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BOP Shaffer

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SHAFFER 1998-1999

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p Advancing the
Jinology of

IA Varco Company

Company Background
Shaffer was founded by Mr. Wil- Shaffer product lines to meet the needs of the fast growing
liam D. Shaffer in 1928 as Shaffer offshore oil industry.
Tool Works. The company was lo- In 1978, Shaffer was sold to NL Industries, and became
cated in Brea, California. known as NL Shaffer.
The Shaffer flow bean valve was At this time, Shaffer
the first of many patents which had manufacturing
became a part of the Shaffer prod- facilities in Brea,
uct line. The Shaffer cellar gate California; Beau-
valve, or as we know it today, the mont, Texas; and
ram BOP (blowout preventer), was Houston, Texas,
developed around 1932. The which was their
Shaffer Tool Works product line headquarters at that
continued to grow to include well- time. In the late 70s
head equipment, Christmas trees and early 80s Shaffer
(well completion equipment), down was growing by leaps
hole tools, and many specialty and bounds as the
items as required by the oil industry. petroleum industry
In the mid to late 50s, Shaffer Tool Works was again on skyrocketed.
the cutting edge of oilfield technology in working with Texaco In 1979, NL Shaffer purchased the Houston-based Koomey
and Union Oil in the development of the first subsea well Control Systems from Stewart & Stevenson, thus making it
completion systems. possible for Shaffer to provide a more complete system for
In 1968, Shaffer Tool Works, a family-owned company their customers including ram BOPs, Spherical BOPs, and
was sold to the Rucker Corporation and became known as control units as an integrated system. By 1982, NL Shaffer
Rucker Shaffer. employed 2,352 employees worldwide.
In 1969, Well, as they say, everything that goes up must come
Rucker Shaffer down. And certainly the petroleum industry was no excep-
moved their tion. The mid to
headquarters to late 80s saw Shaffer
their Beau- down-sized as a
mont, Texas company as the pe-
manufacturing troleum industry
facility in an ef- plummeted.
fort to consoli- On July 17,
date all of the 1992, Shaffer joined
Rucker Shaffer operations in Texas. However, due to eco- with the Varco com-
nomic conditions, the Ram BOP operation was left in Brea, panies in a com-
California. bined effort to de-
In 1972, Shaffer again demonstrated its superior engi- velop complimen-
neering ability in developing the Spherical blowout preven- tary products and technologies that improve the safety and
ter. The Spherical blowout preventer was a new design of productivity of drilling rigs.
annular blowout preventer. This superior design stood head Today, Shaffer is continuously developing new products
and shoulders over other annular BOPs, especially when to support the drilling activities around the world-products
used in a stripping operations. that focus on improving process, equipping people, and
In the early 70s, the Rucker Company added tensioner expanding capabilities.
systems and drillstring motion compensators to the Rucker

