Rate Analysis Sanitary
Rate Analysis Sanitary
Rate Analysis Sanitary
Labour Charges
Dressing of Khanda corner Nos 400.00 4.00
Masonry Rm. 100.00 12.00
Total :
Add 1.5% for water charges
Unit : 10 Rm.
Dressing Nos. 1.25 225
Add 1% for water charges
Add 3% for T&P charges
Total :
Add for 10% Contractor profit
S.No. Description Unit Rate
13 European type white glazed vitreous china Ist quality Each 3375.00
Wall Mounting (syphonic) W.C. (IS:2556 Mark)
14 Solid PVC WC Seat Covers with brass hinges :grade-I Each 300.00
Black for EWC.
15 -do- White for EWC. Each 365.00
16 -do- coloured for EWC. Each 392.00
17 -do- Non-breakable of other approved make Black. Each 237.00
18 -do- Non-breakable of other approved make White Each 257.00
19 -do- Non-breakable of other approved make coloured Each 284.00
20 White glazed Conversion Bend for W.C. from P trap Each 135.00
to S trap.
21 Vitreous China P trap Each 168.00
24 White VC Uninal Flat Back (small) (size 440x265x 455.00
315 mm)
25 -do- Flat Back (large) or half stall (590x375x390 mm.) 1740.00
287 Providing & fixing S.W. square mouth Gully trap 'A'
grade (ISI marked) of approved make & design in
existing man-hole.
308 150mm dia Internal.
310 150 mm pipe mtr.
311 Collor Nos
312 Transportation, sand, cement
314 250mm dia Internal.
316 250 mm pipe mtr.
317 Collor Nos
318 Transportation, sand, cement
320 300mm dia Internal.
322 300 mm pipe mtr.
323 Collor Nos
324 Transportation, sand, cement
327 P & F Sand-cast Iron (S.C.I.) pipe (IS:1729 Mark) of
approved make in wall or in floor with M.S. holder bat
clamps in 10x10x10 Cm. M-15 grade concrete blocks,
joints filled with CM 1:4 with spun yarn including
cutting holes and making good the wall
329 75 mm dia
331 75 mm dia mtr.
332 Clamp, sand, cement
333 Add carriage, sunderies etc.
335 100 mm dia
337 100 mm dia mtr.
338 Clamp, sand, cement
339 Add carriage, sunderies etc.
341 150 mm dia
343 150 mm dia mtr.
344 Clamp, sand, cement
345 Add carriage, sunderies etc.
348 P & F Sand-cast Floor trap (Nahni) of (IS:1729 Mark) of
approved quality / make with socket down or hinged
grating including cutting and making good the floor.
350 Size 100x100 mm. Each
352 Size 100x75 mm.
355 Construction of soakage well in all type of soil 300 mm
thick dry masonry top and bottom 300 mm course in CM
1:6, 80 mm thick stone slab, jointing of slab in CM 1:3,
Ralthal, Kharanja, 40 mm thick M-15 grade C.C.
flooring, earth work complete as per approved drawing
including disposal of earth within a lead of 50 mtr. :
357 Size 300 Cm. dia outside & 300 Cm. depth. Cuft
359 Size 300 Cm. dia outside & 240 Cm. depth. Cum.
361 Size 240 Cm. dia outside & 240 Cm. depth. Cum.
364 Construction of Open Surface Drain with 112 mm thick
brick masonary in CM 1:4, 110mm thick base concrete
1:5:10, 37mm thick M-15 grade C.C. flooring, 12 mm
1:4 cement plaster on all exposed face of walls including
top surface excavation & disposal of earth complete as
per approved design/drawing:
366 112 mm drain, 225 mm Av. depth.
368 Stone grit Cum.
369 Cement Bag
370 Sand Cum.
371 Brick per 1000
373 150mm drain, 225 mm Av. depth.
375 Stone grit Cum.
376 Cement Bag
377 Sand Cum.
389 Construction of tube-well from ground level and upto
100 Meter depth and above sizes in all types of soils in
alluvium strata by "bailing" method and without gravel
packing as per IS:2800(Part-I & II) 1979 specifications
(The work includes formation of cavity well at bottom
by development with appropriate air compressor or bailer
pumping and also lowering of casing pipe but excluding
the casting pipe. The tube-well should have a throughout
bore as per nominal bore of casing pipe. The work
would be completed after obtaining sand free water.).
391 100 mm dia nominal bore. R. Mtr.
393 125 mm dia nominal bore. R. Mtr.
395 150 mm dia nominal bore. R. Mtr.
398 Construction of Tube-well upto 100 Meter depth and
above in all type of rocks by DTH system and over
burden, to accommodate casing pipe of following sizes
in all types of soils and over burden including lowering
of casing pipes, but excluding casing pipes as per
IS:2800 (Part I & II) 1979 specifications. The work
would be completed after obtaining sand free water. The
tube well should have a throughout bore as per nominal
dia of casing pipe :
458 For item of earthing refer to Electrical BSR
460 For item of submersible cable refer to Electric BSR
462 Item of panel board if required shall be as per design and
specification approved by the Engineer-In-Charge as per
the requirement.
464 Providing & lowering of G.I. Pipes, flange pipe
including rubber washer and nuts of 8 mm dia complete
in all respect I.S.I. Make.
466 B Class 50 mm dia.
467 Rate same as per item 2.2.6 (50mm) nominal bore GI Mtr.
pipe "B" class for external work.
469 B Class 75 mm dia.
470 Rate same as per item 2.2.8 (50mm) nominal bore GI Mtr.
pipe "B" class for external work.
472 B Class 100 mm dia.
473 Rate same as per item 2.2.9 (50mm) nominal bore GI Mtr.
pipe "B" class for external work.
475 Un-lowering of submersible pump set with all piping
from a tube-well / open-well complete (labour charge
only) including transportation of tripod, chain, pulley-
block and other materials required and lowering of
repaired/new pump in the tube-well / open-well complete Each
in all respect.
Ch. S-1
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Materials :
Cost of WC Pan WVC 392.00
Carriage of fixing of material 5.115 2.28 11.66
TOTAL : 403.66
Add 1% water charges 4.04
Add 10% Contractor profit 40.37
G. TOTAL : 448.07
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
G. TOTAL : 1461.87
Say Rs. 1462.00 Per Each.
1.15.2 Flat Back (large) or half stall size 590x375x390 mm.
Materials :
Cost of WVC Uninal 1740.00
25 mm G.I.Waste Pipe 85.00
Dome Waste ccuping 205.00
Plugs & Screws 17.00
cost of cement sand 10.00@ 1.66 10.00 2.28 22.80
Carriage of material 10.35@ 1.66 10.35 2.28 23.60
Fittere 0.34 500.00 170.00
Mason 0.34 450.00 153.00
Belder 0.75 400.00 300.00
TOTAL : 2716.40
Add 1% water charges 27.16
G. TOTAL : 2743.56
1.16.1 Materials :
Cost of Partition Plate 798.00
cost of cement sand 5.15 2.28 11.74
Carriage of material 3.00 2.28 6.84
Mason 0.17 450.00 76.50
Belder 0.22 400.00 88.00
TOTAL : 981.08
Add 1% water charges 9.81
Add 10% Contractor Profit 98.11
G. TOTAL : 1089.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
G. TOTAL : 1102.32
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
1.20 Labour charges for removing and refixing of urinals Say Rs. 165.00 Per Each.
(all type & size) incl. all necessary fittigns
1.21 P & F High Level Flushing Cistern of 10 Litres
capacity of approved make including C.I. brackets
duly painted, china & pull and 32 mm dia G.I.
concealed flush pipe with M.S. clamps, 20 mm dia
G.I. overflow pipe up to 185 Cm. Long, brass ball
cock (IS:1703 Mark) with PVC ball and internal
fittings and mosquito proof coupling, complete
including cutting and making good the wall.
Materials :
Cost of high level flushing cisten 975.00
Cost of 32mm G.I. Flush pipe 161.00
Cost of over flow pipe 185cm 285.00
Cost of brackets 38.00
Carriage of material 7.50 2.28 17.10
Fitter 0.125 500.00 62.50
Belder 0.13 400.00 50.00
TOTAL : 1588.60
Add 1% water charges 15.89
Add 10% Contractor Profit 158.86
G. TOTAL : 1763.35
White PVC (IS: 7231 Make) Say Rs. 1763.00 Per Each.
Cast iron (IS: 774 Make)
1.22 P & F Low level Flushing Cistern of 10 litres
capacity (IS:2556 mark) of approved make with
complete fittings C.I. brackets duly painted, brass
ball cock with ball, (IS:1703 mark) complete
including cutting and making good the wall :
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
C.I. 5 ltr
C.I. 10 ltr Say Rs. 1223.00 Per Each.
C.I. 15 ltr
White vitreous china 5 litres as per IS : 2556
-do- 10 litre
-do- 15 litre
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Materials :
Cost of cisten 593.00
Carriage of material 2.00 2.28 4.56
Fitter 0.060 500.00 30.00
Beldar 0.060 400.00 24.00
TOTAL : 651.56
Add 1% water charges 6.52
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
1.30 P & F C.P. brass Urinal Flush pipe set complete with
flanged brackets of approved make.
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
G. TOTAL : 594.41
Say Rs. 594.00 Per Each.
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
1.32.1 32 mm dia.
Materials :
Cost of Doom waist Coupling 263.00
Cost of labour 0.0667 400.00 26.68
TOTAL : 289.68
Add 10% Contractor Profit 28.97
G. TOTAL : 318.65
1.32.2 40 mm dia.
Materials :
Cost of Doom waist Coupling 276.00
Cost of labour 0.0667 400.00 26.68
TOTAL : 302.68
Add 10% Contractor Profit 30.27
G. TOTAL : 332.95
1.33.1 Plastic
Materials :
Cost of Doom waist Coupling 188.00
Cost of labour 0.0667 400.00 26.68
TOTAL : 214.68
Add 10% Contractor Profit 21.47
G. TOTAL : 236.15
1.35 Removing and re-fixing of wash hand basin Say Rs. 165.00 Per Each.
including all necessary fittings.
1.36 P & F C.I. brackets duly painted including cutting & Say Rs. 135.00 Per pair.
making good the wall.
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
1.37 P & F C.P. Brass flush Valve with C.P. flush bend of
approved make.
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Fittere 0.22 500.00 110.00
Mason 0.33 450.00 148.50
Belder 0.50 400.00 200.00
TOTAL : 3942.10
Add 1% water charges 39.42
Add 10% for Contractor profit 394.21
G. TOTAL : 4375.73
1.42.2 WVC (IS: 2556 Mark) size 530x450mm Say Rs. 270.00 Per Each.
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
1.42.3 WVC (IS: 2556 Mark) size 600x450mm Say Rs. 832.00 Per Each.
1.42.4 Stainless steel size 600x450mm Say Rs. 1263.00 Per Each.
1.43 P&F 1st quality WVC pedestal for wash basin Say Rs. 832.00 Per Each.
Cost 420.00
Carriage of fixing of material 3.00 2.28 6.84
TOTAL : 426.84
Add 10% for Contractor profit 42.68
G. TOTAL : 469.52
Cost 443.00
Carriage of fixing of material 3.00 2.28 6.84
TOTAL : 449.84
Add 10% for Contractor profit 44.98
G. TOTAL : 494.82
1.45.1 C.P. brass 32mm dia Say Rs. 139.00 Per Each.
1.45.3 Synthetic Material (PTMT) 32mm Say Rs. 95.00 Per Each.
1.45.4 Synthetic Material (PTMT) 40mm Say Rs. 139.00 Per Each.
1.46.1 PVC with C.P. Nut 32mm Say Rs. 119.00 Per Each.
1.46.2 PVC with PVC Nut 32mm Say Rs. 59.00 Per Each.
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
1.46.3 PVC with C.P. Nut 40mm Say Rs. 152.00 Per Each.
1.49.1 WVC (IS: 2556 Mark) size 300mm. Say Rs. 178.00 Per Each.
1.49.3 Synthetic material white tumbler of approved Say Rs. 205.00 Per Each.
quality/ make size 470 x144x36mm.
