An act of liberality A tax levied, assessed, collected & paid upon the
transfer by any person, resident or nonresident
One person disposes gratuitously of a thing or of the property by gift.
right for another, who accepts it.
Imposed on the exercise of the donor’s right
Law consider it as a “contract”, because it during lifetime to transfer property
requires acceptance
It is an excise tax imposed on the transfer of
It is a formal contract property by way of gift inter-vivos
Perfected when donor knows of the acceptance by A direct tax
the donee.
Applies to both natural & judicial persons
Completed by delivery
Elements of Donation
A gift that is incomplete because of reserved power a) To Prevent Avoidance of Estate Tax
becomes complete when either:
b) To Prevent or Compensate for the loss of the
1. Donor renounces the power, or progressive rate of income tax when large estates
are split up by gifts to numerous donees.
2. The donor’s right to exercise the power ceases.
Classification of Donation
Oral donation required the simultaneous delivery If does not comply with the formalities required
by law it is deemed VOID.
Personal property donated does exceed P5,000: it
must be in writing, otherwise it is VOID
As a Rule: Donor’s tax should be based on the FMV Stock & Bonds
of the property donated at the time the donation
is perfected. Traded in the Stock Exchange: FMV is mean between
the highest & the lowest quoted selling price on
the valuation date.
Real Property: valued based on the higher amount Not Traded in the Stock Exchange:
a) Ordinary shares: MV shall be the book value or the
1. FMV by CIR security on valuation date, or on the date nearest
to valuation date
2. FMV by Provincial assessor
b) Preferred shares: MV is the par value
**Reciprocity Rule applies to donations by a nonresident alien when the properties are intangible properties
which are located within the Philippines
2. Shares, obligations or bonds issued by any corporation/sociedad anonima organized in the Philippines
3. Shares, obligations or bonds issued by any foreign corporation 85% of the business of which is located
in the Philippines
4. Shares, obligations or bonds issued by foreign corporation if such have acquired business situs in
the Philippines, and
2. Diminution
3. Gov’t., charitable/educational, etc. Second & Subsequent Donation w/in the year
P xx
Multiply by: 6%
If given to relatives
- P100,000 Exempt
Shall be governed by the Election Code, not It is subject to donor’s tax is the property
subject to donor’s tax. donated is located in the Philippines.
Not treated as exclusions from the gross gifts Same with the enumeration for exempt gifts
of the donor.
Deductible from the gross gifts in order to
Deductible from the gross gifts in order to arrive at taxable net gifts
arrive at taxable net gifts.