OOPSlecture Notes PDF
OOPSlecture Notes PDF
OOPSlecture Notes PDF
• To get a clear understanding of object-oriented concepts.
• To understand object oriented programming through C++.
Why Object-Oriented Programming in C++ – Native Types and Statements –Functions and
Pointers- Implementing ADTs in the Base Language.
Data Hiding and Member Functions- Object Creation and Destruction- Polymorphism data abstraction:
Iterators and Containers.
Templates, Generic Programming, and STL-Inheritance-Exceptions-OOP Using C++.
Data types, variables and arrays, operators, control statements, classes, objects, methods – Inheritance
Packages and Interfaces, Exception handling, Multithreaded programming, Strings, Input/Output
• Gain the basic knowledge on Object Oriented concepts.
• Ability to develop applications using Object Oriented Programming Concepts.
• Ability to implement features of object oriented programming to solve real world problems.
1. Ira Pohl, “Object-Oriented Programming Using C++”, Pearson Education Asia, 2003.
2. H.M.Deitel, P.J.Deitel, “Java : how to program”, Fifth edition, Prentice Hall of India private limited, 2003.
1. Herbert Schildt, “The Java 2: Complete Reference”, Fourth edition, TMH, 2002
2. Bjarne Stroustrup, “The C++ Programming Language”, Pearson Education, 2004.
3. Stanley B. Lippman and Josee Lajoie , “C++ Primer”, Pearson Education, 2003.
4. K.R.Venugopal, Rajkumar Buyya, T.Ravishankar, “Mastering C++”, TMH, 2003.
Why Object-Oriented Programming in C++ – Native Types and Statements –Functions and
Pointers- Implementing ADTs in the Base Language.
Data Abstraction
Data Encapsulation
Object is the basic unit of object-oriented programming. Objects are identified by
its unique name. An object represents a particular instance of a class. There can be more
than one
instance of an object. Each instance of an object can hold its own relevant data.
An Object is a collection of data members and associated member functions also known
as methods.
Classes are data types based on which objects are created. Objects with similar properties
and methods are grouped together to form a Class. Thus a Class represent a set of individual
objects. Characteristics of an object are represented in a class as Properties. The actions
that can be performed by objects becomes functions of the class and is referred to as Methods.
For example consider we have a Class of Cars under which Santro Xing, Alto and
represents individual Objects. In this context each Car Object will have its own, Model,
Year of Manufacture, Colour, Top Speed, Engine Power etc., which form Properties of the Car
class and the associated actions i.e., object functions like Start, Move, Stop form the
Methods of Car Class.
No memory is allocated when a class is created. Memory is allocated only when an object
is created, i.e., when an instance of a class is created.
Inheritance is the process of forming a new class from an existing class or base class. The
base class is also known as parent class or super class, The new class that is formed is called
derived class. Derived class is also known as a child class or sub class. Inheritance helps in
reducing the overall code size of the program, which is an important concept in object-oriented
Data Abstraction:
Data Abstraction increases the power of programming language by creating user defined
data types. Data Abstraction also represents the needed information in the program without
presenting the details.
Data Encapsulation:
Data Encapsulation combines data and functions into a single unit called Class. When
using Data Encapsulation, data is not accessed directly; it is only accessible through the functions
present inside the class. Data Encapsulation enables the important concept of data hiding possible.
Polymorphism allows routines to use variables of different types at different times. An
operator or function can be given different meanings or functions. Polymorphism refers to
a single function or multi-functioning operator performing in different ways.
Overloading is one type of Polymorphism. It allows an object to have different
meanings, depending on its context. When an exiting operator or function begins to
operate on new data type, or class, it is understood to be overloaded.
This term refers to the ability for multiple programmers to use the same written and
debugged existing class of data. This is a time saving device and adds code efficiency to the
Additionally, the programmer can incorporate new features to the existing class, further
developing the application and allowing users to achieve increased performance. This time
saving feature optimizes code, helps in gaining secured applications and facilitates easier
maintenance on the application.
#include <iostream>
class employee // Class Declaration
char empname[50];
int empno;
void getvalue()
cout<<"INPUT Employee Name:";
cout<<"INPUT Employee Number:";
void displayvalue()
cout<<"Employee Name:"<<empname<<endl;
cout<<"Employee Number:"<<empno<<endl;
employee e1; // Creation of Object
2.Programming Concepts:
It is a mechanism that associates the code and the data it manipulates into a single unit to
and keeps them safe from external interference and misuse. In C++ this is supported by construct
called class. An instance of an object is known as object which represents a real world entity.
Data Abstraction
A data abstraction is a simplified view of an object that includes only features one is
interested in while hides away the unnecessary details. In programming languages, a data
abstraction becomes an abstract data type or a user-defined type. In OOP, it is implemented as a
Inheritance is a means of specifying hierarchical relationships between types C++ classes
can inherit both data and function members from other (parent) classes. Terminology: "the child
(or derived) class inherits (or is derived from) the parent (or base) class".
Polymorphism is in short the ability to call different functions by just using one type of
function call. It is a lot useful since it can group classes and their functions together.
Polymorphism means that the same thing can exist in two forms. This is an important
characteristic of true object oriented design - which means that one could develop good OO
design with data abstraction and inheritance, but the real power of object oriented design
seems to surface when polymorphism is used.
Multiple Inheritance
The mechanism by which a class is derived from more than one base class is known as
multiple inheritance. Instances of classes with multiple inheritance have instance variables
for each of the inherited base classes.
Basic c++:
A class definition begins with the keyword class.
The body of the class is contained within a set of braces, { } ; (notice the semi- colon).
class class_name
Within the body, the keywords private: and public: specify the access level of the members
of the class.
the default is private.
Usually, the data members of a class are declared in the private: section of the class and the
member functions are in public: section.
class class_name
This class example shows how we can encapsulate (gather) a circle information into
one package (unit or class)
class Circle
double radius;
void setRadius(double r);
double getDiameter();
double getArea();
double getCircumference();
A private member within a class denotes that only members of the same class have
accessibility. The private member is inaccessible from outside the class.
A protected access specifier is a stage between private and public access. If member
functions defined in a class are protected, they cannot be accessed from outside the class but can be
accessed from the derived class.
Data Members :
Data members include members that are declared with any of the fundamental types, as
well as other types, including pointer, reference, array types, bit fields, and user-defined types.
You can declare a data member the same way as a variable, except that explicit initializers
are not allowed inside the class definition. However, a const static data member of integral or
enumeration type may have an explicit initializer.
A class X cannot have a member that is of type X, but it can contain pointers to X,
references to X, and static objects of X. Member functions of X can take arguments of type X and
have a return type of X. For example:
class X
X *xptr;
X &xref;
static X xcount;
X xfunc(X);
Static members:
Class members can be declared using the storage class specifier static in the class member
list. Only one copy of the static member is shared by all objects of a class in a program.
When you declare an object of a class having a static member, the static member is not part
of the class object.
You access a static member by qualifying the class name using the :: (scope resolution)
operator. In the following example, you can refer to the static member f() of class type X as
X::f() even if no object of type X is ever declared:
struct X {
static int f();
int main() {
Functions are building blocks of the programs. They make the programs more modular and
easy to read and manage. All C++ programs must contain the function main( ). The execution of
the program starts from the function main( ). A C++ program can contain any number of functions
according to the needs. The general form of the function is: -
return_type function_name(parameter list)
body of the function
The function of consists of two parts function header and function body. The function
header is:-
return_type function_name(parameter list)
The return_type specifies the type of the data the function returns. The return_type can be
void which means function does not return any data type. The function_name is the name of the
function. The name of the function should begin with the alphabet or underscore. The
parameter list consists of variables separated with comma along with their data types. The
parameter list could be empty which means the function do not contain any parameters. The
parameter list should contain both data type and name of the variable. For example,
int factorial(int n, float j)
is the function header of the function factorial. The return type is of integer which means
function should return data of type integer. The parameter list contains two variables n and j of
type integer and float respectively. The body of the function performs the computations.