1.49.4 Hard plastic of commander/ equivalent size Say Rs. 198.00 Per Each.
1.49.5 Acrylic shelf on C.P. brass casted brackets & guard Say Rs. 766.00 Per Each.
rail of commander equivalent make size
1.49.6 Glass shelf with edges rounded off anodised Say Rs. 139.00 Per Each.
aluminium angle frame & C.P. brass brackets &
guard rail size 600x120mm.
1.50.1 C.P. brass towel rail elbow type with concealed Say Rs. 356.00 Per Each.
screws size 450mm (heavy duty)
1.50.2 -do- 600mm (Heavy duty) Say Rs. 396.00 Per Each.
1.50.3 C.P. brass towel rail with bracket 450 x20mm. Say Rs. 198.00 Per Each.
1.50.5 Synthetic material (PTMT) of approved quality/ Say Rs. 99.00 Per Each.
make size 525 x 90x 75mm.
1.50.7 WVC (1st quality, ISI marked)_ of approved make Say Rs. 106.00 Per Each.
recessed towel hanger size 108x 108mm.
1.50.8 C.P. brass towel ring revolving type Say Rs. 132.00 Per Each.
1.50.9 Synthetic Material (PTMT) towel ring of approved Say Rs. 119.00 Per Each.
1.51.1 Stainless steel sheet size 125mm dia Say Rs. 54.00 Per Each.
1.51.2 -do- Heavy quality of approved make 125mm Say Rs. 75.00 Per Each.
1.51.3 Synthetic material (PTMT) of approved quality/ Say Rs. 68.00 Per Each.
make size 125mm dia
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
1.51.5 -do- Square 150x150x8mm (Anti Cockroach) Say Rs. 235.00 Per Each.
1.51.6 C.P. brass with frame (Heavy) & superior quality size Say Rs. 105.00 Per Each.
125mm dia.
1.51.7 -do- light & superior quality size 125mm dia. Say Rs. 54.00 Per Each.
1.52.2 Synthetic material of approved quality/ make. Say Rs. 160.00 Per Each.
1.53.2 C.P. Brass (Heavy and Superior quality). Say Rs. 330.00 Per Each.
1.54.2 C.P. brass heavy & superior quality Say Rs. 370.00 Per Each.
1.54.3 WVC (1st quality, ISI marked) recessed size Say Rs. 226.00 Per Each.
1.55.2 C.P. brass heavy and superior quality Say Rs. 79.00 Per Each.
1.55.3 WVC (1st quality, ISI marked) recessed size Say Rs. 178.00 Per Each.
1.56.2 C.P. brass (heavy) Superior quality Say Rs. 131.00 Per Each.
1.57.1 C.P. brass heavy & superior quality 150mm Say Rs. 145.00 Per Each.
1.57.2 -do- size 220mm -do- Say Rs. 240.00 Per Each.
1.57.3 -do- size 300mm -do- Say Rs. 270.00 Per Each.
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
1.57.4 -do- size 370mm -do- Say Rs. 290.00 Per Each.
1.58.2 C.P. brass of heavy & superior quality 150mm. Say Rs. 298.00 Per Each.
1.58.3 C.P. brassof Heavy & superior quality, revolving with Say Rs. 473.00 Per Each.
adjustable key 150mm.
1.58.4 WVC (IS: 2556 Mark) of approved make 125mm. Say Rs. 0.00 Per Each.
1.59.1 C.P. brass of Heavy & superior quality 50x15mm Say Rs. 145.00 Per Each.
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
1.61 Labour charges for removing WVC WC pan Say Rs. 924.00 Per Each.
1.62 P&F Jet spray for water closet with C.P. copper tube Say Rs. 290.00 Per Each.
flange of approved make
1.63 Providing and fiixng C.P. flange for 15mm dia tap.s Say Rs. 14.00 Per Each.
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
1- Add extra over item No. 1.64, 1.65 & 1.66 for floor Say Rs. 79.00 per Sqm.
work due to extra cost of cement mortar 1:4 (1
Cement : 4 fine sand) 20mm thick.
2- Add extra over item No. 1.66 for using coloured Say Rs. 79.00 per Sqm.
glazed tiles instead of white/ lvory
3- Deduct on item No. 1.64, 1.65 & 1.66 for using tiles Say Rs. 10% per Sqm.
of approved make second quality tiles.
4- Add extra over item No.1.64, 1.65 & 1.66 for marble Say Rs. 20% per Sqm.
printed, granite shade tiles.
5- Add extra over item No. 1.64 & 1.66for using Say Rs. 79.00 per Sqm.
400x400mm size tiles.
1.68 Extra for using Marble printed / Granite shade Sqm Item same as 7.16 10%
or dark shade tiles instead of white, grey, ivory,
fume red brown, light green, light blue and other
light shades in glazed tiles and MAT finished
1.69 Extra for using size above 200x300mm in glazed Sqm Item same as 7.16.1 10%
tiles and for using 400mm x 400mm MAT finished
tiles in place of 300mm x 300mm size.
1.70 Filling of sunk portion of roof with earthen pots of Cum Item same as 11.27 1538.00
required height including filling voids with 1:3:6
light concrete, using brick bats complete levelling
and dressing the surface by 50mm thick cement
concrete 1:2:4 as per specification.
1.71 P & F C.P. Health Faucet with 1Mtr. Long Tube &
Hook of approved make and heavy as per direction of
C.P. Health Faucet with 1Mtr. Long Tube & Hook
Each 1.000 550.00 550.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
1.74.4 Cost of WC Pan, WVC Cistern and seat cover Each 1.000
(complete set)
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Materials :
WVC Wash basin Size 550 mm x 400 mm dia for Each 1.00 2190.00
counter top.
Cost of PVC waste pipe Each 1.00 55.00 55.00
Cost of brackets Each 1.00 25.00 25.00
cost of cement sand Each 5.150 1.25 6.44
Carriage of material Each 5.200 0.00 0.00
Fittere Each 0.300 500.00 150.00
Mason Each 0.320 500.00 160.00
Belder Each 0.500 400.00 200.00
TOTAL : 2786.44
Add 1% water charges 1.00% 27.86
Add 10% for Contractor profit 10.00% 278.64
G. TOTAL : 3092.95
Say Rs. 3093.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Fitter 0.125 500.00 62.50
Belder 0.125 400.00 50.00
TOTAL : 1512.50
Add 10% Contractor Profit 10.00% 151.25
G. TOTAL : 1663.75
Say Rs. 1664.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-1
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
2.3.1 Up to 25 mm dia.
Materials :
G.I. Tee 25mm Nos. 1.00 67.00 67.00
G.I. Jam nutt Nos. 1.00 44.00 44.00
Carriage of material & sunderies Nos. 3.10 2.28 7.07
Fittere Nos. 0.33 500.00 165.00
Belder Nos. 0.33 400.00 132.00
TOTAL : 415.07
Add 10% Contractor profit 41.51
G. TOTAL : 456.57
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Materials :
G.I. Jam nutt Nos. 1.00 45.00 45.00
Carriage of material & sunderies Nos. 3.10 2.28 7.07
Fittere Nos. 0.33 500.00 165.00
Belder Nos. 0.33 400.00 132.00
TOTAL : 349.07
Add 10% Contractor profit 34.91
G. TOTAL : 383.97
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Materials 140.00
Labour 0.075 400.00 30.00
Carriage 8.00
TOTAL : 178.00
Add 10% Contractor profit 17.80
G. TOTAL : 195.80
Materials 150.00
Carriage 8.00
Labour 0.075 400.00 30.00
TOTAL : 188.00
Add for W.C. 1% 1.88
Add 10% Contractor profit 18.80
G. TOTAL : 208.68
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
2.11 P & F Ball Cock (IS:1703 Mark) with Rod & P.V.C.
Ball complete :
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
G. TOTAL : 242.00
Cost 371.00
Labour 0.125 400.00 50.00
TOTAL : 421.00
Add for W.C. 1% 4.21
Add 10% Contractor profit 42.10
G. TOTAL : 467.31
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
2.13.1 PVC pipe with C.P. Brass nuts up to length 300 mm.
Cost 30.00
Labour 0.050 400.00 20.00
TOTAL : 50.00
Add for W.C. 1% 0.50
Add 10% Contractor profit 5.00
G. TOTAL : 55.50
2.13.5 C.P. Brass Pipe with CP Brass nuts upto length 300
Cost 45.00
Labour 0.050 400.00 20.00
TOTAL : 65.00
Add for W.C. 1% 0.65
Add 10% Contractor profit 6.50
G. TOTAL : 72.15
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
2.13.6 C.P. Brass Pipe with CP Brass nuts upto length 370
Cost 60.00
Labour 0.050 400.00 20.00
TOTAL : 80.00
Add for W.C. 1% 0.80
Add 10% Contractor profit 8.00
G. TOTAL : 88.80
2.13.7 C.P. Brass Pipe with CP Brass nuts upto length 450
Cost 75.00
Labour 0.050 400.00 20.00
TOTAL : 95.00
Add for W.C. 1% 0.95
Add 10% Contractor profit 9.50
G. TOTAL : 105.45
2.13.8 C.P. Brass Pipe with CP Brass nuts upto length 600
Cost 105.00
Labour 0.050 400.00 20.00
TOTAL : 125.00
Add for W.C. 1% 1.25
Add 10% Contractor profit 12.50
G. TOTAL : 138.75
Cost 203.00
Carriage 8.00
Labour 0.075 400.00 30.00
TOTAL : 241.00
Add 10% Contractor profit 24.10
G. TOTAL : 265.10
Cost 416.00
Carriage 8.00
Labour 0.075 400.00 30.00
TOTAL : 454.00
Add 10% Contractor profit 45.40
G. TOTAL : 499.40
Cost 804.00
Carriage 8.00
Labour 0.075 400.00 30.00
TOTAL : 842.00
Add 10% Contractor profit 84.20
G. TOTAL : 926.20
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Cost 1223.00
Carriage 8.00
Labour 0.075 400.00 30.00
TOTAL : 1261.00
Add 10% Contractor profit 126.10
G. TOTAL : 1387.10
Cost 870.00
Carriage 8.00
Labour 0.075 400.00 30.00
TOTAL : 908.00
Add 10% Contractor profit 90.80
G. TOTAL : 998.80
Cost 1361.00
Carriage 8.00
Labour 0.075 400.00 30.00
TOTAL : 1399.00
Add 10% Contractor profit 139.90
G. TOTAL : 1538.90
Cost 833.00
Carriage 8.00
Labour 0.075 400.00 30.00
TOTAL : 871.00
Add 10% Contractor profit 87.10
G. TOTAL : 958.10
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Cost 1983.00
Carriage 8.00
Labour 0.075 400.00 30.00
TOTAL : 2021.00
Add 10% Contractor profit 202.10
G. TOTAL : 2223.10
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Cost 1875.00
Labour 0.3125 400.00 125.00
Carriage 27.00
TOTAL : 2027.00
Add for W.C. 1% 20.27
Add 10% Contractor profit 202.70
G. TOTAL : 2249.97
Cost 2355.00
Labour 0.375 400.00 150.00
Carriage 27.00
TOTAL : 2532.00
Add for W.C. 1% 25.32
Add 10% Contractor profit 253.20
G. TOTAL : 2810.52
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Cost 1160.00
Carriage 8.00
Labour 0.250 400.00 100.00
TOTAL : 1268.00
Add 10% Contractor profit 126.80
G. TOTAL : 1394.80
Material 3383.00
Carriage 12.00
Labour 0.250 400.00 100.00
TOTAL : 3495.00
Add 10% Contractor profit 349.50
G. TOTAL : 3844.50
2.24.1 340 Litres water capacity size 90x75x60 cm. 810.00 per Each
2.24.2 270 Litres water capacity size 90x60x60 Cm. 720.00 per Each
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Carriage sunderies, Cement, sand, Grit, & Screws 4.00 2.28 9.12
TOTAL : 1787.74
Fitter 0.33 500.00 165.00
Mason 0.98 500.00 490.00
Belder 0.66 400.00 264.00
TOTAL : 919.00
G. Total 2706.74
Add 1% water charges 27.07
Add 10% for Contractor profit 270.67
Cost for 10 Mtr. 3004.48
Cost for 1 Mtr. 300.45
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Making Chases upto 7.5x7.5cm in walls and making Mtr. 1.66 400.00 664.00
good the same.
