Moot Proposition
Moot Proposition
Moot Proposition
2 See Annexure
closed down the weapons test site in Area 21. Over the next three years, there
were reports in newspapers and electronic media that there was an increase in
morality of inhabits, rise in sicknesses, cancer, neurological disorders among
the residents in and around Area 21. That there were widespread rumours that
the same was attributable to the missile test held on 25th December 2015 and
despite request for details from various quarters, the Government of
Aryavarta did not disclose any information about the same citing Official
Secrets Act, 1923 as well as National Security to the Union.
6. A census done in 2018 by Union Government and it was confirmed that there
was high rate of cancer, birth defects in babies, neurological disorders in the
districts of Vindhya, Satpura, Meru adjacent to Area 21 in the Var desert.
Subsequent investigations done by the Union Government revealed that the
earthquake of 25th December 2015 led to seepage of radioactive materials into
the underground water system and Vrishaba river which supplied water to the
three districts. The investigation found that a total of one lakh people were
affected by the radiation. The affected people filed for compensation before
the Claims Tribunal appointed by the Government of Aryavarta. The Claims
Tribunal was headed by Mr. Mankuthimma, Mr. Gabbarsingh and Mr. Tonio
Montano. It rejected more than 65% of claims made before it and directed the
Government of Aryavarta to deposit 100 crores with it and the same were
disbursed to the affected people. The victims could not appeal the decision of
the Claims Tribunal. The affected people protested stating that the relief of
100 crores was insufficient. There were agitations across the country against
the apathy of the government towards the affected people and the agitators
demanded more 1000 crores to aid the affected people and redress the
environmental damage.
7. The aggrieved persons reached out to the High Court of Ranisthan in
November 2019 and filed a Writ Petition challenging the orders passed by the
said Claims Tribunal. The High Court of Ranisthan dismissed all the petitions
citing a bar on exercising its jurisdiction by virtue of Section 15of Aryavarta
Nuclear Arms Act, 2015. An NGO called “People’s Cause” filed a PIL before
the Supreme Court of Aryavarta on behalf of the affected people. It
challenged the constitutional validity of Sections 5,13 and 15 of the Aryavarta
Nuclear Arms Act, 2015 and sought greater compensation to the victims and
laying down of guidelines by the Court for nuclear testing. The PIL was
admitted and the matter is posted for hearing the issues pertaining to the
merits on 28th February 2020.