Table of
Shaffer Company Background 2

Equipment Package Development 4

Underbalanced Drilling Products 5

Spherical BOPs 6

NXTRamBOP... ...7

Blowout Prevention Equipment

Blowout Prevention Equipment 9

Ram Assemblies 10

Ram Assemblies 11

Koomey Control Systems 12

Koomey Control Systems 13

Auxiliary Equipment 14

Riser String Packages 15

Tensioners 16

Drill String Compensators 17

Crown-Mounted Compensators 18

Customer Support 19

Flow Products —

Package Development
Varco International Rig Packages Shaffer Rig Packages
The rapid development towards ultra deep The long-standing, shared deep water development ex-
water applications have evolved a new frontier periences between Shaffer and the drilling industry has
for the drilling industry. With this rapid growth, provided a firm development foundation. By leveraging
the challenges faced by rig suppliers were: their expertise in a variety of drilling disciplines includ-
• Provide a new class of drilling rig to meet new ing equipment, engineering, controls and drilling tech-
operating conditions. nology, Shaffer has been at the forefront of new rig de-
• Develop new operating capability and effi- velopments. Shaffer engineers have spearheaded ad-
ciency to justify the ex- vances in pressure control equipment, motion com-
pense of new rigs. pensation, riser technology, and flow
• Offer project planning to control products in the emerg-
a rigorous schedule with- ing deep water
out compromising the projects. In
new design elements. working to-
• Schedule a number of suppliers to gether with their
work on the rig development team without customers to de-
conflict of interest. velop drilling opera-
tions design param-
There emerged a need to change the way we tradition-
eters, Shaffer engineers
ally design and build drilling rigs. With the complexity of
took a disciplined approach to analyzing the options for
the equipment, there was a requirement to determine ca-
providing new equipment solutions.
pability specifications and partner with suppliers to develop
New process innovations and products such as Pressure
the new products required for these vessels.
Control While Drilling (PCWD) with Spherical BOPs, 1 million
In the last few years the Varco companies have built a
Ib crown-mounted compensators, active heave compensa-
skilled rig development team of critical equipment suppli-
tion, riser recoil, bolt-less ram BOP doors, subsea ram chang-
ers. Each Varco company, Shaffer, Varco Systems, M/D Totco,
ing, 2 million Ib dog type riser, 3.5 million Ib riser, and
Varco BJ, and Rigtech, have been privileged to play col-
250k riser tensioners have become regular parts of the new
laborative roles in the development of oil and gas drilling
drilling vocabulary.
operations aboard the industry's new-generation drilling
This list of new product developments from Shaffer has
rigs. The effect of this shared objective in new prod-
been combined with increased levels of project manage-
uct development has opened doors of opportunity for
ment, product integration and communication of con-
oil and gas exploration. Their combined, integrated
trol and information data between the rig systems to pro-
systems for drilling will deliver unprecedented lev-
vide a unique and successful Varco solution.
els of operating efficiency and meet the high-
Shaffer's commitment to developing the right
est standards of safety, with consideration for
products for their customers has driven the new
both personnel and the natural environment.
category of deep water drilling equipment with ca-
This long-term vision for a supplier team con-
pabilities unsurpassed in existing rig fleets.
nected at the front end of their customers new
build plans has offered a new era in the rela-
tionship between the supplier and their customer.
The five Varco companies have today inte-
grated their capabilities, becoming a unique
solutions provider working in concert with for-
ward-looking drillers and operators around the Advancing the Technology of Drilling
Drilling Products
Conventional overbalanced drilling of production zones
generally has a negative effect on overall well productiv-
ity. The associated costs are due primarily to formation
damage. Because of this heightened cost factor, the oil
industry is now turning to methods, such as underbal-
anced drilling, to increase productivity and reduce overall
This system yields faster penetration rates, with less
formation damage, all at lower costs.

PCWD System Features

• Proff tested to 10,000 psi
• 5,000 psi working pressure static
• 3,000 psi working pressure rotating
• 200 rpm
• Standard Spherical® BOP packer
/ Long stripping life
/ Metal reinforced
• API top & bottom connections standard
• Full 11" bore (13%" under development)
• Minimum overall height 44"
• Weight 12,500 Ibs
• Dedicated hydraulic control unit
/ Electronic PLC controlled
Shaffer has achieved a new dimension in the develop- / Multiplexed signals to reduce cable size
ment of rotating blowout preventers with the introduc- / Can be certified for offshore use
tion of a system for achieving Pressure Control While
Drilling (PCWD®).
For the first time Shaffer has combined the features of
its industry-accepted Spherical Blowout Preventer with
state-of-the-art hydraulic control to create one practical
system for underbalanced drilling. This system is the
latest convergence of Shaffer technology and technical
know-how in the aim for faster, safer drilling.
In another first, Shaffer has taken its PGWD system to
new depths, offshore drilling. This benchmark application
is not only important because it is offshore, but also
because it is being utilized in the North Sea, one of the
world's most hostile sea environments.
PGWD is a system for controlled application of
underbalanced drilling techniques. When compared to
conventional drilling methods, PGWD increases penetra-
tion rates while being less damaging to the drilling

W e d g e - & B e l t e d - C o v e r BOPs
The Shaffer Spherical BOP is one of the first lines of
defense in controlling a well. When actuated, hydraulic
pressure operates the piston, and in turn closes the
spherical. The spherical's closure occurs in a smooth,
simultaneous upward and inward motion, as opposed to
horizontal motion.
The spherical geometry reduces the internal stresses
and the friction between the sealing element and the
BOP body. This is a rugged, reliable sealing element.
Steel segments reinforce the sealing element without
protruding into the wellbore when the element is open.
The element design enables a long stripping life, which
translates into superior field life and less maintenance.
Maintenance is easier as the element can be changed
without contaminating the hydraulics.
The spherical design operates with a lower operating
pressure, reducing the number of accumulators.
Shaffer Spherical BOPs are available in 1,000-10,000
psi working pressures with bore sizes from 4 Vie" to 30".
An integral outlet is available on wedge cover Spherical

Single & Dual hillir BOPs

With the single and dual snubbing BOPs operation
time is reduced by eliminating conventional ram to ram
Both single and dual snubber blowout preventers have
a working pressure of 5,000 and 10,000 psi. And just like
the Spherical BOPs, the snubbers utilize the Shaffer
10,000 psi Spherical packing element with its field-
proven cavity design. That explains why there is a long
life under the harsh snubbing conditions of passing tool
joints and couplings through the element.
In these single and dual snubbers, maintenance is also
made faster and easier. The two piece snubbing element
enables easy replacement with pipe in the well. For more
assistance in rapid removal of the element, there is an
hydraulically-operated, quick-release bonnet and an easy-
lift upper housing. The easy-lift upper housing further
assists in rapid snubbing element removal with hydraulic
cylinders integral to the BOP housing. In all, only eight
minutes are needed to replace a snubbing element.
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casing Type V Shear is capable of shearing 13-W
casing), a no-weld cavity (seat seal, side, and wear pads
are all replaceable), a floating ram block design (there is
an improved life and a more sure seal).

