require the constitution of an ex-
• Minor forest produce includes all non-timber • MoEF&CC finally issued CWH guidelines in Jan- pert committee, of which a MoTA representative Answer: 1 and 2 only.
forest produce of plant origin. uary 2018 and NTCA order was superseded. would be a member, to carry out extensive and
• The rights conferred under the Act shall be her- • However, unlike 2011, it sent the guidelines to open consultation with all the stakeholders. National Green Tribunal Act, 2010
itable but not alienable or transferable. states ‘for action’ without soliciting public com- • There is no mechanism in the guidelines to ad-
• As per the Act, the Gram Sabha has been desig- ments. dress the objections raised during consultations. • Act of the Parliament of India which enables cre-
nated as the competent authority for initiating • Forest rights activists see the guidelines as a di- • It is also not clear whether there would be single ation of NGT to handle the expeditious dis-
the process of determining the nature and extent lution of FRA. or multiple consultation for an entire Protected posal of the cases pertaining to environmen-
of individual or community forest rights. Area. tal issues.
Key features of guidelines • In the existing guidelines, CWH notification does • It was enacted under India's constitutional provi-
Critical Wildlife Habitats (CWH) • The Chief Wildlife Warden of a state will notify a not stand any public scrutiny once ‘open consul- sion of Article 21, which assures the citizens of
seven-member expert committee, chaired by a tations’ have been carried out (in contract the India the right to a healthy environment.
• The Critical Wildlife Habitats (CWH) have been chief conservator of forest in-charge of a na- draft notification of every Eco-sensitive Zones • The specialized architecture of the NGT will facil-
envisaged in Forest Rights Act, 2006. tional park or sanctuary, for the purpose of iden- (ESZ) is put up in public domain for at least 60 itate fast track resolution of environmental
• CWH are defined under the act as the “areas of tification of CWH in a national park or sanctu- days before its finalisation). cases and provide a boost to the implementation
national parks and sanctuaries where it has been ary. • The guidelines are silent on the issue of settle- of many sustainable development measures.
specifically and clearly established, case by case, • The Expert Committee will identify areas within ment of rights before notifying CWHs. • NGT is mandated to dispose the cases within six
on the basis of scientific and objective criteria, national parks and sanctuaries, based on scien- months of their respective appeals.
that such areas are required to be kept as invi- Q. Consider the following statements: (2018)
tific and objective criteria relevant to the pro-
olate for the purposes of wildlife conserva- Origin
tected area. 1) The definition of “Critical Wildlife Habitat” is
tion” • The Expert Committee shall issue a public notice incorporated in the Forest Rights Act, 2006. • During the Earth Summit 1992, India vowed the
• ‘Inviolate’ is a general term used to indicate no 15 days in advance on the intention to notify 2) For the first time in India, Baigas have been participating states to provide judicial and ad-
human settlement and usage. CWH. given Habitat Rights. ministrative remedies for the victims of the pol-
• MoTA is the nodal authority for FRA. • The public notice shall include details of areas re- 3) Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and lutants and other environmental damage.
• But the FRA identifies MoEF&CC as the agency quired to be kept inviolate, criteria adopted for Climate Change officially decides and de-
to notify the guidelines. CWH identification, implication of the notifica- clares Habitat Rights for Primitive and Vul- Members
tion, and options of resettlement and rehabilita- nerable Tribal Groups in any part of India.
2011 Guidelines by MoEF&CC
tion schemes. • The sanctioned strength of the tribunal is cur-
• The Expert Committee shall carry out open con- Which of the statements given above is/are correct? rently 10 expert members and 10 judicial mem-
• A gram sabha’s free informed consent must be
sultations with all stakeholders, and the proceed- bers although the act allows for up to 20 of each.
given before any relocation is carried out. a) 1 and 2 only
ings and objections will be documented appro- • The Chairman of the tribunal who is the admin-
• Forest rights are settled under the FRA before a b) 2 and 3 only
priately. istrative head of the tribunal also serves as a ju-
CWH can be declared in an area. c) 3 only
• The committee will submit the CWH proposal to dicial member.
• An expert committee (members of the gram sa- d) 1, 2 and 3
the Chief Wildlife Warden. • Every bench of tribunal must consist of at least
bha, an ecologist, a tribal welfare NGO, a social • 2016: Baiga tribe (living sal forests of Maikal
• The decision on the proposal will be taken by the one expert member and one judicial member.
scientist, Forest Department’s officers) will take Hills) in Madhya Pradesh is the first to get habitat
Standing Committee of the National Board for • The Chairman of the tribunal is required to be
the main responsibility for determining the hab- rights in India.
Wildlife. a serving or retired Chief Justice of a High
itats. • This is for the first time habitat rights have been
• A MoTA representative would be invited during Court or a judge of the Supreme Court of In-
• In order to notify a CWH, the Act requires state given under the Forest Rights Act of 2006.
the deliberation of the proposal by the standing dia.
governments to establish that the presence of • Baiga community is one of the 75 particularly
committee. vulnerable tribal groups, or PVTGs, who are el-
right-holders is causing irreversible damage to Jurisdiction
• Following the committee’s recommendation, the igible to get habitat rights under FRA.
wildlife and their habitats.
notification of CWH will be published in the offi- • The definition of the habitat rights was incorpo-
• After more than a decade of FRA’s existence, not • The Tribunal has Original Jurisdiction on matters
cial gazette. rated through an amendment in the FRA in 2012.
a single CWH had been notified. of “substantial question relating to environment”

195 196
(i.e. a community at large is affected, damage to 9.4 Acts for Protecting Coastal • The areas that are relatively undisturbed and Wetlands (Conservation and Manage-
public health at broader level) & “damage to en- those which do not belong to either CRZ-I or ment) Rules 2010
vironment due to specific activity” (such as pol- Environment and Wetlands CRZ-II which includes mainly the rural area and
lution). those not substantially built up within desig- • MoEF has notified the rules in order to ensure
• The term “substantial” is not clearly defined in Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) nated urban areas. that there is no further degradation of wetlands.
the act. • The area up to 200 meters from HTL is ear- • The rules specify activities which are harmful to
• The coastal stretches of seas, bays, estuaries, marked as "No Development Zone". wetlands such as industrialization, construction,
Q. The National Green Tribunal Act, 2010 was en- creeks, rivers and back waters which are influ- • No construction is permitted within this zone dumping of untreated waste and reclamation
acted in consonance with which of the following enced by tidal action are declared "Coastal except for repairs to the existing authorized and prohibit these activities in the wetlands.
provisions of the Constitution of India? Regulation Zone" (CRZ) in 1991. structures. • Other activities such as harvesting, and dredging
• India has created institutional mechanisms such • Development of vacant plots between 200
1) Right to healthy environment, construed as a may be carried out in the wetlands but only with
as National Coastal Zone Management Authority and 500 meters of HTL is permitted in CRZ III
part of part of Right to life under Article 21. prior permission from the concerned authorities.
(NCZMA) and State Coastal Zone Management for the purpose of construction of dwelling units
2) Provision of grants for raising the level of ad- • Under the Rules, wetlands have been classified
Authority (SCZMA) for enforcement and moni- and hotels/beach resorts subject to certain con-
ministration in the Scheduled Areas for the for better management and easier identification.
toring of the CRZ Notification. ditions.
welfare of Scheduled Tribes under Article • Central Wetland Regulatory Authority has
• These authorities have been delegated powers
275(1) been set up to ensure proper implementation of
under Section 5 of the Environmental (Protec-
the Rules.
tion) Act, 1986 to take various measures for pro-
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
tecting and improving the quality of the coastal
environment and preventing, abating and con-
9.5 Animals Related Laws
a) 1 only
b) 2 only trolling environmental pollution in coastal areas.
c) Both 1 and 2 Animal Welfare Board of India
d) Neither 1 nor 2 Classification Criteria and Regulatory Norms
• Statutory advisory body advising the Govern-
Answer: a) • The coastal regulation zone has been classified ment of India on animal welfare laws and pro-
for the purpose of regulation of the permitted motes animal welfare in the country of India.
Q. How is the National Green Tribunal (NGT) dif- • It works to ensure that animal welfare laws in the
ferent from the Central Pollution Control Board country are followed; provides grants to Animal
(CPCB) (2018) CRZ-I: Welfare Organizations; and considers itself "the
1) The NGT has been established by an Act face of the animal welfare movement in the
• Ecological sensitive area and the area be- country."
whereas the CPCB has been created by an ex-
tween High Tide Line (HTL) and Low Tide Line • It was established in 1960 under Section 4 of The
ecutive order of the Government.
(LTL). Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960.
2) The NGT provides environmental justice and
• No new construction is permitted except for a • Well-known humanitarian Rukmini Devi Arun-
helps reduce the burden of litigation in the
few specified most essential activities like sup- dale was instrumental in setting up the board.
higher courts whereas the CPCB promotes
port activities for Atomic Energy Plants and De- • The subject of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
cleanliness of streams and wells and aims to
fense requirements, facilities required for dis- is under MoEF.
improve the quality of air in the country.
posal of treated effluents and other port related
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? water front activities. Functions
a) 1 only CRZ-II: • The board is highly concerned about “abuse of
b) 2 only • The activities impugning on the sea and tidal in- animals in research” and “cruelty involved when
c) Both 1 and 2 • The area that have been developed up to or close fluenced water bodies will be regulated except animals were used in entertainment”.
d) Neither 1 nor 2 to the shore line which includes the designated for traditional fishing and related activities un- • The Board oversees Animal Welfare Organiza-
• CPCB is a statutory organisation under urban areas that are substantially built up. dertaken by local communities. tions (AWOs) by granting recognition to them if
the MoEFC. • Buildings permitted only on the landward side of • No untreated sewage, effluents, pollution from they meet its guidelines.
• It was established under the Water (Prevention the existing authorized structures as defined in oil drilling shall be let off or dumped. • The Board provides financial assistance to recog-
and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. the notification. nized Animal Welfare Organizations (AWOs)
Answer: b) 2 only CRZ-III:

197 198
• The Board suggests changes to laws and rules • Government has set up a Tiger Protection Force National Board for Wild Life ==> Tiger Task d) Others
about animal welfare issues. under PT to combat poachers. Force ==> National Tiger Conservation Authority
• The Board issues publications to raise awareness • PT funds relocation of villagers to minimize hu- Functions of NTCA
of various animal welfare issues. man-tiger conflicts. National Tiger Conservation Authority
(NTCA) • The Authority lays down standards, guidelines
Q. Consider the following statements: Core and Buffer zones for tiger conservation in the Tiger Reserves, Na-
• The National Tiger Conservation Authority was tional Parks and Sanctuaries.
1) Animal Welfare Board of India is established • The Tiger Reserves are constituted on a ‘core- established in December 2005 following a rec- • The Tiger Conservation Authority would be re-
under the Environment (Protection) Act, buffer strategy’. ommendation of the Tiger Task Force. quired to prepare an Annual Report, which
1986. • National Tiger Conservation Authority adminis- would be laid in the Parliament along with the
2) National Tiger Conservation Authority is a Core Zone ters Project Tiger. Audit Report.
statutory body. • Administration of the tiger reserves will be in ac- • State level Steering Committees will be set up in
3) National Ganga River Basin Authority is • The core area is kept free of biotic disturbances cordance with guidelines of NTCA. the Tiger States under the Chairmanship of re-
chaired by the Prime Minister. and forestry operations, where collection of mi- • Tiger reserves in India are administered by field spective Chief Ministers.
nor forest produce, grazing, human disturbances directors as mandated by NTCA. • This has been done with a view for ensuring co-
Which of the statements given above is/ are correct? are not allowed within. • No alteration in the boundaries of a tiger reserve ordination, monitoring and protection of tigers
• These areas are required to be kept for the pur- shall be made except on a recommendation of in the States.
a) 1 only
poses of tiger conservation, without affecting the the NTCA and the approval of the National Board • A provision has been made for the State Govern-
b) 2 and 3 only
rights of the Scheduled Tribes or such other for- for Wild Life. ments to prepare a Tiger Conservation Plan.
c) 2 only
est dwellers. No State Government shall de-notify a tiger re- • Provision will be made for the States to establish
d) 1, 2 and 3 •
• These areas are notified by the State Govern- serve, except in public interest with the approval a Tiger Conservation Foundation, based on the
• Animal Welfare Board of India is established un-
ment in consultation with an Expert Committee of the NTCA and the approval of the National good practices emanating from some tiger re-
der Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.
(constituted for that purpose). Board for Wild Life. serves.
• Answer: b) 2 and 3 only
Buffer Zone The Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Act, 2006 Problems involved with Project Tiger
Project Tiger – Tiger Conservation
• The Act defines buffer zone as the area periph- • The Act provides for creating • The Forest Rights Act passed by the Indian gov-
• Indian tiger population at the end of the 20th eral to the critical tiger habitat or core area 1. National Tiger Conservation Authority ernment in 2006 recognizes the rights of some
century was estimated at 20,000 to 40,000 indi- providing supplementary habitat for dispersing and forest dwelling communities in forest areas. This
viduals. tigers, besides offering scope for co-existence 2. Tiger and Other Endangered Species has led to controversy over implications of such
• The first country-wide tiger census conducted in of human activity (tribals). Crime Control Bureau (Wildlife Crime recognition for tiger conservation
1972 estimated the population to comprise a lit- • The limits of such areas are determined with the Control Bureau). • The project overlooks the role of abuse of power
tle more than 1,800 individuals, an alarming re- concerned Gram Sabha and an Expert Commit- by authorities in the tiger crisis.
duction in tiger population. tee constituted for the purpose. NTCA members
• In 1973, Project Tiger was launched in the Pala- Steps Taken by the Government
mau Tiger Reserve, and various tiger reserves Tiger Task Force • The Wildlife Protection Amendment Act, 2006
were created in the country based on a ‘core- provides for the constitution of the National Legal Steps
buffer’ strategy. • The implementation of Project Tiger over the Tiger Conservation Authority.
• India has more than 80 national parks and 441 years has highlighted the need for a statutory • NTCA was set up under the Chairmanship of • Amendment of the Wild Life (Protection) Act,
Sanctuaries of which some have been declared authority with legal backing to ensure tiger con- the Minister for Environment and Forests. 1972 to Wild Life (Protection) Act, 2006 for
as Tiger reserves. servation. • The Authority will have providing enabling provisions towards constitut-
• Tiger reserves are governed by the Project Tiger • On the basis of the recommendations of Na- ing the National Tiger Conservation Authority
(1973). tional Board for Wild Life, a Task Force was set and the Tiger and Other Endangered Species
• It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme of the Min- up to look into the problems of tiger conserva- Crime Control Bureau.
istry of Environment and Forests. a) eight experts having qualifications in wildlife Enhancement of punishment in cases of offence
tion in the country. •
• It is administered by the National Tiger Conser- conservation and welfare tribals, relating to a tiger reserve or its core area.
• The recommendations of the Task Force include
vation Authority. b) 3 MPs,
strengthening of Project Tiger by giving it statu-
• Aim: Protect tigers from extinction by ensuring a c) The Inspector General of Forests, in charge of Administrative Steps
tory and administrative powers.
viable population in their natural habitats. project Tiger, will be ex-officio Member Sec-

199 200
• Strengthening of ant poaching activities, includ- Financial Steps International Cooperation • Fire protection is effectively done by suitable
ing special strategy for monsoon patrolling. preventive and control measures.
• State level Steering Committees under the Chair- • Financial and technical help is provided to the • India has a bilateral understanding with Nepal on • Voluntary Village relocation has been done in
manship of Chief Ministers and establishment of States under various Centrally Sponsored controlling trans-boundary illegal trade in wild- many reserves.
Tiger Conservation Foundation. Schemes, viz. Project Tiger and Integrated De- life • Livestock grazing has been controlled to a great
• Creation of Special Tiger Protection Force (STPF) velopment of Wildlife Habitats. • India has signed a protocol on tiger conservation extent in the tiger reserves.
[Budget 2008] with China. • Various compensatory developmental works
• India has signed a with Bangladesh for conserva- have improved the water regime and the ground
tion of the Royal Bengal Tiger. and field level vegetation.
• A sub-group on tiger/leopard conservation has • Stringent punishments for violators.
been constituted for cooperation with the Rus- • GIS based digitized database development to
sian Federation. evaluate tiger population.
• A Global Tiger Forum of Tiger Range Coun-
tries has been created for addressing interna- Estimation of Tiger Populations
tional issues related to tiger conservation.
• India is a party to CITES. CITES’s landmark deci- • The process of estimating the number of tigers
sion states that ‘tigers should not be bred for in a given area is called ‘Tiger census’.
trade in their parts and derivatives’. • It is conducted at regular intervals to know the
current tiger populations and population trends.
Titbit: There are eight subspecies of tiger: among • Besides estimating the number of tigers the
the eight, at present five subspecies are present in method also helps to gather information on the
the wild. They are Bengal, South China, Indochinese, density of the tiger populations and associated
Sumatran, and Siberian. Three subspecies of tiger — prey.
Caspian, Bali, and Javan — are extinct. • The most commonly used technique in the past
was ‘Pugmark Census Technique’.
Reasons for falling number of tigers • In this method the imprints of the pugmark of
the tiger were recorded and used as a basis for
• Pressure on habitat, Habitat fragmentation identification of individuals.
and Habitat destruction: Caused due to large- • Now it is largely used as one of the indices of
scale development projects such as dams, indus- tiger occurrence and relative abundance.
try, mines, railway lines etc. • Recent methods used to estimate the numbers
• Incessant poaching: Tigers are killed so their of tigers are camera trapping and DNA finger-
body parts can be used for Traditional Chinese printing.
Medicine. • In camera trapping, the photograph of the tiger
• Invasive species: Destroy the local producers. is taken and individuals are differentiated on the
This has a cascading effect on the food chain. Ti- basis of the stripes on the body.
gers are the worst hit as they are at the end of • In the latest technique of DNA fingerprinting, ti-
the food chain. [Tigers represent an “Umbrella gers can be identified from their scats.
Species” that indicate the health of the ecosys-
tem.] Project Elephant
Reasons for slightly increased tiger popula-
• Tiger faces threat of extinction, whereas the ele-
tion recently phant faces threat of attrition.
• The elephant numbers have not increased or de-
• Wireless communication systems and outstation
creased drastically but there is an increasing
patrol camps have been developed within the
pressure on the elephant habitats.
tiger reserves, due to which poaching has de-
• Project Elephant was launched in 1992.
clined considerably.
• It is a centrally sponsored scheme.