Pipe installation
Fitter Day 0.33 500.00 165.00
Mason Day 1.04 500.00 520.00
Belder Day 0.66 400.00 264.00
TOTAL : 1613.00
G. Total 3280.74
Add 1% water charges 32.81
Add 10% for Contractor profit 328.07
Cost for 10 Mtr. 3641.62
Cost for 1 Mtr. 364.16
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
TOTAL : 1660.90
Pipe installation
Fitter Day 0.12 500.00 60.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Note : The pipes are denoted by ID OD eg. 1216=12mm inner dia x 16mm outer dia
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Total 67.32
Add 10% for contractor's profit and overheads 10.00% 6.73
Cost for 1No 74.05
Say Each 74.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Add 10% for contractor's profit and overheads 10.00% 101.25
Cost for 1No 1,113.75
Say Each 1,114.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
2.33.21 Hand shower with 8mm dia 1mt long PVC tube & wall
hook complete Each 1665.00
Material 1050.00
Labour 525.00
Total 1575.00
Add 10% for contractor's profit and overheads 10.00% 157.50
Cost for 1No 1,732.50
Say Each 1,733.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
3 layer PP-R pipe (PN-16/SDR 7.4) 20 mm outer dia. 600.00
Metre 10.00 60.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
TOTAL 1891.48
Add 1% for water charges on all except (B) 1.00% 18.91
TOTAL 1910.39
Add 10% for contractor's profit and overheads on all 10.00% 191.04
except (B)
Cost for 10 metre 2,101.43
Cost for 1 metre 210.00
Say 210.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
TOTAL 1200.36
Add 10% for contractor's profit and overheads 10.00% 120.04
Cost for 10 metre 1,320.40
Cost for 1 metre 132.00
Say 132.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
3 layer PP-R pipe (PN-16/SDR 7.4) 50 mm outer dia. 3700.00
Metre 10.00 370.00
3 layer PP-R pipe (PN-16/SDR 7.4) 63 mm outer dia. 5640.00
Metre 10.00 564.00
15 mm outer dia CPVC pipe metre 10 58.00 580.00
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on (A) 174.00
Cement, sand and grit etc. L.S. 4 1.25 5.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Fitter Day 0.33 500.00 165.00
Asstt. Fitter Day 0.66 428.00 282.48
Beldar Day 0.66 400.00 264.00
TOTAL 2047.48
Add 1% for water charges 1.00% 20.47
TOTAL 2067.95
Add 10% for contractor's profit and overheads 10.00% 206.80
Cost for 10 metre 2274.75
Cost for 1 metre 2,481.55
Say (Allowed) 248.00
2.38.3 25 mm nominal outer dia pipes
Details of cost for 10 metre
25 mm outer dia CPVC pipe metre 10 103.00 1030.00
Add 30% for fittings and wastage etc. on (A) 309.00
Making chases upto 7.5 x 7.5 cm. in walls and making 40.00 400.00
metre 10
good the same
Fitter Day 0.33 500.00 165.00
Asstt. Fitter Day 0.66 428.00 282.48
Beldar Day 0.66 400.00 264.00
TOTAL 2450.48
Add 1% for water charges 1.00% 24.50
TOTAL 2474.98
Add 10% for contractor's profit and overheads 10.00% 247.50
Cost for 10 metre 2722.48
Cost for 1 metre 2,969.98
Say 297.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
TOTAL : 203.26
Add 10% Contractor profit 10.00% 20.33
G. TOTAL : 223.59
Say Rs. 224.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-2
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-3 No. S-3
Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
3.1 Providing Laying & jointing glazed S.W. pipes
grade `A` (IS;651 marked) of approved make with
spun yarn & stiff mixture of cement mortar 1.1
excavation & refilling of earth in all types of soil
upto 1.2m depth, S.W. fittings, including testing of
joints etc, complete.
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Item Ch. S-3
Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
3.5.1 Trap size 150 X 100mm, 7.2 Kg. C.I. cover with Say Rs. 1054.00 per Each
frame, Internal Chamber size 300 X 300mm.
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Item Ch. S-3
Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
3.10.1 75mm dia 0.88Kg pig lead Say Rs. 96.00 per Each
3.10.2 100mm dia 0.98Kg pig lead Say Rs. 109.00 per Each
3.10.3 150mm dia 1.48Kg pig lead Say Rs. 123.00 per Each
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Item Ch. S-3
Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
3.11 P & F S.C.I. Fittings (IS:129 mark) in CM Offset Socket Double Door Cowel
1:4 with Y/Tee
3.11.1 50mm dia With out Door in each -- 91.00 -- 125.00
Proposed Rate 100.00 138.00
10% 10%
3.11.2 75mm dia With out Door in each 281.00 112.00 320.00 152.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Item Ch. S-3
Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
3.16.3 100mm dia Say Rs. 100.00 per mtr
3.17 P & F A.C. fittings (IS:1626 Part-I mark) of Cowel Socket Offset Shoe
approved quality/make with spun yarn
socked in bitumen & CM 1:2
3.18 Labour charges for removing C.I./A.C. Say Rs. 7.00 per mtr
pipes of all sizes including accessories with
care and stacking of useful material.
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Item Ch. S-3
Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
3.2 P&F rigid PVC pipe fittings (IS: 4985 mark) of 75mm dia 110mm dia
approved quality /make including joining the
pipe with solvent cement rubber ring and
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Item Ch. S-3
Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
3.23 Construction of chamber in all type of soil
with 300 mm thick masonry in Cm 1:6 m
100mm thick C.C. 1:5:10 in foundation,
20mm thick insider plaster in Cm 1:6,
finished with floating neat cement, 50mm
thick M-15 grade C.C. flooring , earthwork
etc. complete as per design including
disposal of surplus earth within a lead of 50
3.23.1 Inside size 300x300mm depth upto 0.5m & Say Rs. 2311.00 per each
5Kg C.I. cover with frame
3.23.2 -do- size 450 x 450mm upto depth of 0.5m Say Rs. 3209.00 per each
& 15Kg CI cover with frame
3.23.3 -do- size 600x450mm upto depth of 0.5m & Say Rs. 4205.00 per each
38Kg CI cover with frame
3.23.4 -do- depth upto 0.5mtr to 1.0mtr Say Rs. 4970.00 per each
3.24.1 Size 300 Cm. dia outside & 300 Cm. depth.
28 x8 = 224 cuft.
Say Rs. 14450.00 per each
3.25.1 Size 300 Cm. dia outside & 300 Cm. depth Say Rs. 21780.00 per each
3.25.2 -do- & 240 Cm. Depth. Say Rs. 17424.00 per each
3.25.3 Size 240 Cm. dia outside & 240 Cm. depth . Say Rs. 13939.00 per each
3.25.1 Top width 180 Cm., bottom width 90 Cm. Say Rs. 4543.00 per each
& depth 240 Cm
3.25.2 -do- 240 Cm., -do- 150mm & depth 300cm Say Rs. 12775.00 per each
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Item Ch. S-3
Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
3.26 Construction of soakage well in all types of
soil of approved drawing, top 90cm portion
in 450mm thick masonry with CM 1:6,
80mm thick stone slab covering, jointing of
slab in CM 1:3, Ralthal, Kharanja 40mm
thick M-15 grade C.C. flooring, earth work
etc. complete incl. disposal of surplus earth
within alead of 50mtr
3.25.1 Inner dia 90cm & 10 to 12 mtr deep Say Rs. 10841.00 per each
3.25.2 Inner dia 60cm & 10 to 12 mtr deep Say Rs. 8292.00 per each
3.27 Labour charges for construction of soakge Say Rs. 65.00 per mtr
well of 90cm dia (earth work & its disposal
with in a lead of 0.5km only)
3.28 Add extra if soakge well is filled wth dry Say Rs. 523.00 per cum
3.30 Emptying of septic tank soakge well etc. by Say Rs. 330.00 per cum
disposting or sludge upto 50mtr lead & taking
out sewage incl. cleaning of site.
3.31 Add extra if RCC slab of designed thickness & Say Rs. 187.00 per sqm
reinforcement is proivded on manhole in place
of stone slab ( actual area of RCC slab to be
3.32 P&F M.S. foot rests in with CM 1:3 standard Say Rs. 173.00 per each
design in 20mm square MS bar 50mm
embedded in wall & 10cm projected out
3.33 Supplying and fixing C.I. cover with frame, CI Say Rs. 44.00 per kg
grating for chambers & man holes.
3.34.1 450mm dia 5Kg CI frame to with stand 3 MT Say Rs. 950.00 per each
center point load & minimum unfractured load
of 1 MT (Light duty)
3.34.2 500mm dia 12Kg -do- 15MT centre point load Say Rs. 1484.00 per each
(medium duty)
3.34.3 500mm dia 22Kg -do- 22 MT cenetre point load Say Rs. 1986.00 per each
(Heavy duty)
3.34.4 500mm dia 25Kg -do- 70MT centre point load Say Rs. 3041.00 per each
seal type (Heavy duty)
3.34.5 Rectagular shape 600x450mm, to withstand 3 Say Rs. 1150.00 per each
MT center point load & minimum unfractured
load of 1MT (light duty)
3.35.1 Size 500mm dia (double seal) Say Rs. 311.00 per each
3.35.2 Size 450mm dia Say Rs. 276.00 per each
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Item Ch. S-3
Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
3.35.3 Size 400mm dia Say Rs. 208.00 per each
3.35.4 Size 600x600mm Double seal Say Rs. 475.00 per each
3.35.5 Size 600x450mm Say Rs. 401.00 per each
3.35.6 Size 450x450mm Say Rs. 302.00 per each
3.35.7 Size 300x300mm Say Rs. 95.00 per each
3.35.8 Size 250x250mm Say Rs. 78.00 per each
3.35.9 Size 180x180mm Say Rs. 70.00 per each
3.36.3 250mm drain 300mm av. Depth Say Rs. 1050.00 per mtr.