Representing the next generation in BOP designs, the

NXT eliminates door bolts and integrates the Spherical
with the rams, providing weight and space savings.
The safety features extend to faster and simpler
maintenance. These features include a boltless door
assembly where the doors are opened hydraulically from
door mounted controls or from a remote control station.
The remote operating capability combined with a Ram Specifications
Changing System offers safer and more efficient opera-
tional automation. The NXT Ram Changing System offers Pressure (psi) Size (in.) Weight (Ibs)
significant impact on the schedule and configuration of Single
ultra-deep subsea operations allowing ram configuration Stud X Flange 5,000 18% 18,5 00
changes without tripping the stack. This system provides Double
unique flexibility during subsea operations. Stud X Flange 5,000 18% 31,600
Closing pressure is maintained at 1,500 psi against
Stud X Flange 10,000 18% 23,500
full-working pressure, with decreased closing volume Double
requirements, reducing the number of accumulator Stud X Flange 10,000 18% 36,700
bottles needed to run the system. Single
The NXT is also designed to incorporate all of the Stud X Flange 15,000 18% 32,800
leading changes in new BOP designs such as an
Stud X Flange 15,000 18% 48,300
UltraLock II automatic locking system, Type V Shear
rams (capable of shearing 6 W S-135 pipe, and its Stud X Flange 15,000 18% 63,800

Blowout Prevention
C n a s o v o y Ram BOP II Ram BOP

The Ghasovoy ram, available for a 7Vie" bore size The SL ram BOP has been a long-term industry
with working pressures of 3,000 and 5,000 psi, has a standard providing consistent and reliable operation
unique design which permits either manual or hydraulic worldwide.
operation. SL Ram BOPs are designed both for large bore subsea
The single-cavity model stands HVi" (286 mm) high. drilling and deep land drilling, at pressures from 3,000 to
The unitized double-cavity (studded-studded) is only 15,000 psi. Bore sizes range from 7Vie" to 21V4".
2042" (521 mm) high.


exposed and a max of 45° door swing is needed to
remove the ram (57° on 18" SLX).
The no-weld cavity is a feature which lets customers
upgrade their BOP to new condition without extensive in-
shop repairs. This also means post-weld heat treatments
are eliminated. This no-weld cavity has a replaceable seal
seat, a replaceable skid plate and replaceable side pads.
The floating ram block design, with a mechanically-
energized top seal, provides superior performance and
sealing capability even after the ram cavity or upper
body seat area is worn from years of service.
The rams fit within the ram cavity in the open
position with no interface fit between the metal or
elastomer seal components. An opening between the ram
The SLX introduced revolutionary enhancements to support skids creates a self draining body allowing mud
the industry-standard SL BOP. and debris to be flushed from the cavity when the rams
In comparison to the SL, the SLX BOP has fewer door are opened.
bolts and, with a roller-bearing hinge assembly, can be The SLX operates at max. 1,500 psi to close the pipe
easily opened manually by a single person. Also, door rams and contain pressures on 10,000 and 15,000 psi
bolt toque is reduced (as low as 1,000 Ib-ft) and no stacks. With a lower operating pressure, the number of
hydraulic pressure is needed to open or close doors. accumulator bottles required will be reduced. The overall
When changing rams, no critical components are height and weight is also reduced with optimization of
pressure-containing components.


Blowout Prevention
SI Specifications
Pressure Size Weight Pressure Size Weight Pressure Size Weight
(psi) (in.) (Ibs) (psi) (in.) (Ibs) (psi) (in.) (Ibs)
Single, 10" Piston Single, 14" Piston Single, 14" Piston
Flange X Flange 3,000 13% 8,430 Flange X Flange 10,000 11 13,000 Flange X Flange 10,000 21% 37,600
Hub X Hub 3,000 13% 8,400 Hub X Hub 10,000 11 11,708 Hub X Hub 10,000 213/4 31,800
Stud X Stud 3,000 13% 7,924 Stud X Stud 10,000 11 11,100 Stud X Stud 10,000 21 /4 31,130
Double, 10" Piston Double, 14" Piston Double, 14" Piston
Flange X Flange 3,000 13% 16,500 Flange X Flange 10,000 11 21,790 Flange X Flange 10,000 21% 54,860
Hub X Hub 3,000 13% 15,548 Hub X Hub 10,000 11 21,560 Hub X Hub 10,000 213/4 49,372
Stud X Stud 3,000 13% 15,350 Stud X Stud 10,000 11 20,550 Stud X Stud 10,000 21% 48,705
Single, 10" Piston Single, 14" Piston Single, 10" Piston
Flange X Flange 5,000 13% 8,985 Flange X Flange 10,000 13% 15,550 Flange X Flange 15,000 7Vi6 6,200 ^_^_
Hub X Hub 5,000 13% 8,400 Hub X Hub 10,000 13% 13,700 Stud X Stud 15,000 7Vi6 5,781 Jf
••' 'Hi
Stud X Stud 5,000 13% 7,800 Stud X Stud 10,000 13% 13,200 Single, 14" Piston Щ' Ш
with 14' piston add 1,400 Ihs Double, 14" Piston Flange X Flange 15,000 7Vi6 7,550 :;|
Double, 10" Piston Flange X Flange 10,000 13% 25,500 Stud X Stud 15,000 7Vi6 6,900 Е1Ш
Flange X Flange 5,000 13% 16,900 Hub X Hub 10,000 13% 23,800 Double, 10" Piston НИ
яВ^К л 1 1 KHB
Hub X Hub 5,000 13V» 15,912 Stud X Stud 10,000 13% 23,400 Flange X Flange 15,000 7Vi6 10,300 H §•
Stud X Stud 5,000 13% 15,620 Single, 14" Piston Stud X Stud 15,000 7Vio 10,016
with 14' piston add 2,700 Ibs Flange X Flange 10,000 16% 28,500 Double, 14" Piston
Single, 10" Piston Hub X Hub 10,000 16% 26,600 Flange X Flange 15,000 7Vi6 12,950 •