Member functions are operators and functions that are declared as members of a class.
Member functions do not include operators and functions declared with the friend
These are called friends of a class. You can declare a member function as static; this is
called a static member function. A member function that is not declared as static is called a
nonstatic member function.
The definition of a member function is within the scope of its enclosing class. The body of
a member function is analyzed after the class declaration so that members of that class can be used
in the member function body, even if the member function definition appears before the
declaration of that member in the class member list. When the function add() is called in the
following example, the data variables a, b, and c can be used in the body of add().
class x
int add() // inline member function add
{return a+b+c;};
int a,b,c;
Special type of member function:
Public function member
called when a new object is created (instantiated).
Initialize data members.
Same name as class
No return type
Several constructors
Function overloading
class Circle
double radius;
Circle(int r);
void setRadius(double r);
double getDiameter();
double getArea();
double getCircumference();
Default arguments:
using namespace std;
long sum=0;;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
cout<<setw(5)<<first_term+ diff*i;
return sum;
int main()
cout<<endl<<Sum=<<setw(7)< <sum(10)<<endl;
//first term=1; diff=1,n=10
//sums the series 1,2,3,4,5………10
cout<<endl<<Sum=<<setw(7)< <sum(6,3,2)<<endl;
//first term=1; diff=2,n=10
//sums the series 2,5,8,11,14,17
cout<<endl<<Sum=<<setw(7)< <sum(10,2)<<endl;
//first term=1; diff=2,n=10
//sums the series 1,3,5………..19
return 1;
all the parameters with default values should lie to the right in the signature list i.e. the
default arguments should be the trailing arguments—those at the end of the list.
when a function with default arguments is called, the first argument in the call statement is
assigned to the first argument in the definition, the 2nd to 2nd and so on.
This becomes more clear from the last call to sum() in the above example where value 10 is
assigned to n and 2 is assigned to diff and not first_term.
Function Overloading:
*C++ supports writing more than one function with the same name but different argument
lists. This could include:
different data types
different number of arguments
*The advantage is that the same apparent function can be called to perform similar but
different tasks. The following will show an example of this .
void swap (int *a, int *b) ;
void swap (float *c, float *d) ;
void swap (char *p, char *q) ;
int main ( )
int a = 4, b = 6 ;
Friend Function:
*A friend function of a class is defined outside the class‘s scope (I.e. not member
functions), yet has the right to access the non-public members of the class.
*Single functions or entire classes may be declared as friends of a class.
*These are commonly used in operator overloading. Perhaps the most common use of
functions is overloading << and >> for I/O.
*Basically, when you declare something as a friend, you give it access to your private data
*This is useful for a lot of things – for very interrelated classes, it more efficient (faster)
than using tons of get/set member function calls, and they increase encapsulation by allowing
c.someNumber = val; }
Const Functions :
If you declare a class method const, you are promising that the method won't change the
value of any of the members of the class. To declare a class method constant, put the
keyword const after the parentheses but before the semicolon. The declaration of the
constant member functionSomeFunction() takes no arguments and returns void. It looks like this:
void SomeFunction() const;
Access or functions are often declared as constant functions by using the const modifier
Declare member functions to be const whenever they should not change the object
Volatile Functions:
The volatile keyword is a type qualifier used to declare that an object can be modified in
the program by something such as the operating system, the hardware, or a concurrently
executing thread. If your objects are used in a multithreaded environment or they can be
accessed asynchronously (say by a signal handler), they should be declared volatile. A
volatile object can call only volatile member functions safely. If the program calls a
member function that isn't volatile, its behavior is undefined. Most compilers issue a warning if a
non-volatile member function is called by a volatile object:
struct S
{int f1();
int f2() volatile;
Static Members:
Object Oriented Programming in C++. A class member is either a property or a method. A
static member of a class is a member whose value is the same for every object instantiated.
This means that if one object changes the value of the static member, this change will be
reflected in another object instantiated from the class. The change (or the resulting value) will be
the same in all the instantiated objects. You can also access a static member using the class name
without instantiation. In this part of the series, we look at static members in C++
classes. You can have a static member along side other members in your class.
Static Property
A static property is also called a static data member.
Declaring a Static Property
You declare a static property just as you declare any other attribute, but you precede the
declaration expression with the keyword, static and a space. The syntax is:
static Type Ident;
Despite this simple feature, you have to learn how to use the static member. You do not use
it in the straightforward way.
The following class illustrates the use of a static property member:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class MyClass
static int sameAll;
int MyClass::sameAll = 5;
int main()
MyClass myObj;
myObj.sameAll = 6;
cout << MyClass::sameAll;
return 0;
In the code, you have a class called MyClass. This class has just one member, which is the
static data member. You initialize the static member outside the class description as shown above.
You begin with the return type of the static property. This is followed by a space and then the name
of the class. After that you have the scope operator, then the identifier of the static property. Then
you have the assignment operator and the value.
You instantiate an object form the class that has the static member in the normal way. Line
in the main function illustrates this. You access the static property of an instantiated object
in the normal way. The second line in the main function illustrates this. However, changing the
value as this line has done means changing the value for the class (description) and any
instantiated object and any object that is still to be instantiated.
The third line in the main function displays the static property value. It uses the class name;
it did not use the object name. To use the class name to access the static attribute, you begin with
the class name. This is followed by the scope operator and then the identifier of the static property.
This shows how you can access a static attribute with the class name directly and without using an
object; this is like accessing the property in the class description. The static member is a kind of
global object.
In object-oriented programming language C++, the data and functions (procedures to
manipulate the data) are bundled together as a self-contained unit called an object. A class
is an extended concept similar to that of structure in C programming language, this class
describes the data properties alone. In C++ programming language, class describes both the
properties (data) and behaviors (functions) of objects. Classes are not objects, but they are used to
instantiate objects.
Creation of Objects:
Once the class is created, one or more objects can be created from the class as objects are
instance of the class.
int x;
exforsys e1;
class exforsys
int x,y;
void sum()
exforsys e1;
The object can also be declared immediately after the class definition. In other words the
object name can also be placed immediately before the closing flower brace symbol } of the class
Pointers and Objects:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class myclass {
int i;
myclass(int j) {
i = j;
int getInt() {
return i;
int main()
myclass ob(88), *objectPointer;
objectPointer = &ob; // get address of ob
cout << objectPointer->getInt(); // use -> to call getInt()
return 0;
Constant objects:
We've already seen const references demonstrated, and they're pretty natural: when you
declare a const reference, you're only making the data referred to const. References, by
their very nature, cannot change what they refer to. Pointers, on the other hand, have two ways that
you can use them: you can change the data pointed to, or change the pointer itself.
Consequently, there are two ways of declaring a const pointer: one that prevents you from
changing what is pointed to, and one that prevents you from changing the data pointed to.
On the other hand, if you just want the address stored in the pointer itself to be const, then
you have to put const after the *:
int x;
int * const p_int = &x;
Personally, I find this syntax kind of ugly; but there's not any other obviously better way to
do it. The way to think about it is that "* const p_int" is a regular integer, and that the value stored
in p_int itself cannot change--so you just can't change the address pointed to. Notice, by the way,
that this pointer had to be initialized when it was declared: since the pointer itself is const, we can't
change what it points to later on! Them's the rules.
Generally, the first type of pointer, where the data is immutable, is what I'll refer to as a
"const pointer" (in part because it's the kind that comes up more often, so we should have a
natural way of describing it).
Nested Classes:
A class can be declared within the scope of another class. Such a class is called a
"nested class." Nested classes are considered to be within the scope of the enclosing class
and are available for use within that scope. To refer to a nested class from a scope other than its
immediate enclosing scope, you must use a fully qualified name value class Outside { value class
Inside { }; }; In the same way, you can nest as many classes as you wish in another class and you
can nest as many classes inside of other nested classes if you judge it necessary.