3.48 Providing & fixing Spun –Centrifugally cast Iron
Pipes fitting (IS : 3989 Mark ) in CM 1:4 with spun
Yarn 100mm w/o door as per direction of Engineer-
(a) P Trap of standard size
Market rate Each 845.00
Labour charges Each 50.00
Total Total : 895.00
Add 10% for contractor's profit and overheads 10% 89.50
Total Total : 984.50
Say Say 985.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Item Ch. S-3
Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Market rate Each 970.00
Labour charges Each 100.00
Total Total : 1070.00
Add 10% for contractor's profit and overheads 10% 107.00
Total Total : 1177.00
Say Say 1177.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Item Ch. S-3
Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Details of cost for 30 Rm
75 mm Hubless SCCI pipe 300 cm long Each 10.00 2400.00 24000.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Item Ch. S-3
Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Add 10 % Contractor's profit 0.10 46.46
Cost of each 511.06
Say 511.00
(iv) Bend
Hubless Spun –Centrifugally cast Iron 75mm Bend Each 1.00 221.00 221.00
(v) Cowel
Hubless Spun –Centrifugally cast Iron 75mm Cowel Each 1.00 288.00 288.00
(vi) Tee
Hubless Spun –Centrifugally cast Iron 75mm Tee Each 1.00 303.00 303.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Item Ch. S-3
Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
TOTAL 410.00
Add 1 % Water charges 0.01 4.10
TOTAL 414.10
Add 10 % Contractor's profit 0.10 41.41
Cost of each 455.51
Say 456.00
(iv) Bend
Hubless Spun –Centrifugally cast Iron 100 mm Each 1.00 324.00 324.00
Carriage of materials and fixing charges 20.00 1.25 25.00
TOTAL 349.00
Add 1 % Water charges 0.01 3.49
TOTAL 352.49
Add 10 % Contractor's profit 0.10 35.25
Cost of each 387.74
Say 388.00
(v) Cowel
Hubless Spun –Centrifugally cast Iron 100 mm Each 1.00 379.00 379.00
Carriage of materials and fixing charges 20.00 1.25 25.00
TOTAL 404.00
Add 1 % Water charges 0.01 4.04
TOTAL 408.04
Add 10 % Contractor's profit 0.10 40.80
Cost of each 448.84
Say 449.00
(vi) Tee
Hubless Spun –Centrifugally cast Iron 100 mm Tee Each 1.00 550.00 550.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Item Ch. S-3
Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
(iii) Bend
Hubless Spun –Centrifugally cast Iron 150 mm Each 1.00 713.00 713.00
Carriage of materials and fixing charges 20.00 1.25 25.00
TOTAL 738.00
Add 1 % Water charges 0.01 7.38
TOTAL 745.38
Add 10 % Contractor's profit 0.10 74.54
Cost of each 819.92
Say 820.00
(iv) Cowel
Hubless Spun –Centrifugally cast Iron 150 mm Each 1.00 833.00 833.00
Carriage of materials and fixing charges 20.00 1.25 25.00
TOTAL 858.00
Add 1 % Water charges 0.01 8.58
TOTAL 866.58
Add 10 % Contractor's profit 0.10 86.66
Cost of each 953.24
Say 953.00
(v) Tee
Hubless Spun –Centrifugally cast Iron 150 mm Tee Each 1.00 1631.00 1631.00
(iii) Tee
Hubless Spun –Centrifugally cast Iron 100 mm with Each 1.00 703.00 703.00
door Tee
Carriage of materials and fixing charges 20.00 1.25 25.00
TOTAL 728.00
Add 1 % Water charges 0.01 7.28
TOTAL 735.28
Add 10 % Contractor's profit 0.10 73.53
Cost of each 808.81
Say 809.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Item Ch. S-3
Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Cost of 10 Mtr. Length
Labour :
Sweaper Day 1.20 350.00 420.00
Others :
Cost of Using Machine Day 0.40 1000.00 400.00
Cost Waste disposal Per Tractor 0.35 800.00 280.00
Transportation & Conveyance Per 1.00 170.00 170.00
TOTAL 1270.00
Add @10% Profit 127.00
TOTAL 1397.00
Csot of 10 Mtr. Length 1524.00
Cost of per mtr. Length 152.40
Say Rs. 152.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Item Ch. S-3
Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Say Rs. 308.00
3.58 Suplying and Fixing Ductile iron Man Hole UNIT QTY RATE
Covers/storm water grating and gratingwith
frame of various sizes weight and types and
load bearing capacity as per EN -124 ,superior
quality or equivalent, complete as per Direction
of Engineer In charge.
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-4
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount Old BSR Rate
% change Rate
4.1 Construction of tube-well from ground level and upto
100 Meter depth and above sizes in all types of soils
in alluvium strata by "bailing" method and without
gravel packing as per IS:2800(Part-I & II) 1979
specifications (The work includes formation of cavity
well at bottom by development with appropriate air
compressor or bailer pumping and also lowering of
casing pipe but excluding cost of the casting pipe.
The tube-well should have a throughout bore as per
nominal bore of casing pipe. The work would be
completed after obtaining sand free water.).
Mistry Day 1.00 500.00 500.00
Beldar Day 6.00 400.00 2400.00
Chokidar Day 1.00 400.00 400.00
TOTAL : 11985.78
Add for Water charges 1% 119.86
TOTAL : 12105.64
Add for 10% Contractor profit 1210.56
Cost of 35.00 Rmt. 13316.20
Cost of 1.00 Rmt. 380.46
Say 380.00 R. Mtr.
4.1.2 125 mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 384.00 R. Mtr. 349.00 10% 384.00 R. Mtr.
Details of cost for 30.00 Mtr.
Hydraulic Excavator (3D) with driver and fuel Day 1.00 7000.00 7000.00
Hire charges of Diesel Truck - 9 tonne Transportation
charges for to and fro to site
(assume 140m of bore for one shifting)
(2 x30)/140 Loading, unloading &Errection charges
of drilling Rig Machine
Day 0.4286 2300.00 985.78
Water supply tanker of 5000 litre capacity Extra
labour to assist M/C operator & security Each 1.00 700.00 700.00
Mistry Day 1.00 500.00 500.00
Beldar Day 6.00 400.00 2400.00
Chokidar Day 1.00 400.00 400.00
TOTAL : 11985.78
Add for Water charges 1% 119.86
TOTAL : 12105.64
Add for 10% Contractor profit 1210.56
Cost of 30.00 Rmt. 13316.20
Cost of 1.00 Rmt. 443.87
Say 444.00 R. Mtr.
4.1.3 150 mm dia nominal bore.
Details of cost for 25.00 Mtr.
Hydraulic Excavator (3D) with driver and fuel Day 1.00 7000.00 7000.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-4 Proposed
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount Old BSR Rate
% change Rate
Hire charges of Diesel Truck - 9 tonne Transportation
charges for to and fro to site
(assume 140m of bore for one shifting)
(2 x30)/140 Loading, unloading &Errection charges
of drilling Rig Machine
Day 0.4286 2300.00 985.78
Water supply tanker of 5000 litre capacity Extra
labour to assist M/C operator & security Each 1.00 700.00 700.00
Mistry Day 1.00 500.00 500.00
Beldar Day 6.00 400.00 2400.00
Chokidar Day 1.00 400.00 400.00
TOTAL : 11985.78
Add for Water charges 1% 119.86
TOTAL : 12105.64
Add for 10% Contractor profit 1210.56
Cost of 25.00 Rmt. 13316.20
Cost of 1.00 Rmt. 532.65
Say 533.00 R. Mtr.
Mistry Day 1.00 500.00 500.00
Rock Hole Driller Day 0.75 217.00 162.75
Blacksmith 2nd class Day 0.75 217.00 162.75
Beldar Day 7.00 400.00 2800.00
Chokidar Day 1.00 400.00 400.00
TOTAL : 12323.28
Add for Water charges 1% 123.23
TOTAL : 12446.51
Add for 10% Contractor profit 1244.65
Cost of 16.00 Rmt. 13691.16
Cost of 1.00 Rmt. 855.70
Say 856.00 R. Mtr.
4.2.2 125 mm dia Nominal bore.
Details of cost for 16.00 Mtr.
Hydraulic Excavator (3D) with driver and fuel Day 0.90 7000.00 6300.00
Extra diesel required for boring in rocky strata Litre 8.00 52.00 416.00
Hire charges of Diesel Truck - 9 tonne Transportation
charges for to and fro to site
(assume 140m of bore for one shifting)
(2 x30)/140 Loading, unloading &Errection charges
of drilling Rig Machine
Day 0.4286 2300.00 985.78
Water supply tanker of 5000 litre capacity Extra
labour to assist M/C operator & security Each 1.00 700.00 700.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-4 Proposed
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount Old BSR Rate
% change Rate
Mistry Day 1.00 500.00 500.00
Rock Hole Driller Day 1.00 217.00 217.00
Blacksmith 2nd class Day 0.75 217.00 162.75
Beldar Day 8.00 400.00 3200.00
Chokidar Day 1.00 400.00 400.00
TOTAL : 12881.53
Add for Water charges 1% 128.82
TOTAL : 13010.35
Add for 10% Contractor profit 1301.03
Cost of 16.00 Rmt. 14311.38
Cost of 1.00 Rmt. 894.46
Say 894.00 R. Mtr.
4.2.3 150 mm dia Nominal bore.
Details of cost for 16.00 Mtr.
Hydraulic Excavator (3D) with driver and fuel Day 0.90 7000.00 6300.00
Extra diesel required for boring in rocky strata Litre 16.00 52.00 832.00
Hire charges of Diesel Truck - 9 tonne Transportation
charges for to and fro to site
(assume 140m of bore for one shifting)
(2 x30)/140 Loading, unloading &Errection charges
of drilling Rig Machine
Day 0.4286 2300.00 985.78
Water supply tanker of 5000 litre capacity Extra
labour to assist M/C operator & security Each 1.00 700.00 700.00
Mistry Day 1.00 500.00 500.00
Rock Hole Driller Day 1.20 400.00 480.00
Blacksmith 2nd class Day 0.75 400.00 300.00
Beldar Day 12.00 400.00 4800.00
Chokidar Day 1.00 400.00 400.00
TOTAL : 15297.78
Add for Water charges 1% 152.98
TOTAL : 15450.76
Add for 10% Contractor profit 1545.08
Cost of 16.00 Rmt. 16995.83
Cost of 1.00 Rmt. 1062.24
Say 1062.00 R. Mtr.
4.2.4 200 mm dia Nominal bore.
Details of cost for 16.00 Mtr.
Hydraulic Excavator (3D) with driver and fuel Day 0.90 7000.00 6300.00
Extra diesel required for boring in rocky strata Litre 40.00 52.00 2080.00
Hire charges of Diesel Truck - 9 tonne Transportation
charges for to and fro to site
(assume 140m of bore for one shifting)
(2 x30)/140 Loading, unloading &Errection charges
of drilling Rig Machine
Day 0.4286 2300.00 985.78
Water supply tanker of 5000 litre capacity Extra
labour to assist M/C operator & security Each 1.00 700.00 700.00
Mistry Day 1.00 500.00 500.00
Rock Hole Driller Day 1.50 400.00 600.00
Blacksmith 2nd class Day 0.75 400.00 300.00
Beldar Day 20.00 400.00 8000.00
Chokidar Day 1.00 400.00 400.00
TOTAL : 19865.78
Add for Water charges 1% 198.66
TOTAL : 20064.44
Add for 10% Contractor profit 2006.44
Cost of 16.00 Rmt. 22070.88
Cost of 1.00 Rmt. 1379.43
Say 1379.00 R. Mtr.
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-4 Proposed
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount Old BSR Rate
% change Rate
4.3 Construction of tube-well from ground levels and
upto 100 Meter depth and above to accommodate
housing and assembly pipe of following sizes in all
types of alluvium strata by percussion / rotary
drilling method and with gravel as per IS:4097-1967
and packing as per IS:2800 (Part I & II) 1979 as
amended upto date (the work includes the cost of
gravel & its primary packing and packing during
development, lowering of housing & strainer
assembly pipes, with supply and wrapping of coir
rope, wherever necessary, for arresting fine sand
particles. The work will not include cost of housing
pipe and strainer pipe assembly and development
work, but work would be completed after obtaining
sand free water).
4.3.1 150 mm Nominal bore. Say Rs. 1278.00 R. Mtr. 1162.00 10% 1278.00 R. Mtr.
4.3.2 200 mm Nominal bore. Say Rs. 1757.00 R. Mtr. 1597.00 10% 1757.00 R. Mtr.
4.3.3 250 mm Nominal bore. Say Rs. 2236.00 R. Mtr. 2033.00 10% 2236.00 R. Mtr.
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-4 Proposed
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount Old BSR Rate
% change Rate
4.8.1 100mm dia. Say Rs. 245.00 Each 213.00 15% 245.00 Each
4.8.2 125mm dia. Say Rs. 297.00 Each 258.00 15% 297.00 Each
4.8.3 150mm dia. Say Rs. 367.00 Each 319.00 15% 367.00 Each
4.8.4 200mm dia. Say Rs. 490.00 Each 426.00 15% 490.00 Each
4.8.5 250mm dia. Say Rs. 523.00 Each 455.00 15% 523.00 Each
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-4 Proposed
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount Old BSR Rate
% change Rate
4.9 S & F M.S. clamp, set of 50x6mm flat from ion with
nuts and bolts etc. for holding the riser pipe assembly
of submersible pump set.
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-4 Proposed
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount Old BSR Rate
% change Rate
4.25 Supply & lowering air line of 25mm dia, G.I. pipe 'B'
class having perforation 3 to 5mm size all arrow of
G.I. pipe in Zig-Zag fashion & making air vent at top
including the cost of Tee-Nipples, Elbow, Socket etc.
Rmt. 273.00 New Item 273.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
Ch. S-4 Proposed
Item No. Description Unit Qty. Rate Amount Old BSR Rate
% change Rate
4.26 Supply and lowering vent air pipe 63mm dia rigid
PVC pipe(IS 4985) mark class II (4kg per cm2 ) with
required all necessary fittings including perforation
of 3 to 5 mm size all around the pipe at a distance of
180 to 220mm in zig zag fashion and making air vent
at top complete as per direction of Engineer incharge.