201 202
Objectives: in conflicts with humans, due to elephants raid- • One horned rhino are poached for their horns. Why to conserve the high altitude ecosys-
ing or destroying crops. • Indian rhino vision 2020 implemented by the de- tem?
a) to assist states having populations of wild ele- partment of environment and forests, Assam.
phants and to ensure long term survival of iden- Mitigation • The programme will be supported by WWF — • The high altitudes of India (> 3000 m) (including
tified viable populations of elephants in their India, the international rhino foundation (IRF), the Himalaya and Trans-Himalaya biogeographic
natural habitats • Fusion of the corridors with nearby protected ar- and a number of local NGOs. zones) support a unique wildlife assemblage of
b) addressing man-animal conflict. eas wherever feasible; in other cases, declaration • Translocations are the backbone of the IRV global conservation importance.
c) Developing scientific and planned management as Ecologically Sensitive Areas or conservation 2020 program. • This includes highly endangered populations of
measures for conservation of elephants. reserves to grant protection. • The goal set was to populate the potential rhino species such as the snow leopard, two species of
d) Protecting the elephants from poachers, pre- • During the process of securing a corridor, moni- habitat areas identified viz. Manas NP, Dibru bears, wolf, red panda, mountain ungulates such
venting illegal ivory trade and other unnatural toring for animal movement have to be carried Saikhowa WLS, Laokhowa-Bura Chapori WLS as the wild yak, chiru, Tibetan gazelle, Tibetan ar-
causes of death out; depending on the need, habitat restoration with a viable population of rhino through trans- gali, Ladakh urial, two species of musk deer, the
work shall also be done. locations from Kaziranga NP and Pobitora WLS. hangul, three species of goral, serow, and takin,
Elephant Corridor • Securing the corridors involves sensitizing local • Manas National Park was selected as the first etc. High altitude lakes and bogs provide breed-
communities to the option of voluntarily reloca- site for translocation of rhinos. ing grounds for a variety of avifauna including
• An elephant corridor is defined as a stretch/nar- tion outside the conflict zones to safer areas. • Ten rhinos have been released into Manas since the black-necked crane, barheaded Geese, brah-
row strips of forested (or otherwise) land that • Preventing further fragmentation of the continu- 2008. Ten more rhinos will be moved from miny ducks, and brown-headed gulls, etc.
connects larger habitats with elephant popula- ous forest habitat by encroachment from urban Kaziranga National Park before the end of the • India has ratified international agreements pro-
tions and forms a conduit for animal movement areas. year. moting the conservation of high altitude wildlife
between the habitats.
• The vision of this program is to increase the total species such as the snow leopard.
• This movement helps enhance species survival Monitoring of Illegal Killing of Elephants rhino foundation in Assam from about 2000 to • In 2003, the Convention on Migratory Species
and birth rate. (MIKE) Programme 3000 by the year 2020 and to ensure that these included the snow leopard as a Concerted Action
• There are 88 identified elephant corridors in In-
rhinos are distributed over at least 7 protected Species under its Appendix I.
dia. • Mandated by COP resolution of CITES, MIKE areas (PA) to provide long term viability of the • Similarly, in 2003, the Convention on Interna-
• Out of total 88 corridors, 20 are in south India, 12 program started in South Asia in the year 2003 one-horned rhino population. tional Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) ex-
in north-western India, 20 in central India, 14 in with following purpose: • Concentrating so many rhinos in a single pro- panded the scope of the CITES Tiger Enforce-
northern West Bengal and 22 in north-eastern • To provide information needed for elephant tected area like Kaziranga exposes the species to ment Task Force to include all Asian big cat spe-
India. range States to make appropriate management risks of calamities (epidemics, floods, massive cies including the snow leopard.
and enforcement decisions, and to build institu- poaching attempts).
Threats to Elephant Corridors tional capacity within the range States for the
Sea Turtle Project
long-term management of their elephant popu- Project Snow Leopard
• Habitat loss leading to fragmentation and de-
struction caused by developmental activities like • A significant proportion of world's Olive Ridley
construction of buildings, roads, railways, holiday • The snow leopard is a globally endangered spe- Turtle population migrates every winter to Indian
Haathi Mere Saathi cies.
resorts and the fixing solar energized electric coastal waters for nesting mainly at eastern
fencing, etc. • Merely 7,500 are estimated to be surviving over coast.
• Haathi Mere Saathi is a campaign launched by
• Coal mining and iron ore mining is the two "sin- two million square kilometres in the Himalaya • With the objective of conservation of olive ridley
the Ministry of environment and forest (MoEF) in
gle biggest threats" to elephant corridors in cen- and Central Asian mountains. turtles and other endangered marine turtles,
partnership with the wildlife trust of India (WTI).
tral India. • Most snow leopard occur in China, followed by MoEF initiated the Sea Turtle Conservation Pro-
• The campaign was launched at the "Elephant- 8"
• Orissa, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh, are mineral- Mongolia and India. ject in collaboration of UNDP in 1999 with Wild-
Ministerial meeting held in Delhi in 2011.
rich states, but also have the highest number of life Institute of India, Dehradun as the Imple-
• The E-8 countries comprise of India, Botswana, Threats posed due to
elephant corridors in the country, which makes menting Agency.
the Republic of Congo, Indonesia, Kenya,
them known for elephant-man conflicts. • Human interference, • The project is being implemented in 10 coastal
Srilanka, Tanzania, and Thailand.
• There is also a serious poaching problem, as ele- • competition with livestock – people kill them to States of the country with special emphasis in
• This public initiative was aimed at increasing
phant ivory from the tusks is extremely valuable. save their livestock, State of Orissa.
awareness among people and developing
• Elephants need extensive grazing grounds and • retreating deeper into mountains due to global • The project has helped in preparation of inven-
friendship, companionship between people and
most reserves cannot accommodate them. If warming, and tory map of breeding sites of Sea Turtles, identi-
protected areas are not large enough, elephants • poaching. fication of nesting and breeding habitats along
may search for food elsewhere. This often results the shore line, and migratory routes taken by Sea
Indian (One Horn) Rhino Vision 2020

203 204
Turtles, development of guidelines to safeguard • In Kashmir, it's found in Dachigam National Bombay Natural History Society • There are Eight National Missions which form the
and minimize turtle mortality. Park at elevations of 3,035 meters. core of the National Action Plan.
• One of the important achievements have been • These deer once numbered from about 5,000 an- • The Bombay Natural History Society, founded in
demonstration of use of Satellite Telemetry to lo- imals in the beginning of the 20th century. 1883, is one of the largest non-governmental or-
cate the migratory route of Olive Ridley Turtles • Unfortunately, they were threatened, due to hab- ganizations in India engaged in conservation
in the sea and sensitizing the fishermen and itat destruction, over-grazing by domestic live- and biodiversity research.
State Government for the use of Turtle Exclusion stock and poaching. • It supports many research efforts through grants
Device (TED) in fishing trawlers to check turtle • This dwindled to as low as 150 animals by 1970. and publishes the Journal of the Bombay Nat-
mortality in fishing net. However, the state of Jammu & Kashmir, along ural History Society.
with the IUCN and the WWF prepared a project • It organizes and conducts nature trails and
Indian Crocodile Conservation Project for the protection of these animals. camps for the general public.
• It became known as Project Hangul. This brought • Many prominent naturalists, including the orni-
• The Indian Crocodile Conservation Project has great results and the population increased to thologists Sálim Ali and S. Dillon Ripley, have
pulled back the once threatened crocodilians over 340 by 1980. been associated with it.
from the brink of extinction and place them on a
good path of recovery. Ganges Dolphin Q. With reference to Bombay Natural History So-
ciety (BNHS), consider the following statements:
Objectives • The Ministry of Environment and Forests notified 1) National Solar Mission (started in 2010 to
the Ganges River Dolphin as the National 1) It is an autonomous organization under the promote the use of solar power)
• To protect the remaining population of crocodil- Aquatic Animal. Ministry of Environment and Forests. 2) National Mission for Enhanced Energy Effi-
ians in their natural habitat by creating sanctuar- • The River Dolphin inhabits the Ganges-Brahma- 2) It strives to conserve nature through action- ciency (approved in 2009)
ies. putra-Meghna and Karnaphuli-Sangu river sys- based research, education and public aware- 3) National Mission on Sustainable Habitat (ap-
• To rebuild natural population quickly through tems of Nepal, India, and Bangladesh. ness. proved in 2011)
'grow and release' or 'rear and release' tech- • It is estimated that their total population is 3) It organizes and conducts nature trails and 4) National Water Mission
nique. around 2,000 and they are listed in Schedule I of camps for the general public. 5) National Mission for Sustaining the Himala-
• To promote captive breeding, the Wildlife Protection Act (1972). yan Ecosystem (approved in 2014)
• The Ganges Dolphin is among the four "obligate" Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 6) National Mission for A Green India (approved
Captive breeding means that members of a wild spe-
freshwater dolphins found in the world — the in 2014)
cies are captured, then bred and raised in a special
other three are the 'baiji found in the Yangtze a) 1 and 3 only 7) National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture
facility under the care of wildlife biologists and other
River (China), the 'bhulan' of the Indus (Pakistan) b) 2 only (approved in 2010)
and the 'boto' of the Amazon River (Latin Amer- c) 2 and 3 only 8) National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for
Bringing an animal into captivity may represent the
ica). d) 1, 2 and 3 Climate Change (NMSKCC)
last chance to preserve a species in the wild.
• Although there are several species of marine dol- 9) National Bio-Energy Mission (approved in
• To take-up research to improve management. phins whose ranges include some freshwater Answer: 2 and 3 only 2017)
• To build up a level of trained personnel for better habitats, these four species live only in rivers
continuity of the project through training im- and lakes. 9.7 India's National Action Plan National Solar Mission
parted at project-sites and through the (erst- • The Chinese River Dolphin was declared func-
tionally extinct by a team of international scien-
on Climate Change
while) Central Crocodile Breeding and Manage- • The National Solar Mission is a major initiative to
ment Training Institute, Hyderabad. tists in 2006. promote ecologically sustainable growth while
• In India, the Ganges River Dolphin is threatened • NAPCC was published in 2008 by the then-Prime
• To involve the local people in the project inti- addressing India's energy security challenge.
by river water pollution and siltation, accidental Minister's Council on Climate Change.
mately • The program was inaugurated in 2010 with a tar-
entanglement in fishing nets and poaching for • The National Action Plan hinges on the develop-
ment and use of new technologies. get of 20GW by 2022.
Project Hangul their oil. • It was later increased to 100 GW (100,000 MW)
• In addition, alterations to the rivers in the form • The implementation of the Plan includes public
private partnerships and civil society action. in 2015.
• The Kashmir stag also called Hangul is a subspe- of barrages and dams are separating popula- • MNRE has proposed to achieve 60 GW from
tions. • The focus will be on promoting understanding
cies of Central Asian Red Deer native to northern large and medium scale solar projects, and 40
of climate change, adaptation and mitigation,
India. GW through rooftop solar projects.
energy efficiency and natural resource con-
• It is the state animal of Jammu & Kashmir 9.6 NGOS