Just as you would manage any other class so can you exercise control on a nested
class. For example, you can declare all necessary variables or methods in the nested class or in the
nesting class. When you create one class inside of another, there is no special programmatic
relationship between both classes: just because a class is nested doesn't mean that the nested class
has immediate access to the members of the nesting class. They are two different classes and they
can be used separately.
The name of a nested class is not "visible" outside of the nesting class. To access a nested
class outside of the nesting class, you must qualify the name of the nested class
anywhere you want to use it. This is done using the :: operator. For example, if you want to
declare an Inside variable somewhere in the program but outside of Outside, you must qualify its
name. Here is an example:
Local classes:
A local class is declared within a function definition. Declarations in a local class can only
use type names, enumerations, static variables from the enclosing scope, as well as external
variables and functions.
For example:
int x; // global variable
void f() // function definition
static int y; // static variable y can be used by
// local class
int x; // auto variable x cannot be used by
// local class
extern int g(); // extern function g can be used by
// local class
int main()
local* z; // error: the class local is not visible
// ...}
Member functions of a local class have to be defined within their class definition, if they
are defined at all. As a result, member functions of a local class are inline functions. Like all
member functions, those defined within the scope of a local class do not need the keyword inline.
A local class cannot have static data members. In the following example, an attempt to
define a static member of a local class causes an error:
void f()
class local
we want to program a card deck for a simple blackjack game we are programming.
Remember containership and inheritance? Let's think about the types of parts that make up
a deck -- and those are the cards. Since all of the cards are very similar in structure, we could use a
struct to represent a single card:
enum Suit = {Clubs, Spades, Diamonds, Hearts};
struct Card {
Suit suit;
char digit;
A note on the digit. If digit <= 10, then it is a number, else it is the letter of the card (J, Q, K,
A). You could also use it as a number 1(ace) through 13(king) as well, perhaps if you were using
the card value in additions or such.
A simple object, the card deck only has one type of item. Now let's think about the types of
actions you can perform on the deck, and then make a class declaration out of this list, as well as
using the previously declared data.
class Deck {
void CreateDeck();//Fills array with legal cards
void Shuffle(); //Shuffles those cards
Card DrawCard(); //Gets a card from the deck
Card cards[52];
Now we have considered all of the things we may need to use a card deck. The programmer
first sets up the deck with CreateDeck(), then whenever needed can Shuffle() the deck, and
when the dealer deals a card, it can be picked up using DrawCard(), and then perhaps placed in the
players hand (which could also could be a class too) or whatever the programmer needs to do with
Deck::Deck() {
cards = new Card[52];//Allocate memory
CreateDeck(); //Set up the deck
Deck::~Deck() {
delete[] cards; //Deallocate memory
The programmer cannot declare a constructor as virtual or static, nor can the
programmer declare a constructor as const, volatile, or const volatile.
The constructor must be defined in the public. The constructor must be a public
class A
A(){/*body*/} //Deafult constructor without arquemnet
if you did not write any constructor within class A. The implicit constructor or inline
constructor A::A() /*[without no body] */ will be called when you create object for
class A
Note: you can't use both constructor in same class. Confilict occur when you create object
of class A that whether to call first one or second one (ambiguity)
This constructor has no arguments in it. Default Constructor is also called as no argument
class Exforsys
int a,b;
Exforsys :: Exforsys()
In C++, default constructors are significant because they are automatically invoked in
certain circumstances:
When an object value is declared with no argument list, e.g. MyClass x;; or allocated
dynamically with no argument list, e.g. new MyClass; the default constructor is used to
initialize the object
When an array of objects is declared, e.g. MyClass x[10];; or allocated dynamically, e.g.
new MyClass [10]; the default constructor is used to initialize all the elements
When a derived class constructor does not explicitly call the base class constructor in
its initializer list, the default constructor for the base class is called
When a class constructor does not explicitly call the constructor of one of its object-
valued fields in its initializer list, the default constructor for the field's class is called In the
standard library, certain containers "fill in" values using the default constructor when the value is
not given explicitly, e.g. vector<MyClass>(10); initializes the vector with 10
elements, which are filled with the default-constructed value of our type.
In the above circumstances, it is an error if the class does not have a default constructor.
The compiler will implicitly define a default constructor if no constructors are explicitly
defined for a class. This implicitly-declared default constructor is equivalent to a default
constructor defined with a blank body.
(Note: if some constructors are defined, but they are all non-default, the compiler will not
implicitly define a default constructor. This means that a default constructor may not exist for a
These are access specifiers for class data members and member methods.
Public: The data members and methods having public as access specifier can be
accessed by the class objects created outside the class.
Protected: The data members and methods declared as protected will be accessible to the
class methods and the derived class methods only.
Private: These data members and methods will be accessible from the class methods
only not from derived classes and not from objects created outside the class.
Internal: Some languages define internal as an access specifier which means the data
member or method is available to all the classes inside that particular assembly.
Friend: A friend class or method can access all data of a class including private and
protected data.
// A parameterized constructor.
using System;
class MyClass {
public int x;
public MyClass(int i) {
x = i;
void YourClass::deleteAll()
delete ptr1; ptr1 = 0;
delete ptr2; ptr2 = 0;
delete ptr3; ptr3 = 0;
ptr1(0), ptr2(0), ptr3(0)
ptr1 = new whatever;
ptr2 = new whatever;
ptr3 = new whatever;
This constructor takes one argument. Also called one argument constructor. The main
use of copy constructor is to initialize the objects while in creation, also used to copy an
object. The copy constructor allows the programmer to create a new object from an existing one by
Exforsys e3(e2);
Exforsys e3=e2;
Copy constructor is
1. a constructor function with the same name as the class
2. used to make deep copy of objects.
There are 3 important places where a copy constructor is called.
1. When an object is created from another object of the same type
2. When an object is passed by value as a parameter to a function
3. When an object is returned from a function.
If a copy constructor is not defined in a class the compiler itself defines one. This will
ensure a shallow copy. If the class does not have pointer variables with dynamically
allocated memory then one need not worry about defining a copy constructor. It can
be left to the compiler's discretion.
For Example:
#include <iostream.h>
class Exforsys()
int a;
Exforsys(int w)
Exforsys(Exforsys& e)
cout<<‖ Example of Copy Constructor‖;
void result()
cout<< a;
void main()
Exforsys e1(50);
Exforsys e3(e1);
cout<< ―=‖;e3.result();
In the above the copy constructor takes one argument an object of type Exforsys which is
passed by reference. The output of the above program is
The destructor of an automatic object is called when the object goes out of scope. The
destructor itself does not actually destroy the object, but it does perform termination
housekeeping before the system reclaims the object‘s.
The above is the general syntax of a destructor. In the above, the symbol tilda ~ represents
a destructor which precedes the name of the class.
Some important points about destructors:
Like the constructor, the destructor must also be defined in the public. The destructor
must be a public member.
The Destructor does not take any argument which means that destructors cannot be
For example:
class Exforsys
~ Exforsys()
Like constructor the destructor is a member function whose name is the same as the
class name but is preceded by a tilde. For example the destructor of a class integer can
be define as :-
A destructor never takes any argument nor does it return any value. It will invoked
implicitly by the compiler upon exit from the program to clean up storage that is no longer
Re: What is role of constructor and destructor in C++?
The constructor's job is to set up the object so that it can be used.Destructors are less
complicated than constructors. You don't call them explicitly (they are called automatically for
you), and there's only one destructor for each object. The name of the destructor is the name of the
class, preceeded by a tilde.
Operator Overloading
Operator Overloading in two Parts, In Part I of Operator Overloading you will learn
about Unary Operators, Binary Operators and Operator Overloading – Unary operators.