Rmt. 140.00 New Item 140.00
4.27.2 Size 3 to 5 mm
Cum 2662.00 New Item 2662.00
EE PWD Dn.I, BPR TA to S.E. Cirlce, BPR, AAO, S.E. Circle, BPR S.E. Cirlce, BPR
1.1.1 Size 450 mm. Say Rs. 1412.00 Per Each. 450.00 214% 1412.00 Per Each.
1.1.2 Size 510 mm. Say Rs. 1454.00 Per Each. 500.00 191% 1454.00 Per Each.
1.1.3 Size 580 mm. Say Rs. 1498.00 Per pair. 525.00 185% 1498.00 Per pair.
1.2.1 Size 530x410mm. Say Rs. 2024.00 Per Each. 815.00 148% 2024.00 Per Each.
1.2.2 Size 580x440 mm. Say Rs. 2081.00 Per Each. 890.00 134% 2081.00 Per Each.
1.3.2 -do- 250 x 130 x 30mm Say Rs. 165.00 Per pair. 125.00 0.32 165.00 Per pair.
1.7.2 Wall Mounting (extended) Say Rs. 3421.00 Per Each. 1680.00 104% 3421.00 Per Each.
1.7.3 Wall Mounting (syphonic) Say Rs. 4503.00 Per Each. 1980.00 127% 4503.00 Per Each.
1.9 P&F C.P. lugs for toilet seat cover Say Rs. 87.00 Per pair 55.00 58% 87.00 Per pair
1.15.3 Mini stall size 440x315x320 mm. Say Rs. 1491.00 Per Each. 750.00 99% 1491.00 Per Each.
1.18.2 Size 150 mm dia. Say Rs. 664.00 per Mtr. 450.00 48% 664.00 per Mtr.
Size 600x350mm Say Rs. 0.00 Per Each. 450.00 -100% 450.00 Per Each.
White PVC (IS: 7231 Make) Say Rs. 1763.00 Per Each. 980.00 80% 1763.00 Per Each.
Cast iron (IS: 774 Make) Say Rs. 0.00 Per Each. 800.00 -100% 800.00 Per Each.
1.22.1 WVC with C.P. brass bend. Say Rs. 2043.00 Per Each. 1260.00 62% 2043.00 Per Each.
1.22.2 PVC with PVC bend as per IS : 7231 Say Rs. 1394.00 Per Each. 680.00 105% 1394.00 Per Each.
1.22.3 WVC for symphonic EWC. Say Rs. 2642.00 Per Each. 1800.00 47% 2642.00 Per Each.
1.22.4 PVC with CP brass long band. Say Rs. 1643.00 Per Each. 820.00 100% 1643.00 Per Each.
C.I. 15 ltr Say Rs. 0.00 Per Each. 638.00 -100% 638.00 Per Each.
-do- 10 litre Say Rs. 0.00 Per Each. 790.00 -100% 0.00 Per Each.
-do- 15 litre
1.24.2 G.I. 'B' class (Concealed) 32 mm. Say Rs. 650.00 Per Each. 290.00 124% 650.00 Per Each.
1.24.3 PVC exposed (heavy) 32 mm. Say Rs. 243.00 Per Each. 70.00 247% 243.00 Per Each.
1.29 P & F WVC Auto cistern cover only. Say Rs. 229.00 Per Each. 85.00 169% 229.00 Per Each.
1.30.2 For 3 Urinals. Say Rs. 1147.00 Per Each. 630.00 82% 1147.00 Per Each.
1.30.3 For 2 Urinals. Say Rs. 811.00 Per Each. 515.00 57% 811.00 Per Each.
1.30.4 For 1 Urinals. Say Rs. 594.00 Per Each. 290.00 105% 594.00 Per Each.
1.31.1 -do- Synethic (PTMT) Say Rs. 275.00 Per Each. 116.00 137% 275.00 Per Each.
1.32.1 32 mm dia. Say Rs. 319.00 Per Each. 100.00 219% 319.00 Per Each.
1.32.2 40 mm dia. Say Rs. 333.00 Per Each. 125.00 166% 333.00 Per Each.
1.37.2 Push –do- Say Rs. 3158.00 Per Each. 1850.00 71% 3158.00 Per Each.
1.37.3 Concealed type for 112 mm. Say Rs. 3531.00 Per Each. 2100.00 68% 3531.00 Per Each.
1.37.4 -do- for 225 mm.D859 Say Rs. 3647.00 Per Each. 2200.00 66% 3647.00 Per Each.
1.37.5 Economy model 25 mm. Say Rs. 2145.00 Per Each. 1250.00 72% 2145.00 Per Each.
1.37.6 -do- 32 mm. Say Rs. 2475.00 Per Each. 1350.00 83% 2475.00 Per Each.
1.39.1 Size 450 mm x 300 mm. Say Rs. 1771.00 Per Each. 895.00 98% 1771.00 Per Each.
1.39.2 Size 510 mm x 440 mm Say Rs. 1880.00 Per Each. 990.00 90% 1880.00 Per Each.
1.39.3 Size 510 mm x 250 mm Say Rs. 0.00 Per Each. 910.00 -100% 910.00 Per Each.
1.39.4 Size 530 mm x 450 mm Say Rs. 0.00 Per Each. 1040.00 -100% 1040.00 Per Each.
1.39.6 Size 580 mm x 430 mm Say Rs. 2104.00 Per Each. 1250.00 68% 2104.00 Per Each.
1.39.7 Size 610 mm x 510 mm Say Rs. 2620.00 Per Each. 1670.00 57% 2620.00 Per Each.
1.39.10 460 dia for counter top. Say Rs. 2230.00 Per Each. 1350.00 65% 2230.00 Per Each.
1.40.1 450 mm x 280 mm. Say Rs. 1083.00 Per Each. 450.00 141% 1083.00 Per Each.
1.40.2 550 mm x 400 mm. Say Rs. 1433.00 Per Each. 500.00 187% 1433.00 Per Each.
1.41.11 Size 22x18x7 Say Rs. 4259.00 Per Each. 2400.00 77% 4259.00 Per Each.
1.41.12 Size 24x18x8 Say Rs. 4376.00 Per Each. 2600.00 68% 4376.00 Per Each.
1.41.13 Size 37x18x7 Say Rs. 5624.00 Per Each. 2800.00 101% 5624.00 Per Each.
1.41.14 Size 45x20x8 Say Rs. 9787.00 Per Each. 4800.00 104% 9787.00 Per Each.
Rate as Per Old BSR Proposed
Item No. Description % change Unit
Analysis Unit Rate Rate
1.42 P & F Drain Board of approved make
with C.I. brackets duly painted
complete including cutting & making
good the wall : WC (IS: 2556 Mark)
size 580x350mm
Say Rs. 1315.00 Per Each. 720.00 83% 1315.00 Per Each.
1.42.2 WVC (IS: 2556 Mark) size 530x450mm Say Rs. 270.00 Per Each. 650.00 -58% 650.00 Per Each.
1.42.3 WVC (IS: 2556 Mark) size 600x450mm Say Rs. 832.00 Per Each. 800.00 4% 832.00 Per Each.
1.42.4 Stainless steel size 600x450mm Say Rs. 1263.00 Per Each. 820.00 54% 1263.00 Per Each.
1.42.5 Mosaic fine polished size 600x450mm Say Rs. 0.00 Per Each. 150.00 -100% 150.00 Per Each.
1.44.1 C.P. Brass 32 mm Say Rs. 562.00 Per Each. 350.00 61% 562.00 Per Each.
1.44.2 C.P. Brass 40 mm Say Rs. 668.00 Per Each. 375.00 78% 668.00 Per Each.
1.44.5 PVC Say Rs. 85.00 Per Each. 70.00 21% 85.00 Per Each.
Rate as Per Old BSR Proposed
Item No. Description % change Unit
Analysis Unit Rate Rate
1.45 P&F waste coupling with fitting of
approved quality/ make :
1.45.1 C.P. brass 32mm dia Say Rs. 139.00 Per Each. 80.00 74% 139.00 Per Each.
1.45.2 -do- 400mm dia Say Rs. 211.00 Per Each. 140.00 51% 211.00 Per Each.
1.45.3 Synthetic Material (PTMT) 32mm Say Rs. 95.00 Per Each. 50.00 90% 95.00 Per Each.
1.45.4 Synthetic Material (PTMT) 40mm Say Rs. 139.00 Per Each. 60.00 132% 139.00 Per Each.
1.46.2 PVC with PVC Nut 32mm Say Rs. 59.00 Per Each. 45.00 31% 59.00 Per Each.
1.46.3 PVC with C.P. Nut 40mm Say Rs. 152.00 Per Each. 115.00 32% 152.00 Per Each.
1.46.4 G.I. B Class 32mm Say Rs. 139.00 Per Each. 105.00 32% 139.00 Per Each.
1.46.5 G.I. B Class 40mm Say Rs. 158.00 Per Each. 120.00 32% 158.00 Per Each.
1.47.1 Size 600 x 450mm x 4mm thick Say Rs. 349.00 Per Each. 210.00 66% 349.00 Per Each.
1.47.2 Other sizes Say Rs. 930.00 Per Each. 650.00 43% 930.00 Per Each.
1.48.2 Oval shape 450x350mm Say Rs. 450.00 Per Each. 300.00 50% 450.00 Per Each.
1.48.3 Round 500mm dia Say Rs. 487.00 Per Each. 320.00 52% 487.00 Per Each.
1.49.1 WVC (IS: 2556 Mark) size 300mm. Say Rs. 178.00 Per Each. 115.00 55% 178.00 Per Each.
1.49.2 -do- 550mm Say Rs. 264.00 Per Each. 200.00 32% 264.00 Per Each.
1.50.2 -do- 600mm (Heavy duty) Say Rs. 396.00 Per Each. 300.00 32% 396.00 Per Each.
1.50.4 -do- 600 x 20mm Say Rs. 224.00 Per Each. 170.00 32% 224.00 Per Each.
1.50.6 -do- 675 x 90 x 75mm Say Rs. 112.00 Per Each. 85.00 32% 112.00 Per Each.
1.50.8 C.P. brass towel ring revolving type Say Rs. 132.00 Per Each. 100.00 32% 132.00 Per Each.
1.51.4 -do- 150mm dia Say Rs. 90.00 Per Each. 55.00 64% 90.00 Per Each.
1.51.8 Cast Iron Say Rs. 46.00 Per Each. 30.00 53% 46.00 Per Each.
Rate as Per Old BSR Proposed
Item No. Description % change Unit
Analysis Unit Rate Rate
1.52 P&F liquid soap contained with brackets
complete of approved make :
1.52.1 C.P. brass Say Rs. 211.00 Per Each. 100.00 111% 211.00 Per Each.
1.53.2 C.P. Brass (Heavy and Superior quality). Say Rs. 330.00 Per Each. 250.00 32% 330.00 Per Each.
1.53.3 Stainless steel Say Rs. 172.00 Per Each. 130.00 32% 172.00 Per Each.
1.54.2 C.P. brass heavy & superior quality Say Rs. 370.00 Per Each. 280.00 32% 370.00 Per Each.
1.54.4 -do- exposed Say Rs. 183.00 Per Each. 110.00 66% 183.00 Per Each.
1.55.2 C.P. brass heavy and superior quality Say Rs. 79.00 Per Each. 60.00 32% 79.00 Per Each.
1.55.4 -do- 200 x 100mm Say Rs. 205.00 Per Each. 140.00 46% 205.00 Per Each.
1.55.5 Soap tray 170mm Say Rs. 119.00 Per Each. 80.00 49% 119.00 Per Each.
1.55.6 Soap Dish 380mm Say Rs. 165.00 Per Each. 115.00 43% 165.00 Per Each.
1.56.2 C.P. brass (heavy) Superior quality Say Rs. 131.00 Per Each. 80.00 64% 131.00 Per Each.
1.56.3 Acrylic Say Rs. 87.00 Per Each. 40.00 118% 87.00 Per Each.
1.57.2 -do- size 220mm -do- Say Rs. 240.00 Per Each. 155.00 55% 240.00 Per Each.