Flange X Flange 5,000 163/4 15,500 Stud X Stud 10,000 16% 25,828 Stud X Stud 15,000 7Vi6 12,350
Hub X Hub 5,000 163/4 12,850 Double, 14" Piston Single, 14" Piston
Stud X Stud 5,000 163/4 14,095 Flange X Flange 10,000 16% 44,300 Flange X Flange 15,000 11-86 16,500
Double, 10" Piston Hub X Hub 10,000 16% 42,000 Stud X Stud 15,00011-8613,700 В||Я
Flange X Flange 5,000 16% 26,250 Stud X Stud 10,000 16% 40,600 Double, 14" Piston
Hub X Hub 5,000 16% 25,886 Single, 14" Piston Flange X Flange 15,000 1 1-86 27,400
Stud X Stud 5,000 16% 25,285 Flange X Flange 10,000 18% 30,700 Stud X Stud 15,000 11-86 24,700
Single, 10" Piston Hub X Hub 10,000 18% 27,100 Single, 14" Piston
Flange X Flange 10,000 7Vi6 6,200 Stud X Stud 10,000 18% 25,300 Flange X Flange 15,000 13% 29,050
Stud X Stud 10,000 7Vi<, 5,550 Double, 14" Piston Stud X Stud 15,000 13% 25,860
with If piston add 1,350 Ibs Flange X Flange 10,000 18% 49,117 Double, 14" Piston
Double, 10" Piston Hub X Hub 10,000 183/4 44,903 Flange X Flange 15,000 13% 45,130
Flange X Flange 10,000 7Vi6 9,830 Stud X Stud 10,000 183/4 44,792 Stud X Stud 15,000 13% 41,940
Stud X Stud 10,000 7Vif, 9,900 Double, 14" Piston
Flange X Flange 15,000 183/4 60,000
Stud X Stud 15,000 183/4 50,000

SIX Specifications

•• ||мв

Pressure (psi) Size (in.) Weight (Ibs) Pressure (psi) Size (in.) Weight (Ibs)
Single Single
Flange X Flange 5,000 18-% 24,760 Flange X Flange 15,000 13% 23,670
Hub X Hub 5,000 18-% 23,600 Hub X Hub 15,000 13% 21,300
Stud X Stud 5,000 18% 22,285 Stud X Stud 15,000 13% 20,270
(or double add 15,485 Ibs for double add 13,090 Ibs
Single Single
Flange X Flange 10,000 18% 28,640 Flange X Flange 15,000 18% 42,000
Hub X Hub 10,000 18% 24,890 Hub X Hub 15,000 18% 37,000
Stud X Stud 10,000 18% 23,770 Stud X Stud 15,000 18% 32,000
for double add 16,100 Ibs for double add 18,000 Ibs

llltraLock II Ram Locking S y s t e m
The UltraLock II locking system incorporates a
mechanical locking mechanism within the piston
assembly. This locking system is not dependent on
closing pressure to maintain a positive lock. It uses flat
tapered locking segments carried by the operating piston
which engages another stationary tapered shaft located
within the operating cylinder. Using SL-D rams, the
UltraLock II has hang-off capabilities up to 600,000
pounds at full working pressure.
The system needs no adjustments, no matter the size
of the pipe rams. Different size or type ram assemblies
can be freely interchanged.
Only one hydraulic function is required to operate the
cylinder's open/close function and the locking system.
The system automatically locks in the closed position
each time the piston assembly is closed. Once the
operating piston is closed on the pipe, the locks are
engaged until opening pressure is applied. Only hydraulic
pressure can unlock and reopen the preventer.