205 206
2030, 40% of installed power generation capacity NMEEE includes four specific energy efficiency initi- Programs that were developed under this scheme in-
Net Metering
shall be based on clean sources. atives under its umbrella: clude:
• Net Metering is billing mechanism for grid • It was determined that 175 GW of renewable en-
connected Home Rooftop Solar Installation ergy capacity will be installed by 2022. 1) Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) • Domestic Efficient Lighting Program: Unnat
where • This includes 100 GW from solar, 60 GW from Jeevan by Affordable LEDs for All (UJALA) pro-
✓ The electricity generated by the solar pan- wind, 10 GW from bio-power and 5 GW from Assigning energy reduction targets to large en- gram to promote the use of more efficient LED
els is fed into the utility grid small hydro power. ergy intensive industries and distributing Energy lighting for households.
✓ Household draws electricity from the util- Saving Certificates (ESCerts) on achievement of • Super-Efficient Equipment Program (SEEP):
ity grid Objectives the targets. These ESCerts can then be traded. Under this program, the manufacturers are in-
• The household pays only for the difference be- centivized by the government to elevate the ef-
tween the energy units it consumes from the • To establish India as a global leader in solar en- • Consumers who are not able to meet their en- ficiency standards of the equipment. Bureau of
grid and the energy units fed into the grid. This ergy, by creating the policy conditions for its dif- ergy savings targets will buy the ESCerts. Energy Efficiency (BEE) launched the program in
is measured by a bi-directional meter called fusion across the country as quickly as possible. the XII five-year plan with a focus on ceiling fans,
Net Meter. • To create an enabling policy framework for the 2) Market Transformation for Energy Effi- considering its wide use and impact on domestic
deployment of 100,000 MW of solar power by ciency (MTEE) energy consumption.
Q. ‘Net metering’ is sometimes seen in the 2022.
news in the context of promoting the (2016) • To create favourable conditions for solar manu- Promoting adoption of energy efficient equip-
facturing capability, particularly solar thermal for ment and appliances through innovative busi-
a) production and use of solar energy by the
indigenous production and market leadership. ness models.
b) use of piped natural gas in the kitchens of
October 2018 Bureau of Energy Efficiency
c) installation of CNG kits in motor-cars • The Bureau of Energy Efficiency is a statuary agency under the Ministry of Power.
d) installation of water meters in urban • India attains global 4th and 5th positions in wind
and solar power installed capacities. • It was created in March 2002 under the provisions of the nation's 2001 Energy Conservation Act.
households • BEE’s function is to develop programs which will increase the conservation and efficient use of energy.
Answer: a) • India is at 5th global position for overall installed
renewable energy capacity • It mandatory for certain appliances in India to have BEE ratings.
• Committed to Nationally Determined Contribu-
tions (Paris Accord), India made a pledge that by Standards & Labelling Program (BEE star label)
Source Installed Capacity (GW) as of October, 2018 Percentage • The Objectives of Standards & Labeling Program is to provide the consumer an informed choice about the
Thermal 221.76 GW (63.84%) energy saving.
Nuclear 6.78 GW (1.95%) Mandatory Appliances as of March 2019 Voluntary Appliances as of March 2019
Hydro 45.48 GW (13.09%) 1. Room Air Conditioners 1. Induction Motors
Renewable 73.35 GW (21.12%) 2. Frost Free Refrigerators 2. Agricultural Pump Sets
Total 347.37 GW (100%) 3. Tubular Florescent Lamp 3. Ceiling Fans
Sector Target (GW) Installed capacity (GW) as on 31.10.2018 4. Distribution Transformer 4. Domestic Liquefied Petroleum Gas(LPG) Stoves
Solar Power 100 24.33 5. Room Air Conditioner (Casettes, Floor 5. Washing Machine
Wind power 60 34.98 Standing Tower, Ceiling, Corner AC) 6. Computer (Notebook /Laptops)
Bio Energy 10 9.54 6. Direct Cool Refrigerator 7. Ballast (Electronic/Magnetic)
Small Hydro 5 4.5 7. Color TV 8. Office equipment's (Printer, Copier, Scanner,
Total 175 73.35 8. Electric Geysers MFD’s).
9. Inverter Air conditioners 9. Diesel Engine Driven Monoset Pumps for Agricul-
10. LED Lamps tural Purposes
The mission document, which was approved in Source 10. Soli State Inverter
National Mission for Enhanced Energy •
2010, established the immense energy efficiency 11. Diesel Generator
Efficiency (NMEEE) 12. Chillers
potential of India, which was about Rs. 74,000
crores. 13. Microwave Ovens
• Objective: Promote the market for energy effi-
ciency by fostering innovative policies and effec- • A recent World Bank study has estimated the Q. On which of the following can you find the Bureau of Energy Efficiency Star Label? (2016)
tive market instruments. country's energy efficiency market to be at 1.6
a) Ceiling fans
lakh crores.
b) Electric geysers
207 208
c) Tubular fluorescent lamps • increase water use efficiency by 20%. • Biodiversity conservation and protection.
Select the correct answer using the code given below. • ensure that a considerable share of the water • Wild life conservation and protection.
a) 1 and 2 only needs of urban areas are met through recycling. • Traditional knowledge societies and their liveli-
b) 3 only • ensure that the water requirements of coastal hood.
c) 2 and 3 only cities are met through modern desalination tech-
d) 1, 2 and 3 nologies. The effect of Climate Change on Himalayan glac-
Answer: d) all • ensure basin level management strategies by iers and associated hydrological consequences:
working with states to deal with variability in
rainfall. • Increased drought like situations due to overall
decrease in the number of rainy days.
3) Energy Efficiency Financing Platform National Mission on Sustainable Habitat The Mission aims to achieve its objectives through: • Increased flood events due to overall increase in
the rainy day intensity.
• The National Mission on Sustainable Habitat was • Increasing efficiency through regulatory mecha- • Effect on groundwater quality in alluvial aquifers
Increasing the confidence of financial institutions approved in 2010. nisms (differential entitlements and pricing). due to increased flood and drought events.
and investors to support energy efficiency initia- • Enhanced storage both above and below
It seeks to promote: • Influence on groundwater recharge due to
tives. ground, rainwater harvesting. changes in precipitation and evaporation.
• Improvements in energy efficiency in buildings • Incentivising water-neutral or water-positive • Increased saline intrusion of coastal and island
• The EEFP initiative is intended towards catalysing
by extending energy conservation building code technologies, and adoption of large scale irriga- aquifers due to rising sea levels.
the finances for energy efficiency sector by ad-
to new and large commercial buildings. tion programmes which rely on sprinklers, drip
dressing the barriers and challenges in market
• Better urban planning and efficient and conven- irrigation and ridge and furrow irrigation. National Mission for A Green India
development and project implementation.
• It provides a platform for financial institutions, ient public transport to facilitate the growth of
Ridge ad furrow irrigation: The crops are grown on the (Green India Mission)
investors and project developers to increase medium and small cities.
ridges and the furrows are used to irrigate.
their confidence in supporting energy conserva- • Improved management of solid and liquid waste, It aims at
tion and efficiency projects. e.g. recycling of material and urban waste man-
agement (like producing power from waste). ✓ protecting; restoring and enhancing India’s
4) Framework for Energy Efficiency Eco- • Improved ability of habitats to adapt to climate diminishing forest cover and
change and measures for improving advance ✓ responding to climate change by a combina-
nomic Development (FEEED)
warning systems for extreme weather events. tion of adaptation and mitigation measures.
• Conservation through appropriate changes in le- ✓ Enhanced annual CO2 sequestration by 50 to
Promoting energy efficiency initiatives by hedg-
gal and regulatory framework. 60 million tons in the year 2020.
ing against investment risks.
• The mission will be implemented on both public
• BEE institutionalized two types of funds in order The Mission is being implemented through the fol- as well as private lands.
lowing programmes of Ministry of Urban Develop-
National Mission for Sustaining the Him-
to protect the confidence of banks and investors • The mission will local communities in planning,
ment: alayan Ecosystem (NMSHE) decision making, implementation and monitor-
in energy efficiency projects and to avoid the
stalling of projects due to lack of funds. ing.
1) Atal Mission on Rejuvenation and Urban • The primary objective of the Mission is to
1. Partial Risk Guarantee Fund for Energy Effi- Transformation (AMRUT) ✓ develop a sustainable model to continuously The intended major outcomes of the project
ciency (PRGFEE): The fund guarantees a risk 2) Swachh Bharat Mission assess the health status of the Himalayan
cover for banks and investors for up to 50% loan 3) Smart Cities Mission Ecosystem, and • Improved ecosystem services and reversal of
amount or INR 10 crore per project, whichever is 4) Urban Transport Programme ✓ enable policy bodies in their policy-formula- land degradation.
tion as also to assist States in the Indian Him- • Augmentation of the shared natural resources
2. Venture Capital Fund for Energy Efficiency National Water Mission (NWM) Mission alayan Region with implementation of ac- on which extreme poor communities depend.
(VCFEE): This fund is intended towards promot-
tions selected for sustainable development. • Enhance connectivity between Protected Areas
ing equity financing (stock, share) in the energy • Objective is to ensure integrated water re-
efficiency sector and thus reducing the impact of (PA) through biological corridors.
source management helping to conserve water, The NMSHE will attempt to address a variety of im-
non-availability of debt financing (bond, loan) to • Inclusive growth by reaching the communities
minimize wastage and ensure more equitable portant issues:
small size companies and projects. The equity living around remote forest areas.
distribution both across and within states. • Increased wage labour opportunities during the
support is equivalent to INR 2 crore or 15% of • Himalayan glaciers and associated hydrological
total equity whichever is less. The Mission, in line with National Water Policy, aims consequences. lean agriculture season.
to • Prediction and management of natural hazards.

