Children's Knowledge of Abuse PDF
Children's Knowledge of Abuse PDF
Children's Knowledge of Abuse PDF
Leslie M. Tutty
To cite this article: Leslie M. Tutty (2019): Children’s Knowledge of Abuse Questionnaires
(CKAQ)-Short: Two Brief Ten-Item Measures of Knowledge about Child Sexual Abuse Concepts,
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, DOI: 10.1080/10538712.2019.1688443
Article views: 2
Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a significant problem across the globe (Barth,
Bermetz, Heim, Trelle, & Tonia, 2013; Stoltenborgh, van IJzendoorn, Euser,
& Bakermans-Kranenburg, 2011). Its consequences include significant indi-
vidual psychological issues including depression, anxiety and post-traumatic
stress (Daigneault, Vézina-Gagnona, Bourgeois, Esposito, & Hébert, 2017;
Gray & Rarick, 2018), which often extend into adulthood as continuing
mental health problems and interpersonal difficulties with intimate partners
(Hillberg, Hamilton-Giachritsis, & Dixon, 2011; Lalor & McElvaney, 2010).
Further, childhood sexual abuse exacts a high economic price from society
(Letourneau, Brown, Fang, Hassan, & Mercy, 2018).
Given these widespread and significant consequences, preventing child sexual
abuse is clearly the best option. However, authors have long debated how best to
do this (Rudolph & Zimmer-Gembeck, 2018; Zeuthen & Hagelskaer, 2012). Key
prevention strategies including media and public awareness campaigns (Kemshall
& Moulden, 2017; Rheingold et al., 2007), parent education (Guastaferro, Zadzora,
Reader, Shanley, & Noll, 2019; Nickerson, Livingston, & Kamper-DeMarco, 2018)
especially with the parents of preschoolers (Mendelson & Letourneau, 2015;
CONTACT Leslie M. Tutty Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary, MT 301, 2500
University Dr., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
© 2019 Taylor & Francis
the “Who Do You Tell?”™ program actually attended, which is similar to other
studies of parent workshops/orientations (25% in Hébert, Lavoie, & Parent, 2002;
24% in Tutty, 1993).
By and large though, the earliest and most common prevention efforts are
primary (universal) programs targeting children in elementary schools or pre-
school programs (Tutty et al., 2005). While school-based prevention education
programs are generally portrayed as primarily educating potential victims of
CSA (child resistance), they can also be conceptualized as teaching children who
are current or potential sexual offenders that these behaviors are inappropriate
(addressing offender’s inhibitions) (McGibbin, Humphreys, & Hamilton, 2017).
While relatively common in the 1970s to 1990s, school-based programs became
more difficult to market with the advent of two issues in the 2000s: Backlash
against sexual abuse disclosures with the premise of false allegations (Friend &
Snyder, 2017) and the proliferation of school-based programs to address other
interpersonal violence issues such as bullying, dating violence and substance abuse
(Tutty et al., 2005; Wurtele, 2009), which, among other issues such as crowded
curricula, has created difficulties in accessing students. A study by Finkelhor,
Asdigian, and Dziuba-Leatherman (1995) found that, while 67% of youth aged
10–16 had been exposed to a school-based victimization or abuse program in
schools, only 19% had received a comprehensive program. A recent study
(Finkelhor, Vanderminden, Turner, Shattuc, & Hamby, 2014) supports the low
availability. In this US national study of youth (ages 5–17) who participated in
violence prevention programs, only 21% had had “sexual assault” prevention, but
the subset of children aged 5 to 9 were much less likely to have had such
Nevertheless, with new media attention to children as victims of sexual abuse by
Catholic priests (Faisal & Barron, 2018) and celebrities (Doyle, 2019), reinvigo-
rated interest in educating children in the hope of preventing or intervening early
has arisen. Also notably, school-based CSA programs are being developed and
evaluated worldwide in countries such as China and Taiwan (Jin, Chen, & Yu,
2016; Zhang et al., 2014), Ecuador (Bustamante et al., 2019), Korea (Kim & Kang,
2017), South Africa (Dunn, 2011) and Turkey (Tunc et al., 2018) to name a few.
The rationale for child-focused programs is to educate children about the core
dynamics that abusers use to groom or lure children into sexual activities so that
children might recognize these, avoid them, if possible, and seek assistance.
According to Walsh et al. (2015):
They seek to prevent CSA by providing students with knowledge and skills to recognize
and avoid potentially sexually abusive situations and with strategies to physically and
verbally repel sexual approaches by offenders. They endeavor to minimize harm by
disseminating messages about appropriate help seeking in the event of abuse or
attempted abuse and equip adults with strategies for responding quickly and effectively
to disclosures to protect children from further abuse (p. 34).
These skills and concepts form the core items in knowledge measures used to
evaluate CSA prevention education programs.
the items are read aloud so that younger children or those with any reading
problems are provided verbal versions of the items.