1.57.3 -do- size 300mm -do- Say Rs. 270.00 Per Each. 170.00 59% 270.00 Per Each.
1.57.4 -do- size 370mm -do- Say Rs. 290.00 Per Each. 190.00 53% 290.00 Per Each.
Rate as Per Old BSR Proposed
Item No. Description % change Unit
Analysis Unit Rate Rate
1.59.2 -do- 100x15mm Say Rs. 167.00 Per Each. 70.00 139% 167.00 Per Each.
1.59.3 -do- 150 x15mm Say Rs. 183.00 Per Each. 100.00 83% 183.00 Per Each.
1.61.1 India/ Orissa pan Say Rs. 99.00 Per Each. 75.00 32% 99.00 Per Each.
1.61.2 European W.C. Say Rs. 99.00 Per Each. 75.00 32% 99.00 Per Each.
1.61.3 Flushing cistern Say Rs. 46.00 Per Each. 35.00 31% 46.00 Per Each.
1.64.2 Category-II Bell, Thar make etc. 550.00 per Sqm. 379.00 45% 550.00 per Sqm.
Say Rs. 718.00 per Sqm. 449.00 60% 718.00 per Sqm.
Rate as Per Old BSR Proposed
Item No. Description % change Unit
Analysis Unit Rate Rate
1.65 P&F 1st quality MAT finished ceremic tile
size 300x300mm confirming to IS : 13753
colour such as white, grey, ivory, fume red
brown in walls, floors, steps, pillars etc. laid
on a bed of neat cement slurry incl. nicely
finished joint using water proof joint filler
powder (untile or roffe make) and finishing
with flush pointing in white cement mixed
with pigment to match the shade of tile
complete (excl. the cost of cement plaster).
Say Rs. 525.00 per Sqm. 478.00 10% 525.00 per Sqm.
1- Add extra over item No. 1.64, 1.65 &
1.66 for floor work due to extra cost
of cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4
fine sand) 20mm thick.
Say Rs. 79.00 per Sqm. 31.00 155% 79.00 per Sqm.
Exposed on wall A B A B
2.1.1 15 mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 181.00 per Mtr 193.00 per Mtr 72.00 168% 80.00 141%
181.00 per Mtr 193.00 per Mtr
2.1.2 20 mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 226.00 per Mtr 239.00 per Mtr 95.00 152% 103.00 132%
226.00 per Mtr 239.00 per Mtr
2.1.3 25 mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 282.00 per Mtr 308.00 per Mtr 126.00 144% 140.00 120%
282.00 per Mtr 308.00 per Mtr
2.1.4 32 mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 347.00 per Mtr 385.00 per Mtr 150.00 157% 170.00 126%
347.00 per Mtr 385.00 per Mtr
2.1.5 40 mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 437.00 per Mtr 458.00 per Mtr 168.00 173% 195.00 135%
437.00 per Mtr 458.00 per Mtr
2.1.6 50mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 538.00 per Mtr 593.00 per Mtr 216.00 175% 267.00 122%
538.00 per Mtr 593.00 per Mtr
2.1.7 65 mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 670.00 per Mtr 709.00 per Mtr 252.00 181% 330.00 115%
670.00 per Mtr 709.00 per Mtr
2.1.8 80 mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 762.00 per Mtr 884.00 per Mtr 324.00 173% 413.00 114%
762.00 per Mtr 884.00 per Mtr
2.1.10 20 mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 223.00 per Mtr 236.00 per Mtr 95.00 148% 108.00 119%
223.00 per Mtr 236.00 per Mtr
2.2.2 20 mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 191.00 per Mtr 202.00 per Mtr 74.00 173% 89.00 127%
191.00 per Mtr 202.00 per Mtr
2.2.3 25 mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 230.00 per Mtr 253.00 per Mtr 107.00 136% 116.00 118%
230.00 per Mtr 253.00 per Mtr
2.2.5 40 mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 342.00 per Mtr 360.00 per Mtr 142.00 154% 165.00 118%
342.00 per Mtr 360.00 per Mtr
2.2.6 50mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 408.00 per Mtr 456.00 per Mtr 198.00 130% 221.00 106%
408.00 per Mtr 456.00 per Mtr
2.2.7 65mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 545.00 per Mtr 580.00 per Mtr 246.00 136% 287.00 102%
545.00 per Mtr 580.00 per Mtr
2.2.8 80mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 627.00 per Mtr 735.00 per Mtr 336.00 119% 355.00 107%
627.00 per Mtr 735.00 per Mtr
2.2.9 100 mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 867.00 per Mtr 1010.00 per Mtr 516.00 96% 550.00 84%
867.00 per Mtr 1010.00 per Mtr
2.2.10 125 mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 1362.00 per Mtr 1362.00 per Mtr 672.00 103% 750.00 82%
1362.00 per Mtr 1362.00 per Mtr
2.3.1 Up to 25 mm dia. Say Rs. 457.00 per Each 100.00 357% 457.00 per Each
2.3.2 Beyond 25 mm & up to 100 mm dia. Say Rs. 650.00 per Each 160.00 306% 650.00 per Each
2.4 Fixing water meter (IS:779: mark) and stop Say Rs. 384.00 per Each 12.00 3100% 384.00 per Each
cock in G.I. pipe line including making
chamber of approved size excluding cost of
water meter & stop cock.
2.5 P & F water meter IS:779 mark) of Say Rs. 863.00 per Each 480.00 80% 863.00 per Each
approved make:
2.5.1 15 mm dia.
Say Rs. 1575.00 per Each 880.00 79% 1575.00 per Each
2.5.2 20 mm dia.
Say Rs. 2160.00 per Each 1200.00 80% 2160.00 per Each
2.5.3 25 mm dia.
2.6.2 C.P. Pillar cock Elbow action, 15 mm Say Rs. 853.00 per Each 320.00 167% 853.00 per Each
nominal bore.
2.6.3 C.P. Pillar cock fancy type, 15 mm nominal Say Rs. 993.00 per Each 320.00 210% 993.00 per Each
2.6.4 C.P. Pillar cock, Swan-neck with casted Say Rs. 818.00 per Each 390.00 110% 818.00 per Each
spout, 15 mm nominal bore.
2.6.5 C.P. Pillar cock, high-neck, 15 mm nominal Say Rs. 759.00 per Each 250.00 204% 759.00 per Each
2.6.6 Synthetic Material (PTMT) pillar cock of Say Rs. 358.00 per Each 125.00 186% 358.00 per Each
approved quality / make 15 mm nominal
2.7.2 P.V.C. heavy duty, 15 mm nominal bore. Say Rs. 88.00 per Each 40.00 120% 88.00 per Each
2.7.3 C.P. Brass bib cock, 15 mm nominal bore. Say Rs. 619.00 per Each 180.00 244% 619.00 per Each
2.7.4 C.P. Brass Swan-neck 15 mm nominal bore. Say Rs. 535.00 per Each 245.00 118% 535.00 per Each
2.7.5 -do- Long body, 15 mm nominal bore Say Rs. 677.00 per Each 255.00 165% 677.00 per Each
weight not less than 690 gm.B628
2.7.6 -do- Long nose, 15 mm nominal bore Say Rs. 852.00 per Each 305.00 179% 852.00 per Each
weight not less than 810 gm.
2.7.7 -do- Elbow action, 15 mm nominal Say Rs. 773.00 per Each 315.00 145% 773.00 per Each
2.7.8 Synthetic Material (PTMT) bib cock of Say Rs. 203.00 per Each 70.00 190% 203.00 per Each
approved quality / make, nominal bore 15
mm, 86 mm long.
2.7.9 -do- Fancy Type, 122 mm long. Say Rs. 236.00 per Each 80.00 195% 236.00 per Each
2.7.10 -do- Long Body, 175 mm long. Say Rs. 269.00 per Each 100.00 169% 269.00 per Each
2.8.2 -do- 750 gm. 20 mm nominal bore. Say Rs. 355.00 per Each 190.00 87% 355.00 per Each
2.8.3 -do- 1350 gm. 25 mm nominal bore. Say Rs. 580.00 per Each 315.00 84% 580.00 per Each
2.8.4 C.P. Brass 15 mm nominal bore. Say Rs. 628.00 per Each 265.00 137% 628.00 per Each
2.8.5 -do- Concealed Stop Cock 15 mm. Say Rs. 784.00 per Each 340.00 131% 784.00 per Each
2.8.6 Synthetic material (PTMT) stop cock of Say Rs. 196.00 per Each 100.00 96% 196.00 per Each
approved quality/make 15 mm.
2.8.7 -do- Concealed stop cock 15 mm. Say Rs. 309.00 per Each 140.00 121% 309.00 per Each
2.9.2 (-do-) Casted Spout 15 mm. Say Rs. 758.00 per Each 450.00 68% 758.00 per Each
2.10.2 Synthetic Material (PTMT) push cock of Say Rs. 209.00 per Each 85.00 146% 209.00 per Each
approved quality/make 15 mm.
2.11.2 Brass wt. 750 gm, 20 mm. Say Rs. 403.00 per Each 180.00 124% 403.00 per Each
2.11.3 -do- wt. 1000 gm, 25 mm. Say Rs. 436.00 per Each 200.00 118% 436.00 per Each
2.11.4 -do- wt. 1000 gm, 32 mm. Say Rs. 437.00 per Each 230.00
2.11.5 -do- wt. 1200 gm, 40 mm. Say Rs. 716.00 per Each 385.00 86% 716.00 per Each
2.11.6 -do- wt. 2000 gm, 50 mm. Say Rs. 743.00 per Each 400.00 86% 743.00 per Each
2.11.7 Synthetic material (PTMT) of approved Say Rs. 242.00 per Each 114.00 112% 242.00 per Each
make 15 mm nominal size.
2.11.8 -do- 20 mm nominal size. Say Rs. 321.00 per Each 155.00 107% 321.00 per Each
2.11.9 -do- 25 mm nominal size. Say Rs. 658.00 per Each 336.00 96% 658.00 per Each
2.11.10 -do- 50 mm nominal size. Say Rs. 1713.00 per Each 875.00 96% 1713.00 per Each
2.12.2 -do- with 37 Cm. long pipe and nut. Say Rs. 642.00 per Each 375.00 71% 642.00 per Each
2.12.3 -do- with 37 Cm. long thread and nut. Say Rs. 700.00 per Each 415.00 69% 700.00 per Each
2.12.4 Synthetic Material (PTMT) Inlet connection Say Rs. 281.00 per Each 95.00 196% 281.00 per Each
of approved quality/make 5 mm nominal
2.13.2 -do- up to length 370 mm. Say Rs. 64.00 per Each 30.00 113% 64.00 per Each
2.13.3 -do- 450 mm. Say Rs. 81.00 per Each 35.00 131% 81.00 per Each
2.13.4 -do- 600 mm. Say Rs. 89.00 per Each 40.00 123% 89.00 per Each
2.13.5 C.P. Brass Pipe with CP Brass nuts upto Say Rs. 72.00 per Each 32.00 125% 72.00 per Each
length 300 mm.
2.13.6 C.P. Brass Pipe with CP Brass nuts upto Say Rs. 89.00 per Each 38.00 134% 89.00 per Each
length 370 mm.
2.13.7 C.P. Brass Pipe with CP Brass nuts upto Say Rs. 105.00 per Each 45.00 133% 105.00 per Each
length 450 mm.
2.13.8 C.P. Brass Pipe with CP Brass nuts upto Say Rs. 139.00 per Each 80.00 74% 139.00 per Each
length 600 mm.
2.14.2 C.P. brass push type 20 mm nominal bore. Say Rs. 499.00 per Each 270.00 85% 499.00 per Each
2.14.3 C.P. brass push type exposed 25 mm Say Rs. 926.00 per Each 510.00 82% 926.00 per Each
nominal bore.
2.14.4 C.P. brass push type exposed 32 mm Say Rs. 1387.00 per Each 765.00 81% 1387.00 per Each
nominal bore.