209 210
Goals of the National Mission for A Green • It has multi-purpose medicinal and nutritional Soil Health Management (SHM) • The aim of the mission is to push sustainable de-
India properties. velopment of the renewable energy sector.
• The plan the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen. • Soil Health Management (SHM) is one of the • The national mission will aim at improving en-
• Improvement in quality of forest cover and eco- • It is tolerant to extreme temperatures and has an components under NMSA. ergy efficiency in traditional biomass consuming
system services of forests, degraded grassland extensive root system, making it ideal for con- • SHM aims at industries, seek to develop a bio-energy city pro-
and wetlands. trolling soil erosion and preventing desertifica- ✓ promoting Integrated Nutrient Management ject and provide logistics support to biomass
• Eco-restoration of shifting cultivation areas, cold tion. (INM) through judicious use of chemical fer- processing units.
deserts, mangroves, ravines and abandoned tilizers including secondary and micro nutri- • It will also propose a GIS-based National Bio-
mining areas. Q. Government of India encourages the cultiva- ents in conjunction with organic manures mass Resource Atlas to map potential biomass
• Improvement in forest and tree cover in ur- tion of 'sea buckthorn'. What is the importance and bio fertilizers and regions in the country.
ban/peri-urban lands. of this plant? ✓ fertilizer testing facilities to improve soil test • According to estimates, biomass from agro and
• Improvement in tree cover on agricultural lands based recommendations to farmers. agro-industrial residue can potentially generate
1) It helps in controlling soil erosion and in pre- 25,000 MW of power in India.
and other non-forest lands (agroforestry/social • Soil Health Card Scheme is under implementa-
venting desertification.
forestry). tion since 2015 to provide Soil Health Card to all
2) It is a rich source of biodiesel. Indian Network on Climate Change As-
Q11. Which of the following best describes/de- 3) It has nutritional value and is well-adapted to
• Soil Health Card will provide information to sessment
scribe the aim of ‘Green India Mission’ of the live in cold areas of high altitudes.
farmers on soil nutrients status of their soil and
Government of India? 4) Its timber is of great commercial value.
recommendation on appropriate dosage of nu- • Launched by MoEF in an effort to promote do-
1) Incorporating environmental benefits and Which of the statements given above is /are correct? trients to be applied for improving soil health mestic research on climate change.
costs into the Union and State Budgets and its fertility. • Reports prepared by the INCCA will form a part
thereby implementing the `green account- a) 2, 3 and 4 only of India's National Communication (Nat Com) to
ing’ b) 1 and 3 only The National Mission on Strategic the United Nations Framework Convention on
2) Launching the second green revolution to c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 Knowledge for Climate Change Climate Change (UNFCCC).
enhance agricultural output so as to ensure d) 1 only (NMSKCC)
food security to one and all in the future National Communication (NATCOM)
Answer: b) 1 and 3 only
3) Restoring and enhancing forest cover and re- • NMSKCC seeks to build a knowledge system that
sponding to climate change by a combina- supports national policy and action for respond- • In pursuance of the implementation of the pro-
National Mission for Sustainable Agricul- visions of UNFCCC, India's Initial National Com-
tion of adaptation and mitigation measures ing effectively to climate change challenges,
ture (NMSA) munication (NATCOM) has been initiated in 2002
while not compromising on the nation’s
Select the correct answer using the code given be- growth goals. funded by the Global Environment Facility.
low. • NMSA has been formulated for enhancing agri-
cultural productivity especially in rainfed areas. Mission Objectives:
a) 1 only • 60% of the country’s net sown area is rainfed and 10. Green Revolution and Mod-
b) 2 and 3 only accounts for 40% of the total food production. • Formation of knowledge networks among the ern Agricultural Practises
c) 3 only • The focus areas are integrated farming, water use existing knowledge institutions engaged in re-
d) 1, 2 and 3 efficiency, soil health and resource conservation. search and development relating to climate sci-
ence. • Rapid growth in food grain production from us-
Answer: c) 3 only Stated dimensions of NMSA: • Development of national capacity for modelling ing seeds of high yielding variety is termed as
the regional impact of climate change on differ- Green Revolution.
National Mission on Seabuckthorn 1) Improved crop seeds, livestock and fish cultures
ent ecological zones.
2) Water Use Efficiency
3) Pest Management
• Establishing research networks and encouraging 10.1 India’s first Green Revolution
• The initiative is a part of Sub-Mission on Cold
research in the areas of climate change impacts
Desert Ecosystems under the Green India Mis- 4) Improved Farm Practices
on important socio-economic sectors like agri- • The high yielding varieties (HYVs) of wheat and
sion. 5) Nutrient Management
culture, health, natural ecosystems, biodiversity, rice have been the key elements in Indian green
• Seabuckthorn, popularly known as Leh berries is 6) Agricultural insurance
coastal zones, etc. revolution.
also called the “Wonder plant” and “Ladakh 7) Credit support
gold”. 8) Markets • Though the term “green revolution” refers
National Bio-Energy Mission to wheat and rice, some agricultural scientists in-
• The MoEF and DRDO have launched the initiative 9) Access to Information
for Seabuckthorn cultivation in the cold deserts. 10) Livelihood diversification clude maize, soyabean and sugarcane where
spectacular gains in yield have occurred.

211 212
Aspects of first Green Revolution: • Nitrogenous fertilizers promote plant growth 10.2 Second Green Revolution for • Improving agricultural production while generat-
and are essential for food production. ing gainful self-employment for the small farm-
Introduction of High Yielding Varieties • Pesticides are chemicals which have been devel- Sustainable Livelihood ers and weaker sections of the society.
(HYV) oped to kill or control organisms called pests • Scaling up food production without disturbing
which are unwanted in agriculture. • The first Green Revolution was to ensure food se- the ecological balance.
curity as there was severe scarcity of food in the • Boosting agricultural development, women em-
• In 1960s, the average national yield of wheat was
Mechanization of Agriculture country. powerment and environmental protection.
very low as compared to the wheat yields of ag-
• The second Green Revolution aims at creat- (Women are the major power in agriculture as
riculturally advanced countries.
ing sustainable agriculture by leveraging ad- about 65-70% of the labour in crop production
• MS Swaminathan, former Director General of • Increase in productivity on large areas of land
vancements in technology. is contributed by women).
ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) brought the idea of farm mechanization.
stressed the need for reorientation of the entire • To cope up with the shortage of agricultural la- • Reclaiming degraded and low fertile lands
breeding programme of tall varieties. bour, farm mechanization was the obvious Need for Second Green Revolution and lands deprived of irrigation.
• On the request of Indian breeders Norman E. choice for completing agricultural operations.
Borlaug was invited from Mexico in 1963 by the • The machines which perform various jobs at the • With the growing population and over-exploita- Bringing Green Revolution in Eastern In-
Government of India to assess the possibilities of farm are water pump, ploughs, combine harvest- tion of land resources, the pressure on food se- dia (BGREI)
using dwarf varieties in India. ers, land levellers, cultivators, power operated curity will continue and rise.
• Borlaug recommended the feasibility of using tractor sprays, reapers, threshers, trolleys and • 65% of the population is still living in the villages • Green Revolution that turned India from 'beg-
semi dwarf wheat of Mexican origin as the mechanical pickers etc. and over 70% of the rural people are dependent ging bowl' to leading producer of food-grains.
agro-climatic condition prevailing in India are on agriculture for their livelihood. • BGREI is about binging similar benefits to east-
similar to Mexico. Irrigation • Green Revolution, launched in mid-1960s, was ern India that largely remained untouched of
• On his recommendation two semi dwarf varieties mainly confined to well irrigated areas. It was not the wonder that converted the north-west into a
namely Lerma Rajo and Sonora-64 were chosen successful in rain-fed areas, which contribute sig- ‘grain bowl’.
• High yielding varieties usually require a lot of
and were released for cultivation in irrigated nificantly to the country's total food-grain pro- • BGREI is flagship programme under Rashtriya
water and hence irrigational facilities were a pre-
fields. duction. Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY).
requisite for green revolution.
• These varieties gave very high yield and brought • The Green Revolution has made us self-sufficient • It is intended to address the constraints limiting
• Wells: There are two types of wells, namely dug
in revolution in wheat production. in food grains, but the environmental conse- the productivity of “rice based cropping sys-
wells and tube wells. This kind of irrigation is
• In 1970, Norman E. Borlaug was awarded No- quences and ecological costs are offsetting the tems”.
widely practiced in plain regions of India. Over-
bel prize for “Green Revolution” which also progress made. • The BGREI program was announced in the Union
exploitation of wells is well observed in Punjab-
helped India. • The ground water is depleted and polluted. The Budget, 2010-11.
Haryana region.
• Through extensive wheat breeding programmes lakes and ponds are becoming life less due to • BGREI focuses on bringing the second Green
• Canals: This is usually an elaborate and extensive
carried out during 1970-80, new amber seeded, eutrophication – a direct consequence of Green Revolution in eastern region, which has rich wa-
irrigation system. In this system canals receive
high yielding dwarf wheat varieties were devel- Revolution. ter resources.
water from one or more reservoirs or from rivers.
oped. • Growth in the agricultural sector has been almost • Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Od-
Canal irrigation is well suited for regions with
• The important high yielding varieties responded stagnant. isha, West Bengal and eastern Uttar Pradesh
clayey soil as clayey soil prevents water percola-
favourably to fertilizer and irrigation. • GM Crops are marred in various controversies re- (Purvanchal) are the seven states.
tion. Mostly practiced in south India and Ganga-
lated to intellectual property, ecological conse-
Yamuna region.
Use of Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides quences, health consequences etc. Objectives of BGREI
• River Lift Systems: In areas where canal flow is
• Global warming is said to engulf productive
insufficient or irregular due to inadequate reser-
coastal lands due to rise in sea levels. This creates
• Nitrogenous fertilizers: Nitrogen containing voir release, the lift system is more rational. Wa- • Harness the water potential for enhancing agri-
an urgent need to raise agricultural productivity.
fertilizers e.g. ammonium sulphate, ammonium ter is directly drawn from the rivers for supple- culture production in Eastern India which was
• It is necessary to develop a suitable strategy to
nitrate and urea. menting irrigation in areas close to rivers. Mostly hitherto underutilized.
improve agricultural development in India.
• Phosphate fertilizers: Phosphate containing practiced in South India. • Yield maximization of rice and wheat per unit
fertilizers e.g. ammonium phosphate, calcium di- • Tanks: These are small storage reservoirs, which area by improving agronomy, water harvesting
hydrogen phosphate (superphosphate). intercept and store the run-off of smaller catch- What we want from Second Green Revo- and conservation; and water utilization.
• Potassium fertilizers: Potassium containing fer- ment areas. lution • Promotion of recommended agriculture technol-
tilizers e.g. potassium sulphate and potassium ogies.
Government Initiatives to Strengthen BGREI