After knowing about the feature of operator overloading now let us see how to define and
use this concept of operator overloading in C++ programming language.
We have seen in previous sections the different types of operators. Broadly classifying
operators are of two types namely:
Unary Operators
Binary Operators
Unary Operators:
As the name implies takes operate on only one operand. Some unary operators are namely
called as Increment operator, -- called as Decrement Operator, ! , ~, unary minus.
Binary Operators:
The arithmetic operators, comparison operators, and arithmetic assignment operators all
this which we have seen in previous section of operators come under this category.
Both the above classification of operators can be overloaded. So let us see in detail each of
Thus the above clearly specifies that operator overloading is defined as a member function
by making use of the keyword operator.
In the above:
:: - is the scope resolution operator which is used to use the function definition outside the
class. The usage of this is clearly defined in our earlier section of How to define class members.
For example
Suppose we have a class say Exforsys and if the programmer wants to define a operator
overloading for unary operator say ++, the function is defined as
Inside the class Exforsys the data type that is returned by the overloaded operator is defined
Class Exforsys
Private :
Public :
void operator++();
Inside the class the operator overloaded member function is defined with the return data
type as member function or a friend function. The concept of friend function we will define in later
sections. If in this case of unary operator overloading if the function is a member function then the
number of arguments taken by the operator member function is none as
seen in the below example. In case if the function defined for the operator overloading is a
friend function which we will discuss in later section then it takes one argument.
The operator overloading is defined as member function outside the class using the scope
resolution operator with the keyword operator as explained above
Now let us see how to use this overloaded operator member function in the program
Exforsys( )
} //Constructor
Void Exforsys::display()
void Exforsys::operator ++( )//Operator Overloading for operator ++
Void main()
Exforsys e1,e2; //Object e1 and e2 created
++e1; //Operator
overloading applied
After Increment‖
The output of the above program is:
Before Increment
Object e1:
Value of
Object e1:
Value of
Before Increment
Object e1:
Value of
Object e1:
Value of x is: 1
In the above example we have created 2 objects e1 and e2 f class Exforsys. The operator ++
is overloaded and the function is defined outside the class Exforsys.
When the program starts the constructor Exforsys of the class Exforsys initialize the values
as zero and so when the values are displayed for the objects e1 and e2 it is displayed as zero.
When the object ++e1 and ++e2 is called the operator overloading function gets applied
and thus value of x gets incremented for each object separately. So now when the values are
displayed for objects e1 and e2 it is incremented once each and gets printed as one for each
object e1 and e2.
This is how unary operators get overloaded. We will see in detail how to overload binary
operators in next section.
when a data is declared as private inside a class, then it is not accessible from outside the
class. A function that is not a member or an external class will not be able to access the private
data. A programmer may have a situation where he or she would need to access
private data from non-member functions and external classes. For handling such cases, the
concept of Friend functions is a useful tool.
What is a Friend Function?
A friend function is used for accessing the non-public members of a class. A class can
allow non-member functions and other classes to access its own private data, by making them
friends. Thus, a friend function is an ordinary function or a member of another class.
How to define and use Friend Function in C++:
The friend function is written as any other normal function, except the function declaration
of these functions is preceded with the keyword friend. The friend function must have the class to
which it is declared as friend passed to it in argument.
class exforsys
int a,b;
void test()
friend int compute(exforsys e1)
//Friend Function Declaration with keyword friend and with the object of class
exforsys to which it is friend passed to it
//Friend Function Definition which has access to private data
return int(e1.a+e2.b)-5;
exforsys e;
cout<<"The result is:"<<COMPUTE(E);
//Calling of Friend Function with object as argument.
The function compute() is a non-member function of the class exforsys. In order to make
this function have access to the private data a and b of class exforsys , it is created as a friend
function for the class exforsys. As a first step, the function compute() is declared as friend in the
class exforsys as:
The concept operator overloading and friend function are supported by Java by
defaault only + operator is overloaded over string .
String abc ;
String s1 Hello ;
String s2 Geek Interview ;
abc s1+s2;
would print Hello Geek Interview
Compound assignment Operators denoted by +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, >>=, <<=, &=, ^=,
Relational and equality operators denoted by ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=
Assignment Operator
This is denoted by symbol =. This operator is used for assigning a value to a variable. The
left of the assignation operator is known as the lvalue (left value), which must be a variable. The
right of the assignation operator is known as the rvalue (right value). The rvalue can be a constant,
a variable, the result of an operation or any combination of these.
For example:
x = 5;
By following the right to left rule the value 5 is assigned to the variable x in the above
assignment statement.
Arithmetic operators
The operators used for arithmetic operation sin C++ are:
+ For addition
- For subtraction
* For multiplication
/ For division
% For modulo
Compound assignment Operators
This operator is used when a programmer wants to update a current value by performing
operation on the current value of the variable.
For example:
equal to
Old = old + new
Compound assignment operators function in a similar way the other operators +=, -=, *=,
%=, >>=, <<=, &=, ^=, |= function.
Increment and Decrement Operator
The increment operator is denoted by ++ and the decrement operator by --. The function of
the increment operator is to increase the value and the decrement operator is to decrease the value.
These operators may be used as either prefix or postfix. A Prefix operator is written before the
variable as ++a or –a. A Postfix operator is written after the variable as a++ or a--.
The Functionality of Prefix and Postfix Operators
In the case that the increment or decrement operator is used as a prefix ( ++a or –a), then
the value is respectively increased or decreased before the result of the expression is evaluated.
Therefore, the increased or decreased value, respectively, is considered in the outer
expression. In the case that the increment or decrement operator is used as a postfix (a++ or
a--), then the value stored in a is respectively increased or decreased after being evaluated.
Therefore, the value stored before the increase or decrease operation is evaluated in the
outer expression.
For Example:
== Equal to
!= Not equal to
If the operation modifies the state of the class object it operates on it must be a
member function not a friend function Thus all operator such as * + etc are naturally
defined as member functions not friend functions Conversely if the operator does not
modify any of its operands but needs only a representation of the object it does not
have to be a member function and often less confusing. This is the reason why binary
operators are often implemented as friend functions such as + * - etc..
Because assignment operator is one of the default method provided by the class.
Type Conversion
Short x=6000;
In the above example the data type short namely variable x is converted to int and is
assigned to the integer variable y.
So as above it is possible to convert short to int, int to float and so on.
Type casting otherwise called as Explicit Conversion
Explicit conversion can be done using type cast operator and the general syntax for doing
this is
datatype (expression);
Here in the above datatype is the type which the programmer wants the expression to gets
changed as
In C++ the type casting can be done in either of the two ways mentioned below namely:
C-style casting
C++-style casting
This approach was adopted since it provided more clarity to the C++ programmers rather
C-style casting.
Say for instance the as per C-style casting
(type) firstVariable * secondVariable
is not clear but when a programmer uses the C++ style casting it is much more clearer as
type (firstVariable) * secondVariable
Let us see the concept of type casting in C++ with a small example:
cout<< ―Enter the value of a:‖;
cout<< ―n Enter the value of b:‖;
value of
Enter the
value of
Enter the
value of
The value of c is: 22.5
In the above program a is declared as integer and b and c are declared as float. In the type
conversion statement namely
c = float(a)+b;
The variable a of type integer is converted into float type and so the value 10 is converted
as 10.0 and then is added with the float variable b with value 12.5 giving a resultant float variable
Explicit Constructor
Explicit Constructor
The explicit keyword in C++ is used to declare explicit constructors. Explicit constructors
are simply constructors that cannot take part in an implicit conversion. Consider the following
class Array
Array(size_t count);
// etc.
explicit B (const A& aObj)
But explicit on a constructor with multiple arguments has no effect, since such constructors
cannot take part in implicit conversions. However, explicit will have an effect if a constructor has
multiple arguments and all but one of the arguments has a default value.