2.14.5 C.P. brass push type Concealed 25 mm Say Rs. 999.00 per Each 550.00 82% 999.00 per Each
nominal bore.
2.14.6 C.P. brass push type Concealed 32 mm Say Rs. 1539.00 per Each 850.00 81% 1539.00 per Each
nominal bore.
2.14.7 C.P. brass Half-turn exposed 25 mm Say Rs. 817.00 per Each 450.00 82% 817.00 per Each
nominal bore.
2.14.8 C.P. brass Half-turn concealed 25 mm Say Rs. 958.00 per Each 525.00 82% 958.00 per Each
nominal bore.
2.14.9 Brass / Gun metal Half-turn wt. 1 Kg. of Say Rs. 504.00 per Each 275.00 83% 504.00 per Each
approved quality / make, 25 mm nominal
2.14.10 CP Brass flush valve 32 mm nominal bore. Say Rs. 2223.00 per Each 1230.00 81% 2223.00 per Each
2.15.2 Gun-metal 20 mm nominal bore. Say Rs. 383.00 per Each 200.00 92% 383.00 per Each
2.15.3 Gun-metal 25 mm nominal bore. Say Rs. 562.00 per Each 300.00 87% 562.00 per Each
2.15.4 Gun-metal 32 mm nominal bore. Say Rs. 743.00 per Each 400.00 86% 743.00 per Each
2.15.5 Gun-metal 40 mm nominal bore. Say Rs. 1097.00 per Each 600.00 83% 1097.00 per Each
2.15.6 Gun-metal 50 mm nominal bore. Say Rs. 1459.00 per Each 800.00 82% 1459.00 per Each
Vertical Say Rs. 287.00 per Each 140.00 105% 287.00 per Each
Vertical Say Rs. 393.00 per Each 220.00 79% 393.00 per Each
Vertical Say Rs. 521.00 per Each 270.00 93% 521.00 per Each
Vertical Say Rs. 707.00 per Each 350.00 102% 707.00 per Each
Vertical Say Rs. 1054.00 per Each 460.00 129% 1054.00 per Each
2.17.2 25 mm nominal bore. Say Rs. 2362.00 per Each 1300.00 82% 2362.00 per Each
2.18.2 Two Way. Say Rs. 541.00 per Each 150.00 261% 541.00 per Each
2.18.3 Three Way. Say Rs. 616.00 per Each 170.00 262% 616.00 per Each
2.18.4 Four Way. Say Rs. 739.00 per Each 220.00 236% 739.00 per Each
2.19.2 Two Way. Say Rs. 541.00 per Each 285.00 90% 541.00 per Each
2.19.3 Three Way. Say Rs. 739.00 per Each 360.00 105% 739.00 per Each
2.19.4 Four Way. Say Rs. 822.00 per Each 400.00 106% 822.00 per Each
2.20.2 (-do-) Extra heavy with flange. Say Rs. 851.00 per Each 460.00 85% 851.00 per Each
2.21.2 (-do-) with swinging spout casted. Say Rs. 2250.00 per Each 1260.00 79% 2250.00 per Each
2.21.3 C.P. sink mixer with swinging spout J-Pipe. Say Rs. 2250.00 per Each 980.00 130% 2250.00 per Each
2.21.4 (-do-) With casted spout. Say Rs. 2250.00 per Each 1000.00 125% 2250.00 per Each
2.21.5 C.P. Valve mixer non-telephonic type. Say Rs. 1950.00 per Each 1000.00 95% 1950.00 per Each
2.21.6 C.P. Wall mixer telephonic type crutch & Say Rs. 3738.00 per Each 1900.00 97% 3738.00 per Each
telephonic shower.
2.21.7 (-do-) without crutch & telephonic shower. Say Rs. 2811.00 per Each 1500.00 87% 2811.00 per Each
2.21.8 C.P. Bath-tub mixer without telephonic Say Rs. 3415.00 per Each 1650.00 107% 3415.00 per Each
shower but with crutch.
2.21.9 C.P. Surgical basin mixer elbow action. Say Rs. 2903.00 per Each 1400.00 107% 2903.00 per Each
2.21.10 (-do-) with shower (wall type). Say Rs. 4185.00 per Each 2000.00 109% 4185.00 per Each
2.22.2 (-do-) Concealed Five-way divertors. Say Rs. 2570.00 per Each 1300.00 98% 2570.00 per Each
2.22.3 (-do-) Four way (-do-) Say Rs. 2619.00 per Each 1250.00 110% 2619.00 per Each
2.22.4 (-do-) Three way (-do-) Say Rs. 2438.00 per Each 1200.00 103% 2438.00 per Each
2.22.5 (-do-) two way with 22 Cm. pipe flange. Say Rs. 1395.00 per Each 750.00 86% 1395.00 per Each
2.23.2 (-do-) with shower and Pop-up waste. Say Rs. 4529.00 per Each 2200.00 106% 4529.00 per Each
2.24 P & F Precast R.C.C. Water Storage Tank Say Rs. 810.00 per Each 450.00 80% 810.00 per Each
with R.C.C. cover 25 mm thick and 15 Cm.
Long G.I. over-flow pipe including making
connections etc. & hoisting upto 1 M. ht.
From ground level having:
Say Rs. 720.00 per Each 400.00 80% 720.00 per Each
2.24.2 270 Litres water capacity size 90x60x60
Say Rs. 135.00 per Each 75.00 80% 135.00 per Each
2.25.2 270 Litres water capacity
2.26 P & F PVC Storage Tank (IS:12701 marked Say Rs. 1535.00 per Each 930.00 65% 1535.00 per Each
indicating the BIS license No.) of approved
make with cover, 25 mm dia 1 M long G.I.
over-flow pipe & 25 Cm. long wash out
pipe with plug & socket, including making
connection etc. complete of approved
Say Rs. 38363.00 per Each 23250.00 65% 38363.00 per Each
2.26.8 5000 litres capacity.
2.27 Hoisting Charges for each floor : Say Rs. 50.00 per Each 25.00 100% 50.00 per Each
2.27.1 For items 2.261 to 2.26.4
Say Rs. 100.00 per Each 50.00 100% 100.00 per Each
2.27.2 For item 2.26 to 2.26.8
2.28 Providing and fixing Bitumen Paint Coating Say Rs. 1.15 per Rmtr 0.75 53% 1.15 per Rmtr
over G.I. Pipes Complete as per
specifications :
2.28.1 15 mm dia.
Say Rs. 1.40 per Rmtr 1.00 40% 1.40 per Rmtr
2.28.2 20 mm dia.
Say Rs. 2.00 per Rmtr 1.25 60% 2.00 per Rmtr
2.28.3 25 mm dia.
Say Rs. 2.75 per Rmtr 2.00 38% 2.75 per Rmtr
2.28.4 40 mm dia.
2.29.1 Exposed on Walls Say Rs. 130.00 per Rmtr 107.20 21% 130.00 per Rmtr 1216 (16 mm OD) pipe 1620 (20 mm OD) pipe Say Rs. 245.00 per Rmtr 127.35 92% 245.00 per Rmtr 2025 (25 mm OD) pipe Say Rs. 300.00 per Rmtr 163.35 84% 300.00 per Rmtr 2532 (32 mm OD) pipe Say Rs. 396.00 per Rmtr 223.00 78% 396.00 per Rmtr 1620 (20 mm OD) pipe Say Rs. 310.00 per Rmtr 143.50 116% 310.00 per Rmtr 2025 (25 mm OD) pipe Say Rs. 364.00 per Rmtr 177.50 105% 364.00 per Rmtr 2532 (32 mm OD) pipe Say Rs. 460.00 per Rmtr 229.95 100% 460.00 per Rmtr 3240 (40 mm OD) pipe Say Rs. 560.00 per Rmtr 299.40 87% 560.00 per Rmtr
2.31.1 1216 (16 mm OD) pipe Say Rs. 185.00 per Rmtr 101.10 83% 185.00 per Rmtr
2.31.2 1620 (20 mm OD) pipe Say Rs. 210.00 per Rmtr 119.05 76% 210.00 per Rmtr
2.31.3 2025 (25 mm OD) pipe Say Rs. 258.00 per Rmtr 150.55 71% 258.00 per Rmtr
2.31.4 2532 (32 mm OD) pipe Say Rs. 326.00 per Rmtr 199.95 63% 326.00 per Rmtr
2.31.5 2532 (32 mm OD) pipe Say Rs. 415.00 per Rmtr 261.55 59% 415.00 per Rmtr
Note : The pipes are denoted by ID OD eg. 1216=12mm inner dia x 16mm outer dia
3.2.1 100mm dia S.W. Pipe. Say : 391.00 per Mtr. 115.00 240% 391.0
3.2.2 150mm dia S.W. Pipe. Say : 479.00 per Mtr. 130.00 268% 479.0
3.2.3 200mm dia S.W. Pipe. Say : 558.00 per Mtr. 150.00 272% 558.0
3.2.4 230mm dia S.W. Pipe. Say : 611.00 per Mtr. 160.00 282% 611.0
3.2.5 250mm dia S.W. Pipe. Say : 645.00 per Mtr. 170.00 279% 645.0
3.2.6 300mm dia S.W. Pipe. Say : 740.00 per Mtr. 185.00 300% 740.0
3.2.7 350mm dia S.W. Pipe. Say : 837.00 per Mtr. 220.00 280% 837.0
3.2.8 400mm dia S.W. Pipe. Say : 935.00 per Mtr. 250.00 274% 935.0
3.2.9 450mm dia S.W. Pipe. Say : 1031.00 per Mtr. New #VALUE! 1031.0
3.3.1 100mm dia S.W. Pipe. Say : 186.00 per Mtr. 85.00 119% 186.0
3.3.2 150mm dia S.W. Pipe. Say : 301.00 per Mtr. 90.00 234% 301.0
3.3.3 200mm dia S.W. Pipe. Say : 354.00 per Mtr. 105.00 237% 354.0
Item Rate as Per Old BSR Proposed
Description % change
No. Analysis Unit Rate Rate
3.3.4 230mm dia S.W. Pipe. Say : 388.00 per Mtr. 110.00 253% 388.0
3.3.5 250mm dia S.W. Pipe. Say : 413.00 per Mtr. 120.00 244% 413.0
3.3.6 300mm dia S.W. Pipe. Say : 475.00 per Mtr. 125.00 280% 475.0
3.3.8 400mm dia S.W. Pipe. Say : 611.00 per Mtr. 150.00 307% 611.0
3.3.9 450mm dia S.W. Pipe. Say : 674.00 per Mtr. New #VALUE! 674.0
3.4.2 Size 150x100mm. Say Rs. 143.00 per Each 98.00 46% 143.0
3.4.3 Size 225 x 150mm Say Rs. 191.00 per Each 130.00 47% 191.0
3.6.2 150mm dia Say Rs. 343.00 per Each 280.00 23% 343.0
per Each
3.7 Labour charges for Removing S.W. pipes
including breaking of joints & bed concrete,
stacking of useful material at site within 50
Mtr. lead and disposal of unserviceable
material within 0.5 Km. lead :
3.7.1 100 & 150 mm dia pipe Say Rs. 14.00 per mtr. 8.00 75% 14.0
3.7.2 200, 230 & 250 mm dia pipe Say Rs. 15.00 per mtr. 10.00 50% 15.0
3.7.3 300 mm dia pipe Say Rs. 17.00 per mtr. 10.00 70% 17.0
3.7.4 350 mm dia pipe Say Rs. 14.00 per mtr. 11.00 27% 14.0
3.7.5 400 mm dia pipe Say Rs. 14.00 per mtr. 12.00 17% 14.0
Item Rate as Per Old BSR Proposed
Description % change
No. Analysis Unit Rate Rate
3.8.1 100mm dia Internal. Say Rs. 217.00 per mtr. 115.00 89% 217.0
3.8.2 150mm dia Internal. Say Rs. 219.00 per mtr. 140.00 56% 219.0
3.8.2 200mm dia Internal. Say Rs. 331.00 per mtr. 160.00 107% 331.0
3.8.4 250mm dia Internal. Say Rs. 353.00 per mtr. 210.00 68% 353.0
3.8.5 300mm dia Internal. Say Rs. 442.00 per mtr. 265.00 67% 442.0
3.8.6 450mm dia internal Say Rs. 724.00 per mtr. 395.00 83% 724.0