213 214
• The ICAR has established IARI, Hazaribagh in 10.3 Concept of Sustainable Agri- maintain productivity and profitability. E.g. Or-
Q. With reference to the ‘Global Alliance for
Jharkhand and Indian Institute of Agricultural ganic farming.
Biotechnology, Ranchi. culture • Thus, sustainable agriculture is one that,
Climate Smart Agriculture (GACSA)’, which of
the following statements is/are correct? (2018)
• It has also established National Research Cen- ✓ supports profitable production;
tre for Integrated Farming at Motihari in Bihar ✓ protects environmental quality; 1) GACSA is an outcome of the Climate Sum-
to further strengthen the agricultural research ✓ uses natural resources efficiently; mit held in Paris in 2015.
for the eastern region. ✓ provides consumers with affordable, 2) Membership of GACSA does not cre-
high-quality products; ate any binding obligations.
Making Second Green Revolution a Suc- ✓ decreases dependency on non-renewable 3) India was instrumental in the creation
resources; of GACSA.
✓ enhances the quality of life for farmers Select the correct answer using the code given
and rural communities; and a) 1 and 3 only
Precision Agriculture
✓ will last for generations to come. b) 2 only
c) 2 and 3 only
• The wealth of data if harnessed appropriately, d) 1, 2 and 3
can help farmers make the most efficient use of
Methods of Sustainable Agriculture
vital inputs such as water and fertilizer by apply- Answer: 2) only
ing them in precise amounts. • At the planning level one must take into account
• Testing of samples of soil from agricultural fields the local geography (topography), soil condition Mixed cropping or diverse cropping
is vital for achieving nutrient stewardship. • Agriculture is a broad term encompassing all as- and nature, local climate, pests, local inputs and
• Mobile-based applications for farmers will form pects of crop production (food and fibre), live- the farmer’s goals. • In mixed cropping or diverse cropping two or
an important part of the data-driven precision stock farming, fisheries, forestry etc. • The grower (farmer) must then select appropri- more crops are grown all at the same time in
agriculture approach. • Food and fibre productivity have increased by ate practices. a field.
using new technologies, mechanization, in- • Several methods adopted in sustainable agricul- • If by chance one crop fails, the other crops cover
Efficient Use of Water creased use of fertilizers and pesticides and ex- ture are: the risk of total crop failure.
pansion of irrigation facilities. ✓ cultivation practices to increase biological • Usually a long duration crop is grown with a
• Laser levelling is a technology that can grade an • These changes reduced the labour demand to and economic stability. short duration one so that both get sufficient nu-
produce the majority of the food and fibre. ✓ selection of improved varieties to suit the trition at the time of maturity.
agricultural field to a flat surface by using a laser-
guided scraper. • Although these changes have had the positive need. • Generally, a leguminous crop is grown along
• Laser levelling has been shown to improve crop effect, they also caused some serious environ- ✓ soil management by proper method of with the main crop.
yields, reduce labour time spent weeding, and, in mental and social problems such as erosion of tillage. • Legumes helps to increase soil fertility by fixing
particular, reduce water use for irrigation by up top soil, depletion and pollution of groundwater atmospheric nitrogen.
to 20-25 per cent. and other water resources, unemployment of • The various plans followed in diverse or mixed
farm laborers due to their replacement by farm Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agricul-
• Developing additional water sources through cropping practices are:
tube wells, dug wells and farm ponds. machinery. ture (GACSA) ✓ polyvarietal cultivation where several ge-
• Promotion of Flood, Drought, and Salinity toler- • In view of the growing negative consequences of netic varieties of the same crop are planted.
modern agriculture there is growing demand to • GACSA is promoted by FAO along with various ✓ intercropping where two or more different
ant rice varieties.
promote “sustainable agriculture”. governments. crops are grown at the same time, like carbo-
• Use of Drum seeders for timely planting of direct
• Sustainable agriculture is the production of food, • Its vision is to improve food security, nutrition hydrate rich cereal that uses soil nitrogen and
seeded rice.
fibre, plant or animal products using farm- and resilience in the face of climate change. nitrogen fixing legume that puts back the ni-
ing techniques that protect the environment, • GACSA works towards three aspirational out- trogen in the soil.
Sustainable Agricultural Practices
public health, human and animal welfare. comes to: ✓ polyculture, in which different plants ma-
• Sustainable agriculture incorporates many envi- 1. Improve farmers’ agricultural produc- turing at various times are planted to-
• Cultivation practices to increase biological and
ronmentally safe agricultural practices and offers tivity and incomes in a sustainable way; gether.
economic stability.
innovative and economically viable opportuni- 2. Build farmers’ resilience to extreme
• Selection of improved varieties to suit the need.
ties for farmers, laborers, consumers, policymak- weather and changing climate; Advantages of Mixed cropping
• Soil management by proper method of tillage.
ers and many others in the entire food system. 3. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions asso-
• Organic farming.
• Sustainable farming systems are those that are ciated with agriculture, when possible.
least toxic and least energy intensive and yet

215 216
• This practice has many advantages because fer- • It is possible to grow two or sometimes three dif- moisture by dead mulches, this increases water • Amongst these thirteen nutrients, six are re-
tilizer and water requirement of plants are differ- ferent crops in succession on the same land hold capacity of the soil. quired in large quantities and are therefore
ent so there is less need of these inputs. within a year is known as multiple cropping. called macronutrients.
• Pests are controlled naturally because their nat- • This practice can go on for some time, but the Nutrient Management • The other seven nutrients are used by plants in
ural predators find multiple habitats to survive. land cannot maintain high yield in the long run. small quantities and are therefore called micro-
• It has been found that this practice produces • There are sixteen nutrients which are essential nutrients.
much higher yield per hectare compared to Crop rotation takes into amount the following for plants. • Deficiency of these nutrients affects physiologi-
monoculture. factors: • Air supplies carbon and oxygen, hydrogen cal processes in plants including reproduction,
comes from water, and soil supplies the other growth and susceptibility to diseases.
• Leguminous crop should be grown after non- thirteen nutrients to plants.
Monoculture leguminous crop. Source Nutrient
• Crops require less water (irrigation) should be
• Large scale mechanization lead to the spread grown after one that requires more water. Air carbon, oxygen
of monoculture i.e. only one crop variety is • Crops requiring less manure should be sown Water hydrogen, oxygen
sown in the entire area when only one cultiva- after one that requires more manure.
tor is planted in a large area. Soil  Macronutrients: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur
• This system (monoculture) uses lot of fertilizer, Mixed Farming  Micronutrients: Iron, Manganese, Boron, Zinc, Copper, Molybdenum, Chlorine
pesticide, water. T
• his practice may be productive for some time
• Optimum diversity may be obtained by integrat-
but causes environmental and economic prob- Nitrogen (N) Others
ing both crops and livestock in the same farm-
ing operation.
• E.g. Paddy and wheat cultivation. • N is an essential constituent of proteins and is • Magnesium occurs in chlorophyll and is also an
• Mixed crop along with livestock operations have
several advantages. present in many other compounds of great phys- activator of enzymes.
Strip Farming
• Growing crops only on more level land and pas- iological importance in plant metabolism. • Sulphur forms part of two essential amino ac-
tures or forages on steeper slopes will reduce soil • N is an integral part of chlorophyll, which is ids which are among the many building blocks
• This involves planting the main crops in widely
erosion. primary observer of light energy needed for pho- of protein. It is also found in vitamin B1 and in
spaced rows and filling in the spaces with an-
• Pasture and leguminous forage crops in rotation tosynthesis. several important enzymes.
other crop to ensure complete ground cover.
enhance soil quality and reduce erosion; live- • N also imparts vigorous vegetative growth and • Calcium is required for plant growth, cell divi-
• The ground is completely covered so it retards
stock manure, in turn, contributes to soil fertility. dark green colour to plants. sion and enlargement.
water flow which thus soaks down into the soil,
• Livestock can buffer the negative impacts of low • The growth of root and shoot tips and storage
consequently reducing erosion problems.
rainfall periods by consuming crop residue which Phosphorus (P) organs is also affected by calcium as it is a com-
Crop rotation in “plant only” systems would have been consid- ponent of cell membranes. Calcium is also vital
ered crop failure. • Phosphorus (P) is an essential part of the en- for pollen growth and to prevent leaf fall.
• Feeding and marketing are flexible in animal pro- zymes which help the crop to fix light energy.
• It is practice of growing different crops in reg-
ular succession in the same field. duction systems. This can help cushion farmers • It forms an integral part of nucleic acids, the car- Bio-Fertilizers and Their Use In Agricul-
against price fluctuations and, make more effi- riers of genetic information, and is important in ture
• This practice controls insects and diseases, in-
cient use of farm labour. stimulating root growth.
creases soil fertility and decreases soil erosion.
• Generally, soil cannot sustain continuous crop- • For a sustainable agriculture system, it is essen-
Soil Management Potassium (K)
ping with high yielding single crop because cer- tial to use renewable inputs (fertilizer, pesticides,
tain nutrients required by the crop get exhausted water etc.) which can benefit the plant and cause
• A healthy soil is a key component of sustainable • Potassium (K) is involved in processes which en-
totally while others remain unutilized leading to no or minimal damage to the environment.
agriculture. That is healthy soil along with water sure carbon assimilation and the transporta-
serious nutrients imbalance in soil and encour- • One of the energy efficient and pollution free
and nutrients produces healthy crops that are tion throughout the plant for growth and the
aging certain diseases and pests. method is to exploit the ability of certain micro-
less susceptible to pests and diseases. storage of sugars and proteins.
• Sowing a leguminous crop (e.g. green gram) as a organisms like bacteria, algae and fungi to fix
• Accordingly, soil must be protected and nurtured • The potassium ion is also important for water
rotational crop is very useful because legumes atmospheric nitrogen, solubilize phosphorus,
to ensure long term productivity and stability. regulation and uptake.
enhance nitrogen level in the soil, reduces the decompose organic material or oxidize sul-
• Methods of protection include using cover crops, • Furthermore, the presence of potassium in suffi-
need for chemical nitrogen fertilizer. phur in the soil.
compost, reducing tillage, conserving soil cient amounts ensures resistance to frost,
drought and certain diseases

