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This is to certify that the Project entitled BIRTH

CERTIFICATE GENERATOR is a bonafide work done by
MISS DIVYATA SONI of class XII science Session 2019-
20 in partial fulfillment of CBSE’s AISSCE Examination
2020 and has been carried out under my direct
supervision and guidance.

Signature of Teacher Signature of
Name: - Mrs. R. Poorna Name: - Mrs.
Tanushree Sharma
(IP Teacher & Project Guide)

I Divyata Soni would like to express my special thanks

of gratitude to my Informatics Practices teacher “Mrs.
R. Poorna Mam” for their able guidance and support
in completing my Project.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to the

Principal Mam “Mrs. Tanushree Sharma” for providing
me with all the facilities that were required.
Step By Step Public School

Affiliation No. :-1730465

Topic: E-Business


Submitted By: - Submitted to:-

Divyata Soni
Mrs. R. Poorna
1. Introduction
2. Certificate
3. Acknowledgement
4. About the project
5. To insert Records in the table
 Adding records in Birth Certificate.
 Added records in Birth Certificate.
6. To Search Records from the table
 Searching Records from Birth Certificate.
 Searched Records from Birth Certificate.
About the Project :-
“Birth Certificate Generator”

 BIRTH CERTIFICATE: - A birth certificate is

a vital record that documents the birth of a child. The term "birth certificate"
can refer to either the original document certifying the circumstances of the birth
or to a certified copy of or representation of the ensuing registration of that
birth. Depending on the jurisdiction, a record of birth might or might not
contain verification of the event by such as a midwife or doctor.
 A Birth Certificate Generator allows every person to have theirs and their
child’s Birth Certificate generated or allows them to obtain its soft copy by
simply giving the registration number in the search tab.
 The government of India (including all the states) as developed an online portal
for the commoners to obtain these documents online.
 This project is just a small representation of that portal.
 During Coding and Design of the software
Project, Java Net Beans IDE, a powerful
front-end tool is used or getting Graphical
User Interface (GUI) based integrated platform and coding simplicity. As a back-end, a
powerful, open source RDBMS, My SQL is used as per the requirement of the CBSE
curriculum of informatics practices course.
 ROLE OF DATABASE: - A computer Database works as an
electric filing system, which has a large no. of ways of cross referencing and this allows the user
many different ways in which to re-organize and retrieve data.

 My SQL: - The most popular Open source SQL database management

system. Some Features of My SQL are :
 My sql is very fast, reliable and easy to use open
source database management software.
 Works on many different platforms
 Uses a very fast thread based memory allocation system
 Password security by encryption of all password traffic when you
connect to a server
 Uses multi-layered server design with independent modules.

 Net Beans IDE: - Net Beans is a viable choice for

development tools. Some features of Net Beans are:
 A Free open source integrated Development Environment
for Software developers.

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