For Example:
The code
Code: Cpp
class A
int data1;
int data2;
char* name;
A(int a, int b=10, char* c = "mridula"):data1(a), data2(b), name(c)
cout<<"A::Construcor... ";
int main()
//Call display with A object i.e. a1
return (0);
Valud of data1 in obj := 100
Valud of data2 in obj := 10
Valud of name in obj := mridula
As said above, it is better to use explicit for such constructor declaration too to avoid any
such implicit conversions.
Declare the multiple argumented constructor in the above example as below to avoid
implicit conversion:
Part-A (2 - Marks)
1. What is a Constructor?
2. Define Copy constructor.
3. Define Destructor.
4. What is Operator Overloading?
5. Define default constructor.
6. What is the difference between Explicit and Implicit casting?
7. What is use of Assignment Operator?
8. What is the use of Constructor with Dynamic allocation?
9. Define Explicit constructor.
10. What is meant by Typecasting?
Let us start by defining inheritnace. A very good website for finding computer science
definitions is http://www.whatis.com. The definitions in this article are stolen from
that website.
Definition: Inheritance
Inheritance is the concept that when a class of object is defined, any subclass that is
defined can inherit the definitions of one or more general classes. This means for the
programmer that an object in a subclass need not carry its own definition of data and
methods that are generic to the class (or classes) of which it is a part. This not only
speeds up program development; it also ensures an inherent validity to the defined
subclass object (what works and is consistent about the class will also work for the
The simple example in C++ is having a class that inherits a data member from its parent
class A
integer d;
class B : public A
The class B in the example does not have any direct data member does it? Yes, it
does. It
inherits the data member d from class A. When one class inherits from another, it
acquires all of its methods and data. We can then instantiate an object of class B and
1. Single Inheritance
2. Multiple Inheritance
3. Multilevel Inheritance
4. Hierarchial Inheritance
2. Multiple Inheritance - A class is derived from more than one base classes
3. Multilevel Inheritance - A sub class inherits from a class which inherits from another
4. Hierarchical Inheritance - More than one subclass inherited from a single base class.
Multiple inheritance (C++ only)
You can derive a class from any number of base classes. Deriving a class from more
than one direct base class is called multiple inheritance.
In the following example, classes A, B, and C are direct base classes for the derived
class X:
class A { /* ... */ };
class B { /* ... */ };
class C { /* ... */ };
class X : public A, private B, public C { /* ... */ };
The following inheritance graph describes the inheritance relationships of the above
example. An arrow points to the direct base class of the class at the tail of the arrow:
The order of derivation is relevant only to determine the order of default initialization by
constructors and cleanup by destructors.
A direct base class cannot appear in the base list of a derived class more than once:
However, a derived class can inherit an indirect base class more than once, as shown
In the above example, class D inherits the indirect base class L once through class B2
and once through class B3. However, this may lead to ambiguities because two subobjects
of class L exist, and both are accessible through class D. You can avoid this ambiguity by
referring to class L using a qualified class name. For example:
You can also avoid this ambiguity by using the base specifier virtual to declare a base
class, as described in Derivation (C++ only).
Suppose you have two derived classes B and C that have a common base class A, and
you also have another class D that inherits from B and C. You can declare the base class A
as virtual to ensure that B and C share the same subobject of A.
In the following example, an object of class D has two distinct subobjects of class L,
one through class B1 and another through class B2. You can use the keyword virtual in
front of the base class specifiers in the base lists of classes B1 and B2 to indicate that only one
subobject of type L, shared by class B1 and class B2, exists.
For example:
class V { /* ... */ };
class B1 : virtual public V { /* ... */ };
class B2 : virtual public V { /* ... */ };
class B3 : public V { /* ... */ };
class X : public B1, public B2, public B3 { /* ... */
In the above example, class X has two subobjects of class V, one that is shared by classes
and B2 and one through class B3.
C++ matches a function call with the correct function definition at compile time
known as static binding
the compiler can match a function call with the correct function definition at run
time known as dynamic binding.
declare a function with the keyword virtual if you want the compiler to use dynamic
binding for that specific function.
class A {
virtual void f() { cout << "Class A" << endl; }
class B: public A {
void f(int) { cout << "Class B" << endl; }
class C: public B {
void f() { cout << "Class C" << endl; }
class A {
virtual void f() = 0; // pure virtual
class B: public A {
void f() { cout << "Class B" << endl; }
class C: public B {
void f() { cout << "Class C" << endl; }
Run Time Type Information (RTTI)
Always exists in OOP: a prerequisite for dynamic binding
Accessible to programmer?
Not necessarily in statically typed languages
Many things can be done without it!
Almost always in dynamically typed languages
Without it, it is impossible to be sure that an object will recognize a message!
In LST, RTTI is the information accessible from the instance_of pointer
Dynamic binding and casting:
Dynamic Typing: no constraints on the values stored in a variable.
– Usually implies reference semantics
Run‐time type information: dynamic type is
associated with the value.
Dynamic casting:
Casting operator is for polymorphic object casting ,so that it can cast from one object
to another object.
Dynamic cast is also called as safe cast.it succeeds only when the pointer or reference
being cast is an object of the target type or derived type from it.
The syntax is written as dynamic cast<ToobjectptrOr ref>(FromobjectPtrOrRef)
If we have a base class and a derived class,casting from derived pointer to base
pointer always succeeds.The casting from base pointer to derived can be succeed only
if base is actually pointing to an object of derived one.
Rtti and templates:
If we want to test the type of the actual variable and try to provide validations
according to the type we can use RTTI for that.
Cross casting:
It refers to casting from derived to proper base class when there are multiple base
classes in case of multiple inheritance.
The dynamic_cast feature of C++ affords another kind of solution -- cross casting.
Consider the following code.
class A {public: virtual ~A();};
class C : public A, public B {};
A* ap = new C;
B* bp = dynamic_cast<B*>(ap);
Notice that classes A and are completely unrelated. Now when we create an
instance of C we can safely upcast it to an . However, we can now take that pointer to
A and it to a pointer to a B. This works because the A pointer ‗ ap ‘ really points at
a C object; and C derives from B Thus, we have cast accross the inheritance hierarchy
between completely unrelated classes. It should be noted that this will
not work with regular casts since they will not be able to do the address arithmetic to
get the pointer to B correct.
For example:
B* bp = (B*)ap;
While this will compile without errors , it will not generate working code. The value
of ‗ bp ‘ will not actually point to the B part of C. Rather it will still point at the A part
of C.
1. State Inheritance.
2. Write the advantages of multiple Inheritance?
3. Define Polymorphism and also list the types of polymorphism.
4. What are Virtual Functions?
5. What are Virtual members?
6. What is meant by pure virtual function?
7. Give the syntax for pure virtual function?
8. What is meant by RTTI?
9. What is upcasting?
10. What is downcasting?
11. What is cross casting?
12. Give the use of typeid operator?
13. Give the use of dynamic_cast operator?
14. Mention the limitations of RTTI.
1. Explain a multilevel, Multiple and Multipath inheritance. (16)
2. Describe about RTTI in detail. (16)
a.Single Inheritance (8)
b.Run time polymorphism (8)
Object Oriented Programming 4
SCAD College Of Engineering
(i)Down casting (8)
(ii)Cross casting (8)
5. a. Write a program for pure virtual function. (8)
b. Write a program to implement dynamic casting. (8)
In Module 5 you have learned the formatted I/O in C by calling various
standard functions. In this Module we will discuss how this formatted I/O implemented in
C++ by using member functions and stream manipulators.
The header files used for formatted I/O in C++ are:
Header file
• Provide basic information required for all stream I/O operation such as cin, cout, cerr
and clog correspond to standard input stream, standard output stream, and standard
unbuffered and buffered error streams respectively.
• Contains information useful for performing formatted I/O with parameterized stream
• Contains information for user controlled file processing operations.