The CKAQ-40 uses a true-false format and has strong psychometric properties:
Kuder-Richardson-20 (a measure of internal consistency version for dichotomous
scales) = .90 with a one-month test-retest r of .76 (Tutty, 1995), both tests
providing strong support for the measure’s reliability. Its construct validity was
assessed by correlating the items with the Personal Safety Questionnaire (PSQ)
(Saslawsky & Wurtele, 1986) with the resulting r of .92, providing strong evidence.
Based on a factor analysis, the original CKAQ-40 was shortened to a 33-item
measure (CKAQ-33) (Tutty, 1995). It was re-conceptualized as two subscales: one
to identify knowledge about “inappropriate touch” and situations that could lead
to sexual abuse and the other labeled as “appropriate touch” to identify miscon-
ceptions or unintended negative consequences from being in a CSA prevention
program. The 24-item Inappropriate Touch Subscale includes items regarding
important beliefs and facts about child sexual abuse, such as “Even someone you
know might try to touch you in ways you don’t like;” and “If someone touches you
in a way you don’t like, you should tell a grown-up you trust.” The nine-item
subscale on Appropriate Touch includes items about the fact that sometimes
doctors may need to see a child’s private parts and that, if lost, it is appropriate to
ask a security guard for help, even if he is a stranger. Notably, while similar to
items in the CKAQ-40, items on the Appropriate Touch subscale were re-written
or expanded to better reflect this variable.
The CKAQ-33 has been used in a number of CSA prevention programs
evaluations or will be in future (e.g. McElearney, Brennan-Wilson, Murphy,
Stephenson, & Bunting, 2018). While most researchers used the 33-item scale
(Casper, 1999; Dunn, 2011; Hayward & Pehrsson, 2000; Holloway & Polido,
2018; Oldfield, Hays, & Megel, 1996; Pulido et al., 2015), some used only the
24-item Inappropriate Touch subscale (Daigneault, Hébert, McDuff, &
Frappier, 2012); others shortened the measure (Czerwinski, Finne, Kolip, &
Alfes, 2018; Müller, Rödera, & Fingerle, 2014), or adapted it with items from
other measures (Baker, Gleason, Naai, Mitchell, & Trecker, 2013; Hébert,
Lavoie, Piché, & Poitras, 2001; Lee, McGee, & Ungar, 2001).
The measure has been translated into different languages including French
(Daigneault et al., 2012; Hébert et al., 2001), German (Czerwinski et al., 2018),
Greek (Gangos, Nega, & Apergi, 2018), Africaans & IsiXhosa from South Africa
(Dunn, 2011), Spanish (De Luna & Hernandez Sampieri, 2005) and Indonesian
(Fitriana, Suryawati, & Zubaidah, 2018). Finally, although not originally
designed for this purpose, the CKAQ-33 has also been used as an outcome
measure for CSA treatment (Liotta, Springer, Misurell, Block-Lerner, &
Brandwein, 2015; Misurell, Springer, & Tryon, 2011; Reeker & Ensing, 1998;
Springer & Misurell, 2010; Springer, Misurell, & Hiller, 2012).
The 24-item Inappropriate Touch subscale of the CKAQ-33, has strong
reliability: Cronbach alpha = .84 (N = 238); 1 month test-retest of .89
The “Who Do You Tell?”™ CSA prevention education program (“WDYT?”™)
The “Who Do You Tell?”™ program was first developed 35 years ago in 1983,
and was updated in the early 1990’s by the Calgary Communities Against
Sexual Abuse (CCASA). The program is offered at the request of elementary
school principals. Two trainers offer the program in small groups (15 to 30)
of children from kindergarten to Grade 6. The program is delivered to
children in two sessions of 45 to 60 minutes apiece, on consecutive days.
The program includes teacher training and parents are invited to an intro-
ductory presentation and receive informational handouts. Parental permis-
sion to attend is required, with participation in the program monitoring
included in the school board approved consent forms. The “WDYT?”™
program was evaluated previously (Tutty, 1997, 2000) using the CKAQ-33,
concluding that children who received the programs significantly increased
their knowledge of CSA concepts after having received the program in
comparison with students in the control condition.
Research setting
This study took place in the city of Calgary, Alberta, Canada over an 8-year
period (2010–2017). The “WDYT?”™ program was presented in 50 elemen-
tary schools. Program staff administered the CKAQ-10 measures immedi-
ately before the program and shortly after the second session, but only the
pretest scores were used in the current study.
Data analysis
Psychometric tests were conducted on the pretest scores of the two scales as
suggested by DeVellis (1991). Internal consistency is measured by the coeffi-
cient alpha (Cronbach alpha) for the total scores. Corrected item-total scale
correlations (correlating each item with the total score when that particular
item is removed) provide information about the extent to which the scale
items are related; high correlations are important in measures assessing
a single construct (DeVellis, 1991. Finally, principle component factor ana-
lyses were conducted on the pretest scores of the two scales. In test con-
struction or validation, a factor analysis is used to identify whether the items
represent one or several underlying variables (Field, 2009). A principal com-
ponents analysis extracts factors by rank, ordering the items in terms of
highest association with the construct being measured (called factor load-
ings). Field (2009) suggests that items with factor loadings of .40 indicate
a significant fit with the construct.
