Ashaghal Specification
Ashaghal Specification
Ashaghal Specification
All works associated with the street lighting installation shall be carried out in accordance
with the latest QCS , CIE, BSEN & IEC specifications and "Regulations for the Lighting of
Roads for Motorized Traffic" , Qatar Highway Design Manual and the latest specifications
issued by ASHGHAL, Roads Maintenance Department Street Lighting Section.
Contractors are deemed to be in possession of these regulations and the latest
2.1.1 Foreword
The Material, Installation & Maintenance Specifications are a broad outline of the nature of
various installations to be constructed and maintained. They do not provide detailed
information on every aspect of the works. Tenderers not already acquainted with the
Engineers System may if they wish, request in writing for on-site visit to familiarize
themselves with any specific details. No variations will be permitted on the nature of any
part of the works, arising out of the Contractor's misunderstanding of it. For installation
& maintenance works, Contractor should follow standard procedure recommended by the
manufacturer &
Works described in this specification shall include Design, Supply, installation/ replace,
testing & commissioning of LED street lighting system, putting into satisfactory operation
any or all of the following system as required by the project. The works are to be carried out
anywhere in the state of Qatar as directed by the Engineer. Survey, Design, Supply, Installation, testing & commissioning of LED street
lighting system Survey:
The roads / area allocated by the Engineer through work orders shall be surveyed and
existing street lighting assets shall be marked on the drawing including wattage of
existing luminaire, height of column, location coordinates of column, length of bracket
and cable network connectivity, width of carriage way, class of road etc. shall be
submitted to the Engineer. Design:
Based on the above survey drawings and details of existing columns and brackets, LED
luminaires of suitable optics and wattage shall be selected for optimum lighting for the
class of road, comparable with the original design level of the road.
photometric files suitable for AGi 32 lighting design software shall be submitted in the
file format is described in the LM-63-2002 document (the latest version) to the Engineer,
AGi-32 or equivalent software shall be used for lighting design and the lighting design
shall have concurrence of the LED Luminaire manufacturer. LED lighting design shall be
prepared and submitted for approval of the Engineer. The selected luminaires shall be
from the prequalified list and material approval shall be taken for the selected luminaires,
once the lighting design is approved.