• Contains information for performing in-memory formatting or in-core formatting.
This resembles file processing, but the I/O operation is performed to and from character
arrays rather than files.
• Contains information for program that mixes the C and C++ styles of I/O.
iostream library
- The compilers that fully comply with the C++ standard that use the template
based header files won‘t need the .h extension. Please refer to Module 23 for more
- The iostream class hierarchy is shown below. From the base class ios, we have
a derived class:
Class for stream input operation.
Class for stream output operation.
ios derived classes
So, iostream support both stream input and output. The class hierarchy is
shown below.
To perform file input operations.
For file output operation.
For file input/output operations.
Stream output program example:
//string output using <<
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream.h>
void main(void)
cout<<"Welcome to C++ I/O module!!!"<<endl;
cout<<"Welcome to ";
cout<<"C++ module 18"<<endl;
//endl is end line stream manipulator
//issue a new line character and flushes the output buffer
//output buffer may be flushed by cout<<flush; command
get() and getline() Member Functions of Stream Input
- For the get() function, we have three versions.
1. get() without any arguments, input one character from the designated streams
including whitespace and returns this character as the value of the function call. It will
return EOF when end of file on the stream is encountered. For example:
2. cin.get();
3. get() with a character argument, inputs the next character from the input stream
including whitespace. It return false when end of file is encountered while returns a
reference to the istream object for which the get member function is being invoked. For example:
4. char ch;
5. cin.get(ch);
7. get() with three arguments, a character array, a size limit and a delimiter (default
value ‗‘). It reads characters from the input stream, up to one less than the specified
Program example:
//Using read(), write() and gcount() member functions
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream.h>
const int SIZE = 100;
void main(void)
char buffer[SIZE];
cout<<"Enter a line of text:"<<endl;
cout<<"The line of text entered was: "<<endl;
cout.write(buffer, cin.gcount());
//The gcount() member function returns www.tenouk.com
//the number of unformatted characters last extracted
Stream Manipulators
Used to perform formatting, such as:
▪ Setting field width.
▪ Precision.
▪ Unsetting format flags.
▪ Flushing stream.
▪ Inserting newline in the output stream and flushing the stream.
#include <iomanip.h>
#include <math.h>
void main(void)
double theroot = sqrt(11.55);
cout<<"Square root of 11.55 with various"<<endl;
cout<<" precisions"<<endl;
cout<<"Using 'precision':"<<endl;
for(int poinplace=0; poinplace<=8; poinplace++)
for(int poinplace=0; poinplace<=8; poinplace++)
Field Width
- Sets the field width and returns the previous width. If values processed are smaller than
the field width, fill characters are inserted as padding. Wider values will not be truncated.
- Use width() or setw(). For example:
cout.width(6); //field is 6 position wide
Program example:
//using width member function
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(void)
int p = 6;
char string[20];
cout<<"Using field width with setw() or width()"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter a line of text:"<<endl;
while (cin>>string)
//use ctrl-z followed by return key or ctrl-d to exit
Stream Format States
- Format state flag specify the kinds of formatting needed during the stream operations.
- Available member functions used to control the flag setting are: setf(), unsetf() and
- flags() function must specify a value representing the settings of all the flags.
- The one argument, setf() function specifies one or more ORed flags and ORs them with
the existing flag setting to form a new format state.
- The setiosflags() parameterized stream manipulator performs the same functions as the
- The resetiosflags() stream manipulator performs the same functions as the unsetf()
member function. For parameterized stream manipulators you need iomanip.h header file.
- Format state flags are defined as an enumeration in class ios.
Use to skip whitespace on input.
Controlling the padding, left, right or internal.
Use left justification.
Use right justification.
Left justify the sign, right justify the magnitude.
Setting the base of the numbers.
Use base 10, decimal.
Use base 8, octal.
Use base 16, hexadecimal.
Show base indicator on output.
Shows trailing decimal point and zeroes.
Use uppercase for hexadecimal and scientific notation values.
Shows the + sign before positive numbers.
To set the floating point to scientific notation or fixed format.
Use scientific notation.
Use fixed decimal point for floating-point numbers.
Flush all streams after insertion.
- ios::showpoint – this flag is set to force a floating point number to be output with its
decimal point and trailing zeroes. For example, floating point 88.0 will print 88 without showpoint
set and 88.000000 (or many more 0s specified by current precision) with
showpoint set.
///Using showpoint
//controlling the trailing zeroes and floating points
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(void)
cout<<"Before using the ios::showpoint flag"
cout<<"cout prints 88.88000 as: "<<88.88000
<<"prints 88.80000 as: "<<88.80000
<<"prints 88.00000 as: "<<88.00000
<<"using the ios::showpoint flag"
cout<<"cout prints 88.88000 as: "<<88.88000
<<"prints 88.80000 as: "<<88.80000
<<"prints 88.00000 as: "<<88.00000<<endl;
- Use for left, right or internal justification.
- ios::left – enables fields to be left-justified with padding characters to the right.
- ios::right – enables fields to be right-justified with padding characters to the left.
- The character to be used for padding is specified by the fill or setfill.
- internal – this flag indicates that a number‘s sign (or base if ios::showbase flag is set)
should be left-justified within a field, the number‘s magnitude should be right-justified and the
intervening spaces should be padded with the fill character.
- The left, right and internal flags are contained in static data member ios::adjustfield, so
ios::adjustfield argument must be provided as the second argument to setf when setting the right,
left or internal justification flags because left, right and internal are mutually exclusive.
#include <iomanip.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(void)
long p = 123456789L;
//L - literal data type qualifier for long...
//F - float, UL unsigned integer...
cout<<"The default for 10 fields is right justified:"
<<"member function"
<<"setf() to set ios::left:"<<setw(10);
cout<<p<<"unsetf() to restore the default:";
<<"parameterized stream manipulators"
<<"setiosflags() to set the ios::left:"
<<"resetiosflags() to restore the default:"
- fill() – this member function specify the fill character to be used with adjusted field. If no
value is specified, spaces are used for padding. This function returns the prior padding
- setfill() – this manipulator also sets the padding character.
cout<<"Using various padding character"<<endl;
Scientific Notation
- ios::scientific and ios::fixed flags are contained in the static member ios::floatfield (usage
similar to ios::adjustfield and ios::basefield).
- These flags used to control the output format of floating point numbers.
- The scientific flag – is set to force the output of a floating point number to display a
specific number of digits to the right of the decimal point (specified by the precision member
- cout.setf(0, ios::floatfield) restores the system default format for the floating number
Program example:
//Displaying floating number in system
//default, scientific and fixed format
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(void)
double p = 0.000654321, q = 9.8765e3;
cout<<"Declared variables"
<<"0.000654321"<<''<<"9.8765e3"<<""; cout<<"Default format:"
cout<<"Scientific format:"
cout<<"format after unsetf:"
cout<<"fixed format:"
File Handling
File Modes
working with the file. To use this flag specify 't' as the last character of the mode parameter, i.e.;
$handle = fopen("/home/wrfile.txt","w");
# the file will be created if it doesn't exist,
if it does exist you will overwrite whatever is currently in the file
File Open Examples
•open a file for binary writing
•In Windows you should be careful to escape any backslashes used in the path to the file
$handle = fopen("http://www.superduper.
com/file.txt", "r");
Pass this function the file handle to an open file, and an optional length. Reading ends when
length - 1 bytes have been read, on a newline (which is included in the return value), or on
encountering the end of file, whichever comes first. If no length is specified, the default length is
1024 bytes. (file.txt below)
$handle = fopen("file.txt","r");
while (!feof($handle))
$text = fgets ($handle);
Reading Characters: fgetc
•The fgetc function let's you read a single character from an open file.
the file
if ($char == "")
$char = "<br />";
echo "$char";
•Binary Reading: fread
•Files don't have to be read line by line, you can read a specified number of bytes (or until
the end-of-file is reached). The file is treated as a simple binary file of bytes.