217 218
• When they are applied in the soil, they enhance • They also benefit the host plants by supplying • Some microorganisms are capable of solubilizing beneficial organisms as an organic approach to
growth and yield of crops, improve soil fertility growth hormones and vitamins. immobilized phosphorus making it available to plant/soil care.
and reduce pollution. They are known as “bio • These bacteria are commonly used for the prep- plants for absorption. • Air is sent through the water to keep the water
fertilizers”. aration of commercial inoculants (vaccines, cul- oxygenated, as this favours the beneficial bacte-
• Thus bio-fertilizers are living or biologically ac- ture medium). Mycorrhizal fungi biofertilizer ria and fungi over the pathogens.
tive products or microbial inoculants of bacteria, • At the end of the brewing cycle, what you have
algae and fungi (separately or in combination) Blue green algae • Mycorrhizal fungi acts as biofertilizer and are is a concentrated liquid full of billions of micro-
which are able to enrich the soil with nitrogen, known to occur naturally on roots of forest trees organisms (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nema-
phosphorus, organic matter etc. • Blue green algae (BGA or cyanobacteria) and crop plants. todes) that can then be sprayed directly onto
• Following are some of the important types of bio like Nostoc and Anabaena are free living pho- • Mycorrhizal fungi resist disease in plants. The the leaf surface.
fertilizers which can be considered for agro tosynthetic organisms also capable of fixing at- plants also show drought and salinity re- • The liquid fertilizer occupies the infection sites
based industries. mospheric nitrogen. sistance. Plants can tolerate adverse soil, pH, on the leaf surface and is held there by simple
• In the flooded rice fields blue green algae serves high temperature and heavy metal toxicity. sugars that the plant puts out that work as a glue
Rhizobium biofertilizer as a nitrogen biofertilizer. • In soils low in available nutrients there is an in- to keep the beneficial microorganisms thriving
creased absorption of nutrients by plants in- and protecting the plant.
• Rhizobium is a symbiotic bacterium forming Q. Consider the following organisms fected with Mycorrhiza.
root nodules in legume plants. • The fungus has the ability to dissolve and ab- Bio char
• These nodules act as miniature nitrogen produc- a) Agaricus sorb phosphorus that plant roots cannot readily
tion factories in the fields. b) Nostoc absorb. • Bio char is found in soils around the world as a
• The nodule bacteria fix more nitrogen (N2) c) Spirogyra result of vegetation fires and historic soil man-
than needed by legume plant and the bacteria. Q. Mycorrhizal biotechnology has been used in agement practices.
Which of the above is/are used as biofertilizer/bio-
• The surplus fixed nitrogen is then secreted and rehabilitating degraded sites because mycorrhiza • Intensive study of bio char-rich dark earths in
fertilizes the soil. enables the plants to the Amazon (terra preta), has led to a wider ap-
• Rhizobium is more efficient than-free living ni- preciation of bio char’s unique properties as a
a) 1 and 2
trogen-fixing bacteria. 1) resist drought and increase absorptive area soil enhancer.
b) 2 only
2) tolerate extremes of pH • Bio char is charcoal that is used as soil amend-
c) 2 and 3
Azotobacter biofertilizer 3) Resist disease infestation ment (minor improvement).
d) 3 only
• It is created using a pyrolysis process (decompo-
• Azotobacter are aerobic free living nitrogen Select the correct answer using the codes given be- sition brought about by high temperatures),
Answer: b) 2 only
fixers. low: heating biomass in a low oxygen environ-
• They grow in the rhizosphere (around the Azolla biofertilizers ment.
roots) and fix atmospheric nitrogen non-sym- a) 1 only • Once the pyrolysis reaction has begun, it is self-
biotically and make it available to the particular b) 2 and 3 only sustaining, requiring no outside energy input.
• Azolla is a water fern inside which grows the ni-
cereals. c) 1 and 3 only • By-products of the process include syngas (H2 +
trogen fixing blue green algae Anabaena.
• These bacteria produce growth promoting d) 1, 2 and 3 CO), minor quantities of methane (CH4), organic
• It contains 2-3% nitrogen when wet and also
hormones which helps in enhancing growth and acids and excess heat.
produces organic matter in the soil.
yield of the plant. Answer: d) all • Once it is produced, bio char is spread on agri-
• The Azolla-Anabaena combination type bioferti-
cultural fields and incorporated into the top layer
lizer is used all over the world. Compost Tea
Azospirillium biofertilizer • The only constraint in Azolla is that it is an of soil.
aquatic plant and water becomes limiting fac- • The syngas and excess heat can be used directly
• Compost Tea is a liquid fertilizer for flowers, veg- or employed to produce a variety of biofuels.
• These are aerobic free living nitrogen fix- tor in growing it particularly in summer.
etables and houseplants.
ers which live in associative symbiosis.
• Compost tea is an aerobic (in the presence of Agricultural Benefits of Bio char
• In this type of association bacteria live on the Phosphorus solubilizing biofertilizer oxygen) water solution that has extracted the mi-
root surface of the host plant and do not form
crobe population from compost (dead and de- • It increases crop yields, sometimes substantially
any nodule with roots of grasses. • Phosphorus is an important element required for caying matter) along with the nutrients. if the soil is in poor condition.
• It increases crop yield and its inoculation benefits plant growth. • In simple terms, it is a concentrated liquid cre- • It helps to prevent fertilizer runoff and leeching,
crop. • This element is also needed for nodulation by ated by a process to increase the numbers of allowing the use of less fertilizers.