As can be seen in Table 2, a total of 7646 elementary school students
completed pretests using the new measures.
In the CKAQ-10-Gr 1-2, notably, the number of Grade 1 students was small,
with the majority of the CKAQ-10-Gr 1-2 measure answered by Grade 2 students.
The internal consistency (Cronbach alpha) for the CKAQ-10-Gr 1-2 (N = 1241) is
.57. As can be seen in Table 3, all items significantly correlated with the corrected
total score (range of .12 to .33). The Cronbach alphas if the item was removed were
lower but relatively close to the alpha for the total score (.57). Since the resulting
scale would be 9 items instead of ten, this makes sense as coefficient alpha is
sensitive to scale length (DeVellis, 1991).
With respect to the CKAQ-10-Gr 3-6, 6319 students completed the CKAQ-
10-Gr 3-6. The Cronbach alpha for the CKAQ-10-Gr 3-6 (N = 5765) is .70.
In the principle components factor analyses, the first two factors, as
identified by the eigenvalue 1.00 rule and the SCREE test (Field, 2009),
were then rotated using a varimax procedure. On both scales, two major
factors were identified accounting for 21% and 13% of the variance in
CKAQ-10-Gr 1-2 and 28% and 15% for CKAQ-10-Gr 3-6, respectively. All
items loaded on both factors, but Factor 1 had the stronger factor loadings in
both measures. In both scales, one item had a factor loading lower than .40
on Factor 1. In the CKAQ-10-Gr 1-2, item 7 had a factor loading of only
.212, and in the CKAQ-10-Gr 3-6, item 1 had a factor loading of .398, which
is very close to the generally proposed cutoff of .40 (Field, 2009).
Although child-focused sexual abuse prevention education programs are less
commonly offered in schools, the need to teach children these concepts is arguably
more important than ever. Children, themselves, have voiced their right to be
taught these ideas (Bustamante et al., 2019; Tutty, 2014). New school-based
programs are being developed and evaluated in North America (e.g. Pulido
et al., 2015) as well as internationally (e.g. Bustamante et al., 2019; White et al.,
Researchers interested in assessing the knowledge of children receiving such
programs currently have few options with respect to outcome measures.
Evaluators are always looking for short but psychometrically-sound versions of
measures. A case in point is Saslawsky and Wurtele’s Personal Safety
Questionnaire (PSQ) (1986). The most current citations use a 4-item verion rather
than the original 13-items (Kenny, Wurtele, & Alonso, 2012; Tunc et al., 2018;
Zhang et al., 2014) allowing for additional measures such as vignettes to assess
recognizing potentially abusive situtations, and body safety. Nevertheless, one
must be careful to include sufficient numbers of knowledge items to assess the
10 L. M. TUTTY
Table 3. CKAQ-10 item means, corrected item-scale correlations, alpha if item deleted and factor
Grades 1–2 (N = 1327) Grades 3–6 (N = 6319)
Corrected α if Corrected α if
Item Item- Item Factor Item Item- Item Factor
Item Mean* Scale r deleted Loading Mean* Scale r deleted Loading
1. You always have to .49 .23 .548 .427 .62 .26 .696 .398
keep secrets.
2. Sometimes it’s OK to .50 .26 .540 .457 .76 .34 .682 .495
say “no” to a grown-up.
3. Even hugs and kisses .39 .28 .535 .461 .63 .40 .672 .563
can turn into not OK
touches if they go on
too long.
4. If a grown-up tells you .28 .33 .523 .565 .63 .42 .668 .583
to do something you
always have to do it.
5. Even someone you like .48 .27 .536 .471 .54 .37 .678 .536
could touch you in
a way that feels bad.
6. You have to let grown- .47 .28 .534 .519 .76 .33 .684 .479
ups touch you whether
you like it or not.
7. If someone touches you .52 .12 .578 .212 .65 .28 .693 .415
in a way that does not
feel good, you should
keep on telling until
someone believes you.
8. Someone you know, .25 .24 .544 .422 .36 .46 .661 .632
even a relative, might
want to touch your
private parts in a way
that feels confusing.
9a. If someone touches .71 .24 .544 .460 N/A NA NA NA
you in a way you don’t
like, it’s your own fault.
10a. If someone touches .60 .28 .534 .496 N/A NA NA NA
you in a way you don’t
like, you should just
keep quiet about it.
9b. Some touches start N/A NA NA NA .51 .37 .676 .542
out feeling good then
turn confusing.
10b. Sometimes someone N/A NA NA NA .51 .38 .676 .550
in your family might
want to touch you in
a way you don’t like.
*Item scores range from 0 (incorrect) to 1 (correct)
Thanks to Danielle Aubry, CEO of Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse, for stead-
fastly supporting the “WDYT?”™ program and this research. Thanks also to the “WDYT?”™
educators for engaging young children in learning child sexual abuse education concepts and
collecting the data for this project.
Disclosure of Interest
No conflicts to report
Notes on contributor
Leslie M. Tutty, Ph.D., is a Professor Emerita with the Faculty of Social Work, University of
Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Leslie M. Tutty
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