Bytes are read up to the length specified or EOF is reached. On Windows systems, you
should open files for binary reading (mode 'rb') to work with fread. Adding 'b' to the mode
does no harm on other systems, it can be included for portability.
$handle = fopen("file.txt","rb");
$text = fread($handle, filesize("file.txt");
$text = file_get_contents("file.txt");
echo $br_text;
Careful with this function, for very large files, it can be a problem since the entire file must
be memory resident at one time.
Parsing a File
To make it easier to extract data from a file, you can format that file (using, for example,
tabs) and use fscanf to read your data from the file.
In general -----
fscanf ( resource handle, string format);
•Parsing a file: fscanf (cont.)
•This function takes a file handle, handle, and format, which describes the format of the file
you're working with. You set up the format in the same way as with sprintf, which was
discussed in Chapter 3. For example, say the following data was contained in a file names
tabs.txt, where the first and last names are separated by a tab.
George Washington
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Jefferson
$fh = fopen("text.txt","wb");
$text = "Here.";
if (fwrite($fh, $text) == FALSE)
echo "Cannot write to text.txt.";
else {
echo "Created the file text.txt.";
Appending to a File: fwrite
•In this case open the file for appending, using the file mode 'a':
$fh = fopen("text.txt","ab");
And here is
more text.
$text = "Here.";
if (file_put_contents("text.txt",$text) ==
echo "Cannot write to text.txt.";
else {
echo "Wrote to the file text.txt";
Random Access
This lesson is about using random access files in C and the following lesson will look at
working with text files. Apart from the simplest of applications, most programs have to read or
write files. Maybe it's just for reading a config file, or a text parser or something more
sophisticated. The basic file operations are
fopen - open a file- specify how its opened (read/write) and type (binary/text)
Object serialization consists of saving the values that are part of an object, mostly the
value gotten from declaring a variable of a class. AT the current standard, C++ doesn't inherently
support object serialization. To perform this type of operation, you can use a technique
known as binary serialization.
When you decide to save a value to a medium, the fstream class provides the option to
save the value in binary format. This consists of saving each byte to the medium by aligning bytes
in a contiguous manner, the same way the variables are stored in binary numbers.
To indicate that you want to save a value as binary, when declaring the ofstream variable,
specify the ios option as binary. Here is an example:
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Student
char FullName[40];
char CompleteAddress[120];
char Gender;
double Age;
bool LivesInASingleParentHome;
int main()
Student one;
strcpy(one.FullName, "Ernestine Waller");
strcpy(one.CompleteAddress, "824 Larson Drv, Silver Spring, MD 20910");
one.Gender = 'F';
one.Age = 16.50;
one.LivesInASingleParentHome = true;
ofstream ofs("fifthgrade.ros", ios::binary);
return 0;
Writing to the Stream
The ios::binary option lets the compiler know how the value will be stored. This
declaration also initiates the file. To write the values to a stream, you can call the fstream::write()
After calling the write() method, you can write the value of the variable to the medium.
Here is an example:
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Student
char FullName[40];
char CompleteAddress[120];
char Gender;
double Age;
bool LivesInASingleParentHome;
int main()
Student one;
strcpy(one.FullName, "Ernestine Waller");
strcpy(one.CompleteAddress, "824 Larson Drv, Silver Spring, MD 20910");
one.Gender = 'F';
one.Age = 16.50;
one.LivesInASingleParentHome = true;
ofstream ofs("fifthgrade.ros", ios::binary);
ofs.write((char *)&one, sizeof(one));
return 0;
Student two;
ifstream ifs("fifthgrade.ros", ios::binary);
ifs.read((char *)&two, sizeof(two));
cout << "Student Information";
cout << "Student Name: " << two.FullName << endl;
cout << "Address: " << two.CompleteAddress << endl;
if( two.Gender == 'f' || two.Gender == 'F' )
cout << "Gender: Female" << endl;
else if( two.Gender == 'm' || two.Gender == 'M' )
cout << "Gender: Male" << endl;
cout << "Gender: Unknown" << endl;
cout << "Age: " << two.Age << endl;
if( two.LivesInASingleParentHome == true )
cout << "Lives in a single parent home" << endl;
namespace Library1 {
class String;
namespace Library1 {
class List;
Using a namespace
namespace Library1 {
class String;
class List;
• Explicit qualification
void DoSomething ()
Library1::String string;
Library1::List list;
// ...
• using declaration
void DoSomething ()
using Library1::String;
using Library1::List;
String string;
List list;
// ...
• using directive
void DoSomething ()
using namespace Library1;
String string;
List list;
Nested namespaces
namespace Library1 {
namespace Part1 {
class String;
class List;
namespace Part2 {
class String;
class List;
class Array;
The ANSI string class implements a first-class character string data type that avoids
many problems
associated with simple character arrays ("C-style strings"). You can define a string object
simply, as shown in the following example
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string first_name = "Bjarne";
string last_name;
last_name = "Stroustrup";
string names = first_name + " " + last_name;
cout << names << endl;
names = last_name + ", " + first
" + first_name;
cout << names << endl;
Member functions
The string class defines many member functions. A few of the basic ones are
described below:
A string object may defined without an initializing value, in which case its initial
value is an empty string (zero length, no characters):
string str1;
A string object may also be initialized with
� a string expression:
string str2 = str1;
string str3 = str1 + str2;
string str4 (str2); // Alternate form
� a character string literal:
The standard template library (STL) contains
A container is a way that stored data is organized in memory, for example an array of
Algorithms in the STL are procedures that are applied to containers to process their data,
for example search for an element in an array, or sort an array.
Iterators are a generalization of the concept of pointers, they point to elements in a
container, for example you can increment an iterator to point to the next element in an array
Part-A (2-Marks)
1. Define Stream.
2. What is meant by namespaces?
3. Define setf().
4. Give the use of putback() and peek() function.
5. Define Fileobject.
6. What is meant by STL?
7. Define Object Serialization.
8. Name some File Modes?
9. Define Manipulators.
10. What are the types of Manipulators?
11. Give the use of ios::showbase.
12. What is meant by ifstream?
13. Write the syntax for File open and close.
14. What is the need of STL?
15. List out the advantages and disadvantages of STL.
16. List out the STL Containers.
3. a. Write a program in C++ to perform binary serialization using file streams. (8)
b. Write a program in C++ to demonstrate the use of std namespaces. (8)
4.Explain in detail about Manipulators. (16)
5. Explain the hierarchy of File Stream Classes. (16)
6. a. Write a program to read and write a File. (8)
Object Oriented Programming 5
Kings College Of Engineering, Punalkulam.
b.Write a program to use set precision and precision manipulators. (8)
class MyQueue
std::vector<T> data;
void Add(T const &d);
void Remove();
void Print();
The keyword class highlighted in blue color, is not related to the typename. This is a
mandatory keyword to be included for declaring a template class.
Defining member functions - C++ Class Templates:
If the functions are defined outside the template class body, they should always be defined
with the full template definition. Other conventions of writing the function in C++ class templates
are the same as writing normal c++ functions.
template < typename T> void MyQueue<T> ::Add(T const &d)
The Add function adds the data to the end of the vector. The remove function removes the
first element. These functionalities make this C++ class Template behave like a normal Queue.
The print function prints all the data using the iterator.
Full Program - C++ Class Templates:
#include <iostream.h>
#include <vector>
void Add(T const &);
void Remove();
void Print();
//Usage for C++ class templates
void main()
MyQueue<int> q;
cout<<"After removing data"<<endl;
Advantages of C++ Class Templates:
Compiler generates classes for only the used types. If the template is instantiated
for int type, compiler generates only an int version for the c++ template class.
Templates reduce the effort on coding for different data types to a single set of code.