219 220
• It retains moisture, helping plants through peri- and would establish a carbon sink for atmos- • Weeds are controlled through crop rotation, me- Organic products are traded only through issu-
ods of drought more easily. pheric CO2. chanical tillage, and hand-weeding, as well as ance of Transaction Certificates (TCs) wherein the
• Most importantly, it replenishes exhausted or through cover crops, mulches, flame weeding, product identity and traceability are maintained.
marginal soils with organic carbon Organic Farming and other management methods. The testing is to be carried out in ISO 17025 ac-
• It fosters the growth of soil microbes essential for • Organic farmers rely on a diverse population of credited and preferably APEDA approved labora-
nutrient absorption, particularly mycorrhizal soil organisms, beneficial insects, and birds to tories.
fungi. keep pests in check.
• Bio char can increase soil fertility of acidic soils. • When pest populations get out of balance, grow-
(The most fertile soils are slightly acidic) ers implement a variety of strategies such as the
• The Agricultural and Processed Food Products
• Bio-char reduces the acidity of the soil, protects use of insect predators, mating disruption, traps
Export Development Authority (APEDA) was
the plants from diseases, promotes growth of and barriers.
established by APEDA Act in 1985. It came into
friendly microorganisms, and reduces the loss of
effect in 1986.
micro nutrients apart from increasing water re- Vermicomposting • APEDA functions under Ministry of Indus-
tries and Commerce.
• Vermicomposting is an appropriate technique
Kollam, Kerala, is famous for fishing and fishery- for efficient recycling of animal wastes, crop res- Q. With reference to organic farming in India,
related activities; as an agricultural sector, it does idues and agro-industrial wastes. consider the following statements: (2018)
not evoke any enthusiasm. Why? • The process of conversion of organic materials
1) The National Programme for Organic Pro-
into manure is chiefly microbiological.
• With the prevailing soil and climatic conditions duction’ (NPOP) is operated under the
• Organic farming is a type of agriculture or farm- • Earthworms are important for producing ver-
which favours leaching and draining of soil nu- micompost from organic wastes. guidelines and directions of the Union
ing which avoids the use of synthetic fertiliz- Ministry of Rural Development.
trients into the Arabian sea and Ashtamudi Lake, • Vermicompost can be prepared from all sorts of
ers, pesticides, growth regulators, and live- 2) The Agricultural and Processed Food Prod-
the soil has high acidity making it unfit for cul- organic residues – animal waste, sericulture resi-
stock feed additives. ucts Export Development Author-
tivation of any kind (friendly microorganisms dues, dairy and poultry residues, bagasse from
• Organic farming systems rely on crop rotation, ity’ (APEDA) functions as the Secretar-
don’t like acidic medium. They like slightly alka- sugarcane factories, weeds (particularly Parthe-
crop residues, animal manures, legumes, iat for the implementation of NPOP.
line or basic medium). nium hysterophorus or Congress weed before
green manure, off-farm organic wastes and 3) Sikkim has become India’s first fully or-
• Bio char can make a difference to the agriculture flowering) etc.
biofertilizers, mechanical cultivation, mineral ganic State.
of the region.
bearing rocks to maintain soil productivity to Which of the statements given above is/are cor-
supply plant nutrients and biological pest con- rect?
Other Environmental Benefits National Programme for Organic Produc-
trol, controlling weeds, insects and other pests. a) 1 and 2 only
• All kinds of agricultural products can be pro- tion (NPOP)
• Most carbon in the soil is lost as greenhouse gas b) 2 and 3 only
(carbon dioxide, CO2) into the atmosphere if nat- duced organically, including grains, meat, dairy, c) 3 only
eggs, fibres such as cotton, jute, flowers etc. • Ministry of Industries and Commerce has
ural ecosystems are converted to agricultural d) 1, 2 and 3
• Organic farmers build healthy soils by nourishing implemented the NPOP since 2001.
land. Answer: b) 2 and 3 only
• Soils contain 3.3 times more carbon than the at- the microbial inhabitants that release, transform,
and transfer nutrients. Soil organic matter con- What it does?
mosphere. Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
tributes to good soil structure and water-hold-
• This makes soils an important source of green- • Certification programme for organic agricul-
house gases but also a potential sink if right ing capacity.
ture and products as per the approved criteria. • In this approach, each crop and its pests are eval-
management is applied. • Organic farmers feed soil biota and build soil or-
• Accredit certification programmes of Certifica- uated as parts of an ecological system.
• The use of crop residues for bio-energy produc- ganic matter with cover crops, compost, and bi-
tion Bodies seeking accreditation. • Then farmers develop a control programme that
tion reduces the carbon stocks in cropland. ologically based soil amendments.
• Facilitate certification of organic products in includes cultivation, biological and chemical
• Further the dedication of cropland to bio-fuel • Organic farmers’ primary strategy in controlling
conformity with the prescribed standards. methods applied in proper sequence and with
pests and diseases is prevention through good
production increases the area of cultivated land • Facilitate certification of organic products in the proper timing.
plant nutrition and management.
and thus carbon loss from soils and vegetation. conformity with the importing countries or- • The aim of IPM is not to eradicate the pest pop-
• Bio char remains stable for millennia, providing • Organic farmers use cover crops and sophisti-
ganic standards. ulation completely but to keep the crop damage
a simple means to sequester carbon emissions. cated crop rotations to change the field ecology,
• Encourage the development of organic farm- to economically tolerable level.
• If bio char is returned to agricultural land it can effectively disrupting habitat for weeds, in-
ing and organic processing. • Farmers monitor the field and when they find the
increase the soil’s carbon content permanently sects, and disease organisms.
pest level to be high enough, they first use

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biological methods and cultivation practices to or genetically modified (GM) plants or genet- • Cold damage to crop plants can be minimized by Safety
control and then use small amounts of insecti- ically modified organisms (GMOs). introducing genes for antifreeze proteins
cides mostly insecticides derived from plants as (AFPs) found in the blood of artic fishes. • Potential human health impact: allergens, trans-
a last resort. • Frost resistant tomatoes have been produced by fer of antibiotic resistance markers, unknown ef-
introducing gene for antifreeze proteins from fects.
Biological control includes polar fish living in ice water. • Potential environmental impact: unintended
transfer of transgenes through crosspollination,
• Natural predators, parasites and pathogens of Benefits of GM Crops unknown effects on other organisms (e.g., soil
the pests are used. microbes) and loss of flora and fauna biodiversity
• Example: Pest on cucumber plant called red spi- Crops
der mite is controlled by using a predatory mite Access and intellectual property
that feed on red spider mite. • Enhanced taste and quality.
• Reduced maturation time. • Domination of world food production by a few
Cultivation practices • Increased nutrients, yields, and stress tolerance. companies.
• Improved resistance to disease, pests, and herb- • Increasing dependence on industrialized nations
• A variety of cultivation practices like crop rota- icides. by developing countries.
The purpose of transgenics • New products and growing techniques. • Biopiracy — foreign exploitation of natural re-
tion, polyculture and inter cropping etc. can be
used to get rid of the pests. sources.
• Crop resistance to herbicides. Animals
• Some amounts of insecticides, mostly of plant
• Crop resistance to insects and diseases. Ethics
origin (e.g. Pyrethrum and Rotenone neem prod-
• Atmospheric nitrogen fixation by cereal crops. • Increased resistance, productivity, hardness, and
uct) are applied as a last resort.
• Tolerance to high salt soils and to flooding in feed efficiency. • Violation of natural organisms’ intrinsic values.
• Pest and disease resistant crop plants can be
crops. • Better yields of meat, eggs, and milk. • Tampering with nature by mixing genes among
produced by genetic engineering. Example is Bt
• Drought resistance in crops. • Improved animal health and diagnostic methods. species.
cotton, insecticidal for bacterial gene (Bacilus
• Improving nutritional quality of crops. • Objections to transferring animal genes in plants
thuringinesis) introduced into cotton plant
• Prolonging shelf life and commercial value of Environment and vice versa.
making cotton plant resistant to pest.
fruits and vegetables. • Stress for animal.
• “Friendly” bioherbicides and bioinsecticides.
Disadvantages of Integrated Pest Manage-
Important examples of transgenics or GMOs • Conservation of soil, water and energy. Labelling
ment (IPM)
• Bioprocessing for forestry products.
• Bt cotton is produced by incorporating Bt gene • Better natural waste management. • Not mandatory in some countries (e.g. United
• Farmer should have an expert knowledge about States).
which encodes for BT toxin (insecticidal protein • More efficient processing.
each pest. • Mixing GM crops with non-GM confounds label-
in Bacillus thuringiensis) in the cotton plant.
• It acts more slowly than conventional pesticides. Society ling attempts.
• The plant becomes insect resistant and this gene
• Methods developed for a crop in one area might
has been incorporated in corn, potato, tomato,
not apply to areas with even slightest different • Increased food security for growing population. Society
tobacco etc. making them insect resistant (bio
growing conditions.
• Initial cost may be higher but in the long-term Controversies Surrounding GM crops • New advances may be skewed to interests of rich
• Golden Rice a transgenic with enhanced vita-
cost become very low. countries.
min A content producing nutritionally rich rice.
• Salt and flood tolerance genes have been incor-
Biotechnology – Genetically Modified porated in rice so that Bt rice in China shows Effectiveness
(GM) higher yield and a huge reduction in pesticide
use. Such rice can be grown on saline soil. • The ineffectiveness of genetically modified (GM)
• By using the technique of genetic engineering, it • Introducing a bacterial gene that prevents eth- cotton against whitefly attack in Punjab and Har-
has been possible to genetically transform large ylene formation that delays ripening in toma- yana raised more questions regarding the effec-
number of agricultural and ornamental crops. toes. Such tomatoes are easy to handle during tiveness of GMO.
• The crop plants produced by the technique of transportation and remains on the shelf for a • The whitefly attack in Punjab damaged over 75
genetic engineering are called “transgenic” long time. per cent crop across the cotton belt.

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• This has raised concern among agricultural ex- Newer Agricultural Practices • Mushrooms are kind of fungus with a short stem
perts and farmers over the growing dependency and a cap which opens like an umbrella later.
on Bt cotton. • Modern agriculture includes animal husbandry, • They lack chlorophyll and grow on organic mat-
• Strains of the bacterium Bacillus thurin- poultry farming, apiculture, fisheries and mush- ter or waste materials from farms or factories.
giensis produce over 200 different Bt toxins, room culture etc. to provide additional food sup- • Out of the large number of mushroom species
each harmful to different insects. plements like milk, meat, fish, egg, mushroom only some are edible.
• Most notably, Bt toxins are insecticidal to the lar- etc. • Mushrooms are good source of high quality pro-
vae of moths and butterflies, beetles, cotton boll- • In addition to provide nutritional food for the teins and are rich in vitamins and minerals.
worms but are harmless to other forms of life. masses, they also reduce load on the consump- • Like fruits and vegetables mushrooms are per-
(this is why Bt cotton failed against whitefly). tion of cereals and pulses. ishables.

Revolutions in Agriculture

Revolution Economic Activity

Green Food grain Production
Golden Horticulture, Fruit, Honey Production
Golden fibre Jute cultivation
Grey Fertilizer Production
Blue Fish Production
Black Petroleum Production
Brown Leather production
Pink Prawn Production / Onion production
Round Potato Production
Red Meat / Tomato Production
Silver Egg / Poultry Production
White Milk Production
Yellow Oil seeds Production

Various Agricultural Activities

Name Agricultural Activity

Silviculture • cultivating forest trees
Sericulture • rearing of silkworms for the production of raw silk
Apiculture • maintenance of honey bee colonies, commonly in hives, by humans
Olericulture • science of vegetable growing, non-woody (herbaceous) plants for food
Viticulture • science, production and study of grapes
Floriculture • flowering and ornamental plants for gardens
Arboriculture • cultivation and study of individual trees, shrubs, and other woody plants
Pomology • focuses on the cultivation, production, harvest, and storage of fruit, etc.
Aeroponics • growing plants in mist environment without the use of soil medium
Hydroponics • growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil.
Geoponic • refers to growing plants in normal soil
Aquaponics • symbiotic environment of aquaculture and hydroponics

Mushroom culture

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