3.8.7 500mm dia internal Say Rs. 849.00 per mtr. 460.00 85% 849.0
3.8.8 600mm dia internal Say Rs. 1086.00 per mtr. 600.00 81% 1086.0
3.8.9 700mm dia internal Say Rs. 1425.00 per mtr. 810.00 76% 1425.0
3.8.10 800mm dia internal Say Rs. 1652.00 per mtr. 940.00 76% 1652.0
3.8.11 900mm dia internal Say Rs. 2060.00 per mtr. 1150.00 79% 2060.0
3.9.1 50 mm dia Say Rs. 441.00 per mtr. 252.00 75% 441.0
3.9.2 75 mm dia Say Rs. 477.00 per mtr. 325.00 47% 477.0
3.9.3 100 mm dia Say Rs. 549.00 per mtr. 374.00 47% 549.0
3.9.4 150 mm dia Say Rs. 1037.00 per mtr. 710.00 46% 1037.0
3.10.2 100mm dia 0.98Kg pig lead Say Rs. 109.00 per Each 80.00 36% 109.0
3.10.3 150mm dia 1.48Kg pig lead Say Rs. 123.00 per Each 90.00 37% 123.0
Item Rate as Per Old BSR Proposed
Description % change
No. Analysis Unit Rate Rate
3.11 P & F S.C.I. Fittings (IS:129 mark) in CM Offset Socket Double Cowel Tee Bend
1:4 with Door
3.11.1 50mm dia With out Door in each -- 91.00 -- 125.00 192.00 145.00
Proposed Rate 109.00 150.00 230.00 174.00
20% 20% 20% 20%
3.11.2 75mm dia With out Door in each 281.00 112.00 320.00 152.00 262.00 188.00
Proposed Rate 337.00 134.00 384.00 182.00 314.00 226.00
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%
3.11.3 100mm dia With out Door in each 318.00 145.00 468.00 205.00 317.00 234.00
Proposed Rate 382.00 562.00 246.00 380.00 281.00
20% -100% 20% 20% 20% 20%
3.11.4 150mm dia With out Door in each -- 262.00 -- 702.00 523.00
Proposed Rate 314.00 842.00 628.00
20% 20% 20%
3.11.5 50mm dia With Door in each -- -- -- -- 238.00 168.00
Proposed Rate 286.00 202.00
20% 20%
3.11.6 75mm dia With Door in each -- -- -- -- 281.00 205.00
Proposed Rate 337.00 246.00
20% 20%
3.11.7 100mm dia With Door in each -- -- -- -- 328.00 262.00
Proposed Rate 394.00 314.00
20% 20%
3.11.8 150mm dia With Door in each -- -- -- -- 936.00 542.00
Proposed Rate 1123.00 650.00
20% 20%
3.12.1 Size 100x100 mm. Say Rs. 418.00 per Each 225.00 86% 418.0
3.12.2 Size 100x75 mm. Say Rs. 333.00 per Each 180.00 85% 333.0
3.12.3 Size 100x50mm Say Rs. 252.00 per Each 170.00 48% 252.0
3.16.1 50mm dia Say Rs. 83.00 per mtr 55.00 51% 83.0
3.16.2 75mm dia Say Rs. 91.00 per mtr 60.00 52% 91.0
3.16.3 100mm dia Say Rs. 100.00 per mtr 65.00 54% 100.0
Item Rate as Per Old BSR Proposed
Description % change
No. Analysis Unit Rate Rate
3.16.4 150mm dia Say Rs. 132.00 per mtr 85.00 55% 132.0
3.17 P & F A.C. fittings (IS:1626 Part-I mark) of Cowel Socket Offset Shoe With out door Bend
With door With door
approved quality/make with spun yarn Bend Tee
socked in bitumen & CM 1:2
3.17.1 50mm dia in each 28.00 12.00 34.00 20.00 34.00 43.00 28.00
Proposed Rate 34.00 14.00 41.00 24.00 41.00 52.00 34.00
21% 17% 21% 20% 21% 21% 21%
3.17.2 75mm dia in each 34.00 13.00 40.00 23.00 40.00 47.00 32.00
Proposed Rate 41.00 12.00 48.00 28.00 48.00 56.00 38.00
21% -8% 20% 22% 20% 19% 19%
3.17.3 100mm dia in each 40.00 14.00 55.00 26.00 47.00 53.00 35.00
Proposed Rate 48.00 17.00 66.00 31.00 56.00 64.00 42.00
20% 21% 20% 19% 19% 21% 20%
3.17.4 150mm dia in each 53.00 20.00 56.00 36.00 79.00 -- 53.00
Proposed Rate 64.00 24.00 67.00 43.00 95.00 -- 64.00
21% 20% 20% 19% 20% 21%
3.19.1 63mm dia Say Rs. 116.00 per mtr 75.00 55% 116.0
3.19.2 75mm dia Say Rs. 138.00 per mtr 90.00 53% 138.0
3.19.3 110mm dia Say Rs. 218.00 per mtr 140.00 56% 218.0
3.19.4 160mm dia Say Rs. 275.00 per mtr 180.00 53% 275.0
Item Rate as Per Old BSR Proposed
Description % change
No. Analysis Unit Rate Rate
3.2 P&F rigid PVC pipe fittings (IS: 4985 mark) of 75mm dia 110mm dia 75mm dia 110mm dia
approved quality /make including joining the
pipe with solvent cement rubber ring and
3.23.4 -do- depth upto 0.5mtr to 1.0mtr Say Rs. 4970.00 per each 1020.00 387% 4970.0
3.24.1 Size 300 Cm. dia outside & 300 Cm. depth.
3.23.1 Size 300 Cm. dia outside & 300 Cm. depth
Say Rs. 21780.00 per each 6000.00 263% 21780.0
3.23.2 -do- & 240 Cm. Depth. Say Rs. 17424.00 per each 5500.00 217% 17424.0
3.25.1 Top width 180 Cm., bottom width 90 Cm. Say Rs. 4543.00 per each 1600.00 184% 4543.0
& depth 240 Cm
3.25.1 Inner dia 90cm & 10 to 12 mtr deep Say Rs. 10841.00 per each 1500.00 623% 10841.0
3.25.2 Inner dia 60cm & 10 to 12 mtr deep Say Rs. 8292.00 per each 1400.00 492% 8292.0
3.36.1 112 mm drain, 225 mm Av. depth. Say Rs. 587.00 per mtr. 135.00 335% 587.0
3.36.2 150mm drain, 225 mm Av. depth. Say Rs. 930.00 per mtr. 145.00 541% 930.0
3.36.3 250mm drain 300mm av. Depth Say Rs. 1050.00 per mtr. 190.00 453% 1050.0
per Mtr.
per Mtr.
per Mtr.
per Mtr.
per Mtr.
per Mtr.
per Mtr.
per Mtr.
per Mtr.
per Mtr.
per Mtr.
per Mtr.
per Mtr.
per Mtr.
per Mtr.
per Mtr.
per Mtr.
per Mtr.
per Each
per Each
per Each
per Each
per Each
per Each
per Each
per mtr.
per mtr.
per mtr.
per mtr.
per mtr.
per mtr.
per mtr.
per mtr.
per mtr.
per mtr.
per mtr.
per mtr.
per mtr.
per mtr.
per mtr.
per mtr.
per mtr.
per mtr.
per mtr.
per mtr.
per Each
per Each
per Each
per Each
per Each
per Each
per Each
per Each
per Each
per mtr
per mtr
per mtr
per mtr
With out
door Tee
per mtr
per mtr
per mtr
per mtr
per mtr
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per mtr
per cum
per each
per each
per each
per cum
per sqm
per each
per kg
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per each
per mtr.
per mtr.
per mtr.
4.1.1 100 mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 0.00 R. Mtr. 210.00 -100% 210.00 R. Mtr.
4.1.2 125 mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 384.00 R. Mtr. 240.00 60% 384.00 R. Mtr.
4.1.3 150 mm dia nominal bore. Say Rs. 0.00 R. Mtr. 260.00 -100% 260.00 R. Mtr.
4.2.1 100 mm dia Nominal bore. Say Rs. 0.00 R. Mtr. 285.00 -100% 285.00 R. Mtr.
4.2.2 125 mm dia Nominal bore. Say Rs. 0.00 R. Mtr. 330.00 -100% 330.00 R. Mtr.
4.2.3 150 mm dia Nominal bore. Say Rs. 0.00 R. Mtr. 500.00 -100% 500.00 R. Mtr.
4.2.4 200 mm dia Nominal bore. Say Rs. 0.00 R. Mtr. 750.00 -100% 750.00 R. Mtr.
Rate as Per Old BSR Proposed
Item No. Description % change Unit
Analysis Unit Rate Rate
4.3 Construction of tube-well from ground
levels and upto 100 Meter depth and above
to accommodate housing and assembly pipe
of following sizes in all types of alluvium
strata by percussion / rotary drilling method
and with gravel as per IS:4097-1967 and
packing as per IS:2800 (Part I & II) 1979 as
amended upto date (the work includes the
cost of gravel & its primary packing and
packing during development, lowering of
housing & strainer assembly pipes, with
supply and wrapping of coir rope, wherever
necessary, for arresting fine sand particles.
The work will not include cost of housing
pipe and strainer pipe assembly and
development work, but work would be
completed after obtaining sand free water).
4.3.1 150 mm Nominal bore. Say Rs. 1278.00 R. Mtr. 1200.00 7% 1278.00 R. Mtr.
4.3.2 200 mm Nominal bore. Say Rs. 1757.00 R. Mtr. 1500.00 R. Mtr.
4.3.3 250 mm Nominal bore. Say Rs. 2236.00 R. Mtr. 1800.00 24% 2236.00 R. Mtr.
4.5.2 125 mm nominal bore Say Rs. 0.00 per Mtr. 630.00 -100% 630.00 per Mtr.
4.5.3 150 mm nominal bore Say Rs. 0.00 per Mtr. 850.00 -100% 850.00 per Mtr.
4.5.4 200 mm nominal bore Say Rs. 0.00 per Mtr. 1250.00 -100% 1250.00 per Mtr.
4.5.5 250 mm nominal bore Say Rs. 0.00 per Mtr. 1400.00 -100% 1400.00 per Mtr.
4.6.1 150 mm Nominal Bore. Say Rs. 0.00 per Mtr. 950.00 -100% 950.00 per Mtr.
4.6.2 200 mm Nominal Bore. Say Rs. 0.00 per Mtr. 1300.00 -100% 1300.00 per Mtr.
4.6.3 250 mm Nominal Bore. Say Rs. 0.00 per Mtr. 1800.00 -100% 1800.00 per Mtr.
Rate as Per Old BSR Proposed
Item No. Description % change Unit
Analysis Unit Rate Rate
4.7 Testing vertically of tube-well be plumbing
system and yield test and draw down test by
pumping system as per IS:2800 (Part-II)
1979. Say Rs. 9979.00 Each. 6300.00 58% 9979.00 Each.
4.8.1 100mm dia. Say Rs. 245.00 Each 140.00 75% 245.00 Each
4.8.2 125mm dia. Say Rs. 297.00 Each 170.00 75% 297.00 Each
4.8.3 150mm dia. Say Rs. 367.00 Each 210.00 75% 367.00 Each
4.8.4 200mm dia. Say Rs. 490.00 Each 280.00 75% 490.00 Each
4.8.5 250mm dia. Say Rs. 523.00 Each 300.00 74% 523.00 Each
4.20.1 B Class 50 mm dia. Say Rs. 343.00 Mtr. 170.00 102% 343.00 Mtr.
4.20.2 B Class 75 mm dia. Say Rs. 611.00 Mtr. 280.00 118% 611.00 Mtr.
4.20.3 B Class 100 mm dia. Say Rs. 943.00 Mtr. 440.00 114% 943.00 Mtr.