Exeption Handling:
Exception handling is a mechanism that separates code that detects and handles
exceptional circumstances from the rest of your program. Note that an exceptional circumstance is
not necessarily an error.
When a function detects an exceptional situation, you represent this with an object. This
object is called an exception object. In order to deal with the exceptional situation you throw the
exception. This passes control, as well as the exception, to a designated block of code in a direct or
indirect caller of the function that threw the exception. This block of code is called a handler. In a
handler, you specify the types of exceptions that it may process. The C++ run time, together with
the generated code, will pass control to the first appropriate handler that is able to process the
exception thrown. When this happens, an exception is caught. A handler may rethrow an exception
so it can be caught by another handler.
The exception handling mechanism is made up of the following elements:
try blocks
catch blocks
throw expressions
Exception specifications (C++ only)
class E {
const char* error;
E(const char* arg) : error(arg) { }
class A {
int i;
void g() {
throw E("Exception thrown in g()");
int main() {
// A try block
try {
catch (E& e) {
cout << e.error << endl;
try {
A x;
catch(...) { }
The following is the output of the above example:
Exception thrown in f()
Exception thrown in g()
Exception thrown in A()
The constructor of class A has a function try block with a member initializer. Function f()
has a function try block. The main() function contains a try block.
catch blocks (C++ only)
catch block syntax
You can declare a handler to catch many types of exceptions. The allowable objects that a
function can catch are declared in the parentheses following the catch keyword (the
exception_declaration). You can catch objects of the fundamental types, base and derived
class objects, references, and pointers to all of these types. You can also catch const and volatile
types. The exception_declaration cannot be an incomplete type, or a reference or pointer to an
incomplete type other than one of the following:
const void*
volatile void*
const volatile void*
You cannot define a type in an exception_declaration.
You can also use the catch(...) form of the handler to catch all thrown exceptions that have
not been caught by a previous catch block. The ellipsis in the catch argument indicates that any
exception thrown can be handled by this handler.
If an exception is caught by a catch(...) block, there is no direct way to access the object
thrown. Information about an exception caught by catch(...) is very limited.
You can declare an optional variable name if you want to access the thrown object in the
catch block.
A catch block can only catch accessible objects. The object caught must have an accessible
copy constructor.
throw expressions (C++ only)
You use a throw expression to indicate that your program has encountered an exception.
throw expression syntax
const void*
volatile void*
The type_id_list is a comma-separated list of types. In this list you cannot specify an
incomplete type, a pointer or a reference to an incomplete type, other than a pointer to void,
optionally qualified with const and/or volatile. You cannot define a type in an exception
A function with no exception specification allows all exceptions. A function with an
exception specification that has an empty type_id_list, throw(), does not allow any
exceptions to be thrown.
Function f() can throw objects of types A or B. If the function tries to throw an object of
type C, the compiler will call unexpected() because type C has not been specified in the function's
exception specification, nor does it derive publicly from A. Similarly, function g() cannot throw
pointers to objects of type C; the function may throw pointers of type A or pointers of objects that
derive publicly from A.
A function that overrides a virtual function can only throw exceptions specified by the
virtual function. The following example demonstrates this:
class A {
virtual void f() throw (int, char);
class B : public A{
public: void f() throw (int) { }
class D : public A {
public: void f() throw (int, char, double) { }
The compiler allows B::f() because the member function may throw only exceptions of
int. The compiler would not allow C::f() because the member function may throw any kind
of exception. The compiler would not allow D::f() because the member function can throw more
types of exceptions (int, char, and double) than A::f().
Implicitly declared special member functions (default constructors, copy constructors,
destructors, and copy assignment operators) have exception specifications. An implicitly
declared special member function will have in its exception specification the types
declared in the functions' exception specifications that the special function invokes. If any function
that a special function invokes allows all exceptions, then that special function allows all
exceptions. If all the functions that a special function invokes allow no exceptions, then that
special function will allow no exceptions. The following example demonstrates this:
class A {
A() throw (int);
A(const A&) throw (float);
~A() throw();
class B {
B() throw (char);
B(const A&);
~B() throw();
Earlier in this issue the basic purposes of the terminate() and unexpected() functions are
described. In the past year the standards committee has made several refinements to these
The committee has confirmed that direct calls may be made to these functions from
application code. So for instance:
#include <exception>
if (something_is_really_wrong)
This will terminate the program without unwinding the stack and destroying local (and
finally static) objects. Alternatively, if you just throw an exception that doesn't get handled, it is
implementation- dependent whether the stack is unwound before terminate() is called. (Most
implementations will likely support a mode wherein the stack is not unwound, so that you can
debug from the real point of failure).
Probably the main purpose of making direct calls to terminate() and unexpected() will be to
simulate possible error conditions in application testing, especially when the application has
established its own terminate and unexpected handlers.
The committee has changed slightly the definition of what handlers are used when
terminate() or unexpected() are called. In most cases, they are now the handlers in effect at
the time of the throw, which are not necessarily the current handlers. Usually they are one and the
same, but consider:
#include <exception>
class A {
A() { ... }
A(const A&) { ... std::set_unexpected(u2); }
int main()
return 0;
The copy constructor for A is called as part of the throw operation in f(), so by the time the
C++ implementation determines that an unexpected handler needs to be called, u2() is the
current handler. However, based on this recent change, it is the handler in effect at the time
of the throw - u1() - which gets called. On the other hand, if a direct call to terminate() or
unexpected() is made from the application, it is always the current handler which gets called.
Some would argue that this kind of rule just adds complexity without much benefit to
already-complex C++ implementations, but others feel that if an application is going to be
dynamically changing its terminate and unexpected handlers, retaining the correct association is
In the next issue we'll talk about another clarification of terminate() and unexpected(), this
time related to the uncaught_exception() library function introduced above.
Uncaught exceptions:
In the past few examples, there are quite a few cases where a function assumes its caller (or
another function somewhere up the call stack) will handle the exception. In the following example,
MySqrt() assumes someone will handle the exception that it throws — but what
happens if nobody actually does?
Here‘s our square root program again, minus the try block in main():
#include "math.h" // for sqrt() function
using namespace std;
A modular square root function
double MySqrt(double dX)
// If the user entered a negative number, this is an error condition
if (dX < 0.0)
return sqrt(dX);
throw "Can not take sqrt of negative number"; // throw exception of type char*
int main()
double dX;
cin >> dX;
cout << "The sqrt of " << dX << " is " << MySqrt(dX) << endl; cout << "Enter a number: ";
MySqrt() doesn‘t handle the exception, so the program stack unwinds and control returns
to main(). But there‘s no exception handler here either, so main() terminates. At this point, we just
terminated our application!
When main() terminates with an unhandled exception, the operating system will generally
notify you that an unhandled exception error has occurred. How it does this depends on the
operating system, but possibilities include printing an error message, popping up an error dialog,
or simply crashing. Some OS‘s are less graceful than others. Generally this is
something you want to avoid altogether!
Catch-all handlers
And now we find ourselves in a condundrum: functions can potentially throw exceptions of
any data type, and if an exception is not caught, it will propagate to the top of your program
and cause it to terminate. Since it‘s possible to call functions without knowing how they are even
implemented, how can we possibly prevent this from happening?
Fortunately, C++ provides us with a mechanism to catch all types of exceptions. This is
known as a catch-all handler. A catch-all handler works just like a normal catch block,
except that instead of using a specific type to catch, it uses the ellipses operator (…) as the type to
Part-A (2-Marks)
1. Define Template.
2. What is class Template?
3. What is meant by Function Template?
4. Define Exception Handling.
5. Mention the types of Error.
6. Define Terminate Functions
7. What is meant by Uncaught Exception?
8. List out some Exceptions used in C++.
9. Define try and catch.
10. What is use of rethrow?
11. What is meant by multi-catch Exception?
12. Define Exception Specification.
13. What does std::uncaught_exception() do ?
14. List out the several levels of exception safety.