Type V Shear Operating Pressures Type V Шаг Rams


The Shaffer Type V Shear ram enhances the features
3500- of Shaffer's T-72 shear ram by increasing the range of
pipe that can be sheared without modification to the

1500- The Type V Shear rams are capable of shearing 65ЛГ,
1000- S-135 drill pipe, at less than 2,700 psi operator pressure.
I I I 1 I I I This typically allows the shear ram to be put in any ram
cavity on the BOP stack without the addition of booster
cylinders or control system upgrades.
The superior sealing characteristics of the Shaffer T-72
shear ram were maintained in the development of the
Type V Shear ram.
Although NAGE MR0175 does not necessarily require
that the shear ram be H2S compatible in order to declare
a BOP stack to meet NAGE requirements for H2S service,
Shaffer's standard Type V Shear directly meet NAGE
requirements for H2S service.


Casino Shear Rams
Shaffer has extended the capabilities of shear rams
with a casing shear ram which meets the specific cutting
needs to physically shear casing tubulars up to 133/s"in
an 18W bore BOP.

Sheared casing example

Shaffer addresses the need for changing out rams on a
tapered drillstring by offering Multi-Ram blocks to cover
a range of varying IDs of drill pipe from 3lh" to 5"and
5" to 1".
The Multi-Ram introduces the potential for the
elimination of additional ram BOPs to facilitate the
changes in tubular OD on any given string.

Ittriflii Rams
Shaffer UltraTemp ram assemblies are designed to
safely withstand wellbore pressures up to 15,000 psi and
extreme temperatures up to 350 °F (177 °G) for pro-
longed periods. This translates into rigsite capability to
safely evacuate personnel and equipment in the event of
a major high temperature, high pressure kick.
Shaffer's conservative testing procedures call for
maintaining pressure and temperature for the duration of
the test. Even with these stringent demands, the
UltraTemp rams hold in witnessed testing.
Shaffer UltraTemp rams are designed to seal in
temperatures as low as 20 °F. This eliminates the need to
heat the BOPs and/or the test medium when the surface
ambient temperature is low.


Control Systems
M/D Totco V-ICIS Development Group
The V-IGIS development group is primarily made up of
the five Varco divisions which collectively offer the
leading edge in drilling control and information. The use
of V-IGIS as the rig's drilling network offers future
upgrade capabilities resulting from the engineering
group's continuous system developments. This has led to
the addition of the latest BOP touch screen control

Koomey Control Systems

Shaffer is able to offer unmatched experience and
knowledge in BOP control systems as the only supplier of
original Koomey products in the industry today. Koomey
has a tradition continuously leading the development of
BOP control and Shaffer is carrying on the brand
tradition with today's new generation of BOP control

Deepwater Control Systems

Shaffer has introduced one of the first ultra-deep
multiplex (MUX) control system. By revisiting the well-
proven MUX design and identifying critical successful
components and adapting them for deeper water, Koomey
product engineers developed a 4th generation of subsea
Information and Control Network Development
control system.
The development of drilling control and information
This 4th generation deepwater system controls more
system networks has propelled the advancement of all
than 100 functions on each pod, utilizing the efficient
drilling equipment control towards significant changes in
fiber optic cable system, eliminating the communication
the new generation drilling rigs. Shaffer has led in these
issues which would occur with a traditional control line
changes as part of the V-IGIS (Varco-Integrated Control
communication at depths up to and exceeding 7,000 feet.
and Information System) development group.
All of the components used in the 4th generation MUX
By using and applying touch screen control panel
have been rated to operate in up to 10,000 feet water
technology, today's control panels are part of a fault
tolerant integrated control network. Details on the
The dependable performance and reduced mainte-
operational conditions of the equipment and drilling
nance requirements, which Shaffer's Koomey brand is
program are available from numerous operation and
known for, was improved in the new system. Enhance-
information screens located around the rig.
ments include reduction and elimination of hard piping,
Screen configurations and diagnostic reporting im-
upgrading of materials, redesign of components for
provements are also easily modified offering a capability
improved maintenance and extended service life. The
to develop and upgrade the hardware and software sys-
Shaffer design has also lead the industry towards systems
tems with minimal impact to daily rig operations.
designed with maximum redundancy in mind as the time
taken to run a control pod in deep water increases with
the depth.


Control Systems
Minute Man Control Systems
While the floating rig market uses the multiplexed
electro-hydraulic or direct-hydraulic systems, high
specification jack-ups are applying the lessons of the 4th
Generation MUX systems for use in the Minute Man
programmable logic control (PLG) unit for jack-ups and
platforms as well as land and barge operations. With the
introduction of fiber optics, the programmable logic
control (PLG) systems for BOP control have advanced
and the electro-hydraulic (EH) Minute-Man control
systems offers unique ability for control system automa-
tion while offering a quick connection and disconnection
of the control system to the control pod.

Hydraulic Systems
Direct hydraulic systems are available for use in water
under 5,500-feet depth as well as land applications. A
bias-pressure system improves response times of hydrau-
lic systems in water depths in excess of 3,000х.
A variety of test units, workover units, panels and
other options are available utilizing direct hydraulic and
PLG control units.

