IX. Right to redeem by debtor not available in the following instances Problem: A is the owner of a building which is rented to tenants. The yearly
(not considered speculative) rentals amount to P5M. A sold to B his rental rights over the property for a
1. assignment of credit / incorporeal right to co-heir or co-owner; the lump sum of P4M. Later, C a creditor of A, garnished parts of the rentals.
law does not favor co-ownership (1) If the amount garnished is the entire amount or is more than one-half
2. assignment to creditor in payment for his credit (P2M) of the whole. Thus representing the greater value, A is liable
a. presumption is that the assignment is above suspicion; for the eviction of B. (the assignee)
assignment is in the form of dacion en pago, thus perfectly (2) If the amount garnished does not cover the whole or consists only of
legal the smaller (less than one-half), the seller incurs no liability for the
3. assignment to possessor of tenement or piece of land which is subject eviction.
to the right in litigation assigned
a. purpose is to presumably preserve the tenement MCQs on Assignment:
Lucky is a lessee of a store in a shopping mall. She orally sells/assigns his
ARTICLE 1629: right to Samonte. She then allows Samonte to occupy the stall. The delivery
In cas the assignor in good faith should have made himself here is called:
responsible for the solvency of the debtor, and the a. Actual delivery
contracting parties should not have agreed upon the b. Quasi-traditio
duration of the liability, it shall last for one year only, from c. Traditio longa manu
the time of the assignment if the period had already d. Traditio brevi manu
If the credit should be payable within a term or period ARTICLE 1632:
which has not yet expired, the liability shall cease one year Should the vendor have profited by some of the fruits or
after the maturity. (1530a) received anything from the inheritance sold, he shall pay the
vendee thereof, if the contrary has not been stipulated.
1. Duration of assignor’s warranty of the debtor’s solvency if assignor (1533)
weas in good faith
a. The period stipulated Profits received by the vendor (assignor)
b. If no period was stipulated Explanation/Illustration:
1. If the assignment was made before maturity- One year from maturity When inheritance is sold, the fruits thereof or anything received out of it, are
2. If the assignment was made after maturity- One year from the time of deemed included and therefore shall pertain to the vendee (assignee) unless
the assignment: there is a contrary stipulation between the parties.
Consequently, in the absence of such stipulation, the vendor who received
(Therefore, the one-year period shall be counted from the date of maturity fruits or benefits from the inheritance after the sale, must pay the value thereof
of the date of the assignment, whichever comes later. or restore the same to the vendee.
ARTICLE 1630: The vendee shall, on his part, reimburse the vendor for all
One who sells an inheritance without enumerating the that the latter may have paid for the debts of and charges on
things of which it is composed, shall only be answerable for the estate and satisfy the credits he may have against the
his character as an heir. (1531) same, unless there is an agreement to the contrary. (1534)
- Sale of hereditary rights (sale of successional rights) and not of 1. Liabilities of vendee inheritance
specific properties on the inheritance The vendee must reimbursed the vendor for debts and charges on the estate
- Sale is done before the partition of the estate. paid by the vendor, unless there is a stipulation to the contrary.
- Sale is allowed because ownership is already vested upon the heirs
upon the death of their predecessor ARTICLE 1634:
When a credit or other incorporeal right in litigation is sold,
Versus: sale of future inheritance – void the debtor shall have a right to extinguish it by reimbursing
Inheritance – merely potential or inchoate in nature the assignee for the price the latter paid therefor, the judicial
costs incurred by him, and the interest on the price from the
A potential heir does not own anything yet during the lifetime of the day on which the same was paid.
predecessor A credit or other incorporeal right shall be considered in
litigation from the time the complaint concerning the same is
- In the sale of hereditary rights, the heir merely warrants the fact answered.
of his heirship in the estate of the decedent. If it turns out that he The debtor may exercise his right within thirty days from
is not an heir, then he is liable for the breach of his warranty and the date the assignee demands payment from him. (1535)
open to claims for damages and swindling, if there is deceit.
- Situations: 1. When right considered in ligitation
o If after partition, the value in the share in the inheritance is less, The credit or other incorporeal right shall be considered in litigation from the
no warranty thus still valid and no recourse against the assignor time the complaint concerning the same is answered.
o If what was listed down as share in the inheritance did not exist 2. Right of legal redemption of debtor when credit or other incorporeal right in
after partition, the assignor is liable to the assignee, liable for ligitation is sold
breach of warranty
Sales- C8 Assignment of credits
& other incorporeal rights
For the debtor to be entitled to extinguish his credit by reimbursing the
assignee, the following requisites must concur:
a. There must be credit or incorporeal right
b. The credit or other incorporeal right must be in litigation be sold to an
assignee pending litigation
c. The credit or other incorporeal right must be sold to an assignee
pending litigation
d. The assignee must have demanded payment from the debtor
e. The debtor must reimburse to assignee for the price paid by the latter,
the judicial costs incurred by the latter, and the interest on the price
from the day on which the same was paid, and
f. The reimbursement must be done within 30 days from the date of the
assignee’s demand.
3. Purpose of legal redemption
a. To enable the debtor to pay less than the value of the credit
b. To prevent speculation on the part of the assignee.
c. To put an end to the litigation
From the provisions of the preceding article shall be
excepted the assignments or sales made:
(1) To a co-heir or co-owner of the right assigned;
(2) To a creditor in payment of his credit;
(3) To the possessor of a tenement or piece of land
which is
subject to the right in litigation assigned. (1536)