Diverter Controls
Depending on customer requirements, Shaffer provides
a diverter control system independent of the main
hydraulic control unit or as a panel driven off of the
main unit.

Land Units
Shaffer manufactures BOP control units sized from the
The electronic control unit uses field-proven GE Fanuc largest rigs to workover requirements. Utilizing the
PLCs. This system's PLG architecture is fault tolerant and dependable Koomey design, these systems provide years
contains thorough diagnostic capabilities, providing of service.
superior maintainability and consistent uninterrupted Upgrades are also available. Air, electric and hydraulic
performance. panels can be supplied as replacements for original
All of the components are selected to be nonpropri- antiquated panels, or for auxiliary use.
etary and available worldwide. Shaffer also supplies various types of test units, from
pumping/gauging units to complete self-contained testing
Deep Water Options systems.
Shaffer offers a deepwater system (up to 110 func-
tions), and an 80-function system, that takes full advan-
tage of our existing 80-line pod, while upgrading it to an
electro-hydraulic system.

SHAFFER •' , ' V . • ' »

C o m p l e t e S h u t o f f Choke S y s t e m C h o k e and Kill Manifolds
A Shaffer drilling choke system provides fast, accurate Shaffer choke and kill manifolds are manufactured for
well control through one or two chokes operated re- diverse applications from simple low pressure environ-
motely from the rig floor. Fluids can be circulated from ments to extreme sour gas service.
the wellbore while holding any desired back pressure Shaffer's wide army of fixed, hand-adjustable and
rating of the choke. remotely-adjustable chokes can be furnished in a 5,000,
Chokes are available for 5,000, 10,000, and 15,000 psi 10,000 and 15,000 psi manifold—with or without a buffer
at up to 300 °F, suitable for H2S service. chamber.

Best C h o k e s
Varco Best chokes come in various sizes and working
Gate Valves pressures and, depending on the choice and application,
Shaffer gate valves provide a wide range of choices in can be used for extremely high pressure wells. It comes
application style, trim, working pressure, and bore sizes. equipped with API flanges in working pressures of 5,000,
There are additional choices low temp/high temp 10,000, and 15,000 psi.
(350 °F), internal H2S, and standard service. Also Best Maximum Performance Gage (MPG) chokes
available are models which meet API 6A specifications provide extended life and superior performance from
Best's cage trim design. Safety and cost effective opera-
for PSL-1, 2, and 3.
Type B™ (handwheel) and Type DB™ (hydraulic tion are improved through the use of Best's Wear
remote) come in 2Vi6"-4Vi6", 5,000, 10,000, and 15,000 Monitor. The reliability of the Model VBS-100 stepping
psi. Type HB™ remotely operated subsea gate valves are actuator has been proven through extensive laboratory
available in 3Vs" 5,000 psi, 3Vi6" 10,000 and 15,000 psi. and field testing.


Riser String
S h a f f e r Riser Spider Ultra Deep w a t e r Riser
The Shaffer riser spider is designed to support the Shaffer has lead new riser design with the introduction
riser string when running and retrieving through the of the DT-2 2-million Ib dog-type riser connections. As
rotary table. The split-design spider is hydraulically drilling depths have increased, Shaffer has introduced the
operated, compatible with all rotary tables, and can first 3.5-million Ib bolted-type flange connector, the Type
support up to 3.5 million pounds. FTH. It is designed for applications that meet API 16R
class II. Operation of the FTH riser connector is simple
and easy with current available riser makeup tool. With
unidirectional field-replaceable, improved J-lock retention
slot seal sub, the FTH riser requires minimum mainte-

Marine Riser S y s t e m s
Shaffer offers a complete range of marine riser systems
from shallow water to ultra deep drilling applications Riser Fillup V a l v e
including riser analysis. By analyzing all design variables Shaffer's riser fillup valve utilizes a simple and reliable
and drilling condition parameters, we ensure that the design to prevent the collapse of the riser due to evacua-
product is highly reliable, durable, and cost effective. tion of the drilling fluid. The fillup valves are automati-
cally actuated when mud level pressure falls below a
specified minimum. Shaffer riser fillup valves are self-
contained and independent of control lines.

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Riser riitifliv
Riser Tensioners are available in several sizes including
80 kips, 120 kips, 160 kips, 200 kips, and 250k—the 8()k
riser tensioner can now be upgraded to 120k capacity.
The available options for the deep water (160k, 200k,
250k, and 600k) tensioners include: motorized wire feed
capabilities, storage integration, and riser recoil system
A fixed orifice, factory fitted and sized for safe perfor-
mance, provides operational dampening and extension
speed control in case of tensioner release due to a broken
wire rope. Installation on the rod side of the tensioner
cylinder oil circuit ensures instant reaction of the control
Also, to provide speed control and lubrication to the
dynamic packing and bearings, an air-oil reservoir,
operating at 20-40 psi low pressure, keeps the rod end of
the tensioner cylinder full of oil. Air pressure vessels are
rated to 2,400 psi operating pressure, enabling tensioner
operation at full rating even at the midstroke position.
Full ratings are achieved at approximately 2,100 psi.
Existing 80k tensioners can now be simply upgraded to
120k capacity with a simple cylinder replacement.

LMRP Displacement, Rig Motion, Without Riser Recoil Riser R e c o i l

The Rucker riser recoil control system protects against
30 damage caused by the tension ring impacting the rig or
the LMRP impacting the BOP Stack or the ocean floor in
the event of an unscheduled disconnection in deep water.
The graphs show a comparison of a deep water case
О with a Rueker riser recoil system installed and not
The riser recoil system consists of velocity and energy
control subsystems and an actuation panel.
LMRP Displacement, Rig Motion, With Riser Recoil Rucker riser recoil automation upgrade fully automates
the riser recoil system. It adds a greater degree of
/ Л\ J precision and safety into the standard system using two
/~N ч у / Dtaq>(fl) heave indicators, and trend information. The system
receives signals on the tensioner position, heave, and

/ \ ^/ \ system pressure. The system analyzes this data, deter-

ч/ mines which valves to actuate, and times actuation

/ Drigfft)
\Л 1
1 5
\/ correctly to allow sufficient pull to clear the LMRP
without damage.

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Drill String
As the rig heaves upward, the compensator cylinders
retract and the hook moves downward relative to the
drill floor, while remaining at a constant level relative to
the earth. The cylinder piston compresses the air
through the hose into the air pressure vessels to main-
tain the preset tension level.
As the rig heaves downward, air from the air pressure
vessels expands into the compensator cylinder, and the
system works in reverse.
The Rucker DSG system achieves 400k, 600k, or
800k Ib full rated compensation with only 2,260 psi.
Rucker air pressure vessels and system components are
manufactured to operate at 2,400 psi.

Other Special Features

• Faster response time
• Extended stroke operation
• Efficient air coupling between the compensator and air
pressure vessels
• Compression-loaded cylinder design
• Long stroke design for rod end cushion deceleration of
cylinder in the event of free release under load.
• Blind end cushion
• Patented speed limiting valve
• Low pressure air-oil reservoir
• Flexible linkage between cylinder and hook
The original Rucker drill string compensator (DSG) is • Locking option available
the leading motion compensating system of its kind in use
today. Mounted between the traveling block and hook, it
isolates the heaving motion of the vessel from the drill
string. It minimizes wear between the drill string and the
blowout preventer, marine riser and casing strings. Rucker
DSGs, like other Rucker motion compensation equipment,
have always had the significant performance advantage of
using the hydropneumatic operating principle. DSCs are
furnished with operating stroke lengths of 15, 18, 20, or
25 feet, depending on rig design and application. They can
be manufactured to meet ASME, ABS, USGG, DNV, and
other applicable codes.
During drilling operations, the Rucker DSG keeps the
drill bit on the bottom of the hole within the weight limits
set by the driller. For other operations, the system
compensates for rig motion, maintaining a position relative
to the ocean floor.


traveling block and crown block sheaves, increase the
life of the cable by approximately a factor of two.
The compensator is capable of hydraulically locking at
any point along the compensating stroke. Retracting the
cylinders, the crown block comes to rest on the cylinder
support beams eliminating the need for a rotating or
extending mechanical lock system. In this mode, with
the cylinders not compensating, the fast line and
deadline functions remain operational.
The speed control valve limits the extension speed of
the cylinder if the drill string breaks while the Crown
Mount Compensator is pressurized. If the cylinder
extension speed exceeds the maximum operational speed
by 15%, the valve closes down to limit the extension
speed causing hydraulic back pressure in the rod end.
The 1,000,000 Ib CMC can optionally be mounted
perpendicular to the block. This allows more accessibility
to pipe handling equipment.

Load Range Specilication

Stroke 25 feet
600k Load, cylinders compensating 600,000 pounds
Load, cylinders retracted 1,500,000 pounds
1,000k Load, cylinders compensating 1,000,000 pounds
The simple geometry of the Rucker 600k, 800k, and Load, cylinders retracted 2,000,000 pounds
1,000k Crown-Mounted Compensator offers superior
performance lowering weight on bit variation and wire
rope wear. The proven durability and maintainability of
the Rucker design contributes to lower maintenance
The Rucker CMC consists of two vertically mounted
compression-type cylinders attached to a rigid frame
mounted to the derrick water table. Vertical cylinders
impose the least load on rod bearings and less load on
the derrick structure. Direct acting cylinders support the
crown block above the water table utilizing all of the
derrick height. The crown block is guided by one major
guide column eliminating guide tracking alignment
problems. A minor auxiliary guide track balances the
The fast line and deadline pass over large diameter
sheaves, then are reeved through the traveling block and
crown block to the deadline anchor. The large deadline
and fast line sheaves, greater in diameter than the


Shaffer is committed to supplying quality after-the-sale
customer service. Our factory trained service engineers
can use high quality original parts or reconditioned
components to perform repairs to factory specification.
With Customer Support Centers strategically located
worldwide, Shaffer can keep your equipment in first class
operating condition, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Whether your needs are in OEM (original equipment
manufacturer) parts, factory repairs, or field repair/service,
every Shaffer product is backed by over 65 years experi-

OEM Spare Parts

Shaffer's high quality OEM spare parts are vital to the
safety and efficiency of your operation. Shaffer's parts are
manufactured, inspected, and tested in-house to ensure
that you get performance and quality every time under the
most demanding conditions. Shaffer products are continu-
ously upgraded to meet your changing requirements, and
use of genuine OEM parts ensures optimum equipment
performance. Comparison tests between Shaffer and non-
OEM ram rubbers demonstrate that Shaffer manufactured
ram rubbers outperform the others by as much as 81%.

Factory Specification Repairs

Because Shaffer repairs are performed to strict manufac-
turing specifications, you can depend on each repair to
your pressure control or motion compensation equipment
to be fully inspected, tested, and safe for continuing
operations. Our repair operations are equipped with the
latest in machining, welding, and coating technology so
that each repair can be carried out quickly, safely, and
efficiently. Every repair is backed by the knowledge of our
full complement of technicians, engineers, and inspec-
tors—all trained to provide attention to the smallest detail.
Also, each Shaffer factory repair is fully warranted.

Factory Trained Service Technicians

Our team of factory-trained service technicians provide
over 200 years of combined field experience. To help
eliminate costly downtime caused by offsite repairs, our
technicians can conduct field modifications and repairs.
Our technicians can also troubleshoot your systems and
make recommendations on maintenance and operation to
improve performance.


World Headquarters
Mailing Address: Shipping Address: ®
P.O. Box 1473 12950 West Little York
Houston, TX 77251 Houston, TX 77041
USA Phone (713) 937-5000
Fax Numbers
Main (713) 937-5779
IA Varco Company
Inside Sales (713) 937-5795
Outside Sales (713) 937-5614
Repair/Service (713) 937-5051

Shaffer Domestic Locations Shaffer International Locations

Alice, Texas Bakersfield, California Canada—Alberta Russia—Moscow
2351 Energy Ave. 6910 Meany Rd. 6619 45 Street 36 Lyusinovskaya Street, 23
Alice, TX 78332 Bakersfield, GA 93308 P.O. Box 3096 Office #35, 3rd Floor
Phone (512) 668-8288 Phone (805) 589-5341 Leduc, Alberta 113093 Moscow
Fax (512) 664-2875 Fax (805) 589-2821 Canada T9E 6L8 Russia
Phone (403) 986-5556 Phone 011-7517-745-5034
Gasper, Wyoming Broussard, Louisiana Fax (403) 986-5539 Fax 011-7517-745-5038
1080 N. Robertson Rd. 1030 Cruse Avenue
Gasper, Wyoming 82604 Broussard, LA 70518 Norway—Stavanger Brazil—Macae
Phone (307) 473-8888 Phone (318) 837-3890 c/o Scana I.O.S. Oil Tools A/S Rod Amaral Peixoto, Km 187
Fax (307) 235-8920 Fax (318) 837-3893 Dusavikbasen, Bldg. 4 Lote 1, Quadra A Gabiunas
P.O. Box 5017 Macae, RJ, Brazil 27970-020
Houston, Texas Odessa, Texas 4004 Stavanger, Norway Phone 011-55-247-73-1127/1129
P.O. Box 1473 822 W. 2nd Street Phone 011-47-51-83-5600 Fax 011-55-247-73-1150/1151
Houston, TX 77251 Phone (915) 337-5311 Fax 011-47-51-83-5650
or Fax (915) 332-3966 Scotland—Aberdeen
12950 W. Little York Singapore Denmore Road
Houston, TX 77041 No. 21 Pandan Crescent Denmore Industrial Estate
Phone (713) 937-5000 Singapore 128471 Bridge of Don
Fax. (713) 937-5614 Phone 011-65-773-5633 Aberdeen, Scotland
Fax. 011-65-773-5625 AB28JW
Phone 011-44-1224-822-666
Fax 011-44-1224-825-170

Trademarks of Varco Shatter,Inc.

Shaffer® UltraTemp1" SL™ Type 60™ Ghoke-A™
Shaffer Tool V™ Shear SLX™ Type 70™ Choke E™
Works™ Spherical® NXT™ Type 72™ Type B™
Rucker™ Always in Control* LWS™ Type 75™ Type DB™
Koomey® Elastomeric II™ LWP™ Type 75-H™ Type HB™
Multi-Ram™ SoftLok™ SL-D™ Type 79/93™ Type T-HB™
PosLock® Sentinel® Minute Man™ Type 88™ K-100™
UltraLock™ Ghasovoy™ QuadraPilot™ Type 90™ Econol™

Copyright Varco Shelter, Inc., 1998 Printed in USA

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